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 No.113148 [View All]



Part 2 Sept. 11th Special

Published on September 11, 2024

1 4chan *Colorado/Venezuelan Gangs(tren de aragua a.k.a. "The Cookie Monster") (The Buses don't work) 00:00

2 Dread (sketchy people stores/Loss Prevention are Looking for) 5:02

3 *continued from previous 4chan/discord (cock wager thread, lads)


4 ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ Wizardchan (wagiecucks) 13:47

5 The Dirty Diapers/ Daily Diapers

(Church renounced me for being DL & AB) 16:17

6 Arabchan (Trusting KIKEFLARE/Cloudflare) 18:57

7 Deep GoreTube ("Violence Towards Women" Videos/Comments Section)


8 4chan (here's your housing affordability) *regarding illegal mexicans given $150,000 home loan for free,


9 4chan *regarding Georgia school shooting/trooned (shooter is brain broken tranny) 34:04

10 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Continue to repeat what daddy says live on the air like a good bitch and get em chores done before 12 you got school in the morning

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I wish I had 2000 more useful idiots like you, Your being played, as long you exist & respond, This thread that's all about Plugging my Podcast will never get taken down,

I'm going for 350 posts on 8kun,

I think your gonna do it for me, just by the fact you can't keep your temper in check & I'm using you to get a great fight going on this loaded thread

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Doesn't matter,

As long i have new episodes & you keep replying, your just a unlimited reply count yourself regardless if it gets deleted,

Your emotions alone are too easy to take advantage

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Alot of people wish to be me keep praying you depend on me you're too insecure and weak when anyone doms you so you keep barking remember to sleep early get that fatass voice well now chop chop property has to be in good condition to sell em better in the market



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Your regurgitating gibberish like you were alive 400 years ago,

Cosplay as a fake slave all you want,

Your replies put me back on top of 8kun random, thanks Puppet

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You served well as a chewtoy most users here aren't much fun to fuck with since they either go inactive or get scared off the site in 2 secs and don't have much to say

this was indeed a fun little interaction you kept on barking everytime you didn't expect someone to not be as schizo round here now then remember shaft first and work your way up pastetwink I can play with you whenever and however I want and you enjoy every bit of it


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Maybe it's the other way around,

If you enjoy losing your temper & me giving you & your family heart palpitations whenever I post this >>111067 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ˜‚ or SLAVE NIGGER/FUCK OBAMA & I HOPE OBAMAS NIGGER FAMILY DIE IN A HOUSE FIRE ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿก๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ,

You seem to lose your cool & Octopuple post,

Whenever you reply with a smug, you post only 1once,

If you enjoy getting me making threats to you & your family all the time,

You sure having a retarded way of showing it

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I Do enjoy watching you degrade mentally overtime thinking I fuck with you because of a post I made making fun of you or lets kill obama LOL

You're simply weak and scared thats all you are the rest is just a mask you put on to hide the fact that you can't defend yourself and fear deeply what you can't control you're too dense and too enslaved by your own trauma to get it that's ok

I've seen way worse than you though it's always a joy to see cry about the same things "kill niggers" "black nigger spook" "darkie porch howlers" and whatever else buzzword you use so continue to do so you serve me as my chirpy little critter like the good specimen you are


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Enslaved?? Trauma??

You mean this your projecting

>>111067 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ˜‚

If anybody, Judging by that, is hiding Trauma, it's you, what you Said is an anonymous user abused elsewhere on a different thread, & you wasted it on me, of all people, & you helped made this thread bigger,

Keep letting me goad you to replying me & feeding my podcasts plugs/threads using you & your raped mother as a stepping stone >>111067 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ˜‚

You are a fuckin pathetic waste of life,

You getting raped by NIGGERS in front of your mother & YOUR MOTHER GETTING RAPED BY NIGGERS IN FRONT OF YOU!!

