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File: de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB, 255x143, 255:143, e1c02b43c5fc1b06dad4093883….png)

b4b132  No.6549668

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6482812 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

Compiled here: >>6490077

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b4b132  No.6549670

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6477078 BO removed a BV

>>6446595 BO on baker checks

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)

>>6364968 Captchas for every post now


are not endorsements


Baker Change

>>6549583 Special election in PA today. GOPer Fred Keller faces Dem Marc Friedenberg

>>6549573 Marine Corps Harrier jet crashes in North Carolina

>>6549563 Vladimir Putin's rumoured lover, 36, gives birth to twins in heavily guarded Moscow VIP clinic

>>6549554 GOP presses Trump to make a deal on spending

>>6549553 For UK anons: EE network has CRASHED: Users across the UK complain of a lack of phone and internet connection

>>6549534 Court ruling undermines Trump's congressional blockade

>>6549521, >>6549326 anon opines on Epstein being a Rothschild (YDNA)


>>6548914, >>6548934 IPOT ties together Hollywood connections/Getty fam (5/14; vid; starts at ~6 min)

>>6548924 Man accused of murder in NZ shootings also charged with terrorist act

>>6548940 Moar on mining discussion from LB >>6548871 (3min vid)

>>6548945 Aviation update F-16 crash march AFB, Riverside (vid; 8.46min)

>>6548966 HSBC plans more China tech jobs in push for market share

Ghost Bake/Collector

>>6548999, >>6549156, >>6549350 anon digs on Reverie

>>6549173 Rep. Cohen accuses Trump of raping the country. Calls for Impeachment: Free Beacon

>>6549204 North Koreans used as sex slaves in North Korea: Zero Hedge

>>6549028, >>6549290 (link) Notes on Andrew McCabe: He headed up Boston Bombing & Benghazi Terrorist Cases

>>6549259 James Comey, Weed, Pipe Bombs, Amb. Stevens, Grass Valley, CA. (This Baker is not yet personally convinced about the Comey Tweet)

>>6549294 Italian Article translated to English about Mifsud

>>6549303 NSA Hawaii

>>6549240, >>6549314 Twat with badass Deep State Flow Chart

>>6549320 @victoryofthelight twat about how to fuck England and lock down the West. MAGA.

>>6549334 POTUS to have Tea with Prince Charles. I hope he throws the tea into the Thames

>>6549391 UNICEF receives exemption from NK sanctions for work in April

>>6549662 #8374

#8373 baker change

>>6548103 , >>6548106, >>6548126 Moffa transcript findings cont.

>>6548132 McCabe transcript findings cont.

>>6548158, >>6548198 Jeff Epstein DIGG, con't.

>>6548162 Q 1888 (see >>6547644 pb)

>>6548208 Can FBI start a probe wo/DoJ knowledge? McCabe: when "sensitive…decision has to be reported to DoJ"

>>6548213 Planefag report

>>6548244, >>6548276 Buttigieg /Alfred E. Neuman: side by side; moar on B

>>6546626 pb, >>6546691 pb, >>6548041 lb Ashton Kutcher's girlfriend murdered in 2001, trial begins

>>6548289, >>6548738 China tariffs: Nike, Adidas among 170 footwear retailers urging Trump to end 'catastrophic' plan

>>6548323 Amazon a winner as Supreme Court sides with Post Office on package delivery prices

>>6548372 Report of pipe bombs leads to woman’s arrest in Grass Valley

>>6548341 Transcription of Trisha Anderson by Epoch Times

>>6548326, >>6548340 DHS Warns That Chinese-Made Drones May Steal Data

>>6548480 Amash Gets Republican Primary Challenge 2 Days After Calling for Trump’s Impeachment

>>6548532 Devin Nunes: FBI won't share info on Clinton 'dirt' tipster Joseph Mifsud

>>6548579 Re: The Hammer timeline

>>6548597 Loretta Lynch: Obama never ordered politically motivated infiltration of Trump campaign

>>6548466, >>6548598, >>6548596 Call out to anons to support mining rights in Oregon-deadline May 23rd

>>6548632, >>6548636, >>6548640 Resignations in the news

>>6548755 Meadows questioning McCabe re Weiner investigation

>>6548763 Crenshaw breaks with Trump on Navy SEAL case: Gallagher should face trial before any war crimes pardon

>>6548764 Military tweets

>>6548690, >>6548728, >>6548775 Long Beach Port DIGG

>>6548821 #8373

Previously Collected Notables

>>6547298 #8371, >>6548269 #8372,

>>6544919 #8368, >>6545721 #8369, >>6546480 #8370

>>6542505 #8365, >>6543258 #8366, >>6544069 #8367

>>6540066 #8362, >>6540842 #8363, >>6541628 #8364

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

b4b132  No.6549674

==War Room==Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6391912 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6486549

Q Graphics all in EST


b4b132  No.6549677

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

b4b132  No.6549680

File: 63979c42f9fb47e⋯.png (559.63 KB, 734x540, 367:270, c.a.t.png)

Here's The #8375 Dough Yo


Dedicated to AntiGrav anons

b15d28  No.6549681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate or racist. Facts are not hate or racist.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


b15d28  No.6549683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


b15d28  No.6549685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY corresponds with world events.

b15d28  No.6549686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

b15d28  No.6549690

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)





Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Text

b15d28  No.6549691

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)

File: 71a5e51ca49a12b⋯.png (423.92 KB, 1672x931, 88:49, zzz.png)






https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

1012d7  No.6549693

File: 0d7830c4d8b5b17⋯.png (269.76 KB, 551x515, 551:515, ClipboardImage.png)

Prosecutors refuse to enforce abortion ban in Georgia

District lawyers in Georgia have announced they will not prosecute women for getting an abortion after the US state effectively banned the procedure.

Georgia governor Brian Kemp signed the controversial “heartbeat” abortion ban into law earlier in the month – giving the southern state one of the most restrictive laws in the US.

The legislation, which has provoked outrage among women’s rights groups, bans abortion once cardiac activity can be detected in an embryo. This can be as early as six weeks – at which point most women do not yet know they are pregnant.

The bill imposes jail sentences for women found guilty of aborting or attempting to abort their pregnancies, with the potential for life imprisonment and the death penalty.

It is not scheduled to come into effect until 1 January and is expected to face challenges in the courts – with it potentially being postponed.


ecd48c  No.6549694

Morans keep posting JPEGs

dipshit bakers keep using them

same shit

different day

b15d28  No.6549695

File: bbc4b9ae059e17b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 730x481, 730:481, henny.jpg)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny_white_enemy.png)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, _01.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, _02.jpg)

File: f8ee9a0ff6dc1e4⋯.png (158.61 KB, 600x540, 10:9, jews_fear_truth.png)

b15d28  No.6549697

File: 9f13adb32ed372e⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 474x418, 237:209, eaac167de1dc699.jpg)

File: a9a4137402b8eb4⋯.jpg (390.57 KB, 713x636, 713:636, edb4a8bd3941a.jpg)

File: edb4a8bd3941b18⋯.jpg (224.82 KB, 720x666, 40:37, edb4a8bd3941b.jpg)

File: e2b5906a4c60a89⋯.jpg (391.18 KB, 742x529, 742:529, edb4a8bd3941bb.jpg)

File: 0843991bfff0759⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1464x1464, 1:1, edb4a8bd3941bbb.jpg)

5f4d93  No.6549698

File: 1faa05fac382d0d⋯.png (890.51 KB, 1209x3480, 403:1160, ClipboardImage.png)

Physical kilogram is officially dead

Definitions of four basic scientific units, including the kilogram and the kelvin, now rely on fundamental constants rather than arbitrary measures.

Revised definitions for four scientific units — the kilogram, the kelvin, the ampere and the mole — come into force today. The change, decided last year, means that all the base units of the International System of Units (SI) are now defined according to fixed fundamental constants of nature, rather than by a physical object or arbitrary reference.


b15d28  No.6549700

File: b366ca9e22b966c⋯.png (709.78 KB, 756x744, 63:62, priv.PNG)

File: 48d2350519d25e5⋯.jpg (283.71 KB, 734x486, 367:243, prop.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, protocols.jpg)

File: 0a827c667505bce⋯.jpg (233.37 KB, 1140x591, 380:197, protocols_goy.jpg)

File: 5680dee17b09724⋯.jpg (240.67 KB, 1137x588, 379:196, protocols_goyism.jpg)

d0a016  No.6549702

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

d0a016  No.6549705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

d0a016  No.6549708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

d0a016  No.6549709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d0a016  No.6549710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a64207  No.6549711

>>6549320 (lb)

>Step 3: Give economic Europe to Russia.

Great idea!

