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File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 0a011620c7813bab4943211e6a….jpg)

404164  No.8450154[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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Q's Latest Posts

Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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404164  No.8450179

Global Announcements

>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting

Baker PSA: In light of recent flurry of global activity, anons are encouraged to archive offline


are not endorsements


>>8449646, >>8449801 planefags aloft

>>8450077 Fear Pron coronavirus bun

>>8449889 U.A.E. to Limit Daily Decline in Shares to 5% From March 18

>>8449813, >>8449904 Potus briefing: Fighting that invisible enemy but we're getting to know it…, "We're gonna win faster than people think. I hope.", "we'll be standing here one day and say 'well, we won'…"

>>8449685 Australian researchers map immune response to Covid-19

>>8449638 Dozens injured as bombing ROCKS govt office in Thailand

>>8449591 AMZN flying hight today, far above the indices.

>>8449531 @realDonaldTrump spoke by phone with restaurant executives from America’s fast food industry/no plans to close

>>8449498 Twat acct for anons to watch

>>8449477 Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing 11:30 AM EDT

>>8449466 @USNationalGuard Today, more than 1,560 Guard members in 22 states are on duty

>>8449462 McConnell: help our strong nation and our strong underlying economy weather this storm."

>>8450151 #10818


>>8448684, >>8448700 New DJT: Failing Michigan Governor must work harder

>>8448690 @ChuckGrassley: I dont understand why China wants 2b so secretive abt the virus

>>8448693 MSM reports on the Democrat Party symbol being changed to a rat on Google yesterday

>>8448720 New DJT: Federal Government is working very well with the Governors and State officials.

>>8448699, >>8448723, >>8448728, >>8448745, >>8448756, >>8448740, >>8448786, >>8448843 Anons talk buying silver

>>8448726 10K foreign nationals have been caught attempting to cross into the United States from Canada in Jan/Feb

>>8448763 Prince Harry arrived just in time! Right before Canada closes borders.

>>8448793 Anon filled out the census yesterday It was pretty gay. Has example of questions asked.

>>8448856, >>8449140, >>8449198, >>8449285 PF Reports: Newport News-several flights over the last feew weeks just hover here and then move on.

>>8448876, >>8448878, >>8448881 Biden receives Secret Service protection? He already had it! VP for 8 yrs.

>>8448892 C-SPAN link to live Senate debate on FISA reauthorization and coronavirus relief

>>8448906 DOJ abruptly drops prosecution of Russian troll farm initiated by Mueller

>>8448916 Dem impeachment lawyer, Daniel Goldman, tests positive for coronavirus

>>8448922 Patton Oswalt performs stand-up set from his front yard during quarantine

>>8448940 Reminder: Biden exposed himself to Female Secret Service Agents

>>8448974 NYC: Bill de Blasio considering a shelter-in-place edict

>>8448986, >>8448814, >>8448997, >>8449012, >>8449000, >>8449086, >>8449135, >>8449156 Did Google lose Algorithm control? Anons discuss

>>8449093 @Imamofpeace: At least 13 Iranian regime figures have died due to #coronavirus and 11 others remain infected.

>>8449164 For Keks: Canadian soldiers have never even lost a major battle, let alone lost a war. know your history faggot.

>>8449166 Coronavirus outbreak postpones Texas killer's execution

>>8449169, >>8449185, >>8449238, >>8449346 Videos from twatter show supposed military build up in Europe (embeds)

>>8449217 Iranian National Extradited to the Western District of Texas for Illegally Exporting Military Sensitive Items from the U.S. to Iran

>>8449262 Ohio Supreme Court won't stop governor from postponing Tuesday election

>>8449324 New Orleans Mayor signed a coronavirus emergency order last week allowing her to ban the sale and transportation of firearms

>>8449299 @WhiteHouse: Work and engage in schooling from home as much as possible.

>>8449374 #10817

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404164  No.8450187


>>8448286, >>8448336, >>8448392, >>8448494, >>8448528, >>8448629 President Trump's Tweets, News and Decodes

>>8448462, >>8448546 Planefag Reports

>>8448292, >>8448307, >>8448321, >>8448543 Q's drops notes

>>8447934, >>8447960, Q drop/Big Pharma Dig

>>8447918 Sex trafficker caught in UK after 5 yrs on the run

>>8448046, >>8448037, >>8448124, >>8448147, >>8448179, >>8448243, >>8448212, >>8448175, >>8448226, >>8448267,

>>8448278, >>8448421, >>8448293, >>8448302, >>8448316, >>8448318, >>8448323, >>8448329, >>8448331, >>8448381,

>>8448386, >>8448397, >>8448404, >>8448419, >>8448422, >>8448412, >>8448434, >>8448447, >>8448388, >>8448510,

>>8448556, >>8448614, >>8448631 COVID 19 Reports

>>8447985 Businesses are offering free lunches to children

>>8448020, >>8448208 Casinos want a handout

>>8448056, >>8448064 Lawsuit Reveals Govt Experiment that Gave Kids to Pedophiles to See if Sex Abuse Could Help Them

>>8448065, >>8448218, >>8448320, >>8448389, >>8448498 Spirit Cooking/ Blood Crimes Recent Digs and Thoughts on subject

>>8448086, >>8448095 UK phone networks are suffering a severe outage, with EE, O2, Vodafone, Three and GiffGaff customers all reporting issues.

>>8447974 Saint Corona, the Patron Saint of Plagues and epidemics.

>>8448161 mashable article on DemRat image google search

>>8447994, >>8448016, >>8448016 What if all major banks with ownership stakes in the federal reserve go insolvent in the next two months.

>>8448074, >>8448165, >>8448193, >>8448253, >>8448270, >>8448303, >>8448387, >>8448445,

>>8448496, >>8448558 Rail lines in NAPA Updated info and past digs

>>8448220, >>8448246, >>8448309, People, don't forget: [SCARE] NECESSARY EVENT

>>8448637 #10816

Previously Collected Notables

>>8447861 #10815

>>8444756 #10811, >>8445511 #10812, >>8446286 #10813, >>8447084 #10814

>>8441656 #10807, >>8443114 #10808, >>8443222 #10809, >>8444016 #10810

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com (new)

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

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404164  No.8450189

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8137311 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>8137179 —— Romania Thread

>>7111560 —— The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 —— Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 —— Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>8404068

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404164  No.8450191

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.1: https://pastebin.com/dN5FhHCv

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

54 >>8406256, 53 >>8128395, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

Current Focus → #PayrollTaxCut

Recent Focus → #BidenCognitiveDecline

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

2020-Jan ——— mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>>/qrb/10809

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/40905

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dba1f9  No.8450198

Wikileaks Grand Jury disbanded.


Must have found something toxic.

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404164  No.8450203

File: 5a44daacb5f8255⋯.png (757.19 KB, 931x533, 931:533, 5a44daacb5f8255acbec29434b….png)



Baker can continue or handoff

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90a870  No.8450219




anons started a spreadsheet for corona virus infections:


the data will be available in https://qresear.ch soon

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48d532  No.8450220

File: e74faaa40c27eb7⋯.png (12.46 KB, 290x186, 145:93, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

"Q" is for…

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a6ad5c  No.8450221

File: 5d6fc3a9c9775fb⋯.jpg (116.26 KB, 800x697, 800:697, 5d6fc3a9c9775fb0eeda562cba….jpg)

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736bc1  No.8450222


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6608cc  No.8450223

File: 3867588078f74f2⋯.jpg (186.95 KB, 1920x560, 24:7, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


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0ca589  No.8450224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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42395a  No.8450225

it's called Capitalism, the Capital seeks profits, if the cheap labor does not come to Capital (=immigration) the Capital goes where the cheap labor is (=outsourcing)


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198d4c  No.8450226

File: 01244cb9d466aa1⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 740x924, 185:231, 740full_valentina_grishko.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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317ed9  No.8450227

File: 3948157deb06aa8⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 500x414, 250:207, nosebama.jpg)


On google docs?

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eab358  No.8450228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>8450201 lb


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3c19eb  No.8450229

Never has been done before

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6608cc  No.8450230

File: c2c8029eb0b6111⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2780db1f308a43138a58e9edd4….jpg)

"This has never been done before and sets a great road map for the future"!

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2e533a  No.8450231

File: a3e67d58bf4cb8a⋯.jpg (24.9 KB, 443x638, 443:638, e4463c8e55a80abc754214909f….jpg)


TY Baker

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b3cf25  No.8450232


DS Panic

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a1cc85  No.8450233

File: b65206f6fafc04f⋯.png (663.07 KB, 740x500, 37:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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efcd55  No.8450234

File: c767eaf99b4af24⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 5257x3521, 751:503, 3762.jpg)

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d50abf  No.8450235

There was an article on 17 news columbia missouri that the Missouri university put a Chinese doc in charge of all crona virus things at mu hospital…thought that was weird. But now article disappeared.

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5d6abb  No.8450236

File: 96838a788b62252⋯.jpeg (65.91 KB, 666x680, 333:340, AEF1C910_2240_44D7_8BC9_C….jpeg)

File: 21ec5f9d8186850⋯.jpeg (174.28 KB, 828x504, 23:14, DC3F345B_0A6C_4B09_ABBE_6….jpeg)


Don't you just love it when a plan comes together

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32fcbb  No.8450237

File: a3cb4360d8f6ca6⋯.jpeg (252.48 KB, 2048x1300, 512:325, 69254B98_DE1C_4F65_A3B0_9….jpeg)

File: c9a26d06597c6f5⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 2048x1447, 2048:1447, C72A0629_1FE9_44A0_8E31_8….jpeg)

Gulag images & duckduckgo still flipped

This is so great…

Look at those search results.

That RAT is never going away.

“Nothing is ever truly deleted”

BTW: twat is different.

Got over 2K followers extra in 1 day and can mass follow back.


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2ba579  No.8450238

File: 33c89a84e1e8ca5⋯.png (509.16 KB, 2560x600, 64:15, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

Interesting stuff from halfchan


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437867  No.8450239

File: 47c9405ad938d5f⋯.png (995.07 KB, 640x960, 2:3, pepe_royal_banquet_indian_….png)

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27ca76  No.8450240

Q from the Future AKA

Austin Steinbart has erased All his videos on YouTube.


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f6cca3  No.8450241


>> CONFIRMED : hydroxychloroquine kill the COVID-19


This site does not have a fucking translate option

ENGLISH please!

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2e533a  No.8450242

File: e27d3f4ed3a7615⋯.png (2.4 MB, 2048x1144, 256:143, Screenshot_20200317_112922.png)

Don't feed the SHILLS MUHJOOS…


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866daf  No.8450243

Dr. Birx has been wearing some interesting clothing the past few days. Today her scarf resembles a noose.

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324348  No.8450244

The canals of Venice, Italy are clearing up and life is returning to the waters as the city is in quarantine


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307088  No.8450245

>>8449604 (lb)

In the Netherlands 80 thousand people get hospitalized in the intensive care department yearly.

Now there are 45 people on the intensive care with the Corona virus, from wich many who were on the IC for other reasons and got moved to the corona ic because they tested positive

So 80k a year is no problem, and 45 more is extreme and draining the hospials resources according to MSM…

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07e5d9  No.8450246

lb >>8449472

Filters were created for shills such as this.

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6608cc  No.8450247


This isn't a Pandemic… it's DEM PANIC!

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c208e9  No.8450248

>>8450190 (PB)

Nonsense. Parent anon had polio as a child. Grandparents had to talk to him through a glass window in a phone until he recovered. They didn’t send polio victims home to treat their symptoms. They don’t send Ebola patients home to treat their symptoms. If you were in the military and knew this was going to happen, how could you turn it around and use it to your advantage? Stay home. Trust your President and our beloved Marines and National Guardsmen. Don’t worry about the ChinaVirus unless you’re in an at risk category. Don’t feed into the fakenews hysteria. We’re the calm ones.

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40353b  No.8450249

File: be50d889e66f314⋯.png (12.96 KB, 220x220, 1:1, quarantine.png)

File: 0a04c48d2bd55ac⋯.jpg (97.31 KB, 450x657, 50:73, quinine.jpg)


And Quinine

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152972  No.8450250

This whole CoronaFlu might be an awakening operation. SOOOO many Americans are pissed at the media. Just wait until they find out the TRUTH about Corona.


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b018d6  No.8450251

GenX is BEST generation

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ef9959  No.8450252

File: 4fa50663db7ad8d⋯.png (439.82 KB, 500x610, 50:61, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0ee62  No.8450253

File: 0b8ce612a8e099b⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 502x600, 251:300, bewbs3.jpg)

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2e533a  No.8450254

Anon from last bread, repost twitterfag spreading Corona fear porn


I'll do another fear mini

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ed5c56  No.8450255


This also means, that when the show starts, and as people are getting educated and waking up, the demons will have less and less negative energy to feed on.

As some of you may have already heard, when all the world would be happy for 24 hours, these negative entities with starve and die!

Q also asked us what a spell is.

My guess/ insight on a spell is that is sort of a negative energetic field/ cage, that makes it more difficult to remain positive and loving.

However, only if we really allow it, because whatever challenge we face, all we have to do is armor up with the full armor of God, ask, and God will give the answer and lead the way to the solution He has already prepared when going ahead of us.

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fa300c  No.8450256

File: ce8934575df5aee⋯.png (395.81 KB, 600x695, 120:139, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8450103 (lb)


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a1cc85  No.8450257


but muh cdc just said 'no treatment'

'The clinical test carried out on 24 patients of the Marseille IHU with hydroxychloroquine would be effective against the coronavirus according to first results presented by Professor Raoult'

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d50abf  No.8450258

Also if you are a veteran that goes to the va. Call your primary care doc and ask for antibiotic meds to be mailed to your home during shelter in place time in case you need. My doc is sending enough for 6 weeks worth.

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47ea41  No.8450259

Cheap Flights from Wuhan to Chicago from $469

Bundle Your Flight + Hotel & Save!

https ://www.expedia.com/lp/flights/wuh/ord/wuhan-to-chicago

departing 3/18/2020 returning 3/25/2020

Expedia not banning flights?

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cb961c  No.8450260


Here here, Gen X based generation raising Gen Z based generation.

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b3bb3c  No.8450261

>>8450120 (lb)

Potus and Q loves us!

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198d4c  No.8450262

File: b2b41b01a3e0a6d⋯.jpeg (103.91 KB, 1080x754, 540:377, 1580045580.jpeg)

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8f2199  No.8450263

File: aadfe52b1eee2d6⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 600x300, 2:1, xdcf8ygi.jpg)

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a5853e  No.8450264

File: 5337f6468be039f⋯.jpeg (132 KB, 499x948, 499:948, 4202A42F_BAF3_4E97_9C5C_7….jpeg)

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b80406  No.8450265

File: 051a6af50c69408⋯.jpeg (151.72 KB, 821x687, 821:687, 934054DF_B660_4783_BDED_4….jpeg)

File: 1b08c3d5d49236b⋯.jpeg (90.07 KB, 679x400, 679:400, 5BF95C6F_847A_4E9A_AF21_6….jpeg)

File: 1caeeb018c4e693⋯.png (5.39 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, FD6A3D70_1028_41B2_8C0B_A0….png)

File: 487609f1d5d4368⋯.jpeg (154.38 KB, 985x554, 985:554, 3156711A_709B_4857_A05F_A….jpeg)

Do not let any members of Congress, Senate, local politicians, state politicians, the White House and/or the trump/kushner clan fool & divide you! This was a complete failure to plan and prepare on the part of every politician; all state, local, federal and White House staff including president trump failed! All sides of the aisle failed us, the USA citizens!!! Not a left failure. Not a right failure! The corrupt inept ignorant self serving greedy evil politicians have failed every USA citizen! Failure to adequately prepare and lead; a complete failure!!! Simple as that. When this virus STORM passes, every politician in the USA should resign in shame! As for the deliverance of Justice — GOD IS ALWAYS IN CHARGE AND GOD WILL ALWAYS HUMBLE AND BRING THE EGOTISTICAL, EVIL, CORRUPT & GREEDY TO THEIR KNEES!!!🇺🇸

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0ca589  No.8450266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What the toilet paper psyop was really about.

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d38817  No.8450267

File: d12cdbde04451c2⋯.png (321.7 KB, 453x320, 453:320, POTUS_highest_ranking_bred….PNG)

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a4baef  No.8450268

File: 8b496d5afcaabf2⋯.png (373.22 KB, 746x400, 373:200, Next.png)

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797531  No.8450269

Why do I get the feeling this is the dry run for the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital.

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018672  No.8450270

File: f0e86b0eeb09fee⋯.jpg (20.69 KB, 600x350, 12:7, 41aAUAVAmYL_SR600_315_PIWh….jpg)

Has anyone posted that Corona is Crown in Latin?

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b3cf25  No.8450271

File: f42e5016a1630df⋯.jpg (175.42 KB, 740x500, 37:25, Swalwell_pmf.jpg)

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a1cc85  No.8450272


Professor Didier Raoult, director of the IHU in Marseille, presented the first results of the clinical test with hydroxychloroquine carried out on 24 patients affected by the coronavirus.

According to the first elements, treatment with hydroxychloroquine would reduce the load, and the results are even more promising with hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, an antibiotic effective against viruses.

According to him, the reduction of the viral load is central in the fight against the coronavirus, he militates so that more screenings are carried out in France.

The government will extend this test to other hospitals to test its effectiveness on a larger scale.

Encouraging results. The director of the IHU of Marseille , Professor Didier Raoult, presented Monday evening during a monthly update with the caregivers of the institute the first results of his clinical test with hydroxychloroquine against the coronavirus , a test validated by the Ministry of Health . The monthly update was featured in an eighteen-minute video posted on YouTube by the IHU.

“We were able to compare the negativation of viral carriage in patients who followed the protocol, with patients from Avignon and Nice who did not receive the treatment. Those who have not received Plaquenil [a drug based on hydroxychloroquine] are still 90% carriers of the virus after six days, while 25% are positive for those who received treatment ”, introduced the professor.

"The length of the viral port is an essential element"

But he went even further. “We, and others, have been advised for a long time to give an antibiotic in viral respiratory infections, because they are mainly complicated by pneumonia. So all the people who had clinical signs that could progress to a bacterial complication of pneumonia, they were given Azithromycin. It has been shown in a newspaper that it lowers the risk in people who have viral infections. And the other reason is that Azithromycin has shown in the laboratory that it is effective against a large number of viruses, although it is an antibiotic. So even choosing an antibiotic, we preferred to take an antibiotic effective against viruses. And when we compare the percentage of positives with the hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin combination,

The results of the first clinical tests carried out with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

The results of the first clinical tests carried out with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. - IHU screenshot

For Professor Didier Raoult, this viral port is at the center of the fight against the coronavirus. He cites a Chinese study published on March 9. “There is one very important thing in this retrospective study: the length of the viral carriage is an essential element in trying to control this disease. It shows that the people who carry the virus, we are talking about 191 people, carry it for twenty days if they are not treated. So the people who invented the fortnight, it doesn't make sense. We must isolate people who are carriers, and not isolate non-carriers. This is a very important point, ”said the specialist.

The Chinese study on the duration of carriage of the virus.

The Chinese study on the duration of carriage of the virus. - IHU screenshot

More tests

But to reduce this viral carry, it is necessary to test a maximum of people. Which is not the government's current strategy. "How was AIDS mastered? It is neither through vaccines, nor through mathematical models. It is the viral load and the treatment, we watch with the treatment that the viral load decreases and, when it is below a certain threshold, people are no longer contagious and are no longer sick. It is this model that we are trying to set up. But in this strategy, we test, we detect, we treat, the world is not equal. Those who run the fastest are not the same, those who did the most are the Chinese and Korea. For a population smaller than ours, look at the number of tests they have done. We took a strategy which is not the same as that of the technological world, it is very little to test. "

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42395a  No.8450273


have Anons archived them?

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736bc1  No.8450274


looks like BS

continues the fear porn

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a52f90  No.8450275


TELLS you everything you need to know

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404164  No.8450276


that would be fine

I'll add to notables like lb

600 drop worked for me, makes a space in notables, update from you by 650 is guud as well

work for you?

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0853b2  No.8450277

Singing High Sheet Music

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0334b8  No.8450278

File: 35779125e004161⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 35779125e004161f4adaf90ee9….jpg)


TY Baker!

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ef9959  No.8450279

File: 1194e561e6a6998⋯.png (6.98 KB, 107x143, 107:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fb7a6  No.8450280


GenX cut their teeth on BBS at 1200baud.

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8eb2e4  No.8450281

File: d3ffa348f6e9a4c⋯.mp4 (9.7 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, PeaceThroughStrengthReagan.mp4)

Invisible Enemy, Silent War



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d29f11  No.8450282

File: 5f5b9a500dfef81⋯.jpg (62.86 KB, 500x525, 20:21, 3sy83b_1.jpg)

Look a twitter scuzzball.

