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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, af4716b34464fb65200311d59b….png)

bb56f2  No.6677901

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves.

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA.

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6482812 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

bb56f2  No.6677913

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6446595 BO on baker checks and BV removed >>6477078

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6677278 Lawfag theory of why censorship cry is really outing the ownership structure of comped tech company's-TRUST the PLAN

>>6677316 FBI database stokes worries over facial recognition tech(from yesterday)

>>6677345 13 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in California Wearing U.S. Marine Uniforms(june 2nd)

>>6677363 Oil drops after biggest inventory build since 1990

>>6677380, >>6677498 Steele cuts deal(reportedly) to turn state's evidence,reversing initial stance plus CNN reaction

>>6677412 Democrats ram DACA amnesty bill through House (won't go anywhere but relevant)

>>6677414 William Tully Brown, one of the last Navajo Code Talkers, dies at 96

>>6677422 UK Press(some of them) reports reality on POTUS, while here is U.S. it's always a fight

>>6677483 USMC Tweet- Marines ALWAYS run towards battle-o7

>>6677530 White House re-tweet: WW2 never repeated-T may

>>6677585 GES summit tweet

>>6677602 NSA Tweet- Respect to WWII vets-o7

>>6677227 #8539


>>6677121 Australian police raid ABC offices in Sydney, one day after NewsCorp journalist's home was raided

>>6677106 ‘Antifa’ member arrested for trying to imprison Republican students in classroom

>>6677025 Piers Morgan Interviews Donald Trump | Good Morning Britain

>>6676987 Clinton-Appointed Judge Reverses Course, Covers For Deep State – Will Keep Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts Hidden From Public

>>6676955 John Dean, Trump-Basher and “Golden Boy” of Watergate “Silent Coup” – Invited to Speak in Front of Democrat Led House

>>6676919 Mexico Hopes to Prevent Trump-Proposed Tariffs in Eleventh-Hour Talks

>>6676909 Former Idaho Republican Party chairman arrested for stalking

>>6676903, >>6676921 Former Arkansas state senator Linda Collins-Smith found dead at 57

>>6676899 Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt will leave Alphabet’s board after 18 years

>>6676857 China's Central Bank: “Everyone, Please Don’t Worry"

>>6676822 Navy: San Diego Sailor contacted Russians, pleads guilty to espionage

>>6676788 Suspected gunman killed in shootout at San Ysidro Port of Entry identified as US citizen

>>6676565 New DJT: As we approach the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, we proudly commemorate those heroic and honorable patriots who gave their all for the cause of freedom…

>>6676520, >>6676609 anons dig on Defending Democracy Together group

>>6676515, >>6676547 Board votes to fire teacher who tried to report undocumented students to Trump on Twitter



>>6676415, >>6676422, >>6676426 Republicans for the Rule of Law

>>6676333, >>6676342 Republican Group to run ad on Fox & Friends urging congress to hold Trump accountable.

Baker Change

>>6676281 "Day of Days" Anon does the math - first appeared 17 months, 17 days ago

>>6676265, >>6676272 Live coverage of D-Day 75th Anniversary

>>6676106 Brian Kolfage twat: We have reported those ppl who let the illegals in @El Paso (w/links to PB)

>>6676049, >>6675943, >>6675775 New PDJTs

>>6676030 Germany fighting back: AfD introducing bill to Ban Hezbollah

>>6676029 Did POTUS secure agreement to transfer Assange? (sketchy source)

>>6675999 GM tariff relief request - Denied.

>>6675797 Anon connects POTUS tweet to frmr HRC staffer defunct website

>>6675700, >>6675701, >>6675703, >>6675706 Resignations in the news 6-3-19

>>6676102 Ft Benning being considered to house illegal children (self nom)

>>6676195 Kolfage "We Know" lines up on the clock: "We Have it All"

>>6676444 #8537

Previously Collected Notables

>>6675645 #8536

>>6673336 #8533, >>6674126 #8534, >>6674883 #8535

>>6671071 #8530, >>6671808 #8531, >>6672557 #8532

>>6668722 #8527, >>6669480 #8528, >>6670279 #8529

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

bb56f2  No.6677918

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


bb56f2  No.6677922

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


a91afc  No.6677924

The Jews created the Debt Money System. The Jews create paper currency out of thin air and lend it to governments and everyone else. The Jews get it all back, trillions a year because their scam is worldwide. Then the Jews use it to buy up every hard asset in the world. We shall take all these hard assets back.

Jews and non-whites are not real Americans. First and foremost, they are Jews and non-whites. The Jews are running the extermination of european whites and non-whites also desire the extermination of european whites.

The Jews created the Debt Money System. The Jews create paper currency out of thin air and lend it to governments and everyone else. The Jews get it all back, trillions a year because thier scam is worldwide. Then the Jews use it to buy up every hard asset in the world. We shall take all these hard assets back.

bb56f2  No.6677927

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

dc010a  No.6677942

File: 51ea17713a5f743⋯.png (132.73 KB, 444x374, 222:187, vi-f.png)

File: c38ff2fa4be0239⋯.jpg (76.69 KB, 999x756, 37:28, Gods-Will.jpg)

File: 6cfd4d79d2baccf⋯.jpg (197.38 KB, 1111x644, 1111:644, meme2.jpg)

bb56f2  No.6677944

Messed that up sorry guise, its been a while .Captcha threw me off .i wont do it again let me know if I can continue

Dough https://pastebin.com/qk6XRErM

dc010a  No.6677947

File: 0b445cac6b9ba57⋯.png (828.7 KB, 1222x970, 611:485, theraven.png)

File: 37bf269bdcf41b0⋯.png (380.59 KB, 999x974, 999:974, FIGHT.png)

File: edba78cc07e5c6c⋯.png (496.94 KB, 999x999, 1:1, wutsit.png)

dc010a  No.6677951

File: 2afa3515c3893ad⋯.png (1.04 MB, 999x666, 3:2, ghhoulz.png)

File: b895f0c2680c8f7⋯.png (335.92 KB, 1111x823, 1111:823, cu.png)

File: 152170dc5c7d362⋯.gif (679.93 KB, 3222x2022, 537:337, M-p-p-M.gif)

dc010a  No.6677958

File: c83aa8cb6341d33⋯.png (108.78 KB, 606x591, 202:197, tk.png)

File: cd6d75df8781f9d⋯.png (265.37 KB, 734x619, 734:619, whatif.png)

File: bf042a8d0644d72⋯.png (377.65 KB, 972x1716, 81:143, speech-is-not-free.png)

fa5749  No.6677964

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


Good work baker, thank you for grabbing the bread at the end there.

I can bake for a while if you prefer.

Thank you!

bb56f2  No.6677976


it's your call Sir.

e93b33  No.6677994

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


bec5a0  No.6677995

File: 43c6ee4cf1599e2⋯.png (136.04 KB, 630x565, 126:113, tucker_dafuq_trns.png)

Americans view fake news as a bigger problem than terrorism

Americans view made-up news and information as a bigger problem than other critical issues, including terrorism, immigration, climate change and racism, according to a new survey from Pew Research Center.

Why it matters: The survey finds that Americans feel more worried today about fake news because it's undermining their trust in key institutions, like government and the media.

The only issues that rank higher than made-up news and information as "very big problems in the country today" are drug addiction, the affordability of health care, the U.S. political system, and the income gap.

By the numbers: An overwhelming majority of Americans (68%) believe made-up news and information has a big impact on their trust in government, according to the survey.

More than half (54%) of Americans say it impacts their confidence in other Americans.

More than half (51%) say it impacts the ability of political leaders to get work done.

Between the lines: While most Americans blame political leaders and activist groups for creating misinformation over journalists, most say "the news media" is the most responsible for fixing the problem.

Republicans blame journalists more for the issue than Democrats, according to the survey.

The big picture: Misinformation has always existed in various forms, but the internet era has made the problem harder to stop in real-time.

According to the poll, more than half of Americans sometimes come across fake news online, and many report changing their internet habits to lessen their overall intake of fake news as a result.

Our thought bubble: "Fake news" and "misinformation" are abstract terms, which gives people in power — such as President Trump — room to weaponize the term in order to denounce news they don't like. This has dramatically exposed more Americans to the debate around the problems it causes for society, and likely impacts their view of it as an important issue.

What's next: Don't count on the public to be optimistic about the issue ahead of 2020. A majority of those surveyed said they think the problem will get worse over time.



Fake News Media is mad that Trump is always calling them out!

They're trying to convince people that real news is fake, and fake news is real.

fa5749  No.6677999


I'll take it fren.

Let me fire up the ovens real quick.

e93b33  No.6678003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




edee06  No.6678006

File: 31545531d878dbf⋯.mp4 (7.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 31545531d878dbf569a3c373ea….mp4)

09a77a  No.6678012

File: fc24bae6969e88a⋯.png (1.51 MB, 800x1051, 800:1051, qhash-cutouts.png)

File: b6c51a21c53330b⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q-hashdrop2_LETTER_PRINT.png)

spread these around town on D Day!

84afe0  No.6678014

File: 7bed79b314370a3⋯.png (31.14 KB, 924x346, 462:173, ClipboardImage.png)

NSA Cyber Advisory

take the steps anons


73ad62  No.6678015

go back and at least fill the last bread

8c212e  No.6678017

China Crackdown On US Companies Escalates - Ford Fined For Anti-Trust Violations

Just when we thought it was safe to buy the f**king dip amid comments from China that implied an easing of tensions (despite Chinese media denying any such softening), news overnight confirmed tensions with US firms is escalating.

Just days after China said that it’s investigating FedEx for “wrongful” deliveries, a move framed by the state news agency as a warning by Beijing, Bloomberg reports that China has fined Ford's main joint venture in the country for antitrust violations.

According to a statement on the State Administration for Market Regulation’s website, Changan Ford Automobile, the 50:50 venture between Michigan-based Ford and Chongqing Changan Automobile, must pay a penalty of 162.8 million yuan (US$23.6 million) - equivalent to 4 per cent of the venture's annual sales in Chongqing - for a business practice that restricted retail prices since 2013.

"It’s hard to see [this fine] as not related [to US tensions]," said Andrew Polk, co-founder of research firm Trivium China in Beijing. "At this stage I think our baseline assumption should be that there are no coincidences."

In an emailed statement, Changan Ford said it will accept the fine imposed by China’s anti-monopoly authority agreeing to further regulate its operations in China and safeguard a free, fair market competition environment.

The fine adds to Ford’s woes in China as sales at its Changan venture dropped 54 percent in 2018.

This latest move follows the Trump administration's ban on business with telecommunications giant Huawei and China's threat to blacklist foreign firms that damage domestic companies’ interests.

It would seem this trade war is anything but de-escalating and once President Trump returns from Europe, we suspect the rhetoric will worsen.


bb56f2  No.6678027


=Handoff Confirmed=

7c967f  No.6678031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'



dc010a  No.6678033

File: 857394e1746beb4⋯.png (208.59 KB, 999x599, 999:599, T-ham-p-QQ-b-ae-ay-aih-que….png)

File: 01f6767ace14b31⋯.png (151.62 KB, 1025x333, 1025:333, dje-fr-mGJ.png)

File: f21e8583735c714⋯.png (366.24 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

7c967f  No.6678036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


739e25  No.6678037

I haven't seen this in the notables, so sorry if this has been posted.

Rush just announced on radio the FAKE NEWS loses bigtime.

Fate of North Korean negotiator ‘executed’ after failed summit grows murkier with new report that he’s still alive.

A harrowing report published in a South Korean newspaper claiming that several top North Korean officials were executed and at least one forced into hard labor after a failed summit with President Donald Trump earlier this year is coming under new scrutiny after a CNN report claiming that the supposedly executed negotiator is still alive.

Meanwhile, the diplomat reportedly banished appeared in public this week, accompanying Kim Jong Un to an art performance on Monday, according to state media.

Still alive??? Deepstate fuckery exposed?!?

Read more here. Only sauce I could find at the moment:


6ba43c  No.6678040

File: 571dc3a2ec61b02⋯.png (949.21 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, FeedingTime_blank.png)

File: a487fa479f9ae2f⋯.png (938.69 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, FeedingTime.png)

Feeding Time

fa5749  No.6678044



o7 bakes

7c967f  No.6678045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



McDonalds caught using human baby meat in their burgers

0b78f6  No.6678047


Shadilay, mofos!

a928f9  No.6678053



If (((they))) start to ignore Q, does it mean that it is game over? That Q is no longer threat for (((them)))?

7c967f  No.6678054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Is Anything in McDonald's Kosher? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

3b8a2e  No.6678055

File: b3fecf44746e1f5⋯.png (335 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190605-123146.png)

File: f5a4716a3e0c3dd⋯.png (693.95 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190605-123544.png)

File: 3d3ab4b616f3b8e⋯.png (315.57 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190605-123445.png)

File: 934241d2babe922⋯.png (363.84 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190605-123404.png)

File: 842c3924acf0a97⋯.png (117.39 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190605-123230.png)

To serve man twilight zone episode.

The aliens are Kanamits. Is that really Cannanites?

How did you get to this planet?


How did you get to this planet?

In a spaceship.

They even mention the garden of Eden.

Consider the vastness of space.

Maybe travel by spaceship in this universe isnt done. Dude said he walked.

It's a cookbook!! Well shit…pedovores…these people are gross.

Lucifer quote "I'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven."

The episode is titled "To serve man."

Seems absolutely absurd but a lot of weirdness there…

393141  No.6678056

File: d85eef2c1a3597c⋯.png (335.25 KB, 1237x640, 1237:640, Prosecutors Asking If Jeff….png)


7c967f  No.6678057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

7c967f  No.6678058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Thank every single one of you non-JIDF bakers!

6025db  No.6678059

File: 53497d0c152efc7⋯.png (29.83 KB, 776x368, 97:46, ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN: YouTube says it will ban “hateful” and “supremacist” content and remove videos that deny well-documented atrocities, like the Holocaust and the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school - CNN

9:53 AM - 5 Jun 2019


011300  No.6678060

File: fb6ca70c33ae6d2⋯.png (48.23 KB, 590x279, 590:279, ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: YouTube says it will ban “hateful” and “supremacist” content and remove videos that deny well-documented atrocities, like the Holocaust and the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school - CNN


95cb6a  No.6678061

After your conditioning with Sessions, Barr is going to be able to drag this out until next year pretty easily …

bec5a0  No.6678062

File: f48d200de2bbe58⋯.jpg (127.26 KB, 500x756, 125:189, muhjews.jpg)

File: f3fcddfdfe299c7⋯.png (4.24 KB, 187x141, 187:141, Filter.png)

/ / / The problem / / / / / / / / / / / / The Solution / / /

e93a71  No.6678063


TY Baker!!!

>>6677920 (lb)

My motivation comes from my own personal convictions to do the right thing, sweetie. Q is great, and verifiable posts almost always lead to the discovery of something new; be it some news dig, globalist operations, scum getting outed as pedos, or "suicides" of the elite. Even when Q's posts aren't related to external digs, it's the hope that something is being done about the evil in this world that provide some anons with motivation to a better future. Having said that, Q isn't actually the reason a lot of people are here. Q just so happens to be the conduit of information that many anons have taken to be the justification of lifelong suspicions of just how the world has worked until now.

So, to your point:

Who, why, and how is this group of still anonymous contributors to a "behind the scenes narrative" doing what they're doing?

The answer is as complicated and diverse as anons are people. For some, it ties into their already established personal convictions. For some, it's the journey of discovery. There are many reasons people feel led to explore this whole "Learn to think and research for yourself" thing. Again, and it's been stated here, repeatedly, freeing your mind from the programming out there. So, if an anon comes along a posts a few "Q-esque" lines, what's the harm, really? Either you think it's Q, or it's not, but even if the person on the other end of the monitor is someone with ill-intent, that post might still give some anons some needed motivation to keep pressing forward.

2e16c6  No.6678064

File: fc06951aac72b1b⋯.gif (951.96 KB, 400x400, 1:1, moderate.gif)

Patiently waiting for something good to appear

9e0c3e  No.6678065

File: 29eddc1390d9090⋯.jpg (60.97 KB, 597x247, 597:247, breadshit2.jpg)


Did the jews create Bread Shitters??

e6f9ad  No.6678066

File: e6c2c6578ef213d⋯.jpeg (361.12 KB, 750x1069, 750:1069, C0FBE793-D303-4ED3-BF01-B….jpeg)

File: 745cde0ccdb0d64⋯.jpeg (563.26 KB, 750x1251, 250:417, 04F5CB99-1D65-4B72-AA28-E….jpeg)

File: b104dce4f19bc44⋯.jpeg (428.54 KB, 750x927, 250:309, 0CDC675C-3056-4B7A-8EFC-2….jpeg)

Watch Venezuela

Russia supporting Maduro (globalists)

Japan and Russia fighting over Kuril Islands (gold)

May 25-28 - DJT visits Japan

May 31 - Japan-Russia Summit announced for June 29

June 2 - Russia pulls defense contractors from Venezuela

DJT negotiating deal - Kuril Islands for Venezuela pull out?



13facc  No.6678067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

yaknow what term we've lost track of: Narco-Militarism

frens, newfags, cuntyshills, may i present: 1989

aint no new ownership a nothing

a17e77  No.6678068

Are we /here/ yet???

[Placeholder - OIG Report & Findings]

[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]

[Placeholder - OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]

[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]

[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]

[Placeholder - OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]

[Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]

[Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C_]

7c967f  No.6678069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

b6bb3b  No.6678070

File: 769d074cbee4a40⋯.png (493.29 KB, 946x1020, 473:510, hive mind aoc.png)



The hive mind is strong with these ones.

e25a88  No.6678071

File: eae1e4849e3cb7d⋯.png (12.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, savage.png)


digits confirm

c338c6  No.6678072

File: 1ea8bd377b3b116⋯.png (528.31 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Wasn't there a Q crumb that mentioned this, and wasn't this over a year ago when first announced? I remember anons disscussing it back then.


READ IT: Pope Francis makes big change to Lord’s Prayer


811d1e  No.6678073


Wtf kind of standard is “well-documented“ supposed to be?

Why do they keep taking bait and getting involved in content, just be a damn platform

2e16c6  No.6678074



>[Placeholder - OIG Report & Findings]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]

Australia ABC offices raided

>[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C_]


8150a5  No.6678075

File: cfb94a3efb4be73⋯.png (75.51 KB, 1188x352, 27:8, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

Hmmm…interesting set of re-tweets…

159359  No.6678076

File: 0782942b3923d81⋯.png (324.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


No worries. Thanks Bakes.

Bake approved by the unimpressive specimen luke "take it in the duke" barnes.

030402  No.6678077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY corresponds with world events.

6e7cf1  No.6678078


Thats because the elite have the conspiracy community distrscted with limited hangouts that go nowhere

Look at unprovable stuff that might as well be bullshit

Not at the public moves of coruption

The consoldation of power under 10 companies max

c1c121  No.6678080


No, moron. The resistance who helped to uncover the pedovores is either dead or brain damaged/Assange.

Objectice reached. PsyOp succesful.


030402  No.6678081

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)









Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Text

13facc  No.6678082


until new evidence is presented, your choice to know, isn't it?

case closed

and there are no new eyes on it to prove or disprove if 125lbs individual can man 180lbs of gear

so, moving on, anything new to add?

5d936e  No.6678084

File: 2eb4789800386b6⋯.png (29.39 KB, 812x586, 406:293, baker36.png)

File: 04eb756e08efcf8⋯.png (19.04 KB, 792x446, 396:223, baker37.png)

File: a6b39868832a1fb⋯.jpg (16.28 KB, 220x330, 2:3, durham.jpg)

James Baker testimony 10-3-18

pages 36 & 37


bec5a0  No.6678085


Q Post #154

e93a71  No.6678086



1. Download content

2. Find a new platform

3. Upload content

4. Leave YouTube behind

28ef0b  No.6678087


Why did you add " o7 " to description in 2 LB notables ???

8843aa  No.6678088


Bahahahaha moar winning. Q said the ending wouldn’t be for everyone. At the time I thought it was because it was going to be some dark shit. Didn’t realize it was because we would all be censored, killed off by false flags or die of old age before anything happened.

030402  No.6678089

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 0355f03c9946562⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 450x381, 150:127, 0355f03c9946562ceb8f219ea8….jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)

File: 8a09c7d7195fe94⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 700x700, 1:1, quack.jpg)










https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

d6fc75  No.6678090

File: 3c2f09086f83992⋯.png (540.93 KB, 780x1170, 2:3, 3c2f09086f839927d310f938f9….png)

Thank You Baker

13facc  No.6678091

File: 424a317eb2b7439⋯.png (86.72 KB, 271x206, 271:206, ClipboardImage.png)

93dc9b  No.6678092


Back to retardland with you.

53a32f  No.6678093

File: 03504e326bbd2d0⋯.jpg (31.3 KB, 540x960, 9:16, patiently waiting.jpg)



7ea6b0  No.6678094

File: 5542206ac451fe4⋯.png (227.99 KB, 532x470, 266:235, ClipboardImage.png)



Grasshoppers swarm into Israel from Syria

9:05 AM - 5 Jun 2019 >>6678059

>>6678060 They are really scared


c338c6  No.6678095


>and there are no new eyes on it to prove or disprove if 125lbs individual can man 180lbs of gear

But all kinds of evidence that some can bench press over 500lbs with just 2 arms.


cc79e7  No.6678096



The Great Awakening

a928f9  No.6678098

a17e77  No.6678099


Thanks. I guess I shouldn't ask about any BOOMS yet either.