>>111067 ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ˜‚

I'll bet this location was at night in a garbage shithole blue state like California, Seattle, Michigan, Illinois

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I Tear into you deeply don't I look at you shaking repeating yourself nervously you use what I feed you and you listened to me by continuing to amuse me

You've always been very subservient always depending on others makes your kind mass reproducible and replaceable serve your function like a good innocent little girl

Finish cleaning the windows while you're at it the rain ain't gonna stop now


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From breached,

tax, first name, last name, social security number, sex, father's name, city, street, house and entrance, zip code, home phone, mobile phone, email, date of birth, active, position, framework ,scholarship/studies,recruitment source,additional characteristics,parents children of Haaretz,recruitment,graduate

1.0,Elyabook,Book,66678855.0,Zachar,Doron,Mirav,,,19184,46539043.0,526175833.0,elyabook@gmail.com,1984-11- 23, V, Manager, Military Preparation, Other,,,,,

2.0, Lilach, Cohen, 36735587.0, Female,, Degania B.,,,,,508501566.0, lilach.aharai@gmail.com,, V, Manager /t,preparation for the army,other,,,,,

3.0,Ariel,Marmor,61254611.0,male,Eliyahu,not registered,Ben Yosef,8 1,54017,,523796832.0,arielmarmor@gmail.com,1982-07-14, V

, Director, Military Preparation, Other, 11, V, "Coordinator as "National Third Party", preparation for the army, other,,,,,

5.0, Shaked, Musa Zada, 301477162.0, male, Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Nir, 31,,, 528689934.0, mosezada @gmail.com, 1988-03-27, V,"Coordinator of the national KHS", preparation for the army, other,,,,,

6.0, Adia, front, 300904984.0, female,, Jerusalem,,,, 548339366.0,adayakedmi@gmail.com,,V,national training coordinator,preparation for the army,other,,,,,

7.0,stav,kowalski,301155578.0,female,,not registered,,,,,523553324.0,stavk4@walla.com, 1987-11-18, V, national training coordinator, army preparation, other,,,,,

8.0, Moti, Shmuli, 301324729.0, Zachar, Moshe, Ashdod, Hashon, 38 1,,,528693717.0, moti.shmuli@gmail. com,1987-12-22,V,Coordinator,Spela,Other,,,,,

9.0,Itay,Baranes,300718681.0,Male,,Midgal Ha'Emek,Shoshanat Ha'amkim,36,,46542743.0,524235543.0,itaybaranes@walla. co.il,1986-11-21,V,coordinator,Western Galilee,other,,,,,

10.0,Ohad,Bohbot,301387338.0,male,Slomo,Migdal Hamemek,Tavor,2 7,,,547867815.0,ohad288 @gmail.com,1988-02-01,V,Coordinator,Emki HaNorth,Other,,,,,

11.0,Yiftah,Yitzhak,39702840.0,Zach,Yoav,Rehovot,The First President,40,,,529400826.0,yiftah7 @gmail.com,1984-05-21,V,Coordinator,South Youth Sponsorship,Other,,,,,

12.0,Omari,Levi,61281580.0,Male,,Not registered,,,,,,rahamimlevi@gmail. com,,V,Coordinator,North Youth Sponsorship,Other,,,,,

13.0,Ran,Primowitz,301399630.0,Zach,Dov,Kochav Yair,HaGilboa,12,,97494069.0,506977118.0,ranprimo@gmail.com,1988 -06-05, V, coordinator, Jerusalem, other,,,,,

ืฉื ืžืฉืคื—ื”,ืช.ื–.,ืžื™ืŸ,ืฉื ื”ืื‘,ืขื™ืจ,ืจื—ื•ื‘,ื‘ื™ืช ื•ื›ื ื™ืกื”,ืžื™ืงื•ื“,ื˜ืœ' ื‘ื‘ื™ืช,ื˜ืœ' ื ื™ื™ื“,"ื“ื•ื""ืœ",ืชืืจื™ืš ืœื™ื“ื”,ืคืขื™ืœ,ืชืคืงื™ื“,ืžืกื’ืจืช,ืžืœื’ื”/ืœื™ืžื•ื“ื™ื,ืžืงื•ืจ ื’ื™ื•ืก,ืžืืคื™ื™ื ื™ื ื ื•ืกืคื™ื,ื”ื•ืจื™ื ื™ืœื“ื™ ื”ืืจืฅ,ื’ื™ื•ืก,ื‘ื•ื’ืจ

1.0,ืืœื™ืกืฃ,ื‘ื•ืง,66678855.0,ื–ื›ืจ,ื“ื•ืจื•ืŸ,ืžื™ืจื‘,,,19184,46539043.0,526175833.0,elyabook@gmail.com,1984-11-23,V,ืžื ื”ืœ/ืช,ื”ื›ื ื” ืœืฆื‘ื,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

