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/cow/ - Lolcows

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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File: 4501b153ab87559⋯.png (403.17 KB,539x450,539:450,lolcow1.png)

7526e9 No.293455 [View All]

Bill Schmalfeldt, deranged cybertroll, is one of the most stupidest LOLCows on the Internet. He is famous for doxing, trolling & harassing critics of convicted serial bomber & court adjudicated pedophile Brett Kimberlin. He has filed over 7 lawsuits which were either withdrawn or dismissed. Anytime Schmalfeldt has sued someone he has earned a restraining order. He currently has 12 in at least a half a dozen states which has resulted in him being a court adjudicated rapist & child troll.

He was also banned from the Daily Kos for writing an article on anal rape.Schmalfeldt fakes Parkinson’s diease & other illnesses to scam a living off the gov’t so he can wrtite liberal satire that advocates his interests in Cub Scouts being anally raped, male & female genitalia, coprophilia & necrophilia etc. fetishes. He is also famous for often having Twitter meltdowns.

Schmalfeldt’s insanity is well documented at Encyclopedia Dramatica https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Bill_Schmalfeldt

As well as:






61 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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cd9251 No.318840

File: 16741cbefbef5c3⋯.jpg (24.93 KB,400x280,10:7,400px-Kkk.jpg)

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02ddac No.318884



>pulling a Loomer

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7a43b4 No.319796

File: 6f218d074a03030⋯.png (91.66 KB,311x379,311:379,freeagent.png)

Bill Schmalfeldt has rebranded himself once again on Twitter and has gone back to using his own name Bill Schmalfeldt @wmschmalfeldt. He also calling himself Free Agent Billy at his website https://www.therealbillschmalfeldt.com claiming once again he has left Breitbart Umasked which is owned by convicted serail bomber & pedophile Brett Kimberlin. Over at Thinking Man's Zombie, there is a very excellent post which explains why Bill Schmalfeldt is a fucking liar, misogynist, a racist, a bigot, an anti-Semite, a terrorist supporter, a pornographer, a Stolen Valor veteran, and one one the most stupidest LOLCow's on the Internet today. Read the whole thing here. http://thinkingmanszombie.com/2018/02/back-in-the-game-using-his-own-name/

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14e92d No.319799

File: 498608c8dd67ee3⋯.png (36 KB,502x236,251:118,challenge.png)

Humorist, Satirist, Broadcaster, Ne'er Do Well, Want Wit, Jackanape & Rogue Bill Schmalfeldt @wmschmalfeld wants to know if you are afraid? He claims that you owe it to America to turn him in for faking Parkingson's diease & scamming the gov't for disability benefits. He has thrown down the gauntlet and all who doubt him should tremble in fear. You don't want to anger men like Bill Schmalfeldt. He definitely knows how to take care of bussiness.

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8c36dc No.319953


Have you noticed that most of the bumps in this thread are your own posts? That should tell you something.

And if you're going to sperg about how he;s scamming the gov't and breaking the law, why not alert proper authorities instead of updating us every time he sneezes?

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64d116 No.452959

Only true oldfags will remember him.

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894407 No.455096

/cow/ in real life

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3fb953 No.498159


What the fuck

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706802 No.520771


This lol

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9da8ff No.593970


This is some funny stuff

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13b42a No.681440

File: fdb03aaaa95d3b7⋯.png (407.23 KB,684x436,171:109,oed.PNG)

On the first day of his new job, Schmalfeldt impresses his new employer with dick pics. His other employers at KMCN, KDSN, the Clark County Times, and KGYN were unavailable for comment.

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fd7bda No.682433

Donny/Eddie, we are not your personal army. Fuck off and go chug a dick.

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3227f3 No.685142


Who or what is Donny/Eddie? Some sort of cow?

