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 No.3274 [View All]

Will this ever be updated again?

101 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Is there any new update now?

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Exhentai.org is gone

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Still just waiting

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Did he ever say why he didn't want to finish it?

This was one of my favourite series and how we hear it he was at the least paid to finish the sketches before jumping ship to suck off patrons.

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Oh well. He must have his circumstances. Back to the waiting game

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Not that I know of, no.

I believe his intentions were that, since it was his most popular series ever, to turn it into an animated thing. But he needed a certain amount of patrons on patreon for that so he could quit his job and dedicate himself to it, but that didn't work out and I think something may have happened. I'm not sure whether he plans on ever continuing it, but he seems to refuse answering any questions regarding this absolute gem of a comic. He was paid to finish it but for some reason it apperas he just didn't. And as of right now he has barely any patrons, doesn't really post anywhere from what I can find, though he does still take commissions, so I don't really know what's going on.

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Anyone else thinking about just trying to get the comic remade or at least have something similar done by another artist?

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Might be an idea, at this point it is not going anywhere. The real question is who to get to do it?

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Indeed, that is the most difficult part. Admittedly I'm not a huge expert in the field of vore comics and artist limits so I genuinely wouldn't really know, but we could definitely try to do it as a 'community'. I'm sure there's plenty who'd love to see it get finished.

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I asked him about this recently on ekas and it sadly seems this comic is dead. The story I got was that the original commissioner apparently abandoned the project a while ago. He was paying per page, making the story as they went along. So with him gone, it seems so is the rest of the comic. He doesn't seem keen on other people funding it either so it seems there's no hope for seeing it's completion.

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Strange, I'm sure he could get it crowdfunded. This is probably the most popular comic he's ever made by far, so…

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He doesn't seem to think so. He said that he doesn't think people would pay for a commission that's not theirs. But in the description on ekas he talks about being able to donate. So either that didn't work and he now believes nobody will fund it. Or more likely in my opinion; he doesn't want to continue the commission due to lack of direction. With the commissioner gone, even if it gets funded, he wouldn't know what to do with it as like I said, they were making it page by page. Maybe someone would be able to convince him to let them adopt the commission but I'm not sure if that would work.

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It's a real shame honestly… I would totally do it if I had any sort of proper form of income.

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On the bright side, looking back at it we got a pretty complete story. From what I've seen there may have only been one page left that they were planning to do. But in all honesty, I can't really think of anything that would come after what we got, what do you think have come after the last page?

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Depends on whether or not the girls would've survived. If not, the comment section would've presented plenty of hooks for a continuation honestly.

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I think one more page further detailing the fate of the girls would've finished it off perfectly.

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Honestly any ending would've been nice, as long as it would've just been rounded up.

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Y'know what? I think I'm gonna try to commission it. Will probably ask next month so if you got any ideas let me know.

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Looks like it's happening. He said he'll start working on it the 24th

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If that is really true, you, good sir/madam, are a hero, and I salute you <3

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Update; something came up and he had to push back when he's going to start it a few weeks. So this is a good chance for if anyone had any ideas for the commission to say them now.

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I just wanna know where he's gonna be posting it. His aryion like before? Last thing he said on there was that he was taking his stuff off because of the loli ban or something.

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I don't know where or if he'll post it but I'll be posting it here once it's done (probably through an imgur link or something)

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I'll keep an eye here then, because I've only been waiting what feels like a decade for this to continue>>50641

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This isn't the finished piece, but here's a sketch


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Welp, after years of waiting, here's the final piece to girls and snake 2, or at least my take of it. And all it took was $150 and about a month.


Note: there isn't any text, that was up to the og commissioner and I'm not good with text so I just left it blank. Maybe someone here can put some text in idk.

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Hell yes~! You're amazing!

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hell yes

digest in your mothers stomach its all you're good for

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So anyone feeling up for adding text?

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I can edit in the text. So if anyone has any ideas for it let me know.

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guess no one has any ideas?

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Sorry it took me a bit!

Let's see… For the mom's posts:

"Well, that's it for my dear daughters. Maya definitely added nicely to my breasts. It was fun getting to stream for you all. I'll definitely be back once I've birthed and raised some new children."

"In the meanwhile, if any of you have any nieces or daughters of your own you'd like to enter for me to devour or let my snake swallow, or have some other voraceous fun with, you can contact me through business email."

As for the chat:

"Nooo, my poor Maya ;w; I don't think I'll ever find a cute girl doing such hot things on here again. I hope you make some more sexy daughters quickly!"

"Damn, I didn't think she'd actually digest her daughter~ Love a cruel pred like that. Very sexy <3"

"Fuck, I can't believe it's come to an end… I've been watching this the entire time, only ever taking short naps when necessary. I don't think life will really be worth as much anymore without these streams…"

"Dang gurl u sick u rlly ate yo kids? Sexy af ngl <3"

"Oh damn, for real? Hell yes, my daughter loves vore, I'm sure she'd love to join you! I'll make sure to send a mail :)"

"Just askin for a friend but uh… You gonna shit her out on stream too?"

"Maria still looks… Well, she's not bones yet. Maybe there's still hope."

"Nah man, even if she isn't digested yet, she definitely isn't getting out of there herself. She's just food to the snake, and I doubt her mom will get her out."

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6 years

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It was so long

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I'll try to edit this in at some point. I also have an idea for another pic, but that'll take a few months.

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Can't wait <3

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Don't know if anyones still around, but I haven't made the edits yet as I'm a lazy bastard. Good news though; I've paid for the new pic and he'll get started on the 22nd. I'll probably post it on 8chan as it's a pain posting here. I don't know if the links to there from here work but if not, just google 8chan.moe and go to /vore1/. Hope to see you there Raven and everyone else. It'll be in the mother vore thread.

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File: c235d21f43e97dd⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,1920x1580,96:79,Commission_02v1.jpg)

Posting this to see if this works, finished is gonna be on 8chan.

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It's not exactly normal vore, but someone have the one by TBB where the mom absorbs her kids to become a super curvy futa? I think it was named familial acquisitions, but it's been nuked off the internet.

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sorry to bump(?) a dead thread but im wondering if commenting will let me see the images here as it says "join or 404"

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sorry to bump(?) a dead thread but im wondering if commenting will let me see the images here as it says "join or 404"

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File: e62e52456e5ba0a⋯.webp (82.41 KB,702x1645,702:1645,y0ipamku0dk51.webp)


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sorry to bump(?) a dead thread but im wondering if commenting will let me see the images here as it says "join or 404"

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