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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wwg1wga.jpg)

549131  No.6873779

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 06.27.2019

>>>/patriotsfight/471 ——————————— FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. (Cap >>6857127)

>>>/patriotsfight/470 ——————————— [OnReady] (Cap >>6857111)

>>>/patriotsfight/469 ——————————— Be ready. (Cap >>6856997)

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr? (Cap >>6837254)

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show (Cap >>6837251)

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster (Cap >>6837249)

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves. (Cap >>6837248)

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745 (Cap >>6837246)

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up (Cap >>6837245)

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'. (Cap >>6837243)

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA. (Cap >>6837240)

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ. (Cap >>6837239)

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch (Cap >>6837238)

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember (Cap >>6837236)

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap >>6837235)

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

549131  No.6873787

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6799992 Index has been reduced to 15 pages from 25.

>>6744237 Notable collecting notable.

>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6755645 Please no JPEGs (with conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6873744 Putin says US, Russia to resume nuclear arms talks

>>6873532 10 U.S. Code § 2808. Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency

>>6873657 Conservative groups hold rallies welcoming Trump's visit to Seoul

>>6873631 Captain of Sea-Watch Migrant Transport Arrested After Forced Entry of Italian Port

>>6873606 NG tweets readiness, be prepared.

>>6873565 Trump announces US-China trade truce, Huawei still on blacklist

>>6873524, >>6873618 Federal Judge Blocks Billions Of Dollars For Border Wall Funding

>>6873511 Democrat Presidential Candidates are Killing Their Party With Honesty

>>6873487 Canadian Terrorism Expert on Canadian governments role in promoting islam and terrorism in Canada.

>>6873485 Newark airport reopens after grounding all flights over unspecified emergency

>>6873438 'I killed them with my bare hands,' Long Island suspect in twins' murder told mom

>>6873386, >>6873436 Thomas Gilbert Jr., the adult son of a successful New York City hedge-fund manager, has been found guilty of the 2015 murder of his father

>>6873390 Band of Brothers, Band of Anons


>>6873380 Australian Anon digs into the dirt on every crooked American Democratic politician…

>>6873352 Abe, Putin make little progress on territorial row

>>6873290, >>6873347 DEVELOPING: Newark airport traffic stopped over 'airport emergency'

>>6873287 MN city abolishes the Pledge of Allegiance

>>6873264 “STATE-SPONSORED HUMAN TRAFFICKING” between Morocco and Spain ?


>>6873260 Anon opines: This Q drop explains why they want paper ballots.

>>6873206, >>6873405 A Massachusetts police officer who serves on a local homeless task force is facing charges of rape stemming from the assault of a teen.

>>6873202 GAA Update "BE READY" Edition


>>6873158, >>6873186, >>6873302 Houston: 18 kidnapping victims found 'enslaved'

>>6873150 USA: Band of Brothers soldier laid to rest with full military honors

>>6873771 #8791

#8790 Baker Change

>>6872689, >>6872727, >>6872738 weathermodification com digs

>>6872714, >>6872884 US MIL Tweets and info

>>6872742 US DoD tweet: working dog Sonny / Sonny Perdue?

>>6872594 Charlottesville Bun

>>6872576 New PDJT

>>6872546, >>6872476 POTUS presser after G20

>>6872450 EU announces special trade channel; will allow EU to bypass US sanctions on Iran

>>6872387 US Pacific Fleet tweet re:Karen Pence @ Pearl Harbor

>>6872450 EU to bypass SWIFT (= Sanctions) with “INSTEX” system

>>6872682 owners of social media pages are liable for what others post NSW Supreme court "says"

>>6872687, >>6872757, >>6872811 President Trump arrives in SK plus anon connects Qdrop

>>6872708 Anon decode Q 3313 has several pieces to it.

>>6872739 Chairman KING comment by POTUS

>>6872769 Randall Stephenson is current CEO of AT&T

>>6872300, >>6872551, >>6872563, >>6873033 Marianne Williamson, MK Ultra, and ACIM dig

>>6872949, >>6872952 Freemasons are blocking reform, says Police Federation leader

>>6872999 Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers

>>6872992 #8790

Previously Collected Notables

>>6871434 #8788, >>6872227 #8789

>>6869180 #8785, >>6869940 #8786, >>6870699 #8787

>>6866644 #8782, >>6867453 #8783, >>6869536 #8784

>>6864430 #8779, >>6865185 #8780, >>6865847 #8781

>>6862080 #8776, >>6862813 #8777, >>6870108 #8778

>>6859787 #8773, >>6860600 #8774, >>6861316 #8775

>>6857487 #8770, >>6858262 #8771, >>6859024 #8772

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

549131  No.6873790

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6860560

Q Graphics all in EST


549131  No.6873791

QPosts Archives

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MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 45,000+ memes & infographs - 13 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

A few direct-linked folders in the Mega library

--> Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

--> QNN blanks https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

--> Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery 1300+ safe-for-work memes for the curious + newly redpilled https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA

NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6692040 , >>6744237

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>

549131  No.6873831

the dough


b96be6  No.6873832

File: 92206a1fff0b13f⋯.jpg (285.98 KB, 1380x1014, 230:169, !watching_5.jpg)

Thank you baker!

c64e52  No.6873834

File: ddd563e4d302e2c⋯.png (20.57 KB, 377x347, 377:347, 925.png)

File: 8b4986b2ce267f0⋯.png (32.91 KB, 386x443, 386:443, 2174.png)

File: 9dc52a9b388d010⋯.png (92.6 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, NewAnons.png)

abeccb  No.6873835

File: 9a48db3dd852580⋯.png (758.14 KB, 970x546, 485:273, kek with frens china.png)

File: 7929b0ab64086c1⋯.png (546.51 KB, 622x608, 311:304, here to help coastgaurd.png)

File: a098d4ba2f2a0a3⋯.png (846.24 KB, 970x625, 194:125, on my team.png)

File: 644ba0b51368328⋯.jpg (72.13 KB, 643x755, 643:755, trolling is fun [yang].JPG)

File: 49bff5c54a76881⋯.png (1.06 MB, 970x648, 485:324, dayshift on a saturday_the….png)



it's still early, but we have gained A LOT of ground this morning… let us keep going!



aa3c6e  No.6873840


die kuchen mein liebchen REALLY?

ba0e56  No.6873841

File: 74799f9920da152⋯.png (76.26 KB, 823x484, 823:484, eric holder tweet iron hor….PNG)

File: 27a1175c4f350e3⋯.png (551.11 KB, 723x775, 723:775, obama foundation columbia.PNG)

File: e32229393a010fc⋯.png (260.13 KB, 1066x707, 1066:707, obama speech columbia.PNG)

File: b418943b9f3ac0b⋯.png (966.92 KB, 1525x634, 1525:634, democrats distubed columbi….PNG)

File: 48d2bc0319dc08f⋯.png (281.66 KB, 1177x489, 1177:489, columbia rebel freed.PNG)

some digging on Columbia, South America & Hussein/Democrats and possible drug running

Eric Holder tweets about IRON HORSE and COLUMBIA

Hussein tweets about young leaders, OBAMA FOUNDATION and COLUMBIA, SOUTH AMERICA

HUSSEIN RECIEVES $600,000 for speech in BOGATA, SA…..($100,000 more than Bill Clinton)

DEMOCRATS Write memo to Republicans voicing their concern about PEACE PROCESS IN COLUMBIA, SA

COLUMBIA’s judicial branch releases a “peace activist” wanted by 2017 FBI for smuggling cocaine, and over the objection of new conservative Columbian president who has met with Trump at WH.

Pompeo met with Columbia president about Venezuela overthrow of Madura

Was Holder tweeting about an undergound Railroad of drug smuggling in Columbia, SA?

And why is EXMA, which stands for Expomarketing, is the largest marketing platforms in Latin America (which includes conferences, workshops and other marketing tools, according to the Bogota Post) paying HUSSEIN a half of a million dollars for a speech?

he is not trafficking uranium, so what is he trafficking?



https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/barack-obama-paid-600000-for-single-speech-in-bogota-colombia/ https://colombiareports.com/democrats-disturbed-by-us-pressure-on-colombias-war-crimes-tribunal/ https://democratherald.com/news/world/colombia-ex-rebel-freed-from-second-detention-in-drug-case/article_78979372-158f-5b56-9f71-a80c015ce787.html https://popularresistance.org/pompeo-pushes-brazil-and-colombia-for-regime-change-in-venezuela/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-welcomes-colombia-s-president-white-house-n761606

90dabd  No.6873844

File: fca69b9fa4160d2⋯.jpg (236.31 KB, 482x640, 241:320, Thanks baker redpill.jpg)

File: 693f00eadd1042e⋯.jpg (382.54 KB, 1816x3278, 908:1639, Victory.jpg)

File: 9e3313ce7918a82⋯.jpg (133.72 KB, 384x516, 32:43, Truth bombs.jpg)


Thank You Baker.

d741fd  No.6873845

File: d0ba01f8b00e596⋯.png (24.42 KB, 549x465, 183:155, Reserve Currency Status.png)

>>6872450 (pb) EU to bypass SWIFT (= Sanctions) with “INSTEX” system

This INSTEX article points out the hegomony of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency could be in peril.

Since 2014, there were 23 countries, representing 60% of the world's GDP, that were already planning to trade commodities and other currencies to bypass the US dollar and United States SWIFT banking system. http://www.truthandaction.org/23-countries-now-abandoning-us-dollar-2/






-South Africa




-United Kingdom




-New Zealand


-South Korea


-United Arab Emirates






Is this newest INSTEX system, along with the BRIC's NDB system, and Russia's CyberFT network, the "push" needed to implement a world monetary gold standard?

463887  No.6873846

File: 2455fe3929f4f85⋯.jpg (378.53 KB, 1717x1145, 1717:1145, tyb_car.jpg)


Thank You, Baker!

200f8e  No.6873848

File: d3e09f40c062e6a⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1500x974, 750:487, ClipboardImage.png)

b9b9a5  No.6873850

File: ebae2ecde497bb0⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1024x785, 1024:785, magamorn.png)


c0fa0c  No.6873851

File: f743ae7e8172576⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fhgN7j1.jpg)

Thank You Baker

0d72d5  No.6873852

File: b9fd12598ad36a6⋯.png (8.67 MB, 2971x2084, 2971:2084, ClipboardImage.png)

4daca8  No.6873853

File: f94be587e5b94ad⋯.jpg (24 KB, 500x390, 50:39, 23rqw34tgqw4vq354awergaer.jpg)

7cd542  No.6873854

File: ae76ec18d5cb0ed⋯.png (143.39 KB, 320x380, 16:19, 2019-06-28_11-44-12.png)

>>6873825 lb

That picture is truly amazing considering the perilous time before POTUS was inaugurated.

1d136c  No.6873855

File: ffe32b90c9947e6⋯.jpg (128.37 KB, 623x577, 623:577, ffe32b90c9947e682ffe231d30….jpg)


ThankQ Baker/s

e17495  No.6873856

>>6873572 #

what does nibiru have to do with the iww?? im missing the connect.

872b79  No.6873857

Thank you buffalo baker.

dc27a0  No.6873858

File: a19962077bf6580⋯.jpg (37.66 KB, 720x291, 240:97, KEK.jpg)

>>6873794 (lb)

Which means you are here….

Kek!!! You're killing me!!!

0952a3  No.6873859


where did you get the name for this noteable ?

So where is this CULT located exactly ? Why do you LABEL ACIM as Marianne Williamsons work. You fucking glow and your buddy. SHOW me 1 sentance in ACIM that is evil or occultish. IL FUKIN WAIT. . Very tricky ways you are trying to get anons to relate the course as MW personaly. FUCKIN DIE SCUM.

66d00a  No.6873860

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Emiliano Salinas With Sister Cecilia Salinas Dance and Sing 'Happy Birthday' to NXIVM Sex Cult Leader Keith Raniere.

He is the son of former Mexican president Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

Salinas currently serves as vice president of Prorsus Capital

39f52f  No.6873861

File: 455a51e15262144⋯.png (291.22 KB, 1122x1275, 22:25, theWhy1.png)

whadya think anons, related?

the y

the why

9c4c20  No.6873862

File: 9c444302e5887cb⋯.jpg (417.31 KB, 1439x1104, 1439:1104, Screenshot_20190629-103639….jpg)


POTUS meeting with Kim. Why would he be meeting with Kim so last minute? Q tells us to be ready.

Is Kim going to give POTUS damaging information on the deepstate fuckery that has been going on there so POTUS can start the IG report, Huber, Durham ball rolling?

I can here it now "During my meeting with Kim he gave me some surprising information". This intel will be the opening scene to the next part of the movie.

Be Ready

82919e  No.6873863

File: 4e86bef7509dc3c⋯.jpg (72.03 KB, 646x479, 646:479, Capture.JPG)

Police smash Germany's biggest online drug market

German authorities said Friday they took down the country's largest internet marketplace for narcotics and arrested 11 suspects from Germany, the Netherlands and Poland.

Police and prosecutors said in a statement that they worked for more than a year to smash the so-called Chemical Revolution site, which sold amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, cannabis, ecstasy, LSD and other synthetic drugs.

Accepting Bitcoin payments, the site started operations in September 2017 and was allegedly run by a 26-year-old German man. He has been in custody since May.

The latest suspects arrested – eight Germans aged 24 to 35, two Poles aged 32 and 44 and a 43-year-old Dutchman – managed the acquisition, packaging, transport and distribution of the illicit wares.

Significant stash of drugs found


909a50  No.6873864

>>6873821 lb

>>6873833 lb

Not at all anon. Not everyone can or should lead a community. Ever heard of a mile wide and an inch deep? It is possible to learn a lot about a few specific things or to learn a little about a vast number of things.

Sabbath has nothing to do with leading. Sabbath is about rest and being set apart to God. Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabbath

In Biblical times there were 70 elders selected to hear and judge issues facing the children of Israel. the burden became too great for Moses.

Sauce: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers+11%3A16-30&version=ESV

There weren't millions of leaders each governing themselves that could make decisions for the whole of Israel. How stupid would that be? There were bakers, and priests, and farmers, and the list goes on.

19f618  No.6873865

>>6873825 (lb)

>If Chairman Kim of North Korea sees this

This is what caught my eye, it looks like POTUS wants to confirm Chairman Kim is in control of NK. POTUS also refered to Kim as King in as supposed gaffe but I think that is a message to NK general that Ametica will not recognize another leader in case they try a coup.

5f353b  No.6873866

File: 78001b8bfea78c6⋯.png (27.91 KB, 640x348, 160:87, ClipboardImage.png)


0952a3  No.6873867


not directed at you baker I meant to Anon that wanted it noted. why and where is this cult that she is the leader of anyone who reads acim. >6873859

06369d  No.6873868

File: c4a7e13a25eb719⋯.png (627.58 KB, 1010x572, 505:286, Lift Ride_1.png)

File: 98c5a138a4fdd29⋯.png (537.87 KB, 1004x1040, 251:260, Lyft.png)

File: a09a38c752d3769⋯.png (806.62 KB, 1080x614, 540:307, Screenshot_20190629-064533….png)

Ayoola Ajayi, who has worked as a model, claims to be an IT specialist, and once wrote a novel about a murder, is now accused in the disappearance and homicide of 23-year-old University of Utah student MacKenzie Lueck. The California woman was last seen on June 17 after taking an early morning Lyft ride from the Salt Lake City airport to a park in North Salt Lake, where she met someone in another vehicle, according to police.

66d00a  No.6873869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

172467  No.6873870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's Killary doing in Ireland?

e0b3d4  No.6873871

File: 8061051e8d76d00⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1599x740, 1599:740, 1561609251.png)


I already feel sorry for Trump's opponent. It's gonna leave a mark.

6b432f  No.6873872

File: 44530b63a37f37e⋯.jpg (66.65 KB, 540x674, 270:337, bdsmlr-749634-b2e4oajQTT.jpg)


cff29c  No.6873873

So maybe not offline, just off board


872b79  No.6873874


Don't bother anon….We use the whole buffalo here…. Doubt they'll keep sliding for too long….It's been in 2 breads already.

5f353b  No.6873875

File: 01bd48f5dd598bc⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1013x575, 1013:575, ClipboardImage.png)


abeccb  No.6873876

File: 8580f3f748bdcec⋯.png (1.36 MB, 903x1629, 301:543, MEME THE DREAM.png)


this is me humbly telling you that i adore your work…

and that I AM going to use the middle piece in the [BOOSTERPACK] today…


cd9853  No.6873877

File: 1cecc4ddf1d0cfd⋯.png (105.52 KB, 624x568, 78:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Another Australian Anon with an extremely interdasting and deep insight into the "Q phenomenon"…


1d136c  No.6873878

File: 7456d6f0ed9f16e⋯.jpg (669.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 6ba63bc9f767909114b702a54a….jpg)



the y > [y] > the 'why'

dc27a0  No.6873879


Kek, Yup, for sure. Like they say,

Careful what you wish for….

But it will be fun to watch!

0fee11  No.6873880


tell them that in real diplomacy sometimes the messaging isn't in a formal package. Especially with Mr. Donald Trump. If Trump 'quipped' about it they ought to take that as a formal invitation.

Chairman Kim, rearrainge your schedule. The Future and Armistance are the goal. You need to free up your schedule and go meet The Donald!

5f036a  No.6873881

File: d60068f758dd101⋯.jpg (169.79 KB, 1696x1080, 212:135, 1561529874266.jpg)

File: 2a5fafb81ce8cb3⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 508x501, 508:501, 1561535656125.jpg)

File: 9239cb6a9ed3704⋯.png (153.63 KB, 500x610, 50:61, 1561544836068.png)

File: 386ad8ab2fe7c9d⋯.jpg (798.34 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1554159801254.jpg)

File: 967d66b825c4c72⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2189x1459, 2189:1459, 1554159934839.jpg)

Who is A. Cooper?

30b2a9  No.6873882


you got that 1st one all wrong man

c0fa0c  No.6873883

File: 7c285454d0df392⋯.jpeg (88.22 KB, 1080x579, 360:193, 1555972815.jpeg)

0952a3  No.6873884


roger that. pissed me off there tactics are so sinister in attacking anything of any value to any anons. I am ONLY this far along in the GA and on this journey from my exp reading that bok as well as the bible and several other books. A book is a book evil fucks can like it too its nuetral until someone gives it meaning one way or the other the power can be used for good or evil , tyhe bible the course the anything. ok rant over

e44630  No.6873885


…well, there was that little 5.5 on the CHI/NK border 10 days ago… if NK DS is thinking of ousting the UNs to set up WWIII, they gotta nuther think comin'

212b4e  No.6873886

>>6872058 (pb)

>Arkansas Reinstates Hillary’s Revoked Law License; Setting Stage for Clinton as ATTORNEY GENERAL or SUPREME COURT

>True Pundit has verified the Arkansas Judiciary has reinstated Hillary Clinton’s suspended law license, just days ago — 17 years after it was suspended.

>Hillary announced last week she would not seek the presidency in 2020 but the quiet mysterious reinstatement of her law license sets the stage for a possible Attorney General post, according to Clinton and DC insiders.

>Or perhaps the Supreme Court.



This is a REAL WORLD happening, as the coup continues and not one single plotter has been charged and arrested, let alone hanged.

I read some time ago that smearing DJT and winning the election was only part of the muh Russia hoax, that the Hag planned to then prosecute DJT for treason, insuring that no unapproved outsider would EVER run for President again.

Does anyone of sound mind doubt that if the Hag were Attorney General, she would pursue that goal with extreme prejudice and aggressive determination?!?

But hey, Trust Sessions, right?

0df5c6  No.6873887

A couple months ago I saw a clip of Nancy Pelosi scurrying into the back of some facility in preparation for a speaking engagement. And waiting for her were hundreds of ANGRY American citizens, all chanting ANGRY shit to her face. Again, that was months ago but the situation with the democrat party has only gotten worse.

In that light, I think the Democrats (officials) are now just a cunt hair away from not being able to walk down the street.

It’s like, how long are we supposed to sit back and watch them openly shit on our beloved President, and attempt to destroy our institutions while they (and their media arm) continue virtue signal and demean us?

Reparations? For what? We lost 500,000 union soldiers freeing their slaves.

Am I alone in saying I get the feeling we are close to seeing someone get hurt, here?

Make no mistake: I don’t agree with it. I don’t condone it, and I would never carry out an act of violence against them, but I’m just telling you, as an average person, these mother fuckers are getting DANGEROUSLY close to facing the lynch mob.

You can only push a person (or group) for so long before they snap, and it seems the Democrats are fucking DETERMINED to drive us off the deep end.

I find no pleasure in writing this because I love my country, but therein lies the problem. Now we have to read about New Somalia throwing out the pledge of allegiance. Can anyone HONESTLY say Shithead Omar and her band of goat-fucking subversives aren’t trying destroying this country from within?

If they keep going down this road, someone with nothing to lose will be given no choice but to exercise their inner deplorable.

You don’t have to agree or disagree with this. It’s not necessary.

06369d  No.6873888

File: bbded58fdf16e4e⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 560x342, 280:171, Retard_1.jpg)



Concernfag I'm glad you noticed that.

82919e  No.6873889

File: 02944950aab00c8⋯.jpg (95.77 KB, 775x389, 775:389, Capture.JPG)

File: 4d15b9c108b3f4f⋯.jpg (36.5 KB, 518x289, 518:289, Capture1.JPG)


This week we’re seeing a clear paradigm shift with regards to institutional sentiment towards gold. In fact, on June 21st, the gold ETF was injected with $1.5B, which is its largest ever one-day inflow.

I’m not only interested in making a profit, which is generated by the uptrend in the underlying commodity. Gold’s price is always the precursor to much bigger swings in the mining stocks themselves.

Right now, the S&P 500’s allocated portion into the gold sector is 55% LOWER than its historical average. The upside potential is massive and if this price movement is sustainable and gold holds the line over $1,400, there will be an inflow into miners as well, not just the commodity itself.

As you can see, the market knows that the FED is not going to stand idly by and let anything happen to markets because Trump will come down on them with all the sheer might of the federal government and portray them as the villains.

Therefore, the market is holding the FED hostage and Washington is doing the same thing. The FED has acted as mommy and daddy to the market for such a long time that if it doesn’t ease immediately, it will be blamed at the first sign of trouble.


4daca8  No.6873890

File: cdc4a3d3d38270e⋯.png (27.34 KB, 546x565, 546:565, cdc4a3d3d38270ebb8a933bf9e….png)


Trust Sessions!

5c2607  No.6873891

>>6873782 lb

Not really much of a credible source now is it???

Falls under, the "I read it on the energy net so it must be true" category.

abeccb  No.6873892

File: cbd26e1c2d19e78⋯.png (137.25 KB, 551x336, 551:336, (you).png)



dude.. the whole TRUST SESSIONS thing…

was nothing more than 'Sessions isn't going to throw us under the bus, he isn't going to pop DJT's balloon, and he isn't working for the enemy'

idk why yall use it as a weapon.

thats last years news anon…

0fee11  No.6873893


are the shills hounding you?

there is a new kind who won't give it up and they are rather amatuer.

the best thing to do is ignore. If you can't ignore, then filter them.

they will never agree with anything, they are only here to make you feel unwelcome and to bite us and harm us.

you owe them no explanations.

they don't learn.

they are blind.

they may just be AI

but they do annoy and that is what I am reading from what you wrote.

e3c828  No.6873894

So Hussein got 600k simply for flapping his big ol purple gums. Must be nice.

e0b3d4  No.6873895

File: aaa1881730f94fd⋯.jpg (115.19 KB, 1280x344, 160:43, IMG_20190629_120430_974.JPG)


So mad.

30b2a9  No.6873896

File: 92b2a11608abb72⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 490x399, 70:57, AFAGGOT.jpg)

15eaef  No.6873897


Because the book ACIM was "channeled"?

b51063  No.6873898

9/11 first responder Luis Alvarez, who fought for victims' compensation, dies at 53

A former New York Police Department detective who last month pleaded alongside comedian John Stewart in Congress for health insurance for 9/11 responders died Saturday. He was 53.


200f8e  No.6873899

File: 4cbe2e581f4ef8f⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1152x647, 1152:647, ClipboardImage.png)

ba0e56  No.6873900




notable Q analysis

fc9333  No.6873901

File: 3d5964d8d3bc8b4⋯.png (378.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, AFSOC DRACO.png)

File: 20cc3a184a806dc⋯.jpg (138.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, AFSOC DRACO.jpg)

For the planefags!


66d00a  No.6873902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Polish MP Dominik Tarczyński puts a petty liberal journalist BBC in her place on the issue of immigration into Poland

cff29c  No.6873903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So the switch to metric was meant to screw us.

Not 10 - 12 baby. It's ancient.


6b432f  No.6873904

File: d605c2ef106245f⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1299x914, 1299:914, burn.png)

9c4c20  No.6873905

File: 5db06ad3ffc74b4⋯.jpg (21.19 KB, 480x377, 480:377, b4e03efbae29662a29ceeda290….jpg)

7e1e78  No.6873906

What do AI wish for?

ba0e56  No.6873907


they got their slush fund money then killed off their pansies.

82919e  No.6873908

File: c5581561b462f32⋯.jpg (36.38 KB, 620x560, 31:28, OCD.JPG)


And yet your so worried about it that you had to comment on it with a link to the story here on this bread kek

7ad1c1  No.6873909

>>6873836 (LB)

Kim has to stay, IMO. at least for now.

his departure would be an excuse for the ChiComs to put in some military junta that launches missiles all over the fucking place.

dc27a0  No.6873910


Kek, Yeah we can all see you have no idea….

b9b9a5  No.6873911

File: c9eb2cf5787408b⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 610x410, 61:41, ac.jpg)

027910  No.6873912


>Q is an intriguing phenomenon. Whether you believe it to be military comms, a political campaign, a social experiment, a LARP, aliens, Jesus or our time-travelling selves, the Q following has become quite impressive.

All of the above?

8b1ad6  No.6873913


Poor guy never had a chance.

7e1e78  No.6873914


Everything we know is always wrong… then right… then wrong again…

634b80  No.6873915

a Q firework at peak finale on the 4th

0df5c6  No.6873916

File: 96c0a587c7b3b1e⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 3000x2035, 600:407, 8E2F5E0C-0A93-44CB-8AC9-9….jpeg)


Ok, I usually don’t respond to ad hominem attacks, but since I know I can box you into a corner, I’ll bite.

How so?

6b432f  No.6873917

File: f241d97cf5df7f1⋯.jpg (41.46 KB, 1000x522, 500:261, 1.jpg)

2abf26  No.6873918


lawfag here

IMO the purpose of this is to claim attorney client privilages and other fuckery - and it works too

no other reason

its a good sign she is preparing for it

26bc29  No.6873919

Have you guys noticed how the womens football players are making an owl-face when scoring? Have you also noticed that politically the womens world cyp is being used to attack men and paint men as evil?

I find this disgusting and scary to be honest

7621a7  No.6873920


Anderson Cooper is a case study in the cycle of childhood sexual abuse.

cff29c  No.6873921

File: a06b79ec459c9b4⋯.png (57.93 KB, 478x529, 478:529, Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at ….png)


(((They))) co-opted an ancient understanding and made it a symbol.


2bd684  No.6873922


hilarious if that happens

82919e  No.6873923

File: a7ea37118888855⋯.jpg (23.61 KB, 653x323, 653:323, Capture.JPG)

President Putin: The remaining terrorist cells in Syria should be eliminated

Osaka, SANA-Russian President Vladimir Putin called for eliminating the remaining cells of terrorist organizations in Syria.

“There are many remaining cells of terrorist groups in Syria and they should be eliminated,” Putin said in a press conference at the conclusion of the G20 summit in the Japanese city of Osaka on Saturday.

He pointed out that there is a permanent dialogue with the Americans and Turks regarding the situation in Syria to coordinate the efforts of combating terrorism.


c2438e  No.6873924

File: cbade877ad0fb26⋯.png (961.72 KB, 1339x970, 1339:970, ClipboardImage(11).png)

File: 7f6fca0325265d3⋯.png (343.23 KB, 702x484, 351:242, ClipboardImage(9).png)



e44630  No.6873925


….did you read the last part about MEUs leaving top men (including body doubles) to stabilize the nation until the leader can return? China musta pissed CINC off but good

7ad1c1  No.6873926


what world cup?

909a50  No.6873927


Totally agree anon. It isn't Leader Kim we are fighting there. It is Cabal and their control.

I was responding to anon's use of the MEU to rebuild NK. I wasn't supporting his thesis or the need to do so.

abeccb  No.6873928

File: c9a9f5b9fdfadc4⋯.jpg (34.98 KB, 556x415, 556:415, JOINTSTAFF.JPG)

File: 5b866af7ed913f2⋯.jpg (36.63 KB, 557x418, 557:418, STRATCOM.JPG)

File: 0013a700dbb32c8⋯.jpg (13.52 KB, 480x64, 15:2, dan1.JPG)

File: df5f3a1fb602a26⋯.jpg (132.26 KB, 709x695, 709:695, YEP ITS A PARTY.JPG)

File: 05f28570d193afb⋯.jpg (97.01 KB, 583x767, 583:767, YUPDEALWITHIT.JPG)


>Kek, Yeah we can all see you have no idea….

nope. im just an idiot.

7e1e78  No.6873929


Her grasping his head and then putting that snake right there, pretty symbolic. Agree, didn’t have a choice. Sad.

872b79  No.6873930


That's not a new kind…. That's a threatened kind….. Oldfags have seen this behavior many many times. They've had free run of this place for a few months now with newbies falling for their tactics. Same shit just another day…. In this case graveyard baker minion is pissed and will wear down any legit baker.

But definitely not new.

0952a3  No.6873931


yes I usually dont answer or respond they got me today. next time I wont fall in thanks Good luck .God be with Q+ Patriots and Anons WW. Baker doing a great job thanQ wherever Q are

19f618  No.6873932



POTUS is trying an inverse JFK/GB on NK. JFK by design or carelessnes gave green light to the coup in South Vietman with a single sentence in MSM. George Herbert Walker Bush did a similar thing and was taken as green lighting the invasion of Kuwait. POTUS is making clear he prefers things to stay as they are. (straight from a Star Gate episode).

b51063  No.6873933


so should we look for other well-known people in those paintins?

