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Hi everyone! I’m on the hunt for great watch blogs to follow for reviews, industry news, and style tips. I’ve found a few but would love to get some recommendations from this group. What watch blogs do you follow, and what makes them stand out to you?

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Hi everyone! If you're on the hunt for top-notch watch blogs, I highly recommend checking out https://blog.mozsly.com/ This blog has been a fantastic resource for me, offering in-depth reviews, the latest industry news, and insightful style tips. What makes it stand out is its commitment to providing detailed, well-researched content and a genuine passion for horology. The blend of expert opinions and up-to-date information makes it a standout choice for anyone looking to deepen their watch knowledge. I'd love to hear about other blogs you follow and what makes them your favorites!

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I’d add A Blog to Watch to the list. They provide detailed reviews and comparisons of a wide range of watches, from luxury to more affordable options. I also like Fratello Watches for their engaging articles and watch-related news. They cover a broad spectrum, including industry updates and brand highlights. For a more niche perspective, The Time Bum offers reviews and insights on vintage and microbrand watches. Do any of you prefer specific types of watches or brands you’re looking for information on?

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