No.97389 [View All]
I swear when I find which one of you little fucks did it I'm gonna break your fucking fingers!
Previous thread >>2275
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{Title} Reasons for getting together
[One week later]
I've gotten used to doing club activities with everyone.
>Even when we don't really do anything, getting together like this every day is still very club-like.
>Do we have more candy?
>We ran out of money for candy.
>We were supposed to have a club budget for expenses, but I couldn't get any.
>I see...
>Fifth, I think I have some errands to do tomorrow, so I'm probably not coming then.
>Me too
>What do you mean you're not coming tomorrow?
{Title} Saw it in an anime (2)
>I need advice on something.
>What's wrong?
>I want to put an end to those stupid club activities and then get in the student council.
>I'm pretty sure you started said stupid activities yourself
>Unfortunately, I'm afraid our school doesn't have a student council.
>Well, then I'll make a student council.
>And do you plan on doing something to benefit our school as well?
>I plan on using the student council room to eat candy, play games and watch tv.
>And yet you want a club room... Can't you already do all of that in your own rooms?
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Well, they usually sleep naked and now were all together under the Kotatsu at night.
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31-09 panel 4
>What do you mean you're not coming tomorrow?
<You don't plan on coming after tomorrow, do you?
31-10 panel 5
>And yet you want a club room... Can't you already do all of that in your own rooms?
<Can't you do that in a club... I mean, your own rooms?
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Chapter 32
{Title} Another summer vacation
[Summer vacation]
{Notebook cover title} Summer diary
Today was hot. I'm going to bed to get ready for tomorrow.
It's raining. I wanted to play outside, but spent the day in bed.
Today is cloudy, but it feels like it's going to rain. I'm in the bed.
>For homework you'll have to write what you did on summer vacation in this diary, every day.
>You better not just stay in bed for these 40 or so days, or I'm gonna beat you. Beat you right in the face.
>What'sgonna happen to us? Are we gonna die?
>I'm calling someone.
>What we did yesterday? Why do you wanna know?
>I just want to document what the other clones's everyday life is like.
{Title} Summer vacation
[After our morning exercises, we always go out to catch bugs.]
[Around noon we go back to the dorm to eat yakisoba.]
[Then we go to the neighborhood pool in the afternoon. ]
[After pool, we chill in the library until evening. ]
[When the sky starts to turn red, we go back to the dorm.]
[Then we pass the time until dinner by playing games with everyone. ]
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Facepunching is a good motivator. Translation looks good to me.
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Here I am, to catch up with my quota once again.
[Then we eat curry for dinner outside.]
[After dinner, we go back to stuff like reading manga and playing games.]
[Then we went to bed at nine so we can wake up for the radio exercises the other day.]
>Everyday feels like so much fun!
>I see.
>What's wrong?
>Nothing, it's just that summer is so much fun... it brings me to tears.
>Are you ok?
{Title} Rambling
>You girls should join us tomorrow in the radio exercises.
<At the park.
>I'll go if I can.
>I get the feeling youre not coming!
>You get a stamp for attending. Let's go!
{Card} Radio exercises stamp card
>Do I get a prize if I fill it up?
>F... For sure! You can get a prize for filling your stamp card!
>I think...
>I don't feel too good from staying up all night, but i came here to work hard anyway.
>You know, you don't have to force yourself to come if you're not feeling well.
{Title} Tails and fins
<Let's begin by raising your arms and stretching your body.
>I got a stamp.
>Yeah, but only one...
>I can't wait to have 10 stamps so I can get a plushie.
>I wanna get to 20 and get a toy.
>I want 30 to get a game.
>Wait, what do we really get when we fill this?
>Gotta be something, it wouldn't be worth doing all this nonsense so early in the morning for nothing, after all.
{Title} Today
>We're gonna go play, do you wanna come?
>Thanks but I'm gonna go back and lie down for a bit.
>I did morning radio exercises, then I got tired and lied down, then the day was over.
{Title} Another summer vacation
<What's up with that! Wahahaha!
<This is late night TV shopping.
<Good morning. Today's forecast is hot weather.
<Hey let's go browse the convenience store before going do those radio exercises.
>Let's go!
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32-04 Rambling panel 1
>You girls should join us tomorrow in the radio exercises.
<You girls should join us tomorrow for radio exercises.
>{Title} Tails and fins
尾ひれ also means "exaggeration".