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bf8d66  No.8450283

Get her off the damn podium. Market doesn’t like her.

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b7715c  No.8450284


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f6cca3  No.8450285


I'm not sure I like her…

Orange on St. Patrick's Day =


1. Orange Revolution ?


2. Northern Ireland - Orange

Does look like a Noose, Anon

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560822  No.8450286

File: 96bb08b1fd55e90⋯.jpg (178.01 KB, 1862x1315, 1862:1315, Do_you_Feel_Lucky_On_This_….jpg)

File: dbf4b6902474039⋯.jpg (269.57 KB, 1510x996, 755:498, 6_yr_Delta.jpg)

Patriot Anons

Maybe a future proves past Q team message to the cabal / DS - Do you feel lucky on this day 317

POTUS tweet 6 yr Delta - Anonymous

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6608cc  No.8450287


surprised she isn't blinking up a storm

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b3cf25  No.8450288



I was a SysOp back in the day.

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24a7ce  No.8450289

File: b72263a1ee85bc6⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 680x418, 340:209, b72263a1ee85bc65b234b80e4a….jpg)

Amazing historical Disclosure Documentary on the Cabal from our Patriot Anons in the Neatherlands!

Get your popcorn and enjoy!

It worth the 3 hours to watch this!


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6a0d62  No.8450290

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a5853e  No.8450291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We are here for a reason.

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57b29e  No.8450292

What is HAPPENING?!!!!!!!!

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2e533a  No.8450293

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078c61  No.8450294


There's a B strain too. It goes well with the S.

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967158  No.8450295

File: c43e56d8d24bd7f⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1101x1800, 367:600, 1582903202414_1_.png)

Love you baker! (Nohomo)


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86012e  No.8450296

File: 12e6b3843655019⋯.png (771.78 KB, 867x871, 867:871, brady317.png)

Tom Brady leaving NE Patriot. CAPs: LEAVING FOREVER A PATRIOT. Very interdasting


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b80406  No.8450297

File: 94326edc801c49d⋯.jpeg (895.74 KB, 1125x1568, 1125:1568, 35B65290_C8E3_4F64_B1BD_4….jpeg)

File: 0729db6fd4661be⋯.jpeg (864.13 KB, 1125x1893, 375:631, 23BFD5A2_991C_4D02_A420_B….jpeg)

File: 27dd47b852676fc⋯.jpeg (348.56 KB, 1125x974, 1125:974, 14457263_1B83_43F2_BF8A_0….jpeg)

How and why do cults and cult members silence those that question the cult?🇺🇸If the white rabbit had a name, the white rabbits name would be Q? Think USA Patriots! Think!

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8eacf1  No.8450298


Muh 2000 years ago.

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cb961c  No.8450299


Nah shes just an older lady dressing up for the camera. Maybe she is dumb to the fact shit like that is comms.

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d57343  No.8450300


Each of these celebrities toe back to the Vanderbilt rail cult.

Idris Epba for example,


Used to work for the Ford plant in Britain,

Now a spokesman for them.

He's sick with the virus.


Rumors used to be that suppliers used to have to submit to the cult in order to do business with them.

Ford is building a tech division in the former Michigan Central terminal (Vanderbilt owned railroad).

With each famous person who gets sick, find their connection to the cult.

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f6cca3  No.8450301


Muchas Gracias, Anon

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2e533a  No.8450302

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a52f90  No.8450303


good things

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bf8d66  No.8450304


Kek, no kidding.

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efcd55  No.8450305



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56ed61  No.8450306

File: 04d2b213c3ea0de⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 960x768, 5:4, 04d2b213c3ea0dee1aca8172ae….jpg)

welp while everyone around me is in full Panic i booked a room and flight to Vegas for this anons Bday Anons dont fear a flu

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e44b21  No.8450307

File: 67b13328d88615b⋯.png (737.84 KB, 593x677, 593:677, Screenshot_2020_03_17_Just….png)

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96b26e  No.8450308

File: 66d6cd7f8ab5d7a⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1035x659, 1035:659, Screenshot_2020_03_15_31ja….png)

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b3cf25  No.8450309

MSM doing their damnedest to continue their narrative.

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ac954b  No.8450310



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24a7ce  No.8450311


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797531  No.8450312


Thanks anon, I'll go get some cornpop.

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23c070  No.8450313


Her teeth make her look like some flesh eating monster. Senior only shopping time? WTF

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6e97c0  No.8450314

File: 7be2df367483848⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1348x603, 1348:603, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8450185 (lb)

>>8450209 (lb)

fuck off Jimmy

>>8450111 (lb)

>>8450176 (lb)

hive mind

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b3cf25  No.8450315

File: f831960329eb2dc⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, eww.jpg)

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d29f11  No.8450316

File: a280e41ee4808dc⋯.png (271.72 KB, 643x389, 643:389, 75ab49eff614098fbcd592bb7a….png)

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2e533a  No.8450317



Repost his Twitter drop from last bread

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0b3b61  No.8450318

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496774  No.8450319


luuks like type 2 diabetes. kek.

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dc7205  No.8450320



that squawking audio handshake is burned in those brains

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d57343  No.8450321


Remember anons,

Henniges was a supplier for Ford.

A big one.

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51604c  No.8450322

File: d0654584a5205bf⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, silverware.jpg)

Top of the mornin', anons, Q, Q+!

We are in good shape, here in Idaho, but spouse had to lay off 2 employees and store hours were cut; both, by corporate. We are prepared enough to help others, if needed. ThankQ, for getting us ready.

Here's something simple that you can do, if you want to boost your immune system:

Bust out some silverware!

While it doesn't seem like there's a lot to celebrate, right now, eating from silver utensils or platters can provide an excellent boost to your immune system. The benefits are especially good, if the food or drink is warm.

Also, silver is 100% bacteria free. A lot of baby spoons and cups used to be made from silver, or silver plate. Mine was. Mothers would have their babies drink milk from the cups, and eat from the silver spoons, partly because they didn't have to be sterilized.

If you don't have silver utensils, you can sometimes find them at the thrift stores and always on ebay. I would give extra thought to purchasing anything that is shipped from other countries, right now, though. Also, if you DO use your silver, be very careful with any cleaning products you use. If you're going to take the tarnish off, some products can be toxic.

Another good silver source, that you can add to your water, is colloidal silver. You can purchase it readymade, in a dropper bottle. Or, you can make your own, if you have any .999%, silver coins or bars lying around…and some 9v battery caps with wires.

When there's a flu going around, or some other risk, I add 1/2 teaspoon of 500mg of colloidal silver - twice daily - to any beverage, or alone, just to get that extra boost for my immune system. I started, today. The dose will vary, according to strength and is definitely a different dose for children. I only use it when there's a threat. It's not meant for continuous use, although I know that some people do use it daily and they seem to be just fine.

So, break out your silver and enjoy some fun, creative meals together! Tell grandma and grandpa to do the same, if they still have theirs. Maybe even add in a prayer of thanks and blessings for Patriots, before you dig in.

Whether or not you partake of the benefits of silver, take good care of yourselves, and others, during this unusual and challenging time in The Storm. God bless you, anons.

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47ea41  No.8450323

Wuhan means more than coronavirus to Chicagoans who adopted kids there

Twenty years ago, a Sun-Times reporter joined a dozen families who traveled to China. ‘I can’t picture my life without her,’ one mom says of her adopted daughter.

Before it became the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, Chicagoans were unlikely to have heard of Wuhan, a sprawling city of 11 million in central China sometimes referred to as the Chicago of China.

But for some Chicago-area families, the city was where they welcomed abandoned or orphaned children into their families, forever changing the lives of parents and children.

Twenty years ago, a Chicago Sun-Times reporter joined the dozen families as they traveled to Wuhan to complete the adoptions. They were among nearly 1,000 adoptions in China arranged by Chicago-area clinics from 1995 to 1999.

China was the most popular destination for Illinois families seeking to adopt internationally then. With 4,100 adoptions in 1999, China was second to Russia nationwide. It’s now surpassed Russia, though the number of adoptions dropped to 1,475 in 2018.

https: //chicago.suntimes.com/2020/2/21/21125353/wuhan-chinese-adoptions-coronavirus-chicago-families

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b7715c  No.8450324


full casino rooms to yourself

wakening parties of anons who don't give a fuck all over the place

could be swell

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496774  No.8450325


5600 tyvm

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8f2199  No.8450326


1200 was a dream…I was stuck at 300 baud with my MPP1000C. kek

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e44b21  No.8450327

File: 1e3ef1e61ddb56c⋯.png (439.08 KB, 507x652, 507:652, Screenshot_2020_03_17_Just….png)



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404164  No.8450328


feelz that way fo sho

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d2ab4b  No.8450329


Someone asking her to wear that scarf for the cameras wouldn't be unheard of.

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96b26e  No.8450330

File: af6cbea3ef77907⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 720x900, 4:5, lion_attack_wall.mp4)


you're in for a very rough awakening

hope you plan to stay in vegas for a while

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5e3de3  No.8450331

Durham is not to far around the corner. Great time to lock things down. Consensus is still being conducted despite the CoRONA - a joint return of net assets -

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47ea41  No.8450332


wuhan the child adoption capital of the world !!!

wuhan allowing us to take as many children as they want !!

Putin stops adoption to usa…

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cb961c  No.8450333


My county is essential travel only, whatever that means. Supposed to head to the beach for spring break in 16 days umm……

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3e1d9c  No.8450334

File: 424f4cf107642b5⋯.jpg (47.38 KB, 576x335, 576:335, ZomboMeme_16032020181416.jpg)

File: 12e1e71047c5e91⋯.jpg (40.66 KB, 540x328, 135:82, ZomboMeme_15032020162851.jpg)

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1fb7a6  No.8450335


And then in the middle of your download your Mom picks up the other set and destroys 30 minutes of waiting.

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dfb4fb  No.8450336



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2f61db  No.8450337


>Must have found something toxic.

Bread shitting, highly toxic for you.

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5c693a  No.8450338

Been following this account for years

Absolutely the most spooky and accurate account ever


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ca03da  No.8450339

File: 4944348ca5366b8⋯.jpg (107.34 KB, 900x900, 1:1, evergreen_corona.jpg)

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8dee3f  No.8450340


Didn't they close all the beaches?

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c208e9  No.8450341

File: f10d4740b8083a9⋯.jpeg (699.24 KB, 849x565, 849:565, 3FD630D5_F738_44DB_AFBE_4….jpeg)

File: d0ff419afe33db4⋯.jpeg (204.3 KB, 1125x762, 375:254, 15A28064_EA01_4517_8BA9_8….jpeg)

File: b6ee5fccf3c718f⋯.jpeg (58.97 KB, 474x578, 237:289, F353038A_ADCD_4740_9552_C….jpeg)

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b3bb3c  No.8450342

Enjoy your living room!

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fa0603  No.8450343

"Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations."

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ac954b  No.8450344


>eating from silver utensils or platters can provide an excellent boost to your immune system

The expression born with a silver spoon in their mouth was because of that. Rich people didn't get sick as much.

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b7715c  No.8450345


Pretty sweet.

People get all the excite out of their system for this innocuous scare.

Have all their cans & tp stocked already.

Learn to unplug from basically all non-essential services like sportsball & whatever.

then when the best shit hits the best fan, it's all nothing new

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71421b  No.8450346

Google is Hydra's zola developed

algo/ /weapon

POTUS TRUMP 45 2020 getting a website from [them] into the air

Is like using a helo-carrier to save souls like slokovia, except its endgame


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8eb2e4  No.8450347

File: d013172773ecda0⋯.jpg (87.74 KB, 1023x576, 341:192, JamesMattisApacheLaugh.jpg)

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8e7d87  No.8450348

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b3cf25  No.8450349


LOL, so true.

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d29f11  No.8450350

File: 465a769f9c4a614⋯.png (374.79 KB, 720x556, 180:139, Screenshot_20200317_083838….png)

Shciff is laying low.

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3c2146  No.8450351


Empirical evidence goes against this

Its a flu that is dangerous to old people

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47ea41  No.8450352



trafficking children via adoption ?

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e44b21  No.8450353

File: e6ab0a5e30ada70⋯.png (44.74 KB, 640x377, 640:377, Screenshot_2020_03_17_Just….png)


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0a8b02  No.8450355

File: 612fb7c77285d51⋯.png (938.14 KB, 1018x568, 509:284, Silver.PNG)

Has POTUS ever worn a silver tie before?

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967158  No.8450356


Guns dont kill people

Forgetting to pb your link does

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6608cc  No.8450357

File: 89c547dbca9f359⋯.jpg (17.03 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 6345616bf1ad3bfdd499554fbb….jpg)

"We have to get rid of this, WE HAVE TO WIN THIS WAR!!!"

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eab358  No.8450358

File: f2f3f4188a17ac6⋯.png (561.82 KB, 775x437, 775:437, 2020_03_17_12_30_02.png)

Fake News Networks

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f6cca3  No.8450359

"Enjoy your home… Stay"

Want's US to stay home for a Reason

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404164  No.8450360


Legionnaires! Fear Pron lives on!

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b3cf25  No.8450361

File: 1d66548f28eee97⋯.png (237.96 KB, 419x625, 419:625, Durhams_knocking.png)

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a84a95  No.8450363


it's army green not silver

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d29f11  No.8450364

File: 3e5feae739b6a30⋯.png (173.88 KB, 720x1099, 720:1099, Screenshot_20200316_104404….png)



CoronaVirus is overrated and a big scam.

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437867  No.8450365


Dry runs intensify.

We are being tested, they are being tested, everything is a test.

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42395a  No.8450366


>Q also asked us what a spell is.

>My guess/ insight on a spell is that is sort of a negative energetic field/ cage, that makes it more difficult to remain positive and loving.

>However, only if we really allow it, because whatever challenge we face, all we have to do is armor up with the full armor of God, ask, and God will give the answer and lead the way to the solution He has already prepared when going ahead of us.

what is not a spell. -Misspell

Misspellings are important, said Q … could it be that POTUS fights spells, the unknown, invisible enemy with his Misspells?

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cb961c  No.8450367


Maybe. Supposed to be in SC at da beach early April. Been longing for a vacation which now seems totally fucked.

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23c070  No.8450368


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2f61db  No.8450369


A hint to buy silver, only fuking broke.

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000000  No.8450370

Feeling the peace of God throughout this situation

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6e97c0  No.8450371

File: 7332b3f7e0bae5c⋯.png (3.05 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77ac35ec69e7f6b⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b19c0b7dc19130f⋯.png (1 MB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d79329cb1e1aa7⋯.png (347.46 KB, 338x512, 169:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d056f1ba858bc45⋯.png (914.8 KB, 600x858, 100:143, ClipboardImage.png)


diamonds are a girls best friend

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5c693a  No.8450372

shit…my bad anon

shall flog thyself mightily


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6608cc  No.8450373


It's green not silver

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a3b837  No.8450374


its sage

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d56eea  No.8450375

File: 0e520d1ba6d47eb⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 4201x1817, 4201:1817, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Heard those sounds before that even, when loading a computer game from a tape.

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90f890  No.8450376

File: 20f7dbf3d1b7100⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1555x1515, 311:303, pencedoff.png)

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f6cca3  No.8450377


I see Metallic Shiny Green

To celebrate St. Paddy's Day - Most wear Kelly Green

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8f2199  No.8450378

File: a32f574a02cf48b⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 950x445, 190:89, bhex.jpg)

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ba5259  No.8450379

File: 1a4696f2bd3ad27⋯.jpeg (188.13 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 2F41845C_51EA_4CA9_947C_D….jpeg)

File: e1c82ca905faccd⋯.png (1.37 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 38D31D7E_215D_4D23_BFB3_B2….png)

File: 2afdff90cbbe304⋯.jpeg (338.45 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 075555BA_2E5A_40C7_9B22_5….jpeg)

File: 2001073340ce52c⋯.png (398.2 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 93A183C5_C721_4281_ABCF_69….png)

File: 6f5fff2eb4ff650⋯.png (402.4 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 7E0C2C51_FC0A_4377_A519_7D….png)


Im trying to get sauce for this post.

All i can find right now is that this dude works for Roc Nation, an entertainment agency founded by Jay-Z in 2008. He went to John Jay School of Criminal Justice in New York part of University of NY. It’s possible this guy has inside Knowledge of whats going on, maybe close to someone inside? Because we all know Jay Z is part of this whole club of assholes.

Look, I just feel like it’s notable MAYBE. I messaged this fag to see if I can get more. I’m at work, if anybody can help me get some sauce, I would appreciate it. Why ignore such a claim when they seem to have a connection to a company that Jay Z is involved in.

Help me get sauce any Anons if possible. Trying to dig into the company and more on this guy but my lunch break is almost up.

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2f61db  No.8450380


Guess he doesn't want to get pinched, eh? KEK!

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6a43ce  No.8450381

File: 2d46013f1709c75⋯.png (497.08 KB, 640x960, 2:3, WE_ARE_Q.png)

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76dc95  No.8450382

File: 51b1b5445781ad3⋯.png (288.08 KB, 649x433, 649:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Def. green

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e418df  No.8450383

President Trump: There's a great spirit going around the USA. and We've never had that before.

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54d1bc  No.8450384

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11ff51  No.8450385

Baseless prediction

1. 15 days to put us at ease and stock our pantries, acclimate.

2. 10 days darkness - internet goes down

3. Arrests during those 10 days

4. News updates via Presidential alerts - emergency system

5. Done in 30

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0334b8  No.8450386

File: 822157dccdc7640⋯.png (83.47 KB, 251x237, 251:237, 822157dccdc76404907cc3fe8f….png)

Somebody tell Fauci to clear his throat!

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a5853e  No.8450387

File: 6f7d5f6391c662c⋯.jpeg (68.31 KB, 828x1016, 207:254, 7EBA4E17_A01E_4A12_A8A6_2….jpeg)


The only day worse than today for [yoU] is tomorrow.

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a443b0  No.8450388

File: 7301cda3afa4e8e⋯.jpg (447.94 KB, 1096x2560, 137:320, pandemics.jpg)

Useful. Confuses the response to this one, unless of course you know. Kek.


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168617  No.8450389

File: f410abd47d9b4a3⋯.png (189.79 KB, 414x404, 207:202, Screen_Shot_03_17_20_at_04….PNG)

File: 37ef7701ffa3c07⋯.png (725.64 KB, 841x760, 841:760, Screen_Shot_03_17_20_at_04….PNG)

==Top candidate for Merkel´s successor Friedrich Merz tests positive for coronavirus

Friedrich Merz==

One German for the list

a former Christian Democratic faction leader in the Bundestag, who is now seen as the most likely successor to Chancellor Angela Merkel, has revealed he has tested positive for coronavirus.

Mar 17, 2020 13:29


My Sharona

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54d1bc  No.8450390


It's for St. Pat's day

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d38817  No.8450391

File: 7f533c327f2bd04⋯.png (1.25 MB, 770x635, 154:127, pepe_trader.PNG)

File: 1637b1cb08515a3⋯.png (68.7 KB, 1192x707, 1192:707, 031720_Mkt_snap_after_stim….PNG)

File: 223dcffeb48c657⋯.png (49.94 KB, 851x608, 851:608, 031720_WTI_live_926am_pst.PNG)

File: 9bd4748480cb317⋯.png (45.45 KB, 632x694, 316:347, 031720_LIVE_GOLD_928am_pst.PNG)

File: 8c537ce0f309371⋯.png (47.39 KB, 638x565, 638:565, 031720_US_T_note_10_yr_aft….PNG)

Markets after Announcement

Add in the FRBNY announcement and this too is the fuel for Gold. Markets initially cheered the announcement and have no rolled off the recent HOD's. Volume on DOW is over the daily average but not on the SP500 and NASDAQ. The ten-year T Note has responded with higher yields however this is skewed because of the massive buying going on by the FRBNY

Shorts are covering as well so this places additional pressure on prices. Gold knew this was coming as the perception of moar FIAT buck's would make most run to gold. Oil trying to regain $30 but looks tired and now under $29




Helicopter Money Arrives: White House To Send Checks To Americans Within 2 Weeks, Mnuchin Says

After unveiling a plan for the Fed to work with the Treasury to provide $1 trillion in liquidity to the commercial paper market, Mnuchin added that he's working with Congress to plan a "big" rescue package for the public. He wouldn't give an exact figure, but did suggest that it might be larger than the $850 billion figure cited in the press. The president wants this legislation passed by the end of the week at the latest, and will likely move ahead with sending checks to Americans within the next two weeks as part of the "very significant" package that will be presented to Congress today.

