>Milk is a terrible inefficient source of food and energy, takes too much food to produce. Humans even more so, considering we don't grow to become 1200lbs and give birth in two years ;) It would work better if you made the women herbivore too, but that might be somewhat un-sexy. "Um you got some greens on your teeth… like, a lot."
Actually, human/cow hybrids would be rather good at milk production.
Since humans are, basically, constantly in estrus, a human female doesn't need to have been bred to lactate.
Our digestive system are also FAR more robust, since we aren't ruminants specialized in fermenting cellulose from grasses, allowing use to make better use of more complex nutritional sources.
This also allows our milk to be far more nutritious than regular cows milk.
You are right that dedicated milk production would require a far larger caloric intake.
>You're right about cowgirls not being an especially efficient source of milk,
No, Cowgirls could be HUGELY efficient dairy producers, since they wouldn't require to have a new kid every 18 months to keep their teats from going dry, it's how much FOOD they have to eat to MAKE the milk in the first place.
Can't get more out than what you put in after all.
>Girl here. Very much down for female sow master race of breeding and pork supplies. Maybe it just tickles the vore fetishist in me, but being an Easter ham does have its appeal.
Well their is a difference between fantasy and reality…
After all, if you aren't around to enjoy it, not much of a point right?
…Unless there was some way to non-lethally harvest your flesh, but that'd probably require going outside the anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.