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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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File: 1b684a298b38e73⋯.jpg (419.48 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190722-233723….jpg)

fd8e5f No.149595

I just got a gym membership and am trying to huge quest I weight 130-140 and am 5-11 I'm pretty skinny. I'm am apprentice electrician so some days I have to do heavy lifting. Is there any recommendations for diet and weekly workout routine to gain muscle?

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fd8e5f No.149596


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534378 No.149598

File: 318c46d794a6df8⋯.png (70.47 KB,400x498,200:249,crying grill doom.png)

MODSMODSMODS would you PLEASE & KINDLY make it a banhammer offense if any OP's question(s) can be answered with:

Read The Fucking Sticky

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534378 No.149599


Furthermore why the FUCK are you bumping your thread on a SLOW board after NOT EVEN TWENTY GODDAMN MINUTES FUCKING KYS.

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3661ff No.149602

File: 8585df80bad55c1⋯.jpeg (87.88 KB,720x552,30:23,Screenshot_20190402-22162….jpeg)


Move progressively move heavier objects. Eat at a caloric surplus.

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60e9e3 No.149946


lmao he is either retarded or underage

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3de283 No.149979


Why not both?

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