Payments should be looked as “business interruption payments” for Americans, Mnuchin said. Asked who would receive the checks, Trump said most Americans would, though those making "a million dollars a year" probably wouldn't. "We want to make sure Americans get money in their pockets quickly,” he added.

The plan will also include money for small businesses, as well as loan guarantees to airlines and tourism companies.

“We don’t want airlines going out of business," Mnuchin said, adding that this crisis was "worse than 9/11" for the airlines.

Speaking of 9/11, Mnuchin insisted he wanted to set one thing straight before running off to Capitol Hill: The Treasury Secretary insisted that the market would not close because of the coronavirus, and that banks would stay open, even if they instituted shorter hours.

"The only reason the market closed after 9/11 was because the technology was disrupted…but Americans should know, we are going to do everything to make sure that Americans will have access to the money in their stocks, in their 401(k)s and their portfolios," Mnuchin said.


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a14ccc  No.8450392

File: 8feaa67d7b8a771⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 501x470, 501:470, JOB.jpg)

And then there's this >>>>>

Try to tell me someone isn't working hard to get a vaccine…

And … The Race is On !!!

ME?? I've decided to stay under my rock where its warm & comfy… except I really DO have a couple of errands to run… feedstore forgot to deliver livestock feed.. Weather is stupid nice outside too. Ah !!! Virus Land

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4185b7  No.8450393

File: 4a96b26035843c2⋯.png (257.31 KB, 400x383, 400:383, 692DSUR.png)

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795336  No.8450394

lol the plan is to take away jobs, lock people down and give normies 1000 bucks each

hahah bring on the end of days

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437867  No.8450395

YT stream just did that corner cam again

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2f61db  No.8450396


today marks day 14…countdown continues.

At day 10, darkness for 10 days.

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b3cf25  No.8450397

File: c56955cc62981dc⋯.gif (11.44 KB, 652x347, 652:347, bbs.gif)

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6462c3  No.8450398

File: 87e1bf32dd17002⋯.png (1 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 422d5d782eb513f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



Precious Cargo!

Coming thru.. Get outta the way…

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18a620  No.8450399

File: 38b856d88fb5d47⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB, 136x240, 17:30, BatmaninSpain.mp4)

Batman spotted in Spain

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a4d3d2  No.8450400

Imagine taking back 106 years of wealth skimmed from the US Treasury by the banking cabals Federal Reserve. There would be enough money to pave our interstate system in gold.

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198d4c  No.8450401

File: 357afdffbcc7af1⋯.jpeg (97.53 KB, 1065x708, 355:236, 1533305635.jpeg)

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6e97c0  No.8450402

File: b086acea9349182⋯.jpg (47.25 KB, 466x700, 233:350, 1565369388137.jpg)


POTUS just made it clear that people

that believe the hoax ought to police those

of us who do not if we are seen in public not doing the right thing.

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6608cc  No.8450403


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54d1bc  No.8450405


Cabal Roll Call.

These people are SICK.

Friedrich Merz: "I am sick."

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64ce58  No.8450406

File: fd6ebdbc9846635⋯.png (227.1 KB, 1089x648, 121:72, fd6ebdbc9846635ac4829d6af5….png)

File: 547fb9c687aeda5⋯.png (251.28 KB, 1240x636, 310:159, 547fb9c687aeda5346d3e559c3….png)

File: f1c25761d19d49c⋯.png (297.22 KB, 720x1012, 180:253, Img_1584215537005.png)

File: 5a5ae8cd45c8e6e⋯.png (174.89 KB, 682x1049, 682:1049, Img_1584216016284.png)

Trips of truth?


Trips of child raping "elites" and their pathetic puppets thinking they can still get out of this.

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51604c  No.8450407


noice connection. I didn't go that far with it. Dayem.


Wow. Spooky, for me.


You sure?

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d5f5f1  No.8450408

File: 1b8f3966e0ba2dc⋯.jpg (106.73 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, radio.jpg)


looks like the transistor radio will become fashionable again.

Think of that…

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0334b8  No.8450409

File: 2b77d4cfb04a4c8⋯.jpeg (28.88 KB, 679x516, 679:516, 2b77d4cfb04a4c89ebe7d94c7….jpeg)

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797531  No.8450410

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 66cf5083180dfa030063c29be8….png)


What a fucking legend!

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d29f11  No.8450411

File: a13c5f1daebc7e3⋯.png (393.97 KB, 720x957, 240:319, Screenshot_20200312_031744….png)

I agree to stay out of the bars.

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000000  No.8450412


Looking into grammar and contracts and words and doublespeak

Grammar. Gremoire.

Lies inside of words. Opposite meanings.

Understand. Stand-beneath.

Education. What do [they] think of the peasants, the profane.

It is a spell when everyone believes the lie.

Is the lie in the spell? The spelling.

The Justinian Deception.

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40353b  No.8450413

Anyone asking in the presser about the Unconstitutional bans on guns and liquor by certain states?

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57b29e  No.8450414



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8e7d87  No.8450415

File: 6ad60ac85080959⋯.png (4.07 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 14B446A7_7975_49C2_B57B_5E….png)

File: bde9260af9aad6d⋯.png (6.93 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, A7C6A1F5_8072_4C30_8DBE_A7….png)

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1a45a3  No.8450416

File: 5c0b510620c10c6⋯.png (572.75 KB, 1833x957, 611:319, aj_Copy.png)


Alex Jones Prepares Lawsuit Against Trump Administration to Stop Potential Interstate Travel Ban


Alex Jones, the popular conspiracy theorist who founded Infowars, is preparing a lawsuit against the Trump administration in order to stop a possible interstate travel ban, as the U.S. inches toward martial law.

Although President Trump has not announced an interstate travel ban yet, he has said that it could be in the works if he feels it is necessary to stop coronavirus. Jones, who is one of Trump’s most prominent backers, feels this would be crossing the line.

“In our view, while the COVID-19 crisis does present a real and present danger to public health, there is also something significant at stake, and that is our fundamental freedoms and rights as Americans,” lawyer Norm Pattis said while appearing on The Alex Jones Show Monday. “We have drafted a lawsuit titled Alex Jones v. Donald Trump, naming a number of Trump’s Cabinet officials, in the event that President Trump announces an interstate travel ban or something like it.”

Maximum Faggotry from MOS Shill

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8eacf1  No.8450418

33 weeks EXACTLY to Election Day.

23 weeks EXACTLY to NoName death anniversary.

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a22ff6  No.8450419

File: 1572f0edc8346ad⋯.jpg (57.99 KB, 522x369, 58:41, milquarantinetrucks.jpg)

And there it is. Did anyone else do a double take when they discussed the introduction of MASH units to population centers during this morning's covid-19 press conference? How to introduce a welcome military presence in advance of the mass arrests of big names to tamp down violent protests? "Quarantine Team" presence already underway in high risk areas.

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f6cca3  No.8450420

Fucking Mockingbird Media


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b7715c  No.8450421


blek powa


>people that believe the hoax ought to police those of us who do not if we are seen in public not doing the right thing

yeah figured it wouldn't be very long for the nice democracy-loving people with nice values to form death squads to enforce rules. that should be fun

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c3a981  No.8450422

File: ebc08e6e6009b97⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 899x356, 899:356, ZH_HusseinsFault.JPG)

Well, well, well you don't say


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437867  No.8450423

File: a6592d99efbfa4f⋯.png (622.69 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, pepe_fighting_irish.png)

Happy St. Patty's Day fags!

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9958d1  No.8450424


Gross. Put a shirt on

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54d1bc  No.8450425



POTUS called TIME on March 11, 2020, with a 30 day window to Good Friday, April 10, 2020, aka D, J, T day.


24 and a wake up.

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1fb7a6  No.8450427

File: d5d801237dab7a6⋯.jpg (903.55 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 004.JPG)


I dig it!

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a3b837  No.8450428

File: a3d63440305b591⋯.png (49.3 KB, 639x537, 213:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f17a4477431a0ca⋯.png (28.21 KB, 1171x1156, 1171:1156, ClipboardImage.png)

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8caca9  No.8450429

File: 91c9cd13b836e40⋯.jpg (35.46 KB, 660x592, 165:148, qSU9mJrNLK.jpg)




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6462c3  No.8450430

File: 46f9a4499dd1811⋯.png (9.72 KB, 427x233, 427:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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54d1bc  No.8450431


No, of course not.

It's my opinion, based on today being St. Pat's day, and the tie being a light green.

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c218c1  No.8450432


The UK is so mossad owned.

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7fb42e  No.8450433

File: 0c6a88734cc1746⋯.png (409.35 KB, 585x1280, 117:256, aysir.png)

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51604c  No.8450434


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71421b  No.8450435


Think about all the indictments in those cities who have called up their national guard. Densely populated areas like SF with tons of indictments in the region.

If you're on the streets; you are either on the run or using gangs to stay on the run. Or you allow by, being outside of your home, these same two groups to subject your personal body or bodies to abuses; and/or the possibility of the police, government agents inadvertently catching you in crossfire – because you were there and not in your house.

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437867  No.8450436

File: aeea91bcbd60c41⋯.png (749.04 KB, 820x960, 41:48, pepe_batman.png)


Chekt and kekt

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64ce58  No.8450437

File: 1a4955defc3e2f4⋯.png (182.47 KB, 720x406, 360:203, Img_1584398124176.png)

File: 63505af39d35ce6⋯.png (148.75 KB, 720x838, 360:419, Img_1584398194674.png)

File: 08c05868c25dbc8⋯.png (258.58 KB, 720x889, 720:889, Img_1584398083789.png)

Fagmason 33 Denver Airport

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b3bb3c  No.8450438


That's funny!

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2f61db  No.8450439


He also gave a 15 day counter.

Today he mention on day 14 of the 15 days.

So still valid within your perimeters as well.

The 30 day was the major time frame, the 15 days is actionable timeframe.

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ca03da  No.8450440

File: 3e190499a485094⋯.jpg (58.15 KB, 517x577, 517:577, Church_of_England.JPG)

Church of England suspends public worship


The Archbishop of Canterbury has announced that public worship is "suspended until further notice".

A Church of England spokesman said weddings and funerals could still go ahead.

Archbishop of Canterbury


Today, Archbishop @JohnSentamu and I are calling @churchofengland to suspend public worship to help stem the spread of #coronavirus. We must be a radically different church for now – but one that’s hopeful, prayerful and committed to serving others: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/news/archbishops-call-church-england-become-radically-different-public-worship …


One way to remove false teachings from the ears of the public

God Winning

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96b26e  No.8450441

File: f1896fec577c804⋯.png (23.45 KB, 598x412, 299:206, Screenshot_2020_03_17_zak3….png)

Project Veritas

Mar 16

Do you work in a hospital? Are you first responder or are you in government? Have you been traveling internationally or are you in China or Italy? Do you have inside info?

Project Veritas wants to talk to you.

Send us your tips about the coronavirus: veritastips@protonmail.com


Replying to


Nurse here and husband general surgeon in upper Michigan. Not one case

1:03 PM · Mar 16, 2020


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000000  No.8450442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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66a159  No.8450443


They took the BAR !!!

They took the WHOLE BAR !!!!


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d29f11  No.8450444

File: 0312aba99e456db⋯.png (431.38 KB, 720x887, 720:887, Screenshot_20200312_034112….png)

Where is my thousand dollars?

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0cfc39  No.8450445

>kek..I know the dude…i

'll have a talk

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ef9959  No.8450446

File: d3c03987f5cd467⋯.png (299.83 KB, 610x343, 610:343, ClipboardImage.png)

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c218c1  No.8450447


Lets hope.

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6462c3  No.8450448


Snagged it off FB and was laughing so hard I had to pause before I could post it here.


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40353b  No.8450449

File: f974a4c0876ab71⋯.jpg (90.37 KB, 500x321, 500:321, enjoy.jpg)

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8278f9  No.8450450

POTUS et al allowing the release of a mostly defanged virus (only dangerous to the aging population and those will underlying health conditioned) sticks in my craw. Ref Q528:

Q !UW.yye1fxo

13 Jan 2018 - 9:59:16 PM




This anons' musings:

What if there is no COVID19 at all? What if this is just the seasonal flu and some percentage of TESTS are altered to show false positives? More altered tests distributed to nursing homes (where more people die anyway from seasonal), Hollyweird, and areas where satanist churches are located. Altered tests sprinkled throughout the rest of the country to keep the needed panic widespread. China, Italy part of the op. CDC on board. White hats have been held hostage against exposing black hats under threat of a bioweapon being released? What if the chemtrails started being protective under Trump? What if the COVD19 headfake was to make people stock up, be prepared to "stay at home" (Q#582) for the "POSSIBILITY" of a bioweapon release? A Bioweapon released in a world that is locked in their homes would be pretty ineffective. Ops go forward with soft targets removed – as previously discussed.

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a52f90  No.8450451


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42395a  No.8450452


isn't this the yesterday's feverish brainshart of one "Dr" MacConnor (?)?

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57b29e  No.8450453

>Enjoy your living room

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76dc95  No.8450454

File: 0424f3fdb0f24ad⋯.png (271.71 KB, 500x545, 100:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd70e5  No.8450455


once the picture is associated with the words rat and democrat in the indexing and seed files it will be hard to get rid of with the way the algos make associations with root words

democrats and rats

they will have to manually force it out

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b7715c  No.8450457

File: 96351c5b583bdc3⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, praise_the_lord.jpg)


>Church of England suspends public worship

bloody fookin pussies

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6608cc  No.8450458


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a3b837  No.8450459

File: 658c440be31443f⋯.png (144.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 074e880f9acc700⋯.png (23.68 KB, 978x460, 489:230, ClipboardImage.png)


the hex color is called




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96b26e  No.8450460

File: 6ca2973f347f523⋯.png (24.63 KB, 598x503, 598:503, fedex_precautions.png)


Replying to


I would just like to shed light on the delivery industry. FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc. I work for one of these companies and still have yet to receive any notice from management about what precautions should be taken to stay safe at work. Unacceptable IMO

12:17 PM · Mar 17, 2020


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6462c3  No.8450461



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e30573  No.8450462

File: 51e3998d7242c0c⋯.jpg (48.16 KB, 850x400, 17:8, truther.jpg)

File: f00963c413eb8be⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 624x499, 624:499, f00963c413eb8be5f2c8d26560….jpg)


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a27754  No.8450464

File: 39be3c65f4a0ff1⋯.png (551.31 KB, 1178x1274, 589:637, jack_copy_3.png)

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3de746  No.8450465


that's kind of amazing.

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6f977f  No.8450466

File: 3e7ab9d7168a063⋯.png (206.7 KB, 946x1191, 946:1191, gas1.PNG)

Fracking works great again…

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8caca9  No.8450467

File: 1d8d2e2c744acff⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 572x481, 44:37, IM2sBhB4Oc.jpg)




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57b29e  No.8450468

POTUS has mentioned



a great SPIRIT

many times now

The HOLY SPIRIT of the Lord Almighty is moving through this nation and washing it clean making us whole again


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54d1bc  No.8450469

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40353b  No.8450471

File: ef7a8e0ccd6a2bb⋯.png (291.75 KB, 952x642, 476:321, stpat.png)

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a443b0  No.8450472

File: 969990dd62e1d33⋯.png (67.17 KB, 335x294, 335:294, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

Only 12:05 timestamp anon could find.

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d38817  No.8450473

File: bd9f021016aabcd⋯.png (197.57 KB, 1229x763, 1229:763, MAGMA89_from_Eglin_AFB_bac….PNG)

MAGMA88 departed Eglin AFB from Homestead and now returning to Homestead.

DDFI5899 USMC C-560 out of New Orleans NAS JRB and now nw

LOBO474 USMC C-560 from Gulfport, MS back to MCAS Cherry Point

AZAZ09O9 USMC C-560 that did it's fly-by at Providence RI is now returning to JBA-origin

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6d4c42  No.8450474


>23 weeks EXACTLY to NoName death anniversary.

I've binged watched the funeral videos ever since, sad week for Paytriots…))

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1a45a3  No.8450475

File: 4fee42e2a9c1958⋯.png (67.32 KB, 819x414, 91:46, ad_Copy.png)

File: cdb313d9d84f8aa⋯.png (426.15 KB, 1855x1005, 371:201, ep_no_Copy.png)

Hillary knew Trump would cut off Adrenochrome supplies, and that cheap epipens were the backup.

Article is from Aug. 2016


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a52f90  No.8450476



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3de746  No.8450477


leap of faith, much?

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d609c9  No.8450478

File: 10bad7cb6f9bce3⋯.jpeg (10.43 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images_1.jpeg)


"But the mouths of them that speak lies shall be stopped.


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2f61db  No.8450479


Told ya about that asswipe Austin.

No more Q than….

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76dc95  No.8450480

"We have to knock out this enemy."


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2b5470  No.8450481

File: 7bad3fc84cd551c⋯.jpg (364.95 KB, 1528x1221, 1528:1221, safePatriotsControl.jpg)

America is safe.

Patriots in control.

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a5853e  No.8450482

File: d1d2f936efaca75⋯.jpeg (492.21 KB, 828x1323, 92:147, 5983E386_66B0_4D32_ADA9_2….jpeg)

File: dd979e4d4bee3a9⋯.jpeg (811.88 KB, 828x1390, 414:695, 6D0224F8_F292_4D36_9EA0_2….jpeg)

File: b302a15fb0c6d1c⋯.jpeg (438.76 KB, 828x1156, 207:289, 1EF7E4BA_FCBA_4886_B131_A….jpeg)

File: 10e96ab8cd6de81⋯.jpeg (139.08 KB, 828x581, 828:581, BBF2073D_9C83_4236_B647_5….jpeg)

File: ad1a1a939203aed⋯.jpeg (104.41 KB, 240x351, 80:117, 24483D34_F5E7_45BB_93E9_0….jpeg)







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fcf445  No.8450483

File: b1b3f31b6f99fad⋯.png (176.67 KB, 1433x1531, 1433:1531, ClipboardImage.png)



Eyes on Patriots


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54d1bc  No.8450485



15 days of bs, 15 days of cleanup, then the 1,988 anniversary of the Greatest Awakening in the history of the universe.

Easter Sunday.

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d29f11  No.8450486

File: 6bcdf61af9548e6⋯.png (67.04 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 2fae3549feb8f7ad51b0472e07….png)

The nigga got one thousands dollars free from Trump…

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1a45a3  No.8450487


be careful to crop to avoid doxxing, anon.

(that may now be a problem anymore, but y'know)

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6664a1  No.8450488


I've been saying a watered down version of this all along. Some areas had a different strain that others. Italy, for instance, has a more lethal strain.

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b7715c  No.8450489

anybody else thinking "yeah maybe i should hide my power level a bit and wipe that huge grin from my face in front of all these people nursing their worries"?

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b3bb3c  No.8450490

Reduce the # of people that die

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6a7cd2  No.8450491

File: 241ced6e73ea38b⋯.png (27.84 KB, 614x223, 614:223, ClipboardImage.png)

No sauce.

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6462c3  No.8450492

File: 3d0a7b1649c0bbf⋯.png (776.66 KB, 649x560, 649:560, ClipboardImage.png)


Not for everyone..

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8eacf1  No.8450493


Also EXACTLY 33 weeks between Good Friday and Black Friday.

>The moar you know.

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d38817  No.8450494


chek that MAGMA89

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ab52d6  No.8450495

Why does Mike Pence remind me of a talking pull-string doll?

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fd70e5  No.8450496


good way to get pinkeye

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a84a95  No.8450497

File: 1d7e6228b0432f6⋯.png (524.16 KB, 488x656, 61:82, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb961c  No.8450498

"All of us have to knock out this enemy"

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64ce58  No.8450499

The "elites" have fucked us over a billion times. They are causing the panic.

They want everyone inside.

Maybe they want peasants inside because they are up to something.

Just saying keep that thought in your back pocket. They have done too many awful things. Their word means nothing.

This is supposed to be a truth revolution yet most of the general population has no idea this is even a thing. That's absurd.

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a52f90  No.8450500

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2b5470  No.8450501

File: 27a43057ee85228⋯.jpg (330.28 KB, 1500x980, 75:49, QRN_PatriotsControl.jpg)

File: 467ec8521998719⋯.jpg (301.22 KB, 911x1200, 911:1200, QCrumbs16yearPlanDestroyAm….jpg)

File: 1d5b8890d60fb8f⋯.jpg (230.26 KB, 1200x689, 1200:689, QCrumbsEnemyPlan.jpg)

File: dc1ded443d555a0⋯.jpg (243.34 KB, 1488x858, 248:143, QCrumbBoardPlanePelosi7.jpg)

File: d466a8ff8debb52⋯.jpg (614.04 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, QCrumbsTrustThePlanMathema….jpg)

Patriots in control.