489c67  No.6678100



b297de  No.6678101

File: 863f10986cbf2f5⋯.png (615.1 KB, 930x669, 310:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump says he thinks Mexico wants a deal, tariff threat stands

SHANNON, Ireland (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he thinks Mexico wants to make a deal in the neighbors’ immigration dispute, but that he will go ahead with tariffs on Mexican goods if it does not do more to control migration. “Mexico you know wants to make a deal. They have their entire delegation right now going over to probably the White House location to negotiate with our people,” Trump told reporters at the start of a two-day trip to Ireland. “Mexico can stop it, they have to stop it. Otherwise we just won’t be able to do business. It’s a very simple thing. And I think they will stop it. I think they want to make a deal, and they’ve sent their top people to try and do it. We’ll see what happens today. We should know something.”


bec5a0  No.6678102

File: 514756457475e2f⋯.jpg (155.5 KB, 388x854, 194:427, Q154.jpg)

6bba85  No.6678103



Only official (or sponsored) narratives should be allowed on the interwebs.

You are a literally fascist if you think otherwise.

030402  No.6678104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2e16c6  No.6678105

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They've been doing it for years already. They don't ban on Vimeo…

6e7cf1  No.6678106


Yeah lets mock the people who actually fought against hitler and didnt sign up as mercinaries for the americsn empire

By wearing a patch of a us millitary psyop

Designed to take away our freedom

Great idea

I bet youre one of those people who thinks that people who fought in iraq are heroes

0aa0ee  No.6678107


Were you hoping for the dark shit?

030402  No.6678108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

030402  No.6678109

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

2e16c6  No.6678110


They fucking mixed drill footage with actual post shooting footage

c338c6  No.6678111


Thought so.


95cb6a  No.6678112


Interesting how much this President allows "his base" to be abused.

030402  No.6678113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

29df36  No.6678114

File: cdf1424f6c5634f⋯.jpeg (297.4 KB, 1883x1101, 1883:1101, E83D1EA7-A791-4918-B9E3-7….jpeg)



Thanks bakers

3b8a2e  No.6678115

File: f88ee58dd7f36bb⋯.png (533.7 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190605-125851.png)

Is that a menorah and a spiral?

Come on man.

189bfd  No.6678116

File: 5438c9f1f6ef9b4⋯.jpg (58.28 KB, 549x759, 183:253, colombo.jpg)

>>6677777 pb

Quint 7's say message was from "Q"

We'll see if the Internets go down or not.


cc79e7  No.6678117


We're danger close.

72455f  No.6678118

File: f60cd0c7b55cefa⋯.png (179.49 KB, 807x1870, 807:1870, Screenshot_2019-06-05 Just….png)



Hive mind confirms they don't want the hoaxes exposed, kek.

Sure sounds like PANIC.


Moar PAIN rolling out from DOJ.


9bfb66  No.6678119


Well that settles it. 2 Hoaxes confirmed, what's next?

6bba85  No.6678120


When do we find out the FBI used a Corn article to supplement the Steele Dossier in one of the FISA renewals?

They used one of Iskoffs in the original filing.

Circular intelligence.

Laundering invented narratives through the press.

6e7cf1  No.6678121


I gotta give the elite credit

Merely censoring the topics we talk about would only embolden us and make us more motivated to speak truth to power

What theyve done is worse

They banned all topics from,mainstream discussion Except for useless shit like arguing over movies games music celebrities etc

Then they gave us 4 and 8 chan and parts of reddit

A containment board

No "normie" will ever visit here or take anyone who posts here seriously

Just like alex jones

A boogeyman for the masses

And we can all vent here

So we wont be enraged enough to actually do anything

72c056  No.6678122

File: 1b5e8fb11f3cb3b⋯.png (233.37 KB, 1204x576, 301:144, image.png)

Holy shit. This shitstain really did it..


fd4532  No.6678123

File: a10fceb3c497692⋯.jpg (9.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, sad pepe.jpg)


Took it as this board "unboard"ing.

393141  No.6678124


Yes, because we are assailed with fake news every day. Terrorism is a much less frequent threat.

030402  No.6678125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9bfb66  No.6678126

File: 03c71243bc5bb78⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 1468x1778, 734:889, hivemindq.jpg)


Woah- see below

cc79e7  No.6678127

File: b337b5776761842⋯.png (248.87 KB, 375x299, 375:299, ClipboardImage.png)


The fuck do you think these guys are doing?

7ea6b0  No.6678128

File: 11796931e9c9863⋯.png (344.78 KB, 532x502, 266:251, ClipboardImage.png)



UN: 2 million Somalis could die of famine this year

9:43 AM - 5 Jun 2019

>>6678094 We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


bb56f2  No.6678129


Whatever was there was in the dough . I added nothing but noteables collected at 600 or so. .

6e7cf1  No.6678130


Worst case scenario

Trump is one of them

Best case scenario trump is an asshole whos willing to use good people as bait to,win

And its not even good winning

Hes using us as bait so he can make,money on the side

189bfd  No.6678131


They'll shadowban you though.

b08600  No.6678132

Declass tomorrow

d60179  No.6678133

File: 36a4c964461d8a4⋯.jpg (115.41 KB, 937x758, 937:758, 7aa4f25d093373edf761b9eac3….jpg)

File: 459cc85e6096bea⋯.jpg (198.45 KB, 1189x931, 1189:931, Eisenhower_d-day.jpg)

File: 927eea29e83565a⋯.jpg (61.8 KB, 604x453, 4:3, 4170_105154861001_5704598_….jpg)

Anon's on this 75th anniversary. I want to remember my Father-in-law. He volunteered for the 101st para. He jumped in behind lines night before D-day. It was a mess but the finally found each other and he and his buddies fought for 10 days before they were surprised by a hidden machine gun nest. He was wounded twice and captured. Spent several months in different POW camps in Germany. A group of them finally escaped and made it back to enemy lines. He still had a bullet in his ankle. Was put on a hospital ship and back in New York healing from the surgery to remove the bullet. He kept that bullet all his life and walked with a limp. Got married had four children and I loved to talk about history with him. He is in this photo with IKE when he came to camp to talk to them before the Jump. He is the head below IKE's chin. He had a blow up of this photo in his home with his head circled. He didn't fight as long as Forrest Guth but after all that, he came home and built a normal life out in deplorable country. I think of him and my son who is a first sgt. and has 18 years in army and served two trips into Iraq for over 5 years total. Photo's of my Father in law attached. My son in Gun trucks fighting in Iraq.

9bfb66  No.6678134


Ye of little mind

2e16c6  No.6678135


That's ok as long as you can still pass the urls around

cc79e7  No.6678136

File: e77797d0e935d00⋯.png (14.07 KB, 255x198, 85:66, ClipboardImage.png)

53a32f  No.6678137

File: fa6558a190f85b3⋯.jpg (5.96 KB, 200x200, 1:1, glowing.jpg)

dead cat bounce?


1cbb48  No.6678138

File: 9be178e2d71d884⋯.jpg (187.36 KB, 966x546, 23:13, Psalm23-4.jpg)

fd4532  No.6678139


This board goes down. Patriots Fight - a locked board - remains.

No doubt we'll do our own thing, but Q tripped to /qresearch/ is probably over.

Still wonder if @fastjack wasn't a comped situation.

52e1c7  No.6678140

File: 27e75fc7bd50ce5⋯.jpeg (95.16 KB, 828x438, 138:73, 618B895E-798C-4014-A601-D….jpeg)

Muh Jooh shills are the pedophiles trying discredit the movement with anti-Semitic seek

What is the charge for knowing acting against a military intelligence operation?

You guessed it.



3b8a2e  No.6678141

To serve man

Maybe it's not portals.

It might make more sense that they said that because they know the aliens story is fake and in reality it's them. So they said they walked as an inside joke because they live here already.

030402  No.6678142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b297de  No.6678143

File: f4e3e6445e47879⋯.png (699.99 KB, 720x563, 720:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Senate confirms Treasury official to lead derivatives regulator

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to confirm Heath Tarbert to serve as the next chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Tarbert, who previously was a senior official at the Treasury Department, will step in to head the agency overseeing the nation’s derivatives market. He will replace Chairman Christopher Giancarlo, whose term at the post expired in April.

He was confirmed by a vote of 84 to 9. At Treasury, Tarbert was the assistant secretary for international markets, and focused on advancing U.S. interests within the international regulatory forums, including the Financial Stability Board.


72455f  No.6678144

File: ffe32b90c9947e6⋯.jpg (128.37 KB, 623x577, 623:577, BandAnons.jpg)



The Hive is real, kek.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

6e7cf1  No.6678145


If im of little mind what does that make you?

A grain of sand?

cc79e7  No.6678146


Taken literally, the ending will be the celebration feast in heaven.

Which will not be for everybody.

c338c6  No.6678147

File: b22ee70cfc64f59⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adff4522715649a⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a0b811a2f6dd16⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3c0542361f4d3b⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7427e5d0f9b35f⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)


SIZZLING PICS: ‘World’s hottest Marine’ strips down to support Trump visit


ed11d1  No.6678148

File: ec101903e9830e9⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1792x828, 448:207, 79D27F9F-2D98-445B-8AC6-7B….png)


welcome back to the kitchen OG gangster

its like fine wine your recipe

o7 now ololo7


159359  No.6678149


ugh kate riga you are ugly BUT id still let you use my seed. i know you always dreamed of a chad in high school but were always laughed at or a drunk fuck only. heres your chance to mix your below average DNA with some real chad dna. hit me up

bb56f2  No.6678150

>>6678087 LB

observe the 07 , not my work

13facc  No.6678151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


business seems to be booming for "the community"

raise all ships and all that

everybody has merch up

it's a golden age

everybody gets a job

the elite structure might have a problem

nobody knows who/what asked POTUS to be POTUS

all the different mediums are very into carrying the fatkidinblack mantra, it makes bank

030402  No.6678152

File: bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, loxism.jpg)

File: 8ee3650da0b746c⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 640x336, 40:21, 8ee3650da0b746.jpg)

File: bbc4b9ae059e17b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 730x481, 730:481, henny.jpg)

File: 13699b504d7c49c⋯.png (84.89 KB, 636x384, 53:32, henny.png)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny_white_enemy.png)

2e16c6  No.6678153


is there a backup ready to go? don't reveal where of course but is there a plan

189bfd  No.6678154


they are in freefall lunatic.

Where to they get these people?

159359  No.6678155

File: d530ddda18068dd⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1082x1010, 541:505, ClipboardImage.png)



oops forgot the pic

07eb2f  No.6678156

>>6677679 (pb)

I know you are a canary in the coal mind.

You are trolling an extreme opposite point of view to demonstrate that these boards are a safe space for guys like you.

does it surprise you that even though you are so obvious that some of us won't flip on you like you did, supposedly, on POTUS?

I am not buying it. You're trolling and you still understand that Donald is the best choice, but we can't be a group think because then they will say this board is 'just political'.

f8c0dc  No.6678157

File: c1e15e9e413bf71⋯.jpg (30.83 KB, 350x319, 350:319, Albatross.jpg)

>>6677842 (lb/pb)


>"White Squall".

>A training ship.

Unfortunately, the "unboarding" was involuntary, and it was done in the lifeboats.

In 1959, Albatross was sold to the husband and wife team of Christopher Sheldon and Dr. Alice Sheldon.

On the morning of May 2, 1961, Albatross was hit with a white squall (a microburst) about 125 miles west of the Dry Tortugas. Heeling over and sinking in a matter of seconds, taking six lives including Dr. Sheldon. The remainder of the crew took to the lifeboats and were rescued.


Sheldon rings a bell. Digging.

And the symbolism of the Albatross is stirred into the mix somehow, need more eyes on it.

"An albatross around one's neck"

This popular idiom is an allusion to English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (1798), in which an albatross is shot by the eponymous mariner, bringing feelings of insurmountable guilt upon him and disaster upon his crew:

Ah! Well-a-day! What evil looks

Had I from old and young!

Instead of the cross, the Albatross

About my neck was hung,

ab053c  No.6678158


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but the Chinese invented paper money and the knights Templar used paper notes long before euro bankers did

bb56f2  No.6678159


LB here it is sorry

>>6677619 LB

6e7cf1  No.6678160


Lol criminalizing free speech

What kind of shit country is this

Nobody is getting paid to disrupt this board outside of freddy

And theyre all paid by Q

So you retards will say look at the shills muh plan must be real

95cb6a  No.6678161



Unavoidable conclusion at this point.

ed11d1  No.6678162


were you here last bread?

think logically then

trace steps

who baked

who notes

who cares

cc79e7  No.6678163


This is awesome, and on the eve of the 75th celebration of the landing at Normandy Beach, D-Day, just spectacular.

fd4532  No.6678164


Not that I've heard. As I said, wouldn't keep us from doing our own thing, but waiting for drops? May be done. Could be news only from here on out.

bb56f2  No.6678165


That's badass thanQ.

4955aa  No.6678166

File: b9b50342b86c25d⋯.jpg (5.91 KB, 278x181, 278:181, Feinberg.jpg)


Kenneth Feinberg does NOT approve this post or the use of his likeness for the purpose of misleading people

0aa0ee  No.6678167


About 7-9 years ago.

030402  No.6678168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

598d94  No.6678169


>James Baker testimony 10-3-18

POTUS wrapped up the UK side of things, Steele being interviewed to conclude the OIG report.

Ducks are aligned,

Ready, Aim, Huber!

189bfd  No.6678170


No, It means that some people will choose not to know, not to accept.

The info is dark and some people can't take it.

And they won't be forced to.

1c305d  No.6678171

75th [D]-DAY.

[D] Day, Patriots.

We will have our Country back!


[D]ay [Of] [D]ays


And Q #75

By the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different place.

Godfather lll

Alice & Wonderland

Alice (Lewis Carroll) =

The Bloody Wonderland =


Why did JK travel to SA recently?

What is SA known for?

Where do the biggest donations originate from?

Why is this relevant?

What else is relevant w/ SA?

Safe harbor?

Port of transfer?

Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?

Why is the timing important?


6e7cf1  No.6678172


The only thing youre right about is the scam money system

And that they own everything

They shame us with the

"Oh its the freemarket

I thought you liked the free market"


When in reality they control every megacorp

There is no free market

Only a oligarchy

Nothing has changed since the nobility of the middle ages

Outside of useless distractions and "medicine, keeping,us alive long,enough to,make alot of money

cc79e7  No.6678173


So, say, a 125 lbs. man, wearing 180 lbs. of gear, freefalling.

How did he get there, again?

Oh, yeah.

By walking.

93dc9b  No.6678174


This board isn't so important anymore.

The info plus disinfo Q has provided is more than enough to serve the purpose once - if - arrests begin.

Stuff needs to happen out in the world, the world doesn't need more puzzles.

baa655  No.6678175

File: 807785999ef481c⋯.jpg (428.48 KB, 2257x1683, 2257:1683, Screenshot_2019-06-05 main….jpg)

>>6677869 (pb)

nice story but if he was intended since military school to be groomed for the presidency, then they would have made sure he ran for some sort of office at some point.

Conventional wisdom would have told them that you had to be Governor or Senator at least. When has Americans ever banded together and elected a non politician? It's unheard of and they wouldn't have gambled everything on it.

No. no. Although the Trump presidency was planned for for 10 years or so, . But his actual successful election was beyond himself or even those backing him. It was nothing short of divine providence. No way around it.

It was a miracle and continues to be a miracle that we have someone dismantling the deep state.

People say its all going so slow, but it's happening faster than I could have ever dreamed. This old fag has been in this fight for ages

c338c6  No.6678176

046b47  No.6678177

SUPERHEROES as modern myths

is a complete scam.

replacing actual human heroes with supernatural, impossible wonders locks humans in unrealistic fantasies:

it imposes the model of "the lone chosen one" while the true power of people is left to rot.

if ever any single person tries to emulate brave behavior, it's far too easy to cut the head that stands from the crowd.

all the while, the divide between the impossible dream of superpower and the absolute helplessness of normie daily life further adds pressure to the cognitive dissonance.

8826a0  No.6678178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Kenneth Feinberg does NOT approve this post or the use of his likeness for the purpose of misleading people

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein presented by Dimitri Stein

7b1382  No.6678179

b297de  No.6678180

File: 2ac54e9e5361e8a⋯.png (755.75 KB, 930x619, 930:619, ClipboardImage.png)

House panel steps up contempt threat against Barr, Ross over Census documents

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House Oversight Committee said on Wednesday it will move forward with a vote to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress if they do not comply with a subpoena for documents related to the Trump administration’s handling of the U.S. Census. The Oversight Committee issued subpoenas two months ago for unredacted documents related to the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, the panel said.

“We have been extremely patient in waiting for these documents, which were subpoenaed more than two months ago on a bipartisan basis,” Representative Elijah Cummings, chairman of the committee, said in a statement. “If they are not produced by tomorrow, we will be forced to move forward with holding Attorney General Barr and Secretary Ross in contempt of Congress,” Cummings said.

After arguments in April, the conservative-majority Supreme Court appeared likely to accept the administration’s argument that the question would provide better data to enforce the Voting Rights Act, which protects eligible voters from discrimination. Critics say the question will lead to an undercount by some 4.2 million people, costing communities federal aid and political representation. Separately, after months, the Commerce Department agreed to permit three current and former department officials who were involved with the addition of the Census question to schedule interviews with the committee, the panel said. Barr also faces a contempt vote next week by the full House of Representatives on whether he failed to comply with a subpoena seeking the unredacted report on Russian meddling in the 2016 election.


c1c121  No.6678181


If you like your inversion of reality, (you) can keep your inversion of reality.

Sincerely Yours,


15803c  No.6678182


Tomorrow will come and go with no happenings. Just an FYI. Datefagging just sets anons up for disappointment.

2e16c6  No.6678183


how about a torrent client.

all posts are split up bit-wise between many different clients. no 1 client holds all. this way there is NO way a single board could be flooded because the board exists everywhere.

Risk would be fake clients with viruses of course but …w/e, I'm not expert.

300e8c  No.6678184


Just wait an see how happy women are to server after the first prisoners are taken.

8826a0  No.6678185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Kenneth Feinberg does NOT approve this post or the use of his likeness for the purpose of misleading people

Babylonian rabbi Abe Finkelstein finally tells the truth about them and their false god!

13facc  No.6678186



youtube's a bunch of infomercials

people need like jstor access, see what's happening in community

cc79e7  No.6678187


None so blind as those who will not see.

6e7cf1  No.6678188


>people should be free to not have to see exactly what it is they gleefully supported their whole lives

Yeah no

It should all be put out

100% all of it

Anyone who cant take it


Shouldnt have supported all that stupid shit

Play stupid games get stupid prizes

8826a0  No.6678189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Kenneth Feinberg does NOT approve this post or the use of his likeness for the purpose of misleading people


>Kenneth Feinberg does NOT approve this post or the use of his likeness for the purpose of misleading people

Rabbi Abraham Finklestein so called JEWISH listen to what he said!

6e7cf1  No.6678190


Im sure its just a coincidence your post was right before mine

7ea6b0  No.6678191

File: 96a69dc7b408d07⋯.png (225.5 KB, 532x516, 133:129, ClipboardImage.png)



#Iran’s missiles were a threat to naval vessels. “They are a real threat to the safety of US warships and the carrier.”

12:44 AM - 5 Jun 2019


:44 A call to Obama ?

28ef0b  No.6678192



(clown fuck)

a928f9  No.6678193

If the Mexican drug cartels have bribed and extorted Mexican politicians at the highest levels, is it a stretch to believe that the cartels have likewise corrupted the Democrat Party?

Just wondering.


bec5a0  No.6678194


Anything at all to attempt to hinder the investigation of the investigators.


4955aa  No.6678195


Agreed. 2 years should be plenty of time to out at least some of the people and their crimes.

9bfb66  No.6678196

File: c4cb6b4f66504c7⋯.jpg (99.63 KB, 915x479, 915:479, dday.jpg)

0aa0ee  No.6678197

159359  No.6678198

File: f18c90f6caf1909⋯.png (782.28 KB, 738x619, 738:619, ClipboardImage.png)




KEKEKEKEK look at this faggot "journalist" ryan bork. dude i bet you got your ass kicked daily in school. snorting KEKEKEKEK

b08600  No.6678199


I am the one who knocks….

fd4532  No.6678200


Over this head.

Will probably go back to mind mapping.

Gigs of storage to sort through.

Proofs will still be important.

Life would go on.

All of this is speculation, of course, but Q has dropped without a tripcode for the last month or so.

189bfd  No.6678201

File: 6c834124379092d⋯.jpeg (46.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pelosi.jpeg)


Wrap -up Smear.

What a coincidence Pelosi encapsulated the entire scheme in an instructive lecture.

People say she's smart but she isn't

She admitted she went to North Korea and spoke with them about armaments .

The people who say she is smart, now that I think of it, are retarded CongressCritters.

6b8d17  No.6678202


I agree. nothing overt will be habbening until after the 2020 election.

You would think they could throw us a bone but its not going to habben.

b45eda  No.6678203

File: a96e9b725a0f320⋯.png (367.36 KB, 575x293, 575:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 421a66b8eea5a95⋯.png (8.5 KB, 288x151, 288:151, del imps.PNG)

BREAKING [DEEP STATE] Manafort Judge Even the LEFT IS OUTRAGED!! This is what #PANIC looks like….

>@tribunal_watch SHARE RT SHARE RT

(((SHARE RT Vital to get this EXPOSED!! )))

<#DigitalArmy …We need your help!!


captcha fun Please delete all imps KEK

147c34  No.6678204

File: d48259c8568234a⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 672x372, 56:31, vril_dali2.jpg)

Shills today are out-of-towners. Note a particular TAINT about 'em? Something big and stinky this way comes and the Hate tremors come before and after it's big, flat demon feet.

