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File: d4bfd99837bacf9⋯.jpg (124.12 KB,400x400,1:1,lean-mass-steroid-cycle-1-….jpg)

3610f0 No.149629

What is a good intermediate routine that incorporates mainly compound lifts?

I want to commit to a double split (AxBxAxx BxAxBxx) for the next 6 months and wanted to keep it simple

Background: im 6ft 170lbs with 9 months of calisthenics progression and pretty clean dieting.

I also am pretty lazy which is why I don't want to do 6 days/week.

What is a good weekly cardio routine so I dont raise cortisol and estrogen?

pic is what i believe I can achieve over the next year given my genetics.

ps: no steroids or supplements for me. just clean dieting and lots of organic protein

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dfa562 No.149633

File: 0c8402bd310427d⋯.jpg (54.22 KB,555x604,555:604,F_U.jpg)

read the sticky

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3610f0 No.149647


love it. why do you think I came here? I read all the stickies almost a year ago and stick to them this day.

jesus, I guess I'll just go read another book and never ask for your faggot opinions

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ae2b04 No.149650

File: 64047a8c15454a6⋯.jpg (16.55 KB,506x506,1:1,2019-07-14 13.45.26.jpg)


You sound like a crybaby. But considering you're from the most jewcucked nation on the planet I'm not surprised. Why don't you don your little red cap and keep waiting for that wall to get built you smelly mutt?

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b13da6 No.149685


fuck u faggot

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2de565 No.149712


Epic response.

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376b96 No.149717

File: 681066c8ab97d02⋯.jpg (68.92 KB,571x767,571:767,fresh cum.jpg)



Your order arrived, soymutt.

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6ed56d No.149777

there have been a lot of negative posters and unproductive threads but obviously just ignore them.

here's a good source for information especially for readers:


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