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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
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File: 7e9cf7d119cfe84⋯.png (298.69 KB,1439x760,1439:760,cook.png)

5624db No.27922 [View All]

Im currently going all out with my dream game, will be a farming game inspired by Harvest Moon: Back to Nature and Breath of Fire 3

Top down, 3D models mostly, with some sprites here and there will made on Unity

The theme will be "comfy", the game will focus on stamina management instead of time unlike most games of the genres, there will be no combat at least until the 2nd expansion All farming/gathering/crafting mechanics will have higher depth than the usual for the genre

Also all villagers will be qt girls, marriage and romance won't be on the 1.0 version, but very very veeery close friendships will be possible, also every NPC will have a specific way to help on the farm if you get close enough to them (example: the slav girl will help only taking care of potatoes, and only if they are close to a squattable object like a fence)

My brother is working on the unity part while i make some of the features in standalone C# executables for showcase

The first system in working on is cooking (25% done), you can download the current version below


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f81791 No.29897


Feedback is always welcome, thanks for taking the time

As for the first point, which part of the art is bad? the icons? the title screen? its all made by the same guy, his art is quite inconsistent because he is still learning

In the final game the player will not access this cooking menu you see in this demo, you will walk up to the oven, or the pot, or whatever you want to use, choose the ingredients and method (i will reform the cooking system to include preparation method so i can have different dishes that use the exact same ingredients), the player will be able to leave stuff in the oven or pot and leave the house to do whatever he wants, as long as he remember to return before the food burns

There will also be an option to speed up time keeping the character in the kitchen so the food doesn't burn if you don't mind losing a few in-game minutes/hours

I forgot to enable the tips when i uploaded this version, you go on options and enable them

All dish templates will be script based when i transfer it to Unity, instead of hard-coded methods (yes they do different things) for easy modding and transparency since you folks want to see them so much

Show me a cooking system that allows any combination of ingredients to have a result, and also allow using a finished dish as ingredient for other recipes, cooking mama doesn't do that

My system is all about custom recipes, the methods do not describe one exact way to make a dish, but all possible ways to so such a dish and transform the ingredient values to reflect that

My brother is making a whole terrain system, not simply grass, also he is working full time, so he can only dev a bit per week, im the only one living on my savings while i dev.

All progress is still progress, focusing on a single feature can be exhausting, i needed to stop programming a bit when i made the INN because i was drained and frustrated

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f81791 No.29903

Oh boy im finding more crashes, this is embarrassing

I will probably release a fix tomorrow or on the 13th, depends how long it takes to fix these

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f81791 No.29918

Ok fixed the crashes, im now adding the changes suggested and a few other details, the release might be delayed to tomorrow, need to test it more

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f81791 No.29921

File: c177722989d3e28⋯.png (650.07 KB,951x908,951:908,cooking with gondola.png)

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4b2843 No.29926


First time im playing your game, it looks promising, i have a couple of suggestions

>highlight recipes that can be cooked (from available ingredients) in the ingredient list

>fix the situational height shift when clicking on recipes (scroll to the bottom, then click on a recipe in the upper half, you won't be able to click again on the same spot to collapse the recipe)

>give more explanations in tooltips, what determines how fast the next faerie is born?

The game needs more onboarding / tutorials in general, but that kind of thing is obviously rare in early demos.

I found the cooking system to be very overwhelming with the amount of options i have right away, without really knowing what they effect. I think you should streamline this at least a little bit, as other anons said, ingredient control right down to the gram might be a bit too much.

I also found a typo:

<Chance of repelling invations (invasions)

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f81791 No.29927

File: deba3fe626e6f76⋯.png (27.83 KB,635x566,635:566,new model.png)


I will no longer tune the UI on this version, since it will all be remade as i transfer the game to Unity moving away from .Net

All feedback from now on will be taken into consideration for the final game, but will take a while before you guys can see the results of that.

I have added your suggestions into the TODO list, i particularly liked the first suggestion, will be a feature in the final game

In the final game you will start with a more basic kitchen that will be slowly upgraded into an improved version of the current demo form, i will try to think of ways to open up and teach the player by example and hints without dropping a manual page with walls of text explaining everything

Faeries are born faster when the Faerie food reserves are full and your max housing is much higher than your current population

im currently remaking the main character model, into a more chibi-like style i think i will stretch these legs and feet though

Thank you for the feedback

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f81791 No.29947

File: c256539ef1843fa⋯.png (30.97 KB,719x836,719:836,model.png)

File: 105f6b47af3d2d7⋯.png (16.11 KB,719x836,719:836,model2.png)

The basic topology of the new model is finally done

I have decided to move away from full-chibi for the main chatacter

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f81791 No.29950

File: 50630544a5cabfd⋯.png (97.37 KB,489x516,163:172,locations.png)

File: 26978419bb1dd69⋯.png (100.73 KB,489x516,163:172,missions.png)

Location and mission icons done!

