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/wmafsex/ - White Male Asian Female sex

Celebrating, encouraging, promoting and supporting interracial sex between white men and asian girls


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File: f41c9a8e9e0a00a⋯.jpg (251.82 KB,1080x1257,360:419,123.jpg)

 No.7825 [Open thread]

suck a white dick or sumthin

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File: 5de4bf827cd44ea⋯.jpg (143.61 KB,1224x1632,3:4,EZFx_fjWkAEaL2P.jpg)

File: f0fd49f0e491f06⋯.jpg (2.77 MB,5184x3456,3:2,photo_1475823678248_624fc6….jpg)

File: d36511e32d4349d⋯.jpg (315.96 KB,1800x2700,2:3,11.jpg)

File: e14e732f565e08c⋯.jpg (317.16 KB,1800x2700,2:3,18.jpg)

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what's the ig of the twins on first pic?

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File: b5eef1c1187196c⋯.jpg (711.96 KB,2048x2048,1:1,29018B93-B533-4B4D-BE04-DF….JPG)

File: 6a9c031ad87fc5d⋯.jpg (1.44 MB,1242x1514,621:757,IMG_6690.jpg)

File: 6a3a37b940ff629⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1231x1543,1231:1543,IMG_4956.jpg)

 No.476 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Use them for captions, talk about how you'd use them, etc.

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File: aff8e91148042ab⋯.jpg (93.63 KB,719x1080,719:1080,Clothed_71_.jpg)

File: d338664808684f5⋯.jpg (296.36 KB,1538x2048,769:1024,Clothed_73_.jpg)

File: 6c9435c631ab099⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,2400x1803,800:601,Clothed_74_.jpg)

File: 73d16b47ccede39⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,612x823,612:823,Clothed_75_.jpg)

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File: d8898a01f6cbb73⋯.jpeg (133.21 KB,750x928,375:464,6E118ADB_3F46_4C6F_A2E9_4….jpeg)

Bet she SLURP white cock great!

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File: 3ebf9ad298d3684⋯.jpeg (85.11 KB,750x935,150:187,69E48A28_9219_4C10_B751_0….jpeg)


Wed N’ Breed feat. Her need for seed

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File: e69c5efe738591d⋯.jpg (157.97 KB,617x712,617:712,asdf6.jpg)

File: 4e584fcb9c46cf0⋯.jpg (196.74 KB,484x960,121:240,asdf10.jpg)

File: 754755119c4c203⋯.jpg (114.76 KB,960x720,4:3,asdf12.jpg)

File: b3714c1bc5a89c1⋯.jpg (94.76 KB,385x960,77:192,asdf5.jpg)

File: 746cebcc1bc7517⋯.jpg (28.62 KB,408x449,408:449,BUuqqm1CYAE64aE.jpg)

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File: e2896756dec5b94⋯.jpg (748.2 KB,1280x1280,1:1,P0.jpg)

File: 591ef57caef51fb⋯.jpg (633.7 KB,1280x1280,1:1,P0df.jpg)

File: 5f64eabe4655ce2⋯.jpg (114.33 KB,803x1292,803:1292,9zbZZ4mpXO0cxc1eewc6yzR0vc….jpg)

File: 5c445af4e202991⋯.jpg (597.14 KB,1280x1280,1:1,P0cvbvbn.jpg)

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File: bf6550153bdb057⋯.jpg (428.72 KB,1277x1920,1277:1920,omg anon.jpg)

 No.1171 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post your OC here to receive feedback and criticism. Discuss concepts and ideas as well as technical issues. It’s also fine to make requests or offer suggestions.

The aim is improvement, quality and effectiveness. If you’re not interested in learning to make good content and can’t take feedback well then don’t post.

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that's a real shame. hopefully, those asian girls will find their way here. as a white bull, I certainly would like to hear everything about how they lust after white men and cuck their asian boyfriends and husbands.

asian guys are of course welcome here too if they are supportive of us having sex with their girls. even more so if they're their own girlfriends or wifes.

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File: d9af3dcefbba8b5⋯.jpg (537.6 KB,1600x1178,800:589,BWC_Cheerleader.jpg)

Glad to see this board is up and running again.

This image was originally a BLACKED caption, but I liked the idea of it so I made a WMAF version.

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what happened to all of ingtlds stuff?