You want your Socialism, you can keep your socialism!

d0a016  No.6549713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b4b132  No.6549714


noticed that headers (war room and qposts) were missing when posting this bun. it's been fixed for this bread.


d0a016  No.6549716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d0a016  No.6549718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b4b132  No.6549719


thanks anon. its now in the bun.

5f4d93  No.6549720

File: ce4e9bfe29cbe6a⋯.pdf (5.58 MB, 1905.08017.pdf)

Occurrenceof Great Magnetic Stormson 6–8March1582


ABSTRACTAlthough knowing the occurrence frequency of severe space weather events isimportantfor a modern society,itis insufficiently known due to thelack of magnetic or sunspot observations, before the Carrington event in 1859 known as one of the largest events during the last two centuries. Here, we show that a severe magnetic stormoccurred on 8March1582based onauroral records in East Asia. Theequatorward boundary of auroral visibility reached 28.8° magnetic latitude. The equatorward boundary of the auroral ovalis estimatedto be 33.0° invariant latitude (ILAT), which iscomparable to thestorms on25/26 September 1909 (~31.6°ILAT, minimum Dst of −595 nT), 28/29 August 1859 (~36.5° ILAT), and 13/14 March 1989 (~40° ILAT, minimum Dst of −589 nT). Assuming that the equatorward boundaryisa proxy for the scale of magnetic storms, we presume that thestorm on March1582wassevere. We also found that the storm on March 1582lasted,at least,for three daysby combining European records. The auroral oval stayed at mid-latitudefor the first two days and moved to low-latitude (in East Asia) for the last day. It is plausible that the storm was caused by a series of ICMEs (interplanetary coronal mass ejections). We can reasonably speculate that a first ICME could havecleanedup interplanetary space to make the following ICMEs more geo-effective, as probably occurred in the Carrington and Halloween storms.

a64207  No.6549721


Is this even legal? Or can the prosecutors be removed?

a2e4d3  No.6549724

File: e492d6f6fa48da0⋯.png (184.51 KB, 404x430, 202:215, astrocat.PNG)


tyb and good morning

3aa789  No.6549727


Law do not apply to these people….

Just lie Hillary

1012d7  No.6549728

6a42ec  No.6549729

File: 3d892caafb57742⋯.jpg (80.13 KB, 480x800, 3:5, Fddgg.jpg)

Thank You Baker

5f4d93  No.6549730



Anybody else would be fired already smh

48f620  No.6549731

File: c2e1682e8ad8002⋯.png (58.38 KB, 591x405, 197:135, twitter_com_repadamschiff_….png)

File: e11549f588c92ce⋯.jpg (220.56 KB, 1200x986, 600:493, D7FwkcFWwAA6zy2.jpg)

Adam Schiff: “the Mueller report contemplated Congress picking up where he left off”

Schiff is using the media strategy playbook, from Brookings.

page 148


98a809  No.6549732

Wow 17 posts gone like that. Kek.

fc1ac1  No.6549733

File: 11104b7fa548b00⋯.png (230.66 KB, 616x489, 616:489, Screenshot_2019-05-21 El P….png)

So POTUS mention's 1888 three times while he is in El Paso? The Arizona & Southeastern Railroad was chartered in 1888 and later became part of the El Paso and Southwester Railroad. I have a bitch of a time trying to find any history on the railroads here in AZ. It's like they are trying to erase the history of it.


d0a016  No.6549735

c20a69  No.6549736


Don't see you baking faggot

d0059b  No.6549737

File: 2c75baf435b8646⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Q.jpg)

8fe307  No.6549738

File: 00e31fe9a5fdd10⋯.png (234.29 KB, 862x523, 862:523, sthchandler.PNG)

File: aa46a526630993e⋯.png (174.04 KB, 930x551, 930:551, chandler.PNG)

File: 95b769fe5cfa396⋯.png (248.58 KB, 930x529, 930:529, rc.PNG)

File: 5e020c74b1fe4e2⋯.png (215.12 KB, 981x540, 109:60, shotel.PNG)

Standard Hotel (New York)

Rachel Chandler and friends


all bad players can be found inside the Purple Diary

7d335c  No.6549739

File: 3baa9ccc1463320⋯.png (231.11 KB, 454x441, 454:441, ClipboardImage.png)

The Ibizagate video that destroyed the Austrian right leaning government was published by this guy.

He looks so…

2852e2  No.6549740

Here is the link to Rep. Doug Collins' links to posted testimonies if it is not already in previous notables, etc:


Trisha Anderson: https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/083118%20Anderson%20Interview_Redacted.pdf

William Sweeny: https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/092818%20Sweeney%20Interview_Redacted.pdf

Loretta Lynch: https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/Lynch%20Interview%2012-19-18.pdf

James Rybicki: https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/Rybicki%20011818%20Interveiw_Redacted.pdf

Andrew McCabe: https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/12.21.17%20McCabe%20Interview_Redacted.pdf

George Toscas: https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/081618%20Toscas%20Transcript_Redacted.pdf

Johnathan Moffa: https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/8.24.18%20Moffa%20Interview_Redacted%20DJ.pdf

John Giacalone: https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/6.21.18%20Giacalone%20Interview_Redacted.pdf

Sally Moyer: https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/10.23.18%20Moyer%20Interview_Redacted%20DJ.pdf

d0059b  No.6549741

File: 0e989e3e34227a3⋯.png (699.58 KB, 720x734, 360:367, ClipboardImage.png)

8dad0e  No.6549742

File: 576c5b0362178f2⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, MAKE_IT_RAINN.jpg)

File: 2689f653eca11e5⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 640x629, 640:629, rainn_wilson_pedo_tweets.jpg)

File: c484be0c86e4d43⋯.jpg (42.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, rainn_wilson_haiti_connect….jpg)

File: c22bb7b44a9f8ef⋯.png (889.63 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, dwight.png)

a64207  No.6549743

>>>6549334 POTUS to have Tea with Prince Charles. I hope he throws the tea into the Thames

KEK! Baker scores for the revolutionaries.

6a42ec  No.6549744

File: 147971f4e40ee9f⋯.jpeg (38.17 KB, 880x644, 220:161, 1558049574.jpeg)

cd78ae  No.6549747

File: 0eb466ddf06c10d⋯.png (217.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, matdrink.png)

Sub files in DOD twitter images.

Messages w/ multiple pics.

Open tweet, click on pic, when full sized , right click to download.

If it says save image, no.

If it says 'save as' , yes.

Download 'save as' … to receive sub files.

Where to from here I don't know.

Is your profile pic or other content in their sub files?

Can I get a witness?

InQuiring minds….

dd15ba  No.6549748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


House Of Pain - Top O' The Morning To Ya

c20a69  No.6549749


Thanks lad did he just dump em in the middle of the night?

663e3d  No.6549750


>Know why a divorce cost 40 grand?

Partially because the Court send sends proven BS to mediation and then you have to pay four lawyers instead of two. What a GD scam.

As was pointed out in another response, married two years loose half (at a minimum) your shit?

Don't know how some people do it, "Reminds me of my fourth wife. ha ha ha" NOT a quick study!!

47c530  No.6549751

>>6549521 lb

Found the Y-heads

6d89d9  No.6549752

these abortion bills with rape exceptions could have some unintended consequences.

We could end up with an increase in false rape claims if females are desperate.

47c530  No.6549753


You mean like Norma Mcorvey (Jane Roe)?

c20a69  No.6549754

File: 6b143937d05775d⋯.png (816.19 KB, 618x763, 618:763, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's a rare shot of /ourgirl/ Jenna


0e67bc  No.6549755



His mentioning that date is a Storm Warning.

Nicknamed the Great White Hurricane, the Blizzard of 1888 was one of the most severe recorded storms in U.S. history.

3aa789  No.6549756


Make sure you hit them with a prenuptial agrrement

663e3d  No.6549757


>He looks so…

much like peeder buttplug's little brother.

f00e23  No.6549758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



skip first minute


d2a994  No.6549759

File: a597d48f81632ef⋯.jpg (11.18 KB, 300x168, 25:14, transparency.jpg)


Transparency Edition #8374 = ~6.5 hours. Epic bake, o7.


