i want to make a bluepill account
something i use for logging into all those reddit self-improvement groups.
i've got to get mentally and physically stronger.
squats are so hard. they start making my heart pump pretty hard.
i can get better though.
i probably wont be going to sleep for another 7 hours. my whole schedule is fucked up.
i gotta focus. i've got to stay focus on programming this thing.
i've got to get it done.
i am also thinking about doing classes online. i think i'd be a good personality for it.
and i definitely know enough now to get attention for it.
people are going to find out i'm a pedo pretty quickly though.
but i'm not really.
shit. i don't think so.
only when i'm feeling evil.
recently the thoughts have subsided a lot. i think it's guilt. i think it's having that public eye on me.
i've always needed that.
most people get that through their social connections. that's what i've been talking about.