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These stars are gay. Make it a red Queen of Hearts to counter the blacked symbol bullshit.

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File: daf8fc6cff2796f⋯.jpg (148.01 KB,900x714,150:119,375892254.jpg)

File: 36e5c4387698d68⋯.jpg (55.72 KB,500x760,25:38,3.jpg)

File: 8f36bf4441d1f12⋯.jpg (147.56 KB,693x1065,231:355,724401767.jpg)

File: 24e4f7434ee7717⋯.jpg (174.57 KB,660x1078,30:49,natsuko_kurosawa_bg2_3000_….jpg)

File: c3c5ad1fd865f24⋯.jpg (161.78 KB,952x1100,238:275,1591839118104.jpg)


Disagree. I think tattoos and similar branding are meant to be degrading and that's why they're so popular with the Queen of Shit crowd. WMAF shouldn't be about degrading Asian women, but uplifting them. The gold and silver stars are a little more dignified in that respect.

I've made a few captions with this really basic format and the reason for that is if someone finds the image good but the caption annoying/unnecessary/whatever it's easy to simply crop it out. The content is mostly "Your mom" kinda stuff because I find mom NTR to be an underrated subgenre. The new boyfriend or step-dad is always implied to be White, if not outright stated.

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File: a65ff24072f3733⋯.webm (9.75 MB,358x640,179:320,crazy_chink_asmr.webm)

 No.7824 [Open thread]

post Asian moans and ASMR related to Asians.

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was kind of cute until she went psycho. also talking like a pornstar.

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who is the woman in the audio?

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Her reddit name was avournine. She got banned from reddit and her soungasm page is inaccessible.

Only way I know of hearing her other stuff is to use: https://gwafan.ru/?q1=&q6=&q2=&q5=avournine&page=2

Click on the audio pages and the embeded soungasm player still works for her audios.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 6016daa69541785⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,720P_1500K_138631162 (onli….mp4)

 No.311 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post all your best vids/gifs/pics of Asian women doing what they do best, worshipping White dick.

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File: 709b00c3b80a72d⋯.webm (3.73 MB,970x502,485:251,709b00c3b80a72da02fdd344e….webm)

anyone know the sauce for this?

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Harriett Sugarcookie. Can't say which video of hers though.

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File: 211c8f2ed5d176f⋯.jpg (924.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1598099015801.jpg)

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anymore of this one?

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File: c7f75dd535ea221⋯.jpg (70.49 KB,500x621,500:621,A.jpg)

 No.7063 [Open thread]

Blondes are beautiful. Asian girls are beautiful. Combine the two and what do you get?

An Asian girl with bleached hair has fully committed herself to European beauty standards, she has the audacity to think she can compete with white women. The question is, can she?

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File: 486e5eabf0df86e⋯.jpg (236.51 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Shiozuka_Moeka_.jpg)

File: ff67f614ddd09d1⋯.jpg (217.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Shiozuka_Moeka_2.jpg)

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File: 62f69e36d658243⋯.jpg (46.79 KB,1000x666,500:333,Seulgi.jpg)

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File: bfe1f8fa5ea5880⋯.jpg (77.29 KB,459x960,153:320,PIC_16_.jpg)

File: bad300bd8c87684⋯.jpg (40.8 KB,800x1208,100:151,PIC_17_.jpg)

File: fcb5a0db82774f0⋯.jpg (56.59 KB,540x720,3:4,PIC_30_.jpg)

File: be6358041d53555⋯.jpg (63.04 KB,540x810,2:3,PIC_31_.jpg)

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File: 89a502923e9c891⋯.jpg (225.2 KB,683x790,683:790,PIC_7_.jpg)

File: 77da714ade12f8e⋯.jpg (68.99 KB,828x978,138:163,PIC_13_.jpg)

File: f7b4c7c5c0ddd82⋯.jpg (50.47 KB,554x709,554:709,PIC_15_.jpg)

File: 8cc9aabd33d5da3⋯.jpg (80.28 KB,683x1024,683:1024,PIC_33_.jpg)

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File: d6574d00e094a5a⋯.jpg (148.19 KB,1080x1350,4:5,PIC_1_.jpg)

File: 9a2859f1c968145⋯.jpg (140.71 KB,1024x767,1024:767,PIC_2_.jpg)

File: 5febb2c5f4dfa1d⋯.jpg (455.93 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,PIC_3_.jpg)

File: 05131ed2cf987d3⋯.jpg (153.16 KB,819x1024,819:1024,PIC_4_.jpg)

File: c9d418b0a0fea60⋯.jpg (152.09 KB,1080x1350,4:5,PIC_5_.jpg)

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File: 00e3d0ce7c1c7d5⋯.mp4 (801.1 KB,480x600,4:5,tumblr_pgltfd2Vug1xrd2yo_4….mp4)

 No.1022 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post all your best pics of cute amateur SFW WMAF couples ITT.