16-year plan to destroy America - THWARTED!

How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible?

Military planning at its finest!

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2340e6  No.8450502

The press room is sitting there like…. "How do we spin ANY of this?"

These highschool-level drama queens have relied on being able to say "He said 10 here, 25 there, wow, this must mean the CDC doesn't know a single thing of what they're doing!"

They're just models, not math. Yes, it'd be nice if everyone used a specific number (10 or 25) but it really doesn't matter. The MSM is sitting there like, "….well crap, this actually kind of makes sense… but my orders are to report about the bad orange man!"

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54d1bc  No.8450503


Or a warning about the broad behind him.

Still, though, looks like kelly green for St. Pat's.

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eab358  No.8450504

File: 97f176d2e369ead⋯.png (355.15 KB, 672x1035, 224:345, WEARE_Q.png)

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ca03da  No.8450505


Euro 2020 football tournament postponed


More now on our earliest post about Euro 2020 being postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.

European football's governing body Uefa made the decision to hold the tournament in 2021 during an emergency video conference involving major stakeholders on Tuesday.

The tournament, due to take place from 12 June-12 July this summer, will now run from 11 June to 11 July next year.

The postponement provides a chance for European leagues that have been suspended to now be completed.

Uefa said it wanted to avoid "placing any unnecessary pressure on national public services" of its 12 host countries, as well as helping allow domestic competitions to be finished.

Uefa president Aleksander Ceferin said: "We are at the helm of a sport that vast numbers of people live and breathe that has been laid low by this invisible and fast-moving opponent.

"It is at times like these, that the football community needs to show responsibility, unity, solidarity and altruism."

"The health of fans, staff and players has to be our number one priority and in that spirit, Uefa tabled a range of options so that competitions can finish this season safely and I am proud of the response of my colleagues across European football.

"There was a real spirit of co-operation, with everyone recognising that they had to sacrifice something in order to achieve the best result."

Ceferin said it was important Uefa "led the process and made the biggest sacrifice", adding it comes "at a huge cost" but "purpose over profit has been our guiding principle in taking this decision for the good of European football as a whole".

Euro play-offs moved to June

The European Championship qualifying play-offs, scheduled to begin in March, have provisionally been moved to June.

Why has this happened?

Many of Europe's domestic leagues - as well as the Champions League and Europa League - have been suspended following an increasing number of coronavirus cases around the continent.

Players and coaches have also been affected by the virus or been told to go into self-isolation, meaning leagues have had to shut down.

A mini-tournament to decide the Champions League and Europa League is expected to be one option put forward at Tuesday's meeting to ease fixture congestion caused by the coronavirus crisis.

How Europe's top leagues have reacted:

Premier League: All elite football in Britain cancelled until 4 April at the earliest subject to "conditions at the time".

La Liga: Spain's top flight suspended until 4 April at the earliest when it will "revaluate" the situation.

Serie A: Italy has the highest number of cases in Europe and the country is in lockdown.

Bundesliga: Suspended until at least 2 April in Germany.

Ligue 1: Games initially played behind closed doors in France but now suspended "until further notice".

What other limitations are there?

While the big domestic leagues have problems over television contracts to solve if games do not take place, most countries rely on the payments from Uefa that come out of major international tournaments to allow their own leagues to function properly.

These would be at risk from any movement of the European Championship and are likely to form part of any agreement.

An estimated 400 staff are working for Uefa on the Euros. It is unknown what will happen to them if the tournament does not take place for another 12 months.

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a27754  No.8450506


There's that 10 days again.

Keeps coming up. 10 days.

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3de746  No.8450507


I still wonder what kind of tunnels Oprah has on her island down near Trump's.

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8caca9  No.8450508

File: 85291883ad6980b⋯.jpg (153.24 KB, 1600x964, 400:241, Mk44N9ZSMw.jpg)

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6608cc  No.8450510


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972147  No.8450511


follow the pen

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156cf6  No.8450512

File: fc41cb97dd48422⋯.png (269.3 KB, 596x694, 298:347, A1.png)

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on providing financial relief to Americans amid the COVID-19 pandemic:

"We're looking at sending checks to Americans immediately."


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6e97c0  No.8450513

File: ecef193fa29d2f8⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1013x1634, 1013:1634, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fdf944ee485de6⋯.png (5.33 KB, 264x183, 88:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 008539847707409⋯.png (771.36 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24f65c006920552⋯.png (464.86 KB, 1260x393, 420:131, ClipboardImage.png)


superb. send to POTUS.



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96b26e  No.8450514

File: 5b4cb19b8dd419e⋯.png (6.72 KB, 598x208, 23:8, Check_out_St_Corona.png)

File: 18a44e4e3730003⋯.png (878.79 KB, 936x1026, 52:57, Saint_Corona_Patron_Saint_….png)

Gotta be fucking kidding me.

Check out St Corona patron saint of pandemics. True story look it up for yourselves.



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9dd33d  No.8450515

I was just thinking. Funny thing about St. Patrick, he supposedly he got rid of all the serpents in Ireland so the story goes. Serpent free. Just a thought.

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a3b837  No.8450516



no ginger porn here

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7fb42e  No.8450517

File: 7b7b2242f2bec3c⋯.png (173.72 KB, 685x1080, 137:216, secnav.png)

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93847c  No.8450518

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2b5470  No.8450519

File: c44183f0efe6f7b⋯.jpg (335.8 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, PlanefagsReconSquad7.jpg)


ThankQ PF.

We know MAGMA is spec ops.

So is AZAZ09O9.

Thoughts about what these 4 might be doing with the out-and-backs?


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b80406  No.8450520

File: a367a3892ce12d8⋯.jpeg (467.07 KB, 1125x998, 1125:998, 96632BEB_B01B_48CA_9AE4_6….jpeg)

File: dedf06852f8b424⋯.jpeg (393.12 KB, 1125x848, 1125:848, 27C8F4F9_D9EB_45A7_A4D4_8….jpeg)

File: f35911bc81f8231⋯.jpeg (292.48 KB, 1125x632, 1125:632, 9E8A8D6F_63AC_4246_8EB1_0….jpeg)

When the dust settles from this, everyone will know how much trump failed the USA citizens!🇺🇸

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c0758b  No.8450521


so I take it they will eventually learn the truth

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b7715c  No.8450523



it's hard, though.

feels like christmas

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b75c03  No.8450524

Stocks to DUMP by March….coinkidink?


Bridgewater Makes $1.5 Billion Options Bet on Falling Market

World’s largest hedge fund takes on a big bearish trade; founder Dalio says firm’s overall position on market isn’t negative

By Juliet Chung and Gunjan Banerji

Updated Nov. 22, 2019 2:07 pm ET


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b3bb3c  No.8450525

Hotspots of what? Pedos? Ms-13?

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437867  No.8450526

File: 68d10ab2a39b8a3⋯.png (1.29 MB, 667x1000, 667:1000, pepe_dempanic_pandemic_2.png)

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a3b837  No.8450527

File: 35e7fc8b03d661b⋯.png (168.56 KB, 704x498, 352:249, ClipboardImage.png)


>kelly green

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972147  No.8450528


im so damn giddy they think Im crazy

(but whats new)

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54d1bc  No.8450529


He did, didn't he. He chased all the snakes out of Ireland.

Didn't a snake just get chased out of Ireland?

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c3a981  No.8450530

File: ee2980369db197f⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 492x254, 246:127, POTUS_haha.JPG)


>nope just moar winning

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6608cc  No.8450531


Washington, New York, California

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eab358  No.8450533

File: 28aeccd1239a763⋯.png (87.33 KB, 286x252, 143:126, 2018_09_27_19_50_03.png)


>providing financial relief to Americans

Was that part of the cabal 16 year plan?

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2f61db  No.8450534


You suck the cock of MSM.

GTFO, traitor.

They are coming for you.

Answer the phone when it rings.

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64ce58  No.8450535

Times up Quesus

Handle your shit or we'll handle it

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c0758b  No.8450536


I dread the 10 days

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ca03da  No.8450537

File: 6b88520f0089fdc⋯.jpg (144.66 KB, 850x477, 850:477, congress_corona_fail.jpg)

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ab52d6  No.8450538


There cannot be any tunnels there.

The water level is extremely high and its all sandy soil.

There are not even any basements there.

All of South Florida just floats on water.

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75dedc  No.8450539


check. 100%

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76dc95  No.8450540

File: 36195d79b83dd09⋯.png (250.87 KB, 535x524, 535:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.

Flag of United States


We are all in this together, and together, we are going to PREVAIL!


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1a45a3  No.8450541




St.Corona, Patron Saint of Pandemics?

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0ca589  No.8450542


No tunnels in the swamp. You people believe anything. Sad.

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54d1bc  No.8450543


Well, kind of, as 100,000,000 dead Americans don't need to worry about spending money to stay dead.

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40353b  No.8450544


Kek, me too.

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a14ccc  No.8450545


Retire the National debt yeah baby !!! :)

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b3bb3c  No.8450546


I know but what are "hotspots" of?

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2b5470  No.8450547


>The MSM is sitting there like, "….well crap, this actually kind of makes sense… but my orders are to report about the bad orange man!"

I noticed that new flavor for the press briefings yesterday. There was less hostility, more genuine "what is going on? and how does it impact the people?" more questions oriented toward things of a scientific nature and hard numbers like "how many cases? how many respirators? how many MASH units? how long?"

Still nobody has has asked a fairly obvious question (that would not get answered): "WHO did this to America and what are you going to do about it?"

Forced social distancing in the press room, more somber realization. We are at war. Against an invisible enemy.

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156cf6  No.8450548

File: 96e9b75a3d72352⋯.png (269.3 KB, 653x471, 653:471, A1.png)


Nasdaq was climbing.

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b80406  No.8450549

File: 4db222022a9c156⋯.jpeg (229.98 KB, 1125x862, 1125:862, B53A4C38_A47C_4CEE_BB29_2….jpeg)

File: 314508fe0d001dd⋯.jpeg (943.43 KB, 1125x1994, 1125:1994, 77B21FD6_9A0F_4F58_84BF_6….jpeg)


trumps complete failure on the virus and his friendship with Epstein will be all the history books say about him and his presidency. Enjoy the show kids!🇺🇸

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75dedc  No.8450550


Sure, kid.


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6a0d62  No.8450551


what is the meaning of this? And from Aug 2018? I don't recall that being one of Qs trip codes, and he never went by Patriot Q

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3de746  No.8450552


Her island that's down past St. Martin?

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0c262a  No.8450553


5:5 !!!

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8eb2e4  No.8450554

File: 15ed2020e8c6635⋯.mp4 (10.45 MB, 322x178, 161:89, ApacheAH64ShootToThrill.mp4)


Kelly and Green together sounds like a Go command to me. I've been here too long kek!

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c0758b  No.8450555


yeah, not going over so well right now. I've just shut up

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9958d1  No.8450556

File: 9460e5f5014b9c0⋯.jpg (260.95 KB, 1080x845, 216:169, 20200317_115137.jpg)


Huh. This one is interesting. Look at timestamp

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66a159  No.8450557



: scene

Generals discuss how to clear large area around Devils Tower Wyoming , for the ET landing.

" We need something so scary, it will clear a thousand square miles of every living Christian soul "

Answer : Anthrax Hoax

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a3b837  No.8450558


yeah, heres how ya know its fake

its akmost impossible to put a basement in in Florida because we are sand with high water table

if a house is on the intercoastal a tunnel would be impossible

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24a7ce  No.8450559


Clinton Foundation Investigation

Anonymous 29 Oct 2017 - 7:57:27 PM

Remember, the FBI, and MI, have an open investigation into the CF. Why did Comey drop this?

Where is the Military Intelligence Investigation at this point?

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6e97c0  No.8450560

File: ed830e7c19edd34⋯.png (510.8 KB, 1217x441, 1217:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27c09bd4e4409f0⋯.png (37.86 KB, 342x873, 38:97, ClipboardImage.png)


drop zero

20=T &

reduces to 2

one invicta says 17, one says 2

they keep using Invicta

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ea20c7  No.8450561

File: 614060d532ba204⋯.png (486.76 KB, 752x947, 752:947, weneedcashnow.PNG)

We need cash Now


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c208e9  No.8450562

File: 165f5d9c1a3f6d5⋯.jpeg (119.76 KB, 466x607, 466:607, CDD4C7F6_7DF2_4D20_9E03_F….jpeg)

File: 2d1e7e32c50f75a⋯.jpeg (99.28 KB, 736x552, 4:3, 878CB5AC_FD9E_42F1_88A6_0….jpeg)

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2b5470  No.8450563


Fuck me

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d2ab4b  No.8450564


Kids home from school haven't studied water tables yet.

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a22ff6  No.8450565

File: 04caeb9c2c4faf5⋯.jpg (225.87 KB, 576x432, 4:3, radioready.jpg)



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cb961c  No.8450566

Q, can the military help transport stranded American contractors overseas?

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6608cc  No.8450567


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b7715c  No.8450568



>what is the meaning of this?

recycling some antiQ larp that never went anywhere

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cdb699  No.8450569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deathbed Confession ReWrites WWII History

Ben Fulford 3/16, 20

A statement from an old Intelligence man on his deathbed.  I wrote it down as he dictated.

Lord Rothschild sent his five sons to the world’s capitals to instigate wars and then loan the money to carry them out

Before a World War, the banks claw back every penny to then lend out at profit in the conflict.The 1917 Russian revolution is sometimes called the Jewish revolution because the Jews used communism to seize the country and the Czar’s huge monetary assets in the London and Paris banks. 

The remit of Communism was to take the wealth of the people, rich and poor, and consolidate it in the hands of a very few called the elite, but done in such a way that the people thought it was being done for them. 

Russia was robbed and thousands of churches were pillaged and burned, and millions of Christians murdered.

Rothschild then concentrated on Britain, clawing out the money where the Jarrow hunger marches were in protest over those dying of starvation. 

Lord Rothschild told his homosexual apostles that a Communist Government was coming to Britain, and he predicted it by the year 2000.  He told them it may not be called that but that is what it would be.

Germany under Adolf Hitler broke free of the International Bank scammers and declared its own currency and the amazing success of this made the bankers worry as other countries could follow suit, & many in England wanted to adopt the German economic system. 

Charles Lindberg wanted to introduce it to the USA.  Lindberg was a hot favorite to run for political office, but the Jews took his baby son and in a Passover sacrifice of Rosh-Chodesh on March 1st ritually murdered the child.  

Lindberg had to retire from the election race, and a halfwit German national was charged with the crime and executed.

New York and London became the main areas of the Jewish rebellion against the Germans who dared to throw out the Jewish bankers.  Jewish led newspapers joined Hollywood and the BBC in issuing hate propaganda to initiate a war on Germany.  This despite Neville Chamberlain’s four-year secret study into the aims and directives of the Third Reich, showing Germany had no intentions toward Britain, only to stop the constant threat of the Soviet communists.

Lord Rothschild from around 1933, but in particular in 1936, had Bulletins read out in every Synagogue across the UK saying Jewish people prepare for War, get into any manufacturing concern that will accommodate this.

>Herbert Morrison (Peter Mandelson’s grandfather) was posted by Winston Churchill as Home Office Procurement Minister who made sure all MOD contracts went to fellow Jews.

Jews were told especially from 1936 to buy up any small manufacturing concerns like making boots helmets shell cases uniforms weaponry etc. as war was coming.

They always ordered almost double the material needed and some of these Jewish firms found themselves very rich by the war’s end.  These Jews would bribe Members of Parliament to demand the Government order more uniforms, more Hillman staff cars, more rifles or more army shirts or whatever the Jewish owner wanted to sell more of.

It was only after the war when huge stocks of army surplus took 25 years to sell off that the penny dropped that the Jews had robbed the British people again.
  I myself saw an East End button making firm’s wartime books, they made buttons for military tunics, and the profits were astronomical.  Some firms were using sheets of non-ferrous metal, from wartime orders into the early 1960s. 

One firm had a contract to make so many million gas masks, and to complete that contract were still making them in 1968; they all lay rotting in a leaky warehouse.

This is why Jews were called ‘war profiteers’ and what they gained in this way, be it food for workers or whatever, was often sold for cash.  And this was why Jews were called the ‘black marketeers.’

Churchill’s bodyguard Walter Thompson said Marks and Spencers dealt with all MOD food supplies, and Burton tailoring made all the uniforms and demob suits.  Monetary kickbacks went to Herbert Morrison, Winston Churchill, and Lord Lendeman.

Winston Churchill and Lord Rothschild spoke to the King’s doctor Bertrand Dawson who gave the King a fatal dose of morphine.  

King Edward VIII we are told had to abdicate to marry Wallace Simpson.  This is a lie.  He was forced out by Churchill because he kept trying to make peace with Germany.

Neville Chamberlain, listed as the most popular Prime Minister ever and one who wanted to keep Britain out of the war, died mysteriously in November 1940.  His death certificate said, ‘causes unspecified.’ read more:

Sauce: https://benjaminfulford.net/2020/03/16/6793/

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93847c  No.8450570


Merci beaucoup

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1a45a3  No.8450571

File: 46f63b54ebabce6⋯.png (72.19 KB, 627x621, 209:207, bo_tw_Copy.png)


Barack Obama


We owe a profound debt of gratitude to all our health professionals and everybody who’ll be on the front lines of this pandemic for a long while. They’re giving everything. May we all model our own behavior on their selflessness and sacrifice as we help each other through this.

Hussein Tweet

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0ca589  No.8450572


The world is (((their))) stage. It's a big club, we aren't in it.

This is a fakeflag they'll equate to Trumps 9/11.

Wakie wakie.

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d23ca9  No.8450573

File: df044eb39ae99da⋯.jpeg (27.92 KB, 218x231, 218:231, D05111A5_0838_45D7_AE4E_6….jpeg)

Anons, is there a list of steps POTUS has taken to help our country through the CV epidemic? If not, would one of the awesome graphic anons or list anons put one together so we can help support POTUS with the crazy disinformation about his lack of effort and transparency?

It would really help having this conversation with family and friends if we had a timeline of info and action. The TDS is still greatly engrained in society.

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4df3e8  No.8450574

File: cca08542a4b4f1b⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1087x863, 1087:863, Pepe_BFly.png)


It's sooooo beautiful! All that green.

Great job on the report. You rock!

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76295b  No.8450575




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2f61db  No.8450576


It was Austin what-ever-his-last-name-was pretending to be Q.

Even had a couple of low IQ'ed idiots here following him.

Look what he's done now.

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8eb2e4  No.8450577

File: 595d13b26d3f74f⋯.jpg (2.69 MB, 1995x2583, 95:123, Mick_Mulvaney_official_pho….jpg)


By Mick?

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98a92d  No.8450578

File: 1b45050c98ce4bd⋯.gif (7.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GA_time_spiral_Q.gif)

Pretty funny to see old slides and red herrings resurrected. Shitforbrainfags believing that it is working, just carry on posting nonsense, attacking anons. Oldfags have seen their cycle rotations of this many times before. Lurkers (smart ones who learn by observation) have seen it as well. Instead of ramping up fear, distracting to well-worn topics, it's merely a source of amusement because it means the well is dry.

There is nothing left.

Out of ammo.

Anons still here, our fellows on twitter, fb, gab etc., are shooting out our memes and graphics, red pills flying and the Great Awakening is GROWING, as a byproduct of this self-imposed (or exterior imposed) slowdown/quarantine.

Cras es noster

Anons are unstoppable - the team [they] hoped would never assemble. ALL of the FUD, all the distractions, all the shenanigans, all the DDOS, all the smears and hit pieces, have not worked. They will never work.



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6074ac  No.8450579

File: 2a9e8cfa04be40c⋯.jpg (340.46 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, inspirational_pepe_in_gree….jpg)

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fcf445  No.8450581


Def looks dig worthy. If they sent those email to Veritas they need to send them to Fitton at JudicialWatch.

Or to POTUS.

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40353b  No.8450582

File: 3c8736d8b77a463⋯.jpg (98.8 KB, 640x434, 320:217, pope.jpg)


Chinese Virus

Celebrity Virus

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23c070  No.8450583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Forced vaccinations, Run!

'As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus. "


60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

This is an old segment from CBS '60 Minutes' on the swine flu (also known as H1N1) & the spoopy vaccine that was developed and given to Americans.

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2b5470  No.8450584

File: 13b90a7d506ee91⋯.jpg (179.55 KB, 916x1200, 229:300, QCrumbsYourPhone2.jpg)

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b80406  No.8450585

File: 92cd6bc2f1f9e2b⋯.jpeg (888.43 KB, 1125x1823, 1125:1823, C6BCA383_5221_4534_9320_9….jpeg)


You make a good cult member. Keep on blindly sucking those trump nuts kid!🇺🇸

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66a159  No.8450586


What did FBI find on pedo-island ?

