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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wwg1wga.jpg)

190ab7  No.6879102

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 06.27.2019

>>>/patriotsfight/471 ——————————— FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. (Cap >>6857127)

>>>/patriotsfight/470 ——————————— [OnReady] (Cap >>6857111)

>>>/patriotsfight/469 ——————————— Be ready. (Cap >>6856997)

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr? (Cap >>6837254)

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show (Cap >>6837251)

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster (Cap >>6837249)

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves. (Cap >>6837248)

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745 (Cap >>6837246)

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up (Cap >>6837245)

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'. (Cap >>6837243)

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA. (Cap >>6837240)

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ. (Cap >>6837239)

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch (Cap >>6837238)

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember (Cap >>6837236)

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap >>6837235)

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

190ab7  No.6879165

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6799992 Index has been reduced to 15 pages from 25.

>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6755645 Please no JPEGs (with conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6879129 3:46: Potus steps across the line, into NORTH KOREA.

>>6879049 POTUS with Pres. Moon, who is talking about the upcoming historic event

>>6879006 Live from Osan AB

>>6878974 Credible Threat to D.C. Free Speech Rally - Acid Attacks from Antifa

>>6878916 Anybody else notice how respectful the asian reporters are. It's like they are actual unbiased and reporting news.

>>6878914 Attorneys for Ngo looking for the individual(s) who printed up custom paper cups for "milkshakes".

>>6878874 POTUS listening…not saying much, nodding. Can't hear translator. Then this from POTUS:

>>6878833 Dominos Pizza on a BUN

>>6878703 Here's their handbook

>>6878708 President Trump’s helicopter arriving just now at the DMZ

>>6878625, >>6878635 This is why she has a phone number on her arm.

>>6878471 pf report Royal Saudi mil

>>6878483 Rodman Tweet-"much Love"

>>6878478 Trump-Kim Meeting at DMZ - LIVE COVERAGE

>>6879161 #8798

#8797 baker change

>>6877715, >>6877984 planefag watchin Brazil AF1

>>6877777 Prayer gets quints - dig pray meme

>>6877842, >>6877880, >>6877769, >>6878096, >>6878184, >>6878175, >>6878170, >>6878157, >>6878226 live DMZ chatter (sample size sauces)

>>6878262, >>6878259, >>6878245, >>6878283, live DMZ chatter cont'd

>>6877939, >>6877964, >>6878061 WH live stream posts >>6878146 LIVE now

>>6877990 pool report update: POTUS says, "Working out a very quick meeting" with Kim

>>6877908, >>6877965 anons on Eric Holder tweet about Iron Horse and Columbia man.

>>6877972 9/11 First Responder Who Testified Alongside Jon Stewart Has Passed Away

>>6878352 #8797


>>6877380 update/info on Twelve Tribes, many links

>>6877314, >>6877354 POTUS Quotes this morning about Chairman Kim, "A handshake means a lot." w/related past tweet.

>>6877284 group that was handing out milkshakes in PDX today

>>6877225 Milk shake attacks actually cause chem burns (no injuries reported so far today but could escalate?)

>>6877215 From 2001: "Each time they entered the Wonderland channel, users went through seven separate security checks and had to pass two electronic gatekeepers known as Alice and Sandra."

>>6877210 Blue Blinds Bakery continues Twelve Tribes dig

>>6877097 more milkshake links

>>6877096 Ghosn abruptly cancels news conference due to opposition from his family

>>6877093 word of the hour is "immurement"

>>6877072 US Forces Korea Twit, watch POTUS talk with troops

>>6877027 Italy in shock as mayor, medics, & others caught brainwashing kids to sell them into foster care

>>6877017 "Wonderland" is underground … July 4, 1862 original manuscript

>>6877007 concrete: #shakebackthestreets

>>6876987 Satanic Portland

>>6876970 POTUS LIVE

>>6876959 Many vids at link… maybe some autist can ID fucktards who attacked Andy Ngo…

>>6876951 Countries May Begin Backfilling U.S. Troops in Syria Within Weeks, Envoy Says

>>6877294, >>6877389, >>6877415 Anons on KJU, Q, and Alice

>>6877558 #8796

Previously Collected Notables

>>6876103 #8794, >>6876856 #8795

>>6873771 #8791, >>6874472 #8792, >>6875289 #8793

>>6871434 #8788, >>6872227 #8789, >>6872992 #8790

>>6869180 #8785, >>6869940 #8786, >>6870699 #8787

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

190ab7  No.6879168

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6860560

Q Graphics all in EST


190ab7  No.6879176

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 45,000+ memes & infographs - 13 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

A few direct-linked folders in the Mega library

--> Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

--> QNN blanks https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

--> Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery 1300+ safe-for-work memes for the curious + newly redpilled https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA

NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6692040 , >>6744237

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>

2e0bd4  No.6879180


>>6879167 (lb)

190ab7  No.6879184

the dough


75337a  No.6879189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'



1de756  No.6879192

File: f1169f3a97c6c78⋯.jpg (57.88 KB, 364x276, 91:69, cps.jpg)

75337a  No.6879194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


1de756  No.6879198

File: dea12abbf43e86c⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 254x191, 254:191, please.jpg)

076bc9  No.6879207

File: aa1671cc294de65⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1064, 200:133, Trump_Tower.png)

Day One New World

75337a  No.6879208

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

File: cfc1d1921e5ad16⋯.jpg (179.84 KB, 393x912, 131:304, (((they))).jpg)

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

865717  No.6879209

File: beb1874c092c61e⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1200x1770, 40:59, 1561876636868.png)

Jews are in shock…

b130c5  No.6879210

Welp, we're getting a false flag this weekend for sure now. This is the BIGGEST news.

190ab7  No.6879211

Kim in S Korea, 3 leaders walking into freedom house…

1de756  No.6879212

File: c1ca5144138fdac⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 70.68 KB, 343x228, 343:228, ldrcp.gif)

5e7cc7  No.6879213

How awesome it is to be alive and here with you guys.

470ffb  No.6879214

>>6879190 (LB)

They were probably hoping that adding concrete would harden the liquid. A rock disguised as a drink. If they wanted to cause chemical burns then they could have used toilet bowl cleaner.

f2bfae  No.6879215

POTUS and Kim just ducked into a building on the South side…. shit is going down!

75337a  No.6879216

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, ((.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, (.jpg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

dca8c3  No.6879217

File: a489876be8769c8⋯.jpg (113.45 KB, 800x450, 16:9, IMG_2925.JPG)

File: 2e146891799f8ea⋯.jpg (97.48 KB, 800x533, 800:533, IMG_2924.JPG)

File: 0e0f75b1b71e24d⋯.jpg (54.64 KB, 640x400, 8:5, IMG_2912.JPG)

File: 2a215417e12b2c2⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 3500x1750, 2:1, IMG_2909.JPG)

File: a8b72123b0845bb⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 640x359, 640:359, IMG_2908.JPG)

31ed58  No.6879218

1de756  No.6879219

File: c664a3669b87178⋯.jpg (219.12 KB, 722x412, 361:206, copypastas.jpg)

7604ff  No.6879220

File: 224214e053563c4⋯.jpg (210.17 KB, 962x627, 962:627, trumpkimrem.jpg)

4b6927  No.6879221

Strings cut motherfuckaz!!

0c5f5a  No.6879222


FUCK OFF, YOU! More important shit is going on right now!

f2bfae  No.6879223


Freedom House is the building

460e3f  No.6879224

File: 6e5b581f839c6a0⋯.png (819.31 KB, 978x544, 489:272, POTUS comes out south kore….PNG)



2e0bd4  No.6879225

8dcf8f  No.6879226


Do we have an exact time of the meeting? Are we on the "watch"?

303e5b  No.6879227

File: f35f7c1e804d554⋯.png (74.36 KB, 259x250, 259:250, ClipboardImage.png)

d17638  No.6879228

File: 00582cc8983b11e⋯.jpg (318.72 KB, 1024x1323, 1024:1323, 164723781.jpg)

President Peace Maker

6eb2c4  No.6879229

File: 384edcfb5a6cff1⋯.jpg (242.89 KB, 1974x1128, 7:4, 2019-06-30_TRUMP - KIM - M….jpg)

WOW! What a rush and will remember this forever

9a69f4  No.6879230

File: e4b54f0e0fc3b00⋯.png (841.45 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, America Strong Q Alpha.png)


So Proud of Our Magnificent President.

Happy to be here with (you)

4b6927  No.6879231


Amazing things happening for all of us. Kim to White House next

75337a  No.6879232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



McDonalds caught using human baby meat in their burgers

449709  No.6879233

is the world peace muddafuckers. hatchling meme out there anywhere?

ffb9ee  No.6879234

File: f70288f9cc997c9⋯.jpeg (451.58 KB, 2048x1320, 256:165, E41EFEFD-51F8-4E1D-AEEE-5….jpeg)


History books

0101e3  No.6879235

b4e8b9  No.6879236


Wanted to post this myself

Just a brick disguised as a drink

Thats it

Others think you were just splashed but you were also hit hard

Can aktoooly cause a serious injury

390ca7  No.6879237


>POTUS and Kim just ducked into a building on the South side…. shit is going down!

End of Korean war would be the perfect setup to a huge 4th of July celebration.

dca8c3  No.6879238

File: 55064df34b72801⋯.jpg (106.85 KB, 800x533, 800:533, IMG_2899.JPG)

File: cde9b28fa36d53e⋯.jpg (103.66 KB, 800x533, 800:533, IMG_2902.JPG)

File: 20c5f5aae69dbf1⋯.jpg (75.08 KB, 640x400, 8:5, IMG_2913.JPG)

File: 23eb6de4e6977e7⋯.jpg (109.9 KB, 800x533, 800:533, IMG_2914.JPG)

File: c045a9f486939c9⋯.jpg (114.21 KB, 800x539, 800:539, IMG_2915.JPG)

1de756  No.6879239

File: 71290c6aa72b04c⋯.jpg (128.58 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wtsoremac.jpg)

6d7830  No.6879240


Reminds me when we were glued to the TV, watching the first man walk on the moon.

It must kill the US press to see Trump being treated so honorably and gasp, credited with peace. An honor Obama accepted but never achieved.

It ruins their attempt to frame him as unliked and ineffective.

The entire world loves Trump (including Russia and China, or at least Xi and Putin), except for the Barry Axis. Which is the EU (especially Germany/France/UK), Iran and the USA media/Dems/Establishment.

We live in Upside Down World where the media tries to pretend Trump is hated, the USA is one large racist concentration camp and the world is falling apart. It’s a farce. But it’s the legacy of Barry. His radicals just do not want to give up power, no matter what. Even if all the facts fly in the face of their lies.

The Coup is a great example of this. They just won’t let it go, even now. But they are losing, day by day.

75337a  No.6879241

File: c6829f25361afb8⋯.jpeg (81.57 KB, 1413x766, 1413:766, 11.jpeg)

1537c8  No.6879242

File: 08d5179f19add48⋯.png (451.92 KB, 619x475, 619:475, Scavino45 re DMZ 6-29-19 ….PNG)

File: 5b89a4beb308e7d⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Scavino45 re DMZ 6-….mp4)



a26bb7  No.6879243

>>6879164 pb

(posted at 751, kek)


POTUS to Chairman Kim:

(after returning to the South Korean side):

"I just want to say that this is my honor. I didn't really expect….Stepping across that line was a great honor."

President Moon also shakes hands with Chairman Kim as POTUS looks on. 3:52 pm, local time, in DMZ.


"It's a great day for the world."

Then all three leaders go into Freedom House. For a discussion? Fox pundits want to know.

[Tucker mentioned as being about 5 ft away from the action, kek.[

d06d7c  No.6879244

File: 950438824b10c24⋯.jpg (6.8 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download.jpg)

176fe4  No.6879245


>>6879129 (lb) 3:46: Potus steps across the line, into NORTH KOREA.

0c5f5a  No.6879246

File: 6a208a38ccb3a52⋯.jpg (225.01 KB, 600x600, 1:1, trump_kek_vortex.jpg)

File: 2c1d4d0131b744f⋯.gif (194.77 KB, 375x375, 1:1, trump_midas.gif)

File: fdac9b319fa777f⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1500x1007, 1500:1007, trump_restoration.jpg)

File: 81dbc42e84b43dc⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 320x322, 160:161, trump_stronger.jpg)

File: 9fbc87b6cbd8016⋯.jpeg (66.49 KB, 800x800, 1:1, trump_sun2.jpeg)


A new era is beginning!

865717  No.6879247

Trump just undid in a jew steps what took the JEWS over 50 years to put together.


75337a  No.6879248

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

File: 6d299b6b5a198a3⋯.gif (188.74 KB, 817x818, 817:818, JIDF.gif)

File: bdfdd44855b6ec7⋯.jpeg (145.78 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_aggots.jpeg)

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpeg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpeg)

1de756  No.6879249

File: 55d1eec16113808⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 155.92 KB, 620x388, 155:97, jimfag.jpg)

b465ca  No.6879250

They're in The Freedom House now — how symbolic

cc7b5c  No.6879251

File: 4e0a630accd2d50⋯.jpg (27.85 KB, 540x317, 540:317, potusunlimitedupside.jpg)

File: f68155a5a5bccd2⋯.jpg (313.65 KB, 911x727, 911:727, potuspeace.jpg)

1de756  No.6879252

File: 1e9db7f07d7cbdb⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 254x188, 127:94, sostrt.jpg)

c7f0b7  No.6879253

>>6878255 last B

Is [WB] the investment arm of the Mexican Cartels?

Who else ammasses 100B?


a82a37  No.6879254

File: 2420419205cfe25⋯.png (994.93 KB, 1003x646, 59:38, TrumpKimDMZ.PNG)

File: 70a2de2a8f6132c⋯.png (14.73 KB, 584x121, 584:121, WWG1WGA.PNG)


a8b8d5  No.6879255

Funny to hear the reporters fighting with each other!

"Stop it!"

"Back up!!!"


6a1448  No.6879256


694f41  No.6879257

File: 9f972420ad5fad1⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1920x1069, 1920:1069, john bolton i was told the….png)

d0c3b2  No.6879258

File: e80b5f16dd8be00⋯.png (146.46 KB, 444x609, 148:203, ClipboardImage.png)

75337a  No.6879259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Is Anything in McDonald's Kosher? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

190ab7  No.6879260

the whole word is watching and it's very important for the world.

41f202  No.6879261

File: e61bf2aeb4d445a⋯.jpg (38.58 KB, 388x388, 1:1, 1475765830786.jpg)



98848c  No.6879262

dudes are they signing peace treaty …. oooh boy this is getting real good

fox news blew it tonight, on a historic night to boot, with that idiot rambling on, all they needed to do to make it worse was to add that hole Neville, she must have said no. sad.


fb8acb  No.6879263


I think Korea is getting a a 4th of July?!?!?!

a62b3f  No.6879264


"waaaah! muh shot!"

the pissing and moaning by those people…

a3636f  No.6879265


Gotta say I have a few tears. Nice to be here with you frens.

8645f9  No.6879266


Very good. Exciting. Impressive. Nice surprises.

600e96  No.6879267

File: 0af54d2b694281d⋯.png (967.87 KB, 1708x574, 122:41, proud.png)

635c59  No.6879268

File: 60b35618e675742⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2560x2108, 640:527, 1537588382715.jpg)

a5dfcd  No.6879269

File: 34766e380357d4b⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 761x679, 761:679, image.jpg)


Thank you brand new world bread baker.

1de756  No.6879270

File: ea37d0bf73b8983⋯.jpg (101.19 KB, 504x374, 252:187, shillpaste.jpg)

ba8051  No.6879271

Trump said earlier today they were only going to shake hands and say hi. But now they are talking in Freedom House. Was Trump setting expectations low in case something was not ready on Kim's end, and now there is something more to happen?

825f63  No.6879272

File: 46f0c3de8c4e9d9⋯.jpeg (208.65 KB, 1125x814, 1125:814, BE8855C4-A64C-45E4-815B-2….jpeg)

Freedom House

Potus, Kim, Moon

Historic Habbenings. Delicious bread. Tyb!

