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32437c No.148335

Hi, /tech/ bro here. I am planning to do a programming project.

I heard of this basic programming problem called the "Stigler diet"

Basically it is trying to see what is the cheapest combinations of foods to fit the macro/micro profile


The problem is that it is fucking high in carbs, so not really a good standard for me to try and solve.

Does any of you /fit/mans knows what are the minimal key macros and micros?

After having the data I am planning to release my source so you can change the price and nutrition parameters.

Pic is the image of Google's chef interpretation of the original Stigler formula

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fd1145 No.148366

File: ec6461d0a10cba6⋯.jpg (766.05 KB,450x253,450:253,poopoo peepee.jpg)

>For a moderately active man weighing 154 pounds, how much of each of 77 foods should be eaten on a daily basis so that the man’s intake of nine nutrients will be at least equal to the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) suggested by the National Research Council in 1943, with the cost of the diet being minimal?

>77 foods

>moderately active man weighing 154 pounds

This is a damn interesting read, I'll give you that. But I could name more foods than that during one shit, and the fuck is 'moderately' to these dudes that requires 3000 fuckin' calories a day?

Also, you're question should also be asked around >>>/k/ and >>>/out/ where food and doomsday survival is a relevant topic. >>>/ck/ can give you best prices and worldly alternatives, very specific alternatives.

>The problem is that it is fucking high in carbs, so not really a good standard for me to try and solve.

Why is that a problem?

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9289b6 No.148369

I saw your thread when you posted. I had an idea in my mind and thought not to share, but I will as you seem to be a competent individual.

The idea is about a plataform regarding cosmetics, more specific the skincare ones. You know how each product contains a bunch of ingredients, correct? The thing is, each of these ingredients has a classification ranging from 1 to 4 (I think I'm mistaken about the numbers), being 4 the more irritant and 1 the less irritant. I don't remember if there is a grade about natural or not, but I have a hunch there is. Anyway, there's also how each ingredient can react with other ingredients, ending up that certain combinations between non-irritant products might result in an irritant one. I guess you start to see how programming might be useful here. The concept consists of getting a bunch of dermatologists to discuss the ingredients and their effects when crossed to reach a general consensus and companies or users can register their products with the ingredient list (and percentage of each to deliver further results). This way, each user can select his skincare routine and see where the problem might be or he can know more about the routine he is thinking about adhering to but can't because the products aren't easily available generally (Korean and Japanese, for example) or are crazy expensive to be tested and thrown away in case it's not what they expected.

Tell me what you think, /tech/bro.

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