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/film/ - FILM


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Welcome to /film/ discussion - Captcha - Info - Threads - Boardtracker - Friends: [ animu / tv ] - Check us out on Letterboxd.

Be sure to visit (and bookmark) our NEW board at Anon.Cafe

File: 1411252222888.jpg (806.45 KB,1920x1220,96:61,slajd11.jpg)

 No.143 [View All]

I've been thinking about the purpose of this board. What is your opinion:

Do you think this should be a place to talk only about "high cinema", with words like "movie" or "director" forbidden (there are only "films" and "auteurs") with no "capeshits" and blockbusters and allowed,

Or, a place for discussion about every single film with no prejudices, as long it is a film and there is a discussion, not spamming pictures of Aiden Gillan. (there's >>>/tv/ for that)

Discuss, state your mind.
285 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 1463548562038.jpg (15.74 KB,512x384,4:3,Anne-Fortier_Cap.jpg)

Hello, /film/.

>>>/atv/ board owner here.

Our board was created to fill the void of a place to discuss TV shows in a more slow appreciative manner, as threads about less popular shows simply die out on the current /tv/ climate, in the vein of /film/'s board culture. As well as popcorny movies, animations and all that secondary media that doesn't suit this board.

Feel welcome to post there, and we will be linking to /film/ (and /tv/) in our announcement links, unless the board owner here tell us not to.

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File: bbe346d7af4733b⋯.png (116.24 KB,722x723,722:723,best board subtitle.png)

At long last someone has made a boardwatcher script. This script gives you a notification when any of your favorite boards has a new post. You no longer have to waste time checking a bunch of boards manually. It has great potential for a slow board like this one.


Be sure that /film/ is one your favorites and paste this script into your User JS:

// ==UserScript==
// @name 8chan favorite board tracker
// @description Checks any board you have favorited for new posts.
// @include /^https?://.*8ch\.net/.*$/
// @namespace https://8ch.net/
// @require https://8ch.net/js/jquery.min.js
// @version 0.1
// ==/UserScript==

var BoardTracker = {
deadAlert: true, // set to true to color board names if they're "dead"
deadThreshold: 10, // amount of days since last post to consider the board dead
deadColor: "grey", // what to color a dead board

load: function() {
if (localStorage.trackerData == undefined) {
BoardTracker.data = {};
} else {
BoardTracker.data = JSON.parse(localStorage.trackerData);

save: function() {
localStorage.setItem("trackerData", JSON.stringify(BoardTracker.data));

currentData: {},

onBoard: function(board) {
return window.location.pathname.search("/"+board+"/") == 0;

getPostCount: function(board) {
var url = "https://8ch.net/" + board + "/0.json";

var xhr = $.getJSON( url, function(data) {
var highPost = 0;
var time = 0;
for (var t in data.threads) {
var curPost = data.threads[t].posts.slice(-1)[0];
if (curPost.no > highPost) {
highPost = curPost.no;
time = curPost.time;
if (BoardTracker.data[board] == undefined || BoardTracker.onBoard(board)) {
BoardTracker.data[board] = highPost;
BoardTracker.currentData[board] = {
posts: highPost - BoardTracker.data[board],
time: time

return xhr;

updateFavorites: function() {
var favorites = JSON.parse(localStorage.favorites);
var requests = [];
for (var i in favorites) {
var board = favorites[i];

$.when.apply($, requests).then(function() {

var favNodes = $(".favorite-boards");

for (var n = 0; n < favNodes.length; n++) {
var node = favNodes[n];
for (var c = 0; c < node.children.length; c++) {
var child = node.children[c];
var board = child.innerHTML
if (BoardTracker.currentData[board].posts > 0)
child.innerHTML = "<b><u>" + board + " ("+ BoardTracker.currentData[board].posts + ")</u></b>";

var date = new Date(BoardTracker.currentData[board].time * 1000);
child.title = "Last post: " + date.toLocaleString();

if (BoardTracker.deadAlert &&
date.getTime() + BoardTracker.deadThreshold * 86400000 < (new Date).getTime()) {
child.style.color = BoardTracker.deadColor;
child.title += " (dead board?)";

initialize: function() {



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File: 62e5a113fb8c2c7⋯.png (477.66 KB,720x546,120:91,dI3pa2W.png)


cool... it actually works!

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the /tv/ alternatives never last

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Hello comrade how was your ban.

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Ban? not me

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all those wh*toids

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File: 4900b9ce6212121⋯.jpg (36.61 KB,640x427,640:427,1466039562691.jpg)

>so many threads on 404

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That's annoying. I bet people click the threads and don't know how to fix it.

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That's what happens when we stay on a site known for having multiple problems.

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I've revived a few 404s in the past month, last was Underrated Directors I think

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Can anyone help me find a thread that was discussing how flat and boring digital film is.

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File: e9f242c01cfe048⋯.png (584.15 KB,1280x544,40:17,2ef71899fa81.png)


I found this >>10320

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This was it, merci.

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File: a09f02497c8eca4⋯.gif (461.34 KB,500x351,500:351,a09f02497c8eca47f552606eff….gif)

I've been getting a fever about learning photography, it crossed my mind that back in Halfchan we had a board about that same topic. Doing an odd search on our front page here landed a result that at some point we also had a photography place with the same legacy name, /p/.

Standing at 1713 posts we can say the place was never a hotspot even in their early 2nd exodus days of October 2014, but they still go at it with the latest posts being as recent as 10 days ago ...so yes, still some activity around.

