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250094 No.151331

im 5'1 (156cm)  128 lbs and i had ed issues since elementary/middle school and as a result of that i ended up feeling really sick and fatigued over the years and a lot of basic activities felt like a chore to me. i would undereat but not exercise or even get out of bed.  i went from being 88 pounds to 129 pounds as of now in a span of less than 2 years, any way to combat this? a lot of it accumulated around my stomach and legs. i want to lose 30 pounds coz i look really fat rn

i sometimes do push-ups or jumping jacks but im not consistent.

also what are some fun dance exercise recommendations because i hate doing boring things that feel like a chore

ive been recovering for a few years and i now eat around 2-3 full meals a day typically. i dont count calories but what i  usually eat are stuff like eggs, yogurt with berries, cheese sandwiches and cereal for breakfast. and for lunch it would be raw salmon, pasta, kebab, dumplings or sushi and soup. i dont usually eat dinner but its fruits or tomatoes for dinner if i felt like eating more food, 

is this too much for someone of my height? because i dont really eat big portions of food but still gain a lot of weight easily :( (im physically unable to anyway as i end up feeling full really quickly)

(i also eat sweets, pizza or burgers like once every 2 weeks )

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034a21 No.151340

My friend, everything will work out for you - the main thing is to start and never give up, start making a meal plan and do sports at least every other day, create challenges for yourself and achieve them, try this for a start

https://betterme.world/articles/athlete-workout-plan-how-to-train-like-a-pro/ a 7-day program for professional athletes

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