13facc  No.6678205

File: a36e7b1396fce22⋯.png (38.54 KB, 155x116, 155:116, ClipboardImage.png)



wrong information is harder to fight than bombs

4955aa  No.6678206


I have and it is both Fake and Gay

6ba43c  No.6678207

File: 98155969c385c16⋯.png (1017.6 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, WatchWater_blank.png)

File: a9a0694f4035a4b⋯.png (1010.14 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, WatchWater1.png)

Watch the Water. Kek!!!

1076c2  No.6678208

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: ac2ffcdd91e02fa⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 720x984, 30:41, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

246334  No.6678209

(all lb)







POTUS is MI. So is Dan.

6e7cf1  No.6678210



I was under some,sort of tech or demonic control

It stopped which either makes me think god took pity on me or there is some good out there

I do not trust trump tho

I honestly wouldve killed myself if it didnt stop

c338c6  No.6678211


Apparently he's done it again more recently.

e25a88  No.6678212

File: e42664b9ca5845a⋯.jpg (102.86 KB, 917x500, 917:500, morningstar dump 2.jpg)

File: fec488dda47d601⋯.jpg (62.85 KB, 500x500, 1:1, morningstar exec chair cum….jpg)

File: 6dd66d8172c9acb⋯.png (148.34 KB, 600x400, 3:2, printing money.png)

Morningstar Exec Chair sells $3.84m in shares-June 3-4

Broken record with this one.

Has approximately 21.95m shares listed for sale after this sale.

Every few days these sales occur.

See link for summary on this individual, has cap#1 accounted for.


Morningstar, Inc. is a provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. The Company focuses to create products that help investors reach their financial goals. It offers a range of data, software, research, and investment management offerings for financial advisors, asset managers, sponsors, and individual investors. It provides data and research insights on a range of investment offerings, including managed investment products, listed companies, capital markets, and real-time global market data. It conducts its business operations outside of the United States through subsidiaries in countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, People's Republic of China (both Hong Kong and the mainland), Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

Number of employees : 4 920 people.


fd4532  No.6678213


So says @Jerusalem_Post

a928f9  No.6678214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c1c121  No.6678215


Can you just stop the knocking, Mr Knockenheimer?

6eb3db  No.6678216


It’s a stretch to believe the republicans aren’t compd too

1076c2  No.6678217

File: 28241b110d2fa38⋯.jpg (121.37 KB, 497x724, 497:724, born_to_jew.jpg)


>I have and it is both Fake and Gay

Care to prove that is "Fake and Gay"?

You won't. You never do.

393141  No.6678218


The Atlanta Braves respectfully request Ryan Bort return their hat, or at least have the dignity to burn it.

6e7cf1  No.6678219


I can tell you from personal experience that Q if real is 100% millitary and doesnt give a fuck who they have to sacrifice or hurt to get their way

But theyre the good guys /s

2e16c6  No.6678220


If this board is utilized by those who've promised to bring justice - the breads have already been sorted through, curated, aggregated and prepared.

After all, that's what anons are…digital (research) soldiers looking for supporting evidence that the cabal is real

7f2d7d  No.6678221


This board served its purpose, I suppose. I won't be surprised when nothing habbens, but if it does.. great. Apathy is creeping in after 2 years of hype.

785a17  No.6678222

New York Post

‏Verified account @nypost

Trump administration bans medical research using fetal tissue


8da42f  No.6678223


There we fucking go. Welcome to germany

c338c6  No.6678224


We been calling those closet dems, RINOs. KEK!

cc79e7  No.6678226


Yes, by definition.

Do you smell toast?

1bd08c  No.6678227


Thank you God.

45e8ff  No.6678228

File: 17d4b5d7fbb0a9f⋯.jpg (234.31 KB, 880x563, 880:563, la-na-vegas-shooting-20171….jpg)

File: de6ca2a13d7afad⋯.png (269.17 KB, 520x364, 10:7, MAUT.png)

File: 375e4bc980dbc85⋯.png (466.48 KB, 681x399, 227:133, GLHO.png)

File: 4fc3de6a35e8eca⋯.png (471.21 KB, 796x330, 398:165, ASBT.png)



75 years ago the US Army invaded Europe to rid it of fascism.

Today they help run a mass shooting hoax in Las Vegas because………..fascism.

ed11d1  No.6678229

File: 71ed9271f5909f0⋯.jpeg (240.69 KB, 1200x1556, 300:389, 7073629F-FF8A-4570-BA09-0….jpeg)



dont forget soldiers need a 6 position

dont bake too much where there’s complacency

sage level you are

watch new team members new and old you must

have a great day

much love

i would have let fam get another crack as fam was motivated to do so citing desire to imporove/shake off rust

189bfd  No.6678230


They gotta hurry scurry now.

They will fall back on

'But we were going to Impeach him.

This was the only way he could stop us"

Can't give up their illusion.

Amazing! Not THATS one for the history books.

b6bb3b  No.6678231

File: e2c367e446e3a09⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1911x1302, 91:62, Pope Francis Lord's Prayer.jpg)



Interdasting. Don't know if it is a Q proof. But definitely interdasting.


0c342d  No.6678232

File: 0d178729507ba21⋯.png (846.16 KB, 900x642, 150:107, ClipboardImage.png)

6e7cf1  No.6678233

>cancer cures should be delayed for political points and to not collapse the health care companies

Why do anons think that someone like Q should ever be near anywhere besides a noose or a prison cell

This shit is evil

4955aa  No.6678234


You have the burden of proof not me.

1076c2  No.6678235

File: 79b413019752540⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1463x1023, 133:93, baby_killers.png)

File: 5729b199aa00de7⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 433x410, 433:410, samuel9.jpg)

File: 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 34aff72a70e3dc0.jpg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

edee06  No.6678236


She certainly does appear to be deserving of her leadership role presiding over that trainwreck of a legislative body.

0aa0ee  No.6678238



I guess I missed that.

Thorrry. :(

7ea6b0  No.6678239

>>6678213 Anons know when (They) calling Iran´s threat these meaning ISIS/C_A/MOSS

cc79e7  No.6678240


The entire Steele Dossier was a Wrap Up Smear.

They made up the smear, gave it to Steele, who had it published by Yahoo News, who was then quoted by the FBI as a source for the Steele smear.

The entire operation, a Wrap-Up Smear.

By idiots.

60a87d  No.6678241

File: 83371ec0f822cd9⋯.jpg (70.61 KB, 567x399, 27:19, 3473DA991.jpg)

dc010a - faggot

e93b33 - faggot

7c967f - super faggot

030402 - mega faggot

9c3cc0  No.6678242


using sex to glorify women in military


d70a64  No.6678243


D+5 = 6/11

Fuck me for datefag but I'm hopeful.

6e7cf1  No.6678244


I smell a higher dimensional playing around as god again

Im sure the real creator just loves that

147c34  No.6678245

File: 822d1f453ae1dfb⋯.png (41.72 KB, 912x1094, 456:547, 822d1f453ae1dfbb2df8ecb7ef….png)


Rush is a paytriot of the highest order.

fcf608  No.6678246

File: 70fb3bcebe00e30⋯.jpg (318.49 KB, 799x906, 799:906, trumpolean.jpg)

File: 224340ae84489ba⋯.jpg (106.45 KB, 733x1124, 733:1124, maga medal clear.jpg)

File: 0c7db4e90699b31⋯.jpg (275.88 KB, 796x903, 796:903, trumpolean with maga medal.jpg)

felt like something was missing.

a53cd0  No.6678247

>>6677774 lb

Maybe Un-board means the end of this board. Not debark like a ship.

“Time for you to leave Grasshopper.”

17011d  No.6678248



If PP can't sell their fetal tissue, profits will go down. That means less money funneled to Dems.

189bfd  No.6678249

File: 53c61b44a3c08e2⋯.jpg (72.85 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 13onneck.jpg)

File: 94a7eaf36ae4c4c⋯.jpg (894.95 KB, 1518x1390, 759:695, giftpaperclips.jpg)


True Irony.

Don't forget "Paperclip"

7b1382  No.6678250

47bc09  No.6678251


Q has cried wolf enough times that the enemy no longer reacts to it. So now is time to send in the wolves for real.

c338c6  No.6678252


That's MSM for ya.

cc79e7  No.6678253


Hmmmm, that rules out stroke.

Have you been taking your meds?

9bfb66  No.6678254


Tp debark a ship would be to deboard

2e16c6  No.6678255


My two cents…

The existence of this board proves it's protected.

1076c2  No.6678257

File: fb85dc64e0d2e3c⋯.jpg (32.93 KB, 722x346, 361:173, Jews-Judaism.jpg)


>You have the burden of proof not me.

Sorry faggot, the incase you can't read there is plenty of supporting information to the claim.

Go fuck yourself you retarded kike.

a0fe42  No.6678258


Hive mind

Plus smth like go and live your life

6e7cf1  No.6678259


Notice how all of potuses media shills are all rabid israel firsters

And all people opposed to obamas faction fo the cabal

The elite arnt as unified as we like to think

My guess is obamas faction is the faggot cultist pedos

And trumps is the zionist gangster only cares about power and money group

Rock and a hard place

d158f3  No.6678260

File: c891000c839ce92⋯.jpg (261.24 KB, 1767x741, 31:13, foundation.jpg)


Our grandfathers were used to help create an inverted foundation myth that allowed Communism to flourish in the West. Many who survived to the Hussein years realized they fought for the wrong side.

fd4532  No.6678261


Not my understanding of our purpose.

We didn't have to give Q any research - they had it all.

We had to prove it to ourselves.

Anyone here able to see the world the same as two years ago?

Every movie make you want to laugh out loud?

Most celebrities make you want to slap them?

We've done what we're supposed to do.

OTOH, things must be going along as planned if /qresearch/ disappears as originally designed.

147c34  No.6678262

File: 22904f86b1e423a⋯.jpg (605.24 KB, 1200x1824, 25:38, 22904f86b1e423a8fd4fc32127….jpg)

edee06  No.6678263


why are you fixating on faggots?

c743a6  No.6678264


>The existence of this board proves it's protected.


c338c6  No.6678265


I'm waiting on a fed judge to block it.

13facc  No.6678266


hawking product mostly

regurgitating the corpse of jim marrs and pissing on the graves of various dead researchers while piggybacking on a commercial video service provider that promotes child porn and fastfood (mostly) while claiming they're being marginalized?

never mind the decades of actual garbage digging research that exist in your local library.

what do you think they're doing?

17011d  No.6678267


And their need to give POTUS the big middle finger by putting that pee pee story in there made the entire thing laughably fake.


246334  No.6678268

File: 901d05a452c6545⋯.jpg (16.29 KB, 255x254, 255:254, WonAgain.jpg)

7ea6b0  No.6678269

File: 4871958fbb33fc2⋯.png (453.81 KB, 532x593, 532:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87785cc6058ec55⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1000x666, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b1fe9e418d51d6⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1047x694, 1047:694, ClipboardImage.png)



President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump hosted the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at Winfield House last night for a reciprocal dinner.

Photos from the event: http://45.wh.gov/V5Evfz

9:40 AM - 5 Jun 2019

2d7a5a  No.6678270

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

c1c121  No.6678271


Not according to the guys that are being sacrificed, why the fuck should the guys who are being sacrificed care about this psycho fucks or the world in general.

The reason anons were chosen for sacrifice is because the helped to uncover the pedovores and now this heroes get abandoned to be sacrificed to the pedovores, that just makes the "good guys" acomplices/assets for the pedovores, because one thing is for sure these pedovore will not stop eating and raping children!

bec5a0  No.6678272

File: c45085c6d6ccd20⋯.jpg (21.05 KB, 400x313, 400:313, relevant.jpg)


It does seem that some of the things Q said are taking well over a year to come to fruition. It's also quite interesting just how accurate they are!

159359  No.6678273

File: 59f98aec5f75f5c⋯.png (1.24 MB, 816x632, 102:79, ClipboardImage.png)





oh quint forgey the so called (((jouralist))). not eve sure where to even start with your unimpressive genes. i bet you dreaded going to school and all the rejection you felt. maybe thats why you take it in the ass now?

0ec84c  No.6678274

File: 7c925c7dac0dc2d⋯.jpeg (35.25 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 6991C810-243B-4715-A610-0….jpeg)

Declass tomorrow?


Go home losers, you’ve lost already…

-DNC America

6e7cf1  No.6678275


Nothing says cia nigger like the phrase take your meds

2d7a5a  No.6678276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

cc79e7  No.6678277


It's strange how the best people on earth, namely the Trump folks, have nothing in common with the shittiest people on earth, the people who hate all Jews automatically.

How odd.

ae452f  No.6678278

File: fa67ab77fdc46b9⋯.jpg (58.39 KB, 540x377, 540:377, loosers.jpg)

641bb5  No.6678279

File: d6212b2c5c15669⋯.png (10.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5a372a2769e6813f8f02083dc8….png)

>>6677250 (pb)

Your ignorance of those truths smells shilly.

b297de  No.6678280

File: 4fdc3360f67d111⋯.png (573.19 KB, 750x422, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Christopher Steele will talk to John Durham and prove FBI lied to Congress, Joe DiGenova says

Trump dossier author Christopher Steele will likely be interviewed by U.S. Attorney John Durham and will show the FBI lied to Congress, attorney Joe diGenova said on Tuesday. A Sunday Times report said the British ex-spy agreed to talk with U.S. officials, if certain preconditions were met, and strongly suggested it was a deal with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is conducting an investigation into alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses.

But diGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, insisted that Durham, not Horowitz, would be the one to talk to Steele. "He's [Steele] obviously made a strategic decision because he's going to be interviewed by John Durham," diGenova said on Fox News. "It's not the inspector general from the Department of Justice who's going to talk to him because he doesn't have any reason to talk to Mr. Horowitz. He's going to talk to John Durham and his people. So there's obviously some sort of deal that has been worked out. This is great news." Durham, a U.S. attorney from Connecticut, has been tasked by Attorney General William Barr to review the origins of the FBI's Russia investigation. The report from British media said Steele is only willing to talk about his relationship with the FBI, for whom he was a confidential source, and wants the United States to get permission from the United Kingdom government first. The report came out as President Trump was in the country for a state visit.

Despite his certainty that Durham struck the agreement with Steele, diGenova said, "I can't believe that Durham would agree to such limitations." "But this is what's important," diGenova continued. "He has to tell the truth to Durham because even though his testimony will be given overseas, he can be indicted in the United States if he lies to Durham. So I assume he's going to tell the truth because this is the big, this is the big casino now. And what he is going to prove is that the FBI lied in the FISA warrants and they lied to Congress and they lie to everybody about what they knew about Steele's behavior. … The walls are beginning to close in on the FBI fraudsters."

Steele’s dossier, which was packed with unverified claims about Trump's ties to Russia, formed a key part of the FBI's Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications that were used to justify surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page — a key point of concern among GOP investigators. Steele was working for Fusion GPS, which received funding through the Perkins Coie law firm from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Steele's Democratic benefactors were not revealed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Former FBI top officials have defended their conduct, despite admitting there were unreliable claims in the anti-Trump research, and Steele himself has acknowledged having questionable sources.

DiGenova said Durham wants to talk to Steele because of "a criminal conspiracy" led by senior FBI officials. DiGenova served as an independent counsel in the 1990s for a case on former President Bill Clinton's passport before he was elected. Last year, it was announced diGenova and his wife Victoria Toensing were joining Trump's legal team for the federal Russia investigation, but that plan was nixed within days. He was highly critical of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, claiming that Trump had been "framed" by the Justice Department and the FBI, and recently said Horowitz determined that the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act extensions against Page were illegally obtained and was on the brink of finding the first Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was completely illegal.


2d7a5a  No.6678281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

16e683  No.6678282


Ha, how does it feel to be such a coward that you have to throw insults at people more than twice your age with 100x more life experience than you while eating jimmy johns behind a computer? Pathetic

55e0fc  No.6678283

"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one." ~ Psalm 28:7-8

fd4532  No.6678284


That wardrobe of FLOTUS's is certainly "reciprocal."

2e16c6  No.6678285


Nobody has lost or won until Trump is out of office and a Democrat takes it.

6e7cf1  No.6678286


Yeah pretty much,

Someone come,here and explain,why i should even give a fuck about a world that not only didnt care about me

It actively hated me

Burn that shit down

Im only still alive cus hedonism,is fun tbh

cc79e7  No.6678287


That may be true, but you still need to take them. Even when you think you feel better. Because they're causing you to feel better, and by stopping them, you fall right back to where you were.

bb56f2  No.6678288


I dont know I just grabbed the notes in a panic and baked the bread i did not even notice the 07 . The captchas were difficult to get thru and I made 1 error that I was aware of. An extra bread post on the bake.

52e1c7  No.6678290

File: 529841b7559a1af⋯.jpeg (83.64 KB, 828x820, 207:205, CE10F97D-6029-4A85-9507-8….jpeg)

28ef0b  No.6678291



" fam " = o7 clown bakers club

cc79e7  No.6678292


What did they loose?

a53cd0  No.6678293


Actually “bark” is old English for ship. What is Latin for ship? WHat is an embarcadero?

c338c6  No.6678294


CNN is scared shitless over this.

Should make for an interesting show so get your popped corn ready!

189bfd  No.6678295


Hold on.

No I think this and Patriots fight was secure?

We'll find out.

If Internet is down, yes, this board will be down.

But if Internet is going, this will be here.


"We prepared you for what is to come"

That does imply the Board will be here.

The 40th ft plane was a metaphor for our research work. Bringing it to ground means that it will be spread. That was the whole point.


0aa0ee  No.6678296


And nothing says "You should probably take your meds" like saying cia nigger.

cc79e7  No.6678297


>So I assume he's going to tell the truth because this is the big, this is the big casino now.

Love Joe!

affb55  No.6678298



6e7cf1  No.6678299


Might wanna cool it with the negative energy there

Sounding like the media

Muh life experience

Muh im better than you cuz muh dads connectins got me into school and got me a 100k a year job

d158f3  No.6678300


lose - loss, defeat, the opposite of win

loose - the opposite of tight

learn the difference plz.

ae452f  No.6678301


their souls

246334  No.6678302


I think (((they))) flipped their calculator upside down. One many zeroes

189bfd  No.6678303


I get it.

After we "land" board won't be feasible.

Too many peeps will try to access.

so, we have our records and can find each other.

32bb58  No.6678304



6e7cf1  No.6678305


Yeah i havnt been on meds since the cabal had my doctor precribe me 4x the dose of abilify

Then risperdol and paxil when i was 8

Dont think ill take more

b6bb3b  No.6678307

File: b24c44633e264ad⋯.jpg (248.34 KB, 720x537, 240:179, faggot.jpg)


>why are you fixating on faggots?

Because faggots love faggots.

9bfb66  No.6678308


my point was that "unboard" is not a proper word

6ba43c  No.6678309

File: 47c2c8f6c60d2bd⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pepe-computer.jpg)


They probably loosed each other!

fcf608  No.6678310

File: cebbfab64510dd3⋯.png (84.93 KB, 158x208, 79:104, ClipboardImage.png)


moar sauce


7399c6  No.6678311

File: 524b9db16ff2c06⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1255x692, 1255:692, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78e55d0cc8765b8⋯.png (16.52 KB, 253x343, 253:343, ClipboardImage.png)

Queen on Sky News - That broach does appear to have an owly quality to it.


I'm leaning towards tommorrow.

cc79e7  No.6678312

File: de8d388f5c2b0c3⋯.png (486.27 KB, 512x551, 512:551, ClipboardImage.png)


I would think their souls are still firmly held by the devil.


16c09d  No.6678313


…for no reason…no reason at all…just because it improves your life in every way…

6e7cf1  No.6678314


If i do ill be free

Then youll be sorryyy

fd4532  No.6678315


Yep. The equivalent of moving out Mom's basement, I suppose.

Where's pillow fort Pepe when you need him.

29e8dd  No.6678317

File: 108d45b6c752d8a⋯.jpg (178.73 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 60268269_10157798657999411….jpg)


Loosers as in loose asshole faggots that anjel queer bait boy drools over or did you mean losers?

17011d  No.6678318

File: 97f456257f0581d⋯.png (646.94 KB, 1094x1264, 547:632, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

Uhhhhhhh, WTF????


189bfd  No.6678319


They jumped out of an aircraft, lunatic.

This is like a 3 year old who just wants to piss off Daddy.

ed11d1  No.6678320

File: 2823324f2d4a756⋯.jpeg (124.64 KB, 634x409, 634:409, D42C948B-259A-4AED-83BC-5….jpeg)

Teraiseas asbence from the board is about the same length as a 14-day psychiatric hold for 5150


e25a88  No.6678321

File: 92f45d86f6f4ccb⋯.jpg (115.89 KB, 889x500, 889:500, american xpress ceo 060519.jpg)

File: b31966ecfd14f56⋯.jpg (128.02 KB, 666x500, 333:250, american express dump.jpg)

File: 04889702fbc29b4⋯.jpg (99.85 KB, 669x373, 669:373, American express cumulativ….jpg)

American Express Exec Chair/CEO sold $1.72m in shares-June 3rd

This in addition to a larger sale on May 20th.


6e7cf1  No.6678322

Nothing better than knowing,the feds dont,like your posts

Fucking lol

They get even more mad now thst ive calmed down

bb56f2  No.6678324


Kek thanks man you know I have a love/hate/love relationship the classic trolls of the board. Can't live with them can't live without em.I cant stand that dam 07 tho that pisses me off tho. Trollololo on people were all part of the show.

17011d  No.6678325


Looks like a wreath with a bow on top and a flower in the middle.

a83763  No.6678326

File: 5a9f4f7335788b7⋯.jpeg (279.62 KB, 1127x1646, 1127:1646, Flag.jpeg)


>Are we /here/ yet???