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File: bf706819dbec9b8⋯.jpg (96.6 KB,723x901,723:901,wm japanese w 3.jpg)

File: ee93e86d28cda6f⋯.jpg (275.61 KB,1125x2000,9:16,wm japanese w 2.jpg)

File: a0910b4aaa1186c⋯.jpg (20.94 KB,280x445,56:89,wm japanese w 4.jpg)

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File: 1b138626cb3753a⋯.jpg (119.61 KB,1080x1079,1080:1079,121680438_144672090724256_….jpg)

Hapa girl marrying white to help eliminate all her asian genes and to have more fully white offspring

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File: 8cd71dd2a9583f9⋯.jpg (144.65 KB,1080x1350,4:5,120195609_367681724414901_….jpg)

File: eb18abb8d697792⋯.jpg (135.95 KB,1080x1350,4:5,39835991_444822686008063_5….jpg)

File: 7986bbf19221971⋯.jpg (245.57 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,97212982_1187341984943193_….jpg)


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File: 0259c98b1ec4fed⋯.jpg (289.38 KB,1080x1345,216:269,120262683_339142537341745_….jpg)

File: 20a8a2e231b772b⋯.jpg (169.96 KB,1080x1287,120:143,115762791_743147193179556_….jpg)

File: e7280fb864c2d2e⋯.jpg (224.17 KB,1080x1307,1080:1307,69820987_1403431993139015_….jpg)

even white manlets are getting qt asian gfs

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File: 77b3cf59f8f903a⋯.jpg (32.14 KB,400x225,16:9,1-400.jpg)

 No.2914 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Is there any particular reason why porn/relationships of white women with Asian women seem to be so rare? I'm a lesbian, and I saw a JAV (pic related) of a pretty blonde white girl dating and having sex with a cute Japanese girl. Since then I've always been interested in Asian girls. Sadly it's remarkably difficult to find this particular kind of porn, and I wonder why.

Apologies if this isn't exactly in-line with the board's main theme, but I don't know of any other place to discuss it.

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Everyone agrees but unfortunately there's not a single Japanese politician with the balls to try.

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File: cb93b6d132ef00f⋯.png (46.88 KB,715x788,715:788,reddit.png)

If you ask me it should be done the old fashioned way, you know, naturally.

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I was searching and found this site with a low quality version you can preview before downloading the torrent I guess. Looks like it has loads of JAV on there.


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File: 84e50dc0501486b⋯.png (49.42 KB,515x1017,515:1017,hapa vs white.png)

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File: 87857bb2731aa29⋯.png (711.15 KB,658x715,658:715,1580245227994.png)

 No.7858 [Open thread]

I stumbled across these articles on a Twitter thread a few months ago and just now got around to reading them.



These are simple and straight-forward strategies and justifications for white men of any non-left political beliefs to adopt the methods of their enemies. Chief among them is deception - pretending to be non-white, non-right-wing, non-cis - to achieve the goal of survival and thriving in an increasingly anti-white world.

He also mentions stealthily cuckolding non-white men as a mating strategy, for three reasons:

1. To produce a friendly or at least non-hostile servitor/proxy that can hide in plain sight and use subterfuge to advance white interests. Note that while the children of these women - especially the male children - may not necessarily be friendly to white interests, the women themselves will, and this has a stronger effect the more women they bring into the pool.

2. To dilute the gene pools of our enemies, so that even if they win we still exist in some form.

3. To divert resources away from the breeding of enemy populations towards the breeding of our or allied populations.

For dealing with Asian women, he says you have several options.

1. Creation of a harem, which while fun is unstable and drains your resources. Granted you can legally marry your white girlfriend and have the others claim to be single moms and avoid putting your name on the birth certificate so they can better milk the state for resources, but unless they are unusually submissive or you have the sexual stamina of a tiger that is unlikely to work in the long run.