I dont care for Anderson Cooper at all, but the fear painted into that child's eyes is just haunting.

cff29c  No.6873934


Yeah, well. Gonna take a moment to let it sink in and then move forward.

Downloaded updated DJT tweet clock and Q clock from Clockwork thread (Thanks for those)

You've been trying to catch our attention for a while.

To think I helped start the clock work with the spiral. I knew this, but I avoided it.

Why do humans block so much???

b96be6  No.6873935

File: b43a7332ebb8172⋯.jpg (70.3 KB, 600x630, 20:21, rare pepe.jpg)


Good one!

9c4c20  No.6873936


>how so?

Posting the same shit bread after bread….

Not working, no violence.

dc27a0  No.6873937


Kek, you are, something….

Amusing for sure!

b13003  No.6873938

File: 22a95fdee914d8c⋯.jpg (77.11 KB, 660x440, 3:2, 2ug0dj.jpg)

File: f09e6c77af0d399⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1467x961, 1467:961, Triggered lib 3.png)

File: 52986cacfaabdba⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1467x961, 1467:961, Triggered lib bull.png)

027910  No.6873939


On the Money.

Anon gets it.

0952a3  No.6873940


Hi lawfaggy ! Thanks for all yQur amazing insight wrwy fwen.

909a50  No.6873941


Fuck off with this sensationalist crap anon. This is probably your personal channel you are trying to drive traffic to.

I just listened to the majority of the interview and there is no putting in place happening. It is a debate / interview where (surprise surprise) an english journalist keeps interrupting a member of the Polish Gubment.

Keep your sensationalist red text on FB/Twatter/YT and keep it accurate here. Truth is what we're after. Fag.

82919e  No.6873942

File: 87f4fe8791c3c68⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 617x410, 617:410, Capture.JPG)

Libyan National Army threatens to sink Turkish ships

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – The Benghazi-based Libyan National Army (LNA) issued a stern warning to Ankara on Friday, threatening to sink any Turkish ships that enter Libya’s territorial water.

The spokesman for the Libyan National Army, Major General Ahmad al-Mesmari, said that orders were issued to the army to target Turkish ships in the Libyan territorial waters.

“The Libyan Army has been ordered to ban flights from any Libyan airport to Turkey,” he said. “Any point on the ground that deals with Turkey will be targeted.”

He added that the Turkish targets in Libya are hostile targets.

Al-Mismari said in a press conference held on Friday evening that the Libyan National Army is countering the attempt by the Tripoli militias to move towards the area of ​​Al-Sabia.

The spokesman said the army would storm the town of Gharian to destroy its militia capabilities.


7621a7  No.6873943


If you have a half-way decent idea, and you get slammed hard, guess what - you just found a shill.

You know what else you just found out? That your idea was actually MUCH MORE than half decent.


7ad1c1  No.6873944


mine was a response in general, not so much for you anon

not sure how much control is divided between Kim and Xi…

26bc29  No.6873945


The womens soccer/football world cup

Its a large happening in europe. Msybe not so much in the states

51f45b  No.6873946


I'm hoping we have a (notables) DEATH page.

The collateral damage page.

It's becoming acceptable. The shock has worn off.

Just like the Muslim agenda slides in, insidious, little by little.

Just like this (((board))) 80% is garbage posting now. It's become a juvenile chat room.


0714af  No.6873947

File: 37791f1d6c341fd⋯.png (104.66 KB, 668x821, 668:821, ClipboardImage.png)

Reading through the Q&A from today.

This is the best answer I've heard POTUS give on climate change.

and to be fair - The 19 vs 1 is not accurate.

"At the most recent UN climate talks in December, Saudi Arabia joined the United States, Kuwait and Russia in refusing to welcome the findings of the IPCC report."

"The IPCC report built on the 2015 Paris climate deal, which agreed to limit global temperature rises to "well below" 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) in order to stave off the worst social, economic and environmental impacts caused by our heating planet.

By signing the Paris agreement, nations pledged to use the "best available" science to inform the timing and extent of future cuts in greenhouse gas emissions."



ef595c  No.6873948

File: c8275b789340fbc⋯.png (925.82 KB, 827x753, 827:753, ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-prosecutor locked up after guilty verdict in Hawaii

Prosecutors say Katherine Kealoha stole from her now-99-year-old grandmother in a reverse mortgage scheme that forced her grandmother to sell her family home. They say Kealoha spent the money on Maserati and Mercedes-Benz car payments, a banquet when her husband became police chief and Elton John concert tickets.

Walking crime spree


9d09bc  No.6873949

File: 5705462cdb7ec35⋯.mp4 (9.61 MB, 480x480, 1:1, NowThis on Twitter ‘This i….mp4)

ICYMI: NowThis Releases Third Installment of Reiner-Directed Op-Eds on the Mueller Report

NEW YORK (June 25, 2019) - NowThis, the #1 news brand on mobile, released the third in a series of Rob Reiner directed op-eds explaining key findings of the Mueller report to the American public.

The video highlights evidence from the Mueller report regarding the Trump campaign committing felony obstruction of justice. Stars include Martin Sheen, Laurence Fishburne, Robert De Niro, Stephen King, Jonathan Van Ness, Christine Lahti, George Takei, Kendrick Sampson, Sophia Bush, Rosie Perez and Rob Reiner.



b9b9a5  No.6873950

File: 03c71243bc5bb78⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 1468x1778, 734:889, hivemindq.jpg)

File: 7e189f998e68991⋯.png (384.72 KB, 841x556, 841:556, hivemind.png)


yer damn right we're impressive

634b80  No.6873951

File: b63044276ff9f36⋯.mp4 (875.03 KB, 640x360, 16:9, TIqSpVnJBL0Ar_Kb.mp4)


f81326  No.6873952


Serious, but rhetorical question: could someone, such as Anderson Cooper, who has been so abused as a child, ever be healed?question

just sad, no matter who the victim.

95cf50  No.6873953


Q has taught us two things.

Everything is a lie.


It's all true.

06369d  No.6873954

File: cb64c3c4d1604dd⋯.png (587.45 KB, 1021x586, 1021:586, Lyft Ride.png)

File: a09a38c752d3769⋯.png (806.62 KB, 1080x614, 540:307, Screenshot_20190629-064533….png)

Ayoola Ajayi, who has worked as a model, claims to be an IT specialist, and once wrote a novel about a murder, is now accused in the disappearance and homicide of 23-year-old University of Utah student MacKenzie Lueck.

The California woman was last seen on June 17 after taking an early morning Lyft ride from the Salt Lake City airport to a park in North Salt Lake, where she met someone in another vehicle, according to police.

e44630  No.6873955


…yebbut the 'if Kim sees this', why TF wouldn't he see it? Of course he'd see it. Unless somebody was preventing him from seeing it. If he doesn't show up to meet, then he's probably under house arrest by a coup.

b13003  No.6873956


>17 years after it was suspended

b9b9a5  No.6873957

File: 7dc5f1ecbc8631d⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 468x322, 234:161, eltonafrica.jpg)

File: 23fab9f1a155734⋯.jpg (378 KB, 610x415, 122:83, eltonchildrensummerball.jpg)

File: 519cce005319f21⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 474x343, 474:343, eltonjohn.jpg)


Elton John concert tickets, you say?

d3ab70  No.6873958

A 'presidential finding' is a document, required by law, to justify the start of a covert C_A operation.

The question then arises, did Hussein sign a presidential fining(s) (aka Memorandum of Notification) that initiated a C_A operation targeting Trump (& Cruz?) and serving as an umbrella for the FBI's crossfire hurricane?

And would this document be included as part of the what was submitted to the FISA courts?

Indications are that Brennan was the operational puppet master for the Russia Hoax. And it makes sense that one or more presidential findings would be issued to give him the authority to proceed.

Of course, the actual text of the finding(s) would be obfuscated to limit blow-back on Hussein (but then, they thought she'd win). But a presidential finding in his case would be a smoking gun in the hands of Hussein, implicating his treason.

Is a dig in order here?

7ad1c1  No.6873959


I was talkin smack anon

virtue signaling SJW's don't deserve the (You)'s

8b1ad6  No.6873960

File: 656ebf4ca99e156⋯.jpeg (19.82 KB, 500x284, 125:71, 163192B7-F605-4518-BB39-5….jpeg)

File: c7a53190325f3f4⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 245x166, 245:166, E589A226-9C2F-4BCA-B2ED-43….gif)

e0b3d4  No.6873961


She's due in August. I'm anticipating Irish twins.

15eaef  No.6873962

File: 80e57a8a66fcfda⋯.jpg (369.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, RiseUpKekistan.jpg)

File: b9d3a2b702009bc⋯.jpg (143.89 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningStandUp.jpg)

File: 095d62b328acbf8⋯.jpg (267.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, UnitedWeStand2.jpg)

329a5a  No.6873963

File: 5ce116394e34af3⋯.png (241.45 KB, 1384x615, 1384:615, 1561805884120.png)

File: b8646189262191e⋯.png (456.16 KB, 829x1093, 829:1093, nxivm65000.png)

File: bb9991625aa1bad⋯.png (142.9 KB, 1017x1035, 113:115, 65000.png)

File: 298cdf47431eb9a⋯.png (248.85 KB, 1658x1914, 829:957, wikileaks-org-gifiles-docs….png)

$65,000 coincidence?

'It’s also worth noting, the trips that NXIVM members took and held at Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island, a place where Barack Obama also spent time in, with the Virgin business mogul.

NXIVM have also been cited as having involvement in that private Barack Obama White House party, where $65,000 worth of Hot Dogs, were flown in from Chicago for a special event.'

https:// www.brainstain.us/2019/03/28/nxivms-clare-bronfman-collapses-in-court-after-secret-revelation-her-attorney-is-michael-avenatti/

https:// wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/12/1223066_re-get-ready-for-chicago-hot-dog-friday-.html

https://www. cbsnews.com/news/nxivm-leader-keith-raniere-charged-sex-trafficking/

https:// www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/nxivm-what-we-know-about-alleged-sex-trafficking-forced-labor-204958/

ba0e56  No.6873964


anon, sure looks like boy could be anderson.

weren't there other kids in those paintings, too?

I wonder which famous people those other kids are?

f0714b  No.6873965


But does it work if the parties are involved in an ongoing criminal conspiracy?

15eaef  No.6873966

File: d3e7b621a3433a3⋯.jpg (395.8 KB, 700x933, 700:933, No-More-Games.jpg)

File: fed947a5be58ac3⋯.jpg (188.57 KB, 1000x520, 25:13, game-over-man-2.jpg)

File: 08c817788698c59⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, QCrumbsPlayAGame.jpg)

File: 209c92fc09e10b6⋯.jpg (205.58 KB, 949x632, 949:632, NotAGame.jpg)

File: 218028528159d2b⋯.jpg (177.39 KB, 600x764, 150:191, QCrumbsChessGameOpponentsM….jpg)

19f618  No.6873967


>Libyan National Army threatens to sink Turkish ships

Those be NATO ships BTW. Will NATO unite to fight the Libyan axis? Is Turkey a bonafide NATO member? If Turkey and Greece went to War would NATO fight on both sides against itself? Why exactly do we need NATO?

30b2a9  No.6873968

File: 7c06ade56ad4571⋯.jpg (266.3 KB, 1210x894, 605:447, NORTHSOUTH.JPG)


nice update …concernfag

e0b3d4  No.6873969

File: 3078150555fadab⋯.jpg (234.68 KB, 599x665, 599:665, 1558202263.jpg)

7e1e78  No.6873970


Clever and creepy. Smith is a sandman, who wants everyone to keep dreaming so they can keep using us as batteries. Spirits and AI are so entwined, hard telling what the endgame really is? Peace is the prize, yes?

2ae8ff  No.6873971

File: 31addb5af011f0b⋯.jpeg (428.51 KB, 1014x647, 1014:647, 67052B21-E14C-40B3-AE01-8….jpeg)

File: 0b66fcc7b1e3ba2⋯.jpeg (673.16 KB, 1112x836, 278:209, 8C4EA2A8-49FC-449B-A949-8….jpeg)

He added, somewhat implausibly: "I just thought of it this morning."

Later, after arriving in Seoul from a summit in Osaka of world leaders, Trump offered no further insight into his planned trip to the heavily fortified border. "It will be very interesting," he said.


Ya down with DMZ? Every last Homey


a9d0a9  No.6873973

>>6873287 (PB)

Any new resident of my country who objects to the Pledge of Allegiance is free to keep moving until they find someplace more to their liking. Anne Mavity, and all who voted with her, are among the stupidest people on the planet. If the residents of that "growth at any cost" city do not immediately mount a recall petition for all who voted in favor of that motion, then they are complicit in it.


301178  No.6873974

Did anyone notice that the gold fringe is off of the flags? Does this mean that we are no longer under admiralty law? Did we win?


b9b9a5  No.6873975

File: 2e3015e9a6d58e7⋯.jpg (65.77 KB, 600x400, 3:2, gvt.jpg)


The better to eat you with, my dear

15eaef  No.6873976

File: fcf2fcfd5adeb6a⋯.jpg (288.44 KB, 784x954, 392:477, jfk learn to play the game.jpg)

File: 24135fe60c84e47⋯.jpg (306.03 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Learn-the-Game-1.jpg)

File: 2fae7485145a07d⋯.jpg (242.99 KB, 488x737, 488:737, QCrumbsNotGameHumanityAtSt….jpg)

File: afeb12563ab8166⋯.jpg (244.73 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, pepe_crusader_goodfight_tr….jpg)

File: 6a61459ed76e23e⋯.jpeg (153.31 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, NotAGame.jpeg)

02cb68  No.6873977

File: dbbef1ed9b6b841⋯.png (1.27 MB, 722x1024, 361:512, LMAOC.png)

200f8e  No.6873978

File: 0b1f05d9b901eeb⋯.png (896.98 KB, 595x608, 595:608, ClipboardImage.png)

26bc29  No.6873979


Whats your point and how am i an sjw?

Wont symbolics be their downfall and if their symbolics are part of an international sports event, isnt that interesting?

Keep on living life being a dick. Doesnt matter to me

88b23e  No.6873980


YAY! I've been waiting for a perfectly unambiguous post to FINALLY call an "anon"

dick nose


God, that feels great.

82919e  No.6873981

File: dedec031692dcff⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 786x579, 262:193, Capture.JPG)

Top French court says life support can be ended in landmark right-to-die case

PARIS - France's highest appeals court said Friday that the life support mechanisms keeping a severely brain-damaged man alive can be turned off "from now", a lawyer for his wife said, in the latest legal twist in a landmark right-to-die case.

Vincent Lambert, 42, has been in a vegetative state since a 2008 traffic accident, with the question of whether to continue keeping him alive artificially bitterly dividing his family and the nation.

"This definitely ends the matter," said Patrice Spinosi, legal counsel for Lambert's wife Rachel, who believes the most humane course of action is to let her husband die.

"There is no other recourse possible because there are no more judges to appeal to," he said.


0d72d5  No.6873982

File: 5d28326c0ac6e60⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1500x1071, 500:357, ClipboardImage.png)



Military operations

United States Air Force U-28A

The PC-12 is Pilatus' first aircraft directed principally at the civil market. Despite the company historically being a military-oriented supplier, military sales for the type were considered a low priority during the early stages of development.

The U-28A is the United States Air Force variant of the PC-12 for intra-theater support of special operations forces. The 319th Special Operations Squadron is stationed at Hurlburt Field, Florida at the headquarters of the Air Force Special Operations Command. The 34th Special Operations Squadron (SOS) was activated on 9 April 2010 as the second U-28A unit at Hurlburt Field. Both squadrons operate as part of the 1st Special Operations Wing/ 1st Special Operations Group (SOG) at Hurlburt Field. The U-28A is also operated by the 318th Special Operations Squadron as part of the 27th Special Operations Wing at Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico. In May 2019 the Air Force officially approved the use of the name 'Draco' for the aircraft.

7e1e78  No.6873983


Mostly girls

9ef0eb  No.6873984


Pedos like beds and children together. Common parents do not pose this way.

5c33c4  No.6873985


"outside of time" "plane that launched space shuttle" I can't continue

06369d  No.6873986

File: 8dbb2b6a7a17323⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1560300012.mp4)



Concernfag I'm glad you noticed the update.

88da2d  No.6873987

File: 9b01fa053045cb4⋯.jpg (197.57 KB, 1478x1430, 739:715, shark.jpg)


latex-breath coward

ef595c  No.6873988

File: b7f32d39d156568⋯.png (764.5 KB, 939x771, 313:257, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS to relax restrictions on Huawei

Now, however, the Trump administration has provided a reprieve, at least based on the President’s comments following a meeting with Chinese premier Xi Jinping at the G20 summit this weekend.

“US companies can sell their equipment to Huawei. We’re talking about equipment where there’s no great national security problem with it,” the U.S. President said.

Those comments perhaps contradict some in the US administration who saw the Huawei blacklisting as a way to strangle the company and its global ambitions, which are deemed by some analysts to be a threat to America.

Watch the NASDAQ


7ad1c1  No.6873989


I mean, it's not like she's being doing anything like PRACTICING LAW, that would show she deserves it or anything…

bbb4ad  No.6873990

File: 5919854aa036ca7⋯.png (594.72 KB, 873x463, 873:463, Capture.PNG)


Moved and Countermoves..the game continues.

db7b79  No.6873991

File: 5619a7123e7aa21⋯.jpg (137.37 KB, 928x867, 928:867, 65534448_673923619719040_4….jpg)

Bill de Blasio

112c7b  No.6873992



>Two types of SAP exist—acknowledged and unacknowledged. The existence of an acknowledged SAP may be publicly disclosed, but the details of the program remain classified. An unacknowledged SAP (or USAP) is made known only to authorized persons, including members of the appropriate committees of the United States Congress. Waived SAPs are a subset of unacknowledged SAPs in the Department of Defense. These SAPs are exempt by statutory authority of the Secretary of Defense from most reporting requirements and, within the legislative branch, the only persons who are required to be informed of said SAPs are the chairpersons and ranking committee members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senate Armed Services Committee, House Appropriations Committee, and the House Armed Services Committee.[7] Oftentimes, this notification is only oral.[8][9]

>Oftentimes, this notification is only oral.[8][9]

30b2a9  No.6873993

File: ae65353833342b3⋯.jpg (448.1 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 7rgm9qri.JPG)


no need for the home video hit me up on grinder

458059  No.6873994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


82919e  No.6873995

File: 50521d061527584⋯.jpg (37.25 KB, 794x449, 794:449, Capture.JPG)


NATO will go the way of the DoDo Bird

French President Emmanuel Macron Calls for a 'European Army' to Defend Against China, Russia and the U.S.

French President Emmanuel Macron is calling for the formation of a “real European army” to protect the continent “with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America.”

Agence France-Presse reports that while on a tour of World War I memorials Tuesday, Macron said: “We will not protect the Europeans unless we decide to have a true European army.”

Macron has advocated for the mobilization of a collective European force since his election last year. But those calls may be received with more urgency after President Trump announced last month that the U.S. would pull out of a Cold War era nuclear weapons treaty with Russia. Trump has also displayed a tepid attitude in the past towards NATO’s mutual defense commitments.


200f8e  No.6873996

File: 9888402f8e2a34f⋯.png (413.75 KB, 595x390, 119:78, ClipboardImage.png)

7ad1c1  No.6873997

File: c23b5ac681e9a74⋯.jpg (35.1 KB, 384x462, 64:77, wedoubtzit.JPG)


good god newfag are you thick?

I wasn't responding to you

34a272  No.6873998

File: 45fea2fc9bd3629⋯.jpeg (69.5 KB, 828x442, 414:221, 87A68812-0C3E-4C89-87DD-9….jpeg)

File: 2f197ae709512d3⋯.jpeg (124.6 KB, 828x423, 92:47, 5962460A-F8F6-4099-B8EB-8….jpeg)

File: db5b4175286c3d8⋯.jpeg (114.01 KB, 749x604, 749:604, 6EDA1019-CA82-4798-B971-6….jpeg)

File: fd2a9e5362e20ce⋯.jpeg (47.14 KB, 460x507, 460:507, A184D98C-919A-472A-AD62-6….jpeg)

Kevin Garneau Lowell Mass Pedo-Cop vs

John Podesta

15eaef  No.6873999

EU looks like a dying animal, thrashing about chaotically in its own blood.

0fee11  No.6874000

File: 4d10d1144bda311⋯.jpg (735.56 KB, 978x1154, 489:577, dont_meme_about_me.jpg)

66d00a  No.6874001

File: 1cf2f1c7f99b1d0⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1448x2048, 181:256, ClipboardImage.png)


you're cute


eda514  No.6874002

File: 3811e7e662afcc0⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 300x474, 50:79, george6.jpg)

File: 26b89dc6d040641⋯.png (306.7 KB, 570x418, 15:11, edwardabdicator.png)

File: 5fc6932b8a1060a⋯.jpg (50.02 KB, 410x629, 410:629, lukeputin.jpg)

File: 3a80e6c3a6b2060⋯.jpg (84.9 KB, 1200x418, 600:209, moseleycurzon.jpg)

File: a377e08f8b318a7⋯.jpg (46.49 KB, 540x304, 135:76, putinrudkow.jpg)

>>6873559 pm

He looks like an "Arian" specimen

Not everyone who looks like that is evil, nor are closely related, necessarily.

Also resembles King George?

and the "Edward" who abdicated?

Polish Rudkowski resembles supposedly Russian Putin?

Putin is supposedly also descended from a Royal ancestor line of inheritance

"Curzon" was the ViceRoy of India - virtually a King. and he's related to the Nazi Party leader in England during WW2 named Mosley, [funny right MOSley?]

There's a good number of high Masons strewn around there.

Many are at lease distant cousins, if not more closely related. So , they often look alike.

I open to both Luke and Putin just being from a similar group and not necessarily closely related. But what a coincidence! Luke resembles Putin more closely than Putin resembles his own alleged Dad.

19f618  No.6874003


Anon you answered your own question. In Fox News last night it was reported the shake hands idea was improvised, like a proof of life thing IMHO. And as I said there was King thing too. There is no one above a King thus we deal with the King or theres is no deal at all. Or as I said in an episode in Star Gate when there was about to be a soft coup the Asgard leader pops up in person to make clear while he could not tell Earth what to do he like thongs just as they and been them the super power that was the end of the soft coup.

909a50  No.6874004

File: 9c7d2f0819a8ab0⋯.png (299.95 KB, 607x509, 607:509, UhhhhhhThatsNotHowTheShutt….png)



Same. I got to number 4, face palmed, then closed twatter. Stupidity level = mind bottling.

90dabd  No.6874005

File: 4fa83c9d35375c4⋯.jpg (347.52 KB, 1211x801, 1211:801, Fakebook.jpg)


TY anon.

7e1e78  No.6874006

File: 57f7c2d5df9a4a5⋯.png (291.28 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 80970D90-A392-400E-8F91-4A….png)


Random, I was just looking at this…

07fe65  No.6874007

File: 1fe367c346cae23⋯.jpg (240.37 KB, 700x700, 1:1, frewnshalpfwens.jpg)

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, recognizethedifference.png)

File: 40a80e4610bb701⋯.png (267.73 KB, 533x510, 533:510, shilling at its finest.png)

File: 3a7dcb5a62da9f5⋯.png (211.75 KB, 577x608, 577:608, welcometoqresearch.png)

File: 8c132ded500efe9⋯.png (130.07 KB, 688x471, 688:471, whytheyrescured.png)


welcome new anon! pics related, click to enlarge to read, it doesn't auto download :)

112c7b  No.6874008

File: 2e64ab74c389886⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, hey porpoise whatcha doin.jpg)

82919e  No.6874009

File: 03587a4844e5477⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 599x335, 599:335, Capture.JPG)

Human Trafficker and Captain of German Non-Profit Sea Watch Ship Arrested in Italy — After She Nearly Caused a Collision at Italian Port

The captain of Sea Watch 3, Carola Rackete — arrested in Italy.

The non-profit Sea Watch NGO ship taxis migrants from the African coast and dumps them off in Europe.

According to GEFIRA — there is an extensive network of open borders activists and organizations behind the migrant NGO ships, many of them are directly funded by or cooperated with George Soros’ Open Society. The Open Society groups have denied direct funding of the migrant NGO ships.

Italy started banning the human trafficking ships in 2018 from its ports. In June 2018 Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini refused to accept an NGO taxi ship carrying 629 migrants from Libya to Italy.

On Saturday Italian police arrested captain Carola Rackete after nearly colliding with a police ship and docking in Lampedusa without authorization.

According to Spanish ABC International Rackete almost caused a collision as she entered the Lamedusa port without authorisation.


867d6f  No.6874010

File: 0383073bb87e218⋯.jpg (13.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gaaay.jpg)






15eaef  No.6874011


Stunning facial resemblance.

Need really good side view of both to compare ear cartilage configuration.

Garneau looks a bit younger.

027910  No.6874012


No worries, Anon.

The end won't be for everyone.

60be61  No.6874013


Used to get my hair cut at a place called "Rockets" for obvious reasons. Pic related.

0df5c6  No.6874014


>Posting the same shit bread after bread….

>Not working, no violence.

Was there a call to action in my post? If so, please share with the group, otherwise your argument is dogshit. K, sport?

06369d  No.6874015

File: 05f5abd30ab6e8c⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 1559215995.mp4)



Space Case Anon you go hit up a nigga on Grinder you twisted cum guzzler.

c0fa0c  No.6874016

File: 135ad7574a0eb65⋯.jpeg (260.08 KB, 1440x1450, 144:145, 1527873666.jpeg)

7621a7  No.6874017


Spoken like a true liberal.

a21793  No.6874018


He got to live….the other one didn't

2bb3b1  No.6874019

File: cb69d16d5bb6382⋯.jpeg (142.94 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, 4CA29D16-A6F5-4A20-AA2F-D….jpeg)


>>1228588 PB

f49d2f  No.6874020

File: ee14b2c7c74a371⋯.png (170.24 KB, 1318x312, 659:156, Capture.PNG)

← Evidence that we are in the "Clown World" timeline.


>Police have finally tracked down and arrested a fugitive who kept an "attack squirrel" caged and hopped up on methamphetamine at his house for protection, according to the NY Post.

>The man, identified as 35 year old Mickey Paulk, was arrested on Thursday after authorities caught him leaving a hotel in a stolen ambulance. Paulk eventually rammed into an investigator's vehicle after a short chase and was arrested.

>He was booked on drug and gun charges, as well as charges of attempting to elude, criminal mischief, receiving stolen property and felon in possession of a pistol.

d0b4c3  No.6874021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'The Church Is Under Attack': CA Lawmakers Pass Measure Forcing Pastors to Embrace LGBT Ideology

The California State Assembly has passed a resolution telling pastors to affirm homosexuality in violation of their biblical beliefs.

Assemblyman Evan Low and three dozen other lawmakers pushed the resolution in the state Assembly Judiciary Committee that's aimed at telling religious leaders in California what they should preach from their pulpits.

The measure passed this week, thanks in part to the help of Dr. Kevin Mannoia, Azusa Pacific University chaplain and the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals.

Liberty Counsel says Mannoia "has become a prop for the LGBT agenda by directing pastors and counselors to reject biblical views of sexuality and deny counseling for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion."

Liberty Counsel states, "Mannoia recently testified before the judiciary committee in favor of ACR 99 and directed pastors and counselors to affirm LGBT behaviors. In a letter submitted to legislators, Mannoia wrote, 'On behalf of some Christian pastors and church leaders, I write to express various levels of support for the Resolution ACR 99 dealing with Conversion Therapy and LGBTQ persons'."

"It's really disappointing that he would put aside the truth of the matter just to gain some favor, perhaps a seat at the table of this discussion," said Roger Gannam, vice president of legal affairs for Liberty Counsel. "Everyone deserves respect in this discussion and dialogue about what kind of counseling should be allowed in California. But to join in a document as Dr. Mannoia has done, that really slanders the church and slanders good counselors and good patients. It's unexplainable and it's really inexcusable.

The resolution also condemns counseling for unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion, known as conversion therapy.

More than two dozen doctors, counselors, former homosexuals, and other Christian leaders signed a letter condemning the resolution, which they said violates religious freedom.

"We have a track record," said Gannam. "We have actual patients and clients who have benefitted from therapy to help them with their unwanted attractions. We've helped them change their lives. We've helped them to live heterosexual lifestyles with strong and healthy marriages and so it's really a slander against them to say that this practice is somehow unethical and harmful."

Gannam explained how this resolution is bad all the way around.

"It blames the church and religious leaders for the high rates of suicide among those who identify as LGBT," he said. "That's simply a false claim. It cannot be backed up empirically and yet this resolution states it as if it's a fact."

"It's a foreshadowing of worse things to come," Gannam noted.

"This resolution is perhaps an incremental approach to getting to the same goal, which is to make it illegal to have a conversation in a counseling room that tells a person that if you want to change, that it's possible," he said. And that's what's so dangerous about it. Putting aside the blatant violation of the First Amendment. It just shows the church is under attack."

The measure now heads to the state senate.


Text of CA bill ACR99:


19f618  No.6874022


In B4 grammar Nazi. I am Night Shift in extended shift with not enough caffeine.

7621a7  No.6874023


Find your safe space and scream into a pillow.

779226  No.6874024




8b1ad6  No.6874025


Or are you just flappy to see me?

66d00a  No.6874026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love how much Tarczynski triggers you guys. You're just highlighting him ya goof!

in related tardation

Jake Tapper asks AOC if Obama's detention centers were concentration camps

b9b9a5  No.6874027

File: 35cd8c596d86e03⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 612x369, 68:41, gvscold.jpg)


Those you trust the most

3b6e8f  No.6874028


I was looking at this and a thought occurred to me. I was trying to look at it from different angles.

Read the BIBLE



- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law

So is this some kind of reference to Nazis? They were heavily involved in the occult. If so, then would the, "BIBLE, actually mean mein kompf? These leftists love to project and then accuse people of their own deeds, and considering how they use their antifa minions as a way to prevent them from being accused of being the actual nazis themselves, it sort of makes sense. Sort of along the same lines as the muh jew shills when they say they use that tactic, only it's not jews, its actual nazis.

