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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

7bc7cd  No.8461707[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

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Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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7bc7cd  No.8461716

Global Announcements

>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting

Baker PSA: In light of recent flurry of global activity, anons are encouraged to archive offline


are not endorsements


>>8461642 Call to meme Philadelphia police commissioner.

>>8461600 Pizza gate is trending.

>>8461562 Call to shovels for China/Roth dig.

>>8461545 Target to sanitize, restock, open for seniors in wake of Cov19.

>>8461530, >>8461608 POTUS misspelled far as fat.

>>8461521 NTSB found no mechanical or weather issues contributed to fatal plane crash near Lincoln, IL that killed 3 on March 3, 2020

>>8461505 China defends expulsion of journalists, warns more possible.

>>8461500 Coordinated effort to bury Oprah 'story'?

>>8461472 Marshals caught a murderer in Little Rock.

>>8461462, >>8461644, >>8461675 Planefag updates.

>>8461440 Bernie out?

>>8461297, >>8461306, >>8461321, >>8461415 Oprah dig.

>>8461355 China reportedly knew about Corona as early as October 2019.

>>8461313 Conflicting Californian Corona cases.

>>8461312 Soros/WuXi Pharma dig.

>>8461287 Poland pledges stimulus worth 9% GDP to combat virus fallout.

>>8461153 Academic source on two strains of Corona virus.

>>8461206 Coronavirus cases hit 200,000 worldwide.

>>8461183 Polk detectives arrest 16 people in undercover sting targeting child predators

Baker Change

>>8461019 COVID-19 mini-bun

>>8461008 New DJT twat w/CAP: I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning…

>>8461002, >>8461054 Child Predators arrested in FL. This knuckleballs is a real prize. He just wants a ticket

>>8461698 #10833


Ghost Grab

>>8460761, >>8460646, >>8460812 New DJT twat bun w/CAPs. ppl out of work, not losing medicare/medicaid, covid new conference today

>>8460563 Patient Zero Emerged on Nov 17 from the Hubei Province


>>8460444 Heads Up! US Army Advisor Team twat - Real life imitating Meme?

>>8460424, >>8460437 Morning "SUN" brings heat; Oprah

>>8460392 Australian Red Cross asking for 14,000 blood donors

>>8460391 FB and Google - harnessing location data to combat CV (awaiting sauce)

>>8460335, >>8460504, >>8460312, >>8460755, >>8460760, >>8460845 (w/anon's screenshot) Moar Hanx digz

>>8460302, >>8460326, >>8460525, >>8460698 Moar Oprah

>>8460275 CLADE X pandemic exercise, Johns Hopkins and statistics dig

>>8460258, >>8460272, USMC twat from the 16th includes Woody (Hanx?); shooting starts @17 sec mark

>>8460217 Transformer explosion knocks out power in downtown Phoenix

>>8460197 PDJT considering Boeing bailout (Fox)

>>8460871 #10832


>>8459459, >>8459691, >>8459698, >>8459771 Event 201 DIGG

>>8459483, >>8460016, >>8460104 Oprah Wasn’t Arrested on Sex Trafficking Charges: It’s a Conspiracy Theory (Heavy–Q hit piece)

>>8459515 Anon: Why no interviews with actual corona victims?

>>8459439, >>8459522, >>8459631 Saint Corona: Patron Saint of EPIDEMICS

>>8459694 Kathy Griffin tweet on mother's death

>>8459541, >>8459634, >>8459474, >>8459667, >>8459824, >>8459761, >>8459809, >>8459918, >>8459932, >>8459947, >>8459953, >>8459969, >>8460013 Wuhan lab linked to Soros? Anons debate the issue

>>8459968, >>8460045 Oprah's on the Good Club Global Depopulation Council

>>8459743, >>8459748, >>8459751 Resignations in the news 3/16 and 3/17

>>8460094 UN expert on "freedom of religion" says its time for the world's leading religions to SUBMIT TO THE AUTHORITY of the UN”

>>8460158 #10831

Previously Collected Notables

>>8457059 #10827, >>8457862 #10828, >>8458543 #10829, >>8459329 #10830

>>8453993 #10823, >>8454762 #10824, >>8456277 #10825, >>8456309 #10826

>>8450904 #10819, >>8451707 #10820, >>8452453 #10821, >>8453220 #10822

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com (new)

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

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7bc7cd  No.8461720

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8137311 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

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Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>8137179 —— Romania Thread

>>7111560 —— The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 —— Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 —— Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

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Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>8404068

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7bc7cd  No.8461723

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.1: https://pastebin.com/dN5FhHCv

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

54 >>8406256, 53 >>8128395, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

Current Focus → #PayrollTaxCut

Recent Focus → #BidenCognitiveDecline

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

2020-Jan ——— mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>>/qrb/10809

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/40905

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7bc7cd  No.8461732

File: 5bec825ea25eabc⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 1080x1340, 54:67, magadoggo.jpg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

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277688  No.8461758

There is an correlation between NK missiles and big events involving USA/CHINA

Check it out. No coincidences!





















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09e5c1  No.8461763

File: c0055053f6f50d8⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 400x600, 2:3, EIOmtLvWsAEz9uI.jpg)

Oprah is fat.

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ec792c  No.8461765

File: 314dd71ffc6ae6b⋯.jpeg (357.2 KB, 640x1096, 80:137, D6A6868A_8FD7_449D_BFF4_C….jpeg)

The gateway pundit’s url brings up the western journal this morning


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62db42  No.8461766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



good morning patriots!

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72d4e0  No.8461767

>>8461731 lb

Trumps tweet anon… Typo FaT replaced with FaR >>8461640 lb

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234408  No.8461768


5.7 quake in in Utah. Not known for that. DUMB removal?

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1b29ca  No.8461769

thank you Baker! Bread tastes Delish!

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7056d1  No.8461770




Seriously, some of the most earnest and prolific posters here are very stupid people

This is why so many people laugh at the board

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e82e93  No.8461771

File: 3206ce80b2cda49⋯.png (150.48 KB, 842x938, 421:469, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

File: 261ea68e67a606a⋯.png (128.16 KB, 624x1208, 78:151, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

Re_read re: Australia.

AUS donations to CF?

Why is this relevant?

More than you know.

This is BIG.



Which conversation leaked?


Why that specific conversation?


We (they) hear what you are saying?

Threat to AUS?


What do they know?





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2bb1d4  No.8461772



can do 1

proper bake thank you

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7b995f  No.8461773

>>8461009 pb

I've been wondering for a while if patriots obtained a weakened form of the virus and released it in US last year to help blunt the effect of any later attack…

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5f9bed  No.8461774

File: f03668916629397⋯.png (173.12 KB, 1076x1122, 538:561, Madonna_can_t_type_for_shi….png)


TY Baker!!!

Misspellings matter, right?


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c7aaec  No.8461775

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5e3157  No.8461776

File: 4129b79e25dcacf⋯.jpg (131.53 KB, 922x499, 922:499, 3o564eiqq.jpg)

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6cf342  No.8461777

File: d04362098176250⋯.png (171.46 KB, 639x741, 213:247, hanx3_Copy.png)

Madonna: Madame X did not die in Paris…I could murder a bowl of Pasta right now

Madonna instagram drop on CORONA TYPEWRITER.


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7bc7cd  No.8461778

File: fdfa1e56f42c024⋯.png (402.98 KB, 800x422, 400:211, doughhandoff.png)


10-4 bakes. Need to take care of something, should return a bit later.

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c9da27  No.8461780

File: bd751528af11496⋯.jpg (156.65 KB, 1630x938, 815:469, people_heal_002.jpg)

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27caec  No.8461781

File: 32bb76ccef8c8ab⋯.jpg (80.15 KB, 1366x640, 683:320, Capture.JPG)

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7a228c  No.8461782

File: 125ddfdf9b53022⋯.jpeg (52.97 KB, 207x214, 207:214, C57BDF3C_4615_439A_A38B_D….jpeg)

File: da563e5c3177c70⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1200x1500, 4:5, DA495B2F_24DD_4B61_B34B_7….jpeg)

trump pissed of the Generals with his ignorance, arrogance and disrespect. He is just playing a role and he has been fired. Enjoy the show kids!

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72d4e0  No.8461783

File: fc121f7fd404d75⋯.png (1.7 MB, 832x1203, 832:1203, Screen_Shot_2019_03_04_at_….png)

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7fcad3  No.8461785

File: e8c07b8752800af⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1100x661, 1100:661, thank_you_bakers.PNG)

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a066af  No.8461786

Dow down 1,000 so far. I am supposed to move out by 4/30. I have no house to go to. I have lost 3 bids, inventory is low. I need some of my annuity money to make the move and it gets decimated every day. Im whining but its just me and the pups.

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6cf342  No.8461787

File: b11921950c90dbd⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2020_03_17_12_27_48_226695….mp4)


Madonna: Madame X did not die in Paris…I could murder a bowl of Pasta right now

Madonna instagram drop on CORONA TYPEWRITER.


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b0012b  No.8461788

Patient Zero Emerged on Nov 17 from the Hubei Province

Interesting corresponding Q-drops in the few days following Nov 17 (2017)

WHO has All the Information (Upper case - World Health Organization?)


Q !ITPb.qbhqo

20 Nov 2017 - 1:29:00 AM

What is a key?

-==What is a key used for?==

What is a guard?

What is a guard used for? (guard the doors)

Who unlocked the door of all doors?

Was it pre-planned?

Do you believe in coincidences?

What is information?

Who controls the release of information?


Who disseminates information?

What is the MSM?

Who controls the MSM?

Who really controls the MSM?

Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?

Who controls the MSM?

Who really controls the MSM?

Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?

Why is this relevant?

Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?

Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?

What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?

Define corruption.

Wealth = power.

Power = influence.

Influence = control.

Rinse and repeat.

What power of influence was recently discovered (specifically re: 2016 election)?

How much power of influence does Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc. have in influencing the minds of people?

Has the stranglehold of the MSM been diminished?

What is open source?

What has become blatantly obvious since the election of POTUS?

Why would they allow this (visibility) to occur?

Were they not prepared to counter?

What miscalculation occurred?

What opposite impact did this generate?

How did POTUS recognize and invert?

What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?

Define corruption.

Define censorship.

Define ‘controlled’ censorship.

What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?

What is the purpose of this action?

Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?

Q#158 (Moar uppercase WHO)



20 Nov 2017 - 1:29:21 AM


When was this announced?

When did events in SA transpire?

Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?

Why is this relevant?

Define oppression.

Who controls the narrative?

Who really controls the narrative?

Who guards the narrative?

Does the MSM shelter and protect select ‘party’ members?

Does this protection insulate these ‘party’ members?

Who controls the narrative?

What laws were put in place to protect the MSM from lawsuits?

Who specifically passed this law?

What is immunity?

What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?

What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?

What previous SC ruling provided protection to reporters from having to reveal their ‘confidential’ source(s)?

How many people are unaware of the ‘truth’ due to the stranglehold?

How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?

What are crumbs (think H-wood/DC)

Define ‘lead-in’ (think play)?

What has been occurring recently?

The stage must be set.

Crumbs are easy to swallow.

What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?

What is a honeypot?

Define blackmail.

How could this be applied?

Fantasy land.


No Such Agency.

The hunter becomes the hunted.

Operations underway.

Operators active.

Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.

Silent war (some gets out). ←– referring to CV?

The Great Awakening.

Iron Eagle. ←– refers to COVFEFE?

Godfather III.

The Hunt for Red October.

Q #194


Iran Deal & Y Symbology



22 Nov 2017 - 3:28:01 PM


Iran Deal.

Why is this relevant?

Re-read drops re: NK / Iran.

(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Which couple was photographed covered in gold?

The public release was a mistake.

Who released the picture?

Who has all the information?

(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?

What does this represent?




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694bf0  No.8461789

File: 72d6765d70137fa⋯.jpeg (163.39 KB, 1071x1685, 1071:1685, 65E8EE40_45A2_4445_B30F_3….jpeg)

Bad news, anons. Rita Wilson died of the coronavirus this Friday.

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8e0c42  No.8461790

File: 6059e11f6eb05f0⋯.png (138.02 KB, 1317x790, 1317:790, emergency_powers_1.PNG)

File: 835ba51733ba334⋯.png (222.44 KB, 1825x891, 1825:891, emergency_powers.PNG)

All the powers available to Potus during a National Emergency, intersting read for anyone whio hasnt seen it before


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48ce2a  No.8461791

File: 29be9297e3c7fcc⋯.png (420.27 KB, 599x559, 599:559, A1.png)

Fear pron, Market edition.

Dow Jones plunges at opening, temporarily erasing yesterday's gains.


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a900ec  No.8461792

File: 1deb3bc2be89e5e⋯.png (25.97 KB, 1710x513, 10:3, ClipboardImage.png)


COVID-19 is finally attacking the automotive sector. it was only a matter of time. this will be the last nail in the coffin for the canadian economy. there has been socialist propaganda all over social media in ontario ever since our premier restricted the service industry and closed the childcare industry yesterday, claiming that auto workers should be sent home.

scary thing is, nobody here is talking about a major, and concerning issue. 50k immigrant workers will not be permitted to enter ontario this year to harvest our crops. farmers are already saying that if there is no one to pick the crops, they wont be harvested.


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200599  No.8461793

File: f2bfc77e1d52830⋯.png (64.99 KB, 450x190, 45:19, ClipboardImage.png)

Re: Fat

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419bad  No.8461794


yes we did

anons including myself were posting about it last month because many of us never get sick and thought it very odd

all the symptoms of CV but lasted 3 bad days and was gone, never been sick like that before

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c22a82  No.8461795


a moat's gotta have monsters in it

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1ce73d  No.8461796

File: 631f84b052eeaa7⋯.png (10.03 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 1bf63147be53d862e1a522482d….png)

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441cc7  No.8461797

File: 8e0f59529404340⋯.jpeg (161.89 KB, 635x723, 635:723, 4C6A9A58_617A_4450_903A_F….jpeg)

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97f1c3  No.8461798

File: bf0fa506281d6c6⋯.png (521.99 KB, 1503x594, 167:66, MCGILL.png)

File: 1bda525a4228103⋯.jpg (135.7 KB, 773x960, 773:960, Pizza.jpg)

File: 3ae5f1223863e0f⋯.jpg (400.87 KB, 1014x882, 169:147, Spiral.jpg)

File: b915133757f5531⋯.jpg (4.69 MB, 7000x2920, 175:73, SACabal8.jpg)

File: 5b27c0060f271b8⋯.png (283.16 KB, 813x513, 271:171, SCUM.png)

Anons please digg on this general.

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03982a  No.8461799

File: a8ad5403568e63a⋯.png (303.64 KB, 600x393, 200:131, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

Morning frens. How's the team holding up?


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48ce2a  No.8461800

File: a09730ddd156507⋯.png (137.25 KB, 600x574, 300:287, ClipboardImage.png)

White House postpones visit from King and Queen of Spain amid coronavirus outbreak.


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18960c  No.8461801

File: d5cd8090063bf99⋯.png (355.2 KB, 700x700, 1:1, chaplain_logo_b.png)

Blaming Wuhan virus on the American Military is the latest deep state ploy. Don't be distracted, Anons. This thing came from WUHAN CHINA and the blood/Chaos/Confusion worldwide is on their heads. You know who you are.

Anons! God bless you all and the breads throughout this day in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti (in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit), Amen.

God bless POTUS and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith, and this bread and all the breads throughout this day. To the enemies of God, that they would draw close to God in true repentance or be defeated.

In addition, we ask Michael the Archangel to bind satan and all his evil forces in the name of Jesus and keep satan from operating or having ANY EFFECT on this research board.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen.


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1ce73d  No.8461802



honda out toyota'ed

toyoda again

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97f1c3  No.8461803

Pachino = Godfather 3?


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85365c  No.8461804



That is quite a significant quake. Biggest on contiguous US in quite some time. Having been through an earthquake of this size, it's not a "little" tremor, that's for sure.

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200599  No.8461805

File: 5a3d973f996018e⋯.png (13.65 KB, 280x288, 35:36, ClipboardImage.png)

#3566 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a8ec29 No.7271105 Know your surroundings at all times. How do you get ahead of a story? It's going to be BIBLICAL. Targets may be closer than they appear. Hunters become the HUNTED.

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7056d1  No.8461806


Good point, this ain't no party

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1b29ca  No.8461807


That's not how it works in here , newfag…

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a9cea8  No.8461808

File: a1556f0144d8bbd⋯.jpg (857.31 KB, 1439x1063, 1439:1063, Screenshot_20200318_092004….jpg)

File: cb820bf97df069e⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1439x1036, 1439:1036, Screenshot_20200318_092035….jpg)

Private lot in the northeast. Near a major city. Near highway access. Near state road department. Thousands of concrete barriers brought in over 9 months ago. Hundreds of nearly identical trailers brought in about 3 months ago. Preparing to close roads and delivery supplies? If so, in place well before Wu flu.

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083e97  No.8461809


And just like that.

No is talking about the democrats anymore

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94f544  No.8461810

>>8461718 (lb) - my post was hung up.

I can post the bread recipe if you’d like. It won’t be for another 90 min tho (roughly 11 am est) as I’m working r n.

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62b030  No.8461811

>>8461455 lb

Oddly some people in local gov are really concerned about everyone showing up to work while telling everyone else to close businesses and stay home. There reasoning is everyone needs to be at work to design new ways of servicing the public when the doors are opened to the public again. However, none of that work seems to be happening from what I have seen.

Are those who have something to worry about just interested in keeping lots of people around them, protection in numbers?

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48ce2a  No.8461812

File: add65c646a938ac⋯.png (420.27 KB, 597x785, 597:785, A1.png)

Fear Pron from ABC, because why not

— Confirmed cases top 200,000 worldwide.

— Global death toll surpasses 8,000.

— Virus now present in all European countries.

— U.S. death toll at 113.

— Wuhan, China, reports just one new case for second straight day.


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d21c56  No.8461813

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40ef7c  No.8461814

File: 11a7f8599b5a633⋯.jpg (212.03 KB, 600x756, 50:63, 3ef07ed25825217fb8cc1879ae….jpg)

Gelson's supermarket in LA is now open 8 am to 9am for people 65 or over to shop after which it opens to the public.

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883701  No.8461815


Favorite machine of script writers?

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5da5a7  No.8461816

File: ea904e2a14f58e5⋯.jpg (34.68 KB, 474x474, 1:1, pepe_4th_of_july.jpg)

Round 'em up Q and Q+

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444a1c  No.8461817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5.7 Earthquake hits Salt Lake City Utah!!!!!

It’s going to be BIBLICAL!

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234408  No.8461818


Yep, and people I know decently well on twatter were confirming.

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fd1618  No.8461819

File: 83b6267adc44d92⋯.png (273.08 KB, 700x400, 7:4, Donald_J_Trump_Day_04_10_2….png)

File: f74ba6ba9bcf0f4⋯.png (5.29 MB, 3300x2550, 22:17, Donald_J_Trump_Day_04_10_2….png)

>>8461676 lb

04 10 20 statistically happens once a millennia might as well say infinite

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97f1c3  No.8461820


I am not new newfag.

Look at the digg I did and you will see its very comprehensive.

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efb0fc  No.8461821


itz day old newz but still pisses me off. shows that evil runs deep in this world. fucker needz to hang

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7a228c  No.8461822

File: dabb1b6789322a9⋯.jpeg (40.03 KB, 342x349, 342:349, 591BC577_7AE9_41D5_9016_5….jpeg)

File: 1b08c3d5d49236b⋯.jpeg (90.07 KB, 679x400, 679:400, 20E9E97D_8D43_40B2_876C_2….jpeg)

File: 05cca0e305a27fe⋯.jpeg (912.13 KB, 1125x1846, 1125:1846, 2C9C798F_299B_448D_AAEF_4….jpeg)

File: b7ea0e08dca744b⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x1793, 1125:1793, 009E25FB_8201_449E_ABC8_3….jpeg)

File: f9f5b1bbd7236cc⋯.jpeg (243.92 KB, 1125x856, 1125:856, 4787F007_3437_4FFF_A854_6….jpeg)

trump pissed off the USA Generals with his ignorance, arrogance and disrespect. He is just playing a role and he has been fired. Enjoy the show kids!

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694bf0  No.8461823

Anyone know the R-naught for The Great Awakening? Higher or lower than the CV?

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0da97a  No.8461824

File: 0776ca52fcef200⋯.png (842.67 KB, 1012x675, 1012:675, HWFUP.png)

Washington D.C

Hollywood for Ugly People

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f2f959  No.8461825

File: 15b04ce8d169ad5⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 512x288, 16:9, Interesting.gif)

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fc6a4b  No.8461826

File: 78e587815dd2a3b⋯.jpeg (231.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, guesswho.jpeg)

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c22a82  No.8461827


see how often

>The gateway pundit

makes a followup on their wild stories.

pick any

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8fcc3d  No.8461828

Holy shit, POTUS tweet

Closing Canadian - US border!!!

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658297  No.8461829


I drink mine with lemon for vitamin C and add Tonic water for quinine.

I call it a cocktail.

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b57b19  No.8461830


They all look like White Rabbits.

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c7aaec  No.8461831


>5.7 Earthquake hits Salt Lake City Utah

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0da97a  No.8461832

File: 4bcec7ba36ad737⋯.png (657.69 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, everybodygetsaredpill.png)

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6b7da8  No.8461834

File: acde64636b5e8ee⋯.png (55.63 KB, 634x356, 317:178, ClipboardImage.png)


We will be, by mutual consent, temporarily closing our Northern Border with Canada to non-essential traffic. Trade will not be affected. Details to follow!


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e21c76  No.8461835


Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer.

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97f1c3  No.8461836


Psych project much?

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0da97a  No.8461837

File: 0f809b1ad9beb33⋯.png (836.43 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, hideyourkids.png)

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a900ec  No.8461838


its not nice anon. honda my be paying their employees for the 1 week shutdown, that will be extended. but 10s of thousands of other workers that supply the auto manufacturers with parts will also be without a job. as other manufacturers follow honda's lead, we will see the north american economy essentially grind to a halt.

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5f9bed  No.8461839



Look at what she typed. Read it, and look at the misspellings.


