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 No.33626 [Last50 Posts]

Release trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GLbwkfhYZk

information about the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCb1Mo8-qGI

Its form EA but

- singleplayer game

- no loot boxes/microtransactions

- a white male main character

this sounds too good to be true. But where is the catch? I neither trust the greedy and immoral EA nor the SJW cesspool that is now LucasFilms

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>the catch

it's made by respawn entertainment, who suck at games.

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oh and i forgot to mention that it'll only be on origin for pc and thus you'll need to be always online for shit. also expect shit like skin dlc out the ass, think of dead space suits.

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The head writer apparently said publicly that TLJ sucked, so that's a big plus for it.

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>The head writer apparently said publicly that TLJ sucked, so that's a big plus for it.


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No one really liked TLJ. It's probably beneficial from a marketing standpoint to dump on it.

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it's a bit late for that. the game caught some folk's attention, but the core star wars audience is essentially done with the franchise, especially after jj and rian felt the need to insult them.

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always-on DRM would not surprise me but they can't justify it if it doesn't have multiplayer components

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it's ea, they don't have to justify shit

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>Its form EA but

No buts.

It's from EA therefor at most it may be worth pirating.

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>singleplayer game

Which means absolutely fuck all. Gone Homo was also single-player and it sucked fat, odorous ass. It's EA trying to throw around buzzwords to get some fan goodwill back. Infuriatingly, it seems like they succeeded, judging by the amount of normalfags willing to suck their dick over this shit, although to be fair, the vast majority of them might just be paid shills. And finally, the most important thing here is if they can actually make a lightsaber combat system that's better than or even equivalent to Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy, which are already flawed. Seeing as how the developers mentioned that they were adopting the Sekiro/Dark Souls system, it's very clear they not only won't top it but they don't even have a clue where to begin.

>no loot boxes/microtransactions

Do you honestly fucking believe that? It's weasel wording, as I recall the guy that everyone's quoting didn't even say anything about microtransactions and he was very evasive about loot boxes. Plus, I'm pretty sure EA said the same thing about one of the Battlefield games back in the day and that ended up being a huge fucking lie. And that's not even mentioning how much content they're bound to cut out and sell later as expensive DLC - I can already see it, "The Kyle Katarn pack, featuring Kyle's signature blue lightsaber, Bryar blaster pistol and mercenary outfit for only $12.95!" - or how bug-ridden this shit is guaranteed to be at launch.

>a white male main character

Who looks like a total fucking fag and has a mentor/sidekick who looks like a goddamn tranny, in addition to being a sheboon. And of course we have the obligatory "badass" female Sith Inquisitor who is going to be his arch-enemy by the looks of it.


I am absolutely mystified by the love for Respawn. They have made mostly shit to mediocre games, except for Titanfall 2, which had a midway-decent multiplayer and a dogshit single-player.


>The head writer apparently said publicly that TLJ sucked, so that's a big plus for it.

This is nothing more than pandering. It's in vogue to shit on The Last Jedi, everyone from the actors to Jew Jew Abrams himself are doing it now. EA is desperate but they aren't going to change, so they are hoping to sucker people in with false pretensions at "Look goys, er, guys, we're just like you now!" and then skedaddle. Also Chris Avellone doesn't even fucking understand Star Wars judging by KOTOR 2 and that was back when he still knew how to write a midway decent story. And even then, he doesn't straight up say, "TLJ's story was a mistake.", he says the "execution" was off, which means he doesn't object to the general cancerous ideas within the movie.

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<no loot boxes/microtransactions

>this is a selling point

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>The head writer apparently said publicly that TLJ sucked, so that's a big plus for it.

So much this, if they can make a gaem as epic and basd as ruoge owne or evn the ferce awakns it'll be great.

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you type like you have a lisp or speaking disability


in avellone's defense, shit ideas can get away with being shit if executed right. luke dying a broken old man, the fuel subplot, they could have been good parts of the movie if it wasn't so hamfisted in. what that requires is competent dialogue, directing, acting and connecting to the story overall. some of this was achieved, but not all of it. the camerawork and hamill were fine, but the dialogue and story were too shit to save.


>better or equivalent to outcast/academy

no such thing will ever be seen again until we get a game made with that specific intent. those games were designed around the saber combat, not the other way around. this nu-starkiller game is clearly putting priority on story/graphics and tacking on uncharted gameplay to satisfy players. i wouldn't be surprised if the combat ends up being similar to dicefront tbh.

also it's jewthesda that started the whole "sp games are still good guys" campaign, respawn is just jumping on the trail.

also also, i really hate this whole inquisitor shit they've introduced. it's a bad pastiche of the emperor's hand and an insult to mara jade + starkiller.

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Inquisitors don't even make any fucking sense. They openly violate the rule of two, Sidious barely tolerated Asajj Ventress and she wasn't even a full Sith for most of her time as Dooku's apprentice, hence the absence of a "Darth" title for her, and he still eventually insisted that Dooku get rid of her. Are you seriously saying that Sidious would openly encourage the training of hundreds of potential Sith, each very likely to try and overthrow him at some point? Even Mara Jade in the old canon was already stretching disbelief with the whole Emperor's Hand shit, although in her defense, she was introduced before the concept of the rule of two was solidified in canon.