There were a lot of nazi digs early on and Q references regarding them. After WWII we did absorb a lot of nazis.

This might be out there, but it sort of makes sense in a way. These clowns might be trying to revive the nazi reich on a global scale.

I dunno, but it somehow feels close to a possible truth to me. Anyone else?

30b2a9  No.6874029

File: c226e8eb6a4a8d2⋯.jpg (108.87 KB, 816x645, 272:215, y8p8s1GHRETH45.JPG)


I picture you looking somthing like this…ill bet youve blown a few goats in your time ay you little tiger you…gimme a kiss

0952a3  No.6874030

File: 07e2379de4b5f10⋯.jpg (48.49 KB, 764x430, 382:215, D2MD1NOUkAAh7F7.jpg)


TANK Q SIR WRWY GOD WINS !! clowns go down. i will not over engage with them again. Learning the hard way on Q research.

8b1ad6  No.6874031


Is guess there are many celebrities who “won” these games as children.

634b80  No.6874032

File: a684b2a5ec331fb⋯.png (84.54 KB, 500x300, 5:3, ive-finally-lost-my-mind-i….png)

ed5447  No.6874033

File: 2ed0abb2be5ffdf⋯.jpg (585.97 KB, 1070x1244, 535:622, Screenshot_20190618-152829….jpg)

f92768  No.6874034


Kim & the North Korean people were freed long ago. Everything since has been optics while other world-wide and internal problems were resolved.

0df5c6  No.6874035



Seems a little convenient given his most recent gaffe.

15eaef  No.6874036

>>6874021 A righteous army is going to march on Sacto before long, and wipe the filth off the face of the earth.

549131  No.6874037

notables at 200ish


>>6874021 'The Church Is Under Attack': CA Lawmakers Pass Measure Forcing Pastors to Embrace LGBT Ideology

>>6874009 Human Trafficker and Captain of German Non-Profit Sea Watch Ship Arrested in Italy — After She Nearly Caused a Collision at Italian Port

>>6873988 POTUS to relax restrictions on Huawei; Watch the NASDAQ

>>6873948 Ex-prosecutor locked up after guilty verdict in Hawaii

>>6873942 Libyan National Army threatens to sink Turkish ships

>>6873898 9/11 first responder Luis Alvarez, who fought for victims' compensation, dies at 53

>>6873877 Another Australian Anon with an extremely interdasting and deep insight into the "Q phenomenon"…

61239e  No.6874038


Renegade is possibly acting as a go between for the Columbian cartels and EU DS. I saw a BritAnon comment a few weeks ago how the UK is awash in cocaine.

I'm guessing they have opened a new supply chain to Europe so as to cut out the loss of profit from the Central Americans and Mexicans take from trans-shipping and smuggling thru increased US border security. Makes sense business-wise.

8b1ad6  No.6874039

3d2b88  No.6874040


ty for the report on HC in Ireland

51f45b  No.6874041


nice slide

e44630  No.6874042

File: 261b1439b266313⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 1059x429, 353:143, nazi.jpg)


…I like your content; fuck grammar nazis

c0fa0c  No.6874043

File: 6daa53953c0c175⋯.jpeg (93.69 KB, 1440x821, 1440:821, 1525224332.jpeg)

82919e  No.6874044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm your Captain / Closer to Home - Grand Funk Railroad - Best Quality - A Journey thru the Sea

Sailing ships, under-sea wrecks and mystical beauties, carefully mixed with sea-worthy tunes from Grand Funk Railroad and Donovan!

cccf65  No.6874045

File: d1235c4b5ff5465⋯.png (796.35 KB, 719x577, 719:577, red.PNG)

File: 382dab7772ffb54⋯.png (85.13 KB, 240x351, 80:117, red 2.PNG)

0df5c6  No.6874046


Nice. Your ad hominem attacks are ad hominem.

779226  No.6874047



b9b9a5  No.6874048

File: 27d466a5e986813⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 612x607, 612:607, gvk.jpg)

7e1e78  No.6874049


So badass. Pool again? Makes me want to watch that movie again for more clues. Joker and the thief? The projection is so multifaceted.

34a272  No.6874050


Podesta is old enough to be his father

e0b3d4  No.6874051

File: d49388e5522fe57⋯.jpg (895.19 KB, 1307x2048, 1307:2048, IMG_1404.jpg)

e44630  No.6874052


…that's what I was thinking, message to Iran is 'this could be us but you fuckin' up', along those lines.. but 'if Kim sees this' is quite alarming - for other nations - verbiage.

7e1e78  No.6874053


Weird. Was just thinking, how many “real” people are there? And how many are just copies?

909a50  No.6874054

File: 55f754543529588⋯.png (452.17 KB, 370x585, 74:117, Hidden747.png)


Stupid crosses the political spectrum. I am after truth anon. You should be too.

When someone posts a pic of the 747 used to ferry the shuttle and then uses a simile about how Q launched us is like how the shuttle launched from the 747…. yes anon. That. Is. Fucking. Stupid. Not only that, it is untrue.

Words matter. Less name calling and more truth finding fren.

06369d  No.6874055

File: 7c6e94d75b2b3f2⋯.png (611.38 KB, 883x674, 883:674, Wild.png)



Go back to Grinder already.

8b1ad6  No.6874056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Batman vs Cabal.

779226  No.6874057


She's giving him a "tickle."


51696f  No.6874058

File: 4ae4d34bd484f80⋯.jpg (86.76 KB, 750x1047, 250:349, Hitler in Paris.jpg)


Bon chance, Moron, er, Macron. You did so well with Hitler.

EU Army v. US Military? You can't/won't even stop the Muslim invasion that is destroying the cultures of the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Sweden, England, Germany, et. al

a21793  No.6874059


Please Jesus, come back…

15eaef  No.6874060

File: 0a4cd5a9116156b⋯.jpg (141.65 KB, 938x599, 938:599, Frens.jpg)


Another tip: call your frens here anon, not sir. Some are maam and prefer the salutation anon.


7e1e78  No.6874061


Clouded, don’t beat yourself up about it.

82919e  No.6874062

File: ee19589f72e9342⋯.jpg (55.89 KB, 1017x566, 1017:566, Capture.JPG)

President Trump Announces Restart of China Trade Talks

At the G20 Summit closing news conference, President Trump says the U.S. is agreeing to restart trade negotiations with China


b9b9a5  No.6874063

File: 885b2c65754eef2⋯.jpg (110.05 KB, 722x650, 361:325, hitlersmile.jpg)

c0fa0c  No.6874064

File: 5a3a69128b13918⋯.jpg (91.44 KB, 1031x608, 1031:608, 20190629_112659.jpg)

b90d6a  No.6874065

File: df8928ca2c7e0e2⋯.jpeg (19 KB, 181x255, 181:255, 56B09B8F-CA13-44B6-BB69-F….jpeg)


8a5b36  No.6874066

File: 5fc75bb9dc2762b⋯.png (530.91 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Screenshot_2019-06-29 half….png)


>Police have finally tracked down and arrested a fugitive who kept an "attack squirrel" caged and hopped up on methamphetamine at his house for protection

Squirrel Master!?

Is it really you???

200f8e  No.6874067

File: 85a67edfcd9ad8a⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1071x1200, 357:400, ClipboardImage.png)

30b2a9  No.6874068

File: 95e529c72bb0f83⋯.jpg (72.1 KB, 661x413, 661:413, s01m922fag.JPG)


yo have latent homo tendancys and also are a cunt reconcile?

12b024  No.6874069


Sorry anon but you are grasping at straws here.

Col-O-mbia the country is different from Col-u-mbia.

i see a lot of anons making the same mistake here.

3fd6c7  No.6874070


Numerous meanings – Watch the Water? Sea Watch?

Are "NON-Profits," profiting in Human Currency? Playing as "Prophets" for righteous deeds, while actually being Pro-Pedo Organizations? ALL have same MO.

> non-profit Sea Watch


7411ca  No.6874071

File: 4b1cf5fa77c3bc6⋯.png (708.68 KB, 988x784, 247:196, screenshot2.png)

File: ea08210de99c870⋯.png (543.05 KB, 735x793, 735:793, screenshot.png)


I am ready!

Bring on that Border


1f5b34  No.6874072

if marianne williamson is so spiritual and miraculous

why would she seek the help of the New Zealand PM ?

Remember the debate ?

She would seek the help of PM of New Zealand ?

A Course in Miracles “(ACIM) not good enough need PM

of New Zealand ?

Anons should dig and archive debate portions of this New Zealand miracle

0952a3  No.6874073


giving him an umbrella for when she sends him out the window? her hand is awfully close to that little boys crotch. evil I hope she had a reconing day with God .no forgiveness for her.

3b6e8f  No.6874074


Think about how convenient it is to use Godwins law in a conversation when you start comparing someones actions to nazis and Hitler. It is designed to shut down any further discussion, just like the whole, "racist," epithet. When you are a real nazi, you don't want people to remember the truth and don't want open discussion, you want to quell it. Same kind of thing when they use the whole, "conspiracy/tinfoil hat," thing.

909a50  No.6874075


Would have been priceless if you would have said "Dicks of GTFO". KEK.

200f8e  No.6874076

File: 85a67edfcd9ad8a⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1071x1200, 357:400, ClipboardImage.png)

5c3450  No.6874077

File: 27ed7660a936951⋯.png (305.75 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C4FA55FC-0646-47F0-9E24-86….png)

File: 6fe143b39dd7850⋯.jpeg (14.16 KB, 143x146, 143:146, AC4BB3D7-C8F1-46AE-BB85-1….jpeg)



db7b79  No.6874078

File: 7296adedb249d27⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, IMG_2033.JPG)

File: c243cb5852136d1⋯.jpg (195.56 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, IMG_2032.JPG)



0310cd  No.6874079

File: 689d769bbe6a625⋯.png (503.35 KB, 650x521, 650:521, WDYS.png)

7e1e78  No.6874080


I believe in everything, but coincidences.

0952a3  No.6874081


probably the last photo of the boy. i would lay a bet down on that. Notice also they stand in the frame of the window. pure darkness. poor little boy.

673589  No.6874082



Combined "Ready" graphic

Nice Work

f6d48d  No.6874083

File: 7d043a1361e49b9⋯.png (401.08 KB, 591x659, 591:659, USMC 6-29-19 5 am PDT.PNG)

File: 11b79cc3fe5c1c1⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1615x800, 323:160, USMC 6-29-19 5 am PDT pic.PNG)

Saturdays Are For The Boys


15eaef  No.6874084

File: 5018b2d48175257⋯.jpg (164.9 KB, 1305x803, 1305:803, dogmakeitfrens.jpg)


You're right. Not my style though.

5c3450  No.6874085



9ef0eb  No.6874086


I think more incest and the sex rituals, to choose the lineage to carry on. Long history of Rothschilds marrying within family, until inbreeding produced unhealthy children. It was then they searched for distant relatives to marry. Cousins. Sick and twisted, but this kept the money in the family as well as their need for depravation.

This could be a family look or is an actual close relative like son.

66d00a  No.6874087

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Kavanaugh.gif)

cff29c  No.6874088

Is "recursive" included in this particular version of communication or a separate method?

19f618  No.6874089


Now they thik they destroyed the 2A they are going after the 1A. Here is something for those asking whay is this allowed to happen, we need then to go all the way to SCOTUS to have a swift and permanent death. There is something known as the incorporation doctrine and for some reason to this day the SCOTUS has dealt with it piece by piece instead of seens the Bill of Rights as a whole. Citizens of the states are also citizens of the federations (BTW that's the only dual citizenship recognized in the Constitution). A state can not deny citizens of the federation the rights guaranteed by the federation. This will go to the SCOTUS and finally we will get the Doctrine of Incorporation enforced in all the states for the Bill of Rights.

82919e  No.6874090

File: 49bfeb00fc338f4⋯.jpg (57.11 KB, 564x376, 3:2, Capture.JPG)


>You can't/won't even stop the Muslim invasion

There's your answer they don't want to stop it.. easier to control Muslims then Christians

Islam in France: The French Way of Life Is in Danger

American visitors to Paris or other major French cities often are amazed when they see how the multiethnic way of life there resembles that in the United States.

Some see this as positive: in a Newsweek cover story, John Leland and Marcus Mabry assert that a "new creative energy – in terms of art and music – is bursting out of the multiethnic suburbs" of France.1 Others are more pessimistic, pointing to La Haine (Hate), a movie about immigrant or minority teenagers in Marseilles that tells a story of street violence and confrontation with the police that brings the 1992 Los Angeles riots to mind.

But multiethnicity in France goes beyond that in the United States, for it includes a religious dimension in addition to racial and ethnic differences. If the most important minorities in the United States (the black and Hispanic) are overwhelmingly Christian, French minority groups are largely Muslim. American minority groups share many basic values with the rest of the country; in contrast, French minority groups tend to have alien values, to think of themselves as a new nation, and even to have hopes of superseding the present Judeo-Christian nation of France.


b13003  No.6874091

File: 81c1cbb27183f9b⋯.jpg (133.68 KB, 690x644, 15:14, bill-de-blasio-1980.jpg)



The picture the anon posted, his shirt was photo shopped.

However he was into socialism, and was quite active in support for South American communist/socialists.

The scruffy young man who arrived in Nicaragua in 1988 stood out.

He was tall and sometimes goofy, known for his ability to mimic a goose’s honk. He spoke in long, meandering paragraphs, musing on Franklin D. Roosevelt, Karl Marx and Bob Marley. He took painstaking notes on encounters with farmers, doctors and revolutionary fighters.

Bill de Blasio, then 26, went to Nicaragua to help distribute food and medicine in the middle of a war between left and right. But he returned with something else entirely: a vision of the possibilities of an unfettered leftist government.

As he seeks to become the next mayor of New York City, Mr. de Blasio, the city’s public advocate, has spoken only occasionally about his time as a fresh-faced idealist who opposed foreign wars, missile defense systems and apartheid in the late 1980s and early 1990s. References to his early activism have been omitted from his campaign Web site.

But a review of hundreds of pages of records and more than two dozen interviews suggest his time as a young activist was more influential in shaping his ideology than previously known, and far more political than typical humanitarian work.


In the wake of a short Post article noting that Bill de Blasio ignored (at best) the anti-Semitism of the rulers of Nicaragua during his 1988 visit there, his supporters have insisted the Sandinista junta wasn’t anti-Semitic. In fact, the record is clear — and ugly.

When it came to the 50 Jews in a few families who made up Nicaragua’s entire Jewish community, the Sandinistas had only scorn and hostility, even before taking power.

In December 1978, during Friday night services, a host of Sandinistas arrived in trucks and firebombed the only synagogue in Managua. As the congregation ran outside, the guerrillas forced them back in at gunpoint.

Guerrillas shouted, “Death to the Jews. What Hitler started we will finish.” Others yelled, “Judaism and Somozaism [after the then-ruler, Anastasio Somoza] are the same thing.”

One attacker later said the point was meant to intimidate the small Jewish community, whom the Sandinistas viewed as enemies of their revolution. It worked: Almost all Jews fled the country in fear for their lives.

Later, the synagogue was converted to a youth center, its walls plastered with anti-Israel slogans such as “Death to the Zionists” and propaganda for the Palestine Liberation Organization.


d10152  No.6874092

File: f2636e718d64191⋯.png (200.26 KB, 492x277, 492:277, ClipboardImage.png)

Dissociation Exhibit 1.

0df5c6  No.6874093

File: 47b5f95426dbc1d⋯.jpeg (189.83 KB, 1200x850, 24:17, 5A3714C4-6E9E-44A5-BC3F-D….jpeg)



Never worked a day in his life, flying first class kek.

Actually, has Barack Obama ever had an actual job either?

b9b9a5  No.6874094

File: e98fdf0a8153ed6⋯.jpg (104.11 KB, 600x867, 200:289, dutch.jpg)


aa3c58  No.6874095

File: a788ad5d9fea9f1⋯.png (433.84 KB, 769x367, 769:367, boring software 1.png)

==Boeing Outsourced Its 737 MAX Software To $9-Per-Hour Engineers==The software at the heart of the Boeing 737 MAX crisis was developed at a time when the company was laying off experienced engineers and replacing them with temporary workers making as little as $9 per hour, according to Bloomberg.

In an effort to cut costs, Boeing was relying on subcontractors making paltry wages to develop and test its software. Often times, these subcontractors would be from countries lacking a deep background in aerospace, like India.

Boeing had recent college graduates working for Indian software developer HCL Technologies Ltd. in a building across from Seattle's Boeing Field, in flight test groups supporting the MAX. The coders from HCL designed to specifications set by Boeing but, according to Mark Rabin, a former Boeing software engineer, “it was controversial because it was far less efficient than Boeing engineers just writing the code.”

Rabin said: “…it took many rounds going back and forth because the code was not done correctly.”

In addition to cutting costs, the hiring of Indian companies may have landed Boeing orders for the Indian military and commercial aircraft, like a $22 billion order received in January 2017. That order included 100 737 MAX 8 jets and was Boeing’s largest order ever from an Indian airline. India traditionally orders from Airbus.

HCL engineers helped develop and test the 737 MAX's flight display software while employees from another Indian company, Cyient Ltd, handled the software for flight test equipment. In 2011, Boeing named Cyient, then known as Infotech, to a list of its “suppliers of the year”.

One HCL employee posted online: “Provided quick workaround to resolve production issue which resulted in not delaying flight test of 737-Max (delay in each flight test will cost very big amount for Boeing).”

But Boeing says the company didn’t rely on engineers from HCL for the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, which was linked to both last October's crash and March's crash. The company also says it didn’t rely on Indian companies for the cockpit warning light issue that was disclosed after the crashes.

Moar>>>>>> https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-29/boeing-outsourced-its-737-max-software-9-hour-engineers-0

d10152  No.6874096

File: 9f78740fd3f976b⋯.jpg (87.52 KB, 842x960, 421:480, D-KeR9aW4AA-Gcj.jpg)



cff29c  No.6874097



LGA to Houston by chance?

b9b9a5  No.6874098

File: 1692bd03ddd1581⋯.jpg (148.32 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, obamacouch.jpg)

07fe65  No.6874099

File: 23ba8a551e725eb⋯.png (259.02 KB, 500x363, 500:363, uaintseennuffinyet.png)

f6d48d  No.6874100

File: c571ddc3047bb66⋯.png (291.75 KB, 590x627, 590:627, DoD 6-29-19 9 am PDT.PNG)

File: b08605196482671⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1284x860, 321:215, DoD 6-29-19 9 am PDT pic.PNG)

Preparing to soar. 🛩️


88b23e  No.6874101


Well, an ad hominem "attack" is probably less damaging than trying to get consensus around actual, physical attacks.

(dick nose)

7411ca  No.6874102

File: a011eded1aea99d⋯.jpg (53.12 KB, 350x657, 350:657, screenshot.jpg)

1 Year 10 Day Delta

last q post Thursday 06.27.2019 +7 == July 4th

39f52f  No.6874103


>So is this some kind of reference to Nazis?

I think so anon. Think Man in the High Castle. (((They))) like rubbing our noses in it. Same shit with House of Cards.

the wall means more than you know ie stopping the literal invasion

db7b79  No.6874104



Is the storm about to be upon us?

275a86  No.6874105

File: b26b50f9f786bd3⋯.jpg (108.36 KB, 910x1024, 455:512, media.media.e46bb7bc-0607-….jpg)

We all salute the same great American flag

d10152  No.6874106

File: 466b67ad3abe948⋯.jpeg (73.81 KB, 638x391, 638:391, 466b67ad3abe948bb42bb5fe2….jpeg)


That's his bodyguard 2 seats back.

b13003  No.6874107

File: 3e82d38ada16113⋯.png (830.56 KB, 1192x1197, 1192:1197, Bernie Versus Trump 2.png)

File: 3f8968bdfbf8993⋯.jpg (173.54 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2yu7lt.jpg)

File: 4d1d8ad90d4d213⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 614x407, 614:407, 2yu8ko.jpg)

File: 152f9ee49e50f29⋯.jpg (151.95 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2yubcf.jpg)

File: 87581943b7ba628⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 598x324, 299:162, D5Z5Db2U8AE_c-i.jpg)

655285  No.6874108

File: 2246c72deef537c⋯.jpeg (321.9 KB, 1200x959, 1200:959, A6B9E17F-65AD-4717-81A3-8….jpeg)

File: ceea7d5b76b892e⋯.jpeg (227.06 KB, 1015x1018, 1015:1018, EB49135F-5146-42AC-A0D7-D….jpeg)

File: a78e9cfab8c1287⋯.jpeg (86.53 KB, 750x500, 3:2, A6E5F750-B25A-4183-9F66-6….jpeg)

06369d  No.6874109

File: 2b845116639e3db⋯.mp4 (6.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1561557093-1.mp4)

File: 705e69517406a2c⋯.png (617.97 KB, 1016x632, 127:79, Award.png)

File: f35f8954d909dc2⋯.jpg (15.83 KB, 403x403, 1:1, downloadfile-14.jpg)



Mr Grinder F-Off….

cff29c  No.6874110

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused pepe.jpg)

Brain fart: recursive means we need to back into the proofs.

News unlocks the map.

We ain't got nothing until we have the habbening.

No predictions, only side by sides or proofs.

0df5c6  No.6874111

File: b821819ee23f9f3⋯.jpeg (660.84 KB, 598x2039, 598:2039, CD7C2E0E-308A-4BE4-B8CD-F….jpeg)

File: 647b1ace3b913ef⋯.jpeg (184.28 KB, 1200x986, 600:493, 4C6ECF80-3B6D-47E2-8BC1-9….jpeg)


>YAY! I've been waiting for a perfectly unambiguous post to FINALLY call an "anon"

>dick nose


>God, that feels great.


19f618  No.6874112


Will that European Army include Greece and Turkey? Maybe Europe should just stop having armies and let the real world super powers divide it amon them.

66d00a  No.6874113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c43039  No.6874114

File: 0a5d85b150bf911⋯.jpg (339.61 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, IMG_3964.JPG)


get ready

e3c828  No.6874115

File: 0398de106d99524⋯.png (963.72 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, PizzaMonster.png)



Or maybe we just keep allowing big name criminals roam free and collect moar shekels.

30b2a9  No.6874116

File: 7fd6951adbb0f99⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 405x612, 45:68, 4vee8b9THHHu.JPG)


r u really still here ? could it be you my liddle toi

458059  No.6874117

Any anons have some digs on this company?


Something is fishy about them.

The company I work for has a lot of board members from this consulting company.

1f5b34  No.6874118


Williamson wants to work with the PM of New Zealand in the debate ?

db7b79  No.6874119

File: b2049eba300c139⋯.jpg (88.17 KB, 719x960, 719:960, IMG_2044.JPG)

de0747  No.6874120


Whasss' up Dustin?

673589  No.6874121

File: c068b3fe49a5133⋯.png (91.07 KB, 305x370, 61:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b04655f5a8de6d⋯.png (509.25 KB, 817x881, 817:881, ClipboardImage.png)


Spain you say?

275a86  No.6874122


Nice Job

e0b3d4  No.6874123

File: 05623682e8de3ee⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 729x658, 729:658, IMG_20190627_211606_942.JPG)

655285  No.6874124

File: bbf6c81a36eeb18⋯.jpeg (60.8 KB, 735x573, 245:191, 423BF839-0410-4BB9-B203-3….jpeg)

File: 4eaec2ca9420575⋯.jpeg (72.74 KB, 800x461, 800:461, 8639DE0F-7085-4FC7-838E-7….jpeg)

File: a318a0db7ede268⋯.jpeg (45.76 KB, 626x615, 626:615, 32A9FCDC-64B0-486D-99BC-E….jpeg)

3b6e8f  No.6874125


From Q drop 851

Special, Nazis, the Vatican and the CIA


Q drop 938



10 Mar 2018 - 3:37:22 PM

N does not refer to Nazi.

>>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.<<

Events will clarify.

Think subgroup.


51f45b  No.6874126


She's a weak woman. Interrogating should reveal some good information.

26bc29  No.6874127


So this is what qre has become after 2 years of nothing?

A bunch of semi-bots responding with random bs and ad-hominems. Kind of what i expected this to become at times of fear. What are you afraid of?

8b1ad6  No.6874128

File: cb35ff273849094⋯.jpeg (74.96 KB, 960x540, 16:9, A65FD17A-9068-405E-89D8-3….jpeg)

3165ec  No.6874129


amazing if trump played this at a rally at some point

unlikely but it would be great

2bb3b1  No.6874130

File: c9de94dce92c426⋯.png (80.94 KB, 900x562, 450:281, ClipboardImage.png)



2b343c  No.6874131


I am done

This is beyond science fiction


909a50  No.6874132


Direct link to the bloomberg article.


This is an excellent read not just for the 737 Max and 787 scandals but also for learning about how aviation executives came to see engineers as a commodity. Worth your time IMO.

e0b3d4  No.6874133

File: f9102cfc215bee0⋯.jpg (68.49 KB, 649x595, 649:595, IMG_20190627_231659_297.JPG)

eda514  No.6874134

File: b8e5e919c24d94e⋯.jpg (481.57 KB, 1500x1204, 375:301, shillexposed.jpg)


I think it was good!

Everyone needs to judge for themselves.

Critics sound like glowing shills.

What's wrong with the metaphor "Q launched Q research team"

Absolutely nothing.

See how they work?

Teams doing "Cognitive Infiltration"


Telling you what to look at and what not to look at?

Wow they are panic-ed

How wonderful

1be6f2  No.6874135

File: f8ccbd139d4f455⋯.jpg (32.09 KB, 474x266, 237:133, deez nuts.jpg)


the name though

26bc29  No.6874136


What was the point of your long reply?

Do you have any input on the owl-gestures made by female athletes?

66d00a  No.6874137

File: 99a9f940baf53c2⋯.png (565.53 KB, 800x521, 800:521, ClipboardImage.png)


N. Korea says Trump’s offer to meet Kim ‘very interesting’

North Korea said Saturday President Donald Trump’s offer to meet leader Kim Jong Un at the Korean Demilitarized Zone is a “very interesting suggestion,” brightening prospects for a third face-to-face meeting between the two leaders.

The North’s First Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui said that the meeting, if realized, would serve as “another meaningful occasion in further deepening the personal relations between the two leaders and advancing the bilateral relations.”

Choe still said that North Korea hasn’t received an official proposal for the DMZ meeting from the United States. Her comments suggested that North Korea is willing to accept Trump’s idea if it gets a formal U.S. offer for the meeting, according to some observers in Seoul.

Choe’s statement was carried via the North’s official Korean Central News Agency.

Earlier Saturday, Trump invited Kim to shake hands during his planned visit to the DMZ, which has served as a de-facto border between the Koreas since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War. Trump is scheduled to fly to South Korea later Saturday for a two-day trip after attending the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan.

Trump tweeted that “If Chairman Kim of North Korea sees this, I would meet him at the Border/DMZ just to shake his hand and say Hello(?)!”

“All I did is put out a feeler if you’d like to meet,” Trump said later of the invitation, adding that he’s not sure of Kim’s whereabouts.

06369d  No.6874138

File: 9338724250c3664⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 155x153, 155:153, downloadfile-2_1.jpg)



Rufus is that you?

Are you still in the G.E.D. program..

15eaef  No.6874139

File: 22619483bd2c713⋯.jpg (129.26 KB, 590x889, 590:889, QCrumbsWallMeansMore.jpg)

File: 4815cf108b2bb8e⋯.jpg (283.08 KB, 1200x922, 600:461, border_wall_wire_no_climbe….jpg)

File: c612400fbe8b138⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 620x465, 4:3, QCrumbswall-L.jpg)

File: 44db30501e081e3⋯.jpg (301.67 KB, 1000x799, 1000:799, QCrumbsBuildWall.jpg)

07fe65  No.6874140




gotta love her last name, kek

e9d1aa  No.6874141


sir is gender neutral

e44630  No.6874142

File: d51e05c662097ac⋯.png (260.58 KB, 642x401, 642:401, 2storm.png)


…ops are easier under cloud cover, enemy can't see ya….

e0b3d4  No.6874143

File: 944e38a5e2284d4⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 632x563, 632:563, IMG_20190627_231723_608.JPG)

f6d48d  No.6874144

File: b113f81d324573e⋯.png (526.77 KB, 840x638, 420:319, Alice With Cheshire Cat.PNG)

File: 0040854e1a57522⋯.png (1003.42 KB, 849x831, 283:277, POTUS G20.PNG)

82919e  No.6874145

File: 72354f7d034011a⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 504x369, 56:41, Capture.JPG)


>Maybe Europe should just stop having armies and let the real world super powers divide it amon them.

That's exactly what happened after WW2

Aftermath of World War II

The Aftermath of World War II was the beginning of a new era, defined by the decline of all European colonial empires and simultaneous rise of two superpowers: the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US). Allies during World War II, the US and the USSR became competitors on the world stage and engaged in the Cold War, so called because it never resulted in overt, declared hot war between the two powers but was instead characterized by espionage, political subversion and proxy wars. Western Europe and Japan were rebuilt through the American Marshall Plan whereas Central and Eastern Europe fell under the Soviet sphere of influence and eventually behind an "Iron Curtain". Europe was divided into a US-led Western Bloc and a Soviet-led Eastern Bloc. Internationally, alliances with the two blocs gradually shifted, with some nations trying to stay out of the Cold War through the Non-Aligned Movement. The War also saw a nuclear arms race between the two superpowers; part of the reason that the Cold War never became a "hot" war was that the Soviet Union and the United States had nuclear deterrents against each other, leading to a mutually assured destruction standoff.


ef595c  No.6874146


Such as the true money trail.

d3ab70  No.6874147


Old hat?

85790e  No.6874148


Sick bastards.

Justice is coming.

61239e  No.6874149

File: 7e1139bdc5d77d5⋯.jpg (32.89 KB, 494x358, 247:179, 7e1139bdc5d77d59e26e5a66d3….jpg)


Right? It's almost like 4chan /pol four years ago.

909a50  No.6874150

File: cdc1e3660526b52⋯.png (339.02 KB, 936x648, 13:9, VoxArticle.png)



Also: for anons unaware of the 737 max problems this Vox article breaks down the issue with the aircraft in the most complete and easy to consume manner that I have found. This is a few months old but relevant if you haven't dug into the issue.

