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/truthlegion/ - the Mountain of Wisdom

join us in the search for truth

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File: 44b6af19fa7b89c⋯.jpg (8.67 KB,217x208,217:208,bd3351cb80f40a375fc049d97c….jpg)

47d85b No.6399

one look at this thread and its woo woo gnosticism - same as its been since it started as jewish mystery schools back in 0500ad. they are the first to admit this btw, their kaballah pretty much sounds exactly like this shit.

this light stuff is straight up luciferianism and worship of 70 elohim aka gods of egypt aka watchers aka you know…

either you're terribly misled or you're trying to mislead others.

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5e1fdb No.6403

File: f2b64b8c3bd4899⋯.jpg (12.12 KB,293x165,293:165,th-36.jpg)


WWG1WGA, faggot :)

light on, anon!

we love you!

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2358ef No.6404

File: d1535e1c8792d1c⋯.jpg (131.58 KB,704x384,11:6,mark-passio-what-on-eart.jpg)

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fd28df No.6405

File: 6e3e5416166bcd1⋯.jpg (170.97 KB,1180x1116,295:279,True.jpg)


Welcome Anon!

I'm not sure how much you have read or if you only glanced and made a determination. I welcome you to dig in and post some counterpoints and discussions.

If you are looking for a good Bible Thumpin discussion, this probably isn't readily found, but the bible and many other christian topics are present. I would happily welcome a Bible Thumper to the mix though. If you are looking for an Atheist discussion, that will probably be less prevalent as well, but I would be open to the discussion. Different perspectives and ideas are what make this place work.

We don't offer answers, we don't offer the trail all must follow. We offer ideas, discussion, and an open place to learn and grow together. All are welcome to engage for all have a voice and a right. If an idea or concept doesn't work for you, that is fine, there are many paths leading up the mountain, no one is more correct than another.

Again, welcome anon and I hope you stay and participate, if not, much love and I hope we cross paths again soon.

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5e1fdb No.6418



thanks for the back up fellas!

I just love us!

SS your words are so dang wise. I appreciate your stance from the "observation deck"

I can be a little cheeky, but this was with the intention of inverting that "trigger" word to the light side ..

side note: faggot does actually mean a bundle of sticks in case ya didn't know!

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301547 No.6450

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)


Knowledge speaks.

Wisdom listens.

Speak, tell us your supreme knowledge.

Indulge me.

Tell me the Supreme answers to the multiverse.

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8f9f30 No.6452

File: 140dfd5ec8a372f⋯.jpg (47.59 KB,310x588,155:294,jackdaw.jpg)


I think I was misled! TEACH ME MASTER! SAVE ME FROM THE SATANISTS WITH YOUR WEESDOM! please and thank you.

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301547 No.6477

File: ccdcd8066190e36⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1800x900,2:1,1111111111111.jpg)


Eye have warned you time and time again,

There will be shills.

There will be subversion.

There will be divisionfagging.

There will be seeds of discord sown.

They will eat their red herrings.

Where we go one, we go all.

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301547 No.6507

File: 8259f45f83429f1⋯.jpg (44.37 KB,512x330,256:165,Silver Surfer.jpg)

File: 5dc376c93565860⋯.jpg (9.08 KB,255x241,255:241,truth.jpg)

File: abfa0b9def3accc⋯.jpg (34.49 KB,273x413,39:59,Keyhole.jpg)

File: 6d5df4c077c3015⋯.jpg (30.97 KB,280x392,5:7,Keyhole3.jpg)

File: c7fe8efd3cb4680⋯.png (710.67 KB,706x558,353:279,Dr. Strange Alice in Wonde….png)


Silver my friend,

I love this image when I found it. As it matches that of the "keyhole".

The keyhole sees both the square and circle.

How often do we see both?

Only through each other, can we see through the keyhole.

You are wise my friend…

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8f9f30 No.6919

File: 3152fcec17247b9⋯.jpg (58.87 KB,815x455,163:91,mighty-faggot_o_3678131.jpg)


Dive and conquer! its what they do.

But we are United as ONE! We are one MIGHTY FAGGOT!

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b2d41f No.6979

File: 695bf3f86982fe3⋯.jpg (108.23 KB,600x315,40:21,mind-and-heart-resized.jpg)

File: cbafad68e19c0f3⋯.jpg (248.96 KB,1378x1378,1:1,seventhheartmind.jpg)


guys, do you think all the spiritual talk is layered mindcontrol programming?

My thoughts.

Who or what do you let control your mind?

My heart and mind are together now. The feminine and masculine. I surrender to my heart first before engaging my mind.

No fear can exist in that state of unity.

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b2d41f No.6980

File: cc9998d4ddd9152⋯.jpg (59.67 KB,736x981,736:981,CQP2yrGWgAAMoJk.jpg)


If you by free will choice would like to share your thoughts on the heart and how it affects you and your mind we would like to hear that.

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