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/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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File: 0ddf3ed4d942a8d⋯.jpg (257.32 KB,1200x1802,600:901,tmk1.jpg)

File: 2f64568299a839e⋯.jpeg (9.28 KB,183x275,183:275,tmk2.jpeg)

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562dc8 No.6732

There was this iOS game that came out in 2011 or so featuring these two girls who you could tickle. It was a series of unlockable scenes that was fully voice acted in japanese. At the bottom of the screen you could see a ticklishness bar that would increase as you moved your finger across the screen. It was taken off the app store a while ago, so this is a long shot but—does anyone have the file for the game or footage of the whole thing?

Pics related.

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000000 No.6738

I remember coming upon short footage of this game on YT really long time ago so It might be still around there. As for the game itself I guess it going to be really hard to find it now since even the developer's page doesn't have it listed. Best bet I guess would be to look for it on chinese sites.

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