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File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 000.jpg)

6233cd  No.8698668[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 03.28.2020

>>8601103 ————————————–——– Freedom Flag (Cap: >>8601360)

>>8601061 ————————————–——– The entire world is watching. (Cap: >>8601342)

>>8601001 ————————————–——– Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion). (Cap: >>8645430)

>>8600954 ————————————–——– A person(s) value: (Cap: >>8600998)

Friday 03.27.2020

>>8589057 ————————————–——– This is not another [4] year election. (Cap: >>8589087, >>8589386)

Thursday 03.26.2020

>>8573290 ————————————–——– [infiltration instead of invasion] (Cap: UK bread >>8573366 )

>>8573039 ————————————–——– Q #513 No Outside Comms (Cap: >>8574299)

>>8572999 ————————————–——– PF Post Patriots vs Traitors (Cap: >>8574325)

>>8572837 ————————————–——– Habeas Corpus Suspended (Cap: >>8572906, >>8574346)

>>8572583 ————————————–——– The Silent War continues.. (Cap: >>8572604, >>8572598 vid, >>8574384)

Monday 03.23.2020

>>8538300 ————————————–——– The key that opens all doors. (Cap: >>8538366)

>>8537834 ————————————–——– PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. (Cap: >>8537877)

>>8537514 ————————————–——– "the CHINA virus" (Cap: >>8537554, >>8537565, >>8539010, >>8538058, >>8539081, >>8539785 (vid))

Saturday 03.21.2020

>>8509836 ————————————–——– Do not fear. (Cap: >>8509881)

Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news & qposts.online

Onion Link

Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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6233cd  No.8698702

Global Announcements

>>8694416 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts

>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting


are not endorsements


>>8698227, >>8698520 PF Reports

>>8698189, >>8698407 Why would Vermont want to stop people from buying vegetable seeds?

>>8698016 Legendary Shoe Designer Sergio Rossi Dies From Corona

>>8698124 US Navy captain fired for raising coronavirus concerns tests positive himself

>>8698356 Pope drops traditional titles, including ‘Vicar of Christ

>>8698369 CBP officers in Miami seized 90lbs of cocaine, worth $1M, aboard a coastal freighter arriving from the Dominican Republic

>>8698376 Cocktail of Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc Sulfate and Azithromycin are showing phenomenon results with 900 coronavirus patients treated

>>8698496 SWAT standoff continues at Willow Brook in Pelican Bay.

>>8698523 An ax-wielding man was subdued with a Taser during a SWAT standoff after he apparently tried to break into a Kansas police station

>>8698544 Recommended 9 P.M. Curfew Issued for Boston, Residents Urged to Wear Masks

>>8698552 Gunshot Victim Dies, SWAT Team Arrests Suspect in San Ysidro Standoff

>>8698542 Your president is telling the entire world that you cannot trust the current medical community

>>8698572 Big Pharma Reaps Profits While Hurting Everyday Americans

>>8698605 Smugglers posing as border wall construction crew in shootout for border patrol

>>8698644 A Bill and Melinda Gates Initiative

>>8698647 State Police Arrest Two People Who Allegedly Coughed On, Harassed Workers

>>8698687 #11137


>>8697878, >>8697715, >>8697821 Possible Human Trafficking take-down in the Detroit/Troy area!

>>8697506, >>8697659, BEHOLD THE SEETHE

>>8697296 Boeing indefinitely extends production shutdown at Washington state plants due to coronavirus

>>8697473 PF Reports


>>8697574 Welsh singer Duffy outlines complex, sophisticated and expensive multi week drugging, kidnapping, and rape

>>8697755 Lee Fierro, ‘Jaws’ Actress, Dies of Coronavirus at 91

>>8697795 Lord Bath dies aged 87 after contracting coronavirus

>>8697931 #11136

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6233cd  No.8698706


>>8696625, >>8696627 CoronaVirus Taskforce Presser Video

>>8696490 CNN is pushing a 100-year old tuberculosis vaccine being tested by Germans.

>>8696495 How the patriots are getting maximum leverage from the CV Plannedmic

>>8696507 First member of Congress to test positive for coronavirus recovers and volunteers to donate plasma

>>8696649 US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn

>>8696817 Portsmouth lawyer & former city council member under state investigation is linked to prostitution, sex trafficking and drugs

>>8697135 Q-fever was used by the us army at ft detrick to test bioweapons.

>>8697180 #11135


>>8696079 silent weapns for quiet war (vid)

>>8695944 over the target, being attacked,

>>8695846 The media hysteria is based on a Bill Gates-funded IHME Coronavirus model that has been proven to be way off.

>>8695577, >>8695649, >>8695664 (lb posts) NYC Medical "Simulation Queen" fluent in Russian, disappeared for 4 years (2014-2018), studied Slavic Languages.

>>8695706 anon opine from lb re the virus and the economy and possibly the plan

>>8695766 Full speech here: Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration: Keynote Address by Anthony S. Fauci

>>8695845, >>8695876, >>8695887, >>8695910 planefaggin

>>8695984 new HRC "concrete" re november elections, >>8696128 new Bill C "proud of clinton fdn fam" (both from earlier today)

>>8696259 New DJT - White House news conference at 6:45 P.M. Eastern. Thank you!

>>8696374 links to upcoming WH news conf starting at :45 of this hour

>>8696396 #11134


>>8695020, >>8695263, >>8695288, >>8695319, >>8695369 PF updates

>>8695508 Four Citadel Portfolio Managers Leave During Turbulent March

>>8695418 USNS Watkins is on the move

>>8695401 JW livestream on Clinton subpeonas

>>8695223, >>8695297 Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has been hospitalized after contracting the Coronavirus.

>>8695135 Turkish Military Sets Three ‘Observation’ Posts Near Jihadist Stronghold In Syria’s Idlib

>>8695109 India Bans All Exports of "Game-Changer" Hydroxycholoroquine to Treat Coronavirus – First Touted by President Trump

>>8695099 Venezuelan President Maduro Orders Mobilisation of Artillery Amid Tensions With US

>>8695092, >>8695150 Moar 3M

>>8695023, >>8695037 Anon opines on Wuhan Con

>>8694960 DC Mayor threatening to throw those in JAIL who break “stay at home orders”

>>8694935 Potus/caps

>>8694946 11132 news bun

>>8695641 #11133

Previously Collected Notables

>>8693274 #11130, >>8694044 #11131, >>8694793 #11132,

>>8690027 #11126, >>8691748 #11127, >>8692292 #11128, >>8692506 #11129

>>8687030 #11122, >>8687790 #11123, >>8688538 #11124, >>8689225 #11125

>>8683823 #11118, >>8684620 #11119, >>8685433 #11120, >>8686233 #11121

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com (new)

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6233cd  No.8698709

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8137311 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>8137179 ------ Romania Thread

>>7111560 ------ The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 ------ Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 ------ Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>>/comms/9187

Q Graphics all in GMT #98 >>8603566

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6233cd  No.8698710

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

54 >>8406256, 53 >>8128395, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

Current Focus → #KungFlu #ChineseVirus #SocialDistancing #KillTheVirus #WashYourHands #Hygiene #StayHomeChallenge #SlowTheSpread

Kung Flu ————— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

2020-Jan ——— mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Class #8: >>>/comms/9320

Tips on Notables for Bakers: >>>/qrb/41931

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/

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6233cd  No.8698718




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c5e2a4  No.8698720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Born to be alive!

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5a953e  No.8698744

File: 126d656e8087bb4⋯.jpeg (76.06 KB, 789x460, 789:460, 2DC856AE_444C_4DCB_BE8C_4….jpeg)

File: 2799269242f1532⋯.jpeg (18.04 KB, 190x224, 95:112, D1EEF30D_FE54_487B_9BE9_E….jpeg)

File: 03788106ceebb5c⋯.jpeg (48.49 KB, 313x418, 313:418, FBA127DB_C013_4434_9740_F….jpeg)

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baccd1  No.8698756

File: f26e1ed345676ac⋯.png (541.67 KB, 657x829, 657:829, ClipboardImage.png)

"How to Choose Sides: Madonna Ciccone announces she is partnering with Bill and Melinda Gates on “vaccine” while wearing a shirt depicting Satan on the Cross"


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a7d1a7  No.8698757

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1a3399  No.8698762

File: 35675223b6c6b8a⋯.png (1.66 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Have some lucky spurs, Cowboy!

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0be63f  No.8698766

File: f26b9711a8f61db⋯.png (314.83 KB, 736x803, 736:803, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d0b2a9e6031ae8⋯.png (1.15 MB, 946x2048, 473:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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baccd1  No.8698768



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6bd8dc  No.8698769


will be her downfall

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d4b8e5  No.8698770

So 4chan found this

Account posting cp on Twitter(supposedly, I wont visit because I dont want to fly into a f*cking rage)

Scrape follows and document


Inb4 shit the bread

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38577b  No.8698771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Motown Monday in less than 3 hours.

Good God Y'all

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7ce128  No.8698772

File: 38700ded1cc2485⋯.png (223.2 KB, 427x542, 427:542, elvis_leaves_the_building.PNG)

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33010e  No.8698773

File: 2dc70be2c1bc5db⋯.png (1.34 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, ClipboardImage.png)

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089bf1  No.8698774

File: 6bdaba4b016113e⋯.png (196.68 KB, 489x512, 489:512, Screenshot_from_2020_04_05….png)



Vermont orders 'big box' retailers to stop sales of items the state deems 'non-essential' in their stores.

Vermont’s Agency of Commerce and Community Development has ordered all “big box” retailers in the state such as Walmart, Target, and Costco to stop the in-store selling of items the agency has determined to be “non-essential” as part of its effort to stop the spread of COVID-19



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33010e  No.8698775

File: 83ece0e275003e2⋯.png (667.81 KB, 640x614, 320:307, ClipboardImage.png)

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d5df79  No.8698776

File: a71e6922deebba4⋯.png (59.06 KB, 742x152, 371:76, Screen_Shot_2020_04_05_at_….png)

Anon offers apologies for having to IRL this weekend, but why are these Q posts not returning in real time? No doubt it's been covered before, but not in notables.

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390e8f  No.8698777

File: 9a9dd1f0d3a671a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 800x780, 40:39, dayafter.png)


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8c8ad9  No.8698778

File: 291c35496e1916e⋯.jpg (144.25 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 291c35496e1916e9bbee160b53….jpg)

File: 2249ddc50927ef1⋯.jpg (144 KB, 750x734, 375:367, ace75c97766e293b5072c45c3a….jpg)


Thanks BAKER!!! Great Bread!

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df938e  No.8698779

File: 9047973c2d98eec⋯.jpg (192.15 KB, 1314x738, 73:41, james_comey_hanging_on_fla….jpg)

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c9e4ef  No.8698780

File: 1944fe585db48c0⋯.png (356.07 KB, 1005x702, 335:234, Screenshot_6.png)

>>8698483 lb

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02d2d5  No.8698781


Unfortunately you are very clueless as to how this all relates. We have friends, family and other loved ones in danger; civilians like most of you. We follow the chain of command or risk the consequences. Recognize that you’ve been getting vital information and if we were here to deceive you the information wouldn’t be to warn you to prepare, so put that into perspective before it’s too late. You’ll be the one in fear I’m no time at all, if not for you, you will for those you care about.

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33010e  No.8698782

File: 784aee31f0725b4⋯.png (542.22 KB, 639x447, 213:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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1444a9  No.8698783



Vaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction

By Daniel Taylor

Global Research, September 07, 2010

The author points out, ". . .The GAVI Alliance, founded in 2000 with the help of the Gates Foundation, has the goal of vaccinating all of the third world.

The member organizations of GAVI are listed on group’s the website,which include:

“…national governments of donor and developing countries, the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA), the Rockefeller Foundation, UNICEF, the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization (WHO).”

“Gates said that ‘Taking our lead and our inspiration from work already done by The Rockefeller Foundation, our foundation actually started GAVI by pledging $750 million to something called the Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines, an instrument of GAVI."

"He also praised the Rockefeller family’s century of philanthropy, saying, ‘It seems like every new corner we turn, the Rockefellers are already there. And in some cases, they have been there for a long, long time.'”

Oh boy...how many members of the Rockefeller "dynasty" are interested in population control?

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2d1f36  No.8698784

File: 2db0c6ca691a216⋯.jpg (113.07 KB, 483x776, 483:776, 2db0c6ca691a21638a9db2a82c….jpg)


thanks bakes

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33010e  No.8698786

File: af5f4cda9825df8⋯.png (195.92 KB, 680x509, 680:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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019ef2  No.8698787

File: da3e309291174ec⋯.png (28.4 KB, 220x284, 55:71, ClipboardImage.png)

The leadership of the governments of the world are lying.


Agenda 21

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13ed71  No.8698788

File: 270c261c7492adc⋯.jpg (62.49 KB, 494x441, 494:441, COSMIC_PEPE.jpg)

new bread! when is the happening going public boys?

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afaf6b  No.8698789

File: 21d93a1b24f9e16⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

Never understood the "we warned you and you didnt listen" crap!

Are we supposed to walk out our front door and start screaming? WTF are we supposed to do?

RFB is the same way


ok im 57 and have been "awake" for decades. AND?

Unless you have a viable solution, then your no different and in the same leaky boat.


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98078e  No.8698790


wa state as well but i have not heard it publicly the wallmart is sectioned off and only allowing food products be purchased

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4c702d  No.8698791


When threads get bumped off the catalog, links to the posts within those threads become inactive.

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46de03  No.8698792



So what's your game here? You keep posting this because….why? Is it your account and you want visitors, or….?

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9ffa0e  No.8698793

Lord Steven Christ

Why have you allowed this horror upon us, your people apparently.

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885b5a  No.8698794

File: 3fa8cc312b11268⋯.jpg (208.95 KB, 1015x649, 1015:649, stunningandbrave.jpg)


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33010e  No.8698795

File: 13895eaf428c0d5⋯.png (574.16 KB, 468x679, 468:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9037c5fa7784b0b⋯.png (351.45 KB, 900x416, 225:104, ClipboardImage.png)

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730ad4  No.8698796

File: 85c2b2b85bb9626⋯.png (890.22 KB, 740x2017, 740:2017, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8698495 lb

sauce: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/hunt_for_red_october

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d4f7f1  No.8698797

Gretchen Whitmer is ruining my life. We are prisoners.

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ba06e8  No.8698798

>>8698540 lb

Meh, that's an awful lot of formatting.

I think we are just watching a movie.

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8c8ad9  No.8698799


Sorry, vague threats against us will just be reported. You need to spit it out or move on. Scaring people is a no go.

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aafc2e  No.8698800


you are a piece of shit. every bread you are a piece of shit.

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a7d1a7  No.8698801

File: b9a6e6b9abaad1a⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1418, 1125:1418, B62C6491_45C6_42E1_8E2D_C….jpeg)


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64e6d2  No.8698802

File: 775448b6e7247a4⋯.jpg (103.68 KB, 900x500, 9:5, 3obbuy1p.jpg)

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33010e  No.8698803

File: 8a3e2b4bb90fb0e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 640x927, 640:927, ClipboardImage.png)

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cbe101  No.8698804

File: da200a5301f01be⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 3543x2362, 3:2, darts_Anastasia.jpg)


sorry, was busy. all good now

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acdb33  No.8698805


Next week

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d5df79  No.8698806


Indeed, but older threads respond. Logic.

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1a3399  No.8698807

File: ff828ab9aa4d66e⋯.png (560.05 KB, 570x428, 285:214, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm on the war path now!!!!

Wah wah wah wah wah wah!!!!

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628833  No.8698808

>>8698728 pb

>home prices cratering in puget sound area

prolly not, considering the commie seattle city council got rid of new single family zoning. gallow humor but prolly true.

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019ef2  No.8698809

File: af46ce67b739072⋯.png (646.31 KB, 789x460, 789:460, ClipboardImage.png)

The heads of the ABCs in our government were lying.


China’s Lies, and Ours

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885b5a  No.8698810

>>8698750 {lb}

>Dr. Fauci: there's no strong evidence it works

Anecdotal = experience.

"Clinical trial" = alchemy

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33010e  No.8698811

File: 26e8c93768cb5a5⋯.png (438.99 KB, 680x441, 680:441, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a3399  No.8698812

File: e3f9d2e32d2d268⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 437x498, 437:498, stupid.gif)

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930ab5  No.8698813

File: 01843f3e6471860⋯.jpeg (142.6 KB, 940x597, 940:597, 636FCD0B_24F5_42BF_A356_B….jpeg)



And TY For finest frog family found forever

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d5df79  No.8698814



thanks for the fix.

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4c702d  No.8698815



It's a redditor who's acting like he's from /pol/.

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43022b  No.8698816


But why are older Q posts not inactive?

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33010e  No.8698817

File: 53bf1cfa92be292⋯.png (667.35 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

It stops the replication of the virus.

If it can't reproduce your immune system kills it.

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4427a6  No.8698818

File: cdcf395e77b984a⋯.png (538.98 KB, 539x960, 539:960, COVID_19_USES_ROUNDWORM_LA….png)

In response to the anon that posted a few breads back about curing the virus with ivermectin…is this that I got a few days before, maybe twatter…

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1ddc01  No.8698819


Dave's not here man.

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64c185  No.8698820

File: 4519650ea6d5bde⋯.jpg (562.67 KB, 1080x1697, 1080:1697, 20200405_182445.jpg)


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7ce128  No.8698821

File: 1546fd773ef4b30⋯.png (1.8 MB, 931x687, 931:687, POTUS_Space_Force_DD.PNG)


ty anon!!!!

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e79749  No.8698822

>>8698613 (pb)

Hang in there anon. Don’t give up yet, this is all going somewhere. The best IS yet to come.

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019ef2  No.8698823

File: 8325b1c3f612cb6⋯.png (53.85 KB, 330x330, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

The leadership of the educational institutions of the world are lying.


The Dumbing Down of America – By Design

The last thing the elite wants is an informed, empowered public mobilizing any grassroots movement to oppose government tyranny.

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000000  No.8698824




Why the 2,1?

Numbersfags… Is there some evil connection here I am missing?

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628833  No.8698825

File: 5a210b8938cedd0⋯.png (120.2 KB, 437x571, 437:571, lmao_baker.png)

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4c702d  No.8698826


I noticed that too, looking into it now.

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69187a  No.8698827

So what you guys are saying is, it is always almost the future!?

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f17600  No.8698828

File: f02d8579eb22fd4⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 993x654, 331:218, Trump2020.jpg)

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9a9746  No.8698829

File: 85c28e355b2dd0f⋯.jpg (170.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, h_55991059_e1586069605582_….jpg)

Romania Isolates Human Trafficking Hotspot to Limit Outbreak

Movement in and out of Tandarei has been banned after abnormally large numbers of COVID-19 infections were reported in the town, which is home to one of Europe’s major human trafficking and larceny syndicates.

The authorities on Saturday banned anyone from entering or leaving the town of Tandarei in Ialomita county in south-east Romania after abnormally large numbers of COVID-19 infections and deaths were registered in the municipality of 13,000 in recent days.

Known for its extravagant, kitschy mansions, Tandarei has made international headlines in recent years as home base of one of Europe’s largest and most active Roma-run human trafficking rings.


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cbe101  No.8698830


the die-off of thread isn't exactly chronological, depends on posting order, etc.

it is surprising nonetheless, i admit

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b2139b  No.8698831


Maybe you can find the answer to your question by asking yourself this.

Is proper vitamin supplemention for farm hogs needed to help manage the parasite load?

Would that be called medicine or an alterative?

What happens if you put a cow on Johnsongrass that's showing red stalks?

If you are missing vital nutrients or being exposed to environmental toxins, can that allow latent infections, which normally don't show symptoms to become a major problem?

Has the truth about alteratives, and a lot of the practice of medicine for that fact, been suppressed and hidden by "The Powers that Be"? Who gathered the secrets from the shamans and hid them in the Vatican?


What is an Alterative?

Alteratives are herbs that gradually restore the proper function of the body and increase health and vitality. As unclear as this may sound, their mode of action on the body is not well understood through pharmacology. However their incredible value as medicines cannot be ignored. In broad terms, they alter the body’s processes of metabolism so that tissues can best deal with a range of functions from nutrition to elimination. Many herbs with this action improves the body’s ability to eliminate waste through the kidneys, liver, lungs, or skin. Some stimulate digestion or are anti-microbial. Alteratives move the body to a state of health, removing indicators of systemic disintegration.

Many herbs have an alterative function and can commonly be their secondary or tertiary action. For example, diuretic & hepatic remedies could also be seen as alteratives. They can be used safely in many diverse conditions as supportive remedies, and should be considered when chronic inflammatory or degenerative disease exist.

Each system of the body has plants that are particularly suited to it. Alteratives have a particular affinity towards the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, nervous system, and integumentary systems. Skin conditions, arthritis, and auto-immune diseases are especially improved.

Herbal Examples:

Galium aparine (Cleavers)

Urtica diocia (Stinging Nettle)

Arctium lappa (Burdock)

Rumex crispus (Yellow Dock)

Iris versicolor (Blue Flag)

Taraxacum off. radix (Dandelion)

Trifolium pratense (Red clover)

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2d1f36  No.8698832


when will then be now


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474d61  No.8698833


2 diluted tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day makes you feel amazing and has other health benefits.

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d5df79  No.8698834


Chef Boy-ar-dee.

Anon is honored.

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019ef2  No.8698835










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1444a9  No.8698836



Need-To-Know Connection Between the Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins University, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

March 25, 2020 G. Edward Griffin

“The 2010 Rockefeller Foundation’s ‘Lock Step’ paper and the Johns Hopkins Event 201 predicted and rehearsed for a pandemic. The two organizations have a long history of collaboration ever since 1916, when the John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health was founded with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. Since then, they have become inseparable…

The Rockefeller Foundation published a paper in [May] 2010 titled

"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development."

The first scenario was called LOCK STEP and was described as follows: “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.”

In this scenario, a virus pandemic appears suddenly, quickly infecting populations around the world, destroying economies by interrupting mobility of people and goods, and debilitating industries and global supply chains…”

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e3ae3f  No.8698838

File: 230e054a135a073⋯.png (966.93 KB, 1054x1058, 527:529, TickTock.png)

File: 5a1375779306b60⋯.png (1.37 MB, 910x1078, 65:77, Weak.png)

File: 44cee55df9afcbf⋯.png (591.52 KB, 637x475, 637:475, ButtHead.png)

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1f7632  No.8698839

>>8698394 lb

They started limiting ppl here as of 2 days ago

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e718be  No.8698840

File: 3423f8bc8fab42c⋯.jpg (71.55 KB, 928x523, 928:523, AJ.JPG)

Will AJ reveal Q is Alex?!