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6c561b No.798934

File: ebd8312acce2668⋯.jpg (46.92 KB,516x300,43:25,bill&di.jpg)

Was it because Bill Schmalfeldt tried to get workman's compensation after faking slipping in KPQX's parking lot? Or did KPQX do a Google search & found out that Bill is a child pornographer/child stalker with a dozen or so restraining orders? Or was it a combination of both? Either way Bill can expect a subpoena in the near future. Fun times a head for this LOLCow. http://thinkingmanszombie.com/2019/02/its-the-21st-century-goddammit/

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1044b4 No.802214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He looks like Reviewtechusa.

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6678e6 No.814548

File: 06d9da4b143b457⋯.jpg (121.48 KB,700x700,1:1,_OEPoJQixREEcFyjcBZpgQ_r.jpg)


hahahahaha…….. you dumb 8ch faggots will never learn you kicked the wrong bull pieces of shit.

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c9c0d2 No.851643

File: 06d9da4b143b457⋯.jpg (121.48 KB,700x700,1:1,penllyn.jpg)

So Owain Penllyn has finally been doxed?

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eed041 No.865661

File: bc12e203410078d⋯.png (32.1 KB,569x249,569:249,poop.png)

Bill has an overwhelming desire to tell everyone on the interwebz about his fascination with feces. Bill will tweet about feces at any given opportunity allowing him to project his fecal desires onto his intended audience. In Bill's own words you can understand why he tweets the way he does. (From http://archive.is/gDGoc ) " Making Bigs …

I made my way to the bathroom to assess the damage. Let’s just say it was moderate. My brain eventually realized what my bottom was doing and managed to close the barn door after only SOME of the horses had gotten out.

Unfortunately, some of those horses had made their way up the back of my Depends where they soiled my underpants and the shorts I was wearing. My shirt was spared.

I got everything all cleaned up, the unfortunate adult diaper was bagged and tossed into the trash, the soiled clothing was dropped into the wash, I put on a new Depends, new shorts, and some long pajama pants. I was a MESSY little baby. "

It is highly theorized that Bill fakes Parkinson's Disease to soil himself for attention


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83304a No.865677

Can someone who's not the autistic OP redpill me on this guy? I remember seeing threads about this guy years ago but I could never make sense of any of it. Seems like some weird boomer drama.

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f5af79 No.865748


Author: michael tierney


In reply to: GOD OF GAY PORN 's message, "HOW MANY MEN WERE IN DONNY LONG MOVIES WITH HIM?" on 11:28:52 04/09/19 Tue

Did Donny and Slater really do straight porn? all I could find online was vids of both of them takin big black cocks any splurging cum all over each other















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80c357 No.887508


seems like your average boomer to me, boomer getting into boomer drama and boomering away the rest of his short, pathetic boomer life

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cb6102 No.972154

File: 4aab04ec1728520⋯.webm (2.86 MB,720x540,4:3,1718936062714288WeAreSoBa….webm)


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cb6102 No.972155

File: 002a459d6ea188d⋯.jpg (197.39 KB,1420x1238,710:619,1718915134663059FourCuckHu….jpg)

File: 9cb9545d4240b0e⋯.webm (1.94 MB,720x1280,9:16,1716778569391914FourCuckI….webm)

File: 3ffd330e3c0fe05⋯.jpg (82.69 KB,1080x1074,180:179,1714160183354rAutism4YouGu….jpg)

File: 533f8a72ebdc4a6⋯.png (279.45 KB,430x808,215:404,1715563514507hChuddyAndHis….png)

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cb6102 No.972156

File: b6851dfb7c05497⋯.jpg (67.49 KB,623x765,623:765,1715563449303bFourCuckyee.jpg)

File: 325dcc63cf954c3⋯.png (167.56 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0ehppmyjw0o41TheWestHasRis….png)

File: 39d9a736ef71a9b⋯.jpg (126.23 KB,680x903,680:903,97eSoBeItIAmDoomed3dMode.jpg)