75337a  No.6879273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

176fe4  No.6879274

File: 6a107ca0c9a9abd⋯.jpg (195.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kim55.jpg)

31ed58  No.6879275

File: 70ec8612ade4a1f⋯.jpg (129.52 KB, 800x655, 160:131, Q sent us.jpg)

b4e8b9  No.6879276

Comparable to Berlin wall

6eb2c4  No.6879277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the FREEDDOM HOUS for talks

757511  No.6879278

b465ca  No.6879279


Holy shit. This is so huge.

07173b  No.6879280

File: 28edbf0f411af2c⋯.jpg (194.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dftxh.jpg)

a8f5f4  No.6879281

File: 7ab285a39bc93c8⋯.png (2.33 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, patriotQ.png)

File: ccc00fa903e6e3f⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, wwg1wgaUSA.jpg)


Putin right, the left is dead.

Multiculturalism is dead.

Winning. Today is a win.

1de756  No.6879282

File: a88662792a21ff8⋯.jpg (96.72 KB, 548x362, 274:181, ysion.jpg)

390ca7  No.6879283

I hab a problem, anons…

Am out of cold beer, but there's good habbenings.

Is it worth drinking 75 degree beerz to keep going?

5f7752  No.6879284

File: e5c628eda22c319⋯.jpg (127.53 KB, 986x555, 986:555, 75842758439257840758475493….jpg)

Celebrate anons!

Today YOU won!

a18212  No.6879285

File: 0d918a995499632⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, potus kim 1.png)

File: 2f54bdc6dcf07dc⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, potus kim 2.png)

File: a8e0beb30837313⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, potus kim 3.png)

File: f5a4a73cd3f21ef⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, potus kim 4.png)

File: c3851befda5dd29⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, potus kim 5.png)

"I would invite him right now to the White House."

President Trump just crossed the Rubicon. Crossed the Delware. Crossed the Demarcation Line.

It's been an honor here with all you anons, watching the world change. It's like being the first ones up on Christmas and the gift is a whole new world. Happy Peace Day, anons and Q and President Trump.

Thank you, and God Bless America.

d07085  No.6879286

File: e13db8ab830f4fe⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lel55.png)

75337a  No.6879287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Rabbi Admits that White Genocide is the Goal

2388a2  No.6879288



dca8c3  No.6879289

File: e036db6b249b08a⋯.jpg (155.39 KB, 800x1035, 160:207, IMG_2928.JPG)

d877fc  No.6879290


That’s baking my noodle too.

They all went inside. What’s the mission?

18093a  No.6879291

File: f4bf7ac9e9b5c7d⋯.jpg (10.58 KB, 255x169, 255:169, STABLE GENIUS.jpg)

File: 9ee0facdb38942d⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 620x348, 155:87, TRUST THE PLAN.jpg)

Thank you baker.

c419ab  No.6879292

Fucking awesome. Trump first walked across showing now fear and then encouraged Kim to do the same, almost like he was whispering nigger i got your back its cool.

1de756  No.6879293

File: 9f206acb40454c1⋯.jpg (202.91 KB, 614x461, 614:461, secp.jpg)

449709  No.6879294


excellent meme anon

360364  No.6879295

File: 14f37914d78d5ba⋯.jpeg (32.98 KB, 402x664, 201:332, D-R7TRXVUAArF30.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: 93a595e743e4d80⋯.png (649.89 KB, 681x674, 681:674, Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at ….png)

File: 4a2f442bf68f397⋯.png (756.92 KB, 953x660, 953:660, Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at ….png)

File: 9748aeb17f27990⋯.png (396.82 KB, 637x745, 637:745, Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at ….png)

File: 337675dbe89594e⋯.png (866.58 KB, 704x700, 176:175, Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at ….png)

I think I found the man-bun idiot that threw a rock at the back of Andy's head (at end of video).

Andy is still in the hospital with a brain hemorrhage (per his attorney).

I sent these photos to his attorney and to the Portland Police.

Then I got kicked off Twitter for 12 hours.

Do you think this is him? Someone on Twitter said they thought it was him and that he is at all these ANTIFA protests in Portland.

a8f5f4  No.6879296


put beers in iece water for 10 minutes = cold beers

b85116  No.6879297

I feel amazing right now

0c5f5a  No.6879298

File: 99856c3044d53d4⋯.jpg (576.29 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, darkest_before_the_don.jpg)

File: 00767808cca8069⋯.png (347.98 KB, 620x413, 620:413, kim_trump_god_emperor.png)

File: 25d54ff7caeb693⋯.gif (224.8 KB, 460x298, 230:149, trump_happening.gif)

File: f57f47be6287d16⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 550x507, 550:507, TrumpCheckem.jpg)

File: 0eacdf40b5e6497⋯.jpg (75.77 KB, 640x853, 640:853, Trumps.jpg)


>Reminds me when we were glued to the TV, watching the first man walk on the moon.

Ab-so-fucking-lutely, anon. I got the exact same vibe and energy watching this event live. I feel so privileged to see this happen. It is a lot bigger deal than ANY of the media in the U.S. will dare admit.

I love you fuckers.

75337a  No.6879299

File: bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, hen.jpg)

File: 69f467379e886ea⋯.jpg (75.1 KB, 474x474, 1:1, henn.jpg)

File: bbc4b9ae059e17b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 730x481, 730:481, henny.jpg)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny.png)

File: 79b413019752540⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1463x1023, 133:93, henny_.png)

ed4782  No.6879300

Always have a stone within arms reach.

076bc9  No.6879301

File: dd0a77318fad503⋯.jpg (652.11 KB, 990x730, 99:73, SmartSelect_20190324-14514….jpg)

1de756  No.6879302

File: 76bbfc2881157dc⋯.jpg (249.6 KB, 958x428, 479:214, finkleturded.jpg)

6db025  No.6879303

Jan 20, 2017 is now year ZERO, anything before is PT (Pre Trump), anything to come is AT (after Trump)

2e0bd4  No.6879304


I agree. I remember watching the wall coming down and it felt the same.

a3636f  No.6879306


POTUS is gangsta. Stroll in to NK then bring Kim back to SK.

b465ca  No.6879307


I think he had to downplay it for probably security reasons — when things are 'formal', bad shit seems to derail it

449709  No.6879308


what hearts?

………….. woohoo!

8dcf8f  No.6879309



75337a  No.6879310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda

e86a69  No.6879311

File: 4ebb1424814ca05⋯.png (5.06 MB, 4032x2836, 1008:709, 95DB7711-59A5-455A-8CDF-9F….png)

>>6879081 (lb)


dca8c3  No.6879312

File: 8cc448bf8edb2dc⋯.jpg (96.38 KB, 800x449, 800:449, IMG_2833.JPG)

File: b04e6d25934c68b⋯.jpg (103.45 KB, 800x530, 80:53, IMG_2799.JPG)

File: 22b919590794763⋯.jpg (99.12 KB, 800x530, 80:53, IMG_2801.JPG)

ffb9ee  No.6879313

File: 8592649c5dfe22d⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1300x1022, 650:511, AD304612-140D-4BBE-A7A8-9E….png)

1537c8  No.6879314

File: 98a2166d641b340⋯.png (580.42 KB, 599x640, 599:640, Hogan re DMZ 6-29-19 11 5….PNG)

File: 8b1b6703db1274b⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1213x907, 1213:907, Hogan re DMZ 6-29-19 11 5….PNG)


HAPPENING NOW: @realDonaldTrump and Kim Jong-un in North Korea.


249f9e  No.6879315

A new world is certainly dawning!

After watching the vids from the DMZ, I see Kim following Trump's lead on the pomp & circumstance but not just that. Other things too.

Not out of intimidation or fear. Out of respect and gratitude for POTUS making a strong effort to rid NK of the cabal and help Kim make it a good, great nation that can easily become an ally of US. In other words, POTUS has shown Kim, "I want to be friends".

I see Kim being relieved and very possibly becoming a very loyal ally to Trump and the US.

084eca  No.6879316

File: 14e925427e570ac⋯.jpg (68.4 KB, 750x891, 250:297, D9q1-cQW4AIcNuf.jpg)

Morning faggots!

Germanfag starting the day with seeing peace being made makes covfefe tasting oh soo much better. We are making history faggots..

Happy sunday, patriots!

9af7cf  No.6879317

Oh shit. The live stream says Trump took about 20 steps into NK. Who's to say it wasn't 17? I hope to see the tape tomorrow!

1de756  No.6879318

File: fe8138caf9f80e6⋯.jpg (126.82 KB, 512x288, 16:9, muhkkp.jpg)

096e0c  No.6879319

Shadilay! Let there be peace!

dac64b  No.6879320

File: e55a489556adbb0⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 200x150, 4:3, giphy Kim Jong Un head-nod….gif)

the White House invite is coming.

8eebc2  No.6879321

File: cb1035f7c4261c0⋯.png (436.52 KB, 850x465, 170:93, t_06-30-02.58.26.PNG)

File: c48a7c3c0750136⋯.png (412.86 KB, 850x450, 17:9, u_06-30-03.00.07.PNG)

75337a  No.6879322

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 0355f03c9946562⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 450x381, 150:127, 0355f03c9946562ceb8f219ea8….jpg)

File: 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)

File: 8a09c7d7195fe94⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 700x700, 1:1, quack.jpg)



https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

eb3b87  No.6879323

awesome! what a zinger!!!

460e3f  No.6879324

File: 209d3ba31cd2755⋯.png (525.73 KB, 679x369, 679:369, POTUS and KJU rock and san….PNG)

600e96  No.6879325


>we were glued to the TV, watching the first man walk on the moon

except this shit real

1de756  No.6879326

File: c2a27f394c35303⋯.jpg (129.48 KB, 500x522, 250:261, finkshit.jpg)

27d648  No.6879327

File: 2b0ba6031b68b44⋯.png (596.19 KB, 2200x837, 2200:837, frenz.png)


Proud of you faggots!

75337a  No.6879328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Old Newspaper Read's Six million Jews Died in 1915 1938 Before Hitler was in power.

1a81f1  No.6879329

File: 9571486f010943b⋯.jpeg (91.92 KB, 828x813, 276:271, 89167DE9-923E-4C4B-B56C-C….jpeg)


a3636f  No.6879330


Noice. Holder a worthless fag but Musk…nice touch. kek

1de756  No.6879331

File: ff3053d31e0954b⋯.jpg (162.53 KB, 776x436, 194:109, secps.jpg)

757511  No.6879332


"If you didn;t show up the press would make me look really bad if you didn't show up when I put out that tweet"

Why would POTUS say this during such an important presser?

07173b  No.6879333

File: 6193f47f5fdf8f1⋯.jpg (157.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dzfgjh.jpg)

83b015  No.6879334

File: ffdc093c48fb52a⋯.jpg (18.1 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 9emAxDj.jpg)


a82a37  No.6879335

File: 6202e9445518af9⋯.png (981.43 KB, 1103x490, 1103:490, NightShift Trump.PNG)

So who sabotaged the Fox feed?

865717  No.6879337

File: ce16816f75b3084⋯.png (867.78 KB, 888x499, 888:499, btfojews.png)

449709  No.6879338


Who dis?

0e56a5  No.6879339


Are you ready?

75337a  No.6879340

File: 9351e726642a3fc⋯.png (350.39 KB, 500x668, 125:167, jew_law.png)

File: 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 34aff72a70e3dc0.jpg)

File: 41a8728b81c8680⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 34919513_11220.jpg)

File: c4bf028343a9ac3⋯.jpg (162.78 KB, 555x637, 555:637, mason_8.jpg)

File: 1dbcddc8f833b24⋯.png (638.1 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, lovekids.png)

b85116  No.6879341

Guys Tucker’s there

bda661  No.6879342

File: 16387e469a5dffe⋯.png (1.07 MB, 680x688, 85:86, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you, Baker

You're Baking History!

6d7830  No.6879343

President Trump is saving the world, he’s bringing about peace through talking, a handshake, and a warm slap on the back.

This is what Liberals have claimed they wanted since the late 60’s, an honest liberal should thank God for this great President.

What a brave, glorious, MAGAnanimous President we have.

S. Korean president said President Trump is the “Maker of Peace of the Korean Penninsula”

b130c5  No.6879344

File: c4f5c5c07ee579c⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 899x707, 899:707, 6e9d680ef9b10ab61ea6872035….jpg)


Wouldn't have it any other way, Anon.

9c5580  No.6879345


You too anon.

1de756  No.6879346

File: 313688a799a3c39⋯.jpg (38.29 KB, 256x190, 128:95, protocol.jpg)

64d683  No.6879347

File: 75a26a40195b9d5⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 325x216, 325:216, 75a26a40195b9d554c6d308987….gif)


Guten Morgen from (redeye) NYC!

Peace is the prize!

076bc9  No.6879348

File: 0ac1a7800abd371⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 444x492, 37:41, 111-85421332-111288BLACK_B….jpg)

I wonder if they're gonna sign some shit?

825f63  No.6879349


Dankest meme evah!

d3e8f9  No.6879350

File: 0f7099333334a7e⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 652.jpg)

a8f5f4  No.6879351

File: b769dc5f3892e09⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 194x296, 97:148, happy frog.JPG)


Yes happy PEACE in NK day to you!

d0c3b2  No.6879352

File: bb809f309af94a1⋯.jpeg (9.15 KB, 255x149, 255:149, flagc93e38d3a84e94c62a4eb….jpeg)

ed4782  No.6879353

Do we have an understanding?

600e96  No.6879354


>gonna sign some shit

wondering the same thing

d06d7c  No.6879355

File: 881b795f28fc1e0⋯.png (15.14 KB, 309x383, 309:383, kim.png)


POTUS has freed Kim, cut the strings of his handlers and essentially rescued a hostage bringing him into the free world!

dca8c3  No.6879356

File: 05a266e0813a4c8⋯.jpg (96.47 KB, 800x418, 400:209, IMG_2880.JPG)

File: 6bc34a6e502beea⋯.jpg (204.65 KB, 708x792, 59:66, IMG_2878.JPG)

File: e2bbfb405eebcae⋯.jpg (101.05 KB, 800x630, 80:63, IMG_2760.JPG)

File: a1a5db1887d1bec⋯.jpg (28.18 KB, 197x255, 197:255, IMG_2751.JPG)

f2bfae  No.6879357



75337a  No.6879358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

Notice they never dispute anything, they only post lame memes because they can't dispute the truth.

6a7ce9  No.6879359

The left is melting down on twat right now.

43530d  No.6879360

POTUS helps bring peace to the Korean peninsula, i don't even give a shit if it is just so they can open up a MacDonalds, and dems did what today? scold sleepy joe about something else that was normative 40 years ago? they got no optimism, they have no vision for the future that isn't based on slavery and war all the time. it's weird and kind a gross.

e86a69  No.6879361

File: 7822c5a22c47603⋯.png (122.22 KB, 253x356, 253:356, F73F0149-9E57-4C1B-8073-FE….png)


Tasty bake! TY BAKER!

cc7b5c  No.6879362

File: 884246061d189b9⋯.jpg (95.29 KB, 620x433, 620:433, rodman_kim_AP216094814172.jpg)

1de756  No.6879363

File: 8d2757025eb2121⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 552x358, 276:179, gcpsps.jpg)

a3636f  No.6879364


Can't cuck the Tuck.

7dfaf1  No.6879365


f2bfae  No.6879366

FUCK, FAKE NEWS is still talking shit, when will this retarded shit end? Soon?

0c5f5a  No.6879367


>an honest liberal should thank God for this great President.

And believe it or not, there are a few. The MSM is powerful. But this one will get past the filters. Ending the Korean War cannot be ignored or downplayed–not when Kim and Moon both give Trump 100% of the credit for doing it.

The Trump Train just got 9001% faster. Watch out for false flags, they're going to be desperate to distract from this. They could lose 5-10% of their voters from this.

