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/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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47539a No.1465

im looking for storied involving long term/unending tickling, preferably /f. feel free to request other stuff in here too

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158009 No.1474

I wouldn't mind a repost of the CollaredKid archive.

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e2fbe1 No.1494

Not a literary story, but maybe this will suit your fancy?


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cd61bb No.1496

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cd61bb No.1497

And this: https://www.deviantart.com/afnull/art/SSB-Ultimate-World-of-Tickling-777341277

Could I interest you in some manga, perhaps?

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face9d No.1730

I'm looking for stories that don't have feet content at all. No offense to footbros, but personally they gross me out too much for me to be turned on by them. As you can imagine, that has made things somewhat difficult.

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c8aeb5 No.1733


Tumblr has plenty of belly/upper body focus stuff Anon. The hard part is filtering out the stuff yah don't want.

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e96ea5 No.1734


>I feel like tumblr has a major focus on yuri in general writing and art, but tickling is the one kink there that I can only seem to find /m content for.

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c8aeb5 No.1736


Hmm maybe Archiveofourown? It could have some gems.

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121573 No.1738

Where do you guys think is the best place to post kink-focused stories, mostly tickling but probably other kinks that interest me too? DA is the default but I dunno how much I like it.

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c8aeb5 No.1746


Archive and Hentai.net

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c8aeb5 No.2003

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a0fa3d No.2670

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e00f8d No.3387

Anyone have the nylon dungeon from the tales from asylum?

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