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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
See also: /ideaguy/ | /vm/

File: 7e9cf7d119cfe84⋯.png (298.69 KB,1439x760,1439:760,cook.png)

5624db No.27922 [Last50 Posts]

Im currently going all out with my dream game, will be a farming game inspired by Harvest Moon: Back to Nature and Breath of Fire 3

Top down, 3D models mostly, with some sprites here and there will made on Unity

The theme will be "comfy", the game will focus on stamina management instead of time unlike most games of the genres, there will be no combat at least until the 2nd expansion All farming/gathering/crafting mechanics will have higher depth than the usual for the genre

Also all villagers will be qt girls, marriage and romance won't be on the 1.0 version, but very very veeery close friendships will be possible, also every NPC will have a specific way to help on the farm if you get close enough to them (example: the slav girl will help only taking care of potatoes, and only if they are close to a squattable object like a fence)

My brother is working on the unity part while i make some of the features in standalone C# executables for showcase

The first system in working on is cooking (25% done), you can download the current version below


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5624db No.27924

this sounds extremely ambitious for two people

do you guys have other games under your belt?

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5624db No.27929


nope by ourselves, we did work for a company that made a few browser/android games, we got about 2 years of experience with that, but we have many years of experience starting projects and getting bored, so we have plenty tool knowledge this time im sure i will keep myself motivated because i REALLY wanna quit my job to work on this fulltime, and this is my one dream game that i REALLY wanted to make for years, but didn't have the experise back then

and we both work as programmers full time, so we got that covered

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5624db No.27933


>quit my job to work on this fulltime

game aside, creating a specific dream game and creating something that sells rarely align. test ideas out early and be prepared to make compromises.

also don't forget being an indie dev includes being a entrepreneur so you'll have to learn everything involved with running a business. including marketing, accounting, business law, etc.

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5624db No.27934


Yes I am aware of that

I have already made some market research

If the game flops it should still make around 5k sales on steam for 15bucks, from which I will receive about 10 per copy, 50000 bucks would cover 3 years of development easily

I will also test the waters with a Kickstarter before dropping everything

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5624db No.27936


that link looks super sketchy by the way. at least host it on a dev blog or something.

the screenshot and pitch doesn't really inspire the imagination either.

well, I'm a nodev myself so I'll wait until you get off the ground before I throw opinions around

good luck

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5624db No.27937


Dev or not i will take all constructive critics

I plan to start a blog by the end of the year when the cooking system is almost finished, right now only Pan/Pot recipes are implemented, i will also overhaul the UI and make it more "juicy", maybe add some animations

I currently made several small balance changes/bug fixes and tests on the current version, will upload the new version this weekend

I will take a week break because i will have to do some extra hours at work and civ6 is looking pretty good, i wanna play some on this weekend.

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5624db No.28028


Oven unlocked!


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5624db No.28029

File: 32667f52e4e6161⋯.png (319.25 KB,1442x760,721:380,beef pie.png)


Oops ignore this one, there was a major bug on it

Here the fixed one


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5624db No.28032


congrats on making something, but I'm not sure why you're uploading this. messed around with it for a bit and it doesn't work as a stand alone game and I don't see how it's core to the concept you described.

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5624db No.28033


its a feature demo, im starting with this feature because it will be the most unique one in the game, no other game has such depth in cooking

The world and most of the basic mechanics are being made by my brother in Unity, we will merge everything later

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5624db No.28035


played the game for a bit and about to shit on it as constructivly as I can. I also just like telling other people what I think they're doing wrong even if I'm talkig out of my ass, so don't take it personally.

first off I'd be careful when using "depth" as a goal or selling point, it's not a well defined term in terms of game mechanics. my working definiton is how much consideration is needed before reaching an ideal solution. playing around with your game a bit it's not that much deeper than those alchemy flash games where you mix and match elements mostly by guessing which ones go together. and you have all these numbers on the screen that don't mean anything to me, except for the one in the corner you didn't label and I assume is the only one that matters. feels like you're shooting more for realism than depth anyways.

comparing it to other cooking games is also a bit misleading, you're standard should be the crafting genre which I would say cooking is a sub set of. so you're looking at games like the Atelier series and which ever game fathered the mechincs in holy potatos a weapon shop (I just tried it recently, there are better examples).

there are a few things I like, just having a list of ingrediencts kind of gives a sense of freedrom similar to scribblenauts. keep at it, regardless of how it turns out you're doing better than the dozens on nodevs that lurk these threads.

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5624db No.28037

File: 6ceb028f3d3eee7⋯.jpg (214.61 KB,1024x1356,256:339,qt cooking.jpg)


the interface will see a major rework when its added to the game, right now its more a test window with placeholder images then anything

i will also add quality of life features like being able to save a recipe, general info about what makes each recipe good (like how the ideal temperature for making jam is 105ºC the ideal fruit/sugar ratio for each fruit) the NPCs will give the player good to high quality recipes in game which the player can improve, so won't be so "guessy" as it is right now

I see you point about being more realistic than closer to crafting mechanics you see on other games, this is proposital, i want someone who never played a game to see the system, emulate what they would do in real life and get a very good result, then experiment more and more to get the excelent result

In the next version i will add raw recipes, which include dough, pasta, noodles, juices and etc... and i will give an option to use a finished item as ingredient (here where most depth will come from, multi-step preparation recipes)

Thanks for the input

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5624db No.28041


My advice about kickstarter:

Don't start a kickstarter fundraiser to finance the development of your game if you don't have a history of delivering games within the reasonable and public schedule. You can do this by actually finishing your game; it must be a polished v1.0 release. When your game is ready to go public, that's the time when you can publish a demo game to accompany your Kickstarter fundraiser; you can put down some value that you think your game is worth and hope that your customers also agree. One possible method you can do is to plan a series of episodes or expansions that can be used to develop a personal experience and also a public history. The reason for this way is that you don't mislead people into schedules that were too tight to achieve or ideas that were too grandiose to achieve.

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5624db No.28042


no, i don't want to drag development for over 7~9 years

i want to work fulltime on this as soon as possible

i will have a small feature demo before i start the campaign though

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5624db No.28043

Btw i will be asking for 50,000 to keep me and my brother working fulltime on this for 3 years

I think its a fair deal

Anything i earn above this will keep me working on the game further (to start the expansions as soon as i release the game)

The expansions and DLCs i make using this money i will be releasing for free

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5624db No.28049


Trust me, it's way too much. You are probably not gonna get even 5% of that. I would just ask for something like 10k to 15k if you got a fun playable demo.

I know my game that was in a more playable state and had decent-ish graphics did not get $1 on patreon, lol. So the lesson that I learned is that you must be very far in development and really show what the game's about before you start asking for more.

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5624db No.28051


well i could make one per year for 15k instead

I know the market im targeting is ready to pay for the game im making, my only serious competition is Stardew Valley, and the game has limited content, so people who finish it will eventually be hungry for more

If i sell 3% of what Stardew made it will pay off 3 years of development, and im sure i can make something of that level if not better

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5624db No.28052


I don't want to make any assumptions, but what you've posted so far is giving me the sense you don't know enough to quit your day job.

I could rant on about this for a while but for now I'll just say that the self employed learn through mistakes, and you probably don't want to spend those mistakes making your magnum opus.

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5624db No.28053


>Don't know enough

You mean in the technical or business sense?

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5624db No.28054


my mind was on business, but I'm guessing there's a ton of crap you'll need to learn before the game gets off the ground, some of which you may not know exists until you need it.

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5624db No.28055


I can tell you one way to test if you are right or wrong. Before you make a kickstarter, make a patreon, see if you get even $100 per month. If you don't, it's super unlikely to ask for a lot of money on kickstarter, even if 15k is not a lot.

You need to make a playable demo that shows at least 75% of what can be done in the final, full game, before asking for money. At least that's what I plan to do now.

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5624db No.28059


> you probably don't want to spend those mistakes making your magnum opus

I take that back, you want to be passionate about the project you work on, but keep the dev cycle short, at least for your first run through. chances are you'll be dreaming up a new grand work as soon as you flesh the first one out.

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5624db No.28063

File: 1c46b4022305092⋯.jpg (81.81 KB,800x450,16:9,AtelierMeruru_b_img_05.jpg)


I would say i got 75% of the technical skills, my brother is pretty good with the engine and overall a better programmer, so the only major obstacle will be art, i wanna make 3D qties, it doesn't need to reach the level of stuff like Atelier games, as long as it is cute and looks good its OK


You know, its not like the world will end if the first kickstarter fails, if you see the possibilities success can bring the risk compensates quite well


For the first time in my life im very optimistic about a game project and it is the first time iam willing to remove every distraction (including my job) to focus on this (which will happen if the kickstarter succeeds)

I felt trully inspired by Donald Trump and Stefan Molyneux and decided to turn my life arround, after all if a single guy can challenge the whole fucking globalist conspiracy controlling the US and win, why can't i make my game? what is stopping me? what iam afraid of?

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5624db No.28092


Oy vey. looks neat

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5624db No.28094


Critics are welcome, new version by this weekend

didn't sleep in the election night because it ended by 5:00 am where i live, and i had to go work 6:00 am, and yesterday i went right to bed because i was exausted after work, going to work on it tonight


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5624db No.28111

File: cb3f288959ca891⋯.png (132.17 KB,1303x843,1303:843,so tired.png)

File: 6f6e23efc85e6c9⋯.png (206.48 KB,800x560,10:7,1457307050236.png)


>what is stopping me?

>what iam afraid of?

Your own code.

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5624db No.28121

File: da8fe9805c11655⋯.jpg (50.73 KB,460x460,1:1,fuck your gay shit2.jpg)



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5624db No.28131

File: 34d277bc7289801⋯.png (293.79 KB,1075x684,1075:684,cooking system.png)




>Unlocked Raw Preparation (13+ recipe archetypes)

>Added several new recipe archetypes to pan and oven

>Finished dishes can now be used as ingredient for new dishes (dough -> bread)

>Added a try again button for fine testing temperature and cooking time without having to input ingredients again

>Almost every recipe archetype has an icon

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5624db No.28145

File: 13382f4f47bca5d⋯.jpg (35.19 KB,431x640,431:640,mikan cooking.jpg)

Working on the recipe system before i do fermentation

This will make the system much easier to understand, i will be adding a few default ones

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5624db No.28148


I don't know what it is but something about this isn't clicking. it looks like it should have a similar game loop as alchemy but I'm getting bored after a few clicks.