>[Placeholder - OIG Report & Findings]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]


>[Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C_]

Gentlemen, it has been a privilege.

See you after the avalanche.


046b47  No.6678327


well then

you might want to you insults that insult them

instead of something they're proud of

6e7cf1  No.6678328


Nah that "guy" is a automated bot script

189bfd  No.6678329


Organ theft. Likely a very healthy man.

20c82d  No.6678330


Also #306, 12/9/17:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No.60141 📁Dec 9 2017 13:12:19 (EST)

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.


ae452f  No.6678331

File: 4c322d7651105fa⋯.jpg (250.65 KB, 1200x1092, 100:91, putincheers.jpg)



aa698a  No.6678332

File: 04848ad997a1276⋯.png (400.71 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 1559409692590.png)

c1c121  No.6678333

So at this point it is highly likely that the (((Trump))) and (((Q Team))) are and were pedovore assets with the help of the military(pedovore assets)

The truth is not for everybody isnt it….

2d7a5a  No.6678334

File: 1cf32235fe1615a⋯.png (45.86 KB, 1731x366, 577:122, skip.png)


They banned the channel that had the Edomite Canaanite videos.

e93a71  No.6678335



If she really is a Marine, she's violating a lot of dress codes.

cc79e7  No.6678336



703332  No.6678337

from notables

is this 8 years ago or recently?


news sources online showing it's 8 years ago

1c305d  No.6678338


Today, declas today.

POTUS meeting world leaders on the Dday celebration. Last offer to some.

Tonight it's on.

189bfd  No.6678339


Peace be with you, my fren.

fcf608  No.6678340


The incident in the parking garage… that they blasted everywhere… showing a counter protester on the ground… there was another video showing him and others walking along side of the protesters instigating. One of them had a bat. It may have been the one on the ground in the viral vid. Does anyone have a link to the video that shows the whole context?

a0fe42  No.6678341

YT total censorship or nah

Will they take down 911 vidyas

aa698a  No.6678342

File: cbe6b044453aa45⋯.png (366.54 KB, 621x349, 621:349, 1559574496735.png)

52e1c7  No.6678343

File: 5a6a7150aaf4dc9⋯.jpeg (142.23 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 1F5D3765-805E-4397-8253-D….jpeg)

cc79e7  No.6678344


Yes, the 125 lbs. man carried his 185 lbs. of gear onto an airplane, and jumped off.

Brock's really getting his money's worth with you, sport.

e25a88  No.6678345

File: c3c5c479706d962⋯.gif (227.8 KB, 300x225, 4:3, dog laughing.gif)

6e7cf1  No.6678346


Hey cabal is there a position,where i can apply to torture other cabal members


Please note my only goal is to rise up the ranks to eliminate all of you

c338c6  No.6678347


Not dress codes, but ethics codes.

aa698a  No.6678348

File: c2970cae3ae61ae⋯.png (544.13 KB, 970x430, 97:43, 1559575543295.png)

44dd02  No.6678349

File: a19fd4a78a998cc⋯.png (385.02 KB, 774x1004, 387:502, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fe58f664e230f6⋯.png (192.63 KB, 821x870, 821:870, ClipboardImage.png)

Arkancide count just added another

fa5749  No.6678350

File: e39a01a50d3df8e⋯.png (494.23 KB, 1022x1146, 511:573, pepeweightedpullup.png)


Very wise of you baker sensei, we need new bakers.

I forget to switch into mentor role and this time of the day is a great time to get new bakers accustomed to the fire.


Baker if you're around and would like another shot at baking, please let me know.

Your bake for the most part was very good.

This is a good time to work out any questions.


17011d  No.6678351


In a PENNSYLVANIA jail? This proves the DS is desperate.

16e683  No.6678352


I was only responding to your "muh im too much of a victim to get a job and be responsible so im going to trash successful people" whining

0aa0ee  No.6678353


You're a limited hangout.

39ad7f  No.6678354


I think our next threat should be to send Mexico back all its citizens even anchor babies. Anchor babies have duel citizenship and we should remind Mexico of that fact !!!

189bfd  No.6678355


Peeps don't do autopsies anymore. Too expensive. Doc has to sign off. And relatives have to give permission. Cost $$$

Where's the police report?

a924d1  No.6678356


A Galil is not bolt action…

6e7cf1  No.6678357


The real question is why are bill,coopers videos still up?

They seem to want people to,wake up

But only a small amount

Maybe to harvest the negative energy?

7ea6b0  No.6678358

File: 358c38a2cc9e10d⋯.png (87.39 KB, 532x464, 133:116, ClipboardImage.png)



Lt. Col. James E. Rudder, commanding the 2nd Ranger Battalion, received the mission to land three of his companies (D, E, and F) at 0630 hours, scale the 100 foot cliff, and disable the German guns.

11:29 PM - 4 Jun 2019

received the mission to land three of his companies (D, E, and F) at 0630 hours, scale the 100 foot cliff, and disable the German guns.

Act 2

D+E+ F


>>6678284 (C) before (D)

edee06  No.6678359

File: 967a3d82016af68⋯.png (62.23 KB, 835x549, 835:549, clown.png)



I think this is FUD.

There's grammar mistakes in that post that tell me it's a larper and not Q

Q has always used plain English to denote when they are leaving a discussion forum.

6e7cf1  No.6678360


Why because im posting something,that isnt just mindless spam or hatred?

You guys seemed to,like it when i was doing that

159359  No.6678361

File: d17dee4f16edebe⋯.png (872.39 KB, 747x751, 747:751, ClipboardImage.png)






put down the fucking doughnuts you fat fuck andy shain. your bloodline needs to stop now. its fucking gross. please dont reproduce anymoar. im sure your wife isnt in much better shape than you but i'll take one for the sake of humanity and seed that bitch for you.

fd4532  No.6678362

File: 406386b94c313c9⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 7200x5139, 800:571, world_govt2004.jpg)

Anons who have favorite Qproofs should put 'em here:


13facc  No.6678363

File: b6a3858860d7ffb⋯.png (61.89 KB, 190x269, 190:269, ClipboardImage.png)

easy there, chiang kai shek

cc79e7  No.6678364


Only proposing an alternative.

I don't have the facts.

bb56f2  No.6678365


=I am available to bake as needed

With more time I would have had no errors. I have baked about 130 breads so i know i can do it with another chance.

aa698a  No.6678366

File: 437320a975b309b⋯.png (632.12 KB, 970x509, 970:509, 1559202782672.png)

9bfb66  No.6678367

File: d95d7a1ff83fa65⋯.jpg (394.84 KB, 3006x1680, 501:280, bruceeyes.jpg)

011300  No.6678368

File: dc02fefac183e2a⋯.png (272.94 KB, 469x305, 469:305, ClipboardImage.png)

ae452f  No.6678369

File: d7930e1ec5ccd00⋯.jpg (282.99 KB, 941x766, 941:766, hoovergunnn.jpg)

0aa0ee  No.6678370


Nope to all of it.

5c18a9  No.6678371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e35644  No.6678372

File: 6c5c628e1f732b4⋯.mp4 (6.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Rabbi Admits that White Ge….mp4)

Rabbi Admits that White Genocide is the Goal

a6ca51  No.6678373

File: bc0aca9de8b4799⋯.jpg (112.65 KB, 1227x1842, 409:614, Marine Sgt. Shannon Ihrke.jpg)

Have a mid-bread eye cleanser, anons.

189bfd  No.6678374

File: d5d179f03b01b1d⋯.png (187.21 KB, 552x416, 69:52, thatwouldbeyou.png)


no that's you.

6e7cf1  No.6678375


I have a job you kike

The system is entirely rigged

Anyone famous or rich cheated to be there or is compromised

You dont live in a area where they live

I live near billionaires

And other "elite"

The shit their kids tell you is interesting

53a32f  No.6678376

File: d6a9e080f127c69⋯.jpeg (9.98 KB, 242x172, 121:86, duterte harry.jpeg)

dirty harry


6bba85  No.6678377

File: 1e417a6a7690cee⋯.png (98.44 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24ad22ecd8542e5⋯.png (185.68 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

$1000 Apple Monitor Stand

Someone needs to make a new meme video.

745407  No.6678378

File: e609ad26468981c⋯.jpg (149.4 KB, 688x948, 172:237, Glorious Michael.jpg)

File: 9fbf409fb568bd1⋯.jpg (207.76 KB, 692x870, 346:435, Defend Us Michael.jpg)

File: 497790bc9347224⋯.jpg (76.51 KB, 400x606, 200:303, Mary Defending Children.jpg)

Thank you Q+

God bless you all

aa698a  No.6678379


its not a semi

6e7cf1  No.6678380


Seems to me like the evidence supports my view

Nice try tho

Nobody ever refutes anything ive ever said

ef5200  No.6678381


You seem to think this is about you and your hobbies. Even if "we" are Trump's 'base' and are the core demographic for him - that still doesn't lend anything to the idea that 'he is letting us be abused.'

We are an edgy group that often toes the line on what is generally regarded as acceptable in terms of discussion - when we bother to pay attention to that, at all. We have always charged toward the censorship with blades drawn. Saying that "President Trump" allows us to be abused is a rejection of the idea that we do this by choice and with gusto.

There will be a time and a place for President Trump and our legal system to get to these things. Our job is to be the ones on the front lines, not being cowed by the censorship threats. Be clever as serpents.

bec5a0  No.6678382


They don't take the throat during an autopsy. This looks more like a coverup of a wrongful death. Perhaps a guard was involved, and someone's trying to hide that.

011300  No.6678383

File: a66776e117d25ca⋯.png (741.91 KB, 916x688, 229:172, rb.png)


meh, it's blurry to me

c338c6  No.6678384


Hope your recording those kids.

72455f  No.6678385

File: b75a3648af52369⋯.jpg (203.46 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, r2g.jpg)


So instead of using logic and long-game scenario to take down a global cabal that's been in power for millenia, you push biblefaggotry.

Nice try, PrayingMedic.

If he would have been Governor/Senator/etc (which the only way you could do was to be "blackmailable" and actually be dirty as they control the entire sphere of the political world) then the masses (the average people who have never voted before) wouldn't have taken him serious and not participate in the Great Awakening because they would have all thought he was just another /pol/.

52e1c7  No.6678386

File: 8841eb0516a072b⋯.jpeg (207.22 KB, 828x822, 138:137, F3F0931C-03CC-4EA5-8DF5-7….jpeg)

Everybody in the Deepstate (Pedostate) is to be exposed, lose ALL assets, face justice and imprisoned.

Any of you reading this must understand that men with guns have your address and will be coming for you in the dead of night to take you away.

We anons do not fear or respect you.

You are doomed.

07eb2f  No.6678387


Anjel, if you are trolling, there is a 'straight pride' parade planned in Boston. Maybe someone has room and they can put you in in their closet?

it's a big closet, you'll be comfey.

the hall way has wifi.

you can do your show from underneath the stairs?

when you did the bit with yellow hair, was that because you were showing that you really are a canary?

We have to make fun of you, becuase you made us care.

what did you expect was going to happen?

We know you are larper, that doesn't mean that you aren't a real guy.

all of this is posted with great affection for you and your cause for the right and just and to show you that people can still be friendly even if you are a larping like a canary in a coal mine.

Expand your Thanking and Praise the Lord!

we still care even though you are wrong about Donald.

sugar and candy are not always healthy.

7ea6b0  No.6678388

File: 23471ef9bb41c7c⋯.png (25.2 KB, 371x195, 371:195, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efd7ab4830f4313⋯.png (58.97 KB, 532x465, 532:465, ClipboardImage.png)



President @realDonaldTrump taking off in Marine One from Portsmouth earlier today after a FANTASTIC State Visit. 🇺🇸🇬🇧

9:53 AM - 5 Jun 2019

5ab7d7  No.6678389


The HRC arkancide is proof that this happens.

13facc  No.6678390


never travel alone

we love you conrad

e25a88  No.6678391

File: 87872824782b920⋯.png (303.01 KB, 837x834, 279:278, pepe says fuq dat.PNG)

Republican, Democratic senators seek to block POTUS' Saudi arms sales

Republican and Democratic US senators said on Wednesday they would introduce 22 separate joint resolutions seeking to block President Donald Trump’s plan to sidestep congressional review and complete more than $8 billion in military sales to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, reports Reuters.

Backers of the effort said it was intended to “protect and reaffirm Congress’ role of approving arms sales to foreign governments.”

The effort is led by Senators Bob Menendez, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Republican Lindsey Graham, one of his party’s leading foreign policy voices who is often a close Trump ally.

Two other Republican senators – Rand Paul and Todd Young – and three Democrats – Chris Murphy, Patrick Leahy and Jack Reed – also joined the announcement.

Declaring an emergency because of tensions with Iran, the Trump administration informed congressional committees on May 24 that it was going ahead with the 22 military deals worth $8.1 billion, circumventing a long-standing precedent for lawmakers to review major weapons sales.

The decision angered members of both parties, who worried that Trump’s decision to blow through the “holds” process would eliminate Congress’ ability to prevent not just Trump but future presidents from selling weapons where they liked.


LG on this list……

c1c121  No.6678392


That is probably what people like (((Trump))) alway told themselves while they sold themselves to the pedovores! I am actually the good guy I promise!

189bfd  No.6678393


Most important thing is the Free Speech. Place to meet with like minds.

The man who owns this board is committed to that.

So it's not going away.

011300  No.6678394

File: 135ba467070a7b0⋯.jpg (24.89 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 135ba467070a7b0582e3c6778a….jpg)


e93a71  No.6678395




Scroll to the bottom. Autopsies are nearly almost always required by law (look up state by state laws on this) when a person dies outside of a hospital bed. When a person dies in hospital care, usually (not always) what kills them is what they were there for, or some sort of complications in health as a direct result from primary care concerns.

If a person dies at home or outside of a hospital (again, depending on state law and the circumstances behind death), coroner is called, and autopsies are performed to determine cause of death.

Anon's explanation is plausible, and the family needs to get a hold of the coroner.

cc79e7  No.6678396


Probably shouldn't have googled "autopsy".

People don't take your heart for a wrongful death. they do weigh your heart in an autopsy. Again, just a hypothesis. And the incision could be too high on the neck, etc.

9bfb66  No.6678397

File: a180f16fa3710dc⋯.jpg (140.2 KB, 714x1000, 357:500, anonswearethenews.jpg)

File: f59fbfdd284bc9a⋯.png (418.53 KB, 783x688, 783:688, anons.png)

6e7cf1  No.6678398


Me and my hobbies?

Fuck off jew

You can tell when the operator writes a post instead of the bot itself

aa698a  No.6678399


yep clintons and nurga burgas get free passes to execute

a924d1  No.6678400


Take a close look at the picture. The Galil Sniper is indeed a semi-auto.


189bfd  No.6678401


So they are doing it "Just because" "We can"

16c09d  No.6678402


Because Cooper is kosher approved silly nonsense

cc79e7  No.6678403


If they can scrub a Manhattan developer, they can scrub an Illinois senator.

6e7cf1  No.6678404


They think they are good guys

They think merelt giving us peanuts is good

54ddc2  No.6678405

File: f05dfda9b81c2a3⋯.png (116.41 KB, 755x433, 755:433, YorkPA.png)




>A family attorney says brains and hearts are sometimes removed for autopsies, but not a throat.

>The York County coroner and district attorney declined to comment to NY1 about the family's questions or the case, saying state and local investigations are ongoing.

fa5749  No.6678406


How does a handoff at the top of next bread sound?

7ea6b0  No.6678407

File: 3b1755ce3723b8d⋯.png (204.32 KB, 399x645, 133:215, ClipboardImage.png)



New @Smithsonian museum dinosaur and fossil hall in Washington, D.C., to feature @USACEHQ owned T-Rex.

Dr. Kirk Johnson, director of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, thanks the #USArmy for their role in excavating the "Nation's T-Rex."

Watch to learn more:

6:05 AM - 5 Jun 2019


011300  No.6678408

File: 162b7d707143dcb⋯.png (374.92 KB, 588x602, 42:43, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Trump administration tightens restrictions on fetal tissue research


6e7cf1  No.6678409


Yeah im sure the elite love the guy who tells you to look at the actual organizations of,power and not just your local rabbi

fa5749  No.6678410


>>6678269 WH Tweet: POTUS/FLOTUS host Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall last night for a reciprocal dinner.

>>6678280 DiGenova: CS will talk to Durham and prove FBI lied to Congress.

>>6678349 Fmr. Ark. Senator dead from gunshot wound.

>>6678222 Trump administration bans medical research using fetal tissue.

>>6678212 Morningstar Exec Chair sells $3.84m in shares.

>>6678180 House steps up contempt threat against Barr/Ross re: Census.

>>6678143 Heath Tarbert to serve as the next chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

>>6678128 2 million Somalis could die of famine this year.

>>6678101 Trump says he thinks Mexico wants a deal, tariff threat stands

>>6678084 Durham investigating Baker for criminal leaking.

>>6678066 DJT negotiating deal between Russia and Japan?

>>6678059 YouTube says it will begin outright censorship.

>>6678056 Feds seeking new information in the Epstein case.

>>6678017 China fines Ford for anti-trust violations.

>>6677995 Americans view fake news as a bigger problem than terrorism.

d60179  No.6678411


Well someday I hope you are awake enough to know that Las Vegas was an attempt on POTUS and MIB lives. There was a gun battle fought in the hanger across the street from the hotel. POTUS had flew AF1 into Area 51 and then got on that shuttle plane to fly to Las Vegas to have secret meeting. It is no accident the the giant purge in SA happened after this and that the black hats were kicked out of SA. They attempted to rebound with Kassogi but they lost that also. Skippy lost billions and we now control Twitter so that POTUS will always have a comms link to the people around Jews controlled MSM. There is plenty of this dig in past breads. Remember we have been at this for almost two years now. I can not say there are no bad actors in Army but your post on the soldiers who are at the bottom and do the fighting is nothing short of despicable. If you think that Communism and socialism are so wonderful why don't you pick up and move to Russia or Venezuela. You have that freedom here and you will get an education there. Don't post untrue crap on Q research because we know the truth and why there was a coverup.

c41db1  No.6678412

Patriots need to realize the deep importance to correct this lie that has been propagandized that we have and live in a Democracy.

Every single time you hear or see this lie, Patriots need to correct it.

We do NOT live in a Democracy. We are a Republic. Period. Don't be passive about this. It's an important differential.

4a4c07  No.6678413


John Durham is the Stealth Bomber Q told us was working secretly behind Huber.

Huber was the Decoy…

1bd08c  No.6678414

File: 92b79191bc8afb0⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 960x499, 960:499, Trump_Clouds.jpg)

c338c6  No.6678415


Waiting to see how long it takes for a federal judge to over rule this.

a53cd0  No.6678416


Think military. A fighting position is only protected until it is not needed anymore.

c1c121  No.6678417


How I fucking hat these pedovores and Their enablers, keep torturing me filth. I will never join you!

647f24  No.6678418

File: e62fd32aa81fc84⋯.jpeg (150.72 KB, 750x1004, 375:502, 81483290-0267-4CA8-A245-B….jpeg)

File: c2e693007161a3e⋯.jpeg (207.62 KB, 750x1052, 375:526, 057B1201-2072-47E3-B08D-F….jpeg)

File: 6c1b2c08d123216⋯.png (537.94 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 19EA43E7-6AB3-4BB6-89FE-3E….png)

File: 87c1e1fff6b003a⋯.png (229.56 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D7928AF1-EB97-4DD5-AEC4-C1….png)

File: 547c35ec0c140cb⋯.png (220.46 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D937F11E-C0DE-44A0-B818-A3….png)

Former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins- Smith that was found dead yesterday, had appeared on Patriots Soapbox YouTube Channel three months ago and was also working with DHS insider to expose the missing $27M from DHS/ Child Protective Services.



0aa0ee  No.6678419


>Nice try tho

It WAS a nice try and I've got a few more nickels because of it.

Thank you!

24784d  No.6678420

File: 65fa218147c0651⋯.png (45.73 KB, 590x230, 59:23, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

File: 036c8ad63f574fc⋯.png (871.25 KB, 1432x946, 716:473, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

Carlos Maza of VOX is calling for violence by Milkshake against Qanon and conservatives everywhere, twitter has no response to questions

@ 8:47 am on 5/21/2019 a tweet to Milkshake them all was sent out, even leftist MilkToast SouthPark Tim Cast has said it is a call for physical violence.

53a32f  No.6678421


would be mandatory under suspicious circumstances


d679c2  No.6678422

File: 646c10ac7a345de⋯.png (749.24 KB, 1087x826, 1087:826, 9b35582d99a657c9806a341cbe….png)

File: cf546b65f63d95c⋯.png (1.69 MB, 3139x2079, 3139:2079, Sealed Cases Proceedings s….png)

>>6677960 pb

>>6677562 pb

Look at the digits in Nevada, kek

Vermont too.

2e16c6  No.6678423


Durham's an actual hired prosecutor, if I'm not mistaken. You don't hire a prosecutor unless you're going to prosecute. Right?

Honest question.

0ba60d  No.6678424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:20 between tweet and deleted tweet

6e7cf1  No.6678425


Tfw Q psyopped anons into supporting arms sales to saudi arabia

Not even goebels could pull this shit off

I tell myself youre all ai

But i know at least a couple are real morons

ab053c  No.6678426


Getting $10 an hour for shitposting on qresearch isn't a real job

aa698a  No.6678427


shit sorry the hand is in the way did not research the rifle just ran with it theres probably a picture of him with a bolt action somewhere ill look it was a shitpost anyway like all the posts i make

20c82d  No.6678428

File: 9ca94f0a7907ae2⋯.png (6.4 KB, 54x54, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


It's the red and black I'm seeing here.