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d5df79  No.8698841

HFS y'all. It's been like that for 24 hours.

*rolling eyes*

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d1b5f5  No.8698842

File: 4e2d998fe564490⋯.png (262.14 KB, 424x424, 1:1, DOITAUS.png)


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628833  No.8698843


you can combine the numbers to come up with Agenda 2030 - next iteration

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474d61  No.8698844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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77db23  No.8698845

File: cb1026dc687f475⋯.jpg (99.51 KB, 850x400, 17:8, peace_yale.JPG)

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1d1397  No.8698846

Anyone believe in hauntings?

The haunter becomes the haunted.

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e718be  No.8698847


*I mean Zack!

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62ef17  No.8698848

File: 757daf79b837760⋯.jpg (100.07 KB, 726x665, 726:665, IMG_20200405_212244_504.JPG)

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d7990e  No.8698849

File: ccad07509f9bc21⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 450x250, 9:5, nsq.gif)

File: 7a0e1b1a8571f03⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1043x780, 1043:780, 7a0e1b1a8571f030c5a2a9a556….png)

File: 977260c88094ba2⋯.png (243.6 KB, 450x454, 225:227, 977260c88094ba2428121e5c4a….png)

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB, 512x640, 4:5, ns.gif)

[N]ight[S]hift frens


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55de70  No.8698850


Natasha Bertrand is a shill / mouthpiece for LawFare (Comey, etc)

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33010e  No.8698851

File: 822dd5bf5537dba⋯.png (402.49 KB, 680x402, 340:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0e237bd2d46783⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1536x894, 256:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a228362f96a3a73⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1536x1025, 1536:1025, ClipboardImage.png)

NWO Alert: Gates wants mandatory vaccine to microchip everyone.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates will launch human-implantable capsules that have ‘digital certificates’ which can show who has been tested for the coronavirus and who has been vaccinated against it.

The 64 year old tech mogul and currently the second richest person in the world, revealed this yesterday during a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ session while answering questions on the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic.

Gates was responding to a question on how businesses will be able to operate while maintaining social distancing, and said that, “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”

The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ that researchers at MIT and Rice University are working on as a way to hold vaccination records. It was last year in December when scientists from the two universities revealed that they were working on these quantum-dot tattoos after Bill Gates approached them about solving the problem of identifying those who have not been vaccinated.

The quantum-dot tattoos involve applying dissolvable sugar-based microneedles that contain a vaccine and fluorescent copper-based ‘quantum dots’ embedded inside biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. After the microneedes dissolve under the skin, they leave the encapsulated quantum dots whose patterns can be read to identify the vaccine that was administered.

The quantum-dot tattoos will likely be supplemented with Bill Gates’ other undertaking called ID2020, which is an ambitious project by Microsoft to solve the problem of over 1 billion people who live without an officially recognized identity. ID2020 is solving this through digital identity. Currently, the most feasible way of implementing digital identity is either through smartphones or RFID microchip implants. The latter will be Gates’s likely approach not only because of feasibility and sustainability, but also because for over 6 years, the Gates Foundation has been funding another project that incorporates human-implantable microchip implants. This project, also spearheaded by MIT, is a birth control microchip implant that will allow women to control contraceptive hormones in their bodies.

As for ID2020, to see it through, Microsoft has formed an alliance with four other companies, namely; Accenture, IDEO, Gavi, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The project is supported by the United Nations and has been incorporated into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals initiative.

It will be interesting to see how Bill Gates and ID2020 will execute all this because many Christians, and surprisingly a growing number of Shia Muslims, are very opposed to the idea of microchipping and any form of body-invasive identification technology. Some Christian legislators and politicians in the United States have even tried to ban all forms of human microchipping.

But, on the other hand, this is Bill Gates’ perfect opportunity to see the projects through because as the coronavirus continues to spread and more people continue to die from the pandemic, the public at large is becoming more open to problem-solving technologies that will contain the spread of the virus.

The main reason many Christians and some Shia Muslims are opposed to body-invasive identification technologies, however helpful such technologies are for preventing pandemics, is because they believe that such technologies are the so called ‘Mark of Satan’ mentioned in the Bible and some Mahdi prophecies. In the Book of Revelations in the Bible, anyone who does not have this “mark” is not allowed to buy or sell anything.

Last year in November, a Denmark-based tech company which had contracts to produce microchip implants for the Danish Government and the US Navy, had to cancel the launch of its supposedly “revolutionary” Internet-of-Things powered microchip implant after Christian activists attacked its offices in Copenhagen.


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59ac09  No.8698852

CNN and AMA president declare that Hydroxychloroquine drug is not approved by the FDA for use and anyone who uses it will die

meawhile runs commericlas for bipolar with side affects of death and is a blacl label drug for bipolar drugs run by CNN

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986b7e  No.8698853

File: 1a3645ef55879e5⋯.webm (6.62 MB, 320x240, 4:3, zappaDrugs.webm)


ya, Laurel Canyon bunch

same general type background as Morrison, military father, California childhood etc...

might have been controlled opposition I don't know

but he wasn't the run of the mill tavistock NLP "top 100" driven pop musicians

great composer

free thinker

listen to ThingFish sometime


>>8698350 (pb)

to see his view on American education it's only 60 seconds long

or watch this one

his views on drugs

watch him in the fight against censorship in clips on youtube

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282dbf  No.8698854

File: 87f542722fe31cf⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1618x1614, 809:807, Sunset_Girl_Water_Flag_Ove….png)

File: 4113e05710b57f7⋯.png (496.59 KB, 797x519, 797:519, Sunrise_God_Wins_Q.png)


God Bless You Baker !

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019ef2  No.8698855






















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9a9746  No.8698856

‘Children in a dog cage’: how coronavirus puts Asia’s most vulnerable at greater risk of homelessness, human trafficking


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596967  No.8698858

File: 8b13f0b5ce8eba8⋯.jpg (67.44 KB, 500x539, 500:539, _Chucky.jpg)

No arrests yet, not going to happen.

Bad Intel.

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ccd906  No.8698859

File: 09b6c7354a5dd74⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 258daf31ace25aee136e36f6d4….jpg)


Thanks baker!

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59ac09  No.8698860


CNN and AMA should be held liable saying the FDA did not approve the use of the drug

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b7f045  No.8698861

File: 21d00f3270c045b⋯.jpg (295.9 KB, 1053x805, 1053:805, BTS.jpg)


BTS ARMY Plays “Boy With Luv” on James Corden's 'Homefest'

Encouraged viewers to donate to two different charities, Feed the Children and The CDC Foundation.


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33010e  No.8698862


>"How to Choose Sides: Madonna Ciccone announces she is partnering with Bill and Melinda Gates on “vaccine” while wearing a shirt depicting Satan on the Cross"




>will be her downfall


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3df823  No.8698863


>So 4chan found this

so take it back there and lose it here, you are getting VERY boring.

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64e6d2  No.8698864

File: 717b48a352bb1e7⋯.jpg (35.03 KB, 707x340, 707:340, cftqq.jpg)

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2e83b9  No.8698865

File: 67249086611e6c7⋯.png (7.61 KB, 200x164, 50:41, ClipboardImage.png)



The numerology number 21 is both a creative spirit and a mostly reliable partner.

In situations where the two conflict, the creative spirit generally prevails. In those situations, the creative spirit is likely to extend a creative compromise to maintain the partnership.

The 21's energy is optimistic, so optimistic and enthusiastic that it tends to inspire others.

The meaning of the number 21 is derived from its essence. As an overview, the numerology number 21 represents a composition containing the ideas of:

Creative self-expression





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000000  No.8698866


I have discovered a time machine in my bedroom, it has a soft pad and it only takes me about 8hrs into the future when I get in it every night.

Also, when your timeline crosses this post, we cannot occupy the same bread at the same time or a paradox will burp a KEK.

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35925a  No.8698867

File: c09417daf88476a⋯.png (288.19 KB, 900x808, 225:202, Meme_farmer_badge.png)

Memefarmer news

1. Memes55 has been baked @ >>8696213. Baker please add to your dough under meme ammo. Fill memes54 first.

2. Memefarming fell behind while I attended to some other interests here. I just caught up. There's a new folder

2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

1610 generic memes were harvested in March 2020, 450 MB. Thank you diggers, meme corps, and redpill cannons. The China Virus folder has 346 items, 78 MB. Additionally, some of the harvest is not in that count but went into other folders.

The following meme locations

marked ✅ green check

have been updated.

Meme Ammo

55 >>8696213, ✅54 >>8406256, 53 >>8128395, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

Current Focus --> #KungFlu #ChineseVirus #SocialDistancing #KillTheVirus #WashYourHands #Hygiene #StayHomeChallenge #SlowTheSpread

✅Kung Flu ———— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

✅2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

✅Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

✅Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

✅Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

2020-Jan ——— mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

Space Force —— mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bill Barr ———— mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

2019-Dec ——— mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

2019-Nov ——— mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ

2019-Sep ——— mega.nz/#F!5Fw3kIiA!-0RBcMhHmysYOs3Z3xlsng

2019-Aug ——— mega.nz/#F!FBwR3CLb!iJ_6KP3gK1EY-31Q_egUiQ

2019-Jul ———- mega.nz/#F!EQoHkI5J!yVj-1kiuPbq6Jh8cn9q5dQ

2019-Jun ——— mega.nz/#F!VMwFkIAb!_A2FXapKstvBEfntYRlo1g

2019-May ——— mega.nz/#F!YVwl0Kza!eISYNc6aQl2H4n31hy41dQ

2019-Apr ——— mega.nz/#F!AY5xXYzD!kHsGupWM22Ov-odBlEulTQ

2019-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!gQhFkKBB!1h4CJiyKpk5XIcRjB4jVCg

2019-JanFeb —- mega.nz/#F!FBpzkYRD!_GVYXwKWDXpok692W3GIqA

QNN Blanks —— mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA


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f201bf  No.8698868

File: b5a267bd8092f2d⋯.jpg (106.59 KB, 970x450, 97:45, 3vj43g.jpg)

File: 5a6b1eb145deae8⋯.jpg (91.88 KB, 660x440, 3:2, 3vj0nt.jpg)

File: a2b8a0f9fd34731⋯.jpg (72.62 KB, 616x405, 616:405, 3vj093.jpg)

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46de03  No.8698869



Cool story, bro. But you arent here to offer shit to anyone. You're here to LARP. You've no chain of command, nor anything else. Do you really think this is an original idea, or that we havent already read bullshit exactly like this? You arent part of a solution, so you're just another problem - for anyone stupid enough not to see straight through your little bullshit game. Go get your ya yas off at 4chan. They will eat this shit sandwich of yours gleefully and give you what you want.

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019ef2  No.8698870

File: 6a547633f3854a7⋯.png (681.61 KB, 505x430, 101:86, ClipboardImage.png)

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5629d3  No.8698871


what a weasel


hello fren - you are right

the problem is the collective

all we can do is control ourselves - seek the light and call out the dark when we see it

this second part of our human duty has alas been neglected by many

its now or never

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458956  No.8698872


Josef Mengele

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762757  No.8698873

"One of the most notable episodes was at the Battle of Messines in 1917 where 455 tons of explosive placed in 21 tunnels that had taken more than a year to prepare created a huge explosion that killed an estimated 10,000 Germans."


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709c15  No.8698874

Why are the sucky Sussex ex royals jetsetting around in the midst of pandemic when everyone else has been ordered to sit at home in quarantine? England to Canada to Hollywood to Hawaii! Rules don't apply! Get them an ankle bracelet for fuck Sake!

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a4649e  No.8698875

Just throwing this out there.

How do you hide in plain sight? You wear a mask

Wouldn't be out of place now.

I thought it odd for Q to bring up Antifa so late in the game but it was mentioned again on 3/28/20.

Could they be planning more events using antifa?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fead75 No.8600954 📁

Mar 28 2020 14:15:18 (EST)

A person(s) value:

1. vote

2. monetary value (tax contribution)


Why is 'free thought' ridiculed, challenged, and threatened when a person is opposed to the 'mainstream-narrative'?

[2] remains fixed (degree allowable by 'economic recession/expansion')

[1] remains a variable

[1] dependent on a 'controlled' system of information dissemination

What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations?

What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology?

What happens when the news is no longer free from bias?

What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent?

What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy?

What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party?

Fact becomes fiction?

Fiction becomes fact?

When does news become propaganda?

Identity creation?

How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?

Majority of people more prone to believe someone in power sitting behind a big brand ‘news’ name?

Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned?

‘Mainstream’ is used for a reason [dominate trend in opinion].

[If majority of people believe ‘x’ then ‘x’ must be validated / true]

Why do ‘mainstream’ media heads, within different orgs, always use the same keywords and/or catch phrases?

Coordinated? By who? Outside entity providing instructions?

Do they count on the fact that people [human psyche] are more prone to believe something if heard over-and-over again by different ‘trusted’ sources?

Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed?

Threat to intellectual freedom?

Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?

Read again – digest.

Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?

Logical thinking.

Why, after the election of 2016, did [D]’s and media corps jumpstart a [coordinated & planned] divisive blitz intended to create falsehoods re: illegitimacy of election, character assassination of POTUS through sexism, racism, every other ‘ism’?

Pre/post 2016 election?

Why were violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded?

Why were these orgs tasked w/ immediate intimidation/shut down of any pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?

Why were marches immediately organized to counter and silence pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?

Why were marches immediately organized which divided people into sex/gender, race, [ism]?

When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative.

Control of the narrative = power

When you are blind, what do you see?

They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you pose no threat to their control.

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep].

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.



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628833  No.8698876

File: 867116c7a0fdfc3⋯.png (224.18 KB, 282x452, 141:226, chef_boyardee.png)


can't offer a handoff but how about a snack??

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df938e  No.8698877

File: cb5dd8e4e02a8bb⋯.jpg (188 KB, 578x773, 578:773, bill_gates_scream_like_a_b….jpg)

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33010e  No.8698878

File: 850fb80eac5687b⋯.png (29.98 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

=DOJ Issues Business Review Letter to Medical Supplies Distributors Supporting Project Airbridge Under Expedited Procedure for COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Saturday, April 4, 2020

Department of Justice Issues Business Review Letter to Medical Supplies Distributors Supporting Project Airbridge Under Expedited Procedure for COVID-19 Pandemic Response

The U.S. Department of Justice announced today that it will not challenge collaborative efforts of McKesson Corporation, Owens & Minor Inc., Cardinal Health Inc., Medline Industries Inc., and Henry Schein Inc. (together, Medical Supplies Distributors) to expedite and increase manufacturing, sourcing, and distribution of personal-protective equipment (PPE) and coronavirus-treatment-related medication. These collaborative efforts are part of an emergency response developed and led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to address supply needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“These Medical Supplies Distributors should be applauded for their efforts to both assist the United States in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and stay within the bounds of antitrust law,” says Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim. “I also applaud the attorneys and economists of the Antitrust Division, who worked expeditiously to finish in days a review process that ordinarily takes many months.”

Under the collaboration, the Medical Supplies Distributors work at the direction of the United States government to help resolve supply challenges presented by the pandemic. One such initiative, Project Airbridge, was developed by the United States as a partnership between the Medical Supplies Distributors, among others, in addition to logistics companies, under the direction of FEMA and HHS. Project Airbridge’s purpose is to quickly source and airlift PPE, including masks, gowns, gloves, and other equipment designed to protect against infection, as well as to distribute coronavirus-treatment-related medication to areas of greatest need across the country.

The Medical Supplies Distributors submitted their business review request pursuant to the expedited, temporary review procedure, detailed in the Joint Antitrust Statement Regarding COVID-19 (the "joint statement") and issued on March 24 by both the department and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). In the Joint Statement, the department announced its aim to resolve COVID-19-related business review requests within seven calendar days of receiving all necessary information.

Copies of the business review request and the department’s response are available on the Antitrust Division’s website at https://www.justice.gov/atr/business-review-letters-and-request-letters, as well as in a file maintained by the Antitrust Documents Group of the Antitrust Division. After a 30-day waiting period, any documents supporting the business review will be added to the file, unless a basis for their exclusion for reasons of confidentiality has been established under the business review procedure. Supporting documents in the file will be maintained for a period of one year, and copies will be available upon request to the FOIA/Privacy Act Unit, Antitrust Documents Group at atrdocs.grp@usdoj.gov.


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e79749  No.8698879


Damn, I just posted elsewhere and asked “what if the ‘invisible enemy’ is a parasite?”

It means anything that kills roundworm will help. Anon took artemisinin once during a cleanse and it worked, a dead worm was…Er…eliminated.

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4427a6  No.8698880

GLORK, don't let the shills or breadshitters get to you. A few way-back anons enjoyed you. The circled C is NOT COLTS. Glork may do a Q comic book series some day. Jump in here anytime. Always glad to see you.

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e55e6f  No.8698881

>>8698675 (lb)


EO: https://governor.vermont.gov/content/addendum-6-executive-order-01-20

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577519  No.8698882


Good use of the same vague brush of the warning

for your panic. Gotcha, sucker!

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1a3399  No.8698883

File: 35e457e2256562a⋯.png (1.52 MB, 733x800, 733:800, ClipboardImage.png)

The Grand Canyon Route

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596967  No.8698884

File: 53ab0d082efb2ae⋯.jpg (48.94 KB, 500x487, 500:487, Ghetto.jpg)



Anon you got played.

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f372cc  No.8698885


I want this exact version played at my funeral.

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2b6b8f  No.8698886

File: b7107f111e4ba48⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 378x203, 54:29, Capture.JPG)

File: 6cd4c8fb6f88b66⋯.jpg (17.38 KB, 379x236, 379:236, Capture1.JPG)


FK U…Puzzy..Where the FK where you for the last 2 YEARS..This Ain't/Isn't Shit Compared 2 what use to happen…..WHERE R the SAFEGUARDS….Q,….CM….Go Away….Idiot..

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5629d3  No.8698887


free will anon

we chose it

now we must reject that poor choice

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59ac09  No.8698888


CNN spends an hour that Hydroxychloroquine does not work and will kill you ….

meanwhile big pharma running ads of different drugs with side effects of death and suicide

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d1b5f5  No.8698889

File: d24d51b6314668e⋯.jpg (297.94 KB, 2048x1209, 2048:1209, livefreeordie.jpg)

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"






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000000  No.8698890

Tiger King comes out of Netflix and now tigers have the coronavirus.

I dug into that and found that the Tiger King, Joe Exotic's former campaign manager, Joshua Dial, is now a Democrat. WifeAnon watched the show and said Dial talked Joe out of running republican and convinced him to run as a libertarian.

Dial witnessed the suicide (or accidental shooting) of Joe's husband and now has an active GoFundMe for therapy. Not a lot of money there yet but it may be something to keep an eye on.



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827a7f  No.8698891

>>8698514 lb

I've seen the oatmeal stout, but not this one

I know a guy from England who prefers a variety of theirs that's too high in alcohol content to be sold in the States; that's the one he prefers

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13ed71  No.8698892


I enjoy it enough to drink from the bottle tbh fam

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053838  No.8698893

File: 163c2789c195aca⋯.png (360.14 KB, 683x720, 683:720, diamond.png)

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f62deb  No.8698894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7e5c9d  No.8698895

File: d6f69c272c8152a⋯.png (246.57 KB, 518x348, 259:174, ClipboardImage.png)



yep, 58 here

been warned & CTA'd our whole lives

if kids didnt freak out when they put hussein in they shouldnt be screaming now

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8c8ad9  No.8698896

#FilmYourHospital on this Wednesday and Thursday - That's when the DS duo Birx and Fauci say the surge into the Hospitals is going to hit.

Also, Birx says Nassau and Suffolk County NY are slammed with 10,000 new cases. Can anyone get a camera on the hospitals in those counties?

Thanks Anons! GodSpeed in your investigation.

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62ef17  No.8698897

File: 86ef948f5c77b97⋯.jpg (55.15 KB, 562x576, 281:288, IMG_20200326_205134_903.JPG)

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4d3db2  No.8698898

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59ac09  No.8698899


Quads !!!

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1ddc01  No.8698900


No Anal Leakage?

I'm in.

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ba06e8  No.8698901


o7 and thank you for your service, Señor Farmer!

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474d61  No.8698902

File: 8bc38de65f122d4⋯.gif (295.01 KB, 459x344, 459:344, toocool.gif)

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9ffa0e  No.8698903

File: ed8a06abd8cec7d⋯.png (224.35 KB, 295x259, 295:259, Screenshot_2020_04_05_Phoe….png)


Bring it, is what I am reading here…Commander o7

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9ca7e3  No.8698904

Is Fauci the President of the United States or Donald Trump?

Asking for a fren.

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053838  No.8698905

File: 1c5588700b46c22⋯.jpg (144.99 KB, 533x1018, 533:1018, 1_11_.jpg)

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dbc093  No.8698906


since Fraudci won't stand at the podium and endorce HCQ+Zpac, POTUS ought to consider inviting Dr. Raoult from France or Dr. Zelenko fro Russia to these pressers.

I hear Dems who swear they would never take HCQ simply bc POTUS says it's good for them. "He's not a doctor" blah blah blah. Raoult, Zelenko, and their co-authors would make a credible group of experts in most normies' minds.

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596967  No.8698907

File: 9637b416904c194⋯.jpg (56.94 KB, 500x611, 500:611, 3tx8b1.jpg)

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55415a  No.8698908

My advertising public relations company said that this was the hot spot for any possible negative information. So I took it upon myself to tell you that you will fail. I paid top dollar to advertise the FACT that I paid TOP dollar for masks, so that I could give them out as charity. FU pole dancers

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2d1f36  No.8698909



i hope all of you Linda's get arrested

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474d61  No.8698910

File: aa6d5e5d7523975⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1600x789, 1600:789, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a3399  No.8698911

File: c500a1f41a725ca⋯.png (28.53 KB, 340x286, 170:143, ClipboardImage.png)

Dateline – the birthplace of Greyhound Bus Lines…

Here’s a small article from the Spokane Daily Chronicle on April 12, 1941, talking about the small mining town of Swastika, New Mexico, removing its name and all visible swastikas from the Raton Hotel and changing its name to The Yucca Hotel. The Yucca still stands today and the swastikas are still visible along the facade.

Proof positive that the USA surrendered to the Nazis and that is why the USA lost WWII.

For further details, dig Project Paperclip

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658587  No.8698912


After reading that, it's hard for me to assume Trump's loss of confidence in Atkinson derives from Atkinson sucking his own dick in his office.

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4427a6  No.8698913


KEK! like the 3rd one BEST! o7

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747bba  No.8698914


He scared.

