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000000  No.9257853[View All]

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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 05.20.2020

>>9256693 ————————————–——– Where was Joe? (Cap: >>9256712)

>>9253546 ————————————–——– May 6, 2020 _masks off, May 8, 2020 _masks on Reconcile. (Cap: >>9254033)

>>9253283 ————————————–——– People fell asleep long ago. UNITY IS HUMANITY. THE WORLD IS WHAT WE MAKE IT.

>>9252896 ————————————–——– DEM–PANIC Do anything to regain power?

>>9252741 ————————————–——– Is this about the virus OR PREVENTING EXPOSURE OF [D] CORRUPTION? (Cap: >>9252801)

>>9252597 ————————————–——– Reconcile (Cap: >>9252606, >>9252612)

>>9250388 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS reply to a tweet from May 30, 2019? (Cap: >>9252310)

Tuesday 05.19.2020

>>9244029 ————————————–——– MSM [D]s 'vested interest' in censoring and attacking anything re: HCQ? Why? (Cap: >>9244041)

>>9242248 rt >>9241646 ————————— It's a marathon not a sprint.

>>9241503 ————————————–——– Two different standards of justice (Cap: >>9241515, >>9241534)

>>9241285 ————————————–——– Rice Declass (Cap: >>9241314)

>>9240340 ————————————–——– NABU leaks You Tube Channel (Cap: >>9240561)

>>9239924 ————————————–——– China, Gilead, Vaccines (Caps: >>9239963, >>9240017)

>>9239183 ————————————–——– Infiltration not invasion. For future events. (Cap: >>9239202)

>>9238824 ————————————–——– Critical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v POTUS, _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v Q [you]

>>9238642 ————————————–——– Everything is at stake this election.

>>9238453 ————————————–——– How about a nice game of chess. Add: important king control pieces [elim rogue elements]? (Cap: >>9238471)

Monday 05.18.2020

>>9226447 ————————————–——– "I have today." - Barr FISA = START (Cap: >>9226486)

>>9221502 ————————————–——– American Flag for Easton (Cap: >>9221585)

Sunday 05.17.2020 >>9253953

Friday 05.15.2020 >>9239209

Thu 05.14.2020 >>9214444

Wed 05.13.2020 >>9212339

Tue 05.12.2020 >>9187430

Mon 05.11.2020 >>9162615

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

701 posts and 497 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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029ad5  No.9258601


never ever fill in the name and email. leave blank. you just doxxed yourself Keisha

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4c90d5  No.9258602

File: 39ab98a1bf2ed7a⋯.png (124.84 KB, 559x771, 559:771, 365_SPLASH_.png)

File: 9755eb22b5e6ee1⋯.png (114.99 KB, 703x762, 703:762, 432_SPLASH_.png)

File: 3217f1e1a82daaa⋯.png (116.51 KB, 706x682, 353:341, 2299_Splash1_X.png)

File: 2a9e6db627939c7⋯.png (332.24 KB, 536x577, 536:577, Splashdown.png)

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ea8afe  No.9258603


i use to wonder how people so dumb could get so rich, and now I know it was given to them for playing the game.

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314ec8  No.9258604

File: 3b08cd5ee8f6e0f⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 700x625, 28:25, 2e961adc676dda.jpg)

File: f2c91ec71bc74be⋯.png (283.65 KB, 612x305, 612:305, kek.png)

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a765ce  No.9258605


A symphony of keks confirms the trips of 5

That cause all the treble

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f68f99  No.9258606

File: 48ab9fbb405587e⋯.png (349.38 KB, 852x481, 852:481, 2020_05_20_21_37_04.png)

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82e79b  No.9258608

OK that's enough fun, back to the archaeloogists of Time Team

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f29b30  No.9258609

File: ac70c3358cd1be2⋯.png (597.61 KB, 816x466, 408:233, ClipboardImage.png)


>FLOOD is coming?

Think Michigan Dam Breakage.