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5624db No.28149

File: cae8c7385a58afb⋯.png (356.77 KB,1309x759,119:69,cooking progress.png)


its not a complete game yet, its one of its features

since there is no goal or losing state yet it will get boring fast

Don't worry i will integrate this into something with challenge eventually



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5624db No.28152

File: da4867e5fe6d8dd⋯.png (388.2 KB,1309x679,187:97,cooking 0.70.png)




>Added customizable recipe book with 10+ default recipes

>Dried veggies/fruits and herbs now act as spices

>Fixed several bugs

Next Version:

>Several new ingredients

>A few new recipe archetypes (popcorn,etc...)

>Ability to pick any desired amount of ingredient

>Skill level and overall recipe quality indicators for recipe book

Further Away:

>Fermenter Jar

>Alcohol related recipes (risotto, etc...)

>Sound Effects

>Visual Feedback for food burning

>Over 50 default recipes

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5624db No.28153


>Alcohol related recipes


Wine isn't necessary to make risotto.

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5624db No.28154


no, but it will give a quality boost if you use it

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5624db No.28167

File: 923cff4f55d2669⋯.png (415.77 KB,1455x755,291:151,81 percent recipe.png)

Will probably release a new version today

Preparing a few super recipes to guide players

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5624db No.28168

File: b24955928dda64d⋯.png (445.15 KB,1453x756,1453:756,snek soup.png)



>you can now choose any amount of ingredients when adding to recipe

>new ingredients

>several bug fixes

>15 preset recipes showing how to make cooking great again

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5624db No.28169

is this never-going-to-make-a-real-game-shit-programmer-anon?

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5624db No.28170


>If the game flops it should still make around 5k sales on steam for 15bucks, from which I will receive about 10 per copy, 50000 bucks would cover 3 years of development easily

HOOOLY SHIT you are delusional

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5624db No.28171



Through Steamspy I discovered you can make shovelware and still get 3000 sales.

I'm personally making a 5 dolla game and hoping to get back 10K for a slightly shitty game.

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5624db No.28172


that's surviorship bias; you're only seeing the games that find success and overlooking the bulk of the games that don't make it through greenlight. at least read the wiki for it if you haven't heard of the term before.

also the companies that make shovelware don't specialize in making games, they specialize in marketing games to the type of people who buy shovelware, which is basically a different industry.

this article I spent two minutes finding probably isn't perfect either but it's closer to what you can expect at 57% of indie games making less than $500.


you should definitely still make your game, just don't plan on making money from it.

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5624db No.28173

File: 8c43a09abb6f527⋯.jpg (20.1 KB,347x410,347:410,himawari cooking.jpg)



I have a niche in mind

The comfy farm sim game market is not being explored, look at the massive success Stardew Valley is, and that game is weak as fuck

The features i have planned will put it to shame

This is not a shot in the dark

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5624db No.28180


> look at the massive success Stardew Valley is,

there are tons of games like it and most of them failed because >le comfy farming sim :^) is not a niche a lot of people want

even stardew valley made a lot of sales but not many people play it anymore, they only bought it for the waifus and emoticons

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5624db No.28181


because those who failed are RPG maker crap with "muh deep story" and close to no gameplay

they are glorified VNs, my game focus on gameplay above everything, thats what people seek, if you check the negative reviews in these games this is the main complaint also "not enough content"

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5624db No.28182




Don't be a dumbass. Stardew valley was almost huge loss and then went viral because of waifushit

>well, flappy birds was a huge success so my (MOBILESHIT) should be popular too

>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut goat simulator was a huge success so my (GOAT GAME) should be popular too

>Stardew valley was yuge so my (AUTISM SIMULATOR) should be popular to

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5624db No.28185

File: 515a76978b44221⋯.jpg (64.52 KB,655x582,655:582,ainsley makes burgers for ….jpg)


I don't expect to be the 1 in one million lucky shot that just hits the spot in the right place in the right time

I will supply to a market that has demand, its simple, the game don't need to be a huge success to pay off

if i make 50000$ in 3 years it will be enough

By your logic no game will ever work unless they are a lucky success

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5624db No.28187

CookingAnon do you need art? I can into vector graphics.

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5624db No.28188

File: bf6f96f8cfeb08d⋯.jpg (661.73 KB,824x1191,824:1191,kobeni cooking.jpg)


yes i do, but i can't pay you until i get a crowdfund campaign done

i will need to replace all my icons, i borrowed them from GW2, thats my first priority when it comes to art

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5624db No.28189


btw if you can export files in .xaml it would be perfect since im using WPF right now

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5624db No.28191

Just have to finish some more stuff before this release:

miso soup [dashi stock, miso, tofu, seaweed] + fish, seafood, veggies, mushrooms (soup)

butter recipe (raw)

soy milk (raw)

sauerkraut (special pickled food)

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5624db No.28193

File: b618e812c2f9c8a⋯.png (460.31 KB,1467x707,1467:707,ck085.png)




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5624db No.28230

File: 313f79d17fa5b3c⋯.png (592.19 KB,1633x868,1633:868,cookingv092.png)





>Removed all non base ingredients (flour, oil, butter, etc...), these are now made from base ingredients

>Added over 20 new ingredients

>Added cheese making (make curds on pan with milk and caper leaves, then ferment the curds)

>Added butter making (from milk)

>Added soy milk (water+soy)

>Added Tofu

>Added miso soup

>Added Animal oil (tallow) and Vegetable oil (grains/olives)

>Added syrup making (pan) (sugar+water)

>Added caramel (pan) (sugar+milk)

>Added flour making (wheat/rice)

>Added risotto

>Added condiment making (ketchup and mayo)

>Added guacamole

>Added quiche

>And a few more i probably missed

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5624db No.28241

File: 2fb62393a828b94⋯.png (28.51 KB,500x500,1:1,Steak.png)


Aw shit we got (uncooked) steak. Thoughts and comments would be appreciated. I exported this as a .XAML from inkscape, it had an option to export as a Silverlight-compatile XAML, do you need that?


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5624db No.28249


oh nice, right now i can't test it because im at work, i will check it after work

looking pretty good

but now that i think about it, i don't know if Unity accepts vector images in .xaml (i will switch from WPF to Unity when i finish this demo), i have to check that too later

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5624db No.28251

File: a67b32dc432b91b⋯.png (350.21 KB,1218x773,1218:773,worked.png)


yeah... good news and bad news

Good news: the xaml you made worked perfectly

Bad news: Unity does not support vector images, i will look further into it to see if there is a pluggin or something that allows it

Even if Unity can't use them its still useful because i could convert them into high res normal images

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5624db No.28256

File: 57ef594285cd830⋯.png (662.87 KB,1526x894,763:447,version 0.95.png)




>many bugfixes and balance changes

>merged ingredient panels

>added base recipes to saved recipes

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5624db No.28262

File: 64dbdfcd9d67447⋯.png (Spoiler Image,289.17 KB,1000x727,1000:727,1455188328262-0.png)


Keep on being you dude! Goodluck, I saw you on /v/ so I might as well follow your progress.

And if you're still thinking about features consider letting us breed, cook and b-build relationships with slimegirls. Mixing and matching them for different colors with slime that gives different effects.

If the project ever dies like most crowd funded games do or you just lose enthusiasm consider going open source yeah?

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5624db No.28265


There will be slimegirls, still going to decide what you can and cannot do with them depending on how much I can implement, at least until I finish the planned features

And this is my dream, making a game was my dream since I was 7, I won't give up no matter what, only death will stop me, and if I die I will haunt a PC and finish it by willpower alone

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5624db No.28266

Oh and vector drawfag if you are there, how much would you ask to work fulltime on my icons? (got some money right now and need 160 of them)

And can you draw qt3.14?

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5624db No.28285

File: bf7966397c31557⋯.png (728.64 KB,1515x866,1515:866,cooking v99.png)



>all ingredients added

>all recipes added

>recipe book fully functional with many base recipes (press Load Recipes button)


I will still make new versions with bugfixes and will swap icons when i get more

Next Step is the Faerie Village

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5624db No.28327

File: 4d4f4b9c1b78bf9⋯.png (18.74 KB,208x596,52:149,yay.png)

Implementing the faerie village, will take a while for the next version, tons of stuff to do, but this feature demo will become a game soon as both systems are implemented and merged

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5624db No.28330

I'm currently idea guying for a game like this, but takes place in a Wild West setting. Looks like this game might actually be better though, so I'll hold off on it.

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5624db No.28335

File: 4fe49423646f7db⋯.jpg (56.79 KB,1024x576,16:9,DOITFAGGOT.jpg)


>Wild West setting

fuck i was planning to have my main character use a revolver in combat cowboy style

I don't think our games would compete against each other, if you focus on the combat side or use a different combat style (mine will be turn-based) our games will be significatly different, since im only adding combat on the second expansion and will be focusing on making a comfy farm game, they will probably fill slightly different niches with some overlap so, in other words:


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5624db No.28337

Any artists wanting to contact me please send an email to everydaylifedev@gmail.com with at least one sample icon 64x64 or bigger

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5624db No.28367

File: 2a9856391341dcf⋯.png (154.5 KB,297x827,297:827,faeries.png)

Progress report

Faeries have stats, traits and appearance all randomed based on thier individual seeds

As soon as iam satisfied with the faeries i will start the job panels

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5624db No.28369



Ayy, I'm drawing up concepts for a wild west game too, but it's more meant to be an action shooter. It's good to see people care about the genre.

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5624db No.28434

File: 3c72f4289f72027⋯.webm (3.59 MB,480x272,30:17,spicenwolfdoublinsong.webm)


I'd fucking love a wild west game man.

All the better if its got comfitude and simulation.

Post your concept stuff around here soon!


Great job and keep it coming! Totally looking forward to this.

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5624db No.28435

File: 6ef8411b2f8080d⋯.webm (11.55 MB,853x480,853:480,indiana snek.webm)


A little curious, how are you on sounds? Roughly just as important as art! Sound effects make things far more immersible if you get decent ones.