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827a7f  No.8698915

>>8698692 end of lb

Just musing over POTUS' use of the term Minimum Maximum a few times tonight, and it caused me to think of the old "minimax" term. Not a mathfag, so anything to it regarding quadratics?

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628833  No.8698916


previously posted

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aafc2e  No.8698917


lb cocksucker.

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5e096a  No.8698918

File: ec1dcda89c3b821⋯.png (837.79 KB, 2327x1289, 2327:1289, war_castles.png)

File: 2dde420b290fbf9⋯.png (991.52 KB, 1498x807, 1498:807, post_master.png)

File: d537eb4c9e65409⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1952x1258, 976:629, such_a_richard.png)

>>8696649 lb

US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn


Does this mean that they siezing power from Russell-Jay: Gould:? Tell us please :Robert-Leroy: Horton!

Will my CLAILM OF LIFE PURCHASE arrive to me before the shutdown?

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33010e  No.8698919

File: 3ebba59fe5a90ab⋯.png (475.55 KB, 680x372, 170:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0de7162e170953⋯.png (547.39 KB, 531x813, 177:271, ClipboardImage.png)

NEW Dan Scavino Jr.

Flag of United States



Quote Tweet

ABC News


· 1h

President Trump says he “would wear” a mask if he “thought it was important” and first lady Melania Trump “likes the idea of wearing it.”

“It’s a recommendation and I understand that recommendation and I’m OK with it,” he says on CDC guidance. http://abcn.ws/2x7IFzH

0:17 / 0:41

5:22 PM · Apr 5, 2020

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1a3399  No.8698920

File: ec79e7d14441791⋯.png (362.44 KB, 630x630, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ba06e8  No.8698921


>CNN spends an hour that Hydroxychloroquine does not work

Therefore, hydroxychloroquine confirmed to work, 100%

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4952e5  No.8698922

File: 0859730305d6d4f⋯.png (135.38 KB, 380x380, 1:1, Screenshot_2020_02_23_imag….png)

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911e06  No.8698923


Patriot Anon

Agenda 21 & Event 201 means 2021 - Global elites, Evil secret societies, Dems, Rinos, Cabal / DS & many others planed world depopulation by 2021

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d1b5f5  No.8698924

File: 6a66e5b06c712eb⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 424x391, 424:391, aintnowheretoruntobaby.jpg)

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658587  No.8698925

File: d1a68b5f37e4b15⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 630x920, 63:92, comey_2.jpg)


I mean not hard.

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5629d3  No.8698926


>to Limit Outbreak

lets hope that is not the real reason anons

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62ef17  No.8698927

File: 443e3e6e1f8f750⋯.png (478.49 KB, 318x705, 106:235, 1584233492.png)


When's the big reveal?

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7bbd5a  No.8698928

Fellow anons

As our rights are stripped away, and we are herded like cattle inside our stalls, the deep state goes virtually unopposed in every action they take. Fauci and Birx stand with Trump, opposing HydroxyCloroquine, while offering no evidence to support or deny their claims. The treatment regimen is 5 days. We should have had data by now!!!

Meanwhile our kids and families are threatened with imprisonment for simply even daring to step outside for fresh air. (Some states)

At some point, you must come to realize, that perhaps we've been lied to. And I am not asking for any action other than the following:

Stand up to Q. Demand at least one visible action against the deep state. Not something that will compromise "the plan", but something, something visible, so that we may know we've not been led astray.

I think that is not too much to ask, and I ask you to share this message far and wide, so we may know the truth, together. Or else we must ask ourselves, are we any better than the rabid leftist promoters, who ignore all evidence contrary their views?

WWG1WGA, after all.

Thank you.

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33010e  No.8698929


>NEW Dan Scavino Jr.


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35925a  No.8698930

File: ca97aa3b7017ecd⋯.png (242.19 KB, 664x574, 332:287, MsPepitaLonghair.png)


You're welcome.

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ccd906  No.8698931


Oh that corney door-breacher is phenomenal!

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8c8ad9  No.8698932


still slumming for quarter blowjobs at the bustop? Alrighty then…

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39175d  No.8698933

File: b27c4d0ec8dca21⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1586132239474.png)

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6d2e03  No.8698934

File: 4f02add9c51420a⋯.jpg (84.92 KB, 1566x880, 783:440, Trump_Tax_Returns.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

Matthew 6:1-4

1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

2 Therefore when thou doest [thine] alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

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e55e6f  No.8698935


The press are so concerned - why aren't they wearing them?

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596967  No.8698936

File: 4b8895ea37388e0⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 500x372, 125:93, Covid.jpg)

Covid is a scam.

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85ff38  No.8698937

File: 094503f3216e331⋯.jpeg (15.71 KB, 255x254, 255:254, f2af7a5b9aac6917d2077cd4d….jpeg)


Baker here, can take it if baton still out..

Let me know.


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d1b5f5  No.8698938

File: f0cd27c06f66afe⋯.png (318.57 KB, 452x452, 1:1, saintpehldofrc.png)


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59ac09  No.8698939



AMA President declares Hydroxychloroquine was not approved for use by FDA

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2b6b8f  No.8698940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Toto - Africa

oto - Africa (Live In Amsterdam)

Dax and Kristen do Africa (music video)

"Africa" by Toto, Performed by the Crew of the Bourbon Peridot, West Africa 2013.

Africa (Toto) - Oberstufenchor Cusanus Gymnasium

Giraffe Manor 2015

Projeto Z - Africa - Toto

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930ab5  No.8698941

File: 566f82bed5ed558⋯.jpeg (148.63 KB, 1242x810, 23:15, D805619D_31EA_46AF_8661_0….jpeg)


Shameless for the left to politicize way deep into the weeds on health care.

But then a CNN must CNN. Great circle of life.

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577519  No.8698942


> you must come to realize

Same sucker, different prose. Yawn.


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55de70  No.8698943


Lay off the sterno, faggot

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33010e  No.8698944


>US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn




>Does this mean that they siezing power from Russell-Jay: Gould:? Tell us please :Robert-Leroy: Horton!


>Will my CLAILM OF LIFE PURCHASE arrive to me before the shutdown?


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1a3399  No.8698945

File: a3fc8e792b0dd00⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1600x1060, 80:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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c81cd9  No.8698946

"The ASI added that the post also asked people to donate money for a particular NGO, which was ‘planning to buy ventilators’ for coronavirus patients. The post further had some phone numbers for people to contact to ‘donate money’ to the NGO."

What is it with 'ventilators?' Seems they're trying to take in a ton of money under the guise of ventilators. For what though?


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2d1f36  No.8698947

File: e5b428ab4e7600f⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 471x358, 471:358, wew.gif)

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df938e  No.8698948


I hope we are getting to that, or he's gonna call them out on it

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62ef17  No.8698949

File: e96cf82ef8a079f⋯.jpeg (105.09 KB, 711x395, 9:5, 1585705059.jpeg)

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ff7e88  No.8698950


It is a state full of liberals, let them suffer.

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db21a3  No.8698951

File: 103053f628cb3b1⋯.png (9.51 KB, 720x148, 180:37, ClipboardImage.png)


TY baker

Look. Still green.

Has been green for the last 5 breads.

Weird. Huh?

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6233cd  No.8698952



Would appreciate it



>>8698774 Vermont orders 'big box' retailers to stop sales of items the state deems 'non-essential' in their stores.

>>8698829 Romania Isolates Human Trafficking Hotspot to Limit Outbreak

>>8698856 ‘Children in a dog cage’: how coronavirus puts Asia’s most vulnerable at greater risk of homelessness, human trafficking

>>8698756 How to Choose Sides: Madonna Ciccone announces she is partnering with Bill and Melinda Gates on “vaccine” while wearing a shirt depicting Satan on the Cross

>>8698878 DOJ Issues Business Review Letter to Medical Supplies Distributors Supporting Project Airbridge Under Expedited Procedure for COVID-19 Pandemic Response

>>8698918 US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn

>>8698919 NEW Dan Scavino Jr

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9d0cd6  No.8698953




Define 'Spook'.

Define 'Shadow'.

Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?

Spooks are Spooked.

FBI doesn’t know this?

Spooks are hard to find?

Dream to reality.



How do you identify a spook?

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5629d3  No.8698954


parasite load best handled with diatomaceous earth

add to feed it controls worms perfectly in all animals livestock and domestic

ps - watch out for added bentonite thats COWS only

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884dec  No.8698955

President Trump wants them to ASK THE Q.


11) Do you agree, Sir, that we really are in a

struggle for the survival of our nation?

That it's our last chance to save it?

You said "Our system IS rigged. This is reality.

You know it, they know it, I know it, and

pretty much the whole world knows it."

Will the steps you are taking right now, Mr. President,

determine whether we are free nation or whether

we have only the illusion of democracy, but are in fact

controlled by a small handful of

globalist special interests rigging the system?


Is that what America is at war with, Mr. President?



Hi there. Let me get caught up.

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77db23  No.8698956

Remedial Education Class is Currently in Session

The lesson plan begins in your local grocery store

Any empty sections of shelves are temporary and will be restocked as appropriate

Other products have strict purchase limits for fair distribution

How Dare you request toilet paper - if you needed toilet paper it would be on the shelves

Maintain social distancing and not converse with the other shoppers, they have duties to perform and should not be interrupted with unhealthy conversation

You must follow the rules for standing in the checkout lines

The State shall provide your children the finest education and meal options

The State has reviewed the educational curriculum in the best interest of the children

Everybody should contribute to society, your job is essential

Your tax payments to the State are essential and a privilege to pay (see above);

The State appreciates your payment of sales taxes, income taxes, property taxes, vice taxes, gas taxes, utility fees and especially school taxes so the State may continue providing full uninterrupted service

The State may deem your job non-essential for the health of the community

You may attend religious services but the State may discourage worship for your health

The State is best at administering healthcare, we are just waiting on the medical supplies we did not order

If travel is essential for your essential work the State will issue the essential paperwork for travel

The State works to ensure your guaranteed federal and state constitutional rights are protected and respected at all times

Any restrictions or suspension of your liberties by the State are only temporary and should only last until the next extension of the temporary restrictions (see above)

During emergencies, the State may appropriate additional funds to provide relief to citizens; be patient once all the forms are processed the check is in the mail

The State assures you we have consulted with our experts, the designated voting system is safe, secure, and devoid of any fraud or discrimination based on citizenship

The Media shall provide vetted facts and any instructions you may require on a daily basis; remember the media knows best and promotes the appropriate political and social agendas

Again, you may attend religious services but the government discourages it for your health


Welcome to life under a socialist-globalist regime and remember the State always places your liberties and well-being first

Our virtual reality tour of Soviet Socialist States and similar governments shall conclude shortly

We hope you and family are now awoke

President Trump is Winning

and We The People shall Win

God Bless

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000000  No.8698957


THOUGHT: Social distancing ensures that when something antifishy happens, the cellphone triangulation is hella more precise, Q will be able to pinpoint the actor with 6ft precision!


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e79749  No.8698958


They know that’s a fucking lie, off label use is perfectly legal and the safety record is there.

Unless…they are saying the FDA’s process is suspect and untrustworthy…

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6233cd  No.8698959


I didn't even notice that, are the links working?

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1bf103  No.8698960


A Russkie Dr. backing POTUS

MSM would love that

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4fdf7b  No.8698961

File: 1977dc8c86ed349⋯.jpg (215.59 KB, 1187x1746, 1187:1746, 54d65bccae3b4_image.jpg)



This is the state health secretary in PA. Yes, we have a mentally I'll person telling us what to do here.

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db21a3  No.8698962

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6233cd  No.8698963



Fall off the catalog?

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827a7f  No.8698964


Copy pasta is so cute

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b2139b  No.8698965

File: 491d865eb05b13d⋯.png (756.76 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I can only thing of one mask appropriate for these briefings.

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55415a  No.8698966


That must be a poor drug,,, never heard of it

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2e83b9  No.8698967


WASHINGTON — Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Sunday called on governors who haven't issued statewide stay-at-home orders to combat the spread of the coronavirus to at least "give us a week" of restrictions as health officials warned of an accelerating rate of infections and deaths.

Asked for his message to governors who haven't yet issued such drastic orders, Adams called on them to follow the administration's guidelines, which include measures like avoiding social gatherings and discretionary travel.

"The next week is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment. It's going to be our 9/11 moment. It's going to be the hardest moment for many Americans in their entire lives. And we really need to understand that if we want to flatten that curve and get through to the other side, everyone needs to do their part," he said in an interview on "Meet the Press."

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596967  No.8698968

File: 6defff02bab0b47⋯.jpg (53.68 KB, 500x589, 500:589, Tyrus.jpg)


You got owned.


Shitty song an old farts anthem.

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59ac09  No.8698969


CNN PRES of AMA not safe use lead to death and not approved by the FDA for safety

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42aef6  No.8698970

File: ae5003d84e1881c⋯.png (728.76 KB, 799x500, 799:500, qrns.png)

hagn Q/Q+

p.s. wrestlemania sucks this year.

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1a3399  No.8698971


Why is it wierd

If you start a line with a >symbol then the line is green

For example

>>8698951 is an all green line, YES?

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a97386  No.8698972


Good point.

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d45c04  No.8698973

I may or may not live near an airport and tonight there sure are a lot of people/planes taking off currently and the last hour. Seems like every 2 mins.

I thought everybody is staying at home?

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747bba  No.8698974




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c37ba6  No.8698975

File: 12ce3d41f315ca3⋯.png (116.64 KB, 281x445, 281:445, p00.png)

social distant bullshit doesnt apply to the lefts favorite shill doctor…

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a9198c  No.8698976

File: 09e9d8d0e400921⋯.mp4 (470.71 KB, 854x480, 427:240, fauci.mp4)

>>8698192 lb

>Why isn't he just up on the stage the whole time like in the past?

Maybe because before the last press conference he pulled this stunt on the stage.

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6bd8dc  No.8698977


Oh.How interesting……

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827a7f  No.8698978

File: bd6493ff60ce6eb⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Jeb_Really_anon_just_like_….jpg)

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a42294  No.8698979

holy shit

drumpf is president

of exotic jewish buttstuff temple


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8c8ad9  No.8698980


Tell me you made a mistake. This is the health director? No wonder PA has the highest incident of pedophilia in the Nation per capita. Geez… This guy is a pedo magnet.

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d1b5f5  No.8698981

File: 85aeb04776667bf⋯.png (418.44 KB, 551x551, 1:1, TimeIsNow.png)

>Stand up to Q. Demand at least one visible action against the deep state.

You want Q to stand up to the Deep State?

What have you done today?

What are you willing to do?

Shills gonna take a dump.

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9ca7e3  No.8698982



Baker can't do anything about that. It means the Breads were deleted or fell off the catalog. I'm going to go with Deleted.

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8651ff  No.8698983

why potus kept Fauci close?

Reposting with spelling fixed (phonefagging)

1. Keep yout friends close, keep your enemies closer.

2. How do you project to the enemy THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW OF HIS PLANS, WHILE IN REALITY YOU DO?

You keep the known sleepers in position, pretending that you don't know they are plants.

Imo the current scenario was known to a large degree, and it was allowed to happen, only to counter their gambit with a move by the patriots!

Think about it, Q wrote his first post talikng about arrests and the national guard. Potus cant just install the NG in the cities, he needs a national emergency. Meaning he knew beforehand of the virus gambit. Even some public analysts such as the Russian Andrei Fursov talked about a coming pandemic, planned by the elites, way before the COVID19 erupted, solely based on analyzing the open source data. The world bank pandemic bonds were released in 2017 and the bank talked about a 100% certainty that a pandemic will occur in the next 4 years. Also Gates and the globalist were pushing the same "imminent pandemic" talks.

So if public OSINT analysts can predict the corona virus pandemic, then the NSA and mil intel backed patriots have probably gathered much deeper intel about the planned pandemic gambit, knowing many of the small details.

As i see it, the virus gambit, as a possible move by the cabal, was already consolidated in 2017, with the pandemic bonds launched in 2017, Fauci's comments that Trump will have to deal with a surprise pandemic, and the Harvard prof ending his Wuhan gig also in 2017. Everything leads to 2017.

Q said that the cabal already lost before the game even started and asked a very important question, "what does knowing all possible enemy moves, give you?" it allows you to set up traps and the NG + war against the cartels + rescueing the trafficking victims, is one hell of a trap


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1a3399  No.8698984

Let me try that again…

>>8698951 All Green???

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85ff38  No.8698985


Roger that.. we have a handoff over..



>>8698774 Vermont orders 'big box' retailers to stop sales of items the state deems 'non-essential' in their stores.

>>8698829 Romania Isolates Human Trafficking Hotspot to Limit Outbreak

>>8698856 ‘Children in a dog cage’: how coronavirus puts Asia’s most vulnerable at greater risk of homelessness, human trafficking

>>8698756 How to Choose Sides: Madonna Ciccone announces she is partnering with Bill and Melinda Gates on “vaccine” while wearing a shirt depicting Satan on the Cross

>>8698878 DOJ Issues Business Review Letter to Medical Supplies Distributors Supporting Project Airbridge Under Expedited Procedure for COVID-19 Pandemic Response

>>8698919 NEW Dan Scavino Jr

>>8698918 (FEARPRONZ) US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn

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d08457  No.8698986


Name one right that's been stripped outside STATE control

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a4649e  No.8698987


And they can track any large crowds.

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6e7b73  No.8698988



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c74095  No.8698989



There is this xofluza

One doe one day no FLU

Stops the FLU (corona)Virus from entering the cell and replicate

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ef2295  No.8698990

I have the full quote this bread title comes from inked on my leg.

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474d61  No.8698991


He's clearly on board.

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6233cd  No.8698992


o7, thanks

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1f7632  No.8698993


enuf already

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da9d67  No.8698995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2b6b8f  No.8698996

File: 2d08e9dba857d71⋯.jpg (150.9 KB, 1052x1001, 1052:1001, Don_tBeAFKwit.jpg)


You Puzzy Azz Bitch you don't own Anything but your OWN IGNORANCE…FK OFF TWIT

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68fdda  No.8698997

File: 99d66a37f2af365⋯.png (1.26 MB, 730x960, 73:96, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cde52fd43e02b9d⋯.png (64.27 KB, 762x675, 254:225, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8698774 VERMONT restricting "non-essential items" from being purchased in-store

>>8698767 lb

RE: Vermont restricting sales of vegetable seeds to consumers


As stated above, agricultural seeds have been deemed “essential” in Vermont per the Governor’s executive order, however a homeowner’s access to seeds has been modified to meet the Governor’s executive order.

We’re hoping that retailers and consumers alike restrict in-person shopping to items that need to be purchased in-person and are of a time sensitive nature. While the state recognizes the importance of gardening as a source of food for many Vermonters, the ability to browse for seeds and purchase them in person doesn’t outweigh the risk of spreading the virus. Retailers can continue to make seeds available online, delivery and curbside.




Actual document


f. retail serving basic human needs such as grocery stores, pharmacies, other retail that sells food, beverage, animal feed and essential supplies, provided, these retail operations shall be conducted through on-line and telephone orders for delivery and

curb-side pickup to the extent possible;

h. hardware stores, provided, these retail operations shall be conducted through online and telephone orders for delivery and curb-side pickup to the extent possible;

k. agriculture and farms, animal shelters, production and delivery of seed, chemicals and fertilizers, CSAs and veterinarians;

It looks like the seeds (and other items) themselves are not banned from purchase, but citizens of VT can only purchase them for curbside pickup, delivery or online for mail.

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ff7e88  No.8698998


I am going to the future, follow me if you want to see the way.

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1a3399  No.8698999

File: 5e5b958fcba8769⋯.png (415.01 KB, 370x570, 37:57, ClipboardImage.png)

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596967  No.8699000

File: a4088f286c8d80b⋯.png (34.26 KB, 528x396, 4:3, a4088f286c8d80baae7a341baf….png)


Low energy shitstain.

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8c8ad9  No.8699001


Chek'd Anon. Very much appreciated. A lot of sense here.

>Why POTUS kept Fauci close?

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f17600  No.8699002

File: 5b5a50a308a0e0a⋯.png (60.73 KB, 268x214, 134:107, dirp.PNG)


>Stand up to Q. Demand

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d172fd  No.8699003

Why is American PROGRESS in notables? Why in the hell is fake news in notables. Please remove it, don't make this board look worse than it already is.

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55415a  No.8699004



You missed more politics

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7ab1cb  No.8699005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY Baker, fer Keks!

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9a9746  No.8699006

File: 0ea33b7c0e46924⋯.jpg (97.77 KB, 875x583, 875:583, trump_india_tour_modi_nw18….jpg)

Hydroxychloroquine | Trump calls for PM Modi's help

US President Donald Trump plans to import Hydroxychloroquine. Immediately phoned PM Modi and requested that you give the banned hydroxy chloroquine drug to the US.

Hydroxychloroquine .. The malaria drug coronavirus is effective, according to the Medical Research Council of India (ICMR). This led to a large number of medical boutiques. However, some of the telcos have died in how many doses to take. The Indian government decided to ban it. When our country was banged .. Donald Trump, the US president, knew that and wanted to import the drug. Immediately phoned PM Modi and requested that you give the banned hydroxy chloroquine drug to the US. Trump himself has revealed the same thing.

In the eyes of Trump, hydroxy chloroquine is like a game changer. Trump wanted to import it because the drug was effectively fighting corona in India. It was at this point that PM Modi himself phoned and asked for the drug. However, it remains to be seen how the central government will respond to the US request for a ban on exports and sales in India.


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eee39b  No.8699007


What is he, like 5ft tall?

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053838  No.8699008

File: 19585ee735f92a9⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, diamondcomey2.png)

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64e6d2  No.8699009

File: 08810c13bd38644⋯.jpg (66.16 KB, 888x484, 222:121, vfgdfgh.jpg)

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62ef17  No.8699010

File: 548acc193c2a69b⋯.jpg (198.94 KB, 794x494, 397:247, 1586030066.jpg)


It's cool. I'm a Bitcoin millionaire.

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4c702d  No.8699011

File: fbea8c1829c6003⋯.png (258.16 KB, 1234x425, 1234:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4fd74fa769bd64⋯.png (101.82 KB, 1232x372, 308:93, ClipboardImage.png)




This is very odd

The catalog seems to be missing a bunch of breads.

There's a big gap between bread #10963 and #11007.

