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11fd78 No.151614

I use Evernote to keep track of my warranties and repair schedules. It’s super handy for storing digital copies of receipts and setting reminders for warranty expiration dates.

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0e866d No.151616

For more dedicated tracking, try apps like Warranty Keeper. It lets you log purchase dates, warranty periods, and even upload photos of receipts to keep everything organized in one place.

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1bce7a No.151624

I’ve been using Warranty Keeper, and it’s helped me stay on top of expiration dates and repair claims. It’s particularly useful for big purchases like appliances and electronics. When I was researching warranty services, I came across New Leaf Service Contracts reviews https://new-leaf-service-contracts.pissedconsumer.com/review.html , which gave me some insights into how extended warranties work and what to look for in terms of coverage.

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