Not a peep.

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6a7cd2  No.8450587

File: e623bd099e10e93⋯.png (41.52 KB, 614x328, 307:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Hussein Twat for decode.

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06d8e8  No.8450588

File: 3bd9fb79737bdd7⋯.jpg (342.61 KB, 800x440, 20:11, you_are_watching_ab5c983e9….jpg)

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ab52d6  No.8450589


Any small island is the same way.

An underground space could be sustained with pumps.

But the ground is not stable enough for a large or elongated space.

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51a91d  No.8450590


It won’t be easy for many. I have to believe that the plan involves a kind of “comfort factor” for this period to quell panic and anxiety. Also expect it to happen during total lockdown

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2ed8ae  No.8450591

File: c4f69d5888771e2⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 255x166, 255:166, freedom_and_shit.jpg)


You misspelled [Their money]

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ba5259  No.8450592


Im not sure Anon, i’ve been working still so i’m trying to keep up with the breads but, I saw this and felt it was important to bring here even if it ends up being total shite and I get called a moran. I thought maybe this guy tried to start this post.

Was this started on twatter?

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47ea41  No.8450593


molech needs sacrifice ?

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51604c  No.8450594


I just put my glasses on. kek

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3de746  No.8450595



Talking about Antigua, not Florida.

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71421b  No.8450596

Whole different world

The world will not be the same when POTUS returns…




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a3b837  No.8450597


whats that got to do with florida geographicallychallengedanon ?

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0cfc39  No.8450598


KEK!!!! reverse bitin rhymes

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2b5470  No.8450599


There is no timestamp.

Cap the timestamp if you want anons to see it.

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083d66  No.8450600


Silver is anti-bacterial.

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a27754  No.8450601

Thank you POTUS for caring about the workers that work on tips. They are very scared.

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eab358  No.8450602

File: 82fea8986ae4173⋯.png (84.41 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 2018_11_14_19_37_43.png)


10 days to get Fake News out of China?

How long should it take to get the Fake News out of America?

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bf475c  No.8450603


Anon has a friend that says he isn't going to text with me anymore because I'm not freaking out like he is and I'm trying to calm him down….Thinks I'm a fucking idiot now

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dc7205  No.8450604

File: 6cabcce5236d62c⋯.jpg (119.4 KB, 355x504, 355:504, Uj9h7i055fgg8_v055Jrt6b_7_….jpg)

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8dee3f  No.8450605

Been hearing the sounds of military choppers for that last 20 min, but haven't seen them.

Puget Sound area.

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0ca589  No.8450606


You find it hard to not be able to comprehend engrish obviously, kid.

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66a159  No.8450607


Richard Dryfus says – " This whole thing is a put on "

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40353b  No.8450608

File: c35cbfa4f9818eb⋯.jpg (129.96 KB, 530x680, 53:68, doitpotus.jpg)

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1b0da7  No.8450609


Very interesting anon. Looking at this now.


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54d1bc  No.8450610


Pagans have gods for all occasions. Wonder if they based the name of their virus off of their goddess here.

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73fa4d  No.8450611

File: 62be686c93263f2⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 864x522, 48:29, Capture.JPG)

Grand Opening of The Gateway Pundit Store — Click Here

EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Shows Director General of World Health Organization Severely Overstated the Fatality Rate of the Coronavirus Leading to the Greatest Global Panic in History

The controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu.

This egregiously false premise has led to the greatest panic in world history.


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a863c5  No.8450612

File: 91f54210c37f124⋯.png (10.69 KB, 120x120, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a52f90  No.8450613



Sounds like a model is going to be slefless and sacrifice herself.

Naomi Campbell

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fcf445  No.8450614


Assumed he meant the date and that it is almost 2 years old. Relevant today.

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6e97c0  No.8450615

File: 81b266d8294e91f⋯.png (369.41 KB, 1349x1950, 1349:1950, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b07fb3d22748a65⋯.png (27.82 KB, 319x294, 319:294, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34a4c688e917610⋯.png (12.34 KB, 597x108, 199:36, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8cbc5e2470165f⋯.png (8.55 KB, 291x220, 291:220, ClipboardImage.png)

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54d1bc  No.8450616


Yeah, it's a pretty high priority, actually.

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1f96e5  No.8450617

File: 99df37a7a0b4090⋯.png (3.68 MB, 2335x2310, 467:462, ADRENOEPI1.png)

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560822  No.8450618

File: 1ac4a70879d8b70⋯.jpg (88.26 KB, 1275x687, 425:229, Roaring_20s.jpg)



Patriot Anons

Chuck Grassley talked about Roaring 20s not to long ago

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dad86f  No.8450619

File: f0907d1f316510e⋯.png (505.48 KB, 1267x787, 1267:787, ClipboardImage.png)


Q/Q+ 4d Grandmaster Chess - Coronavirus engineered to hit (and IDENTIFY/PROVE) adrenochrome users the hardest?

re: (all pb) >>8446671, >>8446698, >>8446698 Adrenochrome -> Ferritin and Iron (Fe2)/ Operation COVFEFE?

Per anons above, suggestion that Covfefe = COVID-19 + Fe + Fe = Covid-19 + Iron + Iron, related to adrenochrome. Adrenochrome doesn't have iron – C9H9NO3 per “white rabbit” chemical structure (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome), so dug a bit to self-educate.

- Adrenochrome is as addictive as heroin, very severe withdrawal symptoms

- Too much Adrenochrome in the body (through drinking blood) can increase the [[[IRON]]] count in the BLOOD and can prove to be fatal.

Sauce (questionable?): https://scarenormal.com/the-elites-super-drug-adrenochrome/ [archived]

- Anons have linked adrenochrome to the Black Eye Club, prolly surgery to remove Adrenochrome-related deposits - "NO ONE IS PUNCHING THEM, THEY ARE HAVING CORRECTIVE SURGERY TO COMBAT THE ADRENOCHROME OXIDATION IN THEIR EYES"

(all pb, brilliant work): >>8445248 >>8445123 >>8445191

- Found this on Reddit to explain why Covid-19 not hitting kids, generally.


* * *

Ferritin Levels and COVID-19

There are few cases of children developing full blown Covid-19,... Children have lower levels of ferritin... Are people with LOW FERRATIN LEVELS more likely of being asymptomatic, or mildly symptomatic carriers? Also, as BLOOD DISORDERS are prevalent in Mediterranean regions, could this be a factor (not the factor, just a) for the super spread in Italy?

...In these situations (high ferritin), an overactive immune response can be deadly. All Covid-19 patients sick enough for hospitalization should be given a cheap, quick, and readily available serum ferritin blood test. Indeed, elevated serum ferritin values have recently been reported in Chinese hospitalized patients with Covid-19. This is a good first screening tool for the possibility of a cytokine storm syndrome in sick patients with high fevers."

https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusUS/comments/fhqc99/ferritin_levels_and_covid19/ [archived]

* * *

Ferritin is a universal intracellular protein that stores iron and releases it in a controlled fashion. Serum ferritin levels are a proxy for iron levels in the body. If ferritin is high, there is iron in excess or else there is an ACUTE INFLAMMATORY REACTION in which ferritin is mobilized without iron excess (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferritin)

* * *

4d Grandmaster Chess thought. Q knows of DS muh virus scam every 2 yr US election cycle. They hack the 2020 virus to be potentially LETHAL to ADRENOCHROME JUNKIES via their high ferritin/iron levels, mild to most (but not all) others. White hats move to effect de facto martial law under quarantine cover. Major bunkers / DUMBS already destroyed, DS must go along with quarantine for their own survival as CV-19 LETHAL to them. Those presenting with major CV-19 symptoms at hospital can be confirmed / id'd as DS Adrenochrome junkies. Like saying “Mate in three [moves],” NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

Just fukkin' unbelievable. Tell me I'm dreaming. Covfefe follows the White Rabbit. Witch Hunt. Stable genius.

P.S. Also fits w/ great work by EpiPenfags, IMO.

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a52f90  No.8450620



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a3b837  No.8450621


the story was about Boca Raton, FL

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156cf6  No.8450622

File: 9f1caeeb76c127e⋯.png (269.3 KB, 587x264, 587:264, A1.png)

"We like the idea of $1,000."


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2f61db  No.8450623


Go outside, and look straight up.

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b7715c  No.8450624




ridin' the almost empty bus with a smile on me face

feeling just like that CHARLIE DON'T SURF captain

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ff56c1  No.8450625


No, asswipe. This is not the people's money. It's jew scum money, because some already lost and ALL of them will lose EVERYTHING.

It's ours now.

ThanQ & POTUS.

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aaf071  No.8450626



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083d66  No.8450627


>Guns dont kill people

>Forgetting to pb your link does

No shit.

ffs, label your shit from previous breads, anons!

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1f96e5  No.8450628

File: 3df1a72d671db31⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2320x2327, 2320:2327, ADRENOEPI2.png)

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feccc0  No.8450629


>St Corona patron saint

Not true. Patron Saint of treasure hunts


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000000  No.8450630


Maybe he means share the adreno

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d38817  No.8450631


a few of them did not stop, one's from earlier and all I can say is pick-ups and/or delivery's

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9958d1  No.8450632


The DATE, in this case. Top right. Make note

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54d1bc  No.8450633


The last time this country had two operating administrations in it, 620,000 Americans died in the first Civil War the Slave Party started.

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57b29e  No.8450634

Pent Up

Built Up

Ready to go

Through the roof

Knock out this enemy

Comms Comms Comms

5:5 Anons!

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e44b21  No.8450635

File: 69a83f33d4344fb⋯.png (15.7 KB, 636x204, 53:17, Screenshot_2020_03_17_Josh….png)

Well, this is a show after all.


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8caca9  No.8450636

File: 116f393caf275e8⋯.jpg (84.37 KB, 1200x593, 1200:593, IncredibleTeam.jpg)

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51a91d  No.8450638


Decide is they’re desperate as fuck and extremely dangerous and will do absolutely anything to try and save themselves

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3de746  No.8450639


I thought all of her houses were getting looked into?

Like her one in Hawaii, and on Orca Island… aaaand Antigua.

Tunnels under Florida would be interdasting, but I'm looking for the more "private" stuff a la Epstein.

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2b5470  No.8450640

File: 1148b313bbbbca6⋯.jpg (520.77 KB, 720x1063, 720:1063, QCrumbsSpreading14.jpg)


The Great Awakening is spreading.

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a22ff6  No.8450641


We're all coming for you. The end. Suicide weekend?

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96b26e  No.8450642

Feb 8

Himalaya Global

#Hangzhou mandatory quarantine


“Physical isolation is to lock you up… with chain lock, so you can't get out.

Anyone in Hangzhou, if fails to comply with this rule, will be prosecuted."

8:05 AM · Feb 8, 2020


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56d92f  No.8450643

Trust T P

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c5c3f2  No.8450644

Ever feel like your being head fucked?


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8eb2e4  No.8450645


You have no power here sweetie. Anons see through your BS.

Cry harder.

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b3bb3c  No.8450646


Tell that to the military you depleted, MF!

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c0758b  No.8450647


We'll weather it, for sure. Doesnt mean we have to love. kek. Good on the "comfort factor."

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7d990c  No.8450648

File: 3c74421de946fb8⋯.jpg (660.08 KB, 1079x1827, 1079:1827, Screenshot_20200317_115750….jpg)

File: d3570a721f6ca4f⋯.jpg (53.97 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, IMG_20200317_115754.jpg)



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0ca589  No.8450649


>May we all model our own behavior

How's the mansion living and $$$ funnelling with your bullshit book and netflix working out for ya?

Chock it hard fuckstick.

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98a92d  No.8450650


Spoke to family member who could not understand why I'm not panicking. "But you're the one who researches all the things no one else knows or looks into!!! Why are you not self-isolating?1!?@?Why are you not panicking?!?!!?!!?! Why are you not hoarding?@?!"

People, logically, should behave as if it is a contagious flu going around in your community. If you already a) practice common sense hygiene, and b) are reasonably already prepared for some sort of situation, then your behavior modification won't actually be too stark.

Response: "Oh, well that makes sense."


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d56eea  No.8450652

File: 6aa738ece270f4e⋯.png (24.48 KB, 520x170, 52:17, Screenshot_20200317_115832.png)


>Cap the timestamp if you want anons to see it


Timestamp is twitter's default (pacific)

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a4c885  No.8450653


this is worth a notable

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25dcc4  No.8450654

File: 6b59d23ca1ee636⋯.png (13.15 KB, 386x94, 193:47, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

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54d1bc  No.8450655


Should be.

1. Infiltrate Wuhan lab, nerf virus.

2. Infect Wuhan lab worker with nerfed virus.

3. Close border with China.

4. Quarantine Americans coming back from China.

5. Declare national emergency.

6. Unleash full power of federal government to fight pandemic.

7. Unleash big pharma to produce tests, vaccines.

8. Calmly reassure Americans that we will get through this storm.

9. Spend whatever is necessary to provide liquidity to the markets.

10. Start a backchannel with Anons on October 28, 2017, to prepare the people for what is ahead.

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156cf6  No.8450656

327.2 million Americans (as of 2018)

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96b26e  No.8450657

File: 053d3ec1dd18be3⋯.png (344.16 KB, 598x741, 46:57, china_quarantinevid.png)

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107db9  No.8450658


Your asshole is faggot.

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40353b  No.8450659

File: 9a4f86a86b4ab99⋯.jpg (85.16 KB, 500x321, 500:321, hoax.jpg)

SIlent War

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0ca589  No.8450660


lurk moar, seriously, lurk

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c0758b  No.8450661

so I wonder will "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us" be the start of the 10 days?

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a52f90  No.8450662





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7353f9  No.8450663

Soo.. we winning yet?

Any arrests? No? Any truth? No? Any transparency? No?

Why are you here?

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2b5470  No.8450664

File: 6a0b3e9ecbc82ad⋯.jpg (309.78 KB, 968x1090, 484:545, PepeBornFren6.jpg)


ThankQ fren.

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73fa4d  No.8450665

File: 4a278574a33c45e⋯.jpg (94.11 KB, 876x478, 438:239, Capture.JPG)

New Orleans mayor authorizes ability to ban gun sales during coronavirus emergency if city desires

The city of New Orleans, La. issued an emergency declaration over the coronavirus that gives the city the emergency authority to limit or ban outright the sale or transportation of firearms, explosives or combustibles during the emergency period.

Democratic New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell added a proclamation to the emergency declaration on Monday that allows for limits on the sale and transportation of firearms and other items deemed a potential safety threat within her jurisdiction.

“The emergency authority is hereby empowered, if necessary, to suspend or limit the sale, dispensing, or transporting of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives and combustibles,” the proclamation reads.

The term “emergency authority” is described in the proclamation as Superintendents of Police and Fire under the supervision of the mayor.

The proclamation describes potential rules around evacuation orders and further provides for police and fire authorities to “take all necessary steps within legal bounds to ensure that no looting or arson occurs within any area ordered evacuated.”


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2e533a  No.8450666


Post sauce

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3de746  No.8450667


Why are you so obsessed with only her Boca Raton home?

I want to know what's under all of them.

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431678  No.8450668

Not so amazing Polly is going total clown faggot. Slippery fuggin canuck bitch. I might tiddy fug her but I wouldnt trust her as far as I could throw her psycho ass.

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2ed8ae  No.8450669

File: 7b5022cad18ca60⋯.jpeg (18.29 KB, 186x255, 62:85, belt_fed.jpeg)

File: 7736794ad4799ca⋯.png (771.85 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Doggo_run.png)

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bf475c  No.8450670


Said pretty much same… I've been stocked up and was ready for any type of scenario like this

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6e97c0  No.8450673

File: 640cafd0fbfc48a⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1173x1236, 391:412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f39a5c1dcc7b32⋯.png (2.19 MB, 772x1024, 193:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64b67da7387c1f5⋯.png (948.98 KB, 1035x647, 1035:647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fac9748bceaf383⋯.png (9.91 KB, 302x319, 302:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f26cf4773136c4⋯.png (6.52 KB, 395x102, 395:102, ClipboardImage.png)


matlock / matlock bath, derbyshire

matlock show

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2f61db  No.8450674


POTUS have ant travel plans for outside CONUS anytime soon?

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75dedc  No.8450675


it's over, kid.

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e44b21  No.8450676

File: b6f6fc467407be1⋯.png (20.23 KB, 636x298, 318:149, Screenshot_2020_03_17_Diam….png)



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54d1bc  No.8450677


Cabal Roll Call.

These people are SICK

Pope Francis: "I am sick."

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384452  No.8450678


same here. and AMEN

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1dee5a  No.8450679


DJ Trumpworth….call 877-CASHNOW

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96b26e  No.8450680


>- Too much Adrenochrome in the body (through drinking blood) can increase the [[[IRON]]] count in the BLOOD and can prove to be fatal.

Iron Eagle?

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6462c3  No.8450681

File: 7cdf878c7c081bc⋯.png (677.69 KB, 987x984, 329:328, ClipboardImage.png)

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972147  No.8450682


hi Austin

no one believes you

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2f8f7f  No.8450683

File: d1e2bb78b8b8b82⋯.png (43.21 KB, 851x563, 851:563, corona_Q.png)



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2f61db  No.8450684


A mayor doesn't have that kind of authority.

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40353b  No.8450685

File: a70e0146687b008⋯.png (376.36 KB, 523x578, 523:578, bestisyet.png)

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7353f9  No.8450686


It didn't go down below 20k

So when will it happen? That Twittard obviouly doesn't know what is going on. Just like all you on this board.

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d1b304  No.8450687

Mind totally blown! East Texas music fag here fighting the cops and cartels. They are trying to take our land right now.


Our hillside is 500 foot elevation IRON ORE.

All the threats and theft and hacking and stalking and poisoning our dog(s) and we thought it as about getting us out of the way of the trafficking… But they moved our survey markets and tried to cut us off of our hill! We were told our iron ore has a unique chemical signature.

And for the record they are still trafficking children here along with everything else so sources not entirely cut off.

Lotta retired ABC types work with the sheriff and active ABC to keep it going.

Post number 8448833 on Wow you tied a lot of coincidences together!





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10504c  No.8450688

File: e1a669b35040820⋯.jpg (42 KB, 720x477, 80:53, semi_night_shift3_jmeme.jpg)

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401efc  No.8450689

I’m betting when POTUS gives the “all clear”, the market WILL SOAR!

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b80406  No.8450690

File: 4a8dab47363046f⋯.jpeg (489.61 KB, 1125x984, 375:328, 8FA34FE8_6CAC_4833_B749_5….jpeg)

These words from trump will be why ttrump is not re-elected. Poor leadership and failure to prepare! He completely failed all USA citizens!🇺🇸

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54d1bc  No.8450691


Wow, such organized pagans.

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98a92d  No.8450692

File: 1c1d9288c6599d5⋯.jpg (200.35 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, you_are_the_calm.jpg)


This is our moment - our secondary tasking is right now:

Disseminate the graphics we've made to "calm and educate the public."


Fire at will!

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8caca9  No.8450693

File: 1ed67accd26dcfd⋯.jpg (136.54 KB, 938x599, 938:599, 1ed67accd26dcfd5eb1cacb6f7….jpg)


>Chuck Grassley talked about Roaring 20s not to long ago

o7 recalled that mention

If this continues in the path it is headed down….this could be it.

This time the roaring 20s will be ours not [theirs].

Fed Reserve was created right before the Roaring 20s.

As was the IRS (taxes).

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40353b  No.8450694

File: 49659de66ae0883⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 679x599, 679:599, aocate.jpg)

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cb961c  No.8450695


Austin, you bored today bro? Not making any fake Q vidyas today?

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73fa4d  No.8450696

File: c7702cca242ea7b⋯.jpg (70.74 KB, 775x427, 775:427, Capture.JPG)

Congress Kills Domestic NSA Phone Spying FISA Program

We can thank Ed Snowden for blowing the whistle on the massive NSA spying operations being executed on the American public. He is still in exile in Russia and may never set foot in America again for fear of arrest and federal prosecution. ⁃ TN Editor

Hill sources tell The Daily Beast that they won’t save a surveillance effort so abusive that the NSA shut it down.

Eighteen years after George W. Bush and the National Security Agency began secretly and warrantlessly collecting the phone records of every American, the House of Representatives is taking a major step to kill the vestige of one of the most controversial domestic surveillance programs in American history.

That step, The Daily Beast has learned, is: nothing.

In barely a month, a failed 2015 surveillance law called the USA FREEDOM Act will expire. USA FREEDOM set up a process to let the NSA obtain and query mass amounts of phone data—the phone numbers a surveillance target dialed and received, as well as all those that target was in touch with, and then all those they were in touch with—held by the telecommunications firms.