<{Title} Exaggeration
32-05 Today panel 4
>I did morning radio exercises, then I got tired and lied down, then the day was over.
<I did morning radio exercises, then I got tired and lay down, then the day was over.
32-05 Another Summer Vacation panel 3
>Good morning. Today's forecast is hot weather.
<Good morning. Today sure is hot!
32-05 Another Summer Vacation panel 4
>Hey let's go browse the convenience store before going do those radio exercises.
<Hey, let's go browse the convenience store before going to do those radio exercises.
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I'll upload it to mangadex after some time, because there were some changes I made to the script and I want to double check them with people here.
First, on page 58, I made changes to try to make it flow better, and I also put an asterisk comment within the panel instead of outside of it. I'm thinking that it might work just as well by having the comment in the gap between panels 3 and 4, without modifying the panel itself. Second, panel 4 of page 63, I changed it from "We're gonna melt it inside our bodies." to "We melted it inside our bodies." The reason for this is that I noticed that the original Japanese has the past tense form, 溶けた.
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TL here.
Looks good to me
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Proofreader here, I don't see any problems. Thanks for giving the translation another once-over too.
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Very cute chapter. Good work, anons.
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{Title} Summer ending
>Now we're going to the pool, and the mountain after that. Wanna come?
>I'm going back to bed.
>Going back already? Didn't you had fun at the pool and the mountain?
>Aah... yeah it was fun.
>But, as you would expect, we got pretty tired...
>And we figured...
>Maybe we could take a break today...
>Are you ok?
{Title} Burnout
>Aren't those clones {picture of XD clone} coming today?
>They did come.
>Are those really them!?
>Apparently they are feeling burnout from playing to much during summer vacation.
>But we still have a whole week of vacation ahead.
{Title} Summer heat fatigue
>Your other clones {XD} haven't come to do radio exercises lately. Is something wrong?
>I think they're laying down in their rooms.
>I got their journals through social media, wanna read some?
<7/20, Clear weather. We did radio morning exercises, then went to the pool, then played tag, then went to the river, then played some games. It was hot, but we had a lot of fun.
<7/25 Clear weather. Today we went to the pool again, and after that we climbed a mountain. It was hot, and we got really tired. I went back to rest in my room.
<7/26. Hot. It's too hot. I'm too tired to do anything.
<28. Hot. Tired.
>Is she still alive?
>I think so.
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32-06 panel 5
>Going back already? Didn't you had fun at the pool and the mountain?
<Coming back now? Did you have fun at the pool and mountain?
32-07 panel 5
>Apparently they are feeling burnout from playing to much during summer vacation.
<Apparently they're burned out from playing too much during summer vacation.
>But we still have a whole week of vacation ahead.
<But it's still the first week.
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{Title} Discovery
>We tried following Second's shortcut, and now we're lost.
>If we keep like this, we'll die before we can get back to the dorm.
>There's something there.
>Maybe we can rest there.
>Should we do it?
{Title} Retro
{Building} Nakata Shop
>I've never seen these old fashioned candy before.
>I've never seen these old fashioned toys before.
>Old games too.
>It's a store for old stuff.
>A clerk!?
{Title} Shift
>You're tending the store, even though you're a robot?
>Part time?
>Where's the manager?
>That would be me.
>One ope?
>One operation.
TN: I didn't get the punchline either. The best I could find was a reference to "one ope" being used to describe single parenting.
{Title} Heart-to-heart
>The previous owners passed away.
>So I'm currently carrying on with their intentions, tending to the shop.
>Passed to where?
>That means they died.
>Sounds lonely.
>I don't mind.
>Not even a little?
>Never mind that, can I eat this ice cream?
>Can't you read the mood!?
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33-01 panel 3
>If we keep like this, we'll die before we can get back to the dorm.
<At this rate, we'll die before we can get back to the dorm.
33-01 panel 5
>Should we do it?
Literally "are you doing it", means "Are you open?"
<Are you open?
33-02 panel 2
>I've never seen these old fashioned candy before.
<I've never seen these old fashioned candies before.
33-02 panel 4
>It's a store for old stuff.
<It's a strange store full of old stuff.
33-03 Shift panel 4
Reading around, it looks like the single-parenting meaning of "ワンオペ" has become popular. Maybe the joke should be written as:
<Single parent?
<Solo operation.
Either way, it's an odd one.
