Rules are currently a work in progress. Please refer to the meta thread if you have any suggestions or comments.
Rule 0: Global 8kun rule(s) must be respected at all times. The current global rule can be found here:
Rule 1: This is an SFW board. Please use other boards such as >>>/vp/ or >>>/sonich/ for your NSFW needs.
Rule 2: Please employ common imageboard courtesy. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts, do not attach a name or a tripcode to your posts unless strictly necessary, strive to provide high quality images and comments, etc..
Rule 3: This board is for the discussion of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Spam and unrelated threads are not allowed.
Rule 4: If you see a post infringing on a rule, report, hide, and ignore it. Giving attention to rule-infringing posters only worsens the issue by creating more unwanted posts and makes it likely for you to also be affected by administrative measures when a volunteer notices.
More rules pending as needed. Just try to keep it simple.