9e39e0  No.6549760


Found this interdasting comment yesterday


3aa789  No.6549761



afa83b  No.6549762

default soundtrack:


9616b9  No.6549763

File: b2cd98c92bee5de⋯.png (426.96 KB, 704x1613, 704:1613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 296075c9258a8da⋯.png (1.5 MB, 712x1682, 356:841, ClipboardImage.png)



from Sunprancer

afa83b  No.6549764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China's Revolutionary Goddess (1/2)

Dianne Feinstein has a best Chinese friend forever (apart from her erstwhile personal assistant, the spy). This is Jiang Zemin, former leader of the Chinese Communist Party. They're famous for dancing together while he sang "When We Were Young" in her ear:


Zemin was the "Butcher of Tiananmen" and led a vicious and (even by Chinese standards) completely illegal crackdown on the Falun Gong sect:


An estimated 64,000 Falun Gong prisoners may have been killed and their organs harvested between 2000 and 2008; look at this disturbing document and see proof that you can routinely order organs from healthy Falun Gong practitioners over the phone:


By 2016, more reliable estimates were that 1,500,000 prisoners could have been killed and their organs harvested:


This is freedom of religion, *Dianne Feinstein style*.

Falun Gong is a relatively recent movement, introduced by a single self-taught practitioner, Lee Hongzhi, in 1992. Yet it has more adherents than are members of the Chinese Communist Party. There is no doubt that the Chinese Communist Party regards Falun Gong as a mortal threat.

However, there is another far larger, far more ancient, far more embedded movement that suffers from exactly the same banning and persecution in China as Falun Gong, yet keeps completely silent about this, to avoid further trouble. This is the modern Quan Yin movement.

Now: Quan Yin (or Kuan Yin or Guanyin or Avalokitesvara in Sanskrit) is simply the most popular folk deity in China, by far. Known the Goddess of Compassion, she has an extremely interesting history, and whenever Chinese people are in trouble – especially with family problems and childlessness – it is to Quan Yin temples that they turn.


You will find Quan Yin statues in nearly all Chinese restaurants.

However, there is a modern Quan Yin meditation movement, led by a Vietnamese woman called Ching Hai, who was based in Taiwan for 10 years and has hundreds of thousands of followers there. The meditation method is similar to the Sant Mat schools of India, but this is actually clearly based on the traditional Quan Yin practice of China, as depicted in many Chinese texts. This is the group that is heavily banned in the PRC. But Quan Yin is not so easy to ban. The Chinese government is forced to recognise the centuries-old folk manifestation. The video here shows a state-sponsored deaf-dumb dance troupe performing a tribute to Quan Yin, the Thousand-Armed Goddess.


b1fa30  No.6549765


Posting jpg is not good.

However, leaving out notables just bc of form would be worse.

You do know that at least 50% of the posts are shills and that some are really blended in?

afa83b  No.6549766

File: ed258624bdb50ff⋯.png (37.86 KB, 382x467, 382:467, WhatDidYouDo.png)

China's Revolutionary Goddess (2/2)

Ching Hai is a controversial character, but if you look carefully, you'll see that her overriding political concern has been the eradication of Communism. She has railed repeatedly against the Chinese and Vietnamese Communist parties, and held a benefit concert for US Vietnam veterans at the Daughters of the American Revolution Hall in Washington DC in 1997. She was a ferocious champion of the "boat people" in Hong Kong fleeing Communist persecution in Vietnam. The Vietnamese Communists absolutely loathe her and have banned her and her movement in her home country.

Despite the persecution, however, there are untold millions of followers inside China, and thousands of Chinese sneak out of the country in great secrecy to be initiated directly by Ching Hai in places like Thailand. I heard an inside account of one such event – three thousand initiates in hotels in the red-light district of Bangkok, meditating silently together for ten hours or more a day. You would *never* guess they were there, and these retreats are completely under the radar, they are not advertised at all. Most of the initiates were Chinese. The single biggest problem at these events is followers throwing themselves at Ching Hai's feet and making a big song and dance – you get red-carded and banned from ever attending another retreat if you do this, but they do it anyway, it's a Chinese thing. She openly says her life with Chinese disciples is a nightmare and strongly disrecommends ever becoming a guru.

Do you have any idea of the explosive potential of all these Chinese underground movements? Right now, they are being spied on by hundreds of thousands of cameras. If you are caught with a meditation cushion, literally, this is enough for a death sentence. Neighbours are ordered to report on anyone suspected of meditating.

The Chinese Communist Party is very nervous, and they have every right to be. If the economy doesn't pick up, the natives are going to become more than restless.

Ching Hai tries to stop it, but her adherents have no doubt that Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion herself, is back on earth. You cannot begin to imagine the devotion she inspires, unless you've been behind the scenes. For me, as a Christian of the Grail persuasion, Quan Yin fits the bill as the Comforter promised by Jesus. Her Sanskrit name Avolokitesvara literally means "she who hears the cries of the world". In the Aquarian Gospel (supposedly based on the Akashik record, which Rudolf Steiner calls the Fifth Gospel) the Comforter is female.

You will really struggle to find a single word about this persecution online. This is one of the very few sources that even mentions the banning of Quan Yin:


So there is an explosion happening in China: a slow, silent explosion, happening in the shadows, where the cameras aren't. This revolution will not be televised. You anons are about to learn a lesson about maintaining an underground network under super-surveillance. The Middle Kingdom can be shaken to its core in the twinkling of an eye. And Donald Trump knows this, as he faces down China over trade. I honestly think he's playing America's hand quite brilliantly. If only I knew how 5G really figures in his game.

There's more, but Part 2 – the cosmic annihilation of Artificial Intelligence – will have to wait for another day. There's a screenshot for you for now.


47c530  No.6549767


wut? He took a nap, then refused notables as anons requested.

How is that epic?

3afa11  No.6549768

File: b31683e493b3efa⋯.jpg (12.36 KB, 213x255, 71:85, bleach my eyes.jpg)

7800b9  No.6549769

File: 7270739fad7577a⋯.jpeg (134.2 KB, 750x497, 750:497, C8574AF0-0549-482C-9B55-0….jpeg)

File: 371bbc7a586ac23⋯.jpeg (66.11 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 0473A569-4863-4EAA-8BBF-B….jpeg)


It was obviously a honey trap intelligence op. They saved it for just the right moment too.

Any speculation on what intel agency wuz responsible?


Serious replies please.

e5c97a  No.6549770


It's called freedom.

To dictate what one can or can not post is anti-free speech.

9616b9  No.6549771

File: 4b0badc9233a1fd⋯.png (170.97 KB, 924x514, 462:257, ClipboardImage.png)


> Blizzard of 1888

4564e8  No.6549773

File: 311e6f6cb856468⋯.png (318.93 KB, 764x392, 191:98, 2019-05-21_08-35-48 copy.png)

>>6549543 lb

With makeup applied?

Damn that is one ugly looking ghoul.

b4b132  No.6549774

File: d90df3a1cba1f6a⋯.png (684.55 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 20140828-bread-dough.png)



came in at the 600mark of that bake, so thanks goes to GYB and a couple collectors.

9e39e0  No.6549775


Thats the only speculation i was able to find

I usually never criticize patriotic Right-Wing politicians ("No enemy on the Right"), but… still, today, we've seen a disaster happen, because of the naive, vulnerable Austrian vice-chancellor. Sad! We thought this man was one of us, a serious honest patriotic man, but… he was weak, got played like a virgin! Confused

For this man, Strache, has fallen victim (two years ago but it was revealed today so as to maximize damages before the EE elections) to a ridiculous, Ibiza-set honey trap. Dodgy


So, well, one should be careful of such obvious honeypot entrapment. As a Conservative politician or businessman in particular, one can be assured that the Establishment will try all kinds of entrapments… so, beware!

The blonde Ibiza chick Dodgy who trapped him (showing tons of thighs), is a false Russian niece of oligarch, and in actual fact, she reportedly is an Ukrainian bitch working for Khodorkovski.

"Austrian Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache — leader of the right-wing, anti-immigration Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ or Freedom Party) — announced Saturday that he was stepping down following the release of a controversial video.

German-language media outlet Der Spiegel published video of Strache Friday night. In the footage, filmed secretly in Ibiza, Spain, in July 2017, months before he was named to the Vice-Chancellor position, Strache and others reportedly discussed how a Russian investor could obtain Austrian government contracts.

Among the suggestions offered in the video was the idea of this supposed Russian investor acquiring control of popular Austria paper Kronen Zeitung and using its reach to (fight alt-left journalism) push FPÖ's agenda to the public. In exchange, the investor could receive favorable treatment.

Strache denied any wrongdoing Saturday, but said he was stepping down from both the Vice-Chancellorship and as FPÖ leader because of revealed acts he now deemed “stupid, irresponsible and a mistake,” according to the Washington Post."

[Image: der-screenshot-aus-einem-video-oesterrei…-bild-.jpg]

^seated: the sexy blonde Ukrainian bitch posing as a Russian niece of Oligarch, and her half-drunk victim, the stupid 40-years old virgin

In any case, the (sad) consequences of this stupidity are huge. The Chancellor of Austria has had no other choice than calling for snap elections.