All these crumbs, besides the one from the old UK bread, are within that range:

This crumb:

>>8589057 ————————————–——– This is not another [4] year election. (Cap: >>8589087, >>8589386)

is from Q Research General #10997: Bon Voyage Edition

These crumbs:

>>8573039 ————————————–——– Q #513 No Outside Comms (Cap: >>8574299)

>>8572999 ————————————–——– PF Post Patriots vs Traitors (Cap: >>8574325)

>>8572837 ————————————–——– Habeas Corpus Suspended (Cap: >>8572906, >>8574346)

>>8572583 ————————————–——– The Silent War continues.. (Cap: >>8572604, >>8572598 vid, >>8574384)

are all from Q Research General #10976: Who's Flying This Bitch Anywho? Edition

I assume the old UK bread was within that range too, and because the last bread in the catalog as of right now is #10582, the Q posts from before that are still there.

The last crumb from Monday 03.23.2020 is from Q Research General #10931: This Was An Operation Edition; which is before the missing breads which start at #10963 so this link and all the others are active:

Monday 03.23.2020

>>8538300 ————————————–——– The key that opens all doors. (Cap: >>8538366)

>>8537834 ————————————–——– PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. (Cap: >>8537877)

>>8537514 ————————————–——– "the CHINA virus" (Cap: >>8537554, >>8537565, >>8539010, >>8538058, >>8539081, >>8539785 (vid))

Saturday 03.21.2020

>>8509836 ————————————–——– Do not fear. (Cap: >>8509881)

Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red

The first crumb from Saturday 03.28.2020 is from Q Research General #11012: Frango Dura Patientia Edition.; which is after the missing breads which end at #11007 so this link and all the others are active:

Saturday 03.28.2020

>>8601103 ————————————–——– Freedom Flag (Cap: >>8601360)

>>8601061 ————————————–——– The entire world is watching. (Cap: >>8601342)

>>8601001 ————————————–——– Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion). (Cap: >>8645430)

>>8600954 ————————————–——– A person(s) value: (Cap: >>8600998)

There's a big gap between bread #10963 and #11007, which seems to explain how the crumbs' links from Thursday 03.26.2020 and Friday 03.27.2020 are inactive.

Anons can check my work.

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3df823  No.8699012


Thank you for the exact replica every single funking time..makes it easy to recognize that it means jack

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368f44  No.8699013

Hey guys has anyone figured out the statistics on what the odds are that all of the notable people got the virus, out of the number of people that got the virus, seems like a disproportionate amount of y's etc. getting muh corona. I am not a maths fag, and way too stoned to try and figure out how to do it. But it would be cool, to have a breakdown on percentage of ppl that are kinda a 'big deal' vs those that are not, since I know not these higher maths (and stoned) maybe I'm reaching? I've also been twatting all day so that can twist yo mind…anywho, just a thought… carry on patriots o7

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d1b5f5  No.8699014

File: 709564b89158537⋯.png (510.43 KB, 522x522, 1:1, smahtepl.png)

Perhaps God wants us to ASK THE Q.

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930ab5  No.8699015


Off label use of medications is legal. Drug manufacturers and their representatives are not able to discuss off-label uses for a product when detailing to providers. These fools cam pass all the laws they want. It isn’t going to change a physician wanting best care for their patients.

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5e096a  No.8699016


many are Hermes - she is literally wearing (so far) what would add up to 10s of thousands of dollars of scarfs and shawls, y'all

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f372cc  No.8699017


>I've seen the oatmeal stout, but not this one

Unfortunately it is no longer brewed.

The brewery closed down in 2006 and then outsourced the brewing. It was downhill from there.

Damn shame you can't get decent strong Ale in the US. I found some amazing ones in the south of Brazil when I was living there. A place full of German immigrants and their descendants with the first language in some towns being old German dialects that aren't even spoken in Germany any more.

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474d61  No.8699018


How powerful was this symbol that it had to be purposely corrupted over and over. One event does not negate its existence through our history, yet it would seem that the effort to invert this symbol completely is on purpose and to our detriment.

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a97386  No.8699019


I think that maybe after Gates stepped down from Microsoft recently Fauci had a choice. I think (I hope) he made the right choice. Gates probably thought he still had a puppet in Fauci, maybe he isn't.

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4cf2d8  No.8699020


Demotivational Shill FAIL

Actually I am filled with excitement that in a couple of weeks, the world will be shocked in a Public Awakening.

This week, I was on the West side of Manhattan and saw 2 soldiers in Camo uniform walk by, then saw another 2 going the other direction, I was SO HAPPY to see them.

Why don't (((you))) "stand up to Q"?

Nothing you can do to degrade Q.

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ccee8d  No.8699021

Earth Day Founder Dies in Prison After Murdering and Composting Girlfriend

Earth Day founder Ira Einhorn died in prison on Friday.

Einhorn was convicted of murder after killing his girlfriend and composting her.

Via Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage News.

Sad news for environmentalists.

A former hippie guru who lived the high life in Europe for years after murdering his ex-girlfriend in Philadelphia in the 1970s has died in prison.

Ira Einhorn, 79, died early Friday in a state prison in western Pennsylvania of natural causes, according to Susan McNaughton, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Corrections. The death at SCI-Laurel Highlands was not related to the COVID-19 virus, she said.

Ira had claimed that he founded Earth Day and certainly was popular with enviros. He lived the lifestyle by composting the woman he murdered.

Ira Einhorn was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the “composted” body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk.

A self-proclaimed environmental activist, Einhorn made a name for himself among ecological groups during the 1960s and ’70s by taking on the role of a tie-dye-wearing ecological guru and Philadelphia’s head hippie.

But the charismatic spokesman who helped bring awareness to environmental issues and preached against the Vietnam War — and any violence — had a secret dark side. When his girlfriend of five years, Helen “Holly” Maddux, moved to New York and broke up with him, Einhorn threatened that he would throw her left-behind personal belongings onto the street if she didn’t come back to pick them up.

And so on Sept. 9, 1977, Maddux went back to the apartment that she and Einhorn had shared in Philadelphia to collect her things, and was never seen again. When Philadelphia police questioned Einhorn about her mysterious disappearance several weeks later, he claimed that she had gone out to the neighborhood co-op to buy some tofu and sprouts and never returned.

Einhorn was caught red-handed, but was protected by his lefty comrades.


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474d61  No.8699022


Feelin cute

Might be first unsealed indictment

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e55e6f  No.8699023


He's giving them plenty of rope.


Now if POTUS came out wearing that… KEK

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9a9746  No.8699024

File: 06d40e0acd9dd2c⋯.jpg (5.22 KB, 300x225, 4:3, hydroxychloroquine_gety.jpg)

Covid-19 battle: Govt may Lift Hydroxychloroquine export ban

New Delhi: India may consider relaxing restrictions on the export of hydroxychloroquine, used for Covid-19 treatment, a day after US president Donald Trump publicly appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to allow its exports.

The export of the drug may be allowed on a case-by-case basis, top government officials told ET. The government may place it in the restricted list which means that exports will not be banned and will be allowed for companies which apply and take a no objection


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ad64a5  No.8699025


No one in the room is wearing masks. Thanks Dan.

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1a3399  No.8699026

File: 99140389cf93586⋯.png (72.7 KB, 760x660, 38:33, Screen_Shot_2020_04_05_at_….png)

Anyone know what will happen Friday?

Here is a clue…

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3df823  No.8699027

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db21a3  No.8699028


I'm not blaming Baker.

I love all Bakers.

This anon would fuck things up Royally if I ever tried to Bake.

Just drawing attention to an oddity.

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c37ba6  No.8699029

File: f7e0c924ce2e9dd⋯.png (356.61 KB, 751x571, 751:571, 3e44.png)


lol give or take.

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2e83b9  No.8699030

File: 4d3cb256358938f⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/05/business/media/quibi-streaming-app-jeffrey-katzenberg-meg-whitman.html April 5, 2020

Updated 5:42 p.m. ET

Two Veteran C.E.O.s Risk $1.8 Billion on a Streaming App. In a Pandemic.

LOS ANGELES — They had to cancel the premiere party. But Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman have stuck with the April 6 start date of Quibi, the short-form video app for smartphones that they hope will attract millions of subscribers.

After having led some of the nation’s top companies for decades, the two veteran executives have spent the last two years in start-up mode, prodding investors to kick in nearly $1.8 billion while courting producers and stars like Jennifer Lopez, LeBron James, Chance the Rapper, Idris Elba, Bill Murray, Steven Spielberg and Chrissy Teigen. Now Mr. Katzenberg and Ms. Whitman are ready to unveil their ambitious venture right in the middle of a pandemic.

“This is either going to be a massive home run or a massive swing and miss,” said Michael Goodman, a media analyst at Strategy Analytics.

Quibi, a portmanteau of “quick bites,” will offer movies, reality shows and news programs made for the smartphone, with no installment clocking in at more than 10 minutes. The offerings fall into three main categories: movies that will be released in chapters; documentaries and unscripted reality shows; and quick-hit news and sports reports from NBC, BBC, ESPN and others. Fifty shows will be available Monday.

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4952e5  No.8699031


second lame song

Toto is pretty gay

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2d1f36  No.8699032


in case you havent realized yet, the majority dont hate him for a specific reason

its envy

simply envy

they post with emotion and righteous indignation and 5D proofs but it truly boils down to simply feeling insecure when they have to listen to someone smarter than they are

this is the majority of people…

its fucking pathetic

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a97386  No.8699033


I've personally seen and heard them talk to physicians about off label. It's common. They just do hush hush.

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d4b8e5  No.8699034


Not mine dipshit

Posting to get attention on it. Already notified FBI about it but as you know they cant be trusted.

I assume anyone trying to distract from this is a shill, glowie or a CTR like creature

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d1b5f5  No.8699035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"You woke a fire inside of me."

An anthem for the army of anons.


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ab92ad  No.8699036

Hmmm. " We are here with you " just appeared on my television.


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6e7b73  No.8699037


doncha hate when that happens?


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ba06e8  No.8699038





All the same

Welcome to the end of the Third Reich, AD 2020.

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885b5a  No.8699039

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33010e  No.8699040

File: 97e9532bf00a6eb⋯.png (368.9 KB, 550x576, 275:288, ClipboardImage.png)

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368f44  No.8699041


Finkle is Einhorn

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458956  No.8699042

Do not forget your oath.

"I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

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596967  No.8699043

File: 9ea853bb3152168⋯.jpg (51.94 KB, 500x532, 125:133, lift.jpg)

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59ac09  No.8699044


gov of ny want people to go to the hospital to use this drug….

not in hospital no use of this drug Hydroxychloroquine

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2fa4f5  No.8699045


But what are ya gonna cover it up with? Barbed wire?

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9ffa0e  No.8699046


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577519  No.8699047

File: 3be8e2716cbe08f⋯.png (623.75 KB, 666x490, 333:245, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b3950  No.8699048


Spring in a farming state, makes sense to limit crowds in seed aisles right now.

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ab4024  No.8699049

File: 3cbab0f60759e44⋯.mp4 (8.04 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, madonna.mp4)

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053838  No.8699050

File: 89dfb5ce230df90⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, comeyplane.png)

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4cf2d8  No.8699051



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64e6d2  No.8699052


I was thinking Soros a couple months ago, but now Gates is my top pick.

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68fdda  No.8699053



I can't tell which baker to address, but please consider this information: >>8698997

as an addendum to the VERMONT post: >>8698774 already noted

Thank you.

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000000  No.8699054


It will be a very GOOD FRIDAY indeed anon.

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2b6b8f  No.8699055

File: 156d44983b9f572⋯.jpg (34.27 KB, 815x450, 163:90, Capture.JPG)

Scottish health chief RESIGNS after police tells her off for breaking Covid-19 lockdown rules

Dr Catherine Calderwood is stepping down from the post of Scottish Chief Medical Officer following an embarrassing revelation that she repeatedly broke the same Covid-19 lockdown rules her office has been preaching.

“It is with a heavy heart that I resign as Chief Medical Officer,” she said in a brief statement, admitting that a “justifiable focus” on her behaviour “risked becoming a distraction” from hugely important task of getting the country through the coronavirus crisis.

I am deeply sorry for my actions and the mistakes I have made.

Breaking: The Scottish Chief Medical Officer Dr Catherine Calderwood who was caught but the Scottish Sun twice going to her holiday home has resigned: pic.twitter.com/ykIkBbq9Kh

— Vincent McAviney (@VinnyMcAv) April 5, 2020


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8c8ad9  No.8699056


I keep hearing this - Was it a flash or a minute, during a commercial? Details please?

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019ef2  No.8699057

File: e5023ea60c9c23a⋯.png (896.68 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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328766  No.8699058

File: 77631ff92084453⋯.png (318.86 KB, 490x516, 245:258, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c96b1  No.8699059

USNS WATKINS ghost prisoners Administrative detention States Secrets

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6d2e03  No.8699060

File: 55c8194746bbebc⋯.jpg (307.99 KB, 1066x1600, 533:800, 7b3281cd60e9cf5a22f5ee2bd4….jpg)


I'm not defending Fauci, so now that's out of the way, let's be honest. Some short people are pretty awesome.

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4d4669  No.8699061

File: 8b72985d2c427b4⋯.png (117.52 KB, 194x297, 194:297, SkyWalker.png)

Stronger than ever before.

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9ca7e3  No.8699062


I didn't get the impression you were blaming bakers. Oldfags know who to blame. Out of the spirit of no drama, I'll leave it there.

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42782c  No.8699063

[I] [is] Internet Information Services??? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Information_Services



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c37ba6  No.8699064


that poor army officer.

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fa9d77  No.8699065

File: 33dd373bb2b0ea0⋯.png (87.41 KB, 809x402, 809:402, Screen_Shot_2020_04_05_at_….png)


>why potus kept Fauci close?

To destroy big pharma by making normies realize how ridiculous the rules are.

← Wait until CEOs start going down for "knowingly" withholding cures.

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2e83b9  No.8699066


The Nine Lives of Hydroxychloroquine

By Martin J. Bergman, MD | 11 May 2015

Hydroxychloroquine is one of many medications frequently used in rheumatology practice. Its remarkable versatility is attested by its routine use in lupus, in patients with an autoimmune coagulopathy, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, as well as those with a low-level inflammatory arthropathy. It’s an amazing medication, with a novel history and wide array of indication and multiple actions that we now better understand.

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d4b8e5  No.8699067


Of label prescriptions happen regularly. As long as you can justify it you're ok. I used to get in trouble for prescribing zofran to non cancer patients and caught some heat for a minute. In the end I was able to justify it and things went back to normal

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9b3950  No.8699068


and when this hopefagging fails, like all the hopefagging before it, then what?

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9a9746  No.8699069

File: 2b7d4ed78a30233⋯.jpg (53.86 KB, 1060x424, 5:2, gates_1_1060x424.jpg)

Coronavirus? All the fault of Bill Gates

Bill Gates' grandfather is the source of the Spaniard and he will become even richer thanks to the way he controls Coronavirus: and many believe it.

Give us today our daily discomfort, with its trend and a plethora of retweets to multiply its echo. Today it's up to Bill Gates , just as yesterday 5G antennas burned in the UK and so on. Bill Gates? Why Bill Gates? What does Bill Gates have to do with Coronavirus ? So much so, apparently. Indeed, everything. In fact, it's basically his fault.

They keep us at home waiting for Bill Gates' vaccine

The theorem explodes among the tweets of the day, of which we report below a small review. The summary is as short as it is incredible in its simplicity, in its madness, in its abnormal conspiracy: they are keeping us at home waiting for Bill Gates to develop a vaccine with which he will become even richer. And this is because his grandfather was already doing it: it was he who brought the Spaniard and enriched himself with the Rockefeller fund.

To anyone who still enjoys a minimum of clarity we leave any reflection on it.

The intervention of the TED , the known one in which Bill Gates indicated the possibility of a pandemic that would have put the world in difficulty, becomes not a vision, but an explosive element. The recent Netflix documentary only reinforces this idea in the mind of those who have instilled the poison of conspiracy inside themselves. Coronavirus tests developed in recent weeks cement the guilty beliefs. The rest is word of mouth, retweets, shares, sensational statements, outrage and indignation. So much indignation. Vulgar, grim, hopeless outrage.



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6303e5  No.8699070


shariablewfags have taken over like they always do

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4cf2d8  No.8699071



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930ab5  No.8699072



Makes them nervous as hell!

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d08457  No.8699073



Let me try something

>>8589057 This is not another [4] year election.

>>8573290 [infiltration instead of invasion]


>>8572999 PF Post Patriots vs Traitors

>>8572837 Habeas Corpus Suspended

>>8572583 The Silent War Continues..

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f62deb  No.8699074

File: 3b2dc8b80d9e091⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 3b2dc8b80d9e0919eaa52281a7….jpg)

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33010e  No.8699075

File: 50fa28a4a78d23b⋯.png (534.77 KB, 640x350, 64:35, ClipboardImage.png)




>No one in the room is wearing masks. Thanks Dan.

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223d23  No.8699076

File: 58ac0987442d529⋯.png (22.58 KB, 125x73, 125:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 279612cc9ef3405⋯.png (25.28 KB, 102x104, 51:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c77defe864ce29⋯.png (28.66 KB, 96x141, 32:47, ClipboardImage.png)


> Dan Scavino Jr.

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7ce128  No.8699077

File: 0db0fd788cf2f64⋯.png (224.98 KB, 1164x616, 291:154, Austrailian_AF_out_of_Shan….PNG)

File: 15aaf18f22277ed⋯.png (156.44 KB, 757x913, 757:913, google_patents_oz_coordina….PNG)

File: d0d63b2f78f116b⋯.jpg (26.76 KB, 512x422, 256:211, pepe_wtf.jpg)

Austrailian AF R8889 out of Shanghai-very little information available on this AC except for regional flights in Oz

Ran the coordinates to check and see if it was just an anomaly and this is what showed up…Cap#2-from Google Patents

Method for designing mutated enzyme, method for preparing the same and mutated enzyme

The present invention provides a novel method for improving an enzyme hydrolyzing an alpha-1,6-glycosidic linkage. A mutated enzyme is designed by specifying one or more amino acids selected from the group shown below in an amino acid sequence of an enzyme (an enzyme to be mutated) that hydrolyzes an a-1,6-glycosidic linkage, that is, the group consisting of an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 292 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 371 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 406 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 407 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 437 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 465 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 475 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 476 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 525 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 526 position, an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 580 position and an amino acid corresponding to an amino acid at the 582 position of the amino acid represented by in SEQ ID NO: 2 (step (1)) and constructing an amino acid sequence in which the amino acid(s) specified in the step (1) is/are substituted with another amino acid or deleted based on the amino acid sequence of the enzyme to be mutated (step (2)) The design method of mutated enzyme, preparation method and mutated enzyme

Technical field

The present invention relates to design method, preparation method and the mutated enzyme etc. of the mutated enzyme of hydrolyzing alpha-1,6 glycosidic link.

Background technology

Starch debranching enzyme (EC is the enzyme of α-1,6 glycosidic link of pulullan in the hydrolyzed starch etc.Starch debranching enzyme is the high enzyme of usability on the production of Fructus Hordei Germinatus oligoses such as glucose, SANMALT-S, trisaccharide maltose, maltotetrose, maltopentaose, MALTOHAXAOASE sugared fields such as (OLIGOSACCHARIDES, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, p3), the improvement (patent documentation 1) of cooking etc., industry.

moar at link


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39ee84  No.8699078


"Q you ARE intel?" OK

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cae3e4  No.8699079


Inside a hospital unit the doctors are going to be forced to follow "protocol" for liability reasons. They cant give a drug that looks to work. Thank a lawyer.

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747bba  No.8699080

File: 2cb38c2753bdf9c⋯.jpeg (85.67 KB, 828x610, 414:305, 073E6845_302B_4039_8F1C_C….jpeg)

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2b6b8f  No.8699081

File: aa19ca49e732566⋯.jpg (42.52 KB, 619x557, 619:557, DumbFKs.jpg)


KEKEK…Let the Trolling Begin ..You're a FKing Dummy..Bring it on BITCHBOY…KEKEK

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33010e  No.8699082


WTF anons?

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28bfc5  No.8699083

food grade diotamecous earth

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6d2e03  No.8699084

File: e1cc1a054af8571⋯.png (950.79 KB, 1470x980, 3:2, A_Beautiful_Brave_New_Worl….png)


Now you know why this happened…

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d45c04  No.8699085


>uh-h No!

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13ed71  No.8699086


the JQ?

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8dcb78  No.8699087

File: 306b5729f9b543f⋯.jpeg (185.28 KB, 1049x996, 1049:996, A9881BD5_6093_454E_83E7_6….jpeg)

Q drop 2018 will be glorious!

Imagine when these shills go down.

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cbe101  No.8699088


nice deep dive.

but also site been very fucky, so missing chunks isn't too surpising

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753e01  No.8699089

File: 5d254cf859ee580⋯.jpg (278.72 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, EUst0anU4AAntez.jpg)

File: 57492aac6303ed4⋯.png (249.36 KB, 598x550, 299:275, Screenshot_2020_04_05_25th….png)


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e79749  No.8699090


Prepare how? Why be so cryptic if you’re concerned about us?

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d1b5f5  No.8699091

File: 7cbf5d376044e8c⋯.png (438.37 KB, 485x485, 1:1, ASKTHEQUIONRL.png)

America is the beacon.

We don't need to wait for her victory to take back what's ours. Our freedom. The truth. Our future.

The victory of America is that the fire is awakened inside of us already.

Awaken worldwide.

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69187a  No.8699092


I will parallel you

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68fdda  No.8699093


Agree, but the initial post lb sort of made it seem like citizens couldn't buy them at all. But it turns out you can buy them, even with curbside pickup, so it's not so dire after all.

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fda040  No.8699094


ty baker.

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3e48c9  No.8699095

File: 378bf3df83b1548⋯.jpg (222.17 KB, 1536x1025, 1536:1025, humanvirus.jpg)

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d08457  No.8699096


We have the caps so it's all good.

qanon.pub is still showing those posts

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9ffa0e  No.8699097


Q is the intelligence that WE needed. Simple as that

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db21a3  No.8699098



No drama

I love it

This anon is constantly trying to avoid drama.

Especially when it comes to family.

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458956  No.8699099

File: 7a355e3dfa99a6c⋯.png (7.27 MB, 1668x2388, 139:199, C1C595CA_F578_45E5_B11C_94….png)

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cbe101  No.8699100

File: 28485808e381dee⋯.jpg (74.41 KB, 1024x719, 1024:719, darts_Ladbrokes_com_World_….jpg)

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aafc2e  No.8699101


dogs on leashes. thats really strange though.

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053838  No.8699102


US Navy Admiral

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4c702d  No.8699103









see: >>8699011

There's a big gap between bread #10963 and #11007, which seems to explain how the crumbs' links from Thursday 03.26.2020 and Friday 03.27.2020 are inactive.


