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8cf76a  No.8453205[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q's Latest Posts

Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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822689  No.8453236
























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8cf76a  No.8453244

Global Announcements

>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting

Baker PSA: In light of recent flurry of global activity, anons are encouraged to archive offline


are not endorsements


>>8452562, >>8452655, >>8452784, >>8452848, >>8452871, >>8453049, >>8453078, >>8453152 planefaggin

>>8453093 anon notable bun

>>8453025 Altice USA sold by Patrick Drahi Holding Company Next Alt S.a.r.l: $80.32m

>>8453010 Q #2263

>>8452983 Q posted #22 , 2 mins to midnight on October 31, 2017. /NG 22

>>8452923, >>8452936 COVID19 Notable Persons List

>>8452906 Waltons Transfer $48 Billion of Walmart Shares to Family Trust

>>8452758 McConnell rejects letting Senators vote remotely

>>8452716 Former Rep Hanna dies

>>8452618 @USArmy Amazing work by the soldiers of the NG

>>8452552 Q posted only one post that says WE WILL WIN Post 2314

>>8453220 #10823


>>8452041, >>8452048, >>8452059, >>8452072 Planefaggin

>>8452074, >>8452372 boatfaggin

>>8452318 Potus: The world is at war with a hidden enemy. WE WILL WIN!

>>8452090 McConnell refers to current situation as “Phase Three”.

>>8452042 @realDonaldTrump has authorized the deferral of $300 billion in payments to the IRS.

>>8452019 WTH is going on with the media today? Joe Scarborough, now Dana Bash. Weird.

>>8451930 Secretary Pompeo remarks to the Media

>>8451863 Dow surges more than 1,000 points

>>8451833, >>8451890 Two strains of COVID-19 type "L" and type "S"

>>8452453 #10821


>>8451158, >>8451263, >>8451336, >>8451639 planefags aloft

>>8451361 Fear Pron minibun

>>8451501 Bidens most intelligent moments vid

>>8451346 Marine Battalion Leaders Fired 3 Months After Rifles Went Missing at Lejeune

>>8451351 Pompeo: The U.S. is taking action to sanction Assad regime Lt. General Ayoub

>>8451337 Call to Meme! Primary Elections for 3/17

>>8451294 1984 style bill being rushed thru Congress

>>8451276 Hayward Resident Sentenced to Four Years for Acting as an Agent of the People’s Republic of China

>>8451210, >>8451231, >>8451256 Joe Scarborough Tells Viewers ‘To Do Everything’ To Ensure This President ‘Succeeds’


>>8451102, >>8451205 Covfefe/Adrenochrome/Coronavirus

>>8451083 Refresher: A week before Inauguration Day 2017, a pandemic was discussed, threadrapp

>>8451031, >>8451056 Beijing to oust US journalists from NYT, WashPo, Wall St Journal from China and bar them from work in Hong Kong

>>8451011, >>8451018, >>8451037 MSM Bitchslapped by Potus

>>8451707 #100820


>>8450473 planefags aloft

>>8450856 Fear Pron bun

>>8450723 @ARCYBER @DeptofDefense faces network attacks amid telework uptick

>>8450648 @USNavy Peace through strength

>>8450571 Hussein is basically saying he's throwing everything at us no matter the losses.

>>8450514 Check out St Corona patron saint of pandemics. True story look it up for yourselves.

>>8450512, >>8450533, >>8450622 Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin: "We're looking at sending checks to Americans immediately."

>>8450441 Send us your tips about the coronavirus: veritastips@protonmail.com

>>8450398 Precious Cargo! For the Keks!

>>8450391 Markets after Announcement

>>8450269, >>8450318, >>8450345, >>8450365 anon: Why do I get the feeling this is the dry run for the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital?

>>8450259 Cheap Flights from Wuhan to Chicago from $469/Expedia not banning flights?

>>8450230 Potus briefing: "This has never been done before and sets a great road map for the future"!

>>8450904 #10819

Previously Collected Notables

>>8447861 #10815, >>8448637 #10816, >>8449374 #10817, >>8450151 #10818

>>8444756 #10811, >>8445511 #10812, >>8446286 #10813, >>8447084 #10814

>>8441656 #10807, >>8443114 #10808, >>8443222 #10809, >>8444016 #10810

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com (new)

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

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8cf76a  No.8453251

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8137311 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

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Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Sealed Indictments

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


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Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>8137179 —— Romania Thread

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>>6867253 —— Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 —— Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>8404068

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822689  No.8453253

Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein

is your tactical portashitter compliant?

does your cornholio need TP for its bunghole? did you get a sour case of Dickel? did new jerusalem get ruined by a milkshake? was your shart burning the fire of desire? did that new church douche nozzle free augustus gloop from the fudge factory ? did that settlement arrive yet? was it some israeli jew ass bomber fantasy? did eating all those clones give you a big digital gaypoop ? do you just want to shit out a eschaton? maybe your berliner swampgases are homo? maybe youcanhazcheeseburgertoo, maybe a boring book will help you sleep, maybe doge of ra was memeing the truth, dundun dundun dundun dundun dundundun dundundun dun dun, better ingredients, better toppings, better pizza, pizza never let you down, jew whine let you down already what is the carbon tax on club soda? there will be farts. hur dur de hur dur hur de de

>>8428051 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020 >>8428038 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020

>>8428006 ><let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020 >>8427988 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020

>>8427942 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020 >>8427934 ><let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020

>>8427906 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020 >>8427879 ><let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020

>>8427866 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020 >>8427846 ><let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020

>>8427836 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020 >>8427822 ><let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020

>>8427811 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020 >>8427800 ><let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020

>>8427790 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020 >>8427772 >>8427760 ><let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020

>>8427749 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020 >>8427739 <let's get those hobbitsexuals to mordor 2020

>>8433856 >how does a catholic goat use a telescope anyways

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8cf76a  No.8453256

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

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* Baker Tools v0.7.1: https://pastebin.com/dN5FhHCv

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

54 >>8406256, 53 >>8128395, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>>/qrb/10809

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/40905

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822689  No.8453262


>>8420992 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420943 >>BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420882 >>BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420860 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420852 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420846 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8420813 >BUT WAS IT GHEY?! >>8425350 . >>8425299 . >>8425276 >Within it were formed six sepulchres, and by each of them was a >stone; but in the middle was a round hollow rising stone. In these grave >the coffins were quietly and with many ceremonies laid. The stones were >shoveled over them, and they shut fast. But the little chest was to lie in the <middle. Herewith my companions were deceived, for they imagined nothing other but that the dead corpses were there.

>>8425251 . >>8425202 . >>8425178 . >>8425155 >GOT TEH LEAGALLY "GAY" LICENSED NEW JEW DEAL

>>8425124 >>8425096 >This is where one finds the teaching of the dead raised incorruptible (I Cor 15:52)

>>8425350 >By the fourth no man shall

>reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible bodies.

>>8426947 . >>8426908 . >>8426873 . >>8426826 . >>8426786 . >>8426757 . >>8426721 . >>8426675 . >>8426628 . >>8426603 . >>8426559 . >>8426171 . >>8426448 . >>8426426 . >>8426397 . >>8426374 . >>8426365 . >>8426345 . >>8426323 . >>8426306 . >>8426286 . >>8426263 . >>8426246 . >>8426203 . >>8425492 <but in the middle was a round hollow rising stone

>>8425492 <Herewith my companions were deceived,

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a4d819  No.8453267

File: 0b20ec8732df7f5⋯.png (546.93 KB, 792x450, 44:25, Spelling_Matters.png)

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8cf76a  No.8453269

File: 0712bd0a6b876ca⋯.jpg (111.68 KB, 549x821, 549:821, 0712bd0a6b876ca6d58bd669e8….jpg)



Baker can continue or handoff

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af06bb  No.8453280

>>8451305 lb

Q team didn't plan for this specific "crisis", now meeting obligations to protect Americans and American economy, then will look at opportunities.

Don't expect indictments or arrests this year. Who knows if ever, with Barr continuing to protect DOJ/FBI bad actors and not exercising Declass to reveal the truth to We The People. So far, we have more evidence of his enthusiasm for bagpiping than for reasserting a fair Justice system in this country.

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822689  No.8453288

The second is longer, and takes you circuitously; it is plain and easy, if by the help of the Magnet you turn neither to

left nor right. The third is that truly royal way which through various pleasures and pageants of our King, affords you a joyful journey; but this so far has scarcely been allotted to one in a thousand. By the fourth no man shall reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible bodies. But there was not yet any natural warmth or sensibility in them. They

were dead figures, yet of a lively and natural colour; and since care was to be taken that they did not grow too big, the old man would not permit anything more to be given to them, but covered their faces too with the silk, and caused the table to be stuck round about with torches. Within it were formed six sepulchres, and by each of them was a stone; but in the middle was a round hollow rising stone. In these graves the coffins were quietly and with many ceremonies laid. The stones were shoveled over them, and they shut fast. But the little chest was to lie in the middle. Herewith my companions were deceived, for they imagined nothing other but that the dead corpses were there. Upon the top of all there was a great flag, having a phoenix painted on it, perhaps the more to delude us. Here I had great occasion to thank God that I had seen more than the rest.

>>8425202 >First English version appeared in 1690, by Ezechiel Foxcroft, followed by translations into many languages throughout time.

>Although the book first appeared in 1616, the story takes place over 150 years earlier. The events of this story span seven days and are divided into seven chapters, each chapter relating a different day. The story begins on an evening near Easter. In the final chapter—the seventh day—CRC is knighted; the year is 1459. It was on Easter-day 1459 that the Constitutions of the Freemasons of Strasburg was first signed in Regensburg, with a second signed shortly afterwards in Strasburg. The Gutenberg Bible began printing in Mainz, Germany in 1455, and the first Bible in German, the Mentel Bible, was printed in Strasburg in 1466. >>8425178

<The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz ROSENKRATX UND GUIL_ERSTERN IST DAS WALRUSJEW UND DANIELFAGGOT CARPENTER >>8425096 <that is the one destined for you by immutable Fate, nor can you go back in it save at great peril to life.

>>8425124 >The fourth path is the letters of Paul. This is where one finds the teaching of the dead raised incorruptible (I Cor 15:52),


The first path leads to rocky places and this is reminiscent of Peter, "the rock" as he's portrayed in the synoptic gospels

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eab414  No.8453289

File: 6263ba166bc51dc⋯.png (36.52 KB, 622x351, 622:351, 54rr.png)

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782c66  No.8453290

The corona virus is so they can usher in the jew world order.

We here all think it's to take down the deep state lol

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bc732d  No.8453292


Why you gotta shit the bread ebot?

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822689  No.8453298

<the goat that got away from xenu, a catholic romance opus ,=,e

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c25138  No.8453299

File: 9a1c1696bd2a7e0⋯.png (626.12 KB, 474x708, 79:118, 9a1c1696bd2a7e08a7767d2687….png)


Thank you, baker.

Anon has a plan to get rich.

Anon is going to sell TP for $10/roll in the walmart drive-through coronazombie virus test line.

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89c7c8  No.8453309

File: ed764ca4e7ad4d4⋯.jpg (62.22 KB, 500x422, 250:211, 3szkrn_1.jpg)

Listen to the knowledge of negro Juan.

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822689  No.8453310

























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08aba3  No.8453312

File: cf6b506ea1202d2⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 474x861, 158:287, thankabaka.jpg)

Thanks for baking

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e9b7e1  No.8453318

File: d0d650022219c82⋯.png (339.89 KB, 703x453, 703:453, ClipboardImage.png)

Why do we keep bailing out one of the richest people in the world?



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6b5d55  No.8453319

File: e160ad2c76423ab⋯.jpg (506.07 KB, 810x456, 135:76, Pain.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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63b8ae  No.8453320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

listened to this twice, thought it important enough to make notes for anons.

Notes on Viral Marketing: Amazing Polly Vid


26 minutes

Polly on communications policy strategies from Event 201 conference re global pandemic.

Key Point:

Panelists think that UN and WHO should control all the info that goes out to the general public. Here's the info they are promoting and strategies they'll use to promote it.

CLIP: Aussie women who used to work for world back: Real purpose of communication is to

"to get the facts–however you define them– as we define them out there." How do we incentivize the kind of behavior we want to see?

Polly on new phrase social distancing: it's now a kind of virtue signaling. You can't go against it.

CLIP: Timothy Evans of the World Bank on how to influence world leaders: UN/WHO must remain "very clear. But when they challenge govt's directly, they run into the issue of sovereignty." Instead, thing about "soft power influence" (using powerful constituences, trusted business leaders to influence people, using "stealth entry points.")

Polly: Yes, nation states are sovereign. Sovereingty means the will of the people This guy wants to get around it….press now want POTUS to self-isolate. Trying to push POTUS into it. They want full spectrum dominance.

CLIP: Another person at 201, Polly's take: wants business leaders who are seemingly disinterested to get on the bandwagon. Ditto for entertainment/sports industry/March Madness.

CLIP montage on techniques

centralized response needed; must be international

travel restrictions promoted

WHO should do a daily briefing

try to avoid misinfo on social media

work with telecomm cos to ensure public access

health care workers might give wrong info if not "well trained"

tap faith-based orgs, civil society and other institutions at grass roots level to have integrity

trust in social media has gone down since last election

who is susceptible to info and in what form?

Polly:' the want to use social media to track people on social media''

CLIP: Flood the Zone strategy: [see montage below, they all mention it.]

Polly: you build an impenetrable wall of noise, nothing else gets thru.

Discussion of the number of celebs getting virus–doesn't make sense (too high).

New sin: handshaking.

They are making sure that internet access is maintained–so they can FLOOD THE ZONE (CLIP).

Polly thinks it's a great time to look at alternative sources of news–like Q.

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7c161b  No.8453321

File: 7944532c1dd003c⋯.jpg (67.15 KB, 582x477, 194:159, wumao.jpg)

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9f62c3  No.8453322

File: 3e9355d58ce4595⋯.png (385.22 KB, 934x420, 467:210, 20200316_195219.png)

File: ebd7b6db77b4e8b⋯.jpg (11.78 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Stalemate_Chess_600x600.jpg)

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08aba3  No.8453323

File: eac1bb0b75d0b8a⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 1592x2000, 199:250, Waterwatch.jpg)


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822689  No.8453324

File: 16d87f2447fb3b4⋯.jpg (189.95 KB, 544x408, 4:3, 16d87f2447fb3b453986ca1bcf….jpg)

File: 29eb67b827ec788⋯.jpg (320.73 KB, 655x983, 655:983, 29eb67b827ec7888ed41fdda0a….jpg)

File: 886ef85bbf8f1b0⋯.png (99.34 KB, 761x500, 761:500, 886ef85bbf8f1b01af7bf21ea7….png)

still got yardwork anons

today i am roasting faggots in my neighbors yard

no taxes

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579927  No.8453325


Daryl is a Dude

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ebefeb  No.8453326

File: 467bbc421df7bf6⋯.png (89.84 KB, 1080x574, 540:287, 467bbc421df7bf61a82fb170d8….png)

>>8453286 (PB)

Time for Twitter Army to flex muscle. Hey Twitter! SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND JOY REID. Take her poll~!

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132a23  No.8453327

File: be9056436af89c0⋯.png (562.88 KB, 526x734, 263:367, Yashar_Ali_Re_Hudgens_Coro….PNG)

File: e96ad75c3ac1d85⋯.mp4 (756.75 KB, 320x436, 80:109, 1_Video_Yashar_Ali_Re_Hudg….mp4)

File: 40045673b8ab933⋯.png (527.95 KB, 524x706, 262:353, re_Yashar_Ali_Re_Hudgens_C….PNG)

File: 5fa718a37c65450⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB, 320x572, 80:143, 1_Video_re_Yashar_Ali_Re_H….mp4)

File: 1c13b9de31e73e5⋯.png (544.06 KB, 530x790, 53:79, JWoods_re_Hudgens_CoronaVi….PNG)

What a horrible and heartless message for you to share with the younger people who look up to you @VanessaHudgens


Poor response as well, smug twat she is! #vanessahudgens


James Woods

#NumbskullTheSequel Now @VanessaHudgens figures adding lip gloss and fingernail polish and not using the word “like” 16 times per minute should undo yesterday’s catastrophe. Oh, and blaming everybody else for taking her imbecilic rants “out of context.”


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e7c3c0  No.8453328

Death Blossom?

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619b8d  No.8453329

File: 8546c674ea856dd⋯.png (341.99 KB, 546x809, 546:809, screen41.png)


ThankQ Baker! o7

>Please continue to follow list maintenance instructions at the end of the second reply

COVID19 Notable Persons List 1/2

>please see instructions for list maintenance at the end of next reply!


Alberto Cirio - Italy’s head of Northern Region of Piedmont

Albin Ekdal - Sweden midfielder

Ali Akbar Velayati - Head of Tehran’s Masih Daneshvari Hospital

Ali Asghar Mounesan - Iran Minister of Cultural Heritage

Allesando Mattinzoli - Italian Comissioner for Economic Development in Lombardy

Amedeo Baldari - Serie A Club doctor

Anna Ascani - Italy’s Deputy Minister of Education

Antonio La Gumina - Former Italy under-21 forward

Augustin de Romanet - CEO of Paris Airports

Begona Gomez - Spanish Prime Minister Predro Sanchez wife

Beth Beckman - Yale New Haven Health Chief Nursing Executive

Brune Poirson - Secretary of State to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition

Callum Hudson Odoi - Chelsea player

Carmel Fenves - UT (University of Texas) Austin President Gregory L. Fenves wife

Carolina Daras - The Spanish politician, appointed Minister of Territorial Policy and Civil Service in January 2020

Charles Barron - NYC Lawmaker

Chris Kielsmeier - Cleveland State women’s coach

Christian Wood - Detroit Pistons NBA player

Daniel Sachs Goldman - Former House Intel attorney BOOOOOM!

Daniele Rugani - Italian Serie A Football player

Donovan Mitchell - Jazz star

Dušan Vlahović - Surbian striker

Eshaq Jahangiri - Iran VP

Fábio Wajngarten - Communications Director for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

Francis Suarez - Mayor of Miami, Florida

Franck Riester - French Minister of Culture

Hadi Khosroshahi - (Died of virus) Iran Cleric & Diplomat. Ambassador to the Vatican

Helene Weinstein - NYC Lawmaker

Idris Elba – English actor/rapper

Iraj Harirchi (Died of virus) - Iran Deputy Health Minister

Irene Montero - Spanish politician, Minister of Equality since January 2020

Jaime Ruiz Sacristan - Head of Mexico’s Main Stock Exchange

Janet Broderick - Matthew Broderick’s Sister

Jaroslaw Mika - One of Poland's top armed forces generals

Javier Ortega Smith - Vox General Secretary of Spain Nationalist party

Karl von Habsburg - Austria, Archbishop, first 'royal' confirmed infected

Luca Kilian - Germany, Bundesliga defender

Manolo Gabbiadini - Italian Serie A Football player

Maria Cantwell, senate, Washington, D.C. - Staff

Masoumeh Ebtekar - Iran Vice President for Women & Family Affairs

Mikel Arteta - Arsenal Manager

Mohammad Mirmohammadi (Died of virus) - Senior advisor to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Mojtaba Zonnour - Iran Head of Iranian Parliament National Security & Foreign Affairs Committee

Morten Thorsby - Norway playmaker

Nadine Dorries - UK Health Minister

Nicola Zingaretti - Italy’s President of Central Lazio & Democratic Party

Olga Kurylenko - Actress who starred alongside Daniel Craig in Quantum of Solace

Omar Colley - Italian Serie A footballer

Patrick Cutrone - Wolves Striker

Peter Dutton - Australia's minister for home affairs

Philip Jansen - BT Chief Executive

Pierpaolo Sileri - Italy’s Deputy Minister of Health

Rabbi Yoni Golker - St John’s Wood Synagogue

Reza Rahmani - Iran Minister of Industry

Richard Wilkins - AUS, prominant Music reporter

Rita WIlson - Tom Hanx wife

Rudy Gobert - Utah Jazz, Center

Salvatore Farina - Italian army Chief of Staff General

Santiago Abascal - leader of Vox, a Spanish right-wing nationalistic party

Sir Lucian Grainge - Chairman and CEO of Universal Music

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau - Justin Trudeaus wife, kek

Tom Hanx - Actor

Tony Mazzucco - Norwood Town General Manager

Unnamed Player – NY Yankee minor leaguer

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822689  No.8453330

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202df8  No.8453331




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de53f0  No.8453332

File: 10b4c7d3f6e1dcb⋯.png (76.3 KB, 733x788, 733:788, Screenshot_1588.png)


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8228cb  No.8453333


Anybody have a new filter for this crap?

Muh old ebot filter

([*]*)=,e (REGEX)

doesn't handle this.

This filter will remove all namefags except Q and CM:

^(?!(Anonymous|Q|Ron)) (REGEX)

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619b8d  No.8453334


COVID19 Notable Persons List 2/2


*Ayatollah Hashem Bahtayi Golpayegani - Member of Iran’s Assembly of Experts - "suspected"

*Celine Dion - distant cousin of Trudeau and Hillary - postponed tour due to "cold" and CV spread

*Daniel Radcliffe - "fake coronavirus rumor"

*Elton John - Singer - reported "pneumonia" after "final tour"

*Gary Sanchez – NY Yankees, catcher, diagnosed with flu, NOT tested for COVID19

*Gwen Stefani - "cancelled a string of shows due to a mystery illness"

*Heidi Klum - Suffering from food poisoning before filming began in CA, now experiencing "a chill" and had started "feeling feverish".

*"Individual working on Riverdale" - CW teen drama suspended

*Katie Couric – Reporter NBC, reported contact with infected person just before they were tested

*Katie Price - former glamour model - back after "mystery illness"

*Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli - "Possible exposure" took place during a conference with land force commanders in Europe on Friday in Wiesbaden, Germany.

*Mortez Rahmanzade - Iran Mayor of 13th District - "hospitalised with coronavirus symptoms"

*Neil Wigan - British Ambassador to Israel in self-isolation after virus case on flight

*Paulo Dybala - Juventus player - Insists he is "well" despite reports suggesting he had tested positive for coronavirus, with the Italian club also categorically denying the rumours.

*Pope Francis - Religious leader - reported "sick" one day after CV outreach

*Seth Green – Actor, claiming “self quarantining to prevent the spread of the virus”


# Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine, gave no indication that he has the disease.

# Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Friday announced that he has tested negative for the coronavirus, contradicting earlier reports.

# Matt Swider - TechRadar managing editor - Tested positive, then negative for coronavirus. Now stuck in Egypt.


BAKERS: Please list separately, and keep the name:

>COVID19 Notable Persons List

LISTFAGS: Please copy both replies and continue to use uniform formatting!

>Alphabetical lists

Red Letter Title On Both Replies With Number [1-2/2]

Bold Subheaders

*, # - use appropriate markings and please make sure to add names into appropriate list

>Please pass the instructions along with each list! Only (You) can prevent sloppy lists!

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e01dc9  No.8453335


When we bailed out wall street some asked where to get hunting license and tags for bankers.