2.0,ืœื™ืœืš,ื›ื”ืŸ,36735587.0,ื ืงื‘ื”,,ื“ื’ื ื™ื” ื‘',,,,,508501566.0,lilach.aharai@gmail.com,,V,ืžื ื”ืœ/ืช,ื”ื›ื ื” ืœืฆื‘ื,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

3.0,ืืจื™ืืœ,ืžืจืžื•ืจ,61254611.0,ื–ื›ืจ,ืืœื™ื”ื•,ืœื ืจืฉื•ื,ื‘ืŸ ื™ื•ืกืฃ,8 1,54017,,523796832.0,arielmarmor@gmail.com,1982-07-14,V,ืžื ื”ืœ/ืช,ื”ื›ื ื” ืœืฆื‘ื,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

4.0,ืื•ื”ื“,ืืœื“ืจ,21629779.0,ื–ื›ืจ,ืžืื™ืจ,ืืฉื“ื•ื“,ืื“ื•ื ื ื• ื‘ืจื•ืš,27,77642,88655457.0,525689109.0,ohaduv@walla.com,1985-07-11,V,"ืจื›ื–/ืช ื›ืฉ""ื’ ืืจืฆื™ืช",ื”ื›ื ื” ืœืฆื‘ื,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

5.0,ืฉืงื“,ืžื•ืกื ื–ืื“ื,301477162.0,ื–ื›ืจ,,ืคืจื“ืก ื—ื ื”-ื›ืจื›ื•ืจ,ื ื™ืจ,31,,,528689934.0,mosezada@gmail.com,1988-03-27,V,"ืจื›ื–/ืช ื›ืฉ""ื’ ืืจืฆื™ืช",ื”ื›ื ื” ืœืฆื‘ื,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

6.0,ืขื“ื™ื”,ืงื“ืžื™,300904984.0,ื ืงื‘ื”,,ื™ืจื•ืฉืœื™ื,,,,,548339366.0,adayakedmi@gmail.com,,V,ืจื›ื–ืช ื”ื“ืจื›ื” ืืจืฆื™ืช,ื”ื›ื ื” ืœืฆื‘ื,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

7.0,ืกืชื™ื•,ืงื•ื‘ืœืกืงื™,301155578.0,ื ืงื‘ื”,,ืœื ืจืฉื•ื,,,,,523553324.0,stavk4@walla.com,1987-11-18,V,ืจื›ื–ืช ื”ื“ืจื›ื” ืืจืฆื™ืช,ื”ื›ื ื” ืœืฆื‘ื,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

8.0,ืžื•ื˜ื™,ืฉืžื•ืืœื™,301324729.0,ื–ื›ืจ,ืžืฉื”,ืืฉื“ื•ื“,ื—ืฉื•ืŸ,38 1,,,528693717.0,moti.shmuli@gmail.com,1987-12-22,V,ืจื›ื–/ืช,ืฉืคืœื”,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

9.0,ืื™ืชื™,ื‘ืจื ืก,300718681.0,ื–ื›ืจ,,ืžื’ื“ืœ ื”ืขืžืง,ืฉื•ืฉื ืช ื”ืขืžืงื™ื,36,,46542743.0,524235543.0,itaybaranes@walla.co.il,1986-11-21,V,ืจื›ื–/ืช,ื’ืœื™ืœ ืžืขืจื‘ื™,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

10.0,ืื•ื”ื“,ื‘ื•ื—ื‘ื•ื˜,301387338.0,ื–ื›ืจ,ืฉืœืžื”,ืžื’ื“ืœ ื”ืขืžืง,ืชื‘ื•ืจ,2 7,,,547867815.0,ohad288@gmail.com,1988-02-01,V,ืจื›ื–/ืช,ืขืžืงื™ ื”ืฆืคื•ืŸ,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

11.0,ื™ืคืชื—,ื™ืฆื—ืง,39702840.0,ื–ื›ืจ,ื™ื•ืื‘,ืจื—ื•ื‘ื•ืช,ื”ื ืฉื™ื ื”ืจืืฉื•ืŸ,40,,,529400826.0,yiftah7@gmail.com,1984-05-21,V,ืจื›ื–/ืช,ื—ืกื•ืช ื”ื ื•ืขืจ ื“ืจื•ื,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