I assume it's from that. They might even come back if something causing it were to be fixed.

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ff7e88  No.8699104


There is no shortage of people uncovered who need to be held liable and accountable. The problem is getting the govt to act on the MOUNTAINS of evidence out there. We are all in a "hope, wait, and see" mode. Are there whitehats with a plan to take out the blackhats? Has POTUS teamed up with the Military Intelligence to fight the Military Industrial Complex? Nobody knows for sure but this crisis will remove all doubt if there is a plan in play or if the people are just getting played…again.

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223d23  No.8699105

File: 1e7c1e81233028a⋯.png (55.07 KB, 568x380, 142:95, ClipboardImage.png)

This guy's expression

Wonder what was so zomg

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ccee8d  No.8699106


laces out

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4f26ff  No.8699107

File: 54406b9ff680460⋯.jpg (49.27 KB, 624x771, 208:257, madonna_soul.JPG)



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2e83b9  No.8699108

File: 13ae10606e3e2fb⋯.png (2.36 KB, 140x140, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




Accession Number



Small Molecule




Hydroxychloroquine is a racemic mixture consisting of an R and S enantiomer.2 Hydroxychloroquine is an aminoquinoline like chloroquine.12 It is a commonly prescribed medication in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, and systemic lupus erythematosus.12 Hydroxychloroquine is also used for the prophylaxis of malaria in regions where chloroquine resistance is unlikely.12 It was developed during World War II as a derivative of quinacrine with less severe side effects.6 Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are both being investigated for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2.7

Hydroxychloroquine was granted FDA approval on 18 April 1955.12

Due to COVID-19, the FDA has issued an emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.14 This authorization allows for the unapproved use of these medications in light of a public health emergency.13

A recent study reported a fatality in the group being treated with hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19.10

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6bd8dc  No.8699109

Q, should we be afraid to go outside? Are they keeping us inside to protect us from something, or is it to ease the military in their operations?

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fa9d77  No.8699110

File: 259bca23374c494⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1065x1212, 355:404, 259bca23374c4943dc405cd63f….png)


>Some short people are pretty awesome.

They're great at getting stuff out of the bottom cupboards.

Tallanon hates bottom cupboards.

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000000  No.8699111


LOOK at OTHER Aug 30 deltas Anon..

You are onto something.

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bc761d  No.8699112


got that on history channel last night

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1a3399  No.8699113

File: 004281ab7cbeb35⋯.png (2.08 MB, 885x1200, 59:80, ClipboardImage.png)


What if the Target Month is April 2020?

Then T-6 might mean tomorrow

The 6th day of T month

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6d2e03  No.8699114


Took me a while. I blame the vaccines.

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77d064  No.8699115

Some people like to be socially distant!

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fda040  No.8699116


I hear that.

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c37ba6  No.8699117


safe to say she's "ALL IN"

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596967  No.8699118

File: 18cf8918bf09d9f⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, b70a66cb1202edef2e945a27d5….mp4)

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e79749  No.8699119


Bill Gate’s couldn’t stop viruses on his own OS, why would anyone listen to him now?

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474d61  No.8699120

File: 8a92813e3ce4352⋯.gif (1.56 MB, 270x480, 9:16, haveitall.gif)



Anyone watching that wants me quiet

Come put a gun in my mouth

That about the only way you can "buy" my silence

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e31292  No.8699121


>They're great at getting stuff out of the bottom cupboards.

>Tallanon hates bottom cupboards.

Caneanon hates 'em too.

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019ef2  No.8699122


The devil can die just like anyone else that is sent here to this low place.

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6bd8dc  No.8699123


Geez, seems there was a reason he liked dirt so much.

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2b6b8f  No.8699124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For those of U that know..enjoy…Great Song

The Brooklyn Bridge Feat. Johnny Maestro - Welcome Me Love (HD Lyric Video) Buddah Vinyl LP 1968

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4cf2d8  No.8699125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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ff3e39  No.8699126

File: 73f5dce08f54384⋯.png (100.43 KB, 1285x793, 1285:793, hang_in_there.png)

POTUS comms?

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884dec  No.8699127







Ask the Q.

1) Isn't is true, Mr. President, that the invisible enemy we're at war with is not a virus,

but rather, the Rothschild-owned financial system, where obscene amounts of generational

wealth has bought almost total control of every institution in almost every country?

2) Q listed 166 countries with Rothschild-owned-&-controlled central banks. https://qanon.pub/?q=bank%20of

They issue fiat (conjured out-of-thin-air) money & charge interest on it.

This is how they increase their wealth and control, at the expense of the world's people.

The power to issue bills of credit enables them to acquire control over the real assets

and wealth (land, water, food production, shipping–every industry that extracts or p

roduces goods vital to life and health.)

3) Mr. President, you keep saying that you're a wartime president.

Aren't the American people entitled to know who the real enemy is?

In the "speech that will get Donald Trump elected",


you spoke about the establishment that doesn't have our good in mind. You said

"Our movement is about replacing

A failed and corrupt political establishment

With a new government controlled by you, the American people.

The Washington establishment

And the financial and media corporations that fund it,

Exist for only one reason."

Are we in the Second American Revolution to return power

to the people, as you declared in that historic speech?

4) Mr. President, isn't it true that the invisible enemy

that all of America is fighting isn't actually a germ?

But rather, it's an insidious system of obscene generational

wealth held closely between a few ruling families

that controls almost every aspect of our lives.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to call our struggle

to regain our freedom a "2nd American Revolution?"

5) In the 19th century Mayer Amschel Rothschild said

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation,

and I care not who makes its laws!" Does this mean that

the '''166 Rothschild-owned central banks actually control

166 nations'''? How do we free America from control

by the Rothschild dynasty? Shouldn't we ignore the

bought-and-paid-for mainstream media that has kept us enslaved?

6) What happens when a wealthy dynasty gets control of all the

institutions in a country? Let's say they issue regulations on

what therapies are legal, and prohibit others.

They could control who lives or dies!

Therapies that actally cure are not profitable,

but therapies that cause additional disease and

treatments taken every day for life are VERY PROFITABLE.

Do we have a pharmaceutical and medical cartel in this country?

Is this one of the control mechanisms we're fighting against?

7) Like an octopus, the strangling tentacles are everywhere!

The obscene generational wealth of a few wealthy dynasties –

including the Rothschilds who control 166 countries' central banks –

has bought them total control of the media.

By controlling the media, they control __electorates,

government, consumers, industries, economies.__

They can PROMOTE any idea to cement their control.

They can SUPPRESS any truth when it suits their agenda.

What incredible discoveries have they hidden from us?

What histories have they rewritten?

How have they kept us enslaved?

8) They give us sportsball and circuses (TV) for distraction.

They sell poison-filled food "products" to keep us sick and needy.

Their system of income taxation and interest on mortgages

forces most Americans to work themselves to the bone,

with no energy left to ponder fundamental questions:

- WHO did this to us?

- WHY are they controlling us?

- HOW can we get our country back?

- WHAT happened to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

You said it so well in your speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ

"This is a crossroads in the history of

our civilization that will determine whether or not

We the People reclaim control over our government."

9) The political establishment that is still trying to

obstruct you, Sir, is the same group responsible for

our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration,

and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.

Now the world has seen how quickly Trump administration policies

reversed course, brought back jobs, and strengthened

our economy, returning stolen wealth back to our country.

Is it true that the Deep State is fighting back with a weaponized disease?

10) You said a global power structure is responsible for

the economic decisions that have robbed our working class,

stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money

into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and

political entities. Is that the Invisible Enemy that

we're fighting?

11) >>8698955

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f422af  No.8699128


Looks like a "get off me" and "settle down big boy" moment if the sequence is right.

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5e096a  No.8699129


not to mention being buoyed by the constant stream of EB-5 investors from China

check out all those empty rooms for rent on AirBNB

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053838  No.8699130


She finally got bored enough to send him nudes

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474d61  No.8699131


It's clear you like taking things out of context

He was re positioning him on stage

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1b0f29  No.8699132

File: d95f281095c0466⋯.jpg (7.24 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 598583ca10d1cefb6665e431ee….jpg)


TY, anon.

I am buying that.

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62ef17  No.8699133

File: 2d042be70fe9ef8⋯.png (4.17 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 1585890333.png)


Is it go time with the tough guy? I think it is.

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747bba  No.8699134



What’s this about?

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23f911  No.8699135


It might be in 2030 ..

we will have some more boats and respirators by then. trust the plan n shit

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cbfb19  No.8699136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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30b394  No.8699137

File: 7e655bc7960d4b1⋯.png (87.03 KB, 267x263, 267:263, hmmmm_pepe.png)


And Pence is…

a) clean

b) dirty

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cae3e4  No.8699138


She cant sell her soul she is a living soul. She can change her ways at anytime. Her bonds are false. She binds herself then out of her own ignorance.

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df938e  No.8699139



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4c702d  No.8699140


Say it live. Not really sure but it seems Pence thought the Admiral (I think he was, forgive me if I'm wrong, kek) was on the wrong side.

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6d2e03  No.8699141




The real truth needs to come out soon. Some of us are getting pummeled; even when blatant facts are presented. The programming is so deep.

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930ab5  No.8699142


Early addition of hydroxychloroquine is when most benefit supposedly. Again, political involvement in practice of medicine is a disgraceful step. Trump shouldn’t recommend it and foolish governors should stay out too. I am glad Trump is ensuring availability, but the free market should be the driver of product demand.

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f62deb  No.8699144

File: ba2ad20005eb692⋯.png (241.31 KB, 870x232, 15:4, roger_pepe_5_5.png)

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59ac09  No.8699145


CNN takes BAIT…… potus stockpiling and distribution ……

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9b3950  No.8699146


And of course it became notable without any further thought, what else is new around here lately. thanks for clarifying it for anons.

plenty of us patriots stuck in vermont, just like back in 1775

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6bd8dc  No.8699147


Remind me what [1] OWL [1] was decoded as.

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d08457  No.8699148

File: ce3535d9d2f3fbe⋯.jpg (54.84 KB, 515x428, 515:428, Patience.jpg)




Why wouldn't every bread before it be green'd out too?

Something spoopy is going on

BO can you help us out real quick


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577519  No.8699149

File: f94d914871aa333⋯.png (562.19 KB, 543x777, 181:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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6cac12  No.8699150



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f372cc  No.8699151

File: 1c24f283d0da6f6⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 791x529, 791:529, faggotree.jpg)


>I assume it's from that. They might even come back if something causing it were to be fixed.

It has already been explained that when breads fall off the catalog the links go inactive. Ergo, old Q posts that are no longer in the breads in the current catalog will be inactive now … pic related

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fda040  No.8699152


Well. Same ways forwards as backses I guess, but I'm a dumb redneck so what do i know,

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9ca7e3  No.8699153


This is the second time since we've been back that Q posts have been deleted before their time. The first time was when Q was posting regularly, so not many anons noticed. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to BO and say he's just trying to clean things up and Q posts were some of the casualties.

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39175d  No.8699154

File: 6a4b94072bbe414⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1920x4896, 20:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c80b07b81b9c4a⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1201x8081, 1201:8081, ClipboardImage.png)

hospitals should be getting a lot more flak than they have been

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33010e  No.8699155

File: 18a4a68db7624d8⋯.png (1.16 MB, 675x1200, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ce128  No.8699156

File: 8a5ca94e0b71835⋯.jpg (174.47 KB, 725x829, 725:829, pepe_smiles_cause_he_knows.jpg)

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f17600  No.8699157

File: 16c5b7b0a0147e7⋯.png (220.97 KB, 428x570, 214:285, topkek.PNG)

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747bba  No.8699158


Officers face shows aggression

Media spouting remarks at him?

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5e096a  No.8699159

File: 2d51401c02f46d7⋯.gif (4.39 MB, 320x258, 160:129, gates_gets_the_pie_in_the_….gif)

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6d2e03  No.8699160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The cake is a lie, folks.

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d1b5f5  No.8699161

File: 0ec6c03be7b2e3e⋯.png (186.79 KB, 412x412, 1:1, standforlhumniy.png)


I must say thank you and kek, whoever you may be. Great questions, all of them.

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8c8ad9  No.8699162


Was it just a second thing or was it some sort of commercial?

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577519  No.8699164


Thanks. I was going to correct, but thought it might be a troll, so avoided the situ.

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ab92ad  No.8699165


Wife is watching Lifetime, while I lurk. Message e àppeared on upper right hand of screen.

Disappeared before I could snap it.


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019ef2  No.8699166


Someone said that I had to give proof. Why don't you?

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1a3399  No.8699167

File: 37e0de8beaf9a0f⋯.png (237.31 KB, 1084x1000, 271:250, Screen_Shot_2020_04_05_at_….png)

Venezuela invasion by the USA is ongoing

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dbc093  No.8699168


watching it in real time, anon thought Frauci was massaging Polowcyk's shoulders in a faggoty show of support.

But consider how Fraudci was seated most of the time. Maybe he's having trouble balancing or standing up. Same like HRC, Oprah, etc.

Fraudci claims his test was negative but did he show a letter the way POTUS did? Nope.

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cbe101  No.8699169


foooooken hell.

at the very, very, very-est least an insane level of tone-deaf

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8c8ad9  No.8699170


That's where I'm at. I'm not shutting up or sitting down.

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9ca7e3  No.8699171


>Why wouldn't every bread before it be green'd out too?

It happened last month too. It was only one day, and Q was posting regularly at the time, so no one noticed it. I found it by accident.

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6bd8dc  No.8699172


That's 100% unsat way to alert a naval officer.

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13ed71  No.8699173


why would i want you to eat a gun anon that doesnt sound very healthy

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59ac09  No.8699174


when will reporters wear a mask ?

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68fdda  No.8699175


I can't speak to the catalog or 8kun archive, but be assured that every thread Q has posted in is safely archived, so they are safe, even if they have fallen off the catalog or anything else that may have happened.

If anyone wants the archive links, I would be happy to post those.

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1eddce  No.8699176

>>8697710 pb

hot peppers / cayenne pepper - increases the metabolism 20%.

coconut oil is a medium chain triglyceride, similar to human fat, eating coconut oil sorta trains the body to burn fat.

cinnamon for blood sugar / diabetes.

vinegar - blood thinner, blood pressure.

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ff3e39  No.8699177

We should be checking obituaries in NYC. They should be massive - no? Can we compare Obits now to obits say, last September?

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3e48c9  No.8699178

File: 83c6fb091f8ed0e⋯.jpg (112.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, muqpeb2g.jpg)

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ff7e88  No.8699179


You paid a PR company to promote your kind deeds and they charged you for talking about 8kun…are you that dumb or what?

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4c702d  No.8699180


There are older Q posts from older breads that are still active.

If you actually read the post, you'd know there's a significant amount of breads missing and the inactive links are from breads within those missing breads.

The others are fine, faggot.


I highly doubt the BO would delete 40+ random breads. This seems to be a glitch in the catalog.

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f372cc  No.8699181


> [1] OWL [1]

One World Leader

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4427a6  No.8699182


Try a liver cleanse–that will blow your mind. KEK

On empty stomach, before bed: juice of 3 limes, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon peanut oil. (just good oil–not vegetable) Room temp for items. Mix, drink. Go to bed and lay on your right side. You liver will let down, and clear out. You will expel contents next day.

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7ab1cb  No.8699183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


along the same lines:

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f62deb  No.8699184

File: 30401aa7c5ee99d⋯.png (606.88 KB, 601x944, 601:944, FireShot.png)


I first saw that pic April 2


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601f83  No.8699185



…another tiger?

Thoughts? Other than the obvious.

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59ac09  No.8699186


every reporter should be forced to wear a mask to ask questions and it should become a requirement

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2b6b8f  No.8699187

File: cda52f49455905c⋯.jpg (51.81 KB, 729x422, 729:422, Capture.JPG)

Libyan Army kills scores of GNA, Syrian fighters near Tripoli

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:40 P.M.) – The Libyan National Army forces, led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, announced on Sunday that their forces had 41 members of the Al-Wefaq forces and their allied Syrian militants at the Wadi Al-Rabi’a and Al-Mashroa fronts south of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, during an attempted counter-offensive by the aforementioned fighters.

The Military Information Division of the Libyan National Army said in a press statement that “A total of 41 people killed from the militia and mercenary crowd groups after an attempt to advance to the armed forces observatories at the Wadi al-Rabi’a axis and part of the project axis.”

The statement added that “the military units, the heroes of the 128th Infantry Battalion, responded to this treacherous attack valiantly and inflicted great losses on the enemy, and those who remained are fleeing, leaving the bodies of their dead behind.”

Earlier, the European Union launched the ” IRINI ” operation to monitor the arms embargo and arms flow to Libya, with the aim of establishing peace.


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26d41d  No.8699188

>>8699055 what the hell are we doing, listening to NAZIs control our shopping and buying and going to our other homes. This is scarey.

Seems dark right now, Q.


health chief RESIGNS after police tells her off for breaking Covid-19 lockdown rules

Dr Catherine Calderwood is stepping down from the post of Scottish Chief Medical Officer following an embarrassing revelation that she repeatedly broke the same Covid-19 lockdown rules her office has been preaching.

“It is with a heavy heart that I resign as Chief Medical Officer,” she said in a brief statement, admitting that a “justifiable focus” on her behaviour “risked becoming a distraction” from hugely important task of getting the country through the coronavirus crisis

I am deeply sorry for my actions and the mistakes I have made.

Breaking: The Scottish Chief Medical Officer Dr Catherine Calderwood who was caught but the Scottish Sun twice going to her holiday home has resigned: pic.twitter.com/ykIkBbq9Kh

— Vincent McAviney (@VinnyMcAv) April 5, 2020

I am deeply sorry for my actions and the mistakes I have made.

Breaking: The Scottish Chief Medical Officer Dr Catherine Calderwood who was caught but the Scottish Sun twice going to her holiday home has resigned: pic.twitter.com/ykIkBbq9Kh

— Vincent McAviney (@VinnyMcAv) April 5, 2020



Damn nazi say no go to second home?

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8c8ad9  No.8699189


Interesting. I've head this maybe 5 or 6 times in the last 24 hours.

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6d2e03  No.8699190

File: 982b99244dbe69e⋯.jpg (48.32 KB, 495x722, 495:722, love2.jpg)


Fuck you, LOL.

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85ff38  No.8699191

File: 91477de8c40a279⋯.jpeg (12.97 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 64b3a9d3a16736fa82cd13c7d….jpeg)





>>8698774, >>8699053, >>8698997, Vermont orders 'big box' retailers to stop sales of items the state deems 'non-essential' in their stores.

>>8698829 Romania Isolates Human Trafficking Hotspot to Limit Outbreak

>>8698856 ‘Children in a dog cage’: how coronavirus puts Asia’s most vulnerable at greater risk of homelessness, human trafficking

>>8698756 How to Choose Sides: Madonna Ciccone announces she is partnering with Bill and Melinda Gates on “vaccine” while wearing a shirt depicting Satan on the Cross

>>8698878 DOJ Issues Business Review Letter to Medical Supplies Distributors Supporting Project Airbridge Under Expedited Procedure for COVID-19 Pandemic Response

>>8698919 NEW Dan Scavino Jr

>>8698918 (FEARPRONZ) US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn

Baker Handoff

>>8698967 Surgeon General Jerome Adams called on Governors who haven't issued statewide stay-at-home orders to combat the spread of the coronavius: "give us a week"

>>8698983 Anon opines: why potus kept Fauci close?

>>8699006, >>8699024, >>8699108, Hydroxychloroquine | Trump calls for PM Modi's help (BANNED DRUG is what CURES) THINK ABOUT THAT

>>8699021 Earth Day Founder Dies in Prison After Murdering and Composting Girlfriend (how GREEN of him)

>>8699030 Two Veteran C.E.O.s Risk $1.8 Billion on a Streaming App. In a Pandemic. (ODD timing of App)

>>8699069 Coronavirus? All the fault of Bill Gates (Google Translated News)

>>8699077, PF Habbenings

>>8699089 (Twatter) 25th Infantry Division East vs. West Matchup BRACKETS

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884dec  No.8699192


Just a simple farmer. An anon like you.

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79a97e  No.8699193

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)




As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, secret societies and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS. And in some breads it´s 70, 80, 90% shill posts.

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).


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a5ab6f  No.8699194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's a nice compilation of the MSM script.

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62ef17  No.8699195

File: a65e52cf71572de⋯.png (393.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1546020792.png)


Means a lot to me.

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7ce128  No.8699196

File: 68c9910160826d7⋯.jpg (134.89 KB, 598x720, 299:360, E_Rothschild.jpg)

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ccee8d  No.8699197


this sauce is notoriously inaccurate

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f422af  No.8699198


don't think the media would get that bold but sure has odd appearance

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930ab5  No.8699199


Bullshit. You can still practice with free thought contributing. The ONLY THING is you have to discuss with the patient and document the discussion.

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fda040  No.8699200


Based anon get's backed up by them digits


Sit down, chump-as shills. Your time is over, you basically working for free now.

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7a0b4b  No.8699201


Then people can sue for refusing Right To Try

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e8d3b1  No.8699202

File: 7c92a236715497e⋯.png (972.83 KB, 977x570, 977:570, Screenshot_2020_04_05_Debb….png)

File: e2557b3638b83ce⋯.png (224.47 KB, 717x1553, 717:1553, Screenshot_2020_04_05_How_….png)

File: 400a2f626f5b2d7⋯.png (185.14 KB, 703x1455, 703:1455, Screenshot_2020_04_05_How_….png)

File: 4c74b9011b991eb⋯.png (301.13 KB, 629x2226, 629:2226, Screenshot_2020_04_05_How_….png)

File: a86581151dbe44b⋯.png (405.56 KB, 733x2910, 733:2910, Screenshot_2020_04_05_How_….png)

How to Collaborate with and Influence People Using the SCARF Model


Will explain the basics behind the theory, the way it explains the approach and avoid responses, and how you can use it to decrease the threats and increase the sense of reward when collaborating with others.

The SCARF model of behavior is a relatively new theory, having first been published in 2008 by David Rock. The word SCARF is an acronym, which stands for:

Status – the relative importance to others.

Certainty – the ability to predict future.

Autonomy – the sense of control over events.

Relatedness – the sense of safety with others.

Fairness – the perception of fair exchanges.