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c0758b  No.8450697


well, no, so I guess that answers that

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40353b  No.8450698

File: 980a0111875a0b3⋯.jpg (392.74 KB, 660x878, 330:439, tomvirus.jpg)

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1dee5a  No.8450699

KSAT12 - Blood Drive push STILL being pushed, hard, in San Antonio, TX

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51a91d  No.8450700


Without that factor, the 10 days will become utter chaos, death and destruction and undo everything. Maybe not so much comfort, more like reassurance that it is all happening for a reason and the forces of good are in control.

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6d0a9e  No.8450701

File: 68d0888706eefef⋯.png (40.27 KB, 278x171, 278:171, ClipboardImage.png)


Neat thought, anon. Could be.

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c3a981  No.8450702

File: b428d95186c3a3d⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 652x441, 652:441, PollyGlasses.JPG)


>Here we go again

What did I do this time, hater?

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2b5470  No.8450703

File: d34456e7853bcde⋯.jpg (109.08 KB, 1200x836, 300:209, TAXCUT_1940_TRUMP_01Succes….jpg)

File: 9f48ed3c8390263⋯.jpg (248.91 KB, 1000x716, 250:179, FederalJudges_TrumpSuccess.jpg)

File: c8e876c74e73560⋯.png (767.5 KB, 1167x891, 389:297, TrumpSuccess_factsmatter11.png)

File: ee54bc59385368a⋯.jpg (499.87 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, TrumpSuccessRegulation1060….jpg)

File: 6af8158f5da5e95⋯.png (786.85 KB, 1192x1197, 1192:1197, TrumpSuccessFulfilledBerni….png)

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404164  No.8450704


Notables So Far

>>8450473 planefags aloft

>>8450648 @USNavy Peace through strength

>>8450514 Check out St Corona patron saint of pandemics. True story look it up for yourselves.

>>8450512, >>8450533, >>8450622 Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin: "We're looking at sending checks to Americans immediately."

>>8450441 Send us your tips about the coronavirus: veritastips@protonmail.com

>>8450398 Precious Cargo! For the Keks!

>>8450391 Markets after Announcement

>>8450269, >>8450318, >>8450345, >>8450365 anon: Why do I get the feeling this is the dry run for the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital?

>>8450259 Cheap Flights from Wuhan to Chicago from $469/Expedia not banning flights?

>>8450230 Potus briefing: "This has never been done before and sets a great road map for the future"!


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168617  No.8450705

File: c4f9d0934bb7d95⋯.png (871.17 KB, 860x760, 43:38, Screen_Shot_03_17_20_at_05….PNG)

File: ed0a65e45865e49⋯.png (314.97 KB, 860x760, 43:38, Screen_Shot_03_17_20_at_05….PNG)

Covid-19 can finally slash Britain’s bloated overseas aid: The money should go to saving lives, not juggling lessons in Tanzania

The MPs who are about to start investigating the effectiveness of the UK’s £14 billion annual aid have the perfect reason to cut it; thanks to coronavirus, Britons are thinking of what’s best for them.

As MPs on the newly-created House of Commons select committee on International Development roll up their sleeves before getting stuck in the nitty-gritty tomorrow, they have one thing on their side that might make efforts to slash the UK’s aid budget more successful than in the past – the Covid-19 pandemic.


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dc7205  No.8450706


fucking bullshit, so they give you money next week and take it away the week after with the income tax haul

How about just let us work and stop taxing our income

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6a0d62  No.8450707


I have an old set of silver that was my grandmothers'. What's the best way to polish without getting toxic?

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7de618  No.8450708

File: 625198f2a65b887⋯.jpg (155.88 KB, 606x400, 303:200, 20200316_181848.jpg)

File: 80dba9c1ecac584⋯.jpg (135.35 KB, 722x240, 361:120, 20200316_191055.jpg)

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54d1bc  No.8450709


I think so too. After all, Q said to follow the white rabbit; the white rabbit appears to be the chemical structure of adrenochrome; that led to Wuhan, China, where the current pandemic was unleashed.


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40353b  No.8450710


Experimental Drug Promises to Kill Flu Virus



11 Feb 2018 - 4:30:54 PM


11 Feb 2018 - 4:19:46 PM



https:// www.wsj.com/articles/experimental-drug-promises-to-kill-the-flu-virus-in-a-day-1518264004


What a coincidence.

This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.


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cffbf3  No.8450711

File: 060cf6b12d05b76⋯.jpg (27.87 KB, 255x255, 1:1, idea.jpg)

Give everyone who fills out a Census $10,000 — to start giving money back to the people, and get a more accurate count.

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c208e9  No.8450712

File: 90642bb53084b93⋯.jpeg (58.86 KB, 627x807, 209:269, 356D9CC6_8845_430D_A8D3_6….jpeg)

File: a8b7460b599b51b⋯.jpeg (515.11 KB, 1125x1121, 1125:1121, 248CD288_1272_489A_A2A3_4….jpeg)

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2e533a  No.8450713

Fear Porn Mini Bun

>>8450238 Halfchan fear drop - cap

>>8450327 Twitterfag spreads fear porn - Has he be dug?

>>8450282 Twitterfag cont

>>8450440 Church service suspended in England

>>8450583 Denmark passes law, can force tests & vaccinations

>>8450611 WHO backtracks on their fear porn


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a27754  No.8450714

File: 62375195c72a125⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ffOeX6Y.jpg)

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6462c3  No.8450715

File: c33f65a415e0e23⋯.png (673.59 KB, 666x658, 333:329, ClipboardImage.png)


That you Gurllll Frrrrriend?

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972147  No.8450716



I freaking love that he is doing EVERYTHING the dem candidates have offered.

Yang wanted to give erryone free bucks

Potus is doing it

Bernie et al wants to take down the elite bankers

Potus is doing it

Biden wants to be president

Potus is doing it

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1a39ef  No.8450717

Have we ever heard what classy rick Wilson got Stephen Miller as a wedding gift?

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4d2f9d  No.8450718


>Q said to follow the white rabbit


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54b337  No.8450719


>Ferritin is a universal intracellular protein that stores iron and releases it in a controlled fashion. Serum ferritin levels are a proxy for iron levels in the body. If ferritin is high, there is iron in excess or else there is an ACUTE INFLAMMATORY REACTION in which ferritin is mobilized without iron excess

Brilliant, anon.

I had low ferritin some months ago, and I'm taking pills to get all sorts of stuff into my body (got a chronic colon disease, and my diet is really limited b/c of that).

Do you think I should stop taking these pills for now? My Ferritin surely is way higher now and I took these for 4-5 months now.

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b80406  No.8450720

File: 07e26f76403ea66⋯.jpeg (513.77 KB, 1125x1086, 375:362, B86AE044_102A_4F82_AD76_9….jpeg)


You make a good cult member!🇺🇸

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2b5470  No.8450721


Shall we pick a topic or hashtag, so we can concentrate focused memefire? Anons know that concentrated fire is the most effective way to fight, fight fight.


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a3b029  No.8450722

How long do y'all think it will take for niggers and millennials to start rioting in urban centers. Asking for a friend, named Boogaloo!

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f02490  No.8450723

File: fefe605e49b607f⋯.png (414.89 KB, 609x489, 203:163, packets.png)

File: f02fdbf87160ae2⋯.jpg (63.02 KB, 756x365, 756:365, ETUjhvrWoAE1LDg.jpg)

Army Cyber Command

‏Verified account @ARCYBER

@DeptofDefense faces network attacks amid telework uptick


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7fb42e  No.8450724

File: df311d1fd28b795⋯.jpg (198.13 KB, 1200x1436, 300:359, ganesh.jpg)

whats the name of the patriot news channel on yt used to cover POTUS rallies, tia

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51a91d  No.8450725


Expect a miracle cure to magically appear once operations are completed. But we’ve got to go through some intense collective shit first to get that point

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eab358  No.8450726

File: d813ac6c79ba083⋯.png (528.69 KB, 787x442, 787:442, the_quickening.png)


Can you feel it?

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73fa4d  No.8450727

Global Coronavirus Daily Deaths on Its Worst Day Is Still Less Than: Flu, Swine Flu, Malaria, AIDS, Pneumonia, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis

From our report on Monday —

The current estimate for the fatality rates for the coronavirus just don’t add up. The estimates based on current data are completely inaccurate. Current data shows that this virus is much less deadly that even the common flu from the 2019-2020 season.


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71421b  No.8450728


how do you fight an invisible enemy?

with an invisible ARMY


Phantom 309

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7353f9  No.8450729

File: a6beac80ecc6823⋯.jpg (96.51 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 558720.jpg)


Why not this? This makes just as much sense as what you responded to.. meaning, no sense.

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4df3e8  No.8450730



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a22ff6  No.8450731


Quite a statement! Mockery at it's finest.

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083d66  No.8450732


>What's the best way to polish without getting toxic?

Ultrasonic bath.

Machine shops have them. They might do it for you for $20.

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9dd33d  No.8450733


Spit and ashes. Not kidding.

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2bb492  No.8450734

File: 1291ce1262a022c⋯.jpg (469.3 KB, 1050x1536, 175:256, Screenshot_20200317_130650….jpg)

It's about "the" Break

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2340e6  No.8450735

The press always take their cheap shots when he's walking out the door.

"What do you say to people who don't trust you to take care of this?"

How about Fuck You for making people not trust him to take care of it by continually harping on every little thing you don't understand and turning it into something you think people should have to care about?

Then again, I talk like they aren't literally foreign agents. (The funny thing is they could prove me wrong by actually being legitimate, but they continually fail.)

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98a92d  No.8450736

File: bf6cc861ae82490⋯.png (1.14 MB, 800x1138, 400:569, pc_GW_game.png)


>Diamond & Silk

>Best is yet to come

Might be a good vector of our memes with "The Best is Yet to Come"… I bet those ladies would share them

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2b5470  No.8450737


Oh you think illegals would turn their backs on $10,000 and payments would produce honesty? Think again.

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b80406  No.8450738

File: a2773bdd1aa0b59⋯.jpeg (954.41 KB, 1125x1597, 1125:1597, 0CD0EA6A_5478_4879_8D67_B….jpeg)


More and more Patriots are waking up!🇺🇸If the white rabbit had a name the white rabbits name would be Q?

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40353b  No.8450739

File: 9922be0e603b845⋯.png (920.47 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

Washington Post (Amazon/CIA) Leads MSM Attack on Q (Marker)



3 Aug 2018 - 8:09:53 AM

Full attack mode.

Washington Post leading?

[Sample Past 5hrs]




Who owns the Washington Post?


What ABC agency is heavily tied to Amazon?




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1a45a3  No.8450740


Baker this is Notable.


Hussein is basically saying he's throwing everything at ua no matter the losses.

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8f2199  No.8450741

File: c06e75769eb24e6⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 500x654, 250:327, seewsedx.jpg)

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ca03da  No.8450742

File: 1a9bb0ca3fcfdb7⋯.png (105.04 KB, 517x577, 517:577, ClipboardImage.png)

Prayers to the Swine God allah suspended

Saudia Arabia suspends prayers in mosques

Saudi Arabia has suspended all prayers in mosques, with the exemption of one in Mecca, Islam's holiest site, and another in Al-Medina, the state news agency says.

The deeply religious country had previously banned foreign pilgrims from performing Umrah or pilgrimage in the kingdom.

The move comes just weeks before Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting and prayers, begins at the end of April. The country has 133 confirmed cases of the infection.




RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday that mosques would no longer accept worshippers for the customary five daily prayers and the weekly Friday prayer, in exceptional measures intended to help limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Prayers will continue only at the two holy mosques in Mecca and Medina, the holiest places in Islam, state news agency SPA reported, citing a decision from the Council of Senior Scholars, the kingdom's highest religious body.

Mosques will close their doors temporarily but continue to issue the ritual call to prayer, which will direct people to pray in their homes rather than come to the mosque, SPA said.

Islamic Affairs Minister Abdulatif al-Sheikh told state television that facilities for washing the dead at mosques that have them would remain open but access would be restricted to a few people. Praying over the dead will only be permitted at the cemetery, not in the mosque, he added.

Saudi Arabia suspends prayer in mosques, exempts holy Makkah and Madinah sites


RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has decided to suspend congregational prayers across all mosques in the Kingdom, except for the Two Holy Mosques in Makkah and Madinah.

The decision announced Tuesday encourages Muslims to pray at home rather than mosques to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

A statement on SPA said it is allowed religiously to suspend all group prayers in mosques, including the weekly Friday prayers.

The Two Holy Mosques in Makkah and Madinah are exempted from the decision, it said.

“Mosque doors will be closed temporarily but the will be allowed to recite the call to prayer,” the statement said.

It also said an amendment has been made to the call in which the usual phrase “come to prayer” in the Arabic call has been replaced with “pray at home."

The new phrase can also be translated as “pray where you are”.

The statement said that a special congregational prayer on Fridays at midday can now be performed by Muslims at home.

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7353f9  No.8450743


Why do you fill the board with nonsense?

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972147  No.8450744


second notable

I just love it when a plan comes together!

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125f15  No.8450745

File: 37909e7e1fa2ca9⋯.jpg (80.81 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 3syg2f.jpg)

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a22ff6  No.8450746


Add a few thousand to that stupid list. 150 thousand to be precise.

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6e97c0  No.8450747

File: 1962742258e61aa⋯.png (1.34 KB, 258x42, 43:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44b5e9dab4f2c3d⋯.png (634.74 KB, 1348x603, 1348:603, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b61ab377b0d92c⋯.png (694.54 KB, 1348x603, 1348:603, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34bae8644fd1e96⋯.png (312.77 KB, 459x526, 459:526, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2957c6195406712⋯.png (20.22 KB, 733x305, 733:305, ClipboardImage.png)


82 / 28

PARKER!!!! ohmahgerd

bee stun

bee = mason

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6074ac  No.8450748


Mr. President what would help me greatly is this: if I could sell stocks and not pay tax to use the money to pay off the little that is left on my modest mortgage. I have a bit left and the interest rate is over 5 %. Why not do an automatic home mortgage interest reduction for those of us who have been living on savings or meager diidends and waiting till the economy is less mean and slanted?

You could lower home mortgage interest to near zero and allow people to transfer assets to pay it off?


automatic lowering of all home mortgage interest would be wonderful.

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e418df  No.8450749

White House Press hyenas keep going in for the kill. Hyenas finding no weak & infirm. Only finding LIONS. Normies watching see how weak and rabid the hyenas are.

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62d1e8  No.8450750

Best part of this is the DMV is appt only. I may not have to spend the whole day getting a new license.

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404164  No.8450751

File: e8b6113265aa9ae⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 612x428, 153:107, e8b6113265aa9ae26dcf4594a7….jpg)

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b856cc  No.8450752


Ever think they might do this, so it looks fair when they prosecute people for threatening to kill POTUS?

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7fb42e  No.8450753

File: dc4b55e803385bf⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1944x1224, 27:17, lady.png)


you are cute

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54d1bc  No.8450754

File: 3e4feb88903a3b9⋯.png (206.01 KB, 559x543, 559:543, ClipboardImage.png)


Kind of.

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1a7faa  No.8450755

File: dd8d219f4711f5e⋯.png (211.11 KB, 938x946, 469:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f51f36dd0ae900d⋯.png (209.52 KB, 938x946, 469:473, ClipboardImage.png)

Calling out the fake news. Found the language in the second cap interesting.

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5e4e96  No.8450757




>>8450263 That is wrong. This has habbind many a time. We are the dog chasing its tail. This all fake and gay. Q is talking real shit but……. Don't make it any less FAKE AND GAY

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96b26e  No.8450758

File: 28afbb4c1b02899⋯.png (22.79 KB, 386x1229, 386:1229, QMAP_144.png)

File: f83d6490521923a⋯.png (22.77 KB, 386x1248, 193:624, q158.png)


Q drops 144 & 158

The hunter becomes the hunted.

Operations underway.

Operators active.

Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.

Silent war (some gets out).

The Great Awakening.

Iron Eagle.

Godfather III.

The Hunt for Red October.

What is immunity?

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2b5470  No.8450760



Look up how to clean silver by placing in an electrolyte bath with aluminum foil, hot water, and baking soda. No rubbing.

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431678  No.8450761


Tits or GTFO.

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6664a1  No.8450762


Same here. So grateful to Q for the advance information. I know its gonna get worse before it gets better and pretty much ready for anything.

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1a45a3  No.8450763

File: 6d935726e375a23⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1600x901, 1600:901, kek4_Copy.png)

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a3b837  No.8450764


havent seen any hard sauce that Oprah is being looked at at all

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c0758b  No.8450765


anon, I said I was gonna shut up to avoid the rotten tomatoes from scared normies and here you go posting something that you know I will now have to share. Sigh - let me don my raincoat. kek

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54d1bc  No.8450766


72 hours after the lights go out.

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6462c3  No.8450767


umm, is this real from something he was in?

Looks real…

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dad86f  No.8450768


thx anon. I'm not a doc, recommend you discuss with your MD.

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c3a981  No.8450769


POTUS moar primary votes than all the Dims combined.

American people just not getting with the program I guess.

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aaf071  No.8450770



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a863c5  No.8450771


The layers of this meme…

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460a74  No.8450772

File: 4aa26b2c765cdb7⋯.png (66.39 KB, 481x467, 481:467, bl.png)


>bee = mason

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b80406  No.8450773

File: f4b76a135c8af6f⋯.jpeg (535.81 KB, 1125x1279, 1125:1279, 7451CCA3_078E_40B5_942D_5….jpeg)


it is true, trump has lost all the trust of the USA citizens! Simple as that. Only cult members now blindly suck trumps nuts. Good luck kids. These trump words end all re-election hopes trump had.🇺🇸

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7353f9  No.8450774


It doesn't matter who Q is unless Q actually release something useful

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5a89b5  No.8450776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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50313d  No.8450777


As a head-of-household who just filled out a census, yes pls

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51a91d  No.8450778


Once the virus is declared airborne and messaging/social media gets shut off that will take care of 90% of it. Also cash payments will mitigate before then.

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401efc  No.8450779

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684c6d  No.8450780

File: ffa7004e655ce83⋯.png (1.18 MB, 802x1153, 802:1153, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

File: d5dd0ea53dc0623⋯.png (745.49 KB, 797x1163, 797:1163, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

File: 7e2a2361a726288⋯.png (1.16 MB, 982x1163, 982:1163, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

File: 13840cc70025a14⋯.jpg (24 KB, 360x284, 90:71, ETUo_wWAAEPrOH.jpg)

Q - Green Castle….

…..maybe Trump Chicago?

Green river?

@TrumpChicago find a pot o’ GOLD

@TrumpStore Money bagYou’ve struck gold!

@trumpwinery Money bagIt’s your lucky dayFour leaf clover

@MCIWPendletonCA RainbowRainbowRainbow

Happy St Patrick’s Day!



Gold shall destroy the FED

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73fa4d  No.8450781

File: cbeeb84f468ac7c⋯.jpg (69.71 KB, 884x493, 52:29, Capture.JPG)

Drastic Measures

Germany Moves To Shut Down Most of Public Life

The German government and the federal states have agreed to severe restrictions on public life in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

The German government and the federal states have agreed to severe restrictions on public life in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Supermarkets and other shops that provide basic goods that are necessary for daily life will be allowed to stay open. Also excluded from mandatory closure are retail outlets for groceries and animal feed, weekly markets, delivery services, pharmacies, medical supply stores, drug stores, gas stations, banks and savings banks, post offices, laundromats, home improvement and construction supplies stores and wholesale suppliers would still be permitted to open


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6a0d62  No.8450782


why are you?

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9958d1  No.8450783


I believe it is important to note that they want us at home so WE WILL BE SAFE. They must be expecting desperation - desperation which may grow exponentially with deprivation. Worried about potential, literal 'body snatchers'? Sounds crazy, but bars are CLOSED - so no inebriated, less aware people will be on the streets…

Thoughts, anons?

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efcd55  No.8450784

File: fc2c3f3b182a30d⋯.png (998.83 KB, 971x915, 971:915, ClipboardImage.png)

Kid Rock’s Nashville bar closes due to coronavirus after initial resistance

Kid Rock's Big Ass Honky Tonk Rock N' Roll Steakhouse in Nashville has closed after all. The rock star’s business partner Steve Smith initially refused to comply with the city’s mandate that it close to help protect public health amid the coronavirus outbreak. However, on Monday night, the business announced it would be closing.


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560822  No.8450785

File: 8462cfbc4ef611d⋯.jpg (158.9 KB, 1171x813, 1171:813, DEC_5th_would_be_D5.jpg)


Patriot Anon

D5 on the clock on Q day

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54b337  No.8450786

File: c70e6a31ee888f8⋯.jpg (202.32 KB, 1053x802, 1053:802, emergency_pen.jpg)

Did Google got fully taken over by white hats using these emergency powers through the emergency pen?