It mars a day that should have been fine for us worldwide patriots, as the Conservatives have splendidly won in Australia. Banana But in Austria, it's a catastrophe, a carefully-engineered catastrophe… unless, unless - if the snap elections give an even better score to the FPO!

Sauce questionable


b1fa30  No.6549776


>video that destroyed the Austrian right

Imo it helped the 'populists' in EU after all. DS is desperate and does desperate moves. Now everybody can see how a single case is used to smear the whole EU patriots and how obviously this was a coordinated intel op.

It will wake up more and more.

43090b  No.6549777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe the people from Alabama need to take these liberaltarded assholes from NPR and who listen to NPR and teach them a real lesson on life.

Shocked by Alabama, NPR Listeners Ask How ‘These People Call Themselves Americans’

663e3d  No.6549778


YUK ! !

49edfe  No.6549779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Mole Wore Many Hats

There's a clean-up job currently being pushed by the corporate media. At this point, most people have heard or read about Senator Dianne Feinstein's driver, Russell Lowe, a Chinese mole, on the senator's payroll for over two decades. I'm here to tell you that Lowe's association with Feinstein, goes back to the early 1970's. …

47c530  No.6549780


Posts deleted?

75735f  No.6549781

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 9ec9e88c03e4b8c4e8840d78b5….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

455c34  No.6549782

File: baac48f8421499d⋯.jpg (81.58 KB, 1024x703, 1024:703, redhead_winter_by_arryja_d….jpg)



TY Baker!!!

Snow baker chick for a snow day. In late May. Yeah, don't ask.


Exclusive – Parscale: President Trump Needs Your Help to Counter Big Tech Censorship Deniers

e750a9  No.6549783


we've got tards in al too. some of them are their own uncles. i say that as a natural born alabamian raised in a cow pasture. its lit. rowtahhhhd

8fe307  No.6549784

File: 2c390973fabec8f⋯.png (236.93 KB, 951x571, 951:571, definetrafficking.PNG)

File: 27ce05d923748c7⋯.png (129.89 KB, 753x531, 251:177, horns.PNG)

File: 973267dbc2f9437⋯.png (91.48 KB, 921x535, 921:535, wig.PNG)

File: 3c31d28673c8239⋯.png (256.15 KB, 946x545, 946:545, sthotel.PNG)

Friends of Rachel Chandler/child trafficking/Standard Hotel (New York)

a2e4d3  No.6549785

File: b1b7dc7fea6d3d6⋯.png (988.57 KB, 687x535, 687:535, morning market report.PNG)

File: fdd3862f48b4735⋯.png (27.93 KB, 1085x451, 1085:451, 052119 US Futures.PNG)

File: 09b31c92ad49802⋯.png (83.61 KB, 527x473, 527:473, 052119 US T note 30 year.PNG)

File: e394a0a0261e17e⋯.png (152.42 KB, 1075x500, 43:20, 052119 SOX.PNG)

File: 99f1c0d38cecdf6⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1400x1254, 700:627, POTUS bottom turns on trai….jpg)

Morning Market Report

Global Markets A "Sea Of Green"(Futures up) After POTUS Temporarily Eases Huawei Restrictions

() and bold are additions.

It's not exactly clear what prompted today's dramatic U-turn reversal in overnight markets, but this morning stocks and futures around the globe are a sea of green with chipmakers and Asia-exposed stocks among the best performers, with some pointing the finger at Washington's decision to temporarily ease trade restrictions imposed last week on China’s Huawei even though the move was largely procedural, while the trade-war driven turbulence that has dominated markets showed no signs of abating.

How about PANIC?- Huawei story is from last night.

&P and Nasdaq futures all traded in the green after the U.S. granted limited relief for consumers and carriers using Huawei Technologies, a day after the White House’s moves against the Chinese telecom giant battered stocks. The result has been the biggest monthly drop in the Semiconductor Index - which confounded so many with its oblivious levitation in the first 4 months of 2019 - as traders finally realized that pain is coming.

See Cap#3

The overnight respite came after news on Monday that Washington allowed Huawei to purchase American-made goods to maintain existing networks and provide software updates to existing Huawei handsets until Aug. 19. What happens next is unclear.

“The Huawei extension is in some sense providing a relief rally as it eases the worst fears of market participants that we are drifting towards a fully-fledged trade war,” said Aberdeen Standard’s head of global strategy, Andrew Milligan.

In Europe, the STOXX 600 edged higher, with Germany’s DAX rising 0.6%, while France’s CAC 40 climbed 0.2% in early trading, while tech firm lead the advance. Chipmakers Infineon and STMicro were up 1.4 to 3.5%, and the tech sector rising more than 1% after losing almost 3% on Monday. The autos and suppliers sector was another top gainer, up as much as 1.1%. In London, heavyweights HSBC, Prudential and Standard Chartered boosted the blue-chip index as markets on hopes if an easing in the trade tensions. Daimler got a boost after German newspaper Handelsblatt reported the company was looking to cut administration costs by 20%.

Chinese equities had the strongest gains in the Asian session, with the Shanghai Composite up 1.23% and the CSI300 index ended 1.35% higher, while their Japanese peers ended lower. Gains in heavyweight Samsung Electronics helped South Korea’s KOSPI stock index close up 0.3% as traders speculated the chip giant may benefit from Huawei’s need to shift away from American suppliers.

Market Snapshot

S&P 500 futures up 0.3% to 2,853.00

MXAP down 0.3% to 153.91

MXAPJ down 0.1% to 503.15

Nikkei down 0.1% to 21,272.45

Topix down 0.3% to 1,550.30

Hang Seng Index down 0.5% to 27,657.24

Shanghai Composite up 1.2% to 2,905.97

Sensex down 0.6% to 39,127.68

Australia S&P/ASX 200 up 0.4% to 6,500.14

Kospi up 0.3% to 2,061.25

STOXX Europe 600 up 0.4% to 379.09

German 10Y yield unchanged at -0.087%

Euro down 0.2% to $1.1144

Italian 10Y yield rose 4.0 bps to 2.327%

Spanish 10Y yield fell 0.4 bps to 0.88%

Brent futures down 0.3% to $71.77/bbl

Gold spot down 0.2% to $1,275.22

U.S. Dollar Index up 0.2% to 98.11

'''US Event Calendar

10am: Existing Home Sales, est. 5.35m,

prior 5.21m; MoM, est. 2.69%, prior -4.9%

10:45am: Fed’s Evans Discusses Economy

and Monetary Policy

12pm: Fed’s Rosengren Speaks to

Economic Club of New York

Really hitting the speaking crap hard now-last night Powell suggested the debt-load is ok and this time tings are different-what a douche.





Tesla Slides After Morgan Stanley Slashes "Bear Case" Price Target To Just $10

TSLA-current pre-market trade

199.97 -5.39 (-2.62%)

Pre-Market: 8:39AM EDT


>>>>6547906 pb Tesla Director sells shares-$8.8m-May 16


96623e  No.6549786


keep up the good fight, swordy

455c34  No.6549787


Same to you, Swordanon!



‏ @4YrsToday

Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

0c7c86  No.6549788

skimmed the moyer transcript; basically 200 pages of her saying "i don't know" and "like i said, i don't know" - it's amazing how little these people who run the highest investigative office in the land know (demented goldfish tier memories, too)

what's interesting is the questions posed. they asked her if there was any investigations into foreign agents attempting to influence the clinton campaign… because it stands to reason, if they were genuinely concerned that russia was trying to make a positive impact on the trump campaign through propaganda and infiltration, they absolutely would have attempted to negatively affect the clinton campaign by the same means…

49edfe  No.6549789

File: be6f011c1a55f61⋯.jpg (39.13 KB, 725x520, 145:104, cc882186-a771-450f-bd1f-3f….jpg)


>An estimated 64,000 Falun Gong prisoners may have been killed and their organs harvested between 2000 and 2008

e1a5fa  No.6549790

It's all part of the plan

db88c7  No.6549791

File: a4fc4242abf4e0a⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB, 720x720, 1:1, It was not arrogance, but ….mp4)

It was not arrogance, but courage, that fueled America’s birth.

7ae367  No.6549792


Sounds like a bunch of prosecutors are announcing that they will not obey the law.

Unelected bureaucrat lawyers undermining the will of the people via elected politicians.

So disbarred or jailed?

d733b9  No.6549793



Roger! My attorney fees were roughly in the 15K range but her's (at $300 an hour each) drug it out for an additional year so total combined cost or true cost would be approaching the 40K mark. Tough but worth it.

Note to future victims - let it go with a little slack then say you are "FILING FOR BANKRUPTCY" (you don't even have to follow through just use it as leverage but if you are willing and able its even better) that fuks their lawyers shit up for realz.