2. Impregnating Asian women who are married, about to be married, or have boyfriends, and simply having them not tell thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Thx god u are from iran

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File: 645c9f4bb5cdc4b⋯.mp4 (15.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,chink.mp4)

 No.7860 [Open thread]

post Asian women getting bred.

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File: 897130a8aa80ecd⋯.jpg (451.89 KB,1280x853,1280:853,gra_f_yukari-e005.jpg)

 No.23 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Mainly posted on tumblr and a few elsewhere. I hope you enjoy my old captions if you haven't seen them already. My new ones will be posted here too.

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Reminds of my sister and her friend though we were mostly Asian school with only a small minority of white people. It is what got me into this though.

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>>7366 (Checked)

Glad they both got the chance to be part of WMAF, and therefore you did as well in your own way.

Interesting. The situation where asian girls outnumber white men really necessitates some kind of sharing. Asian girls need to empathise with their friends and understand monopolising a white guy is not right. Most asian girls have a preference for white men and it's clearly wrong to deny them the right to express it. White girls should consider it too. They need to let asian girls have access to their boyfriend/husband.

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Does anyone know where ingtld posts their content now? or know if they still continue that? they terminated their bdsmlr account ;(

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File: 96dea967021aae0⋯.mp4 (14.52 MB,1066x600,533:300,tumblr_oyem5bpULd1ulurgb_1….mp4)

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File: 2f1560666ab9727⋯.jpg (239.2 KB,800x1200,2:3,02.jpg)

File: 21d0e10ec1fcd39⋯.jpg (64.94 KB,460x672,115:168,258962_08.jpg)

 No.7852 [Open thread]

Trisha Devin who is more obscure than Minka seemed to only hardcore with one guy. Minka has taken numerous dicks mostly white male. But Minka does file DMCA's and has been defiled by nigger dick a couple of times. Which is hotter? https://spankbang.com/4aofc/video/minka+or+trisha+devin+natural+vs+fake+big+tit+asians

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File: 6b02c8581815a32⋯.jpg (333.93 KB,1280x1280,1:1,oh my god anon.jpg)

 No.1796 [Open thread]

You can post your various things here including contact information, links to your blogs and pages, chat rooms, and so on.

Posts of that nature outside of this thread will be deleted. Thank you.

No links in this thread are official or endorsed by this board. Remember that anyone could contact you including trolls, spammers and hackers. You should be aware of this when posting things that could be traced to you personally or sharing information with people you don't know.

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Are the WMAF and BLEACHED discord servers still a thing?

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Couldn't tell you. I've never used discord.

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The invites to both seem to be expired at this point. Shame.

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Cope. Asian women are objectively the most beautiful but asian men are all femboys, that's we need to fuck all of them to win the culture war.

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File: e219e5470ce67ae⋯.jpg (126.06 KB,505x810,101:162,VIM.jpg)

If you are interested, come check out my blog on bdsmlr.


While not strictly wmaf, it does explore the important role Asian and Eurasian women play as wives, broodmaids, secretaries, and concubines to European men in the Imperial era.

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File: d9621eeb97241c4⋯.jpg (276.64 KB,800x800,1:1,serveimage (1).jpg)

 No.3067 [Open thread]

If you only want white men to fuck asian women, won't that lead to the diluting and eventual loss of asian women? Or would you still promote artificial insemination of asian women by asian man cum? It just seems like if you want to keep asian women as asian as possible, you'd want them only giving birth to pure asian girls.

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File: 414dc88d491c3e3⋯.jpg (99.93 KB,470x750,47:75,NIV_4_.jpg)

File: 2d5491b67bfde12⋯.jpg (69.42 KB,540x674,270:337,NIV_7_.jpg)

File: e5de923ddecad73⋯.jpg (239.41 KB,1152x1519,1152:1519,Clothed_158_.jpg)


For one, there is a need to preserve a large population of unmixed, pure Asians. This is necessary so that white men may take a pure-blooded wife. A servile, yet intelligent creature that exists to do his bidding. Happy and adoring, she will only be subject to the missionary position for the purpose of procreation . Pleasurable mating will be reserved for his white mistress, so that he may have pure-blooded white children.