460e3f  No.6879368

File: ba773bfb088f121⋯.gif (170.14 KB, 360x346, 180:173, pepe kek gif.gif)

c419ab  No.6879369

You notice that he brings others up with him (trump), he uses this opportunity to also in power Moon and Kim

1a81f1  No.6879370


Yes sir.

d3e8f9  No.6879371

File: 2efd14750290fc3⋯.jpg (66.49 KB, 600x450, 4:3, o7.jpg)

2069b5  No.6879372

File: d1264ab038083d9⋯.jpg (181.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, History1.jpg)


Thank you baker! Bread made!

Thank you Kim, deal made!


Front row!

6eb2c4  No.6879373

I am SO Proud of Potus! I have waited for this moment all my life.

a8f5f4  No.6879374


not a twatter can you post somemeltdown plz?

75337a  No.6879375

File: 4eb7dfe7e272877⋯.jpg (354.9 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, 911a.jpg)

File: 7e54986d81bd9e4⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 500x330, 50:33, 911b.jpg)

File: 173ebd86e5f0bc0⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 520x400, 13:10, 911c.jpg)

File: ee0f0a9b83ae921⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 3464x3245, 3464:3245, 911d.jpg)

File: 7ef56ee0abf53e3⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 474x627, 158:209, 911e.jpg)

1de756  No.6879376


no need to, it's for the copypasta shill.

98e014  No.6879377

I’m watching this to hear to countries leaders talk about peace. I’m not watching so I can listen to people take photos. Is it possible to yank those photogs out of there and when they start whining tell them to buy a quieter camera?

0c5f5a  No.6879378


>bringing him into the free world!

I bet you he asks to go to Disneyland when he visits the US!

076bc9  No.6879379

File: 430085b71395a98⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 728x408, 91:51, TheCourier.jpg)

8dcf8f  No.6879380

POTUS entering NK was a show of respect bc respect is a big fuckin deal in Asian society, so I'm quite sure POTUS agreed to make Kim look good by going over first and then Kim would follow suit. Giving Kim the ability to look strong for his people.

POTUS doesn't care about that. He has a goal in mind and the mind games are fine to appease sometimes in order to get to the REAL goal. It goes along with his way of complimenting people to help build them up, so when they concede to what POTUS wants they feel like they've been given something in return.

5e7cc7  No.6879381

File: 431f95490c1bfef⋯.jpg (534.18 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 99856c3044d53d4a6527476825….jpg)

File: 48a72782325feb4⋯.jpeg (48.13 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, 48a72782325feb4c97ead809b….jpeg)


This is awesome

eb3b87  No.6879382

Presidential !!!

41f202  No.6879383

File: 17c242301e8a87b⋯.jpg (223.33 KB, 1199x872, 11:8, 17c242301e8a87b41f6160066b….jpg)


Da ones they stole bc they'll be their last!

dac64b  No.6879384

File: 87b3ea7e14cde5a⋯.gif (5.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, QNN 00.gif)

KANSAS is all smiles.

Tucker Carlson there also.

ecf85c  No.6879385


Every single time

a5dfcd  No.6879386

File: bff961af653e3e0⋯.png (116.74 KB, 319x275, 29:25, f2380737e9d5eaf3913e8eb6a3….png)

d6a779  No.6879387


I think that's the best photo. Right there, 3 guys meeting in front of everyone. Unscripted.

a18212  No.6879388

Truly an honor to witness this with yall, anons. I couldn't pick a better group to witness history with.

a62b3f  No.6879389


glad it was finally him and not Hannity

75337a  No.6879390

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: ac2ffcdd91e02fa⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 720x984, 30:41, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

5f7752  No.6879391

File: bae21361ce40f82⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 720x540, 4:3, bae21361ce40f828c18f037c34….jpg)

File: 1858d1324bc9063⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1189x669, 1189:669, Screenshot_2019-06-30 [LIV….png)

Today has been a battle

Yesterday Cox communications shut off my internet BC I watch online movies, but I'm such a pirate so I know how to make it happen.

Clowns turned me in to stop me from seeing this.

Shame on traitors and treason.

They are at COX communications!

Ive already filed a complain with the FCC in the past but i was turned away without help.

I cancelled plans to leave the state too this morning, i cant believe I made it here at all.

cc7b5c  No.6879392

File: 19925150ca3624e⋯.jpg (66.19 KB, 446x594, 223:297, Dennis Rodman Turns 50 X4z….jpg)

a3636f  No.6879393


Trolling as usual. And despite his bravado, he is humble at heart. Make Kim look good for his people. Classic Trump.

694f41  No.6879394

File: 2e5079119d4daed⋯.png (409.04 KB, 721x869, 721:869, kim jong un strings cut fu….png)

0c5f5a  No.6879395


Good analysis. Honestly, it helps Trump accomplish his goals to build up Kim for his people–because then Kim's support of Trump and support for ending the war means all that much more. This is fucking excellent.

096e0c  No.6879396


This faggot is crying like a little girl. This is so surreal.

78a844  No.6879397

File: 6d46f2ab76057f3⋯.jpg (70.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 33ftov.jpg)

8960c5  No.6879398

File: 8f717e56cb84efe⋯.jpg (71.54 KB, 780x620, 39:31, LOLPepe.jpg)

75337a  No.6879399

File: b0ba032b0765849⋯.jpg (70.28 KB, 798x448, 57:32, 0000001.jpg)

File: 9d9dde67537b2ed⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 425x240, 85:48, 000001.jpg)

File: 1886845276b9d31⋯.jpeg (217.61 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 01honestjew.jpeg)

File: 7fd9c8b34368988⋯.jpg (378.1 KB, 739x1337, 739:1337, 1_jews_against_trump.jpg)

File: 2b0b973457efae2⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 2b0b973457ef.jpg)

6616ed  No.6879400

Trump walks into North Korea to meet Kim, and they both walk into South Korea. There's no way the media can spin this negatively.

d3f543  No.6879401

File: 56c7b9dff7b93e9⋯.jpg (124.43 KB, 799x799, 1:1, 30-pepe-trump.w700.h700.2x.jpg)

Feels Good Man

98848c  No.6879402


they've blown all gaskets, blown through valves, shit they blown ed buck tonight

fake news meltdown live


over TRUMP AND JONG UN shhhhaking hands

can we get a merkel shaking meme for this historic moment. literally shaking


bda661  No.6879403


can't believe I am saying this

CNN is giving this better commentary (more positive or neutral) than FOX

No shit

6a1448  No.6879404

was watching the Fox News stream and right as the bitch + camera man entered the room POTUS said "The World Is Watching"

a4a834  No.6879405

File: 95e0bb6a3be4d2e⋯.png (6.73 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, crane of peace america fla….png)

File: a90ce71714e1645⋯.png (424.58 KB, 545x544, 545:544, peace is the prize trump.png)

File: 93430f355d203dd⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 728x540, 182:135, peace strength victory.jpg)


This is so unreal. I'm so grateful to be here with all of you.

4b6927  No.6879406


All of this was of course planned. Think how to the normie world it looks like Trump somehow made peace through twitter?? When only a few days ago there was talk about even him being censored amidst the massive crackdown on conservatives.

Glorious show we are watching Anons.

b89cdd  No.6879407

I love you cunts.

74b4ad  No.6879408

Posting for History

1ac312  No.6879409


Trump gives handshakes to build world peace, while the Antifa left throws milkshakes to foment hate and war.

dac64b  No.6879410




90642e  No.6879411

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: d76b18baf04cb63⋯.png (140.3 KB, 540x582, 90:97, 337ea5137718aa (2).png)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: 076ad568b012b3f⋯.png (508.89 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

fb8acb  No.6879412

460e3f  No.6879413

File: 4c2e81a11f004f3⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1063x704, 1063:704, 063019 POTUs and KJU.PNG)

POTUS crosses border, becomes 1st sitting U.S. leader to enter N. Korea

SEOUL (Kyodo) – U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday became the first sitting U.S. leader to enter North Korea when he stepped into the North Korean side of the Demilitarized Zone dividing the two Koreas to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Trump, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in then chatted together while standing on south side of DMZ.


5ff2ff  No.6879414



Damn near cried watching the live stream. Fucking amazing. Feels like a birthday present to me.

f8e775  No.6879415

File: 68da402dbe720b0⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, QNNmp4.mp4)


>KANSAS is all smiles.

EVERYBODY'S happy when the press has to leave!

a26bb7  No.6879416

Moar from Chairman Kim & Potus inside Freedom House

3:59 pm local Korean time

Chairman Kim wanted to meet with POTUS at this place which is of symbol of separation between North and South. [hard to hear, too many clicking cameras]. Kim speaks of the "excellent relations" between the "two of us."

DJT to Chairman Kim:

"This is a special moment, a historic moment….we've developed a great relationship….the relationship that we've developed has been/meant [?] so much to so many people. It's just an honor to be with you, It's an honor to step over that line, and I was proud to step over that line….and I want to thank you, it's been great."'

1a81f1  No.6879417

File: 7e72f8a0467f4ce⋯.jpeg (77.34 KB, 828x508, 207:127, 756A5433-F085-4284-8638-1….jpeg)

File: 34fe72cb749002c⋯.jpeg (149.9 KB, 828x918, 46:51, BFDD4960-755B-404D-BA6F-C….jpeg)

File: d0eb411e79f3a3e⋯.jpeg (117.62 KB, 828x528, 69:44, 6FFFCBBA-803F-47B6-B4A2-6….jpeg)

d877fc  No.6879418

File: dbb8855272ef00d⋯.jpeg (13.98 KB, 224x196, 8:7, 3685B8B2-B609-487E-88EC-F….jpeg)

1de756  No.6879419

File: e1253ca1ac0037d⋯.jpg (110.23 KB, 552x358, 276:179, gcpsp.jpg)

e86a69  No.6879420


Weapons and all, he was involved best believe.


Kek thanks anon but no way can i take that title w this meme but appreciated 😁👊

f8ee0c  No.6879421

File: d616801dd680f60⋯.jpeg (22.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8a3a9517d66a80e7729226f0f….jpeg)


History, anons….o7

cf57cf  No.6879422

File: 2a04e085b08ad7f⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 645x575, 129:115, rredss.JPG)

249f9e  No.6879423


Guten morgen, Germanfag. It's a glorious day!

I'm in eastern US, 3:00am, so it looks like an all-nighter for me. Ain't complaining, just don't know whether to make some covfefe or not.

0da084  No.6879424

how many steps did trump take into nkorea?

6a1448  No.6879425


>There's no way the media can spin this negatively.

you'll see, the parasites will find a way


Feels VERY good man. Love from Australia BO

f2bfae  No.6879426


Love you too fag.

1de756  No.6879427

File: 1b35ef036f46439⋯.jpg (249.39 KB, 715x540, 143:108, iphops.jpg)

4a5090  No.6879428

File: 0cfdbc8687ccb69⋯.jpg (112.05 KB, 693x993, 231:331, 0cfdbc8687ccb697942dff45bb….jpg)

9af7cf  No.6879429

Would be nice to hear some inside baseball, right about now, from Q.

694f41  No.6879430

File: 1fae01d775a5b05⋯.jpg (26.01 KB, 397x400, 397:400, pepe salute flag.jpg)

dca8c3  No.6879431

File: 29c0a2275dd83a3⋯.jpg (57.94 KB, 960x689, 960:689, IMG_2895.JPG)

File: 1fe41f7bdaf502f⋯.jpg (72.63 KB, 512x512, 1:1, IMG_2932.JPG)

File: 8c662a1870539b1⋯.jpg (105.82 KB, 931x524, 931:524, IMG_2892.JPG)

90642e  No.6879432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

a5dfcd  No.6879433

File: 011e7b67968bfd0⋯.jpg (100.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, James Taylor.jpg)

Guys – but Kerry had James Taylor


a8f5f4  No.6879434


LINKS to the meltdown! Please

6d7830  No.6879435


If POTUS dont receive NOBEL PRIZE FOR PEACE, i really dont know who should.

Yes, i know, that prize is compromised, and he should probably reject it.

But at least it would give back some transparency to that Swedish institution.

1537c8  No.6879436

File: fdc858ae8b50afa⋯.png (25.33 KB, 592x239, 592:239, Ben Rhodes re DMZ 6-29-19.PNG)

Trump is lying. I was there for all 8 years. Obama never sought a meeting with Kim Jong Un. Foreign policy isn’t reality television it’s reality.


1de756  No.6879437

File: fbfeb380debabc1⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 512x382, 256:191, shillhag.jpg)

2e0bd4  No.6879438





c00e96  No.6879439


>Cox communications shut off my internet BC I watch online movies


Or is because you a seeding/hosting online movies?

Just sayin'

0c5f5a  No.6879440

File: 2e15bad2e35aad2⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 573x430, 573:430, pepe_frenly.jpg)

File: 991a3a6b509c4a0⋯.png (98.08 KB, 724x669, 724:669, pepe_feel_costume.png)

File: 41dc9d14008c16b⋯.png (226.51 KB, 500x405, 100:81, pepe_feel_sunset.png)


>I couldn't pick a better group to witness history with.

No joke. QResearch is unquestionably the realest, livest place to be witnessing this. It is a privilege to stand among such admirable Pepes.

07173b  No.6879441

File: b41057bd2b17675⋯.jpg (47 KB, 500x406, 250:203, feviljdfsdfev.jpg)

a26bb7  No.6879442


Will be interdasting to see what Tucker has to say, he was right in the middle of it.

550752  No.6879443

File: 1a3267506f3f694⋯.png (864.47 KB, 1214x755, 1214:755, Historic-DMZ1.png)

ffb9ee  No.6879444


I am proud to be with you guys

b4e8b9  No.6879445

File: 9520581e52a2b83⋯.png (795.26 KB, 736x1226, 368:613, 5B14ACC3-2090-475A-9375-51….png)


Shitposting for history

Peace, much love, strength


eb3b87  No.6879446

all while the dem's sleep

460e3f  No.6879447

File: cb1335619ce79d2⋯.png (368.89 KB, 681x546, 227:182, POTUS two terms.PNG)


>Feels Good Man


90642e  No.6879448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

8960c5  No.6879449

File: df8ca994d15d3b8⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 788x685, 788:685, df8ca994d15d3b8ce81bcfc83f….jpg)


Here's to you BO! I'm so glad to be with all of you guys here right now!

dac64b  No.6879450

File: 5be8edb612b83ef⋯.gif (3.93 MB, 480x640, 3:4, Trump thumbs up 6h5l46.gif)


nice TY.

3f070e  No.6879451


You are not alone.

449709  No.6879452


seventeen? check the replay

18093a  No.6879453

File: 854c3601ae0b19a⋯.jpg (20.22 KB, 288x174, 48:29, GOODBYE MAINSTREAM.jpg)


Shifting the narrative… it's like….Look everyone in the world…even Kim follows my twitter because MSM can't be trusted.

cc7b5c  No.6879454

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB, 744x744, 1:1, 1c8dd895faedc3743bec0075dc….jpg)

cb8d71  No.6879455


Every time someone says he's "not presidential"…I think you people have a fucked up idea of what presidential is. I guess they mean formal and soulless, instead of an authentic leader who respects others interests and is unapologetic about his own.

f2bfae  No.6879456


17 steps on the money….

a3636f  No.6879457


Agreed. Badass meme. Will be jacking. And I make alot of memes. Well played anon!

1de756  No.6879458

File: a1ba4868a6d2c51⋯.jpg (81.61 KB, 435x329, 435:329, shillsmell.jpg)

852f14  No.6879459

78a844  No.6879460


a5dfcd  No.6879461

File: 0d4106677b6fa4e⋯.gif (6.75 MB, 400x201, 400:201, wiggling2.gif)

90642e  No.6879462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Want to know who (((The Jews))) really are? This will help connect the final dots about who and WHY they have a "Blood Libel".

They were never defeated. Hence the term "False Jew" Rev:3.9


865717  No.6879463

File: 8c6d4fc5ae30f0b⋯.png (885.64 KB, 888x499, 888:499, jewsreact.png)

Not good for the jews…

0e56a5  No.6879464


As much as I thought Rodman was being publicity whore and completely nucking futz at th time, I have to eat my words and give him mad props for stepping up all those years ago. Big Balls.

