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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
See also: /ideaguy/ | /vm/

File: f197731745c07b0⋯.png (12.62 KB,400x400,1:1,AGDG.png)

69609c No.28914

CONTENT MOVED TO >>29079 AND >>29080

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8209d5 No.29028

File: 5224fb0c268766e⋯.png (44.98 KB,476x726,238:363,unknown.png)

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Thanks to the dudes who showed me about shrink wrap and avoiding decimate. I also learned to avoid using boolean mesh functions unless the geomtry is relatively simple. This is my first Blender model and I've finished all but facial rigging.

When you are rigging joints, you can add more vertices to smooth out the joint right? Like the elbow only had 1 ring and it looked like a sword when bent so I added 2 rings around it and it looked much better.

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c7402f No.29048

What's the easiest engine/scripting language to learn

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96dcfa No.29049


Probably Lua with Löve

Gamemaker is probably better though.

Unity is next on the line, but uses C# which is slightly more difficult.

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