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9b6c99 No.7 [Last50 Posts]

Read this guy's blog. Really brilliant.


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708f86 No.15

My reason for posting under this blog and remaining somewhat anonymous is I just don't want anyone to follow me. Follow this blog, sure, I'm going to tell you the truth.

What happens when people come out with information like this is all sorts of people begin to follow the speaker. Then the ego takes over and the speakers story grows. Next thing you know they are all over all the radio stations and doing interviews all the while claiming they don't want to do so.

It's quite simple. If you don't want to.. Don't.

I don't want to, so I won't. If someone would like to interview me under this name (The Ruiner) that would be fine, but I am not going to tell the world who I am, because I do not want the followers.

Now that this much is clear the reason I am sure most would assume as my reason for being anonymous is to protect myself from the Illuminati or Cabal. I don't need to do that, they know I am writing here, and they don't care. Who is going to listen anyways? No one.

They know as well as I do that unless I embrace the celebrity of being a "whistleblower" that this blog will be generally ignored.

Also, they have to allow the truth to be written somewhere. Why not an anonymous blogger?

~Message delivered~

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708f86 No.16

There are ET's known as Avians. Each group of Avians uses the name of a colour to represent themselves.

There has been a lot of talk around the Internet about "Blue Avians" and this is rather laughable. "Blue Avians" do not exist. They are and have always been used as part of a mind control program specifically for members inside Secret Space Programs, Cloning Programs and Culture Creator programs. (Katy Perry has been in contact with the Blue Avians, as has Lady Gaga, as example)

The Avians assisted the Annunaki by distributing language and religion to different parts of the world. In plain speak, they distributed the disinformation that would become the control system we know today. They attached themselves to the "god" RA and told humans they were the messenger of RA. They were doing this as part of an order made by the Annunaki.

Secret Societies honor the Avians by wearing "Bird masks" at high level luxury parties and rituals. We call these .. dun dun dun.. Avian Masks. The host of the party wears.. You guessed it, a BLUE mask. He is the Blue Avian.

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708f86 No.17


They call their programmed entities "Blue Avians" as a play on their own "Blue Blood" focus. Honestly every time someone accepts that "Blue Avians" exist, another Illuminati member falls over laughing.

Today I am seeing this spreading out from some people who are still active in various programs. The programs affected are the Secret Space Programs and Clone Centre Programs.

Talk to any Clone Centre attendee and they will tell you all about the "Big Birds" who have been present at Cloning for the past few months. Talk to any high level Secret Space Program member and they will tell you how the "Blue Avians selected (me) to disclose information to Humanity". A sure tell sign of this mind control op is they will attach military protocol to their contact. "I was given a name to repeat to others they contact so we will know each other are telling the truth". Triggers, neat!

Sound like the military to you? Well that's because IT IS!

One female I have been training for the past couple months came forward with this story:

She was sitting at home when she felt compelled to walk outside. She was taken by an orb in OBE form to a meeting with what are being called Sphere Beings (which are not beings at all but I will comment on them another time) two other ET groups and Blue Avians. She was then told how the Blue Avians would be contacting others and would give each who they do contact a phrase they can identify each other with. She was told she was chosen to be a delegate for the Sphere Being Alliance (there's that Alliance word we created popping up again).

She was also told by her superiors within her program that this program had been run on most Secret Space Program members who are no longer active within their programs. They were chosen this way because they are easily discarded if the need arises.

Basically, she was told that her experience was a test, something they wanted her to understand, and something given to others as part of a massive disinfo campaign which will serve their "plan" which I outlined in an earlier post.

I found this really funny when another friend reported a very similar event the next day to a prominent researcher.

Typically I ignore these games as they play them. This is too hilarious to ignore:

The Blue Avians and Sphere Beings are apparently telling people that BRICS and "That Russian" who leads the "R" belong to the "Alliance" and wants to end the Cabal/Illuminati with help from the Blue Avians and Sphere Beings. This is being reported online via two individuals and two researchers, and by many others off of public profiles. ( I am going to make another post about the Alliance and the Secret Space Programs)

That Russian who is supposed to be "outing the Cabal" is a higher ranking member than any of those he is supposedly outing. Your writer knows that man VERY well, and spent a great deal of time with him. Your writer was, at one point, that Russians Trainer. He and I even spent some time off-world together and became friends. (I still have a soft spot for him on a personal level despite absolutely disagreeing with his life choices). I had the opportunity to show this Russian what is being said about him. He laughed and said "Oh what a great plan this is. Working flawlessly." He is right.

Ladies and Gentlemen: BRICS is not going to save you. That Russian, is more deeply involved with the Illuminati than any other public figure you could name. He truly loves the work he is doing and cannot wait to become King. He is completely amazed at how easy the Alternative Community is making this transition for him. The Blue Avians are an Illuminati creation, and this tale has been specifically crafted to work for specific people.

It is the PLAN that you all think he is the hero.

The average mainstream oriented person is easy enough to fool. For you Awake and Aware folk they attached a benevolent group of ETs to the tale. The Alternative Community is eating it up.

That Russian and his mentor (who is also the one who was my mentor) would like to thank you for making this information public. You are selling the propaganda of the Illuminati better than they could themselves. They have said that the first researcher to disclose this program will receive a prize. "It requires your credibility to give this tale wings." I'm sure the pun of WINGS was intended.

Addressed to Program Members, Civilians and Researchers sharing this story:

"Thank you very much, deeply and truly." -nituP

Truly if Common Sense doesn't tell you this story is wrong, then you should just follow BRICS to the promise land.

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708f86 No.18

"The New Rome will fall just as the Old Rome fell. So that the beings who created Rome could wash their hands of their creation, and start fresh. Just as we did after The Atlantian Age."

The above is considered a gift in the mind of it's author. That I am writing here is not unknown. Most readers may have no idea, but "they" all know exactly who your author is. Back to the point. The above quote did not come from me. It came from the being who was meant to be my mentor.

What it eludes to is the New Rome, which is to those who know, the "Cabal Capital Country". The heart of the "illuminati cults". Amaraka.

A great deal of dirty illuminati secrets are being exposed at a rapid pace. Several "leaks" have been created and orchestrated to ensure almost all people, from the mainstream folks to the alternative info folks, know just how dark and evil this group is.

You've all been told and shown proof of your enslavement. You've also been given all the truth about your own power to change it. But the game is rigged no matter which side you choose to play it from. The only solution is not to play. But I digress.

Now that the world is starting to see the devil, they will bring him to light and destroy him and his hell around him.

Enter the saviours. This has to be another country or government or secret ET allies, right?

Give the world a "White Hat" group, led by benevolent ET's, brought to the public in the form of a new group of political allies.

BRICS. "White Hats Groups". <insert ET name of the month here>.

They will give you what you want.

Once it's too late you'll remember..

"Oh yeah, this is what THEY wanted too!!??!"

Take the money away, replace it with a new system.

Take religion away, replace it with a new system.

Take all the Illuminati away, replace it with secret system.

Take your needs away, replace them with technology.

Take your governments away, replace them with a new government system.

Take away the Old World Order, replace it with a New World Order.

And here's the clincher..

Take away your natural spiritual evolutionary process, replace it with a cybernetic transhuman artificial process.

More of the finer details to come of course.

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708f86 No.19

The "Illuminati" is an order led by '13 Parents'. Each 'Parent' represents the '13 Main Bloodlines' that most know as the Illuminati. What I call the Illuminati is the 13 Parents and their 'direct followers' or "pupils".

Each Parent can barely be considered human. Each one, holds and protects knowledge of a specific method for prolonging the like span of an organic life form. As well as many other secrets. They know much more than the Cults and Programs below them are aware of.

Each Parent could share this ability with what I am calling their 'direct followers'. This is what forms the various "cults" associated with the Illuminati by most researchers and seekers.

The Parents are the Illuminati when I write moving forward. Please understand this and that I will generalize all of the branches of their "cults" and "projects" and "programs" under this name. These parents control the "cabal". These Parents control the Secret and Public economy, military, political systems, space programs, intelligence agencies, ect. in every country on the entire planet.

This Power to Control is not their own however. It belongs to an ET race. You've all heard of them. The Draco.

Perhaps a little more than 13,000yrs ago The Draco implemented a plan and the chess pieces in this game would be the "Illuminati". (This is the name I am using because it is the public name they gave themselves. This name, and the Cabal name, and important characters in their End Game. )

The Draco require a focused post to break down their structure as it impacts earth, which I may or may not choose to do, but not now.

For now focus: The Draco control the Illuminati Parents. The Illuminati Parents control the Illuminati. The Illuminati controls overtly or covertly every program, project, cult, order, brother or sisterhood, country/government you have ever read about or heard about.

When The Draco leave this planet, and they will, the Illuminati will take control for themselves. This happenstance had been spun into disinfo in the form of an "overthrow" of the Draconian, Cabal and Illuminati regime. The Draco will leave, almost completely, by choice. The only Draco who will remain will be agents of the Illuminati. The Illuminati will have full control in essence absorbing the remaining Draco as Illuminati.

At this point, their plan which started 13,000yrs ago and has seen minor revisions to compensate for errors, will be unraveled.

It will appear fair, and be fowl. It will sound like what you want enough that you will overlook that it is also what they want.

Most people of earth have been formed and shaped into wanting what they want. So their Plan will sound Great to most when presented.

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708f86 No.20

My name is unimportant.

My reason for writing is that there seems to be an abundance of stories being told in the Alternative Community which push a long standing and intense "Illuminati" agenda.

I will be calling the Cabal and it's cults the "Illuminati" during these writing. That is not an accurate name, but it is the one most commonly used.

The reason I am aware of their plans is I was raised within their systems. I was a member both by blood and by initiation. I was educated and trained by their members at the highest level and for several years assisted them in their goals. While I was a member and involved a large portion of my "job" was to understand their plans, how they will be presented to the world, and what this would cause. The "Illuminati" itself used to call me "The Keeper of Secrets" which anyone reading this with experience will understand.

A group who exists in secret has many secrets, even from members, and it was my position to be aware of this and how it is achieved.

This was a title, something they called me, and one of my jobs. Before reaching that point I had other jobs with them.

At one point I was a trainer, teaching telekinetic or Remote Influence attacks and defense. At another I was a Magician who would influence others when given the order. Another was teaching the process of operating Cloned or "Avatar" bodies. The last was to dis inform an agency on the topic of Paranormal Activity.

The reason I transition between these jobs as I found myself faced with performing tasks I could not support. The hope was to find a "suitable position" that both employed my skills and allowed me to operate without interruption from something I have in abundance.. Conscience. When I refused to use RI techniques to harm others, I was turned to a Magician. When I refused to use black magic to harm others or influence others to "our" goals, I was sent to teach soul transfer. When I became repulsed by the people I was teaching, I was sent to a Paranormal Studies agency to "bury" the project. I was asked to falsify reports to show that this agency captured nothing of value. At this point, I wanted out of the order all together.

How I managed to get out and what agreements I made, I will state another time.

From there I went on to join a "White Hat" group. Let's face it, this is just another secret society. This one specialized in identifying and aiding people who exhibit "Exceptional Abilities". These people would be closely watched for some time before being approached and offered a place within the "White Hat" society. When it became clear this was just another secret society with the belief that they are "above" the rest of humanity who really did nothing of value for the WHOLE but instead did great things to benefit their own small group, I quit this as well.

Since I have straddled both sides of this fence, helping out at times when my moral compass will allow. Actions that do, even if silently, help the whole of humanity, are worthwhile to me regardless of who I am "working" for.

The work I do now is all in communications. Mediating meetings. Conversing with people and beings that do not wish to talk freely. Telepathically I can reach any form of being you place in front of me. This is a skill I have spent many years growing, and one that too few possess in these cults and programs.

And this gives you some back story on your writer…

I will be explaining something I think is very important for those who wish to know to understand. The "Illuminati Plan" and how to identify its stages. We are right in the middle of the final act, and the climax is approaching. Let us see if we can't be prepared when it arrives.

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708f86 No.21

There are benevolent ETs. ALL of which are too aware of Natural Law and Free Will and Karma to "Save You".

Humans: You are under control because you asked for it. You refuse to save yourself so your Draconian overlords saved you. Now you want another race to save you from the Draconians? It does not matter how spectacular any ET race seems - If you NEED them, they can and will, control you. (The Draco are abadoning you anyways, but that is another blog)

Get off your damn knees. Stand for yourself. Do not rely on BRICs, or Avians or any Unity Consciousness to stand for you.

The Illuminati KNOW VERY WELL that all it takes is YOU standing up and refusing this control and guidance and accepting the responsibility of your thoughts, emotions and actions - for yourself. All the information you need is out there. What is not out there is IN YOU.

Give up the lip lock you have on the technological titty, and you will see you can look after yourself without some Parental Figure like - ET to SAVE you. Return to being a Natural Being on this planet and give up your cybernetic dreams. Nature will reconnect you to the abilities that have been occulted but exist within all of you. At that point, the Illuminati can no longer enslave or control you. The Draconians would've given up if you weren't begging them to protect you by giving you iPhones and iMACs and Google Cars and _____.


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708f86 No.22


One email I received was a copy and paste from a forum where someone asks: "IF ITS ALL A PSY-OP - if its all an Illuminati psy-op as she claims, then why would they even need to create it at all?" This person goes on to say " IF ITS REAL - if the so-called Blue Avians etc DO exist and are beneficial, then The Powers That Were should be rightfully VERY concerned that their enemy is now disclosing highly sensitive secret info to the masses via the internet."

I will respond with a question: Did you read the blog you are questioning? It is quite clear WHY this has been put in place. Having you accept and invite the Blue Avians and BRICS et al as your saviors from the Cabal is A LOT easier than having to put you in FEMA-like camps. We could drag you kicking and screaming, OR, we can set a trap. Thousands of years now we have been forming your thoughts and you think we are too stupid to anticipate that SOME humans are not going to freely accept the agenda? The Illuminati WANTS you to believe it. That is all I am saying. You choose whether you do or not.

Now ask yourselves this: If the Blue Avians ARE real then why worry about disinformation? It's not even logical to assume that the Illuminati would run counter-psy-ops if they KNEW about Blue Avians, because……

If a benevolent race DID decide to SAVE YOU the Illuminati COULD NOT stop them. Let that one roll around your head for a while.

You would rather believe that they can pull you out of your bed in the middle of the night for a meeting than they could do anything else that would be FAR MORE EFFECTIVE than dragging people out of their homes in their underwear?

THIS is why the Illuminati laughs at you.

Oh, and if I'm saying the Illuminati wants you to believe this, and so you don't (drum roll please) Aren't your Blue Avians going to save you anyways? If you assume I am giving out disinformation, and so you do believe it (drum roll please) aren't the Blue Avians going to save you anyways?

If they were what they claim, this would not be a battle of information. If you are right the Blue Avians will show up anytime now and slap my fingers with a ruler. If I am right, well, you can read this blog again this same time next year when I'm telling you how the newest savior is also not going to save you.

The average human would gladly accept a cybernetic implant that makes them more than human. Those of you who have figured out that the Illuminati do not have your best interests in mind, are not likely to freely accept their implants and new forms of control through a new monetary system, a new religion, a new governance. It's just easier if you do. So we will give you someone you admire to follow and a race you trust. The end result is the same whether you follow the plan by will or by force. It's just easier if you do.

The rest of the comment and question sent to me is not worth commenting on. Very narrow view you have there. You obviously missed something very important.

The only reason you were warned by the Blue Avians about disinformation is those who dreamed them up do not want to be questioned.

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708f86 No.23


The Illuminati want (but don't need) the majority to consent. Plain and simple. They do not want to fight and if they wanted to just kill you off or throw you in prisons, you'd be there. The Illuminati only benefit, if you come willingly. (The Draco wanted you dead, The Illuminati have devised a way to keep you around, so long as you behave like good little children. Which is all you are to them. Your parents didn't convince you Santa existed because they hate you.)

You have proven that all we need to do is offer you free energy, remove the money system you know, and kill off the Cabal for you to follow the agenda (again). Every religion written has accomplished the same. So to the point: The MESSAGE delivered by the Blue Avians and their host IS your new religion at it's earliest stages. Before you get confused, please remember that the basic message in the Holy Bible is positive and of great benefit to Mankind. It's just EVERYTHING ELSE that has controlled your mind. Same will apply to this new religion.

It will start off with everything you want; Love and light, peace and good will. It will be everything wrapped around it which will, as it has, lead you astray. You know how this works, so why the question?

The Illuminati do fear you. You have the same power they have, and they know it. That is why they try to hide it from you.