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19d61c  No.8453336

File: a6208e5ebe7965e⋯.jpg (146.21 KB, 960x910, 96:91, clean_and_swift.jpg)

File: eeb9f3cb6de3692⋯.png (43.22 KB, 379x167, 379:167, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

>>8453195 lb

Still think this means something.

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822689  No.8453338


crop dusters

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7c2d35  No.8453339

File: d3c79e85818ceaf⋯.jpg (316.61 KB, 997x1446, 997:1446, mmnhi.jpg)

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cac20e  No.8453340


Says SPECIMEN, Serial Number 0. Not printed on paper, not 2 sided, not between 75% and 125% of actual size. Not illegal.

Isn't it interesting that the Secret Service was first created to enforce the Federal Government's monopoly on counterfeiting? Wonderful thing that POTUS has cleaned them up.

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f3afb6  No.8453341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>8453201 pb


KEK - this is 3rd year.. Was just getting back to life back to reality.

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89c7c8  No.8453342

File: 82f40ff6ef79b1f⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 500x364, 125:91, 3szgah_1_1.jpg)


Solid message.

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822689  No.8453343

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b34a00  No.8453344

File: 9923cee622b273c⋯.png (236.58 KB, 642x755, 642:755, ClipboardImage.png)

The Nets announce that four players tested positive for COVID-19


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cac20e  No.8453345


(shit) (lb)

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f6d2cf  No.8453346

File: e719318dcd2f423⋯.png (1.02 MB, 700x525, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)





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d7c4ee  No.8453347

File: 48109d1ba5e344a⋯.jpg (170.7 KB, 480x364, 120:91, 74b54dcbc512febfbbfe88207d….jpg)


Baker is a Fagot o/

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dc7bcc  No.8453348


Did they drown the kid to start the migrant push, or did they just rape him and kill him. If the former, we need confessions. If the latter, just execute all of them.

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2ef202  No.8453349



das hawt

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d30bdf  No.8453350

File: 166abee9d063d02⋯.png (821.75 KB, 685x713, 685:713, POTUS_magic_wand_blank.PNG)

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758204  No.8453351

File: b98cfb8a03b3ce2⋯.jpg (142.16 KB, 708x496, 177:124, 116373337.jpg)

Those who preach hellfire and claim to be fighting demons and their servants with furious hate are more often than not blind servants of the demons themselves.

Satan's greatest trick is very simple to spot if you can see things from the (higher) perspective of Love.

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c19e89  No.8453352


Pretty sure she has been doubting POTUS and Q all day on Twitter.

Fuck that cunt

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8b8efa  No.8453353

File: 650b1a8cd6419cf⋯.jpg (608.14 KB, 732x750, 122:125, tilefrog_006.jpg)

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26089d  No.8453354

File: 4776b50dc485f0a⋯.png (130.31 KB, 430x397, 430:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35f08d111ef65a9⋯.mp3 (109.31 KB, 2020_03_17T21_13_34.mp3)

"MilOrbs and PSVs have put an end to the old concept of Army, Navy, and Air Force. What's the point of talking about aircrafts and submarines when the same object behaves as an aircraft to then descend to the sea surface and submerge, to just re-emerge miles away from the surface and behave as a cruise missile?"

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59192e  No.8453355

File: aafd35fb588c876⋯.png (259.25 KB, 1920x1018, 960:509, sketch_1584479480995.png)

File: 4863f3b63d6d00b⋯.png (494.08 KB, 1467x1080, 163:120, sketch_1584479514157.png)

Look what we did in ONE HOUR

This movement is amazing and continues to grow



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4c983a  No.8453356

France, Italy, Spain Ban Short Selling to Curb Market Plunge


Boss, can we do this back home too please.

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822689  No.8453357


berliner swampgases

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9268e1  No.8453358


Bigger question is where does it all go?

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1854dc  No.8453359

File: 8b369f91cd5a7d9⋯.png (27.59 KB, 1292x474, 646:237, ClipboardImage.png)

Wartime Protocols Activated

Overnight Defense: Pentagon cancels more exercises | Defense secretary, deputy to be separated as precaution


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2ef202  No.8453360


>Fuck that cunt

you're still giving it replies/attention tho

almost there

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3e9125  No.8453362

File: 9ca66fea3100e5f⋯.jpg (122.74 KB, 1125x1063, 1125:1063, 1584133887552.jpg)



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f3cd28  No.8453363


god she's stupid. but I wish I had her hair

( . )( . )

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cdca56  No.8453364

File: 974d049de2ef1bd⋯.png (498.19 KB, 638x676, 319:338, PepeKnowsGodWins.png)

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822689  No.8453365


passion of the saurkrauter

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fadee0  No.8453366

the reason (they) keep us in chains.

maybe because we are the wolves, and they are the pigs, that's why they put us in sheep's clothing and chains.

When will it be time to blow their house in?

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41dafe  No.8453367

File: d30b7838d91f138⋯.png (143.61 KB, 380x380, 1:1, 6c8a25cfc9d4157a58a5c0c9a6….png)

Ty Bakers

Tic Toc

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dc7bcc  No.8453368


We are not at stalemate.

We will not ever be at stalemate.

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d7c4ee  No.8453369

File: 2a71e15586ba032⋯.jpg (8.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, s_l300.jpg)



Q Tonic Water for the CoronaVirus

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782c66  No.8453370

File: 26af443a97569e6⋯.png (6.92 KB, 218x112, 109:56, 4d41f7e9319db2b46af0e0a43c….png)



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b4e509  No.8453371

File: e50fee4f4232914⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 666x362, 333:181, 3nmbbbyg.jpg)

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802689  No.8453372

File: bc68790ded21d7c⋯.jpeg (83.49 KB, 540x960, 9:16, E1AA056F_E9E7_4F77_B70D_5….jpeg)

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9f62c3  No.8453373


This isn't the main event.

"We want as many people to survive"

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0ef677  No.8453374

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dc7bcc  No.8453375


Nice ebot trigger phrase.

And no.

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26089d  No.8453376

File: f42ca13ace62fce⋯.png (267.48 KB, 430x768, 215:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a26b8d04c92c628⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_03_17T21_15_07.mp3)

"Tic-tac UFOs? No, sorry. They are kinetic weapons at hypersonic speeds. Do you know what the result would be if three of them impact against the USS Nimitz? I'll tell you: the smallest piece you'd find will be the size of a tic-tac mint. The incredible thing in that incident is not the kinetic weapon itself; it is the fact that we operated them from Tangent and Sienna and yet none of the assets in Carrier Strike Group 11 detected them. That's the situation."

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822689  No.8453377


xenu milked krispe kremes

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6d2d91  No.8453378


bout 5 minutes

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ebefeb  No.8453379

We are MESSING UP everything they are doing and pushing forward everything we need to do to get this Nation back up to snuff.

Whatever you do DON'T LET DOWN NOW.

Take it to them every way you know how. Don't let them breathe. Keep up every energy that you can keep up to FIGHT THEIR INJUSTICE toward our families.

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dc7bcc  No.8453380


These people are SICK.

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e01dc9  No.8453381

File: 03264df36c055ef⋯.png (2.55 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 03264df36c055efd96fbf6f27d….png)


We the Pepe

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619b8d  No.8453382


pls and thankQ

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89c7c8  No.8453383

File: e9bb56009025101⋯.jpg (58.71 KB, 500x434, 250:217, 3szhft_1.jpg)

Without bars and resturants to enjoy New York is a piece of crap town.

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af4eaa  No.8453384

File: 3642f172e4b344f⋯.jpg (146.14 KB, 901x450, 901:450, WHOPANIC.jpg)

>>8450611 pb


>>8450897 pb

>The WHO has been instrumental in stirring up panic.

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087a4a  No.8453385

File: df3aad012eadc5c⋯.jpg (471.28 KB, 1080x1109, 1080:1109, Screenshot_20200317_161321….jpg)

File: 0e2509b35ff3956⋯.jpg (822.46 KB, 1078x1803, 1078:1803, Screenshot_20200317_155650….jpg)

I'm going to post this again. Anons keep using qmap, but arent keeping an eye on the timestamps & dates.

This is why Q approved the map on

post #128. Learn to read the map

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59192e  No.8453386




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d30bdf  No.8453387

File: 8f4e199efa73dea⋯.png (436.9 KB, 615x309, 205:103, fuck_toots_1.PNG)

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6b5d55  No.8453388

File: 77218801a143aaf⋯.jpg (369.38 KB, 720x971, 720:971, Meme_reality.jpg)




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499e02  No.8453389

File: 225f358ae7f149d⋯.jpg (74.13 KB, 625x350, 25:14, philomena_cunk_1.jpg)

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bb0fd3  No.8453390

File: 32f888756403765⋯.jpg (222 KB, 744x630, 124:105, rita.jpg)

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822689  No.8453391


go stuff your turkey fiat up your iran and swear you are a canadian

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7a96fc  No.8453392

File: 36e3e9ee240761c⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Maddow_Issues_Dire_Warning….mp4)

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579927  No.8453393

File: e9d80f374fd941e⋯.png (604.87 KB, 550x423, 550:423, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c4e55  No.8453394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Liquid Drum and Bass Mix #84

Phloem - Pathos (feat. Zoe Moon)

GLXY - Want U

Bredren - In Arms

Edlan - Rewind

Lenzman - African Dream

ALB & Subdivision - Origins

Mitekiss - Void

Anile - Your Way

Edlan - Shadow (feat. Emy Perez)

Pola & Bryson - Open My Eyes (Mitekiss Remix)

Phaction - Vapour

Xsessiv & Jas - If I Had (Packer & Rhodes Liquid mix)

Bert H & All Mode - Anytime

Bert H & High N Sick - Find Me

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c25138  No.8453397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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26089d  No.8453398

File: 7ed5938cc5a82b0⋯.png (146.51 KB, 222x296, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebca61311cda4e1⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_03_17T21_16_31.mp3)

"Replicating a Giselian vehicle is just half the story; piloting the vehicle is the other half, and this half proved to be more difficult than the other one, you see. The autonomic nervous system is no more autonomic as we need to avoid any involuntary reflexes. The entire system must be fully controlled by the crew, but the crew itself must be fully controlled by the system. There must be no difference between the aircraft and the crew. Engaging and destroying an intruding Giselian vehicle requires our biology to be transcended. That's how it goes."

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7a96fc  No.8453399

File: 560ddab1d7a96f8⋯.png (22.08 KB, 630x410, 63:41, ClipboardImage.png)

looks like silver is chilling the fuck out a little

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fadee0  No.8453400


Alright fine I'll get my egg timer FFS

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bb0fd3  No.8453401

File: 10e255c46011a0b⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 360x318, 60:53, digitalsoldiersq.jpg)

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d7c4ee  No.8453402

How Long till the Net Goes Down?


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132a23  No.8453403

File: 2347ed765c1b334⋯.png (298.18 KB, 526x623, 526:623, USAF_USAFE_Aviano_Air_Base….PNG)

File: 5a3dc6a4c63f16f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1303x862, 1303:862, USAF_USAFE_Aviano_Air_Base….PNG)

File: 794e9948e05619d⋯.png (30.75 KB, 386x447, 386:447, Q_47_re_False_Flags_11_2_1….PNG)

File: 5922e59dae08f0e⋯.png (87.18 KB, 419x286, 419:286, Aviano_Air_Base.PNG)

File: 091f1956773ce81⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1553x873, 1553:873, USAF_USAFE_Aviano_Air_Base….PNG)


#Aviano Air Base continues to remain rapidly ready, resilient and lethal. F-16 Fighting Falcons take off from @AirAviano Mar. 16, 2020.


@DeptofDefense @US_EUCOM @usairforce


>Graphic is response to tweet


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822689  No.8453404


dirty go hurry

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619b8d  No.8453405

File: a266635b7217f16⋯.png (3.8 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, THESE_PPL_R_SICK_Q_COVID19.png)


The whole reason I initially pushed for this list was to meme it. But the list is SOOOOOO f'n long nao…

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eebb3e  No.8453406

File: a44663c5de82d24⋯.jpeg (99.64 KB, 692x595, 692:595, 92C33476_E6D5_41FD_AD49_4….jpeg)

File: e8ced855e30d3ac⋯.jpeg (297.97 KB, 469x703, 469:703, F6CEF15F_6296_4C1C_9DB0_C….jpeg)

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dc7bcc  No.8453407


Yes, satan's minions are very easy to spot.

They congregate to satanic images.

Like yours.

And satanic messages, like don't tell people about eternal hellfire.

Like you.

Very, very, very easy to spot.

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c19e89  No.8453408

File: 42ffa99a3c131f2⋯.png (76.56 KB, 273x157, 273:157, ClipboardImage.png)


not me

im busy working on my video for tonight

im way better source of information than some blonde cunt who was sucking dick for money a year ago

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d7c4ee  No.8453409


lurkers ebeware 0.0

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767eea  No.8453410


Here you are anon.


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8544f1  No.8453411


Sending "stimulus" money directly to Americans rather than politicians/Solyndra type co's is a great start.

Countdown until critics say "But muh illegals won't get a check!!! 3… 2…"

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1fa009  No.8453412

File: b4bd8fc4344f546⋯.jpeg (416.75 KB, 838x630, 419:315, 5E19B0D4_14B7_4F3D_BD33_1….jpeg)

File: 5e2ef985038a158⋯.jpeg (796.89 KB, 1125x1644, 375:548, D7C0BD3E_65D5_406D_B00B_7….jpeg)

Indiana activating NG


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2ef202  No.8453413


tell will sommer we love you now

you're our new leader

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c656ef  No.8453414

"Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins


1. The Medical Monopoly

2. Quacks on Quackery

3. The Profits of Cancer

4. Death and Vaccination

5. The Fluoridation Conspiracy

6. Whither AIDS

7. The Action of Fertilizers

8. Contamination of the Food Supply

9. The Drug Trust

10.The Rockefeller Syndicate


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802689  No.8453415

File: 58fecd17115af9b⋯.jpeg (38.46 KB, 736x631, 736:631, BC571A7E_6C77_4A4E_817F_6….jpeg)


Another TY.

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0ef677  No.8453416


make it notable if not already so

it will be deleted

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368936  No.8453417

File: eeed2bc9cdd68cb⋯.png (43.6 KB, 598x368, 13:8, Screenshot_2020_03_17_Just….png)

Iranian National Extradited to the Western District of Texas for Illegally Exporting Military Sensitive Items from the U.S. to Iran


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13d6d0  No.8453418


reposting. Baker 'missed'…and did not even reply.

double check notables.


>>8452717 'Green Light' (US AF & Dan Scavino tweet)

>>8452607 Peace Through Strenght (US Navy tweet)

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071ea6  No.8453419


I'm expecting it go down very s <connection lost>

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97c56b  No.8453420


A pandemic is as cliche as it gets for a hypothetical disaster scenario, but okay.

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89c7c8  No.8453421

File: e859b32ff52a255⋯.jpg (110.48 KB, 1216x984, 152:123, e859b32ff52a25542e0293eedb….jpg)


Neill Young is now hitting that poop shoot.

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ebefeb  No.8453422

It will, in the end, come down to who wants it more Anons.

That's where I say 'You are who I thought you were.'

You're ready Anons.

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e184c3  No.8453423


Please add

Friedrich Merz - German politician, one of the candidates for next chancellor of Germany


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dc7bcc  No.8453424


It's the frustrating thing about Q.

Things make sense in hindsight.

Like now, in 2020.

2020 hindsight.

These people are SICK!

Nice meme, too.

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bb0fd3  No.8453425

File: f6d37d1114f3a81⋯.jpg (131.08 KB, 750x828, 125:138, trumpstorm.jpg)

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eab414  No.8453426

File: b710923538bbc9c⋯.png (298.26 KB, 528x609, 176:203, uyyy.png)

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000aff  No.8453427

>>8452906 Waltons Transfer $48 Billion of Walmart Shares to Family Trust

Soros did too.

Bezos did something structurally similar during his "divorce".

Bill Gates recently was revealed to own almost no Microsoft shares, relative to prior numbers.

Bloomberg just blew a billion dollars on a campaign that arguably helped Trump more than anyone.

Werner just indicated he will be selling a Victoria's Secret.

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5c4080  No.8453428

File: 2cc3b42f335d1bf⋯.png (204.61 KB, 500x569, 500:569, joyReidBlogPosts.png)

File: b4984544dc99720⋯.png (33.11 KB, 371x472, 371:472, t8309_joyAnnReid.png)



<Does @senatemajldr have credibility with you at this point?

this cunt talking about other people's credibility

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9c4e55  No.8453429

File: 5eec20a0ccb729d⋯.jpg (319.93 KB, 1600x1036, 400:259, 5eec20a0ccb729daf279c60a84….jpg)

File: 820962ee76941f5⋯.gif (359.32 KB, 640x636, 160:159, Aid820962ee76941f5c529d971….gif)

File: 4b83b48a6e573ad⋯.jpg (62.19 KB, 499x446, 499:446, BladerunnerDon.jpg)

File: 0d966a4ce797e3b⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 359x260, 359:260, AsiaFTW0d966a4ce797e3b1a52….jpg)

File: 9459d298a0afb28⋯.jpg (66.13 KB, 617x612, 617:612, FreedomLeafFlagPepe9459d29….jpg)


Undesired and really unnecc.

Maybe yours will though?

Then comes back on

Remember. We Choose.

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b2767b  No.8453430

Study: Coronavirus Lockdown Likely Saved 77,000 Lives In China Just By Reducing Pollution

China’s coronavirus lockdown likely saved tens of thousands of lives by slashing air pollution from factories and vehicles, according to a new analysis by a Stanford University scientist.

Earth Systems Professor Marshall Burke used data from U.S. government sensors in four Chinese cities to measure levels of PM2.5, the tiny particulate matter considered the primary cause of death from air pollution. He averaged the drop in pollution levels and calculated the subsequent effect on mortality nationwide.

Two months of pollution reduction “likely has saved the lives of 4,000 kids under 5 and 73,000 adults over 70 in China,” he writes on G-Feed, a blog maintained by seven scientists working on Global Food, Environment and Economic Dynamics.

To keep his calculations conservative, Burke assumed no additional deaths for people between the ages of 5 and 70. Burke tested his prediction with a more conservative mortality calculation and still emerged with 1,400 kids saved and 51,700 elderly.

“Even under these more conservative assumptions, the lives saved due to the pollution reductions are roughly 20x the number of lives that have been directly lost to the virus,” Burke writes, using statistics current on March 8….


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41dafe  No.8453431

File: e64983bb233cff1⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 640x483, 640:483, D_xqDWsAIjI_g.jpg)

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c656ef  No.8453432

File: 140779928c41aac⋯.jpg (39.99 KB, 430x603, 430:603, bestcleav1.jpg)

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822689  No.8453433



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782c66  No.8453434

File: 92e32b36a9fef94⋯.png (24.73 KB, 593x251, 593:251, 991880a6e7ec08d13320ce5349….png)

Uh… they are not hidden though.

The Jew has always made it so dam obvious.

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368936  No.8453435

File: 3ab4c8a429f5865⋯.png (41.16 KB, 598x339, 598:339, Screenshot_2020_03_17_Just….png)

Hayward Resident Sentenced to Four Years for Acting as an Agent of the People's Republic of China


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95ba58  No.8453436

File: 0da695466fac098⋯.png (26.73 KB, 815x383, 815:383, Screenshot_55.png)

File: a076ea2d45edc2e⋯.png (154.2 KB, 391x633, 391:633, Screenshot_56.png)

File: 2b373d8c9d26fea⋯.png (22.39 KB, 364x465, 364:465, Screenshot_57.png)

If Google has a WHite Hat operative disseminating info of Google Search results, perhaps this photo (and raw vid +++ + +++++) will emerge soon?

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132a23  No.8453437

File: fb761df4a91902a⋯.png (285.38 KB, 524x651, 524:651, USAF_Aviano_Air_Base_3_17_….PNG)


>#Aviano Air Base continues to remain rapidly ready, resilient and lethal.

U.S. Air Force

Aviano continues the mission

An F-16 Fighting Falcon soars above Aviano Air Base, Italy, March 16, 2020. The 31st FW is remaining lethal and rapidly ready while operating within the confines of the decrees set by the Italian government during the #COVID19 outbreak. #ReadyAF


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eebb3e  No.8453438

File: 1b220d13e929aab⋯.jpeg (83.14 KB, 828x701, 828:701, 6115D154_02A4_4775_B0BC_6….jpeg)

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26089d  No.8453439

File: ab8e39f3f9f7863⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1598x878, 799:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cbb7613c5734a3⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_03_17T21_19_02.mp3)

QAZ and FTW radars were blind to the test vehicle for at least 23 minutes. Same for QYS Primary. Test flight shows the vehicle could have easily disrupted all major radar facilities from Dyess AFB to target point Altus AFB. At 002301 mission time, Presence was made visible to radars and scrambled fighters from Carlswell NAS in order to test collision avoidance systems.

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13d6d0  No.8453440

File: 84c4d04009d4d69⋯.png (283.81 KB, 598x414, 13:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6a2d81185a23fc⋯.png (435.06 KB, 588x513, 196:171, ClipboardImage.png)


green light.



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adf8e4  No.8453441

>>8452902 lb


Funny that they never mentioned al-Khidr or the Djinns (hidden ones) of Arabic folklore.

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e184c3  No.8453442


[next week]

[next week]

Music stops.

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c25138  No.8453443

NYC mayor just banned ride shares and moar than one person in a cab (unless they live together)

Sauce was Fox news now.

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3b39fe  No.8453444

File: e2aa59ec695f21c⋯.png (1007.38 KB, 1458x1156, 729:578, 1584479621853.png)

Fucks this?


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dc7bcc  No.8453445


Yeah, the locals said the pollution and the industry and the working conditions were killing them.

So, silver lining.

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bb0fd3  No.8453446

File: 3346208b7f7490c⋯.jpg (383.22 KB, 739x624, 739:624, eaglegameover.jpg)

File: 399b737ddf62c34⋯.jpg (44.26 KB, 392x392, 1:1, gameovertree.jpg)

File: 3c87ab2742dd78f⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 680x602, 340:301, gameoverpepe.jpg)

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7a96fc  No.8453447

File: 67b9d7adda665bd⋯.png (763.37 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Super Rich Stranded as Private Jet Operators Say No to Travel

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758204  No.8453448

File: 4349295008afccd⋯.jpg (107.32 KB, 676x448, 169:112, 11151256295.jpg)


Thank you for proving my point.

Have another "satanic" image. I'm sure your demons will like it :-)

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94dbfb  No.8453449

File: 74a2b82383d8453⋯.png (429.81 KB, 800x705, 160:141, PepeDJTHair.png)

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d30bdf  No.8453450

File: c2bd843afa6383d⋯.jpg (802.45 KB, 3508x2480, 877:620, pepe_chinese_stasi.jpg)

China boots reporters at WSJ, NYT and Washington Post

Clash over media strains Sino-American relations in time of coronavirus. China has moved to disallow American journalists reporting for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Washington Post from working in the country, intensifying the two countries' conflict over media amid a trade war cool-down and a pandemic crisis. Reporters for the three publications, who are all U.S. citizens, have 10 days to hand over their press credentials, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced Wednesday Beijing time.

