The lord said, “I came to make things below
like things above, and the outside like the inside.
I came to join them in one place.”
He revealed who he is through types and images.
Those who say, “There is a heavenly person
and one even higher,” are wrong.
Who is seen in heaven is the heavenly person,
who is called “the one below,”
and the one to whom the hidden belongs
is called “higher.”
It is best to say “inner” and “outer” and “what is beyond the outer.”
So the lord called destruction “the outer darkness.”
There is nothing beyond.
He said, “My father who is in secret.”
He said, “Go into the chamber and shut the door behind you,
and pray to your father who is in secret,”
the one who is innermost.
But what is within them all is the fullness.
Beyond it there is nothing inside.
This is the place they call “the uppermost.”