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1d0808  No.8450787


>Not so amazing Polly is going total clown faggot. Slippery fuggin canuck bitch. I might tiddy fug her but I wouldnt trust her as far as I could throw her psycho ass.

Her research is full of holes, assumptions and disinformation. She ignores sourced data, fed to her in video comments, correcting her errors.

ex. John Brockman and wife

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a443b0  No.8450788


Ferritin is blood iron storage

Remember when Ang and Billy bob had to be chelated?

The blood drinkers are COVID-19 positive.

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dad86f  No.8450789

File: cda440d3d02654f⋯.png (138.05 KB, 253x231, 23:21, ClipboardImage.png)


work of beauty!

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7de618  No.8450790

File: ba70680a8d175fb⋯.gif (54.55 KB, 321x240, 107:80, 20431_24647.gif)


Better than the nonsense you spurt forth,


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dad86f  No.8450791


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96b26e  No.8450792


can you read?


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7353f9  No.8450793


seems you're right.

Time to get to work Mr. President.

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b80406  No.8450794


Sleep tight little one. May you find peace in your slumber! You make a good cult member!🇺🇸

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168617  No.8450795

File: 69191ef484babdf⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 640x520, 16:13, 89768500_2948199841933460_….jpg)

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6b3d43  No.8450796

File: 673e665a9aea496⋯.jpeg (109.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rough_seas_ahead.jpeg)

So there's 15 others and He makes the captian?

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3de746  No.8450797


That still doesn't change my curiousity as to what kind of Epsteinery she's been up to.

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a22ff6  No.8450798


I will pay big money to see the penned up losers held at my local Gitmo Penitentiary franchise, just to look at them in the eye and laugh. Where I am in CA, there will be thousands and thousands to laugh at.

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125f15  No.8450799

Schumer and Red Feinstein calling for tax deadline extension. Is everyone playing ball?

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f4a7be  No.8450800

File: 39805dc4f28d0c5⋯.png (59.85 KB, 1059x872, 1059:872, 752127632454.png)

File: 66284689d79af28⋯.png (56.29 KB, 1059x872, 1059:872, 5789129811643.png)

File: cbce7c724e9429e⋯.png (59.04 KB, 1059x872, 1059:872, 127864359654711.png)


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54b337  No.8450801


My MD is currently away, I won't be able to check my blood for at least 1.5 weeks.

I won't drop the rest of my meds, just these iron+etc. pills. Or well, at least drop the dosage for now.

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460a74  No.8450802

File: 51c5efd09f8419f⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 640x772, 160:193, 30a06bfbbfd2355080048f3faf….jpg)

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8eb2e4  No.8450803

File: f398f8426239694⋯.jpg (180.57 KB, 1024x617, 1024:617, TB3.jpg)

File: ffd967b463d59cf⋯.jpg (436 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, TB1.jpg)

File: 8324f6b86fec831⋯.jpg (119.78 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, TB2.jpg)

File: 30617788f35ee8e⋯.jpg (118.86 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, TB4.jpg)

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8eacf1  No.8450804


I'd rather see all debt forgiven on account of 100+ years of fraud.

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6d0a9e  No.8450805



think the hypothesis of covid-19 being targeted towards AdrenoJunkies more plausible than spiked Adreno supplies, but I stand to be corrected on this.

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c208e9  No.8450806

File: 63780f80e54c348⋯.jpeg (355.68 KB, 1081x1757, 1081:1757, F936C38D_539B_40C5_A785_3….jpeg)

File: 0fc2187e14500c2⋯.jpeg (100.79 KB, 613x893, 613:893, 481074FE_1A97_4C04_B5C9_3….jpeg)

File: 5a7178567a5b0ca⋯.jpeg (79.07 KB, 648x513, 24:19, C4490EAF_08EB_49BC_B2FA_4….jpeg)

File: 2d12ca94d641cd5⋯.jpeg (130.76 KB, 927x634, 927:634, 3604B205_AAC4_43CD_B930_5….jpeg)

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c3a981  No.8450807


Not until the views drop on my YT channel.

Read the FameFag book so you don't say dumb things.

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73fa4d  No.8450808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fever Tree - San Francisco Girls

Their fifteen minutes of fame arrived when their song "San Francisco Girls (Return of the Native)" reached #91 in the U.S. charts, sometime in late 1968.

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6e97c0  No.8450809

File: e67c851513d751f⋯.png (734.29 KB, 1348x603, 1348:603, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee8a00338693808⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1516x4253, 1516:4253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 072b8c4a12396e7⋯.png (421.5 KB, 461x600, 461:600, ClipboardImage.png)

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156cf6  No.8450810

File: 1ee0f6c43084d87⋯.png (438.39 KB, 597x826, 597:826, A1.png)

Treasury Sec. Steve Mnuchin says, "We're looking at sending checks to Americans immediately…and I mean now, in the next two weeks," declining to give an exact amount.


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4d2f9d  No.8450811


Yeah but that can much later. The actual “follow the white rabbit” quote was from an early fake Q post

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6d0a9e  No.8450812


lotsa vitamin C per peakenergy.com articles and others

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96b26e  No.8450814


it's called hemochromatosis

it's an iron overload disease common to celtic people, not just vampires

there are two genes responsible for it

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7353f9  No.8450815


I'm here to laugh, you?

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a3b029  No.8450816

When does Journalist Hunting Season open?

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f71899  No.8450817

File: 95bc73fac62e0d6⋯.jpeg (15.6 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b435630375621efbdc23f9caf….jpeg)


Friday the 13th was the first cabal takedown.

October 13th, 1307 to be exact.

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54d1bc  No.8450818


Lots of signs of the compact God made with Noah.

You're living in the times of Noah, frens.

There's a global catastrophe around the corner, and very few people telling you about it.

There are creatures that walk the earth that look like pure human beings, but are not.

And most of the world is wicked.

Noah built an ark to survive the flood.

There's no surviving what happens next.

You either have a deal with God, or you do not have a deal with God.

Be wise.

Choose For Jesus, not one of the billions of ways to be Against Jesus.

Including choosing not to make a choice.

Which is also choosing Against Jesus.

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6462c3  No.8450819

File: 55b23b957e708c8⋯.png (1.92 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe the black eyes are from them harvesting Adrenochrome from each other..

A type of initiation and others get to drink it while that are jabbed in their eyes while being "mildly" tortured.

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40353b  No.8450820

File: bd0d85cfcbe66a7⋯.jpg (156.94 KB, 476x534, 238:267, giddy.jpg)

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4d2f9d  No.8450821


Golden State Times

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684c6d  No.8450822

File: 92e0b09138bccfb⋯.png (909.32 KB, 791x1162, 113:166, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

File: a8629404687883a⋯.png (861.77 KB, 560x1139, 560:1139, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)


Released Greenbacks

Return to the GOLD STANDARD

Happy St. Patricks Day

You've struck GOLD

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7c42d9  No.8450823

File: faa55988bd520ec⋯.jpg (315.67 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_131237….jpg)


1/As a San Francisco resident and business owner, I’m wondering—can I trust the health judgments of leaders who let thousands live on the streets in their filth? And if we are now getting homeless into shelter, why couldn’t that have happened earlier? Doesn’t their health count?

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7fb42e  No.8450824

File: 1f40996a6fb339f⋯.png (397.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, fairwinds.png)

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404164  No.8450825

>>>8450713, >>8450740

got em


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dde730  No.8450826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POMPEO is Live

Secretary Pompeo delivers remarks to the Media, at the Department of State - 1:00 PM

102 watching now•Started streaming 6 minutes ago

U.S. Department of State


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7353f9  No.8450827


I don't take input from someone who posts a single image gif… Man that's some retarded shit

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dc7205  No.8450828


NO, pay people to work. Do not give money away. Free money is worthless and of no value. There is tons of fucking work to be done in every single one of your communities.

POTUS is a builder and a planner. Do it.

Give us a plan to rebuild the nation and pay those that do the fucking work.

How about an organized program with decent pay and a chance to buy in as investment in to the projects that your labor and well used smarts help to make successful for the benefit of your local community.

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7fb42e  No.8450829

File: 56a452d387dece9⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1280x795, 256:159, gargleblaster.png)

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51a91d  No.8450830


At home to keep all whereabouts known, us safe and also controlled. The fear of illness is still ramping up, it will reach a frenzy leading to Trump getting on AF1. The fear of going outside is what will help prevent disorganized chaos. All of this enables operations in the background.

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98bbf3  No.8450831

File: d67b8b8d9d84c19⋯.jpg (19.16 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 831c404430e552b4f87e00ae87….jpg)


Low effort.

Low IQ.

Kys shill.

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501364  No.8450832

File: 2d414aba4ca09f9⋯.png (242.08 KB, 565x439, 565:439, PattonsDayPointer.png)



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93847c  No.8450833


RBN and GoldenState Times might still work

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10504c  No.8450834



that is funny…kekek

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6a0d62  No.8450835


yep, which I find odd. Always listen to ktsa and they've been pushing since last week, I think.

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d38817  No.8450836

File: 01a0e29cba80edb⋯.gif (214.07 KB, 219x257, 219:257, POTUS_Grooves_hard.gif)


ty anon, you do too.

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8eb2e4  No.8450837

File: f27a0eee88cb314⋯.jpg (87.51 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, joe_biden_finger.jpg)

File: 094742bcd41ef71⋯.jpg (130.88 KB, 962x768, 481:384, CV2.jpg)



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40353b  No.8450838

File: 4a059c3f4ad0d14⋯.jpg (206.16 KB, 539x512, 539:512, trumppom.jpg)

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d57343  No.8450839


Do not dox yourself by using google docs.

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6074ac  No.8450840


without real input we just make up stories. And the speculation about it breeds tail-telling bullshitters to go out and tell their tails of bullshit.

We don't know what is the deal with why this sudden culturally significant shift of required decorum, nor what to really expect if we daisedly forget and wonder back to our old habits? I figured when the train ran into the truck the day after that SOTU adress, that shit was real then, that day. And I've kept myself separated from a lot of the goings on that seemed to be drawing people off . . . to the neffarious unknown fate (found dead or gone missing?)

but maybe that is paranoia. So I went around with that awareness for almost two years. And now, now we suddenly have all these other pepole whoare like 'what will I do if I can't get my special brand of fetish soap!! oh no!' and they are in real distress!

with that bug eyed look like Adam Schiff standing there in the Walmart. And the only thing that shakes them from it seomtimes is people saying 'It'll be fine. It's going to pass. '

and then they snap out of it.

and then you read about a truck load of toilet paper dumped on a highway somewhere in Arc-Kansas .

wierd times.

The day they tore down the old Sam's club, I was sure . . . it was a Q proof.

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3de746  No.8450841


go biblefag somewhere else you whiny weeb faggot

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2f8f7f  No.8450842


Q corona posts all on Aug 30 2018

Trump says coronavirus upheaval could last beyond August


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169464  No.8450843

File: 8efa13a3a4dbc26⋯.png (75.59 KB, 1440x653, 1440:653, ClipboardImage.png)

Just tried to research sumting on qresear.ch and got (pic related) Guess the list is coming sooner rather than later!

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6462c3  No.8450844

File: da393c581e15e8b⋯.png (2.09 MB, 862x940, 431:470, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe it is what they call a "good time" or do they have some other code word for it.

Oprah seems to be a Big-Wig in these dealings.


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8eacf1  No.8450845


Right Side Broadcasting Network


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96b26e  No.8450846


stop paying Israel and we would have enough to pay everyone a million dollars NOW

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ae20a7  No.8450847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tom Fitton:

"Remember there were Impeachment, do you remember that? Its just few weeks ago, do you remember that? While CV raging in China, Congres ia hijacked by the Q "coup" Cabal (Again, DJT says it with P or as you know it Q+) and frozen in the illicit effort to overthrow the POTUS"

Video 0:17 - Should I say more?

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6e97c0  No.8450848

File: efbe155f6b0d225⋯.png (786.78 KB, 1349x2817, 1349:2817, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9969273181cda85⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1349x2472, 1349:2472, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee6033fbf26a6f8⋯.png (269.7 KB, 996x435, 332:145, ClipboardImage.png)


bee stun train…next image is the second image here and that is just north of see third image


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2cb9f4  No.8450849


Can you send me a blank of that meme anon? So many instances I've wanted to use it!

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c3a981  No.8450850


>declining to give an exact amount

tree fiddy still not ruled out then

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eab358  No.8450851

File: 491ed3052747ea4⋯.png (78.6 KB, 551x316, 551:316, 2020_03_17_13_18_40.png)


<Jeff Zucker


>"We are not investigators'

They aren't journalists either!

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9958d1  No.8450852


There is no remedial version of Q drops, sorry. The short bus will not transport you to understanding.

You'll just have to keep revealing your lack of intelligence by shilling this stupid shit. So sad

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73fa4d  No.8450853

File: 5ef5652540da4e7⋯.png (430.91 KB, 961x494, 961:494, ClipboardImage.png)

France's coronavirus lockdown: What you can and can't do

A strict 15-day lockdown requiring people in France to remain at home came into effect at midday Tuesday, prohibiting all but essential outings in a bid to curb the coronavirus spread. Here’s a quick guide on how to navigate the lockdown.

"We are at war, a public health war,” President Emmanuel Macron said in a sombre address on Monday, declaring a nationwide lockdown to fight a virus that has already killed 148 people in France and infected more than 6,000.

His government has said tens of thousands of police will be patrolling streets and issuing fines for people without a written declaration justifying their reasons for being out.

Strange view: Deserted #EiffelTower, one of the most visited places in the world. From 12 pm today all #France on lockdown. You can't even go for a walk with your child. Only jogging. #COVID19france #Paris #TourEffel pic.twitter.com/iPmQwjhEld

— Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka (@K_Boronska) March 17, 2020


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7ab775  No.8450854

German sauce

Friedrich Merz has become infected with the coronavirus. A few days ago, the CDU politician had spoken to 700 guests in Frankenberg. There, too, the coronavirus was already a topic of discussion.


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972147  No.8450855


anon ate so much vitamin C I gots the shits now


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2e533a  No.8450856

Fear Porn Mini Bun @ ~600

>>8450238 Halfchan fear drop - cap

>>8450327 Twitterfag spreads fear porn - Has he be dug?

>>8450282 Twitterfag cont

>>8450440 Church service suspended in England

>>8450583 Denmark passes law, can force tests & vaccinations

>>8450611 WHO backtracks on their fear porn

>>8450742 SA close mosques

>>8450781 German shuts most public life

>>8450784 Kid rock closes Nashville bar

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efcd55  No.8450858

File: 13a982d4654215e⋯.png (445.25 KB, 1242x1981, 1242:1981, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8234690b27f3be4⋯.png (23.32 KB, 594x483, 198:161, ClipboardImage.png)




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98a92d  No.8450859

File: ea8443f237990fe⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, deep_state_hashtag_wars.png)

File: b06dea758026e1f⋯.png (383.35 KB, 1068x1068, 1:1, Dept_of_Meme_Force.png)

File: ae32b45f6980bd1⋯.png (1.48 MB, 904x904, 1:1, meme_corps_brothers_foreve….png)

File: 34d62e7488465e9⋯.png (1.7 MB, 900x893, 900:893, mockingbird_destruction_co….png)


Good question - it would seem that several topics are of the utmost import for the normies to know:

-Cabal lies to us all

-Mockingbirds are clowns, who lie to us all

(we have a LOT of Fake news memes in the library)

-Mockingbirds manipulate the public by 'narrative' which only helps [them]

-Americans, working together, can accomplish the impossible, eg: we switched all our production around very quickly in WW2.(Hold my beer)

-America is for ALL citizens (including minorities, subcultures) - UNITED, not DIVIDED

-The truly prescient things that POTUS has done to put us ahead of all of this, the changes he's making now will WRT production, will put us in a position to absolutely dominate on the other side of this.

(various policies and changes in regs that have helped ALL communities to empower the actual little people - though they are all told the opposite by Mockingbirds) large amounts of these in the libraries also

-Working with each other, WE will create the future we, the People, want (best is yet to come) instead of globalist assholes who obviously hate us

also in the libraries

1. Educate,

2. calm (reassure),

3. inspire (best is yet to come) -which has to be part of the other two, otherwise it comes across as empty hope porn

Choosing the right memes/graphics for different groups is good to do, hijacking hashtags (not sure were our Warroom lady is, she checked in from NL last week, and her and hubby were sick) but we can observe and coordinate to hijack hashtags to redirect to our purposes.

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0c262a  No.8450860



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2340e6  No.8450861


"No! Don't let them continue down this train of thought!"

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54b337  No.8450862

File: db59f28d673a339⋯.jpeg (120.65 KB, 802x960, 401:480, db59f28d673a3392e16cf41e0….jpeg)


and that book from 2008 that predicted corona said it would vanish all of a sudden.


End of August?

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7fb42e  No.8450863

File: bc0d8b5be74d15b⋯.png (593.97 KB, 588x838, 294:419, gloves.png)

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d38817  No.8450864

File: ae851f6ca03927f⋯.png (521.13 KB, 621x809, 621:809, this_nigga.PNG)


with you on that. I see flat-screens and impulse purchases coming large. Also this could be a primer for after the reset..see how people react and all that.

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6462c3  No.8450865


Harvested via the optic nerve during their "gatherings".

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7de618  No.8450866

>>8450827 kek

Who is the reeeeetard, you clicked it

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7c42d9  No.8450867

File: 0eee2838bf00a4c⋯.jpg (138.33 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_131832….jpg)

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7353f9  No.8450868


Show me a post that was true and useful.


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156cf6  No.8450869

And just like that, President Trump makes Andrew Yang's $1,000 for every American a reality.


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005aff  No.8450870


Note: to clean silver….put baking soda in water to make a paste, rub on silver and rinse with water. Good as new and no chemicals.

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501eaf  No.8450871

File: 04808464871b7f7⋯.jpeg (75.46 KB, 666x680, 333:340, 85e7280c03c97d27.jpeg)

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501364  No.8450872


it vanishes in 10 year intervals

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797531  No.8450873


Hail Odin!


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acb344  No.8450874

File: 9fecf657fb93ac9⋯.jpg (45.89 KB, 960x600, 8:5, Dz_9BxFVAAIQEmK.jpg)


O good I can donate moar to 2020 re election, thanks president Trump !

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d23ca9  No.8450875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Peace Through Strength was a quote of Ronald Reagan. This tweet relates back to a video of that directly.

The Strike Group Flagship is the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) which also embarks Strike Warfare Commander, Carrier Air Wing Five (CVW 5) and its nine squadrons. As of June 2015, CSG 5 includes three Ticonderoga-class cruisers and Destroyer Squadron Fifteen (CDS 15), which serves as the Sea Combat Commander and is responsible for eight assigned Arleigh Burke-class destroyers.

Ronald Reagan and the ten surface combatant ships operate out of Yokosuka, Japan, while CVW 5 operates out of Atsugi, Japan, when not embarked on Ronald Reagan. Together, these units form the U.S. Navy's only continuously forward deployed (and largest) carrier strike group.[3]


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8caca9  No.8450876

File: cf028b56db3e2c5⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 758x574, 379:287, Reeeing_20s.jpg)

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e71902  No.8450877

File: bfaff6f925d5cbb⋯.png (26.22 KB, 200x197, 200:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d0a9e  No.8450879


good sign. called bowel dosing. means your body doesn't need extra vC. consume up crappin, then back off

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7353f9  No.8450881


ofc I did.. I wanted to see if you had something funny for me. That's why I'm here, to laugh.

You weren't funny, sad boy can't be funny, sad.

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54d1bc  No.8450882


I think at minimum their suppression algorithms have been disabled.

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66152d  No.8450883

Just posting this because it might be of interest to anyone here in the at-risk age range who's ordering supplies online. We have a FedEx employee in the family who told me they implemented a new rule this morning. When a signature is required, the courier will enter a code (I think it's C-19) into the power-pad and then type in the person's name.

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0cfc39  No.8450884


We owe yo but the jig is up..Our guys will go down with the ship[die] Lets be like that and fall on our swords for the cause…

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23c070  No.8450885


Heard from some dem and non Q folks yesterday. All screaming, literally screaming that the way to get money into Americans pockets is to let them go to work.

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3de746  No.8450886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BoJo tries his hand at a CoVid Update

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40353b  No.8450887

File: d3befe450780621⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 680x467, 680:467, trumphow.jpg)

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66a159  No.8450888


THIS , needs widespread posting

a lie goes halfway around the world before the truth get its pants on — Mark Twain ?

