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/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Gotta go fast

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File: b09a5d94586de87⋯.png (176.15 KB,1000x868,250:217,1463823904314.png)

 No.792 [Last50 Posts]

Man, /sthg/ has been really unbearable lately. Though it feels like it's been like a streak of shitposting that started a bit before the namefag showed up.

It upsets me. I feel we could have a really nice thing going on otherwise, and I really want that.

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I've got a feeling it's only going to intensify further the closer we get to Mania and 2017 coming out, honestly. Just have to try to carry on past it.

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It's a shame that the one or two really obvious shitposters aren't ignored and reported on sight. They're such a consistent annoyance that their arguments and posting habits aren't hard to pick out at all.

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I get the feeling sometimes that they just reply to each other or even themselves. There's no way things can get so retarded otherwise.

It's not that easy to get them deleted either, they don't posting anything too obvious, and for a janitor that would probably glance over the posts they may not even look rule breaking.

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Makes you wonder how long it'd take for them to get hit here.

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It's been really shitty since a week or so after the July party. The blatant bait, arguing, and lewd shit every thread annoys me, since that stuff was why I stopped browsing /v/ Sonic threads.

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Janitor applications are open, go apply for /vg/ and clean up /sthg/.

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Doubt they'd do that, this place is dead. Also, I trust that shit wouldn't fly here.


That would probably be against the rules.

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Is it against the rules to get rid of shitposting?

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Some forms of shitposting would be hard to argue for getting deleted.

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Case in point, I was just warned for reporting the fucker.

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I'm thinking the place is a lost cause at this point.

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We've survived worse things, though not such stubborn things. In the end everything always works itself out until something worse comes along, anyway.

It's still frustrating as hell, though.

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I dunno, I think I'm just gonna stop going. I took one skim of the new thread today, saw all the bitching about art, and just closed my tab with no want to go back or even bother trying to divert discussion away from it.

The place just sucks now more than ever to me and I've lost my will to even bother trying to salvage it.

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It comes and goes in waves. Like now, it seems to have sputtered out. I guess I've just gotten used to it.

It WOULD be helpful if the Swatbots would wise the fuck up and recognize the obvious shitposters though.

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I think it's sad, the place could be fantastic, but instead people are leaving. Having said that, I completely understand you.

Unfortunately, I'm not ready for leaving, as it's the only place I have to talk about Sonic. I'll keep /fast/ open though and try to start conversation here when I'm online.

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Looks like shitposters have completely taken over.

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File: e1295a0961bd0f6⋯.gif (64.31 KB,118x109,118:109,1451364483838.gif)

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I wonder, is BO here? Do you think you can handle Swatbotting so that this doesn't turn like /sthg/'s been lately? Asking because it may be interesting to lead people here. I'm sure there's more than a few people tired as shit of what's been going on that would want a change for the better and might be willing to give it a chance.

It's not even mutually exclusive or anything posting here.

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Wow, a mod is legit monitoring /sthg/ right now.

I know it's a mod because I got a ban immediately.

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Always. I've tried to gently nudge people here, in case the worst ever happened and /sthg/ ceased to be. I even made myself known there recently to assure anons that the madman running the asylum here isn't like the recurring shitposter and his kind.

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File: 6628026ca2b7b8f⋯.jpg (140.37 KB,1024x768,4:3,1473009758574.jpg)


I was in that conversation. It's great to know you're in charge here and that's why I came.

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So what are the rules/guidelines here?

It's something to think about in case this place ever does gain some ground.

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>Rules - http://8ch.net/fast/rules.html

at the top, but I don't know if these are leftovers from the previous BO or if these are new. I'd much rather it be SFW in case it's on the table, personally.

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Might as well get some feedback then, especially after today. I'd lean towards keeping the board globally SFW with particularly suggestive images requiring spoilers. Explicit material would be deleted, with two exceptions: the commission thread and the drawfag thread, though they would still require spoilers.


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The first part sounds good, though people would most likely try to tread the line between what's "suggestive", what's "particularly suggestive", and what's just too much, just to fuck around.

The second part doesn't sound too bad, though I'm away at work most of the day and having to browse on the phone at work, it'd make me a bit wary.

Overall, it's a relatively good balance between allowing or forbidding explicit content, but because of my personal situation, I'd find it better if explicit things on those threads were to be posted elsewhere and linked, just like on /sthg/. Explicit things weren't really so prominent (thankfuly) and it wasn't that much of a problem to link them, on there. It's up to you.

