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File: 02ed6c480ef7c96⋯.gif (2.06 MB,498x498,1:1,tenor.gif)

4e4c4a No.149884

What supplements and minerals does /fit/ take and why?

t.vit D3


Vit E

B1-B12, Biotin




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46b07a No.149886

Just food nigga, no supplements needed if you know what to eat.

i've been eating like crap for a long time now though

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e0a0e2 No.149888

File: 690791736d40fb5⋯.jpg (45.21 KB,1001x993,1001:993,51JfTWSOzUL._SL1001_.jpg)

This stuff is great. Whey protein isolate. It's everything those sugary supplements are, but without the sugar and cholesterol. I get it by the kilo and it's on sale now.

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4e4c4a No.149889

File: ed7b30e3c27289c⋯.jpeg (454.38 KB,1536x2048,3:4,ELxEwumU0AA_0zd.jpeg)


If you find the right supplements they do help with things like energy levels, skin quality, endocrine system functionality, hair thickness, and inflammation. Id recommend you try the ones in the OP. I used to take magnesium and zinc everyday but all it did was make me cum way more.


I'm allergic to milk and I don't like how shakes taste with water so I don't bother with them anymore desu. I'm trying to fishmaxx nowadays for additional joint lubrication gains.

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e9e7ae No.149944



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e0a0e2 No.149952


This stuff is strained so many times that there's hardly any lactose in it, so it might not affect your intolerance. It doesn't taste great, but mix it with a zero sugar sports drink or add fruit and cinnamon and just down it.

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e0a0e2 No.149953



I guess you said allergic and not lactose intolerant. If lactose is the enemy, this stuff might not trigger whatever it is

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4e4c4a No.149963


It doesn't help. For some reason lactose in whey can fuck me up. I can eat cheese in small-medium quantities without issue. After I tried pea protein for a while I associate protein shakes with a vomit inducing taste and texture anyway so it's kind of moot. I'll just eat more fish and beans.

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aa5e21 No.149976

Every day I take vitamin A, B-complex, C, D, and zinc. Sometimes magnesium and calcium.

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4e4c4a No.149982

File: 5a86807c4f4f992⋯.gif (796.59 KB,500x281,500:281,source.gif)


Based. Do you find the magnesium helps you sleep? I quit drinking a week ago and I've found it hard to stay asleep for many hours. I still feel better overall cos I have no toxins in my system. I picked up some magnesium spray to dose at night hoping it'll help.

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e765f9 No.150182

File: 31ec14feac5e4e7⋯.png (2.38 MB,2048x1427,2048:1427,Screenshot_20200204-210227.png)

I lab rat my shit bro, I've taken a lot of a bunch of worthless supplements knowingly, just for the fuck of it. New pills to cram in my mouth keep me excited, because who knows, maybe they'll do something. But, the consistent ones I take are: flaxseed oil (better shelf life and balance than fish), D3, ZMA, reservatrol, and turmeric. Currently, I'm fucking with Carnitine (garbage) and arachidonic Acid. The Arachidonic acid is a new development, and I'm doing what the study recommended. Maybe this will do something? Will post results later.

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0a26f7 No.150184

Off the top of my head? My current supps look like…


>ZMC (Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium)

>Maca root powder

>Fish oil

>Iron (every four days since it contains like 350% of my daily iron needs)

>Pinoleic Acid (Pine Oil)

>Green Coffee Extract

>Beet Root

>Onion bulb


I just started the Onion Bulb today. 1200mg/day of concentrated onion bulb.


Same. Probably half the supps I'm taking right now are bullshit but I'm going to see them through until they're gone. I found that turmeric does wonders for your joints/immune system (but gives you weird shits). I'm trying out Pinoleic acid right now (pine tree oil) because it's supposed to be a hunger suppressant. Can confirm it works and it's relatively cheap if used with a healthy serving of eggs. The combination of maca root, caffeine, pine oil, and green coffee seems to make it so as long as I eat about 250 kcals in the morning, it doesn't matter if it's oats, eggs, or watered-down soup, it sits on my stomach for about 5 hours. I'm going to be "testing effectiveness" as they run out. I only have a week or two's worth of green coffee bean extract left, about a month's worth of maca root, and about 60 days worth of pine oil. I think the "worst" side effects I ever had was taking pumpkin seed oil. It had absolutely no effect on me hormonally from what I could tell, but it ramped up my libido like nothing else to the point where I was jizzing thee times a day instead of three times a week (and consistent loads, no partials). Popping boners every other hour like I was 13 again wasn't fun.

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ee38ec No.150187

File: 4a5749b47ba61db⋯.png (65.43 KB,475x880,95:176,bigger load.png)


>Popping boners every other hour like I was 13 again wasn't fun.

Reminds me of pic related.

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a41aaa No.150229


>Popping boners every other hour like I was 13 again wasn't fun.

I can't believe someone could be this pussy

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67a11a No.150232

File: 44b7704bca279f2⋯.png (Spoiler Image,614.58 KB,593x592,593:592,Screen-Shot-2016-08-09-at-….png)

Holy shit do you guys know anything about nutrition? These are all you need.

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