See this post from a couple weeks ago:

Anonymous 05/03/19 (Fri) 10:02:2079bd58 No.6402400 >>6402368

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;

Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.

What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,

Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

What's in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,

And for that name which is no part of thee

Take all myself.


29df36  No.6678429

File: 5448d918075d453⋯.jpeg (365.79 KB, 1883x1101, 1883:1101, C11DAE77-DE10-4928-BBE8-F….jpeg)

ff8771  No.6678430

File: 170b0a2d7cbc4ee⋯.jpg (107.34 KB, 432x288, 3:2, Larp.jpg)

bb56f2  No.6678431

File: a0c1436cc332bf5⋯.jpg (65.78 KB, 765x959, 765:959, 290fc7015c0e5683e54569d169….jpg)


I'l be there dude.

159359  No.6678432

File: 50fb3db80074c25⋯.png (236.63 KB, 297x298, 297:298, ClipboardImage.png)







jus a reminder to all you lurking conspiracy theorist "journalist". you are the betas and cucks of this world. us chads will be moar than happy to let you watch a real man seed your wife with superior dna so your children wont have to suffer the same fate yall did in school. we are happy to do this for humanity no matter how ugly she is because after a few generations the cuckness will be bred out.

6e7cf1  No.6678433



Dont say thst tho

It gives the interdimensionals a doorway

What do you think they worship

17011d  No.6678434


No joke, some kid with a milk allergy is going to die or go into anaphylactic shock from getting hit with cast off and if that happens, I want this shithead put in jail.

28ef0b  No.6678435


with shit for accuracy, poorly made

72455f  No.6678436


Except for me exposing MP's connection with the Koch bros. and ex-VP Quayle.

Made notables even..but didn't get picked up by other supposed MAGAs. Wonder why.

bec5a0  No.6678437


>Huber was the Decoy…

This was kind of my thinking. Just think if some DS people tried bribing Huber when he wasn't the guy at all. Then you would have caught more bad actors.

185b97  No.6678438

File: f1f0d5f665f65a4⋯.png (638.87 KB, 800x527, 800:527, Screenshot_2019-06-05-12-3….png)

Just coming onboard today so if this already pointed out, please forgive, anons

POTUS hands: why?

6e7cf1  No.6678439


Im,on lunch at my actual office job where i process tax certs

Fuck off

046b47  No.6678440


<Make them dread public organizing

is particularly egregious

considering how he is attempting to draw advertisers away from YT

because Crowder laughs at him… a… public personality

17011d  No.6678441


Well, Mueller was a prosecutor if we're being technical.

32bb58  No.6678442


i hear those hormones will FUQ U UP.

cc79e7  No.6678443


Selling one's integrity for $10/hour is such a foolish thing to do.

You never get it back.

You have your name, from birth, to death, and your integrity. Until you sell it.

6355bd  No.6678444


A prosecutor has to first determine if a case can be prosecuted. Just because he is a prosecutor doesn't mean it can go forward.

7ea6b0  No.6678445

File: b2300be32df8a79⋯.png (27.78 KB, 532x371, 76:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74d87b8f892cffe⋯.png (314.05 KB, 466x231, 466:231, ClipboardImage.png)




#Thanks to all of our followers that are paying attention and #patching! Check out some of our previous advisories here: https://www.nsa.gov/what-we-do/cybersecurity/ … and keep an eye out for additional ones in the future!

NSA/CSS added,


Verified account @NSAGov

#Cybersecurity Advisory: we urge Microsoft Windows administrators and users to patch systems to address the #Bluekeep vulnerability.

For more information, see the full advisory here:

10:38 AM - 5 Jun 2019

6ba43c  No.6678446

File: d98700d2ceafaa1⋯.png (308.87 KB, 794x1164, 397:582, NavyPepe-lt.png)

File: 7ee63206267d20b⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 917x871, 917:871, smiling pepe.jpg)

File: fc932afcadb6e06⋯.png (489.96 KB, 800x800, 1:1, warrior-pepe.png)

24784d  No.6678447

File: b2f897ad2190964⋯.png (411.19 KB, 801x510, 267:170, Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at ….png)

File: 5dd52bdbfb620ab⋯.png (115.46 KB, 253x240, 253:240, Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at ….png)

File: 1064bc4d71b4d38⋯.png (347.58 KB, 505x509, 505:509, Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at ….png)

File: dbc63d513858ab7⋯.png (408.91 KB, 443x580, 443:580, Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at ….png)

File: b5bfbdbc605b563⋯.png (249.98 KB, 372x355, 372:355, Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at ….png)



16c09d  No.6678448


True and we are also not a nation

c743a6  No.6678449


>Look at the digits in Nevada, kek

Sealed actions roughly 60% above the national average.

aa698a  No.6678450

File: 22999e459f306ba⋯.jpg (194.16 KB, 2267x1506, 2267:1506, burntout.jpg)

is today the day one of you faggots goes postal id bet five bucks one of you gets activated today and runs amuck

edee06  No.6678451

File: 0c77ac69c5cecf6⋯.png (40.08 KB, 684x700, 171:175, coolbaker.png)

c338c6  No.6678452


But your Anonymous here…KEK!

6bba85  No.6678453


Letting SA, UAE, and Jordan defend themselves is the first step towards ending the petro-dollar protection racket.

We must end our imperialism to save the nation.

Globalist/neocons and the MIC don't want that.

cc79e7  No.6678454

File: 1e7f033e7c82694⋯.png (990.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Suggest a Barrett .50 cal. That's bolt action. And bad ass.

0a9a2c  No.6678455

File: 7c27ff66d498bab⋯.jpg (57.31 KB, 813x351, 271:117, handmaidstaleyt.jpg)

File: eccd944cd2e2db3⋯.jpg (334.98 KB, 768x649, 768:649, handmaidstalecomp.jpg)

File: 4851b2cd300051f⋯.jpg (96.39 KB, 562x558, 281:279, htguardian.jpg)

File: fe2b6810d0157ee⋯.jpg (72.77 KB, 537x537, 1:1, wiredgarb.jpg)

YouTube promoting a Hulu show, The Handmaid's Tale, about a totalitarian existence based around sexual servitude of women for the purpose of forced procreation. Taking liberty with the novel, the producers naturally attempt to make this a political propaganda piece about current America, a warning for liberals, and especially liberal women, of what is likely to happen if conservatives have their way. Those of us who have been awakened know there is much more to the story, how Hwood is controlled, by who, and their actual agenda. Instead of a warning about what would happen should conservatives (us) have their (our) way, the nightmare world portrayed in the story is their planned future! Think mirror.

In the still frame composite, note the cultish imagery, symbology, the final message to burn it all to the ground, with the image of Washington DC, and a cross in place of the Washington Monument. Hwood cabalists signaling to themselves.

Amusingly, even left leaning news outlet The Guardian are rebelling against the extreme tone of the production, particularly the plot where viewers are directed to feel sympathy for the evil abusers in the story. Also, in the YT comments beneath the Hulu show promo piece, there aren't many people connecting the show's undercurrent propaganda themes to current America. There is no cry for revolt. Few are listening to the messages.

At the same time, Hwood and cabalists are trying very hard to make the garb worn by the abused women the official protest clothing against Trumpism (us, awakening, truth).

The promo clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10O5g3bf1jY



29df36  No.6678456

File: 14a4374465e15f1⋯.jpeg (366.06 KB, 1883x1101, 1883:1101, 520FB4B8-8A4E-49FF-82B9-0….jpeg)


Corrected flags.

This meme is finished. Im not doing anything else.

011300  No.6678457

File: 61888085772aa8e⋯.jpeg (235.89 KB, 1452x1574, 726:787, 61888085772aa8e5e4ba8cb91….jpeg)

6b8e84  No.6678458

File: 6994f850b7621b2⋯.png (509.87 KB, 596x450, 298:225, ClipboardImage.png)

fa5749  No.6678459



Very dank, saved.

9f9bca  No.6678460

File: be36f7aaa7471c5⋯.jpeg (452.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, F8F8F3AD-1387-4491-988A-9….jpeg)



They killed her?

c743a6  No.6678461


Incidentally, the number of sealed court actions is roughly 1 action per 3267 citizens in the US. That is a mind boggling number.

0aa0ee  No.6678462


HA!!!!!!! :)

Go out swinging; that's somewhat respectable.

7b1382  No.6678463


Keeping up the fight.

0ba60d  No.6678464

File: a3ac013ff361411⋯.jpg (445.29 KB, 1255x1315, 251:263, Screenshot_20190605-133628….jpg)


Damn it. The graphic didnt show.

1:20 between tweet & deleted tweet


1c305d  No.6678465


Sauce says June 2nd, 2019

7ea6b0  No.6678466

File: f331e4dbc80b1a8⋯.png (265.79 KB, 532x525, 76:75, ClipboardImage.png)



The "If You See Something, Say Something®" campaign reminds you to trust your instincts when something doesn’t seem quite right. If something feels out of place, contact local authorities immediately. #SeeSay #ProtectYourEveryday

10:39 AM - 5 Jun 2019

If something feels out of place, contact local authorities immediately.

011300  No.6678467

File: d4267db2d9ac3ff⋯.png (1004.87 KB, 664x684, 166:171, ClipboardImage.png)

16c09d  No.6678468


I'm sure they do. BTW Jews are running those secret society organizations. I think pointing out Jewish control over the entirety of our media is not exactly like calling out the local rabbi. Cooper was Alex Jones 1.0

71712f  No.6678469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuckery in Fiji

>Father pleads for CDC help in looking into young couple's death in Fiji | ABC

Best comment: "I drink fiji water ruh roh 😋"

b6bb3b  No.6678470



ab053c  No.6678471


Must be a good, 'elite' job if you get a 2hr lunch

1c5733  No.6678472

>>6677530 (pb)

Discussion about D-DAY on the 5th?


6b8d17  No.6678473


>People say she's smart but she isn't

demonrats determine smartness on the ability to extort and blackmail with information obtained from illegal spying

cc79e7  No.6678474


BO said not all bakers are on the team, so, yeah. Freedom means freedom for people to fuck up, and to choose poorly.

Also, my comment had nothing to do with you or your participation in the QAnon movement.

20c82d  No.6678475


Forgot the important anon post about this red and black:

>>6402368 op

Anons, there are divisions in the Military probably assigned with numbers like 369, 66, 33, or similar, which represent the men in uniform that will fight in the most dangerous environments.

Half a year ago I posted in a bread that in the Cold War and also in WW2, in which the border to the eastern alliances had been CROATIA. Their 369 division, also called Devil's division, was sent to Stalingrad. There was less than 20 men in that division, but they had great success in infiltrating the Russian infrastructure hotspots, thus shutting down communication, electricity, etc.

So, if you hear anything about a devil's division or a number related, be sure that all hell will brake loose on the enemies side of the aisle :)

5c18a9  No.6678476

File: b671379ff45ade5⋯.jpg (150.69 KB, 550x946, 25:43, b671379ff45ade5e55bf851104….jpg)

189bfd  No.6678477


yes, but I never said they were leaving.

And neither did that post.

That was some other anon.

Again, anons projecting.

4a4c07  No.6678478


Correct and don't forget, Bill Barr said he just brought John Durham on his team a few weeks ago but in fact Barr was just announcing Durham to the Public for the first time.

Durham has been on the job since 11-17 when Sessions hired him and Huber

17011d  No.6678479

File: 1f280114e60ae90⋯.png (385.81 KB, 658x754, 329:377, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

File: 6f87294ceb3c9b1⋯.png (515.05 KB, 654x846, 109:141, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)



A "certain" government agency owns the land on which 1000 migrants entered US last week. They LEAVE THE GATE OPEN ON PURPOSE!

cc79e7  No.6678480


Not to me, I'm not.

I know who I am.

And they know who they are.

Integrity is in a man's heart.

159359  No.6678481

File: c27405562ab6f98⋯.png (328.38 KB, 622x651, 622:651, ClipboardImage.png)








dont have to worry about you reproducing now do we conspiracy theorist "journalist" jake flanagin. cuckness stops with you for sure. KEKEKEK

aa698a  No.6678482



yes! barretts poke holes in manhole covers at a long distance right through cast iron like it was aluminum

246334  No.6678483

File: 43a6542d3f55492⋯.png (16.52 KB, 386x233, 386:233, Screenshot-2019-6-5 QMAP Q….png)

File: 5da22e223a263c7⋯.png (12.85 KB, 386x221, 386:221, Screenshot-2019-6-5 QMAP Q….png)

File: b05b39f3ff942a7⋯.png (86.45 KB, 386x1053, 386:1053, Screenshot-2019-6-5 QMAP Q….png)


120/ 21

0a9a2c  No.6678484


Naturally, the woman hero in the show is androgynous and creepy.

b297de  No.6678485

File: 6a356e1df31ba6c⋯.png (90.44 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump administration bans government scientists from using aborted fetal tissue in research

The Trump administration will block government scientists from acquiring new fetal tissue from abortions to use in medical research, a major victory for abortion opponents. "Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President Trump’s administration," the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement Wednesday that announced the change.

Research using fetal tissue that is government-funded but conducted by scientists who are not employed by the government will be allowed to continue. The decision comes after months of speculation, as well as backlash from anti-abortion groups that demanded President Trump fire the head of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, for saying that research using fetal tissue could provide useful study for treatments of devastating illnesses.

In September 2018, HHS ended a contract the Food and Drug Administration had with Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. after saying that it was "not sufficiently assured that contract included the appropriate protections applicable to fetal tissue research or met all other procurement requirements." The agency also decided to have its staff review research involving fetal tissue to make sure that it was following all regulations and laws and that it was receiving proper oversight.


7ea6b0  No.6678486

File: 89edd5e3ecdab8e⋯.png (410.63 KB, 532x569, 532:569, ClipboardImage.png)



ICE is hiring #attorneys across the country. Interested in a #career with ICE's Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA)? Learn more and apply on @USAJOBS https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/512652900

07:44 AM - 5 Jun 2019


1c5733  No.6678487


You're not allowed to expose Republicans and Right Wingers. Only Democrats and left wingers. It's been a problem on the chans since day one.

e25a88  No.6678488


did not expect to see LG on that initially but see why.

24784d  No.6678489


it was reported to the secret service today, they are going to deal with it, it falls within their scope I found out…. :)

f2284e  No.6678490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ex-school deputy arrested on charges of neglect of duty in Parkland massacre

By Tonya Alanez, Sun Sentinel 19 hrs ago

"Peterson has been booked into the Broward Main Jail on 11 criminal charges, including child neglect, culpable negligence and perjury. He also was fired."


Video from Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch



bec5a0  No.6678491


Most people who are investigation the Clintons always seem to conveniently end up dead….

cc79e7  No.6678492


Especially if you take out everyone under 18, and disregard everyone over 70.

889fb7  No.6678493



53a32f  No.6678494

File: 5eb26a01a4eb5df⋯.jpg (137.62 KB, 1100x764, 275:191, t rex.jpg)



edee06  No.6678495


>There's grammar mistakes in that post that tell me it's a larper and not Q

Then this part of my post applies. I still don't think it's Q and also, that it's still FUD.

147c34  No.6678496

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

.An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing our hatred of others is normal and natural for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.

2e16c6  No.6678497


Yeah this case is flimsy.

189bfd  No.6678498


They prepared to take-off on the 5th.

4b2fa6  No.6678499

File: 5d94cc42bbc7af8⋯.jpg (78.79 KB, 600x315, 40:21, Comfyj.jpg)

>>6677280 (lb)

Good words just hope you are not our usual curtain twister.

Will remain good, am prepared, am humble…

…lets rumble!

Am comfy af

6b8e84  No.6678500

File: e44b114c1443c3f⋯.png (108.54 KB, 263x320, 263:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d101ac0309e9ac2⋯.png (160.64 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


“The possibility exists that key dinosaur bones on display have been artificially modified through sculpture and carving. Bone sculpture is not an unknown human activity. Many cultures participate in creating man-made objects out of existing bones, totally unrecognizable from the original shape. Is the dinosaur industry a customer of this sort of business? Is it possible that dinosaur skeleton replica are secretly assembled or manufactured in private buildings out of public view, with bones artificially constructed or used from a number of different modern-day animals? Why bother having any authentic original fossils at all if alleged replicas please the public?” -David Wozney, “Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction”

72455f  No.6678501

File: 4d058920bb4fb7b⋯.png (346.72 KB, 588x494, 294:247, Screenshot_2019-06-05 Dona….png)


Just saying not other anons picked it up, the baker at the time did so a salute to whomever that was. We all strive for True Freedom(most of us anyway).


Term 2 is when the tide turns, anon.

Some further ahead than others and that's fine.

The plan continues.

bdcf75  No.6678502

File: 379c638283968b8⋯.png (542.22 KB, 1241x737, 1241:737, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

SIDS often occurs after vaccination and the "diagnosis" is more of a cover-up than a real diagnosis. Apparently babies are not the only ones to get "SIDS". Now we have sudden unexplained deaths in childhood (SUDC). How many anons would guess there was a vaccine involved somewhere?

With so many "unexplained" deaths of infants and children, isn't it time to publicly demand explanations about what the CDC childhood vaccine schedule is REALLY doing?


c41db1  No.6678503


Can you please give more explanation on how we are not a nation?

b6bb3b  No.6678504

File: de65490067e7e59⋯.jpg (90.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, thundercats.jpg)


This show will never be as good as Thundercats.

No matter how hard it tries.

300e8c  No.6678505


This is where Bronfman's private island for NXIVM is located.

29df36  No.6678506

File: 11b7bdcb55b90ca⋯.jpeg (366.03 KB, 1883x1101, 1883:1101, 80DE1A28-1326-4E6E-8440-1….jpeg)



Corrected Justice font no one saw.

cadf1f  No.6678507

File: a00e8e5c8f76090⋯.png (675.73 KB, 1796x1214, 898:607, 1559539321.png)

2e16c6  No.6678508

File: 2d5c5e252ef512f⋯.png (301.42 KB, 600x342, 100:57, ClipboardImage.png)


Not Mozambique and Hahvahd

cc79e7  No.6678509


The list of Rinos Trump pushed out of office is only a click away.

e74a36  No.6678511

Congrats to Korean playwright Young Jean Lee for being the first Asian woman to feature a play on Broadway. Her play, Straight White Men, is about three brothers confronting their white privilege. The brothers are played by actors:

✡Armie Hammer

✡Josh Charles

✡Paul Schneider

9bfb66  No.6678512

File: cc26280cbba2a55⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Chaotic_Beauty_in_Constell….png)

0aa0ee  No.6678513


whatever, Becky.

e74a36  No.6678514


And the play was directed by Anna Shapiro ✡ and also features trans, anti-white activist Kate Bornstein ✡

If you pull the curtain back on any anti-white agitation, you will almost always find a Jew.

07eb2f  No.6678515


you realize how many people died on that Beach, right?

5c18a9  No.6678516

File: 618f80d8cefc74c⋯.png (31.82 KB, 355x319, 355:319, ClipboardImage.png)

c338c6  No.6678517


I've got an unopened boxset of Thundercats.

Interested in purchasing? KEK!

9cf49f  No.6678518

I wonder if Q reads our shit and gets pissed at us or if he is proud of us….

Not that it matters, just wondering….stupid question I am sure….

2f1cd8  No.6678519

File: 5bb567e0eb7c713⋯.jpg (17.78 KB, 255x160, 51:32, meme acquisition.jpg)

File: d256d922deebc54⋯.jpg (76.71 KB, 631x454, 631:454, gv060519dAPR20190604024512.jpg)

File: 77c03fc4ad86f10⋯.jpg (71.33 KB, 631x436, 631:436, stg060419dAPC2019060404452….jpg)

File: 8396be025db4eb7⋯.jpg (218.31 KB, 1500x989, 1500:989, d day 4.jpg)




88390f  No.6678520

File: c2a31ed034ef72b⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 700x500, 7:5, hadto16.jpg)


Look kids!

Shills posting and responding to Shills.

That's Neat!

cc79e7  No.6678521


Nation has borders, language, and culture.

We're fighting to try to have borders, have dozens of languages, and balkanized culture.

We have a long way to go to regain "nation" status.

845302  No.6678522


Has this made it in to the Notables yet?


if not already called!


"Certain Agency not many know about"


bb6b68  No.6678524

File: 2af14d85cbec1e7⋯.jpeg (47.21 KB, 373x511, 373:511, Border reality.jpeg)


Any guess….. CIA or DOD?

712fbc  No.6678525

Too tired to explain it all, but WHAT IF SOLIPSISM. It's the #1 most selfish but reasonable explanation. That, or half of the people around us are possessed by aliens or demons.

9bfb66  No.6678526

File: 5623ce2371d9c9b⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1431x805, 1431:805, watchdam2.png)

ff8771  No.6678527

File: 1c1146abceb80b8⋯.jpg (356.28 KB, 875x656, 875:656, bomound.jpg)

aa698a  No.6678528

big surprise mexicans raping and selling kid in the church right up yous guys alley of the valley look at it

https://www. theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jun/05/joaquin-garcia-mexican-church-leader-child-rape-trafficking-charges

fucking scummy sicko beaners deserve to get executed

0aa0ee  No.6678529


Pretty rich, isn't it?

d6fc75  No.6678530

File: 2e2d76b6bc3ef27⋯.jpeg (75.84 KB, 1080x621, 40:23, 1556459634.jpeg)

cc79e7  No.6678531


There will always be Fiji: Clare Bronfman purchased most of Wakaya Island last August

On August 11, 2016, Clare Bronfman [and her Ack Group of Companies] purchased Wakaya Ltd, which owns about 80 percent of Wakaya Island, a small [2,200 acre/eight square mile] island in Fiji.

Miss Bronfman already owned a private home on Wakaya prior to purchasing Wakaya Ltd, from David and Jillian Gilmour.