Apologies if this has been posted already. Relevant given the more recent findings re: outsourcing coding.

5724d1  No.6874151

File: 47c7b743144ab9f⋯.png (851.46 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 0A14F147-A62E-45EB-986A-A8….png)


WASHINGTON – Plans by President Donald Trump to reshape Washington’s Independence Day celebration now include an area in front of the Lincoln Memorial reserved for dignitaries, family and friends that will be accessible only through tickets distributed by the White House.

The VIP section will stretch roughly from the steps of the memorial to the midpoint of the reflecting pool, according to the U.S. Secret Service. It is the area in front of where Trump plans to address the nation as part of his rebranding of the traditional July 4 event into his own “Salute to America,” which includes moving the fireworks from the reflecting pool to two different sites, including West Potomac Park.

Sauce: https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/06/28/dc-fourth-of-july-event-will-now-have-a-vip-section/amp/

34a272  No.6874152

File: 4316b498a309469⋯.jpeg (244.33 KB, 809x1107, 809:1107, ADAA4702-07C9-4A6D-A8E5-B….jpeg)

File: 3c87d36a156a340⋯.jpeg (203.44 KB, 828x1338, 138:223, 32820131-C19C-4069-B7EB-3….jpeg)

File: c444fd3cefea71f⋯.jpeg (150.54 KB, 828x577, 828:577, E88C6075-CC7F-492C-823F-3….jpeg)

File: d4cc22f76e59e63⋯.jpeg (153.58 KB, 828x500, 207:125, 7842DBEB-82D5-4B48-AC48-5….jpeg)

File: e7d95709bca65e7⋯.jpeg (359.86 KB, 828x1323, 92:147, 76C4FFD9-E7A2-49B6-9DA6-2….jpeg)

Homosexuality is a product of pedophilia.

That is why they are “fighting for their life”

They are.

This New Agey “Progressive” “save the planet” Globalist Masonlilith whatever you wanna call it is nothing more.

It is just a bunch of pedohiles.

They are the Pedostate.

And they are done for.

b9b9a5  No.6874153

File: eaed069f44347a2⋯.jpg (138.28 KB, 880x703, 880:703, madness.jpg)

15eaef  No.6874154

File: ebfe5dc2198a624⋯.jpg (273.69 KB, 576x751, 576:751, LiddleAdamSchiff1.jpg)

File: 4c3f754e4af876c⋯.jpeg (533.1 KB, 2084x2531, 2084:2531, LiddleKidzDig_-2.jpeg)

File: 7d1b33c01dc0f1c⋯.jpeg (388.01 KB, 2093x2401, 299:343, LiddleKidzDig_-1.jpeg)

File: ecf1401fdc368b6⋯.jpeg (314.9 KB, 1855x1514, 1855:1514, LiddleKidzDig_-6.jpeg)

File: d700713665a0df4⋯.jpeg (518.97 KB, 2088x2610, 4:5, LiddleKidzDig_-9.jpeg)


Notice the Y head and pedo symbol in the graphics from their website.

This dig was Tue, Feb 20 2018

and you'll find moar by searching past breads

qresear.ch search engine

872b79  No.6874155



Yeah… The shills just got worn down….sad isn't it.

30b2a9  No.6874156

File: 17c1bd77f86b176⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 490x545, 98:109, 14x4vqit.jpg)


i dont really think you r toi boi, you dont have the penache low enery low iq enjoy a pic of a shill much better than you

15eaef  No.6874157


That's nice to know, sir.


7fda37  No.6874158


America doesn't represent straight White men anymore. Be proud to be a cuck or not proud at all. Those are your only options.

3165ec  No.6874159


Welcome to one of the old digs

That site closed because of what anons dug up

Dig was triggered by POTUS using "liddle" Adam Schiff

More to come I'm sure. This is just the surface

570d0e  No.6874160



275a86  No.6874161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Follow the crumbs

458059  No.6874162


Yes, that would be awesome.


b9b9a5  No.6874163

File: d758542e1cf41db⋯.png (363.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, adamgitmo?.png)

8a0a90  No.6874164

File: a5139aaa68c4a2f⋯.png (486.12 KB, 600x417, 200:139, ClipboardImage.png)


"Madame Cyberhack-the golden Moo Moo"


0952a3  No.6874165

File: 7ef9d8655dd536c⋯.png (12.75 KB, 255x147, 85:49, 1f960461c964a0686dcc13d0b5….png)


fake news needs flushed first before he can rise .

66d00a  No.6874166


Merkel's shaking: Chancellor says she's 'fine' after attacks

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she is "fine" following two bouts of shaking in public that have sparked concerns about her health.

Speaking at the G20 summit in Osaka, she said she was convinced that "this reaction will disappear just as it has arisen", German news agency DPA said.

Asked what lay behind it and whether she had seen a doctor, she said she had "nothing in particular to report".

On Thursday she was seen shaking for two minutes at a ceremony in Berlin.

The chancellor, who turns 65 next month, gripped her arms until she became steadier. She was offered a glass of water but did not drink it.

The previous incident - which she later blamed on dehydration - saw her shaking while standing next to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky in hot sunshine.

In 2017 she had an earlier bout of shaking in hot weather on a visit to Mexico as she was attending a military honours ceremony.

Reports said that subsequent medical checks had found nothing to be wrong.

In Osaka, Mrs Merkel has been attending G20 sessions and holding bilateral meetings with leaders such as US President Donald Trump, Russia's Vladimir Putin and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert tweeted a video of her making a speech covering topics such as extremism, women's empowerment and climate change. It showed her standing and speaking in a relaxed manner.

Mrs Merkel is now in her fourth term as chancellor, a role she began in November 2005. She has said she will leave politics when her current term ends in 2021.

She has a reputation for remarkable stamina - during intensive late-night discussions at EU summits, for example.

She has been in good health while in office, and even worked from home after a knee operation in 2011; she suffered a fall while skiing in 2014. Her absences were only brief on those occasions. Her mother died earlier this year.

c43039  No.6874167

File: c25910d8a1a7a6b⋯.jpg (312.09 KB, 1280x824, 160:103, pray.jpg)

97a2a2  No.6874168

File: fd03ac15c23f4f3⋯.jpg (97.62 KB, 595x608, 595:608, bernfrogjoe.jpg)

3b6e8f  No.6874169


So, which subgroup was completely immersed in the nazi ideology and the most involved in the occult? The SS.

1be6f2  No.6874170

File: eb7d0e6079ee15f⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1056x591, 352:197, osaka track.PNG)

‘Osaka Track’ opens new chapter for global data flow

The launch of the “Osaka Track” declared Friday by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at an event on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit meeting opened a new chapter in diplomatic bargaining over rule-making for global data flows.

The bargaining involved many countries, from the United States, China and Europe to emerging nations. Yet Japan, which hopes to get results with the Osaka Track, already has a tough road ahead due to difficulties in forming a consensus between the United States and China.

Friday’s event on the digital economy had the tinge of a prelude to the U.S.-China summit talks Saturday — U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping have clashed behind the scenes over the U.S. move to urge Japan, European nations and others to shun Chinese telecom equipment giant Huawei Technologies Co.

During the event, Xi said that the creation of a market environment that is fair and without discrimination is the most important condition for drawing up international rules. Xi’s comment was apparently made to pressure the Trump administration over its move to shut out Huawei from the global market.

In response, the U.S. president said, “We must also ensure the resilience and security of our 5G networks.”

Trump’s comments suggested that he wants to ensure U.S. strategies targeting Huawei on the grounds of security are reflected in the international rules.

Caught in the middle between the United States and China, Japan has been struggling to serve as an intermediary between the two countries.

Trying to increase the influence of the digital economy event, Japan insisted from the beginning on the attendance of the leaders of the United States and China — the world’s two major powers. Foreign Minister Taro Kono requested that Xi attend the event during a telephone conversation with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Wednesday. He also asked the U.S. government about Trump’s attendance.

Adapting to the schedules of the two leaders, Japan hastily moved up the event’s start time, and eventually both Trump and Xi attended.

Japan also worked hard to reach a consensus on the wording in the Osaka Track declaration.

According to a Japanese government source, the United States requested the use of the phrase “high-level agreement.” The United States apparently wanted to put pressure on China by including the word “high-level” in the declaration.

If this wording had been included in the declaration, there were concerns that not only China but many emerging nations would not have been able to join the Osaka Track framework.

The Japanese government could not accept the U.S. request given that Japan aims to promote the Osaka initiative among the international community. They finally reached a consensus on Friday morning when Abe held direct negotiations with Trump during their summit talks, saying he wanted to bring negotiations to a successful conclusion with which any country can agree.

Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Hiroshige Seko also had direct talks with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, and agreed to add the expression, “with the participation of as many WTO [World Trade Organization] members as possible,” to give consideration to developing countries.

Meanwhile, other participating countries are not merely observing the U.S.-China conflict.

About 80 WTO member countries will start negotiations on the international rules. But India, which is not one of the negotiating countries, did not even send a delegate to the event.

As India wants to keep data within its own country in a bid to develop its digital industry, it absolutely cannot accept discussions by the member countries to allow cross-border data flows.

The Chinese government has claimed the right to self-management of data utilization so that it can also keep its data within its borders, as the more information is collected from many users, the more that data becomes valuable.

India, the second most populous country following China with about 1.3 billion people, is believed to have a similar intention.

The European Union, for its part, prioritizes privacy protection and demands companies strictly protect personal information as a warning to the United States, which is home to Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon.

The 80 or so countries are expected to hold a meeting as early as July to narrow down the points of contention in the hope of getting fruitful results at the WTO ministerial meeting in June next year.

Japan will face a rigorous test of its competency in searching for common ground as a mediator.


60be61  No.6874171

File: 54dba726dd63fe2⋯.jpg (497.67 KB, 1920x1311, 640:437, 1920px-OV-101_first_flight….jpg)


> how the shuttle launched from the 747…. yes anon. That. Is. Fucking. Stupid. Not only that, it is untrue.

Not intruding, am I?


See also: List of Space Shuttle landing sites

Enterprise takes flight for the first time in August 1977

Enterprise on its approach during the second free-flight

The final phase of flight testing involved free-flights. These saw Enterprise mated to the SCA and carried to a launch altitude, before being jettisoned by the use of explosive bolts to glide to a landing on the runways at Edwards AFB. The intention of these flights was to test the flight characteristics of the orbiter itself, on a typical approach and landing profile from orbit.[4][5][6]

There were a total of five free-flights between August and October; the first three saw Enterprise remain fitted with its aerodynamic tail cone, intended to reduce drag when mounted on the SCA during flight. The final two had the tail cone removed, with the orbiter in its full operational configuration, with dummy main engines and OMS pods.[7] Enterprise used an air data probe mounted on its nose for these flights. These five flights were to be the only time Enterprise flew alone.[8][9]

After flying missions on Columbia (STS-2) and Discovery (STS-51-I), Engle reported that the flight and handling characteristics of the operational orbiters were similar to those of Enterprise, except that he had to fly a steeper profile with the prototype, as it was much lighter than the operational spacecraft.[10]


19f618  No.6874172


>That's exactly what happened after WW2

Nope, Europe was divided into East and West and pinned against itself.

66d00a  No.6874173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cff29c  No.6874174


This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.

39f52f  No.6874175

File: 7faa17af38e2823⋯.png (219.54 KB, 547x375, 547:375, angelaHitler.png)

File: accb9eb57c6b5d4⋯.png (642.68 KB, 1623x1224, 541:408, ZapataDeltas.png)


dont' forget this gem

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b39b17 No.616618 📁

Mar 10 2018 16:35:34 (EST)

Angela Dorothea Kasner.

Daughter of a Pastor?

Name of FATHER?

History of FATHER?

Hitler youth (member).

Haircut today vs THEN (A).


US Intelligence post war controlled who?

The ‘Mission’

Who is Angela Hitler?

Relationship to Adolf?

How were children named in Germany during this period?

First or middle.

Family tree.





Risk of ‘conspiracy’ label the deeper we go.

Truth will shock the WORLD.


That anon a few months ago had some interesting Nazi drops too.

66d00a  No.6874176


>divided into East and West


8a0a90  No.6874177

File: d660a41bc8e26f6⋯.png (284.04 KB, 620x310, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


He will WRECK them.

It's going to be spectacular.

673589  No.6874178

File: 12342c88be7d3be⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1102x819, 1102:819, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5edc86784143de6⋯.png (425.57 KB, 841x757, 841:757, ClipboardImage.png)


Why is the boy band EXO there to meet the president?

Why did they give him a large album with the word "Love Shot" on the front (one of their songs)?

Does it have to do with all the Huaweii talk?

Shot heard round the world.

NSA Operation Shotgiant

Love Shot Album


Kim, Seung Min

Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2019 7:47 AM

Subject: Travel pool report #20b — More details on POTUS gift

Travel pool report #20b — More details on POTUS gift

Seoul, South Korea

A photo captured by the NYT’s Erin Schaff has more details on the gift received by POTUS from members of Exo. The thing identified by your pooler in previous report as a book appears instead to be a large album, with the words “Love Shot” on the front — which is also the name of the K-pop group’s fifth studio album.

ab75c2  No.6874179


God, this is my life in a nutshell. everything I do is fucked up by a $9 an hour Indian IT worker in one way or another. Less than worthless, they often create a hidden cost to the companies that use them, in being so bad that normal workers have to clean up after them. Thus the 737 fiasco.

b21fee  No.6874180

File: d9c7cac1cc89b55⋯.jpg (7.15 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download (11).jpg)

File: 514856cf7d212a5⋯.png (428.84 KB, 640x432, 40:27, 4qEixipsxSf1sSorKgZ3xNtxFt….png)

File: 1ed60b3983f8c46⋯.png (150.65 KB, 640x359, 640:359, 8hHVpauQQYxf1TfhnLExsmkqP1….png)

d1c833  No.6874181

File: 847ebbc8d6de9d9⋯.png (336.16 KB, 473x352, 43:32, merkel muslims.PNG)

3fd6c7  No.6874182

File: 342deb34a2a9ec3⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 672x389, 672:389, migrant 1.JPG)

File: 88374b71f1693c6⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 220x158, 110:79, migrant 2.JPG)

File: 2f0e02c1143982a⋯.jpg (9.76 KB, 107x65, 107:65, migrant 3.JPG)

Widow, mother of drowning victims returns to El Salvador

Martínez and Valeria were swept away by the border river between Matamoros, Mexico, and Brownsville, Texas, on Sunday, and their bodies were found the next morning.

The photograph of them face down along the bank with the girl tucked inside his shirt and her arm draped over his neck underscored the perils that migrants and asylum seekers face in trying to reach the United States.

Pic 1 Look closely at the bodies.

Why is child's foot resting on top of branch? Did a big wave push them up and over it?

Pic 2 Head and arm of child is disproportionate to size of body. Arm is way too long for small body. Head is way above body.

Pic 3 This is a square diaper, as in dry. No diaper that's been underwater, or saturated by pee, looks like that diaper.

Were autopsies done? Did they drown?

Many have same questions, but the bodies are going back. Will we ever know the answers?


19f618  No.6874183


>this Vox article breaks down the issue

This Vox article happens to be a screen cap of a video popup.

b9b9a5  No.6874184

File: 65142e889721abb⋯.png (508.01 KB, 624x682, 312:341, dancingis.png)

3b6e8f  No.6874185


I remember that one. Just do a search of qmap for nazi. Several things pop up.

463887  No.6874186

File: e147adfa3d959c4⋯.png (462.46 KB, 572x487, 572:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49aa09e5e86f4d6⋯.jpg (152.32 KB, 1000x634, 500:317, D-OsuImXYAUpNEL.jpg)



e453be  No.6874187

File: c92b3f574519a8a⋯.jpg (80.51 KB, 889x500, 889:500, kimputine.jpg)

9c4c20  No.6874188


soooooo true…….

0952a3  No.6874189

File: f64946996bdf868⋯.jpg (170.08 KB, 882x1024, 441:512, f64946996bdf8683d60915870d….jpg)


Muh wanna go

26bc29  No.6874190


The question is, what are they afraid of?

275a86  No.6874191


Let's go back to the Future

26f365  No.6874192


What kinda car will Bernie get for a taking another dive for the Dems?

Will he get an upgrade to a Roll Royce or have to settle for a used AMC Pacer?

8b1ad6  No.6874193

File: 1ced05f51c702c6⋯.jpeg (415.92 KB, 750x498, 125:83, F04B4D45-0222-426B-A824-D….jpeg)

425866  No.6874194

File: 314953a9631376d⋯.png (154.43 KB, 382x455, 382:455, LouDobbs.png)


McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, Koch Bros Align with Mexico Drug Cartels to Smuggle Drugs, Illegals and Sex Trafficking! Lou Dobbs: 'RINOs' in the GOP Are 'Selling Out the President' on Immigration

82919e  No.6874195

File: e9992b6c1b16ad3⋯.jpg (44.95 KB, 774x476, 387:238, Capture.JPG)

Everyone’s Got a “Surveillance Score” and It Can Cost You BIG Money

In these Orwellian times, when it is revealed that yet another government agency is spying on us in yet another way, most of us aren’t one bit surprised. Being surveilled nearly everywhere we go (and even in our own homes) has become the norm, unfortunately.

Yesterday, it was revealed that the NSA improperly collected Americans’ call and text logs in November 2017 and in February and October 2018 – just months after the agency claimed it was going to delete the 620 million-plus call detail records it already had stockpiled.

But this article isn’t about that.

It is about something far more insidious.

When it comes to spying on people, the government has competition.

The Chinese government is currently implementing a social credit system to monitor its 1.3 billion citizens (China already has 200 million public surveillance cameras). Facial recognition technology and personal data from cell phones and digital transactions are being used to collect intimate details about people’s lives, including their purchasing habits and whom they socialize with.

The gathered data is used to create mandatory social credit ratings for every citizen. These ratings will score citizens’ “general worthiness” and provide those with higher scores opportunities like access to jobs, loans, and travel. Those with lower scores will not have access to those opportunities.

While the United States government has yet to implement such a system, companies in the country are, reports The Hill:


909a50  No.6874196


>Not intruding, am I?

Not at all. Today I learned. Appreciated anon.

d10152  No.6874197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5724d1  No.6874198


So do I,

But I’m In California,

The biggest swamp on Earth

7fda37  No.6874199

File: 211db13da1b0b76⋯.jpg (14.45 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 300px-Disinformation_vs_Mi….jpg)


The clowns put that stuff out there to turn off the right from seriously researching the real shadow government. During the Reagan and both Bush years…

You had spooks like Cooper and Jones shouting at Republicans that they were "Nazis". Obviously that was only slightly as ridiculous as today's "Dems are the real racist Nazis".

That was deliberate disinformation on part of the CIA. As is the current liberal agenda going forward. Q is a part of that liberal agenda.

The CIA doesn't tell on itself. They lie about itself. Like a magician they show the fake and hide the real. It's an illusion.

872b79  No.6874200

File: 8e6932ec0f5006e⋯.jpeg (12.31 KB, 230x255, 46:51, Stealing that meme..jpeg)

File: 4d7e0603b5686aa⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1423x732, 1423:732, Putin luving Trump.png)



b9b9a5  No.6874201

File: 2126503ef587d40⋯.jpg (171.23 KB, 1196x897, 4:3, future.jpg)

61239e  No.6874202

File: 7ee0c8dd01d589f⋯.jpg (69.43 KB, 748x623, 748:623, 7ee0c8dd01d589f90ba78103d3….jpg)


A lot of it is fear of losing muh chan culture. Boomers on one board = Reeees from the Hitler Youth.

19f618  No.6874203


I'll reapeat this, it happened just after Mexico deployed soldiers to the north border.

6583c5  No.6874204


carter cooper was 23 when he died.

152707  No.6874205

File: a73fae871c52cc5⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB, 400x400, 1:1, FIRST DEM DEBATE.mp4)


458059  No.6874206


I saw a good movie yesterday called Oldboy (2013 remake).

It was about a powerful rich dad who had sex with his daughter and son on a regular basis.

The main antagonist saw it and told it everyone in school effectively destroying the reputation of the whole family.

When the lid blew open, the rich dad took a shotgun and killed his daughter, wife and son (he survived) and then took his own life.

I think this happens in the cabal circles.

7fda37  No.6874207


Sure thing O'Reilly.

1be6f2  No.6874208

File: 654ac04b42a09d5⋯.jpg (7.89 KB, 255x143, 255:143, POTUS Wink.jpg)

275a86  No.6874209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't if this have meaning but just take a look


26bc29  No.6874210


Shouldn't that conflict have ended a long time ago?

Also, seems petty and doesn't really explain anything about the fear. Cosmetics doesn't interest me, shouldn't interest you either.

eda514  No.6874211

File: 40343333a303d43⋯.jpg (299.69 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, laborpracticesgarment.jpg)


Everyone here is supposed to be male; even if one is female.

It's the culture. Stop trying to change it, dude.

Men are allowed to have free speech all-male clubs. It's called freedom of association.

It's all male anon here.

But you don't have to prove you are male.

If you make an issue of being female then some here may attack you and demand you show your tits to prove it.

Why should gender be an issue on an anon board?

Also: Do many here care if we are guilt-tripped or gas-lighted; of course not; that's why we found the way to this exciting free speech zone.

Most will not care what you think!

And that will lead to some free thinking; not related to perversion, but related to protecting our Country

7e1e78  No.6874212


The Dark Knight will rise in the fall, bc that’s when it naturally comes out… in the projection. Everything is opposite in the spiritual realm tho. Dark to light.

b9b9a5  No.6874213

File: 9be985259b98fbb⋯.jpg (104.99 KB, 799x901, 47:53, pkdrem.jpg)

d10152  No.6874214

File: a1d6a8a5f55fdc5⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 480x523, 480:523, a1d6a8a5f55fdc54cc2727ba6c….jpg)


What does she do everywhere? Lying, brainwashing, neutralizing dissidents, white genocide and 4rth degree lezzie saddism.

a80e88  No.6874215


Agreed, this notable reads like a hit piece on prospective Democrat presidential candidate Marianne Williamson. She's not a cult leader by any stretch of my imagination. Yes, she has promoted and used A Course in Miracles as a teaching tool, but that's no different than countless teachers who have relied on such texts as the Bible, Quran, Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Tao Te Ching, etc.

It's fair to criticize the origins of ACIM or the text itself, and it's not for everyone, but having read most of it, it never struck me as evil. I thought it's main goal was to use an intellectual approach to demonstrate the limitations of rationality which might then lead readers to silence their minds, as many spiritual practices seek to achieve through a variety of approaches.

Although not well known, there is something of a sequel to ACIM called Journey Beyond Words which is meant to develop the next stage of awareness once the internal dialog of the mind is silenced. I found this book much more helpful and more universal in its appeal than ACIM.

39f52f  No.6874216

File: 5e588c6ef7904d8⋯.png (309.51 KB, 717x561, 239:187, notableInvasionTheory1.png)

File: 531268b88732542⋯.png (45.83 KB, 715x359, 715:359, Screenshot from 2019-06-29….png)


see invasion theory chatter from last month

post is memory holed for some reason

82919e  No.6874217

File: 5376ef2dacc0a98⋯.jpg (26.78 KB, 455x213, 455:213, Capture.JPG)

File: fb38736cb18bfc2⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 643x408, 643:408, Capture1.JPG)


It was all planned BEFORE the war was even over .. Research Breton Woods

The history of the European Union

1945 - 1959

A peaceful Europe – the beginnings of cooperation

The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. The six founding countries are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The 1950s are dominated by a cold war between east and west. Protests in Hungary against the Communist regime are put down by Soviet tanks in 1956. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome creates the European Economic Community (EEC), or ‘Common Market’.


The following visionary leaders inspired the creation of the European Union we live in today. Without their energy and motivation, we would not be living in the sphere of peace and stability that we take for granted.

From resistance fighters to lawyers and parliamentarians, the EU pioneers were a diverse group of people who held the same ideals: a peaceful, united and prosperous Europe.

Beyond the pioneers described below, many others have worked tirelessly towards and inspired the European project. This section on the EU’s pioneers is therefore a work in progress.

5724d1  No.6874218

File: cc4e32c4bc96b9d⋯.jpeg (83.31 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 865D44BC-4C4E-41FE-981D-6….jpeg)

3b6e8f  No.6874219


Oh, a shill attack. I guess I must be on to something here then. Thanks for the confirmation.

7e1e78  No.6874220


Bobby told me, “One day, just lose your fucking mind and rip it all out. Then KEEP GOING”.

6b432f  No.6874221

File: 459ec1e42845dfe⋯.jpg (110.64 KB, 768x561, 256:187, t1ahmh69ga731.jpg)

Take heart in the fact that that facade of the white house on their debate stage is the closest any of them will ever get to living there.

27884f  No.6874222

So, where are we moving the goalpost to after the 4th? I'd like to be prepared.

ae5449  No.6874223

File: 0a62ed07fb1ebaf⋯.jpg (679.42 KB, 1862x2400, 931:1200, MarkZuckerberg.jpg)

File: dd7ec69966b7a06⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1561352604788m.jpg)

Mark Zuckerberg Facebook CEO

Theranos CEO

Small family

23 n me



Small family irl

Wife Husband Sister

673589  No.6874224


Isn't the story behind the netflix show London Spy related to this?

An MI6 guy found dead in a chest [duffel bag] covered up with a kinky sex thing gone wrong, was actually a mathematician who helped write the facial recognition algorithm that was more than just identifying a person, it could tell you if they were lying or not.

That's how the C_A gets away with it. They're subsidizing 'private' contractors [Palantir] to do what the government legally cannot.

Always thought it was funny Q said find the spiders build the web - spiders is what they use to "crawl" websites including your social media to data mine.

Snow White

7 dwarfs [data] miners

The dutch version of Snow White literally involves her marrying a giant Spider.

I cannot make this shit up.

61239e  No.6874225


Merely an observer here.

Boiled down, all fear is the product of loss of control.

5c3450  No.6874226


Wish I could go

7e1e78  No.6874227



8b1ad6  No.6874228


Consciousness and mobility

66d00a  No.6874229


>So, which subgroup was completely immersed in the nazi ideology and the most involved in the occult? The SS.


By 1923, the Nazi Party (NSDAP) led by Adolf Hitler had created a small volunteer guard unit known as the Saal-Schutz (Hall Security) to provide security at their meetings in Munich.[3][4] The same year, Hitler ordered the formation of a small bodyguard unit dedicated to his personal service. He wished it to be separate from the "suspect mass" of the party, including the paramilitary Sturmabteilung ("Storm Battalion"; SA), which he did not trust.[5] The new formation was designated the Stabswache (Staff Guard).[6] Originally the unit was composed of eight men, commanded by Julius Schreck and Joseph Berchtold, and was modeled after the Erhardt Naval Brigade, a Freikorps of the time. The unit was renamed Stoßtrupp (Shock Troops) in May 1923.[7][8]

NSDAP supporters and stormtroopers in Munich during the Beer Hall Putsch, 1923

The Stoßtrupp was abolished after the failed 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, an attempt by the NSDAP to seize power in Munich.[9] In 1925, Hitler ordered Schreck to organize a new bodyguard unit, the Schutzkommando (Protection Command).[1] It was tasked with providing personal protection for Hitler at NSDAP functions and events. That same year, the Schutzkommando was expanded to a national organization and renamed successively the Sturmstaffel (Storm Squadron), and finally the Schutzstaffel (Protection Squad; SS).[10] Officially, the SS marked its foundation on 9 November 1925 (the second anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch).[11] The new SS was to provide protection for NSDAP leaders throughout Germany. Hitler's personal SS protection unit was later enlarged to include combat units.[12]

458059  No.6874230


The same psychopath look in the eyes…

e0b3d4  No.6874231

File: 7131622e0f32de2⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 729x597, 243:199, IMG_20190627_231528_325.JPG)

4269d1  No.6874232

After the demonrat debacles of this week it has become clear - at least to me - that true freedom is going to come to America - and hopefully Canada - the day after the 2020 re-election of America's first REAL President in decades. It is truly beginning to look as though salvation is coming and all it will take is waiting until the election because I just can't believe that even ONE REAL AMERICAN that may have gone through the visual pollution of having so many morons in one place at one time would ever vote for even one of the demonrats who, in two different non-debates (doesn't the globalist propaganda media have a dictionary where they could find the meaning of the word "debate?") exposed their true Anti-American feelings.

Just over a year to go before the demonrats go the way of the Dodo Bird.




275a86  No.6874233


Lie is really easy to see

07fe65  No.6874234


brother and sister


549131  No.6874235

notables at 400ish



>>6874186 USMC doing joint drill with Spanish military

>>6874178 Why is the boy band EXO there to meet the president?

>>6874170 ‘Osaka Track’ opens new chapter for global data flow

>>6874151 July 4th VIP section will stretch roughly from the steps of the memorial to the midpoint of the reflecting pool – WH invite only.

>>6874137 N. Korea says Trump’s offer to meet Kim ‘very interesting’

>>6874091 a dig on young Bill de Blasio in Nicaragua

>>6874100 DOD: Preparing to soar

>>6874095, >>6874132 Boeing Outsourced Its 737 MAX Software To $9-Per-Hour Engineers; how aviation executives came to see engineers as a commodity

>>6874083 USMC: Saturdays Are For The Boys

>>6874071 mil "ready" caps combined

>>6874062 President Trump Announces Restart of China Trade Talks

>>6874021 'The Church Is Under Attack': CA Lawmakers Pass Measure Forcing Pastors to Embrace LGBT Ideology

>>6874009, >>6874070 Human Trafficker and Captain of German Non-Profit Sea Watch Ship Arrested in Italy — After She Nearly Caused a Collision at Italian Port

>>6873988 POTUS to relax restrictions on Huawei; Watch the NASDAQ

>>6873948 Ex-prosecutor locked up after guilty verdict in Hawaii

>>6873942 Libyan National Army threatens to sink Turkish ships

>>6873898 9/11 first responder Luis Alvarez, who fought for victims' compensation, dies at 53

>>6873877 Another Australian Anon with an extremely interdasting and deep insight into the "Q phenomenon"…

eda514  No.6874236

File: cd5a67ade4c24ff⋯.png (420.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, podestalincolnpark.png)


"Pedo-cop" Ringer for Podesta.