File: f17f5d8dc6d1a1a⋯.webp (50.36 KB,700x721,100:103,eren_kruger_eren_yeager_v….webp)

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cb6102 No.972157

File: 05629b8fd46371e⋯.gif (2 MB,256x256,1:1,1713995428710613RonaldMcPe….gif)

File: b2e3195e026feed⋯.webm (1.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,1713994045865295FourCuckE….webm)

File: 5cf610e3e6a412b⋯.png (784.88 KB,1621x926,1621:926,67227_SoyBooruIHavedied.png)

File: f89c84bf88cef01⋯.jpg (98.54 KB,639x780,213:260,1713982527790596LifeSucksT….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972158

File: 659f12716e5f81d⋯.png (274.42 KB,1419x967,1419:967,1713982591216878FourCuckAl….png)

File: 00043df6a97d419⋯.jpg (67.75 KB,731x900,731:900,1713982302019307FourCuckTh….jpg)

File: 2b4a128d63855fb⋯.jpg (356.52 KB,1620x1734,270:289,the_crossover_that_exactly….jpg)

File: db6a8782d80fda6⋯.jpg (13.39 KB,480x358,240:179,456Gem.jpg)

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cb6102 No.972159

File: 57c931b1dea89e9⋯.jpg (69.44 KB,720x1475,144:295,levi_never_forgave_annie_v….jpg)

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File: 78126e9ba223974⋯.jpg (59.17 KB,1192x1224,149:153,qizmrzmk5l471YummyMikasa.jpg)

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cb6102 No.972160

File: 5e855f38eb1e891⋯.png (382.95 KB,636x453,212:151,5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwJgrJt….png)

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File: e5a5489600f15cd⋯.jpg (9.93 KB,225x224,225:224,give_me_some_cursed_aot_pi….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972161

File: 8a29124e16390f0⋯.jpg (16.11 KB,720x650,72:65,give_me_some_cursed_aot_pi….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972162

File: 4d428d2ce7dcde5⋯.jpg (119.96 KB,900x648,25:18,d7f1766f9161c95eacd2c8a5fe….jpg)

File: c1c0f12df6c5612⋯.jpg (154.36 KB,583x4000,583:4000,1713016640915k_1FourCuckFd….jpg)

File: c357816d991488f⋯.jpg (209.13 KB,1280x720,16:9,1712890986682jFourCuckWTHi….jpg)

File: eec52ea27354619⋯.jpg (2 MB,2598x3464,3:4,1712801332832556FourCuckIt….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972163

File: eb9232e985e6dbb⋯.gif (1.04 MB,800x600,4:3,1712714784737842AverageDay….gif)

File: 30a807babb5113a⋯.jpg (1.27 MB,1920x2090,192:209,1712714022529330FourCuckNo….jpg)

File: eb216b4c515db87⋯.jpg (108.81 KB,640x480,4:3,1712506397121147FourCuckLi….jpg)

File: f1daae0e036d3bc⋯.jpg (83.96 KB,720x720,1:1,1712503376155683FourCuckBi….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972164

File: f8ce039344ac196⋯.gif (157.63 KB,300x199,300:199,1712502781287576CelticLang….gif)

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File: feb71f831dcb74b⋯.png (133.35 KB,1124x615,1124:615,1711595149534231FourCuckSc….png)

File: 4974344e705b648⋯.gif (1.79 MB,2620x2330,262:233,1711587082512212FourCuckGe….gif)

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cb6102 No.972165

File: 052e2e766419c8d⋯.jpg (2.21 MB,3436x3372,859:843,1711591941385728FourCuckAC….jpg)

File: 09841ffb0d580d3⋯.jpg (183.53 KB,1024x975,1024:975,1711592210406028FourCuckGl….jpg)

File: 2874a13c4ace7d8⋯.webm (273.9 KB,460x574,230:287,1711577615678881FourCuckW….webm)

File: 9647783b3b7007a⋯.webm (2.88 MB,720x1280,9:16,1711196144245414FourCuckA….webm)