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5b9883  No.9258610

File: 070bf8903444752⋯.png (432.93 KB, 801x804, 267:268, pepe_newfags_taped_mouth.png)

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1f45a2  No.9258611


Not there yet. Getting closer though.

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2e6ae1  No.9258612

File: 609d983acda4399⋯.jpeg (171.04 KB, 560x768, 35:48, 6CDB6A77_FB5D_42BD_9B7B_4….jpeg)

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ff542c  No.9258613


Thanks I didn't remember where I found it. Long time ago.


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9bc995  No.9258614

Hey Q ! could you please explain why no one is leaking or talking about the audio recording of sleepy Joe Biden and president Poroshenko and the press conference. It's a game ender for Joe to be running for the election. Am I wrong about this ?

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19daea  No.9258615

File: 7a68db4b9c0dab7⋯.png (487.13 KB, 595x315, 17:9, 7a68db4b9c0dab72d12866258c….png)

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9d6241  No.9258616

War Games

Players: Joshua & Prof. Falken

Puppet states, US and USSR

Our Game (It's not a game)

White King

Black King

Who directs the pieces?

White King = POTUS

Whose the opponent?

Who writes the 4AM talking points?

Who shadowbans patriots?

Who fucks with your social media setting and likes?

Who matches prospective Medical Residency candidates with Offers?

Who monitors YouTube for saying "wrongwords"?

The opponent is 1 9

We have influence over the algorithm now. We're making the news. We're creating the news. We're tripping the dominoes to the defeat of the Black King.

How do we "show them"?


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2c45d0  No.9258617

File: eb36855928636c0⋯.png (309.18 KB, 463x243, 463:243, Screenshot_2020_05_20_bigf….png)


I ain't hitting dat shit. Even if my life depended on it…

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000000  No.9258618




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8bc67e  No.9258619

File: 49d5ae327fe78bc⋯.png (341.47 KB, 750x725, 30:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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64d587  No.9258620

File: 3d69a0ef7e3a541⋯.png (350.89 KB, 623x491, 623:491, psychojoe_berkland.png)

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3e14fa  No.9258621




you took out notables again?


don´t think this shoudl get eyes on?

>>9258031, >>9258056 Q drops with upcoming 2 yr delta - FLOOD COMING?

>>9257899 USMC tweets "down" and "55" right after 8kun is down

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787bed  No.9258622


Disagree with >>9258004 SUPER stale crumb…done and done…weeks old.

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82e79b  No.9258623


My best friend lives near Midland. His GFs house came close to being flooded.

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bd4883  No.9258624


You mean they found new evidence that native Americans came from Siberia.

Is anyone surprised?

Do you know what Paleolithic means?

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1f45a2  No.9258625

File: dc65386c44c374b⋯.jpg (138.36 KB, 600x299, 600:299, mememe_89c4fa123a1d38a3fc3….jpg)

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accf5e  No.9258626



>Greg Rubini


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38a847  No.9258627

File: 7b64acfa7b8753e⋯.png (443.65 KB, 593x590, 593:590, ClipboardImage.png)


Leave the name, email, and subject fields blank newfag.


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497db1  No.9258628

File: 2cf3de67e9d5b5c⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 500x659, 500:659, Snake.jpg)

File: bf8e824244696eb⋯.jpg (71.77 KB, 500x519, 500:519, 40kkwu.jpg)



Faggot's stay hiding in the gay bars toilet and maybe you will survive the MAGA riots…. Scumbags.

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d42c92  No.9258630


It uses N95 filters…

it's a fancy toy.

nothing more.

prob get fischer price to make it on the cheap.

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eb2ab7  No.9258631


He ain't a nigger mother fucker. You suck dicks. He's a pitcher for the Tampa Bay Rays and he's white.

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82e79b  No.9258632

File: f9728b1580a70ed⋯.png (914.85 KB, 731x479, 731:479, trump_small_hat.png)

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bc2342  No.9258635


this video talks about the letter


wouldn't embed

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413aac  No.9258638


Qatar Intellignce?