Still crazier than hell though.

cf7375  No.6879465

CNN already faking it up.

Claiming POTUS has officially invited Chairman Kim to WH.

He will, of course.

But he definitely hasn't yet.

ee9c1a  No.6879466



bb582e  No.6879467

File: 4e0a9904cae1aed⋯.png (610.98 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, IMG_1655.PNG)

694f41  No.6879468

File: a9b109187a35548⋯.png (944.83 KB, 1100x737, 100:67, kim jong un oppa maga styl….png)

e86a69  No.6879469

File: 5d51cc229ea9422⋯.jpeg (35.92 KB, 397x400, 397:400, 2582A39C-A9AA-4DCA-9C8A-8….jpeg)

c419ab  No.6879470

File: 53805eb82fc0591⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jammn.mp4)

fucking awesome

1a81f1  No.6879471


Pay attention

0c5f5a  No.6879472


>If POTUS dont receive NOBEL PRIZE FOR PEACE, i really dont know who should.

>Yes, i know, that prize is compromised, and he should probably reject it.

I think we need to mint a new prize in POTUS's name, because the Nobel's honor was burned down to the foundations when it was given to Al Gore and Obummer.

684d2a  No.6879473

File: 16d43a74caa4c0a⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

90642e  No.6879474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



1de756  No.6879475

File: 4f88a16c26d109e⋯.jpg (45.87 KB, 291x221, 291:221, shillpoop.jpg)

d877fc  No.6879476


Looking good! We’re feeling good!

cf57cf  No.6879477


Ben Rhodes will die in prison.

69b01f  No.6879478

File: ec8e964ff2a02e0⋯.jpeg (142.52 KB, 1198x1029, 1198:1029, ec8e964ff2a02e080c75950d7….jpeg)

File: b2d2438a789467c⋯.jpg (336.8 KB, 1024x635, 1024:635, d695a1e669a35214f8d67e50a8….jpg)

File: 593f27dcd5c7784⋯.jpeg (28.14 KB, 474x427, 474:427, 593f27dcd5c77847d5bae445e….jpeg)

What a time 2 B ALIVE!


1de756  No.6879479

File: 554700edc5a52bb⋯.jpg (119.24 KB, 512x512, 1:1, mediamutters.jpg)

190ab7  No.6879480

>>6879243 "It's a great day for the world."

baker requests handoff

a8f5f4  No.6879481


WE all WIN!

cb97e4  No.6879482


Tucker may play a bigger role than anons realize. Caught this almost a year ago, Q1840, [Fish]ing is fun. Tucker was on vacation and came back shortly after that and said a lot of stuff had gone on while he was out of the country fishing. Sorry phonefagging, but anons can easily find that show based on the Q drop date. Love me some Tucker!

90642e  No.6879483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



41f202  No.6879484

File: 0c65e66dfdc916d⋯.jpeg (13.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0e7545597a72fd9cb87286676….jpeg)

File: 590ee89e2adc832⋯.png (163.49 KB, 605x728, 605:728, ac01bf14493b7b663b340ae3f5….png)

File: cb799ada3de598d⋯.jpg (57.2 KB, 796x744, 199:186, 1506956356871.jpg)

ad0898  No.6879485

We need a microphone which when spoken into automatically translates that persons voice to English.

Ex: Speaker says “Gracias” into microphone, but “Thank you” comes out.

27d648  No.6879486


I heard the WH invite when they were outside with the press.

1de756  No.6879487

File: 7bc7e1f2f319bdd⋯.jpg (232.02 KB, 600x595, 120:119, mmfs.jpg)

ee9c1a  No.6879488

After Denuc, isn't there food for the people?

c419ab  No.6879489

File: 751cb67a3af448c⋯.png (809.04 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, negativewavespepe.png)

90642e  No.6879490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Canaanites, why God destroyed them ?

d3e8f9  No.6879491

File: d14df2c7c3d5a41⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 590x430, 59:43, 1969.jpg)


>watching the first man walk on the moon.


kubrick did a fine job with apollo 11

1537c8  No.6879492


>Ben Rhodes will die in prison.

He's so emotional // probably suicide himself

d1db00  No.6879493


Sure does!

8645f9  No.6879494


Oh yeah!

1de756  No.6879495

File: ca23e2eb4480a52⋯.jpg (186.33 KB, 903x516, 7:4, justlikeyou.jpg)

449709  No.6879496

File: a616030f496003c⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 255x246, 85:82, fuck you pepe .jpg)


Hey Ben, suck it…ya polesmoker

825f63  No.6879497


GENIUS meme fren! Highly effective

90642e  No.6879498

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: 4876f795f3689f4⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 2709x2709, 1:1, canaaitesexgods.jpg)

File: c8b68d4af638b59⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 474x244, 237:122, donkey_cult.jpg)

File: 149fc09366a1918⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 474x389, 474:389, gay.jpg)

File: 4ad7dd1eb2a704f⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, their_god.jpg)

98e014  No.6879499

File: f7f4ba0cb24e5be⋯.jpeg (62.39 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 62F9D4B7-FE83-4620-9008-6….jpeg)

2e0bd4  No.6879500


The difference between born into the purple & earning the purple.


afb221  No.6879501

My Grandpa fought in the Korean War. I wish he was still here to witness history. Thank you President Trump- from the bottom of my heart. I hope you know how much we appreciate all you have done.


390ca7  No.6879502



muh patent

90642e  No.6879503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

5b11ad  No.6879504


I thought those trees were pepes for a second there.

a8b8d5  No.6879505

File: 4ee99e596cfae93⋯.png (147.8 KB, 522x782, 261:391, PEPESNEK.png)


Let's celebrate with getting rid of CAPTCHA every post!

0c5f5a  No.6879506

File: 8f8924d6fb30aba⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 691x630, 691:630, flynn_salute.jpg)


What a great fucking place to be for this moment. There has never been a place quite like QResearch. Despite the shills, the idiots, the Danielfaggots and Freddies and CTAs, rising above it all are you glorious bastards. I am honored to be here.

5f1eae  No.6879507

File: c4a65ed54b31000⋯.png (559.56 KB, 610x597, 610:597, 29cf25ad3e7d3da66bd8f3eec0….png)

6eb2c4  No.6879508


TY Anon I'm so happy for this moment in time I can hardly type!

ad0898  No.6879509



Nice work Ben Jammin

7bce46  No.6879510


For me its 1. The Shining 2. 2001 3. The Moon Landing 4. Full Metal Jacket

6a1448  No.6879511


I'm an Aussie and just caught a pre-news bulletin, they're already downplaying it;

>"A handshake and quick a hello, Trump and Kim meet for a third time." These people all need the fucking rope.

b4e8b9  No.6879512


Meme material

Need pepes

f8e775  No.6879513

File: a3f013725f3d90f⋯.jpg (203.28 KB, 786x931, 786:931, 1Nation.jpg)


o7 Wouldn't wanna spend it with anyone else.

History, bitches!


By the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different place. -Q #75

(POTUS 74% approval tweet = 7 4 5 ←- % is the cap for 5)

f2bfae  No.6879514


CNBC just said this isn't news unless something comes of it….

8519eb  No.6879515

File: b912ae1b8bb6c80⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1691x938, 1691:938, PANIC.png)



98848c  No.6879516


watching msnbc try to make it look like a rape scene or some kind of revenge tranny love drama. very much on the wrong side of history. looking like a don lemon and anderson cooper writing their gay script. all they want to see is some kind of embarrassing outcome so they can capitalize on it. all they getting is:





d94f6d  No.6879517

Just a few thoughts…puzzle pieces….

*A red carpet event just happened (several actually)

*POTUS is out of the country and insulated.

*Congress to be out of session.

*4th of July celebration coming soon

*AG Barr bagpiping with NYPD

*All military branches answering Q's call to BE READY

*POTUS just so happens to be with Kim Jong Un (who is probably in grave danger during this period) giving him insulation too

Did I miss anything?

122d9b  No.6879518

File: b71c82146ed9610⋯.png (14.79 KB, 381x276, 127:92, 1465.png)

File: 6020466db4f7f91⋯.png (18.16 KB, 386x404, 193:202, 1466.png)

File: 9ef28a9e4ad098d⋯.png (16.67 KB, 383x396, 383:396, 1467.png)

a5dfcd  No.6879519

File: d3cf7624eef3e58⋯.jpg (65 KB, 725x500, 29:20, NIGHTSHIFT.jpg)

1537c8  No.6879520


>I heard the WH invite when they were outside with the press.

He said we're going to do that now

Hadn't extended the invitation, but was going to imminently

6d7830  No.6879521


Anon, it was comparision.

At the time, it was biggest evet in TV.

Yes, open minded Anons know the truth.

Dont need to remind it here.

Just watch as POTUS is making WORLD PEACE.


bd40db  No.6879522


Has the thought occurred to anyone that this could be a sting operation sorting out the violent protesters in antifa from the


They bring the stuff in cups and anyone who wants to be violent (this is assault) now has the opportunity and means to do so.

Those are the guys that get put on a domestic terrorist list ??????

Sorting the sheep from the goats?

d3e8f9  No.6879523


good stuff


d877fc  No.6879524


How do you catch a fish? A lure.

8519eb  No.6879525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

e86a69  No.6879526

File: f56655faf1849da⋯.jpeg (121.39 KB, 1280x1240, 32:31, 84854C6E-DFEF-4159-87FF-5….jpeg)


Hewl yes it does. Got something in my eye a time or 2…

5f1eae  No.6879527

File: 0e59ccca808640a⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 190523170823-julian-assang….jpg)

bda661  No.6879528

5ff2ff  No.6879529


Did anyone notice that Kim isn't wearing the pin with his grandfather and father on it? Is that the sign that the strings have been cut and he's free now?

8519eb  No.6879530

File: 05bb42321672f1c⋯.png (310.52 KB, 696x688, 87:86, scofield.png)

bb582e  No.6879531


He did, some asked a question about Kim coming to the WH and POTUS said I'll do that now or something to the effect but nobody picked up on it. Acts what I heard anyway

249f9e  No.6879532

June 30, 2019

North Korea-South Korea-United States Peace Day

Our children will see this on their calendars.

God Bless our President. He is certainly worthy!

a4f308  No.6879533

„A lot of really positive things are happening“

Tired of winning yet?

084eca  No.6879534


9:16 'round here. DO IT..there's no better time for covfefe than now! do a double.

can't wait for his speech to the troops..the cheering will be FUCKIN AWESOME!!

f8ee0c  No.6879535

c7f0b7  No.6879536

Fox news.


1de756  No.6879537

File: 9745140ab042790⋯.jpg (90.26 KB, 676x407, 676:407, bs.jpg)

b89cdd  No.6879538

Anyone with twitter should remind the old witch hillary of whats going down at the border pics and all. Awesome moment.

dca8c3  No.6879539

File: 8cd4e07f03bb45d⋯.jpg (121.56 KB, 800x530, 80:53, IMG_2937.JPG)

File: d32238ff2077daa⋯.jpg (13.83 KB, 255x128, 255:128, IMG_2867.JPG)

File: 222a457c4cd65af⋯.jpg (100.08 KB, 800x530, 80:53, IMG_2865.JPG)

89e871  No.6879540

File: dd18607eb10be9e⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 837x470, 837:470, KimJongIlBeforeTrumpAfterT….JPG)


Wouldn't want to be anywhere else for this

We did it faggots

ecf85c  No.6879541


fuck you, you fat cunt…love you too

ee2214  No.6879542

File: 0fb16f49fb3c814⋯.png (64.31 KB, 935x527, 55:31, NK.PNG)

Words cannot explain how proud I am to be alive in these great times. Proud to be a part of this with all of you. Just felt this was relevant

460e3f  No.6879543

File: 49d037e68632d0c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 676x664, 169:166, POTUS magic wand let my pe….PNG)


you are here now honoring his memory!

Beautiful to watch. Tears the entire time

d877fc  No.6879544


Off the cuff.

That’s what I heard

bd40db  No.6879545


link is from last bread, sorry

b130c5  No.6879546


Exact words were "I would do it now."


600e96  No.6879547

so Moon is waiting in a separate room based on the stream reports

a8b8d5  No.6879548

File: c02edc853ea1587⋯.png (486.86 KB, 635x478, 635:478, KillMillions.png)

825f63  No.6879549

Prayers for PEACE

cf57cf  No.6879550

Arirang: Trump and Kim have been meeting for about 30 minutes; Moon has been waiting in another room.

8519eb  No.6879551

File: 63e87d191680bd3⋯.png (59.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, exposing.png)

8e46a5  No.6879552

File: 873740e9ed653bc⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 240x255, 16:17, rodman3.jpg)

File: 4885b2557cd8525⋯.jpg (74.05 KB, 660x495, 4:3, rodman.jpg)

757511  No.6879553


on the 69th anniversary of when the US bombed NK in 1950.

41f202  No.6879554

Acosta's saying Stephanie Grisham got shoved and bruised by some rough NK press people.

e94f59  No.6879555

File: 1403db0e14e9a63⋯.jpg (160.09 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, ohh.jpg)

0c5f5a  No.6879556


When they were standing outside on the SK side of the DMZ the press asked if he would invite Kim to the US and he said something like "I'm inviting him right now to the White House!"

It was hard to hear and it's an emotional moment but I did hear him float the invite.

64d683  No.6879557


Remember they jettisoned the WH protocol dude right before the trip. . . also can't be irrelevant.

ed4782  No.6879558

How many people died because they didn't want him to be the one getting credit? I'm guessing at least a few hundred thousand.

c7f0b7  No.6879559


Sanctions removed, Aid and Food announcement soon?

7604ff  No.6879560


I heard it too anon

dca8c3  No.6879561

Fake and gay.


470ffb  No.6879562


The South Korean reporters don't sound happy about that. But it was likely planned by the SK side. I doubt Moon is having his feels hurt.

a26bb7  No.6879563


Tucker's on the phone now (10 mins ago), sounds weird (high pitched voice), phone connections must be strange. Speaks of tussling re security forces for each leader. Thinks Kim looked a little off balance, not used to photo ops. Leaves because the leaders are exiting the room right now 4:14 local Korean time.

Fox reporters then note how spontaneous this whole thing is, not at all pre-planned. Also how unusual to have reporters so close to NK leader, their security never has this situation. [Listening, you get the feeling that's the whole situation is also taking Fox guise out of book. If Fox is disoriented, rest of the MSM must be completely gobsmacked, kek.].

0c65db  No.6879564

File: ae536b8a99a050a⋯.jpg (8.13 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0033.jpg)


love every last one of you glorious patriots

a3636f  No.6879565


Ditto. Next meeting WH to sign formal declarations. My thinking.

cf7375  No.6879566





The quote is exactly:

"I would invite him right now. To the White House. Absolutely."

6c0ea9  No.6879567

File: 66bf4a1d27995d4⋯.jpg (13.49 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0bd0f55fb0ad9721f1bc708b6e….jpg)

If Deep State Divided the Koreans…. with them gone …So should be the FAKE DMZ Line !

GONE….easy. WWG1WGA @12DaysofMAGA

fa4e4e  No.6879568

USSS looks as though their buttholes are puckering and unpuckering rapidly!

f8e775  No.6879569

File: 75142a4bcc3916a⋯.jpg (16.73 KB, 255x159, 85:53, Indep,Day.jpg)

SpouseAnon just had a vision:

What if, Kim joins POTUS in DC on the 4th? And they present the signed document ending the Korean War. The peninsula celebrates ITS Independence the same day WE do.

It could happen!

History, faggots!

a18212  No.6879570


yes and this is definitely ==notable==

Baker, please add this. POTUS had a US flag pin on, but KJU didn't have a pin of his "country." Symbolic that he is a "free man."

1de756  No.6879571


no. in fact you completely exposed yourself as the fucking low life shill you are. every other post is about POTUS and kim, except your bullshit shill copypasta and my tagging of your bullshit copypasta. fuck off shill.