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5624db No.28446



just to inform you folks: im currently on vacation, so development is being slowed to a crawl until february

i planned to do more here, but developing on a tiny laptop is fucking horrible, im also playing some vidya, which i haven't done in quite a while

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5624db No.28450


Good luck! I suddenly remembered this existed and came to check in on it. I'm going to start working on my first second real project tomorrow as I have a few free hours.

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5624db No.28505

where are my updates


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5624db No.28532


OP here, just to inform you guys im still alive and didn't give up, im still traveling and will be back to work both day work and gamedev on the 8th this month

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5624db No.28591

File: 5740a76d0f0bc4f⋯.png (122.48 KB,786x285,262:95,faeries.png)

Back to work!

Focus on the faerie village

Implemented basic dragging n dropping of faeries into the job panels, clicking on the faeries removes them from the job and sends them back to the lazyfreeloader list

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5624db No.28607

File: 168168a7311d9fd⋯.png (6.65 KB,64x64,1:1,amenities.png)

File: 633e00e02a04a73⋯.png (7.17 KB,64x64,1:1,culture.png)

File: 96d3a0a505a73b1⋯.png (7.69 KB,64x64,1:1,food.png)

File: 7a0a3a85190cc7a⋯.png (7.34 KB,64x64,1:1,infrastructure.png)

making the faerie village UI, 4 more icons to go

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5624db No.28629

Taking a break from programming to make a few assets, since im quite rusty will take a day or two to show something more impressive than a bunch of grey rectangles

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5624db No.28643

File: 4df7673b0e62cd1⋯.png (33.22 KB,1024x780,256:195,progress.png)

File: e80c580b8744eed⋯.jpg (662.35 KB,1100x682,50:31,fantasy_rpg_town_by_e_mend….jpg)

Sorry for the late update

I was much more rusty with blender than expected, i will put the code aside for a while at least until i finish this building, it will be the town INN, a pretty significant part of the game as it will be the house of the protagonist before his house is built

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5624db No.28649

File: 26cfa9a490c64e7⋯.png (29.85 KB,942x577,942:577,inn.png)


Didn't do as much as expected, but i managed to shake most of the rust away

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5624db No.28670

File: 859516217259bf6⋯.png (75.27 KB,1070x913,1070:913,INN.png)

Tried a few tools like Archimesh to speed up this, but in the end im going to stick with free modeling, i like the freedom

Im going to buy assets in the unity store, so im making only the actual building

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5624db No.28681

File: 6b41b7f692786b1⋯.png (25.43 KB,862x583,862:583,INN second floor.png)

Working on the second floor, there will be at least 3, plus basement

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5624db No.28683

File: a3ff8378c681132⋯.png (44.27 KB,896x847,128:121,INN 0.3.png)

Starting floor 3 tomorrow

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5624db No.28685


How do you plan to unwrap all this stuff before texturing? Wouldn't it be easier to make individual segments that you'll be later able to snap together by vertices and reuse in other buildings? I mean, I see you're ambitious, but it seems like that will be a bitch.

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5624db No.28686

File: dc7139a0a76359c⋯.png (33.01 KB,956x850,478:425,floor3.png)


now that you mention that i should have done it from the beggining, but since im using this as a warm up i didn't even think about how im going to texture all that

one thing i gonna do is merge all surfaces i can when the time comes, right now it has much more polygons than needed because im using those extra lines as markings, that should help a bit

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5624db No.28697

File: 0971e7659f2aaa6⋯.png (39.02 KB,1001x856,1001:856,roof.png)

Fuck this INN is taking much longer than expected

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5624db No.28699

File: d58adbfefa59aa2⋯.png (63.91 KB,814x834,407:417,attic.png)


Clock Room

Forbidden Room

Bridge connection area (will be an storage area i guess

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5624db No.28704


>Im going to buy assets in the unity store

Are you looking at 3D models for food and stuff?

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5624db No.28706

File: d5eadc545ade196⋯.png (18.3 KB,800x600,4:3,roof.png)


i actually didn't check for those, i found some great for storage (warehouse) and tavern/inn interiors

got any suggestions?

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5624db No.28708


Well, what are you looking for, specifically?

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5624db No.28711


food... and stuff?

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5624db No.28714

File: 0cae5aaa176a589⋯.png (24.12 KB,914x668,457:334,bridges.png)

Bridges done

Next i will be doing exterior details on yet another object, so i can just not render any of it when the player is inside

But i think i will take a few hours or maybe the rest of the day to play some vidya and do other things, im exausted

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5624db No.28716

File: 8d376f2104bfc2c⋯.png (47.85 KB,967x599,967:599,details.png)

Adding details and preparing the model

UV mapping and Texturing will probably start next week

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5624db No.28721

File: e1cf916d94e2547⋯.jpg (36.29 KB,487x456,487:456,clown kill me.jpg)

>Just got rid of about 75% of the first floor vertexes... there is still useless vertexes to remove, but they are snared to others that they shouldn't, and i usually have to remake entire faces due to this, there are still other 8 objects to fix after this one

and yes, im using limited dissolve

kill me

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5624db No.28729

File: c24f229273d8ba2⋯.png (50.36 KB,855x811,855:811,first floor after.png)

File: 63de6fd770c81e2⋯.png (68.17 KB,855x811,855:811,second floor before.png)

Well first floor is almost ready, i forgot to take a screenshot before, but here the second floor before corrections, so you can have some idea

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5624db No.28738

File: 98cc574da6c7a74⋯.png (40.96 KB,862x765,862:765,third floor after.png)

File: 9d36780c19f394c⋯.png (51.73 KB,862x765,862:765,third floor before.png)

Third floor

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5624db No.28742

I wonder if i should make materials on Blender, or just use simple ones to mark areas and make them on Unity instead, im afraid Unity won't import them well and i will have to replace it anyways

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5624db No.28744

File: 8a7ec95c8388a63⋯.png (47.88 KB,946x592,473:296,materials.png)

Added basic materials, will make real materials when i export to Unity


>Sign Textures

>Windows and Doors

>Animatated Clock


>Export to Unity

>Fill the inside with assets

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5624db No.28750

Hello Anon, i know i know it's early but i could help with translations to Portuguese. Will it have multilanguage support?

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5624db No.28751


Yes, but i don't need much help with that one

Im a huehue myself

unless you mean pt-Portugal

Still all help is welcome, i will drop the language files here when i get to that part (will take quite a while)

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5624db No.28752


how do i contact you?

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5624db No.28753



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5624db No.28754

File: 89d076e66ae0f85⋯.png (45.67 KB,831x524,831:524,uv mapping.png)

UV mapping... 20% done

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5624db No.28774

File: 5f1d7a75feef474⋯.png (19.41 KB,800x600,4:3,oven.png)

UV mapped:

>Exterior details

>Oven & Cooker

>Sings (textures included)


Still have to do:

>First Floor

>Second Floor

>Third Floor

>Left Bridge

>Right Bridge


Also reporting: I got a nice artist to replace the icons of the cooking system

Im now looking for someone who can make comfy and cheerful music

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5624db No.28777

File: 232f93223d0f06e⋯.png (218.4 KB,1350x975,18:13,UV mapped.png)

UV mapped!

Now gotta make doors and windows with bones for animation

Also the clock

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5624db No.28782

File: 911676342f107c8⋯.png (30.04 KB,1450x850,29:17,windows.png)

Making windows and doors, will rig some bones into them before exporting to Unity

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5624db No.28789

File: 2180d8957656b22⋯.png (53.67 KB,945x701,945:701,all parts done.png)

File: b3ed7258d42af53⋯.png (9.02 KB,449x717,449:717,boned door.png)

File: c2791bc705cfa85⋯.png (25.25 KB,854x564,427:282,clock.png)

File: 6b4aa51867c07d0⋯.png (17.11 KB,453x545,453:545,progress.png)

File: 21abb71d675f51f⋯.png (10.8 KB,271x600,271:600,window02.png)

Plenty progress done, im almost ready to transfer everything to Unity

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5624db No.28792


I enjoy watching this progress, it inspires me to continue on my own game. Keep it up Anon!

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5624db No.28794


Believe in me that believes in you!

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5624db No.28799


>TTGL was a decade ago

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5624db No.28804

Struggling a bit with Unity, will have it working by the weekend

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5624db No.28808

File: 748a0529e769c61⋯.png (99.48 KB,1118x537,1118:537,INNterior.png)

Almost there, im placing all doors and windows in place through the scripts my brother made, also correcting glitched faces, there were plenty i didn't see in blender

After i transfer all assets and put them in place on the INN model i will work on the materials, so the entire thing doesn't look like cheap plastic anymore

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5624db No.28814

File: b4ea48101913030⋯.png (177.76 KB,800x526,400:263,innwindows.png)

Behind the schedule, but at least got some progress...

Got a nice asset pack, but im still struggling in making good materials, i got the glass done, im trying to make the external wall be made of brick, but i noticed the UV map is fucked, gotta edit a ton of stuff

reposting because i forgot the image

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5624db No.28835

File: 023b949d8c63a05⋯.png (402.62 KB,1120x583,1120:583,INN fixed bricks.png)

Oh cool the board is finally back, here some progress

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5624db No.28899

File: 577f0750542c51f⋯.png (421.32 KB,799x474,799:474,vixen.png)

Ok back to deving

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5624db No.28900

File: 4355ec5e7786c86⋯.png (567.71 KB,800x600,4:3,fixed.png)

Now that i see this as a texture it sure looks ugly

Well fuck, gonna remake it later

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5624db No.28903

File: 82f5c57a76a4848⋯.png (842.38 KB,1119x582,373:194,first floor tavern.png)

First Floor in the making

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5624db No.28906

File: 4d096cc11e7bf2d⋯.png (615.98 KB,800x575,32:23,second floor.png)

Second floor

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5624db No.28907

File: 9dc723fcf3c9700⋯.png (709.75 KB,1112x582,556:291,third floor.png)

Third floor

Attic and Basement tomorrow

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5624db No.28908

File: 8b169f991b141ab⋯.png (578.35 KB,1115x639,1115:639,basement.png)


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5624db No.28909

File: 751352f7b108b76⋯.png (461.41 KB,1118x640,559:320,done.png)

Still need a few minor details

But im satisfied for now, back to making the faerie village/cooking feature demo

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5624db No.28912

File: 32762aa5777c246⋯.png (259.69 KB,1517x896,1517:896,smug animu faeries.png)

I can't remember where i stopped, i wish i made more comments on the code...