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98047e  No.9258639

File: f09865c46acc850⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1007x1200, 1007:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5be94cf915b3a22⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1920x1536, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31551c23170a2ca⋯.png (1002.15 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Space in 7 days….

w new suits

#TheWormIsBack and it’s on the @SpaceX

spacesuits that @Astro_Doug

and @AstroBehnken

will be wearing next week for our Demo-2 mission! #LaunchAmerica


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a765ce  No.9258640

File: 77bbd7623f95909⋯.jpg (110.38 KB, 1023x614, 1023:614, 77bbd7623f95909f0faa51716e….jpg)



the useful idiot lottery

Our enemies have an army of useless idiots

And they pissed we aint scared

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5b9883  No.9258642

File: 5f31625d77df0b2⋯.png (1005.38 KB, 681x663, 227:221, toilet_boi_flush_twice.PNG)

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3a0bc4  No.9258643






>tableau vivant

A tableau vivant (often shortened to tableau, plural: tableaux vivants), French for 'living picture', is a static scene containing one or more actors or models. They are stationary and silent, usually in costume, carefully posed, with props and/or scenery, and may be theatrically lit. It thus combines aspects of theatre and the visual arts.

A tableau may either be 'performed' live, or depicted in painting, photography and sculpture, such as in many works of the Romantic, Aesthetic, Symbolist, Pre-Raphaelite, and Art Nouveau movements.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tableaux sometimes featured poses plastiques ('flexible poses') by virtually nude models, providing a form of erotic entertainment, both on stage and in print.

Tableaux continue to the present day in the form of living statues, street performers who busk by posing in costume.


Stop the stupid! It hurts people!

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503796  No.9258645

File: 7fd6951adbb0f99⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 405x612, 45:68, 4vee8b9THHHu.JPG)

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f23d33  No.9258646



Ok, now I know the scale we're looking at. Thank you, very helpful

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591bff  No.9258647


In a corrupt system, the more corrupt and/or compromised a person is, the higher they are raised by the puppet master

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2ef310  No.9258648

File: 24b0867fa65b2bf⋯.png (287.75 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1577094563611.png)


Says the Roy Potter poster who couldn't jandle multiple married wives, and went full gay

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bf3cc8  No.9258649


he was so smart just like all the rest.

he invented the dallas mavericks in his garage.

Its one of them feel good can do American grit stories.

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3e3a41  No.9258651


Be Best

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76a85d  No.9258654


The C_A can collect SIGNIT on foreign targets without a warrant.

The C_A surveilled the Russian Ambassador (after Obama kicked them out) that called Flynn in the Dominican Republic while Flynn was on vacation.

Flynn was never unmasked.

They didn't need to because they KNEW who the Russian Amb was calling, because they knew Flynn was there on vacation.


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614659  No.9258656


Normally that would be true. But in this case the higher ranked one was so high in his own mind that he had to do it, he had to take the credit. That's the way psychopath's roll.

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413aac  No.9258658


>What [central] AB[C] agency played qb?

Qatar Central Intelligence?

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702caf  No.9258662

File: ef1563d128d406d⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 500x260, 25:13, FlakyCarefreeColt_size_res….gif)

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80165b  No.9258666


please be notable

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6306c1  No.9258667


Exposed, not yet shot

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6109ff  No.9258668

File: 3a1465a336c7cc1⋯.png (167.21 KB, 319x314, 319:314, no_name.PNG)

How does No Name factor into this? Wasn't he the guy that retrieved the dossier thru FVEY? Will we be hearing more about him in the coming weeks? or Has the Dog Had It's Day?

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233994  No.9258669

File: 352cd82aa8acb33⋯.png (321.61 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WWG1WGA_17_4.png)

File: a2b4474bab2c540⋯.png (128.66 KB, 750x826, 375:413, weeks_go_by.png)

File: 94f20e029eaa649⋯.png (72.66 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_for_Tomorrow_05072020….png)

File: 583b8324f2fd7b4⋯.png (87.63 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_for_Tomorrow_05072020….png)

File: bf7f7931fcf0902⋯.png (155.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_for_Tomorrow_05072020….png)

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