The basic premise of the SCARF model is the assumption the brain makes us behave in certain ways, which are to minimize threats and maximize rewards. While the brain takes a threat and reward approach to primary needs, such as food and water, the theory argues this same also happens with social needs. In essence, a positive emotion or reward creates a stimulus making people act, whereas a negative emotion or punishment causes a threat stimulus, which leads to avoidance. The aim of the SCARF model is therefore interaction with people in a way that minimizes the threats and maximizes the rewards in relation to the five key areas mentioned above. Understanding of the approach-avoid response can help improve collaborations and help influence the way people behave.


*Everything Has Meaning*

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6bd8dc  No.8699203


His dog looks scared. Dog knows.

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f372cc  No.8699204


My error, anon.

I stand corrected.

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fa9d77  No.8699205

File: abd7d8959a2af86⋯.jpg (73.99 KB, 900x600, 3:2, abd7d8959a2af86d3ed7a85329….jpg)


>meanwhile big pharma running ads of different drugs with side effects of death and suicide

Side effects may include symptoms of death.

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b7f045  No.8699206

File: f5822f01eccf7f3⋯.jpg (17.67 KB, 307x323, 307:323, Q1029.jpg)



>Anyone know what will happen Friday?

>Here is a clue…

What about 2 year delta tomorrow? Q1029

Thank you for your prayers.

Forced reaction.

One of many vehicles.


Night [2]


Fast movers.

Force projection.

April Showers.


"Force Projection"

Power projection (or "force projection") is a term used in military and political science to refer to the capacity of a state to deploy and sustain forces outside its territory.

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884dec  No.8699207


Nice satellites you got there.

Looks like there are frens in every hemisphere and continent.

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e8d3b1  No.8699208

File: d34e5e0b96b865b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 857x570, 857:570, Screenshot_2020_04_05_Debb….png)

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d1b5f5  No.8699209

File: 22450f0763cefe7⋯.png (581.62 KB, 585x585, 1:1, maythesourcebewithyou.png)


God bless you, anon. Truly.

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79a97e  No.8699210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Phil Wickham- God of Revival


(from todays church service at harvest.org)

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4fe3bc  No.8699211


We have received numerous complaints that the Earth 2020 Update has caused extensive problems to many users, not the least of these being an unexpected Covid 19.0 virus exploit. We take the satisfaction of our users very seriously and are taking steps to fix the issue.

Engineers have determined that since the critical update Trump 1.0 installed 2017, local users installed Russian Collusion 1.x (numerous times) and Ukraine Hoax 1.0 to the system. These updates were not on the approved compatibility list, and they caused great damage to both the USA application and the Constitution operating system. When rogue operators attempted to run Sham Impeachment 5.0, it caused many system panics, including the aforementioned Covid 19.0 exploit vulnerability. It also unleashed the long outdated "Dr. Fauci" applet.

Our team is working to install a new update of Justice 17.0 which should quickly remove the rogue elements causing the instability. The Covid 19.0 infestation will then disappear over time. We are working on a "whole system" upgrade patch, Trump 2.0, slated to be installed later this year. We are confident that this will be the final update required to stabilize not only the USA application but the World 1.0 distributed network platform.

We do apologize for any inconvenience. Please do not install dangerous unapproved updates in the future without checking with us first.

P.S. during this process you may note the removal of the Deep State and China applications. This is by design.

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e79749  No.8699212


I’ve done a liver cleanse, just with different stuff. Felt good.

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4c702d  No.8699213


Oh of course there's archives.

I'm just noting this apparent glitch in the catalog that seems to be the reason only a few crumb links are inactive and not ones that are older than those crumbs. qresear.ch, qanon.news, qmap.pub, qanon.pub, etc all have them archived.


Hey baker, consider this:

>>8699011 The catalog seems to be missing a bunch of breads which is why some links to Q's crumbs are inactive

Anons might keep asking about it.


No problem anon, I didn't see it at first tbh.

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33010e  No.8699214

File: cbb662cf5f9757a⋯.png (231.81 KB, 638x900, 319:450, ClipboardImage.png)

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577519  No.8699215


Yes. On the wrong side.

I've noticed that POTUS keeps

Brix and that other fucci doc over

his left shoulder. Pence was preventing

that for the logistics expert Admiral.

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6b1f21  No.8699216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4a48b2  No.8699217

File: a3642b17332f0b2⋯.jpg (80.27 KB, 1200x527, 1200:527, pepedoggoblackeye.jpg)


They always do.

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ff7e88  No.8699218


The fake news in NC has reporter and weather people reporting from their homes using greenscreens….with a houseful of makeup people, sound techs, cameramen, producers…all to keep a safe social distance… 30+ people in a livingroom.

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72f60f  No.8699219

File: 2ff2d6b2762578c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2592x2592, 1:1, member.png)

File: e12373300e8b832⋯.png (34.92 KB, 404x407, 404:407, I_member.png)

File: ea09d4f57291b1f⋯.png (24.95 KB, 512x512, 1:1, memberberries.png)

File: 800bdbff6c5df4e⋯.jpg (9.48 KB, 255x227, 255:227, memberries_.jpg)


This is year 20 of Agenda21.

Agenda30 is the pablum for the following generations.


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ccee8d  No.8699220

Trump Pushes Hydroxychloroquine: ‘I’m Trying to Save Lives’

President Donald Trump defended his ongoing push for doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to coronavirus patients on Sunday, despite criticism from the media.

CNN’s Jeremy Diamond repeatedly challenged President Trump during the White House press briefing for talking about the drug, despite doctor concerns that there is only anecdotal evidence of it working to fight coronavirus.

“Why not just let the science speak for itself? Why are you promoting this drug?” Diamond asked.

“I’m trying to save lives,” the president said, noting that the federal government was purchasing the drugs in mass quantities.

He admitted that hydroxychloroquine might not work, but he does not want to wait a year for clinical tests.

“If it doesn’t work, it’s nothing lost by doing it,” Trump said. “Nothing.”

The president answered several questions about hydroxychloroquine but ultimately repeated that it was worth trying.

“I don’t want to wait a year and a half to find out, and only CNN would ask that question,” he concluded. “Fake news.”


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4c702d  No.8699221


It was really weird though.

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ab4024  No.8699222

File: 0bebc2210404d2d⋯.jpg (246.76 KB, 500x586, 250:293, 0bebc2210404d2d155d91ddc28….jpg)


her and her scarves……

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d45c04  No.8699223


“And in the coming week we are going to have our Pearl Harbor, our 9/11….” or something to the effect earlier today.

Future proves Past

It’s coming this week, imo.

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0be63f  No.8699224

File: 9f36fca6f68e00e⋯.png (680.46 KB, 726x921, 242:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95df17a44ecf4aa⋯.png (21.44 KB, 714x170, 21:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e7b73  No.8699225


Good Q's

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6bd8dc  No.8699226



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ff7e88  No.8699227


that would kill amazon

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cbe101  No.8699228



was so fucking shocked when i saw some tv after a long break - 9 out of 10 pharma ads, and lists of effects so nasty and scary, why the fuck would you want to take the chance just for so mild discomfort of a cold or "headache"?

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63e362  No.8699229


Not one mention of how he changed protocol, reporting forms and changed effective dates, funny he must have forgotten, but We haven't.

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5e096a  No.8699230



what are some examples of off label drugs working great in other situations?

they can't always have it both ways - would be nice to throw some info back their way and expose their Hypocrisy

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2b6b8f  No.8699231

File: c5581561b462f32⋯.jpg (36.38 KB, 620x560, 31:28, OCD.JPG)


And You're NOTORIOUSLY a FKing IDIOT…Now Go Away..Dummy…KEK

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13ed71  No.8699232


what if someone were to tweet these at the president?

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4427a6  No.8699233


KEK Wilcox bombed outta here 2 yrs. ago. Now we know Sather…………….

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7ab1cb  No.8699234


looks like he's ready to jerk his arm away from Pence, get your hand off my sleeve, now!

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33010e  No.8699235

File: 5f44fcd4888cc0e⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB, 640x360, 16:9, IseeQpeople.mp4)

People of God in Brazil praying for the world. where we go one, we all go.

Brazil land of the Holy Cross.


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635be5  No.8699236

Q, who first appears in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, is a mysterious individual in a trenchcoat and hat, whose face is concealed by an expressionless metal mask, based on the main character from Tokusatsu series Robot Detective (Robot Keiji K). Q is being tracked by the CIA because of his presence in numerous strange disasters. Nothing of his background has yet been revealed. All of Q's techniques are named in "descriptive" form rather than with traditionally-styled move names, as if they are given by people who have watched him fight. Q was nominated third by Heavy.com as one of 10 Characters they wanted to see in Ultra Street Fighter IV.

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3e48c9  No.8699237

File: 94b66d527ac2cb5⋯.jpg (28.18 KB, 474x355, 474:355, WINNER.jpg)

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8c8ad9  No.8699238


This is almost some shit like the 'Time Machine' with the Molochs. WTF?

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596967  No.8699239

File: fed05f83b7d78a9⋯.jpg (47.03 KB, 500x491, 500:491, 3uoy.jpg)

File: 8da2293ff5a62ab⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 500x532, 125:133, 3uozr3_1m.jpg)

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6bd8dc  No.8699240


Didn't old 8chan go under DOJ ownership or some such thing

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5e096a  No.8699241


he must really like those square jawed men in uniform

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4427a6  No.8699242


Greg Adams screaming about this today

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ccee8d  No.8699243

File: bd409f52c20f308⋯.png (305.16 KB, 517x305, 517:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 456170a4d495816⋯.png (792.08 KB, 899x786, 899:786, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a058cf93bf7726d⋯.png (46.1 KB, 928x319, 32:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85a91a0b4511840⋯.png (199.95 KB, 945x460, 189:92, ClipboardImage.png)

"They Want Their Monies Out" – Baltimore Residents 'Storm Bank' Amid Fears Of Social Unrest

The evolution of panic hoarding started with 3M N95 masks, then hand sanitizers, non-perishable foods, guns and ammo, and now cash?

A video surfaced on Instagram on Saturday, showing a possible bank run in Baltimore City at the MECU Credit Union, located at 2337 E Northern Pkwy.

The area is considered low/middle class working families (predominantly African American community). The video shows a large line of cars on Saturday afternoon and a line at the ATM. People weren't cashing in their paychecks because many people were laid off, as we noted, more than 14 million people in the last several weeks have lost their jobs across the county, and what we could be looking at is the beginnings of a bank run.


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a4649e  No.8699244


Everyone says this but 95% of my Amazon purchases come UPS.

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d36dda  No.8699245

File: bad321814ac16f3⋯.png (257.77 KB, 707x493, 707:493, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e83b9  No.8699246

File: 71efd76bcf90929⋯.pdf (308.75 KB, EP0588430B1.pdf)


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0fb4a0  No.8699247

Singer Duffy's first-person description of drugging, rape and trying to heal



The 5th House

It troubles me that this story contains sorrow, when so many need the opposite of that at this time. I can only hope that my words serve as a momentary distraction or maybe even some comfort that one can come out of darkness.

We are in troubling times, where we’ve not seen such national and global worry since World War II. Now, it’s more important than ever to think about the impact we have on each other.

There will be great change to come from our shared crisis, a renewed understanding and appreciation of freedom and human connection but nothing comforts loss, only time.

I’m not an academic or public speaker but I have to mention our current crisis. These are tragic days. Like you I worry about relatives, loved ones and colleagues. Our tears are shared. The only cure now is prevention, by staying in and allowing the frontline workers to cope.

I could have decided to not release further words during these times, I don’t think there is ever a right time, since promising to follow up in due course.

If you are reading this, I must warn you it contains information some may find upsetting. This story is not going anywhere, it will remain online, if you are not able to take on someone else’s suffering or the recounting of such, I recommend you do not read on.

For me, in these hours I recall the words of Maya Angelou who once said, “there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you” and I share mine with you today.

I posted the words I wrote, a few weeks ago, because I was tired of hiding. Never feeling free or burden free. I had become enmeshed with my story like a dark secret. It made me alone and feel alone.

What is also hard to explain is that, in hiding, in not talking, I was allowing the rape to become a companion. Me and it living in my being, I no longer wanted to feel that intimacy with it, a decade of that intimacy has been destructive. I had to set myself free. I have been hurt and it would have been dangerous to talk from that hurt place in the past, prior to feeling ready.

Unable to do what I am doing today, previously, I also considered and explored human rights laws to change my name off public record and disappear to another country and maybe become a florist or something, so that I could put the past behind with a new life and not trouble anyone else with it, to carry it alone.

Because, although I was almost unfindable, I daydreamed of having a different haircut, a new name, a boyfriend, and become completely forever forgotten. As time went on it then became about realising, I can’t keep hiding, as thrilling as coffee in Paris seems.

more at




Welsh singer Duffy outlines complex, sophisticated and expensive multi week drugging, kidnapping, and rape

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26d41d  No.8699248


Why is there no discussion about what he is saying. Is our surgeon General expecting us to be shocked and or terrorized. Have any of you got a good guess? Trump also said this is a hard week.

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e190d6  No.8699249

File: 15702df9560af21⋯.jpeg (498.04 KB, 2048x1154, 1024:577, D23FAF4C_733A_4CA8_BD74_8….jpeg)

File: dc9c621dc89586e⋯.jpeg (395.45 KB, 828x827, 828:827, AB0C7047_BCE8_4697_B4BF_A….jpeg)

MSM spreading video of Brookdale hospital dealing with the Coronavirus crisis. Patients are literally mannequins.


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a42294  No.8699251

soon they will realize it was my church doxxing lil jimmies for trumps nambla bullion fake taxes

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7ce128  No.8699252

File: 9a43e68beb89b23⋯.png (809.14 KB, 679x466, 679:466, sather_fuck.PNG)

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730ad4  No.8699253

File: b3e57baf8227a6d⋯.png (893.45 KB, 598x1078, 299:539, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99790931fb3c279⋯.png (878.91 KB, 568x1076, 142:269, ClipboardImage.png)

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2b6b8f  No.8699254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Good ole Days…So Sad

This following program is dedicated to the city and people of San Francisco, who may not know it, but they are beautiful. And so is their city. This is a very personal song, so if the viewer cannot understand it, particularly those of you who are European residents, save up all your bread, and fly Trans-Love Airways to San Francisco, USA. Then, maybe, you'll understand the song. It will be worth it, if not for the sake of this song, but for the sake of your own piece of mind

San Franciscan Nights Eric Burdon & The Animals

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71a2be  No.8699255

File: ee21cbad10cc854⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 480x470, 48:47, EJTolK2UUAAuJnM.jpg)

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223d23  No.8699256

File: 11311b62b941ee4⋯.png (694.26 KB, 709x655, 709:655, ClipboardImage.png)

You want me to put on the Mask?

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df938e  No.8699257


Sauce this piece, yo

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f372cc  No.8699258

File: 343063fbec13e70⋯.jpg (103.47 KB, 648x369, 72:41, icke_believe_wilcock.jpg)


Nice to see one's memes deployed to good use.

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89ab05  No.8699259

File: 72218d0a4b44357⋯.png (826 KB, 965x624, 965:624, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6573925f0dcbab⋯.png (1.12 MB, 532x904, 133:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5daf3e67d939d04⋯.png (1.02 MB, 449x1250, 449:1250, ClipboardImage.png)

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885b5a  No.8699260



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e3ae3f  No.8699261


The breads missing from the catalog are still live otherwise. Here's a sample:

#10964 - https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8563143.html

#10965 - https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8563907.html

#11006 - https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8563143.html

#11007 - https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8596517.html

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f80599  No.8699262


perfect tits but the man abs are gross

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930ab5  No.8699263

File: da948ff4d52d78a⋯.jpeg (111.33 KB, 1278x683, 1278:683, 9536BC8F_BDB6_4BFD_8BD4_0….jpeg)


“It’s Morlocks,… sheesh, spell much?”

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4b795d  No.8699264

File: 69b99856088e7ce⋯.jpeg (403.92 KB, 1493x1473, 1493:1473, book_em.jpeg)

Testing test.

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6c308f  No.8699265

We are being colonized.

Germ cells v. Somatic cells.

Germ men win, life goes on WWG1WGA.

Virus, parasite, sperm- ALL foreign bodies in a world, making that world its host.

Easter, new body. New boss. New world order.

Atlas, C1 vertebre, Ba'El… A Titan, Holder of the heavens.

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a42294  No.8699266


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bc761d  No.8699267


it was up in the right corner- text I don't know how long it was up there, I just saw it in passing yesterday while others were watching

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e55e6f  No.8699268

File: f3bba4037e0781e⋯.png (12.41 KB, 635x160, 127:32, greenland.PNG)

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bea55a  No.8699269


What if I told you…

It's not JIDF?

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ff3e39  No.8699270


Top Kek!

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aafc2e  No.8699271


Fauci social distancing, i see.

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747d4f  No.8699272

File: a10afd4435cfaa5⋯.jpeg (274.1 KB, 1207x1339, 1207:1339, 61ED3CC3_7256_4E6E_83F3_5….jpeg)

Let it Rein.

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4c702d  No.8699273

File: 85dad5bf40238df⋯.png (67.68 KB, 811x227, 811:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d9f74492a615ae⋯.png (68.35 KB, 786x226, 393:113, ClipboardImage.png)


Also, it doesn't seem they were deleted by the BO. The OP's post numbers (8562396 and 8596517) from the first and last bread missing (#10963 and #11007) don't appear in the board log as having been deleted, or at all.





Yea I noticed that too. The URLs are fine but the links to them are inactive and they're not in the catalog for some reason.

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68fdda  No.8699274


Thank you, I checked those out and mystery solved! It's much different than portrayed by that tweet.


Anons help each other.


That's why we have to just do a little checking to find the real story, since the twitterfag story can be very inflamatory and misleading, as has been shown.


>older posts are there, newer ones are missing

There have been problems with the catalog before (and I can't answer anything about it this time, I didn't check) and ALSO with the native then-8ch archive system. I don't even know if this new incarnation as 8kun is even archiving at all.

I know that at the beginning, archiving was not top of CM's list of things to do, but I don't know if he has revisited the issue in the intervening time. Maybe someone can ask him?

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62ef17  No.8699275

File: 5bafdf91d674463⋯.png (14.72 KB, 362x238, 181:119, 1585960934.png)


The shill fu it is weak.

But I have to say JFKjr rescuing children in tunnels may deserve an award.

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ac7859  No.8699276

File: c39f5993af0f0fc⋯.jpg (202.01 KB, 796x800, 199:200, c39f5993af0f0fc001f1ceac02….jpg)

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884dec  No.8699277

File: 1bb2b37f33aaaf4⋯.png (371.7 KB, 454x303, 454:303, TrumpTopkekMAGA.png)

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4b795d  No.8699278

File: a72b3cb3403ca82⋯.mp4 (5.67 MB, 768x576, 4:3, Guess_who_is_hording_medic….mp4)

Anon guess who is hording medical supply in Connecticut.

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df938e  No.8699279


>that would kill amazon

Maybe the nefarious dealings of it, possibly, and any others who are using it for the same purposes.

Sounds like a thorough cleansing is coming there too.

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635be5  No.8699280

File: 438b17004889d3c⋯.png (197.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c8ad9  No.8699281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hospitals are empty in NY, ground zero for Covid19 in the USA.


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ff3e39  No.8699282


Now put Pepe at the controls

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560997  No.8699283

Nobody heard POTUS say "Fake AF" after telling CNN reporter that he's fake news?

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2e83b9  No.8699284


Bet it's to warn the Anons and the people that aren't awake, that there will be BIG OPERATIONS next week aka starting tomorrow and we need to stay indoors.

Deep State/ Cabal isn't going down without a fight.

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4b795d  No.8699285


sauce : https://twitter.com/LikkleBITCH_/status/1245834140747993090

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85ff38  No.8699286


get them together, can you even get a pastebin w/ em in there.. have time will add

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730ad4  No.8699287

File: 2029a72629c9e9d⋯.mp4 (8.77 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, qMt6N5_KfbA39Buw.mp4)


sauce: https://twitter.com/Citizensrising1/status/1246875190606409729?s=20

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eb9bdc  No.8699288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Meanwhile our kids and families are threatened with imprisonment for simply even daring to step outside for fresh air. (Some states)

This has actually been going on far longer than most realize. You should spend a day trying to live life in a "Police State"

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6bd8dc  No.8699289

"In The Year 2525 (Exordium And Terminus)" - lyrics by Zager and Evans

In the year 2525

If man is still alive

If woman can survive

They may find

In the year 3535

Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies

Everything you think, do and say

Is in the pill you took today

In the year 4545

Ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes

You won't find a thing to chew

Nobody's gonna look at you

In the year 5555

Your arms are hanging limp at your sides

Your legs got nothing to do

Some machine is doing that for you

In the year 6565

Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife

You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too

From the bottom of a long glass tube, whoa

In the year 7510

If God's a-comin' he ought to make it by then

Maybe he'll look around himself and say

Guess it's time for the Judgement day

In the year 8510

God is gonna shake his mighty head then

He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been

Or tear it down and start again, woah woah

In the year 9595

I'm kinda wondering if man is gonna be alive

He's taken everything this old earth can give

And he ain't put back nothing, woah woah

Now it's been 10,000 years

Man has cried a billion tears

For what he never knew

Now man's reign is through

But through eternal night

The twinkling of starlight

So very far away

Maybe it's only yesterday

In the year 2525

If man is still alive

If woman can survive

They may thrive

In the year 3535

Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies

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14a5f7  No.8699290


>Q said that the cabal already lost before the game even started and asked a very important question, "what does knowing all possible enemy moves, give you?" it allows you to set up traps and the NG + war against the cartels + rescueing the trafficking victims, is one hell of a trap

Yes anon! astute analysis

The best counter op is to go all in with the operation against you, while subverting it from within, watching the infitrators (the coup minions) and gaining leverage slowly, right up until the weight shift which allows you to throw the opponent OUT OF THE RING, using their OWN momentum.

Military precision and genius and higher power to boot

We are most fortunate to be here now, watching this formerly improbable timeline hang the dark side out to dry!

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c307e1  No.8699291


Something you can't get delivered?

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2b6b8f  No.8699292

LATEST NUMBERS: Govt. Models Overestimated Hospitalizations by 8 Times; ICU Beds by 6.4 Times; Ventilators Needed by 40.5 Times

This is quite stunning.

The government models used to predict the extent of the coronavirus pandemic are off by huge margins in the latest coronavirus tracking numbers.

The current government predictions reported by Covid Tracking (https://covidtracking.com/data/ ) for Apr 5th show:

– All beds needed: 179,267

– ICU beds needed: 33,176

– Invasive ventilators: 26,544


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753e01  No.8699293

File: 335ab68f00b3e91⋯.png (66.63 KB, 598x438, 299:219, Screenshot_2020_04_05_Juli….png)


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d08457  No.8699294

File: a91c915aadba973⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 500x492, 125:123, Old_Man_Pepe.jpg)

ey MI/NSA bros-

if all this is fo realz

we gonna need some more legit bakers

you tryna deploy somethin or somethin

before faggots start deleting our hard earned shit?