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cb6102 No.972166

File: 220fba0ee2e2e4e⋯.jpg (126.21 KB,1024x658,512:329,1711033303486081FourCuckMr….jpg)

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File: 27592462010f66f⋯.jpg (89.4 KB,736x779,736:779,17e3ffcadc4da15f1a7f11af46….jpg)

File: 8102fea692a3f39⋯.jpg (66.16 KB,550x515,110:103,00_04_polignoto_stamno_di_….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972167

File: 69aae129a215c19⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,749x630,107:90,1710798701317001FourCuckWo….jpg)

File: 5155c7233ef1837⋯.png (399.07 KB,1506x3976,753:1988,1710801473349769FourCuckHo….png)

File: 84941de4ef6fc6c⋯.jpg (110.17 KB,1080x1234,540:617,1710715502276147FourCuckIP….jpg)

File: ebf83171278a24a⋯.jpg (2.44 MB,1629x2628,181:292,1710710749130043FourCuckEn….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972168

File: 739b580f1821889⋯.webm (1.8 MB,480x608,15:19,1710714506400131FourCuckA….webm)

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File: 477efb8f5e1df49⋯.jpg (231.28 KB,1172x904,293:226,1710699552959668FourCuckWe….jpg)

File: f61daf690556ee0⋯.jpg (372.4 KB,1536x2048,3:4,1710616495646484FourCuckUn….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972169

File: e0cc587388d0401⋯.webm (2.82 MB,378x480,63:80,1710015975304SoyTrannyDot….webm)

File: 8da847c0b1e2f6a⋯.jpg (886.17 KB,1865x1572,1865:1572,1710516812855063FourCuckFe….jpg)

File: c7c4eeba91fc14c⋯.jpg (447.41 KB,1094x1233,1094:1233,1710357102660353FourCuckWe….jpg)

File: feed857081aafe1⋯.jpg (53.75 KB,500x550,10:11,1710343845843539FourCuckCo….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972170

File: e152a172fc1e344⋯.png (1.63 MB,2048x2048,1:1,1710335317503354CoolGeneti….png)

File: 500f7385a5f313f⋯.jpg (360.9 KB,990x1139,990:1139,1710346795639600FourCuckCo….jpg)

File: 9c6b8925b9ef99d⋯.png (552.63 KB,600x1252,150:313,1710343325162187FourCuckIt….png)

File: 4d6a56821d413a5⋯.png (60.46 KB,788x902,394:451,1710345919277508FourCuckRe….png)

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cb6102 No.972171

File: 9ebd8df96fb9f48⋯.jpg (89.65 KB,1024x626,512:313,1710335216221555FourCuckSu….jpg)

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File: 737cffed1f277b4⋯.jpg (508.54 KB,1170x1413,130:157,1710287446335790FourCuckNo….jpg)

File: 7f3a2af70d34d99⋯.jpg (173.8 KB,602x1303,602:1303,1710297069271265FourCuckDu….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972172

File: 0d386b31664532a⋯.webm (3.39 MB,720x1280,9:16,1710295987830083FourCuckO….webm)

File: 21c817361b28099⋯.jpg (581.3 KB,3176x1198,1588:599,1710194083908229FourCuckEr….jpg)

File: 5d280a0a3b413ec⋯.jpg (411.93 KB,1866x1606,933:803,1710205413656073FourCuckGe….jpg)

File: e4695849a4df802⋯.jpg (197.39 KB,998x1180,499:590,1710205901125680FourCuckTr….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972173

File: 04b651a5005c393⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,2384x5104,149:319,1710179534369901FourCuckGe….jpg)

File: 04b651a5005c393⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,2384x5104,149:319,17101795343699014CuckHOLYF….jpg)

File: f72456e528c4481⋯.jpg (3.04 MB,2135x4273,2135:4273,1710174582916716FourCuckDi….jpg)