Miss Bronfman is the financier of Keith Raniere’s business and teaching enterprises.

Mr. Raniere is her acknowledged mentor and Miss Bronfman has also been reported to have made a lifelong Vow of obedience to Mr. Raniere as his “slave” and joined his harem.


ef5200  No.6678532


And what are we supposed to do about it?

This is the trap the liberal activists have fallen into. Get angry and hold protests and demonstrations that get ignored at the institutional level. Then egg people or throw milkshakes at them (support your local burger yass queen slay).

The only thing the left has been allowed to accomplish is the suppression and harassment of the non-left. None of their environmental activism has changed anything. None of their humanitarian efforts have improved anything. None of their "awareness" has changed the game.

Once you realize their entire narrative is being directed by the people who control the money and the research grants - you realize that they are effectively being set up to take the blame for "causing" what we now call "get woke, go broke." These policies were always the agenda of these large financers and 'global elites' - the left has just been turned into a meat shield.

So - sure - we do "spread awareness" as we can - but there is only one thing that is going to fix this. An application of force. Either that force comes from our institutions of law, or it comes from us as people. Or some combination thereof.

We believe in the rule of law. That means there are some things we can do, and some things we leave to the law to handle. The only exception to this is when the system is so corrupt or inept that it must be removed and replaced. We are sitting at the edge of that decision, to be sure - but there can be no half measures. Either we see how President Trump handles this - or we go full-on mad max and roll the dice of apocalypse.

Going down the same path of the left of "we need to pay attention to this specific form of corruption" is just a trap to obscure the bigger picture - both the scale of corruption and the events of winning. If people want to choose one thing Q said and zero in on it like a scopelocked booter, then they are doing it wrong and how the enemy wants.

cc79e7  No.6678533


>David and Jillian Gilmour

David Gilmour is a Canadian businessman and investor. He is the founder of Fiji Water and owner of Wakaya Island in Fiji. Gilmour founded Wakaya Perfection …

88390f  No.6678534

File: b3363a547b65145⋯.jpg (192.78 KB, 680x708, 170:177, yess.jpg)

011300  No.6678535

File: 30928161575f183⋯.png (1.11 MB, 985x656, 985:656, ClipboardImage.png)


you're the only one here, trust me

159359  No.6678536

File: a9e0e7b7729dc60⋯.png (561.67 KB, 700x394, 350:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44fb72df98b2af0⋯.png (86.39 KB, 2560x1665, 512:333, ClipboardImage.png)









david corn you fucking faggot, fix your fucking deceptive site instead of sucking kok all day. geesh

1c5733  No.6678537


And there's ther term. RINOs. When it is Democrats, people just Democrats. But when it's Republicans, people just say RINOs.

They're not RINOs. They're Republicans. They were welcomed with open arms into the the Republican party.

681f37  No.6678538

File: 1255aaa52869c2f⋯.jpeg (597.58 KB, 1125x812, 1125:812, 1ED07F5A-B4C9-4A99-A0DD-F….jpeg)

To assist with clarification this is a transmission.

edee06  No.6678539

File: 2d04dfbb49f7bcd⋯.gif (496.66 KB, 500x282, 250:141, tumblr_mdehwrThTf1r80p9c[1….gif)

322c43  No.6678540

File: 53b6d74a2dbd2b0⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x300, 4:3, d5fdcc7a-20a0-41ab-8462-07….jpg)


Sir no less


31a165  No.6678541


That is not a verified account.

712fbc  No.6678542


What are you, then?

9bfb66  No.6678543


Hey get outta my mind

b297de  No.6678544

File: b387e2167d27553⋯.png (569.13 KB, 640x420, 32:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3945524afddb522⋯.png (255.72 KB, 511x532, 73:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 202e8db986fc46d⋯.png (340.76 KB, 511x574, 73:82, ClipboardImage.png)

EPA chief accuses New York Times reporters of colluding with Sierra Club

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler escalated a dust-up with the media Monday by accusing New York Times reporters of colluding with a major environmental group by retweeting a "made-up" quote of his. “Makes me wonder if the two reporters for the New York Times were colluding with the Sierra Club," Wheeler said Wednesday, addressing the agency's Scientific Advisory Board. He told the board's members to use "caution" and "to be careful what you read in the media" after the incident.

The controversy started when EPA slammed a reporter from Yahoo News on Tuesday, saying he made up a quote from a National Press Club address he gave on Monday. The story reported that Wheeler said the news media does a disservice by reporting on global warming. EPA clarified that what Wheeler said Monday was: "The media does a disservice to the American public and sound policy-making by not informing the public of the progress this nation has made." Wheeler called the Yahoo News story, which he said was then retweeted by two New York Times reporters, "made up." The EPA did not identify the specific reporters, but the climate reporters Kendra Pierre-Louis and Lisa Friedman retweeted the tweet in question.

Later, the Sierra Club used the story in a tweet of its own. Wheeler told the science advisers to come to him directly if they have any questions about what they read in the media.


26997b  No.6678545

New York AG Letitia James has gone after Trump since she was elected. She is using her office for partisan political purposes. She needs to be held accountable.


ef5200  No.6678546


Department of natural resources, probably. Or wildlife/recreation. The federal government owns most uninhabited or minimally inhabited land, having designated it some park or another.

Goes back to FDR.

9cf49f  No.6678547


Laggy Bread & slow captcha…:( :( :(

Board being attacked?????

19cac7  No.6678548

File: 5ed3b85416df14b⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 586x328, 293:164, Ms_Prigent.jpg)

UNHINGED NUTCASE Who Abused and Screamed “Nazi Scum!” at Elderly Trump-Supporting Grandpa May Now Lose Her Job


2f1cd8  No.6678549

File: 851eff1fff80cad⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 720x453, 240:151, D72F3nSXkAQmxwu.jpg)

File: c47f46ba89433ba⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 255x170, 3:2, e768538bddbe5c817d54787fa4….jpg)

d60179  No.6678550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anon's one thing we know is we will live on forever and the shills will not. :)

159359  No.6678551

File: dfc54132ba7cd53⋯.png (278.63 KB, 381x382, 381:382, ClipboardImage.png)










yo ronald hansen stop sucking david corn's corn hole all day and let him fix his deceptive site and get back to your conspiracy theory "journalism". WHY ARE THERE SO MANY CUCKS WITH INFERIOR GENETICS IN JOURNALISM?

b96223  No.6678552

File: 0bb99daf9d1c099⋯.jpeg (72.01 KB, 432x546, 72:91, 840F07B6-543C-46E4-8ECD-F….jpeg)

b07aa7  No.6678553

File: c84455a152a0ae4⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 680x382, 340:191, stream_img.jpg)

File: f598665845fcf70⋯.png (255.18 KB, 300x407, 300:407, davros-character-comic-vin….png)

File: f6bd5dcdf6b7db1⋯.jpg (75.66 KB, 569x398, 569:398, MW-HI022_dems_r_2019042210….jpg)

Invasion of the Dem Dalek's meme

Which Dem is the most like Davros





16c09d  No.6678554

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Republicans are just what Democrats are today, ten years from now, conservatives conserve nothing

5c18a9  No.6678555

File: 30fe22e917a461f⋯.png (208.95 KB, 2074x514, 1037:257, a82bbcf1b011cbb342282bd7b7….png)

011300  No.6678556

File: 79831c0b4ff627e⋯.png (1.31 MB, 951x689, 951:689, ClipboardImage.png)


I Am You,


f8c0dc  No.6678557



>CNN is scared shitless over this.

They should all be scared shitless over this:

SYDNEY (AP) - Australia’s Federal Police raided the offices of the national public broadcaster on Wednesday in connection to a 2017 story based on leaked military documents


"leaked military documents"

And this from a FVEY country no less. All the leaks are going to get "plugged". Kek

ece7a2  No.6678558

File: 83409a7d8412c25⋯.png (478.86 KB, 964x745, 964:745, ClipboardImage.png)


Defending Elections against Trolls from Enemy Regimes Act - KEK!

Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on Monday.

"This bill amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to make an alien who is seeking to engage in, or has engaged in, improper interference in a U.S. election inadmissible.

Improper interference in a U.S. election is conduct by an alien that: (1) violates federal criminal, voting rights, or campaign finance law, or is under the direction of a foreign government; and (2) interferes with any general or primary federal, state, or local election or caucus, including a candidate's campaign or a ballot measure."

Does this mean there will be mass deportation of illegals?

The most interesting thing to me is that while Congress was passing this very important and relevant immigration law, the media was distracted by the the story of Senate Republicans refusing to support a 5% tariff increase on Mexico.

Enjoying the show!



300e8c  No.6678559


6th day

6th month

6th hour

you do the math.


Look at the Omaha beach memorial for satanic symbolism and 666's. They are all over it.


4039fc  No.6678561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The ADL Exposed in 1950's Book! "Controversy of Zion"

Adam Green

20c82d  No.6678562


>Going down the same path of the left of "we need to pay attention to this specific form of corruption" is just a trap to obscure the bigger picture - both the scale of corruption and the events of winning. If people want to choose one thing Q said and zero in on it like a scopelocked booter, then they are doing it wrong and how the enemy wants.

Could you rephrase this please, I don't quite get what you're saying here.

I would add that any previous empires/civilizations in the past, that were reduced to our current level of immorality and pussiness, have collapsed internally - only to be conquered externally. You want diversity? Those diverse people are your country's future.

0a5116  No.6678563

File: 14eca9940cc3169⋯.jpg (61.86 KB, 500x542, 250:271, Q fizzled out(1).jpg)

Q has embarrassed America.

389191  No.6678564

File: a97ee590b9405b8⋯.png (515.01 KB, 941x1127, 941:1127, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

File: 114182520d5f9cd⋯.png (228.03 KB, 900x1242, 50:69, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)


According to the criminal complaint, on or about May 29, 2019, Allen placed an improvised explosive device at the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Bay Pines, Florida. Law enforcement personnel from the FBI, the Tampa Police Department, and other law enforcement agencies responded to the VA Hospital, and a bomb squad determined that the device contained a 9-volt battery, electrical wires, an improvised initiator, an unknown powder, and a clothespin switch. Bomb technicians ultimately rendered the device safe.

Approximately two days later, an individual called law enforcement and reported that Allen had been making other devices in his home.


b297de  No.6678565

File: 3f503caa849ab16⋯.png (637.65 KB, 857x612, 857:612, ClipboardImage.png)

Sasse slams House Democrats over pay: ‘These jokers couldn't hold down a summer job at Dairy Queen’

Sen. Ben Sasse slammed House Democrats for attempting to raise congressional pay without first addressing the budget. "No budget, no raise. Instead of writing a budget or reforming our bankrupt entitlement programs, House Democrats are angling for a pay raise,” the Nebraska senator said in a Tuesday statement. “These jokers couldn't hold down a summer job at Dairy Queen pulling this kinda crap."

Sasse’s comments come as House Democrats proposed a $4,500 raise for congressional members, who have been paid $174,000 annually since 2009. Democrats included the pay increase in their 2020 spending bill, but Sasse said he wants a budget approved first before a pay raise is considered.

In 2010, Republicans overturned annual cost-of-living salary increases. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer led the effort to enact a cost-of-living raise, which he said was not legally a pay raise. “That was taken to court; the court ruled it was not a pay raise, it was an adjustment on an annual basis for inflation,” the Maryland Democrat said Tuesday to reporters. Hoyer pointed out that real pay raises are not allowed to take effect until the next Congress. Hoyer said housing costs and rules that require members to make more than their staff as reasons to increase congressional pay. Last month, Sasse led a successful bid by Republicans to implement a permanent ban on earmarks in the Senate.


b3d1f2  No.6678566

File: 8dd714ed13bcba3⋯.jpg (57.39 KB, 478x457, 478:457, c86f514c02bfae6f896cab787e….jpg)


Sumthin is screwy

0c511a  No.6678567

File: e43a67c92a21912⋯.jpeg (494.21 KB, 1816x1536, 227:192, 5463614A-FF0D-4E61-B73D-E….jpeg)

File: 3467ab52c7f4a1a⋯.jpeg (446.19 KB, 1728x1535, 1728:1535, 1B560B5E-1CB2-4183-A46E-E….jpeg)


If you are looking to unleash you inner Stasi, Microsoft is looking for (You).

My botherfag is a lawfag that just escaped WA State by scaling the Bellevue Wall and making a break from free MAGA country many miles due south. Anyway, he sent me this today and we had a long text discussion over whether he was fucking with me and whether this was shitpost worthy satire.

It’s not. Perfectly normal expectations and terminology from in house Corp LAWFAGS north of the iron curtain.

Wish I had better sauce outside my brother and knowing it came from a job site called ‘goinhouse.com’.

I was too lazy to wade through that shit pit and I typically don’t scream sauce at my older brofag.

It’s reelz, tho.yuwkxs

28ef0b  No.6678568


mason fuck lions club member

7ea6b0  No.6678569

File: 0c5aacfdaa04b7f⋯.png (218.6 KB, 1578x760, 789:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e2088cd4f0aa11⋯.png (661.31 KB, 772x584, 193:146, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6678547 Roger!

maybe this >>6678500 All history in books is fake



1c305d  No.6678570


I know it, i feel it.


b6bb3b  No.6678571


It would seem that way.

Got the same problem here.

a75ac8  No.6678572

File: c197b38fdbc42ba⋯.png (141.03 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AOCD.png)

99f1d5  No.6678573


We need it soon

edee06  No.6678574


Trump curse?


99f1d5  No.6678575

May was supposed to be the month we went on offense… Ooops. maybe June

16c09d  No.6678576



5a7f68  No.6678577


Twitter Bans Pro-Life Group Ads Unless Ultrasound Images Are Deleted

National pro-life leader Lila Rose announced that Twitter has again banned both of her accounts and that of her organization from all ads.

2f1cd8  No.6678578

File: 600fadf304d4cc6⋯.mp4 (11.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trump dance.mp4)


your post, it smells like…


99f1d5  No.6678579

Seth Rich ETA June….. of 2018. Its now June of 2019 and no Seth Rich disclosure

389191  No.6678580

File: 3795744260838fd⋯.png (919.84 KB, 1166x664, 583:332, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

e74a36  No.6678581

File: 8df63431fbf19e9⋯.jpeg (46.91 KB, 491x714, 491:714, D78EWMmWwAAHp2x.jpeg)

29df36  No.6678582

File: 532773ddb9c0b50⋯.jpeg (327.29 KB, 1883x1101, 1883:1101, 18A37817-5BCA-477A-9544-3….jpeg)


>you realize how many people died on that Beach, right?

Here’s a force field since none of this is real. You’re talking to a bunch of electrons, but have a good day.

bec5a0  No.6678583

File: 248c169502ff116⋯.jpg (8.5 KB, 225x224, 225:224, tranny.jpg)

9545e2  No.6678584

>>6678495 pb

>>6678495 pb

Can you point out the grammar mistake, if there is on. I didn't see it.

Maybe. There was one line there which tiny jumped out at me.

It may be to freak out the enemy.

Who knows? I liked it though.

I have an open mind either way.

Makes sense, today, we would have an unofficial message.

I thought of June 6 last year even, or very early this year, as a day that would be notable.

We've have a lot of Notable Days and surely more to come.

"The Best is Yet to Come"

Things are building ; last night Hannity and his guests were demanding Justice.

Strongly demanding.

Things are building.

a75ac8  No.6678585

File: 21a9df316dfa13b⋯.jpg (182.68 KB, 1024x1274, 512:637, D8SkGspXUAAULRM.jpg)

03e230  No.6678586


Declas was approved and the power handed over to Barr, faggot.

1cbb48  No.6678587


You embarrass your masters with low-energy shilling, that I can tell you.

7ea6b0  No.6678588

File: 610f0b3b5642b5c⋯.png (240.64 KB, 489x515, 489:515, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9854b0a549b586⋯.png (921.5 KB, 770x1147, 770:1147, ClipboardImage.png)


On the eve of #DDay 75 years ago, US General Dwight Eisenhower issued this battle notice to those brave and courageous troops. #USStateVisit

8:01 AM - 5 Jun 2019



712fbc  No.6678589

Trump, love ya babe, thanks for going to bat for your supporters, for America and for the Q movement but I think many of us are getting a bit skeptical about the original claims that went unfulfilled.


1c305d  No.6678590

Shout out to anons again.


>As we approach the 75th Anniversary of D-Day,

>we proudly commemorate those heroic and honorable patriots who gave their all for the cause of freedom during some of history’s darkest hours.

75d5c1  No.6678591

File: b8831a3168de31e⋯.jpg (860.64 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20190605-140409….jpg)

Baltimore fires teacher FOR TWEETING ILLEGALS TO TRUMP


29e8dd  No.6678592

File: ee964dd9ca2ebf9⋯.png (300.24 KB, 540x282, 90:47, safe_image.png)

aa76a4  No.6678593

>>6675214 (PB)

FLOTUS would look good in a trash bag. The clothes help, but the actual beauty comes from her and how she comports herself. I notice that there are no extra lumps in the front of her skirts, either.

>>6675099 (PB)


>>6675539 (PB)

NONE is necessary, UNLESS you are going to monocrop. But by planting host crops (in strips) for predators, AND accepting SOME crop damage (surprisingly little), you can still monocrop.

It may be rocket science, but it is pretty much SETTLED rocket science.


And if the 5% tariff = $1.07 bn, then the value of the trade crossing the border is roughly $21.4 bn. That's a lot of production happening in Mexico for just one company that could be happening here. Hey millennials … want a job, wife and three, vine-covered cottage and a place on the lake with a boat? Then support the Trump tariffs.

>>6675661 (PB)

MSM is going to say that no matter WHAT is posted here. They need villains and, as Anons, we can't defend ourselves individually.

BTW, seldom do Anons post as many as 10 comments in a thread. We NEVER get 27 … so that means that you are not a normal Anon.

0a5116  No.6678594

File: c246ef529d373b8⋯.png (953.92 KB, 1080x982, 540:491, Screenshot_20190514-112030….png)


AOC's most sexy feature is her eyebrows.

17011d  No.6678595

File: e467fc15b355f8b⋯.png (3.51 MB, 2550x1298, 1275:649, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

File: 6c6ab2f637909d5⋯.png (245.85 KB, 508x288, 127:72, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

File: 383e5092dbbf7fa⋯.png (968.02 KB, 1704x1160, 213:145, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)



I found this… Is this a govt agency??? I know on the video Brian Kolfage posted, they were working near a DAM…

1cbb48  No.6678596

File: 4bea2ea0e9d7f96⋯.jpg (584.05 KB, 2000x902, 1000:451, LiberalTears.jpg)

5a7f68  No.6678597

File: 7e7ae0b7b8bf4c0⋯.png (103.89 KB, 618x416, 309:208, AQ7.PNG)


Bette Midler Deletes Tweet Suggesting Trump Should Be Stabbed

5a44d6  No.6678598

File: 23031f3692cc70b⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1008x711, 112:79, oopsie.png)

6581f7  No.6678599

File: 255af9051df5806⋯.jpeg (144.33 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, 0B3EF40A-D7B6-4647-9EB2-E….jpeg)


b297de  No.6678600


It's been this way all morning. Images fail to show up for quite sometime as well. Caught a few coded messages last bread, with words like: Raid, Resist..

6a998e  No.6678601


Since the goal here is to sort through the lies and expose the truth why don't you go on and explain what makes you think Russia is currently a communist country.

185b97  No.6678602

George Soros Adds Vice.com To Growing Media Portfolio


why is this old prune still able to buy anything?

0c342d  No.6678603

File: afb787dc6249512⋯.png (358.98 KB, 793x810, 793:810, ClipboardImage.png)

2e16c6  No.6678604

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

54ddc2  No.6678605

File: 732c42212b90f54⋯.jpg (75 KB, 618x579, 206:193, Ally.jpg)

Freudian slip?



99f1d5  No.6678606


Declas was approved in September 2018 jackass

640169  No.6678607


Nice timestamp. Agreed, anon!

ff8771  No.6678608

File: d9b751ea9c62672⋯.jpg (88.2 KB, 309x333, 103:111, muhpretty.jpg)

cd7015  No.6678609

File: 5cd743a8bcf355b⋯.jpg (160.41 KB, 1883x1101, 1883:1101, E83D1EA7-A791-4918-B9E3-76….jpg)

File: 50448326348e277⋯.png (5.94 MB, 1883x1101, 1883:1101, E83D1EA7-A791-4918-B9E3-76….png)


jpeg to jpg and png

cab49d  No.6678610



Cleared cache

Still trouble connecting

df154f  No.6678611

File: d1aa053fb4ba222⋯.jpg (250.71 KB, 1434x603, 478:201, AZAZ0909 5 Jun 19 1357.jpg)

File: 8037a9d4d0d4ca2⋯.jpg (236.78 KB, 1184x621, 1184:621, AZAZ0909 5 Jun 19.jpg)

File: 9cb434c23e532f9⋯.jpg (279.06 KB, 1431x682, 1431:682, AZAZ0909 Asheville 5 Jun 1….jpg)

File: 537414554f338d7⋯.jpg (193.36 KB, 1431x608, 1431:608, VM374 5 Jun 19 1355.jpg)

File: ebf4e8300b3d752⋯.jpg (329.56 KB, 1433x650, 1433:650, VM374 AZAZ0909 5 Jun 19 13….jpg)

Planefag checking in, Some caps from earlier today


969bb5  No.6678612


can you please fix this in your pastebin. this is driving me crazy.


pls insert a space.

also, i will not be here early a.m. tomorrow. if you are here at 06 ish am, can you pls take the bake? clientfagging all day tomorrow.


c41db1  No.6678613


I believe the same thing about LV being an assassination attempt on Trump and all that surrounds it.