China had already expelled three Wall Street Journal reporters last month, a day after Washington designated five Chinese state-owned media organizations – among them CGTV and China Daily – as government operatives and imposed personnel caps on their operations in the U.S. These moves show a growing strain in U.S.-China relations despite a temporary trade truce, pausing a tariff war thanks to a partial deal and negotiations suspended due to the new coronavirus outbreak.

The two governments' recent rhetoric around COVID-19 escalated matters further. Zhao Lijian, a Chinese Foreign Ministry official, last week claimed without evidence that the U.S. military brought the coronavirus to Wuhan.

U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday in a tweet called the coronavirus "the Chinese virus," later defending his word choice, saying, "I have to call it where it came from."

The Wall Street Journal previously angered China as well as the Chinese diaspora with an opinion piece titled, "China is the Real Sick Man of Asia." Apart from pulling credentials from journalists for the three publications – which are all blocked by state censorship – Beijing is also demanding their Chinese branches, as well as those of Voice of America and Time, submit filings about their staff, finance, operation and real estate. The foreign ministry in its latest statement characterized the moves as "countermeasures" against restrictions on Chinese media agencies operating in the U.S. and "growing discrimination and politically motivated oppression" against their journalists.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday rejected the notion. "They suggested somehow that the actions that we had taken here in America prompted this. These aren't apples to apples," Pompeo said, when asked to comment on the issue after delivering remarks about the coronavirus situation.

"The individuals that we identified a few weeks back were not media that were acting here freely," he said. "They were part of Chinese propaganda outlets. We've identified these as foreign missions under American law."


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9f62c3  No.8453451


We're being prepared, we're getting people ready, willing to work with each other, helping others. "Nothing can stop what's coming."

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cdca56  No.8453452

File: 32563ed7d0d4a87⋯.png (96.08 KB, 394x542, 197:271, CBSeye.png)

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782c66  No.8453453


What a surprise, the mossad wins again.

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9894a0  No.8453454


quads prefer this https://pastebin.com/staBZdDR

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b9ce34  No.8453455



Baker Notable

Anons swing Twat Poll - 15k anon votes in ONE HOUR

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822689  No.8453456


morning thunder

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13d6d0  No.8453457

File: 6f2466c3f2084f3⋯.png (217.7 KB, 467x538, 467:538, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 426e1e07ecea1a6⋯.png (15.6 KB, 386x352, 193:176, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8aaf90df034dd18⋯.png (20.92 KB, 386x309, 386:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a924fa39c0f6e16⋯.png (55.22 KB, 386x882, 193:441, ClipboardImage.png)



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dc7bcc  No.8453458


Yes, please continue with the

satanic gibberish

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570fec  No.8453459

File: 0d1b5140a2c3ec3⋯.png (849.06 KB, 1280x731, 1280:731, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8453198 lb

sauce: youtu.be/s4DwYVbBlgo

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933b28  No.8453460

>>8453081 PB

or how local jurisdictions make up laws that remove you from your rights

say Portland OR if cops don't like you they can throw you in a drunk tank for up to 48 hours with no charges

so defend your rights, or don't bow down to their bully unlawful practices they ruff you up a bit and drunk tank you

very corrupt USA coast to coast

but it's what your elders bequeathed us, while they got theirs and made rules that limit you getting yours

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afff43  No.8453461


MY GOD! The Strength of those TOES!

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ebefeb  No.8453462

The day that I know will come in America to lead the World - The day at a cocktail party a man can say to another man - 'Yes I'm gay and it's a Sin I live with' and then they talk about the last Lakers game and then get a beer together.

I look forward to a day when Sex is unimportant and love is Uber important.

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000aff  No.8453463


Charles Koch (the alive one) is teaming with Soros to waste enormous amounts of money supporting a Trumpian cause of no more endless wars.

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d5b92c  No.8453465

File: 6a33edc7e5b6118⋯.png (10.19 KB, 501x348, 167:116, Screen_Shot_03_17_20_at_09….PNG)

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d7c4ee  No.8453466

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deb2c7  No.8453467


>Without bars and resturants to enjoy New York is a piece of crap town.

A beer in NYC is almost $20.

A meal is even more.

You can't even enjoy the bars and restaurants if you're average Joe.

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822689  No.8453468


free speech

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63b8ae  No.8453469

File: b93fddd30860852⋯.png (276.38 KB, 1660x1413, 1660:1413, problem_posts.png)


Blessings baker.

Here's a cap to demonstrate to posters understand why baker can't easily notable some posts.

Anons can post anything they want.

But to be notable, posts need to have clear descriptions that can be quickly grasped.

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af06bb  No.8453470


Virus release in China probably unintentional. Why reveal this weapon in such a ham handed way? Spread of various strains of virus so rapidly throughout the world was part of "never let a mistake go to waste" when you can use it to try to unseat POTUS and steal wealth from all countries by placing additional debt on future generations.

POTUS focuses on giving money to people and businesses knowing they ar ekey to maintaining the economy. Plus helping its people is the whole purpose of having a government. POTUS knows this, most in government don't seem to. FED finally does what it should have done 18 months ago after transferring trillions to cabal banking and finance buds to cover for their gambling debts?

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26089d  No.8453471

File: 05fab75797ee3be⋯.png (202 KB, 1003x674, 1003:674, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bd731b152cb4ed⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_03_17T21_22_02.mp3)


Artificial Intelligence is the enemy. Shut the internet down and AI will have no further ability to maintain the war efforts.

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13d6d0  No.8453472

File: 04f547a4e908916⋯.png (437.43 KB, 590x528, 295:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fada07b2acefc43⋯.png (9.35 KB, 386x223, 386:223, ClipboardImage.png)

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1854dc  No.8453473

File: 27787be7a6b67fa⋯.png (3.84 KB, 351x263, 351:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fce2e3168df0fbe⋯.png (636.46 KB, 658x1454, 329:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fa9d400ba36c8e⋯.png (398.28 KB, 604x447, 604:447, ClipboardImage.png)

Reminder for Anons: News dissemination+

JS and SC were ]Freed[ and Protected for a Purpose.

Information Warfare.

JS has an Incredible news site/company, and each article contains a digs link for sauce , no kidding.



SC is solid and a Patriot.


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4fd521  No.8453474

File: 79f313233cd6747⋯.png (30.05 KB, 775x381, 775:381, Filters.png)


Like your quads


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eddf9d  No.8453475

File: d46650507081f7e⋯.jpg (382.1 KB, 4000x2250, 16:9, covfefe.jpg)

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13d6d0  No.8453476


fuck controlled opposition clown Jack "chatlogs" Posobiec.

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bb0fd3  No.8453477

File: 651a7644aadaa1b⋯.jpg (158.7 KB, 1024x646, 512:323, billhaiti.jpg)

File: ae56a7d626c545f⋯.jpg (69.37 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, hillaryhaiti.jpg)

SICK yet?

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e01dc9  No.8453478


5 store 3 towns checked. Not a package of TP to be seen.

Just observation didn't need any.

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dc7bcc  No.8453479


Solomon needs to win all the prizes. All of them.

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619b8d  No.8453480

File: ff154b6cc73e7d3⋯.jpg (112.1 KB, 1440x1417, 1440:1417, ff154b6cc73e7d30df219cbf56….jpg)


ty Anon! o7

>Friedrich Merz - German politician, one of the candidates for next chancellor of Germany

Added to list. WIll post update mid-bread

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822689  No.8453481


floating a biscuit

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6e225b  No.8453482


This is the part that keeps me pondering.

We are pretty much halfway through this first part (the cleaning).

Things have become evident that are horriffic.

Things have become evident that are pretty damn spoopy.

Things have become evident that directly reference writings fromt he beginning of… Writing.

Anons are only halfway (in the 40% of the total 405/60% context mind you) into the rabbithole.

There is still much to uncover.

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882573  No.8453483


>im busy working on my video for tonight

Be looking for it after this evening's jam session.

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93d137  No.8453484


She has mild autism.

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05f603  No.8453485

File: 55bcf9275f5e58e⋯.png (399.86 KB, 1349x2664, 1349:2664, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8f5fa85e2111fa⋯.png (11.87 KB, 669x193, 669:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fdb1eb940bc92b⋯.png (634.08 KB, 492x606, 82:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ca53df7f05f4c0⋯.png (113.12 KB, 481x388, 481:388, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50c56197611c0af⋯.png (295.1 KB, 1365x603, 455:201, ClipboardImage.png)


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eebb3e  No.8453486

File: f35a65c7c8aa51d⋯.jpeg (70.72 KB, 828x564, 69:47, CE3823DB_C53E_4388_8B2C_5….jpeg)

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782c66  No.8453487


The Chinese doctor gave his life to expose it before the cabal could possible use it WW?

The virus released in China is not the same one that is now in the west? (if that virus even existed)

White hats have took advantage of the cabals attempt and turn it on them? (I never trust anything like this to be for us the people truly)

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a85442  No.8453488

File: ade5c19840c04f1⋯.jpg (166.04 KB, 1083x1283, 1083:1283, Slam_dunk_charges_coming.jpg)

>>8453203 LB Anon pointed out glass on corner of napkin interesting clue

Patriot Anons

Slam dunk charges coming

C before D

Sealed > Unsealed

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ce0206  No.8453489

File: 4ade756f5e9f1af⋯.jpg (170.82 KB, 716x554, 358:277, Screenshot_20200317_172045….jpg)

File: 0650dee0f96102d⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, 20200317_162517.jpg)

File: f5f0a088de175e8⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, 20200317_160205.jpg)

File: 7da5c4d0b11e183⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, 20200317_160151.jpg)

I visited Long Island and NYC today delivering loads

Saw some interesting signage.

Saw a cruise ship by the verrazano bridge… which normally I don't see.

Breaking 911 claiming shelter in place is being deliberated on.


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41dafe  No.8453490

File: e2959560d0bbf49⋯.png (7.57 KB, 311x192, 311:192, Capture.PNG)

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ab4f8f  No.8453491



FISA works both ways you fucking syphilitic hobgoblins

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df736b  No.8453492

File: 5c214e93dd8a21e⋯.png (227.73 KB, 918x1062, 51:59, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

Upcoming pedowood production trying to get ahead of the narrative? Or merely using Q as inspiration? This is a Ben Affleck project. He's playing the black-boxed character.

Sick of this BS. Always twisting the truth, stealing it, then turning it against us. Literally Satan in the garden.


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822689  No.8453493


xenu flapper

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861418  No.8453494


Thanks, muh old JS kek, currently using Bakertools even though it has some deficiencies, allows me to skim thru noms fast when peeking into the bread from the meme lab and hopefully not miss too much.

Yes serious anons should get a custom javascript to be moar comfy, definitely agree.

Codefags101 bread.

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1854dc  No.8453495


a patriot and fearless.

his site should be relevant for declass.

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435b5c  No.8453496

File: 1d84010bf41bfee⋯.png (29.21 KB, 632x501, 632:501, 1495168905890.png)

Still there beardedanon?

The other job called…

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9f62c3  No.8453497


All of a sudden the governors of California and New York are praising Trump? This is about survival. Covid-19 isn't it, something big is about to break!

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7a96fc  No.8453498

File: 0315eccde0619b7⋯.png (97.16 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)


ID that watch

no reason, just curious

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79ebca  No.8453499

File: 347a1d51cd38493⋯.png (434.53 KB, 538x485, 538:485, ClipboardImage.png)

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13d6d0  No.8453500


it´s not a bot, but a clown.

and that whole "who dies ebot reply to" bs just bs and meant to confuse anons.

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dc7bcc  No.8453501


It's an fascinating study into the panic mentality of the mob. Everyone is buying toilet paper, so I must be missing out on why I need toilet paper, better buy toilet paper, omg no toilet paper, better camp out at the store and wait for the toilet paper to arrive, holy shit I still can't find any toilet paper.

Oh, wait, I don't need any toilet paper.

Huh. What was I so worried about toilet paper for.

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5435e6  No.8453502


Thats the oscillating tone

Why have i been hearing that for three years?

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8b8efa  No.8453503

File: f4b573902bebdc1⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 1620x912, 135:76, Pain_now_in_color.jpg)

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6f55d0  No.8453504

I still don't understand why 2020 is cancelled due to a flu in the spring.

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19d61c  No.8453505


If a lockdown helps Q and Q+, why is someone like NYC's deBlasio going for it?

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9894a0  No.8453506


wuts up homey

just saw that tanker ship pass going up the Hudson

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d30bdf  No.8453507

File: bad96ba73f3b605⋯.jpg (128.25 KB, 612x408, 3:2, adobe_systems_evp_ww_ops_0….jpg)

Adobe, Inc. EVP WW Operations sold:$11.25m-Mar 16


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000aff  No.8453508


sergei brin and larry page stepped down from Google

larry ellison and sheldon adelson held trump fundraisers or gave donations

elon musk seems to be in the tank

mark zuckerberg has been a used by soros of helping re-elect trump


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822689  No.8453509


kill the canary

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89c7c8  No.8453510

File: 281bd56bbf53cbd⋯.png (304.25 KB, 720x645, 48:43, Screenshot_20200317_141357….png)

Tump loves Ronny

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93c284  No.8453511

File: e7aa201d87b0332⋯.jpg (57.49 KB, 586x500, 293:250, Freddy7.jpg)

File: 8cdce21ffaa8548⋯.jpg (59.34 KB, 586x500, 293:250, Freddy6.jpg)

File: fed5f38ae8e364e⋯.jpg (99.44 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Freddy4.jpg)

File: 827a12727fdd449⋯.jpg (122.21 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Freddy3.jpg)

File: a025e7e5c5d353f⋯.jpg (573.31 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Cat_roadkill_net.jpg)

Is Freddy on perma-filter? It's super comfy not seeing his posts unless I click on a reply.

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8cf76a  No.8453512


ty for the clean post


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2040f9  No.8453513


is covfefe a croatian word?

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41dafe  No.8453514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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782c66  No.8453515

The fact people have reacted to the corona virus the way they have with the panic buying…etc

Kinda proves we haven't had much of an impact at all, in the last 3 years.

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adf8e4  No.8453516


And if you Google images for

"Coronavirus" "electron microscope"

You will see what Corona really looks like, and the false color images are not red on white and the little spiky things are more like round balls or saucers.

I think this white ball with red triangles is comms of some sort. Maybe it is Cabal imagery of blood and the pyramid capstone or maybe it is intel agencies sending a message to the clowns. The NSA used this image in a tweet recently.

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822689  No.8453517

Make a trumpet of one's ass (John Milton)

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7a96fc  No.8453518

File: 30c838466bf0fbd⋯.png (611.9 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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d7c4ee  No.8453519

File: 7ba5e0d8d992fbe⋯.png (595.55 KB, 834x843, 278:281, screenshot.png)

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ce0206  No.8453520


Chillin in SI Loading for PA lol

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dc7bcc  No.8453521


Life hack: Presuppose everything in the bible is true, and everything that purports to contradict the bible is false.

Huge time saver.

Demons, demon/human hybrids, invisible enemies, hyperintelligent interdimensional alien beings, both good and bad, the works.

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795bb1  No.8453522

Lypophyllized virus (powder) kept in a vacuum sealed glass vial can last indefinitely…and released strategically.

Some even small enough to be placed subcutaneously in something smaller than a grain of rice and smuggled in.

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dd928d  No.8453523

File: 74a52992cffe4f9⋯.jpg (194.04 KB, 1024x977, 1024:977, lstbread.jpg)

Just digging around

This caught my eye any sauce or reference text anyone here can point me too.

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f6d2cf  No.8453524




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13d6d0  No.8453525

File: f07a8b5663213ab⋯.jpeg (13.07 KB, 275x183, 275:183, f07a8b5663213ab48142a63e7….jpeg)

File: 8df2c1662c70e4f⋯.jpg (29.81 KB, 760x428, 190:107, JaredKushner.jpg)

File: da5b76de9190a85⋯.png (257.39 KB, 532x560, 19:20, Natanyahu_attacked_by_Huss….png)

File: cd54cf6cde8f4a2⋯.png (287.76 KB, 609x343, 87:49, PeaceDeal.png)


propaganda clown, your shit is old.

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2adb54  No.8453526


we got plenty of TP in indonesia. So much that there's a lot left over to export around the region. People in Jakarta have been laughing at these stories of TP shortage in Australia and elsewhere.

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ebefeb  No.8453527

If a Nation's moral compass is driven by .8 percent instead of the 99.2 percent you've got a problem.

If Families don't come first, a Nation will not survive. You cannot go against 5000 years in 30 years because .8 percent want to.

We are not in a fight against homosexuals. We're in a fight against a hidden enemy that uses homosexuals as body armor. Aids - manufactured killing of homosexuals to radicalize them through infiltration.

Pelosi - Head of Congress? Aids? This goes MUCH DEEPER.

Homos better get on our side. They kill you to justify their power grab.

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07e987  No.8453528


>It's the frustrating thing about Q.


>Things make sense in hindsight.

Like Nostrodamus

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1854dc  No.8453529

for her its about 'her.'

safer with us than the others.

watch the spin 'el'.

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6c9e5d  No.8453530

File: a1b56176875d8ee⋯.jpg (55.68 KB, 422x750, 211:375, 054b4fde2b3c6b273b0986fb1b….jpg)

File: ee1ac620efec678⋯.png (17.99 KB, 357x78, 119:26, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

File: c4ca3d23042e16f⋯.png (272.13 KB, 385x797, 385:797, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)


Thank you baker.

An honored anon and fren-ra.


can't baker right now, sorry

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79ebca  No.8453531


i've been hearing it for decades. doesn't oscillate that much. is worse if tv is on. sometimes it gets loud and lower in one ear for a few secs then back to the stereo high hiss in the middle of my head.

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d30bdf  No.8453532

File: 2c5539fad51c202⋯.png (646.04 KB, 677x501, 677:501, tom_hanks_fuck.PNG)

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e9b7e1  No.8453533

File: cb9ce17f3c7009b⋯.png (576.8 KB, 694x851, 694:851, ClipboardImage.png)

Saudi Prince’s $78 Million Superyacht Capsizes in Greece

The $78 million luxury superyacht belonging to Saudi Prince Turki bin Mohamed bin Fahd Al Saud recently submerged underwater in Perama, Greece, after being dropped on its side by a lift machine.

The anticipated repairs of the Nourah of Riyad piled up earlier this month after the Turkish-built yacht capsized while being lifted out of the water for repairs at the Megatechnica shipyard.

According to SuperyachtNews, there were no human injuries or pollution exposed to marine life as a result of the incident. However, the shipyard did incur damage from the ship, which was seen at a 45-degree angle after being partially submerged.


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ce0206  No.8453534


Maybe they flipped?

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9894a0  No.8453535


That cruise ship looks like the one that left on Sun pm.

Seen a few lately. Noticed them cuz muh cruise industry panic.

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861418  No.8453536


I've got the power, kek.

Got quads in LB too.

Had to clear my cache, cannot prove it.

Thanks, that works.

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bb0fd3  No.8453538

File: 917479283bc1b99⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 890x501, 890:501, tucker.jpg)


Did we ID this one?

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12f378  No.8453539

I don't know about anons but I'm 100% ok. No issues at all anybody the same UKanon

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dc7bcc  No.8453540


Whoever green lit this needs a lobotomy.

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c656ef  No.8453541


This is the kind of Hope pron I can get into. kek

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13d6d0  No.8453542



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6b5d55  No.8453543

File: 0068a395d9f7605⋯.jpg (347.39 KB, 1211x801, 1211:801, Fakebook.jpg)

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26089d  No.8453544

File: 208903942d99f2d⋯.png (174.39 KB, 320x289, 320:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bb65a8118a142e⋯.png (803.75 KB, 675x900, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac11b58b87a5420⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1149x858, 383:286, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0aceb5c89dfc0c3⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_03_17T21_27_10.mp3)

433.050.000 HZ is the frequency that works best to safeguard your mind in your home against the AI threats. The enemy is not invisible once you know what happens when they hear these sounds.

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b74be7  No.8453545

File: c0796d5a092718f⋯.png (102.43 KB, 972x926, 486:463, prtf17mar20.PNG)

Link for transcript for today's Coronavirus Task Force presser

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing


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782c66  No.8453546

File: d89e331a3a5d9f6⋯.png (45.7 KB, 387x722, 387:722, 020599bf3409a100301779188d….png)

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f3e83c  No.8453547

File: 1112b7e829aed69⋯.jpg (135.78 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Qpast.jpg)


>Learn to read the map

HelperAnon dropping crumbs.

Anons not listening.

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000aff  No.8453548


jack dorsey keeps hinting that he needs to go on a new vision quest

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1854dc  No.8453549


potus and mnuchin will structure repayment to taxpayer for a win/win.

without the DS would gain too much.

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93c284  No.8453550

File: b09ec662a17af1a⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 624x500, 156:125, Ziggy2.jpg)

File: f2288d3af9b312e⋯.jpg (62.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Ziggy1.jpg)


All the bad guys are trying to become the good guys and fool people, but it's way too late for that.

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dc7bcc  No.8453551


dude had a post with 3 ebot hits before I even read it

I go by evidence, and trust myself.

What would you say you go by?

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d7c4ee  No.8453552


>Anons swing Twat Poll - 15k anon votes in ONE HOUR

chekt 55

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822689  No.8453553

File: 406bd975ead0ad9⋯.png (61.18 KB, 590x418, 295:209, k7v6d1jm_ou3aqg_mhr5d4.png)

behold our saurkrauter volcano which is full of berliner thetans

must go clear

must drop bomb



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435b5c  No.8453554

File: c3f25c503d44ed4⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe.jpg)

File: ff656e76013373c⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 439x363, 439:363, 1519721347528.jpg)


Thanks Truckeranon for keeping America humming along.

Be safe out there good buddy.

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776128  No.8453555

File: 34f5f16b24be3aa⋯.png (3.97 MB, 1440x958, 720:479, ClipboardImage.png)

At War with a Hidden Enemy

Refugees hmm?

Fuck yeah right

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e9b7e1  No.8453556

id-crisis, Democrat Super PAC to Spend $5 Million Attacking Trump over Coronavirus

A Democratic Party-aligned super PAC plans to spend $5 million on digital advertising to attack President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak — even as the nation struggles with the growing public health threat.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday:

A Democratic super PAC said Tuesday it would spend $5 million on digital advertising flaying President Trump for his response to the novel coronavirus, one of several groups that planned to devote resources to this type of messaging.

McGowan said it was critical for outside groups like hers to exact a political price on Trump as his possible Democratic opponents, former vice president Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), aim to project leadership by staying above the fray.

Biden and Sanders have hardly stayed “above the fray.” Neither has offered support to the president, and both have been scathing in their attacks.

Biden — who called Trump’s January travel ban on China “hysterical” and “racist” — criticized the president and released his own plan, while opposing travel bans from China, Europe, “or any other part of the world.”

Sanders called for Trump to be replaced on the coronavirus issue by “experts” and Congress — and said he should be “shut up.”

Former Democratic Party presidential candidate Andrew Yang took a different approach on Tuesday, offering his support to the White House as it considered a temporary, emergency version of his signature campaign idea: $1,000 per month to each American household.