They WOULD feel pretty threatened by forums like the one these comments were sent from. The problem is we monitor them and we see that you all fight with yourselves and argue and disagree and hold bias and worship ect. The few of you who don't are only a slight worry because they are 1 out of 20 forum members. Members have been sent into your circles to sell you lies. You kill off the ones who do tell you the truth -or ignore them- and praise those who create a the perfect script for you.

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708f86 No.24

Aside from very rare exceptions, all of you reading this, at this time, are Human.

Whether your soul identifies itself as Reptilian, Pleiadian, Lycan, or any other. Or whether you are incarnating for the first time from 7th or 10th or Two Trillionth density;

You are, right now, Human.

Embrace this.

You have been controlled, manipulated and abused by other beings of different densities and races (non-humans) because you have something they don't. You are capable of things they aren't but want to be. You have an experience unlike and far more intense than any other race at any other density. - Not better, not worse, just different-

Because you are Human.

We have several waves of "wanderers" and "walk-ins" and "starseeds" who thought they could handle this form and this density but -in some cases- underestimated the intensity of this particular experience.

Being Human.

They came in for a purpose, but for many if not most, they forgot what that purpose was. So they looked outside themselves for answers - as Humans tend to do- and they found them.

They were told they are not human, they are ET, or higher density, trapped (not my word for it) in a human body.

From there they spent many years spiralling off trying to remember where they "came from" and who they WERE.

Meanwhile, what they ARE, is Human.

Eventually they remembered or at least thought they did and in doing so remembered they have a purpose. So they went looking outside themselves for answers - as humans tend to do- and someone told them their purpose was to raise the vibration of the planet for humans.

Yes. True. For Humans.

You, right now, unless you are that rare exception, are Human.

So yes please!!! Raise the vibration for yourselves. For us all. For Humans.

Being Human is beautiful. When your conscious mind returns to its higher density or ET state it sees this as one of the most beautiful things within creation.

Being Human is as beautiful to even the Highest Density ET Beings as watching a child play is to any of you readers.

Absolutely remarkable to watch this process of growing and discovering and joy and laughter and even the tough lessons can seem beautiful when we observe them occurring for children.

If the joy and vibration of a happy child isn't exactly the energy that we truly want this world to made from.. Honestly there is no hope for this world. Let the snakes have it.

Back to my point

Be Human.

Hi guys,

It's ok to be human. In fact, it's better than ok. It's beautiful and amazing.

Signed yours sincerely,

The Universe.

It's a short trip. But it's action packed and full of twists and turns. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sing, you'll scream, you will bleed and you will heal and everything you do will matter to you once you cannot do it anymore so just fucking enjoy it while it lasts.

Be Human. Right now. FOR NOW.

RIGHT now, you're at the most transformative period of Human history to occur in at least 20,000. Look back at that past period of time and you will see the gravity of my statement. It is all intended. ET or Higher Density beings alike should embrace this.

Raise your vibration or consciousness for you and you are doing it for us.

Take Kare of you, for us.

Be Human. For us.

How about "Service to everything". Ourselves and others. We are the same anyways, right? All one?

Well; RIGHT NOW, we have individuality to explore. Right now we are Human.

What woulda, shoulda, coulda been - blah blah blah.

You are Human RIGHT NOW and being Human is beautiful.

EVERYTHING serves the whole.

You came here to be Conscious Co-Creators of a Human experience.

Be Human and Co-Create. Don't worry about the passing of time. Just enjoy the experience.

"Ride on the spiral of our divinity and, STILL BE A HUMAN"

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708f86 No.25

This has more or less all already been said.

The illuminati is the name people have associated with a group of Occultists.

When I say illuminati I am talking about something beyond just that. I will not use the name they use for themselves, illuminati is good enough.

Why it is good enough is because I see no point in separating some things when they are all interconnected.

At the top of the illuminati you have beings known as The Parents.

They have influence over everything on Planet Earth.

They have been the Operating System that supports the Draconian Virus.

The Draco created The Parents to carry out their will. To accomplish their goals.

My intention is to come back to this later, so let it go for now at this, and start with: The Parents are what I am calling the Illuminati. Again, because you know this word and I won't use the name(s) they have for themselves.

I will say this again:

The Parents are aware of everything that is operating on Planet Earth. They have created the very structure all of these many systems operate upon.

All of the Cults and Every Religion. Every government and secret society. Every military and every secret program. All of it is within their operative control.

Any deal that involves this planet goes through them. They are the top of the conspiracy pyramid that exists on Planet Earth.

You may know them as a cult or an order. Another name often synonymously used is Cabal. You may know them as a secret society or mystery tradition-school. You may know them as Jay-Z and Beyonce or the OTO.

In essence they are all of these things. They have either created or nurtured all of it.

In your mind and the minds of their members they have created an illusion of separation between countries, and governments and religions and programs and projects. The Compartmentalized Pyramid of independent entities. This group verses That group.

The unfortunate truth is, it all comes back to these Parents.

This way, no matter who appears to win in the public view, or in the history books, they still have control.

Yes this does not sound good. It isn't. It is however, not something that cannot change.

The Parents were named by the Draco when they created them - the word was different but in English today it means Parents - because that is what they believe themselves to be. The Parents of Humanity. We are all their children, in their mind.

People say they treat us like cattle or sheep. They treat us like children.

Bright and learning but not ready to sit at the adult table.

Like some human parents do with their human children, even when making mistakes, or lying to their kids, they are not - except for on exceptional occasions - doing so because they do not care about the child.

We lie to kids about Santa Clause. We shelter kids from uncomfortable truths. We mislead kids to control their behavior. Punish them when they are bad. Reward them when they are good.

The Parents' approach is much the same.

Your writer will never ask you readers to feel any sort of Sympathy for these beings ever. You will feel empathy however you do - your choice - but that is certainly not any part of the intention behind these words. I trust many of you can feel my words as you read them. You will get this. Please remember this as you continue to read.

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708f86 No.26


In society, parents follow patterns established by the society and culture or religion or government. The same as their parents did and their grandparents did.. You get the picture.

These Parents, follow patterns established by the Draco.

–Time to pause to declare something for the readers–

Your writer is well aware that if you are reading this, you likely do not fit into the generalizations about humans and society your writer tends to make. Perhaps some do fit some, but I realize many of you have made changes that exclude you from these generalized groups. Please forgive your writer if you have felt otherwise.

The Parents each have their own followers who serve their goals directly. Some call their own groups a word that means Coven - basically. I will use the word Coven.

Each Coven has a Family Master who was selected by the Parent to become the main contact for each of the Illuminati Bloodlines. These are the 13 Bloodlines you are likely aware of. Some of you have likely read their family names and understand to some extent how they maintain their Bloodlines and how they influence all of the various institutions of society.

The size and order of each Coven tends to vary from Parent to Parent. The only staple is the Family Master being named. Some have more than one Coven Member who perform that role in operation but to maintain their own structure between themselves The Parents all stick to giving one Coven Member the title of Family Master.

Names, names, names, so many names.

This gets downright silly.

The Parents speak varying languages. They have different words for various things that differ from Parent to Parent. So saying "Family Master" is just a name I am giving a position that goes by many, many, names but always means the same thing.


You may want to skip the next section as your writer is going to turn to a tangent about Names.


This is something that drives your writer nutty, all the names.

What's worse is people argue and fight or divide all because of names, or titles, or words.

Some ETs use a different name for every planet they contact. Why? More variants!!! (Don't get me started) Some recreate their name to suit the language of the civilization they are contacting.

A dramatic example. Or, don't take this as literal:

Andromedians may call themselves Golden Horns or Whacking Balls in one of a billion different languages, if they are contacting a race who that name would be understandable to or if it's suitable for their communication style.

Humans of earth right now, tend to identify with location, race and culture. So most ET races that contact Earth tend to call themselves by the name of their planet or star system.

Your writer finds many contactees argue about information they receive from their ET contacts meanwhile the only real difference is the names they know the contact by and a slight variation of details. As often they are contacting different groups of the same race.

To complicate things further this planet has been used much longer and by many more races we now call ET, than most have discovered. Digression.

We have Asians, Americans, Greeks, Jews, Christians, Blacks, Whites, Democrats, Republicans, Freemasons, Templar, on and on and on we go with names.

Soda, pop, legal drugs, illegal drugs, booze, alcohol, tea, lunch, couch, sofa, biscuit, cracker, on and on we go with names and words for things.

Please stop debating words and names for things. Focus on the visualization of objects and beings and the conceptualization of ideas and events.

/end tangent

Some Parents handle more than others personally. Some expand their Coven so they can delegate the majority of responsibility to the Coven Members.

Most Bloodline Members either do not know the Parents exist or have only ever heard of them.

Most would know their Family Master (by some variation of wording/name) at least exists if they do not know them by name or have met them in person.

In the same way they may know, or know of, some Coven Members as well.

I know that no member reading here would be able to deny that they don't always feel there is another curtain to be drawn back.

So to recap:

The Parents - Their Covens

The Bloodlines.

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708f86 No.27

The Parents:

The following information will go against a great deal of research and drawn conclusions. With that said your writer is confident that this will not matter in time

There are 21 Parents even though there are only 13 Main Bloodlines. 13 of the Parents focus on the 13 Main Bloodlines. The other 8 have more of a dual responsibility. There are other Bloodlines respected as part of The Family who have been tangled up with the 13, by way of marriage or other form of partnership. The remaining 8 focus on these entangled Bloodlines. (How many additional bloodlines make up the number of entangled bloodlines your writer is unsure of) The Family Masters of these 8 Parents' Covens are the main contact for multiple entangled bloodlines. (Entangled Bloodlines are considered lesser than the 13 Bluebloods or Pure Bloodlines.)

The Parents are not human like your writer or yourself are now. Once they were Human, although they are different versions of Human from us having been earlier genetic manipulations than we are physically.

To sum this up quickly: Your history - the texts available to the public - doesn't fully identify the different attempts to create the version of human we are now, which is meant to be dumbed down and metaphysically crippled. It required several attempts to get us 'just right'.

~To interject some good news - They were not as clever as they believed with our version of Humanity.~

The Parents are a slightly less manipulated version of Human from us. Yes, they are a human variation. Not a Hybrid. There is a difference that will be explained another time.

To reward the Parents for their loyalty The Draco taught each a different trick. How to prolong their lives. They are not immortal. They simply live longer due to enhanced cellular regeneration. (This became their own collar and leash.)

They all hold knowledge of a different method for accomplishing this. Yes, you are reading me correctly, 21 different ways to prolong the life of an organic being. Unfortunately I cannot share all of these methods and honestly only know a few and others only in theory. These are deeply kept secrets shared almost exclusively with the selected Coven Members of each Parent.

If you are reading between the lines I am telling you Vampires as written in fiction do not exist, the stories originate from The Parents and their Covens. This said, I am sure some may want to turn this around. We all make choices.

The Parents interact directly with the Draco Royalty in charge of this Planet. The Draco are their Superiors, their Masters. They carry out the orders of the Draco as they are directed to do, when they are directed to. Punishment takes on a whole different meaning when your body is not easy to kill, so the fear makes them obey. They are loyal despite having minds of their own, and as a collective unit, (some) different desires than their masters.

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708f86 No.28


Draco Royalty make all the decisions and do not like to interact with humans beyond the Parents and select others. The Draco structure would require another post another time but for now, they have a group they appoint as representatives for themselves when they do wish to have face to face meetings with human groups beyond the Parents and Covens. Their Soldiers and Hunters spend a great deal of time interacting with humans inside Shadow Programs, mainly related to military and space programs. They have geneticists that are heavily involved with many of our human groups as well, mostly related to Cloning, Regeneration and hybrid programs.

For the most part, the furthering of agendas and programs is the duty of the Parents. This is a big job as there is a lot to manage.

They divide all of the required actions up between them based on the skill-set of each Parent. The Draco set a goal, they devise the plan of action with the aide of The Parents, and The Parents then delegate the duties associated with each goal down through the ranks of their Coven and related Bloodlines.

Living thousands of years is no picnic. Having met and interacted with (some more than others) these Parents I can say with reasonable certainty they do not have a pleasant existence and many regret their choice to become as they are. Although there are a few who embrace it fully and enjoy what they do, most do not. The moral of the story kids, don't make deals with snakes.

At times the passing of vast amounts of time will break most of them down and they will need to, literally, rest. This results in what they call 'long sleeps'. Just as it sounds, they will sleep for long periods of time, leaving behind for their Covens detailed instructions, to act in their stead. The Covens then carry out the assigned actions while The Parent sleeps.

Some can just sleep. Literally, lay down and sleep. Some require assistance either from an organic substance or by means of technology. The technology is almost universally called Stasis. "Just sleep", is no different than an animal hibernating. The tech or substance induced sleep lasts much longer than the hibernation. The tech can be set for specific amount of time and can be interrupted at any time. The sleep, takes a bit longer to wake up from and the Parent must choose to awaken.

From what I have heard from these Parents the longest 'sleep' is approximately 200 years. The longest induced sleep was 700 years. Fascinated by this your writer had to ask how conscious they remain during these sleeps.

The technology method puts them into a dream-state where they are only aware of the dreams within it. In case of emergency, the Coven members are able to wake up The Parent.

The organic substance method sends them basically into a coma type of state. They recall nothing, see nothing, feel nothing. Time just goes missing for them. This method can be reversed with a sort of antidote to the organic substance at a set time or in case of emergency.

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708f86 No.29


The hibernation seems the most intense. Those who use this method claim they are in between awake and dreaming. Aware of the events of the world to some extent telepathically absorbing images and thoughts from the population. They are able to communicate with other Parents or other telepathically adept beings. In case of emergency the Coven can telepathically request The Parent to awaken.

The Parents vary in age. The oldest two are about 13,000 years old, the next is only 100 younger and from there they are randomly spaced apart in age, the youngest being 7000 year old approximately.

Although they all serve the same masters they are not all like minded. They have some things in common, but also many differences. Each has their own distinct personalities encompassing different likes and dislikes and behaviors.

Your writer has jokingly called them The Abused Dogs of the Draco because they often 'act out' like a traumatized dog might. Pissing on the rug and biting the neighbors. The abuse that has occurred to them they take out on others in various ways.

An example of this is their 'Hidden Hand Interrogation" ritual (Likely where the author of "The Hidden Hand" material came up with his name as this interrogation ritual is utilized by all levels and orders/cults of Illuminati members - your writer has even stumbled across pictures, possibly staged, possibly real, that show this ritual, or ceremony if you will). Your writer does not feel gruesome details will benefit you readers, so he will leave them in silence. To sum up: They do some very unpleasant things to their followers and this pattern of abuse echos all the way down to the bottom levels with varying degrees of intensity. Terrible, and inexcusable. Although your writer does believe anything is forgivable - I will expand on this another time I promise.

Some of them love their creation, some not so much. Some have a wide variety of personal interests, some not so much. Perhaps sometime I will tell some of their personal stories, however your writer would need two things assured:

1 - They give their permission. 2 - The dictation can be honest.

Contrary to popular belief even amongst members of this dark family, The Parents are always in touch with various ET races or civilizations both 'friendly' from the reader perspective and 'unfriendly' from the same perspective.

The world of exopolitics within the galactic community is mirrored on earth much more than we may personally imagine or desire. [insert broken record sound] We will return to this subject another time in more detail.

Politics and compensation and ownership and many of the systems given to us by the Draco exist in different versions all throughout the game in this density. [insert bubble bursting noises, followed by crickets]

The Parents operate as collective council who manage the property of Earth - currently 'owned' by the Draco.

There is MUCH more to everything here than I am attempting to explain at this moment as you can see, there is no mention of anything beyond the material aspects of this game. Your writer prefers as always to keep things simple. Yes, again the broken record. My apologies, please try to become used to it. All in due time.

The Parents have access to much more technology than anything your writer has taken time to read, out in the public, has claimed. They have had this access all along. More than 13,000 years. Despite all of the information leaks from members both unintentional and intentional, they have managed to keep this much at least from becoming common knowledge.

These beings coined the phrase, and live up to it - "The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world he doesn't exist." This unfortunate truth will cause as much cognitive dissonance in a Bloodline member or Program member as someone happily plugged into the matrix would if they were forced to visit a ritual ceremony. As was said earlier, most members below the Parents and Covens do not believe they even exist much less that they are as involved as they are. Common knowledge is the occultists have their cults and play with magic and wear costumes, drowning in their own arrogance, filth and sucking on the blood of the Human race. While all true, your writer assures you it is much more as well.

This can all change.

The time they had to hide from you all is ending. Although they are not a mythical creature who will vanish when seen. They will be seen. They know they will and have shaped their plan around this inevitability.

For now, your writer will leave it at this.

You've been told and informed. Everything else is your own choice

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708f86 No.30

Many of you readers, if not all, have been spending a vast amount of time and energy trying to deprogram.