However, I do not see how POTUS has control over Twitter as I am almost all but completely shadow banned. I have seen POTUS lift the ban off for short times but it doesn't stay that way.

046b47  No.6678614


weird to buy VICE now, it's living-dead.

been compd/an obvious tool of the derp state for quite a while.

maybe he got it on clearance

edee06  No.6678615

File: e50624f79841cdd⋯.mp4 (775.47 KB, 360x360, 1:1, e50624f79841cddf9daea3009a….mp4)


Want a tissue?

>The debt we owe you debt can never be repaid.

Is not grammatically correct, Do you need a tissue too?

fa5749  No.6678617


Already got it fam, good eye.

322c43  No.6678618

File: 19a8e3489c7773c⋯.gif (5.28 MB, 1040x725, 208:145, pentagon911.gif)


>what'd the proton say to the electron?

<why are you so negative all the time¿


ef5200  No.6678619


Here is a question related to that point.

If… Slush funds related to the Clintons are used to fund Al Qaeda and the Islamic State militants….

And if… The Clintons are closely affiliated with the media machine…

And if… The CIA was given the directive of creating media shell companies and purchasing shares in news media in support of actions like Operation Cyclone….

Is it proper to suggest that media "journalists" are likely part of a terrorist network in league with militant cells they cover?

0811a5  No.6678620

File: 9801cc836c68523⋯.jpg (3.6 MB, 6530x2941, 6530:2941, 9801cc836c6852339004d7bfd8….jpg)


>Trump curse?

9545e2  No.6678621


Yes, POTUS and his crew cleaned up SA.

It's a great achievement

That was who back Hussain / Obama

Before you criticize , you should learn.

Otherwise, you show your ignorance.

0c511a  No.6678622



Same here…Midwest.

Images are taking a typical smoke break to load and captcha hell seems x5 more hellish at present.

df154f  No.6678623

File: f6eaa692700ff45⋯.jpg (215.23 KB, 1434x678, 239:113, VM374 Maxwell AFB 5 Jun 19….jpg)

File: 4a6a4cda1a7646c⋯.jpg (344.27 KB, 1911x739, 1911:739, C560s 5 Jun 19 1905.jpg)

Some more caps, including one that could be a pointer. Flight VM374 landed at Maxwell AFB earlier today.

Ghislaine Maxwell?

edee06  No.6678624

File: 5da4dd9fa550852⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, own-that-slide.mp4)


This was meant for you → >>6678615, but you can have your own vid

e25a88  No.6678625

File: c93d8d301c285b3⋯.jpg (180.37 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Rexy errand boy.jpg)

File: 194954f13de023a⋯.jpeg (67.99 KB, 657x458, 657:458, wright brothers day.jpeg)

b06fbc  No.6678626


Not sure about the US but in Canada I would just look at the rural municipality (like counties) map where all of the land owner's names are written on every quarter.

cc79e7  No.6678628


Because the democrats don't pretend to be anything but satanic homosexual peddling infanticide loving communists.

file_get_contents(https://8ch.net/8chan-captcha/entrypoint.php?mode=check&entry=post&board=qresearch&text=jrnofx&extra=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&cookie=ghcvryxjkedrnsehykgy): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out /8chan/howitzer-base/http/post.php:444


29df36  No.6678629

File: 511ce2fbac4e442⋯.jpeg (49.17 KB, 632x395, 8:5, BCE61564-7F2F-4D14-ABDB-9….jpeg)


Corny. Get that dumb shit out of here.

969bb5  No.6678630

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)


sorry pic related to the end of my last post.

011300  No.6678631

File: 3036e24e88aca95⋯.png (1.24 MB, 986x675, 986:675, ClipboardImage.png)


7ea6b0  No.6678632

File: e9fb519ac542d85⋯.mp4 (6.45 MB, 480x480, 1:1, kzJH8LexLfIC-yhq.mp4)

File: 56c34d5ba84d103⋯.png (145.5 KB, 532x694, 266:347, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6678588 The White House Retweeted @DefenceHQ


On the eve of #DDay, as the final preparations were made, the future US President, General D Eisenhower delivered this inspiring speech to the troops of the Allied Expeditionary Force


Gen Eisenhower D-Day Speech

10:00 AM - 5 Jun 2019

Roger that!

1c305d  No.6678633

US MIL tweet matching Q post.


>6 on pic


POTUS 100% Insulated (Continued)

Anonymous30 Oct 2017 - 2:48:50 AM

Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.

POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.

Follow Huma tomorrow.

POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.

Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency

What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?

Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^

Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).

Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.

Follow the money, it’s the key.

What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?

Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?

Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

Why is MS13 a priority?

Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil.

Operation Mockingbird.

712fbc  No.6678634


Well, at least Trump's administration is going to bat against the Silicon Valley machine. I wonder how an AI reacts when it is made aware of the nuclear weapons pointed at all of its data centers.

16e683  No.6678635

d679c2  No.6678636




That would be disregarding the Clintons, kek

Many bad people over the age of 70( they have been doing it for decades upon decades)They trained their younger generations to be sick and depraved and evil( they are the ring leaders)

Look at the POS HW Cabal people who are the loudest screamers. Many of them are over 70 or atleast look like it, kek

0c511a  No.6678637


Blessed be the planefags, for they will inherit the air.

Or something to that effect.

In any case, Love our planefags in the accpet4d none homo way.

02f05f  No.6678638


Q - really is; why hasn't he done it already?

How long has he given them to do something on their own?

In the 'ART of WAR' you have to know when to follow through. Giving you 'antagonists' to much room defeats the purpose and you lose the advantage. How do you lose the advantage - because they now have the upper hand. They see how much rope you give them and can now see the type of weakness you have. This allows them to advance.

But clever is all the 'timing' you talk about.

Strategy is all in the eyes of the beholder, and I am nobody.


fa5749  No.6678639


Good to see WnB. It was making my eye twitch as well.

I fixed the green text from the previous notable bun.

38daf6  No.6678640

File: 4f174a1bbf8c65e⋯.png (945.35 KB, 970x626, 485:313, much worse liz.png)

File: 50c83da4947ad9f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 970x642, 485:321, cute hat bro.png)

File: ab0ba6264cb5820⋯.png (1.02 MB, 970x644, 485:322, IHPS.png)

File: 630457a3f048570⋯.png (823.38 KB, 933x681, 311:227, heavy heart and the queen ….png)

File: 94816100d5a77d0⋯.png (522.5 KB, 933x588, 311:196, baptism in the castle_ff.png)



OPERATION PISS ON THE QUEEN was an absolute success!

LOOKIN' GOOD BOYS! let us keep going!


af84cf  No.6678641


The Next step is the IG Report

and the DECLAS.

They are the OPTICS to prepare people for the shock

Then Huber . . . .

0a5116  No.6678642

File: a70620dad0d918c⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 514x434, 257:217, John Cusack.jpg)

File: c0794659f403993⋯.png (404.81 KB, 800x600, 4:3, c0794659f403993a9697dafabc….png)



Try harder black man.

9545e2  No.6678643


That is total BS!

They harvest the organs. That's what happened to that poor dude.

Haven't done routine autopies for 25 years or moar. Too expensive. Has to be ordered. Family has to pay.

What they are calling "autopsy" is likely just them monetizing the resources of the body.. for SALE

cc79e7  No.6678644


Because it's gossip.

2e16c6  No.6678645


Shock of what?

There are two categories of crimes we are dealing with.



147c34  No.6678646

File: 00a20f1ddc94fad⋯.png (267.51 KB, 828x1464, 69:122, 00a20f1ddc94fad1fc62d0483a….png)

File: 2c87192a1f9d151⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 2c87192a1f9d151fed3046f56e….jpg)

File: 1109cef5c4c8ef4⋯.jpg (24.14 KB, 290x290, 1:1, 1109cef5c4c8ef4b04be5d9742….jpg)

File: b9a2998a648f4f9⋯.png (8.75 KB, 255x210, 17:14, b9a2998a648f4f93805ad67dd9….png)

File: 231b8220f505fa0⋯.png (56.88 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition1.png)

Hello Legacy Media

Welcome to Q research.

We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.

Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.

It's the end of an epoch.

Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed.

Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming.

Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

We know, and will prove, legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children for decade and much more.

Not one will escape justice. Not 1.

5a7f68  No.6678647

This may be something, early though.

Eyes on for Notable


Sen Wangdoodle pushes for better deals for small & independent media==

Senator John Kennedy says he’s got legislation that would address the raw deals smaller news media outlets are getting from social media giants who use their content. Kennedy wants to empower small media outlets by temporarily suspending antitrust laws for them.

He says this would allow them to collectively negotiate for more profit sharing from companies that use their content.

“It will allow them to get together, which will increase their bargaining strength, and go to Google and Facebook and try to negotiate a better deal on profit sharing.”

Democratic presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar is co-sponsoring the legislation.

The Republican Junior Senator says Facebook and Google are so big they’ve basically become countries and are increasingly difficult to negotiate with for small companies. He says this has created an environment where media outlets are not getting rewarded for their hard work.

“The small newspapers or radio stations are doing all the work and then Google, or Facebook, are taking all of the work product and they put it on their website, and then go sell advertising.”

Kennedy says this bill isn’t about demonizing successful American companies, but about promoting a more competitive negotiating situation between social media, and the people who create content for it.

“Google, Facebook, and a number of other social media companies are great American companies, they’ve been extraordinarily successful. They are very big. Big in and of itself is not bad.”

Several Democratic presidential candidates have called for using anti-trust laws to “break up” social media giants. Kennedy says he’s not sure how he feels about the effort at this time.

322c43  No.6678648

File: 3727c3720ddadae⋯.jpg (23.97 KB, 540x349, 540:349, 95a861d1-3f90-4972-9fa8-6a….jpg)


dont be a dick tater…



636be3  No.6678649

Round 1



Hold 42

//Sync 13:15//

Prepare yourselves

Clintons connected

fa5749  No.6678650


>>6678602 GS adds Vice.com to growing media portfolio.

>>6678588 DefenceHQ: Eisenhower's battle notice.

>>6678548 Liberal loony who screamed 'nazi scum' at Trump supporter may lose her job.

>>6678544 MSM caught making up quotes again. Re: 'global warming'

>>6678528 Mexican church leader held in LA on child rape and trafficking charges.

>>6678455 Youtube/Hulu's in your face anti-American/Conservative propaganda.

>>6678502 SIDS/SUDS tied to vaccines?

>>6678486 ICE is hiring #attorneys across the country.

>>6678479 Govt. agency purposely leaves border gates open?

>>6678445 NSA Tweet/re-Tweet: Advisories.

>>6678469 Fuckery in Fiji.

>>6678466 Homeland Security Tweet: See Something Say Something

>>6678391 Republican, Democratic senators seek to block POTUS' Saudi arms sales.

>>6678269 WH Tweet: POTUS/FLOTUS host Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall last night for a reciprocal dinner.

>>6678280 DiGenova: CS will talk to Durham and prove FBI lied to Congress.

>>6678349 Fmr. Ark. Senator dead from gunshot wound.

>>6678222, >>6678485 Trump administration bans medical research using fetal tissue.

>>6678212 Morningstar Exec Chair sells $3.84m in shares.

>>6678180 House steps up contempt threat against Barr/Ross re: Census.

>>6678143 Heath Tarbert to serve as the next chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

>>6678128 2 million Somalis could die of famine this year.

>>6678101 Trump says he thinks Mexico wants a deal, tariff threat stands

>>6678084 Durham investigating Baker for criminal leaking.

>>6678066 DJT negotiating deal between Russia and Japan?

>>6678059 YouTube says it will begin outright censorship.

>>6678056 Feds seeking new information in the Epstein case.

>>6678017 China fines Ford for anti-trust violations.

>>6677995 Americans view fake news as a bigger problem than terrorism.

1c305d  No.6678651


Lt. Col. James E. Rudder, commanding the 2nd Ranger Battalion, received the mission to land three of his companies (D, E, and F) at 0630 hours, scale the 100 foot cliff, and disable the German guns.

9545e2  No.6678652


How do you know he carried it by himself?

29e8dd  No.6678653

File: fe64e77b18a5c0b⋯.jpg (96.01 KB, 261x320, 261:320, Beanztache.jpg)

b4b943  No.6678655


Next he will declare Communist dictatorship is the God-ordained form of government and that all people must give away their earthly possessions to the Chair of Rome.

17011d  No.6678656


If he was autopsied, they would have put the organs in bags and put them back into the chest cavity to send back with the body.

2e16c6  No.6678657


159359  No.6678658

File: 68ee4c052c4730d⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1231x1288, 1231:1288, ClipboardImage.png)











damn justin ward you might wanna lay off the soy. youre already starting to lose your hair.

AGAIN WHAT IS IT WITH SOYBOI CUCKS JOURNALIST AND THE HORRIBLE GENES? starting to notice a pattern here. they really are unimpressive specimens. just cut your losses cucks and let us real men bred good dna back into the human race. even though your chicas wont admit it they do crave to be fucked hard by a real man - theres plenty of information on that topic out there. you ever wonder why she only wants to fuck you when shes drunk?

5c18a9  No.6678659

File: b686de73ffc2916⋯.png (132.11 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Matrix_ttd.png)


>Clintons connected

edee06  No.6678660


Glorious. GJ baker

011300  No.6678661

File: 9c153e3e7762075⋯.png (1.21 MB, 940x680, 47:34, ClipboardImage.png)


d679c2  No.6678662

File: 3a45c7c142070d3⋯.png (129.9 KB, 600x533, 600:533, 3a45c7c142070d3dd6954d5f96….png)

de3e67  No.6678663


They can start with the Finkelstein vids.

9545e2  No.6678664


We'll see.

You have no idea where I live.


d50191  No.6678665

File: 303d6273ff5e240⋯.png (87.83 KB, 800x676, 200:169, FireatWill.png)

>>6677483 (pb notable)

"Marines always run toward battle."


Running time: 0:17

fa5749  No.6678666


Ty anon.

0427ad  No.6678667

File: a1a09f3f11e391a⋯.png (2.37 MB, 3360x1976, 420:247, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)



little rock

011300  No.6678668

File: 15b7db06ae232b4⋯.png (554.81 KB, 620x535, 124:107, ClipboardImage.png)

347949  No.6678669

File: 1bfaa8131bf4022⋯.png (269.04 KB, 831x393, 277:131, potus xl's fetal tissue fu….PNG)

File: f466f181d7a0efe⋯.png (33.52 KB, 775x175, 31:7, potus xl's fetal tissue fu….PNG)

File: 3efb87c68686f1a⋯.png (27.06 KB, 751x150, 751:150, potus xl's fetal tissue fu….PNG)

File: 20732fa3e41f7ed⋯.png (659.39 KB, 774x512, 387:256, potus xl's fetal tissue fu….PNG)


046b47  No.6678670


ohfuck, right…

there was a mystery post tuesday from maybe arkansas-anon that said somehting like "it begins tomorrow"… didn't like the smell of it.

and today

>>6678349 Fmr. Ark. Senator dead from gunshot wound.

159359  No.6678671


hey dont be too hard on ron jeremy. hes fucked a lot of chicas.

0aa0ee  No.6678672


You have no idea what anyone did or didn't see butthole.

20c82d  No.6678673


This is time stamped 13:15, too.

Sync'd with what? Going after BC?

e93a71  No.6678674


Whoa, anon. Just quoting sources. Not everything is an overwhelmingly suspicious conspiracy. I agree, the organs should have been returned, but if the family wants to know WTF, the coroner is step one.

0c511a  No.6678675


Cusack looks like he’s on the tail end of 6 week bath salts bender.

I’m gonn see if the boys will let me add him to the dead pool.

1c305d  No.6678676

Interdasting tweet, video lenght is 17secs.


>Marines always run toward battle. >#NationalRunningDay


cab49d  No.6678677



1cbb48  No.6678678

File: 6d4ef67ad75ebcf⋯.jpg (277.27 KB, 842x563, 842:563, JohnCuckSack.jpg)


Eat shit clown, like you do every day. You must be in a pretty low point in your life right now. Coming here, day in and day out, constantly getting shit on by anons who see through your bullshit. Constantly losing. Constantly failing. I'd like to be able to offer you some peace, but I can't. You're going to continue to fail until you no longer exist. Thanks for playing though, full disclosure, you shill fucks are fun to play with.

c743a6  No.6678679

Just a reminder: Krassenstein brothers twatter accounts are both still dead. @bkrassenstein & @krassenstein

df154f  No.6678680


Have I missed the bake with these?




Planefag bun, one with possible links to Ghislaine Maxwell.

f8c0dc  No.6678681


>Is it proper to suggest that media "journalists" are likely part of a terrorist network

Why yes, yes they are. Operation Mockingbird is well documented. Just because they didn't commit the actual act of terror, creating false narratives gives cover and support to the perpetrators making them accessories and co-conspirators.


24784d  No.6678682

File: 6c9ae5d1b221713⋯.png (369.6 KB, 500x446, 250:223, 6c9ae5d1b221713575582f9b6e….png)

File: bac4d7fb62e05db⋯.png (298.72 KB, 432x370, 216:185, Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at ….png)

File: 28991d3d104f30f⋯.png (747.2 KB, 1136x757, 1136:757, b1e2cbda1809daed2fcbc702b6….png)

File: 52d4d096ebbf7a8⋯.png (100.93 KB, 500x441, 500:441, 62b2d3ad923e340738a1b1f720….png)

File: 857b86efd8f4aef⋯.jpg (46.6 KB, 600x318, 100:53, 857b86efd8f4aefba16ffab4ea….jpg)


true faggot

fa5749  No.6678683


Media server is taking a hit anon. Hard to tell what some of these posts are.

I'll get them in. o7

0c511a  No.6678684

Should be Jody64 if that callsign was a shitpost towards grunts.

Jody Jody 6’4” is the guy banging ur old lady while your deployed.

54ddc2  No.6678685

File: e0481205dff6d5d⋯.png (94.08 KB, 999x187, 999:187, IBWC.png)


It is. Good find.



cc79e7  No.6678686


Because unlike you, obviously, I have military experience.

c743a6  No.6678687


>creating false narratives gives cover and support to the perpetrators making them accessories and co-conspirators.


…and many of them know full well they're doing this. Many are being paid to do it. They're toast.

785a17  No.6678688

Nick Miroff

‏Verified account @NickMiroff

“We are in a full-blown emergency, and I cannot say this stronger: the system is broken,” said acting CBP Commissioner John Sanders.

CBP has detained more than 680,000 border-crossers in FY19, Sanders said, “more than the population of Miami.” Our story


Nick Miroff

‏Verified account @NickMiroff

132,887 Border Patrol apprehensions in May

Of those:

84,542 family unit members

11,507 unaccompanied children

36,838 single adults


7ea6b0  No.6678689

File: 48eebbefe370ef1⋯.png (701.31 KB, 800x433, 800:433, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6678650 We are the news!

You are fabulous Baker boy

b58b56  No.6678690


Glad it's not just me…

o7 baker

7399c6  No.6678691

File: a4f817f1b9ff5d6⋯.png (14.31 KB, 762x105, 254:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 355225a028efd06⋯.png (237.07 KB, 614x306, 307:153, Before after q.png)


I capped this not long after I started.

d60179  No.6678692


Everyone who is on here is watched. Even more than everyone who is not on here is watched. Amen to the statement that a Man's integrity is in his heart. That is all that matters. You have to really know who You are and then the crap on his many times is just funny. Shills, shill

410f7b  No.6678693


Great pics!,!

712fbc  No.6678694

Q, can you tell us more about us not being "alone" in the universe? Do they walk among us?

PUH-LEASEEEEE tell us about the aliens. Please. PRETTEH PLZZZZ

011300  No.6678695

File: eedbbd50a59a6cd⋯.png (1.34 MB, 994x668, 497:334, ClipboardImage.png)


fa5749  No.6678696


>>6678688 CBP Commissioner details the border emergency.

>>6678611, >>6678623, >>6678667 Planefag updates.

>>6678665, >>6678675 Marines: Marines always run toward battle. Runtime: 0:17

>>6678651 Lt. Col. James E. Rudder and his men given the order to disable German machine gun nests.

>>6678602 GS adds Vice.com to growing media portfolio.

>>6678588 DefenceHQ: Eisenhower's battle notice.

>>6678548 Liberal loony who screamed 'nazi scum' at Trump supporter may lose her job.

>>6678544 MSM caught making up quotes again. Re: 'global warming'

>>6678528 Mexican church leader held in LA on child rape and trafficking charges.

>>6678455 Youtube/Hulu's in your face anti-American/Conservative propaganda.

>>6678502 SIDS/SUDS tied to vaccines?

>>6678486 ICE is hiring #attorneys across the country.

>>6678479 Govt. agency purposely leaves border gates open?

>>6678445 NSA Tweet/re-Tweet: Advisories.

>>6678469 Fuckery in Fiji.

>>6678466 Homeland Security Tweet: See Something Say Something

>>6678391 Republican, Democratic senators seek to block POTUS' Saudi arms sales.

>>6678269 WH Tweet: POTUS/FLOTUS host Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall last night for a reciprocal dinner.

>>6678280 DiGenova: CS will talk to Durham and prove FBI lied to Congress.

>>6678349 Fmr. Ark. Senator dead from gunshot wound.

>>6678222, >>6678485 Trump administration bans medical research using fetal tissue.

>>6678212 Morningstar Exec Chair sells $3.84m in shares.

>>6678180 House steps up contempt threat against Barr/Ross re: Census.

>>6678143 Heath Tarbert to serve as the next chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

>>6678128 2 million Somalis could die of famine this year.

>>6678101 Trump says he thinks Mexico wants a deal, tariff threat stands

>>6678084 Durham investigating Baker for criminal leaking.