Another former candidate, Michael Bloomberg, pledged $40 million Tuesday to the fight against coronavirus — a small fraction of the fortune he spent on his failed campaign, which cost over half a billion dollars.

According to the Post, the $5 million ad buy is only one of several similar efforts by left-wing groups to capitalize on the coronavirus outbreak.


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93d137  No.8453557


I'm sure there are plenty of balding dudes out there who feel the same.

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9894a0  No.8453558



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4d625d  No.8453559


Get a real job.

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499e02  No.8453560


H.R.6172 - USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020


S.3421 - USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020


Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

Sec. 2. Amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.


Sec. 101. Repeal of authority to access on an ongoing basis call detail records.

Sec. 102. Civil liberties protections in use of authority to access business records.

Sec. 103. Protection of information otherwise requiring warrant.

Sec. 104. Protecting Fourth Amendment rights of United States persons.

Sec. 105. Use of information.

Sec. 106. Exclusions from authority to access business records.

Sec. 107. Effective date.


Sec. 201. Declassification of significant decisions, orders, and opinions.

Sec. 202. Appointment of amici curiae and access to information.

Sec. 203. Disclosure of relevant information; Inspector General oversight.

Sec. 204. Information provided in annual reports.


Sec. 301. Mandatory reporting on certain orders.

Sec. 302. Improvements to Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.

Sec. 303. Report on use of FISA authorities regarding protected activities and protected classes.

Sec. 304. Sunsets.

Sec. 305. Technical amendments.

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13d6d0  No.8453561


fuck off, namefagging clown!

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5c4080  No.8453562


now at 40,325 votes

53% Yes

47% No

beeep boop

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8cf76a  No.8453563

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df736b  No.8453564


Because you muzzies use your left hands.

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93c284  No.8453565


The Sauds are going down?

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7c161b  No.8453566

File: 14a5c1b1e05765c⋯.jpg (392.86 KB, 1200x343, 1200:343, fema.jpg)

File: a062edf4c56f50b⋯.jpg (30.73 KB, 470x306, 235:153, FEMA_Zones.jpg)

Anon posted this on /pol/ on Sunday claiming FEMA was "about to be activated in Zones 2, 9 & 10". That's NYC, California, Washington.

Since then, the Bay Area was placed under a "shelter in place" order, and NYC is currently considering something similar. If FEMA Anon is real, Seattle and maybe Portland are next on the "shelter in place" orders.

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24d27e  No.8453567


TWO separate strains released unintentionally? Why hasn't any MSM asked @POTUS whether "foul play" has been ruled out with respect to the release(s)? Maybe same reason they don't "ask the question"??

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e29510  No.8453568

File: 4be99367c9e84d4⋯.jpg (292.43 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_142623….jpg)

File: 332172005741845⋯.jpg (249.01 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_142631….jpg)

File: a67bd25b808f0d3⋯.jpg (169.43 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_142659….jpg)

File: 21262f3a45db255⋯.jpg (238.38 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_142649….jpg)

Ah yeah!

IKEA ties to clinton Foundation

>>8452937 (lb)


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782c66  No.8453569

File: ce9ec89fb94ff14⋯.png (7.37 KB, 325x99, 325:99, e2c0e10ed3b06261132d23a7f5….png)

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1854dc  No.8453570


watch the wives!

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19d61c  No.8453571


SOMEONE wants the insurance cash?

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822689  No.8453572



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b9ce34  No.8453573


Remember the fappening hacks?? She was wonderful she should stick to that

did spooky ghost hack 100's of celebs for their nudes, or maybe just ONE producer??

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e01dc9  No.8453574

File: 7221ce50d33216c⋯.png (969.54 KB, 832x842, 416:421, ClipboardImage.png)



Yes Veteran buddy of mine and anon have been filling each other in on stats and keking at the sheeple.

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08a3b4  No.8453575

File: 1603486835b702a⋯.jpeg (101.76 KB, 565x442, 565:442, B6A199AC_7334_4735_A8AC_0….jpeg)


Sheeple be sheeple.

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5fa9e2  No.8453576

File: e248e5d94ec2bea⋯.jpg (70.85 KB, 800x449, 800:449, index1.jpg)

File: 8596908bae38449⋯.jpg (80.79 KB, 750x422, 375:211, index2.jpg)

File: 6a902350f483031⋯.jpg (88.27 KB, 800x449, 800:449, index3.jpg)

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802689  No.8453577

File: 58ad8b8399ba1d7⋯.jpeg (38.11 KB, 440x340, 22:17, FDAB567B_FD84_4FC1_8E04_3….jpeg)


I will happily work side by side with all of my **fellow Americans.

**this statement excludes all Irish Americans.

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6e225b  No.8453578


You're not wrong. At least for the words in redtext ;)

It just sucks that that information was turned into such a cartoon.

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694874  No.8453579

File: 591543dd5b1b0d6⋯.jpeg (2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, aks_djt_q.jpeg)

POTUS, We are so giddy in the head with the idea of the Great Awakening habbening, that we're uncertain as to whether the Great Awipening includes a true virus run amok in our homeland.

We can handle it if both habbenings are occurring simultaneously; we know we are in a Silent War. Thank you for being the warrior you are for We The People.

If this virus is the real deal, would you please ask our lovely First Lady to post a picture of her and your son practicing social distancing at home while he is showing her his javascript skills on the computer?



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13d6d0  No.8453580


I go by knowing ebot is not a bot, newfag.

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e9b7e1  No.8453581

File: 92684d284de84b8⋯.png (43.28 KB, 679x535, 679:535, ClipboardImage.png)

China’s Coronavirus Propaganda Copies U.S. ‘Liberal Media,’ Trump’s Travel Bans ‘Saved Us’

Gordon Chang, Daily Beast columnist and author of The Great U.S.-China Tech War, noted the parallel narratives between America’s left-wing news media and China’s state-run propaganda regarding the coronavirus outbreak. He also praised President Donald Trump’s travel ban measures in response to the viral spread, offering his analysis on Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

Marlow recalled news media derision of Trump’s identification of the coronavirus’s origin in China as “racist.” Assorted news media figures and Democrat disparaged the sharing of such information as “xenophobic.”

“When did it become improper to describe a virus based off of where its origin is?” asked Marlow, reflecting on the Ebola virus being alternatively referred to as West Nile virus. “But yet, all of a sudden the president’s a racist here. It just seems like the media always does this.”

“They also suggested the travel ban from Europe was racist — even though the President’s also a Nazi, depending on who you ask, and he banned travel from Germany,” joked Marlow, “but it’s hard to keep up. [Do] you take any of it seriously … or is it just all sort of their usual talking points? ”

Chang replied, “I take this very seriously, because what China is trying to do [is] say that we’re responsible for the coronavirus, and that has enormous implications — not only between China the United States, but around the world — because it does affect our image.”

Chang added, “China is trying to divide the U.S. by slinging these charges of racism, and so therefore they’re trying to undermine the Trump administration and the president himself.”


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dc7bcc  No.8453582


There's a sickness in Scientism where models are reality, and artist's constructions are the real thing. Massive modelitis where simulations predict reality, even though they do things like state that reality is a simulation. A simulation saying that reality is a simulation is an identity, not a breakthrough.

As Tesla said, when Science, not Scientism, studies non-physical phenomenon, we will advance Science more in 10 years than in all human history.

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a81534  No.8453583


Yes, of course: a Sphere! Super! All one big zap at once! I've got to find Mitch to help me build it but it should increase the power ten-fold at least.

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861418  No.8453584

File: 64285326366037d⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, QCrumbsMatrixDeeperUnreali….jpg)

File: f5f7075ce5d6383⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1920x1486, 960:743, QCrumbsMoreUnrealistic.jpg)

File: da2bd067c0f22fd⋯.jpg (441.69 KB, 1380x720, 23:12, QRNTrishaPepeUnrealistic6.jpg)

File: f5d7309f4adb795⋯.jpg (366.1 KB, 974x515, 974:515, QCrumbsUnrealistic.jpg)

>>8453482 pic

>>8453429 pic

>>8453521 Yep. If one believes it, suddenly a lot of things fit together and make moar sense. Strange but true: belief precedes understanding.

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77e657  No.8453585

File: 8ce7d14473795e2⋯.jpg (7.34 KB, 255x143, 255:143, a044054a43c245ce3917353822….jpg)

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9c4e55  No.8453586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I cannot ponder so much to the progress so much as have faith in the purification that is ensuing and yet to complete.

>o7 Godspeed QTeam


>Midnight Express

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000aff  No.8453587


Deutsche Bank and Virgin, both run by anti-Trump activists are both rumored to effectively be insolvent.

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782c66  No.8453588


Our purpose is to awake the world.. hasn't worked.

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e9b7e1  No.8453589




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777f41  No.8453590

Anons have any word on the whereabouts of despicable George Clooney?

There was a "q" in the captcha so the question is legit

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933b28  No.8453591

everything happening today

the fear, anger, disillusionment

are the result of the biggest TELL

that Q is not a patriot

they did not 1 attempt to restrain MSM or social media

when losing arguments with family and friends and they call you crazy, it's this failure that should convince you that none of this is for you, it only earns the positions of power in the new system, replacing the old system, death, taxes, indentured servitude, war, poverty, control, and manipulation…

with a new team at the top, they caught em mid hand off exposed, and are playing out the hand of a new power, still the same as the old power

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1fa009  No.8453592

File: b6482130eab6a6e⋯.jpeg (700.71 KB, 1125x1282, 1125:1282, A9FE6AB7_7A60_4CD1_8DA2_D….jpeg)

Imagine being Tom Perez and allowing the growth of a mob that will eventually eat you alive. Fucking scum bag.


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dc7bcc  No.8453593


Nostrildamus was 12% accurate, and admitted to consorting with demons of divination.

Q is neither.

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95ba58  No.8453594

File: d10cd586271046c⋯.png (797.35 KB, 1560x1624, 195:203, Wisdom1.png)


I started to try to decipher.

Takes a long time not knowing Hebrew.

have to use Google Translate and copy and past Hebrew letters from Wikipedia.

I believe the title of the manuscript is:

A Book Of Wisdom


A Stay Of Wisdom (Meditaion?)

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9894a0  No.8453595


eyes on VZ and XOM

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13d6d0  No.8453596

File: 71b83238cda257b⋯.png (843.09 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Peace_Deal.png)


saving israel for last was done. maybe you missed that?

now it´s go time.

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9633da  No.8453597

File: f4469f2195069cf⋯.png (115.46 KB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020_03_17_ECLI….png)


Workin on tracking many things for at least 90 days. Looks like Roman Abramovich's yacht ECLIPSE has not left the Gustavia, St. Berthelemy Anchorage Area since 2/15

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2adb54  No.8453598


There are many Christians in Indonesia like myself. Just look at the history of Makassar on the island of Sulawesi. Many families here have followed Jesus Christ for over 400 years.

But it's true, lots of muzzies running around this place. I pray it will change one day.

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eddf9d  No.8453599




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d30bdf  No.8453600


they are either being told to do it this way or are trying to hide it. Dorsey and Zuckerfag only claim $1 for a yearly salary

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822689  No.8453601



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26089d  No.8453602

File: 2f339a8787f8f6d⋯.png (1007.89 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


The real Donald Trump died in 1999 of a gunshot wound to the left temple above his eyebrow. He was shot in Arizona before a rally when he got out of his limo to honor some vets that were standing beside a red brick wall. Nobody talks about his dent and you won't see or find any information about this. As a matter of fact, the Big Brother arm of the Military Industrial Machine wiped all evidence clean from the internet about everything related to the 1999 happening. There is no trace of Trump before the year 2000. What you do find are the original Trump casino websites and that is all.

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ce0206  No.8453603


Figured our boat fags could ID ship

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8b8efa  No.8453604

it was a year ago today . . .

someone tell me if you remember.

and he charmed but he also alarmed.

and he flirted and blurted and ultimately

turned into a troll for a while, like a mad season in a fairytail, he got grim and unbelievable.

who? who was that charming man who turned into a troll?

why it was . . . .

and he was bakin' naked! (but he had it blocked out in his video)

I don't think he ever turned back from being a troll.

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795bb1  No.8453605

File: 9863d38bd7e6d8a⋯.jpg (101.82 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ZomboMeme_08032020014642.jpg)

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9894a0  No.8453606

Fauci on Hannity. Missed most of it. Anyone?

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dc7bcc  No.8453607


is email, mail?

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e29510  No.8453608

File: 97122d3cb6fe1c5⋯.jpg (562.76 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_143026….jpg)

File: 3a09ff3d81b207e⋯.jpg (474.46 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_143040….jpg)

File: b86e06448f64d51⋯.jpg (524.49 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_143033….jpg)

File: b2f9cd58421b235⋯.jpg (233.72 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_143104….jpg)

File: 27be0452394a475⋯.jpg (462.49 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_143046….jpg)



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93c284  No.8453609

File: 61dc07ff308f1ba⋯.jpg (323.38 KB, 1435x771, 1435:771, AZAZ0909_17_Mar_20_1517.jpg)


Strange, there was an AZAZ0909 flight that flew over Providence today. Coinkydink? Nah….

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7a96fc  No.8453610

File: 711f4074b28e418⋯.png (507.82 KB, 700x921, 700:921, ClipboardImage.png)

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2053e4  No.8453611

File: bbb4e006d532171⋯.jpeg (284.28 KB, 1125x825, 15:11, CE037FED_D3F8_4F19_8BB3_E….jpeg)

Cool- look at this

First Google, Dana Bash, Mornin Joe, now YouTube?


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9faf6a  No.8453612

WTF is going on I keep seeing "MAGA" folks turning on POTUS right and left due to muh virus. Are y'all really fair weather patriots?

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df736b  No.8453613


Blessings on you, fren. I lived in Singapore for awhile. Strange mix of cultures/religions.

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af4eaa  No.8453614

File: 0ee80aabc4ba24e⋯.jpg (42.96 KB, 411x508, 411:508, lufag.jpg)



>One incident discussed was a pandemic. I participated in that exercise.

After graduating cum laude from Harvard in 1991,[9] Lu started his career as a law clerk to Judge Robert Cowen in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. In 1992, he began working as a litigation attorney at the Washington, D.C. office of Sidley Austin, a large Chicago-based law firm. Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, also worked at Sidley Austin, in the firm's Chicago office.[7]

Lu also served as special adviser for communications to Senator John Kerry during the 2004 presidential election. One of his primary duties there was coordinating the activities of families of September 11 attack victims supporting the Kerry campaign.[9]

After Barack Obama was elected as U.S. Senator of Illinois, Lu joined Obama's office in early 2005 as legislative director. As legislative director, Lu led a 15-person group and was responsible for overseeing the drafting of all legislation and advising Obama on votes and policy decisions.[9]

Lu eventually became acting chief of staff in Obama's Senate office.

In 2009, Lu visited China in July 2009 as part of an official delegation for the Obama administration, along with Locke and Chu. Although his parents were born there, it was the first time Lu had set foot on Chinese soil.[5] Lu was introduced to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who said upon meeting Lu, "I know the name and also the importance of his position."[18] In July 2010, Lu was a member of the official U.S. delegation to the Shanghai Expo, along with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.[19]

He remains heavily involved as a DNC superdelegate and co-chaired DNC Chairman Tom Perez's transition committee.[23]


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782c66  No.8453615

File: f787bf497d7400a⋯.png (8.05 KB, 274x119, 274:119, ea682b10f2e3a4ca9a95519caf….png)

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822689  No.8453616





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2040f9  No.8453617


fascinating assertions without sauce

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499e02  No.8453618

File: 6b88520f0089fdc⋯.jpg (144.66 KB, 850x477, 850:477, congress_corona_fail.jpg)

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de53f0  No.8453619


True or if they get a check they will say he is trying to buy their votes..If they filed taxes wouldn't they get a check?

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f3aff6  No.8453620

>>8453068 LB

Saw a similar article this morning. Made a couple of purchases for things that might be needed over next 4-6 weeks. Got confirmation for Prime delivery on Saturday (slower than usual but "confirmed"). All orders "sold by" Amazon, not 3rd parties.

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619b8d  No.8453621

File: 8aca6fb22fa84b9⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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3b341e  No.8453622

File: da52d4ca3b89f24⋯.png (65.86 KB, 840x564, 70:47, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

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ebefeb  No.8453623

Only a Moral and Family dominated People can operate the levers of power in America. Otherwise it falls into rust and disrepair from the short sighted tyrants of ill gotten political pedigrees.

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822689  No.8453624


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c35087  No.8453625

Leo Varadkar, the Irish prime minister, made a rare, Ministerial Broadcast, to the country at 9pm.

"This is the calm before the storm, before the surge, and when it comes, and it will come, never will so many ask so much of so few.'

He met with Potus last week at the White House. Most Irish will assume he's talking about the coronavirus, but we know different. Interesting language indeed and on St. Patrick's Day too.

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af4eaa  No.8453626


link p.b.

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c656ef  No.8453627


name one.

I'll wait.

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9894a0  No.8453628


fake and gay dry assertions.

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a225e4  No.8453629

File: 3f24e32fba798e8⋯.jpg (41.44 KB, 852x472, 213:118, it.jpg)


at the very least POTUS is indicating that


a witting agent. witting

the "it" tho, wat mean ? we should SOLVE

have seen sum street-level clowns with the "f it" sticker on their clown car

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13d6d0  No.8453630


w/o any sauce you are the only one 'seeing' that happen, clown.

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bb0fd3  No.8453631

File: f9f2f5230f2e0de⋯.jpg (78.01 KB, 679x573, 679:573, futureprovespast.jpg)

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dc7bcc  No.8453632


They say the natives of the West Indies could not "see" the ships of Columbus, because such a thing was not in their experience, at all. To them, boats were hollowed out logs, etc.

Belief precedes thought provokes action indeed.

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17197d  No.8453633


WE need memes for the Libs that are only too happy to take POTUS's money

Nice ones. (kek)

Even Libtards are eligible

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000aff  No.8453634


don't own any stocks. go away please. set someone else up.

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d7c4ee  No.8453635



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05f603  No.8453636

File: d26c2db02381d98⋯.png (154.59 KB, 667x442, 667:442, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 934d751f43f5b06⋯.png (322.53 KB, 1365x603, 455:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8378e50b1304b3⋯.png (304.64 KB, 1349x1759, 1349:1759, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3b52878b921c1d⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1365x603, 455:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dad3f323b9e07d5⋯.png (76.54 KB, 836x259, 836:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cf76a  No.8453637


hey rafam

enjoy your bakes

we all got IRL sometime

have a good one

tyvm for meme


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822689  No.8453638

File: 105b16fc623929f⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 105b16fc623929f990ee68358b….jpg)


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1854dc  No.8453639



Think bolton disbanding WH pandemic team.

Review CDC Atlanta raid/ ATL [dark]

Much more, add it [+up+]

Not just accounted for.

Plan all along.

We have it all.

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2ef202  No.8453640


sounds like classic bullshit

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bb0fd3  No.8453641


Sauce for Notable?

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08a3b4  No.8453642


Have to have faith. It’s a lot like Christianity. You have to lead by example and share the truth but people won’t change until God and said person are ready.

A lot of my friends and left leaning Anti Trump friends have woken up since this last End of the World Wuhan act from the media.

Anyone with normal IQ knows this isn’t worse than the flu and we don’t shut down the country every flu season.

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5ef8c3  No.8453643

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


Good evening baker.

I can bake at the top of nb if you're looking for a break.


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6b5d55  No.8453644

File: 2ec0e36e9be2b92⋯.jpg (204.54 KB, 614x475, 614:475, Cool_story.jpg)


>The real Donald Trump died in 1999

>He was shot in Arizona before a rally

Why was he doing rallies in 1999?

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9894a0  No.8453645


paranoia will destoy ya

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f3aff6  No.8453646


Any company that has had share buy-backs in last 3 years should be cut off from funds. Stupid waste of cash to protect share price and ensure executive bonuses. Fuckem.

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861418  No.8453647


If this virus is asymptomatic for 1-2 weeks before any visible signs of infection like they say, then during that period it may spread throughout communities. After a week or two we will know moar. Cannot evaluate state of emergency without the data that CDC is looking at so we have a choice to believe them and take precautions, or be foolish and facilitate the spread of a massive biological warfare attack, or whatever this is.

Also whether you believe the infection is real/serious or not, it's absolutely clear that the WH wants and needs all of these precautions that are occurring, for reasons that should become apparent in time.

So denying the virus is serious is not helpful. Better safe than sorry. Better to take precautions and not need them, than to not take them, and discover they were necessary.

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af06bb  No.8453648



>>8452906 lb

Great questions.

Maybe the Waltons should give 2 shares to every American household instead of shifting all those shares to their family trust. Just a bit of give back for all the bailouts.

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e01dc9  No.8453649

File: f15ed55c585378a⋯.jpg (278.84 KB, 1126x968, 563:484, TP.jpg)


It is ridiculous what some people do.

Hand Sanitizer and Toilet Paper…its a Wuhan Flu not dysentery.

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13d6d0  No.8453651


using this drop (which is on statements on dates and who is a good/bad actor) as your argument is pretty weak.


This is not about religions or party affiliation.

EVIL is everywhere.

There are no drawn lines.

No boundaries.

Good vs Evil.


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9faf6a  No.8453652


You are a dick. Off the cuff:

This dude: HighImpactVlogs

Amazing polly.


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000aff  No.8453653


is this an Eastern Star thing or is there some other organization with national/international structure?

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5f840e  No.8453654

File: 0c60d0d40e9406a⋯.png (461.47 KB, 720x487, 720:487, Cupace20200317170831.png)

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93c284  No.8453655

File: 80578d66ba6a620⋯.jpg (537.02 KB, 1915x1007, 1915:1007, AZAZ0909_Providence_17_Mar….jpg)


Close up of the flyover of Providence.

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83ef9e  No.8453656


why doen;t golden corrall buffett bail its out shit out and put sum decent places with decent societal spacing seats and shitz… cheap ass capitalist whoring slobiing pig like the rest of the elite noreasternsothern white halliejacksonsnotdrippin progressive neophyte satanic niggers

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b7771d  No.8453657

File: 20b28d84570cbb1⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 594x407, 54:37, Capture.JPG)

Joe M's "Q - The Plan to Save the World" video is having a YUGE spike in views. https://twitter.com/StormIsUponUs/status/1240024576123211776

The algorithms are down! Come on anons, let's get this video trending! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVeDKuHPDK8

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dc7bcc  No.8453658


I envy you.

A Christian, in the largest muslim population on earth.

You are a jewel.

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b7771d  No.8453659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d5b92c  No.8453660

File: a28489a73e2f1db⋯.png (65.04 KB, 762x723, 254:241, Screen_Shot_03_17_20_at_09….PNG)

File: 8eb4f12828d0fd4⋯.png (67.67 KB, 762x723, 254:241, Screen_Shot_03_17_20_at_09….PNG)

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16c79e  No.8453661

The Cabal is in charge if you think otherwise you're a idiot.

Group run by former Google CEO to hold meeting with venture capitalists about ways to fight coronavirus Yeah that ex google employee


A group backed by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is holding a conference call with venture capitalists and philanthropists about how they can best use their money to help take on the coronavirus.