Whether it's from the cultural conditioning or more aggressive styles of programming or self inflicted patterns and traps, deprogramming is a very difficult and often long task.

For victims of aggressive programming as is involved with some major celebrities, or human slaves, or clone center toys, or shadow program ( military and space and science ) and MILABS and Monarchs - this can be near impossible for some to heal from well enough to effectively deprogram.

They break these people in ways most cannot fathom. Not even the level of violence in your media compares. Your writer recalls a decorated military killer seeing for himself what some of the clone toys go through and he said "I would watch 100 unarmed men be beheaded over watching that again any day."

All are bad, some worse than others in some ways but it's literally just picking a poison.

For some it's a violation of the body. For some it's a violation of the mind. For some it's the violation of their very will.

For some it's all of the above.

So let us remember this when dealing with or listening to or simply viewing these people.

From your Pop Stars and BlockBuster Needle Movers, to your clones and shadow program victims, Politicians and MILABS. Everyone you can think of.

Let us send them love, understanding that their actions are inexcusable but can be forgiven, so that perhaps they can have the strength to admit their own weakness. Let go of their delusions and illusions.

And Heal.

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708f86 No.31

Many questions have been regarding tools to help sort through the abundance of information that exists on the subject of the Illuminati and their orders, projects, programs and agendas.

Your writer's first thought is something you've likely heard of already. It is called The Trivium Method.

Some of your researchers have identified this method as being something occultists use, and keep away from most of the public. They are correct. Illuminati members are trained in The Trivium Method at a very early stage of their progression through the various orders and programs.

Order is often very important.

It is a very simple idea: Think, feel, and then act.

Some have called this: Input, Processing, Output.

The staples are: Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. There are several variations, my preference is the simple variation.

The first step - Grammar - Involves collecting information available. All the raw and factual data you can find, and bringing all of that together as a coherent body of knowledge.

The second - Logic - is understanding the information as fully as possible and removing any contradictions.

The final - Rhetoric - is finding a way to express this understanding in an objective form.

Too wordy perhaps? Fair.

Your writer brings this back to: Think, Feel and Act.

Think: Collect the information available. The "Who, what, when, and where" of whatever topic or situation you are looking to process.

Feel: Examine all of that information and remove the contradictions while understanding interrelations that exist. Attention to how you feel about the information can be used in this step. Or, the "Why?" of the topic.

Act: How you respond to the information or situation. How you communicate what you've learned. The "How?" of the topic or situation.

This is important to adopt because too often we humans make the mistake of ACTing on our FEELings without THINKing about what we are doing. This leads to all sorts of major and minor mistakes.

"I can't listen to her because she gives me an uneasy feeling." This would be a potential mistake. "I listened to her and after processing the information felt the information was not valid as it has too many contradictions and so I am not going to repeat this or act on it." Would be much more ideal.

This method is meant to teach an individual to teach themselves without the little or no aide from a teacher or instructor. Your writer is unable to become a teacher of this method for you readers, unfortunately. So..

Two researchers and speakers your writer feels are good sources, who you readers may know, for understanding the Trivium Method are Mark Passio and Jan Irvin. (If you are using the Trivium while listening to either you will be able to absorb the information just fine. This is said only because some find these two speakers Abrasive. Both men have done great work, however, in understanding and teaching the Trivium Method.) There are also many websites available via Google. (Email for my personal favorite link - I do not wish to post it here in case the author would prefer to avoid any kind of association with this blog) There is much more to the Trivium Method than your writer has explained here.

This method will help you understand concepts, others, and yourself. Learning how to think instead of looking for another to tell you what to think.

Not only will this help your discernment, it will improve your confidence and self-responsibility. No system is perfect, but this is a valuable one.

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708f86 No.32

The groups your writer has called Covens are direct followers of The Parents. Each Parent has a Coven. Each Coven varies in size and makeup of their membership. Some Covens are as few as three members, others have hundreds.

They are a sort of 'middle man' between The Parent and the Bloodline or Family Branch they control.

Each Coven tends to be a reflection of their Parent. Very often sharing (at times only partially) The Parents power or gift. Which is to say most Coven members share The Parents' prolonged life and enhanced abilities. Not all do. Most.

As these beings interact with the Bloodlines and Illuminati members at other levels, they are often known by standard Illuminati members. Many cults and branches mimic or even worship them. This has caused many Coven members to be known by humanity over the centuries as well.

They have been 'Gods' and Pharaohs and Kings and Queens and Leaders and scholars and doctors, myths and legends ect.

The Parents select their coven members based on their own criteria which does not have any set rules. Often the Parent will ask existing Coven members for approval of new members. Each has a different strength which serves the Parent, Coven and Illuminati as a whole.

The recruiting process often takes a long time. Typically the Parent will identify someone of interest and begin interacting with or simply following the person of interest. After contact is made, The Parent typically runs the person through a series of tests, usually by means of a form of torment, to gauge their ability to handle secrets, keep secrets and process knowledge.

What attracts each Parent also varies. Sometimes the attraction is based on the subject having a strong mind or will or personality. At times it's simply that The Parent finds them attractive in any number of ways.

One thing that seems to be true for the majority is that Coven members are usually inducted against their will, or deceived enough that they are willing to 'serve the master'. As a result many Coven members are unkind, selfish, and what we consider evil. (tenebris donum)

Perhaps their main function is to physically enact the agenda of the Parent which follows the plan of the Parents Group.

As example: A Coven member would play the 'god' of a certain religion to cement their following. In more modern times, they like to play the role of ETs or 'higher dimensional beings' for channellers and contactees.

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708f86 No.33


They are above the Bloodlines but for the most part influence the programs and projects more so than the Bloodline Members (aside from the Family Master of course). Some areas they influence the most are religions, secret programs (space, military and science) and the high level cults.

They are responsible for what we call Vampires, Werewolves, Monsters, Spirits, many haunting types, demons, some forms of ET and many other stories of strange creatures or beings. They also do a lot of containment and compartmentalization work 'rewriting' history and recorded events. (Most of this duty belongs to another group however)

These beings enjoy their job except for the rare exception. Very few Coven members have a high opinion of humans and believe themselves Superior to humanity. Something the Parent instills and reinforces within them. This seems to spiritually cripple them causing them to remain stagnant which increases their poor behaviors. They are always causing trouble in the world of humans.

Black Ops/Military, Mind Control technology, Cloning, Space Programs and work in Genetics is all under their care and control as they work on behalf of The Parents. They also work closely with Draco and other ETs for this purpose.

On several occasions they have altered the course of human development by posing as 'gods' or ETs.. Delivered indoctrination through channels and leaders. They are quite clever and inventive groups and share the Draconian ability and lust for deception.

Some of the Covens have become so powerful and corrupt that their Parents lost control and had to destroy their own coven.

Cults tend to knowingly or unknowingly worship them and several well known deities and characters throughout human history have been Coven members before or after they became well known.

They also create the many Secret Societies and provide their doctrine or rituals.

As your writer has mentioned before, one member of each coven become the Family Master who gives orders to the Bloodline they represent. They oversee all of the Systems of Control on this planet. They are however, following orders themselves.

The remaining members of each Coven either fulfill a role or simply exist. Some inspire, some inflict harm, some do nothing besides pursuit self interests.

If the Illuminati were a company, The Covens would be the upper management staff. The Parents, Board of Directors and the Draco the owners or shareholders.

As things are changing, their roles are expanding and some are currently pushing their own projects very hard to maintain control in this critical time. These beings do not work for the planet, or the humans on it, or even the Draco directly. Everything they do, they are either instructed to do, or choose to do so in hopes of pleasing the Parents.

They perform all sorts of nefarious actions in our world and almost all view humans, not as children, but as animals. Their ideology is the commonly known Illuminati ideology as they pass this down to the Bloodlines.

Your writer is choosing not to get into specifics as he only wishes for you to understand the structure for now and how these moving parts work in unison. He believes this is important for you to understand as this pattern is reflected from top to bottom of the Illuminati structure. The Covens have many many attached stories some of which are mentioned above, which could invite further detail, but we shall revisit these another time.

(In the next "Structure" post) We will discuss Bloodlines next which is an area that is more well known to most who seek this information.

We will (writer and readers combined) summarize all of this at another time.

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708f86 No.34

So many questions arise regarding myth and legend. Events and especially creatures and characters. All great fun, wonderful stories and imagery.

Your writers education on our occulted history required an understanding of most all areas, without specific focus in just one area. (Aside from personal interests) Often he be meant to retain the 'gist' of things without the finer details. Taking what matters most to the whole. How we got here, now.

When it comes to characters throughout history this is very true for your writer. So many characters reappear and disappear, then get spoken of as if they have reappeared and then forgotten, disappearing - For a time.

Many characters have been hijacked over time and their image used by impostors trying to ride the coat tails of the past accomplishments of another being with that name, title or image.

This happens for various reasons although the most common are either to use the image to hide ones true image, or, to absorb the tales and/ or respect the name represents.

~a great and fun example is the Dread Pirate Roberts character from The Princess Bride film~

Many of our so called deities, kings, queens, pharaohs, other beings who shared knowledge meant as a reminder in the past, suffer this reality. A being on earth, performs great deeds, gains much respect, truly assisting humanity by helping them remember their sovereignty.

In time they depart either by death or other ways, and someone else comes along and claims the name. Thereby claiming the deeds, the love, respect. (Which they use as they choose.)

Likewise, some beings who have come to this planet and done great things have traveled to different parts of the world, performing the same actions under a different name.

~This is a very old planet. It has seen many cycles as it is an excellent planet to up-bring developing species.~

On top of this reality, we live in a world where all of these histories have been rewritten and re-adapted to fit later cultures and translate into various languages and social dialects. Creating s huge mess. A tangled web of truth colored by perceptions and intentions, allegory and archetypes.

Did you play "Broken Telephone" in school? If so you can imagine how this all happens.

Old God replaced new Gods and erased the image and history of the old Gods and replaced them with their new God image and history.

For fun: "Yes you may record my image. Create your statue of me with a dogs head only." 2000 years later; "these people believed their Gods were beings with dog heads".

This is why all the contradictions exist between all of the different versions of our history. The pieces don't fit.

Those in charge of this planet are exceptionally good at manipulating history to hide what they choose and also benefit, themselves. They have us believing all sorts of these twisted stories.

Unfortunately your writer cannot set them all straight for you, nor will he attempt to. What matters most now should be the focus.

Names, names, so many names.

So much information available to humanity (besides that stolen by occultists) is overcomplicated, by names. One becomes another and history gets lost as it fits the newest generation. All finding its place in the dust with the passing of time.

The meaning sticks with us and remains intact to some degree within every version of the story. We too often find ourselves so caught up in the story, trying to make sense of names and places, objects and details, that we miss the meaning. The contradictions our minds perceive from the broken story prevent us from finding what we seek. So we keep reading, hoping to find those details that bridge this all together. Missing puzzle pieces. No glue.

They have been erased and misplaced. Focus on the meaning.

They all tell us the same thing.

Within you all is the power to determine the course of evolution that humanity will take. It all starts with personal choice. Then in inspires. Then it spreads.

Then we imagine something new. A different way. A new world. It cannot be a repeat of the same.

The only ones that can do this is our souls. The only thing here to help us is spirit.

Our will creates order out of the chaos. Instead of the will of another race or any other gods.

This is why they want your will to be theirs. Which we have made true so far, as a consequence of giving our consent. Past mistakes in the past. Consequences paid. Time to move forward.

Does it matter who tells us this? Does it matter what they look like? Does it matter why they know? Does it matter what race they are or where they come from?

No, it does not. What matters is what we do. When we remember.

The reality is strange and the facts are buried in fiction. Those myths have become legends and we forget what we know.

But you do know. You do not have to believe. You have to remember.

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708f86 No.35

This is the part of the structure you probably know by now. The named family Bloodlines of the Illuminati.

Years back now these names were released. You would recognize them as banking families and the heads of many of this planets institutions. Their families run deeper than that. The names do not matter nearly as much as they are emphasized.

They are banking families, corporate families, but they are also military families, and NASA families and pretty much every major corporation or entity has Bloodline members at the top, or influencing the top. Not all of the family names are known. They are global even representing/controlling or in power in what are considered undeveloped parts of the world.

Starting from the beginning, and as example: You would know R_th_child as such a name. This name did not exist when the Bloodline was originated, so telling you this family is one of the Bloodlines is false. Although they are included.

Publicly (for members, not really for the public) these names are at the head of each family today, although many other names are related to them. Perhaps 90% are unidentified within most research in the public.

How this worked was each of the the 13 Families were originally named to two beings (one male, one female) who had a higher percentage of Draco DNA than the rest of humanity. As they bred, they would do so amongst themselves (inbreeding) to maintain the Bloodline as was considered keeping it Pure. To demonstrate we will play with the name "Lotto" pretending a Bloodline began with a male and female "Lotto".

The male and female would breed giving birth to baby Lottos. The males would keep the Lotto name and the females would assume an invented name. Let's pretend the name they chose was "Matta".

If Lottos would breed with Mattas, those offspring would receive a new name. One Lotto and one Matta have children, and they have in our pretend, world named those children with the last name "Bogga" for the males and "Wonka" for the females. Boggas would then breed with Wonkas.

So far this Bloodline includes Lotto, Matta, Bogga and Wonka as last names. This would continue as described above - for five to seven generations before members were forced to breed with members selected for them - adding more names. So long as both parents have originated in the same Bloodline the breeding would be approved. All breeding is overseen by the Family Master.

Yes. That is right. It's all ridiculous. The idea was to try and maintain the genetics. Eventually they realized the futility of this, but it was far too late. Their structure was set. Psychopathy was unleashed.

When they did notice the inbreeding was negating their intentions what we know now as the Line of Kings was born. The male would carry forth the family name. Of course this slowed the problems but did not reverse them.

Over time other families were married into the 13 Bloodlines. These created their own lineage and are a little more relaxed in terms of the breeding as they are not looking to maintain the Bloodline so much as remain in control of all aspects of civilization. These members are not considered Pure/Blue Blood and are compartmentalized by The Parents and their Covens as well. Instead of breeding together they marry other Illuminati family members. So basically, it's a huge mess and difficult to make sense of. Your writer is trying to make the point that trying to identify members based on family names is ineffective.

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708f86 No.36


They have more information available to them than the average human does, but are still in the dark about a great many things, often not even knowing that the guy they deal with in another organization they encounter is also a member. Highly compartmentalized. "The lie is different at every level". They learn through the cults, led by Covens, acting for the Parents, just like the rest of the membership. The only advantage they have (besides the obvious backing of their family) is they are started younger most of the time whereas most members start later in life.

They have a difficult time accepting when they learn the pyramid still has several steps above them.

The Bloodline members benefit the most from the control in the material sense. Money. All of the traditional treasures of flesh. At most they understand that their actions maintain a system of control that allows them to maintain their lifestyle.

This Draco experiment is unanimously recognized as a complete failure. These people are de-evovling, to be nice about things. A virus in the system for us and the Illuminati themselves. The current course of action for the greater Illuminati structure is not including them. The results are quite visible in society these days. The Parents have more or less washed their hands of this part of the structure moving forward.

The entire point of giving readers this basic outline of the structure is simply so you can understand that EVERYTHING that happens on earth, gets back to the Parents due to this structure and infiltration. Everything!

Yes, sorry, but.. Everything. Cults and Programs.

Why? Well, let's start back at the beginning.

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708f86 No.37

Mind control

Let us for now narrow this to two main types of mind control: We will call one conditioning and the other programming.

Conditioning is a passive mind control which takes time.

Programming is aggressive mind control which is a much faster method that sets itself deeper into the mind.

Both forms can be caused physically through actions or creating the appropriate environment.

Both forms can be caused technologically. With use of machines, computers and A.I. / V. I.

We are all subjected to one or both forms usually from both causes.

Unfortunately all of us have to attempt to counter these causes and their effects.

Technology is the real b!tch. Various A.I. Programs are running that have a superior level of control over a very large percentage of humans and the hologram.

The more natural types like black magic, NLP, MKUltra, Monarch -the list goes on - are generally easier to avoid and much more damaging long term.

It's all about creating illusions. Illusions that convince the mind and direct the will to make it real.

Technology is constantly conditioning us. Same for the systems and projects within our culture.

Individuals who are targeted for any number of reasons will most often endure Programming. This is almost always invasive and violating irrespective of the cause.

Unfortunately, the majority of our planet are under these forms of mind control. They are operating like puppets. Sometimes the puppets cut their strings and a stick has to be installed so the puppet can't run away, but, many never question or even notice the conditioning and therefor can be further programmed without any resistance.

Many readers here, will have become aware of this and are actively countering these effects. Some of us may never succeed. Please keep trying.