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156cf6  No.8450889


50 Billion for the Airlines, 350 Billion for the American People. I can live with those numbers….this month.

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6b3d43  No.8450890

File: 79a51a1f122ddc8⋯.png (633.1 KB, 1379x902, 1379:902, space_force.png)

Interesting site put together for Space Force

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6664a1  No.8450891


HOpe they reconsider the deliver method. Sending checks.

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9958d1  No.8450892


Find them yourself, stupid faggot. They're all here:


If only you had the required reading comprehension - which you have already proven you lack.

I wont be waiting for you to acquire it, brainlet

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acb344  No.8450893


we all worked a shit ton for the beast . its back pay

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2e533a  No.8450894

Fear Porn Mini Bun @ ~650

>>8450238 Halfchan fear drop - cap

>>8450327 Twitterfag spreads fear porn - Has he be dug?

>>8450282 Twitterfag cont

>>8450440 Church service suspended in England

>>8450583 Denmark passes law, can force tests & vaccinations

>>8450611 WHO backtracks on their fear porn

>>8450742 SA close mosques

>>8450781 German shuts most public life

>>8450784 Kid rock closes Nashville bar

>>8450853 France - thousands of police, issuing summons

Here ya go Baker

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73fa4d  No.8450895

The Coronavirus Hoax

Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of them. After 9/11, for example, Americans accepted the near-total destruction of their civil liberties in the PATRIOT Act’s hollow promises of security.

It is ironic to see the same Democrats who tried to impeach President Trump last month for abuse of power demanding that the Administration grab more power and authority in the name of fighting a virus that thus far has killed less than 100 Americans.

Declaring a pandemic emergency on Friday, President Trump now claims the power to quarantine individuals suspected of being infected by the virus and, as Politico writes, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease.” He can even call out the military to cordon off a US city or state.

State and local authoritarians love panic as well. The mayor of Champaign, Illinois, signed an executive order declaring the power to ban the sale of guns and alcohol and cut off gas, water, or electricity to any citizen. The governor of Ohio just essentially closed his entire state.

The chief fearmonger of the Trump Administration is without a doubt Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci is all over the media, serving up outright falsehoods to stir up even more panic. He testified to Congress that the death rate for the coronavirus is ten times that of the seasonal flu, a claim without any scientific basis


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da6e5e  No.8450896

And I AM said unto me, Take unto you yet again the instruments of a foolish shepherd. For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not visit those that are cut off, neither will seek those that are scattered, nor heal that which is broken, nor feed that which is sound; but he will eat the flesh of the fat sheep, and will tear their hoofs in pieces. Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaves the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.

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34cd59  No.8450897


The article is well worth reading. Its principal claim is that the contrast of emerging CV19 data against a completely different metric for seasonal influenza is utterly invalid and grossly misleading.

The WHO has been instrumental in stirring up panic. What it has done cannot have been an oversight or accidental. There was ample time to have corrected any unintentional confusion caused.

Anons know who was behind this debacle. Everyone involved must face the music in due course.

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22d6c2  No.8450898

File: 911b15c97bb6ec4⋯.jpg (168.71 KB, 729x1097, 729:1097, odin_norse_vikings_the_vik….jpg)

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797531  No.8450899


Ewww pepsi…

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d38817  No.8450900

File: df8ee53938de8fc⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 445x324, 445:324, snek_need_tree_fiddy.jpg)

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c208e9  No.8450901

File: d78c4268139840d⋯.png (421.59 KB, 595x582, 595:582, 8628BB78_C6FE_4D9B_8ECB_87….png)

File: 986244fd93810be⋯.jpeg (86.87 KB, 600x533, 600:533, DC3F5848_C9FB_473E_8D68_6….jpeg)

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33ba6f  No.8450902
























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6462c3  No.8450903

File: ef6a67957ef7415⋯.png (210.56 KB, 585x725, 117:145, ClipboardImage.png)


Did someone say…

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404164  No.8450904


>>8450473 planefags aloft

>>8450856 Fear Pron bun

>>8450723 @ARCYBER @DeptofDefense faces network attacks amid telework uptick

>>8450648 @USNavy Peace through strength

>>8450571 Hussein is basically saying he's throwing everything at us no matter the losses.

>>8450514 Check out St Corona patron saint of pandemics. True story look it up for yourselves.

>>8450512, >>8450533, >>8450622 Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin: "We're looking at sending checks to Americans immediately."

>>8450441 Send us your tips about the coronavirus: veritastips@protonmail.com

>>8450398 Precious Cargo! For the Keks!

>>8450391 Markets after Announcement

>>8450269, >>8450318, >>8450345, >>8450365 anon: Why do I get the feeling this is the dry run for the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital?

>>8450259 Cheap Flights from Wuhan to Chicago from $469/Expedia not banning flights?

>>8450230 Potus briefing: "This has never been done before and sets a great road map for the future"!


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acb344  No.8450905

File: aa3bb539349127f⋯.jpeg (285.7 KB, 1440x970, 144:97, 5aba9cfa993b63b47b50576f3….jpeg)


that sick evil look in those "womens" eyes.

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898743  No.8450906

File: 89c16e953da9b7d⋯.jpg (89.16 KB, 779x678, 779:678, Pull_It_Larry_is_a_Demon.jpg)

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7353f9  No.8450907


I know where they are. I've read them all. I've discarded their usefulness because nothing can be verified, nothing seems to be true.

Q is a fart in the wind. Stop this nonsense and Trump get to fucking work you sad POS

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156cf6  No.8450908


Well, if Iran can get pallets of cash on little notice…

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8caca9  No.8450909

File: 868cf84b72a1263⋯.jpg (171.52 KB, 1506x1140, 251:190, REEing20s.jpg)

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6a0d62  No.8450910


laugh all you want faggot. just take your fingers off the keyboard

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27fdc3  No.8450911

File: 2b59feed23fbd65⋯.jpeg (226.95 KB, 750x1246, 375:623, EE73E2D7_7F52_4D4F_8A5E_F….jpeg)

Cash Handouts Are Gaining Support in Congress as Best Virus Fix

Cash handouts to all American households are gaining support in Congress as the best way to shore up an economy brought to a near-standstill by the coronavirus.

Republican Senator Mitt Romney gave his backing to the idea on Monday, proposing to immediately send $1,000 checks to every adult American, and Republican Senator Tom Cotton also said he is working on legislation that would provide cash stipends. Several House Democrats also back sending checks as the best way to help households.


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7de618  No.8450912

File: 9a42a1f4eaf02bf⋯.jpg (43.44 KB, 712x712, 1:1, 9a42a1f4eaf02bfda677520c8d….jpg)


Coming here looking for a cheer up, and you call me sad, Kek it's just too much

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40353b  No.8450913



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7353f9  No.8450914


Oh, you can't show me a true and useful post?

Golly me I'm surprised.

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9958d1  No.8450915


And yet here you are. You're a very special kind of stupid

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797531  No.8450916

File: b3abb8510ba8e39⋯.jpg (90.7 KB, 587x960, 587:960, 1568478573973.jpg)

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6d0a9e  No.8450917



>>8450619 has nom & 2nd for no table

ty baker

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6e97c0  No.8450918

File: 03c40d551bb148e⋯.png (956.83 KB, 1349x3263, 1349:3263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f241b75c888311⋯.png (25.82 KB, 462x115, 462:115, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddf9dc0f07b9227⋯.png (4.02 KB, 182x57, 182:57, ClipboardImage.png)



prior image to bee stun train

note BEDE

note SHIP


novus ordo Mind control OPUS DEI shills

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33ba6f  No.8450919


























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54d1bc  No.8450920


Er, it's actually from Alice in Wonderland, made very popular by the Matrix, but I take your point.

I had thought, before searching, that Q actually had a follow and a white rabbit post, but that's the closest I saw.

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6462c3  No.8450921



This Truck Driver will become a Legend!

POTUS needs to share this.


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dc5411  No.8450922


Checked for American Author.

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5cbae5  No.8450923

File: fa8b547500030d4⋯.jpg (73.06 KB, 550x412, 275:206, el_meson_de_pepe.jpg)


>Show me a post that was true and useful.

Not your personal fucking librarian. Whose house are we in again? Pic relevant fuckwit.

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9958d1  No.8450924


Like a goldfish every 15 seconds. Got it, Dory

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898743  No.8450925



I could only afford non-Hayes compatible knock-off modems

The day I hit ATDT was the big-time

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7353f9  No.8450926


Nah.. I'll bully all you faggots until I've had my ration of laughter from you stupid fucks

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96b26e  No.8450927

File: 42407ca544563e6⋯.jpg (138.12 KB, 761x697, 761:697, 1537299386.jpg)


>sportsball & whatever

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c208e9  No.8450928

File: effc75f29f8eee8⋯.jpeg (248.9 KB, 1886x1242, 41:27, E30ACC07_0F09_4BB6_AE79_B….jpeg)

File: 797e436389802be⋯.jpeg (176.39 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, 95613E0D_5C7B_471C_80CE_D….jpeg)

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b80406  No.8450929

File: 0244151b97523f6⋯.jpeg (424.48 KB, 1125x829, 1125:829, 99794326_3689_4555_9E47_7….jpeg)

File: 7daadfa24d6d9dd⋯.jpeg (514.29 KB, 1125x1175, 45:47, 10E1685A_0598_46A3_89FD_9….jpeg)


as trump continues to tweet cry about governors failing, he may want to stop and think! These trump words will prevent his re-election. No one trusts trump any more. it’s like we are living in a real life trump con scheme right now! He is so full of shit!🇺🇸trump spends more time on social media than a school girl! maybe if he worked more, golfed less and spent less time crying on social media — maybe we would not be in this mess!

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460a74  No.8450930

File: ad519d4a5ca144e⋯.jpg (75 KB, 450x720, 5:8, ad519d4a5ca144ea9c17ab8a18….jpg)


>Hail Odin!

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501364  No.8450931

File: c60bc76f9908f2a⋯.png (816.51 KB, 621x761, 621:761, Screenshot_701.png)




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33ba6f  No.8450932



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6074ac  No.8450933


there could be some 'debt forgiveness' bonds that would let people swap assets for debt forgiveness?

the government could grant so much per person, and those who have no debt could use them for something else but if they had debt they would have to use it to pay down that portion.

that way the benifit would be great for all, it would be fair, and it would involve a jubilee which is appropriate every so often.

but we can't just say 'oh let the profilgate prosper'. We would need it to be a fair and honest potlatch for the real purposes of shoring up our financial system as well as giving those who Schruggle (said like Rush says it) a hand.

so the thrifty benifit the most from that kind of thing.

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54d1bc  No.8450934


Odin is another name for Nimrod, builder of the Tower of Babel, and the archetype for all pagan gods, including your fictional one.

There's going to come a time you need God, and not a fictional god.

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40353b  No.8450936

File: 3d130eec5455e4a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 822x1088, 411:544, teamtrump.png)

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34cd59  No.8450937


Fauci was regurgitating the same misleading data coming from the WHO.

Did he naïvely accept the WHO’s statements or was he read in on a high level plot to cause maximum fear and economic havoc?

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3011ec  No.8450939

Kek’d at Pompeo.

Just told reporters he loves them as much as they love him.

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c3a981  No.8450940

File: 0dc60a2c8797447⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, NigelFishBowlSlamming.jpg)


Nigel making pub rounds showing his prevention technique.

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33ba6f  No.8450941




























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9958d1  No.8450943


You're not bullying anyone, pussy. we are all laughing at you

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898743  No.8450944

File: d2458a335de3e88⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 188x255, 188:255, Doh.jpg)

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7353f9  No.8450945


This place is sad.. It is hillarious, but it is sad

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ca03da  No.8450946


odd, did not add the twitter pic when posting the SA text and had a post between the SA prayers and ChurhOfEngland post (with the twitter pic)

Divine intervention telling us the are connected?

Praise the Lord

Thank You God for the protection You give us in these days and Salvation thru Jesus Christ

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acb344  No.8450948

File: 87139fb20cf89ee⋯.png (8.37 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 87139fb20cf89ee5915eca7512….png)


you're shit is so old. you might think you are changing minds against Q but you are so wrong and so overpowered , enjoy hell scumbag the sand is running out of the hourglass for you

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40353b  No.8450949

File: 5474aeec5b1a3b4⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 243x255, 81:85, pompeosmile.jpg)

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98a92d  No.8450950

File: 234f891bb5f48e0⋯.jpg (131.42 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, simplest_question.jpg)

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2e533a  No.8450951



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a22ff6  No.8450953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Inside Huwan. Must be seen. Many questions exactly who is behind this. USA based channel, host speaks only Russian, requires subtitles and English v.o.

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f65487  No.8450954

File: 6e9e41dca615e57⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1681x896, 1681:896, ClipboardImage.png)


>Well, if Iran can get pallets of cash on little notice…

I think i'll Google that.

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8caca9  No.8450955


> money is worthless and of no value

Coulda just stopped there.

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6e97c0  No.8450956

File: 380ae37c3e3f5eb⋯.png (102.8 KB, 460x234, 230:117, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5324e50ec598a3⋯.png (4.56 KB, 257x201, 257:201, ClipboardImage.png)


gotcha on 17s anon

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b80406  No.8450957

File: 2ff8f7484d22f1a⋯.jpeg (506.3 KB, 1125x1292, 1125:1292, ACF815DA_202B_4FE5_B48E_E….jpeg)

File: b150b0ac94f65d2⋯.jpeg (439.82 KB, 1125x1282, 1125:1282, 774EFA2C_7037_4397_A43F_A….jpeg)


The new slogan is “trumps bull shit is the enemy of the people”! No one trusts trump anymore!🇺🇸

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96b26e  No.8450958

File: bbb2a3c3220c819⋯.jpg (60.1 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 1541525085.jpg)


>We are being tested, they are being tested, everything is a test.

it's always between you and God anyway.

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a443b0  No.8450959


Can legal marijuana be far behind? 4/20/20?

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b7715c  No.8450960

File: ff1493ff62ef36f⋯.png (58.03 KB, 151x143, 151:143, approval.PNG)

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40353b  No.8450961

File: 163405556399624⋯.jpg (72.71 KB, 364x329, 52:47, pullmyfinger.jpg)

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7353f9  No.8450962


I've yet to hear anyone laugh. Maybe I'm laughing too much and loudly I can't hear you guys.

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9958d1  No.8450963




Yeah, that's spelled 'hilarious' - you really are stupid. Sad

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34cd59  No.8450964


And that was in currencies other than the US Dollar IIRC

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33ba6f  No.8450965




























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2340e6  No.8450967


Also, I know you're low effort shilling, but I'm going to answer your question nonetheless because boredom.

When he said on January 25th that it is all going to be okay, he was right. It was okay then, and it still is now. Take the proper precautions and we will weather the storm together.

You act as though, by some act of God, he's going to magically have answers to all your questions down to a pinpoint of accuracy.

"He won't tell us the EXACT amount of testing kits that will be available, therefore he is incompetent and horrible!"

"Why did he say 10 people now, 25 people before, why do states have different numbers, etc etc etc", well Fauci explained very simply that there's not a science behind the number but it is a recommendation, yet that recommendation is still based on data.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

The government isn't your mommy and daddy. You don't need them to get through this, but they are doing what they can as REFEREES, so that everywhere HAS A REASON and is ABLE to shut down because it is ORDERED. Do you think all companies are going to magically synchronize their closing like magic?

"I need EXACT NUMBERS or else you are a lying incompetent fool."

It was good then, and it is still good now, rather than falling apart like you and your masters need it to.

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6a0d62  No.8450968


I'm not digging on this airline bailout bullshit.

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71421b  No.8450969


oooh – so you're saying the white rabbit is the mark in the forehead

3NO = 666

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a22ff6  No.8450971


Make that Wuhan. I was Wong .

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7353f9  No.8450972


Q has had almost 3 years to get anything done.

Can you point me towards any kind of progress towards truth and accountability? I can't

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2340e6  No.8450973


You can wish a little wish but that won't make it true! Guess what, your bubble isn't as big as you think it is!

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33ba6f  No.8450974


























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7de618  No.8450975


Yeah? Well it won't be the last time your called a nigger here, enjoy

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797531  No.8450976


WRONG. Go study more, the truth won't be for everyone… (Sound's like you might not be ready)

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d38817  No.8450977


nor am I

they wanted $100b to start with. rumors last week.

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2f61db  No.8450978


You can even get pallets of cash shipped in via Canada from China.

Good luck with those 1 dollar bills.

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878bc3  No.8450979

File: e928f59851fb7dd⋯.png (696.24 KB, 716x655, 716:655, cue1.png)

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73fa4d  No.8450980

File: 0cc7d1686d2572b⋯.png (593.56 KB, 733x413, 733:413, NoseyFKers.PNG)

Pandemic: It’s Big Tech’s Time To Shine (Darkly)

Cashless payment, virtual reality, internet censorship, telepresence, robotics, artificial intelligence; these technologies have received massive funding and development from Big Tech in the last decade.

As lockdowns progress, social isolation becomes the “new norm”, and face-to-face human interaction is restricted, the emergence of a pandemic virus will give Big Tech the chance to shine darkly on all of us.

There was already a trend toward social isolation enabled by advancing technology and social media before the virus emerged. Big Tech is more than willing to give the world another nudge into a digital Plato’s cave.

Trump recently announced that Google is already acting as an extension of the U.S. government’s response to coronavirus.

Big Tech is also “fighting misinformation” about the coronavirus by censoring online content.

All major Big Tech companies issued a joint statement Monday that said:

After Facebook’s failed attempt to launch its digital currency Libra, Big Tech has another opportunity to push a new cashless system as calls to ban cash intensify.

A recent article from Forbes said that virtual reality offers a solution to travel bans:

Virtual reality (VR) offers a solution to the travel bans companies all over the world are facing and the restrictions on large gatherings that are being imposed by governments.

The fight for a pro-human future is now more important than ever. At the very least, the seeds of a pro-human world need to be sown now so that when new systems emerge after a potential collapse, humanity has a chance.


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03ace6  No.8450981


fear porn should be obvious enough for anons and normies alike to easily dismiss. i really dont see the benefit of putting unverified rumors in the notes. and most of those posts are just news stories about the effects of COVID-19 on daily life, but isnt really sensationalized. im not sure your definition for fear porn is the same as mine.

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40353b  No.8450982

File: 47b50b3639bb7fd⋯.jpg (292.55 KB, 1029x768, 343:256, doom.jpg)

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2ab485  No.8450983


Hey MMFA scum, GTFOH

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501364  No.8450984

File: 57817826116b5c6⋯.png (188.07 KB, 481x376, 481:376, halfbaked.png)


Gonna do somehting wit dat!

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7353f9  No.8450985


Maybe you can shut me up? Show me a useful and true post.

But you can't.. So fucking sad boys

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9958d1  No.8450986




Yes, retard. That is because we are on the internet. You can only hear what is going on in mommy's basement. Not surprised I had to explain this to you. Go back to playing Roblox with your little friends now precious, the grownups are busy

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d38817  No.8450987

File: 9f63134bd23650b⋯.png (254.43 KB, 1024x660, 256:165, pepe_blind_trans.png)


>I can't

sort of says it all about you.

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7c42d9  No.8450988

File: 3b3ee115e951068⋯.jpg (253.94 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_132933….jpg)

About us

Prevail Health is a leader in technology-based behavioral health and resilience building for a wide range of challenges from depression to PTSD to substance abuse. Prevail’s technology platform provides online care tailored to each individual’s unique clinical and demographic needs. Two clinical trials and tens of thousands of users demonstrated Prevail’s programs are as effective as traditional therapy for 99% less cost.

Our vision:

We believe in the potential for new technologies to transform the way people build mental resilience. Prevail empowers people to overcome their challenges by providing personalized digital support. Multiple clinical trials have proven that Prevail delivers outcomes similar to traditional care for 99% less cost—and we've demonstrated the same results in the real world with tens of thousands of users.

Our programs:

Prevail's programs provide personalized support to people with behavioral health challenges, helping them build resilience through a combination of peer coaching, online communities and interactive training.

Prevail’s partners and funders are leading academic, scientific, and philanthropic organizations, including the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, Rush University Medical Center, Goldman Sachs Gives, and Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation.


We are all in this together, and together, we are going to PREVAIL!


//t.co/UXhhjRrD3o #COVID19


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404164  No.8450989

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22d6c2  No.8450990

File: 409a40e877b9dfa⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 800x387, 800:387, Nasim_Aghdam3.jpg)

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7353f9  No.8450991


You're on an image board. Please go see a psychiatrist.

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33ba6f  No.8450992


























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98a92d  No.8450993

File: a55c38e40f5cdf1⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 600x396, 50:33, 1472259119645.gif)


Why did I have to be born too early for Space Force?

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107db9  No.8450994

Where is Acosta?

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