Better alternative is to have a relationship with a level headed grounded person(a) with prenup and avoid all the fukery.

PS - lawyers SUK

7d335c  No.6549794



Try visiting Europe, German-speaking countries specifically, and reconsider your words.


ecd48c  No.6549795


>However, leaving out notables just bc of form would be worse.

how useful is this post?

>>6549553 if you didn't have the title you wouldn't know squat about it For UK anons: EE network has CRASHED: Users across the UK complain of a lack of phone and internet connection

43090b  No.6549796





Who's the bimbo with all the tramp stamps????

39586f  No.6549797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d2a994  No.6549798

File: ccf69409e6065ad⋯.png (251.92 KB, 600x600, 1:1, winning.png)


Anons found JPEG problem, baker posted Global on it, another baker gave conversion instructions, and other bakers have subbed out or asked anons to sub out JPEGs, between doing a bunch of other stuff. Takes time to make changes, this place just keeps getting better and better. KEK.

858f6a  No.6549799

File: 884832df31b3093⋯.png (148.24 KB, 381x512, 381:512, kekitty.png)

bdf991  No.6549800


Thank you and GBY too.

12698e  No.6549801

Like Reagan, Trump and The Economy Are Winning Over Millennials


lookout, millennials…

4e0e1d  No.6549802



Headline should read:

"Desperate to continue sacrificing innocent children to Moloch, Hillary Clinton gives speech encouraging women to keep getting pregnant (while there are a plethora of ways to stop that from occurring) and then murder the baby, as a way to show that women are #strong."

eeca27  No.6549803

>>6549792 Funny how people working in areas of law yell and scream about 'the rule of law' until the rule of law is not accomplishing what they want it to.

7800b9  No.6549804

File: 217252467d83948⋯.png (173.25 KB, 344x354, 172:177, EF167E56-21DF-4BFC-8EE9-E7….png)

File: 3360db847f927fa⋯.jpeg (22.66 KB, 255x238, 15:14, ACB368F4-5DAA-460D-A69A-4….jpeg)


Yep, Khordovski huh.

Have to look into this but, id like to keep it simple, I think Germany had the most to gain here. Also was released to der speigel who had to know it’s purpose and timing.

BND or ZlTiS?

Thanks for the sauce anon.

c20a69  No.6549805


This whole shitshow needs to end. Fuck this dribble dick bullshit, because its gonna look political real soon and normies will shut down. Q ARE YOU LISTENING?

cd78ae  No.6549806

File: 797c138aace9f9d⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1180x1202, 590:601, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)

File: 4d2eae28af83a04⋯.png (301.37 KB, 1058x582, 529:291, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)


Try this one


1372d7  No.6549807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pediatrician indicted on 65 charges after more victims came forward | WBAL


>A Frederick County pediatrician charged early in May with sexually assaulting a patient is now

>accused of molesting 11 more. According to officials, a Frederick County grand jury indicted

>Dr. Ernesto Torres on 65 additional charges after more victims came forward following an initial

>indictment earlier this month.


4950b4  No.6549808


Put clothes on grandma!

c20a69  No.6549809


Don't stick your dick in crazy. There are plenty of good women out there that will cook you dinner while you drink a beer and watch Hannity interrupt people

6d89d9  No.6549810

video of Jane Roe interview admitting to lying about rape as well as telling her criminal history. I never knew this. I always thought she had been raped.


0e7dde  No.6549811


It's pretty cool how Q and team are dealing with this baby fucker so swiftly.

4e0e1d  No.6549812


Good lord. All these chics going to the Dr to look like the Kraptrashians is just SAD. And no, that ain't natural.

Get a self esteem ladies!

9591a9  No.6549813

Every single fucking day with the satanshill and muhjoo shills fucking up the bread at the top.

HOW IN THE FUCK can we get the asleep folks to even THINK about digging when this BULLSHIT is at the top of practically EVERY FUCKING BREAD. 9 POSTS EACH WITHIN THE FIRST 10 MINUTES.

I [have to] filter constantly just so that I can actually read the bread quicker, as most of us don't have all fucking day to scroll through all of it, and it's BULLSHIT to begin with. Tired of hearing "over the target" blah blah blah. It's an infringement on all of the true digging efforts by all true anons to have their hard work buried in between RIDICULOUS BULLSHIT on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING BREAD.

Q team could easily wake up everybody with more than satisfactory results at this point, now it's become 'a game' that it never should have devolved to.

A rant? YES. How much can an anon take [when all I am looking for is ACTUAL news/habbenings] and constantly have to see that BULLSHIT at the TOP OF EVERY FUCKING BREAD.


455c34  No.6549814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As someone that lived a majority of their life in GA, I concur.

Fast Forward to 1:20. Enjoy.

7800b9  No.6549815


Yep in the Phillipines maybe.

d2a994  No.6549816

File: 2e838c4d540eb93⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 206x245, 206:245, barrrel of laughs.jpg)


Ha-ha, are you confused! Go back and review the last bread posts more carefully. Or better yet, just go take a nap.

4627d5  No.6549817

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)


Mornin' Swordy!!

0e7dde  No.6549818


Q got what he wanted out of anons.

He may be a patriot, but he's also a liar

3afa11  No.6549819

File: 8aad1ba3220c19d⋯.jpg (126.72 KB, 1868x965, 1868:965, jesus sunrise.JPG)


From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subject to forcefulness, and the forceful lay claim to it. ==Matthew 11:12==

4564e8  No.6549820

File: e36bf03d128c5e7⋯.png (301.47 KB, 579x382, 579:382, 2019-05-21_08-51-17.png)


God bless you all as well swordanon!

c20a69  No.6549821

File: 97c182da02d5ab3⋯.png (200.53 KB, 583x735, 583:735, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d179ed4c432a28c⋯.png (31.53 KB, 493x347, 493:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01bef692a2b9551⋯.png (65.89 KB, 745x590, 149:118, ClipboardImage.png)


unironically /ourgirl/

a2e4d3  No.6549822

File: e4e90ace61e752e⋯.png (1.5 MB, 841x714, 841:714, brian moran.png)


'cause everyone is perfect like you…

47c530  No.6549823







4e0e1d  No.6549824


It wasn't referred to congress though. DOJ closed shop on this shitshow. Congress is on its own to act like the fools they are.

c255fd  No.6549825



663e3d  No.6549826


Yes, this is good for about two years.

Then, after they gain 30 lbs, they get tired of cooking and you drinking beer (which is required to watch Hannity) they turn crazy, join the other side, and leave you exactly where you didn't want to end up!

I have to believe an iron clad pre-nup would at least help weed out the field.

d2a994  No.6549827



b1fa30  No.6549828


I don't have to visit a German speaking country, weil ich Deutscher bin.

Kurz and Strache is reported the whole day now, and whenever this one case is reported MSM makes it look like this is all the populists - which is bs obviously and many know this.

The folks are also questioning how this vid was made and some are openly calling it intel op.

Many are seeing the total overreaction by MSM and elite and see their joy in finally having something on the 'evil natiionalists/populists'.

This stinks like the intel op it is and many smell the bad stank coming from political/social elite and media.

It will backfire.

It will backfire spectacularly.

(Also, indeed there are appearantly many people asleep, however many of the sleeping ones are not really speeping but basically woke af, and just on the wrong site, many are masons and will never ever 'wake up'. There are so much more masons than most expect…)

ea618f  No.6549829

File: 26f5a132b53be52⋯.png (56.97 KB, 591x404, 591:404, Screenshot (221).png)


c20a69  No.6549830


Appalachia my fren

f00e23  No.6549831

File: 14a6a3260bcea08⋯.png (223.9 KB, 470x422, 235:211, 5489072309612698043.png)

1372d7  No.6549832

File: 1bfea2e571dc9a9⋯.png (580.75 KB, 694x285, 694:285, Raddatz.png)

ecd48c  No.6549833


>Don't see you baking

don't see you baking either, what's your point?

I see notables that were picked by the baker and not nominated by anons… that doesn't make them bad notables but it does mean the baker looked at it carefully and thought it would be useful to include in the list.

the baker knowingly adds JPEGs as notables, that says something about the baker doesn't it


2852e2  No.6549834


The Lynch one is from overnight. I think the page with links has been out there awhile - we probably already have it somewhere around here.

020c49  No.6549835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nunes “Likely” to Send Another Criminal Referral Over Steele Meeting with State Dept

by Team Bongino

May 21, 2019

Ranking House Intelligence Committee member Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said it was “likely” he would send another criminal referral to the Department of Justice relating to a meeting between the State Department and anti-Trump dossier author, Christopher Steele.

