You want complex carbs such as whole, unprocessed grains (wheat bread, wheat tortillas, wheat pasta, brown rice, steel cut oats, etc) and potatoes and corn and the like. Your body takes longer to break down the complex sugar molecule, providing the following advantages:
- keep you satiated longer
- because the carbs are broken down slower so that all the calories are not thrown at your metabolism all at once, your body will be more efficient at using the calories as energy as opposed to storing what it can't use as fat
- because they take more effort to break down, your body will actually need to spend calories just to unpack the calories, resulting in a lower net calorie count
Processed grains, on the other hand such as white bread, white flour tortillas, white flour pasta, white rice, rolled oats), are all simple carbs. Your body breaks these down very quickly, so your body has to figure out what to do with a sudden influx of calories. Unless you're exercising during or immediately after you eat simple carbs, a lot of that will go straight to fat because your body's energy demands aren't high enough.
Regardless, though, you have to watch your calorie intake and make sure you accumulate a deficit by the end of each day.
t. lost 80 pounds in 7 months eating almost nothing but complex carbs with proper exercise and weight training