The call is the latest of many moves being made by Silicon Valley as an extra deterrent against the virus.

Still, beyond the giant tech companies, venture capital firms, often a key source of funding for start-ups, have become capital hubs for businesses that are trying to take on the virus.

A group founded by the former CEO and executive chairman of Google is huddling with venture capitalists to discuss how they can quickly use their resources to help fight the coronavirus.

Seth Bannon, a founding partner of venture capital firm Fifty Years, told CNBC in an interview that the group, Schmidt Futures, is hosting a conference call on Wednesday with philanthropists, including leaders of firms like Bannon’s, to discuss groups they can start funding that are looking to combat COVID-19.

The Schmidt group, Schmidt Futures, which also lists Schmidt’s wife Wendy as a co-founder on its website, describes itself as a group that “invests in and makes grants to for-profit and nonprofit organizations in order to support the most talented people and most promising ideas,” including those focused on scientific breakthroughs.

“This call is particularly for smaller, and more nimble funders,” Bannon said. “It’s for people who can write checks from $100,000 to up to $1 million, but people who can do it quickly,” he added.

The call is the latest of many moves being made by Silicon Valley as an extra deterrent against a virus that has led to over 5,700 cases in the United States with at least 94 deaths.

Last week, Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins held a call with tech leaders about the best ways they can help and invest into organizations on the front lines. Executives at the behemoths of Facebook, Apple, Alphabet and Salesforce were all invited to attend.

Representatives for Schmidt and Schmidt Futures did not return requests for comment.

Still, beyond the giant tech companies, venture capital firms, often a key source of funding for startups, have become capital hubs for businesses that are trying to take on the virus.

Bannon’s firm has a slew of healthcare companies in his portfolio, and he says they expect to spend millions in investments to help fund businesses such as HelixNano, a California based biotech company that is trying to create a vaccine strategy for the coronavirus.

“In the last few weeks, they’ve developed a broad COVID-19 vaccine strategy – essentially a plan to make a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine that will work as the virus mutates,” Bannon said. “It really does feel like an all hands on deck situation—this response has been pretty inspiring.”

There are at least eight other organizations that are part of Bannon’s partfolio that are looking to assist in the nationwide effort, such as a company called Nurx, that previously specialized in delivering birth control but now, according to its website, are preparing to home testing for the coronavirus.

Outside of venture capital, there are Silicon Valley backed lobbying groups, such as FWD.us, that are calling on executives in the tech world for help. FWD is a bipartisan political organization that advocates for a better immigration and criminal justice system.

A note FWD sent potential investors calls on business leaders to help raise funds for Global Response Management, a nonprofit that assists in medical needs in low income areas. The group, according to the memo, is looking to “immediately erect a triage operation and field hospital equivalent for care” in Mexico, close to the U.S. border.

FWD’s founder, Todd Schulte, told CNBC it helped raise over $400,000 so far. The organizations founders include tech power players such as Schmidt, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Greylock partner Reid Hoffman, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg



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0c10a0  No.8453662


This chaos has finally made me see the LIGHT again.

View looks mighty fine from up here.

Walking among the foothill folk to help guide as best I can.

(Little ripples and all.)

Thank you for getting me a bunch of free leave by the way.


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9faf6a  No.8453663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It a pattern I have over the last couple of days chimping out on the virus.

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6891ff  No.8453664

File: 8c7aa4efd4af92d⋯.jpeg (192.96 KB, 828x369, 92:41, 4DBAB203_B65B_419B_8737_D….jpeg)

LAPD makes dramatic increase to patrol presence in Hollywood. Wonder why?


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7a96fc  No.8453665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c656ef  No.8453666


fake MAGA. Paytriots. keep trying.

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ebefeb  No.8453667

Carpe Donkum said it best - "Popular humor only comes from love and making light of."

That imho should be a fucking bible verse. Something to think abut as you make information available to others.

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39e65d  No.8453668



learn stuff faggot.

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13d6d0  No.8453669

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)




As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, secret societies and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).


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9cc88b  No.8453670

File: 602a7f1368a731f⋯.jpg (716.24 KB, 1468x2919, 1468:2919, 3sznlm.jpg)

Updated with something that hit me later.

About the WWW Trump Tweet.

Hidden Enemy = Spiritual Enemy = Eph 6 = Spiritual Armor = Pray

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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3f2674  No.8453671

>>8453657 Anons let's get Joe M video trending


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000aff  No.8453672


i think military handlers after a trial and conviction/confession

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df736b  No.8453673

File: b776c04c25fb6ce⋯.png (30.85 KB, 255x239, 255:239, baitin.png)


>no trace of Trump before the year 2000.

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eab414  No.8453674


never gets old…

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795bb1  No.8453675

File: 7595df13019cf8a⋯.jpg (10 KB, 275x183, 275:183, sizzler.jpg)

Make Sizzler Great Again

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26089d  No.8453676


The Big Brother Military Industrial Complex can wipe out any sauce.

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1854dc  No.8453677

MSM chaos controlled.

Throw them a bone = tp.

Could have been worse.

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e29510  No.8453678

File: 72a8933ef4efb32⋯.jpg (196.92 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_143357….jpg)

File: c5c353ed822081e⋯.jpg (308.19 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_143320….jpg)

File: 3fa408dea2ddf0c⋯.jpg (171.97 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_143408….jpg)

File: 1c7734a8f7adf64⋯.jpg (184.67 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200317_143413….jpg)

File: 7a577bad83d842f⋯.jpg (25.69 KB, 474x257, 474:257, dulquarnaan.jpg)




Clinton foundation


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782c66  No.8453679


Yeah hopefully you're right. Maybe the Media is only showing us those panicking, because they want more panic.

When in reality, hardly anyone is.

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93c284  No.8453680


Hollywood normal folk: "Where the fuck have the LAPD been for the pas three years?"

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9faf6a  No.8453681


Well that is what I wanted to know dick head.

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f3aff6  No.8453682


hilarious trigger. poor eboot so confused

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4fd521  No.8453683


>Super Rich Stranded as Private Jet Operators Say No to Travel


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861418  No.8453684


Say why you think so.

Unsauced = larp.

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570fec  No.8453685


Can you explain to my how the islamization happened so fast?

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782c66  No.8453686


Kicked out of 108 countries.. why?

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a3542c  No.8453687

File: 6292754a60333c6⋯.png (82.31 KB, 1067x900, 1067:900, ClipboardImage.png)


ive been wondering if the tainted blood idea is true, it may be. theres other posts that lend to that idea too, "these people are sick" "god wins"

yesterdays presser re: end of july/august - pics related maybe.

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5f840e  No.8453688

File: 4f2b6cb6ddf9d5b⋯.png (298.43 KB, 1258x648, 629:324, 4f2b6cb6ddf9d5b28003651071….png)

File: f3d7bb7faf98ba5⋯.png (20.61 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 3b2a4a3c7a12551e409df34420….png)


They aren't that different.

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eebb3e  No.8453689


We may be on to something

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26089d  No.8453690


You're going to die for supporting your disinformation campaign. Big Brother will die right along side of you and you won't make it into the next chapter.

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0ef677  No.8453691


what post # / date


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df736b  No.8453692


Why do I have to step over homeless people on my way in the front door of work in H'wood?

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1854dc  No.8453693


he learned.

dual loyalties.

not a true patriot.

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082fb9  No.8453694

File: e93026b5d314e91⋯.png (364.21 KB, 499x401, 499:401, misspiggy_andfren.png)


>Joy Reid

She relies on her good looks…

others believe that also.

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dc7bcc  No.8453695


Half of the detectives working cases, are now patrolling streets.

They expect riots.

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d30bdf  No.8453696

File: 36dad649730877a⋯.png (203.67 KB, 1063x1063, 1:1, pepe_at_the_doctor_concern….png)

Development of coronavirus treatment advancing in Japan with existing meds

The development of methods to treat the new coronavirus disease is advancing in Japan, with researchers expected to see the results of clinical research using existing medication as early as the end of April. One medicine that experts in a government panel have expressed hope in is Ciclesonide (marketed as Alvesco), a type of steroid used in inhalers to treat asthma. A medical team including members of the Kanagawa Prefectural Ashigarakami Hospital administered this drug to three coronavirus disease patients. One of them, a woman in her 70s, saw her fever go down after two days, and her pneumonia symptoms also improved. She later tested negative for the virus and was discharged from hospital after eight days. The other two patients, a man in his 70s and a woman in her 60s, were able to be taken off respirators after receiving the medicine. Currently around 10 people are receiving it.

The National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) reported that Ciclesonide was given to patients with the new coronavirus disease, COVID-19, after being found to have some effect in the treatment of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which is caused by another type of coronavirus. The drug is said to control inflammation and block multiplication of the virus. Also being tested is Remdesivir, which was developed as a treatment for the Ebola virus disease. As of March 16, it had been administered to nine patients. Japan's National Center for Global Health and Medicine is participating in international joint clinical trials with the United States and other countries to test the effectiveness of this medicine. Center official Norio Omagari said it had only been used in serious cases in which patients were on artificial respirators or heart-lung machines, but none of them had died.

Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), which was developed to treat malaria, is a similar sort of medicine. When it was given to a male coronavirus disease patient in his 60s who was receiving dialysis treatment due to diabetes, his fever of over 38 degrees Celsius went down after three days, and his symptoms of pneumonia also improved. It is expected he can be released from hospital if he tests negative for the virus.

One more drug in focus is Favipiravir (Avigan), which is used to treat new types of influenza. Japan has a stockpile of about 2 million Avigan pills. Clinical research using the medication on novel coronavirus disease patients with mild to moderate symptoms began in March. The HIV treatment drug Lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra) is also being tested, having been administered to 54 patients as of March 1. It is hoped that both of these medications will be effective in preventing the virus from multiplying in patients' bodies. However, an individual related to Japan's Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare pointed out, "We've given Avigan to 70 to 80 people, but it doesn't seem to work that well when the virus has already multiplied. The same goes for Kaletra." Furthermore, care is said to be needed when women who could be pregnant or men who are trying to have children with their partners use Avigan, as it can subsequently cause deformities in fetuses.


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bb0fd3  No.8453697

File: 8039df22ac5260d⋯.gif (165.08 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, hollywood.gif)

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16c79e  No.8453698


No such thing as "normal folk" in hollywood and trust me you do not want to count on a cop unless you have a pocket full of cash and even then…

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7c2d35  No.8453699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The first 2 minutes of this clip illustrates what a scriptural fundamentalist sounds like to anyone operating with a more nuanced appreciation for critical thought & analysis.

>“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle

When we come across ideas that are challenging to our own beliefs and assumptions, we can either recoil and cover our eyes & ears, or we can contemplate the nature of the concept at hand, and decide after some engagement with it whether or not it is worth integrating into our personal cosmology.

The Muslim Cleric in the video rejects Music out of hand, because that is the interpretation of his scripture that he holds to fervently. He even appears incapable of entertaining the idea that Music is NOT a sin, or that Islamic musicians have been creating cultural masterpieces for centuries, and that that is admirable and good.

>(And when the anon calling you out and flinging unnecessary vitriol and condemnation your way has around 20+ posts, you can be sure they are striking out from insecurity rather than resolute faith in their own righteousness)

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619b8d  No.8453700



algos not suppressing JoeM video, BIG spike in views!

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000aff  No.8453701


you go home now joe

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9f6fae  No.8453702

File: 2761bd61085eca9⋯.png (689.69 KB, 700x480, 35:24, geoengineering_anno_wuhan_….png)

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782c66  No.8453703



Q's 20 Days of Silence Throws Off MSM



24 Jul 2018 - 5:51:59 PM

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6891ff  No.8453704


I have to do that to walk home. It’s horrific.

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6b5d55  No.8453705

File: 8a9c31cc08e5cf5⋯.jpg (148.94 KB, 580x464, 5:4, Comfy_Bateman.jpg)


>learn stuff faggot.

Calm down Barbara. I was jus asking. Jeez.

I'm not buying the gunshot story.

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eab414  No.8453706

"Central Banking"

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132a23  No.8453707

File: 3decbfee19d5c3e⋯.png (28.39 KB, 527x240, 527:240, re_Kansas_Governor_Closes_….PNG)

File: a5bd82dba0b8d7c⋯.png (154.62 KB, 672x387, 224:129, KAKE_re_Kansas_Governor_Cl….PNG)

BREAKING: Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly orders K-12 schools to close for rest of school year #ksleg

MORE: Kelly orders most state employees to stay home for two weeks beginning Monday. #ksleg



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dc7bcc  No.8453708


Then heaven and hell are not that different either.

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93c284  No.8453709


Spoopy plane owners know what's coming. Money laundering via plane leases, 2-reg planes registered in the UK (Guernsey) but leased out of Wilmington, DE. That's without the spoopy US plane racket too.

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9591ed  No.8453710



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eb6dfe  No.8453711


I tried out for LAPD Hollywood. Unfortunately there was still a spot of chrome left on the hitch.

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17197d  No.8453712




Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147454188

Nov 1 2017 01:38:23 (EST)

World stalemate.

We all have the goods on everyone else.

That’s part of the reason why some things that tie back to foreign heads of state will remain classified (not all).

We are in one of the most critical times of our country. Trump and others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt and remove the bad actors who are entrenched. There is so much string pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country.

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579927  No.8453713

File: e5b7ce397e29e98⋯.png (4.37 MB, 1400x1400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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9faf6a  No.8453715


Get real…. Sizzler was never great.

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0ef677  No.8453716


thank you, anon

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ebefeb  No.8453717

Socialism has to make laws to force people to do what comes naturally to Americans.

That's what the fight is about. Their 'way' is 'must'. Our 'way' is 'just'.

It boils down to very little but that very little is the 'justification' that makes a human soul rise above a government of the day.

We are not here for the Government. The Government is here for us.

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60c4a7  No.8453718

File: a654877e4154349⋯.png (52.2 KB, 600x395, 120:79, Annotation_2020_03_17_1640….png)




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499e02  No.8453719


what do the people that caught the covid-19 virus have in common > > >

they didn't buy toilet paper

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89c7c8  No.8453720

File: 48573212f960eff⋯.jpg (133.44 KB, 1024x767, 1024:767, 36079802062_119c9e61c5_b.jpg)

I love The FIVE on Fox.

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bb0fd3  No.8453721

File: 1613ea793e353f0⋯.jpg (187.9 KB, 547x558, 547:558, nancydare.jpg)

File: b93918a9a8d4acd⋯.jpg (60.09 KB, 600x386, 300:193, nancygrounded.jpg)

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9c4e55  No.8453722


>Nice Nice.

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8cf76a  No.8453723

File: 93c8e8b8d25d37f⋯.jpg (13.17 KB, 235x255, 47:51, 0b80703e61d39abdcf471dda02….jpg)


I am

bless gman

at the dough yo


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b6c068  No.8453724

File: 213a1cd647f9019⋯.jpg (6.72 KB, 255x198, 85:66, download_5_.jpg)

File: 038a708c7d14e6a⋯.jpg (2.18 KB, 290x174, 5:3, download_6_.jpg)

File: 5b535c47a7e81b3⋯.jpg (9.21 KB, 357x141, 119:47, download_7_.jpg)

File: 1017ee39c598723⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download_9_.jpg)

File: 715827c870ed116⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 290x174, 5:3, download_10_.jpg)

Possible scenario?Anon Theory I posted a bunch re: the tech the other day, but in the last 48 hours it came to me with this additional information/theory. So funny, and classically ironic to think about this:

BILL and Melinda Gates made their own trap unknowingly? Guise, the theory is worth reading, DON'T TLDR THIS. THINK:

==Quantom Dots Vaccines.

Did this happen to THEM? Bill Gates Funded the research and to be used for vaccines White flipped thier script

using Gates own Quantom Dots technology. Now they are MARKED GLOWING INK and NEEDLE PATTERN that would be only for the proof of use OF What? And/OR Muhcorona or Adrenochrome?

Brilliant of Q team, if theory is correct

The same idea behind Quantum Dots vaccines that makes specific needle mark pattern, that relates to whatever the "drug is" and acts like adate stamp as well. Like branding. This however, s is seen with a light due to the ink tattoo to easily shows one has been injected. They say an iPhone light may be used to "scan the body for the evidence of vaccines and can store history.

Weird, but THINK. Quantum Dots vaccine technology was funded by Bill and Melinda Gates. Ultimatley it would be used on the public, to be used to prove we have been vaccinated by shining a light.They don't ever say this, but come on. You will see in a minute where I am going with thisThe light would be a light so easily available such as an iphone. The Quantam Dots stores info. It also uses nano-particles. The record of vaccination is beacuse of the special ink. he vaccine laves a specific mark or shape, which in part is a way of easily by eye knowing when and what what injected vaccine wise. YOU see this. HMMM?

The same may have been done to them, by them, but for the adrenochrome usage, while unaware their supply tainted by white hats?

Needle marks, dye unknown to them, now in their skin? Shows THEM as proof injecting their adrenochrome? ( or same idea, but MuhCorona virus if tht is real given disguied as Adrenochrome? Either "ingredient" they all self identified. we all are thiniking this. THE big takeaway IS GATES FUDED the Quantum Dots technology. Just to have it flipped or MIRRORED on him and thae evil cabal. They had no idea their supply had additive to trap them? Different needle patterns for different vaccines accoring to the tech.

=If White Hats did this, I am sure it was a really Q worthy pattern==

So what pattern did Q team implant if this theory is correct? hahahahahahaa

A Q would be epic

All of them Q'd. While under the light yo see it and they got caught when they show "symptoms" due to the " injection" of what ever they take (Adrenochrome?)

Now theyare MARKED by POTUS QTeam in the trap. You know the one they say is orange man bad, but today they all GLOW. hahahahahaaa

Everything we digg on and meme meme about is in this scenario. It is glorious. I hope some of you get the idea what I am trying paint the picture of.

The same ink/tattoo technique used to trap?? And was done a long time ago perhaps? So they all have self stamped themself as users over what period of time?

how many needle holes/ " self stanping/marking" on each person, different injection sites? Do they literally GLOW due to being junkies for whatever shit they use?


Articles say they tested the Quantum Dot tech on human cadavers and the ink lasted 9 months!!! Earlier articles say 5 years other say now 9 years.

Lots of time, lots of injections. Even if only 5 months. Users daily get high right? They planned on this Quantum Dot tech to social shame any of US who would not vaccinate, not marked.

They don't say that, but it is Gates and he wants us all injected with vaccines. They planned on rolling this out with muh corona and they had the plan to guilt everyone to get it with major panic. PLAN intercepted by Q team. If they were successful with the 'pandemic", all would be lining up to take it voluntarily, sheep led to the slaughter.

Now, they are the ones with a literal mark of the beast as their own needle injections left it's tracks?

Evil baby eating fucks.

holy fuq funny

if yes this theory is what occured

Think 'mirror' anyone?

Little Billy Gates is probably is feeling mighty un-smart right about coming up withthe idea and funding it all?


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the team's research

which was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine

contined next post:

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26089d  No.8453725

File: b04f0a264c4aef7⋯.mp3 (56.06 KB, 2020_03_17T21_42_02.mp3)

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830cb9  No.8453726


little kids dont realize some of us grew up with Donald Trump weeklies since the late 70s.

The guy had 5 lifetimes worth of drama before anyone heard of the apprentice.

I still remember hearing when lil Donny jr was born

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07e987  No.8453727


Or just create a virus that transmits during a 14-28 day incubation period, and let it run wild.

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dc7bcc  No.8453728


When I come across satanic gibberish, I just call it satanic gibberish and move on.

You can stew in it, if you'd like.

A muslim fervently believing in allah and defending the text of the quran to the death has an eternity of hellfire to look forward to as wages for his sin.

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1fa009  No.8453729

File: 69a8dba43865d14⋯.jpeg (720.92 KB, 1136x823, 1136:823, 771D2CEE_5705_41D0_B7CF_A….jpeg)

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9faf6a  No.8453730


and by "y'all" I meant the paytriots making stupid videos, not anons.

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95ba58  No.8453731

File: 3c8590047e9d418⋯.png (77.07 KB, 522x267, 174:89, Screenshot_63.png)





Supercomputer System

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6e225b  No.8453732


This anon feels like the evidence, the tangible thing that one could figuratively "hold in their hands" that would prove Our Father in Heaven is closely involved with this mission…

Would be the ultimate mind-breaker. People would literally go insane with that evidence.

And anons already have this evidence, but aren't presenting it properly.

It's hard to do with all the shit selling that happens around matters of the soul.

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c35087  No.8453733


I watched it on rte.ie

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5ef8c3  No.8453734

File: 1ec9d75896a33ba⋯.png (109.92 KB, 579x561, 193:187, pepesalutes.png)


See you there

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933b28  No.8453735


just like Q, and the government, always a bogey man in the server closet with scissors did it to you

your military is as corrupt as your government

when the blue line allows officers to cover for those who break the law and are to weak to reveal they are the cowards and just as guilty

our soldiers have the right to disobey an unlawful order, but they don't, they always find away to kill forefingers on soil foreign to us talking sovereignty and laws while ignoring their own

cops soldiers politicians pastors all covering horrendous crimes while getting paid to look the other way.

a cop doesn't sit on a police force for 30 years with a dirty partner and not know about it

these are the reasons they promote fraternity and an us against them mentality

just like our citizens, all to lazy, don't care enough, and don't won't to lose what they have..

this is also why they promote elders in the community, the steward of the don't question us we are above reproach

how disgusted God must be, just not enough to stop this ball on a dime and fling these turds for a ride

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758204  No.8453736


never disappoint mr. "satanic gibberish"

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93c284  No.8453737

File: 7c209695ea15816⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Mellie.jpg)

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a34ccf  No.8453738


waiting for Monday seems ….. off

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75aff4  No.8453739


You fucking retard. Go suck something, like your moms cock.

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b6c068  No.8453740



From article:

According to a Scientific American story, the project came about following a direct request from Microsoft founder Bill Gates himself, who has been personally involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles through vaccinations. The invisible "tattoo" accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots - tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light - that glows under infrared light. The pattern - and vaccine - gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar. So far, the system is mostly a proof of concept. But the researchers have already tried it out on rats and found that the patterns were still detectable nine months after injection. In human cadaver skin models, the patterns outlasted five years of simulated Sun exposure.

It's possible someday that this 'invisible' approach could create new possibilities for data storage

=biosensing, and vaccine applications that could improve how medical care is provided, particularly in the developing world==

Developing World. He told us. HE means what he said. "DEVELOPING WORLD", as in their evil plan for the world that is unfolding/developing, NOT meaning third world. Get it?

THEY all probably laughed and discussed all of this evil plan on their yacht trips they all take together, and could not wait until they controlled all the sheep/cattle.

==(ummm injecting us with NANO PARTICLES? NOW THINK, ENTER 5G.

Recent events Oprah strangely falls like she was pushed? Madonna? Wendy Williams? Radio waves? Nanoparticles all due to injections and they gloe to boot!!!

particles in them unaware as they use their drug over and over?) They now light up/GLOW and the 5G weirdness used on THEM?

Remember all the military that said testing on them, people chasing them, hearing ringing in ears, voices, car chases, airport arrests? Now, same tech in white hats hands? HMMM?