33-03 Heart-to-heart panel 3
>Sounds lonely.
<That's sad...
>I don't mind.
<Please don't mind.
>Not even a little?
ちょっといい? is a shortened way of saying "Is it okay if I have a bit of your time?"
<Can I ask you something?
33-03 Heart-to-heart panel 4
>Can't you read the mood!?
<A robot reads the mood better than you do...
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{Title} Gag
>Ice cream costs 50 yen.
>Do you take cards?
>I do.
>I have cash.
>Cost is 50 yen. I'm receiving 100 yen.
>Here's your 50 manryo change.
>Eh!? What is that?
>It's an old gag that the previous owners used to do.
>Your previous owners weren't very good with gags...
>Please don't insult the deceased.
TN: ryo is an old and now obsolete currency. A "man" is a numeric multiplier of 10.000, so one manryo must have meant 10.000 ryo, I suppose it was equivalent to one yen at some point.
{Title} Playing around
>What's this?
>They are called firecrackers. If you throw them to the ground they make a cracking sound like fireworks.
>I got slapped.
>Please don't throw them inside the store.
{Title} Running a business
>Is something wrong? Your eyes are shining.
>I'm recording this scene.
>It's the first time this store has been this crowded ever since it was entrusted to me.
>You don't have many guests?
>In the 20 years I've been tending to this store, I've only had 18 visitors.
>You would have starved to death if you weren't a robot.
{Title} Suspension
>It was a good thing to have tended this store for these 20 years. Now I have no regrets.
>Just from only four of us playing here?
>I'm sure it will get even more lively once we bring the others as well.
>This time...
>Is something the matter?
>Something's wrong, it stopped moving.
>Hey, don't stop. Move!
>I'm sorry. I wasn't doing any work, so I turned into energy saving mode. Did something happen?
>If you weren't a robot, I would have slapped you.
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Looking good. Thanks for the work.
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33-04 Gag panel 3
>Here's your 50 manryo change.
Like you said in your TN, a ryo is a now tiny amount of money, so it's like saying "your change is 300 pennies".
<Your change is 500,000 ryo.
33-06 panel 5
>Something's wrong, it stopped moving.
<You can't stop moving yet.
33-06 panel 6
>I'm sorry. I wasn't doing any work, so I turned into energy saving mode. Did something happen?
<I'm sorry. I wasn't doing any work, so I turned on energy saving mode. Did something happen?
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Looking good.
Neet clones are worst clones. Chink clones confirmed best girls.
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{Title} Don't stop me
>Now that we're feeling refreshed, let's go home.
>Are you going?
>Aren't you going home?
>I'll be done real quick. Please let me finish this game, I'm almost there.
{Title} Crowded
>It was this way... there it is!
>So it's not a convenience store, and it has candy, is that right?
>There's a lot of candy for 10 yen!
>Do they have shaved ice too?
Chapter 34
{Title} New school term
>School starts today...
>What a pain...
>I'm ready, let's go.
>That's me.
>Why are you wearing that?
>Chestnut protection.
{Title} Negligence
>Hurry, or we'll be late.
>See, if I didn't had a helmet on, I'd be dead by no-
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>try posting 4 pics
>parameter incomplete
>try posting 3
>parameter incomplete
>try posting 2
It just works!
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>{Title} Don't stop me
<{Title} Can't stop
33-07 panel 7
>I'll be done real quick. Please let me finish this game, I'm almost there.
<This game is so easy it's not letting me stop...
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That's chapter 29. I'll put it on mangadex tomorrow.
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Proofreader here, one error that slipped through proofreading. The title for 088:
>Haven't ran in a while
<Haven't run in a while
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Fixed and uploaded.
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Thanks, it looks good.
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{Title} Reading
>It's about time we start our "Reading Week".
>During the week I want you to pick a book that you like and then read it.
>Can I pick a picture book or a manga?
>If the book has mostly written words then I don't mind the pictures.
>Are these ok?
>They're fine. {Handwritten} I mean, they're light novels after all.
>Is this ok?
>Please pick something with a story.
>Is this ok?
>Are you ok with that kind of story?
TN: I can't make out the whole title. It's something like "If (unintelligible), then a harsh life"
{Title} Hard to understand
>First and Seventh have already chosen their books.
[Darren Shan]
[The Little Prince]
>Now that's unexpected. Second is also reading something?
>I started reading, but some of the kanji are too difficult...