Now that i look back the entire INN took only two months, i seemed like it was much more than that

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5624db No.28916

File: 863c76202ee7783⋯.gif (3.37 MB,388x388,1:1,just like make game.gif)

This is an exciting project to watch evolve. Good stuff, OP.

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5624db No.28917


Thanks brah

Im betting everything on this project, i can't wait to reach the point i will be able to drop my shitty job and focus on this 100%

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5624db No.28924

File: 0310022df55a02a⋯.png (240.54 KB,1504x863,1504:863,implementing jobs.png)

Implementing Job room construction

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5624db No.28926

File: 99614d92892ee9b⋯.png (144.96 KB,1505x864,1505:864,progress.png)

Making and destroying rooms implemented

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5624db No.28927

File: 8fe906acecd9719⋯.png (222.42 KB,1505x859,1505:859,faeries.png)

Faeries lay eggs now

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19c74f No.28933

File: 35c4abe6df88536⋯.png (344.35 KB,1506x957,502:319,selected tiyu.png)

File: cc4cde6d53d7693⋯.png (293.66 KB,1508x865,1508:865,selected yana.png)


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19c74f No.28941

File: 4e70d8da624994c⋯.jpg (98.52 KB,1200x675,16:9,satania hyper.jpg)


30 last days on my crappy job

I will be able to focus on this fulltime by 07/Jun

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19c74f No.28953

File: f0bbc05265fce7c⋯.webm (861.67 KB,1500x865,300:173,toosad.webm)

Great progress on the happiness/health system

health loss by starvation

happiness loss by overworking

need to implement sickness and death now

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19c74f No.28956

File: b1d8ed08849f66b⋯.webm (2.25 MB,1294x855,1294:855,faes.webm)

Faeries expressions now change

red downward arrow = harm from starvation

purple downward arrow = unhappiness from zero amenities/job preference

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6daf6c No.28968

It`s been 7 months and your game is still just a menu.

Where do the 3d buildings fit in?

This seems like a browser game. Are you sure Stardew Valley is your competition?

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19c74f No.28969

File: 83ae0d3487b36e5⋯.png (221.46 KB,940x380,47:19,everyday lite.png)

File: f509f232201364f⋯.png (206.53 KB,940x380,47:19,everyday life.png)


Im working on the feature demo for the two most UI heavy features, so i can show them standalone and people can play them as a game and give me feedback sooner, and by the way i just made the title for it

Lite is the feature demo

Life will be the game release

The 3D stuff will be on Unity, which my brother is working on (making the terrain system), these two features will be ported to Unity, i will reuse most of the Faerie System, but will have to remake most of the cooking, i will make a script language for the recipe archetypes, so new recipes types can be added by editing an external .txt file.

Just be patient, im leaving my job in 3 weeks to work fulltime on this.

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4a064b No.28971

Why 3D when your competition is the great looking 2D Stardew Valley?

Harvest Moon/Rune Factory sucked in 3D, pixel art is so much better.

It also doesn't seem like you're very good at 3d modeling if you took 2 months to complete a building.

forget about "fables of laetus", sounds generic and uninspired. Microsoft won't let you use "fables". Stick to everyday life

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19c74f No.28972

File: c50bc204cc1238a⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,3840x2160,16:9,botw3.jpg)

File: ff8321f4448572c⋯.jpg (53.9 KB,853x480,853:480,The-Witness-Full-Review_1.jpg)


>Why 3D when your competition is the great looking 2D Stardew Valley?

Do you think Stardew will be the only farmsim on PC forever? there will be more competition in the future, when i release my game it will have to beat anything that shows up.

>Harvest Moon/Rune Factory sucked in 3D, pixel art is so much better.

PS1 and handheld games are very limited by hardware, also 3D models are easier to animate

>It also doesn't seem like you're very good at 3d modeling if you took 2 months to complete a building.

Never said i was good, i used the INN to learn

I did it on the little free time i had

And all future buildings will be smaller, this one was the largest and the more important building

Laetus is the name for the franchise, im in for the long run.

Im aiming for this level of graphics, doing equivalent to this on pixel art would require a godly artist, and i can't afford it

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4a064b No.28973


The graphic level you're aiming is pretty high (botw and the witness), it'd also require a godly artist.

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19c74f No.28974


My brother is helping on this part, he is currently making a terrain system with BotW grass, the scale of the game is also much smaller than BotW

We will get close to it for sure

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4a064b No.28975


Why add grass now? Add it later, it's just cosmetics.

Just get him to make a flat patch of land where you can put your inn and recreate the menus into the game.

That inn looks like it belongs in a very big city. It also needs two more buildings connected to it, apparently (weird decision). Any plans for the rest of the city?

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19c74f No.28976


He is making a system that places props automatically based on the terrain material/biome

He will sell the system on the Unity store when its done

The center of the town will have taller buildings, in the game lore the settlement was planned to be a bigger city, but they lost most of the population.

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19c74f No.28978

File: 25d8e60a4e449e5⋯.png (310.71 KB,1503x861,501:287,faes hospital.png)

Implementing active effects of

>hospital (stabilizes one sick faerie, heals twice as fast)

>school (increases Cunning, Wisdom or Luck

>gym (gets fit + Endurance, Dexterity or Agility

>nursery (forces faerie to lay an egg, the new faerie can inherit traits and stats)

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19c74f No.28985

File: 9f9b690426465d0⋯.webm (1.95 MB,1503x860,1503:860,popup.webm)

Implementing special job actions

>select faerie [done]

>block faerie from being moved/block jobwindow from being changed [doing]

>fire jobeffect event [next]

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19c74f No.28986

File: 491df97529253ef⋯.jpg (145.98 KB,1152x1150,576:575,bored.jpg)


oh great the webm didn't record the popup window

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19c74f No.28996

File: 2281cad930cf088⋯.png (305.16 KB,1505x862,1505:862,blocking on event.png)

Special job actions for hospital, school, gym and nursery = 65% complete

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19c74f No.28999

File: 1a8313686812b1e⋯.jpg (405.6 KB,850x1436,425:718,faerie.jpg)

Hospital, Nursery, School and Gym 100% done now

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eac4b6 No.29003

File: 3f2120e2d560808⋯.webm (3.55 MB,1501x861,1501:861,deathanimation.webm)

Lodsa progress on tiny things and bug fixes

Job room damage and repair tomorrow

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eac4b6 No.29010

File: 57ad99589797fc7⋯.webm (2.21 MB,1503x861,501:287,damage.webm)

Working on building damage, if village culture is under the building culture requirement or the maximum number of buildings has been exceeded the buildings take damage

Buildings repair slowly and randomly if culture and infrastructure are maxed

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eac4b6 No.29012

File: a5bfd42e81a8457⋯.jpg (208.05 KB,400x600,2:3,qt fairy.jpg)


Faeries don't have genitals, instead they hold hands and transfer genetic code in the form of a mana flow, if a faerie accumulates enough genetic code it produce an egg with mixed genetic information from other faeries and her own converted from mana frequency to DNA. This means faeries are unnable to generate offspring if they are locked into an anti-magic zone, which makes they instinctively settle arround leylines and evade low magic areas.

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0f9e4b No.29014

File: 666093e044da98b⋯.jpg (57.35 KB,587x508,587:508,stopp es boner.jpg)


>instead they hold hands and transfer genetic code

>hold hands


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eac4b6 No.29015

Made a blog for the normies when im ready to launch the demo

I will still post here more though


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eac4b6 No.29020

File: a3256588d3c7192⋯.webm (2.3 MB,1503x856,1503:856,crafting.webm)

Crafting done, faeries can now make items that upgrade existing buildings

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94116a No.29021


>hand holding as means of procreation


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eac4b6 No.29022

File: 04fde3b0b13a806⋯.jpg (139.53 KB,850x1088,25:32,crazy clown.jpg)


Just wait until you see what i have for Elves and Orcs

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eac4b6 No.29033

Added lore for Humans, Fae and Dracari, check the blog, this sunday im posting about the 26 elements im not kidding

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eac4b6 No.29054

File: f6781b663eb0106⋯.png (215.59 KB,700x700,1:1,elemental lotus.png)

Only 10 days before i can leave my job and concentrate on gamdev

But for now i have some new lore about the elements!

Check the blog to learn more

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eac4b6 No.29085

File: 2c03fbb552a2d1e⋯.jpg (710.2 KB,800x1000,4:5,how to treat your elf.jpg)

Lorefaggotry Wednedsay, on Orcs and Elves


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eac4b6 No.29109

File: 81e8d99af3cd31c⋯.png (318.95 KB,840x920,21:23,Elemental Lotus Explained.png)

File: fa0603ec9871c7d⋯.png (377.83 KB,1200x1200,1:1,world creation described.png)

World creation explained, more tomorrow on the blog

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eac4b6 No.29135

File: 1260e586312cd37⋯.png (312.14 KB,1200x1200,1:1,gobos.png)

Lore about Gobos is online

This is my last week at work, progress will be faster starting from next week

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47fa3d No.29141


That goblin bellow is actually pretty cool. I like the spike eyebrows. The goblin (or orc?) on the right could be some commander/chief.

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706e5c No.29142


heh, that was quite the read anon, not quite subtle, but entertaining to read nontheless.

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eac4b6 No.29166

File: c394a454784beae⋯.gif (289.73 KB,446x327,446:327,fairy pokemon.gif)


The Hoblins (spiked eyebrows) are usually the leaders, the Ogroblins (fat one) are stupid and can only think about devouring


Thanks for reading, i wish i could make it more subtle, but i still have to improve my writing a lot, never actually tried to write lore or stories seriously before

Sorry for neglecting the thread guys, been very focused on deving and kinda forgot to post here.