Look below, they always use 33 like 33 HRC Emails.

33 Mason sick club messaging telling each other what they have planned for us by PREDICTION FROM BILL GATES

the Q team used Gates own evil plan for vaccinating us and marking us and marked them with their evil adrenochrome, and possibly 5G nano particlesQ made them taste their own medicine?==

From Article: MAY 13TH 2017

Bill Gates has been almost prophetic in his past predictions: his 1999 list was hauntingly accurate, foreseeing the advent of price comparison websites, smartphones, social media, and bots. Over the last few years, in interviews and annual letters, he has continued predicting: here are a selection of seven of his insights. 1. In the next 15 years,

33 million people could be wiped out in less than a year by a pathogen

At the Munich Security conference, Gates warned that “epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.” This could be due to mutation, accident, or terrorist intent. While this may seem outlandish, similar events have occurred before: the most obvious example is the Black Death, which killed almost a third of Europe, but more recently, in 1918, the Spanish Flu wiped out between 50 and 100 million people.

ANONS, THINK how evil this would later prove? We never know for sure what is really in vaccines and 5G is tied to nano particles, chemtrails/solar engineering, radio engineering,

network management, radio frequency, spectrum management, etc. Remeber the leaked radio frequency paer with the human body diagram.

These nano particles would be in us and we would be agreeing to it! by millions of us lining up to take it unaware via the corona vaccine

Quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles with unique, size-tunable optical properties. Owing to these properties, these nanoparticles are fast emerging as versatile and multimodal agents in diagnostic imaging and drug delivery applications







oprah falls


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ab1bb5  No.8453741


he's in a catch 22 situation. in order to make POTUS look bad, they have to continue fueling the panic. you can do this with lockdowns. at the same time, it falls right in with the Patriots plan. so? deblasio is stuck. it was a trap. the plan is brilliant. and they fell face first

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05f603  No.8453742

File: a43a96ea34541d2⋯.png (68.14 KB, 1349x608, 71:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 282b15a77c26fbf⋯.png (951.01 KB, 1190x1594, 595:797, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfa014ef541d752⋯.png (504.74 KB, 1098x382, 549:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6c5a03ae31d1b0⋯.png (311.25 KB, 1349x3294, 1349:3294, ClipboardImage.png)


sure looks like a castle to me

by IVY…

holly and


amazing crumbs

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e06745  No.8453743

File: 951916abff3ae07⋯.png (88.84 KB, 590x205, 118:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee55079e84bf30d⋯.png (93.84 KB, 835x413, 835:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed9f7b92aca20dd⋯.png (235.14 KB, 799x483, 799:483, ClipboardImage.png)


Found this…

looks like it's true.



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eddf9d  No.8453744




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f01368  No.8453745


Tech billikonaires raised $400,000 so far? Are we supposed to be impressed by this? LMAO

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cdca56  No.8453746


All saved.

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1854dc  No.8453747


different his time around.


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9b0e5b  No.8453748


They certainly could have found a better token one would think.

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e863aa  No.8453749


That's "Chumlee" from pawn stars

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5fa9e2  No.8453750

File: 883adad510bebb0⋯.jpg (117.65 KB, 722x406, 361:203, index1.jpg)

File: d3e8e17604e3915⋯.jpg (68.46 KB, 800x417, 800:417, index2.jpg)

File: 5119965d70d5cb3⋯.jpg (161.93 KB, 800x448, 25:14, index3.jpg)

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e184c3  No.8453751


saving' Israel?

Double meanings exist.

Isn't Israel supposed to get destroyed, like the tower on 9/11?

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795bb1  No.8453752


More chaos can be caused by staggered release, especially if they have more than one strain ready to go.

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5435e6  No.8453753

File: 8654da2de94d758⋯.png (851.25 KB, 1024x675, 1024:675, 8654da2de94d758c992f7b1f55….png)


Anons started reposting the easy redpills, and good intro digs, as well as the global notables, pointing them out to our new anons, wont call them normies anymore.

THATS what happened.

Keep up the positive vibes, and dont fret the shill count, newbies can see by your conduct who are real anons.


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d30bdf  No.8453754


When JP Morgan execs sold a bunch of equity on April 15th last year that's when I thought this too. Sold it on the Titanic anniv. sinking. Like no one would notice that?

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adf8e4  No.8453755


Going by what Trump said, the net will never go down. It has been secured by Patriots and that is why POTUS is asking all of us to go online and use the net. Work remote, etc.

Of course, a side effect is that the NSA gets to inspect a far higher percentage of comms between Americans, but I think they are using this to better understand what causes confusion and fear. Then the next press conference (daily or more frequently) deals with the issues.

I have been monitoring the US federal response and Canada's federal response. Many of the people who take a turn at the mike are using language about pulling together, talking to your neighbor, working as a team, caring for your fellow citizens, etc. Very much like the hashtag that many in the MAGA movement use:


Which is, of course, based on the messages in many Q drops like #3858

Why were marches immediately organized which divided people into sex/gender, race, [ism]?

When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative.

Control of the narrative = power

When you are blind, what do you see?

They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you pose no threat to their control.

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep].

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

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9faf6a  No.8453756


Thanks for the repost I couldn't find a zone map.

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2adb54  No.8453757


greed + fear + family pressure

greed: people who accepted Islam quickly got a network of business partners who sailed the seas between the Middle East and the Philippines. Muslim banking system was powerful then as now. Once you converted, you could get loans to do business.

fear: in many communities, if you didn't accept Islam, you could be killed.

family pressure: younger people were always taught to take their elders' advice. When the senior member of a large extended family became a Muslim, his children and grandchildren would often convert out of respect and trust in their elder.

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ebefeb  No.8453758

Their tit is in a wringer and the first to bail are the CNN traitors and MSNBC carp.

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83ef9e  No.8453759

10 days of darkness is market shutdown - net still up.


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183272  No.8453760

File: 1caeeb018c4e693⋯.png (5.39 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 6312B5ED_26EE_4C30_AF14_C4….png)

File: 051a6af50c69408⋯.jpeg (151.72 KB, 821x687, 821:687, D10F8440_C715_404E_B47B_6….jpeg)

File: 1b08c3d5d49236b⋯.jpeg (90.07 KB, 679x400, 679:400, A3ED8B6F_E602_4274_90B8_9….jpeg)

File: 487609f1d5d4368⋯.jpeg (154.38 KB, 985x554, 985:554, 3EC6E821_20EB_4801_857C_B….jpeg)

Do not let any members of Congress, Senate, local politicians, state politicians, the White House and/or the trump/kushner clan fool & divide you! This was a complete failure to plan and prepare on the part of every politician; all state, local, federal and White House staff including president trump failed! All sides of the aisle failed us, the USA citizens!!! Not a left failure. Not a right failure! The corrupt inept ignorant self serving greedy evil politicians have failed every USA citizen! Failure to adequately prepare and lead; a complete failure!!! Simple as that. When this virus STORM passes, every politician in the USA should resign in shame! As for the deliverance of Justice — GOD IS ALWAYS IN CHARGE AND GOD WILL ALWAYS HUMBLE AND BRING THE EGOTISTICAL, EVIL, CORRUPT & GREEDY TO THEIR KNEES!!!🇺🇸The USA Main Street citizens and the USA military members and families always have to bailout these corrupt self serving dumbass politicians!

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7efcc0  No.8453761


Virgin Voyages, cruise line inaugural launch was delayed by muh corona. I'm sure it's a pedo trafficking op.


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5d9a19  No.8453762

File: dc32e6178764e93⋯.jpeg (93.46 KB, 563x666, 563:666, C5339973_9DB2_442E_96CA_4….jpeg)


Just watch the movie anon, your seeing them removed right now.

Their three income streams dried up, Saudis killed opec and dumping crude, negative rates at the fed they are buying back their debt, and the airlines will go bankrupt ending the skunkworks ultra black projects running the world.

We will win!

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758204  No.8453763


Of course HIS religion is bad and YOURS is good. Because yours was written by good ancient people that had contact with Galactic Federation extraterrestrials, and his was written by… bad people contacting the same ETs?

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26089d  No.8453764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cdca56  No.8453765

File: 282a40658c2b86b⋯.png (379.76 KB, 463x463, 1:1, TheWordReturned.png)

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63b489  No.8453766


The end will not be for everyone. I guess that includes you.

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dc7bcc  No.8453767

File: a090564941755b4⋯.png (507.12 KB, 500x408, 125:102, ClipboardImage.png)


They thought they'd be pushing this against Trump in a mighty headwind.

Only to find Trump pushing it even harder, in the same direction, giving it a mighty tailwind.

Moves and countermoves.

Our guys are better.

Thank you Q, and Q+.

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95ba58  No.8453768

File: 1243c5b233cfd8b⋯.png (496.48 KB, 1185x825, 79:55, Screenshot_65.png)

File: dd9bc312917f6d2⋯.png (345.7 KB, 1014x698, 507:349, Screenshot_64.png)



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f6d46b  No.8453769

File: c6366e70f03ee53⋯.png (121.67 KB, 389x643, 389:643, FLOTUS_removebg_preview.png)

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5f8a80  No.8453770

>>8453203 pb

Watch the water

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41dafe  No.8453771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1854dc  No.8453772


State Governor request.

Potus authority.

Watch Broward.

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f3aff6  No.8453773

File: ebc04d9fd83458e⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_0165.jpg)


Caught this on Apmex yesterday. Spread = kek

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7753be  No.8453775


your lifehak = do not think for yourself

not good

not at all

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c656ef  No.8453776


Q has made it clear, "This is not a game" which implies the cabal would clearly inject fake MAGA folks to earn the trust of patriots only to turn at the proper time.

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b6c068  No.8453777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Oprah falls example of the forced memory blanking tech (nano particles) 5G vaccines/injections fake adrenochrome self inflicted?


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a3542c  No.8453778


this is going to be really ironic when you stop after a sudden drop.

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c35087  No.8453779




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000aff  No.8453780


hope needs her own theme music for entrances

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619b8d  No.8453781

File: dac4b5d51a21e54⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1868x1240, 467:310, Baby_Pepe_on_Ship.png)

>Baker please use most current list for Notables

COVID19 Notable Persons List 1/2

>please see instructions for list maintenance at the end of next reply!


Alberto Cirio - Italy’s head of Northern Region of Piedmont

Albin Ekdal - Sweden midfielder

Ali Akbar Velayati - Head of Tehran’s Masih Daneshvari Hospital

Ali Asghar Mounesan - Iran Minister of Cultural Heritage

Allesando Mattinzoli - Italian Comissioner for Economic Development in Lombardy

Amedeo Baldari - Serie A Club doctor

Anna Ascani - Italy’s Deputy Minister of Education

Antonio La Gumina - Former Italy under-21 forward

Augustin de Romanet - CEO of Paris Airports

Begona Gomez - Spanish Prime Minister Predro Sanchez wife

Beth Beckman - Yale New Haven Health Chief Nursing Executive

Brune Poirson - Secretary of State to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition

Callum Hudson Odoi - Chelsea player

Carmel Fenves - UT (University of Texas) Austin President Gregory L. Fenves wife

Carolina Daras - The Spanish politician, appointed Minister of Territorial Policy and Civil Service in January 2020

Charles Barron - NYC Lawmaker

Chris Kielsmeier - Cleveland State women’s coach

Christian Wood - Detroit Pistons NBA player

Daniel Sachs Goldman - Former House Intel attorney BOOOOOM!

Daniele Rugani - Italian Serie A Football player

Donovan Mitchell - Jazz star

Dušan Vlahović - Surbian striker

Eshaq Jahangiri - Iran VP

Fábio Wajngarten - Communications Director for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

Francis Suarez - Mayor of Miami, Florida

Franck Riester - French Minister of Culture

Friedrich Merz - German politician, one of the candidates for next chancellor of Germany

Hadi Khosroshahi - (Died of virus) Iran Cleric & Diplomat. Ambassador to the Vatican

Helene Weinstein - NYC Lawmaker

Idris Elba – English actor/rapper

Iraj Harirchi (Died of virus) - Iran Deputy Health Minister

Irene Montero - Spanish politician, Minister of Equality since January 2020

Jaime Ruiz Sacristan - Head of Mexico’s Main Stock Exchange

Janet Broderick - Matthew Broderick’s Sister

Jaroslaw Mika - One of Poland's top armed forces generals

Javier Ortega Smith - Vox General Secretary of Spain Nationalist party

Karl von Habsburg - Austria, Archbishop, first 'royal' confirmed infected

Luca Kilian - Germany, Bundesliga defender

Manolo Gabbiadini - Italian Serie A Football player

Maria Cantwell, senate, Washington, D.C. - Staff

Masoumeh Ebtekar - Iran Vice President for Women & Family Affairs

Mikel Arteta - Arsenal Manager

Mohammad Mirmohammadi (Died of virus) - Senior advisor to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Mojtaba Zonnour - Iran Head of Iranian Parliament National Security & Foreign Affairs Committee

Morten Thorsby - Norway playmaker

Nadine Dorries - UK Health Minister

Nicola Zingaretti - Italy’s President of Central Lazio & Democratic Party

Olga Kurylenko - Actress who starred alongside Daniel Craig in Quantum of Solace

Omar Colley - Italian Serie A footballer

Patrick Cutrone - Wolves Striker

Peter Dutton - Australia's minister for home affairs

Philip Jansen - BT Chief Executive

Pierpaolo Sileri - Italy’s Deputy Minister of Health

Rabbi Yoni Golker - St John’s Wood Synagogue

Reza Rahmani - Iran Minister of Industry

Richard Wilkins - AUS, prominant Music reporter

Rita WIlson - Tom Hanx wife

Rudy Gobert - Utah Jazz, Center

Salvatore Farina - Italian army Chief of Staff General

Santiago Abascal - leader of Vox, a Spanish right-wing nationalistic party

Sir Lucian Grainge - Chairman and CEO of Universal Music

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau - Justin Trudeaus wife, kek

Tom Hanx - Actor

Tony Mazzucco - Norwood Town General Manager

Unnamed Player – NY Yankee minor leaguer

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dc7bcc  No.8453782


No, and never again.

It is the only country that matters.

The only country that has the throne of David, upon which Jesus will sit, and rule the nations.

We're just part of "the nations".

It matters how Jesus judges us, as a nation.

It matters, eternally.

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39d64c  No.8453783

File: 853009ce4299987⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 680x353, 680:353, ETV0K5eWsAEAoEM.jpg)

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9633da  No.8453784

File: 85018ca612c8bd5⋯.png (132.27 KB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020_03_17_Mari….png)

Les Wexner's yacht LIMITLESS departed Antigua 3/14 and lists destination as Miami, Florida. Her current position is too far northeast and the port code she transmitted breaks out as Harbour Point, a smaller marina just northwest of North Palm Beach. ETA 3/17 at 2300 Local Time

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8cf76a  No.8453786



>>8453597 Boatfaggin

>>8453609, >>8453655 planefaggin

>>8453560 H.R.6172 - USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020, S.3421 - USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020

>>8453533 Saudi Prince’s $78 Million Superyacht Capsizes in Greece

>>8453507 Adobe, Inc. EVP WW Operations sold:$11.25m-Mar 16

>>8453455, >>8453355, >>8453386 Anons swing Twat Poll - 15k anon votes in ONE HOUR

>>8453412 Indiana activating NG

>>8453437 @HQUSAFEAFAF #Aviano Air Base continues to remain rapidly ready, resilient and lethal.

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dc7bcc  No.8453787



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183272  No.8453788

File: f35911bc81f8231⋯.jpeg (292.48 KB, 1125x632, 1125:632, 3EF0022D_4496_447C_A17C_4….jpeg)

File: 4a8dab47363046f⋯.jpeg (489.61 KB, 1125x984, 375:328, DC8EA911_F334_401C_B2C3_4….jpeg)

File: 0244151b97523f6⋯.jpeg (424.48 KB, 1125x829, 1125:829, 8237FE88_D9F8_4A35_9CA5_F….jpeg)

these are the words that ended trumps hopes of re-election. No one trusts trump anymore! Simple as that.🇺🇸

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6dd26b  No.8453789

File: acab9af3a04aadf⋯.jpg (270.14 KB, 1200x654, 200:109, buy_normally.jpg)

File: 07ea88842a86014⋯.jpg (223.54 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, shop_normally.jpg)

File: c0e99b28ace50fd⋯.jpg (267.58 KB, 1200x654, 200:109, shop_like_normal.jpg)


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822689  No.8453790

When you are attempting to urinate and a fart comes out. … While standing at the urinal Jared had a "finkle" which made the other patrons in the restroom laugh.

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729eed  No.8453791

File: ab9f79d3bc6966f⋯.png (76.98 KB, 620x303, 620:303, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e95fa94971419a⋯.png (288.22 KB, 630x429, 210:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 963a1a85f921dc0⋯.png (368.98 KB, 624x688, 39:43, ClipboardImage.png)



this anon heard it live



national news station, broadcast made under emergency powers…which have not yet been announced.

national voice networks been going down since first announcement on the 12th. same in uk yesterday/today.

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dd928d  No.8453792



Anyone got this downloadable?

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619b8d  No.8453793


=COVID19 Notable Persons List 2/2==


*Ayatollah Hashem Bahtayi Golpayegani - Member of Iran’s Assembly of Experts - "suspected"

*Celine Dion - distant cousin of Trudeau and Hillary - postponed tour due to "cold" and CV spread

*Daniel Radcliffe - "fake coronavirus rumor"

*Elton John - Singer - reported "pneumonia" after "final tour"

*Gary Sanchez – NY Yankees, catcher, diagnosed with flu, NOT tested for COVID19

*Gwen Stefani - "cancelled a string of shows due to a mystery illness"

*Heidi Klum - Suffering from food poisoning before filming began in CA, now experiencing "a chill" and had started "feeling feverish".

*"Individual working on Riverdale" - CW teen drama suspended

*Katie Couric – Reporter NBC, reported contact with infected person just before they were tested

*Katie Price - former glamour model - back after "mystery illness"

*Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli - "Possible exposure" took place during a conference with land force commanders in Europe on Friday in Wiesbaden, Germany.

*Mortez Rahmanzade - Iran Mayor of 13th District - "hospitalised with coronavirus symptoms"

*Neil Wigan - British Ambassador to Israel in self-isolation after virus case on flight

*Paulo Dybala - Juventus player - Insists he is "well" despite reports suggesting he had tested positive for coronavirus, with the Italian club also categorically denying the rumours.

*Pope Francis - Religious leader - reported "sick" one day after CV outreach

*Seth Green – Actor, claiming “self quarantining to prevent the spread of the virus”


# Actor Orlando Bloom to self-quarantine, gave no indication that he has the disease.

# Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Friday announced that he has tested negative for the coronavirus, contradicting earlier reports.

# Matt Swider - TechRadar managing editor - Tested positive, then negative for coronavirus. Now stuck in Egypt.


BAKERS: Please list separately, and keep the name:

>COVID19 Notable Persons List

LISTFAGS: Please copy both replies and continue to use uniform formatting!

>Alphabetical lists

Red Letter Title On Both Replies With Number [1-2/2]

Bold Subheaders

*, # - use appropriate markings and please make sure to add names into appropriate list

>Please pass the instructions along with each list! Only (You) can prevent sloppy lists!

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1854dc  No.8453794


Don Jr.



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570fec  No.8453795


Thank you!

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0ef677  No.8453796


they already have everything

this is a thought trying to justify COVID further

not relevant

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132a23  No.8453797

File: 4cf4294329b07b2⋯.png (35.13 KB, 516x365, 516:365, SDavis_re_MSDNC_Slime_Haye….PNG)

File: 7e731a8d67d05ab⋯.png (25.5 KB, 523x198, 523:198, MSDNC_Slime_Hayes_POTUS_Fi….PNG)

The corporate political media don't care about you, they don't care about your health, they don't care about your livelihoods, your families, or your businesses. They care about destroying Trump and that's all they care about.


Chris Hayes // MSDNC Slime

Not the top priority right now, but before the President pushes through enormous bailouts, I'd like to know his actual financial holdings and how much it will benefit him personally. Crazy, I know.


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795bb1  No.8453798

File: 07223ff3d80fd1a⋯.jpg (9.22 KB, 318x159, 2:1, lee_water.jpg)

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bb0fd3  No.8453799

File: ef7a8e0ccd6a2bb⋯.png (291.75 KB, 952x642, 476:321, stpat.png)


Sweet TY

"This is a St. Patricks Day like no other, a day that none of us will ever forget."

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b6c068  No.8453800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Same with Madonna?

Cahir fall


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eddf9d  No.8453801


Dude. I'm waiting for Night Shift.

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6585dd  No.8453802

McConnell mentioned "Storm" in his presser.

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f3aff6  No.8453803


waiting for muh alien invasion. that will be the jump the shark moment.

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000aff  No.8453804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


something like peter griffin theme music


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07e987  No.8453805


That's gotta be the worst come back of the day.

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6d2d91  No.8453806


something along those lines, waiting for more info

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26089d  No.8453807

File: 6ada969f86f3efd⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_03_17T21_47_21.mp3)


I’m going to kill you! Fucking frog supporter.

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89c7c8  No.8453808

File: 50b6064ce42ee40⋯.png (244.55 KB, 484x539, 44:49, Screenshot_20200315_152336….png)


Ml6 assassination.

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dc7bcc  No.8453809


LifeHack101: Believe in God, because God knows everything, and you do not.

If you can't make it to LifeHack 101, you can't survive.

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5435e6  No.8453810

File: 1a67a3b9a3d36cb⋯.jpg (47.56 KB, 620x414, 310:207, 1a67a3b9a3d36cb54e03e2d821….jpg)

File: e4440477fbd553d⋯.jpg (449.67 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, e4440477fbd553d65e2f8f1b1d….jpg)


List them in red text, with screencaps


(Corsi one of them? Kek!)

Why are they helping distract from the Sidney Powell BOMBSHELL this week????

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5f840e  No.8453811

File: f0f15cc8e430610⋯.png (215.79 KB, 720x903, 240:301, Img_1584481610847.png)

File: 20d054df227147b⋯.png (282.6 KB, 720x1014, 120:169, Img_1584481629900.png)


Q and AG Barr

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a225e4  No.8453812


[they] seem to have no problem taking oaths amongst themselves. not impossible to imagine that they take blood oaths. not impossible to imagine that Q trapped them. not impossible to imagine

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e01dc9  No.8453813

File: fe440b55cbb9177⋯.jpg (75.46 KB, 656x846, 328:423, Saved_For_Lastjpg.jpg)


>Double meanings exist.

Multiple meanings is the precise language.

Saving for last:

to be free

to be punished

to be saved

Though in context of the quote…

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ebefeb  No.8453814

Think of the dawn quickly arriving when the Press and Print/Movie/Online presence pushes the President's agenda as well?

Think of the movies that we'd PAY TO SEE.

Think of the Novels written that we'd PAY TO BUY.

Think of the environment where the Patriot is the customer, not the product?