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841d4a  No.8461840

File: 6f3bb18ef16f8d8⋯.jpg (220.83 KB, 949x633, 949:633, QCrumbsTransparency9.jpg)

File: 476df1a6466001f⋯.jpg (214.13 KB, 811x981, 811:981, QCrumbsTransparency24.jpg)

File: 69f087637507f9e⋯.jpg (227.05 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, QCrumbs_Transparency10.jpg)

File: e42f183b57d6f7d⋯.jpg (257.99 KB, 1106x998, 553:499, QCrumbsTransparencyForward….jpg)

File: 49d509bf2206af7⋯.jpg (227.32 KB, 1200x882, 200:147, pepe_the_warleader_truth_t….jpg)

Agree -

Truth & transparency.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Mon 18 Feb 2019 13:57:32 d73264 No.5245228

How can an entity known only as 'Q' (face-less, name-less, fame-less, etc.) begin to ask questions on 4ch (now 8ch) and build something of this magnitude?

How can this same 'Q' entity garner such a massive amount of WW MSM [FAKE NEWS] attention [attacks]?

How is it possible this 'Q' entity can 'forecast' future events or 'know' when the POTUS is about to Tweet?

How is it possible 'FUTURE PROVES PAST' re: information provided?

How is it possible this 'Q' entity, an entity who began by merely asking questions on 4ch/8ch, was able to ………(fill in the blank).

Think logically.

People are craving TRUTH.

People are craving TRANSPARENCY.


People are craving GOOD.

People are craving RIGHT.

People are craving TRUE FREEDOM.

People are craving SAFETY & SECURITY.

People are craving ………..(fill in the blank).


Those who attack have an agenda or remain plugged into the biggest disinformation campaign to be ever witnessed.


Ask yourself, why are 'Liberals' always angry?

Why do they curse?

Why do they slander (push fake labels > racist, sexist, …ist etc.)?

Why do they create 'emotional outbursts' when challenged?

Why are they violent?

Why do they form mobs (packs)?

Why are they incapable of listening to the other side (fascist)?

When you don't have facts to support your arguments (present logical reasoning), you must resort to the above tactics.

The NARRATIVE is designed to keep people in a constant state of 'FEAR' thereby forcing 'ANGER', 'RAGE', 'VIOLENCE'.

Emotionally unstable people are easier to CONTROL.

They want you DIVIDED.



















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cddab3  No.8461841

File: af2a0c7f7783546⋯.png (29.42 KB, 741x568, 741:568, pepe_thonk.png)

Utah earthquake removal of a DUMB? Is there a fault line in the area?

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5da5a7  No.8461842

File: cea1e822bec8263⋯.jpg (64.43 KB, 545x420, 109:84, tucker_nope.jpg)


>04 10 20 statistically happens once a millennia might as well say infinite

Only 23 days away.

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c7aaec  No.8461843

Are we going to see the implosion of Tesla and Elon Musk?

Or is he one of the good guys, I'm really not sure.

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0da97a  No.8461844

File: 03c3e94eefb4cb6⋯.jpg (670.16 KB, 1289x685, 1289:685, 2020tga.jpg)

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5e3157  No.8461845

"In hundreds of interviews with hundreds of witnesses, no one has ever identified Trump as being involved in any kind of sexual activity with underage girls." -Former Miami Detective, Mike Fisten

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da5472  No.8461846


Something BIG is about to drop

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6cf342  No.8461847

Donald J. Trump


We will be, by mutual consent, temporarily closing our Northern Border with Canada to non-essential traffic. Trade will not be affected. Details to follow!


new DJT

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f2f959  No.8461848


Hotels use those bar codes as well.

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419bad  No.8461849

File: 0471a91644f8c05⋯.png (663.17 KB, 818x900, 409:450, ClipboardImage.png)


is this christy cooney planting another story on QR so she can scoop it and post more SUN articles that she creates?

such a nice font




you lose

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8fcc3d  No.8461850


We're gonna need Moar Wall

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000000  No.8461851


Yellowstone caldera system

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43f3b1  No.8461852

File: bacaeed1db909a6⋯.gif (3.45 MB, 600x770, 60:77, 1584359687875.gif)

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6b9627  No.8461853



sauce pls

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200599  No.8461854

File: 9105bd27c74bbe6⋯.jpg (89.7 KB, 818x576, 409:288, GCHQ_ECHELON_818x576_1_min….jpg)

There once was a great dragon, red like blood. He was a terrible serpent, ancient beyond human memory. His power and cunning were beyond human reckoning, and he was evil beyond all depraved human imagination.

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97f1c3  No.8461855

File: 43cd5603ef192c9⋯.jpg (68.32 KB, 637x397, 637:397, dfhjdfjd_637x397.jpg)

File: da6162ded587fe6⋯.jpeg (22.99 KB, 770x308, 5:2, evergreen_2_770x308_1_.jpeg)

File: 006412bda611f98⋯.png (268.79 KB, 897x744, 299:248, Musk_Mother.png)

File: 86232d99e86635f⋯.png (33.5 KB, 408x525, 136:175, musk1.png)

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deb1dd  No.8461856

The Sinister Red Rooms: Internet Urban Legend or Reality?

Brent Swancer

March 18, 2020


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3988be  No.8461857

File: e3efd31a1bd2f3b⋯.png (108.92 KB, 1004x771, 1004:771, USflu.png)


Where is the panic over the flu?

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f44bfc  No.8461858

File: 3ddcc0da709faf1⋯.png (302.77 KB, 998x550, 499:275, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

File: e2702dfcd4f3641⋯.png (350.62 KB, 996x518, 498:259, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

File: daa2a2a782ec06c⋯.png (496.13 KB, 1004x688, 251:172, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)


Dow Drops Below 20k, Circuit-Breakers Imminent

After yesterday's hope-filled day of gains on massive monetary and fiscal largesse, futures traded limit-down overnight and ETFs signaled a 6.5-7% loss in the pre-market but bounced to the futures-limit-down level at the open…

During US trading hours (Cash), these are the levels for the various circuit-breakers to hit:

Level 1: 7% fall to 2352.14 before 15:25EDT/19:25GMT will prompt a 15-minute pause.

Level 2: 13% drop to 2200.39 before said time will introduce another 15-minute pause.

Level 3: 20% decline to 2023.35 within the time will shut the markets

Will we see the first Level 2 trigger today?


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6860ee  No.8461859


I felt it. It occurred near the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center

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5da5a7  No.8461860


Good since Trudeau failed to implement travel restrictions to China.

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000000  No.8461861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democracy is coming to the USA

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c7aaec  No.8461862


<self quarantine in honour and respect for covid-19

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3fbcb4  No.8461863


Her twitter red pilling itself.

Kek keks and moar keks

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0da97a  No.8461864

File: 9eeb6ea55597be9⋯.png (211.87 KB, 502x675, 502:675, TGA.png)

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97f1c3  No.8461865

File: 7d0e401dbd64d5f⋯.jpg (19.91 KB, 255x248, 255:248, jorje.jpg)


Both models for Evergreen in South Africa?

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c9da27  No.8461866


that looks like a rather large swarm of earthquakes!

not a trivial event!

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0da97a  No.8461867

File: 5830093507c0f8a⋯.png (949.67 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, TheightoftheENTIREHISTORYO….png)

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7a228c  No.8461868

File: cc228c7e2837851⋯.jpeg (119.63 KB, 1125x330, 75:22, 7B8E6298_8994_425E_8E87_F….jpeg)


Q had a plan and God has a plan; They are not the same plan. How many of you think what is going on in the USA is Q’s plan and how many of you think what is going on is God’s plan? God [always] wins! What happens to a society/nation that places money/gold above citizens/love? Think Patriots!

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d21c56  No.8461869

File: 1bc575b7ce5c005⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb22e871167322e⋯.png (320.16 KB, 1242x818, 621:409, ClipboardImage.png)

Has Hanx been "Eliminated"

Learn to play the game


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000000  No.8461870

Copfag here with a thought just for keks.

What if some of the increased shill activity when we're over the target is actually Q team telling us that we're over the target. Not the gorefags and pedoshills just some of the regular old porn fags that step it up when a dig is valuable.

You'd think the actual shills that monitor the board would learn at some point and step up activity on bullshit digs to throw us off but they never do. It's always when we find something good.

Either way the result is the same. Just for Keks like I said.

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e21c76  No.8461871


These stops are making it difficult to reset the markets.

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0d4ed0  No.8461873

File: cbc51cebb15f8ea⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1602x1000, 801:500, ClipboardImage.png)

probably needs a hashtag you get the idea

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6dc7b8  No.8461874

File: 0c2928c33308d02⋯.png (47.55 KB, 401x770, 401:770, b03e4ef94724dade97dce40517….png)

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4b8e3d  No.8461875


All of huge Utah to have a quake and this one chooses Salt Lake City

Why that's not spoopy at all!

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0da97a  No.8461876

File: 92280c9500131d6⋯.png (773 KB, 901x675, 901:675, meanwhile.png)

File: 02b88c87ffd600e⋯.jpg (356.8 KB, 506x675, 506:675, nancy2020.jpg)

File: 3d3d64e0f61de7c⋯.png (883.64 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, pelosivaccines.png)

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d4c3ac  No.8461877

File: 4e46bb3b455f2a8⋯.png (157.85 KB, 1248x724, 312:181, 3_17_2020_76.png)

File: 37af4faef2071fb⋯.png (172.34 KB, 1237x734, 1237:734, 3_18_2020.png)

3/18/2020 In the Bahamas, 1 confirmed case 0 deaths where temps are in the high 70's with 70% humidity…



[Scattered clouds.]

75 °F

Scattered clouds.

Feels Like: 77 °F

Forecast: 78 / 70 °F

Wind: 8 mph ↑ from East

Location: Nassau Airport

Current Time: Mar 18, 2020 at 9:48:41 am

Latest Report: Mar 18, 2020 at 9:00 am

Visibility: N/A

Pressure: 30.24 "Hg

Humidity: 74%

Dew Point: 66 °F

Location Nassau

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234408  No.8461878



Take a look for yourself.

44 in the last 365 days, 13 in the last 30.

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766a8f  No.8461879

We are having a hard time with our house closing, too

Fed rate cut hasn't trickled down yet and they are running out of liquid backers to buy the loans. Very scary…I feel ya


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0da97a  No.8461880

File: f930c38e901c522⋯.gif (985.92 KB, 500x243, 500:243, f930c38e901c52229f34d44129….gif)

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a05031  No.8461881

Trump is closing the Border with Canada


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fd1618  No.8461882

File: e473b035df1b678⋯.jpg (109.09 KB, 479x350, 479:350, 20200311_154421.jpg)

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841d4a  No.8461883

File: e51e6db11a581ea⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1486x980, 743:490, 2020_03_18_13_47_20_EDT.png)

File: 9ec647725bc4cfb⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1485x974, 1485:974, 2020_03_18_13_48_15_EDT.png)


I vote for DUMB demolition.

Just an opinion,no way to prove it at this time.

Lots and lots of continuing shocks.

Depths are all over the place including (negative depth) which means the algorithms are confused by the data?


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200599  No.8461884

File: 829fb5d50eafb6c⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 1079x672, 1079:672, D7aS2VoXkAICIA3_jpg_large.jpg)

And the dragon was real. He did not inhabit the realms of fairy-tale or nightmare — their horrors were but his shadows cast in legends. No, the dragon inhabited the real world of men, though imperceptible to their eyes and ears — unless, of course, being perceived served his wicked purposes.

And the dragon abhorred man. He hated them out of his virulent, bitter hatred for the High King who had created man. For, you see, the dragon too was a creature, having been fashioned by the King in ages long past, though not as a dragon, but as a magnificent prince.

A Prince Endragoned

Once upon a time, this prince was numbered among the great ones; he was a god in the holy council of the High King over all gods. But deep in the labyrinthian channels of this prince’s heart, pride began to run like a toxic sap, poisoning his loves and his thoughts. The greater he became in his own eyes, the more his true greatness diminished.

Self-deceived, the prince strove for greater glory than he possessed. He desired glory not bestowed by the King’s grace, but glory all his own, self-achieved and self-ascribed. In the deeps of his heart, he exchanged the glory of the High King for a false image of himself he had come to love. And in doing so, he exchanged the truth for a lie, and worshiped his creaturely self rather than the Creator King, making himself a rival of the King.

Therefore, the prince was cast down from his exalted place in the council of the great, and hurled out of the King’s presence. He fell like lightning to the earth. There the King gave the treacherous prince up to the wicked passions of his heart, and he, who was once numbered among the gods, became the most dreadful of dragons. A time was then fixed by the King for the dragon’s final judgment.

A Vile Ambition

So, when this dragon saw that the High King had fashioned mankind in his own image, that he made them gods as he had once been, and had given them to rule over the earth, he was enraged. He burned with bitter hatred and longed to shatter these images of the One he hated most.

Then a wicked plan took shape in his brilliant, futile mind, which pleased his darkened heart. If he could entice the man-gods to turn against the King as he had done, they too would share his terrible fate; they too would be cast from the King’s presence; they too would become objects of the King’s just and terrible wrath. And the Sovereign’s sentence upon them would be irrevocable, just like the sentence upon him.

But even more desirable, the dragon would enjoy one great triumph: he would succeed in stealing the King’s glory by defacing the King’s image, woven into the very flesh and bone of these feeble gods. And before his dreaded day of judgment, he would remake these fallen gods into lesser dragons — images of himself — which he would enslave to wreak wanton destruction in the world the King had made.

Let the High King destroy him with omnipotence! He would leave an unfading scar upon the Everlasting Father: the eternal perishing of the King’s prized people. It could not fail to diminish the King’s joy!

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f2f959  No.8461885


>Where is the panic over the flu?

The flu won't keep brainwashed Dems from grouping and rioting when news of arrests come out; Covid-19 will.

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e21c76  No.8461886


Good-bye Mormon's database of people?

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d00bf3  No.8461887

So…wonder what the result is when your adrenochrome is cut-off? I know there are pics now available on goog images and some are pretty interesting but what if, rather than these swamp-scum being arrested, perhaps part of the plan is to just let those addicted to adrenochrome to simply…die? The looks of adreno-junkies who are now without, show dramatic aging. Will those who die because of the boomerang drug effect of all the age-damage that had been held off by the adrenochrome suddenly developing all at once be eulogized as having "died from the Wuhan Virus" rather than "died from execution?"

I'm looking forward to all those people now being told to stay home and who are watching tv being exposed - now, thanks to the Wuhan Virus almost a "captive" audience - to The Storm and to the Great Awakening that will happen when the Sun once again finally shines later this month and early April.

So…one more…has Bill Barr's testimony in front of the demonrats in their little congressional enclave set for Mar. 29 been formally cancelled yet?

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7a69ab  No.8461888


Hanx said she was doing fine and beating him at gin.

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6860ee  No.8461889


Possible notable is the location where it occurred…Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center

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000000  No.8461890


Uptick Rule kicks in AFTER 10% down move. Algos can run with impunity until then, in individual symbols. Think ETFs, and inventory behind them, all computer driven.

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c22a82  No.8461891


>Leonard Cohen

fuck that spook with all that blood on his hands

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c4b9d7  No.8461892


didn't we already see bahamas cabal rounded up with that hurricane?

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72d4e0  No.8461893

File: def1ceb95af64c6⋯.png (999.43 KB, 1280x898, 640:449, def1ceb95af64c6462950257f4….png)

File: 3d35defbe6ab475⋯.png (351.88 KB, 606x606, 1:1, 3d35defbe6ab475f4655db3cda….png)

>>8461780 Who daR I mean DaT?

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03982a  No.8461894



Bought quinine concentrate the other day.

Have always been big on the vitamin C.

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3aee00  No.8461895

GM Anons, am listening to the local radio here in Central IL and heard the DJs discussing getting some type of letter from the Feds about getting special permits issued due to the fact the DJs are classified as radio news broadcasters and will need to be able to get to work in case of martial law being implemented. Sorry since its radio, no sauce.

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000000  No.8461897


Totes agree with that server barn situ.

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03982a  No.8461898


23 days feels like an eternity right now.

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200599  No.8461899

File: 660bd2dca910600⋯.jpg (192.23 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, 2blove.jpg)

A Terrible Triumph

So, into the peopled garden crept the crafty, condemned serpent. He presented himself to the image bearers as a bearer of enlightenment. He promised them the fruit of godly wisdom if they would but set aside the King’s sole prohibition and simply think for themselves — for were they not also gods? Surely, possessing the King’s wisdom and knowledge would increase their glory, for they would be even more like the High King than they yet were.

As they pondered the dragon’s cunning lies, pride began to seep into the heart channels of the image bearers. They believed the dragon’s dark light. They simply thought for themselves — only to discover too late how great was this light’s darkness. In horror, they soon realized the serpentine promise yielded foolishness, not wisdom; death, not life; alienation from the King, not greater likeness to the King. In rejecting the King’s command, they had rejected the King’s rule. They had become the King’s enemies. Theirs was treason of the highest order. And for such a crime, against such a King, there was only one just sentence: destruction.

The dragon exulted as the deeply grieved King cast his broken images out of the blessed garden of his favor, into a world now cursed, one the dragon could now rule. He savored each sentence of judgment pronounced upon the fallen gods, and relished the endragoning that must surely await them.

But as the High King issued his just decrees, the dragon heard an ominous promise: the great serpent’s head would one day be crushed under a human foot. These words made him writhe in fury, and he resolved to keep a wary watch, that he might destroy the foot before the blow could fall.

But unknown to the dragon, mysterious decrees had been uttered by the High King in the secret counsel of his will ages before the dragon existed, conceived in wisdom unimaginable to a dragonly mind.

Enter the Dragon Slayer

Weary years passed as the cursed earth and its depraved inhabitants languished in bondage to corruption. And then, in the fullness of the King’s time, the ancient, mysterious decrees began to unfold. In an unexpected place and an unexpected way, into the world stepped the Dragon Slayer.

Despite the dragon’s vigilance, the Slayer appeared at first undetected. The snake had not foreseen such a mystifying entrance. When he awoke to his danger, he recognized in terror his long-expected foe was the very Son of the High King.

But what strangeness was this? The Mighty One, born in the likeness of feeble man? To what end? And as a defenseless child in the care of a peasant? Quickly he sought to devour him and his fearful foot. But the Slayer eluded the primeval assassin and waited for the appointed Day with an unnerving quietness.

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18960c  No.8461900


Another fake news story to discredit anons?

methinks so.

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2ac0dc  No.8461901


Coincidence that someone keeps spamming this and trying to act like Q? Definitely getting used to that - they're like toadstools, popping up everywhere

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6a9b96  No.8461902

File: 75082d928d33afb⋯.png (14.36 KB, 649x497, 649:497, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e1435b54fcad63⋯.png (678.21 KB, 665x822, 665:822, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ef73a4b1731cc8⋯.png (28.18 KB, 1053x435, 351:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bdb40eec9c8d3d⋯.png (9.56 KB, 742x192, 371:96, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8460391 FB and Google - harnessing location data to combat CV (awaiting sauce)

Sauce At least 2 direct Q references and confirmation with his article link.


Q 790


Q 3584

GOOG whistleblower

Project DeepMind?

“AI Manhattan Project.”


[Feb 18 2018]

“Project DeepDream v2[A]?” – Q

Do you believe in coincidences?


DeepMind is an all encompassing AI system to merge with ID2020- Bill Gates/UN/Global Cabal Plan

The merging: @snowden involved with DeepDream algo it has been learning for awhile w/@jack,FB,Goog, etc.

Gates simultaneously pushes UN id2020 plan and pandemic sims, we then have Covid 19 pandemic with a call to find a vaccines/cure and Gates calling for id2020 to be used for Covid19, all related.

All part of [Their Plan]. Potus can counter for US, but EU/World?






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be6a40  No.8461903


Struggling here as well. Sorry anon. No solution for you, but thought I’d selfishly add my own whining for one post. Moving on though. Be well.

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c1158e  No.8461904


In digging Point Pleasant and the railroads that cross it,

see last bread >>8461272

Following the Kanawha and Michigan railroad to Gauley Bridge WV,

I discovered an interesting case of missing children in 1945.


There's a lot of fuckery with the case,

and coming across it during digging the railroad cult…

it's activating almonds.

Something about the post war period when the clowns were instated officially replacing oss,

between 1945 and 1950 seems to be the birth year of a lot of these assholes we're doing with now.

That's about the time of monarch/mk ultra beginnings,

stealing kids like this seemed to be the MO.

Just thought i'd throw this case out there in case anyone is looking for a dig.

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c7aaec  No.8461905

File: 2822896dcf833cf⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 480x271, 480:271, cop_holding_flag.gif)

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200599  No.8461906

File: 6902c5fbd3ff559⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 669x500, 669:500, 20_wil_dreaming_w750_h560_….jpg)

The Slayer Is Slayed

Finally, the Day drew near. But as it did, the dragon grew only more perplexed by his Adversary.

At times he displayed a dreadful power. The dragon expected this. Yet the Slayer proved the meekest and humblest of all mankind. And he gave himself no advantage. He made his home in a despised village in a reviled region. He sought no education, pursued no influential profession. He chose the weak and foolish as his followers — even a treacherous man as his close confidant. But the strong and wise he humiliated, and their envy and suspicion was infected with poisonous resentment. And thus, he was rejected by those wielding power, becoming a threat they wished to eliminate. Even when his survival depended upon the approval of the great crowds he drew with mighty miracles, he drove them away with hard words.

All this made the wily lizard wary. Such absurdity! This Slayer appeared more bent on being crushed than on crushing the serpent. Well, if such was the Slayer’s wish, the serpent would grant it with relish.

Then all at once, the dark stars aligned: the lethal leaders, the traitorous confidant, the disillusioned people, the faithless friends, the immoral tetrarch, and the pragmatic prefect. All aligned against the Dragon Slayer and with terrible, brutal swiftness, the deadly dragon struck. And the great Son of the High King lay slain in the bloody bed that he had made.

The great red dragon exulted more than before. He had achieved far beyond his wildest hopes. Not only had he disfigured the image bearers — he had slain the Dragon Slayer! It had been so easy, like a wolf upon a lamb. The crusher lay in defeated death, his foot sorely bruised. The serpent lived triumphant, head unscathed and unbent. When he faced the High King’s omnipotent wrath, he would do so with his prodigious pride intact.

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419bad  No.8461907

File: bb5511eacf85f64⋯.png (169.91 KB, 1151x500, 1151:500, ClipboardImage.png)


>Utah earthquake


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441cc7  No.8461908

File: 8fd21018e6c6222⋯.jpeg (391.91 KB, 745x518, 745:518, 4B892283_8FA8_44B5_82E1_C….jpeg)

File: e29c8f04b8cf50d⋯.jpeg (489.55 KB, 742x821, 742:821, 60A56AE5_21C9_4E63_9D1E_8….jpeg)

File: 1b7b86d9fb978d7⋯.jpeg (298.47 KB, 738x470, 369:235, DEE6326F_2FF3_436D_925E_3….jpeg)

File: 1a781815c5263f0⋯.jpeg (338.38 KB, 828x965, 828:965, ABA77B34_998B_4F46_95B4_C….jpeg)

File: 6f7d5f6391c662c⋯.jpeg (68.31 KB, 828x1016, 207:254, F222806A_806A_4748_8414_D….jpeg)

No deals

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4b8e3d  No.8461909


>King and Queen of Spain

Smart move.