Finishing the Job Upgrade system this week and Faerie Lore comming out tomorrow

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989daa No.29173


>Can't connect


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eac4b6 No.29176


strange, the maintenance was yesterday, it is working just fine for me.

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eac4b6 No.29186

File: 0e63a4403338ba5⋯.png (70.59 KB,725x725,1:1,timeline.png)

Timeline, full post tomorrow

Finished 91 items for the item upgrade system, im now implementing the more unique effects some items have

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eac4b6 No.29191

File: d246d49a7fd302e⋯.png (574.87 KB,1200x900,4:3,map of grantera prewar nol….png)

File: 3cae2701b1d6022⋯.png (606.49 KB,1200x900,4:3,map of grantera poswar nol….png)

File: dea40a3b37eec4e⋯.png (648.45 KB,1200x900,4:3,map of grantera prewar.png)

File: 62c21eb48e0ce54⋯.png (626.83 KB,1200x900,4:3,map of grantera poswar.png)

Lore Sunday: Founding of Edengrall


We finally reached the point in lore that describes the beggining of the game

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eac4b6 No.29197

File: 375febad20c9daa⋯.gif (279.64 KB,211x185,211:185,dwarf.gif)

Dwarf lore added

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eac4b6 No.29217

File: 677df1c031ed76c⋯.png (157.51 KB,1519x1020,1519:1020,log with tags and shit1.png)

File: cf4aa1ea78c3f11⋯.png (164.42 KB,1519x1020,1519:1020,log with tags and shit2.png)

Log System finished, now i need to finish

>Random event system

>Integrate Cooking System inventory with the village

>Finish the last job active effects that require the above

>Make a main menu

>Diffuculty settings


>Sound and music

And minor stuff here and there

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eac4b6 No.29219

File: 2964c315fb965b8⋯.webm (5.09 MB,854x503,854:503,grass.webm)

Currently making the Faerie Village event system

Check the blog for the friday report

Also my brother is making the terrain system for the fullgame, here his grass demo, the code runs in the shader, we havent tested in large scale, but will probably run pretty fast.

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eac4b6 No.29220

File: 9437889aadb9418⋯.webm (2.56 MB,638x532,319:266,balls.webm)

My brother posted a new progress webm without telling me, here reposting

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eac4b6 No.29225

File: a830a1e445b0358⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB,626x512,313:256,a830a1e445b0358f841dc41a22….mp4)

New grass technology!

I have almost finished the event/alert/log systems and everything integrated, will be done this week

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eac4b6 No.29227

File: 1c81257a98e30ea⋯.webm (2.93 MB,1500x863,1500:863,alerts and log.webm)

Forgot to post this yesterday

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eac4b6 No.29228

File: 08f15fd3ee624c1⋯.png (383.78 KB,559x799,559:799,new icons.png)

Remaking the cooking inventory, new icons are in place, but most are still being remade

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eac4b6 No.29234

File: 4792b9a0f187276⋯.webm (2.08 MB,1760x857,1760:857,drag and drop food.webm)

Ingredients drag and drop, can be dragged to another ingredient of exact same type to merge stacks

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eac4b6 No.29245

File: fc29adc0b2a75d8⋯.png (199.21 KB,1046x382,523:191,Map of the Dracari Horde.png)

New lore post

Im currently making new tooltips for the ingredients, will be finishing the integration between the faerie village and the cooking system this week

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eac4b6 No.29247

File: 0ffe8f7eb5224e3⋯.png (362.61 KB,549x721,549:721,gay tastes.png)

New ingredient tooltip

This took longer than expected

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eac4b6 No.29255

Implementing the last jobs (which required integration with the cooking system)

In two weeks or so i should be dropping a somewhat playable version

Then i will start working on getting sounds, pretty UI, save/load, title screen, options and difficulty settings

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a700e8 No.29267

File: c53396d22b1a056⋯.webm (1.94 MB,1504x860,376:215,ingredients animated.webm)

Lore post about the Alldrasils today

Also made some great progress in the food related faerie jobs, there is animation and shit for ingredient gathering

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a700e8 No.29273

File: 64ba035b223d338⋯.png (76.18 KB,310x235,62:47,expeditions.png)


Making the faerie expedition feature

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a700e8 No.29281

File: e18bb57018f1284⋯.png (145 KB,800x400,2:1,Map of the Alldrasian Repu….png)

Last lore post for quite a few months

Im now focusing fully on the demo, and will probably be able to release by September 1st.

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a700e8 No.29308

File: 8908feee24ef497⋯.png (331.77 KB,1520x896,95:56,exploration.png)

almost finished with the expeditions

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a700e8 No.29314

File: b7d18b0ceeda7dc⋯.png (97.09 KB,250x250,1:1,tired konata.png)


The amount of bugs and shit im finding is a bit overwhelming, but expected due to the size of the expedition + battle system, hopefully will be done in 2 to 3 days

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a700e8 No.29322

File: 232cc47e146b704⋯.png (147.51 KB,1518x898,759:449,exp back.png)

File: 5e77503b9b7867a⋯.png (214.79 KB,1518x898,759:449,exp going.png)

shit is working, next the patrol system

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3f7c51 No.29347


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a700e8 No.29348

File: f4ad1420050cfbd⋯.png (101.35 KB,438x288,73:48,new icons.png)


Thanks anon

Just finished the Event system with custom scripting and shit

I will write the documentation on it tomorrow for the Friday Report so anyone will be able to make events by adding a new line to the events.txt

Also new icons, my artist just finished them

107/215 done

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a700e8 No.29353

File: fd92e2402acd789⋯.webm (2.07 MB,829x803,829:803,fd92e2402acd78938eca512a1….webm)

Brother improved the grass system, now with particles!

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a6f7e8 No.29358

Just remembered this existed!

I'm going to read the thread, since I haven't this summer, but would you mind posting a summary of what progress you've made in the past several months? Summaries of my work always make help me.

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a700e8 No.29360


I finished both the cooking system and the faerie village which got so feature creeped, it became a game on its own im now doing the finishing touches for the release of this standalone demo, stuff like a main menu, options panel, save/load and game over/victory

For detailed every week progress check the blog, i make a report every friday: http://fablesoflaetus.com/

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a700e8 No.29364

File: eed9d6386dc85ca⋯.png (95.84 KB,418x285,22:15,newicons.png)

friday report is online

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a700e8 No.29366

File: 9f85072e8200ac5⋯.png (10.44 KB,531x339,177:113,sad gondola.png)

My PC is dying, if i disappear for a few days it means it died and i will be buying a new one, everything is properly backuped, so no worries about losing progress at least.

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a700e8 No.29371

File: f91fe2d2a9d3152⋯.png (436 KB,1028x721,1028:721,spicemix.png)

Ok good, my PC is behaving a bit better now, might be able to keep it for a few more weeks, but if anything happens im keeping backups updated

Also look at this Gay spice

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a700e8 No.29384

friday update is up and shit

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a700e8 No.29398

File: 0855e94ca16fa83⋯.mp4 (8.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,Sound Test.mp4)

Sounds are up, making save/load now

Friday update soon, just finishing some stuff first

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a700e8 No.29400

Fuck just noticed the popups and tooltips were not recorded, im using window recording on OBS studio, can't figure out how to make them show

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435803 No.29402


>im using window recording on OBS studio, can't figure out how to make them show

Window recording is optimized to only care about the window contents or something, you have to use display recording. Or just use shareX or something.

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a700e8 No.29403


oh thanks, gonna give it a try

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5660a1 No.29421


Did not work, but whatever

Friday report is online!


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5660a1 No.29424

File: ac8f9f8cf3406d9⋯.webm (6.11 MB,920x546,460:273,Grass LOD.webm)

Bro made some progress on the grass system

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5660a1 No.29435

File: dd74c0d8ed9ecb9⋯.jpg (389.61 KB,850x1070,85:107,smug faerie.jpg)

Making the Options panel, sound and music volume already functional

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5660a1 No.29439

File: c60beee3cfdcfe6⋯.png (13.42 KB,460x436,115:109,options.png)

Options panel done, my PC is dying, i bought a new one, but it will only arrive next week

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5660a1 No.29450

The game has 5 basic initial setups/difficulties

They are customizable and users can make their own starter setups

>Sandbox: 6 starter faeries, max resources, infinite of all foods with max quality and refreshing freshness every morning

>Easy: 6 faeries, plenty starter resources, infinite water, bakingpowder and salt. Plenty gain, fruit and spices to start with

>Normal: 5 faeries, plenty starter resources, infinite water, bakingpowder and salt, good amount of starter grain and veggies

>Hard: 4 faeries, some starter resources, infinite water, and salt, some starter grain

>Lunatic: 3 weak faeries, very low starter resources, infinite water, and salt, small portions of starter grain, also only one starter builting

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5660a1 No.29458

File: 90351436ecd2919⋯.png (13.86 KB,407x385,37:35,optionpanel.png)

Implementing localization, adding new languages after im finished removing all the hardcoded text will be very easy

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5660a1 No.29469

New PC arrived! Transfering (almost) all my stuff to the new PC

Then i will resume the translations, there won't be a lot of interesting progress this week.

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5660a1 No.29480

nothing much to report, finishing to translate some files i forgot and fixing bugs

11 days to release

My artist is getting a visit from hurricane Maria, so the main screen won't be ready soon

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62325f No.29491

Big problem, my house's power grid is fucked, phone battery is low

Won't be able to do this Friday's update

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2b7e9b No.29492

Everything is alright, well almost everything, we have replaced everything that burned in the power spike, back to development, i will work a bit extra so there shouldn't be any delays because of this.