12.0,ืขืžืจื™,ืœื•ื™,61281580.0,ื–ื›ืจ,,ืœื ืจืฉื•ื,,,,,,rahamimlevi@gmail.com,,V,ืจื›ื–/ืช,ื—ืกื•ืช ื”ื ื•ืขืจ ืฆืคื•ืŸ,ืื—ืจ,,,,,

13.0,ืจืŸ,ืคืจื™ืžื•ื‘ื™ืฅ,301399630.0,ื–ื›ืจ,ื“ื‘,ื›ื•ื›ื‘ ื™ืื™ืจ,ื”ื’ืœื‘ื•ืข,12,,97494069.0,506977118.0,ranprimo@gmail.com,1988-06-05,V,ืจ from

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Nothing offends me,

You Said everything you possibly can & used every slur you can think of under the sun the past 3 to 5 months,

I've had better threats thrown at me when I was 10-11 back in 4th grade/5th,

You however are just behind a desk in your mother's house you live off of,

Using & squeezing as much replies and responses out of your Gullible ass,

So when people here on 8kun pass by /random/catalog thread,

They see the Posts on this thread go from 21 to 48 posts, to 85 posts, to 200 posts, & make people curious about going to this thread & clicking on my link to listen to my new special,

Going back & forth with you for the sake of "fighting" is not my intention

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I've Seen way worse racists you're one of many run of the mill weekly memers simple as that I think the majority of people aren't here to click on these links son


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Fight for your nation jรจw chop chop


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Majority of the people will not click because you suck at posts & don't bring anything new, step it up my bitch daughter!!

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Nope, your posts here won't make hatemail bit,

It's certainly your fault since your lousy at attention grabbing threads or replies,

This is everybody's reaction to you since I'm the only one replying & telling you the honest truth what everyone thinks your posts for 3 to 5 months nobody responds back to you

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Yet you respond every time and have used what I tell you multiple times

I Created you I can also starve you of the attention you deeply deeply want my choice really to do whatever I want with you


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me replying to you takes up 1/10 of my time here which takes 1/300 time of my afternoon try to workout the math

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Keep up the replies my useful idiot,

Only you are keeping this thread alive with your emotional temper being pushed every time I strike a nerve,

Remember, this thread is all about plugging my special, only about plugging my podcast, not replying to you to hear about your stupid ASSRAPE, Your Mother or those NIGGERS that raped you & you didn't have the guts to fight back >>111067 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ˜‚

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You created a board based on me a segment countless lines because you don't have to balls to fight tar babies in your school

My dick tastes good don't it fruitcake


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File: 7bd07b0c2550bb9⋯.png (592.83 KB,720x3649,720:3649,chrome_screenshot_21_Sept_โ€ฆ.png)

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Real nigga

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Is that the best you got??

Your too much of a Guilty Mother FUCKER to do any Deaththreats,

You can't fight worth shit on internet,

This happened to you & your mother >>111067 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ˜‚, & YOUR best attack is (bitch,faggot,my dick,fruitcake,loser)

Typical hack internet user bringing nothing original, I'm not offended because anything you say is any new & you wore out everything,

I'm not offended by anything you've said because There's 1,000s just like you with no serious hate or have too much (rodger elliot energy) for me to not take seriously,

I've seen it all!!

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Constant typos

failed to correctly link posts

switching first and last names like a drugged out afronite

Get some sleep tonight this was just sad you haven't seen jack my boy rise up nice and early this morning because I said so


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Hey, Assrape Tossee,

How come you didn't defend yourself when you & your ugly yeast infection bitch mother got raped??

We're those NIGGERS too tough for your little ass & your mother's hairy fatass??