1a420a  No.6879572

File: 78573c79b780d6a⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2667x1500, 889:500, KIM and POTUS in NK_Page_1.png)

Graphic: POTUS Tweets "(long planned)" > Planned long ago. > HISTORIC! Q2903

It's going to be HISTORIC!

Planned long ago.


Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.


>>6879060 (pb)

>(long planned) > It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago.

>In Q2903





c419ab  No.6879573


Do not stop not over yet, winning

6eb2c4  No.6879574

File: f5c35009c4b784a⋯.png (136.68 KB, 516x413, 516:413, Q POTUS NEW HAIR DO.png)


That it does! Amen to POTUS

0e14ad  No.6879575

File: 95debd931e03a22⋯.jpg (7.04 KB, 220x193, 220:193, 220px-JeffreyKatzenbergHWO….jpg)

guys i just had a very strange experience… let me start by saying im 28 and was a big bernie supporter in 2016. i looked at him as someone who wanted to see true equality and i thought he wouldn't be afraid to fight the powers that be. i still dont dislike bernie and hope maybe he really is a good guy. idk. but over the past two years or so i at least started trying to understand the other side. trying to understand why trump supporters even exist. and in doing so, my eyes opened to a lot of things, specifically the tricks the media was using to make me hate trump. thats not to say im willing to say all liberals are wrong and blah blah blah. but ive been much more willing to understand conservative viewpoints and take an honest approach to it all. so anyway, a guy from work invited me over tonight to see some fireworks and drink some beers. hes a good guy, seems like a pretty basic trump supporter. hes not that intersted in politics that much in the grand scheme of things. just someone that wanted to have some people over, sit by a fire, watch fireworks, and drink some beers. all around, a good time. towards the end of the night, we decided to walk over to his neighbors house who was also doing the same thing. they invited us. so we walk over and everythings going good and then the guy im with brings up to the owner of the house that i was a bernie supporter in 2016. apparently this guy was a bernie supporter too and fist bumped me. he was pleasantly surprised as he said he figured i was a trump supporter (have no idea why he would say that, except for that fact that im a white male in america). the conversation continued with me basically saying ya, i just want to take an honest look at everything without the media telling me what to think. he then went on to say that theres just some things he can never support trump for. so i asked him to explain one of those things. not to put him on the spot, but just so i can understand where he's coming from because there's stuff i question about trump too. and thats when he realized he had nothing to say and said he couldnt name one. so i said thats ok, ill bring up something i used to have a problem with and i brought up the word nationalism and made it clear i wasnt talking about white nationalism or white supremecy, but just the word nationalism because there's a lot of people that heard trump use that word and associate it with hate. i tried to explain why some people have a strong opinion on national soverignty and how the UK is going through a similar situation with the whole brexit fiasco and why in my opinion mass immigration would better be solved in the homelands these people were coming from rather than in our countries. the guy i work with was like see this is why i like this dude, hes honest and educated. and the other guy said "no, i hate this guy" with a dead ass straight face. he then continued on to say that i would be the person to a drive a car through a crowd of people in order to kill people. this guy was dead serious. i wouldn't care if he was joking or whatever. but this guy looked me dead in the eyes and told me that he literally hated me and that i was everything wrong with this country and that i would mass murder people.. i told him i didn't mean to offend and that i literally love everyone and was just trying to bring up a viewpoint. he didnt care and we had to leave immediately.. the guy i work with was pretty stunned at the whole situation and didn't know what to make of it himself. we laughed it off and said ya this is wy we can never take a chance and discuss politics with people at work because u never know whats gonna happen. but the situation really freaked me out. this guy who was literally cool with me one minute ago, now thinks i would mass murder people because i expressed why some people are against mass immigration. and not in a joking sense. thats what freaked me out. he was dead serious and we had to leave his house. not once did i say anything about anyone being right or wrong. i literally expressed a viewpoint.

what is even happening anymore.. im usually not someone to talk politics with people i dont know so this experience really stuck out to me. everyone that knows me personally knows im a good person and care about people. what i witnessed tonight was legitimately insane. it was like this guy wasn't able to honestly interpret what i said and was programmed to immediately hate me. it freaked me out. wtf are we really up against people? what the fuck is even happening?

7604ff  No.6879576

File: 2dfd3a60c2b27c0⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1024x1313, 1024:1313, doitpotus.png)

d7a5f1  No.6879577

File: 6b29af29b347df9⋯.jpeg (61.73 KB, 871x491, 871:491, 61B710EC-3BE1-4072-80D5-1….jpeg)


Thank you POTUS!

249f9e  No.6879578


Well, hell yeah! I didn't know about any speech to the troops. How did I miss that?

I decided on no covfefe. I'm just gonna keep drinking beer that I started at 8pm Saturday night. I can be shitfaced and awake at the same time. I'll sleep when I fall down.

18093a  No.6879579

File: 89f9e16e46ba99e⋯.jpg (17.23 KB, 303x166, 303:166, CIGAR.jpg)


Thank you BO for all that you do. It's nice to know 8bit chose well.

0ae3d4  No.6879580

well, now we know what Q meant by "be ready"

d79e35  No.6879581


Wow. That would be amazing.

98848c  No.6879582


feels like the


a26bb7  No.6879583


Acosta. It figures. All he thinks of is himself or his buddies, to hell with world peace. Comic relief?

5f7752  No.6879584

File: 4835652f19a8bcb⋯.jpg (90.82 KB, 334x225, 334:225, 015.jpg)



460e3f  No.6879585

File: 0078d7665c4807b⋯.jpg (36.48 KB, 474x327, 158:109, fireworks.jpg)


thinking the same thing a few minutes ago

1537c8  No.6879586

File: b5fb7b663659de0⋯.png (610.39 KB, 607x650, 607:650, Hogan re DMZ 6-29-19 11 5….PNG)

File: 7671b6a2b3f2a40⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1022x765, 1022:765, Hogan re DMZ 6-29-19 11 5….PNG)


>HAPPENING NOW: @realDonaldTrump and Kim Jong-un in North Korea.

HAPPENING NOW: @realDonaldTrump and Kim Jong-un in South Korea.


8519eb  No.6879587

File: 5d6b4dd2210de0b⋯.jpg (584.42 KB, 1500x938, 750:469, jerms.jpg)


>you completely exposed yourself as the fucking low life shill you are.

Now that's what I call projection.

0ae3d4  No.6879588


i told this to me spouseanon also

8960c5  No.6879589


So is Kim gonna hitchhike with POTUS on AF1 to the White House?

d07085  No.6879590

File: 31e34375630c3f1⋯.png (82.88 KB, 401x420, 401:420, Thank you Kim.png)

Clowns out!

0c65db  No.6879591

File: 8085d4db3d585ff⋯.jpg (174.44 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, AP19181248850736-1.jpg)

File: 338628c81d52686⋯.gif (605.02 KB, 320x240, 4:3, kek.gif)

b130c5  No.6879592


How fucking funny would it be for Jim Acosta to get in trouble with NK guards?

e86a69  No.6879593

File: 834ccfd8a3d646b⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, B9D1C9E0-CAFA-4C89-9809-BA….png)


07 patriot 👊


d94f6d  No.6879594


Truth anon.


*I forgot to mention successful G20 summit with Cheshire cat tie and smile (what does he know? kek)

c419ab  No.6879595


They fucking owned the shills

78a844  No.6879596

File: 37a55392850f405⋯.jpg (122.73 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 00a0a007de70dac9e803fe3c02….jpg)

bb582e  No.6879597

File: 90ae2cd407da5b7⋯.jpg (22.23 KB, 255x207, 85:69, IMG_3188.JPG)






The quote is exactly:

"I would invite him right now. To the White House. Absolutely."

Yeah like I said, kek

Gonna have another brew now

6a1448  No.6879598

anyone got that pic that goes something like;

"generations from now we'll have to tell our children how a basketball badboy facilitated nuclear peace by setting up a meeting between a fat, autistic dictator and his arch-nemesis a real estate billionaire twitter shitlord"

This truly is the best timeline, the only way up from here is into the next dimension friends.

5f7752  No.6879599

File: 5af0f9879c52830⋯.png (6.33 MB, 2400x1800, 4:3, 022.png)

7bce46  No.6879600

File: c486f122aa4b1a5⋯.jpg (76.91 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 32a4oy.jpg)

7604ff  No.6879601

File: f6d75a7766df615⋯.jpg (53.19 KB, 400x300, 4:3, P1030359.jpg)

File: a8ca0dd5529354a⋯.jpg (51.73 KB, 415x313, 415:313, happen.jpg)

0c5f5a  No.6879602


>USSS looks as though their buttholes are puckering and unpuckering rapidly!

Talk about a high-stakes day at work! Just because you are ready and willing to take a bullet for MOGUL doesn't mean it's what you want to have happen! :)

9d278d  No.6879603

Trump wins because he took away China's leverage of using NK against the USA.

d3e8f9  No.6879604

File: e1e78890eb47c41⋯.jpg (80.11 KB, 460x660, 23:33, 664.jpg)

peace at last

thank you POTUS

8645f9  No.6879605

File: 366ed169aee00b8⋯.png (586.38 KB, 584x573, 584:573, NKmayhem.png)

b130c5  No.6879606


Witnessing history LIVE with my frens

ad0898  No.6879607

File: 55cd370f86f73c9⋯.jpeg (226.74 KB, 1250x650, 25:13, FDF0B29F-3037-4DC2-A221-E….jpeg)

File: bf5ac0aa5474401⋯.jpeg (75.59 KB, 650x366, 325:183, 7C731A01-2678-42AF-82A3-4….jpeg)

File: 2d52f24d7204c4d⋯.jpeg (222.4 KB, 1098x850, 549:425, 4447E690-3ACE-4E7A-B261-C….jpeg)

File: 6e9d680ef9b10ab⋯.jpeg (130.83 KB, 899x707, 899:707, 986C8919-F66C-4AF7-837C-A….jpeg)

File: d99adb6147832e2⋯.jpeg (812.01 KB, 1125x786, 375:262, D2F2BB15-50B0-407F-A9FC-3….jpeg)

757511  No.6879608



f8e00f  No.6879609


what if trump and kim first talked on 4chan

>you have more than you know

a5dfcd  No.6879610

File: f12dd69aa255ff8⋯.jpg (429.43 KB, 600x795, 40:53, Архангел Михаил winning.jpg)


Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.

Save, Lord: let the king hear us when we call.

b89cdd  No.6879611


Exactly. Message sent to them in emphatic fashion.

ee2695  No.6879612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In The Hall Of the Mountain King

084eca  No.6879613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patriots..let's make this our Sunday world peace making song.

Just imagine that one is POTUS the other dude is Kim.

The lyrics are fuckin MADE FOR THIS DAY!

2388a2  No.6879614

File: 6f7cdb4115dbfdb⋯.jpg (60.92 KB, 500x610, 50:61, 1560653574327.jpg)


feeling great!!!!

heavy metal hitler approves!!!

5f477e  No.6879615


The programming is deeeeep. Some people have bought it hook line and sinker. They listen to only the tv box. So they must be shown the tv box and the msm is the scum they are. But they are also programmed to implode when exposed to the truth. I am really unsure how that anger, hate, was programmed so well into so many people. Truly I understand when Trump says shills should be charged with treason because psychological warfare has a measurable effect on american citizens.

a8f5f4  No.6879616


The libtart socialist marxist on the nobel "team" will never, ever give Trump the Peace prize.

It will probalby go to some swede that brings more Islam to Sweden.

1de756  No.6879617

File: f49425e8b299c4c⋯.jpg (122.97 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wtrothnm.jpg)


except everyone else can see the rest of the bread, and the hundreds of previous breads you posted your copypasta bullshit in. nice try.

f2bfae  No.6879618


Don't forget the Clowns strings are cut as well….

NK is no longer a patsy for the Cabal.

fe0db2  No.6879619

Korean live stream about 10 mins back said that President Moon has been made to wait in a separate room while Trump and Kim talk alone.

6eb2c4  No.6879620


I still got tears of happiness! So glad I could be with you all this morning

a3636f  No.6879621


Cheers anon. Truth exposed to normies is such a relief. You anons are my brothers and sisters and this is the first time I can really put something big out to my sphere of influence where they will be shocked they heard about it a year ago or more.

7bce46  No.6879622


Angela in the 80s?

825f63  No.6879623

File: d905377b3eb83b0⋯.png (38.3 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

dca8c3  No.6879624

File: 4a3bf968d09b421⋯.jpg (107.46 KB, 800x988, 200:247, IMG_2753.JPG)

0c5f5a  No.6879625


>programmed to immediately hate me.

That's precisely it.

>wtf are we really up against people? what the fuck is even happening?

Evil itself, manifesting and squeezing its way through the cracks in reality in any form it can manage to take. Mortal desires: greed, narcissism, lust, tyranny, manipulation, deception. Many are willing to give it form, and it's been here a long time. It is now at its strongest, but the tide has begun to turn.

Perhaps you might benefit from reading the bible. The words of Christ can give comfort and understanding in the face of an awakening like the one you are experiencing. If that's not for you, I understand, but consider it.

9c5580  No.6879626


Kim would probably fucking LOVE to visit the U.S.

ed6a75  No.6879627

>>6878878 pb

Please think! If this is a good idea, so is blaming/suing anyone who makes a gun, dangerous household chemicals, explosives, etc.

1a420a  No.6879628

File: 1eaca61246b77f0⋯.png (405.07 KB, 558x521, 558:521, DQS Kim and POTUS.PNG)

File: e4e2288e3ddd63b⋯.mp4 (397.77 KB, 480x270, 16:9, DQS Kim and POTUS in NK.mp4)

@Scavino45 twat: HAPPENING NOW… video of Chairman Kim and POTUS in NK


249f9e  No.6879629


Of course, some dark cloud "obsessive depressant" will always throw some negativity into a happy time. It's what they do; it's how they live.

27d648  No.6879630

File: c3deddc09251ba5⋯.png (821.07 KB, 908x908, 1:1, FallingStar.png)


It Happened!

7604ff  No.6879631

File: 7702d3bfcd03bb0⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1440x853, 1440:853, makerof.png)

f2bfae  No.6879632


I more then welcom Little RocketMan to our AMAZING country!

360364  No.6879633

My President has balls of steel. That's a dangerous area to drive to.

He showed trust and great respect to Kim to go out of his way to fly there just to see him.

And the FIRST President to walk with him into North Korea. WOW.

b130c5  No.6879634


a18212  No.6879635

File: 41dc9d14008c16b⋯.png (226.51 KB, 500x405, 100:81, 41dc9d14008c16bc182cfe52aa….png)


Like watching the sunrise on a whole new world. Thank you, BO, and to the volunteers, bakers and other anons too.

Digging for Q+ with yall is the great work of my life.

c419ab  No.6879636


And Rodman brought what to start this line of reality

5b11ad  No.6879637


Yeah, Google does it. But knowing what you know, can you trust it?

b4e8b9  No.6879638

File: 2494af64700c7c6⋯.jpeg (29.84 KB, 244x214, 122:107, 6458BDF8-9898-43B2-8C1D-E….jpeg)


Thats why you are here with frens

We all had similar experiences

Repost later

When anons can pay attention

Maybe a shorter version

1537c8  No.6879639

File: 4edea4c88d0756d⋯.png (521.71 KB, 610x918, 305:459, World News POTUS and Kim 6….PNG)

File: 03458636ad5a349⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1195x787, 1195:787, POTUS and Kim 6-29-19 DMZ.PNG)

Trump lands at DMZ ahead of meeting with North Korea's Kim


6ee995  No.6879640


DJT will probably take him to an NBA game

bb582e  No.6879641

File: 39d9e3737ff1c3d⋯.gif (601.69 KB, 480x270, 16:9, IMG_4087.GIF)

8519eb  No.6879642

File: 85c0edbdc8a52cb⋯.jpg (195.27 KB, 600x541, 600:541, kick-a-kike.jpg)


>copypasta bullshit

That you never dispute or disprove, bad news for you is that it takes very little digging to find a plethora of information supporting those posts.

You lose.

Gas yourself.