Speaking to Fox News yesterday, the Washington Examiner reports that Nunes said notes from State Department official Kathleen Kavalec about her October 2016 meeting with Steele were withheld from the House Intelligence Committee during its investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election.

“It’s likely now, as we do our investigation as to why we didn’t get this information that we’ve just been discussing from the State Department two years ago when we should have received it, there could be another referral coming on obstruction a congressional investigation,” he said.

Matt Palumbo of Bongino.com detailed the contents of Kavalec’s notes last week:

The State Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary Kathleen Kavalac interviewed Steele on October 11th, which she chronicled in handwritten notes that were later typed and given to the FBI. Thanks for a Freedom of Information Act request from ‘Citizens United” these notes were unearthed. In those notes, Kavalec detailed Steele’s story of how Russians constructed a “technical/human operation run out of Moscow targeting the election” that recruited emigres in the United States to “do hacking and recruiting.”

Steele also said that “Payments to those recruited are made out of the Russian Consulate in Miami,” which leads Kavalec to make a note that “there is no Russian consulate in Miami.” That’s only the first comment Kavalec must have seen as damaging to Steele’s credibility.

Kavalec made note of comments that indicated Steele was speaking to the media (a cardinal sin for those working with the FBI, and a violation of his confidentiality agreement. It’s interesting that Steele was eventually fired by the FBI for speaking to the press, but not until after they got the FISA they wanted)….

Kavalec also made note of Steele’s obvious political motivations, noting that Steele’s client (Fusion GPS) “is keen to see this information come to light prior to the November 8 [the election].” She also noted that “Orbis [Steele’s firm] undertook the investigation into the Russia/Trump connection at the behest of an institution he declined to identify that had been hacked.



ea618f  No.6549836

File: 2bd332a791ea31b⋯.png (45.02 KB, 612x334, 306:167, Screenshot (223).png)


9e39e0  No.6549837


Intel op for sure

Waited since 2017

Although the guy was an idiot drunk

He didnt act


Why all resigned not just him

a64207  No.6549838

File: 3da9194d3bd4693⋯.png (99.26 KB, 1282x606, 641:303, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)


28c2cd  No.6549839


I thought this shit was supposed to end soon. Honestly, worn out. Someone put a headline on the NYT when it's done. Gonna get a hobby.

4e0e1d  No.6549840


Yup. She had to get her life straight with God bc she realized what she had done and how she was USED, which led to the murder of MILLIONS of innocent, unique human beings.

She felt terrible about it the rest of her life bc it became the horror show it is now.

c255fd  No.6549841


u should learn 2 code

9e39e0  No.6549842


The circus nevar ends

Its like Santa Barbara

be36c8  No.6549843


And, it appears that the Dems are close to starting impeachment proceedings in the House against POTUS….

d2a994  No.6549844

File: a3ffd76e230433d⋯.png (90.91 KB, 300x168, 25:14, enjoy-the-show.png)


Smelled from the very beginning, when the only reports out were MSM (fake news).

"It will backfire. It will backfire spectacularly."

Can't wait to see it.

c255fd  No.6549845


Good.. let em … let em get all his tax info.. fuck with his family… at some point he will have to play his cards to stop it .. unless he has no cards….

455c34  No.6549846


It's spam, anons agree. It's quite the mess; each and every bread. Takes a lot of dedication, or some really well written scripts. Having said all that, take a moment and ask yourself something. Could you debunk it?

0e7dde  No.6549847


They will wait until the latest time possible - as close to the 2020 election as possible. There will be nothing more damaging to a presidential candidate than to be under impeachment.

020c49  No.6549848


I understand, take a break or like


said try coding….

ecd48c  No.6549849


if you do not strive for excellence what do you pursue?

4e0e1d  No.6549850


It will be the death of the party bc POTUS will DECLASS, Horowitz will release his report, Huber and Durham will start dropping the HAMMER, and they will look like the LYING CUNTS they are.

76f3a7  No.6549851

File: 2fb7e4ce402b787⋯.png (272.69 KB, 576x622, 288:311, ClipboardImage.png)


Release was about 7:30 PM Eastern.

47c530  No.6549852


Q is probably working on an alternative platform now that BO and an increasing number of bakers are clowns. When did he start posting anonymously?

0e7dde  No.6549853


They are not afraid it seems. That's what's so confusing. D's must know what Trump holds in his hand.

8d0879  No.6549854

File: d899c99d5828387⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1E6DC5A9-533E-406B-8AA6-F6….png)

I’m in Texas and my att internet is down.

Outage map looks busy.

6d89d9  No.6549855


they are going to begin impeachment last minute so the proceeding can never finish.

The new Congress will end old business and they can blame it on that.

They fire up their base when it's time to vote and give dems incentive to reelect dems for house and senate control.

2020 election will be about finishing impeachment

9e39e0  No.6549857


Nobody will take Q seriously on any other platform

be36c8  No.6549858


Jst going by what I just read… ''"Sr Hse Democrat who asked they not be identified asserted that Pelosi will likely have to switch her position on impeachment “within the next two weeks.” The Democrat argued that “the vast majority of us are for impeachment.”

“From a senior House Democrat who has their finger on the pulse of the Democratic Caucus. The lawmaker, who asked that they not be identified, tells Fox that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) “isn’t going to be able to hold off on impeachment much longer. It is coming to a head.”…''


a2e4d3  No.6549859

File: 396fa4248e41ab5⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1198x632, 599:316, grumpy cat heaven.PNG)

Grumpy Cat’s owner is facing a major financial loss — there’s no insurance for pet influencers

why should there be?

Grumpy Cat leaves behind a beloved legacy and a profitable business.

Feline celebrity Grumpy Cat, whose real name was Tardar Sauce, died this week due to complications from a urinary-tract infection, her owners shared Friday. The cat, who was seven years old, first rose to fame after a photo of her went viral on Reddit in 2012.

In the intervening years she has become one of the most recognizable animals in the world. As a result, she’s had marketing deals with companies ranging from Honey Nut Cheerios GIS, +0.59% and Friskies NSRGY, -0.14% cat food and starred in a television film where she was voiced by actress Aubrey Plaza. Her likeness was emblazoned on hundreds of products sold through her online shop, and she was a popular figure at fan conventions.

While her sour-puss appearance brought joy to millions of fans across the globe, her death will bring more than heartache for her owner, Tabatha Bundesen. It will also represent a major financial loss.

Pet life insurance exists, but it’s a rarely offered product and would be of little help to the owners of a famous pooch or kitty. It’s not designed to cover losses related to pets who double as income-generators for their owners.

“It’s going to be very hard,” said Loni Edwards, a lawyer and founder of The Dog Agency, a New York City-based management agency that represents pet influencers. “As these pet influencers die, there’s little you can do.”

Bundesen remained tight-lipped about Grumpy Cat’s net worth over the years, aside from disputing reports that claimed the feline was worth $99.5 million.

Grumpy Cat’s owners, however, were awarded more than $700,000 after winning a lawsuit against a coffee company that breached a licensing agreement by using the cat’s likeness on more than one of its products.

Even a less popular pet influencer can earn between $3,000 and $15,000 for a sponsored post on social media if they have more than 100,000 followers, according to Edwards. Grumpy Cat had amassed millions of followers across Twitter TWTR, +1.02% and Instagram FB, -1.39%

“They can’t do new campaigns or promote new products,” Edwards said. “It’s similar to what would happen if a human celebrity was killed. You can license their likeness, but in terms of doing new movies and news deals that has been closed up.”

(MarketWatch reached out to Bundesen and Grumpy Cat’s agent for comment, but did not receive a response.)

Pet life insurance won’t help you if your fur baby becomes famous

Pet life insurance works nothing like the human equivalent. Rather than cover a loss of income, it simply covers the value of the animal and what it would cost to replace them. There’s good reason: Pet cats live an average of 14 to 16 years, while pet dogs live an average of 16 to 18 years, for some breeds.

Pet life insurance won’t help you if your fur baby becomes famous.

newsflash-it shouldn't.

In other words, upon a pet’s death, the life insurance policy would only pay out how much their owner would need to spend to get a new animal based on either the price they paid in the first place or the current cost of the breed, according to insurance website TrustedChoice. It may also cover funeral or cremation expenses, depending on the policy.

*Pet life insurance only covers the cost to replace an animal, not the loss of associated income.


43090b  No.6549860






We have tards all over the country…………

They are called sophisticated Demoncrats……

Just ax them they know everything about nothing.

As Ronald Reagan said……

There is so much our Demoncrats friends don't know……

c255fd  No.6549861


Its been a downhill (((slide))) since Tampa… since we peaked and everyone was talking Q.. the the secret service shut it DOWN… MUH PLAN kek

7800b9  No.6549862


Because this isn’t/wasn’t all the dirt they have.