File: c8340b9cf9b9411⋯.png (28.87 KB,870x486,145:81,1710176417899981FourCuckCo….png)

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cb6102 No.972174

File: 095463232d53fe3⋯.jpg (74.42 KB,756x800,189:200,1710175604833848FourCuckTh….jpg)

File: bed0ea4704773b0⋯.png (627.94 KB,646x960,323:480,1710176727970745FourCuckIt….png)

File: 48f6a2fd57aef8c⋯.png (378.49 KB,640x557,640:557,1710175508059595FourCuckMo….png)

File: 5782f05f2a81cbf⋯.webm (3.57 MB,524x720,131:180,1710139877524478FourCuckA….webm)

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cb6102 No.972175

File: 9ac017a3a5891e4⋯.jpg (135.85 KB,700x1556,175:389,17101515395033564CuckWomen….jpg)

File: 20f0ea3cb2cdc59⋯.jpg (133.71 KB,794x1024,397:512,17101588693852354cuckLefti….jpg)

File: d57631e84ced6b7⋯.jpg (554.74 KB,1225x2584,1225:2584,1709515831591281thisIsn_tI….jpg)

File: f64d6bb23fd74fb⋯.jpg (2.08 MB,1592x3600,199:450,17095171552851434cuckGemer….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972176

File: a0de2a6220e0e81⋯.jpg (1.81 MB,1564x4372,391:1093,17095171036918664cuckGemer….jpg)

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File: 6373ccaa18f12d3⋯.png (2.2 MB,615x9941,615:9941,1709436023770396SchizoCons….png)

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cb6102 No.972177

File: e51d9e5e264281b⋯.gif (1.18 MB,2223x1484,2223:1484,17094382469457234cuckPolit….gif)

File: 73a4cc813892946⋯.jpg (2.42 MB,3022x2878,1511:1439,17094191700098854cuckEyeHe….jpg)

File: 9ee924afd1575e6⋯.png (794.45 KB,1920x1009,1920:1009,RobloxScreenShot20240106_2….png)

File: bc2a98e68137e72⋯.png (1.72 MB,1919x954,1919:954,Screenshot_2024_06_19_0813….png)

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cb6102 No.972178


erm that lion thing is a cringe accident, who was looking in my files . ..

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cb6102 No.972335

File: 7c322ff71e04210⋯.png (161.74 KB,667x842,667:842,1725476683349239WHoCares.png)

File: f781c0bef4ac5c1⋯.jpg (23.39 KB,480x480,1:1,AncientChineseWisdom.jpg)

File: 9e412ca8c396227⋯.jpg (392.71 KB,1256x920,157:115,1725402775105311Whateverbu….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972336

File: 49eeafe38323251⋯.jpg (36.79 KB,849x635,849:635,1724553665460279Intelligen….jpg)

File: 4d9e5499faf4cc2⋯.jpeg (143.75 KB,1200x1900,12:19,211304315159.JPEG)

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cb6102 No.972337

File: 59e491dfa0c1be1⋯.jpg (460.62 KB,1500x500,3:1,1500x500_WE_re_BACK.jpg)

File: 69aed674a656383⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1050x4060,15:58,1719601667673345UmIAmToStu….jpg)

File: 19466fe6cfaf37a⋯.jpg (188.25 KB,1024x836,256:209,1719602491515959UhUmOkayWh….jpg)

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cb6102 No.972338

File: 4aab04ec1728520⋯.webm (2.86 MB,720x540,4:3,1718936062714288WeAreSoBa….webm)

File: 9cb9545d4240b0e⋯.webm (1.94 MB,720x1280,9:16,1716778569391914FourCuckI….webm)

File: b2e3195e026feed⋯.webm (1.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,1713994045865295FourCuckF….webm)

File: 2874a13c4ace7d8⋯.webm (273.9 KB,460x574,230:287,1711577615678881FourCuckJ….webm)

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