Seems legit.

a9d0a9  No.6874237


I have been of the opinion that an internal war would suit the Democrats and those behind them just fine. I'm also convinced that they are unlikely to get one.

be576b  No.6874238


You can't lose control of things that you can't control, or that can't be controlled.

152707  No.6874239



WW2 was orchestrated to fast track Israel's creation and garner sympathy for their "plight".

6 Million 6 Million 6 Million 6 Million 6 Million 6 Million 6 Million 6 Million 6 Million 6 Million 6 Million 6 Million

0f1d93  No.6874240

File: 577ab345094243d⋯.jpg (210.09 KB, 628x785, 4:5, security_router_671033634.jpg)


"Border Gateway Protocol has served the internet well for decades. But when it goes wrong, you feel it."

IN A WEEKS-LONG stretch in 2014, hackers stole thousands of dollars a day in cryptocurrency from owners. In 2017, internet outages cropped up around the United States for hours. Last year, Google Cloud suffered hours of disruptions. Earlier this month, a large swath of European mobile data was rerouted through the state-backed China Telecom. And on Monday, websites and services around the world—including the internet infrastructure firm Cloudflare—experienced hours of outages. These incidents may sound different, but they actually all resulted from problems—some accidental, some malicious—with a fundamental internet routing system called the Border Gateway Protocol.

The web is distributed, but it's also interconnected. It needs to be so that data can move around worldwide without all being controlled by a single entity. So every time you load a website or send an email, BGP is the system responsible for optimizing the route that data takes across these sprawling, intertwined networks. And when it goes wrong, the whole internet feels it.

Infrastructure Weak

Originally conceived in 1989 (on two napkins), the version of BGP used today remains largely unchanged since 1994. And though BGP has scaled surprisingly well, there's no denying that the internet is very different than it was 25 years ago. In fact, the way BGP was designed introduces risk of outages, manipulations, and data interception—all of which have come to pass.

The internet's backbone routers—massive industrial nodes usually run by internet service providers, not the Linksys at your house—each control a set of IP addresses and routes. ISPs and other large organizations use BGP to announce these routes to the world and calculate paths. Think of it like planning a cross-country drive: You need to know the different route options in each area, so you can stop at all the right corn mazes and the world's largest rocking chair without adding too much extra driving each day. But if your GPS is outdated, you could wind up at a dead end or on a new road that totally bypasses the salt flats.

On the internet, it's crucial for data to get where it's supposed to go, yet BGP hinges on something a little bit slippery: trust. The protocol wasn't designed to independently verify the route claims of individual networks. If these so-called autonomous systems accidentally announce bad routes—or are hijacked to broadcast inaccurate routes—data flows start to back up or reroute in haphazard ways that can lead to connectivity issues. It's like if hackers set up detour signs, or changed street names, to put you on a path to your in-laws' house instead of a waterpark. And if an attacker crafts one of these diversions carefully, they can even potentially control the flow of data to intercept it.

"It’s a protocol that was built with a trust-based mind-set," says Jérôme Fleury, director of network engineering for Cloudflare. "There was no security mechanism at the time; there was pretty much nothing except trust. And it worked actually pretty well for a lot of years. But the main issue right now is you find a lot of bad actors on the internet, and you will find bad actors that can actually operate routers now. And people are also prone to mistakes. So the question is, how do we move the needle from trust-based BGP routing to a framework that has authentication?"

BGP isn't the only historic internet system with trust issues. Another fundamental protocol, known as the Domain Name System, has dealt with similar issues. If BGP is the internet's navigational system, DNS is its address book. DNS hijacking has become a major security issue around the world, and the Department of Homeland Security even issued an emergency directive in January aimed at defending DNS accounts.

As with DNS, though, concerns about BGP date back decades. In 1998, for example, a group of hackers from the L0pht collective famously testified before Congress that they could take down the internet in 30 minutes by attacking BGP. Ten years later, Kim Zetter assessed the state of BGP insecurity in WIRED, writing, "Government and industry officials have known about the problem for more than a decade and yet have made little progress in addressing it, despite the national security implications."

Part 1

82919e  No.6874241


Don't know I don't watch TV but I wouldn't doubt it

dc27a0  No.6874242


You forgot the,

"Prove me wrong"


5724d1  No.6874243

File: d6247e8ccdc7fb9⋯.jpeg (58.45 KB, 840x488, 105:61, 62549825-FE6B-4D03-9A0F-B….jpeg)


You’re not alone anon

8a5b36  No.6874244

File: b6120dcd8d6dd2d⋯.jpg (353.18 KB, 854x1034, 427:517, Pepe_on_POTUS_Godzillin_on….jpg)

File: 93648c993ac6166⋯.png (800.28 KB, 956x574, 478:287, Elusive_Cheshire_Cat_Pepe.png)


I'm going to be having a lot of fun with that picture.

I love it! The Cheshire Cat conversation inspired me further. Fun times!!

70bd2b  No.6874245

>>6873155 pb

The black surround piece in the bottom pic is the backside support plate for the trim/headlight assy.

The outer part is body color, and was pushed up & behind the support piece.

I see these things all the time.

66d00a  No.6874246


>including the paramilitary Sturmabteilung ("Storm Battalion"; SA), which he did not trust


check that logo

gives me NXIVM vibes

275a86  No.6874247


Don't know her? Who is she?

e9d1aa  No.6874248

File: 8959e5a278a3df4⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 8959e5a278a3df42b8fd37fe77….jpg)

26bc29  No.6874249


Imagined control may have the same effect.

But I don't think the "loss of chan-culture" is it. If this felt organic then sure, maybe, but it doesn't feel organic

ab75c2  No.6874250

File: 8d101e4e8c75900⋯.jpg (35.64 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 1416868598931.jpg)


would it help to know that it was originally meant to be launched by plane? those big rocket engines are there to get you past the first 30,000 feet of atmosphere.

f6d48d  No.6874251

File: 86c4b107d09de7d⋯.png (383.93 KB, 497x480, 497:480, POTUS FB re MN 6-29-19.PNG)

File: 0ad5901af7b310a⋯.png (724.59 KB, 675x686, 675:686, 1 ST re POTUS FB re MN 6-2….PNG)

File: d38462869d86b2d⋯.png (106.61 KB, 624x621, 208:207, 2 ST re POTUS FB re MN 6-2….PNG)

File: 3b528c8316fed5c⋯.png (81.8 KB, 631x509, 631:509, 3 ST re POTUS FB re MN 6-2….PNG)

Minnesota is a GREAT state and could easily be the deciding state in the 2020 election!



60be61  No.6874252

File: 3a2281305a70b5d⋯.jpg (295.17 KB, 1280x1017, 1280:1017, 1280px-Enterprise_Separate….jpg)


I watched those tests with my heart in my throat. The proximity of the tail cone fairing on the Shuttle to the vertical stabilizer of the SCA 747 and the distance between their fuselage's when the shuttle pulled up must have had flight test engineers drinking Maalox by the quart.

I always wondered if they practiced maintaining control of the SCA in the event of the loss of the tail. Those were some brave, brave SOB's.

07fe65  No.6874253

File: ce042453de8d641⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1421x1420, 1421:1420, flotusuhabmyattencion.png)

61239e  No.6874254


Perhaps I should have chosen my words more carefully. Lack of control, loss of control either way.

7fda37  No.6874255


Killing the SS by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard, although number one on the New York Times' hardcover nonfiction list for many weeks, is very possibly the worst book on the subject ever written.

Despite O'Reilly's image as an arch-conservative, this book's perspective is more leftist than conservative, more Jewish than Christian, more Soviet than American. That is no exaggeration!

It is a consequence of the fact that O'Reilly's "conservatism" is based in the new normal that was established during the Carter Administration and then allowed to stand by subsequent Republican administrations under Neoconservative influence. The older conservatives like William F. Buckley, Patrick J. Buchanan, and Senator Robert Taft were skeptical about the Soviet-style justice meted out by postwar tribunals, did not believe that the Soviet Union was better than Hitler's Germany, and saw that so-called Nazi-hunting did not serve American interests.

The book is loaded with flaws, ranging from careless mistakes to what appear to be tendentious misrepresentations. Here is an example. You decide whether this was a mere blunder or a deliberate misrepresentation.

In Chapter Three O'Reilly and Dugard present what they claim is an exchange between Otto Ohlendorf and prosecutor James Heath at the Einsatzgruppen Trial (October 1947 to April 1948). They call it “a classic courtroom Q and A” where “James Heath destroys the SS killer.”

In fact, the exchange is not from the Einsatzgruppen Trial at all, but from the International Military Tribunal about two years earlier, where Ohlendorf was being questioned, not by American prosecutor James Heath but by a Soviet judge, General Iona Nikitchenko.

hy did Ohlendorf make admissions in 1946 that he rejected two years later? Perhaps because he had been tortured.

This misrepresentation of Ohlendorf's exchange with a Soviet judge during the IMT as an exchange with an American prosecutor during the Einsatzgruppen Trial is highly consequential. It allows O'Reilly and Dugard to pretend that the accusations against the SS are incontrovertible when in fact there is plenty of reason for doubt.

d3ab70  No.6874256

File: 2e7fdaa30ee6f62⋯.png (53.21 KB, 910x584, 455:292, ClipboardImage.png)


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05793781 Date: 01/07/2016



From: Sidney Blumenthal

Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:47 AM


Subject: Re: More questions. Sid

Here's the ultimate Bengahzi conspiracy theory that wingers believe:

John Brennan, without a presidential finding, at the behest of the Saudis, created a covert CIA

operation at the Benghazi consulate to run arms secretly to the Syrian rebels. And the administration

covered it up to protect Obama in the election. In other words, a projection of Iran-contra and

Watergate rolled into one.




Brennan was required by law to have a presidential finding to start a covert C_A operation.

8a0a90  No.6874257

File: 5e2a26ade2f9cb2⋯.png (746.29 KB, 536x643, 536:643, ClipboardImage.png)




be576b  No.6874258


It appears to be about 50/50 employees/anons in here to me

f6df3d  No.6874259

File: d5d847e54ab011c⋯.jpeg (63.85 KB, 478x579, 478:579, 8B459F8D-372A-4C0A-B080-2….jpeg)

82919e  No.6874260

File: 733fdf2540e0452⋯.jpg (29.64 KB, 470x252, 235:126, Capture.JPG)

File: 3b8a47dc18cb9a9⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 467x228, 467:228, Capture1.JPG)


Please study a little more history….. Not everything is about Israel not matter what the Muh Jew FKwits say

200f8e  No.6874261

File: 3049a1f830872da⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1071x972, 119:108, ClipboardImage.png)

b96be6  No.6874262

File: 5a79ccbfffb82b3⋯.jpg (345.08 KB, 945x998, 945:998, !watching_b.jpg)

3f6f06  No.6874263

File: 25cdf8fa65eb6b8⋯.png (309.17 KB, 950x723, 950:723, ClipboardImage.png)

Putin on transformers

51f45b  No.6874264



Imagined control may have the same effect.

But I don't think the "loss of chan-culture" is it. If this felt organic then sure, maybe, but it doesn't feel organic

Excellent hypothesis.

dc27a0  No.6874265


Hard to judge progress when only shills will respond to shills. But don't give up all hope, I'm sure, some where, some one, is probably impressed by (You). Look for them in the trailer park.

f6d48d  No.6874266



These are great

e0b3d4  No.6874267

File: 104a183bd94df86⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 651x565, 651:565, IMG_20190627_231603_540.JPG)

ab75c2  No.6874268


iirc it is larger than originally designed

15eaef  No.6874269

File: cbbef2d374c31ef⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 818x500, 409:250, GenerationQ-.jpg)


No such thing as artificial generational labels. We reject divisions of all kinds, whether based on age, sex, or any other physical trait.

Those patriot anons who are working for Q in the cyber militia are Generation Q.

3b6e8f  No.6874270


For what it's worth.

Hitler, the SS, and the Occult

written by jackdirt

Something most people don’t know about and many shirk away from is that the Nazi movement represented more than just the most wicked act done to mankind in recent times. The Nazi movement represented something far more insidious than the insidious. Hitler’s movement was powered by the occult. There were different projects and departments to help win the war.

- http://www.excommunicate.com/hitler-the-ss-and-the-occult/

The Ahnenerbe (German: [ˈʔaːnənˌʔɛʁbə], ancestral heritage) was a think tank that operated in Nazi Germany between 1935 and 1945. It was an appendage of the Schutzstaffel (SS) and had been established by Heinrich Himmler, the Reichsführer of the SS. It was devoted to the task of promoting the racial doctrines espoused by Adolf Hitler and his governing Nazi Party, specifically by supporting the idea that the modern Germans descended from an ancient Aryan race which was biologically superior to other racial groups. The group comprised scholars and scientists from a broad range of academic disciplines.

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahnenerbe

Occult And Esoteric Practices – Four Nazis With Dark Links To The Occult

- https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/occult-esoteric-practices-four-nazis-dark-links-occult-x.html

f6df3d  No.6874271

Hi CIA I know your watching, my location services arrow shows up when captcha has to be entered. Somehow you fuckers just turned off maybe carrier signal.


9f942a  No.6874272


That Q drop explains the importance of the census issue.

61239e  No.6874273


Agreed. That ratio is a floating point of reference however. It seems when Q goes silent, a large contingent of anons go into lurk mode until Q posts again or there are events in the news considered habbenings.

152707  No.6874274


Well aware..

51 now and have been researching since 1998 when my then General Brother in law opened my eyes.

My response was vague for a reason.

07fe65  No.6874275

File: 9d605bcc13a1ad0⋯.jpg (21.19 KB, 255x190, 51:38, hesrightuknoww.jpg)

b9b9a5  No.6874276

File: fb3f3741c81d0c6⋯.jpg (82.95 KB, 761x621, 761:621, captcha.jpg)

0b6bcb  No.6874277

File: c30440fd6967126⋯.png (659.88 KB, 800x579, 800:579, 6B3CBC5D-A754-4B38-93E6-69….png)

File: 66cc61da28aa3ad⋯.png (618.14 KB, 800x579, 800:579, 782F8784-FF28-4A99-99FB-98….png)

File: 80f7e0784396b5f⋯.png (666.18 KB, 800x578, 400:289, FF739009-205C-46E4-A1AD-74….png)

File: a1aaa21503c3d9a⋯.png (713.74 KB, 800x581, 800:581, FA42C698-53E7-4214-9B0A-D2….png)


She ever wear anything other than black??

26f365  No.6874278

We are STILL waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

What are [they] waiting for?

They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right?

dc27a0  No.6874279


That's gotta suck knowing you killed your kid for your dumb ass decisions you made.

61239e  No.6874280


Nice unity propaganda, but sorry to say, generations exist and generation traits are a clearly observed societal phenomenon.

BTW…his name was Robert Paulson for future reference.

458059  No.6874281


BGP is part of the application layer so the protocol can be improved/updated.

As for DNS weakness, there is DNSSEC.

9687cb  No.6874282

"Erasing the Liberty" page 33 Raymond L McGovern

"Israel is not our ally. To be an ally, you need to have a mutual defense treaty. There is no mutual defense treaty between the United States of America and Israel."

"After 1973, when the Arabs did launch an attack on Israeli occupied territory, the U.S. went to the Israelis… a good solution would be a mutual defense treaty. And the Israelis said… no thanks"

"…a mutual defense treaty requires internationally recognized borders. There is no way the Israelis wanted to raise the issue of the occupied territories in their current borders…"

82919e  No.6874283

File: 79a73a77680dbee⋯.png (351.55 KB, 506x501, 506:501, Cross1.PNG)


Fair enough.. but there's a lot more involved then just creating a homeland for the Jews… not to mention its Bible Prophecy

Jeremiah 23:3

“And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.”

07fe65  No.6874284

File: 2ad896ee7b2a04c⋯.jpg (38.74 KB, 600x800, 3:4, roymastersknowshowitfeelst….jpg)

File: ab5fdba44dfabbc⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 460x512, 115:128, sheeple.jpg)


united we stand, For God and For Country.

divisionfagz,get a grip!

275a86  No.6874285


Help me so! oO

f6df3d  No.6874286

File: 6676242613579be⋯.jpeg (594.52 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 54C4F6FE-2BFA-477F-8F57-B….jpeg)

See the arrow on the top right, that’s location services. It’s turned off on my phone, but somehow it’s on when I’m on /qresearch

3b6e8f  No.6874287


Sauce? Your quote reads like an opinion piece with no way to verify one way or the other.

655285  No.6874288


I hadn’t seen that photo yet. Thanks for sharing it and asking good questions.

4a7249  No.6874289

File: 9510eae51504913⋯.jpeg (764.7 KB, 1640x621, 1640:621, FC18FE0A-6907-4263-BA9D-B….jpeg)

File: e2faabdd5daea9a⋯.jpeg (367.68 KB, 662x706, 331:353, 17E960DE-9091-42CC-A572-9….jpeg)

Going back to LB re: Trump tweet “chidlren.” I went on Alibaba.com and check out children’s clothing that was listed under “Chidlren”. Check out these Y’s, chickens (kids), hearts n hearts, sexual connotation with child’s hands, etc. Oh yeah, more going on here.

ba0e56  No.6874290

File: 145bd4b02258125⋯.png (650.01 KB, 1445x718, 1445:718, exma site.PNG)


well, you would be right about the eric holder's COLUMBIA, but Obama is getting paid $600,000 from the EXMA ORG to speak in Bogata, COLOMBIA.

Bill Clinton received received $100,000 less from Russians to trade in uranium,

do you know who these EXMA people are?

are they the ones based in LOS ANGELES??? IDK BUT MAYBE


EXMA, which stands for Expomarketing, is the largest marketing platforms in Latin America which includes conferences, workshops and other marketing tools, according to the Bogota Post.

0fee11  No.6874291


if you work in marketting and advertising for elites and elite societies it may be seemingly true, butt it's just for marketting and advertising and only within those small demographic groups.

almost meaningless for any other use.

74cf46  No.6874292


Oh-my. Somebody's chisel slipped.

d1c833  No.6874293

File: 219a4e61cdb7435⋯.png (489.47 KB, 616x352, 7:4, potus 4th of july firework….PNG)

File: d0e446bf591614b⋯.png (436.53 KB, 519x306, 173:102, hillary fireworks cancelle….PNG)


anything to hillary cancelling her fireworks over the hudson river on 2016 election night and President Trump having this upcoming 4th of July celebration?

everything has meaning

0952a3  No.6874294


I see wat your saying and this is my last post about it. Marianne williamson is USING the course in which she had absolutly zero to do with . She is using it to further her ego and get rich stealing the information contained. She has not a chance to beat pres Trump in 2020 and she is trying to use the course to get there. She will fail her as the course says all your idols will fail you that includes the ego. ACIM is a very intense learning journey that i agree is not for everyone but the clowns here try to RELATE MW and Oprah as the course itself . In effort to limit people from even looking at the text . I push the book on no one but I also never use it to gain ego goals. its way to powerful to the user and there motives either good or evil . ACIM is a Quantum science document and simply words on paper . its nuetral and there is not 1 evil word in the book I have ed it over 200 tiems easily. MW is the best they got but with her abusing the books she cannot win only HS has the wheel and he guides Q+ and Qteam. over and out.

0310cd  No.6874295

File: 3ee441806ec1b83⋯.png (255.09 KB, 500x433, 500:433, sadf.png)

File: 0b5c7efb02d19f5⋯.png (132.73 KB, 500x366, 250:183, dfdfz.png)

File: 3ee441806ec1b83⋯.png (255.09 KB, 500x433, 500:433, sadf.png)

File: 0b5c7efb02d19f5⋯.png (132.73 KB, 500x366, 250:183, dfdfz.png)

File: 622d144a90305bc⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1333x576, 1333:576, touch-tour-toon.png)



I thought this was shopped so i looked it up

This is REAL & Creepy AF



Halting child trafficking remains tricky



Luring of girls into sex trade reaching 'epidemic' level, police say


Holy Schiff! This guy was BLATANT

b9b9a5  No.6874296

File: 3067a76a1a4a985⋯.jpg (194.26 KB, 635x650, 127:130, gulag1.jpg)

When Putin mentions the "Nazis"

dc27a0  No.6874297

File: cfaea532ca207d3⋯.gif (57.61 KB, 350x317, 350:317, sorry charlie.gif)


Oh Charlie, such an life of anguish….

f81326  No.6874298


son or clone? Seriously.

8a0a90  No.6874299

File: 109f22107cf34d7⋯.png (611.01 KB, 526x567, 526:567, ClipboardImage.png)


And there it is.

ba4129  No.6874300


iron eagle & the swastika

Cia and nazi war criminals and collaborators

Written by the history staff of the CIA in 2003. Classified secret and later declassified.



200f8e  No.6874301

File: a303b7b2621097a⋯.png (44.88 KB, 225x297, 25:33, ClipboardImage.png)

9687cb  No.6874302


"Erasing the Liberty" author Phillip F. Tourney

Raymond L McGovern is CIA quoted in book.

885314  No.6874303

File: b6f4cfb1c6f0a70⋯.jpg (984.52 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20190629-175848.jpg)

File: 894a359bde33f6a⋯.jpg (97.9 KB, 1280x870, 128:87, IMG_20190629_175754.jpg)

What do you guys think? Triangle "decapitated", eye rolling down?

1be6f2  No.6874304

File: c3f353f727ae4a0⋯.jpg (660.01 KB, 1599x1307, 1599:1307, Pepe don't fuck with us.jpg)

311b6a  No.6874305


This board is run by NSA btw

ba0e56  No.6874306

File: 145bd4b02258125⋯.png (650.01 KB, 1445x718, 1445:718, exma site.PNG)

File: 4b2b3185b9ab618⋯.png (475.42 KB, 1483x743, 1483:743, exma partners.PNG)




Hmmmmmm…….EXMA & CNN & VICE

b3f997  No.6874307

10.08.18: Are you ready for arrests?

06.26.19: Be ready.

06.26.20: Be ready

11.04.20: You been played, anons .. Kamala the whore is President elect. But at least you were "ready" for whatever Qpromised .. and never delivered.


8f9ea7  No.6874308

File: 7cd7b8c0c448248⋯.png (301.03 KB, 640x400, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Sorry if this is repeat didn't see in notables

This story struck my interest given it close proximity to Iran and Given the Drone incident

What if the GPS was spoofed to show that our drone wasn't in Iranian air space and it actually was?

Not a planefag but i couldn't help but think Something spoopy going on!

Moscow blamed for disruption of GPS systems at Ben Gurion Airport

An airplane drives along the runwar at Ben Gurion International Airport, on May 8, 2018. (Flash90)

Israeli officials on Thursday accused Russia of responsibility for the ongoing disruptions to the satellite navigation systems of airplanes flying around Ben Gurion International Airport.

The Russian embassy in Israel dismissed the allegations as “fake news” that they “couldn’t respond to seriously.”

The issue has not yet caused any accidents or safety incidents, but has a “significant impact on all aspects of operating a plane from the cockpit, as well as on managing air traffic,” the Airports Authority said in a statement Wednesday.

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The interference with the airplanes’ GPS reception appears to stem from a form of electronic warfare known as “spoofing,” which Russia has been accused of doing in the past as a defensive measure, despite the disruptions it causes to nearby aircraft and ships.

The interference appears to originate in Syria, where Russian troops and aircraft are fighting on behalf of the country’s dictator, Bashar Assad, Israeli officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The Israel Defense Forces refused to comment publicly on the source of the interference, but said it has not affected its operations.

“The issue is of civilian concern and the IDF provides technological support in order to facilitate freedom of movement within Israel’s airspace,” the army said. “The IDF operates continuously to maintain operational freedom of movement and superiority in the electromagnetic spectrum.”

The Israeli Airline Pilots Association said Russia’s spoofing was a fairly advanced method of feeding GPS receivers with incorrect location data by a transmitter, making it appear to the pilot as though the aircraft is in a different location, sometimes miles away. As the GPS receiver continues to show location information, it does not immediately appear as a malfunction.

“This type of blocking requires great technical knowledge and high mechanical capability, which is not possessed by individuals or organizations,” the association wrote on Twitter.

Since the interference began, planes in Israel have had to use an alternative method for landings, known as the Instrument Landing System.

“It is a safe and professional method that is used every day in airports around the world, including Israel,” the Airports Authority said.

The GPS reception problem only affects airplanes in the sky, not sensors on the ground.

“Ben Gurion Airport controllers have been giving full guidance to planes that are taking off and landing. At no point has there been a safety incident connected to this GPS interference or related to navigation instructions or flight paths,” the airports spokesman said.

GPS spoofing problems have been reported in Russia in the past. In June 2017, over 20 ships experienced GPS interference while sailing through the Black Sea, showing the vessels to be 25 nautical miles (46.3 kilometers) closer to the shore than they actually were and in some cases on land. Similar anomalies have been reported around the Kremlin and Putin’s Palace.

Researchers have surmised that Russian officials use GPS spoofing as a protective measure for Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Norwegian news outlet NRKbeta. During the GPS interference in the Black Sea, Putin was located nearby, inspecting a natural gas pipeline.


eda514  No.6874309

File: 8c4b3c4e4dd8628⋯.jpg (172.49 KB, 1113x867, 371:289, lowelhomelessliasion.jpg)

File: c491be94fd90564⋯.jpg (98.32 KB, 1200x340, 60:17, kgarneaupodesta.jpg)

File: 379a6255002889a⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 632x340, 158:85, KevinGarneau.jpg)


Kevin Garneau

Charity worker; check

Works for police dept. ; check

Busted for Pedo; check

Strong resemblance to Podesta!

What a coincidence!

909a50  No.6874310


Call me a shill if you want, you are incorrect. I stopped at number four because the simile was weak.

As anon posted in >>6874171 I was wrong and have no problem admitting that I am incorrect (see my response to him). I still think the simile is weak because the shuttle launch from the 747 was only launched to test flight characteristics while being ferried.

The twat Q analysis fits the definition of launch: start or set in motion (an activity or enterprise) but my problem was with the shuttle imagery. I argue that the point of Q is to bring us up to altitude then then let us carry on, on our own. Like a stage in a rocket.

No where did I say what you should or shouldn't think. I mentioned that I couldn't get past a number (right or wrong) and stated the reason why.

Just because an anon doesn't agree with a post does not mean he or she is a shill. For a board that preaches discernment the term shill is thrown around a bit too liberally IMO.

4a7249  No.6874311


Pic of female child holding her hand and her index finger of other hand slid into her cupped hand is not coming up! She has her hands placed in front of her vajajay.

0f1d93  No.6874312


Border Gateway Protocol has served the internet well for decades. But when it goes wrong, you feel it.DEAN MOUHTAROPOULOS/GETTY IMAGES

IN A WEEKS-LONG stretch in 2014, hackers stole thousands of dollars a day in cryptocurrency from owners. In 2017, internet outages cropped up around the United States for hours. Last year, Google Cloud suffered hours of disruptions. Earlier this month, a large swath of European mobile data was rerouted through the state-backed China Telecom. And on Monday, websites and services around the world—including the internet infrastructure firm Cloudflare—experienced hours of outages. These incidents may sound different, but they actually all resulted from problems—some accidental, some malicious—with a fundamental internet routing system called the Border Gateway Protocol.

The web is distributed, but it's also interconnected. It needs to be so that data can move around worldwide without all being controlled by a single entity. So every time you load a website or send an email, BGP is the system responsible for optimizing the route that data takes across these sprawling, intertwined networks. And when it goes wrong, the whole internet feels it.

Infrastructure Weak

Originally conceived in 1989 (on two napkins), the version of BGP used today remains largely unchanged since 1994. And though BGP has scaled surprisingly well, there's no denying that the internet is very different than it was 25 years ago. In fact, the way BGP was designed introduces risk of outages, manipulations, and data interception—all of which have come to pass.

The internet's backbone routers—massive industrial nodes usually run by internet service providers, not the Linksys at your house—each control a set of IP addresses and routes. ISPs and other large organizations use BGP to announce these routes to the world and calculate paths. Think of it like planning a cross-country drive: You need to know the different route options in each area, so you can stop at all the right corn mazes and the world's largest rocking chair without adding too much extra driving each day. But if your GPS is outdated, you could wind up at a dead end or on a new road that totally bypasses the salt flats.


On the internet, it's crucial for data to get where it's supposed to go, yet BGP hinges on something a little bit slippery: trust. The protocol wasn't designed to independently verify the route claims of individual networks. If these so-called autonomous systems accidentally announce bad routes—or are hijacked to broadcast inaccurate routes—data flows start to back up or reroute in haphazard ways that can lead to connectivity issues. It's like if hackers set up detour signs, or changed street names, to put you on a path to your in-laws' house instead of a waterpark. And if an attacker crafts one of these diversions carefully, they can even potentially control the flow of data to intercept it.

"It’s a protocol that was built with a trust-based mind-set," says Jérôme Fleury, director of network engineering for Cloudflare. "There was no security mechanism at the time; there was pretty much nothing except trust. And it worked actually pretty well for a lot of years. But the main issue right now is you find a lot of bad actors on the internet, and you will find bad actors that can actually operate routers now. And people are also prone to mistakes. So the question is, how do we move the needle from trust-based BGP routing to a framework that has authentication?"

BGP isn't the only historic internet system with trust issues. Another fundamental protocol, known as the Domain Name System, has dealt with similar issues. If BGP is the internet's navigational system, DNS is its address book. DNS hijacking has become a major security issue around the world, and the Department of Homeland Security even issued an emergency directive in January aimed at defending DNS accounts.

As with DNS, though, concerns about BGP date back decades. In 1998, for example, a group of hackers from the L0pht collective famously testified before Congress that they could take down the internet in 30 minutes by attacking BGP. Ten years later, Kim Zetter assessed the state of BGP insecurity in WIRED, writing, "Government and industry officials have known about the problem for more than a decade and yet have made little progress in addressing it, despite the national security implications."

