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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

You're gonna make it.

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a21c6f No.151267

I've been working out 9-12 days a month for 9 months now, lost 150lbs. I can run a mile in 9:30 and three miles in 33 minutes. I can back bar squat 5 plates and dead lift 5 plates. I feel so much better but I still feel like the same whale of a man. I've e gone from 78" waist to 54", I will finish this, or die.

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29da15 No.151268


good job bro. keep it up. every pound lost is probably like an additional month added to your life

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14f7d3 No.151563

I am proud of you! You are really good!

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14f7d3 No.151564

I lost weight and achieved the best result for myself. I've never looked better than today and it's so cool! You can try buy Wegovy Online ( https://www.canadadrugsdirect.com/products/wegovy ). This will help you lose weight if it seems that you can't do it. I wish everyone good luck in losing weight!

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