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747bba  No.8699295

File: 9d2ab7b2f7a1e0e⋯.jpeg (40.1 KB, 450x295, 90:59, 21C44442_31AF_4C2D_9789_A….jpeg)

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62ef17  No.8699296

File: e00c951aa88241d⋯.png (722.67 KB, 800x606, 400:303, 1585156377.png)

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89ab05  No.8699297

File: 66de456aeb91522⋯.png (859.73 KB, 950x468, 475:234, ClipboardImage.png)

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dbf103  No.8699298

File: 871fadfdc330500⋯.png (450.85 KB, 1102x1096, 551:548, Screen_Shot_2020_04_05_at_….png)


The absolute state of humanity on the edge of its extinction.

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577519  No.8699299

File: 51c9cf1abe9359d⋯.png (1.28 MB, 777x777, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Registered mail is used for some official raisin.

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4c702d  No.8699300


Like this anon noted: >>8699261

The URLs are fine. They just don't appear in the catalog as if they were all bumped off together but WAY older breads are still there. I know we've had similar problems in the past with, I think, the alacrity daemon. Not sure if that's applicable to 8kun though like you're saying too.

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a42294  No.8699301


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f6a149  No.8699303

File: 3be66597bf100cd⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB, 360x640, 9:16, JewPig.mp4)

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7ab1cb  No.8699304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS to make a hard decision, one of the hardest decisions in American History.

Steve Bannon With Maria Bartiromo

April 5, 2020


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6bd8dc  No.8699305

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7ce128  No.8699306

File: 496ca215e66ca8c⋯.png (509.96 KB, 743x410, 743:410, pepe_fight_club.PNG)

File: 462a3a7f90bdc05⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1138x822, 569:411, Nurse_bitch_twatter_screen….PNG)




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d657b7  No.8699307


Hopalong Cassidy did nothing wrong

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f62deb  No.8699308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Psalm 50 "The Miserere" In Aramaic

Father Seraphim

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02beed  No.8699310


"Good ole Days" my ass!

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d5f3f0  No.8699311


So big that all the people that work the drive throughs and 7-11s are just collateral damage?

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ff7e88  No.8699312


With a smart tell-lie-vision you are NEVER alone

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730ad4  No.8699314

File: b0229730e5dc51e⋯.mp4 (998.63 KB, 226x400, 113:200, kOkbDIOEi8NLlvat.mp4)

File: be1425441c74e88⋯.png (472.49 KB, 717x935, 717:935, ClipboardImage.png)

Cole Dines


Underground fires UK

sauce: https://twitter.com/ColeDines/status/1246593121271582722?s=20

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b7f045  No.8699315

File: b9b5a22afdedf96⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, fauci_Pepe.png)

File: ec46238504bd47c⋯.pdf (496.38 KB, Efficacy_of_hydroxychloroq….pdf)


Efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19: results of a randomized clinical trial


Aims: Studies have indicated that chloroquine (CQ) shows antagonism against COVID-19 in vitro.

However, evidence regarding its effects in patients is limited. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy

of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the treatment of patients with COVID-19.

Main methods: From February 4 to February 28, 2020, 62 patients suffering from COVID-19 were

diagnosed and admitted to Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University. All participants were randomized in

a parallel-group trial, 31 patients were assigned to receive an additional 5-day HCQ (400 mg/d)

treatment, Time to clinical recovery (TTCR), clinical characteristics, and radiological results were

assessed at baseline and 5 days after treatment to evaluate the effect of HCQ.

Key findings: For the 62 COVID-19 patients, 46.8% (29 of 62) were male and 53.2% (33 of 62) were

female, the mean age was 44.7 (15.3) years. No difference in the age and sex distribution between the

control group and the HCQ group. But for TTCR, the body temperature recovery time and the cough is

remission time were significantly shortened in the HCQ treatment group. Besides, a larger proportion

of patients with improved pneumonia in the HCQ treatment group (80.6%, 25 of 31) compared with the

control group (54.8%, 17 of 31). Notably, all 4 patients progressed to severe illness that occurred in the

control group. However, there were 2 patients with mild adverse reactions in the HCQ treatment group.

Significance: Among patients with COVID-19, the use of HCQ could significantly shorten TTCR and

promote the absorption of pneumonia.

"I'm not a doctor, but I have common sense" ~ DJT, POTUS 4/5/20

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596967  No.8699316

File: f3d4bf352a17ea2⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 500x486, 250:243, 3up061_1h.jpg)

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39175d  No.8699317

File: 28f4a30e10dd3ab⋯.png (730.31 KB, 661x539, 661:539, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e83b9  No.8699318


Are 7-11's still open? I didn't know that.

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2df145  No.8699319

File: 26127b8f9fcd4c4⋯.png (361.48 KB, 500x666, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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8651ff  No.8699320


Please elaborate.

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a42294  No.8699321


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cbe101  No.8699322


you should learn more what bakers do/who they are

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591057  No.8699323

File: a24db33e98cb16a⋯.jpg (109.36 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1505664310022.jpg)

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019ef2  No.8699324

File: f006c96ada8f148⋯.png (766.14 KB, 1115x627, 1115:627, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b3950  No.8699325


And in Kiev wtf

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2b6b8f  No.8699326

File: 078cac3fd69118e⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 295x288, 295:288, Capture.JPG)


We are in the Middle of the Storm…Hold on…The Waves are going to get Rough…BUT

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2e83b9  No.8699327


I spy with my little eyes… WUHAN.

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eee39b  No.8699328


They should rename it to World Julians rum Day. Twatter douchebag

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dbf103  No.8699329


Oh shit. They always looked like decent people to me, not "sophisticated" enough to be cabal, or something like that. Just a hunch.

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62ef17  No.8699330

File: a50414c41e9a371⋯.png (605.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1538020607_1.png)

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df938e  No.8699331


In the UK on the same day the Queen wore green, eh?

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46de03  No.8699332





Plug those exact words into the Google search field

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a90066  No.8699333

File: 4675924c28cf9db⋯.png (184.89 KB, 393x332, 393:332, pepe_wilcock_fanboy.png)


>John Brennan

>I can personally vouch for David Wilcock's integrity

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4b795d  No.8699334

File: 172efe6cbd916fc⋯.mp4 (797.39 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Comon_ground.mp4)


I'm a reasonable man. You know and the more time pass the harder it is not to…..

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635be5  No.8699335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c74095  No.8699336



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c37ba6  No.8699337

File: ead94f5c5a55ac6⋯.jpg (10.92 KB, 313x236, 313:236, iuDJN0EWXQ.jpg)

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a42294  No.8699339


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b1e728  No.8699340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I think I like it better than the real lip-synced version.

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d5df79  No.8699341

File: 20769c34e271e14⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 657x560, 657:560, cant_ban_these_guns.jpg)


POTUS is popping a PEPE there.

Anon will say it once a day until it sticks.

COVID-19 is viralized malaria.

That's why the drugs work.

Bill Gates needs death by testicular electrodes.

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0e6efe  No.8699342



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9ffa0e  No.8699343

I am not a reasonable person when it comes to the abuses of our humanity…I really don't know how much more I can take before I go off on those who do not deserve to even live!

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ff7e88  No.8699344


He doesnt want to stop viruses, he wants to sell you a vaccines that doesnt work,.

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884dec  No.8699345

File: 4d88f7443e50762⋯.jpg (254.24 KB, 1013x675, 1013:675, QCrumbsKeystone.jpg)

File: 2be282a90913dfa⋯.png (122.66 KB, 545x911, 545:911, 2020_04_05_22_12_25edt.png)


Please do. That's what I made them up for. I'm not on social media. Trying to teach MSM reporters how to do their job. I truly think POTUS wants questions like these asked. When Q says "Ask the Q" perhaps this is what he means.

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2e83b9  No.8699346

File: 7e53c6e7434a7f6⋯.pdf (589.03 KB, hydroxychloroquine.pdf)


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f422af  No.8699347

File: 91cb232a143a55f⋯.png (104.51 KB, 337x387, 337:387, thinkin.png)

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eee39b  No.8699348


One of my favorite pepes

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d08457  No.8699349


Write the headline:

"Burning Garbage Factory Donates To Anti-Smog Bill"

This video overlaid

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2b6b8f  No.8699350


You never had ..FREE ..LSD From the C_A…During the 70's ….Have U…KEK..Sorry..kek

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8c8ad9  No.8699351

Anons - 'Shelter in Place' is for a storm.

Many hints are being dropped that we don't understand the true nature of the Storm.


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68fdda  No.8699352


>I know we've had similar problems in the past with, I think, the alacrity daemon.

Maybe someone can let CM know on twitter

If only we had a mirror/archive site like 4plebs… sigh

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552ecf  No.8699353


Central Casting

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55de70  No.8699354

After 3 years of this shit, I don't think military tribunals and hangings will be enough… I think we should use a pair of pliers and a blow torch.

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ff4a22  No.8699355

File: b3e8a380333989a⋯.png (299.25 KB, 894x756, 149:126, Screen_Shot_2020_04_05_at_….png)


It is the future. We are here with you.

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a42294  No.8699356



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f80599  No.8699357


Wow a Scottish commie is sick of living as a commie .. funny stuff

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bea55a  No.8699358

File: 855b659538abcf4⋯.png (309.57 KB, 518x525, 74:75, WhatIf.png)

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349aee  No.8699359


POTUS is fighting a medical and media establishment lined up against any protocols capable of shortening the cycle and saving lives. He’s not fucking prescribing anything. He’s countering the unconscionable blockage being erected by operatives with agendas that don’t include the good of the people.

Are you new to this politics stuff?

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675f44  No.8699360

Other News..

Days before 26th anniversary of country's genocide, Rwanda finds mass grave that could contain 30,000 bodies


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62ef17  No.8699361

File: 050fe56efe28a59⋯.jpg (210.12 KB, 499x498, 499:498, 1580526564.jpg)


TY memelord. Keeps the niggas on their toes.

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fbbcfc  No.8699362

File: 9167fef32d4da7e⋯.jpeg (27.1 KB, 236x180, 59:45, E656182A_1FA2_40A6_BF54_3….jpeg)

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05eb73  No.8699363

File: 007d8344c94c37c⋯.png (14.72 KB, 371x253, 371:253, ClipboardImage.png)

what changed?

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1b0f29  No.8699364

File: 33fae944b7c9497⋯.png (241.03 KB, 500x341, 500:341, 33fae944b7c9497f76e16d55aa….png)


Hmm…..Interesting. Original theory, anon?

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46de03  No.8699365



O Physician. Heal thyself.

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68fdda  No.8699366


What does that have to do with consumers buying seeds in Vermont? I don't understand.

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e3ae3f  No.8699367


Will do.

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4f2c3c  No.8699368

One thing I noticed today. When I've gone to YouTube in the past week or two to watch the Presidents daily rona pressers there have been very few news outlets covering it. I've been choosing/watching Fox.

But today, all major outlets were there.

WAPO, MSNBC, CBS, USA Today, TIME, ABC, and more.

Are these vultures now showing up so that they can broadcast the inevitable deaths being anticipated? To make POTUS look bad.

They are sick!

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d5df79  No.8699369


Yep. Life in parasite land. Know these drugs well.

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7ce128  No.8699370

File: 522178484a8b8d8⋯.png (70.91 KB, 255x259, 255:259, pepe_suit_statement.png)


as am I bro…as am I. Stacked deck-can't compete with that.


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8edfd6  No.8699371


big pharma advertising leads to consumer demand

should be illegal too

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d45c04  No.8699373


There are some classy posts tonight!

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8c8ad9  No.8699374




This bitch got caught going to her vacation home with a curfew in place.

There is NO DANGER whatsoever. Like Q said - We are safe.

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930ab5  No.8699375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f372cc  No.8699376

File: 13bccf21f4ca13a⋯.png (964.23 KB, 1162x1630, 581:815, p_g_fire.png)


Haven't found any reports of underground fires in London, but I did find this one. Very interdasting.

P&G are one of the evil global monoliths.


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753e01  No.8699377

File: 8b5daedcfa6f4f4⋯.png (322.38 KB, 598x642, 299:321, Screenshot_2020_04_05_Sun_….png)

Well this is interesting. The Navy Captain who was just removed from command,

Captain Crozier, just tested positive for coronavirus. Imagine that



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6bd8dc  No.8699378


Curious about this too

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2e83b9  No.8699379


1933 - U.S.A. Gold Compulsorily Purchased

1933 : President Franklin Roosevelt signs "United States Executive Order 6102" which prohibited the "hoarding" of privately held gold coins and bullion in the United States. The government required holders of significant quantities of gold to sell their gold at the prevailing price of $20.67 per ounce. Shortly after this forced sale, the price of gold from the treasury for international transactions was raised to $35 an ounce.

1951 - U.S.A. Rosenberg's Trial

1951 : At the end of the trial against the Rosenberg's for giving the secrets to the Atomic Bomb to the Soviet Union, death sentences are imposed against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg when found guilty of conspiring to transmit atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.

1955 - UK Sir Winston Churchill Retires

1955 : Sir Winston Churchill, the 80 year old British leader who guided Great Britain and the Allies through the crisis of World War II, retires as prime minister of Great Britain.

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05eb73  No.8699380


I've come to the conclusion that no body knows wtf is going on except trump

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9b3950  No.8699381


Wonder how many they still have in our military

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5e096a  No.8699382


Postal Service Net Income/Loss By Year

2019 - $8.8 billion loss

2018 - $3.9 billion loss

2017 - $2.7 billion loss

2016 - $5.6 billion loss

2015 - $5.1 billion loss

2014 - $5.5 billion loss

2013 - $5 billion loss

2012 - $15.9 billion loss

2011 - $5.1 billion loss

2010 - $8.5 billion loss

2009 - $3.8 billion loss

2008 - $2.8 billion loss

2007 - $5.1 billion loss

2006 - $900 million surplus

2005 - $1.4 billion surplus

2004 - $3.1 billion surplus

2003 - $3.9 billion surplus

2002 - $676 million loss

2001 - $1.7 billion loss

COVID-19 Pandemic Threatens Postal Service Survival

In April 2020, lawmakers warned that losses related the novel coronavirus COVID-19 flu pandemic could threaten the Postal Service’s very existence.

“The Postal Service is in need of urgent help as a direct result of the coronavirus crisis,” said the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. “Based on a number of briefings and warnings this week about a critical fall-off in mail across the country, it has become clear that the Postal Service will not survive the summer without immediate help from Congress and the White House. Every community in America relies on the Postal Service to deliver vital goods and services, including life-saving medications.”

Already burdened by a negative net worth of $65 billion and an additional $140 billion in unfunded liabilities, the USPS originally expected to run out of liquidity by 2021 without help from Congress. However, with fewer people and businesses because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the quasi-governmental Postal Service—which relies on user fees rather than taxes—could be forced to close its doors as early as June 2020, lawmakers warned. Despite the dire warnings, however, the USPS received no additional funding in the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus and relief package legislation signed by President Trump on March 27, 2020.

“The Postal Service needs America's help, and we must answer this call,” said leaders of the Committee on Oversight and Reform. “These negative effects could be even more dire in rural areas, where millions of Americans are sheltering in place and rely on the Postal Service to deliver essential staples,” the lawmakers warned.


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4952e5  No.8699383

File: 2a028e0f9130ae0⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 51TcQjhN1ML_SL500_AC_SS350….jpg)


well known already

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c74095  No.8699384



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488af4  No.8699385

Any anons in the L.A. area looking to break into a bunker tonight?

April showers =)

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4c702d  No.8699386

File: 5e86f98194e0095⋯.png (67.58 KB, 825x222, 275:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 208d100e99ea0ec⋯.png (71.88 KB, 984x228, 82:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4fcb50ed25e557⋯.png (25.49 KB, 608x99, 608:99, ClipboardImage.png)


Wait I'm retarded. Breads #10963 and #11007 are the first and last ones still showing in the catalog. #10962 (8561582) and #11006 (8595781) are the first and last actually missing breads that don't appear in the catalog.

But still doesn't seem like the BO or anyone deleted them, only a Dismissed a report for post #8561582 is in the board log.


This is a good substitute, but of course it's only for /qresearch/ (and other threads and boards related to Q): https://qanon.news/Archives#

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1b0f29  No.8699387

File: 4346e423c501459⋯.jpg (85.5 KB, 1080x1053, 40:39, 9403f90d390f1db4dddc6f6303….jpg)


I'm buying into your theory, anon. Thanks.

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3e9f69  No.8699388


Interesting Indeed considering we had all those tiny new-styled mosquitoes (ankle biters) over the last two years…

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8c8ad9  No.8699389

File: d48c65f27ce256c⋯.jpg (14.82 KB, 255x190, 51:38, d48c65f27ce256cd220ab900e6….jpg)


Yep. Based Anon

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2df145  No.8699390

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b1e728  No.8699391


Fewer than 10, anyway…

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89ab05  No.8699392



>Damn nazi

hell jew

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ff7e88  No.8699393


cayenne pepper will stop bleeding, use it on bad cuts before you can get it stitched up

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930ab5  No.8699394


He is. And none of it should be necessary. His adversaries responsible for these obstacles should be hauled off to jail.

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68fdda  No.8699395


IIRC it just routes through DOD IP range. Someone more knowledgeable than I can explain it better, as I'm a little fuzzy. But I don't think DOD own 8kun or the domain.

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6bd8dc  No.8699396


Amazing how apropos today

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5fbe9f  No.8699397


Sounds just like what JIDF would say.

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d5df79  No.8699398



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8c8ad9  No.8699399


More truth to this than meets the eye.

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9ffa0e  No.8699400

Forward thinking is not just an idea

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1b0f29  No.8699401

for this reason

malaria kills more people than anything

that is what he would go for

if it could be done.

he has had the time and resources.

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910c02  No.8699402

File: b909a42f2ca1be5⋯.jpeg (147.66 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, b909a42f2ca1be52ff1f58238….jpeg)



checkin in

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747bba  No.8699403

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89ab05  No.8699404



how jew-like of you

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c9e4ef  No.8699405

File: 17850ab0310c7b1⋯.png (138.46 KB, 414x514, 207:257, BillBarrPoint.png)

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884dec  No.8699406


All the past elections were controlled by generational wealth (Rothschilds etc.) that could exercise absolute control over outcomes. They bought politicians, judges, made the laws, ensured that foreign aid was diverted into kickbacks to the American politicians that voted for it, built and installed and operated the voting machines, hacked the election computers, ensured no way to count legitimate American voters, bused illegals around to vote in different states. Their MSM whores ensured that only certain candidates could participate in debates. Debate questions were handed to favored candidates (most recently, Hillary). They financed the Democrat party and controlled all party deliberations. Mostly, their media slanted public opinion so that ill-informed people believed that the liberal viewpoint was the majority and went along (it was not).

Above is not an exhaustive list.

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f899ab  No.8699407

File: 5651b2efe60b3fd⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB, 1440x796, 360:199, IMG_3169.MP4)

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d08457  No.8699408


Time to step it up.

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89ab05  No.8699409


look at this place

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85ff38  No.8699410

File: 4b7e6dbcd425bb7⋯.jpeg (9.27 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 83c68f11b55a2d8e5ff5f6320….jpeg)

>>8699278, >>8699278 Anon.. WHO is hording supplies? Vid on one post, link on next, now a 3rd for the riddle.. can you pump the brake and put them into 1? Thanks.. helps

>>8699287 Anon what are we looking at here?


Muh niggah.. :D

@600 Last call coming will wait 50…


>>8698774, >>8699053, >>8698997, Vermont orders 'big box' retailers to stop sales of items the state deems 'non-essential' in their stores.

>>8698829 Romania Isolates Human Trafficking Hotspot to Limit Outbreak

>>8698856 ‘Children in a dog cage’: how coronavirus puts Asia’s most vulnerable at greater risk of homelessness, human trafficking

>>8698756 How to Choose Sides: Madonna Ciccone announces she is partnering with Bill and Melinda Gates on “vaccine” while wearing a shirt depicting Satan on the Cross

>>8698878 DOJ Issues Business Review Letter to Medical Supplies Distributors Supporting Project Airbridge Under Expedited Procedure for COVID-19 Pandemic Response

>>8698919 NEW Dan Scavino Jr

>>8698918 (FEARPRONZ) US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn

Baker Handoff

>>8698967 Surgeon General Jerome Adams called on Governors who haven't issued statewide stay-at-home orders to combat the spread of the coronavius: "give us a week"

>>8698983 Anon opines: why potus kept Fauci close?

>>8699006, >>8699024, >>8699108, >>8699220, >>8699315, Hydroxychloroquine | Trump calls for PM Modi & Newz (BANNED DRUG is what CURES) THINK ABOUT THAT

>>8699021 Earth Day Founder Dies in Prison After Murdering and Composting Girlfriend (how GREEN of him)

>>8699030 Two Veteran C.E.O.s Risk $1.8 Billion on a Streaming App. In a Pandemic. (ODD timing of App)

>>8699069 Coronavirus? All the fault of Bill Gates (Google Translated News)

>>8699077, PF Habbenings

>>8699089 (Twatter) 25th Infantry Division East vs. West Matchup BRACKETS

>>8699243 "They Want Their Monies Out" – Baltimore Residents 'Storm Bank' Amid Fears Of Social Unrest (ZH)

>>8699292 LATEST NUMBERS: Govt. Models Overestimated Hospitalizations by 8 Times; ICU Beds by 6.4 Times; Ventilators Needed by 40.5 Times (says them now)

>>8699304 (YT) POTUS to make a hard decision, one of the hardest decisions in American History. Steve Bannon & Maria Bartiromo

>>8699314, >>8699376 (Twatter) Underground fires UK/Fire crews from LONDON & Essex called to P&G (related?)

>>8699379 History Digs (1933-1955)

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053838  No.8699411


Oh they work anon. It's just what they do when they work that is the problem.

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1b0f29  No.8699412

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8c8ad9  No.8699413


It's jewish to call a whore of the elite a bitch?

Hmm. Ok.

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2b6b8f  No.8699414

File: 391777fecc3abef⋯.jpg (39.29 KB, 581x387, 581:387, Capture.JPG)


If what you said wasn't so Serious I would of Chuckled …BUT you are right..SO…Sorry..

Living in Scotland is like living in Communist Czechoslovakia …. Welcome to the weird, weird world of Ukip's David Coburn

Scotland's first Ukip MEP revels in controversy and goading the opponents he dismisses as interchangeable parts of a stale political establishment.