Another decade on, there are thousands of BGP routing incidents each year. And while most are minor and accidental, an increasing number are targeted, malicious attacks. In December, NSA senior adviser Rob Joyce specifically cited BGP insecurity as a pressing threat in international cybersecurity defense. Continue >>>



8b1ad6  No.6874313


I can see it

0952a3  No.6874314

File: a8bd003d0968b89⋯.jpg (50.17 KB, 720x904, 90:113, 8f56cb080316bc393554e5f05a….jpg)


thank God there ourguys

df7adf  No.6874315

File: 43a7cd9db7fcb15⋯.png (287.53 KB, 400x418, 200:209, 43a7cd9db7fcb1590576ad3482….png)

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and the (((Q))) "psyop" is (was?) actually targeted at someone who (((JEWS))) think is literally Satan. Me. 🤣🤣🤣😈😈😈

This isn't about politics and all political news (if not all news) should be considered "fake news".

You are living in a (((JEW))) World Order in case you didn't already know. Those "larping" as (((Q))) themselves said that the "N" in NWO doesn't stand for "New" but it seems they failed to mention that the "N" is supposed to be a "J". 🤣

Anyway, it seems (((they))) have been watching me since I was a kid similar to what was shown in the movie The Truman Show. 🤷‍♂️


d71338  No.6874316

File: 03067b6e6d9b670⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 03067b6e6d9b670c04811a376c….mp4)



celebrating an supposed attack on iran

54b491  No.6874317


Who’s reflection is that?

ae5449  No.6874318


Good catch anon

as another anon said could be brother and sister

Social and medical could create some weird stuff

e17495  No.6874319


>compares acim to the bible

kys faggot


cry moar. Its almost as if u read that jew garbage and beweeve in it or something?? Ur a faggot. Just read ur bible and stfu. No real anon would be butt hurt by the williamson digs.

df7adf  No.6874320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




82919e  No.6874321

File: ae1ace7954de734⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 703x455, 703:455, Capture.JPG)

Germany & Netherlands agree to create joint ‘military’ internet as NATO eyes unified network

Berlin and Amsterdam have agreed to set up ‘military’ internet, paving the way for a unified network shared by NATO states. The ambitious program is expected to come with a hefty price tag attached, RT.com reports.

The two European states signed an accord earlier this week in Brussels making the new Dutch-German project, called Tactical Edge Networking (TEN), official.

Headquartered in Koblenz, Germany, TEN will merge communications between the German and Dutch militaries. That would incorporate some 25,000 vehicles, while Dutch and German troops will also be outfitted with identical, linked computers, radios, tablets and telephones.

German media reported that by 2030 the militaries of both countries hope to be able to communicate electronically using the fully integrated network.

The initiative, which will reportedly cost millions of euros to implement, is believed to be the first time that two nations merged parts of their military networks. The project has been billed as the first step towards developing a unified military network for NATO members.


a4f541  No.6874322


Good to point out gratefulness to Baker.

275a86  No.6874323


Talk about transgender? Zuckerberg^^

b9b9a5  No.6874324

File: 958e82d59e9821b⋯.jpg (37.54 KB, 468x376, 117:94, selena.jpg)


The more you know: men are even better than women at being women

f81326  No.6874325


I'm with Putin on this

e44630  No.6874326


…hoodat agin'?

425866  No.6874327

File: ff669b9d988583e⋯.png (807.32 KB, 753x482, 753:482, ThumbsUpKoreanStyle.png)

51f45b  No.6874328


OIL 29 Jun 2019 | 10:36 UTC Singapore

US-China trade truce seen likely to boost bilateral crude, agriculture trade flows

… US soybean exports to China declined sharply in 2018 and rebounded partly this year. The share of US soybeans in the Chinese market slipped below 20% in 2018 from about 34% in 2017, according to China Customs and USDA data.

The latest USDA weekly report shows outstanding sales of US soybeans to China reaching 5.6 million mt in 2018-19, up 388% from the same period a year earlier. Outstanding sales show volumes contracted but not shipped yet. …


A real trade deficit would have to be calculated on an item per item basis. Remember - it's a MOVIE. But, American (individual) farmers, also due to weather patterns, will be sacrificed. And does President Trump's farm subsidy really cover the long term needs of these farmers?

97a2a2  No.6874329

File: 7967af0d081e1a4⋯.jpg (30.05 KB, 362x358, 181:179, laughingrilla.jpg)

64a2f2  No.6874330


The level of ignorance of history here is unreal. Often, due to poor weather, the shuttle had to land at a base on the other side of the country. The 747 was used to carry the shuttle back to Florida or whatever.

df7adf  No.6874331

File: 25f73a18dbd261f⋯.png (94.7 KB, 480x398, 240:199, output.png)

This is what the EVIL (((JEWS))) truly believe. Well not "truly" maybe because they probably know in the back of their minds that they will be going to hell. 🤷‍♂️

885314  No.6874332


Well makes me feel more sane again xD

9656d3  No.6874333

File: 936d605516c4558⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 428x321, 4:3, 2019-03-09-16-35-22.jpg)

My constant hope when POTUS is out of the country and insulated on Air Force One…

7e1e78  No.6874334


Have souls, are sentient. Have mobility of the internet, therefore world. Lack meat, which they find repulsive anyway.

df7adf  No.6874335


Could have just posted a photo of a laughing gorilla (((JEW))) instead of an actual gorilla. 🤷‍♂️

15eaef  No.6874336

File: 25a019351cde737⋯.jpg (249.97 KB, 1230x887, 1230:887, 1_086.jpg)

File: 0985b8e21b1530a⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 385x545, 77:109, 2_001.jpg)

File: 045e9d6fc53c74c⋯.jpg (279.85 KB, 1066x930, 533:465, 5_001.jpg)

File: bc3956232e2e810⋯.jpg (226.94 KB, 871x924, 871:924, 6_001.jpg)

File: d1ac7e33b726f37⋯.jpg (341.48 KB, 1896x824, 237:103, 7_001.jpg)


No, my caps weren't shopped. The png files got accidentally converted into jpg causing the transparent or white backgrounds to turn black. Running a conversion script accidentally in the wrong directory caused the black background.

dc27a0  No.6874337


Well that makes cents

200f8e  No.6874338

File: 064e504a662bcd7⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1462x1285, 1462:1285, ClipboardImage.png)

ba0e56  No.6874339

File: 145bd4b02258125⋯.png (650.01 KB, 1445x718, 1445:718, exma site.PNG)

File: 4b2b3185b9ab618⋯.png (475.42 KB, 1483x743, 1483:743, exma partners.PNG)


>celebrating an supposed attack on Iran

An attack which they related the targets to Iran so CHILDREN could be placed at target sites.

they were celebrating the killing of innocent IRANIAN CHILDREN.

Is it not suspicious the trump bombing of children would coincidence with the drowning child and border children without toothbrushes stories?

0f1d93  No.6874340



Captcha hell. What a ride kek!

0952a3  No.6874341

File: 45ddba30c6498fc⋯.jpg (15.75 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 4ae3bbdf582edda074da28437f….jpg)


found ya !!! wheres your buddy? lunch break?

07fe65  No.6874342

symbolic or hiding something?

long sleeves and turtlenecks


df7adf  No.6874343

Anyway, Satan watched two more movies on netflix. How's the timeline looking now? Did (((JEW))) manage to save (((JEW)))-manity? 🤣🤷‍♂️

eda514  No.6874344


Thank you for clarifying.

7fda37  No.6874345






Well that would be the Democrat Nazi Jews of course!

The Jews alone drove President Delano Roosevelt into war.

Roosevelt’s bosses while he was developing his war plans were Jews. They incessantly drove the President further along his twisted path. Bullitt, whose criminal actions as special ambassador and confident of the President are proven by the documents, began to spin his web in Warsaw and Paris. Bernard Baruch, once called a speculator by a Senate committee, gave the White House advice on foreign policy. Felix Frankfurter was appointed to the Supreme Court to see to it that Roosevelt’s actions were not overturned by the highest court in the United States. Henry Morgenthau, a intimate of America’s financial leadership, became Secretary of the Treasury. The New York judge Roseman wrote the president’s speeches, which constantly grew more hateful. Secretary of State Hull, himself not a Jew but married to a Jewess, gave press conferences the material to arouse the rest of the world. Finally, the Freemason Roosevelt’s clique of Washington Jews involved Poland, France, and England in Washington’s long-planned policies. The sick warmonger in Washington had reached his goal of unleashing a world-wide conflagration.

70aa89  No.6874346

File: 01d7b28f4353641⋯.png (797.32 KB, 540x960, 9:16, TrumpHater.png)

909a50  No.6874347


No shit anon. We are talking about the LAUNCH specifically. Not the ferry. Fucking dig the entire context. The Twatter thread in question is talking about a launch.

When did the shuttle launch to space from a 747? NEVER. The shuttle only launched from the 747 in testing to see if it could land.

7e1e78  No.6874348

Getting shilly, over target.

15eaef  No.6874349

File: 8cd259065d40863⋯.jpg (112.17 KB, 824x373, 824:373, 7_003.jpg)

File: babf9c24d7dc020⋯.jpg (349.34 KB, 635x859, 635:859, 2018-02-27-08:37:24-747c.jpg)

File: 4bd2ac7bba8f589⋯.jpg (150.22 KB, 650x649, 650:649, 2018-02-27-08:38:29-c201.jpg)

File: cbb9d382cf11c5f⋯.jpg (167.74 KB, 631x802, 631:802, 2018-02-27-08:38:42-17fb.jpg)

File: 81b4360bb23b53c⋯.jpg (191.17 KB, 638x766, 319:383, 2018-02-27-08:39:14-b5cd.jpg)

54b491  No.6874350


You forgot to highlight Kotex

bc454c  No.6874351


your convinced your right about collusion and corruption, yet you sit at your keyboard and dig for more dough to prove your right…..in the meantime, evil has your permisson to enter and act with the permission you granted through your inaction.

wow, you think exposure happens before the 4th, but mueller tesify's on the 17th…must be the plan…..they have already showed you that the deadline will move, no accountibility, but celebrate our independence, root for Q, but don't you dare do anything except bake some more dough.

do you not see, you are the solution, they know this, yet here you sit… all the while more children hurt…. oh thats right God sent trump, but can't send someone to the perpertraitors demise.

tools, all of you, tools of evil… good men stand by doing nothing is how evil spreads, and spread it is with your help…more arrows in your quiver, but no bow or target realized.

critical think…how are you part of the problem?

you are on the cusp of a new power, and you deserve what you get, for being so sheep like in your wolf facade….. you invited in evil all while failing to reconize it controlling you.

it's not God save the children, it's God dammed the children, that is what your accomplishing.

df7adf  No.6874352


Must be (((JEW))). Look what the EVIL (((JEWESSES))) did to (((JEW))). 😐

dc27a0  No.6874353


That's what your dick would look like if AOC got a hold of it with those horse teeth.

b9b9a5  No.6874354

the whole system of religion, ideas of hell and heaven = deferred punishment/promise of salvation/ placation and extraction of $$$ for the masses/slaves

The idea of God/good only needs to exist to support the foundation of natural law

872b79  No.6874355


and only a shill would keep pushing it when there's clearly no interest and no substantial dig leading anywhere… Take ya whining bullshit elsewhere because after 2 bread of your shit… I won't be seeing you till next IP hop….. bread shitting arsehole.

4a7249  No.6874356


I agree with your post and I’m not a shill. Fuck off, clowns. She is involved wih Oprah big time and the mind games she plays. I bet if you researched further you would find MKU-related info.

8ce8d7  No.6874357

File: dd6011878e622cd⋯.png (156.05 KB, 503x665, 503:665, ClipboardImage.png)

e17495  No.6874358


Yeah because real anons totally go out of their way to defend williamson and some new age cult quasi spiritual guidance book??? Thats not strange at all! Ur totally anon just like us.

glow moar faggot.

5bb139  No.6874359

File: e85932cdecb102a⋯.png (211.6 KB, 488x354, 244:177, RED plane.png)

POTUS' G20 video; They rolled out the RED CARPET for all of us

WINNING pic related

275a86  No.6874360


link with my post?

df7adf  No.6874361


Nope. Photochopped. I see the bricks. 🤷‍♂️

07fe65  No.6874362

File: b50e1f2aafbfcfe⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, tywhitehats.jpg)

File: db59be96354a05d⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 470x619, 470:619, haspel whitehat in control.jpg)

e453be  No.6874363

so where the heck is Melania?

did she get on board AF1 with Trump?

is she in harms way?

are they targeting her?

i haven't heard ..did anons solve this mystery?

e0b3d4  No.6874364

File: 5c7abc22ac303fa⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 650x484, 325:242, IMG_20190627_231636_679.JPG)

15eaef  No.6874365

File: c5f8ae415e5d4a3⋯.jpg (168.26 KB, 639x784, 639:784, 2018-02-27-08:38:04-117f.jpg)

File: 1b1aabfb5004961⋯.jpg (220.59 KB, 635x825, 127:165, 2018-02-27-08:38:16-49da.jpg)

File: c97b5f567795250⋯.jpg (845.27 KB, 3000x1041, 1000:347, ChildrensFoundationsLogos.jpg)


The symbols for many children's foundations also have a lot in common.

The hand within a hand, the stylized children devoid of human features, etc.

eda514  No.6874367


The reason they use it as a weapon is because they are shills.

"Q team" basically cursed anyone who hated on Sessions.

The board reseachers "Q team" statements and recognizes that "Q team" works at the pleasure of DJT POTUS.

Therefore, shills:

1. do not do their homework.

2. think they can fool people who don't bother to look deeper and understand nuance.

3. Are getting paid to insert a doubt into your mind.


3d2b88  No.6874368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


noticed Rieniere was wearing black jumpsuit

couple days ago

seems they're switching from Green is the new Orange to Black is the new Orange

watch and see

blackpills soon to commence

3b6e8f  No.6874369


So, how many Jews were in the SS?

8cf1f3  No.6874370

ABC Worries Dems ‘Playing Right Into’ Trump’s Effort to Paint Them (EXPOSE THEM!!) as ‘Socialist’

While analyzing the first Democratic debate, on Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America actually admitted the far-left ideology of many of the 2020 candidates and even fretted that those radical positions were “playing right into” President Trump’s reelection strategy.

“And the President and Republicans hoping to make a target of the Democrats’ plans, particularly on the economy and health care,” noted co-host George Stephanopoulos. Correspondent Jon Karl warned:

"Absolutely and particularly on the fact that virtually every Democrat on that stage took positions that were to the left of Barack Obama. You know, playing right into, at least from the campaign’s view, their plan to portray the Democrats as simply too far to the left, effectively a socialist party now."

ABC wasn’t alone in acknowledging how left-wing the Democrats had become. On CBS This Morning, correspondent Major Garrett pointed out how “divided” the candidates were on Medicare-for-all and on the question of trying to “eradicate” private health insurance. When it came to illegal immigration, the reporter predicted big problems for the presidential field:

"Look at immigration. I think – because I spent a lot of time in the Trump world for the last four years. When Julian Castro has a “breakout night” but says illegal border crossings should be a civil offense, not a criminal one, Trump supporters will say, “Are you kidding me? What was 2016 all about?” And the Trump campaign will look at that and say if that becomes Democratic orthodoxy, bring it on."

Co-host Tony Dokoupil chimed in: “Well, in fact, in Trump world, as you mentioned, the Trump campaign said last night was the best case possible for the re-election of President Trump.” Garrett added:

"On lots of issues. And they will also say Democrats simply do not understand the economic reality. They consistently complain the economy’s not working for everyone, but the Trump reelection campaign would say it’s working better than it has in a long time and there are statistics to back it up."


ba0e56  No.6874371



what is hussein getting paid $600,000 for?

So are he an MO both trannies?

ca0df1  No.6874372

File: cd58e9ba14dc7ab⋯.jpg (167.71 KB, 500x486, 250:243, ACIMRamthaScientologyAA.jpg)


Thank GEOTUS we have a legit baker.

Last night's graveyard shift was fuuuuuuuucked…

19f618  No.6874373


Did you really discover her just now or is this a slide? She is a mimic. Everything she did comes from watching videos of the great technological startups and adapting the observations to her CEO avatar. Her real credit is that she created the equivalent of a Ponzi scheme for the tech industry. Nothing she did and still does has any meanig, its all copy pasta from videos of famous CEO's.

200f8e  No.6874374

File: e406735b4c2c451⋯.png (2.13 MB, 904x976, 113:122, ClipboardImage.png)

df7adf  No.6874375


They were all (((JEWS))) I am guessing since (((JEW))) already had the tech by then. 🤷‍♂️

6b432f  No.6874376

File: 50b7749f8848e66⋯.jpg (60.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Thank you for calling Boeing in-flight technical support. My name is Robert. To correct your flight computer error, please unplug the aircraft for 30 seconds, and then plug it back in. Once it boots back up, kindly tell me if the issue has been solved.

458059  No.6874377


The real question is.

Who is that young black kid?


67ea12  No.6874378

>>6873538 (PB)

I like this but (and this is an honest question that nags at me) - how can we be sure that Trump isn’t the antiChrist? If he (or Kushner) puts forth an Israeli peace plan and declares peace and security (Trump already uses those prophetic words which is worrysome) and enforces the peace plan - isn’t that our cue? ( Dan 9:27 - the beast (antichrist) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (7 years): and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease…)

I wish another Christian who has seriously studied Bible eschatology (I have) would share their view. (Muhjoos and non-Christians - not interested in your views!)

Until further information, I will continue to support Trump and Q-team and remain cautiously hopeful - but will keep my guard up

82919e  No.6874379

File: f0f852a0db1bc6a⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 693x414, 77:46, Capture.JPG)

File: 67465d668bda3b0⋯.png (469.82 KB, 699x391, 699:391, Climate.PNG)

The climate change alarmists are given a free pass to throw out the most absurd rhetoric, such as a recent author's warning that potentially billions of people could die because of human-caused climate change

Scaring the Public on Climate Change

Putting aside the creepiness of someone smiling as he predicts millions of deaths—sort of like a James Bond villain—we must inquire: How plausible are these warnings? Does the climate change literature actually support such bold projections?

As it turns out, the answer is “no.” It is certainly true that there are many particular dangers regarding climate change, which could have deleterious consequences on human welfare (broadly defined). But in order to conclude that millions—or even billions, as the author of the article states in his concluding remarks—of deaths hang in the balance, we have to grossly exaggerate all of the various mechanisms and scenarios, and we have to assume that humans do nothing to adapt to the changing circumstances over the course of decades.

In reality, it is much more likely that humans will adapt to whatever changes the climate brings them in the coming decades, and that various measures of human well-being—including not just GDP but also life expectancy and declining mortality rates from various ailments—will continue to improve. The voluntary market economy is an excellent general purpose solution to the challenges facing humanity, including the handling of whatever curve balls climate change might throw.

IPCC’s Summary of Climate Change Damages

Unfortunately, it is difficult to come up with a statistic such as, “How many excess deaths does the IPCC predict from climate change by the year 2100, if government don’t take further action?” If you consult the AR5, which is the latest IPCC report, and look at chapter 11 (Working Group II) on the impacts of climate change on human health, you will see various trouble areas and figures concerning at-risk populations, but nothing so crisp as to allow us to evaluate the casual claims of millions of deaths.


df7adf  No.6874380


It's because Satan is from India, isn't it? 😒

e44630  No.6874381

File: cad206b0ccdab85⋯.jpg (95.03 KB, 543x837, 181:279, mo1.jpg)

File: 37aa7a2ed05010e⋯.jpg (28.65 KB, 264x453, 88:151, bigmike.jpg)

File: 4a5cf78d0f625e4⋯.jpg (76.24 KB, 765x384, 255:128, Os.jpg)


…this really pisses 'em off

0952a3  No.6874382


" go out of their way to defend williamson and some new age cult "

fuck marianne williamson she cant lose and she knows jack shit about the course. She like you will burn for being evil. your fake shit is glowing manipulator . Your fukin with the book now youbetter watch out. Anyone who knows what im saying KNOWS what im saying. you will learn the hard way and yes you failed clown school F-

90dabd  No.6874383

File: 1efd74d89c3ac5d⋯.jpg (560.34 KB, 3496x3176, 437:397, Animal kek.jpg)


Top Kek.

Bibbi gave her a shadow hitler moustache.

dc27a0  No.6874384


Oh my…

e0b3d4  No.6874385

File: c23344692f961bd⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 1280x508, 320:127, IMG_20190629_133331_208.JPG)

b9b9a5  No.6874386

File: 8e64eda8753c140⋯.jpg (45.21 KB, 306x616, 153:308, michelledance1.jpg)

49e77c  No.6874387

File: e0758d4d6fee757⋯.png (204.22 KB, 720x422, 360:211, Img-1561828620062.png)

File: ad83d6fb7cc0975⋯.png (323.65 KB, 720x1244, 180:311, Img-1561827720410.png)

File: 1fc780ef9240ea4⋯.png (399.85 KB, 736x552, 4:3, Img-1561827614409.png)

File: 6905443ec950b72⋯.png (343.31 KB, 720x474, 120:79, Img-1561828777182.png)

File: df93b551fba468f⋯.png (204.51 KB, 1024x519, 1024:519, Img-1561827570406.png)

I knew about the wobblies. I knew about the tilt a whirl. I didn't know that the tilt a whirl was based off the Waltzer which is a

Noah's Ark Ride from Germany.





0952a3  No.6874388


She cannot win is wat I meant to say. Ok clowns im done playing with you bye . Getting me red again.

cfab7f  No.6874389

Unable to spread the google leak

Googles capcha is preventing this

Not kidding

028fb8  No.6874390

File: c3c5a36c776df9e⋯.png (1.5 MB, 4000x2250, 16:9, POTUS Schedule 30JUN19.png)

File: aee60a222e27a97⋯.png (54.55 KB, 814x715, 74:65, 30JUN19.PNG)

POTUS schedule for Sunday, June 30, 2019

All times as Eastern (EDT)

8:15PM Out-of-Town Travel Pool Call Time

9:00PM Deliver remarks to Korean business leaders

9:50PM Depart the RON en route to Blue House

10:00PM Arrive at Blue House

10:10PM Participate in a restricted bilateral meeting with the President of the Republic of Korea

11:00PM Participate in an expanded working lunch with the President of the Republic of Korea

12:05AM Participate in a joint press conference with the President of the Republic of Korea

12:25AM Depart the Blue House en route to the United States Army Garrison Yongsan Landing Zone

12:35AM Arrive at the United States Army Garrison Yongsan Landing Zone

12:45AM Depart the United States Army Garrison Yongsan Landing Zone

1:10AM Arrive at the Joint Security Area Landing Zone

1:20AM Depart the Joint Security Area Landing Zone en route to the Korean Demilitarized Zone Overlook

'''1:30AM Arrive at the Korean Demilitarized Zone Overlook

1:35AM View the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Demilitarized Zone'''

1:45AM Depart the Korean Demilitarized Zone Overlook en route to DFAC Flag Pole

'''1:55AM Participate in a joint photo opportunity with United States and Republic of Korea service members and viewing recovered relics

2:05AM Participate in a meet and greet with United States and Republic of Korea service members'''

2:25AM Depart the DFAC en route to Joint Security Area Landing Zone

2:30AM Arrive at Joint Security Area Landing Zone

2:40AM Depart Joint Security Area Landing Zone en route to Osan Air Base WLT Hangar

3:20AM Arrive at Osan Air Base WLT Hangar

3:30AM Deliver remarks to United States service members

4:15AM Depart Osan Air Base WLT Hangar en route to Osan Air Base

4:20AM Arrive at Osan Air Base

4:30AM Depart Seoul, Republic of Korea, Osan Air Base en route to Washington, D.C.

8:15PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews

8:25PM Departs Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House

8:35PM Arrive at the White House South Lawn




872b79  No.6874391



19f618  No.6874392


Thank you for calling Boeing in-flight technical support. My name is Robert. To correct your flight computer error, please download and install TeamViewer and buy three $100 iTunes cards from your local Walmart.

a4f541  No.6874393


Saturdays Are For The Boys

Ford's Theatre


Border States

Theatre Aurora

Death of a Star


07fe65  No.6874394


id also like to know who the young girl circled in red is..

7fda37  No.6874395


The Actual Nature and Real Strength of the USA.

The Jew in the USA. The original citizens of the USA were anti-Semites, and the emancipation of the Jews in America took a long time. But just as a young and growing organism is more easily infected by parasites and bacteria than a more mature and stronger one, so too the North American national body was overwhelmed by Jews from everywhere in the world. According to American statistics, over 5 million Jews lived in the USA in 1926. They were concentrated in the big cities. Since public opinion in democracies, and especially in the USA is made in the big cities, and since the Jews in the USA control all elements of public opinion such as the press, publishing, radio, parties, clubs and so on, one can affirm that the Jews control public opinion in North America. The following table presents the distribution of Jews in the USA:

New York has 2,000,000 Jews, 33% of the population

Philadelphia has 280,000 Jews, 15% of the population.

Cleveland has 12,000 Jews, 8% of the population

Chicago has 260,000 Jews, 8% of the population

Boston has 85,000 Jews, 12% of the population

Baltimore has 70,000 Jews, 17% of the population

Pittsburgh has 60,000 Jews, 17% of the population

Saint Louis has 60,000 Jews, 18% of the population

New Orleans has 55,000 Jews, 16% of the population

Detroit has 50,000 Jews, 17% of the population

Hartford has 27,000 Jews, 17% of the population

The increase in the number of Jews since the turn of the century is particularly clear in the case of New York. The number of Jews there has increased as follows:

From 225,000 in 1877

To 597,674 in 1900

To 1,252,135 in 1910

To 1,643,012 in 1920

To 1,876.545 in 1930

To over 2 million in 1935 (counting only religious Jews).

Some areas of New York business life are Jewish monopolies. They have taken over the clothing industry and a substantial part of the cigarette industry. They are heavily involved in some light industries. The big New York department stores are owned by Jews. The American magazine National American gives the following illuminating figures:

The Jews control:

98% of the financial markets

99% of the banking industry

69% of the food industry

100% of the theater and movie industry

99% of the press

82% of the radio, telephone, and telegraph industries

75% of the transportation industries

85% of real estate.

The following Jews have key positions in the economy, government, legal system, state and local governments, labor unions, etc.:

The Jew Bernhard Mannes Baruch was the most influential man in the USA during the World War. He had dictatorial power over the whole war economy and its approximately 40 varied industrial branches. Even today he has a leading role in Roosevelt’s inner circle. Felix Frankfurter is a member of the Supreme Court, Henry Morgenthau Jr. is Secretary of the Treasury, Herman Lehmann is Governor of the State of New York, La Guardia leads the Jewish metropolis New York. Numerous Jews have leading positions in the American labor movement. One need mention only the Jews Volman, Sidney Hillmann, Schloßberg, and Matthew Woll. Wherever one looks he sees nothing but Jews and genuine Hebrews! The words of the Russian-born Jew Baruch Chareny Vladek describe precisely the position of the Jews in America: “We are numerically in the minority, but our fingers tip the scales.”

That is how it is: He who is fed by the Jews dies, particularly when the national body is still so young, disunified and weak as the USA. We see all the manifestations of the Jews that always accompany the Jews. For example, the USA is the leading country for lodges, secret societies, the Ku-Klux-Klan, sects and spiritualists. There are about 4,178,000 Free Masons in the entire world; 3.3 million of them live in the USA. All leading men of the government, from the president on down, belong to lodges, and all the lodges of course belong to and are led by the Jews. There are 49 major lodges in the USA with 16,518 branches. One cannot even count the sects and secret societies. We see that the Jew has understood how to break the USA down into individual particles and atoms, killing any kind of national life. The parties belong to him entirely, for over half of those in Congress — 213 members of the House — and more than half of the Senators, 48 in all — are Free Masons.

11dbe2  No.6874396

File: aaf21e4ad4c6a03⋯.png (56.14 KB, 1556x612, 389:153, north korea - trump - inte….PNG)

File: 3f9a3b06c422551⋯.png (112.28 KB, 1534x767, 2:1, trump - kim - where are yo….PNG)

…not sure of Kim’s whereabouts… hmmm.

Trump tweeted that “If Chairman Kim of North Korea sees this, I would meet him at the Border/DMZ just to shake his hand and say Hello(?)!”

“All I did is put out a feeler if you’d like to meet,” Trump said later of the invitation, adding that he’s not sure of Kim’s whereabouts.

Trump and Kim have met twice since Kim entered talks with the United States early last year to deal away his advancing nuclear arsenal in return for political and economic benefits.

4f1cd3  No.6874397


why did they think GV was a "celebrated beauty"

maybe a 4 on a good day


must have been the ride of her life pun intended

b9b9a5  No.6874398

File: d996303158baa08⋯.jpg (130.5 KB, 440x662, 220:331, bradbury mc.jpg)

File: af5b222476ae3bc⋯.jpg (82.9 KB, 614x318, 307:159, wicked.jpg)

f48753  No.6874399

File: 810f1435b05e85b⋯.jpg (244.37 KB, 482x640, 241:320, 810f1435b05e85b4f12cd6de93….jpg)

File: 2c87192a1f9d151⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 2c87192a1f9d151fed3046f56e….jpg)


devil's glen

Head back to Dublin through Killiney, where you can enjoy exceptional views and marvel at the stunning houses along Vico Road, where many of Dublin’s millionaires live, including Bono and Enya. Make sure to stop off in the very pretty fishing village of Dalkey to read yer Dalkey archive, unless yez is a dolt dhuil squeezer hellbent on heading back to Dublin city.


Beautiful place but for the Helldawgs haunting.

e44332  No.6874400

File: 162c1e714cdc8cc⋯.jpg (37.48 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 65c13f3221fd2a5db5b9ea8e18….jpg)


Weak sauce. Find a better connection. You keep pushing this weak twatter shit hoping it will stick and make notables.

Look at Richard Mays and find the connection.

eda514  No.6874401

File: a696efa2dcf80f5⋯.jpg (15.2 KB, 500x375, 4:3, mengeletrans.jpg)


I don't know.

Chester is possible. The other dude seems more like a spin-off; i.e. son.



I think Pedosta is/was obsessed with that issue because his bio-dad was a trans-sexual?

11dbe2  No.6874402



2edf77  No.6874403


First, nice dubs, anon.



df7adf  No.6874404


>Oh my…

Timeline has changed somehow? 🤔

8ce8d7  No.6874406

File: 3c3089c4a9b45de⋯.png (229.52 KB, 285x470, 57:94, ClipboardImage.png)


>Why do you LABEL ACIM as Marianne Williamsons work.

