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/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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Bullying is a great way to enforce social norms. So why are people trying to "solve ethics" and do a bunch of unnecessary math? Just have the robot cave to social pressure so that it may be a bully-able target. This is how we solve UFAI.

Join me at the Machine Bullying Research Institute

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This will probably fail hard if it gets bullied by group G for doing X and also bullied by group H for doing not-X.

Having an Unpleasable Fanbase will probably not be good for an AI.

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A better, non-retarded issue to consider is whether or not the rationalist norm of refusing to ever permit ironic mockery causes them to accept seriously dumb ideas for the sheer reason that they're so inane nobody bothers to come up with nuanced rebuttals of them

Like polyamory and having 185432 genders and "sitting on your ass and using the internet all day and having people pat you on the back for making no attempt to change anything is a good way to deal with depression or autism or whatever"

As far as I can tell, a lot of """rational""" """ists""" end up evaluating these things and deciding that they're good because the only real refutation anyone offers is "that's fucking stupid" and they have trained themselves not to accept "that's fucking stupid" as possibly indicative of something being fucking stupid

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Our norms do allow objections as blunt as "that's fucking stupid"; we're a bunch of autists so shouldn't it be expected that we're more blunt than normies?

There's other reasons we're polyamorous and tolerant of trans and mentally ill people but I repeat myself than us being too retarded to notice when something's stupid when people are telling us it's stupid.

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this post was only slightly marred by the fact that I couldn't tell which tribal/political direction it was going to go after the first paragraph

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A problem is, the ""rational"" ""ists"" who have only a surface level understanding of philosophy, science, AI, and all the other rat shit (you know, the majority that doesn't even know programming and calculus), cannot defend them against even basic "what a bunch of neckbeard stemlords, here's why my college professor says you're wrong"-tier sneering. The stupidest refutations can appear nuanced to those. Ignoring outsiders who don't speak nerd blocks that kind of barely dressed up "criticism". It also blocks any possibility of pointing out some of us are way too autismal, but what can you do?

Also, letting goons lead you around is never good.

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… is right.

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