>"Crime and Punishment". Wait, if you can't read the title why did you pick this one up?
>This one might be a little too difficult for you, Second. Maybe you should pick a different one.
>It's alright, I can read it.
[5 minutes later]
>You shouldn't overwork yourself, it's just stupid.
{Title} Influence
>I have trouble reading books. {Handwritten} If it was a manga, then I would...
>Don't worry about it. You should try reading anything, you might just surprise yourself and find something you like.
>Pick a book by chance.
>Who knows, maybe it will have an influence on you later in life.
<1 week later
>I don't know which light novel you read, but you let it influence you way too much.
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34-03 panel 1
>It's about time we start our "Reading Week".
<Since it's fall, let's make this week "Reading Week".
34-03 panel 2
>If the book has mostly written words then I don't mind the pictures.
<The book should be mostly written words this time, but I don't mind some pictures.
34-03 panel 3
>They're fine. {Handwritten} I mean, they're light novels after all.
<They're fine. {Handwritten} Those are called "light novels".
The light novel covers are jokes off actual light novels.
The one on the right: "The Poor Performing Student of a Normal High School: Repeating Year Volume"
The one on the left: "I Have Friends"
34-03 panel 4
The book title: "Bust-Up Exercises"
34-03 panel 5
>Are you ok with that kind of story?
<Please pick something- actually, are YOU ok?
The book title: "Read This Book If Life Has Become Difficult"
The bit on the left of the book cover is probably the author's name, but I can't read it.
34-04 panel 2
>Now that's unexpected. Second is also reading something?
<Now that's unexpected. Second is already reading?
34-04 panel 6
>You shouldn't overwork yourself, it's just stupid.
<Um... you're stupid, so don't overwork yourself.
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{Title} Autumn Sky
>The clear autumn sky is so pretty.
>Why am I floating up here?
{Title} Moon viewing buddy
>What are you doing here?
>We're watching the moon tonight with everyone, so Five (五) asked us to go buy some dango.
>Five said that moon viewing had to go with dango.
>Not hamburgers?
>That store over there was selling tsukimi-burgers.
TN: Tsukimi (つきみ, 月見): Moon viewing.
>20 tsukimi-burgers please.
>In a set?
>Ah... yes.
>What beverages?
[When those two came back, everyone got angry at them.]
{Title} Moon Viewing
>Today's menu is tsukimi udon, and dango for dessert.
>Tonight will have a full moon, so we'll allow you to go eat outside.
>Wow, dango really goes well with moon viewing!
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34-08 Moon Viewing panel 2
>Tonight will have a full moon, so we'll allow you to go eat outside.
<Tonight will be a full moon, so you're allowed to go eat outside.
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Going by the TL note halfway through, I figured it would be better to change all of the "onee-chan"s into "big sister" or "big sis".
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16 is a good girl.
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Made some changes from "hanged" to "hung" in the first part.
I get the impression based on the Japanese text that the last speech bubble on page 109 could be "You don't plan on coming from tomorrow onward, do you?"
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The switch from "hanged" to "hung" works if we decide the doll shouldn't be treated as people/human (as they say, "people are hanged, items are hung"). But it does mean the other uses of "hanged" (103, 104) sound off and should be switched. Then again, "hung" was used in 108, so it's sort of all over the place. As proofreader, I apologize.
About 109, it does say 明日から so "onward" can be added.
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Typesetter here.
>The switch from "hanged" to "hung" works if we decide the doll shouldn't be treated as people/human (as they say, "people are hanged, items are hung"). But it does mean the other uses of "hanged" (103, 104) sound off and should be switched. Then again, "hung" was used in 108, so it's sort of all over the place. As proofreader, I apologize.
I'll change the usages of "hung" back to what it originally said, then. "Hanged" seems appropriate for a doll that creeps the girls out like that.
>About 109, it does say 明日から so "onward" can be added.
I'll make that change.
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Original scanner, here...
Did you guys find your way back?
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We did, we started putting all our translating in one thread in the bunker and kept doing it over here. Some of the latest chapters are in >>113205 . The Number Girl typesetter said he would be delayed a bit.
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Haven't you been following the translations in the bunker? I think they're halfway done with the last volume.
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I don't know about this thread but I found my back to /animu/ for some Senko threads so I don't kill myself.
Or did I read them so I would go through with killing myself ...? Fuck, it's so hard to tell with Senko.
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