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File: dc61b4c97e646a7⋯.png (152.2 KB,772x780,193:195,1358290486592.png)


I think people would fairly quickly get a feel for what doesn't need spoilers and what doesn't, and when something does cross a line it'll be moderated appropriately.

This is an example of something suggestive that wouldn't necessarily need a spoiler.

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File: 77985f99141507e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,160.18 KB,800x728,100:91,080db64f9624893f887413c971….jpg)

File: 832f1ed3eb9b307⋯.png (Spoiler Image,85.06 KB,401x617,401:617,1390009692934.png)

File: b7e055fd6239d39⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,348.59 KB,650x811,650:811,787c6a5b7212f891e6ab4b6a5(….jpg)



Whereas these, while not showing overt nudity, are enough to need spoilers.

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I was going to ask about names but I see that's already taken care of.

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File: fa0348341c91aee⋯.jpg (143.91 KB,1343x490,1343:490,This is bait.JPG)

And if we ever needed evidence that some shitters kick the nest…



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Poster names and namefaggots and such.

>And if we ever needed evidence that some shitters kick the nest…

Never did, really.

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Ideally, names/trips would follow the courtesy shown in /sthg/. Official creatives can use names/trips if need be when they visit. Writefags/Drawfags could use a name in their respective threads on a trial basis. Everywhere else, going anon should be all that's needed.

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Post more Bump

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B-but there is no need to Bump

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File: 6c75625ad020e71⋯.jpg (72.72 KB,500x584,125:146,1466967839932.jpg)

God dammit here we go again.

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Give me a funny filter for Sparky

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Not one god damn post from last night was deleted.

Holy fuck mods are useless.

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File: 2042cc9df301b06⋯.png (95.05 KB,1517x475,1517:475,w&2.png)


I lost count of how many reports I filled. I guess at least I wasn't banned/warned.

I really wish there was a solution.

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Well thankfully, it seems as if people have finally stopped responding to those idiots, as that shit is derailing the thread less & less.

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Honestly, I don't think people will ever learn. It's just that the shitposters left. After how long people have been responding to them and the amount of shitposting it went on, I don't think there's any hope of people learning. And even if they did, shitposters would just reply among themselves, so what's the point.

I just don't think people even care. After how bad it's been and how long it's been like that, I just don't know what to think when no one takes any initiative.

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You're right because sadly, they're already shitposting the latest thread, despite it being 2:36 am. My only hope is that if 4chan dies & all the /sthg/ anons go here, those /trash/ faggots stay away.

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The only thing we can do to be able to move on and free ourselves from the shitposting is to have better moderation.

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Good god, the new thread is cancer.

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File: 79dc9a61547807c⋯.jpg (17.39 KB,112x100,28:25,1430812662055.jpg)

>keep posting stuff about the new shit we just got

>the thing we were hyped about? rings any bells?

>no replies

>people talking about jerking off to Sonic characters instead

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In all fairness, there wasn't much else to really talk about at that point until we got the direct feed of the gameplay. Beyond anything that could be gleaned from that and and talking about how great the new theme is, there wasn't much of anything actually new to speculate on; Mania's still Mania, and we're still just as lost as ever on what the third gameplay style is going to be in Forces.

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I think there was a lot more to be talked than what was actually talked. The discussion that took place was rather inappropriate as well, which made it more frustrating.

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Fair enough, I don't really remember just how much people actually stuck on the subject of the panel reveals after the panel itself, just mainly saying that while the bits of info we got were tantalizing, they didn't leave a huge amount of questions that we didn't already have from before the panel.

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File: e329167bc7d8b24⋯.jpg (75.84 KB,1191x670,1191:670,1506223956389.jpg)

/sthg/ in its current state is a total monkey's paw reversal of the shitposting situation we had up until Mania's release. They learned to ignore the shitposter(s), who got bored and left, but now they barely discuss anything and half the posts are from gayposters and waifufags. People are unironically discussing roleplaying. It's sad.

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File: e1c28bc49050bb3⋯.png (436.88 KB,1224x1464,51:61,1555464523656.png)


Hello there!

I just wanted to pass by and say that this 2-year-old post is still relevant to this day.

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Tell me about it, I was the OP of this thread 3 years ago and I think it's coming to 2 years since I've last set foot on 4chan. I can't believe it's been that long.

Forgot TC had posted in this thread, pretty cool.

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I'm seriously considering leaving halfchan's sthg for a while, at least until some major new game gets announced. Jannies seem to be almost non existant on /vg/ at the moment.

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Well, if I did it I'm sure you can too. Back before I left there were very few posts worth reading so I wasn't really paying a lot of attention to the thread and after I left I didn't really look back. You eventually get used to the slower board.

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