I will be sending this demo to Steam today

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f81791 No.29951

File: 39e75bf5e512e85⋯.gif (150.32 KB,400x267,400:267,vivi sleeping.gif)

Good news: just finished the steam page sent the game build to steam for review

bad news: minimum release date is December 6th instead of November 1st like i planned initially

The steam version has no new features, just the 13 new icons, i will probably release another standalone version on my blog with the 13 icons later.

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f81791 No.29956

File: 966d6fc6a4aa6b1⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,fun.mp4)

working hard!

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bc4628 No.29959


I'm no 3D man but looks cool anon.

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f81791 No.29964

File: 90d3eba48ab495c⋯.png (18.07 KB,800x600,4:3,problem6.png)

File: 0d4fd8cfe229ed0⋯.png (25.1 KB,800x600,4:3,problem8.png)

File: 02f69f2dd158870⋯.png (16.2 KB,800x600,4:3,problem11.png)

File: 48c063eff88c011⋯.png (19.1 KB,800x600,4:3,problem13.png)

File: faa5975b03e123d⋯.png (27.56 KB,800x600,4:3,problem16.png)


its full of flaws tho

im slowly fixing these

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f81791 No.29968

File: b3e21e9201064a3⋯.png (16.96 KB,800x600,4:3,dekopin.png)

File: 1295ab735d7f4ed⋯.png (18.36 KB,600x800,3:4,ohyeah.png)

Fixed almost all joints, some are being quite a puzzle to fix, but the hands are mostly done at least

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73a5f2 No.29970




Is your main character a shota, and if not, why not?

If yes, where can we help development?

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88220b No.29972

File: da74175783b1629⋯.jpg (85.7 KB,736x644,8:7,head.jpg)


Hey. The way that you're "supposed" to do bodies is by having 'loops' that follow the contours. It solves many problems down the line.

For blender etc, there's the http://www.makehuman.org software which sets this all up for you. It can generate the body for any age or sex. Or even alien etc.

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f81791 No.29973


Its an adult man, but multiple protag choices are planned and will be done after the main features are done

Next protagonist will be a girl, but a shota for third is not a bad idea, there will be plenty onee-sans for that nice /ss/


The face will be drawn, pokemon/megaman legends style, but this is useful to adjust the neck, thanks

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f81791 No.29975

File: 2708954a59600bc⋯.png (49.51 KB,795x868,795:868,a nuuu.png)

File: 09294c048d967ca⋯.png (50.18 KB,795x868,795:868,breeki.png)

File: 4f73337aa93b9f8⋯.png (44.11 KB,795x868,795:868,cheeki.png)

iv danke!

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f81791 No.29988

File: ec182d9cc35c650⋯.png (34.14 KB,662x814,331:407,textured.png)

textured body, face texture will be a different one, so i can swap the face texture to make expressions

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f81791 No.29992

File: f60e6de33605fa6⋯.png (64.94 KB,287x766,287:766,adam ok.png)


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f81791 No.29994

File: ed19529ed26e34d⋯.png (137.02 KB,571x566,571:566,adam.png)

remaking face

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12386c No.29996


>guild wars

>no results

Okay so since no one asked this yet, are you planning on replacing those food item icons that are ripped directly from Guild Wars 2 at some point? It might go unnoticed for a time but I don't think you'd want to risk any legal bullshit with whatever that developer is (arenanet or something?)

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f81791 No.29998


I did it several months ago, look


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f81791 No.30001

File: e74717d15080e6b⋯.png (518.71 KB,1043x738,1043:738,before and after.png)

Fixed Adam's face, now to make the most important part of the character by far

The hat

Yes, i am making the hat before the other clothes

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f81791 No.30005

File: f86fc5be7e62915⋯.png (71.76 KB,1080x858,180:143,adam garos don gran.png)

Need more details on the hat, what now?

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f81791 No.30012

File: c796139d93704e4⋯.png (213 KB,678x860,339:430,pants.png)

Now i need to attach the pants to the rig, since it deforms it will be much harder than the hat.