Like Nigel Farage, the leader of the anti-immigration anti-EU party, he's on a mission to provoke.

"It worked in England and it'll work in Scotland," he says of the technique.

"It's what I am. I've always kicked against authority. I hate authority."

But while he's forever chortling at his own mischief, you wonder who else is in on the gag.

Since getting elected last year, the Glasgow-born antiques dealer has acquired a reputation for gaffes and devalued his own stock with a deluge of over-the-top comments.


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89ab05  No.8699415

File: 1803647cb4e96ea⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1106x1400, 79:100, ClipboardImage.png)

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46de03  No.8699416



I assume the same of anyone directing me to CP more than once or twice.

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349aee  No.8699417

File: 7b91b0c1981947e⋯.jpeg (52.25 KB, 400x230, 40:23, C0D0324E_0186_4FFC_86E0_7….jpeg)


This is the kind of blow torch I have in mind

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ff7e88  No.8699418

Im going to bed, call me if you get CV I want to hear a one real case firsthand.

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488af4  No.8699419

Provide a crowbar

The next few days will be kind of stormy

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393b0f  No.8699420

File: e7367963c5d120f⋯.jpg (158.25 KB, 750x500, 3:2, aoc_butt_fuck.jpg)

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2e83b9  No.8699421

File: ce7c8efb3222567⋯.png (685.49 KB, 840x661, 840:661, ClipboardImage.png)


Seismologists say the seismic activity is occurring on the San Jacinto fault system


APRIL 5, 20204:09 PM

The magnitude 4.9 earthquake that occurred near Anza on Friday evening produced an apparent 3.5 aftershock on Sunday that was felt across much of San Diego County.

The US Geological Survey said Sunday’s quake occurred at 3:37 p.m. at a spot 11 miles east-southeast of Anza and 17 miles north-northeast of Warner Springs. The temblor started at a point 8.2 miles deep in the earth, which is common for that area.

San Diego State University seismologist Tom Rockwell said the seimsic activity has been occurring on the San Jacinto fault, an active system that is capable of producing quakes in the 7.3 to 7.5 range.

The USGS said Sunday it received reports that the aftershock was felt in Valley Center, Borrego Springs, Escondido, Ramona, Fallbrook, San Marcos, El Cajon, Carlsbad, San Diego, Apline, La Mesa, La Jolla, Julian, Lakeside, and Poway.

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62ef17  No.8699422

File: 8a3d52f87f9c770⋯.jpg (119.57 KB, 1242x617, 1242:617, IMG_20200329_215054_014.JPG)

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552ecf  No.8699423

File: a4abb6c9dd49cdb⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 901x907, 901:907, O9sESuQFWD.jpg)




A&E Networks ad campaign

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1b0f29  No.8699424

File: d982c2ecf139ab6⋯.jpg (7.88 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d316a74b43534b366b9b080514….jpg)

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02d2d5  No.8699425



This board has plants. They are here to steer your views in a certain direction, all in combination with the posts. All by design. To think otherwise would be foolish. Ask yourselves why do “q” posts really respond to anons and what if those supposed anons aren’t actually anon at all. What would this accomplish? This person against this post clearly must be one of those plants. I feel for the other person posting his/her concerns.

Despite what you think, this isn’t one of our posts.

Since there is doubt…

This virus was created stateside. Civilians were long exposed to a precursor what is labeled as the “initiator.” The initiators work to accomplish several tasks but only once exposed to this virus. Everyone has or will get this virus; no exclusions. All by design. What we do know is this virus has a payload. The payload will perform an insertional mutation within your DNA (only in combination with the initiator). Think nanoparticle. There’s an reason why those infected are symptomatically showing lung issues, and organ failure. This virus was designed, as we understand it, from aids/malaria viruses and that the envelope’s of the virus were enhanced in some way. Most of the technology they are activating now has a lot to do with all of this. Look at all the executive orders closely as a reference, also DARPA S.E.E for example. You are witnessing just the initial stages of a much broader operation.

The warnings here have been to get you the public to act and to fight against what leaders and legislation were promoting; most of which is too late now on certain fronts.

They will push more. YOUR FREEDOMS have and always been the the threat. Let this sink in to understand where this is really headed. We can’t give more than this.

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cbe101  No.8699426


streaming now

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1eddce  No.8699427


And, clearly visible on the masks should be, a choice "deep state tool" or "I suck"

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03515c  No.8699428


the POSTAL SERVICE is the ONLY company in the US that has to pay for retirement fund ahead of time

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89ab05  No.8699429

File: 0d06396cd84a3a7⋯.png (423.01 KB, 890x395, 178:79, 0d06396cd84a3a70182e3708aa….png)

File: ab12835ed045812⋯.png (1.45 MB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8aa78  No.8699430



Note he said "OUR pearl harbor moment, OUR 9/11 moment" We've already had THEIR pearl harbor & 9/11 moments.

I interpret it like this. Pearl harbor was a deep state provoked/allowed attack to draw the United States into war when the public consensus was decidedly against it. Said to have awoken a "sleeping giant." Much like the false flag attack on 9/11 that drew the country together again under false pretenses and against the wrong enemy. Shocking and tragic days that will live on in infamy.

The great awakening goes public next week. A white hat operation conducted around the world against a death cult that had ruled the planet by deception, blackmail, treachery and corruption.

The first high profile public arrest/announcement will again awaken the sleeping masses. This time to a true enemy, their hidden agenda and the crimes they've committed against humanity.

It will once again unite the US and the entire world in a common cause. This time for the righteous prosecution of the previously invisible enemy. An enemy that has for so long been a plague and virus on humanity. A day that will live on in dignity by returning justice to all man kind.

It will be the hardest moment for many Americans because many of them have trusted and falsely idolized some of the people that will be exposed. A cognitive dissonance whiplash on that magnitude will be much harder for some people to deal with that anyone who's been here for a while can comprehend. A lot of us here have always sensed that there was something not quite right going on. We have always questioned the official narrative. There are some people that have swallowed the hook of deception so unquestioningly, so deeply that removal may not even be possible at this point.

I'm sure you all know someone who in all other regards is a good person. Someone you were friends with or someone you love and care about. A person that does not entertain "conspiracy theory's" and will fight against the truth with a conviction that feels almost like spiritual possession. Hopefully in these cases were trusting people have been severely brainwashing that it is reversible.

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8651ff  No.8699431

File: 0bb9815e9a235a3⋯.jpg (28.23 KB, 850x400, 17:8, cda32f63f05c16854a8d20c320….jpg)





Also think of the following:

Why did Q tell us that "there is no step 5"?

Doesnt it sound strange that with a year left until the 2020 elections, Q tells us that after the fake impeachment, this is it, the cabal players will simply accept defeat and go cry in their covens?

I think that Q, potus and co, knew all about step 5 but they had to make the opponent feel safe and secure. Lure them into pulling their step 5 gambit, and it worked to perfection.

"Disinfo is important" q

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318c40  No.8699432


Request for Chloroquine denied

Enemy combatants are on their own

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f80599  No.8699433


I remember a day or so ago here on the boards I mad a joke about a "patient" looking like a female love doll…I really thought it did…it looked fake as hell……wish I saved that pic

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e8d3b1  No.8699434

File: 82186eeab8cc80d⋯.png (102.67 KB, 175x265, 35:53, Screenshot_2020_04_05_Army….png)

File: 4a7224bb9ff433e⋯.png (412.32 KB, 665x1027, 665:1027, Screenshot_2020_04_05_Army….png)


'''Army Researched Weaponizing Of Mosquitoes

U.S. once worried about "entomological warfare"'''


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8c8ad9  No.8699435

File: 7f790f95c31beab⋯.png (463.51 KB, 680x452, 170:113, 7f790f95c31beab31ce5f8db76….png)


I KNEW someone would crack this. Well done Anon.

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85ff38  No.8699436


distraction/slide is all this is. look we are fixing it




>>8698774, >>8699053, >>8698997, Vermont orders 'big box' retailers to stop sales of items the state deems 'non-essential' in their stores.

>>8698829 Romania Isolates Human Trafficking Hotspot to Limit Outbreak

>>8698856 ‘Children in a dog cage’: how coronavirus puts Asia’s most vulnerable at greater risk of homelessness, human trafficking

>>8698756 How to Choose Sides: Madonna Ciccone announces she is partnering with Bill and Melinda Gates on “vaccine” while wearing a shirt depicting Satan on the Cross

>>8698878 DOJ Issues Business Review Letter to Medical Supplies Distributors Supporting Project Airbridge Under Expedited Procedure for COVID-19 Pandemic Response

>>8698919 NEW Dan Scavino Jr

>>8698918, >>8699382 (FEARPRONZ) US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn

Baker Handoff

>>8698967 Surgeon General Jerome Adams called on Governors who haven't issued statewide stay-at-home orders to combat the spread of the coronavius: "give us a week"

>>8698983 Anon opines: why potus kept Fauci close?

>>8699006, >>8699024, >>8699108, >>8699220, >>8699315, Hydroxychloroquine | Trump calls for PM Modi & Newz (BANNED DRUG is what CURES) THINK ABOUT THAT

>>8699021 Earth Day Founder Dies in Prison After Murdering and Composting Girlfriend (how GREEN of him)

>>8699030 Two Veteran C.E.O.s Risk $1.8 Billion on a Streaming App. In a Pandemic. (ODD timing of App)

>>8699069 Coronavirus? All the fault of Bill Gates (Google Translated News)

>>8699077, PF Habbenings

>>8699089 (Twatter) 25th Infantry Division East vs. West Matchup BRACKETS

>>8699243 "They Want Their Monies Out" – Baltimore Residents 'Storm Bank' Amid Fears Of Social Unrest (ZH)

>>8699292 LATEST NUMBERS: Govt. Models Overestimated Hospitalizations by 8 Times; ICU Beds by 6.4 Times; Ventilators Needed by 40.5 Times (says them now)

>>8699304 (YT) POTUS to make a hard decision, one of the hardest decisions in American History. Steve Bannon & Maria Bartiromo

>>8699314, >>8699376 (Twatter) Underground fires UK/Fire crews from LONDON & Essex called to P&G (related?)

>>8699379 History Digs (1933-1955)

>>8699421 EQ-Fag Diggs

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68fdda  No.8699437


General Milley did announce we are at WAR with the cartels, so…

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a42294  No.8699438


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dbf103  No.8699439


Wellbutrin for female sexual responsiveness. It's an antidepressant that has been prescribed to counteract the sexual deadening effects of Zoloft.

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cb4c0f  No.8699440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Less than 2 hours 'till Motown Monday.

Taking your requests at midnight… just call Beechwood 4-5789

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cbe101  No.8699441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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577519  No.8699442


>Think nanoparticle

>too late now

I think 'metamaterials'

and NOW is a bit too soon.

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341a87  No.8699443

File: 8fe02290f373bf1⋯.png (106.23 KB, 972x584, 243:146, Screen_Shot_2020_04_05_at_….png)


If anyone was on the fence about Fauci, here's your answer.


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529170  No.8699445




veterinarianon here: In addition to HCQ- ivermectin has also found to be promising/effective against covid19 , and both treatments are filaricidal - the azithromycin may be effective against a commensal organism (like killing wohlbachia spp. to weaken heartworms in a dog)

The common denominator

could be another filarial

disease- like heartworm disease -as well .

Synapses firing here….

mosquitoes/other biting/blood sucking insects may be vectors

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3e4211  No.8699446

QinetiQ supposedly is in control of everything. Including all information and satellites. So does "Q" info come from there? I find it interested that some researchers have linked the virus to NC and then Wuhan. Its patented by QinetiQ. The Queen owns 20% in the company. It extends to an American base. Basically the Rothchilds and Royal family. I hope this is something that was taken down recently.

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7ce128  No.8699447


here is all three

care facility worker escorts yarmulke wearing man to car with medical supplies taken from care facility- nurse intervenes to stop-unsuccessfully

social media






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bc761d  No.8699448


thank you- I don't watch tv.

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89ab05  No.8699449


american people are doing great given all

the facts and circumstances

very impressed

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e718be  No.8699450

File: a9dd3e2c2defa86⋯.jpeg (69.9 KB, 693x473, 63:43, E794949A_70C6_4B62_8EE5_6….jpeg)

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0da319  No.8699451

"President Trump doubles down on unproven drugs to treat and prevent the coronavirus." -CNN-

The Clown News Network is at it again.


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cdf7a6  No.8699452


Who leaked that info?

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8c8ad9  No.8699453


Fauci just got tagged with the Scarlet Letter. Any doubts about who and what he is have just been erased. The Bride of the Planet of the Apes just vouched for him.

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478653  No.8699454

File: 8b389692070c7e3⋯.png (83.89 KB, 422x743, 422:743, ClipboardImage.png)

its coming back..what I had to forget…that I had a chance to be..not here….sucks …I just couldn't see it then….Im so torn..while waiting…and so so embarrassed…I couldn't see…i still cant even say..freelie…im cool now just had to vent

no one said it would be easy..get er done right…means beer just be a little extra colder..ooh wee hot dawg!

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341a87  No.8699455


I'm also curious about the dr's who are saying intubation damages lungs further in these pts and they should use o2 only.

Said it almost looks like the damage from altitude sickness.

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4e82af  No.8699456

Anyone got that image displaying all the times Israel has warned of Iran's imminent nuclear threat, going back about 20 years? Would be much appreciated.

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474d61  No.8699457


This was beautiful

Talented madrigals

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f422af  No.8699458


((They)) sure want you to believe their boi Fauci

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9b3950  No.8699459


this drug is the rope the stupid will hang themselves on

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ab651f  No.8699460

File: 347c8bdee75d62c⋯.png (353.26 KB, 693x730, 693:730, Obama_Pepe_Soon.png)


the power of 3

I suppose… 33

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89ab05  No.8699461

File: 1125a8b8a07b4f7⋯.png (808.36 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a448cf310d8ef35⋯.png (1.07 MB, 800x763, 800:763, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a042f34be43b37c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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c19838  No.8699463

>>8698356 p Pope drops traditional titles, including ‘Vicar of Christ

Satan's attack on Papal Authority.

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cdf7a6  No.8699464


"President Trump Saves Millions from the Virus"

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f80599  No.8699465


Yup - narrative is turning! Ha…We win!

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c74095  No.8699466


Trup Knows. That's why he puts them in front of the camera.

And made all COVID19 strategy meetings highest classification.

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85ff38  No.8699467

File: 33dd2b6991aef89⋯.jpeg (8.4 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 76d8214be18f296f31ede75a4….jpeg)

Fresh Bread Wait till Dough





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1b0f29  No.8699468

File: 84d11ac1b408102⋯.jpg (8.09 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 93c42b6f19e7d74415350a3e0d….jpg)

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ccee8d  No.8699469

File: a131fc0746a232f⋯.png (452.85 KB, 629x310, 629:310, ClipboardImage.png)


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4427a6  No.8699470

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fbbcfc  No.8699471



Big, beautiful lives.

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474d61  No.8699472


Never stick your dick in crazy!

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b9f3d6  No.8699473

File: e69758c030cf4d0⋯.png (95.25 KB, 400x400, 1:1, patriot_q_heart_scotland.png)

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053838  No.8699474


20+ years ago doing a FOD walk on a runway at NAS Pensacola a solid white business jet (G4) landed on the other runway. Come to find out it was Arnold Palmer. He was given special permission by the Commander.

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930ab5  No.8699477


Metformin for PCOS treatment. Was off label use for long while then was approved following clinical trial to satisfy FDA overlords.

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29d58d  No.8699478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This English lady is beating our drum to some degree and she talks about an abducted elderly lady in good health taken to hospital and was dead the next day and other elderly already in hospital put in induced comas and then dying.

She talks about it being 2nd, 3rd and 4th hand information, HOWEVER, if this is true, this is NOT supposed to be happening, right?

Concerned Anon.

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f372cc  No.8699481

File: 32d19919106e246⋯.png (33.74 KB, 707x450, 707:450, Fire_leeds.PNG)




100s of miles from London.

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1a52f5  No.8699482

File: 82481a6d2ddc13a⋯.png (353.06 KB, 651x395, 651:395, Screenshot_2020_04_05_at_1….png)


Parasites can also cause a type of mind control. Cleansing parasites could trigger the great awakening?


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349aee  No.8699483


I think it’s much more serious than merits a mere jail term. We have operatives speaking against a valid treatment combination. That interference can only serve to prolong suffering and increase unnecessary loss of life. They’re not merely sitting in the fence; they’re stating unequivocally that the HCQ + Azithromycin protocol is dangerous.

They will have blood on their hands, if not already.

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5e096a  No.8699484


Are they trying to escalate the panic buying?

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8c5bac  No.8699485


>>8699443 If anyone was on the fence about Fauci, here's your answer.

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2b6b8f  No.8699486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He blesses the boys as they stand in line

The smell of gun grease and the bayonets they shine

He's there to help them all that he can

To make them feel wanted he's a good holy man

He smiles at the young soldiers tells them it's all right

He knows of their fear in the forthcoming fight

Soon there'll be blood and many will die

Mothers and fathers back home they will cry


Eric Burdon & The Animals - Sky Pilot - Long Version

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f74211  No.8699487


Clowns posing as patriots? Pretending to Mil

Sauce it or …. fuck it do whatever you want we don't give a fuck anymore. We already have everything. Anons are ready Popcorn stocked enjoying the show. Clowns fucking up the bakery are part of the show after all. We already know

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bc761d  No.8699488


where is the second flag??

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2e83b9  No.8699489


Trump bombing the D.U.M.B.S right now? A lot of 2. something earthquakes in California. California has a lot of D.U.M.B.S .

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884dec  No.8699490

File: 3a7f4e9212d6672⋯.jpg (138.4 KB, 693x520, 693:520, beTheLight7.jpg)

File: 010876de3a885a5⋯.jpg (191.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BeTheLight8.jpg)


Nice meme

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5711f7  No.8699491


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26d41d  No.8699492




You seem sure S Gen is on our side. He is the one who called out ‘dont eat blood, donate blood’.

So if he is on the deep state side, what might they be planning this week, for another of their 911’s?..

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f422af  No.8699493


don't cha mean weight for the dough?

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4c702d  No.8699494


Baker it makes no sense to post the fresh bread post so early (700 posts) inb4 you post the dough. You can just finish and post this post after you post the dough.

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89ab05  No.8699495

File: f72b21c174ae905⋯.png (645.83 KB, 790x548, 395:274, f72b21c174ae905b3fe9fa1147….png)


>unite the US and the entire world in a common >cause


>trusting people have been severely brainwashing that it is reversible

>it is reversible

finally! a challenge!

challenge accepted.

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85ff38  No.8699496

File: 740f275e455a7a0⋯.jpeg (9.13 KB, 199x255, 199:255, ed89a917c906d820f1582f1ff….jpeg)



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de1633  No.8699497

File: d209e70d507ea49⋯.jpg (102.12 KB, 771x558, 257:186, miker.jpg)

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42aef6  No.8699498


learned that the fuckin' hard way.

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ab651f  No.8699500


Second Notable… the VIPER just put the Mark of the Beast on Fauci… (Faust)

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cdf7a6  No.8699502


It has been gone since the day it slipped on live TV.

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706207  No.8699504


SO now the faggot traitor Atkinson fully exposes the deep state rat he is by teaming up with Lawfare. I'm sure a congressional hearing and GoGundme are next.

Why?? Because we live in a lawless society with no fuckin DOJ. Just press conferences about useless shit by Barr.

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675f44  No.8699505


Well lets watch the Wuhan virus do its thing.

get a glimps of the Socalist future.

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f81f4e  No.8699506

File: 27030aea7b72260⋯.jpg (132.35 KB, 560x834, 280:417, 27030aea7b722608c38897c089….jpg)

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7e5c9d  No.8699507

File: e696a44a5b809eb⋯.png (306.34 KB, 597x392, 597:392, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ab3a5bb35ac6a4⋯.png (166.78 KB, 474x422, 237:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e83b9  No.8699508


I have no idea.

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85ff38  No.8699509


Anon will have to repost please

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8c58ee  No.8699511

File: ec5bbcee3d5fe0c⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 1244x556, 311:139, Lincoln_revered_corporatoc….jpg)


in the burn bag sitting next to the corporate seal on the floor perhaps?


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747d4f  No.8699512


And you don't know why Potus and Barr are Fighting for masks the FU face re cog?

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1b0f29  No.8699514

File: a14ff6b403d8141⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 192x254, 96:127, 9cf0e7c3177c30e568f3a1d524….jpg)


same here

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7ce128  No.8699517

File: 64ac87ab3d0ae56⋯.png (608.06 KB, 675x438, 225:146, mattis_who_is_we.PNG)


>We already know

Sure faggot you know it all

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68fdda  No.8699520


Many 7-11s sell gas sot it makes sense.

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7ce128  No.8699521

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5e096a  No.8699522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't know about (you) but I've known what side that bitch is on for a long time


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478653  No.8699523



fulfills prophecy of st malachai..popes… Last pope sees church fall

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884dec  No.8699524

>>8699430 Well said.

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675f44  No.8699525


Thats all you need to know folks.

Fauci will be gone soon.

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a90066  No.8699526

File: 4aaceb9bb450fd4⋯.png (87.86 KB, 258x241, 258:241, 2018_08_19_18_28_07_copy.png)


>Metformin for PCOS treatment.

Heard that metformin depletes folic acid and b12 though…

no sauce for that.

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d5df79  No.8699527


Hugs vet anon.

Anon knows the dude using wormer to cure cancer.

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bea55a  No.8699529


The fact VJJ said it makes me immediately doubt him.

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ab92ad  No.8699530

File: 39fe3987232fac4⋯.jpg (401.99 KB, 912x1600, 57:100, IMG_20200405_210345.jpg)

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cae3e4  No.8699532


Imagine the malpractice trial. Doctor what is a standard of care? What are protocols? Did you follow protocol? No? Why? The patient didn't want to. Was the patient also a doctor? An expert witness is going to be called to explain what the standard of care was. Meanwhile the hospital is paying defense also. So besides what they teach you in ned tech class. Doctors "can" breach protocol. What I am saying in this litigious environment they "cant". If they do they will get privileges revoked.

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1b0f29  No.8699534

File: 4bacf940d086ee3⋯.jpg (4.61 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 1527384928724827234.jpg)


these times

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68fdda  No.8699536


It's because their ratings are so pitifully low

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ccd906  No.8699537

File: 4ec3063341b465f⋯.png (753.98 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, pepepunisherbiosuit.png)

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63e362  No.8699538


7-11 for those Americans without a Waffle House as a disaster indicator.

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