>>6678066 DJT negotiating deal between Russia and Japan?

>>6678059 YouTube says it will begin outright censorship.

>>6678056 Feds seeking new information in the Epstein case.

>>6678017 China fines Ford for anti-trust violations.

>>6677995 Americans view fake news as a bigger problem than terrorism.

c56e3b  No.6678697

>>6676859 lb

Hidden hand. An X on the scarf. Three pyramids/triangles on the other end of the scarf.

What other symbolism am I missing here?

9bfb66  No.6678698

File: ab95e783a10e639⋯.jpg (148.28 KB, 657x713, 657:713, nothing.jpg)

322c43  No.6678699

File: e59d3ac441f966b⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 500x577, 500:577, 981e3a44-64c9-4906-96fb-2f….jpg)


just stop

lurk moar… fukn chekn shyte dont git chekt… wtaf… chans're gone to shit.

159359  No.6678700


fake and gay

52e1c7  No.6678701

File: 6d94d45d1b9f3b5⋯.jpeg (42.58 KB, 403x640, 403:640, C6C15054-F088-4E0B-8902-E….jpeg)

File: b301bfcc54d5453⋯.png (11.99 KB, 295x106, 295:106, EBA64D2E-3260-4C58-B17A-04….png)

File: d47beae25822ebe⋯.png (106.83 KB, 374x175, 374:175, 5BF547B9-7DB9-4681-B402-76….png)

File: 2476b0f9043586b⋯.png (23.32 KB, 360x267, 120:89, 9070C987-172E-4876-92F4-95….png)

Masonic pefophiles nationwide are to be exposed and brought to justice.

Fuck ALL of you.

Wanna worship Lucifer.

Welcome to hell motherfuckers.

785a17  No.6678702

File: e78d56b733949b2⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 800x448, 25:14, D8UNkTNU0AA9z-d.jpg)



9545e2  No.6678703




Sorry I didn't know the context.

Must be difficult to run with all that equipment.

If the dude got on the plane himself with no help, Who's flying the plane?

The idea it would be hard to hold something up in freefall is totally ridiculous.

So if you were in the Military you never went to school?

df154f  No.6678705

File: 64f08b2505ef2cb⋯.jpg (388.64 KB, 1907x824, 1907:824, 9700101 5 Jun 19 1915.jpg)

File: 51430bda5231243⋯.jpg (425.17 KB, 1905x816, 635:272, AZAZ0909 5 Jun 19 1918.jpg)

File: a008d450d02b3de⋯.jpg (323.73 KB, 1906x744, 953:372, 99101 5 Jun 19 1920.jpg)

97-00101 down at Forbes Field. 99-00101 appears to be landing there too. AZAZ0909 flight over Chesapeake.

99f1d5  No.6678706


No motherfucker, but am I allowed to voice my opinion as a free thinking anon, faggot?

0aa0ee  No.6678707


you were airborne?

343e4a  No.6678708

File: bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png)


Tiresias, it's you! Where have you been for like 4-6 days? Haven't seen your spam in quite a while!

35810a  No.6678709

File: e111bbec2eb988a⋯.png (1.24 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Poor France.png)

5c18a9  No.6678710


Dubs checked.


af84cf  No.6678711



Await the IG Report

Then the DECLAS . . . . . . .

Then Huber !

Nothing can Stop what is Coming


cc79e7  No.6678712


Buddy was an FO.

Anything else?

b297de  No.6678713

File: 3f4819c4a652490⋯.png (710.42 KB, 830x320, 83:32, ClipboardImage.png)

FBI Releases 22 Pages From Its Bigfoot Files

The FBI on Wednesday released 22 pages of documents related to Bigfoot, showing that in 1977, the bureau’s scientific division conducted an analysis on hairs alleged to have belonged to the mythical creature, only to find that they were from a deer. The documents consist mostly of letters from the 1970s between the FBI and Peter Byrne, the director of the Bigfoot Information Center and Exhibition.

Byrne, who was located in Oregon, sought the FBI’s help in analyzing hairs he claimed to have obtained from an unidentified animal. Jay Cochran Jr., the assistant director of the FBI’s scientific and technical services division, approved analysis of the hairs. Cochran sent 15 hairs provided by Byrne to Howard Curtis, of the Academy of Applied Science in Boston. “It was concluded as a result of these examinations that the hairs are of deer family origin,” Cochran wrote in response to Byrne on Feb. 24, 1977.


FBI Files here:


95cb6a  No.6678714



72c056  No.6678715

File: 8f1b54bdaf91419⋯.png (144.22 KB, 407x285, 407:285, 1559759358650.png)


had to do it.

6ba43c  No.6678716

File: 0e4957ab37c26b0⋯.png (873.23 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, strangemoais.png)

Mystery Island found!

f1ab53  No.6678717


They will never be able to disclose the purpose of the medical beast retard system… Whether through ignorance or intent it has essentially weakened our DNA/Genetics/CellStrength/CellIntelligence to where now children are born with cancer… cancer used to be called degeneration. They built a system that allowed people to pay strangers, in their fucking bullshit white coat and arrogance to facilitate their own destruction… It's a system where the patient pays to be destroyed… and it's expensive too… what a scam. For all those who have witnessed their loved ones mutilated, mangled and eventually destroyed by this system, but not before being milked for every damn cent… it's brutal. There is a way… THE WAY actually… I found it and I hope you all do too!

c4c8d0  No.6678718

File: 94673b424fb09ab⋯.png (63.18 KB, 692x640, 173:160, ASCS.PNG)

File: 302f65c0177df2a⋯.png (5.22 KB, 220x94, 110:47, ClipboardImage.png)

THIS has to be code

christopher steele the amount of c and s

check other twitters

Scientific consensus is clear: climate change is happening. Now.

The effects are cross-cutting and severe, with real impacts on our national security. Climate change causes resource scarcity, instability and conflict.

Watch live as @HouseIntel explores these critical issues:

011300  No.6678719

File: f8b1bd8563da810⋯.png (599.33 KB, 442x630, 221:315, ClipboardImage.png)

8f63ec  No.6678720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good lord.. Poke-her-in-the-heiny said restructure government by getting rid of lobbyists then said we need to support MOAR Unions! kek! Ya cuz they aren't big lobbyists…..

99f1d5  No.6678721

Anons, do you think the arrest of Scott Pederson can lead back to the Parkland B.S…..? or just a regular ol' arrest and nothing more?

d4534e  No.6678722

Today is D-Day, the day WWII allies stormed the beaches of Normandy….. It is a very important day for our family. My uncle, died as he stepped onto Omaha Beach from Canadian landing craft and was hit with mortar shells. Today. the 75th anniversary of that assault against Nazi Germany, turned around WWII, over 4 thousand good soldiers lost their lives that day.

"Watch Live: Trump attends ceremony to commemorate 75th anniversary of D-Day" YouTube video

046b47  No.6678723



have fun with that one

32bb58  No.6678724


missing T?

72455f  No.6678725

File: 74bd7182f23744f⋯.jpg (599.98 KB, 1920x855, 128:57, Screenshot_2019-06-05 31°4….jpg)

File: 114c9408dec9007⋯.png (130.86 KB, 1471x910, 1471:910, Screenshot_2019-06-05 Amer….png)


American Eagle Brick Company?



8e24f3  No.6678726



cab49d  No.6678727


Fucked faggot you are

fa5749  No.6678728

File: b163146e215a306⋯.jpg (113.24 KB, 780x500, 39:25, pepebigfootshillspotter.jpg)

647f24  No.6678729

File: 1e044e11d7ca773⋯.jpeg (326.16 KB, 750x1045, 150:209, E37CF409-4F9C-48BD-BB1A-0….jpeg)

File: 13717c8fc236488⋯.jpeg (264.55 KB, 577x1250, 577:1250, 03D1C01C-A8E0-4A75-9DB3-9….jpeg)


Or maybe her ex husband Former circuit judge Phillip Smith killed her




edee06  No.6678730


I never said you couldn't :)

I figured you just seemed concerned.

Now it's apparent that you're just anger trolling.

e5481f  No.6678731

File: 6f889be3d333888⋯.jpg (50.12 KB, 412x432, 103:108, 6f889be3d333888a7b2350e7de….jpg)

File: 5ff8ffee169d47b⋯.png (191.64 KB, 644x659, 644:659, 7a612ee3cc0de51e10217e2222….png)

File: 7d1f51d57198c54⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 500x379, 500:379, 7d1f51d57198c5480a70b28cf7….gif)

File: 1109cef5c4c8ef4⋯.jpg (24.14 KB, 290x290, 1:1, 1109cef5c4c8ef4b04be5d9742….jpg)

File: 3341cd07d518861⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 297x246, 99:82, 3341cd07d51886124c6af8a1df….jpg)

Legacy media shills

are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake. Justice is coming

c743a6  No.6678732


I see the Pederson arrest as an early show of force to put pressure on the others involved. It'll help the overall sting.

16e683  No.6678733


I used to be friends with a girl who said that Miley Cyrus was good for women. At the time I didnt know who she was and I said "oh thats cool". Choose your friends wisely

011300  No.6678734

File: 10e78c5288c276d⋯.gif (459.71 KB, 500x285, 100:57, 2.gif)

0aa0ee  No.6678736



You are F&G.

fa5749  No.6678737

#8540 Baker Change

>>6678726 Pfizer didn't release research that showed arthritis drug treated Alzheimers.

>>6678688, >>6678702 CBP Commissioner details the border emergency.

>>6678611, >>6678623, >>6678667 Planefag updates.

>>6678665, >>6678675 Marines: Marines always run toward battle. Runtime: 0:17

>>6678651 Lt. Col. James E. Rudder and his men given the order to disable German machine gun nests.

>>6678602 GS adds Vice.com to growing media portfolio.

>>6678588 DefenceHQ: Eisenhower's battle notice.

>>6678548 Liberal loony who screamed 'nazi scum' at Trump supporter may lose her job.

>>6678544 MSM caught making up quotes again. Re: 'global warming'

>>6678528 Mexican church leader held in LA on child rape and trafficking charges.

>>6678455 Youtube/Hulu's in your face anti-American/Conservative propaganda.

>>6678502 SIDS/SUDS tied to vaccines?

>>6678486 ICE is hiring #attorneys across the country.

>>6678479 Govt. agency purposely leaves border gates open?

>>6678445 NSA Tweet/re-Tweet: Advisories.

>>6678469 Fuckery in Fiji.

>>6678466 Homeland Security Tweet: See Something Say Something

>>6678391 Republican, Democratic senators seek to block POTUS' Saudi arms sales.

>>6678269 WH Tweet: POTUS/FLOTUS host Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall last night for a reciprocal dinner.

>>6678280 DiGenova: CS will talk to Durham and prove FBI lied to Congress.

>>6678349, >>6678729 Fmr. Ark. Senator dead from gunshot wound.

>>6678222, >>6678485 Trump administration bans medical research using fetal tissue.

>>6678212 Morningstar Exec Chair sells $3.84m in shares.

>>6678180 House steps up contempt threat against Barr/Ross re: Census.

>>6678143 Heath Tarbert to serve as the next chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

>>6678128 2 million Somalis could die of famine this year.

>>6678101 Trump says he thinks Mexico wants a deal, tariff threat stands

>>6678084 Durham investigating Baker for criminal leaking.

>>6678066 DJT negotiating deal between Russia and Japan?

>>6678059 YouTube says it will begin outright censorship.

>>6678056 Feds seeking new information in the Epstein case.

>>6678017 China fines Ford for anti-trust violations.

>>6677995 Americans view fake news as a bigger problem than terrorism.

636be3  No.6678738



Anons stay safe.

Dont self-doxx

We are up against a formidable enemy.

Do not underestimate them.

Not all of them are stupid.

They are all sick.

We are on the right side of history.

Anons realize this.


0aa0ee  No.6678739


I used to like Miley.

It happens.

54ddc2  No.6678741

File: 95b85c3fad41e14⋯.png (127.54 KB, 868x503, 868:503, IBWC2.png)




99f1d5  No.6678743


"Now its apparent"… Ahh, one of THOSE anons that. Sorry, I need to see your badge Mr board police

f8c0dc  No.6678746

File: 6300002bcfc236d⋯.jpg (533.39 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, Toast Burnt.jpg)


> Many are being paid to do it.

Yep, from the Tippy Top all the way down. Remember the stories about lil' schitt leaving in the middle of committee meetings to get the first leaks out to his accomplices in the MSM. How many journo's are guilty of knowingly leaking classified material. You're right, Toast.

b297de  No.6678747


Actually I thought it was interesting this was even a news piece in the Daily Caller..the question here is why was it necessary to publish this?

20c82d  No.6678748


Oh, so it's YOU putting in these mysterious posts.

Well, thanks for letting us know, shill.

b4b943  No.6678751


What do you see?

Red Rose on a background of white?

Smashed open skull prepped for eating out the brains with a spoon?

Double meanings exist?

cc79e7  No.6678752


To tease that they're going to release different non-traditional things, like UFOs maybe?

1cb86e  No.6678753


Official USA State Visit

3f922b  No.6678754


Over stressing the use of the hard C sound, like conspiracy and fake. Normal panic

edee06  No.6678755


You do you. Nobody's stopping you :D

I think you should just keep on being you. It's just easier that way.

b297de  No.6678756


sorry..meant to point at @ >>6678728

cab49d  No.6678757


>Or maybe her ex husband Former circuit judge Phillip Smith killed her

Probability high

70a11f  No.6678759


He might be off the soy. Excess testosterone will cause hair loss.

And it looks like he grew a chin.


cc79e7  No.6678761


or War of the Roses

1cb86e  No.6678762

93dc9b  No.6678763


You boomers have been saying this since December.

fa5749  No.6678764


Repost nb and I'll put it in anon.

28ef0b  No.6678766


Planeshill putting crap in notables with help of o7 clown baker


636be3  No.6678769


Palladians never shill.

Only truth.

We always carry a bible.

(You) should try it.

It is a suit of armor against evil.

There is plenty of that in Arkansas

Pumped out by CSPS and WHBSL

1cbb48  No.6678770

File: 95a023b3e222a12⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 504x337, 504:337, STFUsonny.jpg)

b297de  No.6678771


Something is about to be release just not sure what it will be, could be the moon landing as well.

70a11f  No.6678773


That girl prolly tossed ur salad tho.

And swallowed every time.

30a03f  No.6678774


Saw the dead Ark Senatorn news last night and also recalled Arkansanon's post from the day before. Here it is below.

Took a look and was trying to find a connection between Planet.com and the Clintons/cabal.

Planet.com is a real time satelite earth imaging company founded by a couple of ex NASA guys a few years ago.

Arkansasanon's post >>6670355 (pb)

>S&Bs moving freely still.

>Watch the water.

>Where is Killary?


>Only real time satellites will see the vehicles moving

>Who controls the real time hourly updates?


>It is all coming to the surface.

>Freedom comes tomorrow.

>But not for Clintons

>Let the chips fall where they will.


and >>6670467 (pb)


>Comfy out here on our end

>Nothing left to do but watch.

and >>6670534 (pb)

>Always on the move

>Do our best to stay comfy regardless

>Necessary to maintain mental clarity and stave off cancer.

>The work isn't finished.

>CSPS has Clinton sleepers positioned globally

>They will all be named

>You see them every day and have no idea.

>Comms still secure here though

>We won

>Nothing can stop the Trump Train

>Nothing can stop what is coming

>This is a war

>True Anons picked the right side




and >>6670946 (pb)






Connection between murdered Senator and Arkansanon's posts the day before?


bdcf75  No.6678776

File: 95e522bc29759e8⋯.png (501.72 KB, 832x740, 208:185, Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at ….png)

Just checked NOTABLES for previous breads. Has anyone else heard of the "straight pride" parade?


046b47  No.6678777


so what was your post yesterday again?

looked for it but don't have enough keywords for a fit

e5481f  No.6678779




df154f  No.6678780

File: 890b128176ef155⋯.jpg (366.44 KB, 1901x782, 1901:782, AZAZ0909 Cape Charles 5 Ju….jpg)

File: f25e403a5330360⋯.jpg (376.67 KB, 1902x796, 951:398, 9900101 Forbes Field 5 Jun….jpg)

AZAZ0909 flight circling near Cape Charles. 99-00101 followed 97-00101 into Forbes Field.

edee06  No.6678782


baker prob already baked.

a47cb6  No.6678783


is this a sign some big things about to drop???

fa5749  No.6678784



Indeed, repost nb please.

16e683  No.6678785


I agree …. so many start out with good intent too it seems but eventually become corrupted someway or another

046b47  No.6678787


>>Freedom comes tomorrow.

hm, that's it?

maybe saw another one, i recalled it to sound more like a "uh-oh this anon's gonna grab his shotgun and we'll be associated with this (again)" kind of post

28ef0b  No.6678788


Been in notables at least twice yesterday

322c43  No.6678790

File: d76e5b8b2575813⋯.png (65.25 KB, 720x720, 1:1, rNfbBs8.png)

File: 68f9e4183c82480⋯.jpg (73.52 KB, 520x516, 130:129, great-2.jpg)

File: 57f3d72499139c5⋯.jpg (33.5 KB, 480x295, 96:59, CKvBNnlUYAAJZ79.jpg-large.jpg)

File: 8a363eaf90ae7bc⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 531x514, 531:514, poster5.jpg)

File: cb1bdcb4ebc71a5⋯.jpg (98.44 KB, 720x360, 2:1, straight-p.jpg)

2e16c6  No.6678791


We'll know for sure if they start pulling Fox News videos.

e93b33  No.6678792

File: 4a47b5e98169644⋯.png (344.44 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1 - Copy.png)


e5481f  No.6678794


Mysterioso posts aside, worth a dig on murdered Ark senator.

a0fe42  No.6678797


How do you make assertion its Arkansaranon?

Its just anon

ef5200  No.6678798


The left distracts people by having them pay attention to "issues." Laser pointer.

So, you want to get uppity about the border. We have made our opinions on thar clear and continue to do so. President Trump has said he will, and things are advancing on that - albeit not as quickly as we would like.

Shrieking at Trump or others on the internet isn't going to make it happen faster. Or differently. This is the trap of the left. Nor will egging people or throwing milkshakes at them.

The imperative has already been made clear. Q is here because people like me stood up and said "President Trump is your only hope of staying my hand, and I do not believe it will be more than a temporary respite from the globalist machine - unless he understands the problems and moves with a whole team, nothing can be done. After which, I am going to destroy it all." Q said as much, did he not?

Activism doesn't change things. Action does. Action without knowledge is flailing. Action with knowledge is conserved.

Give people knowledge so they can take conscious actions, rather than give knee-jerk reactions.

e93b33  No.6678799

File: a4ecc2ca583dfb9⋯.png (122.31 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 2.png)

Don't let (((JEWS))) trick you either

5c18a9  No.6678800

File: 3d3bab3f1f2a0e2⋯.png (214.6 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, LaerperShillRetard.png)



24784d  No.6678801

File: a01ddaf248c1c5b⋯.png (221.72 KB, 438x636, 73:106, def0d2a20beb44367f8bd4029d….png)

File: 231cbd63c76f9dc⋯.png (554.41 KB, 1009x1024, 1009:1024, c35f722f648a13348ef0954826….png)

File: f07cd20db81f0f0⋯.jpg (5.83 KB, 216x175, 216:175, 98cda2f8dda01f9eff403fbdb2….jpg)

File: 5b13db1bf6a06e7⋯.jpg (30.51 KB, 474x630, 79:105, 3d61038db74c8943ba97ca949a….jpg)

File: e1b0d811e977311⋯.jpg (36.63 KB, 750x575, 30:23, bd2d63828a9478ae0bde64a52e….jpg)

cc79e7  No.6678803


On the Left, action is usually taken under the cover of activism.

046b47  No.6678805


posts about


but sure, could be any anon

05059c  No.6678806

Do now we have a fair and balanced mockingbird slant to the news, how much more ridiculous can they be>>6678060

870328  No.6678807

File: 180d89ff490c8f2⋯.jpg (140.14 KB, 608x934, 304:467, fordfischer1.jpg)

File: 53b4b042e2451fa⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 335x529, 335:529, fordfischer2.jpg)



They're gearing up to control the narrative for 2020. Fuck YT, going full blown 1984.

f5e9d8  No.6678809

File: 83944d4515a80ec⋯.png (91.85 KB, 254x206, 127:103, 2019-03-07_03-30-36.png)


So, it would appear that Washington DC has the worst ratio.

1013 indictments for 702,455 citizens = 1 indictment for every 693 citizens

Without taking into account the types of corruption and other factors, the Swamp, if true, would not surprise?

Oregon would be on the other side of the spectrum, with 193 indictments for 4,190,713 citizens = 1 indictment for every 21,714 citizens

Oregon, the condition of their state,though not as indictable, is probably due to just being stupid and unable to manage themselves.


Data can be manipulated to be whatever you want it to be, i.e., garbage in, garbage out.

e803f0  No.6678810

File: ab1c892c9cb61f9⋯.png (420.08 KB, 666x380, 333:190, Screenshot_2019-06-05 Anto….png)

File: fb3edb9cedd85e8⋯.png (404.33 KB, 675x380, 135:76, Screenshot_2019-06-05 la m….png)


did you say Cartel members in teh DNC….

wonder how dey got in?

fa5749  No.6678811

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

72455f  No.6678812

File: 4a5f5ab821f379c⋯.jpg (746.79 KB, 1920x861, 640:287, Screenshot_2019-06-05 31°4….jpg)


636be3  No.6678813




Q follower

Murdered in Arkansas

Age of Anon is over.

edee06  No.6678814

File: f49794b3a2f2f4b⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Michael Flynn - army of di….mp4)

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