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a9cfdc No.30013


Looking good - I'm guessing the pants are a single model? If so, you should mark the seam along the side of the pant legs - it'll make the UV map more consistent (you can see the seam around where the underwear is)

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f81791 No.30014


Every piece of cloth is an object, im parenting them all on the same rig together with the body

I marked the seams of the pants as close as possible to the way i did on the body

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a9cfdc No.30015

File: cb51f1ee5c17008⋯.png (454.77 KB,1280x1280,1:1,pattern1.png)

File: e0d05c553937f03⋯.png (58.41 KB,624x576,13:12,pattern2.png)


You don't need to mark the seams close to the body, they're purely for the UV, so it won't affect the deformation of the mesh - try and match the UV map to a sewing pattern and the texture will come out cleaner

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f81791 No.30016


oh, i see, i was so worried about how it was deforming that i forgot to check if the texture was good

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f81791 No.30018

File: 9bbb767afd40713⋯.png (1.15 MB,1300x850,26:17,new pants.png)

Improved the pants UV map, texture and fixed the weights, so it doesn't get fucked up when the legs bend

Next shoes... or shirt?

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e7ae12 No.30023


Shoes should be the easier of the two - basically just 100% weight along the foot bone and simpler to model

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f81791 No.30028


the feet has 3 bones, it bends, im almost done with the boots, but since they are cowboy boots they go very high up, i will have to change the pants to give the option to have a boot over them, maybe with shape keys

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f81791 No.30032

File: e5ff3c1333c3e8c⋯.png (322.57 KB,1676x858,838:429,Adam long boots 1.png)

File: 69fec21bf5fe6d2⋯.png (286.74 KB,1676x858,838:429,Adam long boots 2.png)

Haha, now i can keep the same pants object, both with long boots and without by shrinking the pants into the legs through shape keys.

Next will be rigging the boots

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a6ae2a No.30037


For the belt you might want to keep the uv's together into big strips to reduce texture seams instead of cutting it up like that.

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f81791 No.30038


i was actually thinking of throwing all textures away and work with pure materials on Unity... but i will first test if they look good

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f81791 No.30043

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f81791 No.30044

File: b7c57be620a21ce⋯.png (860.55 KB,957x469,957:469,release.png)

Forgot image

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f81791 No.30047

Had to redo the rig because of a problem in the shoulders, im now remaking the weight painting in the pants because they got fucked during the rerigging

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f81791 No.30052

File: 88349e506d3fa12⋯.png (346.16 KB,1534x898,767:449,resources.png)

File: 0856515b8ac3eb9⋯.png (297.94 KB,1534x898,767:449,UI part 1.png)

Got plenty complaints about the lack of a tutorial, im making a small guide, but i will probably make a tutorial video later

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f81791 No.30072

File: ef454e3e149be5c⋯.png (113.7 KB,610x409,610:409,ultra tiny res.png)

As requested by steam players, i have added ultra tiny res support

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aeefcc No.30077


You may want to be weary about your shoulder topology because it will deform badly with how its setup. May not matter much if the character is tiny in comparison to the screen but just be weary of shoulder distortions when rigging. The arm to torso topology should not be at right angles. It should be one long curved line.

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f81791 No.30104


I already had to redo it once, it bends alright now

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56d86d No.30110

How many times do I need to go all out with my dream game before it doesn't turn to ashes in my mouth 2+ years into development and I scrap it all and start again?

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f81791 No.30112


Simple: never give up

Its working for me at least

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f81791 No.30116

File: 1792d81f8abb581⋯.jpg (99.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,kotoko happy.jpg)

Added a Faerie Village only official mod, for those who get tired of cooking after a while, get it on Steam

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f81791 No.30127

File: 3199d5038ea4e0e⋯.png (211.75 KB,1680x876,140:73,metarig.png)

Well found out mecanim hates the complex rig from rigify and refuses to be nice and play with it

So i had to delete it and redo, luckily i kept the metarig stashed away and this is now my rig, it worked on mecanim, so i guess im keeping it

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f81791 No.30148

File: d6264b046e61a2f⋯.png (76.37 KB,672x838,336:419,jacket.png)


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f81791 No.30342

Fixed a few bugs, version 1.21 is up on steam

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f81791 No.30411

File: 91e8f6759325738⋯.png (9.61 KB,437x774,437:774,butt.png)

Started the next model... im enjoying this more than i should

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67e2eb No.30446

File: 8d86a30df579197⋯.png (13.59 KB,666x800,333:400,butt1.png)

File: bfc5283357639fb⋯.png (24.07 KB,957x838,957:838,butt2.png)


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