Those faggots have a family history of initiating viral outbreaks.

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eaa5e2  No.8461910

"We the people are the CURE"

"The cure will spread WW"

What if china got the bad strain and contained it (as they seem to be doing if figures are not fucked) and the rest of the world got the immunity strain as discussed in previous bread?

The CURE is the VIRUS itself!

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6cf342  No.8461911




Madonna cryptic instagram on corona typewriter

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e6a3b3  No.8461912

File: 7d78efe5be10023⋯.jpeg (5.25 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 2365FACB_5FE8_4775_B44E_B….jpeg)


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99da62  No.8461913

Montrose Funeral Home Operators Arrested For Illegally Selling Body Parts

Syndicated Local – CBS Denver 8 hrs ago

“The defendants are charged with committing a blatant fraud on many, many victim. This betrays a fundamental trust during one of the worst times in a person’s life – having to make arrangements for a deceased loved one,” said U.S. Attorney Jason Dunn. “It is hard to imagine the pain and worry of those who used Sunset Mesa and not knowing what happened to their loved ones’ remains.”


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000000  No.8461914


Standard licensing reqs?


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b57b19  No.8461915

File: 9fa8bfb6a589136⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 419x552, 419:552, Biblical_Q_3724.JPG)

File: f1ace8e0f7ef0b1⋯.jpg (79.63 KB, 421x720, 421:720, Biblical_Q_3887.JPG)

File: 884e3744d55d87a⋯.jpg (27.83 KB, 414x465, 138:155, Biblical_Q_556.JPG)

File: 32267dcbedaf50e⋯.jpg (43.34 KB, 429x669, 143:223, Biblical_Q_777.JPG)


The Plan is to teach us to free our minds.

To see the Lies the Devil blanketed us with, and those "Sick Cells" that continue to blanket us with. The Evil worshipers who put themselves above us. They are a Cancer, a plague.

We, the People, are the Cure.

Our Connection to God, Source. Re-Birth.

Free Will. The choice to know, is ours.

Law. Whose Law? Mans? No. Gods.

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c7aaec  No.8461916

File: 2fcf6dcc40c9a0c⋯.png (375.08 KB, 474x711, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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40ef7c  No.8461917

File: 3a5d7345a667fd6⋯.jpg (745.33 KB, 1440x2048, 45:64, 17d0c7u6ixawi.jpg)

Is it possible white hats are using the S type virus (older,weaker) to block the L type covid 19 coronavirus?

>Whereas the L type was more prevalent in the early stages of the outbreak in Wuhan, the frequency of the L type decreased after early January 2020. Human intervention may have placed more severe selective pressure on the L type, which might be more aggressive and spread more quickly. On the other hand, the S type, which is evolutionarily older and less aggressive, might have increased in relative frequency due to relatively weaker selective pressure.


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200599  No.8461918

File: aa35ab6c8ff757f⋯.jpg (234.37 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 30041180_1526919407_3442.jpg)

The Dragon’s Nightmare Morning

Then came the morning of the dragon’s nightmare, the morning the Son of the High King arose from his bed of blood and stood, indestructible, unassailable, upon strong feet, scarred but without bruise.

The great serpent looked upon the risen Slayer, bewildered. Then the terrible truth dawned upon the ancient liar with blinding brightness. He had not crushed the Crusher; he had slain the Lamb of God! He had not seen it! How had he not seen it? How had he not seen an altar of sacrifice in the Roman cross?

An altar! An altar is for the expiation of sins! Whose sins? Not the unblemished Son’s, but the fallen gods of mankind! An altar is for the propitiation of wrath! Whose wrath? The High King’s!

No! No! It could not be! Could it? Had the great Judge become guilty so man could be forgiven? Had the Holy become unholy that unholy man may become holy? And of course, the curse of death could not remain upon the sinless willingly sacrificed. What a fool he’d been! But who would have thought such a thing? Just wrath he knew. But such loving mercy he did not. And lavished upon such undeserved creatures!

The realization was excruciating. The Son of the High King had not come to bring upon his head the final blow . . . yet. The truth was far worse: the Son had come to destroy all that the dragon had worked for so long. And oh! he had indeed left an unfading scar upon the Everlasting Father, but not the scar he planned — man’s destruction. It was the scar of man’s redemption!

Waves of horror washed over him as he watched all his hopes collapse around him like a castle of cards in the wind. What he thought so wise proved foolish; what he thought so foolish was proved wise beyond comprehension. Whatever glory the dragon thought he had grasped in his terrible claws, the Son had just snatched away.

The human Son of the High King had indeed bruised his head, not with power, but with shame. The dragon’s great foolishness was now on open display for the entire host of the High King to see. And every fallen human the King would redeem and restore through the Son’s sacrifice of unsurpassed love would be another bruise of shame upon his wicked head — and another ray of the King’s glory. Another surge of the King’s joy.

This was the worst possible sentence upon a being of such diabolical pride: the dragon would die a billion deaths of shame before the Dragon Slayer finally destroyed him. And with the great wrath of unfathomable humiliation, the dragon loosed a terrible roar.

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f5b515  No.8461919

File: 38887a9346de857⋯.png (409.93 KB, 599x404, 599:404, pepe_court_point.png)

File: 426597359ed8234⋯.png (315.4 KB, 531x544, 531:544, jfkjr.png)

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7a228c  No.8461920

File: 1caeeb018c4e693⋯.png (5.39 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 82E13120_8C6E_42A2_A492_57….png)


Think one hop further then apply the mirror. Think kid. Think kid. With that said, trump is playing a role. He publicly disrespected the USA Generals. He has been fired. Enjoy the show!

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6dc7b8  No.8461921


Just searched trumptwitterarchive.com and that tweet is very fake news.

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99da62  No.8461922

File: 110a845f3128ce2⋯.jpeg (26.87 KB, 480x360, 4:3, F5502FB1_5284_4054_85A4_1….jpeg)


Who dat

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5e3157  No.8461923

"The question isn't if we will have a contested convention, it's if we will have a convention at all."

-Rick Klein, ABC Podcast

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446f06  No.8461924

File: ba8d885da464137⋯.png (179.4 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20200318_064943.png)

File: 6438c38858398eb⋯.png (184.86 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot_20200318_065019.png)


Utah 3.9 quake Huber awakens

WWG1WGA GOdspeed Godbless

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e21c76  No.8461925

File: 9f7c53055a92f30⋯.png (88.65 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Could this be what the 4-6% actually is?

The number of people that will refuse to follow the guidelines during this outbreak and gets caught up in the ops about to come down?

SEE THE PHOTOS: City issues self-isolation order but few listen


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d21c56  No.8461926


LDS mafia getting their DUMB taken out of commission

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7fcad3  No.8461927

File: b1b7dc7fea6d3d6⋯.png (988.57 KB, 687x535, 687:535, morning_market_report.PNG)

File: 12782f747eca05c⋯.png (61.66 KB, 1064x649, 1064:649, 031820_Mkt_report_651am_ps….PNG)

File: 7ae5165ecb0e79d⋯.png (44.32 KB, 646x566, 323:283, 031820_US_T_note_10_year_a….PNG)

File: f3de3848a381ea6⋯.png (45.25 KB, 852x613, 852:613, 031820_WTI_Live_650am_pst.PNG)

File: 63b31aba745a966⋯.png (44.01 KB, 638x694, 319:347, 031820_Live_silver_653am_p….PNG)

Traders ‘Liquidating Positions Everywhere’ Upend Markets

Margin calls and selling oh my….

Testing that nice round number of 20k on the DOW-cap#2. 10 year T note is back up above 1% yield-Cap#3. oil is barely hanging on to $24/bbl-cap #4. Silver got a customary hit job on the opening of the NYMEX and has recovered a little of that. Still down -3.46% Cap#5

The world’s largest exchange-traded fund, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust, saw investors withdrawing more than $6.5 billion in the latest session – the most since October 2018, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Meanwhile, the $70.6 billion iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF has posted eight straight days of withdrawals, with investors yanking a record $4.5 billion from the fund in that span.

From funding stresses to headaches about trading from home, the Wall Street worry list is a long one right now. One item is creeping up that list fast: Unreliable havens.

Stocks tumbled anew on Wednesday as the turmoil sparked by the coronavirus continued to build. The S&P 500 Index slumped more than 5% at the open, almost erasing a bounce from a day earlier as it tracked losses in both Asia and Europe.

But the most eye-catching moves were in the bond market. European government obligations including bunds tumbled at the same time as stocks in the region. Treasuries fluctuated, threatening to extend their decline a day after the biggest yield jump for 10-year U.S. bonds since 1982. A similar dynamic took hold earlier in Asia. The synchronized drop is not something that’s supposed to happen, and it’s a threat to classic diversification strategies where bonds are used to hedge stock declines. To add insult to injury, gold – a haven for centuries – is also down in Wednesday trading. The trigger for the latest synchronicity is government announcements of stimulus measures to fight the outbreak, as investors adjust to the likely flood of new debt issuance and its impact on growth.

All the same the bond rout in conjunction with stock declines is one of a series of dislocations sweeping major assets as investors liquidate exposures including bond positions. Illiquidity and extreme positioning make for a dysfunctional market.

Just last week, ETFs tracking U.S. large-cap stocks and long-dated bonds saw their sharpest combined loss since TLT was born in 2002 – another reminder their inverse relationship doesn’t always hold during crises.






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43f3b1  No.8461929

File: a4d8c2eea0cbd3b⋯.gif (885.83 KB, 1200x677, 1200:677, 1584453729098.gif)

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7199be  No.8461930

File: a0f018a615ebabe⋯.png (213.05 KB, 587x418, 587:418, clam_trust_q2.png)

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dfc209  No.8461931

File: 1e64bf585e678bb⋯.jpeg (333.96 KB, 828x551, 828:551, F186EB88_C5F1_4CE4_8270_3….jpeg)

Cannibal arrested and jailed…preparing the masses?


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841d4a  No.8461932

File: f30a99bab2f65ca⋯.png (115.31 KB, 951x833, 951:833, 2020_03_18_13_53_43_EDT.png)


Here is the waveform for the 5.7 Salt Lake City EQ.

Does it show 3 rapid-onset shocks within seconds?

Is it typical of an EQ or more typical of an explosion?

Here's the URL for the waveform. You get there by following links and clicking thru link after link for the specific event on the USGS EQ page. You can get waveforms for the same event as recorded by other seismic stations but the one in NM came up first.


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03982a  No.8461933

File: 20769c34e271e14⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 657x560, 657:560, cant_ban_these_guns.jpg)


I don't always try to gaslight the world, but when I do, I make sure to use Comic Sans as a font.

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acbc3a  No.8461934

far fat


rex tillerson

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c7aaec  No.8461935

File: 8be4f4f1ef15a81⋯.png (723.49 KB, 613x920, 613:920, ClipboardImage.png)


Maye Musk

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5c0e77  No.8461936


Gorgeous , who is she ?

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62db42  No.8461937

File: eb5f548071f83a5⋯.jpg (105.92 KB, 427x332, 427:332, thumb_up.jpg)


high quality meme

probably gonna steal it and post it on muh facebook later, idk

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273445  No.8461938


Tunnels bombed?

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48ce2a  No.8461939


After 1909, yeah….lol

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f44bfc  No.8461940


wouldn't be surprised if we see Level 3 trigger full market shut down.

the CDC and the MSM mouthpieces worldwide are creating the market crash, the residual effect could be a global depression.

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200599  No.8461941

File: b734c1d2e7c613b⋯.jpg (379.6 KB, 1440x1919, 1440:1919, PCUon47pDNANjxsGdIiOW3XZnm….jpg)


But the dragon is real. @DonaldTrump

You can't find what Big Brother has removed.

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d4c3ac  No.8461942

File: 09f1392a495bf4b⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 474x379, 474:379, 1392a4.jpg)

File: 3916a00ece9019d⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 627x960, 209:320, 84208.jpg)

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6cf342  No.8461943



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c7aaec  No.8461944

File: 40d462e6a001c98⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB, 426x240, 71:40, warface.mp4)

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884541  No.8461945


Kek wait until you find out all of Obama's generals will hang at Gitmo

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37db15  No.8461946

File: 19901f843d8738d⋯.png (62.33 KB, 348x309, 116:103, 2019_08_09_07_33_55_2.png)


>Montrose Funeral Home Operators Arrested For Illegally Selling Body Parts

These people are sick!

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0da97a  No.8461947


Please do. o7

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6a9b96  No.8461948


interesting timing

NK launches, real or made for TV [Fake News]

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36a51e  No.8461949

File: 482c5a96de001f0⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1046x694, 523:347, 482c5a96de001f0297eb6a7c0b….png)


so the journos that were being paid by Obama slush money are now coding and the janitorial staff is now the journo crew?

morning baker

caker peekin in

seems I missed WnB and gman

should be guud to go by or a bit before 11


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6dc7b8  No.8461951



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419bad  No.8461952


i have thought the same for awhile

saying the exact opposite or illogical things makes anons digg & defend positions

reverse psychology-

because shills cant be this stupid

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7a228c  No.8461953


Well said My Friend! Continue on your path.

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273445  No.8461954



>Tunnels bombed?



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9616cc  No.8461956

File: 238af8dfb2c11bb⋯.jpg (61.75 KB, 635x393, 635:393, barbosameme.jpg)

An anon posted in previous bread:


The Crown Virus?

QinetiQ, a Crown Corporation connected to

The Pirbright Institute

Owner of the Coronavirus Patent No. US 10,130,701

Major funder of Pirbright: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The Coronavirus is the Crown's Virus

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7fcad3  No.8461957

File: 6302c88450ea397⋯.png (1.38 MB, 688x811, 688:811, rekt_tillerson_new_job.PNG)

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43f3b1  No.8461958

File: 6f075af2cb76425⋯.gif (409.31 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 1584430743391.gif)

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441cc7  No.8461959


$10 2x4s


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883701  No.8461960


This is the most Russian bot thing I've seen in the past two years.

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40ef7c  No.8461961

File: 802eddbffb67cba⋯.jpg (564.25 KB, 740x1171, 740:1171, 15cb8180b85dc9e3c336a8ba53….jpg)


You think sneaky officerfag


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145f9d  No.8461962

All LB




Guise, no point in squabbling over whether/where there is a mil base in/near any major city. Lots of major cities have them, some don't.

Who really gives a rat's rear end? There is literally a major installation within 100 miles or so of every major city in the US

Not only that, but the military has all these neat things called trucks, MRAPS, helos, airplanes, tanks

I bet y'all already knew, they can move! Pretty fast, too, I hear.

We gon be gud

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c7aaec  No.8461963

File: 2cf7b83c6684563⋯.png (725.16 KB, 810x539, 810:539, ClipboardImage.png)


Meat factory worker who killed and ate three men after 'voices told him to' jailed

A man has been jailed for life after he was convicted of killing and eating three men.

Russian meat plant worker Eduard Seleznev, 51, said that “voices” in his head had told him to commit the gruesome crimes.

The murderer - found to be sane - had been previously convicted of two killings but was released after serving 13 years in jail.

He also confessed to killing and eating cats, dogs and birds, say reports.

The bearded cannibal’s latest victims were a 59-year-old acquaintance followed by two other friends aged 43 and 34, a court was told.

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0da97a  No.8461964

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 66cf5083180dfa030063c29be8….png)

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bab7f3  No.8461965

File: b5d83c82781a9a0⋯.jpeg (26.81 KB, 224x225, 224:225, 4417B8FB_5FF2_4502_8BFF_B….jpeg)

File: b34c9de3ae31c27⋯.jpeg (35.76 KB, 262x320, 131:160, 622B029E_4DC9_4A0B_894E_6….jpeg)

File: 5492bff9387769f⋯.png (138.24 KB, 353x355, 353:355, 0E2947A1_D561_4520_82A3_5C….png)

File: 39a44a86cf1a505⋯.png (194.42 KB, 910x1167, 910:1167, 646DFC07_344D_4002_AE23_5A….png)

Red and Gold

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4cde69  No.8461966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>8461657 (lb)

Fingers you have used are too fat.

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841d4a  No.8461967


>>8461781, >>8461768, >>8461883, >>846193, >>8461817, >>>8461831 >>8461938 >>8461943 >>8461954

Utah EQ data & anon speculations

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f5b515  No.8461968

File: bb194252e5dd266⋯.png (94.91 KB, 1030x559, 1030:559, eq_utah.PNG)

File: 64d7ec852d7d1cc⋯.png (105.32 KB, 1041x636, 347:212, NK_eq.PNG)


>5.7 Earthquake hits Salt Lake City Utah!!!!!


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5da5a7  No.8461969



All the king's horses, and all the king's men, can't put the cabal together again!

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70e36c  No.8461970

File: 086e40c88011074⋯.gif (6.29 MB, 512x384, 4:3, Make_TP_Great_Again.gif)

Eye Here Thur'$ a Toilet Paper Shortage….

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03982a  No.8461971

File: 812a5b47849b308⋯.jpg (23.72 KB, 251x255, 251:255, family_pepe.jpg)



Anon noticed it picked up talking about a MAP right before bed last night.

Was there another topic that triggered the porn recently?

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c7aaec  No.8461972

File: af28a6dd7994fb3⋯.png (480.62 KB, 615x343, 615:343, ClipboardImage.png)


He plied them with alcohol and stabbed them after they fell asleep, the jury heard.

The first victim was knifed in the chest and after eating part of the body, the rest of his corpse was thrown in a river in Arkhangelsk region.

The next two men were also stabbed and after eating part of their bodies, the dismembered remains were packed in plastic bags and thrown in Lake Butygino.

A law enforcement video shows the cannibal indicating to detectives were he disposed of the human remains.

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6dc7b8  No.8461973

File: 027e9eb31a52965⋯.jpeg (37.03 KB, 528x498, 88:83, 027e9eb31a52965569deed3dd….jpeg)


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c7aaec  No.8461974

File: cbe9fcbe965bd42⋯.png (273.44 KB, 615x346, 615:346, ClipboardImage.png)


"In the direction of Pirsa, on the left bank, there is a hospital and a kindergarten,” he said.

“I can show you where I dumped the body parts.”

Footage also showed the killer in a metal cage in court.

"Eduard Seleznev was sentenced to life imprisonment in a special regime colony,” said a statement from the regional court.

He will never be freed.

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bab7f3  No.8461975

File: 9063781f8b4c793⋯.png (7.24 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 15962A46_B0CA_425F_9587_F7….png)

File: 55117a3c255d1b0⋯.jpeg (17.12 KB, 1024x699, 1024:699, 05C6494C_A693_4B40_81A3_D….jpeg)

File: 2a721e82b87f195⋯.gif (6.21 KB, 317x211, 317:211, 4D454AB5_69DA_4F43_8F1C_24….gif)


more red and golg

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b57b19  No.8461976


They all have dead eyes.

They are losing power. Their energy is no longer intoxicating, it's repulsive.

Watch all these "Celebrity", "Elite's" turn outwardly as they have always been inside. DARK

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4401bc  No.8461977

File: 605cfdbea498fff⋯.jpg (728.65 KB, 770x1140, 77:114, you_should_be_670c660caf_1.jpg)

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37db15  No.8461978

File: e456da1922ecc60⋯.png (156.2 KB, 350x334, 175:167, 2019_08_09_11_25_08_2.png)


Living on adrenochrome?

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43f3b1  No.8461979


I've considered this as well, the easy-to-spot shills are basically a parody of themselves now.

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cddab3  No.8461980

File: 9a1bdcc02b3693f⋯.png (757.13 KB, 600x916, 150:229, bigpopcornpepe.png)

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dc0b45  No.8461981


The things I have found most notable/plausible and posted have been completely ignored by everyone, including the shills. I figured those were the ones over the target Kek

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c7aaec  No.8461982

File: a08877759fbea81⋯.png (450.12 KB, 615x342, 205:114, ClipboardImage.png)


“The court took into account his persistent antisocial attitudes, demonstrating complete disregard for human life.”

The accused had insisted he was innocent and told the court: "Let the jury decide whether I am guilty or not.”

The guilty verdict was unanimous.

The cannibal was sentenced to life in a special regime prison colony from which he will never be released.

State prosecutor Ivan Zavorukhin said he was “satisfied” with the life sentence.

“For such crimes that the maximum punishment should follow,” he said.

An investigative source said “complex examinations” were needed to establish the identity of the cannibal’s victims.

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6860ee  No.8461983


The Bingham Canyon Mine is just south of the epicenter. The epicenter appears to be where the tailings of the mine are deposited.

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200599  No.8461984

File: da19320cf47bf1e⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 847x357, 121:51, scary.jpg)









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884541  No.8461985


Russian Spetsnaz are = to boy scouts

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deb1dd  No.8461986

File: ae58e809de83099⋯.jpg (189.25 KB, 1507x617, 1507:617, logan_1.jpg)


>Utah earthquake removal of a DUMB? Is there a fault line in the area?

anybody remember the William Gray truck driver who ended up in a Salt lake city hospital and became news when a law officer tried to get his blood to blame him for the accident.

It blew up in news after a nurse was arrested protecting gray.

I think he eventually died from his accident.

then there was a rash of other single car/truck accidents around Logan Utah where guys died?

And a few days ago, there was a story here about the Kingstons brothers scamming money and trafficking kids to Syria or Turkey.

could it all be connected?

image from archives


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c22a82  No.8461987


> found to be sane


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e0540f  No.8461988


Rita is the new Building 7 ?

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c7aaec  No.8461989

File: c613ee8530a0947⋯.png (887.55 KB, 736x1104, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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bab7f3  No.8461991



hapsburgs, roths, vatican, spain, china and russia

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bbd3b2  No.8461992

File: c8561516977054f⋯.png (607.52 KB, 1020x1136, 255:284, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

Great compiled thread on adrenochrome for newfags complete with links and proofs.


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200599  No.8461993


Thank you ma'am 1977 best year of my life.

