>any kid that doesn't confrom/follow orders mindlessly in school is taken to a psychologist and diagnosed with ADD and ADHD and OCD so they can drug them up with prozac (mostly fluoride) and ritalin and every other fucked up drug that should never be given to a child with a developing brain.
>then the kid zones out and behaves like a zombie and feels sad all the time so they diagnose them with bipolar depression and give them even more drugs. kids are being treated like numbers and cattle at school to pass as many tests as possible without learning a single thing and making money for pharmaceutical companies
>My parents insisted on me going to psychiatrists and every single one of them requested that I take some SSRI.
>They would talk to me for like 4 minutes before dispensing whatever evil concoction pfizer was pushing that month.
>Its also funny how every single psychiatrist would push a different type of pill. One of them wanted me on Cypralex, the second one said wellbutrin, and lastly seroquil.
>These idiots actually said I need seroquil, a fucking anti-psychotic. They even gave me some defacto diagnoses of having psychosis because I was strongly against taking SSRI's, because you know, not trusting big pharma must mean that I'm crazy.
>"this is exactly what happened to me I'm archiving this thread and showing my therapist tomorrow. Serious as fuck"
>"that's good. may the world be exposed to it's own shit it has taken on the carpet. may the worlds face be rubbed into it like a bad dog until it stops and realizes that shitting the carpet is for bad doggos only.
>everyone in the world needs to know that some seriously deep and fucked up emotional, psychological, and physical, and dare I even say spiritual abuse is taking place in school, college, and educational institutions and it is being carried out not only by other students, but by teachers and staff as well.
>It is time that we all accept the fact Post too long. Click here to view the full text.