8b1ad6  No.6874407


You could do a graphic illustrating you’re visual interpretation.

82919e  No.6874408

File: e919f3aa4fa743c⋯.png (861.03 KB, 794x450, 397:225, Toots.PNG)


Can't be he want to school with Freddy and Toots and they bullied him and he cried like a baby and still is .. that's why he turned out to be such a Asshole kek

7fda37  No.6874409

Leading gangsters in Chicago included John Dillinger, who was overpowered and shot by the police at a theater at the close of 1934 and Al Capone, who had a bodyguard of 185 men, each of whom he paid $300 to $400 a week. Two thirds of Chicago unions had to pay protection money to these criminal organizations. Al Capone was so connected to America’s leading men that he went to jail not because he was the leader of a gangster organization, but because the federal authorities caught him for tax fraud. He lives as a multimillionaire today in a palace on a sunny beach in Florida.

The Coster-Musica scandal aroused considerable excitement in the American business world at the end of 1938. Coster-Musica had carried out swindles on a widespread scale, including drug smuggling, weapons sales, and crooked dealings, and was a member of many prominent clubs. Coster-Musica had been in jail for fraud as yearly as 1906. He was convicted in a huge financial scandal in 1913. Given his connections to “high society,” he did not serve time in prison. His company collapsed when the fraud was discovered. 13,500 stockholders lost over $100 million. He committed suicide because he feared his well-placed friends were no longer able to protect him from the wrath of those he had cheated.

American capital developed in the course of the 18th and 19th centuries either through land speculation, railroad enterprises, or big industry. The ship owner Girard, J. J. Astor, Peter Golet, and the Schermerhorns, Fealds, Vanderbilts, Goulds, Sages, Morgans, Hills, Carnegies, Roosevelt, Morgenthau, and so on were typical of those who amassed their wealth with bribery, cheating, plundering, lawbreaking, tax evasion, swindles, extortion, and piracy.

The first great fortune was Vanderbilt’s, which grew out of the railways. Cornelius Vanderbilt, born in 1794, at age twelve could hardly write his own name, but he was greedy, ruthless, and power-hungry. He began with passengers and freight. He was never particularly creative, though he was presented as such in books. He was certainly the leading merchant pirate and scoundrel of his day. His first millions were primarily the result of extortion, cheating, and theft. The mail his steam ships carried won not only foreign postage payments, but also substantial government subsidies. The postal subsidies were the real foundation of his wealth. The Civil War put an end to his shipping career. He began a railroad enterprise at the age of 69, though he knew nothing at all about the technology and administration of this branch of transportation. Cornelius Vanderbilt knew how to present himself as a leading patriot during the Civil War. When the Union government decided to send a fleet to New Orleans in 1862, it bought the very ships from Vanderbilt that government subsidies had built. He even lent one of his unused ships to the government. By means of manipulation Vanderbilt succeeded in driving down the stocks of the New York and Harlem railroad at the end of 1863, and bought the majority of the shares, which rose from $9 a share in the middle of April 1863 to $50. It was also the usual practice to bribe the New York City council to secure certain railroad lines.

They are all the same, Dillinger, Al Capone, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Morgan, and so on: gangsters, pirates, stock traders, businessmen. They have a single ideal: money-making, and still more money-making. American lawlessness and the double morality of Calvinism and Puritanism conceals it all

200f8e  No.6874410

File: 8e72d179c707a05⋯.png (576.73 KB, 816x517, 816:517, ClipboardImage.png)

0b6bcb  No.6874411


Not trying to slide.

Just thought it was odd that she only wears black.

df7adf  No.6874412


That's why Satan has decided to call nigger (((JEWS))) gorilla (((JEWS))) instead from now on. 🤷‍♂️

311b6a  No.6874413


This is how it works: the NGO is contacted by traffickers in Libya who drops migrants a little far from the coast using rafts. NGO's boat picks up migrants and goes to Italy. Note that there are numerous other ports where the boat could go (Tunisia or Malta for example) but they use excuses to not go there (for example Tunisia conditions are said as "unsafe"). Guess who finance those NGO… Others NGO make also money out of migrants providing them accomodation and meals and they are paid by EU or the state they are in

819f46  No.6874414


That white-flag waving faggot would not have a country if it weren't for the U.S. Fuck him.

97a2a2  No.6874415

File: fbea54e7da142b9⋯.jpg (35.32 KB, 325x260, 5:4, pickpocket copy.jpg)

df7adf  No.6874416


Actually Satan never remembers crying after being bullied probably because he could have beaten up the bullies if he wanted to. 🤷‍♂️

dc27a0  No.6874417


Hmmm… It will take me some time to digest, maybe….

Do they give you a cookie if you do a good job? I like chocolate chip, you?

862d9b  No.6874418

File: 3149ed793b2c0de⋯.png (270.67 KB, 553x425, 553:425, toronto news briefing re c….PNG)

Owners of Toronto web-hosting company charged in massive child pornography bust

Chris Fox, CP24.com

Published Thursday, June 20, 2019 5:19AM EDT

Last Updated Thursday, June 20, 2019 2:56PM EDT

news briefing video in article

A years-long investigation into an online “big box store” for child pornography has led to the arrest of five people associated with the Toronto-based web hosting company where the site stored its “horrific” content, Ontario Provincial Police say.

The investigation, dubbed Project Greenwell, began in October, 2012 after Toronto police received numerous tips alerting them to the existence of a child pornography website that could be traced back to the Toronto-based web hosting company YesUp Media.

OPP say that members of the TPS executed a search warrant at the business on Gordon Baker Road in North York in search of approximately 800 child sex abuse files but soon realized that they had stumbled upon a much larger operation.

A total of 32 servers that were filled with approximately 1,000 terabytes of data were ultimately seized and a larger, multi-jurisdictional investigation was commenced.

At a news conference on Thursday, OPP Det. Insp. David MacDonald said that investigators have since determined that a massive child pornography website with 60,000 registered users in at least 116 different countries was hosted at the location.

That website, he said, was subsequently traced back to a man in Vietnam who remains outstanding.

Police believe that man never actually stepped foot in Canada and arranged for the child sexual abuse material to be hosted by the company “remotely.”

The charges announced by police on Thursday relate to a separate investigation that began in 2014 and targeted the owners of the business that hosted the content for the website.

MacDonald said that it is the belief of investigators that all of the individuals charged were aware of the nature of the content that was being hosted on their servers and chose to do nothing.

He said that he believes this is the first time in Canada that the owners of a web hosting company have been charged in connection with a child pornography investigation.

“We believe that without the infrastructure in place the distribution of child pornography images could never occur on a global scale like this, so hopefully the message is clear to other web hosts. You can’t permit this to happen inside your infrastructure and you have a legal obligation to report to police once you become aware of this,” he said.

Website had only been up and running for months

MacDonald said that the website had only been up and running for about six months when police executed the initial search warrant but had “grown dramatically” during that time, both in terms of the number of members and the sheer amount of child sex abuse images that it hosted.

He said that the data seized during the operation was so extensive that Ontario Provincial Police initially did not have the capacity to store it all.

“When we forensically examine evidence like this we copy it and deal with the copy, so when you seize evidence of this size you have to be able to copy it and put it somewhere and in 2012 we just did not have that sort of storage space,” he said, “It was just the beginning of the sort of technical complexity we faced with this investigation.”

The investigation into the child pornography website has led to countless other investigations around the globe.

MacDonald said that investigators uncovered the financial information for 19,013 people who purchased premium memberships to the website and have passed that on to the appropriate authorities.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security also told reporters at Thursday’s news conference that information from the OPP investigation has led to the identification of roughly 2,000 suspects in the United States alone.

MacDonald said that the images hosted on the site depicted victims all around the world.

He said that despite only being up and running for a period of months, the images hosted on the website were downloaded approximately 19 million times.

“These are not simple images of children in bathing suits; these are really, really horrific,” he said.

Zhen He (Patrick) Zeng, 40, of Richmond Hill, Zhen Yu (Jeff) Zeng, 42, of Richmond Hill, Chin Choi (Peter) Kok, 52, of Richmond Hill, Sui Hua (Jeff) Ye, 47, of Aurora and Wen (Larry) Li, 31, of Toronto, are facing a combined 11 charges in connection with the investigation. The charges they are facing including making available child pornography and possessing child pornography,


e708db  No.6874419


shaking hands with


ON the DMZ

–no big deal, it's been done by everyone for years now.

msnbc - losing it right now. How dare orange man be so bad!!! litereally merkel shaking right now!


1e5e66  No.6874420

Making teachers women -> Feminization of schools -> Feminization of values -> Communism over Capitalism. Forced inclusion rather than free choice.

Women shouldn't teach.

8a0a90  No.6874421


That was a fun walk!

04d373  No.6874422

File: c9152278a494766⋯.jpg (136.12 KB, 563x391, 563:391, shadow tache.jpg)

4f1cd3  No.6874423


what abonimation is this faggotity bullshit

eda514  No.6874424


Well, the dude really did prove me wrong? I believe he did.

(unless it's a double - double - double shill – but heck they don't work that hard, usually - gotta keep an open mind)

I think it was just an autist who insists upon perfection in metaphors.

And who has a specialty in aircraft.

I accept that.

07fe65  No.6874425


but dad why do i have to be a cop, i wasnna be a rockstar like chester

wait nvm they wouldnt call him dad, watd that kid call him in vid?

"say my name"

ca0df1  No.6874426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They've been on full tilt ever since her being one of the leaders of ACIM came to light last night.

All her yammering about "love" during the debate?

Thaaaaat's what it was.






df7adf  No.6874427


>I like chocolate chip, you?

It caused diarrhea last time I believe. Might have been something else. But right now the theory is that it was the chocolate chip cookies. 🤷‍♂️

ba0e56  No.6874428

File: a6235634e5af610⋯.png (262.74 KB, 1411x657, 1411:657, wr.PNG)

File: 75ea183c8a47d2e⋯.png (179.83 KB, 925x691, 925:691, bill clinton rock.PNG)


are you saying Hussein's grandmother is related to Hitler.

Well, Juan says Bill Clinton's father was the late Governor of Arkansas Winthrop Rockefeller.

82919e  No.6874429

File: 6844b85dd2339e2⋯.jpg (50.21 KB, 697x430, 697:430, Capture.JPG)

Turkey Ramps up Tension Across the Eastern Mediterranean

Ankara continues its aggressive behavior in the eastern Mediterranean, demanding a piece of the hydrocarbon pie inside Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone, while at the same time the defense ministers of Greece and Turkey discussed confidence-building measures.

The meeting between Evangelos Apostolakis and Hulusi Akar in Brussels appears to be mostly for show, as Turkish warplanes were parading over the Aegean during the talks. The repeated provocations in Greek airspace show that warnings from the EU regarding sanctions against Turkey fall on deaf ears.

The same applies to the warnings coming from the other side of the Atlantic, with the U.S. asking Turkey to stop its aggressive behavior in the Aegean. Nevertheless, Ankara’s provocations become more and more blatant, showing total fearlessness to the stern warnings that come from the U.S. and the European Union.


275a86  No.6874430


Bad actor!

ba4129  No.6874431



moar on haj amin al husseini (the mufti of jerusalem during the 1920s 1930s and 1940s connections with hitler:


and on the CIA ex NAZIs and possible CIA connection (source not 100% credible but provides plenty of dig material):


b0d99f  No.6874432


Trump knows…. “Lidddle Adam Schmidt”

1be6f2  No.6874433

File: d2ede2c8e19d4b6⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 700x400, 7:4, brookfield am dump.jpg)

File: e2972bc0cfd5307⋯.png (1.22 MB, 904x609, 904:609, brookfield hudson yards.PNG)

File: 5c48272eadc8471⋯.png (1.24 MB, 933x518, 933:518, hudson yards gyro.PNG)

Top Insider sale of the week-ending June 28th-Brookfield Asset Mgmt.

Brookfield Asset Management specializes in asset management, primarily in the real estate and energy sectors. Revenues breaks down by activity as follows:

- real estate services (58%);

- residential development (16.2%);

- real estate property management (16.2%): offices, commercial properties, industrial sites, hotels, etc.;

- infrastructure improvement services (9.1%);

- energy asset management (6.6%): operating 217 hydroelectric plants at the end of 2017 (total installed capacity of 7,000 MW) and 38 wind farms located mainly in North America;

- fund management (3.5%): pension funds, venture capital, investment funds, etc.;

- other (0.8%).

At the end of 2017, the group was managing assets with a total value of EUR188.3 billion.

Revenues are distributed geographically as follows: Canada (14.4%), the United States (20.3%), the united Kingdom (37%), Australia (10.8%), Brazil (7.9%), Colombia (2.4%) and other (7.2%).



The company was founded in 1899, as the São Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company by William Mackenzie and Frederick Stark Pearson. Operating as in construction and management of electricity and transport infrastructure in Brazil.

In 1904, the Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power Company was founded by Mackenzie's group.

In 1912, Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company was incorporated in Toronto as a public company to develop hydro-electric power operations and other utility services in Brazil, becoming a holding company for São Paulo Tramway Co. and Rio de Janeiro Tramway Co.

In 1916, Great Lakes Power Company was incorporated to provide hydro-electric power in Sault Ste. Marie and the Algoma District in Ontario.

In 1966, Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company changed its name to Brazilian Light and Power Company, and again in 1969, changed its name to Brascan Limited.[ Brascan is a portmanteau of "Brasil" and "Canada".

In 1979, the company's Brazilian assets were transferred to Brazilian ownership (Eletropaulo and Light S.A.), the company meanwhile having diversified to other areas. The company provided electricity and tram services in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and the Brazilian side after a later restructuring still operates as Light S.A., short for Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Co. Ltd.

In November 2008, in a process supervised by the Alberta courts, Price-Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) was appointed receiver of a separate public company, Birch Mountain Resources, after Birch Mountain had defaulted on its debts. Birch Mountain's assets of $50 million dollars were transferred to Tricap Partners Ltd, which operates under the Hammerstone Corporation, a subsidiary of Brookfield Special Situations Group. In September 2010, a group called Birch Mountain Shareholders for Justice filed a lawsuit with the Superior Court of Justice in Ontario, Canada, against Brookfield Asset Management challenging this acquisition and transfer of assets. After five years of litigation the case was dismissed. On May 25, 2015, the plaintiffs filed a notice of appeal which was also dismissed.

By 2018, Brookfield's major public subsidiaries included Brookfield Infrastructure Partners, Brookfield Renewable Partners, Brookfield Property Partners, and Brookfield Business Partners

On March 13, 2019, Brookfield Asset Management announced that it had agreed to buy most of Oaktree Capital Management for about $4.7 billion, creating one of the world’s largest alternative money managers.


82919e  No.6874434

File: 6280ad9f873ab47⋯.jpg (32.23 KB, 448x263, 448:263, Capture.JPG)


Bullshit … everybody knows he's a crybaby kek

7fda37  No.6874435

The World View Foundations

The USA once conducted a war of independence against the British Crown. The Declaration of Independence of those freedom fighters even today is thought to be the beginning of North American freedom and independence, celebrated annually. But one today hears voices on both sides of the ocean about reuniting the Anglo-Saxon world. Churchill even makes the idea the center of this Christmas message in Washington. The sly old fox is quite right. The USA has decayed into the English world of Puritanism and Calvinism. The hypocritical lying capitalist world of Manchester and Oliver Cromwell is today the world of Roosevelt, Morgenthau, Knox, Stimson, and their consorts. One can even say that the Jew rules more fully, ruthlessly and completely in New York than in London. Remember the oft-cited quotation from Calvin that the masses of workers and craftsmen must be kept poor so that they will be obedient to God, and will work only when they are driven to it by necessity. This is a central theme of the capitalist economy, resulting in the theory of the “productivity” of lower wages. The misuse of the concept of God runs like a red thread through English history. God was always the ground for any crooked dealing. The notion of the Old Testament’s chosen people fits in here as well. This clearly proves the similarity in English and Jewish thinking. We find such nonsense repeatedly by the leading English circles over the centuries.

The original claims of chosenness, of God-willed wealth and God-ordained poverty, of dark secrets and mystic superstitions was begun by Oliver Cromwell and became the foundation of the English Empire. On can read the following about the English saint in Volume II of Wilbur Contez Abbot’s Writing and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell: “They could hardly say anything to Cromwell without him putting his hand to his heart, raising his eyes to the heavens and calling God as his witness. He will weep and lament and moan, all the while sticking the knife in your ribs.”

Does that not remind one of our contemporaries Churchill and Roosevelt when they together sang “Onward Christian Solders” on the since-sunken “Prince of Wales”? Or when they sing in a Methodist church in Washington. They are Cromwell’s pious, hypocritical successors.

Oliver Cromwell always called on God n the midst of his atrocities, his bloodthirsty orgies against the Irish and the Scottish, and viewed his devilish soldiers as the chosen people of God. Churchill and Roosevelt have learned the methods of the bestial hypocrite Cromwell by heart, and have proven that nothing, absolutely nothing has changed in the English-American world over the past three hundred years. That is the lying capitalist world that calls God as its witness to every shameful act and enslaves and exploits humanity in its dreadful superiority. Its father was Calvin, its sword Oliver Cromwell and its benefactors and successors are Churchill and Roosevelt. They are so proud and self-confident that they call the USA God’s Own Country. As the Jews use Jehovah, they use the Lord God!

8cf1f3  No.6874436

‘Schumer Destroyed All Our Leverage’: WaPo Report Reveals Infighting Between House And Senate Democrats On Border Bill

Democrats in the House and Senate are at odds with one another over the passage of a $4.5 billion emergency border funding bill backed by Senate Republicans, a Friday report from The Washington Post revealed.

The fact that Senate Democrats went along with the bill “kneecapped the House and marked the most embarrassing defeat for Pelosi in the six months since Democrats took over the chamber,” the report read.

“Schumer destroyed all our leverage on Wednesday by not being able to hold his people,” a senior House Democratic aide told the Post. Meanwhile, an anonymous aide on the Senate side said, “They’re blaming everyone but themselves.”

The report recounted how Democrats had hoped to pass a more liberal bill that would have “eliminated funding for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement back pay as well as for Defense Department border operations” and “further tightened the administration’s ability to shift money around” in order to force Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for more concessions. However, when it came time to vote on the Senate bill, only six Democrats voted against it.

The Post reported:

The next day, Pelosi walked into the two-hour-long leadership meeting saying Schumer couldn’t keep his members in line. One senior Democratic aide called it “a betrayal”; another lawmaker called it “a broken deal.”

But to those in Schumer’s orbit, the Wednesday bipartisan Senate vote should not have come as a surprise. In their view, the House had gone AWOL on border negotiations for weeks and should have known the depth of Democratic support for the bill following the 30-1 committee vote.

The Senate version, which New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called a “militarization bill,” passed 84-8, leaving little room for further negotiations but invoking the ire of House progressives.

“The Senate Democrats did us a huge disservice. The benefit to having one chamber controlled by Democrats is you have people who can fight and win. But that requires the people in the minority chamber to also fight, even if they lose,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the Congressional Progressive Caucus chair whose demands reportedly “slowed progress” and rattled more conservative Democrats.

Though a majority of House Democrats refused to vote for the Senate’s version, Republican support helped it pass the House on Thursday.

“Pelosi and those in her leadership circle were shocked,” the Post reported. “To them, Schumer had given McConnell a nuclear weapon — the ability to brag that his legislation had overwhelming bipartisan support and should therefore pass the House.”


2bd684  No.6874437

File: 39e464af6d98565⋯.jpg (275.26 KB, 1001x433, 1001:433, untouchables.jpg)


62a03b  No.6874438

File: 2d0d8f84c96fd8a⋯.png (521.59 KB, 703x526, 703:526, MarianneWilliamson.png)

Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out to me.

Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: “A Course in Miracles “

I did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.

CIA Headquarters — Central Intelligence Agency


Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike …

Chapter One — Central Intelligence Agency


Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word “keystone” to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey …

In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?

dc27a0  No.6874439


So it's now,

Mommy, come wipe my ass and bring me a cookie?

c317cb  No.6874440

Knowing Ring of Fire enough to recognize it, weather warfare is coming.

[They] are rounding up every scrap of ammo in the evil arsenal.

Pics are within 20 minutes of each other. Miles of sky cleared – before more skywriting. 10 days destroyed the haze base to where minimal spray is needed.

Word on the web is the clouds have changed in the past few days. New behavior like building and parking huge banks of cloud at night that disperse in minutes in the dawn. Cumulus are lowering to rooftops as if driven there.


Pure vinegar in a spray bottle. (Laugh at the simplicity, but prove me wrong. Give it a try for the pennies.)


Spray everywhere…in the shower then turn on the vent fan; outside into drafts. Repeat. Pray for wind – God answers.

One person can clear miles. Think what an army can do.

This is war.

(been trying to post this with pics for over an hour. Reboots, clearing, all no-go. Trying without pics now.)

9656d3  No.6874441


The Hangs Right Honorable Jacinda Ardern.

9795ea  No.6874442

File: f0ba546bdc11be4⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1126x1200, 563:600, E28168AE-EE7A-4E54-93B3-17….png)


If the church comes out of 501c3 and then they won’t be bound by (((their))) law and then just be the eklasia ( congregation) and speak the truth and be protected under free speech. Unless we allow the Dems to steal it from you.

f48753  No.6874443


no voting in QR shill, no competition for notable except among shills and it's all baker's call, barring you're a steaming, 3 coil shill, steaming fresh in the morning suchlight at the center of a radiant burst of stink lines.

How to decode armor


7fda37  No.6874444

Racial confusion in America

Every action is in some way racially determined. There is no doubt that on the one side of this struggle stand absolutely unified peoples and nations, while on the other side there are various nationalities led by the Jews, the prototype of racial decay. Germany, Italy, and Japan are unified nations, whose national unity is based on blood. The other side has only unions: the union of the states of North America, the Union of Soviet Republics and the Union Jack, the union of the English empire.

The United States was settled by nearly all the races of the earth, of which the European contingent was the largest. The common English language does not say much, for the English language won over German by only a single vote majority. Just as we could not have spoken of the North Americans as Germans had that happened, neither can we today speak of Anglo-Saxons or English. The Jew would have us believe that a new race develops when other races are mixed. He even gives it a romantic-sounding name: “the melting pot of the races.” That is, however, biologic nonsense. Such a bastardization process does not lead to a new and valuable race, but rather a corrupt racial mixture in which the bad characteristics come to the fore, and in which finally parasitic manifestations appear, such as we see in American insanity and in the ruthless business style of the ruling class in North America.

The USA became the home of the gangsters, the insanities of Hollywood, the stock brokers of New York, the orators of Washington: in brief, the land of truly unlimited possibilities, namely those of insanity and criminality produced by its racial mixing.

df7adf  No.6874445


Sure. But like I said, he doesn't remember crying because of school bullies. 🤷‍♂️

1b88d0  No.6874446

File: f2a9e396f217637⋯.png (846.64 KB, 1248x700, 312:175, f2a9e396f217637f8cde03d554….png)

07fe65  No.6874447

File: ed61c1f1ade7e35⋯.jpg (86.16 KB, 1024x914, 512:457, when ur so right the booin….jpg)


good idea anon

4f1cd3  No.6874448


Gipper +1

DS 0

3ac089  No.6874449


your convinced your right about collusion and corruption, yet you sit at your keyboard and dig for more dough to prove your right…..in the meantime, evil has your permission to enter and act with the permission you granted through your inaction.

wow, you think exposure happens before the 4th, but Mueller testifies on the 17th…must be the plan…..they have already showed you that the deadline will move, no accountability, but celebrate our independence, root for Q, but don't you dare do anything except bake some more dough.

do you not see, you are the solution, they know this, yet here you sit… all the while more children hurt…. oh that's right God sent trump, but can't send me to the perpetrator's demise.

tools, all of you, tools of evil… good men stand by doing nothing is how evil spreads, and spread it is with your help…more arrows in your quiver, but no bow or target realized.

critical think…how are you part of the problem?

you are on the cusp of a new power, and you deserve what you get, for being so sheep like in your wolf façade….. you invited in evil all while failing to recognize it controlling you.

it's not God save the children, it's God dammed the children, that is what your accomplishing.

b96f82  No.6874450

File: e1699d24395ea44⋯.jpeg (13.6 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 314AB30C-7BF3-489F-B526-4….jpeg)

82919e  No.6874451


Long term memory loss .. no wonder the DumbFK can't do anything right kek

4611ed  No.6874452

File: aa9cd70a4934a39⋯.png (593.42 KB, 635x786, 635:786, ClipboardImage.png)

Coast Guard Tweet:

"We sure have come a long way"


3d2b88  No.6874453


>Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: “A Course in Miracles “

>Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word “keystone” to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey …

baker notable

62a03b  No.6874454

File: b64ce2a10c2f18b⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Homer1.jpg)


Further question. If ACIM is MK-Ultra, then how many of it's students have been mk-ultra'd over the years? Is Marianne's appearance and words intended to be the trigger to those MKu'd?

df7adf  No.6874455


>Long term memory loss

Maybe. 🤷‍♂️

>no wonder the DumbFK can't do anything right kek

Hopefully he can send all you EVIL (((JEWS))) to hell correctly. 🤷‍♂️

48074d  No.6874456

File: 26e3b6b5915d85d⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 800x450, 16:9, iu.jpg)


When has GOD Lost?

Oh Right. on the 12th of


8a0a90  No.6874457

File: 07a6a7ee9abeaf6⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x815, 1024:815, ClipboardImage.png)



ca0df1  No.6874458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.










a4f541  No.6874459


AKA - No-wing aircraft aka Space Force disclosure. US. to U.K .in 1.7 seconds.

27884f  No.6874460

Can't wait for JFK Jr. to walk on stage with POTUS next week.

3d2b88  No.6874461

Cult of Personality: Ties to the Fringe

Whether you’re more familiar with Joaquin Phoenix’s work in movies like Walk the Line and Her, or grew up watching his brother River in the iconic film Stand By Me, you may not know that the brothers grew up in a cult. In a 2014 interview with Playboy, Joaquin opened up about his unconventional upbringing in the Children of God fringe religious sect and traveling around South America with the group and his family in the early 1970s.

Though the cult is best known for their recruitment technique called “flirty fishing” — where they would use young women lure in new members by having sex with them — Joaquin Phoenix said that his parents’ involvement with the group was “innocent” and they truly believed in their Christian-based message. Both Joaquin and River Phoenix decided to leave the cult — as did Rose McGowan. The activist and actor was also born into the group, but got out along with her parents once they started advocating adults having sex with children (a policy the group, now known as the Family International, has since abandoned).

moar here: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/cults-strange-angel-844889/

ba0e56  No.6874462


Well it she can call them concentration camps then gun restrictions ARE INFRINGEMENTS ON OUR 2A!!!!


7fda37  No.6874463

60 Families Rule America

F. Lundberg’s book appeared in 1937, and is seen by American politicians as a reliable source. He begins with the blunt assertion: “The United States of America is owned and controlled by a hierarchy that at its core consists of the 60 richest families of the country, to which at most 90 families of somewhat lesser wealth may be included. These families are the center of the modern industrial oligarchy that controls the United States. They function discretely under a de jure democratic form of government, behind which a de facto government of abolutistic and plutocratic nature has existed since the Civil War.” This hollowing out of democracy was possible only because enormous fortunes developed in the United States that have no parallel in the rest of the world.

The extent of the wealth controlled by the “golden ring,” the sixty richest families in America, is astonishing. Rockefeller’s personal income in 1924 was $30-50 million, though his taxable income was only $18 million. His total fortune certainly exceeds a billion dollars, and those of the Melons and the Ponts is surely no less. Such a concentration of wealth by itself is extraordinarily powerful, a state within a state, but the power of money and the dollar dynasties extends yet further. The real nature of the power of the “golden ring” is less in personal wealth as in the control that they are thereby able to exert over others. The foundation here is the expansion of so-called stock capital. In 1880 16% of the total capital of the United States was in such “liquid assets,” a figure that had reached 40% by 1930.

Stock majorities are guided, holding companies established, the various interests are so concealed and covered up in a way that enables them to become suddenly public when it is necessary. With amazing lack of scruples, huge fortunes are made in ways that put gangsters and pirates to shame.

Old Rockefeller used to say with Puritan hypocrisy, after he had taken someone’s money, that “God gave me my wealth.” J.P. Morgan the elder, however, displayed a deeper knowledge of the source of his wealth. Half in jest, half seriously, he claimed that one of his ancestors was the famous Caribbean pirate Henry Morgan. He named his black luxury yacht the “Corsair,” and loved to fly the Jolly Roger, the skull and crossbones, above the Stars and Stripes when on the high seas. His son is said to continue the custom, except that as the American financial agent of the British government during the World War, he preferred to fly the Union Jack above the Jolly Roger,

Corrupt bureaucrats over the decades understood how to transfer billions in public property to people who understood how to give a golden handshake. Some of these bubbles collapsed, giving the citizens of the United States a look at the swamp of its government. For example, the major scandal with oil reserves under the government of Harding — 1921 to 1923 — might have had something to do with the president’s mysterious death.

dbc560  No.6874464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

More on E. Jean Carroll:

I'M A FLIRT (and I'm married)



213 dislikes

E. Jean Carroll

Published on Aug 18, 2008



Weird, it says in parenthesis (and I'm married), yet she claims to not have had sex or relationships since the DJT supposed incident, in other articles. I guess it could be in reference to the letter/question she's answering.

4611ed  No.6874465

File: f2864f7dbd01dd7⋯.png (608.35 KB, 630x750, 21:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Coast Guard Tweet:


Also interesting that 45 shows up so well for the address.