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7fcad3  No.8461994

File: 274f57926fb8c76⋯.png (374.49 KB, 1184x633, 1184:633, FALCN03_E_4B_Nightwatch_we….PNG)

File: 2cf6c1a8ef8995e⋯.png (534.1 KB, 560x552, 70:69, e_4b_patch_1.png)

File: c008a7c707d2de0⋯.png (305.32 KB, 1221x688, 1221:688, VENUS91_757_out_of_JBA_sw_….PNG)

FALCON03 E-4B Nightwatch west from Wright-Patterson AFB

VENUS91 C-32A out of JBA sw and AZAZ0909 USMC C-560 out of JBA and north-going to Utica, NY?

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4cde69  No.8461995

T -> R

Takedown Renegade?

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7a228c  No.8461996

File: 432ff97d8251d63⋯.jpeg (107.3 KB, 1125x603, 125:67, 7253B6E7_86B0_48EE_9664_3….jpeg)


Know this, You do not know when this show began. Any way, speaking of hanging “all” Generals makes you a real dumbass! Watch your back kid, watch your back. https://youtu.be/lTs6a0ORdQU (Need a Patriot to embed this. Thanks.) absolutely no disrespect of the USA Military and USA Generals will be tolerated here! Absolutely NONE!

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47f830  No.8461997

File: dc0cc015374c5c6⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1432x2520, 179:315, 20200318_093827.png)


Holy moly, guys, Patriots are in control.

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7056d1  No.8461998


Don't pay attention to any dates, anon

Remember: ALL of Q's "dates" so far have been wrong

Every single one

There is probably a lesson in there for us

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c22a82  No.8461999


not subtle, that cruella look

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200599  No.8462000




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7db2dd  No.8462001

File: 7c9db441f2c0432⋯.png (553.57 KB, 600x500, 6:5, bacero.png)



will BOLO nb if the doctor is still doing house calls

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841d4a  No.8462002

File: e02d973a77935bc⋯.png (754.45 KB, 820x968, 205:242, 2020_03_18_14_01_51_EDT.png)


Felt intensity was VII to VIII,

Very Strong to Severe

on the USGS scale.

I fucked up the bun. Fix linkie:

>>8461781, >>8461768, >>8461883, >>846193, >>8461817, >>8461831, >>8461938, >>8461943, >>8461954

Utah EQ data & anon speculations

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c7aaec  No.8462003

File: 39cbc101dcdb313⋯.png (268.87 KB, 620x349, 620:349, ClipboardImage.png)



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6860ee  No.8462004

Local TV off the air in Ogden Utah

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8fcc3d  No.8462005



The "Cure" Will Spread World Wide


18 Jan 2018 - 9:39:17 PM


18 Jan 2018 - 9:37:26 PM





The 'CURE' will spread WW.

Have FAITH, Patriot.


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6a9b96  No.8462006

File: 239c4abe2a03afc⋯.png (20.04 KB, 702x229, 702:229, ClipboardImage.png)


Potus retweet Fat to Far.

R for T

Russia Times- important new article published.



Russiagate all over again: Secret EU report blames Russia for coronavirus, confusion, panic and fear


DS looking for War, EU is their point of political control.

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e21c76  No.8462007

File: 3b3984a035fb17a⋯.png (119.03 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Tom Fitton, you on this?

FBI raises eyebrows after saying it would not accept electronic FOIA requests due to coronavirus outbreak


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3988be  No.8462008

File: 987e462ff6730f9⋯.png (97.37 KB, 247x255, 247:255, thisiswhy.png)

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4401bc  No.8462009

File: 9ee4115348db7e0⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 800x570, 80:57, you_are_the_ba065491dc_2.jpg)


That's what I'm talking about.

Great info anon.

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fc6a4b  No.8462010

File: eb49523ec45d62b⋯.png (764.15 KB, 1041x874, 1041:874, train.png)


Just think logically.

Has an invading force ever told the people it aims to do harm to "go inside, lock your door and be vigilant?"

No. Telling someone you aim to do harm to go grab their guns and hunker down is a ridiculously stupid thing to do.

Just calm the fuck down, everyone. Listen to reason. We asked to have the infestation removed, memed POTUS into place, were guided in what to do this far and haven't been let down yet. Mass arrests of over 200,000 people and likely upwards of a million are not going to be easy or pleasant. Many of those being arrested are not going to live past the sentence they receive. Their life is on the line, they will fight. Many are foreign agents working in our country. Many conducted false flag events on our citizens and have already killed Americans on American soil and won't hesitate to do it again.

We are the meme-warfare division, not the infantry or special operators. Let them do their job now that we have done ours. Enjoy the show!

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07c13c  No.8462011


Just felt another one

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deb1dd  No.8462012


>Bad news, anons. Rita Wilson died of the coronavirus this Friday.

So the DS was going to kill off the Hanxes?

but white hats intervened and arrested them instead?

where are they staying now?

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85365c  No.8462013


Fuck no. Nasty.

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3c84b5  No.8462014

Fat — Far


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024c43  No.8462015

File: 9374e58e73b76d2⋯.png (904.78 KB, 1022x592, 511:296, dogmaga9374e58e73b76d2fc3d….png)

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b6a40b  No.8462016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CNN: "A Clear and Present Danger"



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200599  No.8462017


The lesson is in TIME all things are manageable especially when TIME is on the side of big brother. IT's especially a TIME to come together.

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6dc7b8  No.8462019


So you're saying POTUS tweeted that statement you uploaded and it was deleted by Big Brother?

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c7aaec  No.8462020

File: 2e50e411b9bb5d3⋯.png (27.51 KB, 421x162, 421:162, ClipboardImage.png)


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43f3b1  No.8462021

File: d6d5725e4ceec70⋯.jpg (70.29 KB, 853x609, 853:609, 1584070340793.jpg)


"HAHA MONEY PRINTER GO BRRR" is I think perhaps one of my favorite memes of the last year, if not all time. I can't think of anything that so succinctly and effectively sums up our monetary policy more than "BRRRRRRRRR." You can put all the Ivy League-educated talking heads you want on the news to try and explain it, but at the end of the day some zoomer can do it 100% better with a simple "BRRRRRRR."

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884541  No.8462022

File: 30eea9136142c86⋯.png (47.27 KB, 568x647, 568:647, 8kunpostvideohow2.png)


Grow a brain cell

Dak To

CCN Phu Bia

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273445  No.8462023

File: 0124ea81a0ff6fe⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 314x480, 157:240, Daphne_Guinness.jpg)


Longing for a Guinness?

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6860ee  No.8462024

Reports of damage, power outages and telephone communication difficulties in Salt Lake. Airport is shut down SLC

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ffd525  No.8462025

File: de94d097e6f2bfc⋯.png (297.4 KB, 1910x2849, 1910:2849, wuxi_apptech.png)

File: 78eac9a47375c05⋯.png (331.65 KB, 1910x2891, 1910:2891, wuxi_pharmatch.png)

File: dec3c32b350f4b4⋯.png (64.26 KB, 1011x669, 337:223, WuXi_Pharmatec.png)

File: 52a9e1dae207ac5⋯.png (126.8 KB, 793x837, 793:837, ClipboardImage.png)

Reposting from several breds ago. Part of the WuXi pharma puzzle - esp. the WuXi 'child' companies cap.



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024c43  No.8462026

>>8461671 lb

g'mornin Swordy!

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a1fdab  No.8462027

File: 5ea1cdfe1bf03da⋯.png (188.71 KB, 857x286, 857:286, Screen_Shot_03_18_20_at_02….PNG)

Europe surges past Asia with Covid-19 death toll of 3,421 - AFP

18 Mar, 2020 12:01 / Updated 1 hour ago

Can't beat a bit of MSM fear porno

Europe surges past Asia with Covid-19 death toll of 3,421 - AFP

Europe has now suffered more deaths from coronavirus than the whole of Asia, according to a new AFP tally, signalling that the pandemic could be spiralling out of control in the West as China finally manages to contain the virus.


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0da97a  No.8462028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can't embed link… You must be a General kek!

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fd1618  No.8462029


It's TRUE, obama purged the Pentagon in his first term.

one general was let go because he would not remove a cross from his office wall.


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2bb1d4  No.8462030



can you reformat this without the last bread past bread faggot error and i will add it to the notes thank you .

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fdc3c6  No.8462031


SPX to 2700 this week.. not advice, trade accordingly

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200599  No.8462032


I'm saying that all the posts by the real real original @DonaldTrump were all deleted.

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c7aaec  No.8462033

File: a39ef64662cd14b⋯.png (580.54 KB, 783x580, 27:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1919aed41156619⋯.png (274.54 KB, 789x392, 789:392, ClipboardImage.png)



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bbd3b2  No.8462034

File: 8d51884cc5c9705⋯.png (487.79 KB, 1460x1220, 73:61, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)


It's still there.

Moar comms???


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37db15  No.8462035

File: 822157dccdc7640⋯.png (83.47 KB, 251x237, 251:237, uhhhhhhg.png)


Definitely Cruella!

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72d4e0  No.8462036

File: a284a203b7cf34f⋯.jpg (35.54 KB, 788x699, 788:699, a284a203b7cf34f427466b3ca0….jpg)


dasting anon

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6860ee  No.8462037

Another 4.0 aftershock in SLC

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6fdc99  No.8462038

File: 4f2b6cb6ddf9d5b⋯.png (298.43 KB, 1258x648, 629:324, 4f2b6cb6ddf9d5b28003651071….png)

File: f3d7bb7faf98ba5⋯.png (20.61 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 3b2a4a3c7a12551e409df34420….png)

File: d1762ede41af890⋯.png (120.36 KB, 720x426, 120:71, Img_1584540119803.png)

File: 6ed3186831f56f1⋯.png (587.94 KB, 720x697, 720:697, Cupace20200316165042.png)

File: bea062be7602ee4⋯.jpg (164.38 KB, 1020x576, 85:48, dial_m_title.jpg)




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7a228c  No.8462039

File: 83fd12fd28c2d9b⋯.jpeg (100.63 KB, 1125x425, 45:17, 11CDC21E_A838_4787_BEA1_4….jpeg)


You sound like cnn. No cult and no blind sheep here! Don’t like the message, use the filter.

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e21c76  No.8462040

File: 1f16919d753fc58⋯.png (527.38 KB, 665x822, 665:822, ClipboardImage.png)

Yep, Google is Skynet.

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9a5e6d  No.8462041

File: 7d263a6a1774985⋯.png (98.69 KB, 955x634, 955:634, c2s.PNG)


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a30b85  No.8462042


Murder that pasta with dominos, no doubt.

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a1fdab  No.8462043

File: 3a9784f6a90efd3⋯.png (256.82 KB, 841x285, 841:285, Screen_Shot_03_18_20_at_02….PNG)


MSM will msm

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4cde69  No.8462044


Swarm set off. 15 aftershocks in an hour, seem to be increasing in intensity.

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cddab3  No.8462045

Hmmm… "Finishing her Thursday bottle. They all do it." It's obvious what was in the bottle now.

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6dc7b8  No.8462046

File: 520f32e1a7cd9cf⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2478x1496, 1239:748, yXvAXLE.png)

NSA's data center is a few miles south of Salt Lake City in Bluffdale, my dudes.


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0da97a  No.8462047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They are building a day care for us.

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37db15  No.8462048

File: ebf44ef6166aaba⋯.png (95.49 KB, 441x343, 9:7, acosta_pepe22.png)


>CNN: "A Clear and Present Danger"



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c7aaec  No.8462049

File: cdccd418d036ebe⋯.png (22.99 KB, 598x111, 598:111, ClipboardImage.png)

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43f3b1  No.8462050


You should tell them that to their face.

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85365c  No.8462051


Also, between T and R is S. Which makes me think of the superfluous S POTUS had in his tweet about governor's telecon where he blasted Cuomo saying he had to do more.

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841d4a  No.8462052


You are comparing it with the 2016 North Korea event.

I'm not expert but I look at a lot of these and for the Utah EQ it appears there were 3 shocks within a 5-second period. Still thinking demolition of underground tunnels.

Baffled at the reported depths of the EQ and all the 'aftershocks' including some reported as negative km (above ground). How are depths determined algorithmicalliy? What kind of data would cause the algo to infer a depth "above ground"?

Pardon my data format listing 17 UT EQs in reverse chronological order after the 5.7 event. I'm looking at depths.


7km NNE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 14:01:46 (UTC)

6.7 km


2km ENE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:48:01 (UTC)

9.3 km


6km NE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:47:44 (UTC)

-0.5 km


5km NE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:36:38 (UTC)

10.6 km


7km NNE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:36:24 (UTC)

9.3 km


7km NE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:32:29 (UTC)

3.0 km


7km NNW of West Valley City, Utah

2020-03-18 13:31:18 (UTC)

8.9 km


5km NE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:29:55 (UTC)

-3.2 km


6km NE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:27:20 (UTC)

8.7 km


3km NNE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:23:20 (UTC)

-1.6 km


6km NE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:22:01 (UTC)

-3.2 km


7km NE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:18:28 (UTC)

6.7 km


5km ENE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:15:55 (UTC)

8.8 km


6km NE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:15:11 (UTC)

7.8 km


4km NNE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:14:06 (UTC)

8.4 km


6km NNE of Magna, Utah

2020-03-18 13:09:31 (UTC)

10.6 km

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6f2239  No.8462053

File: 92ee5a6965227f3⋯.jpg (164.42 KB, 512x768, 2:3, tchen.jpg)

>>8461639 pb



pic related

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c22a82  No.8462054


really showing who owns them

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f2f959  No.8462055


Did the electromagnetic wave that caused the earthquake sound Chinese?

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419bad  No.8462056

File: 8ec0fc005b4c654⋯.png (159.7 KB, 632x615, 632:615, ClipboardImage.png)

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c697dd  No.8462057

File: d3b93a9145d7c18⋯.png (72.82 KB, 400x214, 200:107, ClipboardImage.png)



only faggots avoid research. dont be a faggot, anons.

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c7aaec  No.8462058

File: d05f2d530c22d15⋯.png (201.09 KB, 598x611, 46:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6a40b  No.8462059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"LIVE: Dow plummets as White House coronavirus plans fail to

reassure investors"

The WaPo: A Clear and Present Danger



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024c43  No.8462060

File: 89fb1da24554881⋯.jpg (207.34 KB, 960x1366, 480:683, cowabunga_peanuts_33740_bd….jpg)



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de7227  No.8462061

File: 8d0e1fc0f12447b⋯.png (11.66 MB, 5078x2416, 2539:1208, ADC.png)

Some are saying nothing changed at google….. it most definitely HAS.

Search for example "adrenochrome" last week, all sorts of rubbish.

Today? Wow….


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d34e8a  No.8462062

File: 3fd84425b215080⋯.png (45.92 KB, 600x340, 30:17, Screenshot_20200318_091044.png)



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c1158e  No.8462063

File: 74317b357b677a6⋯.png (574.18 KB, 1157x974, 1157:974, T.png)

File: e484a0a8f3972dc⋯.png (357.79 KB, 640x533, 640:533, 1225.png)

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4b8e3d  No.8462064


>Battle of the Bulgeless Update

Yesterday's main course was Give Up It's Hopeless Qultists

Leftovers today or a new dish?


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9a5e6d  No.8462065

File: 4229281a65213cc⋯.png (652.49 KB, 468x569, 468:569, c2s3.PNG)

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6b7da8  No.8462066

Google, and possibly Twatter, has been freed and in the hands of white hats ?

Coincidence that Oprah, pizzagate and John of God trending on Twatter ?

Now the normies Google those names and…..

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c9da27  No.8462067

one of the Salt Lake earthquakes was right below a UPS facility


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bbd3b2  No.8462068

File: 9501037b4da5d13⋯.png (189.24 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, hanx2.png)


March 18th in calendar on toolbar for dating purposes to show article still there. Hid some possibly identifying info.

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72d4e0  No.8462069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Enjoy the show, have some fun and don't forget to pray!

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7a228c  No.8462070

File: 174b2ea2ef1d2eb⋯.jpeg (235.35 KB, 821x821, 1:1, 6575C98A_54A3_47CF_8574_4….jpeg)

File: f07d372ba480433⋯.jpeg (81.64 KB, 679x679, 1:1, D03EF662_AB3C_4FF5_937B_1….jpeg)

File: e96e52905d33a34⋯.jpeg (192.45 KB, 985x985, 1:1, 4B05660E_21EE_4B68_B7D8_1….jpeg)


Disrespecting the USA Military and speaking of hanging all USA Generals will not be tolerated here! No need to say this again!

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0da97a  No.8462071




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c7aaec  No.8462072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why 98 Million Adolescent Girls Aren't In School #CreatorsForChange


•Premiered Mar 17, 2020

Michelle Obama and the Girls Opportunity Alliance sit down with YouTube Creators Liza Koshy, Prajakta Koli and Thembe Mahlaba to answer the question “what does it really mean to educate a girl?” Each creator travels to a different country to visit a grassroots organization working to improve the lives of girls in their community.

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824ccd  No.8462073



Oooo. That’ll fix the stock market etc.

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a30b85  No.8462074


Ron Paul and Tom Woods btfo. KEK.

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87fed9  No.8462075

File: d0fabf3333a9849⋯.jpeg (543.78 KB, 1125x1658, 1125:1658, A3649755_C1AE_4E72_B8AD_C….jpeg)

File: 1515df01c861bf4⋯.jpeg (237.36 KB, 1125x614, 1125:614, 058A4C82_F6BA_4D56_8CC4_D….jpeg)

File: 784daa98193d2ec⋯.jpeg (177.43 KB, 1125x707, 1125:707, F096C795_B81B_4BC4_80E5_5….jpeg)

File: e8c9db0c2100b2b⋯.jpeg (559.79 KB, 1125x1761, 375:587, 1E5403CB_3F39_4C6B_83B9_2….jpeg)

These #’s mirrored are “Placeholder” drops

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f02581  No.8462076


Guess what event just cleared up space to establish brand new temporary Air Force bases near every major city including excellent road transport connections.

Civilian air traffic is way down. Room for other folks to use all the major airports.

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884541  No.8462077

File: fe63b1a853f90c3⋯.jpg (36.59 KB, 370x379, 370:379, putinpoppycorn.jpg)

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da5472  No.8462078



In English please

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1b0065  No.8462079

File: 0f82fa5412f27e2⋯.jpg (228.58 KB, 664x805, 664:805, hanks_corona.jpg)

File: 03f7ab438e3f5b2⋯.jpg (309.59 KB, 1224x649, 1224:649, madonna_corona.jpg)


Both Tom Hanks and Madonna posting content with a typewriter branded "CORONA". One the same day, March 17.


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5da5a7  No.8462080

File: 8c95f47ded9df22⋯.jpg (301.1 KB, 1600x816, 100:51, skynet.jpg)

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773a84  No.8462081


very close to international airport

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5f9bed  No.8462082

File: e1cc1a054af8571⋯.png (950.79 KB, 1470x980, 3:2, A_Beautiful_Brave_New_Worl….png)

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e0540f  No.8462083

File: 1322a3f20b1236e⋯.jpg (6.26 KB, 194x259, 194:259, o3.jpg)




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0da97a  No.8462084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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712f03  No.8462085

File: c34962f23f52e23⋯.jpeg (117.33 KB, 1440x840, 12:7, 1523743558.jpeg)

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c1158e  No.8462086


How does one stay in the light

and still be a whistle-blower?

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6dc7b8  No.8462087

File: fa23412f8f3eac8⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 267x300, 89:100, fa23412f8f3eac8ae250c4754a….jpg)



Thanks anon, I'll go back to using qmap.pub and eating paste now.

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c7aaec  No.8462088

File: 88a1f9c63201d1a⋯.png (193.01 KB, 598x428, 299:214, ClipboardImage.png)

I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. Being your dad is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Happy birthday, @ChelseaClinton


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5da5a7  No.8462089

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


TFW - Even China kicked them out…

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c7aaec  No.8462090


What's the name of that font?

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2bb1d4  No.8462091


will be asking for a handoff for sure this shit is getting intense. Reminds me of the pre 1000 bread speed from 8ch. Bakers we are trained seasoned and fuggin reddy. This is not newfag speed baking .

great job Anons


>>8461800, >>8461819, >>8461834, >>8461884 President Trump's Tweets ,News and Decodes

>>8461994 Planefag Reports

>>8461788, >>8461792, >>8461801, >>8461812 COVID19 Reports

>>8461774, >>8461777, >>8461787, >>8461869 Corona Typewriter discussion

>>8461786, >>8461791, >>8461858, >>8461927, >>8461940 FinanceFag reports

>>8461789 Celebrity Corona Cases and Deths /Notes

>>8461790 All the powers available to Potus during a National Emergency, intersting read for anyone whio hasnt seen it before

>>8461817, >>8461878, >>8461883, >>8461932, >>8461986, >>8462002 5.7 Earthquake hits Salt Lake City Utah

>>8461904 Point Pleasant WV Major weird town

>>8461913 Montrose Colorado Funeral Home Operators Arrested For Illegally Selling Body Parts

>>8461931, >>8461974, >>8461982 Cannibal arrested and jailed…preparing the masses?

>>8461992 Great compiled thread on adrenochrome for newfags complete with links and proofs.

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a1fdab  No.8462093

File: 1a6a67d65cf04d1⋯.png (238.58 KB, 831x273, 277:91, Screen_Shot_03_18_20_at_02….PNG)

UK epidemiologist who recently visited Downing Street self-isolates with cough and fever

The British professor largely credited with convincing the British government to stiffen its response against the coronavirus has self-isolated after developing symptoms, saying, “there is a lot of COVID-19 in Westminster.”

DS Attacking BOJO just like they do with POTUS 45 tring to stop the leaders of We The People staying in office!


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884541  No.8462094

File: bad8d86730d16e9⋯.png (227.34 KB, 390x389, 390:389, bad8d86730d16e951c27c989fd….png)

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7fcad3  No.8462095

File: 76fa83ac135265f⋯.png (112.17 KB, 306x306, 1:1, pepe_really_nigga.png)


whatever is not nailed down is being sold. Sort of a theme the last 2 weeks. Tested 20K-this is just a number and means squat but it is a psychological point.

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fd1618  No.8462096


You sound very frantic,

The boys in the military

Industrial complex are

Indeed going down

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6cf342  No.8462097


Anons, we REALLY should push something like "The Great Awakening Challenge" on social media.

-folks are bored at home now

-Tell em to image search pizzagate, rachel chandler, tony podesta art, etc.

-have them share their results.

It doesn't matter what name we come up with but here's my idea.:


Whatever we come up with, Let's make this happen fam.

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6f2239  No.8462098

File: 212a763b2b46144⋯.png (158.19 KB, 599x328, 599:328, smollet_foxx.png)


Fake and gay

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48fa29  No.8462099

File: 687fc139f43b6e1⋯.png (52.23 KB, 809x649, 809:649, ClipboardImage.png)

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03982a  No.8462100


Has to be comms.