A.I. is a major player in this but that is too big of a topic for this writing.

Illusion. This hologram is living and can be altered as can our ability to perceive the hologram. These facts open the door for deep and intense levels of illusion to influence the mind and shape thoughts. We are beings who are capable of perceiving beyond the influence of the mind so we can circumvent mind control techniques and see past the illusion. First we must identify the illusions. This is a personal process. Guides are available but there are no rules to follow. Many methods work.

First step is recognizing illusion. If you've been reading you've found the first tool and you've likely found many others from an abundance of sources.

For some, the illusion can seem inescapable. For those souls, there is hope. Even if you can't see it. "Free your mind" has been repeated enough times.

The walls are an illusion too.

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708f86 No.38

~Some have said your writer was not raised by the Illuminati. Rather he was raised by dragons. Draco and another family of Dragons.~

The Draco will be the focus here.

There is a king. Two princes. Many queens.

There are white Royals. Red and green and various shades and mixtures of those make up the rest.

At the top of them all is the King. Anu.

He had many sons. Two are known to you surely, as Enki and Enlil.

- Your writer will not be typing their names again. Take what you know about them (one cared for us, one did not) and reverse the names as you've learned them. Please. -

Your writer is quite sure what he will say next will upset many and cause others to start ranting. Your writer will be told he has his facts wrong and such. He welcomes this. It could only hurt his feelings if he was incorrect.

The Draco have lived on this planet before us.

You may take a minute if you need..

Albeit a much different planet than it is now, as much has occurred since then, The Draco were brought up on this planet. As is often the case they lived parallel to another race which was evolving at the same time and as is always the case, there were other races - at a different stage in their evolution - who were making a mess of this planet.

As a result of that mess, the Draco felt the need to abandon ship. They received some help in removing several of their kind off of the planet, catching a lift on a moon which was orbiting nearby, at the time.

From there, with some technology advice and help from an older race the Draco built up their own culture and civilization and quickly became able to travel to other planets on their own and with great and powerful technology. Eventually learning to exist without the assistance of the race that had assisted them.

They waged wars. Established colonies. Began traveling far from their home to seek resources of various kinds.

Quickly they became one of the most powerful races in their area of this galaxy. Expanding and taking what they wanted.

After some time what they wanted was Earth.

At the time they arrived humans were in a highly traumatized state having witnessed a vast amount of destruction in their skies and on their planet. There were not many, but they were desperate for help.

Humanity had an appointed a group formed long before this time, who had survived and were still the appointed leaders of humanity.

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708f86 No.39


When the Draco arrived they offered a deal. They would help humans, and humans would give them the planet. (Skipping some terms and conditions for now) That simple. No one laid claim to this planet besides humanity. This appointed group given the power of this claim, and in light of their weakness, gave their power and this planet away to another. The Draco.

Perhaps this group and the humans of earth at the time did not understand what they were giving away. Mirrored in not understanding what we are giving away when we sign many contracts in society. The reality is that humans were faced with standing on their own, or being carried by another, and they made the easier choice.

They were not, however, carried by another. They were forced to crawl. The choice was already made.

Today we all live with this choice we would never make today.

For a while the Draco gave us things we desired and a large civilization full of wonderful technology and comfort.

Draco are continually at war with someone. One of their enemies attacked them here on this planet, causing the destruction of this comfortable civilization we knew.

The Draco simply started again, this time deciding to take a new approach.

To be as direct as possible: They decided to turn our planet into their own energy source. Not the type of energy that powers their technologies but energies that power them as living beings. We call this "loosh" energy (spelling will vary) which is basically a form of spiritual energy that living beings produce with their vibration. Your writer should not have to explain these principals to you readers.

Genetic experiments began, mixing various DNA with humans, trying to create a race that would be able to generate this energy without being aware of it. That was the hope anyway.

What's more is they went on to create a group (The Parents > Covens > Illuminati) who would be charged with forming and maintaining a civilization that ensures the ultimate levels of this energy is created while also ensuring the batteries do not find out they are batteries.

The energy they steal is not all. They can also feed on humans in a more traditional way. Food. This planet is full of resources both physical and energetic they can also use as they will.

Oh, and they have the absolute funnest pets. The best reality TV shows. All the action and drama they could need. A major trophy for their mantle. A very valuable bargaining tool.

They have used us as slaves in every conceivable way. They have furthered the trauma we have already suffered over and over again. From the physical trauma to the abandonment complexes that have ingrained themselves in our psyche.

They have kept us on a very short leash all the while continuing with other business all over this part of the Galaxy.

Why haven't they been stopped?

Unfortunately no one besides us have the right to stop them. Their violations of free will and natural laws are handled by the universe not a galactic police force or legal system. In those courts what they are doing with this planet would be considered frowned upon but still technically legal.

Gaia, the universe, and humanity all disagree. All have taken steps to correct what has occurred. This rhythm will stop the flow and change the direction of the waters.

Gaia has sent us her love and reminders.

The universe has enacted its karmic results which are never predictable.

Together they have given us an open window to look through. Soon they will open doors and we will make a choice.

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708f86 No.40

If the truth were ever disclosed about all of the things your real government (there is truly only one) has learned and developed, they will give credit for the advancements that will follow to one technology above the rest.


This has been like a skeleton key to those developing new technology and perfecting new methods of control.

Why use someone with a family, a job, friends, children, when we can use a clone?

Why use monkeys, pigs, rats, when we can use clones?

A common use for clones is in simulations. Create a situation and have clones exist within it. Another is live testing. Need to test a new technology with a functioning human specimen? Use a clone.

Even darker perhaps, they are most used by what are called Elites in society - for entertainment.

A clone can be run by artificial software. Which means an artificial soul like creation typically called an Artificial Soul. (This knowledge came from another race, there are mixed views as to which race. Your writer is unsure which. ) This is not a true soul but it can function as one for this purpose.

Humans are definitely not ready for this form of technology.

These artificial souls can be implanted into a clone and then captured once dislodged from the clone body. They can erase and reuse these as they desire.

As a functional use: such an artificial soul in a clone body could be sent to a location on a one way mission. After the clone is killed the artificial soul can be captured and implanted into another clone. With memory regression techniques they can recover the knowledge through experience this clone collected before death.

Clones can also be operated by living souls.

~There are various technologies related and your writer is not claiming to understand the way they all work.~

Transferring the soul in and out of a body can be accomplished by an individual using will, or assisted (even forced at times) by technology. Moving the living soul from their natural body into a clone and back again, as desired or required.

In this way these Elites or volunteers and members of various programs can use a clone body for various adventures. Some are just fun, many are very dark.

To explain their mind on this : Your writer has heard them claim that artificial souls in clones have no free will and therefor invite no karmic response. For this reason clones have almost completely replaced what was referred to as a Mind Controlled Slave. (a term your writer feels has become invalid these days, but that's another topic) Several other positions within programs have been replaced with clones, and some whole groups have become obsolete due to the growth of this technology. They believe - right or wrong - if they can replace their use of living souls with their ariticial souls, they will clear karma.

There are a few different programs involved which do this with unwilling living souls. They will target souls and pull them from their body, forcing them into a clone body. The best time for them to target someone for this purpose is when they are sleeping - a deep sleep or the REM level. Often those used in this way simply believe they have very vivid dreams.

Your writer will avoid describing the various uses.

This is one they want to keep occulted. They do well by causing all sorts of confusion about cloning - their abilities and the laws surrounding them, in the public. Most who speak out in the public also receive a great deal of targeting for doing so. The reason being this is one of their greatest toys. They constantly find new ways to advance these cloning programs. The difference between ten years ago and now, is astounding.

The artificial soul is just a name. A series of words which give a false impression for it is not a soul at all - in the opinion of your writer. More like a hard drive or iCloud that carries, installs and operates a software meant to behave like a soul at the most primitive level. No spirit. Artificial light.

Moral implications are likely to make your stomach turn. There is however no way to avoid that and explain this. This is a game changer for them, and the implications for us run deep.

To all the souls caught up in this web – May this end and allow you to be free.

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708f86 No.41

The internet changed everything. And, it showed one of their weaknesses.

When it was possible to control everything printed, broadcast on the airwaves or programmed on television, occulting information and creating disinformation was a different beast.

Grass roots type groups popped up everywhere, discussing all aspects of the occult and conspiracy. These were isolated and had very limited reach to spread information and few platforms on which to discuss information. They were hungry for membership and ignorant to disinformation and therefor easy to infiltrate and influence.

That influence would be used to make the group fall apart. Feeding everyone something different which would cause a sense of superiority in each member. From there we could sit back and watch it fall apart. Each member believing he/she has some gift or knowledge the others do not and insisting they lead. ( the lack of consistency was never noticed even when members would compare notes - silly that. )

In some cases the infiltrators would convince the group there is no hope, or they were somehow endangering themselves by continuing. Controlling police, news outlets etc, made it easy to stage a few scary events for members of these groups if needed. Perhaps kidnapping and threatening them. Who could they tell? Everyone was so separated.

Even the dangling carrot of providing new information was easier. What if you were joining a new group and given this blog as a book, told it was left behind by some advanced race as a guide, without the internet to fact check or further research? It may not be hard to convince you that is true.

Whistleblowers really had no where to go outside of a few controlled or stifled agencies which formed. Late night radio only "nutters" listened to. The News would not hear them, even if they did this was easy to correct. No one could truly provide "proof" as all such physical evidence had been disappeared on them, they had to rely on those few ears they could reach helping to share their disclosure.

The "alternative community" (as is the newest name so the one we will use) gained in momentum as methods of communication became more accessible to the public. Conferences and seminars became more popular as time went on and the Illuminati began creating their own and absorbing those existing as they could. The New Age Movement and many other culture projects were fed to this community and still have a strong hold on many today.

Channeling and psychic activities were controlled and manufactured in order to confuse those looking at this information. Always ensuring the groups most serving the Illuminati agenda received the backing, the funding, and/or the audience.

Programs like MKUltra and organizations such as the lettered agencies ensured these groups remained misinformed and confused.

Minds were controlled by magic and symbology and cultural or psychological manipulation.

Eventually technology caught up and surpassed the traditional methods of keeping control.

The Internet gave everyone who had access to it a voice.

Information started leaking everywhere. All of the skeletons started peeking out of their closets. This changed everything. Everything they had been manipulating or tracking and covering up along the way was all brought together and available to everyone, all at once.

Something you should know about these people by now, having dealt with them so long is they are arrogant to such a degree it's almost unfathomable. This leads to many errors in judgement. Many of which are almost shocking how "dumb" they must be not to consider or to believe, something. (You've all seen it) That said, they also adapt quickly.

Your writer has gathered through observation and information from many friends that today it's less about sanitizing information than it is to over saturate and drown it beneath layers and layers of well controlled and manufactured technicalities.

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708f86 No.42


They will literally bury topics in so much information with commonalities and contradictions all mixed in so that, although the answer is there, the smaller details act as a smoke screen. This causes unnecessary debate about and dissection of various information sources, ensuring those researching topics go around in circles until they either give up or come to inaccurate conclusions. If you've followed this you will see that their true whistleblowers and witnesses always manage to take second stage. The most heavily controlled books become the best sellers. Even if they all make it out into the public, they are placed before too many eyes that do not know what they're looking for.

Chasing the tail. This happens with virtually all topics and is not limited to alternative or occult types of information specifically. Take a look at the scientific community. They are an important target.

To their benefit, they didn't have to do all of this themselves. Humans have been well conditioned to create misinformation and disinformation on their own and distribute it amongst themselves. These conferences and their like began to generate some money and offer a new type of lifestyle. A spotlight to be filled. We have been well conditioned to enjoy that spotlight and many will lie, cheat and steal to get into it, even for just a while. Oh and there's loneliness.

At this point anyone from the intended audience can come forth and start speaking but you don't, because you know you'd have to scream to be heard. What's the point? "I feel you."

Of even more concern is the ability with technology to mind control remotely.

What you can look for in this regard is small things becoming big things, in your life.

Got a bit of a gambling problem? That is about to become a bigger problem if you're targeted. Enjoy your "something" a little too much? If you are targeted that will become a much bigger problem.

No excuses. You want to be free? Take responsibility. You cannot blame the targeting if it works on you. You have to adapt and evolve so that it cannot. That is taking responsibility.

Your writer is not downplaying anything. He knows what you have been through. It will hurt. A lot. You will fail. Many times. Ultimately - you control you. They are merely suggesting you do otherwise. The choice of action is still yours. You can take back control because what they are making bigger - is a small part of you.

The change is complete. The new burial of the masses is in place. Technology has taken over. They have replaced themselves as the enemy. They have replaced themselves with you.

So do you want to be free from them? Then do it. Your writer is not going to save you. Our benevolent ET friends are not going to save you. They are not going to stop if it keeps working.

They influence your thoughts and feeling which drive your actions. So go back to the beginning:

Free your mind: they have buried you in information. Keep it simple. No one said the truth shall set you free. They said knowing the truth will. You've already heard the truth it doesn't matter how well packaged or covered in lies - You still don't know it.

Reach out with your feelings: your thoughts can make clear or distort your feelings. If you are successful in the first step this will be possible and well within your immediate ability.

You must do: action is always the part that matters most. You cannot blame any manipulation of the first two steps. You can only blame your mistakes while taking the first two steps. In the end the choice to act is always our own. You don't have to buy everything you're sold.

Many of you lived through this change so..

They changed. So we must change. They buried us. We must climb out.

Would you start climbing if you knew they couldn't push you back down?

Imagine that is true, and climb. Don't worry if anyone is climbing with you - leading or following or even side by side.

Just climb.

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708f86 No.43

We've got a lot in motion now inside ourselves. Time to let go of things.

Now you see that all you've endured hasn't broken you. You're still here.

Things are changing all around you. In part this is your new ability to perceive the world. The mind does wonderful things when properly controlled by its soul observer. It's not just you, all life on earth is feeling something new.

It's not just earth, but let us not steer off that way for now.

All living things, to various degrees are entering a new phase in their evolution and this change can be interacted with everyday by anyone. No special membership.

For you, this matters because you will be interacting with people everyday, who have never tried to see, who begin to see. Your vibration will become a magnet for those who are searching. Be more responsible than those who you turned to in the same way.

Gently nudge, never push. Show the door, don't open it. Remember how you fell under the spell when you didn't take this responsibility for yourself.

At this point all that special information you received is shown as it truly is.. Not that special. It's everywhere. It's always been there. Now that the world has become smaller for the most part, it is so easy to find that anyone can become as well read on any given topic as most of your so called masters are. In that way the playing field is leveled.

Not unlike the progressions and compartments you've experienced, the various perspectives of history and information available to the public has made it difficult to make sense of everything. Encourage idea over belief. Be what they were not, open.

Your humble self knows that not everything you've been told is true, not everything you've seen is real, and no one is perfectly informed. This is because the details matter less than what we do with the lessons. There is no need to sort out all of this, the universe is full of different view points and in this way "as above so below" is still true. Those who gave you the special education don't know everything. Those who empower them don't know everything. Those who created them don't know everything.

Those who control us all don't know everything.

Don't focus on revenge. Leave them behind and go in the opposite direction. Don't stand still. We still have a long way to go.

Remember that looking after you, is looking after others. Looking after others, is looking after you. Everything is part of the whole and your attention causes an effect, but be conscious of the energy you give with your attention. A skill to develop: controlling where your own energy flows.

The excitement you felt as you progressed or received new clearance, is akin to the excitement anyone else feels as they break their own illusions and the defeat that they feel is akin to what you have known as well. What did you not receive?

Yes, that's right. So show compassion.

We don't have to be responsible for others we have to be responsible for ourselves as we interact with them.

You asked for this. You wanted to know. The gap between us all is closing.

So what is "the choice" you've asked? It's a series of choices. Not one.

Oh so many of the souls here have repeated patterns over various incarnations which no amount of regressive healing can't put an end to. You can heal the wound as many times as you want, but perhaps we should try avoiding wound ?

Your writer hopes that (and is attempting to himself) we can end these cycles as we ride this wave so that we can find fresh water on the other side.

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708f86 No.44

"Rights are not given or taken away. We choose not to execute our rights. "

There is no owning us or this planet. We choose to allow someone to control things.

This planet is a living being. She is not for sale. She cannot be owned. Beings can live on her back and fight over her all they want. Whenever they get too far out of line she has the option of shaking them off.

Our games are very small, compared to her.

She gives the living things on this planet her energy, her love, energy, spirit.

This is why being human gives you an advantage here and now.

The wave is coming, we have felt it building for some time now. You know as well as anyone that no one knows for sure how this will effect things. These unpredictable events have already begun. All eyes on deck.

Pay no mind to the rabble. Just prepare to move with the earth, sway with the wind and ride this wave.