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>those games were designed around the saber combat, not the other way around.

Gonna have to disagree on that. The Jedi Knight games are very clearly first-person shooters with tacked on lightsaber combat. They managed to do it well, but guns are still the main focus and the games kind of suffer for it at times, Jedi Academy especially, since it practically forced you to use the lightsaber all the time, especially in later levels, where it constantly throws lightsaber-wielding and Force-wielding enemies at you and virtually zero gun-wielding enemies.

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<singleplayer game

>actually believing EA's lies

Chances are the single player campaign is short as fuck and they'll have a multi campaign either on release or in an update for the real money drains

<no loot boxes/microtransactions

>again, believing EA of all people

Not to be a dick, but how new are you trust EA of all people? If what I said first turns out to be true, the singleplayer campaign may be shit free, but the multi one will have all the scams you could want. Also giving money to EA now will not ever make them change. Also Respawn is fucking awful, at best they make average to mediocre games.

<-a white male main character

>not seeing the hideous sheboon protagonist

>not knowing that the main villain is actually a tranny Vader-wannabe from the new Vader comics


>this sounds too good to be true

That's usually the case nowadays. Always expect the worst, especially when it involves EA.

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Meant co-protag

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outcast and academy are absolutely based around the saber system, earlier games were more fps focused.


inquisitors would fit well with darth krayt's rule of one but not the rule of two. also, it's one thing to have a small group of force users that serve the emperor, but the inquisitors are just endless and a terrible plot device.

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I think Inquisitors are a nice idea, purposely undertrained to hunt completely untrained force users and if need be enough of them to win by numerical superiority against a half-well trained force user. However, an extremely important thing that will certainly be neglected is that they should be held back as elites, they're not everywhere, they're not showing up in every story, they're making kills against the villains and they are not reduced to just cool looking mooks. SO naturally that's going to be neglected and they'll be abused, overused and generally wasted for the sole purpose of getting more lightsaber fights on everywhere the mouse can because fuck nuance.

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There's potential but the execution is awful. Also its weird how under Disney, there's more alien diversity among the bad guys yet the good guys are now more human with aliens being replaced by mexicans, lesbians and hijabs.

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>main villain is actually a tranny Vader-wannabe

can you give me a source?

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>not seeing the hideous sheboon protagonist

she looks like that annoying cunt from Wolfenstein 2

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See >>33660

They're part of a group called the Inquisitorius led by the bald Utapaun guy from the Rebels cartoon. They're featured mainly in the new Marvel comics. They don't have names. They're all just called Brother or Sister but with numbers, like Fourth Brother.

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i read the wiki article of Sister 2. But i cant find that she is a tranny. She seems like a decent villain (for Disney standards at least)

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Inquisitors go back all the way to the 80s when they were cheap Vader-esque villains for RPG games. It's another case of old EU ideas that were a products of their time (in this case pre-Prequel era stuff) that are being used without understanding where they came from.

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I am aware of that but my point here >>33660

is that the execution is awful and they keep using that same fucking helicopter saber to fly around.

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>This is nothing more than pandering. It's in vogue to shit on The Last Jedi, everyone from the actors to Jew Jew Abrams himself are doing it now.

This is wrong, Alderaan. Jew Jee explicitly isn't shitting on TLJ and said nothing will undo it. That's all Ethan Van Sciver bullshit that Lucasfilm secretly fired Kathleen Kennedy. A guy coming out against it affiliated with Lucasfilm is rare.

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>white male main character

This character is going to get dumped on at every turn like what they did with Solo so some diversity hire cunt can take center stage. And they'll obviously have DRM and other assorted bullshit out the ass because this is EA we're talking about.

>I liked what they were trying to do, I just didn’t like how it was executed

This bit of the interview with Chris Avellone is the most interesting to me. I'd love to hear what he thinks they were trying to do. That would tell us a lot about the direction of this project.


They were talking shit about Jar Jar during the latter part of the prequel era as a marketing gimmick. But they at least had the prequels' side content that people liked. Now they don't have anything.


>And finally, the most important thing here is if they can actually make a lightsaber combat system that's better than or even equivalent to Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy

Nobody will ever make this happen with anything but motion controls. Even if they have more customization of weapons and movesets than anyone could ever use, it won't change the fundamentals of the system.

>Seeing as how the developers mentioned that they were adopting the Sekiro/Dark Souls system

This isn't actually that much different from the old stance system. There have been cases of portions of movesets being shared between weapons. This is the least of their problems.

>it's very clear they not only won't top it but they don't even have a clue where to begin.

Now this I have every confidence in. They're just aping whatever is popular at the moment, and this never leads to anything but mediocrity at best.


The combat gets more lightsaber-heavy as the series goes on. They eventually tried making it mandatory against anyone with a lightsaber, but you can skip many of the fights with a well-placed Imperial heavy repeater grenade or concussion rifle shot.