Over and over again we've been told that Hanks and Madonna are very high up in their satanic cult's leadership.

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6dc7b8  No.8462101



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841d4a  No.8462102

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a30b85  No.8462103


Oooh, IPOT likes to go into the proximities of FedEx facilities to both Planned Parenthoods and bio research facilities. Time to check that googly map.

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6cf342  No.8462104



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419bad  No.8462105

File: ac2e1f31d5e6624⋯.png (128.04 KB, 465x484, 465:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9869324ac6b39e7⋯.png (39.59 KB, 414x423, 46:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f5531  No.8462106

It sure is easier to trust a plan when you're in on it. Talk about 50/50. So many mixed messages at times. Truly mental warfare. Fortunately my faith in God keeps me a believer. God Bless all anons. Sketchy times right now. Some losing money, some in fear, some sick, some with scared family. We should all pray for each other. Let's make it through.

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4b8e3d  No.8462107


Wray: Well, the CDC didn't NOT say that you can't catch in that way so we're just being safe and shit.

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7db2dd  No.8462108

File: 275bd41347de4b9⋯.png (787.72 KB, 940x720, 47:36, racer_bacer.png)



ill grab the dough asap

o7 m8



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c7aaec  No.8462109

File: e75283927d3dd6d⋯.png (5.04 MB, 3000x2112, 125:88, ClipboardImage.png)

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c4b9d7  No.8462110

Do not leave the cannabis industry behind, Mitch.

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6f2239  No.8462111




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2ac0dc  No.8462112


You just never gove up do you, bitch? Every day, looking for a different angle. For how long now, 2 years? Fuck you, and fuck your little pea-sized brain

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f034dc  No.8462113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c7aaec  No.8462114


>What's the name of that font?


Fonts don't make themselves. I made 8chan in Oct. 2013 and quit in April 2016. It is now owned by people who I have no control over. Email: copypaste@kittens.ph

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d34e8a  No.8462115


trumptwitterarchive is good. but not so much their search function unfortunately.

Have kept a local archive of trump's tweets since also qmap.pub is missing quite a number of those.

Could upload the text files I have if there's a need for that.

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200599  No.8462116

File: 61cf79a085d09ee⋯.png (724.06 KB, 759x711, 253:237, ClipboardImage.png)


Killer AI

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36a51e  No.8462117


hey new baker

bun looks guud

should be able to check in soon


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b6a40b  No.8462118


Twatter shadowbanners are still firmly


Need to remove all #MAGA and #Qanon censoring algorithms as well as the Blacklist of all Q Army account holders

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c22a82  No.8462119



try to find something that wasn't real, and/or explained rationnally without just repeating "baseless" over and over

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145f9d  No.8462120

File: 34af1df8c33c42f⋯.jpg (27.86 KB, 474x394, 237:197, 34af1df8c33c42f1eb5681b05d….jpg)


If you can't extract the point, you should go back to fapbook and spend your time moar productively, like jollifying yourself.

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234408  No.8462121


Ty baker, evefag bestfag


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c9da27  No.8462122

File: 7ea80ff3b330380⋯.jpg (249.93 KB, 999x818, 999:818, SLC_Earthquake_03_18_2020_….jpg)

File: 899589e068f5b91⋯.jpg (298.41 KB, 942x789, 314:263, SLC_Earthquake_03_18_2020_….jpg)

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a30b85  No.8462123


Not just Corona, Corona STANDARD.

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419bad  No.8462124


>The things I have found most notable/plausible and posted have been completely ignored by everyone, including the shills. I figured those were the ones over the target Kek

is that the only possibility ?

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7fcad3  No.8462125


you still driving around like a crazy man?



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03982a  No.8462126


Trumps tweets search in qresear.ch as well.

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200599  No.8462127


Post just the missing Q posts.

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4b8e3d  No.8462128


>All them OAN chicks have that uncanny valley look about them (especially that blonde one).

wb tho

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72d4e0  No.8462129

File: 58de33dcbb632b8⋯.jpeg (90.69 KB, 600x842, 300:421, 58de33dcbb632b8399eab8101….jpeg)

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b57b19  No.8462131


Musk – Skylink.

IPOT did a video on it. Can't find the link at the moment.

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bbd3b2  No.8462132

File: 886cd45d6d2294b⋯.png (349.19 KB, 2668x1012, 29:11, HANX3.png)



WTF is going on????

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c7aaec  No.8462133

File: 7d8505510e14f55⋯.png (37.88 KB, 598x209, 598:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4128b8e67dec80d⋯.png (72.21 KB, 598x413, 598:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72ecb1928d2d45e⋯.png (280.15 KB, 598x506, 13:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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6cf342  No.8462134



>try to find something that wasn't real, and/or explained rationnally without just repeating "baseless" over and over


They don't know this term yet.

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dc9d1f  No.8462135

File: c7a7c398748c42c⋯.jpg (349.42 KB, 1000x721, 1000:721, dude2.jpg)


buzzfeed dot thenews-zone dot com

fucking stupid…go larp somewhere else

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b81f29  No.8462136

reports of flooding at #SLC on twatter


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36a51e  No.8462137


no rest for the wild or wicked

how goes it SFTlous

waiting on the finish

almost there

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03982a  No.8462138

File: 64d058de81f8f65⋯.png (9.95 KB, 255x213, 85:71, meditating_pepe.png)

The negative energy is OPPRESSIVE this morning. Anyone else feeling it?

Gotta work to change it, anons. Might be a two-walk day.

They've closed the gym in our complex now. :/

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43f3b1  No.8462139

File: 24d2aebf09f4d6e⋯.png (479.86 KB, 862x569, 862:569, 1584363865594.png)

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ba287e  No.8462140

File: e4cdba8c024053c⋯.png (450.27 KB, 958x532, 479:266, k_griffin.png)

Kathy Griffin's mom died

To bad she's a cunt, Think this will bother her?

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712f03  No.8462141


No idea. It's the default font in the meme guru app.

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419bad  No.8462142

File: 476326056e32124⋯.png (479.75 KB, 696x500, 174:125, ClipboardImage.png)


all ur tards r belong to us homo

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171905  No.8462143


habbenings in espania

"Spain's King Felipe VI has renounced the inheritance of his scandal-hit father Juan Carlos.

In a statement, the palace said that Juan Carlos, who abdicated in 2014, would also stop receiving an annual grant of €194,000 (£174,800; $217,100).

This comes as the 82-year-old former king is being criticised for his lavish lifestyle.

Juan Carlos, who reigned for 39 years, is also facing an investigation by the Swiss financial authorities.

This follows media reports that he had received $100m in 2008 from Saudi Arabia via an offshore account.

The former monarch has made no comments on the issue…"


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b6a40b  No.8462144


Are you sure anon? Has he adopted her yet?

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145f9d  No.8462145


Yep. Even moar curious, some locations like Beale AFB in Cali used to be internment camps for POW's. Wondering how many facilities might be had to temp house DS douchenozzles before they get their permanent vacay to Club Gitmo

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1735c3  No.8462146

File: 628b2f9c7acc31e⋯.jpg (144.12 KB, 561x717, 187:239, Defender_Europe_2020_SHAEF….jpg)

File: 9b620c55bf4574f⋯.jpg (50.62 KB, 612x358, 306:179, Anmerkung_2020_03_18_14232….jpg)

So this is going to happen.

SHAEF again rescuing Europe?

German Empire inc. Peacetreaty and Freedom.

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0f7005  No.8462147


What if we took over grocery stores with flyers or placed Q signs visibly on the way to popular grocery stores.. that’s where everyone is at!

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bbd3b2  No.8462148

File: f725b6e6ecff538⋯.png (8.02 KB, 393x419, 393:419, Untitled_1.png)

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e21c76  No.8462149


Google, errr…Skynet is about to get linked into EVERYTHING and go live.

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db336a  No.8462150

File: 796c6bcabc8836b⋯.png (199.2 KB, 620x372, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8461562 PB






Huawei Q&A: what you need to know about the Chinese phone maker

World’s largest telecommunications equipment firm has been blacklisted by several countries and its CFO arrested

Remember when Brennan and Clapper were spying on everyone?????????

CHina could spy on everyone with phones.

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5da5a7  No.8462152

File: 9784220031f3334⋯.jpg (261.75 KB, 720x537, 240:179, Fuckery.jpg)


>WTF is going on?

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773a84  No.8462153

File: 818790cd88599f9⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 863x776, 863:776, quakeu.JPG)



Very close to International airport.

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c7aaec  No.8462154

File: 7d642f9d0da0f3d⋯.png (302.4 KB, 598x447, 598:447, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb3575  No.8462155

File: 05b89f8ef5a7b66⋯.png (53.64 KB, 883x397, 883:397, ClipboardImage.png)

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6860ee  No.8462156

Rocky mountain Power reporting 55000 households have no power. All that hoarded refrigerated food is getting warm. SLC

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a1fdab  No.8462157

File: 591c36b0b396a3f⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5a1f0dd1fc7e93613c8b4567.jpg)

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6fdc99  No.8462159

File: 50b1106065ae2a7⋯.png (179.16 KB, 720x282, 120:47, Img_1584540812667.png)

File: 5f4e4fb57862f05⋯.png (413.59 KB, 1242x648, 23:12, Img_1584490846795.png)

File: 8e2f027232a0166⋯.png (100.91 KB, 720x324, 20:9, Img_1584490921783.png)

The Hebrew comet rape star fried our brains and ruined everything.

Religion came AFTER.

In the movie Coherence a comet passes over and timelines merge causing all sorts of problems.

The tagline for the movie is

Rearrange your brain.

Comet Ping Pong

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a05031  No.8462160

File: 5abef59eb655bf0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1164x651, 388:217, virus101.PNG)

86% of people with coronavirus are undetected:



“Stealth” coronavirus cases are fueling the pandemic, with a staggering 86% of people infected walking around undetected

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672abe  No.8462161


South Africa. Dutch. Van der Bilt?

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824ccd  No.8462162

Hey Q think you could jump in here for a Q and A? Explain nearly 30% loss in markets, earthquake, panic fuck show, economy tanking, no end in sight, martial law, real risk or “virus”, zero indictments from jussie to Hussein. Ya know. Help us patriots out who’ve been eating for 2.5 years and now this.

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2bb1d4  No.8462163

>>8462108, >>8462117 Thank Bakes i got this bread im good love the challenge and I love serving G+C and you all. Check me at the next dough I want to finish this .Shitpost away thanks

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712f03  No.8462164

File: 3a030197c321457⋯.jpeg (238.6 KB, 1440x1100, 72:55, 1544108893.jpeg)

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7a228c  No.8462165

File: 5f662f6bec1a1db⋯.jpeg (31.77 KB, 300x425, 12:17, 1A60EBD8_63B5_4E90_ADAB_3….jpeg)

File: b9b61416a30b8f3⋯.jpeg (75.32 KB, 779x587, 779:587, F19BB446_CAA2_4519_9758_A….jpeg)

File: 3fdfde0ce4302fd⋯.jpeg (133.9 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, 1F0B8A43_333D_4D4B_9A0E_9….jpeg)


Disrespecting the USA Military and/or USA Generals will not be tolerated here!

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1b0065  No.8462166

File: ce8de65ce27a2d3⋯.jpg (274.85 KB, 1224x649, 1224:649, madonna_corona01.jpg)



In Madonna's video she typewrites "self Quarantine".

uppercase 𝐐


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8e141b  No.8462167


wtf is "https://buzzfeed.thenews-zone.com/"

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036809  No.8462168

File: c486cb5c1d9790a⋯.png (469.22 KB, 1289x822, 1289:822, Annotation_2020_03_18_0914….png)

File: 15ac394ea3270ff⋯.png (34.43 KB, 494x249, 494:249, Annotation_2020_03_18_0916….png)

So there are more than 200,000 cases now worldwide.

There are approximately 7.7 billion people on earth.

That means that 0.0000259% of the worlds' population has the virus.

I think (((they))) were hoping for more than that at this point.



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e21c76  No.8462169


How do they know, if they are undetected?

Sounds like more MSM fuckery to me.

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e0540f  No.8462170

everywhere we went this week, stores, told anyone near us "this virus is to keep us all home safe and out of the way while our military drains that swamp!"

We were mainly met with cold rejection, nothing new and we never take it personally kek, but that seed is planted and those eyes and ears watching will do the rest as the flood ensues….

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6cf342  No.8462171



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48fa29  No.8462172


hey clown… been posting this ish for a few days. good luck! tick-tock!

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f2f959  No.8462173


>“Stealth” coronavirus cases are fueling the pandemic, with a staggering 86% of people infected walking around undetected

The infection is insignificant.

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4b8e3d  No.8462174


>oooh ya mean I hafta chew gum and walk at the same time.

Not your best work.

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419bad  No.8462175


>WTF is going on????

the fuck is that we have shills that find stupid shit to post here with no sauce, thats WTF

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cddab3  No.8462176


Nata Lee

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a34f13  No.8462177

File: b40ea32d2a87ad4⋯.jpg (138.42 KB, 720x1019, 720:1019, PSX_20200318_091846.jpg)

File: bb4b45dace2b75b⋯.jpg (158.12 KB, 720x1021, 720:1021, PSX_20200318_091811.jpg)




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773a84  No.8462178


noticed in hank comms

Good News:

>looked bigger than

Bad news:

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c7aaec  No.8462179

looks like Facebook has changed their spam algorithms

check out the reeeee


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0da97a  No.8462180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8fcc3d  No.8462181


Sometimes a leak turns into a flood.


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72d4e0  No.8462182

File: 0f758f1722e5ed3⋯.png (442.68 KB, 773x414, 773:414, 0f758f1722e5ed3a41892acd4f….png)

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200599  No.8462183

File: c8a76badf3501ca⋯.png (625.93 KB, 460x460, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ecc091ac9dc680⋯.png (33.3 KB, 1002x464, 501:232, ClipboardImage.png)


Buzzfeed = Minimaxir rnn Bot Post textgen


Match the datasets to Google Search feeds. You will see how this works.

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7fcad3  No.8462184


doing well fren. keepin it as real as can be.

saw last night you ok and having some peace. good for you.

raining today so be here for a bit.


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145f9d  No.8462185

File: d86a75a69acb2c9⋯.png (14.96 KB, 255x252, 85:84, missed_the_target.png)


You can have my turds. I don't keep them.

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8c2e44  No.8462186

File: e4de41cbfe7f735⋯.jpeg (610.24 KB, 1762x2175, 1762:2175, wordss.jpeg)


>break over you the power of words and speak over you a blessing

so the cabal is trying to replace math/logic with words ?

mockingbirds ?

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b493c9  No.8462187

File: 565e67aa487aa81⋯.png (72.11 KB, 483x485, 483:485, QMAP_Qanon_Drops_POTUS_Twe….png)

I'd love to see one of the hashtags Q told us to use featured in @realDonaldTrump's Twitter, this week.






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177c2b  No.8462188

File: 1244455cb44d48e⋯.jpg (8.28 KB, 200x222, 100:111, webster.jpg)


they've both got that distinct bucket mouth

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200599  No.8462189

File: 6821e17d5fe23bc⋯.png (201.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, t_d.png)

File: b6989d40a1b630a⋯.png (217.15 KB, 640x480, 4:3, t_dc.png)

File: 8ca9f13a9c6b4fe⋯.png (285.87 KB, 374x499, 374:499, t1pnou3er4m21.png)


It already did and we already know how to beat it.

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a30b85  No.8462190


Holy shit. Well, there’s a sliver of hope for us.

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8fcc3d  No.8462191


good idea

old skool is best skool

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11c595  No.8462192




DFAT - department of foreign affairs and trade?

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0f34ae  No.8462193

File: c2fe89c52e41a41⋯.png (1.37 MB, 822x960, 137:160, IMG_4458.PNG)

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e0540f  No.8462194

File: a8307ee3b2f4c7c⋯.jpg (49.76 KB, 324x435, 108:145, Smells_Like_BS.jpg)


86% of people ain't buying the bullshit

Corona Deniers! kek

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9a5e6d  No.8462195

File: af2f622b506d12e⋯.png (794.92 KB, 999x486, 37:18, c2s5.PNG)

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4b8e3d  No.8462196


>Being your dad

Bill gets off on trolling us like that.

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c7aaec  No.8462197

File: 64136031b50c64d⋯.png (1.4 MB, 920x613, 920:613, ClipboardImage.png)



Facebook was marking legitimate news articles about the coronavirus as spam due to a software bug

Facebook started marking some posts linking to information and articles about the coronavirus and COVID-19 as spam, as observed by one Verge reporter and many users on Twitter on Tuesday evening.

The issue was due to a “bug in an anti-spam system,” according to Guy Rosen, Facebook’s vice president of integrity. Rosen said the company began working on a fix as soon as discovering the issue.

Following publication of The Verge’s report, Rosen said Facebook had resolved the issue and restored the affected posts. “We’ve restored all the posts that were incorrectly removed, which included posts on all topics — not just those related to COVID-19,” Rosen explained. According to Facebook, the issue was with an automated moderation tool and was not related to any changes to its moderator workforce.

The company previously announced that it would remove false claims and conspiracy theories about coronavirus in January. Facebook also joined Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube in publishing a joint statement yesterday committing to fighting coronavirus-related fraud and misinformation.

A new report published by Ranking Digital Rights argued on Tuesday that Facebook’s current approach to moderation may not be able to address the issue of coronavirus-related misinformation on its platform.

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4cde69  No.8462198


Looks to be near a huge UPS distribution center.

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6860ee  No.8462199

SLC Airport Tower evacuated in addition to the terminal. Water damage inside the airport. One road to the airport is closed…possible overpass damage.

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fd1618  No.8462200


Obama was also a commander and chief,

Guess Obama is off limits too.

Maybe it's time to start thinking about a post natal abortion on yourself

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2bb1d4  No.8462201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8fcc3d  No.8462202


Well DUH!

It's a cold virus!!

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bbd3b2  No.8462203

File: 822a321e7fe7212⋯.png (188.27 KB, 1126x1272, 563:636, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

Guys… twatter trends gone. Trying to hide #Pizzagate?

If WH control the algorithms, all they can do is delete the results.

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43f3b1  No.8462204

File: 59d58951ce3de67⋯.jpg (5.81 KB, 223x250, 223:250, 1575707829259.jpg)


You will never be m00t, Freddy.

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18792e  No.8462205


beware - I got warning of a malicious attack when i went to that address.

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c22a82  No.8462206


>How do they know, if they are undetected?

just like they always magically seem to know what "russian bots" think and feel

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6cf342  No.8462207


sauce link?

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e0540f  No.8462208

File: 37d7091963dcc30⋯.jpg (4.11 KB, 103x119, 103:119, webbchelsea.jpg)

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6a9b96  No.8462209


would not allow repost, will try next bread

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6860ee  No.8462210

Damage to buildings in SLC.

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18960c  No.8462211


Its just a little op to discredit anons.

pass on by…

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083e97  No.8462212

Invisible man is Stealthy

Who knows where the bodies are buried.

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e8bde1  No.8462213

Anti Viral News -



Favipiravir, also known as T-705, Avigan, or favilavir is an antiviral drug being developed by Toyama Chemical (Fujifilm group) of Japan with activity against many RNA viruses. In February 2020 Favipiravir was being studied in China for experimental treatment of the emergent COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) disease.[1][2] On March 17 it was found to be effective in treating the infection in two trials in Wuhan and Shenzhen.


Antiviral drug on the way from China


Mar 18. 2020

Some 120,000 tablets of Favipiravir, an antiviral drug, will be imported for the battle against Covid-19, Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said on Wednesday (March 18).

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2bb1d4  No.8462214


Roger that .


>>8461800, >>8461819, >>8461834, >>8461884, >>8462006, >>8462062, >>8462075 President Trump's Tweets ,News and Decodes

>>8461994 Planefag Reports

>>8462016 CNN: "A Clear and Present Danger" ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE

>>8461788, >>8461792, >>8461801, >>8461812, >>8462025, >>8462027, >>8462160, >>8462168 COVID19 Reports

>>8461774, >>8461777, >>8461787, >>8461869, >>8462079

Corona Typewriter discussion

>>8461786, >>8461791, >>8461858, >>8461927, >>8461940, >>8462059 FinanceFag reports

>>8461789, >>8462034, >>8462068, >>8462132, >>8462154, >>8462160 Celebrity Corona Cases and Deths /Notes

>>8461790 All the powers available to Potus during a National Emergency, intersting read for anyone whio hasnt seen it before

>>8461817, >>8461878, >>8461883, >>8461932, >>8461986, >>8462002, >>8462037, >>8462046, >>8462065, >>8462067,

>>8462002, >>8462052, >>8462067, >>8462081, >>8462011, >>8461983, >>8462122, >>8462153 5.7 Earthquake hits Salt Lake City Utah

>>8461904 Point Pleasant WV Major weird town

>>8461913 Montrose Colorado Funeral Home Operators Arrested For Illegally Selling Body Parts

>>8461931, >>8461974, >>8461982 Cannibal arrested and jailed…preparing the masses?

>>8461992 Great compiled thread on adrenochrome for newfags complete with links and proofs.

>>8462007 FBI raises eyebrows after saying it would not accept electronic FOIA requests due to coronavirus outbreak

>>8462203 Guys… twatter trends gone. Trying to hide #Pizzagate?

corrected errors , what else needs to go in here folks

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419bad  No.8462215


Walter Cronkite was a Satanic Globalist

search it

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723771  No.8462216


> died of the coronavirus this Friday.


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fbd6a3  No.8462217

File: ade0166828e35f9⋯.jpg (380.66 KB, 800x599, 800:599, what_you_no_4f052b64c6.jpg)

File: a77c17ead9d2271⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 550x339, 550:339, do_not_mock_b06e1b939a.jpg)


I love the fact that POTUS has everyone calling it the Chinese Virus or Flu. Laser pointer.

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fb3575  No.8462218

File: 4d1462bc37008f7⋯.png (455.77 KB, 886x764, 443:382, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b26826759c4b5b3⋯.png (31.39 KB, 471x1023, 157:341, ClipboardImage.png)

Tech reporter Peter Bright found guilty for soliciting minors for sex online

Former Ars Technica writer Peter Bright was found guilty of attempted enticement of a minor for sex on Monday according to Inner City Press.

The tech writer was arrested in May of last year after he set up a meeting with who he thought was a mother of a seven-year-old girl and nine-year-old boy. An FBI agent had been posing as the “mother” and communicating with Bright online. In the correspondences, Bright said he planned to molest both children and rape the girl, according to the Daily Dot.