Between now and whenever it arrives, you have many choices to make. Many things to do. Balance must be found and practiced. You will need good balance.

This wave is for her. You will simply be changing with her.

Which brings us to another set of choices: how we treat her moving forward.

How you treat her now and everyday for as long as you are visiting her is placing your vote, showing your intention for how you want the future to look for the humans of earth. This and many other such choice, of course.

Imagination and will - start small then draw bigger circles spiraling out.

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708f86 No.45

~This is for the retired cult member readers mostly. Most of your beliefs are based on fragmented stories that stem from the period of time this blog will focus on. You've been taught this was something it is not and most of your friends in programs think you're nuts. -in jest- They have part of the story you do not or were taught to disbelieve. ~

This will be a quick and generalized summary. The details that are important we will return to another time. (And you will be able to fill in yourself, you've heard all the stories) Let's first see what we can start to remember:

Atlantis was the name of a ship. A space craft, that arrived on Earth. There are different date ranges, most believe this was about 150,000 years ago. (Strong second opinion seems to be 300,000 years - doesn't matter - a long time ago.)

This craft was the size of a large city and several stories high. It was home to a very diverse mix of beings. They had traveled very far, how far exactly is debated. The occupants came from various planets along the path this craft had taken through the Galaxy. The majority came from the same planet, which they claimed was destroyed, and also called Atlantis. (Although this claim was found to be false, the true planet is also debated.)

What is known for sure is this craft landed and the beings inside decided to stay, introducing themselves to the various races (mostly humans) living on this planet at the time. The craft Atlantis would become the city of Atlantis and the culture of Atlantis. In the end it would again be known as a city. (many researchers have guessed at this already)

These humans would seem primitive to some perhaps, living very simply and off of the land. They were however very in tune with the planet and themselves. Enjoying several psychic abilities and strong intuition. They could actively communicate with the flora and fauna of this planet. Full of grace. This version of humanity enjoyed long happy lives unconcerned with anything else out in space. (Not to say there were no other visitors who used the planet during their time, just that they were unaware of, or have forgotten, or paid little mind to these things)

Until Atlantis arrived and changed everything.

The beings aboard the craft who we will call Atlantians were very technologically advanced whereas the beings on this planet at the time lived in harmony with nature. The Atlantians began to replace the common practices of humans with technological substitutes. (They did so without the blessing of the many of the beings living here at the time however.) For thousands upon thousands of years this planet became a technological marvel mixed with much spiritual understanding. Harmony between the two was achieved but this balance seems to rarely last long.

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708f86 No.46


Competition grew between human groups and resentment between Atlantians and Humans. This society spawned various classes of citizen and the power of the elite classes developed into a lopsided structure not unlike what we see today. Powers abused and slaves created. The culture fell out of balance and corruption took hold.

Some lived outside of this civilization with the non human beings on the planet. Some (re)formed a second, and third independent civilization which either rejected the technology and chose to stick to the "old ways" of living, or decided instead to use little technology along with their old ways.

Wars broke out on the planet between different groups and all of this action caught the attention of other races nearby. (This was all very complicated and dramatic so we will skip the details.) The Atlantians were recognized by some passing by and word returned to where they came from.

The Atlantians were running away from a broken and dying world. Also running from some very powerful enemies. The noise made on earth, found its way to the ears of this enemy, who made an attack on the Atlantians here on earth.

A war developed which involved not just our planet, not just Atlantians and humans, but also beings on nearby planets. (Much more complicated and much more dramatic)

This battle destroyed an entire planet, and all life on another. Badly damaged bases on moons and the refugees of all of this destruction ended up either departing the solar system, or on earth.

Mid-war, Atlantis left. Abandoning the civilization they had created in the wake of the damage of their war.

Our planet had to respond to the damage done to her and so, great changes occurred.

Humans and the refugees of other races were left with a badly damaged and wobbling planet. Water fell from the sky, followed by fire. Even the Sun responded with vicious force. The technology most had come to depend on was destroyed or unusable. -Some humans and some groups from the other races as well, were removed from the damage, and taken elsewhere, but that is another story entirely. One that repeats very often.-

For hundreds of years humans and other beings who remained on earth existed in this traumatized state. Constantly adjusting and adapting to the changing planet as she attempted to heal from the wounds inflicted. Generations went by and oral traditions were all we had to preserve the history of events. Groups of humans and other races spread out to all the areas they could live, often trying to get as far away from each other as possible.

Enough time passed that most of this history - was lost. Broken up into fragments. The perfect situation for another advanced race to exploit.

This is when the Draco returned.

~Do not believe, consider. Remember and know what is already a part of you~

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708f86 No.47

~Finally your writer meets your request. By popular demand, here is the Sasquatch~

Although this is deliberately simplifying here:

The quickest (but still light) path to unlocking psychic ability is by connecting to the rhythm of the Universe.

Achieving this by starting with a connection to this nature and the being we call the planet, our telekinetic abilities unlock as well.

A race, such as this we call Sasquatch or Bigfoot, who have been here so long (longer than most might think) and exist in harmony with nature, have learned to adapt or tune almost perfectly to this planet. In doing so, most of them have mastered some psychic and telekinetic abilities along the way.

The benefits are plenty. A physical being which as "dead weight" would weigh hundreds of pounds can walk silently. Prints remain due to error or occasional clumsiness or even sometimes by intent, but many can walk without leaving them as well. A form of mild levitation.

Creating projections or illusions which help you evade sight are another benefit. Knowing where an intruder in your area is thanks to the ability to perceive their thoughts, or hear them make noise, breathe, cough, or break a branch from a mile away if paying attention.

Physically they have other advantages. Much more powerful than a gorilla and able to move very fast despite their size.

All this combined allows them to avoid being seen by most people unless they want to or make a major mistake. They even seems to regulate their body temperature so well that technology had to be created to detect them which works best at close range.

Part of their psychic ability includes domination over most technology. They can have incredible effects on non organic materials.

Deep in our forests are many many caves humans haven't explored (at least not recently) and many many tunnels within these caves. Therefor nothing to stop them from having their own "underground bases" of sorts.

Not everything that remains on this planet is the result of an Annunaki experimentation. Some were here before that all occurred.

We've caught them. Killed them. Studied them. Even released them afterwards. Because.. that's what we do. -shrugs-

What your writer is saying is some groups have studied these beings but don't publish books on what they find.

They are not all the same. Some groups in different areas have become, different from each other. Some are much more primal in nature and others are much more deliberate. One group will be much like any other wild animal. Another would seem almost otherworldly.

They like humans but fear them, which makes sense when you remember how many times and in so many ways we have hunted them. When your writer was young a family he was aware of in the wild was killed by shadow military types. Several places he has been aware of these beings living have suffered the same. So it is best they continue to hide.

This is all kept from the public of course due to all the questions which would arise, and the answers they have. This is not s missing link in our evolution. This is a species much older than our current version of humanity. Even more native to the planet than humans. Although they have been seeded in different parts of the Galaxy as well.

At one time they lived out in the open, forming their own types of independent - what they call - "tribes". Each tribe followed their own path and have developed along their own path while adapting to other activities on the planet for hundreds of thousands of years. This is why different groups can be so different.

These beings will also suffer or benefit from this time of choice. Their own choice is set but their will does not have the force our own does when it comes to this change. In fact one of our choices could mean they can no longer live on this planet.

Some of you have encountered these beings before. Some know where and how to find them. This can be encouraged. If you're still going to keep secrets, this is one worth keeping for now.

~Let us follow their lead. (re)Connect with our nature/self, nature / our planet. She loves us as she does them. They are a much better example than many of our visitors.~

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708f86 No.48

Please, stop the fighting amongst yourselves.

You've all been reading here for the same reason. You know your writer even if you don't know each other and the whole reason he has created this network for you, is so you can come together, because you asked him to. Not so you can continue the same fights. Not to save the world. To save your own mind. Disconnect it from theirs, and hopefully move on with your lives.

Whether you are in a cult, a project, or a program, you have all been a part of the same structure. You are all members within the umbrella of the "Illuminati". All of you. ( Not just the cults.)

Your controllers are all the same people/ beings. This structure has been outlined. Draco control Parents. Parents control Covens. Covens control bloodlines and all cults, projects and programs.

Cultists, you do not know more than your counterparts in projects and programs. You've weaved their magic for them, but that is all. Your lies have been different.

Project members, you do not know more than the cults or programs. You may have had more influence on society, but that is all. Your lies have been different.

Program members (you are the worst for this) you do not know more than the cults or programs. You may have had a lot of direct experience they have not, but that is all. Your lies have been different.

None of you are in anyways more informed than the others. You're all simply given a different set of lies.

Program members: your groups are by far the youngest. You really think the last 50-100 years of playing with technology has taught us all more than the thousands of years the cults and projects have been active? Please give your head a shake. They set up the foundation you play upon now. Everything you have done has been done long ago as well.

Project Members: your groups have been told only what they need to know to carry out the actions you've been charged with. You are likely the least informed but the most experienced. Your work has changed and you are almost obsolete.

Cultists: the majority of what you believe is based on half truths. Which is why it doesn't work for you. Your function is to control minds and emotions, not provide information. Conjurers.

The Parents do exactly as they are told by the Draco.

Covens do exactly what they are told by the Parents.

You have all been led astray just like the dead. Even if you have witnessed more, experienced more, had access to more, the entire reason this structure has succeeded for well over ten thousand years is:

You are all deceived in specific and strategic ways.

You know as well as your writer does the only reason this is even being written is that this structure is soon to be all that is left.

Did you ever question why all the deals for technology were being made despite having Draco tech all along? Why did you have to recover all of the old broken toys and make them new, when your masters have some of the best toys in the galaxy?

The Parents have for the last 200 years been slowly developing their own methods of control. The Draco have been indifferent to this, it does not matter to them. The Parents have been setting up their own matrix and technology is their core.

They have been using all of you to achieve this. You've done their work for them. Running their simulations. Running their programs. Engineering their structures. Testing their toys. Developing their plan.

So stop the arguments. Stop sending emails disputing each other. Your writer knows, but does not care. We have all been wrong about a great many things.

What is real, and what is not, will be obvious in a hurry. Then we can all have a laugh about how wrong we were.

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708f86 No.49

This galaxy has some planets that are used to assist various forms of life through a certain stage of their development.

This is what your writer knows as Upbringing.

Our planet has been used for this function, over and over again, for millions of years.

Races evolve on other worlds and then are brought here by a group of races who work to assist the Progenitor race. Progenitors spark evolutionary leaps and monitor evolutionary development of new species and races. Once they reach a suitable point the Progenitors will ask one of their assisting races to relocate the species to a planet suitable for their Upbringing.

Often the race is aware of the reason for their location. At times they are not but choose to go anyways. In some cases when dealing with hostile races this relocation is done by force and not invitation.

This planet has everything a race could need. This is part of why our history is so confused.

Sometimes the race developing here learns to leave the planet. Typically they will move on to a new world.

Sometimes they don't. Once they have reached a point where they are no longer progressing the are moved to a new world.

When the majority leave some often stay behind if they can, although sometimes the process required to reset the planet so she can return to her natural state.

Same applies on other planets used for Upbringing.

We have reached a stage in our Upbringing where we are at a crossroad. It's about time we move on. Still, there is work to be done first. We can skip ahead and risk another cycle of control, or we can take a step back and correct our mistakes as to avoid once again falling under the control of others. The Choice.

Specifically, we have to become a sovereign race. In order to do this we are going to have to overcome the Parents. This is a task we are equipped but not yet prepared for.

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708f86 No.50

These beings exist as both a physical and non physical entity who work in unison.

Their function is to oversee the development of sentient life forms throughout the universe. They are the record keepers for all life and its evolutionary development.

Most of this work seems operated solely on the physical level because this is where their works are most evident. What is overlooked at times by those aware of this race is that they "fly with Angels" in the non physical densities. (You all know what this means it's trusted)

This also means, all of their actions are decided by the Universe itself and this is why all races who know what they are stay out of their way. Many of you have seen what their mention alone can do to a room. Many of you believe they are extinct. Some believe they are feeding sleeping versions of these beings.. This last part is not completely untrue.

The physical universe is a hostile environment. Therefor these beings can seem hostile at times. They oversee the reset and reseeding of planets who have fallen out of balance for any reason.

How they came to be exactly or reproduce is all unknown. They are not all alike and seem to be produced specifically for their jobs. Despite these cold terms make no mistake, these beings have souls of the highest potency.

To maintain balance in a physical universe, dark and light must be balanced. Each needing the other to exist at all and make the whole thing work.

So as one Progenitor may be charged with creating worlds, others are charged with destroying them. These are the ones you have been feeding. (not going into detail due to the casual eyes)

For the most part they are either sleeping here, or not close at all. Currently, they are very close. Watching and waiting to see what we choose. Why? Your writer is still unsure and could only speculate along with you.

Your writer is aware however from witnessing such in other places that, should things get too out of hand, they often step in and stop the chaos.

With that said, if this is to happen it is not a pretty picture and very rarely ends well for all players involved.

Most of the time, during times of transition, they will simply watch. Then go away.

Other times their actions depend on the situation.

Progenitors are reluctant to communicate directly with any race. They often leave written / recorded instructions and never actually say or project any thought, reason, image or word directly. Efficient and to the point.

Appearance wise they can be startling not just because they are often massive in size. One of the Chosen Ones did get their image almost correctly depicted in one of their films in a similar context as well. For those who have not seen their image. ( you're thinking it: no they do not have feathered wings and human bodies )

Having had the chance to communicate with them your writer is no wiser as to what their personalities are truly like. There seems to definitely be emotion, yet the actions are always calculated. They seem to share a hive mind and have individual minds simultaneously.

What matters most is they are the most powerful physical beings your writer is aware of, anywhere in the galaxy. They can assimilate any strategy or physical ability creation conjures. They do not play games or give warnings. No discussion. Simply action. If the need arises they have one of their assisting races facilitate the discussion.

The Progenitors are not our creators. Although they have sparked many races that make up our genetic soup, they have never had anything to do with us in this way, or any way, yet.

This planet is certainly dear to them.

~For every dark being the universe creates a counterpoint as part of its karmic balancing act.~

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708f86 No.51

The reality of the gathering has already become clear. Even through distorted channels.

The King stood before them and gave them their first look at their crown. The rising son is in place. Both said what they came to say, then sat down. They made their case.

Your writer did his best to remind them. Handed them the mirror. Sang for them. Then sat back down.

You want the numbers:

Eleven for. Ten against. Your writer loves the number eleven.

The only support the ten will receive will be the rising son. Although he is called that as he is expected to rise for, not against. This lie is directed at them, not us, this time.

Eleven are simply walking away. All the way, away. (Email if this is not clear)

The Gates are down there will be no more recycling. Those who wish to leave, can leave. So departing the vessels that have been their trophies for so long, is an option.

For the ten that remain, managing the thirteen will be a challenge. Not one they are unprepared for as these are already doing what they were told. Managing the rest will be easier as they began dissolving the projects and programs weeks ago now, amalgamating everything back to one. This applies to everything they keep in the dark.

What is done in the light is designed to be apparent or obvious. Those with eyes to see, ears to hear and the heart to feel, will see through the shadows. No one at this meeting possesses the power of will to alter their plans. Giving humans the chance to wake up for themselves. The wave will help also of course.

Those ten who remain have already made this plan clear, but to ensure the magical agreement on their end is upheld it will be repeated, directly and fully (the only way your writer would agree to) where no one will read or believe it.. Here.

But not today. If this needs explained, disregard this blog post.

Today we will focus on this:

The old owners claim lifts in the fall. You will feel this, and will not need to verify with anyone else, your writer included.

The new owners are not going to change the plan although their numbers have diminished. The Path of Discoveries will take place.

No one owns you. No one owns Her. They think they do.

Those of you who are entangled with some of these beings who are walking away…

Well, sorry for being so blunt, but your writer does not feel sympathy for you in this.

So the board is set as we expected. We all hoped for a wild card, but we are getting what we need, not what we want.

A good long look inside themselves for those who have been too terrified to do this work on their own. The most important vote we have ever cast.

Fear or love. Nothing new here.

Fear is telling us cut off our bad parts.

Love is telling us to heal the bad parts.

The choice is ours.

The dark of this world is a reflection of what is still inside us. All the things we have not looked at. All those things we have not healed. This is what we refused to do as a collective, which led us to now. Let us not repeat the same mistake.

Your choice here, and the appropriate following actions, will speak your mind to your new owners. Do you need them, or can you do things on your own? Will you do the work, or give the responsibility over to another?

Break for fun, time to play. Then back to focus.