Patriots, FIGHT

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bb0fd3  No.8453815

File: cd5a6d4c2ce035d⋯.jpg (220.89 KB, 679x631, 679:631, tomhanks.jpg)

File: 5c8b5baea86b330⋯.jpg (468.11 KB, 1105x858, 85:66, tomhanks2.jpg)

File: 6707de0d87eda62⋯.jpg (461.57 KB, 660x932, 165:233, tomhankswoman.jpg)

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05f603  No.8453816

File: e8a5c5bd2ddde61⋯.png (61.43 KB, 1349x604, 1349:604, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25ba48ca437e3f8⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1365x603, 455:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e6aaf04da4a6ac⋯.png (649.47 KB, 1349x2502, 1349:2502, ClipboardImage.png)

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adf8e4  No.8453817


Not everyone is going to the FUTURE

Not everyone is learning from the PAST

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77e657  No.8453818

File: 8d72bf1f8620e46⋯.gif (416.95 KB, 240x135, 16:9, ImpureFlakyGrizzlybear_max….gif)

Q team right now

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b6c068  No.8453819


same with Madonna chair fall?






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f3e83c  No.8453820


>Shut the internet down and AI will have no further ability to maintain the war efforts.

ThanQ for this Anon.

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07e987  No.8453821


This LARP is lame

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822689  No.8453822

File: a8b8a0315495e82⋯.png (405.82 KB, 700x271, 700:271, a8b8a0315495e82079223199cf….png)

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55397a  No.8453823


Memory blanking is real, no doubt about it.

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4d625d  No.8453824


Bet you wont kill me.

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f6d2cf  No.8453825


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93c284  No.8453826

File: c864b8b88c651e2⋯.jpg (447.41 KB, 1913x957, 1913:957, LOBO474_Stennis_17_Mar_20_….jpg)

Marines flight LOBO474 out of John L. Stennis Airport.

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9268e1  No.8453827


a fire has been lit


Also bigger databases for DNA collection.

Forced vaccinations in there?

People only care about their Trump dollahs.

'cept this one, not sure, could be a mormon —-→ >>8453462


see first post

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dc7bcc  No.8453828


If email is mail, then ebot is bot.

Did you take the SAT?


It's called logic, and reasoning.

You should try it sometime.

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7badba  No.8453829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump (Agent 0017) using any means necessary to remove the coronavirus.

h/t to Drefanzor & Will of Ockham, I follow both on Twatter for the lulz

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082fb9  No.8453830

File: 5a5a5c357fadcff⋯.png (184.33 KB, 339x299, 339:299, juan_clickoff.png)


The cure for when the token one speaks

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1854dc  No.8453831

File: 36cec771a3c8a6f⋯.png (8.39 KB, 1264x231, 1264:231, ClipboardImage.png)


Information Warfare.

Man you battle stations.

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93d137  No.8453832


Who's got the allen wrenches?

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e184c3  No.8453833


>Multiple meanings is the precise language.

>Saving for last:

>to be free

>to be punished

>to be saved

That was my point.

English was not my first language.



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b6c068  No.8453834

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bb0fd3  No.8453835

File: 0e0a95dc72593f0⋯.jpg (115.71 KB, 550x551, 550:551, waterfall.jpg)

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df736b  No.8453836

File: 74ad9e530d7f94a⋯.png (90.43 KB, 1344x646, 672:323, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

File: fcb750cde3cb3ef⋯.png (20.44 KB, 506x236, 253:118, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)



It's this project. I retyped the sides so they couldn't be used to dox me.


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6351c8  No.8453837


Watch the water, Tonic water, Quinine cure for viruses.



"Is Chloroquine a Cure for Coronavirus? Scientists Tout Drug’s ‘Efficacy’"

Quinine is in tonic water (at very low concentrations)… History of Quinine and tonic water is really interesting on Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quinine

> On the soda gun behind many bars, tonic water is designated by the letter "Q" representing quinine.[22]

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d30bdf  No.8453838

File: bbf913d28e7ea56⋯.png (163.58 KB, 1174x798, 587:399, PAT024_USMC_C_560_from_Por….PNG)

PAT024 USMC C-560 out of Portland Int'l and south

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2ef202  No.8453839


USPS jurisdiction

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6dd26b  No.8453840


People need these >>8453789

Please share them.

We're supposed to educate and CALM the public… but we have to be active in doing that.

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26089d  No.8453841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I be you are right, but I bet you know that you can't kill me either. You can gain simple satisfaction but I will find you in every lifetime thereafter.

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000aff  No.8453842


also the lincoln assassination date

also david de rothschild promoted his son to bank chairman last year on that date

chase = rockefellers

up morgan = rothschilds

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dadcde  No.8453843


think about all the Execs selling shares before this habbend. They knew.

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eb6dfe  No.8453844


>You should try IT sometime.

Double meaning, you sly dog!

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b7771d  No.8453845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The censorship algorithms are down! Re-watch and share this video to as many people as you can. We can get this trending for the whole world to see.

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b4aee3  No.8453846


So when is Ruben Cerdan getting jailed? Is it this month or next?

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5435e6  No.8453847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess, fren

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dc7bcc  No.8453848



You sure?

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822689  No.8453849


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123ed1  No.8453850

File: 872466f74052ccb⋯.png (2.34 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 8D08E09A_F21E_439E_A373_A5….png)


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c8bd09  No.8453851

File: 628e62fdb30d7d2⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1204x1386, 86:99, ClipboardImage.png)

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9faf6a  No.8453852


That makes sense. It is just irritating.

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368936  No.8453853

File: 2339f59a2e8ee1b⋯.png (34.21 KB, 598x614, 299:307, Screenshot_2020_03_17_TOI_….png)

100 people test positive for coronavirus in Hasidic Brooklyn neighborhood


Covid is very antisemitic

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9f6fae  No.8453854

File: 9a92a17b3f8ecca⋯.png (694.08 KB, 700x931, 100:133, pepe_captcha_test.png)

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e9b7e1  No.8453855

File: 40873644c849763⋯.png (246.66 KB, 904x697, 904:697, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe0c03a8c6d17b3⋯.png (50.54 KB, 967x322, 967:322, ClipboardImage.png)

Boeing Seeks 'Tens Of Billions' In Bailouts After Fully Drawing-Down $13Bn Credit Line

A new disclosure on Tuesday afternoon details yet another troubling development for Boeing.

In its latest 8K, the plunging planemaker has completely drawn down its $13.8 billion credit line that it entered in October 2018 as it "navigates current business challenges" exposing just how fast this company is burning through cash.

"As of March 13, 2020, Boeing has fully drawn on the Credit Agreement, consisting of approximately $13.8 billion, which amount includes additional commitments made subsequent to the initial closing date.

For additional information on the terms and conditions of the Credit Agreement, see Boeing's Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 6, 2020.

We continue to have access to revolving credit agreements entered into on October 30, 2019, which have also been disclosed. These facilities, which to date have not been drawn upon, provide us with additional liquidity as we navigate the current business challenges. For additional information on these credit facilities, see Boeing's Current Report on Form 8-K dated October 30, 2019."

This comes just hours after sources told Reuters that Boeing is seeking a bailout of 'tens of billions' in US government loan guarantees amid the Covid-19 crisis.

President Trump has already been on record telling airlines that his administration is prepared to pledge $50 billion in support after passenger activity has fallen off a cliff due to the virus scare.

Boeing was struggling before the virus outbreak, dealing with 737 Max groundings, production halts, and cancellation orders.


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dc7bcc  No.8453856


He who lies creatively is closer to the truth than he knows.

Ancient Proverb

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af4eaa  No.8453857


Of course they did.

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163aad  No.8453858

I have not seen anything about FISA.

Is FISA dead?

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1854dc  No.8453859


An awake public is their greatest fear.

>maybe because we are the wolves, and they are the pigs

Over the target.


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13d6d0  No.8453860


you should ask the deep state who did that.

maybe you should also watch what exactly POTUS says on Israels future when making the peace deal with Netanyahu - hint: GOD´s PLAN.

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ebefeb  No.8453861

I dare all the Twitter fags to go nuts and shove MASSIVE energy into the atmosphere.

I dare. I challenge. I double dog dare.


Lisa Mei



and many others.

What have you got left in the tank? Now is the time. Fucking light that shit up.

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4d625d  No.8453862


I am not threatening to kill anyone, see the difference? You are more than welcome to seek me out in any life time.

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9c4e55  No.8453863


The blend move is full on


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861418  No.8453864

File: f360ea9700ba33e⋯.png (209.83 KB, 1120x634, 560:317, 2020_03_17_21_41_38_EDT.png)

File: ba9dcc85f24a9d5⋯.png (48.38 KB, 1034x317, 1034:317, 2020_03_17_21_41_51_EDT.png)

File: 413663811cc53e8⋯.png (33.23 KB, 989x162, 989:162, 2020_03_17_21_42_34_EDT.png)

File: f732d45810adccb⋯.png (115.58 KB, 809x280, 809:280, 2020_03_17_21_42_45_EDT.png)

File: 47159162d8f63a5⋯.png (63.52 KB, 841x393, 841:393, 2020_03_17_21_46_18_EDT.png)


Yeah, the post #s are in muh browser history even though not all say "you".

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481f90  No.8453865


You sure about that?

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1fa009  No.8453866

File: 2d27383a654aaca⋯.jpeg (620.24 KB, 1125x1670, 225:334, F502BCA3_CB40_4D3C_9C9E_4….jpeg)



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a34ccf  No.8453867


Q Army is now a confirmed " Force Multiplier "

Total Spectrum Dominance

( Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars can work both ways )

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e06745  No.8453868

File: 4a2798603d24994⋯.png (230.74 KB, 620x445, 124:89, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch video. First words out of his mouth are

"This is the calm before the storm."

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on coronavirus emergency: ‘We are in this together’

Can't embed, sahhhry


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b10def  No.8453869

File: e00d3414d32f1ea⋯.png (43.37 KB, 680x491, 680:491, ClipboardImage.png)

State of Ks has cancelled all school for the remainder of 2019-2020 school year.

hasn't been posted on any news site yet - so this is the best sauce you'll get for now.

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2ef202  No.8453870


hm, that's a tougher one.

might be for supreme court.

technically USPS would have no jurisdiction over other countries, but being that americans can write to anyone anywhere…

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a3542c  No.8453871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bards of War: Episode 76

American Exceptionalism with a message from Gen Mike Flynn. Fear nothing. God Wins.

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dadcde  No.8453872

File: 1123a8f375357b7⋯.png (250.05 KB, 360x360, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c6517f6db2f5d4⋯.png (123.57 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>Hidden Enemy

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933b28  No.8453873


why Q could't have patriots out at capitols standing up and being counted / heard

anti fa free to assemble and terrorize

patriots will be crushed by law enforcement

Q knew that your government hates, has disdain for you, and could not be hidden

he needed you to believe in your government because they are going to still be ruling over you and abusing your constitutional rights. No matter what power wins old or new, it's all about power

just ask Andy Ngo

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6dd26b  No.8453874

File: 2d64a7898bc6cdd⋯.jpg (192.19 KB, 1200x685, 240:137, adapt_and_overcome_togethe….jpg)

File: 0bfd766ea58cd4a⋯.jpg (199.02 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, coming_together_again.jpg)

File: 9b16c454991dc1b⋯.jpg (209.35 KB, 1200x685, 240:137, out_produce.jpg)

File: 4763ffd309fea31⋯.jpg (238.57 KB, 1200x685, 240:137, stronger_than_ever.jpg)

File: 1295501c8b94435⋯.jpg (101.9 KB, 450x600, 3:4, what_can_I_do.jpg)


EDUCATE and CALM the public…but we have to be active in doing that.

Please share!

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f402e9  No.8453875


i like this idea will farm some with this idea shortly thanks meme anon

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26089d  No.8453876

File: 5ded2d9dfb3239b⋯.png (786.16 KB, 1146x324, 191:54, ClipboardImage.png)


April showers bring May flowers.

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c3dd5a  No.8453877

The World Deserves to Know

Society is coming undone

Tell them the trutth!

All of it.

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1854dc  No.8453878


Take care of loved ones.

Relax and Enjoy the show.

You are prepared.

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557020  No.8453879

File: b58927ec0954c8d⋯.png (45.43 KB, 388x415, 388:415, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

File: 2dc310b745cc187⋯.png (618.26 KB, 800x713, 800:713, ClipboardImage.png)

The theory is that the virus, which was developed by infectious disease experts may have originated in the Wuhan-based lab of Dr. Peng Zhou, China's preeminent researcher of bat immune systems, specifically in how their immune systems adapt to the presence of viruses like coronavirus and other destructive viruses. Somehow, the virus escaped from the lab, and the Hunan fish market where the virus supposedly originated is merely a ruse.

Now, a respected epidemiologist who recently caught flack for claiming in a twitter threat that the virus appeared to be much more contagious than initially believed is pointing out irregularities in the virus's genome that suggests it might have been genetically engineered for the purposes of a weapon, and not just any weapon but the deadliest one of all.

In "Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag", Indian researchers are baffled by segments of the virus's RNA that have no relation to other coronaviruses like SARS, and instead appear to be closer to HIV. The virus even responds to treatment by HIV medications.




Since the S protein of 2019-nCoV shares closest ancestry with SARS GZ02, the sequence coding for spike proteins of these two viruses were compared using MultiAlin software. We found four new insertions in the protein of 2019-nCoV- “GTNGTKR” (IS1), “HKNNKS” (IS2), “GDSSSG” (IS3) and “QTNSPRRA” (IS4) (Figure 2). To our surprise, these sequence insertions were not only absent in S protein of SARS but were also not observed in any other member of the Coronaviridae family (Supplementary figure). This is startling as it is quite unlikely for a virus to have acquired such unique insertions naturally in a short duration of time.

The insertions were observed to be present in all the genomic sequences of 2019-nCoV virus available from the recent clinical isolates. To know the source of these insertions in 2019-nCoV a local alignment was done with BLASTp using these insertions as query with all virus genome. Unexpectedly, all the insertions got aligned with Human immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1). Further analysis revealed that aligned sequences of HIV-1 with 2019-nCoV were derived from surface glycoprotein gp120 (amino acid sequence positions: 404-409, 462-467, 136-150) and from Gag protein (366-384 amino acid) (Table 1). Gag protein of HIV is involved in host membrane binding, packaging of the virus and for the formation of virus-like particles. Gp120 plays crucial role in recognizing the host cell by binding to the primary receptor CD4.This binding induces structural rearrangements in GP120, creating a high affinity binding site for a chemokine co-receptor like CXCR4 and/or CCR5.

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183272  No.8453880

File: 42203c1efdf81fd⋯.jpeg (416.41 KB, 1125x809, 1125:809, 49BD3FEF_575B_498C_BD90_B….jpeg)

File: 9764568371ee762⋯.jpeg (345.64 KB, 1125x705, 75:47, 8341E409_C921_40C8_95D6_C….jpeg)

File: 4fb4142d25d9407⋯.jpeg (468.55 KB, 1125x804, 375:268, 5E357034_E064_41AC_BA44_B….jpeg)

File: b3e0eed692c86ac⋯.jpeg (510.02 KB, 1125x1014, 375:338, EC5DE85D_264F_4A57_862B_7….jpeg)

File: 537d7d2fcbe8ef4⋯.jpeg (207.92 KB, 1125x825, 15:11, 209AB053_0FE8_4A73_B1E6_6….jpeg)


Did you know the Israel government kills unborn babies for free? Isn’t it anti Semitic to kill unborn jewish babies? Do you think God likes the state funded killing of unborn babies? What is Israel doing with the aborted baby body parts?🇺🇸Us USA citizens are not happy Israel is using our aid to kill unborn babies!

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000aff  No.8453881


huber is in "money laundering mitt's" state of utah too

and last summer mitt appeared to become controlled opposition after several surrender events

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368936  No.8453882

File: 9286f8d60142a1c⋯.png (478.35 KB, 598x645, 598:645, Screenshot_2020_03_17_The_….png)

The Senate agreed to a 77-day extension of #FISA that had expired Sunday night, to allow lawmakers time for further negotiations on necessary #FISAReform.



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13d6d0  No.8453883


fuck offf with that clown account.


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eb6dfe  No.8453884


I want to know how the poor little girl who was crying playing her flute while he molested her in front of the world is doing.

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b34a00  No.8453885

File: 63390cf8067e943⋯.mp4 (688.09 KB, 640x360, 16:9, This_is_the_calm_before_th….mp4)


Taken from


about 6mins 57secs in.

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bb0fd3  No.8453886

File: 58f071550840ee5⋯.jpg (258.56 KB, 680x687, 680:687, tomkids.jpg)

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93d137  No.8453887

File: 06052c7b577532e⋯.png (485.57 KB, 836x1032, 209:258, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)


Nostrildamus? Oh wait, I was thinking of Noseferatu.

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63b8ae  No.8453888

>>8453625, >>8453743, >>8453791 Irish PM: "This is the calm before the storm."

notable second

includes sauce

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861418  No.8453889

File: 5b929286d185304⋯.png (68.71 KB, 869x185, 869:185, 2020_03_17_21_46_52_EDT.png)

File: 93277e047294ef3⋯.png (507.88 KB, 1725x608, 1725:608, 2020_03_17_21_47_39_EDT.png)


Chance 1 in a trillion of getting 6 of the quads in the last 10,000 posts?

Not trying.


Somebody hold muh hand.

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8c26b0  No.8453890

File: 0fcaa30001e596e⋯.png (307.89 KB, 514x418, 257:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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822689  No.8453891

File: 2e7095dbb07273c⋯.png (249.5 KB, 600x967, 600:967, cornholio_merica.png)


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70d5be  No.8453892

File: fe6b6298f068329⋯.png (277.81 KB, 596x396, 149:99, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c068  No.8453893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Same with Wendy Williams?






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dc7bcc  No.8453894

File: 71f367adf79d52f⋯.png (994.97 KB, 1047x698, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Senate passes 77-day FISA surveillance stopgap

House will need to clear the stopgap bill

Senators passed Monday a 77-day extension of surveillance authorities that lapsed over the weekend.

The passage of a bill by voice vote that would revive and extend surveillance powers — including those under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — until the end of May gives lawmakers breathing room to debate surveillance and privacy issues after the immediate threat of the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided.

The House will need to act on the extension measure; it could do so during a pro forma session.

As part of the agreement to pass the extension, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., announced an agreement for a limited debate on three amendments, at a time to be determined later, on House-passed intelligence surveillance overhaul legislation.

The extension bill revives the availability of Section 215 orders that allow for the collection of business and other records of individuals through the FISA court and a roving wiretap provision that permits the government to get orders targeting people who frequently change phone lines or use burner devices to avoid traditional wiretaps on individual lines.


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a3542c  No.8453895



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795bb1  No.8453896


You spelled 6 million wrong.

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e9b7e1  No.8453897

File: a9aea785da84ced⋯.png (66.45 KB, 739x909, 739:909, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Department Announces Antitrust Civil Process Changes for Pendency of COVID-19 Event


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0ef677  No.8453898

Joy Reid deletes poll in….



Over Under

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dc7bcc  No.8453899


Oh, I swear by it.

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c1d5ce  No.8453900

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521dad  No.8453901

File: 8d521cc82b4f27a⋯.jpeg (288.48 KB, 1322x1183, 1322:1183, A4A7952D_A9AD_490D_B15E_0….jpeg)

I spit out my beer when Dana Bash live praised Trump as a great leader…are pigs flying, what the hell? She will never be heard from again…..

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19d61c  No.8453902

File: 78eea9eaffb27e0⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 474x628, 237:314, Pepe_TinFoil.jpg)

Must admit that anon would be scared right now if not for moar than two years of hard training.

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adf8e4  No.8453903


Looks like a powerful prince flipped in Saudi

Symbolic messaging to the Cabal to tell them that this is one minion who is now working for the WHITEHATS.

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dc7bcc  No.8453904


Kevin Durant: "I am sick."

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83ef9e  No.8453905


HOLY trips - checked

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dadcde  No.8453906


oy vey

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95ba58  No.8453907

File: 60787d1a8fda577⋯.png (756.77 KB, 697x497, 697:497, Screenshot_66.png)






On the clock?



Does Obama's "clock" stop at 10:10?

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000aff  No.8453908


i like 95% of 3d3n. he keeps quitting twitter and then coming back so i forget about him. has gone off the rails a few times in theoretical discussions.

overall A+ still

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2ef202  No.8453909


fuckin extroverts

can't handle sheit

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f01368  No.8453910


Just long enough to finish the operation.

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1854dc  No.8453911


Average global deaths influenza?

Add the numbers together.

All strains.

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bb0fd3  No.8453912

File: 0a04c48d2bd55ac⋯.jpg (97.31 KB, 450x657, 50:73, quinine.jpg)

File: be50d889e66f314⋯.png (12.96 KB, 220x220, 1:1, quarantine.png)

File: 9eafcab3de6d445⋯.jpg (333.69 KB, 1010x756, 505:378, quin.jpg)


Q is for Quinine, Quarantine, and Quintessence

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9633da  No.8453913

File: 39783e6d82b0b64⋯.png (107.42 KB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020_03_17_Mari….png)

Boatfag will be in the fade for a while. Here's Nat Rothschild's yacht PLANET NINE coming up near Spanish Wells, reported destination is Nassau in the Bahamas, ETA 3/17 1600 Local Time but has AIS reception is poor in that area so not updated yet

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7a96fc  No.8453914

File: 023443909287bf1⋯.gif (5.74 MB, 384x384, 1:1, WendyWilliamsCollapse.gif)

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ae2853  No.8453915

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)



cakes and g on the same board. insert fireworks here. u both rock. morn'n baker finally home and at the command ctr. crazy day and it's only tuesday. these will be weeks to remember. Just as an fyi… i put a psa on p.2 monday. would you plz remind anons to archive offline at some point during your shift. it gonna get worse before it gets better and i know you both feel the temp increasing here as i do. non homo luv and respect from a much less talented baker. enjoy the eve will see you at some point tomorrow.


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26089d  No.8453916


You are not a threat so therefore this is not a threat. You are a calm sociopath that supports the enemy within the Military Industrial Complex. I do not support the enemy within. You are the reason this silent war is being waged, I am just stating facts that will transpire in the future.

I am a time traveler from the past, I came here from the past, yesterday I was someone other than I am today. This is my future and today is my tomorrows yesterday.

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31986f  No.8453917


>State of Ks has cancelled all school for the remainder of 2019-2020 school year.

Let's be honest. All they were really gonna teach kids is moar bull shit and propaganda, anyway.

It's better this way…

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822689  No.8453918


When you are attempting to urinate and a fart comes out. … While standing at the urinal Jared had a "finkle" which made the other patrons in the restroom laugh.

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6dd26b  No.8453919

File: 06026ee286d8758⋯.jpg (198.56 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, people_will_need_to_be_gui….jpg)

File: dd9e2514836f78c⋯.jpg (318.95 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, digital_army.jpg)


Anons are good allies to have…

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b6c068  No.8453921

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bb0fd3  No.8453922

File: 13d67b130380931⋯.jpg (85.67 KB, 667x428, 667:428, 6mill.jpg)

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f6d2cf  No.8453923



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5435e6  No.8453924

File: aa1a1936ab33399⋯.jpg (23.09 KB, 354x415, 354:415, aa1a1936ab33399df9e512a0bd….jpg)


Word is it expired before they could renew it, then national emergency. …. check past notables day before ne was declared.