“VERDICT: In Retrial @ArsTechnica Peter Bright Is Found Guilty of Attempted Enticement Of a Minor For Sex, Says Jury In Empty #SDNY Court,” @innercitypress tweeted.



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0da97a  No.8462219


He'll use #UnitedNotDivided or #FactsMatter

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6860ee  No.8462220

Power outages as far as Ogden. Approximately 50 or so miles north of epicenter.

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200599  No.8462221

File: ffff4c8b8f30180⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


There are several lone wolf snipers out there trying to get Obama. It's just a matter of time now and the odds are stacked against him.

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2bb1d4  No.8462222

File: 1283889ca91cd34⋯.jpg (137.24 KB, 971x1200, 971:1200, 1283889ca91cd3463211a94849….jpg)



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4b8e3d  No.8462223


>would be nice but

Them Eastern KY hillbillies will be growing it regardless.

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884541  No.8462224

File: d6bcdfb15d63069⋯.jpg (44.96 KB, 330x640, 33:64, XtpKNxTl.jpg)

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5ad55f  No.8462225

lds fag checkin in

was sleepin all comfy and such when i was awakened

thiught of this

22 And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not.

23 Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain—and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.

24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

26 Wherefore, I, Moroni, am commanded to write these things that evil may be done away, and that the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men, but that they may be persuaded to do good continually, that they may come unto the fountain of all righteousness and be saved.

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6b7da8  No.8462226

File: 93a9a9c506df6f1⋯.png (69 KB, 633x479, 633:479, ClipboardImage.png)

Hilldawg twatting

The president is turning to racist rhetoric to distract from his failures to take the coronavirus seriously early on, make tests widely available, and adequately prepare the country for a period of crisis.

Don't fall for it. Don't let your friends and family fall for it.


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2bb1d4  No.8462227

File: 3a5a90bd1003b14⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1675x1077, 1675:1077, 3e460a53d9ea775c122ba4ab86….png)

New George magazine


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bbd3b2  No.8462228


Sorry baker,

The Buzzfeed site is fake. My bad.

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7fcad3  No.8462229

File: 4609019c8781358⋯.png (186.54 KB, 1214x679, 1214:679, LOBO474_VM767_R01052_updat….PNG)

LOBO474 USMC C-560 from MCAS Cherry Point on final at Lake Charles-Cheannault Int'l

R01052 USMC C-560 out from JBA and southeast

VM767 USMC C-560 out of Dobbins and ne

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441cc7  No.8462230

File: e79d18c8028e93f⋯.jpeg (145.26 KB, 828x781, 828:781, DE9C7729_3339_4F33_87CD_D….jpeg)

File: c5b767c4be01365⋯.jpeg (86.05 KB, 828x594, 46:33, 8140B612_431B_407D_BACC_3….jpeg)

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6fdc99  No.8462231

File: 89698cbc55c8170⋯.jpg (23.5 KB, 521x305, 521:305, heavensgatelogo.jpg)

File: c2ed9fd1646ab2d⋯.png (330.13 KB, 940x788, 235:197, masonicg.png)

File: 8ec216a251d1264⋯.png (311.25 KB, 999x562, 999:562, in_1870_illuminati_grand_w….png)

File: 4d2d74c7323d1bb⋯.jpg (31.48 KB, 476x640, 119:160, Albert_Pike.jpg)

File: b0aa3b4af5a7630⋯.png (247.02 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Cupace20200318102725.png)

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c1158e  No.8462232

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c7aaec  No.8462233



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200599  No.8462234

File: ee5eecc02f2cb35⋯.png (538.75 KB, 620x388, 155:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Here comes the 2 woman ticket.

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1eee7e  No.8462235

File: c4a18c02f1392b1⋯.jpg (53.4 KB, 500x476, 125:119, 3t0mai_1.jpg)


Tyrone put down the Vodka!

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c22a82  No.8462236


"re-emerges in the year 2020"?

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1b0065  No.8462237

File: 75d05152d79ab50⋯.png (762.23 KB, 1653x742, 1653:742, Quarantine.png)


Here, I made a better quality screenshot.

Thanks, Anon!

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712f03  No.8462238

File: cb5e8c8e64b78c0⋯.jpeg (73.69 KB, 1080x532, 270:133, 1584443256.jpeg)

File: 4ecf44a1551fa7d⋯.jpeg (54.77 KB, 1080x614, 540:307, 1584443143.jpeg)

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de7227  No.8462239


One step at a time……

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5da5a7  No.8462240

File: a543eab805b6d46⋯.jpg (33.81 KB, 300x259, 300:259, thatsaman.jpg)

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177c2b  No.8462241

File: 5c3874b10b09710⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 1296x730, 648:365, trump_pointing.jpg)

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11c595  No.8462242

File: e510d5f8638742d⋯.png (343.49 KB, 800x1201, 800:1201, 6a0177444b0c2e970d01b8d1a5….png)

File: 354cc5d4a33a24e⋯.png (341.68 KB, 800x1072, 50:67, 6a0177444b0c2e970d01bb08c0….png)

File: 2790814947d132b⋯.png (334.14 KB, 1072x1440, 67:90, 6a0177444b0c2e970d01b8d1a5….png)

File: e72929b00531f7c⋯.png (121 KB, 968x276, 242:69, 6a0177444b0c2e970d01b8d1a5….png)

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6860ee  No.8462243

Some roads closed in and out of SLC due to possible damaged buildings.

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f1996a  No.8462244

File: ad212243c42cdcf⋯.png (316.44 KB, 561x313, 561:313, Screenshot_2020_03_18_us_g….png)

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2bb1d4  No.8462245


what link ? I am super busy

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083e97  No.8462246

She uses the leffter F 6 times


666 666

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c1158e  No.8462247


"Prepare the 'country' (cult) for a period of crisis"

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05a764  No.8462248

File: 111f46bc55e4a03⋯.png (82.76 KB, 639x544, 639:544, Chinese_Virus.PNG)

I just woke up and was reading Trumps tweets.

KEK He keeps saying 'Chinese virus'. Fake News/Left heads must be exploding

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441cc7  No.8462249

File: 1b220d13e929aab⋯.jpeg (83.14 KB, 828x701, 828:701, D56BEFBB_1757_467F_A76E_1….jpeg)

File: 1d9a4456e9535d7⋯.jpeg (148.33 KB, 828x896, 207:224, 7D215345_6E5F_4E4D_9F50_2….jpeg)

File: 042f089c81bdb77⋯.jpeg (220.47 KB, 828x1394, 414:697, 5D83775D_38C3_4154_B0AC_2….jpeg)

File: 13db1c2167b4660⋯.jpeg (235.59 KB, 828x1372, 207:343, ABDE1555_D6CC_4831_B00E_F….jpeg)

File: c541ca13b9a047d⋯.jpeg (166.78 KB, 828x1074, 138:179, 4D7B185D_0731_43F0_9FC1_0….jpeg)


Don’t fall, comms to the witches and the initiates.

[theY] are to fall.

All are to fall.

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7fcad3  No.8462250

File: e54dfdd8831987e⋯.jpg (198.97 KB, 1168x637, 1168:637, flynn_army_of_digital_sold….jpg)


chek't quads of troof

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7a228c  No.8462251

File: 191fd95f90c9f2b⋯.jpeg (102.98 KB, 1125x716, 1125:716, 3DA2F4F4_6AE9_4172_831F_8….jpeg)

File: bfc458e5858c7df⋯.jpeg (52.46 KB, 720x928, 45:58, 2EFFFD86_98DD_4366_9F6F_2….jpeg)


No cult here. No blind sheep here. Don’t like the message, use the filter! To my fellow USA Patriots — to see, look past the curtain(s). Enjoy the show kids! Key word “curtain(s)”.

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884541  No.8462252


Odds some patriots shoots both the first week they announce

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200599  No.8462253

File: 54c9c9ace372115⋯.png (751.64 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)


That is true until it's not then it's a half truth.

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18960c  No.8462254


uuuhhhh….I hate to break it to you but….

there's only one woman in that pic….

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6cf342  No.8462255


Thanks anon. Much appreciated!


Oprah was feenin for pizza after many have been without it for almost 2 months.

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27c1cb  No.8462256


>This is not newfag speed baking .

Lots of people hanging around the house. Lots of posts going through. Great thing about this storm, we're all pretty much here.

Thank baker.

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b493c9  No.8462257


I'll take it. We're in prime territory for a POTUS Twitter proof.

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419bad  No.8462258

File: a3339dd36180e46⋯.png (463.18 KB, 417x511, 417:511, ClipboardImage.png)



no man shoots that bad darlin

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9080c5  No.8462259

China cannot be allowed to prosper after doing this to the world from their bio level 4 lab!

USA needs to default on all Federal Reserve Notes held by china as partial repayment for damages done.

China needs to be economically obliterated for generations to come. They cannot profit off of this.

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43f3b1  No.8462260

File: e8dc21e7d4c9ebd⋯.png (347.76 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 345345345.png)


Making their move on the Mormon church?

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1eee7e  No.8462261

File: 24bd8543b030b96⋯.png (947.69 KB, 1080x942, 180:157, f99330b1b34be5f7022d2f313a….png)

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c4b9d7  No.8462262


kek, almost quads too

for real tho

nascent and startup industries are getting demolished right now

imagine pre-revenue startups right now, the ones doing fundraising for instance and with critical timing

all that is on hold

lots of cannabis hemp sector companies like this right now

they need help too in all this

stealth pain right there

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bbd3b2  No.8462263

File: b3511b7ecb3a01a⋯.png (552.31 KB, 974x1014, 487:507, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

File: 42a1a75877feece⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, oprahonpedophilia.mp4)

LOTS of Oprah chatter on twitter today. People are waking up!

Oprah saying: "You are 7 years old and someone is stroking your penis. It feels good." … "If the abuser is any good you won't even know it's happened"


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6f2239  No.8462264

File: 60bcef81fd2b58f⋯.jpg (73.15 KB, 630x630, 1:1, pepe_dice_hang.jpg)


sizzle. That's cold..kek

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a1fdab  No.8462265

File: d34a58fc45e5acb⋯.jpg (301.86 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, 4A234FAE00000578_0_image_a….jpg)

File: 8749fc2815ab3a9⋯.jpg (64.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages_512026552.jpg)


>Don't fall for it. Don't let your friends and family fall for it.

She knows what she's talking about!

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b6a40b  No.8462266


This is part of the whole "Trump is slow on "muh testing"…."If proper testing was available our available ICU beds would be overrun"

Freedo's Father has been pushing this bullshit non-stop. Now Rupert Murdoch.

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200599  No.8462267

File: 56ec54cfc5ddc31⋯.png (809.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Long shot

1/2 a mile

2640 to 1

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3c84b5  No.8462268

fa[20] ahead of schedule

[20] = FISA

release the FISA

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4b8e3d  No.8462269


One of the many Fake Ferddys gonna be all over this later.

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6bb162  No.8462270

File: 4026d2fcc7f5430⋯.png (316.63 KB, 460x259, 460:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8bde1  No.8462271



Japanese flu drug 'clearly effective' in treating coronavirus, says China

Shares in Fujifilm Toyama Chemical, which developed favipiravir, surged after praise by Chinese official following clinical trials

"Patients who were given the medicine in Shenzhen turned negative for the virus after a median of four days after becoming positive, compared with a median of 11 days for those who were not treated with the drug, public broadcaster NHK said.

In addition, X-rays confirmed improvements in lung condition in about 91% of the patients who were treated with favipiravir, compared to 62% or those without the drug."

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c7aaec  No.8462272

File: 14fbb397d5fd2c0⋯.png (427.55 KB, 679x412, 679:412, ClipboardImage.png)

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723771  No.8462273


Can't find the Q drop of google being raided, with pics.

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bbd3b2  No.8462274

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0da97a  No.8462275

File: ad441f066e4a6fe⋯.png (358.74 KB, 622x460, 311:230, ccc.png)


Hear that TRUMP! We're in prime territory for a POTUS Twitter proof. Wink wink nudge nudge.

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e8782f  No.8462276

File: cd9ccb3f31a2ebe⋯.jpg (86.43 KB, 666x500, 333:250, it_s_ok_to_be_chinese.jpg)

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6860ee  No.8462277

Numerous UDOT Web Cams down near epicenter. Airport is still being evacuated. Fire suppression sprinklers leaking. Airplanes have been diverted from arrival at SLC

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32aba1  No.8462278

File: 2e4e7c4bfa4c93e⋯.png (252.78 KB, 616x428, 154:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Red Flag 20-2

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a9edf5  No.8462279










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200599  No.8462280


It's a half truth. The other half is the Executive Order signed 13672

July 21, 2014, amended two earlier executive orders to extend protection against discrimination in hiring and employment to additional classes. It prohibited discrimination in the civilian federal workforce on the basis of gender identity and in hiring by federal contractors on the basis of both sexual orientation and gender identity.

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43f3b1  No.8462281

File: 7eb776438e8597d⋯.jpg (23.53 KB, 386x250, 193:125, 1571940987980.jpg)


Fuck that gucci gun is horrendous (aside from the hillary in jail mag.)

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da5472  No.8462282



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0f7005  No.8462283


and people might think about it more if they know fellow Qanons are in their community not just online, yeah? Especially if it’s everywhere and they go home and can’t get away

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6860ee  No.8462284

Sounds like SLC Airport is going to be closed for a while. FAA tower is evacuated and closed.

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b6a40b  No.8462285


She sounds like she's giving advice.

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6df454  No.8462286

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f2f959  No.8462287


give your Trumpy Bear a hug and chill man

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32aba1  No.8462288

File: 8ee76482d512ffb⋯.jpg (386.85 KB, 860x900, 43:45, concern.jpg)



Go away.

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c4b9d7  No.8462289

File: c05d7b46ed40450⋯.jpeg (626.38 KB, 1659x1661, 1659:1661, CE740484_B181_44BA_B7AD_C….jpeg)

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083e97  No.8462290


She is talking from a first hand, personal experience.

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a05031  No.8462291

File: 0658675ca211164⋯.png (419.76 KB, 379x380, 379:380, rabbit1.PNG)


kilt the rabbit.

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6f2239  No.8462292

File: ad9b1da1d15ace6⋯.jpg (6.22 KB, 186x272, 93:136, pepe_boner.jpg)


Feelz good man

It would have been more fitting if Big mike said this

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1b29ca  No.8462293


..notice she stills calls the pedo an Abuser…either way, this reeks!

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bbd3b2  No.8462294

File: c2573668b89ca98⋯.png (670.07 KB, 1674x1140, 279:190, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)


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7199be  No.8462295

File: ce17291b08cf34f⋯.png (173.92 KB, 680x367, 680:367, covid_x785.png)

Experts have determined that global warming causes COVID, and that COVID cures global warming.

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200599  No.8462296

File: 722cd7bb77bed05⋯.png (152.61 KB, 300x212, 75:53, ClipboardImage.png)


Zombie RISE

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c7aaec  No.8462297

File: 090e306c80284bc⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, A_message_from_me_and_my_d….mp4)


A message from me and my dad, @Melbrooks


#coronavirus #DontBeASpreader

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7a228c  No.8462298

File: 1fe47ede1614a8e⋯.jpeg (303.92 KB, 1125x715, 225:143, A2678B9C_F012_4845_8DDD_0….jpeg)

File: 59deea68e33b116⋯.jpeg (531.38 KB, 1125x1051, 1125:1051, 6AB90E94_C653_447C_A465_0….jpeg)

File: 0bc697eed7522e0⋯.jpeg (439.06 KB, 1125x922, 1125:922, 92F4EBB0_72C9_4FE9_AA79_B….jpeg)


trump pissed off the Generals long ago. Now, as the nation falls apart, he is on social media crying like a school girl. trump is playing a role and trump got fired. trump failed every USA citizen. In an effort to not spook the markets in January, he crashed the ENTIRE COUNTRY in March. Enjoy the show. these are the words that will haunt trump for eternity.

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0da97a  No.8462299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d21c56  No.8462300


betcha Mittens is skeered


Q, please put a bullet in this Witchs noggin. Thank you on behalf of all Patriots worldwide

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145f9d  No.8462301

File: 98c24fec60e2a3b⋯.jpg (111.65 KB, 1114x657, 1114:657, freedom_dispenser.jpg)


Except you. 50/50 chance and you missed.

Be sure to put your shit on safe, it's the only chance you have to keep from shooting yourself when you try to club someone with that expensive bat.

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2ef92b  No.8462302


>People are craving TRUTH.

>People are craving TRANSPARENCY.

>People are craving EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW.

>People are craving GOOD.

ok lets have it now

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c1158e  No.8462303



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7fcad3  No.8462304

File: ea23d28b3df12fc⋯.png (317.57 KB, 1230x691, 1230:691, PAT009_USMC_C_560_out_of_D….PNG)

PAT009 USMC C-560 out of Davison Field nw and VENUS91 with a wide track and returning to JBA it would seem…hmmmm

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e21c76  No.8462305


Probably happened to her, and she had a sex change afterwards. KEK!

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44983f  No.8462306


This is either a very stupid anon, or a shill. Most likely a shill. China's job in this global takedown of the Cabal, was to spread fear and panic. They did their job. Saudi Arabia and Russia were tasked with crashing global markets. They did this by lowering oil prices to unseen levels. They did their job. Potus bought up all the cheap oil in order to return their investment later. Now, our job is to dismantle and round up the Cabal globally. We are doing our job. It is a masterful plan. It is a global war. Potus told us that himself yesterday. Do not fear the corona flu. It is nothing more than a yearly flu strain released during the peak of flu and cold season, designed to enforce a pandemic narrative while the Cabal is eradicated.

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6f2239  No.8462307


Flying CIA/Mormon/Cultists to gitmo?

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712f03  No.8462308

File: 5daf410e15461d0⋯.gif (623.79 KB, 300x163, 300:163, Moobs.gif)

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c5646d  No.8462309


That's Jim Baker fool.

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b6a40b  No.8462310


In a way she's right. Like she's bragging or threatening.

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43f3b1  No.8462311

File: af247a6b493d034⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 810x1024, 405:512, 1574270685971.jpg)


You're right, it's hopeless. We should all kill ourselves.

You go first.

We'll be right behind you.


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d00bf3  No.8462312

So…the globalist scum who were gifted with financial control over the people by the corrupt, treasonous, so-called governments of various countries, have now successfully used their power to shut down industry and the lives of people all over the world…for NO GOOD REASON!

Gotta say that any government who is demanding that private businesses shut their doors, fire/layoff their staff but in some cases STILL PAY THEM; is a totalitarian and very dangerous-to-the-people "govern-ment" - separated word here because "govern" essentially means "look after the people" and destroying an economy because the globalist scum want to is NOT "looking after the people!"

There is no need to destroy a nation's economy because the globalist propaganda media and their vacuous, braindead meat-puppets are serving their masters through the use of fear; causing the stock market to fall so their leprous, globalist masters can then buy up as much "fallen in price" stock as possible at the lowest possible price…after which they will let the stock market rise so they can sell off their just-purchased stocks and then they can force the stock market to fall again and on and on.

Any "govern-ment" that demands their own country, their own people, suffer because of the absolute bullshit spewed by the globalist propaganda media is now shown to be suspect as to not just ability - but also to intent.

Now, more than ever, arrests need to be made; the traitors in "govern-ments" around the world need to be eliminated without delay! Each hour that businesses in Canada and America (and elsewhere of course but guess where my focus is) stay closed for no reason, with staff that cannot earn a living, with socialist/communist/traitors in any government advocating for the "free gift of cash" to the people while continuing the fear-porn in the media, is dangerous and is a direct road to an end to Democratic Principles.

"Govern-ments" DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to destroy their own country's economy - especially when it is done for no reason!

Fear-porn is overtaking and saturating the airwaves - both in the dissemination of the fear-porn by the globalist propaganda media for fun and profit AND in the battle against the fear-porn by those trying to speak rationally. If it wasn't for the fact that it is going to be necessary for the majority to be glued to their tv's so that most will be able to be informed on and thus be party to the "Great Awakening" I'd say just turn off the tv…but at least don't pay any attention to the fear-mongers.

Do what any logical human living in "developed" countries have been doing for decades: stay clean, wash your hands, enjoy a few days off if you're sick and jokingly laugh at your colleagues when they call you from work because they're working and you're laying around in your skivvies watching the tube…they're jealous and you're loving it. You know…like usual and like it would have been last March when you caught the flu-virus like hundreds of thousands of other Americans and Canadians did and who got to "lay around in their skivvies" for a couple days. You know - last March when people were dying from the flu to the tune of a few thousand a month? Yeah, that last March. Gee, time travel is fun, isn't it.






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a2b184  No.8462313

Google seems back to their normal shill filtering?

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0da97a  No.8462314


I love it how they write 'fake' as in being sarcastic.

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44983f  No.8462315

File: 466ec443f98cae7⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 556x303, 556:303, shills.jpg)


This is a shill. Albeit a really terrible stupid one, but still a shill.

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c9da27  No.8462316


oh, is that all it is?

obviously if this is all true most people don't know this.

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c4b9d7  No.8462317

File: 46824a740b24bd8⋯.jpeg (2.89 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 7A84F45A_5118_4CFA_9D28_5….jpeg)

5.7 Quake hits salt lake city

They shut down the city. Power out.

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8c2e44  No.8462318



the topics were




when oprah shill shit started

sure its been mentioned but MAP could doublemeaning also be


clockwise spiral ( right hand path ) vs counterclockwise spiral ( left hand path ) ?

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1eee7e  No.8462319

File: da2eeca04a1ece9⋯.jpg (43.38 KB, 500x447, 500:447, 3t0lva_1.jpg)

Trust Sessions….

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27c1cb  No.8462320

File: 2d37134a7a8a90c⋯.jpg (11.31 KB, 218x231, 218:231, check_em.jpg)


chekt and (home)wrecked.


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6ded7e  No.8462321

File: 0810d44fd74cf19⋯.png (107.44 KB, 780x498, 130:83, catguns.png)

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3c84b5  No.8462322


What did I miss? What's going on?

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200599  No.8462323

File: 6f7eafd490f6cab⋯.jpg (136.4 KB, 1007x478, 1007:478, wherethehillshaveeyes.jpg)

File: ca51b76cd82f492⋯.png (72.28 KB, 312x161, 312:161, judgement.png)

File: 33ac34d340b0668⋯.png (15.62 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Pleroma.png)


Yes please do. Please. I need a vacation. Flip the sun. Black Hot Sun Rising

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6860ee  No.8462324

SLC local TV showing passengers with baggage waiting outside of terminal. There is no vehicle traffic in the pickup of drop off area. Roads closed.