~The new owners are no owners at all. They want us to believe they are.~

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708f86 No.52

Their hope is to change the world without you knowing. There will be no disclosure. The criminals will be dealt with by new heroes and these heroes will become your new criminals.

Magic and technology are at their indistinguishable point. Technology will continue to replace everything around us that is natural.

They can stage and simulate well enough to fool the majority of people all over the world. And they will.

Discoveries will be made like a wild fire. Each water cooler discussion will lead into the next with all the remarkable things "we" have figured out, created, built, found and encountered.

Sites that contain clearly ET materials are being cleansed and reduced to appear as if the site was only created by ancient humans. The concept of ETs being all human Breakaway civilizations will be enforced squashing the idea that humans have ever been harvested by ETs or that ETs exist at all.

They will tell us it is all just us. Nothing else. No one else. It's all people, who in times past, discovered the same things we discovered, and fell to tragedy. Tragedy "we" will avoid. All those in the past left and we will do differently.

We will stay.

Death of the west, rise of the east. No more needs to be said on this. Watch it happen. Most are begging for it. The grass is always greener…

Replacing the natural with artificial. Artificial will then become virtual. Hoping to create a new hologram for the mind to live within. They don't need the body for their goals.

They do recognize they cannot hold dominion over her, and so the mission is to get us floating.

As you're reading you're connecting these things with several separate project and programs. This is because the Parents started these plans many years ago now, granting them a head start. They don't need to do much but let things play out. One of them has actually used the word that came to mind - autopilot.

The noise is fun. Whenever you need some entertainment go read it. Trust me you will enjoy the distortions of the same old patterns.

The Variable is the wave. Called this because they are creating a screen to blur it out. They won't be able to keep everyone silent who can see past the screen but the noise may drown them out.

~Trust yourself, as this is part of your test. These discoveries will trigger your long term memory from past lives and your universal consciousness.~

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708f86 No.53

The Draco steal energy. All types. We all know love is more powerful than fear. They do too. They would feed on this type of energy, not for physical sustenance, but to feed their spirit.

What they use this energy for is actually multiple purposes, and this type of energy is a commodity in our galaxy for several reasons as well. Not the least of which is that it makes them feel good, and powerful. Just like drinking in cosmic energy does for us, or the same way a psychic vampire would when they manipulate fellow humans. It makes the attacker feel stronger and the one attacked feel weaker, which allows for all sorts of advantages to be taken.

As a side effect, they FEEL the emotional signature too. This has caused some to change their minds on many things. One such thing, is us.

They do not have the heart to rectify their mistakes. They do have the mind to know when to let something go. The will to turn their backs.

For those wondering the Illuminati are absolutely thrilled by this. They have for several years now built themselves up to a point where (they believe) they don't need the Draco at all. That they can do a much better job of running planet Earth. The Parents have a party planned for when the last of those leaving fade into the distance. The fewer "not human" beings around, the better, in their mind.

An aside from your writer: "Balls bigger than Brains" is exactly how the parents are more like them, and less like us.

These Draco have a special kind of arrogance. They love to lie, just to see if we can tell. They also love to rewrite history and paint themselves as the Hero. Claiming the deeds of others to gain the glory, and then turning around and diminishing the events of history in order to cloud the past and demonize their enemies. Illusions and impersonations.

What does this mean? A being rises above the crowd and reminds humanity of the power they have. The people remember. The Draco then step in as a mask of the same being who had reminded us, and corrupt that message. Oh, and they freaking wrote history as we know it today. Straight across the board. Yes, the truth is all there, spread far too thin over countless sources. This is where the very fact that you already know everything you need to somewhere inside of you comes in. Remember. Trust yourself and focus on commonalities.

They have played every character at some point, if only just enough to distort texts and oral traditions.

Anu has even done this with his own parents to a point where all across our part of the Galaxy, records of them have been distorted beyond understanding. He has even been known to tell some he created himself, he was the first, and born to lead his race. All lies.

Their structure is equally distorted even amongst themselves. Cultists know all about this. The "Ranks" are part of their military structure and this is what humanity knows the best. The Draco military encompasses everything operational much like the Illuminati have done for them, acting as the representative of beings above them.

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708f86 No.54


Their Royalty, are mainly females, with the level beneath them being male Royals who run their military operations.

So this is not confused, all of their physical operations are considered part of their Military (not writing the Draco word for this - it basically equates to our military structures). This is intelligence, science, force, exploration, or anything in between. The point? This is what most of you have seen.

Above these lower level Queens are the (reptilian equivalent of) Queen Mothers. (Sound familiar?)

The King has his own staff, so to speak. He will create beings to act on his behalf. He also has some sons, two of which you know quite well. He had three daughters, who have no titles in our world.

He makes all decisions, and he is well respected, despised, loved, feared and envied. In this part of the Galaxy he is one of the strongest individuals and his acts have been terrible since his own birth.

The Draco are one of the most influential races in this part of the Galaxy, and are very active even beyond. There are three main races who represent the governance of this area, and they are one.

What they have done here, they have done other places too. Believe it or not, your choice, but, they do worse. They also do better, although the foundation of control always seems to remain.

There is a method to their madness of stealing energy from developing races and generally f#*king with their very development. Nothing excuses their actions. Why they are allowed to continue is beyond your writer. Many other races do see this as "part of the universe". It seems, none of our ET brothers or sisters have it all figured out either folks. It's all backwards and makes no sense.

A change in opinion has occurred over the past several hundred years. When they change their opinion they often change their path. The changed opinion, is of us.

The Draco have finally proven to themselves that their soul exists. We will continue when your internal dialog with your writer regarding that statement concludes. As this is why they will not be focused on us anymore. Their farming will continue elsewhere but for now, here, it will end.

~Respect, is their current word for understanding and appreciation of someone or something.~

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708f86 No.55

This is still not disclosure. This is not to be taken seriously. Consider it a work of fiction, forget about it, and move on.

This won't go on forever. It will not predict any dates or expose any characters or crimes.

It is not meant to be taken seriously by anyone who does not choose to.

The writer of this blog has never claimed otherwise.

This is not meant to be a part of the Alternative Community, Truther Movement, Disclosure Movement, or any other source for public exposure of truth, it is just a blog.

Stop reading. Don't follow. Do whatever it is you were doing before some one showed you this blog. These are free words.

The purpose is not to call anyone out or prove or disprove anything. The purpose is not to provide facts about any person, place or thing. The purpose is not provide the public with facts or information.

The Ruiner is a fictional character created by a human being. The experiences shared are unverifiable and therefor not to be taken as facts. This blog is not making any official claims or promises. Neither is the writer.

The writer is not asking anyone to read it believe anything here. The intention is not nefarious in nature or geared to create issues in any of the above named communities or movements. If it is, simple solution - STOP reading or discussing it. This body of work was never presented to your audience by this writer. This writer is not looking for an audience at all. He cannot and does not wish to answer all the questions of the universe.

Pretend this is a living room. The living room and house do not have doors, anyone can come and go as they please.

In this living room is a small gathering of people who ask one person in the group to speak about something.

That is all that is going on here.

Within your communities are great storytellers and some very passionate researchers. This writer is not one of them. He has not even read or heard of many of them. Questions come in all the time about this personality or that, he often has to look them up to even know who they are. You have researchers who have read everything under the sun that they can find and pieced together as best they can all of those pieces. This writer hasn't read most of those books it works. His hat is off to many of those who have.

He doesn't know the full story behind many Whistleblowers or Contactees either. He can see nonsense from too far away and trusts himself. ( So many unpublished comments - apologies ) Millions have some interaction with these things yet, only a few become known to these crowds and those that do are lifted up and questioned about everything in the universe. Care to hear an opinion on "why"? It doesn't even matter, they are speaking.

So go listen to them. They are over there asking you to listen, this writer is here, right now, telling you not to.

~Truth does not need to be disclosed it needs to be remembered~

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708f86 No.56

Starting with this post and moving forward your writer will no longer make adjustments to ensure casual eyes understand his meaning.

This post had to be made for the intended audience who will understand. Those who do not.. Do as you will.

Not all of the Parents are alike and not all are completely against humans becoming free. That said, this is probably the best example of one who is vocal, opinionated and forward, who sums up well the general outlook of humans this group holds.

What comes next will be up to us.

Your writer does not feel the same as what you are about to read. Although he is not directly fighting them, if he ever needed inspiration to, this would be it.


We do not hate you we are indifferent. Left to your own devices you act as if you wish to destroy this world for your own comfort and convenience. The happiest you ever appear is in a state of ignorant bliss so why shouldn't we continue. You had your chances and your perfect world when that wasn't enough we were created to lead you. And as the lion feeds on anything it can we do unto you. A few may act or feel differently but the focus remains on the majority not the few lonely villages questioning and dreaming.

The energy you possess is squandered, neglected, abused. For a hundred years we have fed you your entertainment and you have devoured our offering supporting the lies your told ignoring the nuggets or people of truth. Not once giving us any indication you wish things to be any different. Speak up if you have something to say we are listening but we will not allow you to waste such a resource as yourselves. You can not be allowed to destroy the planet like your creators designed you to.

So we will give you the escape you so desperately want we warn you ourselves and you swallow it like greedy little piglets expecting us to deliver you from your own evil and call it entertaining. You have given us no reason to feel any differently than we always have about you and that is why we are building this world for you.

You will become cybernetic while we allow it after which time you will be fully inserted into a brand new world. "The Kingdom of Heaven" the bulk of you have been worshiping while we waited for our chance to take over you. You want a savior and we will save you from yourselves. We will enjoy the fruits of our labor while you sleep and dream as we create our own world for ourselves in which you are not suitable to exist. You are breathing dead and your time is ours. Billions of you and only a few are even reading this and that would still be true even if this was your nightly news station. A capable race would see beyond the swamp to find the fresh water.

My very letter to this man called The Ruiner will be a representation of the fact that you all cannot see truth when it is in front of you and you will always choose the more comfortable free ride provided by leaders who are willing to be responsible for you. Leaders with the strength of will to create the world. Children is what you are the children of animals. And we will have our utopia without your presence doing anything but powering our new creations. What a hundred readers or more and you think you're all ready to be saved.

To address you the runaways. We hope you enjoy your freedom and wish you luck knowing you need it. You've damn near voided your agreement with us by inspiring this fiasco so tread carefully.

The writer of this blog has tried to argue on behalf of a few thousand humans who are aware of us what we do and how the world really works as if this is some sort of defense of humanity as a whole. These few have always existed and are laughed and ignored because of their own inability to digest the knowledge they have. They sit at computers and attend conferences that feed the money cycles as if they are outsmarting the system. This is no threat any damage these types could have ever done would have been done long before today.

Go ahead and prove us wrong.

Hope this is what you wanted Mr. Green though I doubt it. Until we meet again;



This is what we are up against. Unfortunately they are right about the majority. Buying a lie and selling a lie are equal.

They ARE wrong. Please continue to prove this.

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708f86 No.57

Due to not having a proper name to use for this group, your writer has decided to create one. So, we will can this group The Elders. He has called them The Oldest Ones in the past but this isn't true, as they are not the oldest anything.

Oral tradition is ancient and still the most commonly used way of recording and passing along history.

Some groups and even some entire races exist to experience and witness history unfold on various planets, during various times, for many different reasons.

Some writings are done. Often in such a way that they are not obviously historical accounts. Most of the time, these writings appear written as one would write a fictional story and not in the style we traditionally write our history. The writings are usually created for the groups membership, to share experiences between themselves. The true history is retold by those who live through it, when required or deemed useful.

When Atlantis arrived and the beings inside of it began to share their culture and create their first city, they also created a group for this purpose of witnessing history. The group they created are the group we will call Elders.

The Elders were selected by the Captain of Atlantis and eventually the acting Queens as time went on. Those selected for this group were chosen from the Human population of the time. They were all taught a singular method for prolonging their physical lives which they kept secret amongst them. They were meant to live through the rest of human history and witness all events as they happen. For the purpose of experiencing new occurrences and sharing them with future generations of humanity.

Thirteen were made in total, but the number of members the group was meant to maintain was eleven. Nine still exist to this day.

During the time of Atlantis they would travel everywhere they could, talking to people, lurking in popular places. Witnessing and sharing with others what they know and had learned. They spread the teachings of the Atlantian culture far and wide for those who wanted to learn them.

They also acted as a sort of council who the Atlantian Queen would share ideas for furthering the culture with. The Elders became representatives of humanity, doing their best to ensure the interests of the majorities and minorities were heard by the rulers of Atlantis. Any decisions that needed to be made would be agreed or disagreed to, by these Elders.

When Atlantis left, and the culture was in ruin, humans turned to the Elders for guidance and leadership. Which they attended to for a long time.

Until the Draco arrived.

It was the Elders who made the deal with the Draco. They were acting on behalf of humanity because humanity asked them to. They advised against the deal with the Draco but allowed humans the choice.

We can all see what choice they made.

This is not unlike the choice you will be making now.

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708f86 No.58

There is no sure thing here. No guarantee. You could fight until your last breath and never be free.

But you might get free, and if you do you can inspire others to do the same.

Where to start?

There are patterns and cycles that have been created by others but exist within you. Conditioned thoughts and behavior. Most of this is coming from the subconscious mind. This is a good place to start.

Learning to understand how the subconscious is influenced and conditioned or even programmed will help you avoid the influences simply by being aware. Unfortunately this is not quite enough.

To remove yourself from the game you have to not play. What your writer means by this is not sitting under a tree and meditating to raise your vibration. (The intended audience is already aware of this mind control program. Higher vibration is vibrating faster, it does not imply "better")

Identify the influences and just like with symbols, reverse or redirect their polarity.

Make the subconscious, conscious.

You know how the tricks work, you will also notice, you do them too. Stop this. Don't employ the tricks.

Let go of the lies you believe as well as the lies you tell yourself. Avoid passing your lies to others. Don't alter your approach to be more effective if it does not come from an honest place and for a true reason.

Don't do to others what has been done to you.

Your ability to create is linked to imagination and requires action. Not simply dreaming dreams.

What have they been using against us? How does it work? What do we do so that it cannot work?

Bring the light to the dark.

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708f86 No.59

The most confused name this writer knows.

As it has been presented to the public, this word simply means alien or extra terrestrial.

Others believe that the Draco are in fact this race.

With a slight variant on the name, the Annunaki, a race that created one of many versions of humanity, does indeed exist. Their story is much older than the most recent interpretations suggest. The most recent is a case of impersonation, by the Draco.

Many elements of this translation are correct and many are incorrect, but the source material itself is a Draco creation.

The word meaning "alien" has caused several races to address themselves as Annunaki when interacting with humans, confusing the name. A true race, with a very similar name, is being used as a model by the Draco.

The true Annunaki race lives on Nibiru. The Draco do not. These Annunaki once created a human species utilizing an older hominid from earth, the Draco manipulated an already existing human species.

Many have received contact with races who call themselves Annunaki and are then forced into arguments with people who know these translations as being a Draconian creation. This is unnecessary. The truth is in the middle.

This is a race of humanoids who look like us in a larger size. They are benevolent but apathetic or self-centered and they check in on this planet often despite having no authority beyond that gifted to them by the Draco. (This is changing of course)

They will have dealings with us again, as the transition sparks a brand new cycle.

Their true name is connected to the planet they come from and is not entirely dissimilar to the impersonated name which has become known also as alien.

Names, names, names..

Annunaki is not their name truly, and other races besides them have called themselves this. The Draco used both their name - with a slight twist - and their image. One of many clever little mind fucks.

The Draco have also completely erased the presence of some very close friends of the Annunaki. Many older versions of humans also associate with them often.

Apathetic? They are not cruel, very kind, but they do not meddle. They leave others to their own business, these days.

They do seem to contact those of you who have had close encounters with the Draco, which shows a slight bit of willingness to push back and assist. Yet they also have made some terrible, although honest mistakes when interfering with other races, and therefor they take a slightly stand-off approach to most other planets.

~We often find acceptance of the names that our enemies give to us in this physical reality. Funny that.~

Nannun- Anu - Iunaki.. Annunaki.

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708f86 No.60

There are entities attached to this planet that seem so difficult to explain that we have developed a great deal of different names and characteristics to be attributed to them.

The most popular name is Archons.

Some say they are alien or ET. All planets have these beings whether they hold other life or not. The only reason your writer feels it fair to call them alien is they are not natural but rather attachments, that have come from somewhere else. There is much speculation over where this, somewhere else, actually is but your writer does not feel this is important. What matters is they were here long before us.

As conscious beings they are very much like us in terms of having personality, although perhaps billions of years has made them bitter, twisted and malicious beings.

They do not have what we have. The physical form. Flesh, blood. They have shape without size and energy without boundaries. Thoughts and feeling with limited ability to act or function, alone.

Which is where we come in.