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>Its form EA but


>singleplayer game

From EA? X to doubt.

>no loot boxes/microtransactions

See above.

>a white male main character

inb4 he's a fag

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File: 636b889a087ab51⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB,960x540,16:9,(((LORE))).mp4)

It's literally God of Soy and Nu-doom all over again.

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Looks like a real generic action game. Not bad as of such. Just the kind of thing you pick up three years after launch on sale, play once, and then never return to.

Big vibes of Darksiders or the lesser Prince of Persia games, and I like those games, just not enough to be excited by them.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Actually, this is what it fucking reminds me of.

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Over on the /v/ thread, some anon spotted a board with dialogue cues on it flashing for a second, so this wasn't even natural gameplay, this shit was scripted. The fact that it's scripted and it still looks fucking awful should be a huge red flag to avoid it. Also, I love how the bald developer doesn't even try to hide his fucking disdain for the whole thing, he knows the game is shit, you can read it on his face plain as day.

>why does Cal's lightsaber look like a fucking glowstick, lightsabers are supposed to be white on the inside and colored on the outside

>it even hits like a glowstick, notice it never slices through any of the enemies properly

>space beetles? Holy fuck, these retards not only can't rip off Dark Souls properly but they are so creatively bankrupt that they can't even come up with unique alien fauna to fight

>WTF is with the wookie models? They look unpolished, unfinished and glitchy as hell

>speaking of which, graphics look like they are from 2015, seeing as pretty graphics is basically the only thing modern AAA developers can do kind of well, it being half-assed here doesn't bode well for the game


>remember how in Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy, you could kill most enemies if you landed one good hit

>unless they were wearing cortosis armor or something, in which case they could take 2 or sometimes 3 hits but still weren't damage sponges

>and how lightsabers were damaging to everything when turned on and you couldn't just shove it through someone's body without killing them like the player does here

>also absolute freedom of movement to jump all over the place

>fuck that, let's restrict the player to linear corridors and have slightly tougher enemies that are essentially damage sponges that you bash away at until they fall down or you initiate a cheap finisher animation


>piss-easy combat that looks like the bastard child of Sekiro and Bamham

>apparently you can't even pick good or evil morality, you're locked into one linear path

>also, EA is already selling LIGHTSABER COLORS as a fucking pre-order

>Disney still trying to push Sal Guevara or Che Guerrera or whatever the fuck his name is

>and finally, may that pedophile soyboy presenter rot in piss, desperately trying to shill this garbage

My expectations were already abysmally low and EA surpassed even that. I figured at worst we'd get a current year remake of The Force Unleashed, these greedy kikes couldn't even achieve that.

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Yeah, it was about as generic as I thought it was, using the Titanfall engine and all that. Nothing too innovative but hey, at least it's better than what they've done up to now with Star Wars license under Disney. Generic is an upgrade from bland so they might reach Star Wars 1313 levels of promise one day.

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>Titanfall engine

They're using UE4 for this game.

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>LIGHTSABER COLORS as a fucking pre-order

I fucking called it, dead space suits all over again nibbas


>so they might reach Star Wars 1313 levels of promise one day

You mean hype shit up and then cancel it after years of development?

>awful dialogue

>saber only activates for combat sections

>not more than ~6 enemies at a time

>bland level design

>uncharted climbing

>every tight squeeze corridor ever

>no stealth options so far

Overall it looks boring as fuck and like they slapped jedi knight, force unleashed and generic 3rd person action/adventure gameplay together. The only positive I can give it so far is how the force powers work in gameplay, specifically the slowing down time to pull a trooper into his own shot part. I might pirate it so I can play through once and properly shit on it.

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wow lol, the animations look the same as your decade old wii game. Impressive.

The character is maximum manlet too.

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Why does a jedi need to dodge-roll? Either force dash/jump or use your saber to block.

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>Inquisitors don't even make any fucking sense.

Did you miss the weird white-skinned robe fellows with Sidious in ROTJ? Those guys were all some kind of Dark Side priests. The Inquisitors are in line with the pre-TPM concepts of Dark Jedi servants of the Emperor.

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>They openly violate the rule of two,

Since when did Sheev ever care about the RoT? He started training Maul, with both Plagueis’ knowledge and consent. Plagueis was working on immortality (can’t remember if Both were working on that or if it was just him) until Palpatine killed him in his sleep which again is a violation of the RoT. In The Wrath of Darth Maul it’s even shown Palpatine already had other force sensitives trained but had no intention of using them as apprentices.

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>why do you need to dodge a sword swing? 😂 like nigga just block with your sword. lol

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Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy had the best lightsaber play ever. This shit looks like the Force Unleashed which was trash.

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Nah, The Force Unleashed has the benefit of being a completely over the top action game hwcih lets just about anything it does get handwaved away, this shit's probably going to be pushed as canon.


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Its what happens when game development is first for console rather than PC an inferior game for dummies that can't be modded. Add in the fact its disney and EA and you have a buggy pos on your hands.

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atleast we made a song for it

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