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083e97  No.8462325


I'll take my chances in the Apocalypse.

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6ded7e  No.8462326


>designed to enforce a pandemic narrative while the Cabal is eradicated.

Stopping cruise lines, closing borders, grounding private planes… all of it to also stop trafficking.

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7fcad3  No.8462327

File: deff8817904fc39⋯.png (239.49 KB, 854x785, 854:785, SLC_closed_738am_pst_03182….PNG)

Current Commercial Traffic at SLC. No one going in/out

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40ef7c  No.8462328

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c7aaec  No.8462329

File: fc2c30bd375facc⋯.mp4 (8.03 MB, 320x568, 40:71, GameofGames_is_on_tonight_….mp4)


#GameofGames is on tonight! Forget your worries and laugh for an hour. 8pm. NBC.

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6860ee  No.8462330

Some older brick buildings in SLC showing damage. No reports of any collapses though.

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aae6c3  No.8462331


Wonder if Pasta is the Pope.

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c7aaec  No.8462332

File: a46e5846d3b6dde⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Lion_s_Gate.mp4)

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419bad  No.8462333

File: 95390c585720afd⋯.png (736.59 KB, 971x551, 971:551, ClipboardImage.png)


in honor & respect for Covid 19?

thanks to all the birders?

Does anyone have the full text of what she wrote here?

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f2f959  No.8462334


>What did I miss? What's going on?

Mitt Romney farted. SLC shook badly.

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5da5a7  No.8462335

File: 141dc49f852ed74⋯.jpeg (182.63 KB, 1125x980, 225:196, the_resistance_kek.jpeg)

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36a51e  No.8462336


all the geri's in this neck of the woods are on self lockdown, one of them told me all about polio


earlies Sunday cancelled till further notice

there is that one guud thing!

rainy season comin here soon

better than drought any day

bet doggo not happy


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5e3157  No.8462337


Last night I got fewer results from the same searches that I had done the night before when filter was clearly down.

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c22a82  No.8462338

TomHanks, Madonna, Oprah.

wow, big names for 1987

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4b8e3d  No.8462339

File: 2d11f18dfc8b1f4⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 486x378, 9:7, SportsballJones.JPG)



Can you bet on it, Ellen?


Well, #fuckoffthen

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44983f  No.8462340


Of course not. The whole idea is to sell fear to the public so that they quarantine themselves. This protects them from friendly fire, or bombs/shootings from retaliating cabal. It protects them from rioting against the white hats because their deep state heroes are being locked up. It is a beautiful plan.

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85365c  No.8462341


Da fug is up with that sweatshirt?

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7a228c  No.8462342

File: a4a5f4b565a5933⋯.jpeg (422.45 KB, 1125x1056, 375:352, D4F75D42_9427_4321_AD7C_E….jpeg)


to all of you giving money to trump, he is giving your money to his kids and his businesses. Look into it, it will blow your mind! just another reason the USA Generals have fired him! Enjoy the show!

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73c15b  No.8462343

File: 55b3089537fc9a3⋯.jpg (23.75 KB, 375x379, 375:379, Da_Plan.jpg)


Da Plan, Da Plan

Trust Da Plan!

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6860ee  No.8462344

Largest earthquake in Utah since 1992 per reports.

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c9da27  No.8462345



that could be us! or what we were before in here mind.?

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db336a  No.8462346

File: cb24c1484a15eaa⋯.png (74.13 KB, 400x257, 400:257, ClipboardImage.png)


Event 201

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.


Statement about nCoV and our pandemic exercise


In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a pandemic tabletop exercise called Event 201 with partners, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Recently, the Center for Health Security has received questions about whether that pandemic exercise predicted the current novel coronavirus outbreak in China. To be clear, the Center for Health Security and partners did not make a prediction during our tabletop exercise. For the scenario, we modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction.

(IN OTHER WORDS, LEGAL EASE…………….Plausible deniability)

Instead, the exercise served to highlight preparedness and response challenges that would likely arise in a very severe pandemic. We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.

Back in 2019 THEY "MODELED" a fictional coronavirus pandemic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How would you know back in October of 2019 this would pop up?????????

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a1fdab  No.8462347

File: 56d17106cd8379d⋯.png (199.12 KB, 501x465, 167:155, Screen_Shot_03_18_20_at_02….PNG)

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a2b184  No.8462348

same but at the moment its seems back to the old sheat…hopefully testing the clean up…

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0da97a  No.8462349


2 more big name to come.

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3988be  No.8462350

File: 24db6fbfb5e49ce⋯.png (603.1 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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27c1cb  No.8462351


She's not that pretty with the make up, but without she's a tired old hag.

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273445  No.8462353

File: f04fbe7806bfe1d⋯.jpg (165.54 KB, 675x1000, 27:40, WWZ.jpg)


World War Z?

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2ac0dc  No.8462354





I'm neither a Twotterfag nor a memefag. But if I were, I would be launching MOABs of truth right now

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8fcc3d  No.8462355


Yep, even those old skool posted paper flyers with tear tabs at the bottom with online links for information.

eg: "Is this really all about a VIRUS? Curious about Q? Think for yourself…."

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0c073a  No.8462356


I would rather get Corona than the flu based on stats. I don't understand why the country hasn't been locked down more for how many die from the flu. Weird world.

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c9da27  No.8462357


get him to a gym.

seriously, why make fun of him. He just needs to be awakened, and take a beach holiday, and do some exercise, and go MAGA

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39d32c  No.8462358

File: 21c95e052b3194e⋯.jpeg (127.68 KB, 1007x603, 1007:603, 44EA219A_BBA4_460A_9B70_6….jpeg)

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b6a40b  No.8462359


Did they counter "Something BIG" "that will shock the conscience" "short heard around the World" with HanQs getting the WuFlu? The People need that one BIG eye-opening arrest and exposure.

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6860ee  No.8462360

20 plus 3.0 magnitude aftershocks in the first hour after EQ. SLC

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fc6a4b  No.8462361


Peoria AZ - District 86

Jef Fuel - Stealth Avion

False Flag - Undetected

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200599  No.8462362

File: 714441fcf5adf7c⋯.jpg (45.69 KB, 626x626, 1:1, shield_design_with_wing_sw….jpg)


You are welcome.

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1eee7e  No.8462363

File: f533cf4d6bbe3d2⋯.jpg (31.28 KB, 456x347, 456:347, 3t0lgv_1.jpg)

Tyrone be patient your thousand dollars is coming in two weeks…

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083e97  No.8462364

Seems like there is a pattern of mistakes

Mistakes are mostly

one space to the right

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c22a82  No.8462365



ok, just find it a bit odd they're whipping these yuge stars… of decades ago.

i mean sure, they're still hanging around, but their heyday is way back

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44983f  No.8462366


Escape..not just trafficking..they have all borders shut down to stop escape. There is nowhere the rats can run now.

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4b8e3d  No.8462367


>Largest earthquake in Utah since 1992 per reports.

That one was from when Poppy was originally building them DUMBs

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0da97a  No.8462368

File: 1090a556d5bcc89⋯.jpg (328.73 KB, 1013x675, 1013:675, godwinspoliticallycorrectt….jpg)

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454b5c  No.8462369


Just had AM walk - feeling energized.

Cold morning air - birds singing.

You know what to do.

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1ce73d  No.8462370

Coronavirus May Be The Reality Check That Ends The World's Love Affair With Elon Musk

And while Elon has an unprecedented track record of facing zero consequences as a result of ignoring reality, replete with humiliating both the SEC and the NHTSA, bailing out an insolvent Solar City and defaming British cave diver Vern Unsworth, he may have just run smack dab into a problem that he can't charm his way out of.

The coronavirus is arguably the biggest piece of news to hit the globe in decades. It's going to cause an unprecedented economic crisis and could change life as many people on Earth know it permanently. It's on the front page of every newspaper and is the lede on every TV program. For the larger than life Musk, it's finally one problem that is larger than him.


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6dc7b8  No.8462371


Rough translation: The president has the goods/evidence on us. But don't talk. Don't let your friends and family talk.

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70e36c  No.8462372

5.7 Magnitude Utah. Poison Control Center Evacuated.

Johnny Utah ~ Point Break

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49017b  No.8462373


Read it with new eyes this morning.

I think the corona typewriter photos/messages are code that they flipped to save their asses.

I understand there are no deals but sometimes, things have to be negotiated to gut the rot. Don't think they get off scott free, but they're getting better than the others.

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c9da27  No.8462374


is Madonna referencing half-chan in her typewritten piece?

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36a51e  No.8462375

File: 69a825e1c92e1ca⋯.png (43.69 KB, 219x230, 219:230, 69a825e1c92e1ca5289899c6cd….png)

hey GnC

officially checkin in

can help with bake or notes next bred if you want the practice

bakers gotta bake, great you didn't tap, first rule of baking

lemme know if you want to bake along with me

see you at the dough


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200599  No.8462376

File: 9b587fc4ea8fb20⋯.png (116.8 KB, 579x394, 579:394, ClipboardImage.png)


Put in a buy for Video Games and Weed

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8988cf  No.8462377

File: 378b41b8729111a⋯.png (378.11 KB, 848x1056, 53:66, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

File: e5ecf34f927e043⋯.png (523.23 KB, 1242x1450, 621:725, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f23eeed50e6b86f⋯.png (659.58 KB, 1242x1764, 69:98, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe WH's not in control….

Wow. After thousands of people tweeted #ChinaLiedPeopleDied, it began trending nationally.

Within moments, the hashtag was instantly replaced with #TrumpLiedPeopleDied, and the original hashtag vanished despite thousands of people tweeting it.

Was this Twitter, China, or both?

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a05031  No.8462378

File: 5070e262ceacbb4⋯.png (203.99 KB, 484x268, 121:67, pepe291.PNG)


TY PLANE FAG for the update

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e21c76  No.8462379

File: d6b0bb880078e05⋯.png (103.04 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Cabalist and 'elites' are showing themselves at all levels now for sure.

Debra Messing says 'MAGA' supporters 'will die,' blasts Trump's coronavirus response


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6b9627  No.8462380


not exactly he just needs to be awakened. did you see his "panties?" Come on man.

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8c2e44  No.8462381

File: b15b10aa4edb001⋯.jpg (29.87 KB, 400x451, 400:451, c6cd40761d372e3691e6ee487e….jpg)




HAMMER & ANVIL are parts of human ear

to strike a musical note

Hammer & Sickle = they knew they were just going to beat the drum of mass crowds & sink people to their baser instincts ?

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8fcc3d  No.8462382


She looks haggard

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c22a82  No.8462383


why? this doesnt even say anything

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40ef7c  No.8462384

File: 5e3a0fdf6346344⋯.jpg (218.56 KB, 1165x1125, 233:225, annflag5a.jpg)

please do not argue with shills, masons or the mentally ill.

This is a research board, our purpose is to expose the crimes of criminal con artists and child murderers.

emotional opinions and chat room spats

are shills.

do not reply to them.


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5e3157  No.8462385

Bexar County, TX: "All delinquent property tax foreclosure sales for April and May have been cancelled."

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c22a82  No.8462386


he's looked half-dead for decades

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c7aaec  No.8462387



Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1". That is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds, the point at which effectively the discussion or thread often ends. Promulgated by the American attorney and author Mike Godwin in 1990, Godwin's law originally referred specifically to Usenet newsgroup discussions. It is now applied to any threaded online discussion, such as Internet forums, chat rooms, and comment threads, as well as to speeches, articles, and other rhetoric where reductio ad Hitlerum occurs.

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a30b85  No.8462388


Dang, the short sleeve white shirt crew even shows up on the porch of 8kun. Gotta admire your dedication at least. Stay safe over there, Mormanon!

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7fcad3  No.8462389


he's not. got the "fuck dad it's raining" look.

If he wasn't such a pussy I'd go out in it. Just water.

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1eee7e  No.8462390

File: aae69ae6ccc013e⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 500x319, 500:319, 3t0l6a_1.jpg)


Liberty City lockdown is on….

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72d4e0  No.8462391

File: cddcf16462384e9⋯.png (75.74 KB, 385x386, 385:386, cddcf16462384e9f9fd23454a3….png)



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0da97a  No.8462392


Bette Midler


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c7aaec  No.8462393

File: 47b2019f4298fa7⋯.png (215.52 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies

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200599  No.8462394


You fuck wit, that discredits 99% of your base.

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f3032c  No.8462395

File: 6fb14200e10267d⋯.jpg (99.58 KB, 504x563, 504:563, Anons.jpg)


>Nazi cat's head would explode if it read this

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145f9d  No.8462396

File: 0beed26b814475d⋯.png (196.97 KB, 300x230, 30:23, ClipboardImage.png)


Me liiikey!

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672abe  No.8462397

So many stupid shills lately trying to queer the bread.

QP #2491



12 Nov 2018 - 8:13:00 PM

#1 attacked person by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?


#2 attacked entity by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?


As of 3:02 pm est today, "Qanon" is now the #2 most attacked entity behind POTUS within the U.S.


Logical Thinking > WHY?



Congratulations, Anons!





QP #2602



12 Dec 2018 - 2:31:38 PM


12 Dec 2018 - 2:26:46 PM


And THIS must be why the shills are spewing everywhere. LOVE IT!!!



FAKE NEWS attacks.


SHILL attacks.




QP # 3219



26 Mar 2019 - 2:54:02 PM


26 Mar 2019 - 2:52:27 PM


Does their stupidity ever stop being so amusing?

Hasn't for me.


Badge of Honor, Patriot.

Over the TARGET.


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c9da27  No.8462398


No, I didn't look at that part. Weird.

I saw the face of someone who looks like life beat the joy out of him, and that's all I saw. I thouhgt "A man like that can heal. He can get past whatever is holding him back. He can change his wordrobe.

He can find a happy future out of the basement and living a good life.

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8e141b  No.8462399

File: 5ff865f49dd31f8⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1100x733, 1100:733, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c2e44  No.8462400



theyre really going to take this to the end

" even if we die, the cabal lives on "


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70e36c  No.8462401

File: 980cf0b5462b016⋯.gif (6.39 MB, 512x384, 4:3, Utah_Uranium_.gif)

Johnny Utah! Sorry Man Didn't mean 2 Get Up in Your Face! Little Hand says it's TIME 2Rock N' Roll!


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5da5a7  No.8462402

File: 11167047d39277d⋯.jpg (199.88 KB, 753x498, 251:166, coronaknack.jpg)

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5635bb  No.8462403



She ded

Scripts are running the narrative out

Oh the plot twist is gonna be EPIC

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7fcad3  No.8462404



and it didn't fuckin' crash either! Seems that improved the same time the google algo did.

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d4c3ac  No.8462405

File: 22afe7041d9e1e8⋯.jpg (113.68 KB, 816x528, 17:11, hanks_in_jail.JPG)

File: ec29ed81fbe2f7f⋯.jpg (128.79 KB, 816x528, 17:11, oprah_jail.JPG)

File: 5aa7ba6db1d2c1c⋯.png (11.24 KB, 500x375, 4:3, the_sun_newspaper_png_4.png)

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083e97  No.8462406


Dinero is [next] in line

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32a158  No.8462407


Li Chi-tang - overseas leader

Li Hslen - chih

Li Hsiu-ch’eng - Hunan

Li Hung - Honan

Li K’ai-ch’en - Triad, Shanghai

Li Lap Ting - Kwangsi province

Li Ping-ch’ing - Triad, Shanghai

Li Shih-chin

Li Wen-mao - north of Peking, Fatshan

Li Yuan-fa - Hunan

Li Chol Fat -Hong Kong

Li Jarfar Mah - Britain


Triad rituals were an elaborate affair but have continued to be streamlined over the years.

The ritual initiation drew from 3 religious sources: Taoism (magic), Buddhism, and what might be called Confucianism. Taoism emphasized the importance of blood ancestry, of magic, and alchemy. The traditional initiation lasts about eight hours, and includes ritual dance, secret hand-shakes, a blood sacrifice, and pricking the finger of the new initiates.

The Triads have an extremely long history and a lot of heritage. In order to try to capsulize what they are one has to look at what they are doing at a particular moment. At times they are secret fraternity like the Masons, at other times they have more of the appearance of a revolutionary army, and at other times they look like the Mafia. They are all these things. And so they are a much more complex group to understand than some of the other secret societies that might fit into some nice label.

Sometimes their services as hit men are hired out to others. Their heritage and history make them almost a sub-culture, and a sub-culture that is difficult for law enforcement agencies to penetrate. Their blood oaths and traditions bind them together.


The White Lotus Society centuries ago amalgamated itself to the Hung Society which in turn changed into the Triad Society also known as the Three United Society.

Some people continued calling it the Hung Society. The Hung Society had many local names, and like Freemasonry hid behind trade guilds.


The Triads infiltrated the Boxers and even associated with them, but the Boxers lost against the foreign powers.


During the California gold rush days many Chinese began coming to America. Triad lodges sprang up in the Chinese laundrymen of San Francisco. By 1854, the Triad Society called ‘Five Companies’ had 35,000 members in California. In the U.S. the Triad lodges became known as Tongs-which means a ‘hail’ or ‘meeting place.’

Where ever the Chinese lived they quietly set up Triad lodges so that soon there were lodges in Laramie, Cheyenne, Kansas City, Seattle, Vancouver, California, New York, Boston, and the Klondike. These overseas Triads came under the jurisdiction of the Hung Mun Society in Canton. This Triad group was in turn under Chi Kung Tong group.

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5f6323  No.8462408


County Commissioners Court

Live feed?

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036809  No.8462409


Twitter, China or both? They seem to be one in the same so I will go with both.

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a30b85  No.8462410


I mean, POTUS did run on his “make great deals” promise. True to his word.

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36a51e  No.8462411



cats always give that look

feline keep em off balance thang I think

prissy things

still love em, mostly

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c63694  No.8462412

File: 4b1b1cacbfb9e75⋯.png (644.27 KB, 1184x1016, 148:127, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

File: 4b1f5ccd2f973fe⋯.png (13.37 KB, 459x113, 459:113, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

File: 62b0460910d2fca⋯.png (109.49 KB, 1430x568, 715:284, 62b0460910d2fca1c33d17352a….png)

File: 1ed4666d3536b84⋯.png (992.06 KB, 1192x954, 596:477, Screen_Shot_2020_03_18_at_….png)

Watch the water. (as in Salt Lake City, Utah)

The NSA has become the largest, most covert, and potentially most intrusive intelligence agency ever.

Under construction by contractors with top-secret clearances, the blandly named Utah Data Center is being built for the National Security Agency. A project of immense secrecy, it is the final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade. Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world's communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks. The heavily fortified $2 billion center should be up and running in September 2013. Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital "pocket litter." It is, in some measure, the realization of the "total information awareness" program created during the first term of the Bush administration—an effort that was killed by Congress in 2003 after it caused an outcry over its potential for invading Americans' privacy.

sauces: https://www.wcvb.com/article/57-magnitude-earthquake-rocks-salt-lake-city-area/31737940#



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6b9627  No.8462413


kind hearted you are anon. but some things are just f-uped.

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6b7da8  No.8462414



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98deaf  No.8462415


Maybe there's two twitter teams pushing opposing algos, one good and one bad

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a05031  No.8462416

Attention Attention


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85365c  No.8462417




These are senior royalty of the Hollywood Court. They have long graduated to handlers and priests/priestesses. They're significance is great in the "follow the stars" psyop. Their image has been impressed on the normies to represent their (cabal) strength and staying power. They are key to the mind control illusion.

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712f03  No.8462418

File: 5f13eb5da6ff34b⋯.jpeg (95.99 KB, 1440x694, 720:347, 1539296457.jpeg)

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17fcff  No.8462419


8,000 deaths? meanwhile, back in reality, 80,000 people died of flu in 2017:


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723771  No.8462420


>Tyrone be patient your thousand dollars is coming in two weeks…

Drug overdoses are going to skyrocket!

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ce5793  No.8462421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The monsters are due on maple street. #TwilightZone

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1a19ef  No.8462422

>>8461545 (lb) Target to sanitize, restock, open for seniors in wake of Cov19.

It's called social distancing, but this event is bringing everyone "together."


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f3032c  No.8462423

File: a82e0b653aa042a⋯.jpg (308.37 KB, 680x472, 85:59, Pain.jpg)


Bless you anon.


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c8e230  No.8462424

File: 7dae74b26304904⋯.png (225.55 KB, 598x441, 598:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2555772ec1ddb79⋯.png (719.38 KB, 1088x515, 1088:515, ClipboardImage.png)

ready as fuck

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c52090  No.8462425

File: 90550826b434a54⋯.png (24.26 KB, 755x324, 755:324, Screenshot_2020_03_18_Opra….png)



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706e5b  No.8462426

File: b969e61c2452269⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2887x1489, 2887:1489, hanx.jpg)

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419c84  No.8462427



RE: NASA warns of "Killer Astroid" post in the notables.

When you look at the orbit diagram, Earth is no where near the astroid when it crosses Earth's orbit.


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200599  No.8462429


LOOK High Look LOW

The President is not God in the Flesh

This is just a show.

The Most High God is too bright to see

But if you want to argue, come see me.

Come see the smile that shines so bright,

Come see the glow that turns the darkest night white.

Look up to the heavens as they come down below.

God descends with a mighty thunderous roar.

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145f9d  No.8462430

File: 589a2f86d1ff715⋯.png (107.59 KB, 351x319, 351:319, 589a2f86d1ff71528a529f6779….png)


G'morning, Laura. Have a spendiferous day!

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1eee7e  No.8462431

File: 82f40ff6ef79b1f⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 500x364, 125:91, 3szgah_1_1.jpg)

Trust Don Jr.

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40ef7c  No.8462432

File: 939aa3ad48ea085⋯.jpeg (165.1 KB, 480x649, 480:649, 323fbbb30801bdb46a7c3dd6f….jpeg)

File: d23f7d14ccb8c48⋯.jpg (104.81 KB, 880x950, 88:95, 1572770192093.jpg)


Legacy Media shills

are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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419bad  No.8462433

File: 3210bcb33530f66⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1242x671, 1242:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18235f4f7a00d7d⋯.png (74.51 KB, 608x404, 152:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bd87c74d82074f⋯.png (221.55 KB, 1409x692, 1409:692, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58ffa2f15c58e24⋯.png (94.6 KB, 923x372, 923:372, ClipboardImage.png)

Nothing there except

Waste Management

Bill Gates

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d4c3ac  No.8462434

File: b3568e35edd16c9⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 408x528, 17:22, ffgt.JPG)

File: 63a6aff73297994⋯.jpg (148.05 KB, 408x528, 17:22, shills_shillingonanemptyro….JPG)

File: 5f5479345c16499⋯.jpg (71.91 KB, 408x528, 17:22, shilltard_gold_star.JPG)


ID: 7a228c

Chinese Virus Shill Larp

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c9da27  No.8462435


people heal, anon.

someone like the guy in the picture won't be the same in 5 years, right? or sooner.

isn't that the hope?