190ab7  No.6879643

Notables at 420

are not endorsements


>>6879550 Arirang: Trump and Kim have been meeting for about 30 minutes; Moon has been waiting in another room.

>>6879529 Did anyone notice that Kim isn't wearing the pin with his grandfather and father on it?

baker must ghost

pastebin unchanged

world completely changed

someone else step up, magic moment when they come out of that meeting room in a few minutes. 18 hours baking today.

6d7830  No.6879644

Anons, this is just thought, but do you remember Russian biggest exercise VOSTOK?

Russia is mobilizing for its biggest military exercise since the height of the Cold War, the Kremlin says, citing a tense international climate that is “frequently aggressive and unfriendly toward us.”

The exercises, which are set to involve nearly 300,000 Russian troops, 1,000 aircraft and 900 tanks, will also include units from China for the first time. They will start on Sept. 11.

Known as Vostok-2018 or East-2018, the September military exercises, involving land and air units, will begin near Russia’s eastern border with China and Mongolia.


Maybe this was coordinated with POTUS?

To show NK and China that PUTIN is on BOARD?

470ffb  No.6879645


Declassification and public awareness before arrests.

825f63  No.6879646


Chekt kekt and rekt!

a5dfcd  No.6879647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Delivers Remarks to United States Service Members


The White House Live

7bc5d1  No.6879648


remove the letters h and n from the word ChInA, to be moar accurate.

Iran next.

b89cdd  No.6879649

This bread is baking with lots of love

084eca  No.6879650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


CHEERS ANON. have one extra for #metoo.

1de756  No.6879651

File: 5b87eeeef0ed548⋯.jpg (183.65 KB, 803x630, 803:630, projection.jpg)


now that is projection.

a3636f  No.6879652


Clown NK strings were cut long ago. Anons knew. Now the world will know!

a8b8d5  No.6879653

File: d6011f873b2941e⋯.png (814.71 KB, 741x753, 247:251, HRCeyes.png)


I see what you did there, Anon!

0c5f5a  No.6879654


>Jim Acosta to get in trouble with NK guards?

Toss him in the NoKo Fake News Gulag for all I care, I don't think my sides can take any more damage than they already have today, they have been reduced to subatomic particles already! Can we go deeper?

27d648  No.6879655



Thanks, it was hard to hear over all the Press people shoving and fighting. kek.

9c5580  No.6879656


It'll be like a sitcom. 80's Ferris Bueller's day off montage all the sights of the city, lololol.,

fe0db2  No.6879657

File: 29960682428e563⋯.jpg (278.87 KB, 1080x790, 108:79, Screenshot_20190630-003151….jpg)



Drudge is already starting the negative spin by putting the "he'll on earth" link front and center.

176fe4  No.6879658

8519eb  No.6879659


>now that is projection.

Whats it projecting?

f2bfae  No.6879660

FAKE NEWS is being salty as fuck… probably due to their tears of defeat.

360364  No.6879661

File: e2b7ebc0620f5a3⋯.jpeg (121.33 KB, 962x627, 962:627, Kim Trump Peace Prize Sha….jpeg)

076bc9  No.6879662

File: 430085b71395a98⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 728x408, 91:51, TheCourier.jpg)

File: bc039b503729fd9⋯.jpg (473.33 KB, 480x1358, 240:679, DennisRodmanTheCourier.jpg)


I believe it was a "Special Edition".

c419ab  No.6879663


It is coming anon, a new age is coming

a18212  No.6879664


This. Kim's strings have been cut. The Clowns/China leverage is gone.

President Trump isn't just beating them at their own game, he's turning it into a game of solitaire.

b130c5  No.6879665


>Acosta held hostage in a gulag

>POTUS offers Kim a nickel

41f202  No.6879666

File: 6043413d384dca7⋯.png (651.98 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 6043413d384dca768c9b2e1703….png)


His book's not doing well kek.

0c65db  No.6879667

File: fd92a1012c63cf0⋯.jpg (7.92 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0031.jpg)


might as well throw this in the mix

e81bed  No.6879668

A historic meeting at the DMZ. HOWEVER, I'll wait until POTUS is back at Andrews before I relax.

So much potential for things to go sideways still. And you can bet Chuckie and Nancy have some ideas of how to make it all happen.

6616ed  No.6879669


Ah, the Sludge Report.

600e96  No.6879670

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, 0b611388680563c39a47c7af7f….jpg)

File: 70d62f0017564d8⋯.png (1.06 MB, 842x960, 421:480, ClipboardImage.png)


>This bread

fastest graveyard bread I've seen

dca8c3  No.6879671

File: 0e432f4a11f28ad⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 800x532, 200:133, IMG_2752.JPG)


Right back at you Patriot.

1de756  No.6879672

File: 04007979ee4e097⋯.jpg (248.03 KB, 715x540, 143:108, iploser.jpg)

ad0898  No.6879673

Fox host has BUNDLED any and every doubter tonight. Top notch work

78a844  No.6879674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f37b7c  No.6879675


This is what happens when there are no leaks!


6a1448  No.6879676


>"I'll lift sanctions if you keep him there Kim"

c419ab  No.6879677


Freedom medal +1 to Rodman time now

d17638  No.6879678


moon doesn't know that kim had to be "freed" from c_a control. moon doesn't know that a deal has already been made. moon doesn't know that a deal will soon be agreed to and sanctions will be lifted aid given to the north Korean peoples.

Moon can't participate in the talks because he doesn't know what's going on. Moon won't care once results are announced. Moon however will be in future talks about reunification of Korea

fe7739  No.6879679


An honor to serve Q+ together

0c5f5a  No.6879680

File: 5776f4c23b45236⋯.jpg (124.16 KB, 960x924, 80:77, ascension.jpg)

File: 71adae50b07d7f5⋯.jpg (119.16 KB, 736x736, 1:1, eraoloetas.jpg)

File: 181dcf90a56e1fa⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 670x658, 335:329, next_dimension.gif)

File: e60568d34447144⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 498x490, 249:245, p_vibes.gif)

File: 5ec154a2b2b7338⋯.png (925.5 KB, 500x750, 2:3, spacejesus.png)


>the only way up from here is into the next dimension friends.

Onward and Upward!

d3e8f9  No.6879681


tripz chk'd

I love that photo, it's a classic

5b11ad  No.6879682


Kek. That's more like it.

7604ff  No.6879683

File: a567fd09441fd73⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 434x444, 217:222, 6593d_Test_Squadron_-_Lock….jpg)

File: 8fc7835cbb22509⋯.jpg (293.45 KB, 704x672, 22:21, 7675db0a4ea447ff6211a0e3c7….jpg)

6a1448  No.6879684


this, I still remember how emotional he got talking about how he got shat on, he deserves recognition.

a8f5f4  No.6879685

File: ea0d37e90be0b87⋯.jpg (135.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, white cats.jpg)


it feels very good and comfy.

360364  No.6879686

File: 42a0fe2d43c8265⋯.jpeg (63.38 KB, 500x503, 500:503, Kim Trump I Love You.jpeg)

0a405c  No.6879687


You have just witnessed cognitive dissonance in action. Scott Adams has some interesting things to say on CD - here's a link to Zero Hedge:

- https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-18/dilberts-scott-adams-explains-how-know-youre-mass-hysteria-bubble

a4f308  No.6879688

File: f34ffe9aaf49bff⋯.jpeg (5.35 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 170F5DBA-4697-4227-ADBB-1….jpeg)

The german MSM on YT is already calling this the „Miracle of Korea“!

c7f0b7  No.6879689

File: 4a75fb828a3bf55⋯.jpeg (331.87 KB, 1242x1172, 621:586, A4179480-58FA-42D7-8AEF-8….jpeg)



July the month the world learns the truth.

9c5580  No.6879690

File: 6a9d3f2d6d58ce9⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1188x467, 1188:467, ClipboardImage.png)



You can tell he's genuinely happy.

076bc9  No.6879691

File: cb025074124cdb2⋯.jpg (805.55 KB, 1440x1038, 240:173, SmartSelect_20190617-19013….jpg)

File: a11151f418bca0c⋯.jpg (202.83 KB, 773x597, 773:597, SmartSelect_20190220-06332….jpg)


I love Q+!

249f9e  No.6879692


Absolutely correct! You are damned straight it was a great thing to do. And you can bet that it impressed Kim very much. Kim sees resolve in President Trump and I think Kim will respond in a positive way.

9af7cf  No.6879693


It is programming, but I think this kind of hate is a knee jerk reaction to any counter programming. (facts) Hopefully these people will self realize that this hate isn't normal and grow from there.

c419ab  No.6879694


He was doing the best he could since '12 and now it is finally coming to reality

600e96  No.6879695

File: 8a85a3121492585⋯.jpeg (31.18 KB, 300x213, 100:71, 3F27CDF4-321B-4A8D-962A-3….jpeg)


>reunification of Korea

9c5580  No.6879696



3be0cf  No.6879697

File: 96cc30d4951d1bc⋯.png (429.17 KB, 600x682, 300:341, dasit.png)

a18212  No.6879698

Guys… what if President Trump's "4 minutes until handshake" comment was a military-go stringer?

This would explain why POTUS and KJU have been "talking alone for over 30 minutes" since their handshake.

Potus is in an SCIF/Situation Room commanding the troops while SHTF

cf57cf  No.6879699


Earlier, Ivanka was quoted as having said something like a 'Golden Age' is coming to Korea.

a8a73d  No.6879700

File: aa9c3968bab68dc⋯.gif (698.44 KB, 320x320, 1:1, historicalwinning.gif)

Historical winning!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

d79e35  No.6879701

8519eb  No.6879702

File: 8cab4d0dead8d31⋯.jpg (57.22 KB, 346x555, 346:555, 9ce137cab2d26bb.jpg)

File: a5841fa61f59e73⋯.jpg (18.47 KB, 385x480, 77:96, that_moment.jpg)



cb8d71  No.6879703


I see this and I just think…"That soccer bitch can suck it. What is she even on about." Go meet with AOC and tour congress. The real leaders have shit to do. I wish to GOD people would ACCEPT the substance of all that we're seeing. Are they not fucking checking their 401ks. Do they not have job security. Are they not seeing people let out of prison with a second chance. What the fuck world are these people living in. Take a knee on Mars FFS.

a8f5f4  No.6879704

File: 8276485bb980c89⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 262x371, 262:371, armor2.jpg)



9c5580  No.6879705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck! here is the vid.

c2b9aa  No.6879706

File: c96c69c4f84d893⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 748x960, 187:240, 35295875_2237407186275885_….jpg)

File: 14b5b4d969d926b⋯.jpeg (50.97 KB, 920x678, 460:339, 14b5b4d969d926b279144d82f….jpeg)

File: 725d3d78b0f1228⋯.jpg (5.77 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 725d3d78b0f1228bd9c23a1fca….jpg)

File: dab038d169813f3⋯.jpg (64.89 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, DlB56QKUUAIvUxO.jpg)

File: d5d38125e41cdcb⋯.png (126.25 KB, 852x1012, 213:253, ClipboardImage.png)

From: Kim, Seung Min

Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2019 3:08 AM

Subject: Travel pool report #15 - Trump/Kim bilat

Pool ushered into a chaotic bilat at the Freedom House, where Kim Jong Un and POTUS sat in front of the room.

Kim spoke. Some words thru interpreter

He spoke of “willing to put an end to the unfortunate past”

If not for the “excellent relations between the two of us” this opportunity would not be possible

Then POTUS spoke

“You hear the power of that voice” referring to Kim. Noted “he doesn’t do news conferences”

“Thus is a historic moment, the fact that we’re meeting.”

“You made us both look good” with this meeting

“We’ve developed a great relationship”

Then shook hands

Ushered out about 4p

Seung Min Kim

The Washington Post

(202) -xxx-xxxx

Sent from my iPhone



78a844  No.6879707

File: 061948e88cb6e4e⋯.png (207.86 KB, 492x329, 492:329, 061948e88cb6e4e4197af45cbb….png)

File: d8cf03917dbf0c7⋯.png (154.72 KB, 495x335, 99:67, 47053b9df2f95dedba4db34818….png)

File: 1d72f9ed2011d8e⋯.jpg (139.71 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2urlmr.jpg)

File: a7aa9b22d6cb294⋯.jpg (117.75 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2urm8o.jpg)

File: ca21b35c7301eb0⋯.jpeg (71.63 KB, 888x486, 148:81, e8428d93621910f25404f3ad0….jpeg)

c419ab  No.6879708


with that said omg who would have guessed Rodman playing forward

78fccc  No.6879709


If any anons are watching MSNBC, the rhetoric from these guys is unreal. Everything negative, no real appreciation of the magnitude of this moment. "Kim is a ruthless dictator, dangerous, a killer" "Trump is using this event to position himself for the 2020 election" "They have a bromance" etc….. Sickening…

8a8f9e  No.6879710

File: 3dec8c24d9b3876⋯.jpg (77.67 KB, 600x315, 40:21, fr.jpg)

But for real this time

7604ff  No.6879711

File: cc26280cbba2a55⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Chaotic_Beauty_in_Constell….png)

b130c5  No.6879712



Holy shit, my sides, stop

076bc9  No.6879713


He should get the highest honor available for a citizen.

6a1448  No.6879714


this could/will happen, that's why they both competed at the winter Olympics under a unified banner no? A sign of things to come

bda661  No.6879715


Drudge and Michael Savage, need I say more?

a3636f  No.6879716


and Xi kek

1a420a  No.6879717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White House keyed-up live feed for

President Trump Delivers Remarks to United States Service Members

243 watching now

The White House

Started streaming 35 minutes ago


360364  No.6879718

File: 0880e0eadaf409c⋯.jpeg (26.9 KB, 640x358, 320:179, Kim Trump Hair.jpeg)

f8e775  No.6879719

File: 3888874cd8304ab⋯.jpg (153.27 KB, 900x541, 900:541, ClockFag.jpg)


Like the new Qclock!


But… well… you know.


bb582e  No.6879720

File: 416e7d4d8191071⋯.gif (356.77 KB, 266x200, 133:100, IMG_4089.GIF)


It's been real the last 2 yrs

0115c9  No.6879721


Nothing like witnessing a first and last moment. God Bless POTUS.

c419ab  No.6879723


it seems that it is, the hold outs in NK have been dispensed.

7604ff  No.6879724

File: 066c3877928d740⋯.jpg (941 KB, 2672x1712, 167:107, blowyourmind.jpg)

78a844  No.6879725

File: 6ecc188c278c365⋯.mp4 (329.23 KB, 360x640, 9:16, XQrmk3P8Y-4_ziSq.mp4)

8645f9  No.6879726


They really don't look bad that way.

b89cdd  No.6879727


It sure does. Thanks for keeping this place running, love you bro

9c7b46  No.6879728


Proud to be an American today.

POTUS is the winner of the world stage yet still humble, willing to meet Kim in his country first.

dac64b  No.6879729

File: 96bfdae38d4d2a0⋯.png (889.35 KB, 1195x787, 1195:787, 6-30-2019.png)

Has Kim been wearing his NK lapel pin lately anons ????????????????????????????????

5f477e  No.6879730

File: 355cf864d2f2d20⋯.png (335.2 KB, 470x536, 235:268, 355cf864d2f2d20943034d1dc8….png)


I think Kim will understand the resolve of Trump very well after this meeting. Something big is brewing. Probably sharing battle plans with the Korean's in terms of the massive world wide simultaneous destruction of major cabal facilities and trafficking hubs and how they will respond once they have no options left. Probably giving them some type of protection against their nukes getting hacked. Kim possibly handing over some secret google servers, or the goods on how he got the nuke tech. CABAL LOSING SLEEP. Door knobs looking better and better every night.