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2b7e9b No.29500

Alpha release


please tell me how much my minigame sucks so i can make it better

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2b7e9b No.29506

File: 80b3097686b5062⋯.png (213.06 KB,1533x923,1533:923,colors.png)

File: 530d02657badd89⋯.png (233.78 KB,1533x923,1533:923,title.png)

Improving the UI, tomorrow i will try to add a mini tutorial since people doesn't seem to know how to feed yourself

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2b7e9b No.29520

File: 1c3e9cf709a51aa⋯.png (220.79 KB,1534x920,767:460,title.png)

Alpha 1.0 release tomorrow

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2b7e9b No.29530

File: ec2c38cedd9df1b⋯.png (103.87 KB,1100x350,22:7,roadmap.png)

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2b7e9b No.29593

File: 4bec61efaa3cea9⋯.png (220.68 KB,1532x919,1532:919,mods.png)

Working on a mod manager now

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2b7e9b No.29631

File: 36d7601b7f456ec⋯.png (104.95 KB,800x600,4:3,modmanager.png)

Mod manager 50% done

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d9d4e4 No.29691

File: 5e0387ecec33077⋯.png (161.01 KB,800x600,4:3,tooltip.png)

Mod manager finished and working

Changed the save file structure to allow for a tooltip to be quickly loaded showing the save file details

Now i can start implementing the last feature headpats or focus on getting the game on steam for free, this is just the demo after all

Hard to decide

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4f6791 No.29692

I'll try out the demo when I get home in a few hours and let you know what I think

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d9d4e4 No.29693


Thanks man, the links should still be up for the old version (1.00), the 1.10 will be done in 10 or so days

All feedback is welcome

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c299d0 No.29695


Two immediate and minor things I've noticed are that a building should be able to tell you what it does without being crewed, the action button is greyed out when empty.

Additionally when double clicking on an item to get a context menu (I suggest changing to right click) it would be great if the menu disappeared if you clicked somewhere else instead of forcing you to click quit.

Additionally I had fairies get sick and had no idea #1 how to determine which were sick and #2 how to get culture to get a hospital.

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d9d4e4 No.29696

Oh shit i missed the thread Aniversary, well its 1 year and 3 days old

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d9d4e4 No.29697


Unless i forgot to add it i remember the buildings having tooltips, im sure i added tooltips to the action button too

I have added the context menu suggestion to the TODO list, will be done on v1.10

If your food reserves are empty (the food resource bar) the faeries starve and get sick, they can also get sick through events (plagues and invasions), these give a warning and show on the log

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c299d0 No.29698


>Unless i forgot to add it i remember the buildings having tooltips, im sure i added tooltips to the action button too

There is a tooltip over the action button yes, and over the name it tells you what attributes it uses, but the former only works when the building has fairies in it.

>If your food reserves are empty (the food resource bar) the faeries starve and get sick, they can also get sick through events (plagues and invasions), these give a warning and show on the log

Wait so is sick a binary thing for your village? Your village is sick/is not sick? I assumed it was a status a single or multiple fairies held.

Also I just noticed I said 2 things in my prior post and listed 3. Sorry about that.

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c299d0 No.29699


I started the demo up again to doublecheck I wasn't wrong about the action button tooltip (I wasn't) and came up with some more suggestions.

You should probably be able to cancel "Tasks" on the day you give them, so if you're going through your buildings and realize you need something further down more after you have already started say, a hunt that turn, you should be able to cancel it.

The bar on the side of the building getting a tooltip would likely be helpful too.

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6a8fc1 No.29700

Damn bro, you're a machine.

I'm working on an idle type game I intend to put on steam as well. I'll be following the thread and hoping for frequent updates on your game and your experience with the whole process.

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d9d4e4 No.29701

File: d12d77da91cc726⋯.png (21.16 KB,134x133,134:133,sickness.png)


You need Faeries working on the building for the action to be available.

No, sickness is individual, the faeries who are sick have a red face like pic related, when the village has no food all faeries lose health, the less health a faerie has the higher is the chance of sickness, the faerie traits also increase or decrease chance of sickess


I will have to think a lot to check if adding a cancel button won't open the window for a ton of exploits, some jobs like Expeditions (Outpost) and Patrols (tower) would require a ton of modifications to allow canceling (the faeries literally leave the village temporarily for these)

Added the tooltip to the sidebar to the TODO list, anything specific you expect from it? im thinking of adding stuff like "low efficiency" when its under 20%, "maximum efficiency" at 100%, etc...


One thing that bothered me about the Steam registration is that you need bank information and you have to fill tax forms even if you are going to release it for free like i will do for this one.

Also just released the friday update 21


Also my artist is almost finishing the title screen, i will finally be able to replace that boring gradient

Also i would like to know what you guys think of the cooking system

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d9d4e4 No.29702

File: f5d54e5f4a2b40e⋯.png (312.49 KB,720x720,1:1,fucking no.png)


Also i noticed i used "Also" 3 times in a row


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4f6791 No.29703


>You need Faeries working on the building for the action to be available.

Yes, and a tooltip to tell you what the action, that youcan't currently use, would be useful.

>No, sickness is individual, the faeries who are sick have a red face like pic related

OK, I suspected that but could not find anything to confirm it. Some written feedback (tooltip on hovering over the portrait?) would make it much more clear.

>I will have to think a lot to check if adding a cancel button won't open the window for a ton of exploits

Perhaps have cancellation be an option only for things that don't give you anything instantly?

>Added the tooltip to the sidebar to the TODO list, anything specific you expect from it?

Feedback on what exactly different percentages does, and a breakdown of how much each fairy contributes.


>Modifies how much produce you get from the great harvest. Mia 40% Toyota 15% Hiroshima 32%

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d9d4e4 No.29705


Oh, i just noticed the tooltips do not show on disabled buttons, sorry i will find a solution for this

Notes taken for everything else, i will improve the faerie tooltip

I just noticed i forgot to answer about how to get culture for >>29695

The best way to increase culture is opening a school, but theater also gives a ton of culture, apothecary, atelier and workshop give a bit too

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4f6791 No.29706


Mentioning somewhere that schools give culture would be useful. I don't think it was in the tooltip but I might be wrong.

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d9d4e4 No.29707


It is on the building tooltip, not on the Acttion tooltip, the culture development is passive as long as there are faeries working on the building


>Trains mental attributes, develops culture, prevents sickness and accidents

>|Lecture Faerie|

>Permanently increases the mental attributes of a Faerie.

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d9d4e4 No.29708

The way WPF handles popups opened by double click is glitched as fuck, im struggling to make the autoclose (when clickling outside) work without bugging it

It seems like the entire window loses focus permanently if the popup loses focus, but its working for all other popups, i also switched all double click popups to open on right click, and the previous right click tooltip (which split food stacks) is now the only one that opens on double click

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6a8fc1 No.29709


I watched some videos on promotion for indie games and one of them said to create a page on gamejolt and itch.io. Have you done this or can you say anything more about it? I browsed gamejolt for a bit and it seems to have a decent userbase and the competition isn't so bad. Maybe 10% of the games have something going for them in terms of originality or style.

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6a8fc1 No.29710

Also you have a good taste in sound effects from what I've seen on the webms. Juice all that shit up. Audio is 33% of a game I think and satisfying feedback another 33%. Animate and put satisfying small sounds on everything that matters.

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d9d4e4 No.29711


I will make some vids as soon as i finish the last feature headpats and make the Steam version

The 2 main songs are custom made, i paid a good buck for them to make sure i would have a comfy OST, only the gameover music is one of these you can use for free i found online

The sounds are almost all edited versions of public domain sounds

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d9d4e4 No.29718

File: 041e6ff88eb70d3⋯.png (50.04 KB,306x293,306:293,headpat1.png)

File: fa8d0d2f97a27b1⋯.png (58.77 KB,306x293,306:293,headpat2.png)

File: 58c182246bce7bf⋯.png (60.2 KB,306x293,306:293,headpat3.png)

Added Headpats, each Faerie has a prefered headpat, you can guess it based on their traits

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913120 No.29734


heck yes

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d9d4e4 No.29735


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d9d4e4 No.29736

File: 723acdde71b42a2⋯.png (2.89 MB,1427x920,1427:920,title screen.png)

fuck, forgot image

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994be2 No.29739


logo is horribly low-res, can't you see it?

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d9d4e4 No.29740


im fixing it right now, just need to remember the name of the font i used

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d9d4e4 No.29743

File: 3bc222ea61723ee⋯.png (172.59 KB,1200x520,30:13,new title.png)

New Logo

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d9d4e4 No.29744

File: d93b83a8fdddf3b⋯.png (3.28 MB,1535x990,307:198,everyday lite title 2.png)


Changed the gradient

How does it look?

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6db566 No.29746


Could you try a version with everything overlaid on top at like 15-20% bigger? Name, logo, menu, all slightly bigger. Opinion: Also, try a version with everything off center, like use the rule of thirds. Yours is currently reading as way too symmetrical.

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994be2 No.29748



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d9d4e4 No.29749


i tried a few other configurations, but i personally like this one more


i can't find out how to do it in WPF, the Unity version will be better

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df1ea7 No.29764


The background image looks great, so great job if you drew it, but the logo needs some aliasing. It needs to look a bit smoother.

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d9d4e4 No.29769

File: 5078c3d72521430⋯.png (169.53 KB,1200x520,30:13,new title2.png)


I tried fixing it, but i have no idea how to do it, i don't think Paint dot net even has an option for it

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d9d4e4 No.29773

Got accepted on steamworks! Steam version confirmed for November 31th!

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c299d0 No.29774

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d9d4e4 No.29775

File: 8ab1298c56c2ed5⋯.jpg (12.14 KB,448x252,16:9,fap.jpg)



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3854f5 No.29776

File: fc8fa218c07752b⋯.png (220.38 KB,2738x1202,1369:601,everyday_lite.png)


Played a little bit with your logo. You may use it if you like it.

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d9d4e4 No.29778


Thanks, but i like the light gradient and the shadows i got on mine

I will get my artist to fix the title up later

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d9d4e4 No.29782

1.10 launch today, after i squash a few final bugs

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d9d4e4 No.29787

File: 209575150f5389e⋯.jpg (33.26 KB,300x300,1:1,happy finger.jpg)

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f81791 No.29837

File: a62ee292b303e36⋯.png (93.44 KB,641x284,641:284,new cions.png)

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f81791 No.29839

File: 8a517ea71a2c367⋯.png (729.05 KB,1538x927,1538:927,cooking.png)

File: ec2c38cedd9df1b⋯.png (103.87 KB,1100x350,22:7,roadmap.png)

For any anons coming here for the first time by the demoday and stuff i will give a quick explanation

Everyday Lite is a vertical slice of the actual game im making Everyday Life, which will be the farm sim with the deepest features ever made, this demo is a showcase of the Cooking and Faerie Village they will be your farm helpers integrated into a game, it has modding support to make it a statement that the final game will be extremely moddable.