It was likely a warning shot.

Leave peacefully or we’ll keep releasing moar damaging intel then this.

You don’t think one honeypot was the only part of the op do you?

a2e4d3  No.6549863


I get that anon however when you have over 5g of stuff from here and some of it was saved on a phone it's going to take some time to go through it and convert. Some have much moar. Be patient. As long as the notables are not jpegs that's still pretty good imo

c255fd  No.6549864

Guys I know the cabal is still fully operational and fucking with POTUS on the daily… but did you see what some congressman said on twatter?!?!?

muh plan

7fa2c5  No.6549865

File: 6cb726627ea7a00⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1527.JPG)

b1fa30  No.6549866


>Why all resigned not just him

DS intel op done to have dirt on populist party (even though it is only related to this one person!).

Material used, one week prior to elections to try to weaken the whole EU populists.

MSM reporting over amd over and making it look like this is all the populists.

Kurz asking for minister of interiorn to resign - even though it's totally unrelated to this incident.

DS and MSM overdid (bc they are desperate in using every little thing to the most extend possible).

Reaction of FPÖ: don't accept fuckery, if interior minister really has to resign, they all leave coalition, leading to new elections in september and leading most likely to Kurz being made to step back soon.

Reaction of many people: why do they attack in this way? Why do they try to smear all populists? Why are they so very happy about this? Why now? Why an intel op with rented big house and made up characters and surveillance tech? → fake news.

Folks like winners, but folks also have a hard time accepting openly unfair behavious.


7da807  No.6549867

File: d5dc5f1da916724⋯.png (49.54 KB, 256x256, 1:1, D3EDBFC8-90DE-4B9A-A441-D6….png)


Fuck the rules

403d16  No.6549868

Ms. Anderson: “All necessary approvals, including up through and including the leadership of the FBI and the leadership of the Department, by the time I put that signature on the cover page had already been obtained.”

These early high-level approvals were distinctly outside of the normal FISA process. Anderson and others were supposed to have provided approvals before the FISA was presented to senior FBI and DOJ officials. Anderson appeared to be fully aware of the uniqueness of this particular application process:

Ms. Anderson: “There were individuals, all the way up to the Deputy Director and the Deputy Attorney General on the DOJ side, who had essentially given their approval to the FISA before it got to that step in the process. That part of it was unusual, and so I didn’t consider my review at that point in the process to be substantive in nature.”

Anderson told congressional investigators that with regard to the Page FISA, by signing off she “was simply signaling, yes, this package is ready to go forward.”

Anderson attempted to provide an explanation for the unusual process, noting, “We understood, because of who Carter Page was, that people would second-guess the appropriateness of submitting the FISA application, and so we were taking extra care with the application itself.”

Yet, at the same time, Anderson admitted that not only had she not read the original Page FISA application, but she was also unable to recall if she had read any of the Page FISA renewals.


9e39e0  No.6549869


Then these far right or whatevar are just idiots

The sooner they are gone, the better

Judging from the one in the vidya

98a809  No.6549870


Believe it or not there are MAGA women out there who treat their men like kings and remain a size 4. :)

858f6a  No.6549871


Q called this a "starter platform." Eventually the PEOPLE will do the digging, probably on a new platform, and Q may be in a position at that point to reveal things in the LIGHT rather than from behind the LETTER.

In the meantime, yes Q team might sometimes engage here anonymously when necessary.

1699b6  No.6549872


D's have the press and know that their base will not be moved by facts or even indictments. I speculate that indictment of Comey, for example, would increase support for the D party, as the "party of the oppressed." This is a recurring pattern. These are not good people, not the elected, and not the voting supporter.

c255fd  No.6549873


Its 2019… update your board to support all formats or shut the fuck up lol …


c20a69  No.6549874


There is insurance for everything the owner was a dipshit. You think Lassie Flipper or Mr. Ed were insured?

663e3d  No.6549875

File: 6f1e2a64721eba3⋯.gif (330.78 KB, 500x329, 500:329, hovercats.gif)

47c530  No.6549876


They have scripts that only require intervention when the next bread is created, which can also be automated by comped bakers. The 1 or 2 bakers that were successful at defeating it may not be invited back.

No need to debunk when you get to what it's trying to hide and discuss irl:

The Noahide World Order


b1fa30  No.6549877

>>6545871 lb



We are at WAR [@].



Do you TRUST the US Military?

Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?










9e39e0  No.6549878


If Kardashian behind was insured

Why not cat?

255015  No.6549879

File: a6f08e3f6387191⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 176x172, 44:43, Ta Da.gif)

4ad6db  No.6549880


Why should they say anything at all when there are zero repercussions?

Not a single person from Obama admin. involved with serious fuckery has even been indicted yet - not one.

Ditto for DS and even GOP.

c20a69  No.6549881


Could you write that a little more clearly?

4564e8  No.6549882

File: 5743e108976a3f9⋯.png (338.03 KB, 498x329, 498:329, 2019-05-21_09-08-51.png)

403d16  No.6549883



moar from Epochtimes link (which is in notables already)


Anderson Defines ‘Spy’

Trump on several occasions has made reference to a spy placed within his campaign. We know the FBI used Stefan Halper as “a government informant” in relation to his contacts with Trump campaign advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, but the FBI has denied the use of an actual spy.

Anderson also stated she had no knowledge of a spy, but was later asked to define her understanding of the word:

Mr. Breitenbach: “Does a spy, in your mind, include a human confidential source?”

Ms. Anderson: “No.”

Anderson was referring back to the FBI’s use of Halper.

Anderson was very careful during her testimony but, at times, her statements were contradicted by testimony from other individuals interviewed by the House committees. Her involvement in matters relating to both the Clinton and Trump–Russia investigations exceeded what had been publicly known and appears to have been at a level comparable to that of her former boss, FBI General Counsel James Baker.

b1fa30  No.6549884

On Jim and the reporters.

I don't buy it.

I only found pics from a reporter team on his property, facing his house.

This pic must be taken before entering his bedroom…which leads me to think they never were in the bedroom. Why would he let them in if he sees them already?? He wouldn't.

Reporters mason symbol fagging so much is also strange…

Jim lives in pedo haven Phillipines and he and CM Ron, his son, are masons.

Imo: whole thing is staged and done to make him seem like a patriot that gives all for the fight and for Q.

Imo: Jim, Ron, 8bit, FastJack, many bakers are masons and not here to help anons. DS cannot shut down QR, they would have done months ago is they could. Thdy try to control anons and anons narrativ and they even tried to make anons leave by captcha and other fuckery - and more and more anons see this fuckery on QR. So the Jim and reporter story was imo done to make him look like a based guy.

a2e4d3  No.6549885


know that. speaking to the glorification of a pet for your income instead of a real job that does something.

db8ff9  No.6549886

File: c0f395583b167a2⋯.jpg (100.6 KB, 1273x668, 1273:668, IMG_20190521_091509_450.JPG)

b1fa30  No.6549887


Tried to, what exactly should i explain?

c20a69  No.6549888


Can confirm although size 4 is a bit small for me

26e6ff  No.6549889


True that. Good wimmen there.

5cf945  No.6549890

Morning check of notables.

No mention of Anon.

No mention of Anon's family.

No mention of Anon's location.

All comfy here.

Still on the Trump Train.

Still loving this movie.

3281b6  No.6549891

Trump is lying about Reagan’s stance on abortion to sway conservatives into believing that babies conceived in rape are not people.


663e3d  No.6549892


>Fuck the rules . . .

So he posts a .png file. What a moran ! !

Can't break the rules, even when he tries.

c20a69  No.6549893


Better than being a camwhore

3afa11  No.6549894

File: ed8c97d9a23d785⋯.png (86.62 KB, 354x359, 354:359, ClipboardImage.png)

92b9f2  No.6549895

File: a48b8bcbf4686e0⋯.jpg (127.7 KB, 865x761, 865:761, EMAILS.JPG)

File: 1a22c0a36068c7e⋯.jpg (64.48 KB, 903x391, 903:391, EMAILS2.JPG)

File: 0919acc332d156e⋯.jpg (125.81 KB, 1000x753, 1000:753, EMAILS3.JPG)

File: 13457a5f5bacf91⋯.jpg (128.14 KB, 879x767, 879:767, EMAILS4.JPG)

File: 597c20fc41f4418⋯.jpg (138.51 KB, 882x794, 441:397, EMAILS5.JPG)



here is a replay of the MOFFA highlights from lastnight…

db8ff9  No.6549896

File: 931d15b7dc184a8⋯.jpeg (831.88 KB, 1125x1271, 1125:1271, 1558368242.jpeg)


Cool story

92b9f2  No.6549897

File: 6f1c06f390a0bee⋯.jpg (128.37 KB, 813x785, 813:785, 5EYES.JPG)

File: 3d8f01059a60e42⋯.jpg (135.01 KB, 877x819, 877:819, EMAILS6.JPG)

File: 0103d1a11f2afb5⋯.jpg (127.49 KB, 891x790, 891:790, EMAILS7.JPG)

File: a5a267cc9a47117⋯.jpg (116.74 KB, 843x695, 843:695, EMAILS8.JPG)

File: fe281f1de321c60⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 807x758, 807:758, grossly neglegent.JPG)

4564e8  No.6549898

File: 031fa9745099b6e⋯.png (471.81 KB, 597x392, 597:392, 2019-05-21_09-14-53.png)

43090b  No.6549899

File: 8073bfea083f587⋯.png (897.24 KB, 890x501, 890:501, ClipboardImage.png)


Since a lot of shoes are not made in China any more I find this article and the letter to be very disingenuous.