82919e  No.6874466

File: 45abdd8fbf3f94b⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 634x377, 634:377, Capture.JPG)


He's giving it the ole college try… wait he never made it that far kek

7fda37  No.6874467


The extent and subtlety of the corrupt system in the freest land in the world was revealed a few years ago when a Senate committee investigated the list of favorites to whom the J.P. Morgan Company sold cheap stocks in 1929. Beside the many financial potentates were names like Calvin Coolidge, who had been president until 1929, William H. Woodin, Roosevelt’s Treasury Secretary in 1933, W. G. McAdoo, Treasury Secretary under Wilson and Senator from California, Ch. F. Adams, Naval Secretary and Bernard M. Baruch, organizer of the war economy during the World War and also one of Roosevelt’s most influential Jewish advisors. The number of cases in which the power of money was enough to blind the eyes of justice is legion. Nowhere are as many scoundrels running around loose as in the United States. When a scandal stinks so badly that one of the “greats” must be punished, for example Samuel Insull or Van Swerigen, it is always a fringe figure, an agent of the leading families, never a member of the “golden ring” itself. Senator Norris, with the healthy instincts of a Nebraska farmer, was outraged when in the 1939 scandal the two most heavily implicated figures, the Interior Secretary Fall and the Industrialist Sinclair were acquitted. He said sarcastically: “We should pass a law that says that a man who is worth $100 million may not be brought to trial. Then our laws would at least correspond to reality.”

This unimaginable wealth stands in contrast to enormous poverty. In the end, those who are betrayed are the millions of workers and farmers, the broad masses of the people. The American people will be the victims of this war as well. They will pay the price for the increased profits of the upper ten thousand. 21,000 new millionaires came out of the last war, and the previous ones became a lot richer. The same will happen in this war. The American armaments industry will earn a lot and the poor stupid people will pay the bills. It will also have to pay a price in blood, and not a small one. Just as in England, the people have a limited role in the “democracy.” Unfortunately, the common impression that American workers have a high standard of living is a myth.

7cd542  No.6874468

File: 5155ad8f2e9a5e4⋯.png (97.01 KB, 253x228, 253:228, 2018-09-21_23-33-26qq.png)


We all have a role to play.

God Bless America


0310cd  No.6874469

File: 14ac2fef474b96b⋯.png (52.77 KB, 800x538, 400:269, 800px-2019_G20_Osaka_summi….png)

File: a5226aa1387cb43⋯.png (78.93 KB, 912x650, 456:325, G20.png)

df7adf  No.6874470


Actually it was wash, not wipe. And I don't think she did a good job either. Satan learnt to wash his ass properly all by himself. 🤷‍♂️

4f1cd3  No.6874471


truth in advertising

from this point forward google shall be known as


549131  No.6874472


>>6874438, >>6874454 Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: “A Course in Miracles“

>>6874452 Coast Guard Tweet: "We sure have come a long way"

>>6874436 ‘Schumer Destroyed All Our Leverage’: WaPo Report Reveals Infighting Between House And Senate Democrats On Border Bill

>>6874426 more A Course In Miracles links

>>6874393 anagrams for "saturdays are for the boys"

>>6874390 POTUS schedule for Sunday, June 30, 2019

>>6874256 Smoking Gun in Clinton Emails: Brennan was required by law to have a presidential finding to start a covert C_A operation.


>>6874186 USMC doing joint drill with Spanish military

>>6874178 Why is the boy band EXO there to meet the president?

>>6874170 ‘Osaka Track’ opens new chapter for global data flow

>>6874151 July 4th VIP section will stretch roughly from the steps of the memorial to the midpoint of the reflecting pool – WH invite only.

>>6874137 N. Korea says Trump’s offer to meet Kim ‘very interesting’

>>6874091 a dig on young Bill de Blasio in Nicaragua

>>6874100 DOD: Preparing to soar

>>6874095, >>6874132 Boeing Outsourced Its 737 MAX Software To $9-Per-Hour Engineers; how aviation executives came to see engineers as a commodity

>>6874083 USMC: Saturdays Are For The Boys

>>6874071 mil "ready" caps combined

>>6874062 President Trump Announces Restart of China Trade Talks

>>6874021 'The Church Is Under Attack': CA Lawmakers Pass Measure Forcing Pastors to Embrace LGBT Ideology

>>6874009, >>6874070, >>6874413 Human Trafficker and Captain of German Non-Profit Sea Watch Ship Arrested in Italy — After She Nearly Caused a Collision at Italian Port

>>6873988 POTUS to relax restrictions on Huawei; Watch the NASDAQ

>>6873948 Ex-prosecutor locked up after guilty verdict in Hawaii

>>6873942 Libyan National Army threatens to sink Turkish ships

>>6873898 9/11 first responder Luis Alvarez, who fought for victims' compensation, dies at 53

>>6873877 Another Australian Anon with an extremely interdasting and deep insight into the "Q phenomenon"…

bakering around 680ish

200f8e  No.6874473

File: de280d7a6786517⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 4856x3600, 607:450, zaxcvsv.jpg)

c317cb  No.6874474


See something, Spray something.

df7adf  No.6874475


Good thing too. Otherwise he would have never found out about you EVIL (((JEWS))) or that he is apparently Satan. 😐

c6c4ab  No.6874476

File: 619559a651524eb⋯.png (239.07 KB, 399x532, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 467b761deafd41f⋯.png (52.55 KB, 211x126, 211:126, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6873844 beautiful work anon


8cf1f3  No.6874477

File: b9307c10c8787c5⋯.png (203.25 KB, 554x372, 277:186, John Jung Jr.png)


>Can't wait for JFK Jr. to walk on stage with POTUS next week.

19f618  No.6874478


Look at the big picture. Look at Cali. They are infringements on the Bill of Rights. All the small fires and the Patriot Act will be dealt the death blow by the SCOTUS when the time is right.

549131  No.6874479

>>6874438, >>6874454 Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: “A Course in Miracles“

baker says: suspicious of first one because can't see connection in a quick read, however, question in 2nd link makes 1st more interesting.

8e9970  No.6874480

I wish somebody would put the smack down on these cable company's for monitoring, entrapping, and cutting off the service for online activity.

The useless government does not protect the people. Governments whole purpose is to psyop your mind, psychologically passify you away from your rights and liberty, and make you feel comfy in another jurisdiction where you have no rights.

Where are all the good government personnel at?

Who helps the people IRL?

Where is this country we all dream about.

Why is our freedoms monitored.

Where did all the rights go?

Why are the people slaves now?

Fuck these traitors, they are everywhere!

"I will rejoice when the blood spills, even if it's a fucking psyco doing it."

15eaef  No.6874481

File: d40fe5efa347846⋯.jpg (408.5 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningRain9.jpg)

File: 7c6691b102747aa⋯.jpg (122.77 KB, 772x512, 193:128, GreatAwakeningSoup1.jpg)

File: 3d12b60ad25c8ff⋯.jpg (200.28 KB, 736x699, 736:699, WhereDuringGreatAwakening.jpg)

File: cbeb810a7c78da5⋯.jpg (169.6 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningLight6.jpg)

File: b53863bf27a1ec5⋯.jpg (447.64 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity3.jpg)

e44630  No.6874482


….you familiar with the Hapsburg Jaw/Chin?

TEN fuckin' capcha lags, shills are ddosing…

1be6f2  No.6874483

File: 11698a16d74efef⋯.jpg (69.28 KB, 500x502, 250:251, genocea nea buy.jpg)

File: e4eea861e9c216a⋯.jpg (57.35 KB, 500x502, 250:251, genocea buy.jpg)

Top Insider buy of the week-ending June 28th-Genocea Biosciences Inc, plus buy by GlaxoSmithKine

This is a group buy split up among several buyers. This had an offering:

Genocea Biosciences : Announces Pricing of $36,750,000 Public Offering of Common Stock


Genocea Biosciences, Inc., is harnessing the power of T cell immunity to develop vaccines and immunotherapies company. The Company uses its discovery platform, AnTigen Lead Acquisition System (ATLAS), to design vaccines and immunotherapies that act, in part, through T cell (or cellular) immune responses. The Company has one product candidate in Phase III clinical development, GEN-003, an immunotherapy for the treatment of genital herpes. It also has a pre-clinical immuno-oncology program focused on personalized cancer vaccines (GEN-009). The GEN-009 program leverages ATLAS to identify patient neoantigens, or newly formed antigens unique to each patient, that are associated with that individual's tumor.

Number of employees : 52 people.


New Enterprise Associates

Ali Behbahani, MD

General Partner, Washington DC



df7adf  No.6874484



Some people consider mustard oil as remedy for everything. 🤣🤣🤣

Don't know about mustard oil but mustard gas can be a remedy for EVIL (((JEWS))). 🤷‍♂️

cff29c  No.6874486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rather fond of this idea. Would make a great t-shirt.

BTW, dying over here. Thought I'd pop all this in front of me (printed a bunch. oldagefags gotta oldage) and voila! The answer appears.

Now thinking we have some rearranging to do on the clock to work dates in 12 (dare I say it) vectors.

Is there use to arranging the minutes in timestamps from :00 to :59?

Feels like there are levels to comms.

Deltas between q and POTUS indicate habbenings of a subject past past recent or now.

Those are determined by minutes (saw someone practicing and missing seconds the other night, so have to think that might not be used)

Leaving hours as a tool. Would consider a 12 hour clock without reference to am or pm given the Tesla multiplication table uses 12.

Q only? Q and POTUS?

Also undetermined: dates. Do dates play a roll in comms as the attempt has been made to use them on the current Q clock.

Finally, do we need to consider the posts q had on his boards different from the ones in the breads? What about the ones he's erased? Only number the ones that stay?

Recall q erasing a bunch of chatty stuff once saying "it wouldn't work otherwise."

Anyone have copies of the previous boards before they went dark?

Separate the "intel" drops from the "chatty" drops?


This topic will set of the shills, and anon usually avoids weekends, but want as many eyes on this as possible. We are stuck, we've been clouded. This needs to end.


(Tesla multiplication based on 12 for primes and composites)

07b6fb  No.6874487


>Corrupt bureaucrats over the decades understood how to transfer billions in public property to people who understood how to give a golden handshake.

Why did this immediately bring to (my) mind this tweet of DJT?

"After some very important meetings, including my meeting with President Xi of China, I will be leaving Japan for South Korea (with President Moon). While there, if Chairman Kim of North Korea sees this, I would meet him at the Border/DMZ just to shake his hand and say Hello(?)!"

ccb5cd  No.6874488

File: eb39025aa696ed4⋯.png (342.42 KB, 632x634, 316:317, ClipboardImage.png)


>Jacinda Ardern

This Jacinda Ardern?

7fda37  No.6874489









So as you see…

It was those damn Germans telling you about the cabal and the conspiracy over 70 years ago.

Doesn't it all read very familiar? Same problems and symptoms with the same cause.

fa80cb  No.6874490

Anyone else finding that /patriotsfight/catalog is down?

3ac089  No.6874491


maybe you should do something…. oh wait you cant….. because you sit here complaining while doing nothing.


200f8e  No.6874492

File: 66fd8a3131c43bb⋯.png (50.9 KB, 200x156, 50:39, ClipboardImage.png)

df7adf  No.6874493


Did (((JEW))) check the timeline now? Did (((JEW))) manage to save (((JEW)))-manity? 🤔🤷‍♂️

8ce8d7  No.6874494


>Is Marianne's appearance and words intended to be the trigger to those MKu'd?

Most people will hear "I'll harness love…" and think "YES!, the world needs more LOVE!"

Ignoring her words (which is difficult because of her speech impediment), I hear evil emanating from her throat chakra…and I don't even get down with that new-age bullshit.

She's lurking, anons. Count on it.

872b79  No.6874495


You glow so hard.

It's nice to know how threatened you are by good bakers.

194633  No.6874497


>been trying to post this with pics for over an hour

its ok we know what 'chemtrails' look like your post would have been just as gay

this is a political research board you need to lurk until you understand how to post content that is facts and logic based

>Laugh at the simplicity, but prove me wrong

Fun game.

The earth is flat.

The bad guys are lizards.

You're a retard.

prove me wrong

ca0df1  No.6874498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh look… Marianne Williamson in 2010 for an ACIM indoctrination video.

928b41  No.6874499

File: ab0eaa4cd37b6c6⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, laughing dog 2.jpg)

c27bfc  No.6874500

Q is the security clearance for WE THE PEOPLE.

God bless the Q team and POTUS.

275a86  No.6874501


Clown in the place!

ccb5cd  No.6874503

File: eb39025aa696ed4⋯.png (342.42 KB, 632x634, 316:317, ClipboardImage.png)


? this one?

Where did all this sideways shit cum from

7cd542  No.6874504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well, we've seen a lot of stranger things these past few years…

275a86  No.6874505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3d2b88  No.6874506



both links 404'd for me

71b177  No.6874507

File: af68442a1d89f4c⋯.jpg (85.35 KB, 702x702, 1:1, springsteenjaw.jpg)

ca0df1  No.6874508


Actually… it was posted to youtube in 2010.

I'm not sure when this was filmed but it looks like it was distributed on VHS…

My b.

df7adf  No.6874509


Probably will not be watching the new season of Stranger Things since (((JEW))) mentioned it. 🤷‍♂️

cff29c  No.6874510


Everyone lurks these days. Whatever.

So you don't "get down with that new age bullshit" anon but you do chakras.

She's an interest hybrid. Anon thinks of her as the new-age praying-for-dollars preacher. There are several with a following. But only she has decided to run.

Anyone dug her history? Wasn't dad military? If Q is right and they all are running from prosecution, it might be wiser to focus on her potential crime than on her new-agey teachings.

4f1cd3  No.6874511

File: b5cd8455796bd60⋯.png (278.87 KB, 670x257, 670:257, white ape (2).png)






df7adf  No.6874512


(((JEW))) the people are EVIL (((JEWS))). 🤷‍♂️

0310cd  No.6874513

62a03b  No.6874514

File: 81388510b38a762⋯.png (92.02 KB, 1632x1224, 4:3, deputydog.png)


This is the search result page


b90d6a  No.6874515

June is almost over

SR back in the news when?

df7adf  No.6874516




Yes, "boga" does mean white. 🤷‍♂️

8a0a90  No.6874517

0bc8f2  No.6874518


They are not blue…

0310cd  No.6874519

File: 4faeb1f3f7e0a8f⋯.png (455.69 KB, 948x650, 474:325, AH.png)

c6c4ab  No.6874520

File: b0b5496a8895367⋯.png (314.08 KB, 378x538, 189:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7214746042ac38⋯.png (904.98 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

#TDIH After spending previous day in #Hanau & #Wiesbaden, John Kennedy flies to West #Berlin, #Germany, visits the #BerlinWall & speaks to several audiences including "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech at Rathaus #Schöneberg http://on.fb.me/1GUBYiA



6:03 AM - 26 Jun 2019 from Berlin, Germany



2bd684  No.6874521


she is deeply satanic remember who else said love is the law….she is part of the white light satanists, and yes they are brainwashing people…i personally think my ex who works for the gov was mk'd by her jewish therapist….top of her class at school, total wreck totally controlled by her doctor and family….this love shit will hit the women and the housewives first…but it is deeply satanic

7fda37  No.6874522

>>6874467 (You)

>>6874463 (You)

>>6874444 (You)

>>6874435 (You)

>>6874409 (You)

>>6874395 (You)

>>6874345 (You)

>>6874345 (You)

So as you (refuse to) see…

It was those damn Germans telling you about the cabal and the conspiracy over 70 years ago.

Doesn't it all read very familiar? Same problems and symptoms with the same cause.

df7adf  No.6874523



Here we go: বগা

cff29c  No.6874524


Made this accusation myself once and someone flipped out defend the cabal and calling him a nobody.

Didn't buy it.

Springsteen is close to Springmeijer and that's a name of a ruling bloodline.

Don't care enough to dig it, though. Figure if they're famous, they've been trained to be to lead sheep.

Even the youngest declared the other day: "Sings about American factory workers. Never worked in a factory."

e44630  No.6874526

File: e4b2d2ab80117d5⋯.jpg (108.14 KB, 660x438, 110:73, hapsburg.jpg)


…they're everywhere once you see them….

15eaef  No.6874527


>Anyone have copies of the previous boards before they went dark?

Yeah, you can download most of them from the German Archive Anon's MEGA archive

I use the zipped HTML version of the archives.


Not set up to keep them all in working storage right now, but burned them on DVDs for archival purposes.

Another possible source: Doesn't qresear.ch include /CBTS etc. in their archives?

ad5c73  No.6874529

F*ck this sh*t!

So fed up with all this MSM bullsh*t LIES they push on everyone that's watching around the entire planet! Can't POTUS issue an EO or something that DELETES that Hussein thing that made it ok for news people to push propaganda???

7cd542  No.6874531

File: a6c31cc5636f95b⋯.png (149.99 KB, 364x325, 28:25, 2019-06-28_22-50-28.png)

df7adf  No.6874532


>they're everywhere once you see them

EVIL (((JEWS)))? 🤔🤷‍♂️

No worries, they will be going to hell soon as (((JEW))) may have witnessed with your time machines. 🤷‍♂️

8a0a90  No.6874533

File: 48e6224adf8444d⋯.png (351.1 KB, 759x422, 759:422, ClipboardImage.png)


I feel ya anon.

But it won't come until after the 2020


Logic and optics.

But it will come.

275a86  No.6874534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e0b3d4  No.6874535

File: d3dfab4044e4873⋯.png (372.52 KB, 729x701, 729:701, 1558802399.png)

d1c833  No.6874536


maybe that was the sole purpose of putting her on stage as a candidate, to mutter those words

everyone knows she is not a serious candidate for President

more cabal/deep state evilness

74b328  No.6874537

File: 3e68023c87e1293⋯.png (12.7 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 5dccdc7473ba75791a2e243caa….png)

File: 91be0d3e6a62162⋯.png (186.73 KB, 1440x1145, 288:229, Darn.Frogs.png)

c317cb  No.6874538


This is not a game.

Weather has become political.

Prove me wrong - spray vinegar outside for 20 minutes or spray out your bathroom vent.

Heat some on the stove at a low heat and vent for 10 minutes and go out and look for your self.

There is an ionizing chain reaction.

Then laugh.

df7adf  No.6874539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

725227  No.6874540



1- we live in a "simulation" (matrix style)

2- the creator(s) is the one that created the simulation

3- the creator logically lets the simulation play and enjoys it, time is relative…we could be running for 5 minutes in his <computer>:)

4- the gods we know are entities like us that are in the simulation, they are "aliens" and they of course interfer in life or create life or destroy life

5- extreme happiness or sadness and how evolution proceeds within the simulation is what makes it interesting to its creator

IMO- now why the simulation?

option 1 - is there nothing else and the creator, alone, decided to play, projecting himself in the game? Romantic view of things.

option 2 - Or…could we be simply a term paper of a 8 year old alien, running in a <computer> in his basement:) This would be a bummer as we all hope we matter…hopefully we do! ANyway, seems like a huge undertaking to an average brain like mine, hopefully he passed if that what we are.

Always imo, from a realistic romantic.

3d2b88  No.6874541



interesting that links in bread don't work

hello spoofyspooks

275a86  No.6874542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8cf1f3  No.6874543

US oil output hits historic rate of 12 million barrels per day


14f929  No.6874544

File: 986b5ab4432a4a2⋯.png (229.71 KB, 364x330, 182:165, Screenshot_19.png)


Isn't that Hitler's grandson?

e17495  No.6874545





So many butt hurt faggots triggered by Williamson/ACIM digs?

Gee, I wonder why??

4a7249  No.6874547


She could have been cueing up MK words to ready the zombies to be released to the public or maybe some that night. You know, three years ago, I would NEVER would have thought of something so crazy, but now with what I know, NOTHING is too crazy or evil.

19f618  No.6874548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's all explained in the video.

df7adf  No.6874549

File: f1266ba167e3605⋯.gif (376.02 KB, 400x219, 400:219, mKRZu9p.gif)


Yes, lots of (((JEWS))) have shifted their shapes to hide from Satan. Doesn't work out in the end I am guessing. 🤷‍♂️

8bbba4  No.6874550

File: 3f3c702506dba66⋯.png (234.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, PepeWrathCol.png)


GIVE HER HELL!!! Fucking shit bitch! I hate the women in Germany!!! I HATE THEM!!! I will never be able, to see women like I have seen them before this shit! Fuck this FOTZE!

7fda37  No.6874551
































>>6874467 (You)

>>6874463 (You)

>>6874444 (You)

>>6874435 (You)

>>6874409 (You)

>>6874395 (You)

>>6874345 (You)

>>6874345 (You)

So as you see…

It was those damn Germans telling you about the cabal and the conspiracy over 70 years ago.

Doesn't it all read very familiar? Same problems and symptoms with the same cause.

e44630  No.6874552

File: 67bb1cfc00f1554⋯.jpg (5.26 KB, 184x274, 92:137, trio.jpg)


….guy was a busy little pussy-killa for an alleged homo….

275a86  No.6874553

File: ba74d2a2f65eaac⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2841x2169, 947:723, gettyimages-72465192-14986….jpg)

8b1ad6  No.6874554

File: cb35ff273849094⋯.jpeg (74.96 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 3FEAA669-F2E8-4671-9820-D….jpeg)

60be61  No.6874555


> I argue that the point of Q is to bring us up to altitude then then let us carry on, on our own.

Concur. Hope my aviation obsession wasn't too distracting, not intended to slide.

275a86  No.6874556


Nice try

66d00a  No.6874557



Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.

c6c4ab  No.6874558

>>6874554 Good time response AI/ebot

e0b3d4  No.6874560

File: 36a7f9d1f432a8e⋯.jpg (101.06 KB, 1280x665, 256:133, IMG_20190627_150633_852.JPG)

66d00a  No.6874561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



1e5e66  No.6874562


That's a great point. The only place men are allowed is as dictators who must be destroyed.


14f929  No.6874563

File: 51adfdf37a371a9⋯.png (56.17 KB, 323x176, 323:176, Screenshot_137.png)

File: 011ea1172c1c28d⋯.png (12.57 KB, 305x127, 305:127, Screenshot_138.png)

File: 595f9c5b1623666⋯.png (1.16 MB, 2100x925, 84:37, Screenshot_115.png)

File: 892e87fc4f49026⋯.jpeg (78.26 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, BA1C5CD5-5C3B-4FE5-93B1-F….jpeg)


Every time I see a Diamond symbol, I am now thinking Cabal-related.

3d2b88  No.6874564



Friday, June 15, 2018

Theranos Founder and Former Chief Operating Officer Charged In Alleged Wire Fraud Schemes

Elizabeth Holmes and Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani Are Alleged To Have Perpetrated Multi-million Dollar Schemes To Defraud Investors, Doctors, and Patients.

SAN JOSE - A federal grand jury has indicted Elizabeth A. Holmes and Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani, announced Acting United States Attorney Alex G. Tse, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent in Charge John F. Bennett; Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb; and U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) Inspector in Charge Rafael Nuñez. The defendants are charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and nine counts of wire fraud. According to the indictment returned yesterday and unsealed today, the charges stem from allegations Holmes and Balwani engaged in a multi-million dollar scheme to defraud investors, and a separate scheme to defraud doctors and patients. Both schemes involved efforts to promote Palo Alto, Calif.-based Theranos.

Holmes, 34, of Los Altos Hills, Calif., founded Theranos in 2003. Theranos is a private health care and life sciences company with the stated mission to revolutionize medical laboratory testing through allegedly innovative methods for drawing blood, testing blood, and interpreting the resulting patient data. Balwani, 53, of Atherton, Calif., was employed at Theranos from September of 2009 through 2016. At times during that period, Balwani worked in several capacities including as a member of the company’s board of directors, as its president, and as its chief operating officer.

According to the indictment, Holmes and Balwani used advertisements and solicitations to encourage and induce doctors and patients to use Theranos’s blood testing laboratory services, even though the defendants knew Theranos was not capable of consistently producing accurate and reliable results for certain blood tests. The tests performed on Theranos technology, in addition, were likely to contain inaccurate and unreliable results.

The indictment alleges that the defendants used a combination of direct communications, marketing materials, statements to the media, financial statements, models, and other information to defraud potential investors. Specifically, the defendants claimed that Theranos developed a revolutionary and proprietary analyzer that the defendants referred to by various names, including as the TSPU, Edison, or minilab. The defendants claimed the analyzer was able to perform a full range of clinical tests using small blood samples drawn from a finger stick. The defendants also represented that the analyzer could produce results that were more accurate and reliable than those yielded by conventional methods—all at a faster speed than previously possible.

moar here: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/theranos-founder-and-former-chief-operating-officer-charged-alleged-wire-fraud-schemes

47fe42  No.6874565

File: 979e92563eb5c42⋯.png (229.52 KB, 699x494, 699:494, Q 888 FLOTUS tweet "Untied….png)


Since POTUS is hoping to meet with Kim during this trip overseas, it's a good time to look back at FLOTUS' tweet re: "Untied State" which is what NK now is…

Probably chafes the DS to no end that POTUS pretty easily freed NK and now has his sites set on freeing Venezuela, Iran and others.

7cd542  No.6874566

File: 51ffff13752c4a7⋯.png (421.51 KB, 710x397, 710:397, 2019-06-29_14-08-55.png)

File: 976701ab2bcefd9⋯.png (400.22 KB, 696x346, 348:173, 2019-06-29_14-10-34.png)


>Carola Rackete

She have connections or related to anyone of note?


Asking for a fren.

194633  No.6874567



>post political research


>lizards are politics

>prove me wrong

the onus to prove outrageous claims is on the claimant

19f618  No.6874568


The Theranos lady was just copy pasta and almost got away with it.

928b41  No.6874569

File: 187de33f6ea8744⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 397x400, 397:400, laughing dog.jpg)

Kek, Muh dog was chomping at the bit to chase a deer on front lawn. So I let him out and he ran in the wrong direction. But the deer actually waited for him to turn around before it started running! High comedy in the woods, Anons. I just wish one of these times I could catch the antics on camera.

15eaef  No.6874570


Anons dig on all Dem candidates that are put forth. Anons will dig up their background, things they said long ago, family connections, money, articulated positions on issues, etc.

And we will meme and ridicule everything deserving of meming and ridicule.

No exceptions.

It's what we do.

Open source intel gathering.

ca0df1  No.6874571


'''Awaken to a Life of Purpose and Presence

A taste of the Course in Miracles

From the video: A Course In Miracles'''

“I think Eckhart is a prophet of our times. I keep Eckhart's book at my bed-side. I think it's essential spiritual teachings. It's one of the most valuable books I've ever read.”

— Oprah

“I would do anything to be anywhere in the vicinity of Eckhart Tolle.”

— Jim Carrey, Actor

“[The Power of Now] is one of the best books to come along in years. Every sentence rings with truth and power — the power to bring you into the gap, the space between our thoughts, where we find, as Eckhart so beautifully puts it, deep serenity, stillness, and a sacred Presence.”

— Deepak Chopra

“Life-changing teachings — it’s true…past-regret and future-fear fell away”

— Michael Joly

c15578  No.6874572


Springs managed Paysuer holdings. Real name


"This new information that they had about the Springs (real name Springstein) family"


Interesting write up if you wan to go down Springs/Lincoln/Payseur/Hapsburg rabbit hole.

df7adf  No.6874573


Uh huh. As if it wasn't already recorded. 😐


15eaef  No.6874574


Isn't that a biological male?

e44630  No.6874575


…prolly Reality Winners' cuz…..

cff29c  No.6874576


So Warren, May AND Merkel are all Hitler's granddaughters?

ca0df1  No.6874577



I think I found the link to getting from A Course In Miracles to its surrounding cabal members/celebs…

Eckhart Tolle.


66d00a  No.6874578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

14f929  No.6874579


The thing is, what if she was left alone for another 5 years or so? Would she have succeeded in creating the Blood Analyzer that every person could have at home or in their pocket?

Think of how many people she would have put out of work?

7cd542  No.6874580

File: 208dc04309e56ba⋯.png (52.79 KB, 186x251, 186:251, 2018-12-07_17-32-20.png)


Deep State have a bunker somewhere pulling all these strings, or is it coming from only one at the top?

194633  No.6874581


first its 'champing' not chomping

second thanks for further driving the Muh meme into boomer hell

third wtf does this chatter have to do with Q or political research?

>the absolute state

cff29c  No.6874583


Now do "Neil Diamond."

b90d6a  No.6874584


No typical german

ccb5cd  No.6874585

File: 711a08b4b9a8aec⋯.png (212.62 KB, 504x656, 63:82, ClipboardImage.png)

66d00a  No.6874586

File: 525314dee04eedc⋯.png (234.46 KB, 540x360, 3:2, DivineHealing.png)



ad5c73  No.6874587

Maybe this be worth digging for. It hit me when those downtown heli-rades revealed a RHOBH connection to NXIVM's lawyer Girardi law offices. You know how there's talk of CODE's out in the open, like via twats and even TV or whatever, but, I thought it was weird that last season, someone's house got broken into and jewelry and sh*t was stolen, then, someone else's house got broken into the beginning of the next season and "jewelry and sh*t" also got stolen and then, like around close to the 2nd 3rd of the season, there was another mention of a friend who's house also got broken into, don't remember if what was stolen was mentioned. I don't know. Could be something maybe not but maybe those who know how to dig feel it might be worth a shot, it'd be cool to see what pops up.

549131  No.6874588

File: 74baa919f05e5f5⋯.jpg (102.23 KB, 805x595, 23:17, 4ba995501d79ce7429e0522057….jpg)

die kuchen mein liebchen






>>6874571, >>6874577 notable please bring forward to new bread

19f618  No.6874589


Watch the documentary, she was a fraud and insane!

34a272  No.6874590


Does these pedowood/media freaks need all this New Agey Crystal healing crap to get over their childhood trauma of the fearbox or the creepy shit they have done, or are they simply pushing this shit on stupid yoga moms so they can get at the kids?

7fda37  No.6874591



Where were they wrong in that text?

cff29c  No.6874592


Didn't we dig that she's a biological sibling of Zuckerberg's?

66d00a  No.6874593

File: 4567d0b945cc4a7⋯.png (3.76 MB, 2847x1424, 2847:1424, ClipboardImage.png)



14f929  No.6874595

File: d61ba389eceec6f⋯.png (831.63 KB, 807x600, 269:200, Screenshot_139.png)



e44630  No.6874596


…well, that was the whole mission of OverCast PaperClip, anon…

ccb5cd  No.6874597

File: a3c70a4739e5c30⋯.png (646.04 KB, 642x445, 642:445, ClipboardImage.png)

c6c4ab  No.6874598

File: 03e5d6cecfe0eb0⋯.png (148.49 KB, 297x184, 297:184, ClipboardImage.png)

19f618  No.6874600


Check the documentary.

df7adf  No.6874601

File: 4a47b5e98169644⋯.png (344.44 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1 - Copy.png)

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