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0f7e98  No.8462436

File: 089a383ec275f24⋯.png (386.91 KB, 1877x1030, 1877:1030, ClipboardImage.png)


Swarm of Quakes in SLC area.

What's next? Frogs and Flies?

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aae6c3  No.8462437


Event 201

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4401bc  No.8462438



I'm aware.

It's a fucking meme faggots.

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8fcc3d  No.8462439


Makeup artists are underpaid

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d92f72  No.8462440

File: e79e8be1ae869ea⋯.png (98.41 KB, 1903x944, 1903:944, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc6a4b  No.8462441

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5635bb  No.8462442


Sauce for notable please

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c22a82  No.8462443


>senior royalty of the Hollywood Court. They have long graduated to handlers and priests/priestesses.

makes sense.

"established" names, why bother putting in effort to pretend to even have a carreer anymore (except maybe ego for a madonna still performing, or hanks forcing us to endure his face every other movie like a tom cruise)

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8c2e44  No.8462444

File: c9da5a122d12a1c⋯.jpg (27.05 KB, 480x720, 2:3, gettyimages_612582070_1533….jpg)


Z might be a family

after Y

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5da5a7  No.8462445

File: 04531efc2689625⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Biblical.jpg)


>Frogs and Flies?

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5ec31a  No.8462446


>their heyday is way back

Not really. The important thing is that they are rated permanent A++

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c7aaec  No.8462447

I have become recalcitrant and intractable.

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0da97a  No.8462448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I really hope not but…

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e21c76  No.8462449


Time to start posting her pics with other known pedos onto her time line or what ever it's called on twatter.

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2bb1d4  No.8462450


>>8461800, >>8461819, >>8461834, >>8461884, >>8462006, >>8462062, >>8462075, >>8461771, >>8462298

President Trump's Tweets ,News and Decodes

>>8462278, >>8462424 US Military Tweets ,News and Info

>>8461994, >>8462229, >>8462304, >>8462284, >>8462324, >>8462327 Planefag Reports

>>8462016 CNN: "A Clear and Present Danger" ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE

>>8461788, >>8461792, >>8461801, >>8461812, >>8462025, >>8462027, >>8462160, >>8462168,

>>8462271, >>8462370 COVID19 Reports

>>8461774, >>8461777, >>8461787, >>8461869, >>8462079, >>8462237, >>8462333, >>8462426 Corona Typewriter discussion

>>8461786, >>8461791, >>8461858, >>8461927, >>8461940, >>8462059, >>8462385 FinanceFag reports

>>8461789, >>8462154, >>8462160, >>8462226, >>8462297, >>8462329, >>8462379 Celebrity Corona Cases and Deths /Notes

>>8461790 All the powers available to Potus during a National Emergency, intersting read for anyone whio hasnt seen it before

>>8461817, >>8461878, >>8461883, >>8461932, >>8461986, >>8462002, >>8462037, >>8462046, >>8462065, >>8462067,

>>8462002, >>8462052, >>8462067, >>8462081, >>8462011, >>8461983, >>8462122, >>8462153, >>8462344, >>8462412,

>>8462433 5.7 Earthquake hits Salt Lake City Utah

>>8461904 Point Pleasant WV Major weird town

>>8461913 Montrose Colorado Funeral Home Operators Arrested For Illegally Selling Body Parts

>>8461931, >>8461974, >>8461982 Cannibal arrested and jailed…preparing the masses?

>>8461992 Great compiled thread on adrenochrome for newfags complete with links and proofs.

>>8462007 FBI raises eyebrows after saying it would not accept electronic FOIA requests due to coronavirus outbreak

>>8462203 Guys… twatter trends gone. Trying to hide #Pizzagate?

>>8462233, >>8462263, >>8462294, >>8462405 Oprah Investigation continues

>>8462346 Event 201


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87fed9  No.8462451

Iran president says Iran responded, will respond to assassination of Soleimani


DUBAI (Reuters) - President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday Iran has responded, and will respond, to America’s assassination of Major-General Qassem Soleimani, the Revolutionary Guards commander killed in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq in January.

Rouhani was speaking following a Cabinet meeting that was broadcast on state television.

Soleimani, leader of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force, was instrumental in expanding Iran’s military influence in the Middle East as the operative who handles clandestine operations outside Iran. The 62-year-old general was regarded as the second-most powerful figure in Iran after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“The Americans assassinated our great commander. We have responded to that terrorist act and will respond to it,” Rouhani said in a televised speech.

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ee2818  No.8462452


Are you saying this is the Stealth Bomber?

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1243a7  No.8462453


Extend that shit. Poor, especially poor old people, can’t pay delinquent property taxes. We need to demand a solution.

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7199be  No.8462454

LISTEN: CBC Radio cuts off expert when he questions Covid19 narrative


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6b9627  No.8462455


yes indeed that is the hope. in 5 years we don't want this guy coming after our kids do we.

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7fcad3  No.8462456


we had 2 cats for 19 and 20 years but lost them to old age last year and year before.

Had long lives so not an issue, had to put them down for own good…ours too-not fair to them imo, lost functions. Done with cats for now.

Just had a fren call me and said "WTF is going on???" Laughed hard and told them all will be well and don't give in to the reactionary bs you see.

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5e3157  No.8462457


It's on some ABC Live feed…no link; watching on IPTV.

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1eee7e  No.8462458

File: 7aeb6ca3ababaea⋯.jpg (43.27 KB, 500x362, 250:181, 3szgy0_1_1.jpg)


Trust Huber.

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083e97  No.8462459


Z is not from this Realm

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145f9d  No.8462460


Correction >>8462430 "SpLendiferous"

L key gets stuck sometimes.

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71699c  No.8462461

File: 177865eaeedd891⋯.mp4 (938.3 KB, 480x480, 1:1, wf1TI3259TXKOaxo.mp4)

>>8461777 I agree with Hulk! Check this and look at the door. Rita is also doing her best to hide what is on the wall.

Rita Wilson Retweeted

Michael Cassel Group


Mar 3


makes her @SydOperaHouse

debut this Saturday! The intimate one-night only performance will feature her Southern Californian rock meets Nashville country style


Final tickets now on sale at …………………. <not allowed here!

sauce: https://twitter.com/michaelcassel/status/1234626409890344960?s=20

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706e5b  No.8462462

File: d0a0a20cf394ec8⋯.png (1001.9 KB, 750x1040, 75:104, jfkjr.png)

File: 8b56af76d8e4613⋯.png (672.64 KB, 900x536, 225:134, Screen_Shot_2020_03_06_at_….png)

File: 8ac5f09f47f0438⋯.jpg (1014.83 KB, 2042x2560, 1021:1280, 915aEAeGE_L.jpg)




All very interdasting.

Payback time.

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aae6c3  No.8462463


We can definitely trust what Tom says and tweets. 100%.

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d92f72  No.8462464


>poor old people

Are probably on SSI or SSDI and haven't missed a paycheck.

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3638cf  No.8462465

File: be5b6fba0088bab⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1006x1328, 503:664, NYC.png)

File: 26bf311299d459a⋯.mp4 (7.76 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, uqVZvaONRMPii86E.mp4)

WTF? This isn't helping things.


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f3032c  No.8462467

File: 43427759714884d⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1190x1440, 119:144, Call_out_notables.jpg)

File: b2d4543c29e9df0⋯.jpg (1 MB, 840x1272, 35:53, Bread.jpg)

File: 30d21962fbfff79⋯.jpg (267.46 KB, 518x692, 259:346, Caught.jpg)

File: bc964bcf52984ff⋯.jpg (248.22 KB, 415x644, 415:644, Love_baking.jpg)


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fc6a4b  No.8462468

File: b95c67c5ad4264f⋯.png (397.64 KB, 888x671, 888:671, rynorikeyme.png)



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7a228c  No.8462469

File: ffc13dceb1fb669⋯.jpeg (102.08 KB, 1125x618, 375:206, 09E12D7D_A926_428B_853F_7….jpeg)


You make a good cult member. You are free to keep on blindly sucking those trump nuts all your want. Enjoy your slumber kid! How does a cult control the cult?

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15f658  No.8462470

File: 15df1e72f2f3dcc⋯.png (257.1 KB, 815x575, 163:115, ClipboardImage.png)

re: call for shovels China/Roths dig

too much for me to go into, here. have to lifefag/workfag. links, resources:


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200599  No.8462471


Vindictive Retribution and Payback is the Spawn of the Ideals of Satan.

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c22a82  No.8462472


> rated permanent A++

precisely: >>8462417

we mostly take it for granted/normal, but there's an odd double standard there, in who gets that permanent status - and why.

haven't bother with hanx in a while but i imagine he's still acting ok, but madonna hasn't done anything interesting since forever (but then even when she charted, it was never really her but her handlers/writers/producers)

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454b5c  No.8462473


Hmmm… These C560 are relatively new. Quick search to learn what equpiment is on board, not finding much. An out-and-back flight like that without descending to GND could be training, equipment test, or use of sensors. What do you think?


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e21c76  No.8462475

File: 2d38207c71b8b26⋯.png (566.26 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

WATCH: McConaughey calls for unity amid 'bipartisan' coronavirus crisis


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05a764  No.8462476

File: cb47f52c2bc4b1e⋯.png (458.37 KB, 665x794, 665:794, Hanks_Typewriter.PNG)

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5da5a7  No.8462477

File: 80241736cca69fa⋯.png (270.11 KB, 558x631, 558:631, TP_199_Tucker.png)


He didn't follow (((their))) panic narrative, so he was silenced.

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03982a  No.8462478


Hanx in GITMO.

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c5646d  No.8462479


Would you idiots know a deepfake?

Be careful out there newfags.

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3988be  No.8462480


Better sauce: https://off-guardian.org/2020/03/17/listen-cbc-radio-cuts-off-expert-when-he-questions-covid19-narrative/

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f3032c  No.8462481

File: b047b5595b833d3⋯.jpg (567.48 KB, 1100x734, 550:367, Alexmovie.jpg)


> but madonna hasn't done anything interesting since forever

Not true.

This anon thought the falling backwards downstairs was her best work to date.

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ce757a  No.8462482

File: cc923d064889726⋯.png (412.68 KB, 1026x4309, 1026:4309, nj_covid_bill.png)

New Jersey Legislature Considering Bill To Force Insurers To Pay COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims Expressly Excluded By ISO’s “Virus” Exclusion


As economic losses from the COVID-19 pandemic continue to mount, there has been much discussion about the potential availability of insurance, especially under Business Interruption policies. In 2006, ISO adopted a mandatory exclusion for its Business Interruption policies designed to preclude coverage for virus-related losses. The New Jersey Legislature is now trying to eliminate it.

According to the State’s website, on Monday, March 16 at 11:00 a.m., the Legislature will begin discussion of draft New Jersey Bill A-3844. If enacted in its current form, that law will force Business Interruption insurers — despite a "Virus" exclusion in their policies — to provide coverage for this crisis, and then spread that financial burden via a new special purpose apportionment on other, non-Business Interruption carriers insuring New Jersey risks.

ISO "Virus" Exclusion

While the current pandemic is new, the potential that policyholders would look to their business interruption insurance to cover COVID-19-related losses is not. Over a decade ago, the insurance industry took action to curtail insurance coverage for the next pandemic, including of the coronavirus type.

As we discussed in our earlier alert, in 2006, ISO submitted, and state regulators approved, form CP 01 40 07 06, titled "Exclusion for Loss Due To Virus Or Bacteria". That exclusion bars first-party property coverage for "loss or damage caused by or resulting from any virus . . . that induces or is capable of inducing physical distress, illness or disease." The form specifically states that it applies to, among other things, "business income," i.e., business interruption. (The American Association of Insurance Services filed a similar exclusion in 2006, FO 0675 10 06, which also is used by some insurers.)

The ISO "Virus" exclusion clearly states that it applies to business interruption losses related to viruses. Indeed, ISO made explicit reference to SARS — another coronavirus — in its filing with state regulators.

Proposed New Jersey Legislation

Despite the existence and use of the "Virus" exclusion — approved by state regulators years ago — the New Jersey Legislature is taking the extraordinary step of proposing a new law to not only impose virus coverage on insurers that specifically excluded it, but also apparently on insurers that did not write first-party business interruption coverage at all. If enacted in its current draft form, the law would force insurers of certain businesses to provide business interruption coverage for COVID-19 losses, even though policies may have the regulator-approved "Virus" exclusion.

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a05031  No.8462483


What did Trump Call it???????

UNSEEN enemy

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0f34ae  No.8462484

File: e50f4f948454af5⋯.jpg (84.28 KB, 1024x660, 256:165, IMG_7548.JPG)

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e21c76  No.8462485



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b57b19  No.8462486


This is a Shell of a human.

This is what [THEY] are reduced to.

[They] are already Dead inside, and their "Power" gone. PANIC? For who? The fear energy they spew, no longer works.

Skin suit without Consciousness. Dead Soul.

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5f5531  No.8462487


Dead cat bounce.

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d4c3ac  No.8462488

File: a1450be15d369af⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 255x143, 255:143, a1450be15d369af2c9cc0e850c….jpg)

File: 01e83dcf371f968⋯.jpg (19.59 KB, 667x397, 667:397, img842828.jpg)

File: c7f141b97b6481c⋯.jpg (43.68 KB, 640x576, 10:9, 19248031_10208979041618825….jpg)


KEK…Oprah Investigation continues!

ThankQ Baker!

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32a158  No.8462489



Just started digging into chinese secret families.

These aren't the best sources yet, but nice to start with.




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5e3157  No.8462490

Philadelphia Police Commissioner on new arrest/no arrest policy:

"Will crime increase? I don't have an answer for that."

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7a228c  No.8462491

File: 0d9ac5fcaa5a7c9⋯.jpeg (464.01 KB, 1125x1382, 1125:1382, C754D901_38DC_4E8F_8244_4….jpeg)

How many of you remember way back last week when us average Main Street citizens were told to “buy the dip”? Any way, to all of my USA Patriots — look past the curtain(s) to see. Key word: “curtain(s)”. Enjoy the show. Think!

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f3d428  No.8462492


hmm. typewriters. everyone has a corona typewriters, it's like a Dell!

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083e97  No.8462493

Schumer: Be scared of my Hypothetical Situations and fear mongering

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200599  No.8462494


If you never learn Forgiveness and let it go so that it is forgotten than how can the All Mighty Father in Heaven forgive you of your sins? You will endlessly remind him of your sins and those things are falling on His deaf ears because they originate from the forked tongue that is Satan.

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a30b85  No.8462495


Is she suicidal? Doesn’t she have some kind of autoimmune problem?

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c7aaec  No.8462496

File: bd8c69d0e42f9f6⋯.mp4 (10.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, because_every_red_light_ev….mp4)

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0da97a  No.8462497

File: a13a8bef0a1de63⋯.png (1.14 MB, 865x831, 865:831, goldcoastuniversityhospita….PNG)

File: 5db5ac2140c3664⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1903x930, 1903:930, sdssdsdsdsds.PNG)


Gold Coast University Hospital. I cleared this up last thread for fuck sake.

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a05031  No.8462498



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7fcad3  No.8462499

File: 9b08505fae622cf⋯.png (174.55 KB, 932x523, 932:523, USMC_C_560_166712.PNG)


they have been around before but never as many as last few moths. They are Citations and are not really electronically oriented but can have some smaller monitoring equipment. My guess is that we are not seeing the plane(s) switched on that are running this show from above. Someone is.

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c22a82  No.8462500


>new arrest/no arrest policy

oh what now, let em run wild & free because muhvirus?

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1243a7  No.8462501


LOL. Try paying a mortgage in CA with a Social Security check. This exact scenario happened in my family. Went from successful land owner/landlord to foreclosure of own home after the financial crisis. Interest on late property taxes makes repayment impossible.

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5635bb  No.8462502

File: eeef73640b514fa⋯.gif (8.49 MB, 594x594, 1:1, eeef73640b514faa437ff1de56….gif)



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2bb1d4  No.8462503


>>8461800, >>8461819, >>8461834, >>8461884, >>8462006, >>8462062,

>>8462075, >>8461771, >>8462298 President Trump's Tweets ,News and Decodes

>>8462278, >>8462424 US Military Tweets ,News and Info

>>8461994, >>8462229, >>8462304, >>8462284, >>8462324, >>8462327 Planefag Reports

>>8462016 CNN: "A Clear and Present Danger" ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE

>>8461788, >>8461792, >>8461801, >>8461812, >>8462025, >>8462027, >>8462160, >>8462168,

>>8462271, >>8462370 COVID19 Reports

>>8461774, >>8461777, >>8461787, >>8461869, >>8462079, >>8462237, >>8462333, >>8462426 Corona Typewriter discussion

>>8461786, >>8461791, >>8461858, >>8461927, >>8461940, >>8462059, >>8462385, >>8462482, >>8462491 FinanceFag reports

>>8461789, >>8462154, >>8462160, >>8462226, >>8462297, >>8462329, >>8462379, >>8462461,

>>8462475 Celebrity Corona Cases and Deths /Notes

>>8461790 All the powers available to Potus during a National Emergency, intersting read for anyone whio hasnt seen it before

>>8461817, >>8461878, >>8461883, >>8461932, >>8461986, >>8462002, >>8462037, >>8462046, >>8462065, >>8462067,

>>8462002, >>8462052, >>8462067, >>8462081, >>8462011, >>8461983, >>8462122, >>8462153, >>8462344, >>8462412,

>>8462433 5.7 Earthquake hits Salt Lake City Utah

>>8461904 Point Pleasant WV Major weird town

>>8461913 Montrose Colorado Funeral Home Operators Arrested For Illegally Selling Body Parts

>>8461931, >>8461974, >>8461982 Cannibal arrested and jailed…preparing the masses?

>>8461992 Great compiled thread on adrenochrome for newfags complete with links and proofs.

>>8462007 FBI raises eyebrows after saying it would not accept electronic FOIA requests due to coronavirus outbreak

>>8462203 Guys… twatter trends gone. Trying to hide #Pizzagate?

>>8462233, >>8462263, >>8462294, >>8462405 Oprah Investigation continues

>>8462346 Event 201


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40ef7c  No.8462505



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a05031  No.8462506

Schumer has a great fear of the UNKNOWN

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c22a82  No.8462507


toast mortem, nice

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c8e230  No.8462508

File: bf90c19728f886a⋯.png (65.69 KB, 348x530, 174:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 324cb5fa4fc9158⋯.png (57.46 KB, 348x491, 348:491, ClipboardImage.png)

the pizzagate humpday massacre is just bait to conflate users who posts about it w/ the spate of new chinese bots flooding twatter. they just replaced it live with trumppandemic, which could easily be changed to trumpdempanic if anybody wanted to

fear god

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68da9a  No.8462509

File: 483cc89333531ce⋯.jpeg (4.94 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, F22F2874_A272_4DC3_BB5E_D….jpeg)

5 and 7 are important number to Freemasons. The NSA data center is right by the earthquake. The mouse pointer in the picture is where the data center is located…

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083e97  No.8462510

Schumer is a giant Douche bag pushing this Fear shit Propaganda!

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419bad  No.8462511


hanks is a renowned typewriter collector

he and madonna exchange gifts

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672abe  No.8462512


If I recall correctly, a Corona typewriter was THE iconic typewriter for writers back before word processors took over. Not sure it matters though, but it might.

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aae6c3  No.8462513


Nothing normal about that. Nothing.

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159e87  No.8462514

>>8461155 LB

AZB could B stand for Base? Arizona Base? What bases are in Arizona?

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85b31c  No.8462516


Kek, I love this place.

Might need to go visit some porches myself.

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1b0065  No.8462517

File: 3f64c174eb946ee⋯.jpg (171.48 KB, 816x440, 102:55, madonna_corona04.jpg)

Download the video from IG.

Guess how long it is:

00:45 sec

45 > POTUS

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4401bc  No.8462518

File: 4dda6d8cf55eb71⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 800x318, 400:159, it_was_kavanaugh_2.jpg)

File: 27fdb4ecf330a87⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 780x493, 780:493, who_infected_me_2.jpg)

File: 81a0f3d782eb0b8⋯.jpg (66.52 KB, 800x429, 800:429, on_epstein_island_2.jpg)

File: b6a507ec104d28b⋯.jpg (50.56 KB, 800x477, 800:477, so_help_me_36d7b5ba8a_2.jpg)


I sincerely hope so.

Fight fire with fire.

Well done anon.

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273445  No.8462519

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c70db8  No.8462520


1% of planes coming out of JRB Ft Worth transmits via ADS-B. You won't see much of what's happening via public view.

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200599  No.8462521

File: e3ec11a18d9bb70⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 400x274, 200:137, JmXD6Cy.jpg)


He will come when it is time and not before and not by decree of man.

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083e97  No.8462522

Warning are not Facts.

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145f9d  No.8462523

File: 5f26fde6d92ff2e⋯.png (34.68 KB, 300x225, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Digits confirm debt setoff with the Chins, KEK!

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2bb1d4  No.8462524




new bread let me bake it yes u can

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17fcff  No.8462525


exactly. unless you are old or otherwise compromised. it's a mutated cold virus that's very bad for some people. haven't seen anything to indicate it's a lot worse than a bad flu

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d34e8a  No.8462526

File: 3832a6a7a06fc64⋯.jpg (98.54 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Among other things, seems to have to do with their factory in Alameda first being allowed to stay open, for it being "essential business"


Musk was being musk and made dumb jokes about corona and the consequences.

Didn't sit too well with many people and now Alameda Sheriff said Tesla is "Not An Essential Business"


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c7aaec  No.8462527




If you look at the data for what we are actually dealing with, I want to give this example. In Hubei, in the province of Hubei, where there has been the most cases and deaths by far, the actual number of cases reported is 1 per 1000 people and the actual rate of deaths reported is 1 per 20,000. So maybe that would help to put things into perspective, as to the actual rate and risks of this condition, because it is a lot lower in any other part of the world, including Italy, and certainly in Canada and the United States…


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419bad  No.8462529

File: a3e1bb464b7a29c⋯.png (71.45 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9cd97  No.8462531


Schumer:"It will get worse in the next few weeks"….threat?

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98deaf  No.8462532


notable that

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