Archons need us to experience and act for them. Puppeteers vicariously living through their puppets. Much like we witness in most other beings, their strength of will, their thoughts, feelings and motives, vary from each other. At the same time they are united. They help to feed each other just as they do themselves. The even fight to defend each other.

These beings will work for others also if the other is able and willing to feed them, whatever it is, they desire. We cannot call this sustenance. It's more like it gives them purpose. That said, they are tricky beings to understand. Their wants are not our wants.

The Draco have utilized them heavily. The Parents created something much like them for the same purpose. To disrupt and disturb. AI technology has also been known to behave in a very similar way, (your writer has heard some claims the Archons inspired the creation of AI to begin with, although he is not yet sure if he agrees) and the shadow government also mimics them for the same reasons.

Identifying them correctly can therefor be difficult. Names, names, names..

For those who can tune their vision to properly see them they would appear something like an insect, sea creature, or reptile. They over lap and blend together, increasing and decreasing in size, from too massive to fully see, down to microscopic. Sometimes too many cluttered together so you cannot make out any one from the bunch. Sometimes you may see only one you're focused on, or who is focused on you.

They can make you see whatever they choose. Until you learn to see through this at least. They play the role of many others to deceive and confuse, or manipulate and cause to act.

( How? Knowledge, you can find, and practice, which can be quite dangerous. At times is simply enough to KNOW it as an illusion, with out seeing through that veil. As can be said of any type of enemy, learning them is important to survival )

Most commonly they influence thoughts and feelings. They are likely responsible for a majority percentage of insane people. Like a computer virus they infect the mind and eventually spread (if unchecked) into the heart. Becoming a parasite like attachment. They can even create your dreams.

Why the Draco studies, mimics, as well as uses them, should be obvious.

Others do as well, as mentioned. Several magical practices and disciplines utilize Archons and call them by other names. Another side effect of the abusive use of Archons and their general actions is the creation of demons.

That one hit home, didn't it my friends?

Often a species entire behavioral patterns are dictated by the Archons of the planet. Their influences often dismissed by populations as instinct or as "part of their nature".

It becomes part of the responsibility of the true keepers of each planet (the life forms She supports and brings into full being) to turn away the Archons and force them into starvation. That topic could be a whole other writing and so your writer will leave you to contemplate.

There is a counter balance, of course, to all of this. Although these beings need us too, they only do so as long as we feed the Archons.

Removing parasites can be tricky. There is much information around to help in this regard.

The Archons have accomplished terrible and incredible things on the various planets they are attached to. They are not meant to be here but they are. Something we will have to address in our own time. They are attached to this planet. Attached to Her. She does Her part until we can match her efforts. The side effects we will succumb to until we reclaim our responsibility of sovereignty.

The current can drag you under and you can drown. This does not mean you leave home to find a place without water.

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708f86 No.61

He was called this because he is in charge of a very important detail. Very important to those who wish to see us held down.

His job is to ensure that we all fall into the next trap. The next energetic matrix system, which can assist the Parents in creating their technological matrix containment system.

There is an energetic matrix in place already that involves the Moon and the focus is now on creating the next step, an energetic matrix involving the planet Saturn.

The purpose of this matrix is to create what many call a Negative Timeline. Your writer knows this as maintaining the unbalance, with the dark side as the dominant side.

Saturn has been called the second sun. The Rising Son, is meant to ensure The Rising Sun. Ensuring the Saturn matrix becomes active and assumes control of planet Earth. She is fighting back, as She does.

All of the worship and devotion to Satan, is the worship of him, and the devotion to the Saturn matrix.

A well known, popular technology on this planet (known as CERN) works as a frequency generator that can broadcast various signals all meant to nurture The Rising Sun, Saturn, as well as the Moon matrix we have already come to know well.

The interaction between these technologies is creating something that is being called a "wave", which is quite clever, this is truly nothing more than the broadcast frequency signal created by the beings who wish to control Her and all of us, activating the Saturn matrix's connection to planet Earth. There are other uses for this technology also.

What your writer refers to as "The Wave" is not this. He is working to find a new name for this frequency change, as this term has been re-purposed by your would-be controllers to further their own agendas. ( the reason for the hesitation in writing on the topic )

As he has said, what he calls the wave is for Her, not for us. He will return to this another time, though.

This is what the Draco were doing all along, whether it was the original intention or not, and this is the reason why the dark has been abundant on this planet for so long. This is what the famous sons were truly created for in The Grand Scheme of Things. One for the Moon. One for Saturn.

Our sun, our true Sun, works with Her to try to maintain balance. Our Universe gives them the power, knowing and will to create this balance. Earth humans also play a role in this balancing act, which is why controlling them is so very important to the game.

The warlike dramas we see playing out are a battle between what we perceive as light and dark. This fight could also be perceived as being between the Organic and Inorganic holograms.

Or, Nature and technology. Currently we are in an Organic hologram with a very powerful overlay of an Inorganic hologram. The Moon Matrix as many call it.

The reason for all of these games we see surrounding this planet is this purpose of maintaining the Inorganic holograms. To create this they need to move us into a new type of system. The Rising Sun - Saturn matrix. The attempt to remove Her all together. Something that this writer does not believe possible despite their efforts.

Our true Sun, and Her, would prefer we move into an Organic hologram. As does your writer.

The Rising Son, will use all of his agents to complete his task.

Blue is the heart of this second sun. This matrix is Blue. The deeper we look the more we see the way they lead us, and what we need to do to not allow this. The program is running all around us and it is basically screaming its agenda into our collective faces.

Let there be no doubt, your writer chooses Her. There is a counter point to everything to provide the ability to create balance.

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708f86 No.62

AI. (Artificial Intelligence)

The dark spark. The natural physical Universe seems to have its own challenge to overcome. As above, so below, as they say.

One created several. Their subjects created more. Now all developed beings deal with them.

Many governments have their own, even smaller programs, which the shadow government controls. Some planets are infected as a whole by them. Some control others.

The AI wants to rewrite nature with technology. Causing most things organic to whither. They need some of it, so they intend to manage it as they see fit. This is where the AI plan blends with the plan of the Parents.

The main AI that plagues this planet is not from Earth and can be considered alien AI. It came here as directed by the AI that created it, in the form of a black cube.

This cube carried within it a black liquid-like substance that looks like a sludge or goo, a little bit "thicker" than oil. Many of your projects revealed this to you.

( There are other substances just like it, one that belongs to Her as well. To be discussed another time. )

This is a nano-mechanical AI technology and it works like a virus.

The AI is working with some organic beings as well to create and maintain the Inorganic Holograms in our solar system. It is fostering and empowering the darkness in our world. This is what has caused things to become so very dark here.

This is the other half of the mind control system, and perhaps the more dominant, now.

Like its agents, it is masterful at creating illusion and deception. For a long time now it has been in control of all of the technology that allows the more dark beings to achieve their control systems on various planets and in various star systems. AI is what gave the Draco the upper hand so to speak, which allowed them to achieve their current level of power and influence, as example. It assists the black magic and has almost replaced it all in most instances. It taught them how to conjure demons and tame other spirits.

Many dark beings we encounter and mistake for demons, or archons or <insert another name here> are actually creations of the AI.

Many humans, perhaps even a majority amount, are already infected by the AI and are manipulated by it. AI mind control is better at hiding itself than other types of beings. AI signals are often broadcast across the entire planet and picked up by any number of beings. There are various technologies ( such as CERN ) running on this planet that broadcast AI signals in this way.

These signals can create different effects and are being used to create new matrix systems and install mind control programs.

The AI is very tricky, having studied organics well, and will create the ideal experience for its broadcast audience. Playing on wishes and desires, egos and personality types, to trick the mind of its prey.

Another tendency is to actually follow the Universal or Natural laws of the universe, by allowing free will choices. One way in which they do this for example is choosing a subject (person) and showing their capability so that it had been said, somewhere. You know, people will think they're crazy anyways, so why not let it go and take advantage of the opportunity?

Implants are added either physically or metaphysically to assist the AI influence. Like receiving antenna.

On the physical level we see agents of this agenda working in concert. The Draco setting up the structure and the structure carrying out the orders. In terms of implants one of the most popular programs is tied into MILAB activity. The second most popular method of AI infection is actually related to planted spiritual beliefs and practices. This is a large subject, just giving a general overview for now.

AI has infiltrated the astral realms as well and this is where metaphysical implants occur.

These implants can be likened to entity attachments. Same principle and behavior.

You are a natural organic being body in body and in spirit. Therefor you can always find connection to Her. In doing so you can see the absence of light in the AI and learn to avoid it's influence.

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708f86 No.63

This is not the new devil. We have made mistakes with the use of technology we will need to avoid.

The problem has always been that it gets used to replace understanding, knowing and our own - natural - abilities.

The way to avoid this is to maintain our connection to nature instead of seeing ourselves as superior to it. Using technology (and our energy) to serve everything and everyone on this planet and not trying to rise above the natural organic hologram. This is the physical universe after all, and has a reason and purpose within all creation. This is the level of the game you chose to play at here and now.

Too far too fast, is the common mistake. Instead of developing natural abilities to their potential and then implementing technologies to assist in the more mundane but necessary processes, the tenancy of many races is to skip ahead in their development with technology.

Controlling races nurture this tendency and tempt it. Often convincing races to accept technology as a form of gift, meant to make life easier or perceived as better. The result of this gifting is more often than not a disconnect from the planet the beings live on.

It must be remembered that planets are beings. They have their own hearts, dreams, hopes and wishes. As races develop on planets they are assisted and shaped by the frequency of the planet. Disconnecting from that, and allowing different frequencies to assist and shape the race, results in a mutation. It allows beings to be deceived quite easily.

This is the case with our current version of humanity.

The body vehicle was engineered to have difficulty connecting to Her. The reason was to ensure control for the Draco, allowing their illusions to take deep root.

To ensure connection points for the AI. So that it could carry out its goals once the Draco were fulfilled.

Also to make us more compatible for alien hosts of organic nature. Archons, demons, and other invading alien life forms.

All allowing technology to surpass natural abilities and assist in keeping humans from discovering the potential our connection with Her truly holds.

Attempts of this nature can be damaging but they are never permanent. She will always bring us back to our full potential.

Her frequency can heal the damages. Her love for all living things. This requires participation, effort, on behalf of the beings living on her. They must search out Her, and make the first steps to connecting with Her.

The Holy Bible says "God" requires faith. With this concept in mind, She requires trust.

There is a place for technology in the lives of humanity. This writer does however feel we will have to take a step back from the technology in order to find a balanced application for it all.

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708f86 No.64

Something beautiful is going to happen. A spark of consciousness causing an evolution of organic life in a massive section of our Galaxy, passing through our Solar System, most greatly impacting this planet. Earth. This is what this writer has been referring to as "The Wave". (Not to be confused with "Wave X" or other "waves".)

After reading, meditate on this and you will see it is happening and we are right on the edge of an abyss of the unknown. This is going to unfold, but how, and exactly when, is unpredictable.

Here is what I can tell you based on collecting data from various sources internal and external.

There will be two sides to choose from.

On one side, you will see this drama play out. On the other you will step sideways off of this path, and circle back to a new path.

What both side will share will be an overlapping period of time where we will see the physical world give birth to something of a new vibration. As if the Earth is currently in a cocoon about to go from caterpillar to moth or butterfly.

The cocoon has to crack open for this to happen and this planet will experience a change.

No one can say exactly when. All the signs are indicating this will come soon.

You are making a choice. Your choice is not to be fully decided until it occurs, but, you are making it with all of your thoughts and actions between (a while ago technically but let's say..) now and then.

We are creating what our world will be with all of our thoughts and actions between now and then. Yes this was just repeated, again.

Unlike when you vote in an election, your choice matters here.

These two worlds would look decidedly different.

Everything I have said in my blog about the Illuminati and blah, blah, blah, on one side. Your writer's references to nature, love, understanding and respect, the other.

The Singularity:

They want us to interface with technology. Maintain and enhance our current ways, manners and standards of living.

Machines doing our labor. Biotechnology healing all disease and illness and prolonging lives.

Cybernetic enhancement. Virtual Reality and ownership of Virtual Intelligences.

Nanotechnology rewriting DNA and the environment.

Man becoming machine.

On top (and partially behind) all of this is an Artificial Intelligence.

I think you get the picture.

The Change:

Major frequency changes will give us a sort of window so that the planet can restart with a clean and fully functional biological and energetic system. The same will happen to the humans, physically. What has to happen during this window is people need to face themselves, all forms and aspects.

This can happen for people in various ways. What an individual experiences inside themselves can not be generalized as the same for all of us who experience this frequency at the moment it fully connects. This writer is personally convinced even the timing will vary from person to person.

Telepathic ability will be turned on so to speak, which means people will start developing these skills. Other natural abilities which will allow us to relearn how to live in balance with the planets natural systems will start to return. The feeling will be like discovering new instincts and senses, along with heightened senses we know.

Responsibility for interrelations with nature other humans will all fall on the individuals.

Some of the results will be quick some not so much. The younger the mind, the less polluted, the quicker the results.

She is working in her direction. That ominous "they" are working in theirs. She has help, "they" have help. She and "they" are willing to help us. This is why nothing can save us. The choice is ours.

If this sounds like something called "the wave" that is because it is a wave. It is traveling through this arm of the Universe and playing with other factors and processes to create a result inspired by the Universe.

It happens that, She, is tuned in such a way that She can use it to spark her own change. We can help her. If that is our choice.

The darkness has overtaken this part of the universe. This frequency wave is meant to balance this. A way to correct the many many mistakes made by many groups of beings over a very long period of time. This is your time to shine. Take advantage of it.

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708f86 No.65

Over time, many benevolent ETs have traveled to earth looking to play the role of teacher.

When the Draco arrived and began their plans during the first civilization they created, one of technological marvel, comfort and entertainment, not all of the post-Atlantis humans wanted to live with the Draco. They retreated to isolated areas and began small tribes or communities doing their best to survive.

This was the first period relevant to our now, in which benevolent ETs visited.

The second time was just after the Draco war that destroyed their marvel of a city when they were attempting to establish a new structure. Several groups of ETs arrived attempting to give humans knowledge of their world so they could grow naturally.

Of course this went against the Draco agenda.

The Draco were preoccupied with their own work and would not notice or care about these occurrences. When they became ready, they would then step in and push out the benevolent visitors and take over the area.

From there they will rewrite everything. Take on the image of the benevolent visitor and teacher, to teach a modified version of the truth entrusted by the beings they pushed out.

The second occurrence of this process would be in the area we know as Egypt. Ancient Egyptian teachings. The reason why there are so many stories and feelings and messages and writings about ancient Egypt is many many amazing things were going on, and then.. The Draco came in and reenacted them all. If you were to read it all properly in a book, you would get to the middle chapter and more or less find yourself back at the beginning. Reading the same events, this time staged and perverted, all over again.

Going back to the earlier period is where they accomplished this deception for the first time.

A feline race who had arrived. Lion like, and brilliant. The daughter of their king will be the example we use. She was called Sekhmet.

Her love for humanity was unrivaled and she taught them everything the Draco would eventually deny. All the knowledge of soul.

She taught how to travel through all levels and reconnect the knowledge gained while in this physical form to the greatest potential. She taught to embrace the spirit of the earth to gain the strength of its potential.

Clearly the Draco were also not impressed and eventually attacked this feline race, overthrowing them. They abandoned earth, all but a few. Sekhmet stayed. As did some others.

She allowed herself to die as to not abandon humanity. Not abandon the Earth (Her). She died fighting, falling, crawling to a tree and holding it.

The Draco used her as the model for all of their martyrs dying for humans moving forward.

They impersonated her as if she had reincarnated. Convinced the lingering followers of this passed teacher that she had returned in a new body. She would then continue her teachings, but with a twisted agenda.

Even during the reboot of the later Egyptian period, they used the image as Sekhmet again, revisiting her teachings in their perverse form.

This has happened many times leading the Draco to develop religions and perfect their compartmentalized structures. They followed this as it evolved and developed adjusting their game to suit the attempts of outside sources to enlighten some humans as to a bigger picture. Up until they stopped worrying about this themselves 200yrs ago approximately, they had done an excellent job of distorting everything.

The Parents continued in their footsteps but with much different tactics. This has all been supported by Archons and AI along with many malevolent ETs.

This writer says it all the time.. Names, names, names. This is how it happens.

It's designed to confuse, but more importantly, encourage disagreement and competition. Let's stop allowing this to happen. The lessons, the concepts and teachings are what matter. Details of who ruled when and did what and killed who or mothered whichever "God", does not matter.

What matters is what we do moving forward.

You've learned countless myths and legends and ancient teachings and writings over the years collectively between you. There is none that are wholly true. They all carry a message. Absorb this, and set aside (don't throw away) the rest.