6a7ce9  No.6879731

File: 07e74d77b41e314⋯.png (179.53 KB, 579x445, 579:445, ClipboardImage.png)



096e0c  No.6879732


7604ff  No.6879733

File: b34df67066e5ef8⋯.jpg (214.32 KB, 962x627, 962:627, trumpkimpeace2.jpg)

ee9c1a  No.6879734



95729e  No.6879735


I love you all!!! The knowledge you provide is unstoppable. Thank you for loving America and helping me and many others believe there is truly a chance to save the world. We are watching it happen!

b9fce4  No.6879736

Anons!! I love you all, I am shaking and crying with pride tonight. This President MY President is the most historic and important President in our lifetime. He is amazing. I can proudly say I actually worked for his campaign and I have never ever been so proud of that one tiny little moment of my life. I have never ever been able to talk about it or brag about it because I am in such a liberal shithole but I AM proud to say I worked so hard to help this man win. I know many many people helped him and really he really won on his own, because he is a master at winning. he taught us all how to win too.

c2b9aa  No.6879737

File: 9feb242780461bf⋯.png (248.11 KB, 618x992, 309:496, ClipboardImage.png)


a8f5f4  No.6879738


State dinner with all best burgers. Dennis Rodman, the new Ambassador to NK will say some words…

0c5f5a  No.6879739

Waiting to hear


Anyone else feel electricity?

7df96e  No.6879740



a3ca18  No.6879741

PortlandAnon here, I was part of the demonstration that antifa showed up at. Something needs to be done about these psychos, the media is blatantly lying about what happened. We showed up peacefully, didn't fight anyone, antifa came and started making trouble. There were no "neo-nazis" in our group (despite what the Oregonian says).

The milkshakes weren't just "milkshakes", they had cement (and potentially other toxins) mixed in them, they threw it all over this 60 y/o lady in our group and somehow *we're* the violent ones. Instead of following the antifaggots, but police were follow *us* the entire time as if we were doing something wrong. This city is going to shit. We're looking to sue big time for all damages that took place today, anyone who can dig up info please post it here immediately.

I'll be up for a few, do anons have any questions?

a4f308  No.6879742

825f63  No.6879743


Yes a true shamefur dispray!

a18212  No.6879744


Already in notables. see>>6879529

a8f5f4  No.6879745


Thank you for posting meltdowns.

6a1448  No.6879746


I feel like all of that was done during the second meet and they just faked that the Summit broke down to Kim could appear to still be under Cabal control and weed out the last remaining bad actor assets.

6c49f3  No.6879747

>>6879129 /lb Notables

Actually teared up when I saw true History being made, once again, by President Trump…something else only patriots will ever acknowledge while the globalists scum try to stop what has been, is, and will continue.

360364  No.6879748

File: 8606625913dd155⋯.jpg (111.29 KB, 849x425, 849:425, Iran But We wanted nuclear….jpg)

176fe4  No.6879749

Is google being talked about?

Is servers being talked about?

Is evidence for DS prosecution being talked about?

f5bab0  No.6879750



7604ff  No.6879751

File: 031a4cb93829f4e⋯.jpg (69 KB, 483x417, 161:139, preparenight.jpg)

076bc9  No.6879752



176fe4  No.6879753

b130c5  No.6879754



Post moar salt

c7f0b7  No.6879755


Loving your fellow man is NOT Homo.

Try to erase the programming.

096e0c  No.6879756


>I am shaking and crying with pride tonight.


c419ab  No.6879757


He has won this one bigly.

0dc4c5  No.6879758


There's a buzz. I've never felt such pride for my country

d06d7c  No.6879759

Holy Shit! Arirang reporter just said "The entire World is Watching"

b9fce4  No.6879760

OMG a storm is just hitting and raining like crazy right now. fuck

1de756  No.6879761


self-awareness is not your thing. obviously. good night shill.

dac64b  No.6879762


ok thanks.

dca8c3  No.6879763

File: e743587f4e458e8⋯.jpg (125.78 KB, 800x527, 800:527, IMG_2942.JPG)

41f202  No.6879764

File: f19411d425c5a6e⋯.jpg (10.73 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 12.jpg)




And chicken tendies!

249f9e  No.6879765


Yeah, NO! Not really. All your copy/pasta bullshit comes from nazi and muslim sites. And you're stupid enough to be indoctrinated by it. You're a waste of everyone's time.

d3e8f9  No.6879766

File: 412346662e90920⋯.jpg (281.15 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 6636.jpg)

8a8f9e  No.6879767

Imagine they stay in there for 10 days of darkness

1537c8  No.6879768

File: dfce8ac8a149517⋯.png (265.88 KB, 601x501, 601:501, CGrant re DMZ 6-30-19.PNG)


>What the fuck world are these people living in. Take a knee on Mars FFS.

They are the 4-6%

Some have mental health issues and it shows

'Kim Jong Un' is Twitter Trending and I am watching the comments

Some are quite pathetic and deranged

Kim Jong Un and Trump went golfing together.


a8b8d5  No.6879769


Anons, I remember when Dennis Rodman went to NK. The Mainstream media had us all HATING Dennis Rodman!

This was before I found this board…I was totally brainwashed back then!

6ee995  No.6879770


yeah he is pretty clearly a Q follower.

He also said optics are important.

bda661  No.6879771

File: 139adc6c497e860⋯.png (241.9 KB, 458x265, 458:265, ClipboardImage.png)


You just made POTUS look Bad Ass! Kek

7604ff  No.6879772

File: ae86eb59f8e5d98⋯.jpg (263.11 KB, 870x500, 87:50, brainwaves.jpg)

File: 80faebf3d8f50fc⋯.jpg (188.78 KB, 870x500, 87:50, maga202.jpg)

076bc9  No.6879773

File: 18e9ca5b792c293⋯.jpg (635.88 KB, 1159x1230, 1159:1230, SmartSelect_20190219-18264….jpg)


True! I have a version for that.

360364  No.6879774

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, Board Night Shift Trump Mo….jpg)

6af785  No.6879775


>It's going to be HISTORIC!

>Planned long ago.


>Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.


Funny, Potus takes the ball from the 38, takes 17 steps to the 21 yard line. And he said he wasn’t going to rush. Never telegraph…

Diid you say [-21]?

Footnote- the DMZ is at the 38th parallel.

First down?

f8e775  No.6879776

File: 77b61f7e373031d⋯.png (15.91 KB, 1194x458, 597:229, ChInA_.png)



>remove the letters h and n from the word ChInA,

0e56a5  No.6879777


My only question is why you went anywhere near that pre planned clusterfuck while knowing what has been going on with that for the last year

I'm across the river, you won't catch me anywhere near that mess.

c419ab  No.6879778

I shouda bought tendies tonight.

5ff2ff  No.6879779

File: 2719f9b3bafba0e⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, kim without pin.png)


I forgot to add pic related to my previous post. This is significant. Kim doesn't have his national pin on.

757511  No.6879780


Rodman says at 2:30 that Kim told him no one had ever kept their word to him or NK. Boom. Trump is keeping his word, hence this will drive peace.

Also at 4:40, Kim asked Dennis to take back demands to Obama, but Obama wouldn't give him time and brushed him off.

Also said after that, he got lots of death threats. Whoa

Love is MAGA hat.

5b11ad  No.6879781


Hasn't been a bread I couldn't keep up with for many a moon. Worm sign the likes of which has never been seen before!

a26bb7  No.6879782


Don't fret, AussieFren. It will make their ultimate demise even sweeter….

460e3f  No.6879783

File: 894105a6127e4d7⋯.png (225.79 KB, 463x526, 463:526, pepe chicken tendies.PNG)

6d7830  No.6879784




Great awakening,

fe0db2  No.6879785



Post original pics

8519eb  No.6879786

File: e165de2487ad2dd⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 415x520, 83:104, 13450259_10207.jpg)

File: b8977f9ce358ee2⋯.jpg (566.39 KB, 1047x945, 349:315, 13450259_102077.jpg)

File: 533db51df180c89⋯.jpg (94.28 KB, 690x388, 345:194, call_em.jpg)


> nazi

Wrong again dumb fuck.

02529c  No.6879787

File: 507d98b07f67073⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 683x683, 1:1, 848.jpg)

File: a2cbbcfdaca5e2e⋯.jpg (494.27 KB, 1196x1196, 1:1, 733.jpg)

(Friday) June 28, 2019

7604ff  No.6879788

File: a3097d0829d315a⋯.jpg (111.31 KB, 500x636, 125:159, trumplove.jpg)

a62b3f  No.6879789

File: 4b1701e33288c1f⋯.jpg (198.77 KB, 750x546, 125:91, WernerVonTrumpenkim.jpg)

When GEOTUS goes to meet The Glorious Leader…

He walks out of the building, and down some stairs.

As he does, there's a ladder in the shot up against the pillar.

This is one of those scenes that need to be PERFECT for posterity…

It's a multiposition, telescoping ladder.

Werner makes the best, but hail corporate is besides the point.

what was the symbolism?

You can bridge a gap on that kind of ladder.

What else?

600e96  No.6879790

File: 090a2cf7096bad2⋯.jpg (68.52 KB, 463x800, 463:800, pence buttcakes boner.jpg)

File: 80e23d450d0685b⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 307x292, 307:292, pence_mostly_approves.gif)



1de756  No.6879791


indeed it does. and my humble apologies for eating up so much bread tagging the finkelshill.

c7f0b7  No.6879792

035718  No.6879793


proud of all of you anon, Q, Q+

proud of America, o7

ad0898  No.6879794

File: 9751a416c8a089f⋯.jpeg (261.09 KB, 1195x787, 1195:787, 91221A37-5B25-4900-9805-7….jpeg)

9af7cf  No.6879795


Too many players on the field and off sides. - cabal

360364  No.6879796

File: 9748aeb17f27990⋯.png (396.82 KB, 637x745, 637:745, Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at ….png)

8a2169  No.6879797

Any lurking Bakers?

Baker had to ghost this bread.

>>6879184, >>6879643 Collecting notes

f2bfae  No.6879798


Its for a photographer to get a better perspective for this historic moment.

dca8c3  No.6879799

File: 3a0d1cfff532160⋯.jpg (125.01 KB, 800x527, 800:527, IMG_2943.JPG)


*spacing correction

2e0bd4  No.6879800

5f7752  No.6879801

File: 5607b3d9abca2c7⋯.jpeg (34.45 KB, 620x400, 31:20, 026 (2).jpeg)

I can't wait to hear the words the war is over.

Anons the fight continues, remember to stay on target.

I totally lost myself tonight, felt like a shill, but i was so happy for the US, POTUS, the people, NK!

My intention are good.

69b01f  No.6879802


I think it's controlled ops

think 'bout it

Isn't teh nws from 2day all over twat when dis shud B THE #1 sub?

ee2214  No.6879803

File: c1aba9a6bd9b774⋯.png (9.73 KB, 537x101, 537:101, nknews.PNG)

176fe4  No.6879804

Long meeting it seems.

0dc4c5  No.6879805

Anyone else feel like they're about to witness a profound bit of history?

"Be ready."

5b11ad  No.6879806



You guys need to get bodycams.

076bc9  No.6879807

File: 5a39457b9090325⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 540x710, 54:71, choose greatness.jpg)

e9a7ec  No.6879808

There about to come out all the security went on alert

249f9e  No.6879809


They've been indoctrinated from a young age to believe that anything conservative is evil because any and all conservative values are only to benefit the huge corporations and/or the .01% filthy rich. So they glom to anything that opposes conservative values, no matter how evil. They don't/can't think and need to be told how to feel/think. They are human drones or, to put in simpler terms…….idiots!

89e871  No.6879810


>18 hours baking today.

We're grateful patriot.

You don't even know kek.


ee2214  No.6879811

File: c1aba9a6bd9b774⋯.png (9.73 KB, 537x101, 537:101, nknews.PNG)

460e3f  No.6879812


got one going anon

360364  No.6879813

File: 3342a081bc238db⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 702x525, 234:175, Trump Hair Bald Make Over.jpg)


I like the bald look.

c419ab  No.6879814

The time to be a fucking shill is not now

4b6927  No.6879815


Legend o7

e86a69  No.6879816

File: f71c9f98d38cbf7⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A758B667-4C7E-4F9E-B3FB-55….png)




I will bake. # 8800 A changed World

Baking now.

My second bake so help w collecting notables always a help. Tired so not sure how long i can man the oven, gotta be at work at 8:30.. but will give it a go 👍

fe7739  No.6879817



This 👍

096e0c  No.6879818

>>6879787 POTUS tweet to Kim and Q #44


d3e8f9  No.6879819

File: d44b2a07d417ac9⋯.jpg (146.8 KB, 742x479, 742:479, 12133131.jpg)

d17638  No.6879820


I think this is highly probable

Also…kim may have needed to not look so weak and desperate for a deal with the US. expensive chess move but nevertheless, it's probable that there was a need to temporarily pull back

7604ff  No.6879821

File: 096b1fdee5b0118⋯.jpg (370.7 KB, 978x978, 1:1, peacebud.jpg)

0bd318  No.6879822

File: 3fb43e3d067b789⋯.gif (3.19 MB, 300x533, 300:533, del 20515421.gif)

baker bewbs

9c5580  No.6879823


When Cuomo acknowledges Rodman's efforts, he starts breaking down and goes into an epic (great!) rant! (5:00 mark) really humanizes Rodman for me. Never saw him the same again after that. I could feel his pain and his elation. Powerful stuff.

a3ca18  No.6879824


If we don't stand up for our right to free speech, it'll just be taken away. Besides, the world is now seeing how violent the left can be.

e9a7ec  No.6879825

What amazes me is none of the major players are in that room with Trump and Kim.

460e3f  No.6879826

# 8799


Ghosty bake

>>6879401 BO "Feels Good Man"

>>6879413 POTUS crosses border, becomes 1st sitting U.S. leader to enter N. Korea

>>6879416 Moar from Chairman Kim & Potus inside Freedom House

>>6879550 Arirang: Trump and Kim have been meeting for about 30 minutes; Moon has been waiting in another room.

>>6879529 Did anyone notice that Kim isn't wearing the pin with his grandfather and father on it?

>>6879572 Graphic: POTUS Tweets "(long planned)" > Planned long ago. > HISTORIC! Q2903

>>6879628 @Scavino45 twat: HAPPENING NOW… video of Chairman Kim and POTUS in NK

>>6879647 POTUS Delivers Remarks to United States Service Members-video


here you go

e81bed  No.6879827

>>6878667 (PB)

Yes. Get out of jail number. Dug last thread.

0c65db  No.6879828

File: f9a40dceb79f86d⋯.jpg (8.69 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0018.jpg)


amen anon

red white & blue tears behind this patriots eyes tonight

new world

a26bb7  No.6879829

File: dbe7a8411cbe245⋯.png (12.89 KB, 255x143, 255:143, wwg1wga.png)


Lived in Ptld, Eugene, Oregon City. Downtown Ptld was a lovely city and Oregon used to be pretty mellow, generally speaking. Sorry to hear it's gone to hell in such a massive way–not that where I moved to is much better, kek. We'll get 'em in the end, tho.

Those "milkshakes" need chemical analysis, hope someone had the presence of mind to collect them for your future CLASS ACTION SUIT. God bless you, anon, and all who stand up against these bullies.

99c5a6  No.6879830

One day into the future on 8chan….

<Cancer is cured.

<World Peace

<Men and women get along.

<Hunger and Genetic defects are eradicated.

One faggot will be like…

Can I tell you about the Scofield Bible?

825f63  No.6879831


But Mnuchin is lurking at bldg entrance kek.

096e0c  No.6879832


>>6879818 POTUS tweet to Kim and Q #44

7604ff  No.6879833

File: 9907214a86e82f3⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1058x904, 529:452, eyeson.png)

1537c8  No.6879834

File: 56035181f9baaee⋯.png (136.91 KB, 439x443, 439:443, Little Giant Ladder.PNG)

File: f968bc7609b7b84⋯.png (131.2 KB, 444x247, 444:247, Little Giant Ladder Does i….PNG)


>It's a multiposition, telescoping ladder.

Looks like a 'Little Giant Ladder'

0c5f5a  No.6879835

File: ae04fea2162c3b1⋯.jpg (61.03 KB, 570x722, 15:19, wormsign.jpg)

File: 8fdec2d7efede2a⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 250x207, 250:207, wormsign_2.jpg)


>Worm sign the likes of which has never been seen before!

Radio the carryalls!

