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File: 391d34c3a9156ec⋯.png (414.34 KB,720x885,48:59,chrome_screenshot_28_Sept_….png)


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I see you're still creating endless empty threads, then coming in here tobegrandom strangers to please come to your empty board, and be your imaginary friends

I'm curious... How long do you intend on continuing this act of futile desperation?

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If your content was good, you wouldn't need to come in here and beg people to please read it.

It just seems so desperate

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They can't do anything else it's much too advanced for em

So get to swallowing faggots



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facts: the name 'niggwretchedness' is so stupid that it's embarrassing.

it's so uncreative and cumbersome, with each syllable an obstacle to the previous syllable.

it doesn't roll off the tongue a all, and it takes too long to type.

you're terrible at creativity.

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...and you actually "wonder why" nobody comes to your stupid board, and whyyou're the only person who has ever read one of your threads

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even a brain-injured orangutan would've realized /nig/ was the logical choice.

but not you, right?...

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He's a product of trauma caused by being bullied by niggers all his life

he has been my bitch of the site here for months and is the current lolcow Imao

Lets continue playing with our toy and see what he barks out next since he can't do anything else in life


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And your still trying to scare everybody & then people catch on, You will never do shit, never will put up a fight,

I come here & put https://8kun.top/niggwretchedness/catalog.html


Anthony Cumia on X Nigger News Thread

I post ads & links because I can & it pisses you off!!!!!!!!, I can see because you unusually sent 7 to 8 instead of squeezing all your crying 😢 into 1 apologetic whining post

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Looks like I am dominating you extra hard tonight

only 2 replies on this board it's like the content you steal


Step up your game son you'll never learn to fight back against the niggers if you keep being an impotent bitch


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File: b0e06824e5625e5⋯.png (597.4 KB,720x925,144:185,chrome_screenshot_30_Sept_….png)

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File: 63d82272c3ecbb2⋯.png (110.95 KB,720x648,10:9,chrome_screenshot_30_Sept_….png)


I'm a content stealer & post here just to piss you off & give power to my board & threads

You were off your meds, I know!!

That's your lame excuse you posted >>111067 👈🏿 😂

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File: ba01a788ceb783d⋯.webm (1.83 MB,1920x1080,16:9,niggers_are_not_human.webm)


smelly twitter nigger

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Adorable video does your dad know you save videos of naked niggers LOL

You love men don't you faggot


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You love me deeply to save my work good boy


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File: 877aa086762976a⋯.png (411.65 KB,720x806,360:403,chrome_screenshot_1_Oct_20….png)


Anthony Cumia gives BASED take on the Illegal immigrant invasion

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File: 232c17fb5f8c8ba⋯.png (320.04 KB,720x686,360:343,chrome_screenshot_1_Oct_20….png)

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File: 6be497e5b4a1b2b⋯.png (266.89 KB,720x372,60:31,chrome_screenshot_1_Oct_20….png)

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