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You know the post you repeat 500 times now was me parodying you to make fun of you right

for being a failedcomic you're really slow to this

Though thanks for spreading my work you can learn a thing or 2 from it Indeed


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That certainly didn't answer my question,

You try to dodge,


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File: ae5e7fc73d86c91⋯.png (423.67 KB,721x793,721:793,chrome_screenshot_23_Sept_โ€ฆ.png)

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Niggers have never raped me or my mother you've been skipping your meds

You love my style of writing to use it constantly proves it so

Why didn't you bully the niggers who preyed on you in the school were they simply bigger than you or were you always a bitch


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That's how we did you

and you took it all in with a smile

Get ready for seconds the markets wide open tonight


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You purposely deleted the post

That was (>>111067, on I โ™ฅ TWITTER Thread) I didn't forget,

Now your changing the subject & say that never happened, but than again, you taking my dickbait is always funny,

Only you are keeping my threads alive with your ongoing replies, I repeat it because you can't process how I'm playing you for a Low iq nigger that can't think or judge

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Never deleted jack I've been playing you for months I knew calling you a black nigger slave alongside that other random will keep you mad for a while

You turned out even more sensitive than I thought still coping to thia day

Nobody is changing amything no posts were changed you're seeing things after being raped for too long my little boytoy


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Your quick lousy misspelling makes you full of shit,

The only one getting raped here is you,

Especially online,

Giving my Threads power,

& bumping me with more numbered replies & put back on top on /random/

Keep going, that puppet string stuck in your ass isn't a niggers dick that raped you & your mother,

That's me making you so angry to come back to my selected threads I created that is only about giving my podcast exposure,

It hurts you alot more than anyone else to reply to me, because I sit back & enjoy you being a constant replier, than having Zero replies & zero feedback

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Theads get autodeleted here on their own after a while dumbass LMFAOOOOOO

You didn't know this you are beyond too young for my site

Fuckkit suits you much better

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Did I say you deleted a thread??


I SAID you deleted the (POST) >>111067

You retarded fucking Nigger loving Bumpkin,

Why don't you get fuckin goddamn Lasix surgery,

Deleting a (I ๐Ÿ’™ twitter) thread tweet to Obama was gonna happen,

It was you that easily went back & got the post,

However, your replies certainly doesn't delete my threads, only the opposite

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I know you miss our talks twink it's all gone don't worry though my wet bitch there will be more to come chop chop now


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Whatever you say,

Go back to standing on corner in a gutter mumbling about Endtimes with your piss/shit soaked bible while some nigger/illegal mexican/Venezuelan trash steals your only Homeless Encampment Box you think you still live in but used/torn to make a Crack snorting table to get a line

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Remember you here to serve niggerkind

speak for them

breathe for them

wash em shoes

clean em cloths

Niggers created you they own you

Continue to act as their mouth toy as you pay rent to tyrone woodly down by the shack


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Rapee & his mother loves being satisfied by Nigger Rape,

Niggers definitely blackd you & your mother,

You never lift a finger to help yourself or your mother,

Pathetic family, Ghetto Trash!!

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Keep living on SSI and welfare cracker

Haven of hillbitches down by the south

your little sisters great behind the back


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File: b0e06824e5625e5⋯.png (597.4 KB,720x925,144:185,chrome_screenshot_30_Sept_โ€ฆ.png)

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File: 3d7d851e4b59d69⋯.png (284.91 KB,720x812,180:203,chrome_screenshot_30_Sept_โ€ฆ.png)

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File: 63d82272c3ecbb2⋯.png (110.95 KB,720x648,10:9,chrome_screenshot_30_Sept_โ€ฆ.png)


Never had a sister,

If you did it would be like your fate here

>>111067 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ˜‚

You were off your meds, I know!!

That's your lame excuse you posted >>111067 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ˜‚

Not to call it yourself & defend yourself with Weak Excuses You try to impersonate people & say it happened to you, than backtrack & say you try to impersonate people,

Bull Fucking Goddamn Shit!!!!!!

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If you were impersonating someone

You should had the name,


Not anonymous you SCHMUCK!!

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You wanna know the best part since it seems you're not gonna figure this out on your own anytime soon

The guy who reported you to the fbi wasn't even me LOL

it was some random who's been inactive for months his fanboys sometimes try to live in his shadow though at times

You've been fooling yourself for months thinking I was some deepstate nigger who hated racists who was tryna get yo ass when in reality

I was mearly toying with you to the point where you became schizo enough to amuse me

You played your part well boy

Now you shall continue to do so



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File: 877aa086762976a⋯.png (411.65 KB,720x806,360:403,chrome_screenshot_1_Oct_20โ€ฆ.png)

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Good boy keep posting the same vid


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