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File: 8eaf5c156455184⋯.jpg (271.97 KB,759x508,759:508,NIV_12_.jpg)

File: 16601c70d14d491⋯.jpg (74.76 KB,1020x816,5:4,Unclothed_100_.jpg)

File: 1a946f47721d083⋯.jpg (171.11 KB,930x1163,930:1163,Unclothed_119_.jpg)

File: e3622bc90c675c1⋯.jpg (52.45 KB,600x899,600:899,Unclothed_9_.jpg)


In addition to his Asian wife and white mistress, white men should also be able to take on broodmaidens to expand on their reproductive services. Two to six young virgins of pretty countenance and desirable form strictly for the purposes of expanding the Eurasian population.

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File: 9c43d49826889fc⋯.jpg (73.79 KB,541x767,541:767,Unclothed_98_.jpg)

File: fa2752e88ab0fea⋯.png (396.33 KB,540x813,180:271,Unclothed_9_.png)

File: 2b3931d288b4a96⋯.jpg (83.78 KB,691x988,691:988,Unclothed_68_.jpg)


Broodmaids would also help in the preservation of the Asian race by being artificially inseminated and giving birth to pure Asians. In time the low fertility rates in the East will be reversed, and surplus populations of men will be shipped to Africa and the Americas to breed Blasians, while surplus women would be sent to the West to act as wives or to continue their mother's legacy as broodmaidens.

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File: 9770eb3a6532561⋯.jpg (59.08 KB,540x744,45:62,NIV_11_.jpg)

File: 4ff640bdd12e3d4⋯.jpg (63.97 KB,471x646,471:646,NIV_5_.jpg)

File: 7e2f2d6914f4ea9⋯.jpg (225.07 KB,957x1071,319:357,NIV_10_.jpg)

File: a6e21ab981b9323⋯.jpg (122.99 KB,1080x1920,9:16,NIV_8_.jpg)

File: 9378679f7ec5e90⋯.jpg (216.33 KB,824x1079,824:1079,NIV_1_.jpg)


If anything, wmaf sex will in fact increase the population of pure Asians, as it will bring appreciation to the need to preserve the race.

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File: 9b6b2f1aa317d2b⋯.jpg (180.52 KB,969x1024,969:1024,NIV_3_.jpg)

File: e9fb78a72941a95⋯.jpg (109.94 KB,724x871,724:871,NIV_9_.jpg)

File: aa04aab292f95f8⋯.jpg (183.29 KB,680x935,8:11,NIV_6_.jpg)


As should be self evident, wmaf is truly beneficial to all.

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File: 6c6e940ca8b74da⋯.jpg (72.36 KB,640x426,320:213,white_asian_wedding.jpg)

 No.7773 [Open thread]

post sexy Asian brides, WMAF weddings and wedding night porn.

15 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 303d988d667e1d8⋯.jpg (1.68 MB,3000x3000,1:1,yao_siwei.jpg)

Huawei billionaire heiress getting fucked by white royalty

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File: 6d82ebc4319b97a⋯.jpg (128.75 KB,1147x765,1147:765,tumblr_3ef32792afb62588fd8….jpg)

File: d4fd694914d86c0⋯.jpg (186.86 KB,919x1211,919:1211,tumblr_5dbe2dd62c595e6ee4d….jpg)

File: 4f823282e5aa850⋯.jpg (282.38 KB,1280x853,1280:853,tumblr_d4f0a45b6d8b6dc064c….jpg)

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File: 00f59b7e08fa063⋯.jpg (83.33 KB,640x640,1:1,tumblr_cce1c79319d06a2efe1….jpg)

File: 9ed454424749c3d⋯.jpg (113.99 KB,808x808,1:1,tumblr_pwcdo27iSj1xrd2yoo1….jpg)

File: b4796e8f0fcad87⋯.jpg (76.5 KB,1080x810,4:3,tumblr_pwcfnh5PWz1xrd2yoo1….jpg)

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File: 7c41c3e95db9f35⋯.jpg (49.18 KB,800x533,800:533,tumblr_pvsb4tpPDR1yossm4o1….jpg)

File: 454ae806ff0d2b7⋯.jpg (57.96 KB,557x236,557:236,tumblr_ps4s3zsuSG1uavcdx_6….jpg)

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File: 3ca278b7188b43d⋯.jpg (194.96 KB,1280x1280,1:1,100562.jpg)

Another one

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