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File: be8c4690cff6a12⋯.jpg (88.98 KB,800x600,4:3,800px-Forsythia_flower.JPG)

f76837 No.150140

I'm scared about the coronavirus. I want to know if the world will end. Is there an actual cure? Someone told me that forsythia can cure it. Where can I get this?

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9b3802 No.150141

Usually stuff like the corona virus, swine flu, and ebola are heavily romanticized within the media. If you're that scared about it, just sanitize your hands and make/cook your own food. Bam now you have an excuse to control your diet while also not getting schizo about a virus that is more prominent within the east than anywhere else.

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f38204 No.150154

File: 9e9c5b14fd6d81f⋯.png (715.29 KB,640x800,4:5,0ec.png)


OP, des any of the following apply to you?


>young child

>compromised immune system



>friends with Chinese people

If yes to any of them, than be afraid. If not, be smart and wash your hands like a normal human being.

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f76837 No.150175


>OP, des any of the following apply to you?

>>friends with Chinese people

Not, like, real people.

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183355 No.150395

vitamin c

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349338 No.150398

File: 0ce68732082e237⋯.mp4 (13.8 MB,640x360,16:9,coromelldansen.mp4)


/fit/ is probably the last place to ask about this. There is no cure for any virus period, this is biology 101 dude. In terms of vaccinations, it's impossible because there's too many strains mutating too quickly for an effective vaccine to be made. As a general rule of thumb:

>Don't get near Chinks

>Don't be elderly

>Stay away from Seattle since that particular strain affects adults instead of elderly/children

>Stay away from big cities or gatherings in general

>Only go shopping as necessary


>Don't eat out

>Wash your hands before and after eating

>Brush your god damn teeth

>Open doors with your sleeve or with a paper towel if possible

>Stay minimum 6 feet (preferably 12 feet) away from everyone else at all times

If you follow this advice you only have a moderate risk of contracting it when a stupid family member who doesn't listen gets it and brings it home.

In any case as I said above, this isn't really a /fit/ topic. While I know some of you may be averse to going off-site, Julay's /k/ thread is probably the best place to obtain information (lurk, don't post like a retard). If you want to discuss the disease in the other thread I don't mind, but this isn't really related to /fit/ness, health, or feels, so I'll be anchoring it in about 48 hours.

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8c12ff No.150399

Don't get it in the first place, vitamin c until overdose, apparently a malaria pill, and surprisingly enough when India got it, someone made a soup that cured it, but it was either fake or so true that the government didn't want it up so the article got scrubbed from the web completely.

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f6673c No.150401

No, there isn't a cure yet. This strain is pretty new and they're working on it, but just sitting around eating eggs isn't going to magically cure it. Here's some advice from the virologist who actually demonstrated the number of genes in coronaviruses. I thought his list was more widespread now and that everyone saw it since he got a little pissy about people sharing it so I'll paraphrase; it was originally for his friends and family, then some nurses threw it on social media. It's James Robb MD, if you care. I've added amounts based on my own household usage because apparently people are retarded and think they need 10 cases of hand disinfectant when 1 pump will last them like 2 months if they're not going out multiple times per day. If you don't want to catch it, leave some disinfectant for other people so they can also remove it and slow the spread.

The Virus:

>COVID-19 is a strain of the coronavirus family, which are generally associated with snakes. This is why you don't eat the fuckers in sketchy Chinese restaurants with unknown levels of health maintenance. Whether this particular strain is from snakes this time or not, I dunno. Viruses like to mutate and there's a lot of speculation.

>This is a pneumonia-type deal. The virus only has receptors for lung cells, so if it ONLY gets in your ear you won't get sick. When it comes out is when the problem starts. It needs to get into your respiratory system through your nose or mouth and there's no other known way to get it. Note that your eyes have tear ducts that lead down to your nose too, so quit touching your damn face.

>It spreads everywhere and is very contagious, but doesn't have a high mortality rate for anyone that isn't a boomer or already immunocompromised in some way. The quarantines are mostly to stop it from spreading like AIDS in Africa. Only a small portion of the population are actually at risk from it in any meaningful way.

>It blocks the lungs with mucus that hardens up and makes it so you can't breathe. Healthy individuals usually don't have much of an issue clearing their airways, but old boomers do. The doctors working on it have recommended drinking only warm things if you think you have it to help break things up, avoid drinking cold things if you can.

>Its average lifespan differs by what surface it's on, with stuff like cardboard letting it die off faster than things like stainless steel. It thrives best in mucus and spittle, which get thrown around when you cough, sneeze, or sometimes just talking. This includes small drops in the air (aerosols) that fly out in addition to the big ones that are easy to see. The bigger the drops, the bigger the risk. The air ITSELF is not a manner of transmission.

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f6673c No.150402



>Wear disposable gloves wherever/whenever you can in public venues. Non-disposable also work, just make sure you clean them ASAP with a good detergent or soak them in some disinfectant, but this should only be something to do if you can't get ahold of some latex or nitrile latex gloves.

>Don't shake hands. Avoid open hand contact as much as possible, using your fist or knuckle only for buttons and switches. Same with opening doors unless there's no other way to open it.

>Don't fucking touch your face if you've touched public stuff. The holes in your face are the main places it gets in. Wear a mask or scarf if you have to to block your fingers.

>Use disinfectant wipes on fucking everything. Take advantage of any being offered in stores for public use to wipe stuff down on the spot. Hands, handles, shopping cart handles and seats. Don't take more than what you need so other people can do the same and not spread it to you.

>Same with hand sanitizer. Make sure it's 60% alcohol or more so it actually kills shit. Keep some at every entrance of the house and in your vehicle to use when you can't wash your hands right away. Use it any time you go outside in places other people have been, especially if you had to touch stuff.

>Wash your hands 10-20 seconds with soap. Do this before you go out, when you get home, before you eat, and after you use the toilet. I dunno why some people don't do this anyway.

>Cough/sneeze into disposable tissues and throw them into trash bins. Use your elbow only if you don't have a tissue available since the shit can survive on clothes for up to a week. Most detergents will kill it, so if necessary you can strip and throw your clothes in the wash then take a shower if you want to do a full purge after coming home. Don't forget to disinfect your keys, door handles and light switches, though.

>Stay the length about a man's height away from other people, 1-2m or around 3-6ft. That social distancing thing they keep going on about.

>Eat well and stay fit, get enough sleep, stay hydrated. A good immune system is always home base in case you do get it. If you have symptoms, stay the fuck inside and disinfect everything so it doesn't spread everywhere. If you're in an isolated area you can go on nature walks and shit, just stay away from other people and don't go touching/coughing on everything.


>A box of latex or nitrile latex gloves. You shouldn't need more than 1-3 boxes unless you're going out and touching things constantly. Use these when you're shopping, using gas stations, and so on.

>Surgical masks, same amount as above. It's not to filter the virus from the air like some kind of pollutant, it's to stop you from touching your face holes. You touch your face like 100 times every day without noticing, and it's almost always the eyes/nose/mouth where it can actually get in and do shit.

>Hand sanitizer and wipes. For a standard pump you don't need more than a couple, same with packs of disinfectant wipes.

>Zinc lozenges. These actually help block/restrict the multiplication of viruses in the throat and nasopharynx. If you feel anything cold-like going on in your head and throat, suck on a zinc lozenge. This works for shit that isn't in the coronavirus family, too. One bottle goes a long way, but get a couple if you think you'll go through them. Make sure you don't OD or you may feel kinda nauseous.

>No, you shouldn't need much more toilet paper than normal unless you're under strict isolation or have the shits. People under quarantine can still go out and buy shit, just follow safety protocol.

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