18093a  No.6879836

File: 7e1f0b97076df91⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 50 bakers needed.jpg)

Blessed be, the patriot bakers. Thank you for your dedicated service.

e86a69  No.6879837


Thank you, this is cell, baking on laptop fyi.

470ffb  No.6879838



This vid is from June 2018. Just imagine what Dennis Rodman is thinking right now.

8a8f9e  No.6879839

Will "the morning sun bring heat"? sunrise in washington DC will be coming in a couple more hours.

07173b  No.6879840

File: af4b48b2ea2a115⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 844x591, 844:591, 96bdbf46e264e60afb01dc154c….jpg)

7dfaf1  No.6879841

File: 218ffefc814cccb⋯.png (3.92 KB, 795x70, 159:14, this day in history.PNG)

this day in history

125 years ago

0101e3  No.6879842

File: 9ff75a03e22c062⋯.png (328.45 KB, 629x349, 629:349, ClipboardImage.png)

360364  No.6879843


He's going to invite him to the White House !!!!!

bda661  No.6879844


Looks way too Democratic Socialist, like Meat Head, to me

a8b8d5  No.6879845

File: bdf3e5a7b2171a4⋯.png (508.94 KB, 586x721, 586:721, Screenshot_4.png)

File: 60299386de3666b⋯.png (49.01 KB, 161x119, 23:17, Screenshot_6.png)

File: cd1e3853e853593⋯.png (878.77 KB, 628x898, 314:449, Screenshot_3.png)


Go back through the breads today, Anon.

Should find info there.

I've given a bit of info to Ngo's attorneys. They were looking for the people responsible for making the Milkshake cups.

Searching Twitter, I found an exact symbol match that was on the cup. It was a backpack patch that said Everyday Antifascists.

I am guessing that it is somewhat a new symbol coming to fruition. It doesn't show up on searches or reverse image searches.

Got a rising sun with Antifa three downward arrows and 13 dots that complete the circle where the rest of the sun should be.

a62b3f  No.6879846


They're moving it around and photographer got on top of it.

points to


0e56a5  No.6879847


Portland is imploding and commiting political suicide with this. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

0dc4c5  No.6879848

Anyone have a stream link?

249f9e  No.6879849



You actually think memes are a verifiable source of information? For God's sake girl, you're just simple lost. You really don't have a clue. I'm ashamed of myself for wasting this much time on a complete waste as you. I'm sure I'll see your pathetic memes next bread cuz, that's all you got. You have no verified information, as I knew earlier.

83b015  No.6879850


Who really controls NK?

What if it was SK in concert with ChInA?

POTUS is having a long talk with Kim without Moon in the room, odd?

0c5f5a  No.6879851


>One faggot will be like…

>Can I tell you about the Scofield Bible?

"McDonalds sausage is made of babies!"

a8f5f4  No.6879852


the 4th of July….

I hope we get some big reveals on the 4th. probably the official announcement of Peace in the Korean Peninsula and the Official end of the Korean War.

And yes still waiting for The Storm Is Upon Us.

But for today, I will enjoy this cookie of winning.

a18212  No.6879853


Secret Service putting the cameraman off the chair. dude didn't move fast enough and almost got bodyslammed.

d07085  No.6879854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get in here

a3ca18  No.6879855

File: 481829759470087⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 47848184_205671877083511_3….mp4)


I didn't take any pics, but did take a short video.

e9a7ec  No.6879856

trump is not happy

8519eb  No.6879857

File: a81b24874cb56b6⋯.png (131.89 KB, 600x400, 3:2, dontdoitgoy.png)




>You actually think memes are a verifiable source of information? For God's sake girl, you're just simple lost. You really don't have a clue. I'm ashamed of myself for wasting this much time on a complete waste as you. I'm sure I'll see your pathetic memes next bread cuz, that's all you got. You have no verified information, as I knew earlier.

Sorry bro, the goyim know.

ee2695  No.6879858


no table bakes

460e3f  No.6879859

File: 725f02e2ffdb232⋯.png (241.69 KB, 729x629, 729:629, pepe ghost bake shades.PNG)


almost the same with this tub 'o shit.

happy bake anon


78a844  No.6879860

WTF is with the camera at fox, it;s like they were on crack, moving all over the place at trees, buildtops other camera people.

a26bb7  No.6879861


Go for it, new baker, then ghost. All is well.

e75e16  No.6879862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


@1:13:00 POTUS mentions he's soon sending in the feds because they can't let it spread, talking about SF and LA.

a8b8d5  No.6879863

File: 376732d9343fbeb⋯.png (35.22 KB, 244x338, 122:169, lolpnt.png)


Trips of TRUTH!

5b11ad  No.6879864



Remember all his advisors that were supposedly executed or gulaged not too long ago? I think they identified something last meet, or POTUS finally convinced Kim.

Not saying I believed that news as such, but something happened.

a3ca18  No.6879865


Thank you

bda661  No.6879866

The FOX feed was crap on the departure.

f832b0  No.6879867


Purrfect Still laughing Anon

eb3b87  No.6879868



9af7cf  No.6879869


If true, highly notable and representative.

176fe4  No.6879870

File: 1a9ab09507449ac⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1a9ab09507449ac93c581f7409….jpg)

SK president was NOT part of the meeting. Iiiiiinterdasting af!

a3636f  No.6879871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3be0cf  No.6879872

File: 72258595aae853d⋯.png (53.99 KB, 906x374, 453:187, importanttwat.PNG)


A couple days after Q #44 POTUS left this very important message on his twatter

6af785  No.6879873


Too many cabal? We’re removing them. And after a review, no off-side.

The ball was smapped on READY.

The play stands.

1st and 10 on the 21.

e9a7ec  No.6879874

Trump was not pleased on departure

a8f5f4  No.6879876


The SS dudes in charge of "press management" have their hands full. It's like herding deaf cats on speed. They have my respect and sympathy.

a3ca18  No.6879877


Thank you

1537c8  No.6879878


>Who really controls NK?

> What if it was SK in concert with ChInA?

>POTUS is having a long talk with Kim without Moon in the room, odd?

Ben go back to bed

We only want to hear from you as you whimper at your trial or cry like a sissy bitch before execution

f5bab0  No.6879879


Thank you for this board BO. Thank you very, very much!

dac64b  No.6879880

File: 00fc8a884f66fe0⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 1026x1205, 1026:1205, pepe SS.jpg)


Security measure. (strict purpose)

41f202  No.6879881

File: 6f527eb4a04f063⋯.png (17.7 KB, 555x175, 111:35, ClipboardImage.png)




a26bb7  No.6879882


see what ya mean about fox camera. gotta stop hiring those crackhead cameramen….

07173b  No.6879883



check this thread or maybe the one before lots of portland stuff

bb582e  No.6879884

File: cb3aee307c71e5f⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 350x350, 1:1, IMG_4094.GIF)

249f9e  No.6879885


I tend to agree with your opinion about Portland imploding.

Funny thing, antifa rarely, if ever, comes to a conservative town to protest cuz they know they'd get their asses kicked. They only protest in liberal places.

f1ed75  No.6879886


3 points of light dawning on a new day. maybe.

9af7cf  No.6879887


Ref is blind. Cabal always cheating.

76c1a8  No.6879888


Baker here, cutting off notables here on this post, just repost any that are after this one here. Sorry took over super late and new at this. Fresh Bread coming!

0bd318  No.6879889


Video everything then. Have cameras set up. Be as pacifist as possible, make them go crazy just with your presence. If illegal to wear masks, and the antifa are wearing masks, point it out to the police that are there, video the police reaction/nonreaction to the obvious violation. Key is to video, the pour over the videos later and actually file complaints with police. just use the law.

090092  No.6879890

File: 4d04d7435df5dbc⋯.jpeg (298.74 KB, 750x558, 125:93, 56F09330-4D18-4EC5-B72F-7….jpeg)

096e0c  No.6879891

>>6879845 Antifa cement milkshakes were in custom-printed cups


b3b952  No.6879892



176fe4  No.6879893



You stopt checking bakers before the get into the kitchen.

You stopt that just the day after Anjel Giuterez was baking ans livestreamed it, while muh jew shilling.

Calling you to AGAIN CHECK BAKERS bc there are a lot of shills in the kitchen, always "missing" good and most relevant info.

d3e8f9  No.6879894

File: 1a1c3f8094c0a71⋯.jpg (96.08 KB, 497x609, 71:87, 31r57q.jpg)



a3636f  No.6879895


Watching a fake and gay movie.. No offense to POTUS but that was cheesy AF.

1a420a  No.6879896

Pool Reporter

Asked if he would invite Kim to the US, POTUS, "I would invite him right now… to the White House."

One more full quote from Trump.

Asked if he would invite Kim to the US, he answered: “I would invite him right now”. He then added: « To the White House »


69b01f  No.6879897

File: 0f2279dd9eee02c⋯.png (745.18 KB, 816x617, 816:617, 0f2279dd9eee02c94174ea9a7c….png)


thank you fren

missed dat earlier

60b1a0  No.6879898


he ain't blind, he's complicit

a8a73d  No.6879899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have to post this video when we were all getting excited and expecting this historical moment sometime in the future. Early Q days.

President Trump's Historic Trip To Asia

176fe4  No.6879900




try to act based.

Facilitate anons work the best you can.

f65d74  No.6879901



Thankfully he isn't bald nor has a beard that makes him look like meathead

1a420a  No.6879902

File: e079c8a12d20cec⋯.png (93.53 KB, 873x780, 291:260, poolreport 14.png)


(sorry. late HISTORIC night.)

8a2169  No.6879903

>>6879858 Go to this post ( >>6879816 )

open and read the graphic. You are not helping the baker.

6af785  No.6879904


Ignore misspellings. On the move. The play stands.

a3ca18  No.6879905


I'm going to film everything next time from start to finish, there were others in my group that got a lot of very good footage. I have a feeling it will end up on the news soon

4feee7  No.6879906


100% This is Big Time important event

Like watching the moon landing when I was 10

f2bfae  No.6879908


On fucking point Anon…. we are the Bad News Frogs for sure and I'm sure we stress our coach the fuck out.

a5dfcd  No.6879909

File: 858cf003d6b4b77⋯.jpg (10.27 MB, 3088x4434, 1544:2217, THE GREAT AWAKENING.jpg)

RocketMan would love Waffle House I bet.


ef5dbe  No.6879910


Q post on day 27. Potus on 28:

>Hello (?)!

Hello Q!

0c5f5a  No.6879911


>SK president was NOT part of the meeting.

My take on it is that Moon may not be aware of the CIA-driven nature of NK's past actions. POTUS and Kim have had some private talks that need to remain private, even from Moon, for now.

5f7752  No.6879912

File: 98beb4417a7881d⋯.png (1015.79 KB, 1117x640, 1117:640, Screenshot_2019-06-30 [LIV….png)

Gentlemen, ladies, the concrete milkshake shit is a fucking slide, nothing compares to whats going on right now in NK, especially with POTUS.

Feel bad for the jew shills, and other shill faggots being temporarily MK-ultra'd to waste their life.

a26bb7  No.6879914


Not really odd. Trump is the common denominator. Two-sies easier than three-sies for now. Give it time.

18093a  No.6879916


You attack those that threaten you most….lol

Do you feel threatened little boy?


83b015  No.6879917

File: 88b262c6bd430d2⋯.jpeg (13.6 KB, 235x255, 47:51, sadpepe.jpeg)


Hold your fire, anon. I'm frenly. I just post whatever my autism picks up, it's merely speculation on my part. If you want sharpio hanged, that's non of my concern.

0bd318  No.6879918



Don't rely on your phone camera. Use a dedicated video camera (or four). Dang camera phones are just too unweildy to hold.

a3ca18  No.6879919


Thank you anon, I'll forward this to our group

cf57cf  No.6879920

Trump just said Pompeo will head teams to try and make something happen over the next few weeks. 21 days = few weeks

89e871  No.6879921



thank you bakers

>My second bake

you'll do fine just let us know if you need anything

0c5f5a  No.6879922


>RocketMan would love Waffle House I bet.

We should take him to Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles in Long Beach!

f8e775  No.6879923

File: 98cf83127dfaacf⋯.jpg (16.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, BallsT.jpg)


>President Trump isn't just beating them at their own game, he's turning it into a game of solitaire.


needs a MEME!

8645f9  No.6879924


Portland cement mixed dry with oatmeal is an excellent way to kill rats and mice.

e9a7ec  No.6879925

You know Kim knows english what about the SK leader?

98848c  No.6879926


POTUS TRUMP MAGA 2020 handshake with KIM JONG UN was the

BREAK to start the game


76c1a8  No.6879927

File: 1f378fdf5b74092⋯.jpeg (8.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 92997eb6b59fc0dbddaeee06f….jpeg)





Wait for the dough, doing that now

a3636f  No.6879928


He knew. US is the most lost country geo-politically. It was for optics. W A T C H I N G


9c7b46  No.6879929


Ha ha no doubt the secret service dudes are soldiers they're taught to project authority and it surprises people who haven't experienced it.

9af7cf  No.6879930


Very well. Let's see some play action fakes.

f2bfae  No.6879931


Posted a bit early fag…

0101e3  No.6879932

File: 95ed9b198568768⋯.png (293.97 KB, 621x354, 207:118, ClipboardImage.png)

0c5f5a  No.6879933


>I'm going to film everything next time

Watch out. They try to break or steal cameras; best off if you have a concealed camera.

e81bed  No.6879934


Pretty sure that Moon is fine with the meeting arrangement. After all, it's on his turf.

6a1448  No.6879935

File: 997608ce99baa89⋯.jpg (68.49 KB, 831x501, 277:167, 1552709558080.jpg)

foreigner here, I'm anticipating (wishing) that the next Portland protest is held near a structure like a multi level car park that someone could rain down gunfire from onto Antifa scum. The authorities are doing fuck all to and even allying with left wing domestic terrorists and lead needs to fly before Federal agencies are called in. Put them in body bags.

e9a7ec  No.6879936

I want to thak all of the media

600e96  No.6879937

Trump just said, "we moved mountains"

(ref to NK nuke test/mountain collapse?)

0c5f5a  No.6879939


>that someone could rain down gunfire from onto Antifa scum

No, dude. That would play into their agenda for gun control and isn't necessary or beneficial to our side. Stop shilling.

6c49f3  No.6879940

>>6879705 /pb

Annnd just like that yt removes it/paints it black.

Friggin' cowards.

470ffb  No.6879941


No one here wants that. [They] want for violence to break out.

d06d7c  No.6879942

@POTUS will be heading home and can't wait to be on air force one!

9af7cf  No.6879943

98e014  No.6879944

File: 7dce96f3fb3ee09⋯.jpeg (27.48 KB, 248x248, 1:1, E445CC67-31EE-456A-B585-A….jpeg)

360364  No.6879947

I got timed out on twat this evening for telling the

leader of CAIR to fuck off.

a5dfcd  No.6879949

File: e724bacd6e5a308⋯.gif (335.25 KB, 264x264, 1:1, 7.gif)

a8b8d5  No.6879950



9c7b46  No.6879951

a3636f  No.6879952

b9fce4  No.6879954


we don't stoop to their retarded level.

ecf85c  No.6879955


Heard that!

0c5f5a  No.6879957


>I got timed out on twat this evening for telling the

>leader of CAIR to fuck off.

Weird, I tell AOC and Warren and Harris to fuck off every day and call them idiots and traitors and I'm untouched.

78a844  No.6879958


They should be arrested, andvocating such violence is akin to TERRORISM, pure and simple. That makes you a shill inciting violence. Potus and the military will do the heavy lifting.

We are researchings not insane pyschos who hang out in car parks with guns to rain down on possibly innocent people.


f65d74  No.6879959


indeed it does!

460e3f  No.6879962

File: 8f04ff159e2dad5⋯.gif (2.37 MB, 480x360, 4:3, STFU 1.gif)


complain much?

757511  No.6879963


Trump to Kim: "Would you like me to come across the line?" Kim: "I would be honored".

POTUS confimed he invited Kim to the WH, said it will happen some day.

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