Or are you talking about the investigation of FISA abuse?


Why do you think you are hearing nothing? not even a whisper?

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eb6dfe  No.8453925

File: b5168690b755667⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 200x207, 200:207, grimmace.gif)


sportsball will never be the same

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163aad  No.8453926


thx anon.

f*ing gov.

Will POTUS sign just to continue to use it against the DS?

I hope he vetos it.

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f6d2cf  No.8453927



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4bf781  No.8453928

File: 9464e868e434ba0⋯.jpeg (440.28 KB, 902x916, 451:458, 26BCB99A_EDB1_4C17_8880_3….jpeg)

ITS FUCKING HAPPENING ANONS. Shills be damned! Nothing can stop it! Im so damn pumped, im so excited im ready to jump out of my body. I can’t wait to tell people “TOLD YOU FAGGOT”.

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a82c7a  No.8453929

File: b9825abc2cc4e5f⋯.png (42.95 KB, 726x376, 363:188, mcconnell_weather_storm.PNG)


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b10def  No.8453930


Our school district is actually pretty good. Really good in fact.


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6e225b  No.8453931

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 621a7f4cd6072b51a3b2bd274c….jpg)


{sets the egg timer for Bash's departure}

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c19e89  No.8453932

File: d188dd8fdfa247f⋯.png (302.09 KB, 401x307, 401:307, ClipboardImage.png)



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dc7bcc  No.8453933


Did you know that God made eternal promises and covenants with Israel, and God is the judge of Israel?

Not you?

Do you know what the Troubles of Jacob are?

Do you know why people like you never managed to kill all the Jews?

Hint: It wasn't for a lack of trying.

Do you know which archangel stands guard over Israel?

Hint: Michael.

Do you know how many things you use every day that had something to do with the Jews creating it, inventing it, manufacturing it, or distributing it to you?

Why not divest yourself of everything?

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1854dc  No.8453934


Space Force.

The counter.

EMP defenseless?

Not any more.

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13d6d0  No.8453935



please add:

>>8453440 'Green Light' (US AF & Dan Scavino tweet)

>>8453457 Peace Through Strenght (US Navy tweet)

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2f7a87  No.8453936


WTF are graduating seniors supposed to do?

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6dd26b  No.8453937


Great, thank you!



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16c79e  No.8453938


Such a powerful statement. I can't believe you wasted a second on it….Fuck off

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7c2d35  No.8453939


Every time you attack an idea as "Satanic Gibberish" without trying to help the poster to correct the error of their ways by providing real/tangible/qualitative reasons why the idea is fundamentally wrong, then you just debase yourself and you become a wretched angry sycophant like the Muslim cleric that rejects music.

Obviously you're addicted to the dopamine of posting so much, you're at 31 as of this post… You might still have more work to do on yourself, just saying.

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000000  No.8453940



Some of these are the one's holding you back….

Q will shine the light once again……

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082fb9  No.8453941

File: 7b485338cab392d⋯.png (1.03 MB, 905x913, 905:913, hanx.png)



>I love kids for breakfast, lunch and dinner

That face makes me sad.

Wasn't that researched a while back?

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d30bdf  No.8453942

File: ab298fbd82ea1d5⋯.png (133.06 KB, 361x352, 361:352, Pepe_wants_you_1.png)


and every single anon is also self-taught in that regard.

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07e987  No.8453943


>Deutsche Bank

Despite wide open swap lines with the ECB and BOE, US dollar liquidity is drying up. There's a giant sucking sound. The most likely culprit is DB.

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ebefeb  No.8453944

Paul Sperry - Listen to me you glorious son of a bitch - REVEL in their criticism. BRING IT and tag those bitches with the truth.

Believe and ascend Sperry. You're our Knight in shining armor. Use it and TAKE THEM APART.

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4d625d  No.8453945

Did you just shit through your fingers?

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005c6f  No.8453946

File: 6d876f33a69c261⋯.jpeg (61.58 KB, 1342x432, 671:216, 9E530FFD_9151_4235_8512_4….jpeg)

When is World Water Day, you ask?

MARCH 22, 2020

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af06bb  No.8453947


Key word is probably "invest". They expect to make money, not necessarily do good. Also note emphasis on vaccinations and testing, not cures.

Are we asking the question loudly enough: If science can come up with testing, vaccinations and cures for a "novel" virus in 3 months why is humanity still plagued by the common cold and flu seasons?

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822689  No.8453948



When you are attempting to urinate and a fart comes out. … While standing at the urinal Jared had a "finkle" which made the other patrons in the restroom laugh.

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1854dc  No.8453949


Vital to win closely contested battles.

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d6f98b  No.8453950

File: 90f205bd1452421⋯.png (26.63 KB, 598x115, 26:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 295de83890c5207⋯.png (348.51 KB, 1242x1183, 1242:1183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33f4857d21085c4⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, ClipboardImage.png)

Ok, have a dig that needs some EYEZ ON!


This guy connects to Elon Musk. Look at his favorite tagline

>we will win

comapny is comma.ai

Is POTUS pointing us in this direction? Needs some fleshing out.

What do you goyz think?

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978727  No.8453951

File: d9d9488d2d8964b⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 375x281, 375:281, 8196a158_0ac0_4cb6_b775_40….gif)

this means something…












>We urge New Zealanders currently travelling overseas to consider returning home while commercial options remain available.

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4bf781  No.8453952


I got a big dick and it’s quite dry.

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4d625d  No.8453953


Self nom? Faggot.

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dd1d06  No.8453954

File: ab33d916ddf3234⋯.png (668.24 KB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 739E50F6_E288_4FBF_BA0F_71….png)

File: e988bb49d3925ed⋯.jpeg (357.35 KB, 1242x1741, 1242:1741, 58FC2BBA_0A6F_4A91_BBC2_4….jpeg)



need to read ISAIAH 26:20-21

and basically the whole chapter. look at ALL different translations. verse 20 (year 2020). chapter describes perfectly what is happening

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000aff  No.8453955


unlikely. gets retweeted by potus.

my main complaint is he's too churchy and sometimes he goes too theoretical like a wayward math proof

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97c56b  No.8453956

File: 2b2be45dda55c44⋯.jpg (333.69 KB, 1501x927, 1501:927, 9a35137bd875a6639a4f16beca….jpg)


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93c284  No.8453957

File: 36dc557dca548ab⋯.jpg (245.75 KB, 1917x693, 213:77, C560s_17_Mar_20_2155.jpg)

LOBO474 headed to Cherry Point. PAT104 headed back to Washington (Andrews). PAT024 likely headed to Los Alamitos or Miramar.

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17197d  No.8453958

On the Five

Lucky charms with "gold coin" marshmallow.

Im sure its just a coincidence

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2811a6  No.8453959


wouldn't it be nice to be a little more respectful of your fellow anons who are Christians?

I can handle the bewbs, even try to enjoy them without stimulating my lust, but Scripture is Holy.

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ebefeb  No.8453960


Sometimes the ones holding you back can provide the most thrust to escape.

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f6d2cf  No.8453961



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c19e89  No.8453962



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bb0fd3  No.8453963

File: 1d73404de71288b⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 474x228, 79:38, tigereyes.jpg)

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e88718  No.8453964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8cf76a  No.8453965


tyvm boatfag


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1854dc  No.8453966


New Amsterdam?

York = ?


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97c56b  No.8453967

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dc7bcc  No.8453968

File: df920ea4ac8fec4⋯.png (1.52 MB, 838x1200, 419:600, ClipboardImage.png)


Let's see.

15 days left in March

30 days in April

45 days

Leaving 32 days

So, June 1, 2020, FISAGATE is coming soon to a theater near you.

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d3e8a3  No.8453969

File: 117fe96e6fc84d6⋯.jpeg (359.01 KB, 750x972, 125:162, 83C177E3_3A23_4949_AE06_3….jpeg)

File: 5137b9298b43f55⋯.jpeg (142.02 KB, 1010x990, 101:99, 71AAF8EF_9E1D_4381_8816_F….jpeg)

Tom Hanks tweet

Looks very much like a hospital room

Especially with the previous pic of him and his wife in front of a steel door


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fbfc66  No.8453971

The Storm is Here

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822689  No.8453972




When you are attempting to urinate and a fart comes out. … While standing at the urinal Jared had a "finkle" which made the other patrons in the restroom laugh.

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b6c068  No.8453973

Think about this

Self-marked and GLOW






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087a4a  No.8453974


I was JUST thinking about water connections

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435b5c  No.8453975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Deep state right now after drinking tainted blood.

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b4aee3  No.8453976

File: 6e6c5c438b8627d⋯.png (301.98 KB, 361x369, 361:369, ClipboardImage.png)

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06bb02  No.8453977


she was tripping on andrenochrome.

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518c62  No.8453978


if you think Q is here for power then why are you even here. what are your intentions? why come here if you even think that?

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a225e4  No.8453979

File: c0d482ef94fd307⋯.jpeg (147.77 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, ope.jpeg)

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7c2d35  No.8453980

File: bf4b1b76893d02a⋯.png (11.46 KB, 118x107, 118:107, poasurast2.png)

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132a23  No.8453982

File: f0a9af7da62b212⋯.png (869.4 KB, 809x801, 809:801, 1_KOMO_re_Paisley_Store_Se….PNG)

File: f41788cef0a7949⋯.png (225.42 KB, 674x888, 337:444, 2_KOMO_re_Paisley_Store_Se….PNG)

File: 4ce3dd7e05ed22c⋯.png (33.46 KB, 636x270, 106:45, 3_KOMO_re_Paisley_Store_Se….PNG)

Brad Paisley: 'The Store' will deliver groceries to elderly amid coronavirus pandemic

Country superstar Brad Paisley announced Tuesday that his free referral-based grocery store will be providing deliveries of a week's groceries to elderly residents in Edgehill and Berry Hill on twice a week in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Paisley said "The Store" will be delivering to the two areas on Wednesdays and Thursdays "in light of how times have changed" during a video shared to his Instagram account. The deliveries will be made by a group of volunteers, according to Paisley.

Paisley and his wife, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, in partnership with Belmont University, opened The Store to provide Nashville families in need with a year-round free grocery store. The Store was inspired by Unity Shoppe, a nonprofit grocery store in Santa Barbara, California, which has helped families in need for more than 100 years.



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a34ccf  No.8453983


Meh, boat lift cables ( wire rope ) will stretch and fatigue over time. This is what happens if not replaced soon enough.

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7c161b  No.8453984

File: a033c3b280df2c1⋯.jpg (232.35 KB, 786x729, 262:243, dogs.jpg)

More comms from the NY Post. You know how the Deep State loves using dog symbolism. Very unfortunate this "dog" died at the same time China is expelling Americans.


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bb0fd3  No.8453985

File: 4d82e900f880ba1⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 27b05b4dbed3d5894a541a4608….jpg)

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cdca56  No.8453986

File: 1b55b839c8e5d15⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 378x484, 189:242, darktricks.jpg)

Remind you of anything?

Just what exactly is Hollywood trying to 'invoke' here?

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7a96fc  No.8453987

File: 18bd28c8a7caa48⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1036x1016, 259:254, ClipboardImage.png)

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07e987  No.8453988


Perfect written English at 4am.


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bd9139  No.8453990


This is the internet.

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dc7bcc  No.8453991


I don't, actually.

I just tell Anons like you, who lack spiritual discernment, that what they're being offered is

satanic gibberish

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28c691  No.8453992


I listen, I listener.

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8cf76a  No.8453993


>>8453597, >>8453784, >>8453913 Boatfaggin

>>8453609, >>8453655, >>8453826, >>8453838 planefaggin

>>8453897 Justice Department Announces Antitrust Civil Process Changes for Pendency of COVID-19 Event

>>8453882, >>8453894 Senate passes 77-day FISA surveillance stopgap

>>8453855 Boeing Seeks 'Tens Of Billions' In Bailouts After Fully Drawing-Down $13Bn Credit Line

>>8453560 H.R.6172 - USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020, S.3421 - USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020

>>8453533 Saudi Prince’s $78 Million Superyacht Capsizes in Greece

>>8453507 Adobe, Inc. EVP WW Operations sold:$11.25m-Mar 16

>>8453455, >>8453355, >>8453386 Anons swing Twat Poll - 15k anon votes in ONE HOUR

>>8453412 Indiana activating NG

>>8453437 @HQUSAFEAFAF #Aviano Air Base continues to remain rapidly ready, resilient and lethal.


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545bb1  No.8453994

File: a91660b28eea052⋯.png (262.75 KB, 342x455, 342:455, aka.png)


Fifteen years here.

Buckle up.

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6b5d55  No.8453995

File: 78007903c5bab0c⋯.png (102.87 KB, 679x625, 679:625, Fight.png)

UK Chencellor Rishi Sunak

>Economic emergency

>We have never in peace time faced an economic fight like this one. But we are well prepared. We will get through this.

An Economic fight?

With who?

>What did he mean by this?


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729eed  No.8453996

File: 322a8260f6d30c8⋯.png (101.62 KB, 690x342, 115:57, ClipboardImage.png)


The legislation has been published: http://merrionstreet.ie/!644N9D

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499e02  No.8453997


God Bless Israel

God Bless the USA

May mankind and our leaders see the wisdom of God's Word to guide us thru these days.

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17197d  No.8453998

File: ebc35f4120b563a⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 048BDFED_94A0_4961_B992_C….jpeg)


Wasn’t fast enough to get a clearer pic.

Don’t shoot the messenger.

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eb6dfe  No.8453999


Why don't jews ever come to birthday parties?

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adf8e4  No.8454000


#2478 is one drop from that day

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11 Nov 2018 - 9:58:18 AM

Let the unsealing begin.

Let the DEC[L]AS begin.

Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.

We, the PEOPLE.



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6189e0  No.8454001

File: 0daa7088664977d⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1274x720, 637:360, leadLove.png)

Mr. President, Q, and QTeam,

Thank you for the results of your leadership. All your accomplishments: shutting down human trafficking (protecting children and those who cannot protect themselves) CEO resignations, the placeholders, etc.

Thank you for your comms, and the comfort they bring.

Thank you for being the best President and Military on the planet.

With heart felt love and gratitude.


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7a96fc  No.8454002


His old typewriter happens to be a 'corona standard'?

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f6d2cf  No.8454003



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acba08  No.8454004

Can someone embed this video?


Possible Q proof about Phase III

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b10def  No.8454005


I gotta admit - this is a bit chilling

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1fa009  No.8454006

File: 6cb279926105ed5⋯.jpeg (944.43 KB, 1125x1781, 1125:1781, 6F379288_7288_47DE_9D6D_6….jpeg)

#BREAKING Prince Harry and Meghan Markle receiving health advice amid reports prince's contact with F1 driver Lewis Hamilton put him at risk of the coronavirus. The Queen is also moving locations to protect herself as the UK grapples with the spread


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087a4a  No.8454007

File: d0d81e8b1ba338f⋯.jpg (415.99 KB, 1053x1248, 27:32, SmartSelect_20200317_12465….jpg)


I was playing with Qs post. Dont know if this has anything to it

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dc7bcc  No.8454008

File: 034317af13e4421⋯.png (58.46 KB, 220x209, 20:19, ClipboardImage.png)


Hmmm, on skull & bones day

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435b5c  No.8454009


It's all fixed anon. Every. Single. Game.

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6585dd  No.8454010


Not a roll from Portland to Boise today.

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1854dc  No.8454011


Legends guide.

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fbcd47  No.8454012


Potus green tie today

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000aff  No.8454013


could you help me understand?

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188f90  No.8454014


Because they would have to buy a gift.

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574a2d  No.8454015


Officers of the law are given bad raps by jackasses like this clown.

Hope the DOJ gets this guy and his two accomplices some serious attention.

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13d6d0  No.8454016


only clowns would use that bs as reason to leave out relevant info.

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07e987  No.8454019


Elon's always been a twitchy twat.

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ce0206  No.8454020

File: 4d00081b8b256d0⋯.jpg (80.2 KB, 719x822, 719:822, Screenshot_20200317_180041….jpg)

Just got this

Staten Island NY

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6ae56c  No.8454021

Who’s comfy?

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93d137  No.8454023


It's St Paddy's day. What do the leprechauns hide at the end of the rainbow?

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b4e99c  No.8454025


that would work!


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d023f9  No.8454026

File: e123bf48f7d7ade⋯.png (181.67 KB, 264x351, 88:117, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

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f98887  No.8454027

File: 21d1af058ef7c92⋯.jpg (94.25 KB, 734x960, 367:480, 89934124_220559092682541_2….jpg)

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049562  No.8454028


Anon, The Map is all the crumbs. The crumb sites serve as the map instead of needed a million graphics like that.

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85b923  No.8454029

The reset is the cabals plan..

Trump knows plan gives everyone money.. everyone buys the cheap stock and property. While 1%'s are "sick"


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4d625d  No.8454030


Only shills would self nom. Faggot.

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c19e89  No.8454031


trips confirm jews are stingy

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ebefeb  No.8454032

Americans will not win because of wealth, but because of faith and a stubborn pesky thing called 'consecration'.

Whether you want to follow God in America or not, the Christians and their abundance/consecration are the 'Ghunga Din' of North America. We HAPPILY carry the water (blessings) for everybody.

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7a96fc  No.8454033

File: c14c1432c9b5713⋯.png (390.57 KB, 680x425, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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13d6d0  No.8454034


Eric and Don rt Posobiec. So this proofs nothing.

3D3N, ETS, EzAsCoWa and E post bs in a cryptic way to be perceived somehow special and as part of Q team - they are not - NO OUTSIDE COMMS.

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93d137  No.8454035


I got one of those. Son anon noticed it yesterday. Many keks ensued. But still…good eye.

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d023f9  No.8454036

File: b553683b9f6a2fd⋯.png (205.89 KB, 491x279, 491:279, Screen_Shot_2020_03_17_at_….png)

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94dbfb  No.8454039

File: 0776bd206394b55⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 470x595, 94:119, PepeDevil.jpg)


I don't like to wish people ill-will, but seeing this brings me so much glee.

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082fb9  No.8454040

File: 8c03036ccec6015⋯.png (594.46 KB, 792x364, 198:91, 2020_03_17_18_04_58.png)


>The Queen is also moving locations to protect herself as the UK grapples with the spread

Will the Queen open up the gates of her enormous financial wealth to help her citizens?

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ec8bc8  No.8454041

Anyone investing? I'm buying DIA ETF since not sure what else. I would short cabal related companies but not sure how long it would take to execute those.

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484838  No.8454044


I watched it.

Countless businesses, companies, self-employed are basically asking to be bailed out, in a sense, to combat the economic blow Covid's having on the population/communities.

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c656ef  No.8454045

File: ffac1802ec9bc95⋯.jpg (87.09 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, bewbs2.jpg)

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a225e4  No.8454046



how do u catch a wild animal ?


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dc7bcc  No.8454048


We're not there yet.

We're still in Ezekiel 37, where the Dry Bones have stood up in the desert, re-animated the nation of Israel, put on muscle, blood/life, skin/borders, etc., and are waiting for the Spirit.

Then the Ezekiel 38 battle, after all of God's children will be called up to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb.

I would like all Anons to be there.

It's pre-paid, and all you have to do, is believe the truth.

Jesus really is God.

Jesus really did rise from the dead on the third day, after dying to pay the sin debt of humanity.

Simple as.

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1854dc  No.8454049


Not domestic.


Hong Kong.

Being corrected?

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df736b  No.8454050


That's why he said, "one I used to love." Doesn't super-love it anymore. Muhcorona.

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07e987  No.8454051


I haven't seen shit.

New form of concer fagging.

Fake as fuck

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ebefeb  No.8454053


This is amazingly accurate. Trump (God) took their weapons and re-purposed them to destroy their makers.

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af7322  No.8454055

File: 63003e0a93bafad⋯.jpeg (102.72 KB, 828x595, 828:595, 7FFD9125_2C9C_4A33_B912_D….jpeg)

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1854dc  No.8454056


Patriots in Control.

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a758a4  No.8454057

File: 861a22fe12ad9d2⋯.png (84.73 KB, 887x407, 887:407, Elizabeth_Warren_Lays_Out_….png)

I knew Elizabeth Warren was a "White Hat" the whole time..

Elizabeth Warren Lays Out The 8 Conditions For A Federal Bailout


What a great time for POTUS to work together with Warren and get these measures past!!! Her demands are music to my ears!!!

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183272  No.8454059

File: ecddf3e01c28c87⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1125x1474, 1125:1474, A890E005_51F6_41E2_9C12_A….jpeg)


You are a real dumbass. Enjoy your personal awakening. Do you know about the Balfour Declaration? When was it created? Why was it created? For whom was it created to “draw” into the war? Which war(s)? And by what nation was it created? When you are done researching, ask yourself if you are a United States Patriot or if you are a Zionist! You can not be both!🇺🇸

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8cf76a  No.8454061

Fresh Deep




Fill Dis Bred Anons!

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435b5c  No.8454062



Lots of helper anons on here now.

Care to elaborate on the buckle up part?

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4fc961  No.8454063


Is that the typewriter from that Madonna cover anons discussed the other day?

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bb0fd3  No.8454064

File: a28c953369b2112⋯.png (503.42 KB, 1056x737, 96:67, hitlercough.png)

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fbfc66  No.8454065

Freddy is part of the Plan

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06bb02  No.8454067


The Magic Sword

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31986f  No.8454068


>Our school district is actually pretty good. Really good in fact.

I wouldn't doubt if it's better than most. But in all honesty, there are major faults in the core foundation of our nation, and the entire world's, "education" systems. It's one fabrication after another. Just one big game of dress up with all the emperor's new clothes. At the children's expense, of course

If you only knew how bad things really are…

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13d6d0  No.8454069


no baker with a brain could possibly miss this, when called notable by a few anons.

>>8453625, >>8453743, >>8453791 Irish PM: "This is the calm before the storm."

>>8453625, >>8453743, >>8453791 Irish PM: "This is the calm before the storm."

>>8453625, >>8453743, >>8453791 Irish PM: "This is the calm before the storm."

BO, get that clown out of your kitchen! HANDOFF, NOW!

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ebefeb  No.8454070

Anons don't rule or want to rule the world.


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af4eaa  No.8454071



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933b28  No.8454072


is ra el you speak of is the evil

Israel is to Israelite the body (church) not the land, his people

fake man made and evil inspired Armageddon is the ruse playing out now

Peace & Security, the UN it's doctrines and treaties, sovereignty /non, is what this is about.

you may know the season, and these things will come to pass, they have not, and we are not in the season, surely not the day nor the hour.

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9fffb9  No.8454073




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dc7bcc  No.8454076


check'd and harmonized

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83ef9e  No.8454077


bettin on tranni ben collin so sos so sorry soros boi for -6 NO3 joy reid is sex slave matt lauer trained gimp


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13d6d0  No.8454078


sauce it.

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000aff  No.8454079


yes probably. also, any exec negotiating a departure exercises all his stock options and liquidates because their salary is stopping and they need cash.

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087a4a  No.8454080

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