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1b3808 No.150147

I just cancelled my 24/7 gym membership in favor of visiting my free college campus gym. The only catch is that the college gym is not open Friday through Sunday, only Monday through Thursday from 7:30AM until 9:00PM. Honestly though, considering its free, I seen this as a wise decision. I only ever visit the gym (at most) once a week anyway. The corporate 24/7 gym was money wasted and was always overcrowded. The college gym never has a soul in it.

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9a3da9 No.150151

>I only ever visit the gym (at most) once a week anyway.

You'll remain a dyel like that. if i were you i'd go those four days alternating upper with lower body and doing some calisthenics or running the saturday.

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8f2026 No.150153


Go more often, once a week is killing your gains.

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000000 No.150156

my college gym is open 24/7, even though it's more of a fitness center instead of an actual gym. that's fucking lame dude

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137b8f No.150157


Damn I miss having an empty gym, my uni is always packed, maybe ill try going real late

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d82257 No.150168


Bench day (with dumbbell press, chest machine, tricep extensions, etc)

Deadlift day (with lat pulldowns, dumbbell rows, shrugs)

Overhead press day (with DB overhead/incline, raises, etc)

Squat day (with quad extensions, leg press, calf raise)

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9a3da9 No.150171


Sounds decent

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fb2a14 No.150173


At least you are going, or exercising.

Shit, even doing pushups is exercising. You don't have to pay someone to do that.

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