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7a8d22 No.29879


It's a cute game, but I'm completely lost. All I ended up doing was giving each of the fairies a good head pat each day and then making random shit in the kitchen. How do you add fairies to each section of the village? I thought maybe you clicked and dragged them over, but that's apparently not how. Also, when I tried that it played the "Nuh-uh-uh!" sound like nuts.

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f81791 No.29880


Drag them into the building slots, but if the faeries are angry or too tired they will refuse to work

If you spent too many days without giving them a job they probably didn't produce anything and are starving

You can feed them by double clicking food and choosing "Feed Faeries"

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f6f218 No.29881


Do you have a brief list of statistic interactions somewhere? I feel like this is more an issue of my ignorance than anything else, but I can't figure out what's causing 'Amenities' to drop whenever I choose to give food to fairies. I thought it might be because I was giving them failed or low quality foods at first, but it seemed to lower even when I gave them something well made.

As for bigger issues, for some reason I'm not getting any sound at all, I'm using win 7 os and it's not showing the game as outputting audio on any channels at all, the audio files all seem to be there and play normally otherwise, but not through the game.


The 'tutorial tips' buttons don't seem to function correctly, one (or sometimes both?) appear highlighted and clickable, after clicking either button it becomes greyed out and unclickable without making the other button clickable until the menu is re-opened.

I somehow made a corrupted save file. No idea how at this moment, but some things that might have triggered it were: two buildings completed at the same time and the first building displayed '120% completion'; made some very weird food items that I don't remember clearly (though it doesn't seem to be lack of an item icon that causes the crash, I checked if that might be the cause but I was able to load another save normally with 'no icon available' food items).

Looking further into this, it's probably the buildings, normally it's impossible to start a second building while one is already in progress, but immediately upon loading a save with a building in progress it becomes possible. If you save and reload at that point, the second in-progress building will disappear, but if you continue playing without saving and loading it can go over 100% completion. I haven't checked it out exhaustively and I've been unable to reproduce another broken save, but I was able to make multiple buildings complete that started at the same time by saving and loading after one of the two completed, then moving one day forward (i.e. first building completes, second at 100%+ > save/load > one complete and one incomplete building at 100% > next day > two complete buildings). I went to test this further in sand-box and it seems the 'build' icon only appears available for a second on sandbox and easy before greying out as it should, it occurs on all other difficulties though.

There are some other small things I've noted but you might already be working towards getting some of these things done:

- It would be nice to be able to use the enter key for confirmation when splitting ingredients, it's kind of awkward to enter a value and then go back to the mouse for confirmation, more keyboard support in general would be a great feature. Additionally, it might be good to have the stack split pop-up appear whenever you drop a stack onto the table, since you need to specify amounts for just about every recipe, but perhaps it's a stylistically choice to have to take out the amount you need manually rather than automatically being asked to select quantity.

- Are you planning to make recipes obatinable in-game? I'm not very good at cooking, but I often have difficulty guessing at what processes have been abstracted and what processes haven't been even for simple recipes. Adventure bar story might be a good example of this, where you often get one recipe which shows you how they went about abstracting the cooking process for a particular type of dish and leave you to guess at what you can do by changing key ingredients, but on the other hand adventure bar story had some very extreme abstractions when it came to a lot of its recipes. Either way, with the depth of the recipes in this game it's more a matter of me being unable to cook than it is about the mechanics of making the food.

I think I'm forgetting some other small thing, but I might have to add it in later if I remember what that was.

Anyway I'm liking where the game is at now but I am a bit concerned about your profit projections, I don't think it's unfeasible to make a reasonable return on something like this, but you'll probably have to dip into the gaiafag autist crowd in order to bring in 4 digits worth of sales on a game this mechanically focused. Consider that you might need to put some really big numbers that continue to get bigger in somewhere if you want to make more sales without dumbing down the game, although frankly I'm much more in favour of practical numbers. Distinct level-up thresholds and notifications are a big factor in appealing to simpler crowds.

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f81791 No.29883


if you give them raw ingredients or food with overall value (the top score in the dish evaluation window) lower than 50 they will lose amenities because you forced them to eat something that tastes bad

did you try to increase the volume in the options? sounds is default at 50%, music 20%

if it still doesn't work i have no idea what is going on since i started developing the game on windows 7 too, check if you can play the individual sound files in the game folder

If at least one tip is disabled the "enable all" button unblocks, if at least one is enable the "disable all" unblocks

nice find on the build button, its a bug indeed, you should only be able to build one at a time, i will fix it next version

i will add keyboard support to the split stack popup, but i won't call it on drag since some times you just want to drag stuff quickly into the table to cook leftovers fast

At first i was going to add recipes as rewards for exploration and expedition (outpost building), but decided to leave them all there so users could get started on the cooking faster

The secret to a high score is balancing the tastes, keep them all (except for Savory that has no limit cap, and Spicy/Minty which cap at 40) as close as you can to 60, except for certain recipes, like Fruit Jam, where any salty taste lowers the scores

Each character in the game will have a different function to evaluate the taste, there may be characters who are not bothered by super spicy food, others will not tolerate sweets, etc... By the way, the Faeries have no hard cap on Sweet taste, you can go ballistic on the sugar when cooking for them, even if the score will be lower because the main character thinks its too sweet

Thank you very much for all feedback i will work on improving the game, and will release a new version soon

Also, don't build the Pet Pen, just found out about a crash on the Tame Pet button

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f81791 No.29884

Oh, and don't worry about profit, as long as i can eat and pay bills i will be happy to keep deving

Once the game goes from 2 features to a full 3D harvest moon/rune factory-like game people will flock to it, since the market for this kind of game on PC is not being supplied

I didn't expect Everyday Lite to attract people since its more of a proof of concept also a proof that i can actually dev something instead of promising shit on a kickstarter and never deliver anything It was not designed to be fun, just to show the depth of the features the final game will have. The final game will be designed to be fun above everything, don't worry

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078b3c No.29890

File: 10a803af8223bda⋯.jpg (358.81 KB,1200x1143,400:381,1bun976cj_FlavourPie_strai….jpg)

I found this on another shitposting site and thought you might be able to get some use or inspiration out of it. I have no idea how true it is.

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f81791 No.29894


I don't think this wheel is accurate, but thanks anyways

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123c05 No.29896

Hi, I really enjoyed reading your thread. Here's a few thoughts:

The art is pretty bad, it's like a few different artists with VERY DIFFERENT ART STYLES were involved, but I'm guessing it's not final. The whole thing looks weird by itself and would look even weirder inside a 3D farming sim. How are you going to do this, by the way? Is the game going to launch this menu in a separate window? Are you going to rebuild the menu in 3D? As in: Walk your character to the kitchen?

Why isn't the kitchen a building? Is it a magic fairy dimension?

This is barely playable. Was there supposed to be a tutorial? I tried starting a new game but none showed up.


This is very concerning. Why would you create so many methods that seem to do pretty much the same thing? You seem to be pretty new and programing and shouldn't start with such a complicated first project

You claim your game has detailed cooking, but that's a lie. Have you ever cooked? You don't just dump every ingredient together and "cook" it. Most dishes are cooked in several different stages. You can't just throw potatoes and meat on the frier to get steak and fries. COOKING MAMA is more realistic than your game.

The fact that you're using grams doesn't help either. Not because of the metric system, but because recipes usually usually say "half a cup of flour" instead of god knows how many grams.


This is concerning as well. It's been almost a year and all your brother did was grass. The 3d world should've been a priority. Just get a character walking around in a 3d world and build on top of that. That would be a real proof of concept, not this. Instead you spent a lot of time with this Lite thing that will have to be recreated in unity.


What is this? why did you make 3d buildings when there isn't a 3d world to put them in? There seems to be a serious lack of focus.

Sorry if I am a bit harsh, but it seems other people pointed some of these stuff out and you ignored them.

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f81791 No.29897


Feedback is always welcome, thanks for taking the time

As for the first point, which part of the art is bad? the icons? the title screen? its all made by the same guy, his art is quite inconsistent because he is still learning

In the final game the player will not access this cooking menu you see in this demo, you will walk up to the oven, or the pot, or whatever you want to use, choose the ingredients and method (i will reform the cooking system to include preparation method so i can have different dishes that use the exact same ingredients), the player will be able to leave stuff in the oven or pot and leave the house to do whatever he wants, as long as he remember to return before the food burns

There will also be an option to speed up time keeping the character in the kitchen so the food doesn't burn if you don't mind losing a few in-game minutes/hours

I forgot to enable the tips when i uploaded this version, you go on options and enable them

All dish templates will be script based when i transfer it to Unity, instead of hard-coded methods (yes they do different things) for easy modding and transparency since you folks want to see them so much

Show me a cooking system that allows any combination of ingredients to have a result, and also allow using a finished dish as ingredient for other recipes, cooking mama doesn't do that

My system is all about custom recipes, the methods do not describe one exact way to make a dish, but all possible ways to so such a dish and transform the ingredient values to reflect that

My brother is making a whole terrain system, not simply grass, also he is working full time, so he can only dev a bit per week, im the only one living on my savings while i dev.

All progress is still progress, focusing on a single feature can be exhausting, i needed to stop programming a bit when i made the INN because i was drained and frustrated

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f81791 No.29903

Oh boy im finding more crashes, this is embarrassing

I will probably release a fix tomorrow or on the 13th, depends how long it takes to fix these

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f81791 No.29918

Ok fixed the crashes, im now adding the changes suggested and a few other details, the release might be delayed to tomorrow, need to test it more

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f81791 No.29921

File: c177722989d3e28⋯.png (650.07 KB,951x908,951:908,cooking with gondola.png)

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4b2843 No.29926


First time im playing your game, it looks promising, i have a couple of suggestions

>highlight recipes that can be cooked (from available ingredients) in the ingredient list

>fix the situational height shift when clicking on recipes (scroll to the bottom, then click on a recipe in the upper half, you won't be able to click again on the same spot to collapse the recipe)

>give more explanations in tooltips, what determines how fast the next faerie is born?