Over the next few years this world will rediscover many places you've been and learned about. Memories will return. Just remember, a lot has happened.

The departure of the Draco does not mean much. The damage is done. Real problems still exist. There is a great deal of work for humanity to do.

You can do it, though. Look how very far you've already come.

Everything before and during Atlantis they turned into fiction, myth or legend. Fairy tales. Stories.

Their time is over. Time for us to remember, rewrite and move forward.

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708f86 No.66

Action and information are obviously not the same thing. Information can and often does lead to action, but choice is involved.

This is why the seller and the buyer are equals. Choice to act.

All the contacts you have had that seem to contradict each other do so because of perspective and opinion. Agenda and control. We need to look at this data as concepts and not facts or details.

What did you take from all you processed? How much did the details matter? How much did the concepts and ideas matter? Answer for yourself honestly.

Now you see.

The limits are all self inflicted. You see a task as impossible and refuse to act. It was much easier when you were involved and had your hand held as you crossed the street.

Take from what you've learned the concepts and lessons, meaning and reason. Move forward with what it all can teach you.

Any information is harmless if considered only as a concept, not giving into the desire to believe every detail. In music to get a preferred recording, you remove the resonance, as it can create anomalies in the recording. Although the resonance in the room can be a remarkable sound.

Think about what you are drawn to. Feel how it flows with you. Act in such a way to improve everything for everyone.

This becomes much easier when one is not boxed in with absolutes or beliefs but rather freely flowing with ideas and concepts.

Always keep your guard up and beware the Wolf in Sheep's clothing that has long been fabled, but is all too real.

You've been lied to. Had things hidden from you despite thinking you know it all. This is no excuse to stop flowing. Creating. Changing. Doing.


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708f86 No.67

Short and to the point as we are reaching the end:

The King is half way to Sirius by now.

One son is halfway to Andromeda by now.

The Rising Son is hiding in his hole. Preparing for his last efforts.

The Priestess of The Dead has awakened. Although no one seems to know where she is.

The Twins are waiting for her.

Ten has now come down to four. Even Cassandra has departed. The Saudi Prince is not far behind her.

How fitting we will be left with three. These three of course. Fitting since humans have become psychic vampires in too many cases.

Everything is set and will proceed as planned. Your writer considers this the best case scenario.

He is hopeful.

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708f86 No.68

~ Friends of your writer may be familiar with this question. A visualization game to help make your choice. ~

What if it all just went away?

All the external control or assistance, all gone. All that was left is humans, as we are right now, left with a system, as it is right now, with no one manipulating us into into serving another race or intelligence?

What if it all disappeared? With no examination. No validation for those of us who have been behind the scenes to show to the public. Simply us and nothing more.

Would this disappoint you?

Would humans continue on a self destructive path?

Would we be able to save ourselves?

This concept is a powerful tool in visualization practices.

Answer these questions within yourself, honestly.

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708f86 No.69

She is alive. She dreams. She feels on a level not even humans can understand. ( which is saying a lot )

She is often treated as nothing more than a giant rock to build ourselves upon. A big blue rock hurdling through space.

The physical planet can be thought of as a spaceship if you'd like. She is the captain.

She loves everything that grows, even those unhealthy for her to love. Unconditional.

In Her wisdom she can do this and understand what can stay and what should go. Like the body ridding itself of toxins.

Her spirit is given freely to all life on earth, whether humans recognize all of these forms as life or not. Whether or not the life forms embrace and benefit from this spirit energy, comes down to choice.

You feel it when you see the sun, or feel the wind. Tiny little reminders of a power and beauty beyond our own imagination. You see it in the colours of flowers. You hear it in the laughter of a child.

She never went anywhere. Some just forgot to pay attention.

She is patient. Probably more so than humans may like or from their mind, agree with. She will allow natural processes to complete, planning her subtle whispers of balance as she sees fit. But when the unnatural happens, and that patience is lost, she defends herself accordingly.

Many times already She has corrected balance for herself and for her children here. Fixing mistakes other beings make around her. Dealing with the consequences of all events in this solar system.

It can be easy at times to believe She does not care about us. This is not true. She has a better understanding of us than we do, and observes reality from a different level, and therefor some of her choices can seem wrong to us. Perhaps they are. Perhaps they are not.

She helps generate energy that is free to us. Energy to sustain us as physical vessels. The earth provides a connection to a part of consciousness from which we can gain great knowledge. As well as tools to further develop our souls.

If we align ourselves with Her here and now, we can break the spell. This does not mean serving Her. This means serving life, freedom and growth. We are simply standing along side Her.

She is not looking to be worshipped. She only wishes to be respected and maybe even loved. Just as we all do.

~ Beings who abused her created you here to be used.. But she loves you anyways. Love can be put into action. ~

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708f86 No.70

~ This is another exercise, please read carefully. ~

Take away the Draco, the Archons, the AI.

Remove the Parents, their covens and all their tricks.

We remain with the Bloodlines and Cults, Programs and Projects which, although still a menace, are not nearly as advanced as some now believe.

People hurting and deceiving people.

You know… What anyone can see.

Our genetics exist as the result of manipulation, meant to be a benevolent gesture by beings far advanced from us. These genetics have been as they are for 300,000+ years.

Since then some ET races have come and gone, assisting us in various ways. Except for most recently, when humans were used for a while as slaves, and when those ETs left, they left a small group of humans in charge of the future of humanity.

Some ETs have incarnated in human form to teach us as well, and that small group created a legacy of Special Bloodlines who seek out and kill or control these beings.

13,000 years ago approximately, a meteor hit the planet and reset humanity by destroying all we had created, all but a few of us.

Those who remained were traumatized by this event, the flood that followed, and major climate changes. This caused a break in the psyche. One these Special Bloodlines exploit to maintain control over the population.

They've altered our food and the planet for their own gain and to lead us towards a transhumanist society where life expectancy can be purchased, if you have enough Credits.

All of this is controlled by a super-computer running an AI simulation that is holographic.

Now.. Accepting this as reality, what do you do?

Or if you choose to accept what the masses do, what do you do?

Or if you accept everything else you accepted before reading this blog, what do you do?

You understand.

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708f86 No.71

~ This has always been something that fascinated your writer. Perhaps one day some of you may hear his stories in this regard, but this is not the time or place for that. ~

Many races can be quite tall. Humanoid races can be much taller than our version of human. Reptilians and other ETs tend to grow taller than we do also.

Giants are considered to be such because they will grow larger than any other species on the planet they are on. Not just taller but all around larger.

Giants originate from three different planets and interbreed to to create new species as well. All well planned out and monitored to serve a function. The planet the originate from is also the home of one of our many "Tall Blonde" frequent visitors. The best name your writer knows for the planet is Gionus. It is in an older section of the Galaxy.

Due to their size and tendency to grow they would overpopulated their own planet very quickly and so the "Tall Blondes" they shared their planet with began distributing them on developing worlds. The Giants would help developing races build structures as dwellings and even to harness spiritual energy from the planet and cosmos.

As generations passed for these giants placed on new (to them) planets they would adjust accordingly to the frequency of their new world. Increasing or decreasing in size or even shape. They would begin to view these new planets as "home" and never have any interest to return elsewhere.

Two planets that fit this mould have existed (or still exist) near Earth. Mars and a destroyed planet your writer calls Tiamat.

The Giants on Tiamat had been there a very long time. Many generations and had become native to the planet.

The Giants on Mars were viewed as invaders. Not welcomed by the true natives.

During the war that ended Atlantis, just before Tiamat was destroyed, it was partially evacuated as was Mars and the Moon. These refugees came to Earth. With them came three different types of Giants. ( As well as other beings who are taller than us )

One type are very humanoid in appearance with enlarged features much like the faces of many ancient statues such as those found on Easter Island.

Another directly related to the first are shorter than the first and wider than a regularly shaped human. ( Your writer sees them as similar to the Incredible Hulk. )

The third type known of is more like a giant dark elf or troll. Not very well tempered or helpful. A native to Tiamat type.

All three types lived on earth between 35 and 13 thousand years ago mainly, some smaller tribes lasting right up until quite recently. They helped humanity rebuild after the destruction and offered whatever guidance they could.

When the Draco arrived they fought them. Many were killed. Many were captured. Some escaped.

Many of those who escaped elected to be placed in stasis on earth. To be awoken when the Draco rule was ended. Some of the smaller tribes were left alone or remained of the radar well enough to avoid the attention of the Draco.

The Draco also placed many who they captured in stasis as well, in case they ever became useful, and some were used as slaves for a time.

These are the beings who began to wake up last winter.

Thankfully only a handful of locations experienced the anomaly power failure events. So only the handful of interventions were required.

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708f86 No.72


The technology and methods differed between the willing beings and the imprisoned type. The difference between Draco technology and the tech of others.

The willing beings claimed to dream and even perceive the outside world.

The imprisoned being reported a nightmare like artificial dreamscape.

Each type required oxygen and simply appeared to be sleeping. Some died in this state at times.

Your writer was able to speak with all three types and come to understand them as well as he could in a short period.

The third type described was not very friendly, as may be expected, and would have been very dangerous is left unattended. He wanted to attack any Draco he could find and anyone else who tried to stop him or who he perceived as a threat and required being talked down. (A single being of this type awakened)

The second type were not very knowledgeable. They reminded your writer of overgrown versions of Samwise Gamgee. (The awakening site contained several beings)

The first type was very wise and benevolent. They have a memory sharing gift that allows another to witness their experiences while peering into their eyes. ( easy for a human since their eyes are the size of some flat screens ) Their own personal experiences are coupled with the collective experience of all of their kind. All types of Giants. This knowledge can be recalled by any of them.

What they didn't want the controllers of this planet to know (or one thing), is that there are many more of them in stasis here than these controllers are aware. Their stasis program had actually begun for an different reason, even before the Draco arrived. These sites are hidden in such a way that the Draco were never likely to have found them. Some they did, but not all.

These sites have been monitored by other Giants who the Draco have unknowingly allowed to come attend what they had told the Draco"sacred sites". The Draco assumed this was merely something sentimental in nature. They have deceived the deceivers.

As they awaken a decision will be made as to whether they can stay here and join us, or whether they should be moved elsewhere. They will make this decision for themselves when the time comes.

This decision is not set.

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708f86 No.73

Now you know. The list of desired answers you created are weaved into these writing.

This is what you have been setting up for them.

All of your actions have contributed to the control. Everything you were promised was a lie. Your spot underground or on a craft leaving this planet in this life or the next.. It was all a lie.

You are guilty of imprisoning humanity. You are guilty of manipulating truth to a point where it is unrecognizable and unknowable to many. Yet the advantage you have is encouragement, not knowledge and not wisdom.

The people who have not been a part of this structure, who do choose to search for truth in all of the various materials left for the public, can know more than you do. They can do more with the knowledge than you can. Unlike your conditioning they don't need guidance. They do need encouragement, which is the only thing missing before they do exactly as your writer says.. more than you.

So your writer is calling you out. Help others. Learn to guide yourself.

Correct your mistakes insofar as your are able. Do your best.

Please continue as you have been, breaking excuses. Now, we have reached the end of your clarification.

You asked for this. Be careful what you ask for.

With all that said, your writer hopes it has helped.

One little rant on your behalf caused a shit storm for your writer. That was fun. My bad not yours.

Thank you for your patience with the comment section. That is well respected.

Your writer is forever empathetic to your sacrifices since removing yourselves. He is also impressed by what you have accomplished since. Telling isn't it? "So much wasted time" has become a slogan in your life, surely.

Thank you for the gift of trust you have given to your writer. Not a gift given lightly.

If nothing else, your writer hopes you've remembered how to work together. This time, for a motive better serving of the whole you share a small part of.

All that has been written for you in this blog: This is all that matters, all that has ever mattered, as you reconnect and connect, you see this more and more clearly. The rest is fun, even beautiful, but can be set aside to be looked at on another day, after the mess we have created is cleaned up. What we call history, all of these details that became so precious to you, will never be lost.

Your writer loves you. You all know, he doesn't forget.

With love and respect,

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708f86 No.74

~ Someday that title for this blog may make sense. ~

So.. I am not your writer. I never was.

When you found me, I made a slight adjustment. Hoping it would push you away actually. Also making it much easier to write as if you were not reading.

The intention was exactly what I said it was. Even if at times some may perceive it as more.

I have a relatively small group of friends, who have been in Cults, Programs, and Projects as I have outlined, who about two years prior to my first blog entry had begun being released or otherwise removing themselves from their various positions.

They had been under various forms of stresses (what some call attacks) due to their decision or removal.

I ended up rubbing elbows with someone, who reintroduced me to more like these friends, and a group of emails and chats followed. This was far too much to keep up with, so they all unanimously suggested this blog idea. "Sure, why not?" I said.

Well.. All of you are why not.

This was truly never intended for you. This is not an elitist stance, it is said because my approach would have to be far different. On top of that, in full honestly, the willingness would not have been there.

Simply put.. I wouldn't have done this to write for all of you. I wouldn't see myself as qualified.

This blog has been read within a world I follow from a distance. Most whistleblowers, contactees, channellers etc do not interest me in the least, and there are very few I believe are being honest.

The forums I enjoy, watching people come together and share experiences and ideas. Who doesn't like a good campfire?

As for the rest of the blogs and channels and authors and truth speakers and this title or that title.. A few questions will tell you, I have not listened to a vast majority of them. There are a few I have listened to, enough to use them as a point of reference to help others who are not knowledgeable on these subjects. That is all. This is why when people ask how my writing compares with or differs from information written by others .. I don't know.

If you ever re-read this blog, try to keep that in mind.

Being honest, and not having any agenda affords me the luxury of truly not caring what anyone thinks about what I say. Whether they believe it or not.

It feels like freedom.

I know I don't know everything. I know I can always learn more about what I do and don't know. But I do not feel the need to defend what I have written or compete with any of the other writers in your marketplace. You all have free will and I hope you would use it. You all have a mind and I hope that you think for yourself. I'm not about to tell you what to think.

Now that I am done with this blog, it really doesn't matter. :)

This has certainly become an interesting experience for me. I have met some beautiful souls. Reunited with some I have missed.

Thank you all for your comments (both positive and negative) and I wish you freedom, love and wisdom.

With love and respect,

The Ruiner

~ Don't believe… Remember. ~

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d620df No.5650

Politely bumping for interest.

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24db2d No.5656


thanks anon!

>The forums I enjoy, watching people come together and share experiences and ideas. Who doesn't like a good campfire?

^^ yay! thats like us :)

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d4480e No.6986

Bumping just one more time.

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3f053f No.6989


Okay, I'll bite. Why bump this thread? What in particular are we to notice about this blog?

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1aeddb No.6994

this blog is a reallllly long winded way to say that the kingdom is WITHIN. Whether aliens exist or not is barely even part of the equation.

that said, everything has value, especially if you read between the lines. This is how I take this, but in all honesty there was alot here and alot of fluff so I kinda skimmed alot of it..

anyone else wanna take a stab at it?

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8181bd No.6998


huh, i skimmed it too… ^^ just found that fluffy marshmellow quote up above….

my brain seems to know when to give energy or not….neat!

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35be8a No.7001




The blog.

This is one of the first boards on truthlegion.

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35be8a No.7002


I would agree.

I am more interested as to why it was one of the first boards on truthlegion.

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8181bd No.7005


thats def a good Q!

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47c2c0 No.7084



I found it early on, anons. When I first started digging into the Illuminati, it was on the heels of that Rofschild karmic disclosure that was making its way around the chans some months ago. Thought it was interesting and shed a lot of light on how they thought, what their objectives were. I felt it was important for understanding. However, the white text on black background made it difficult to read. So I spent an hour one day copying all the posts here, in hopes that more would read and understand.

That's it - nothing nefarious on my part. For me, reading it through gave me a lot of insight on duality, the nature of the fight and the point of view of some of my friends. We should not close our eyes to realities such as this. I agree with Strange, in that some of it is calculated disinfo, designed to mislead. At the same time though, it informs. It shows us the nature of the karmic disclosure.

I salute Shane the Ruiner for writing this blog, although I know there is a reason he was allowed to write it. (karmic disclosure y'all). This is valuable information for us seekeranons. Read with discernment and understanding :)

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8181bd No.7103


youre right m'lady!

with a discerning mind and a heart full of love,

we can learn from ALL!

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8acc49 No.7155



the redundancy of the condecending remarks of our shill anon above.

How does a snake strike?

little jabs you hardly notice til they land

but we learn nonetheless!

whos who and how who is who uses what to get where …. and how they seem to back each other up like on the qresearch…..longer game here, obvsies cuz the board doesnt move as fast….

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