The point i wanted to reach was how about a photography general thread with those folks being formally invited? I know it's silly to ask for consensus but it's even sillier to start a thread with a complete amateur as myself. Sure even the old child modelling board with thousands of deleted posts got more activity but this would probably add some talent into the thread and reinvigorate that board's seemingly inert userbase, all 3 of them, plus i think maybe some anons might be interested here.

Just saying

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File: de474a789fd1768⋯.jpg (217.78 KB,1200x787,1200:787,william_klein_17.jpg)


I've thought about making a photography thread before. I can't offer practical expertise though. So I intended to post about directors who were photographers, films about photography, and also a general imagedump of cool photos.

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Would you ever consider adding /animu/ as a friend?

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Is there a /film/ or /tv/ telegram group?

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File: 68590b59d50b538⋯.jpg (725.63 KB,734x1800,367:900,68590b59d50b5385e06a49f622….jpg)

Dear god, the color contrast does not help with reading

what the fuck guys

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Looks fine to me

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>76rd attention whoregry champ

Boy oh boy let's see what happens

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File: ebc2f47101fa759⋯.png (1.11 MB,1196x720,299:180,vlcsnap-2018-12-07-16h57m0….png)


Ha ha, I missed that. Should be fun!

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>words like "movie" or "director" forbidden (there are only "films" and "auteurs"

you obviously have no idea what an auteur is. it's as clear as day that you're all just pretentious tryhards. i've seen so many posts where people hate on movies or directors just because of their popularity, while everything obscure is GOAT based on nothing but its obscurity. go read some books so you at least have the knowledge to match up to the level of your pretentiousness.

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Can't wait to see how even more newfags affect what remains of the board, at this point I've learned to sit back and enjoy watching the world burn like a finely aged film.

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Boy, can't wait for yet another comfy slow board to get raped and become a dead shitposting board. Bravo Chodemonkey, and death to the Attention-Hungry Games; fuck Hunger Games.

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File: c0ebbb8532472ca⋯.jpg (27.81 KB,500x369,500:369,1556306345773.jpg)

This board should be less strict to posters. Insofar would fit better on subreddit.

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Elaborate if anything we're not strict enough.

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File: f3a7ecbc5496284⋯.png (2.88 KB,47x63,47:63,86fsvFSWKE7feM8yhBOjLAtwj2….png)


Yes, what exactly are you prevented from doing?

We have almost none of these rules



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File: 348f7f893273369⋯.jpg (85.18 KB,1387x702,1387:702,1508621316520.jpg)

>all these general threads

This board looks like a comment section on imdb to recommend more related movies.

If were not for the chilling humor or out of topic subjects, /tv/ would have a better userbase for discussions of cinema. Sadly they have no taste.

But I've seen more good films being discussed there than on here.

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Then go back ''nigger'

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The term "general thread" makes me think of fast-moving chit-chat about news happenings or whatever, not so much a slow thread dedicated to a specific topic.

General topic threads are pushed aside whenever /film/ gets linked somewhere and a bunch of people come. New users make low-effort threads that don't get much traction and are soon forgotten. So I'm not sure if that is an improvement?

An unfortunate drawback of these old threads is they make the board feel stale. I suppose the page count could be reduced to force more freshness. But that leads to a new problem of potentially losing "valuable" threads like references and requests.

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Huh, I never noticed that option. Let's try this out.

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Not sure if this question can be posted here...

I see that this board is about arthouse films. Is there a place to discuss about "mediocre", not popular genre films? They can be bad and silly, but I have such a soft spot for them. I've had a hard time finding a place to discuss about them (sanely) on the internet :/

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Why not here?

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I thought people here are more into arthouse films or good films overall so they wouldn't care about VOD action movies, for example.

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File: 290967933c5a51e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,505.95 KB,1024x1023,1024:1023,290967933c5a51e0d5edd60b8e….png)


In general sure, but if you make good posts about those films i doubt anyone would complain there's nobody here anyway

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Damn, come to think of it, the latest post here was 5 days ago already. Everyone seems to migrate to the board on Julay :(

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Last 50 posts is finally back?


>VOD action movies

fine with me. if you look at old threads people have posted about all kinds of movies

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Thank you.

There is so much content here that I don't want this board to be abandoned. I'm too stubborn to change haha.

Actually I came here after the imdb boards were shut down (someone lists this board as one of the sites for film discussion). Such a nice cozy place for a chan site.

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This board is indeed quite the gem

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The Julay.World version is just as good but lacks the vast backlog this original one has. I'm not a certified representative but you are more than welcome to check it out, do so at least for a couple of minutes it's not like there's a bunch of anons there either

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The front page keeps reverting to August 17. Also I get popup errors when I try to post.

Has Ron explained why the site doesn't work? I don't see a /meta/ or /sudo/ board. Those boards usually turned into a shitshow but it's worse to have no communication at all.

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Is it possible to post normally now? It's sad to see the board dying off because of 8chan's demise... Tho I find anon.cafe is a better platform.

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Codemonkey says he resigned from this site Nov 3. (I don't know who's running it now.) Meanwhile he's a huge hit on Election Fraud Twitter, gaining about 210k followers since October.

Oct - https://archive.is/oCrwN

Today - https://archive.vn/HkD8N

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File: b012957100569fd⋯.jpg (31.55 KB,720x560,9:7,When_my_knife_strikes_you.jpg)

8kun admin message:

# Please prepare your visitors for a tor only experience — by administrator at 01/11/21 (Mon)

We may be deplatformed and TOR will be the only way to access 8kun at that time.


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Is anon.cafe down?

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It was briefly, now it's back.

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anon.cafe has been down for 2 days

8kun barely works but we have a new IRC channel: #film @ irc.brokensphere.net

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