The game needs more onboarding / tutorials in general, but that kind of thing is obviously rare in early demos.

I found the cooking system to be very overwhelming with the amount of options i have right away, without really knowing what they effect. I think you should streamline this at least a little bit, as other anons said, ingredient control right down to the gram might be a bit too much.

I also found a typo:

<Chance of repelling invations (invasions)

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f81791 No.29927

File: deba3fe626e6f76⋯.png (27.83 KB,635x566,635:566,new model.png)


I will no longer tune the UI on this version, since it will all be remade as i transfer the game to Unity moving away from .Net

All feedback from now on will be taken into consideration for the final game, but will take a while before you guys can see the results of that.

I have added your suggestions into the TODO list, i particularly liked the first suggestion, will be a feature in the final game

In the final game you will start with a more basic kitchen that will be slowly upgraded into an improved version of the current demo form, i will try to think of ways to open up and teach the player by example and hints without dropping a manual page with walls of text explaining everything

Faeries are born faster when the Faerie food reserves are full and your max housing is much higher than your current population

im currently remaking the main character model, into a more chibi-like style i think i will stretch these legs and feet though

Thank you for the feedback

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f81791 No.29947

File: c256539ef1843fa⋯.png (30.97 KB,719x836,719:836,model.png)

File: 105f6b47af3d2d7⋯.png (16.11 KB,719x836,719:836,model2.png)

The basic topology of the new model is finally done

I have decided to move away from full-chibi for the main chatacter

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f81791 No.29950

File: 50630544a5cabfd⋯.png (97.37 KB,489x516,163:172,locations.png)

File: 26978419bb1dd69⋯.png (100.73 KB,489x516,163:172,missions.png)

Location and mission icons done!

I will be sending this demo to Steam today

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f81791 No.29951

File: 39e75bf5e512e85⋯.gif (150.32 KB,400x267,400:267,vivi sleeping.gif)

Good news: just finished the steam page sent the game build to steam for review

bad news: minimum release date is December 6th instead of November 1st like i planned initially

The steam version has no new features, just the 13 new icons, i will probably release another standalone version on my blog with the 13 icons later.

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f81791 No.29956

File: 966d6fc6a4aa6b1⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,fun.mp4)

working hard!

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bc4628 No.29959


I'm no 3D man but looks cool anon.

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f81791 No.29964

File: 90d3eba48ab495c⋯.png (18.07 KB,800x600,4:3,problem6.png)

File: 0d4fd8cfe229ed0⋯.png (25.1 KB,800x600,4:3,problem8.png)

File: 02f69f2dd158870⋯.png (16.2 KB,800x600,4:3,problem11.png)

File: 48c063eff88c011⋯.png (19.1 KB,800x600,4:3,problem13.png)

File: faa5975b03e123d⋯.png (27.56 KB,800x600,4:3,problem16.png)


its full of flaws tho

im slowly fixing these

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f81791 No.29968

File: b3e21e9201064a3⋯.png (16.96 KB,800x600,4:3,dekopin.png)

File: 1295ab735d7f4ed⋯.png (18.36 KB,600x800,3:4,ohyeah.png)

Fixed almost all joints, some are being quite a puzzle to fix, but the hands are mostly done at least

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73a5f2 No.29970




Is your main character a shota, and if not, why not?

If yes, where can we help development?

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88220b No.29972

File: da74175783b1629⋯.jpg (85.7 KB,736x644,8:7,head.jpg)


Hey. The way that you're "supposed" to do bodies is by having 'loops' that follow the contours. It solves many problems down the line.

For blender etc, there's the http://www.makehuman.org software which sets this all up for you. It can generate the body for any age or sex. Or even alien etc.

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f81791 No.29973


Its an adult man, but multiple protag choices are planned and will be done after the main features are done

Next protagonist will be a girl, but a shota for third is not a bad idea, there will be plenty onee-sans for that nice /ss/


The face will be drawn, pokemon/megaman legends style, but this is useful to adjust the neck, thanks

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f81791 No.29975

File: 2708954a59600bc⋯.png (49.51 KB,795x868,795:868,a nuuu.png)

File: 09294c048d967ca⋯.png (50.18 KB,795x868,795:868,breeki.png)

File: 4f73337aa93b9f8⋯.png (44.11 KB,795x868,795:868,cheeki.png)

iv danke!

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f81791 No.29988

File: ec182d9cc35c650⋯.png (34.14 KB,662x814,331:407,textured.png)

textured body, face texture will be a different one, so i can swap the face texture to make expressions

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f81791 No.29992

File: f60e6de33605fa6⋯.png (64.94 KB,287x766,287:766,adam ok.png)


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f81791 No.29994

File: ed19529ed26e34d⋯.png (137.02 KB,571x566,571:566,adam.png)

remaking face

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12386c No.29996


>guild wars

>no results

Okay so since no one asked this yet, are you planning on replacing those food item icons that are ripped directly from Guild Wars 2 at some point? It might go unnoticed for a time but I don't think you'd want to risk any legal bullshit with whatever that developer is (arenanet or something?)

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f81791 No.29998


I did it several months ago, look


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f81791 No.30001

File: e74717d15080e6b⋯.png (518.71 KB,1043x738,1043:738,before and after.png)

Fixed Adam's face, now to make the most important part of the character by far

The hat

Yes, i am making the hat before the other clothes

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f81791 No.30005

File: f86fc5be7e62915⋯.png (71.76 KB,1080x858,180:143,adam garos don gran.png)

Need more details on the hat, what now?

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f81791 No.30012

File: c796139d93704e4⋯.png (213 KB,678x860,339:430,pants.png)

Now i need to attach the pants to the rig, since it deforms it will be much harder than the hat.

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a9cfdc No.30013


Looking good - I'm guessing the pants are a single model? If so, you should mark the seam along the side of the pant legs - it'll make the UV map more consistent (you can see the seam around where the underwear is)

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f81791 No.30014


Every piece of cloth is an object, im parenting them all on the same rig together with the body

I marked the seams of the pants as close as possible to the way i did on the body

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a9cfdc No.30015

File: cb51f1ee5c17008⋯.png (454.77 KB,1280x1280,1:1,pattern1.png)

File: e0d05c553937f03⋯.png (58.41 KB,624x576,13:12,pattern2.png)


You don't need to mark the seams close to the body, they're purely for the UV, so it won't affect the deformation of the mesh - try and match the UV map to a sewing pattern and the texture will come out cleaner

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f81791 No.30016


oh, i see, i was so worried about how it was deforming that i forgot to check if the texture was good

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f81791 No.30018

File: 9bbb767afd40713⋯.png (1.15 MB,1300x850,26:17,new pants.png)

Improved the pants UV map, texture and fixed the weights, so it doesn't get fucked up when the legs bend

Next shoes... or shirt?

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e7ae12 No.30023


Shoes should be the easier of the two - basically just 100% weight along the foot bone and simpler to model

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f81791 No.30028


the feet has 3 bones, it bends, im almost done with the boots, but since they are cowboy boots they go very high up, i will have to change the pants to give the option to have a boot over them, maybe with shape keys

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f81791 No.30032

File: e5ff3c1333c3e8c⋯.png (322.57 KB,1676x858,838:429,Adam long boots 1.png)

File: 69fec21bf5fe6d2⋯.png (286.74 KB,1676x858,838:429,Adam long boots 2.png)

Haha, now i can keep the same pants object, both with long boots and without by shrinking the pants into the legs through shape keys.

Next will be rigging the boots

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a6ae2a No.30037


For the belt you might want to keep the uv's together into big strips to reduce texture seams instead of cutting it up like that.

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f81791 No.30038


i was actually thinking of throwing all textures away and work with pure materials on Unity... but i will first test if they look good

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f81791 No.30043

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f81791 No.30044

File: b7c57be620a21ce⋯.png (860.55 KB,957x469,957:469,release.png)

Forgot image

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f81791 No.30047

Had to redo the rig because of a problem in the shoulders, im now remaking the weight painting in the pants because they got fucked during the rerigging

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f81791 No.30052

File: 88349e506d3fa12⋯.png (346.16 KB,1534x898,767:449,resources.png)

File: 0856515b8ac3eb9⋯.png (297.94 KB,1534x898,767:449,UI part 1.png)

Got plenty complaints about the lack of a tutorial, im making a small guide, but i will probably make a tutorial video later

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f81791 No.30072

File: ef454e3e149be5c⋯.png (113.7 KB,610x409,610:409,ultra tiny res.png)

As requested by steam players, i have added ultra tiny res support

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aeefcc No.30077


You may want to be weary about your shoulder topology because it will deform badly with how its setup. May not matter much if the character is tiny in comparison to the screen but just be weary of shoulder distortions when rigging. The arm to torso topology should not be at right angles. It should be one long curved line.

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f81791 No.30104


I already had to redo it once, it bends alright now

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56d86d No.30110

How many times do I need to go all out with my dream game before it doesn't turn to ashes in my mouth 2+ years into development and I scrap it all and start again?

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f81791 No.30112


Simple: never give up

Its working for me at least

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f81791 No.30116

File: 1792d81f8abb581⋯.jpg (99.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,kotoko happy.jpg)

Added a Faerie Village only official mod, for those who get tired of cooking after a while, get it on Steam

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f81791 No.30127

File: 3199d5038ea4e0e⋯.png (211.75 KB,1680x876,140:73,metarig.png)

Well found out mecanim hates the complex rig from rigify and refuses to be nice and play with it

So i had to delete it and redo, luckily i kept the metarig stashed away and this is now my rig, it worked on mecanim, so i guess im keeping it

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f81791 No.30148

File: d6264b046e61a2f⋯.png (76.37 KB,672x838,336:419,jacket.png)


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f81791 No.30342

Fixed a few bugs, version 1.21 is up on steam

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f81791 No.30411

File: 91e8f6759325738⋯.png (9.61 KB,437x774,437:774,butt.png)

Started the next model... im enjoying this more than i should

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67e2eb No.30446

File: 8d86a30df579197⋯.png (13.59 KB,666x800,333:400,butt1.png)

File: bfc5283357639fb⋯.png (24.07 KB,957x838,957:838,butt2.png)


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