All my Nike, Rebok, New Balance and Asics show they are made in Vietnam.

Vietnam must be a suburb of China.

Kind of like to island things in the Sea of Japan

ea618f  No.6549900


Potus never said babies conceived in rape are not people. He is only giving the woman the right to not have to carry and give birth to a rape baby. Get the shit straight!

b4b132  No.6549901

notables bun @ 200


>>6549836 Rep Jim Jordan twat w/CAP: The American people don't want impeachment. There's no basis for it!

>>6549835 Nunes “Likely” to Send Another Criminal Referral Over Steele Meeting with State Dept

>>6549829 Rep Mark Meadows twat w/CAP: Reminder: Don McGahn’s account is in the Mueller report. It’s online. All Americans can read it.

>>6549810 video of Jane Roe interview admitting to lying about rape as well as telling her criminal history.

>>6549807 Baltimore: Pediatrician indicted on 65 charges of molestation after more victims came forward

>>6549787 Twatter Poll: Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

>>6549782 The White House is asking Americans to share their personal stories of censorship and bias on social media.

>>6549777 Taxpayer Dollars at work: Shocked by Alabama, NPR Listeners Ask How ‘These People Call Themselves Americans’

>>6549740 Anon buns up Rep. Doug Collins' links to 9 posted testimonies (transcripts)

>>6549731 Adam Schiff: “the Mueller report contemplated Congress picking up where he left off”

>>6549693 Prosecutors refuse to enforce abortion ban in Georgia

92b9f2  No.6549902

File: 115ec8a210cbb5c⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 846x704, 423:352, INVESTIGATING THE CLINTON ….JPG)

File: aa88a412c53c4aa⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 860x681, 860:681, IF THEY KNEW STEELE THEY K….JPG)

File: cf7a0c4649e3beb⋯.jpg (47.71 KB, 479x442, 479:442, doug transcripts.JPG)

File: 1bf74fe57f59741⋯.jpg (318.15 KB, 1752x912, 73:38, doug transcripts2.JPG)

9e39e0  No.6549904


Religious nuts will lose women if this trend continues

Majority of women support abortion right in the first trimester

d4a662  No.6549905

File: cdc0d9484ef7c3b⋯.jpg (101.58 KB, 731x924, 731:924, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: cd8daf3c2cb484e⋯.jpg (108.78 KB, 722x767, 722:767, 1a.JPG)

Barack Obama coming to Colombia to speak at the EXMA conference


ea618f  No.6549906

Former AG Lynch Denied Under Oath Telling Comey to Refer to Clinton Email Probe as a “Matter” — Somebody’s Lying!

On Monday Rep. Doug Collins released the remaining transcripts from the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation into decisions made at the DOJ and FBI to exonerate Hillary Clinton and spy on candidate Donald Trump.

The transcripts included testimony from Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe and James Rybicki.

According to the transcripts Loretta Lynch denied telling FBI Director James Comey to refer to the Clinton email case as a “matter,” rather than an investigation. This directly contradicts statements made by James Comey under oath.

Someone is lying!

Loretta Lynch DENIES telling Comey to refer to the Clinton email case as a "matter," rather than an investigation, directly contradicting statements made by Comey. SOMEONE IS LYING. pic.twitter.com/qb0U4Jopp3

— Cory Groshek (@CoryGroshek) May 20, 2019


92b9f2  No.6549907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I AM 100% comfy as well…

and I AM out in the WIDE OPEN hoolahoopin' in my underwear!




47c530  No.6549908


That may have been true before Q became the second most attacked entity. Any platform with sufficient capability that implements the OpenIB tripcode so that Q can verify will do.

455c34  No.6549909


So you are saying you don't want to debunk it, but you want to complain? Your buddies that are responding to your post are attacking Q/BO, while you attack bakers. Convenient.

Why are you here, again?

3281b6  No.6549910


Ah, so he's claiming we should be able to kill inconvenient people then.

Either way, unsurprisingly, he's been lying about being pro life.


4b1b23  No.6549911

It is complete mental retardation on all sides out there. Gonna go dig in the garden.

b2e739  No.6549912

File: cc9406885bf1e1b⋯.png (737.92 KB, 751x3067, 751:3067, 2019-05-21_9-16-14.png)


List of crimes, deaths, and attacks during Ramadan 2019 in US and worldwide - updated daily.

390635  No.6549914

File: 0fb61f626733b93⋯.png (12.6 KB, 204x255, 4:5, d2a88a84c426b4b5cde4c826b6….png)

ea618f  No.6549915


thats just your interpretation of what he said, of course you would interpret in a negative way. Shill much?

47c530  No.6549916


I've already turned a couple feminazis around with the images of it being a separate entity - telling them this is not your body, you are merely the host and asking them why women stop drinking after getting pregnant.

b7288f  No.6549917

File: eddfc4af25a35ea⋯.jpg (190.88 KB, 681x969, 227:323, lgbtqanon.jpg)

09b74d  No.6549918

File: 5a63e157d3a33c5⋯.png (192.77 KB, 800x619, 800:619, kittyexplosion.png)

Obama-Era State Department Official Provides More Evidence Of FISA Abuse


The most recent addition came last week when news broke that Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec met with dossier author Christopher Steele on October 11, 2016—two weeks before the DOJ and FBI relied on the Steele dossier to obtain a FISA surveillance order targeting Page.

Notes Kavalec took memorializing her meeting with the former MI6 spy, and reports that Kavalec shared with the FBI details of her confab with Steele, provide more proof that Obama administration officials and career DOJ and FBI employees abused the FISA court process.

df27d2  No.6549919

File: 45b33c2cdaa44b3⋯.jpg (248.87 KB, 895x594, 895:594, Trinity.jpg)


Hail to thee,SwordAnon, beloved leader of our movement. God bless thee. May the peace and the blessings of Almighty God descend upon thee from heaven, and may the Lord hold thee in everlasting and eternal life, now and forever.

3afa11  No.6549920

File: 10d6b4e79f15697⋯.png (1.02 MB, 960x540, 16:9, 10d6b4e79f15697f42ef8f6e11….png)


nbcnews.com = FAKENEWS

thank you concernfag libtard, patriots are saving babies and the country!

ce3a94  No.6549921


He he Ha Ha ho ho

You foreign niggers can’t understand humor, sarcasm

1b6fdf  No.6549922

File: fbc8b6912696bf9⋯.jpeg (22.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, anons undivided.jpeg)


Newfags and Normies, muh-joo anti-WWG1WGA shilling is easy to filter. Just click on the triangle and use the list.

fb45e9  No.6549923

Was it really Cher in the midnight breads?

Some was posting as her, and a link to a Sonny video of him as a Congressman grilling Janet Reno in a congressinal hearing.

There was a 'HB' message and photos of Cher, Kim, and Kanye together.

It seemed significant to me.

Also an anon decoded a Cher tweet.

It's almost as if Cher is ready to start to sing like a red-pill bird.

the tweet was about how she's ready to share a perfume that's she's been planninf to release for 4 years.

the decode was interesting.

47c530  No.6549924


And on those digits, I'm gonna go replace the brakes and shocks on my car then get to codefagging.

98a809  No.6549925


Good example!

Yes minds can be changed. I’m living proof.

5cf945  No.6549926


I've been outside dancing around in the driveway.

Do it every morning while I smoke a cigarette.

Check notables.

Under the carport though so the satellites can't see me.

Safe and sound.

Comfy as fuck.

Growing my own popcorn.

See plenty of police out and about on patrol.

Never safer than in public clowning.

d78f5c  No.6549927

Fuck Minnesota….



1b6fdf  No.6549929

a113ed  No.6549930

File: d0b35b83e4602ea⋯.png (69.03 KB, 1003x780, 1003:780, Annotation 2019-05-21 0825….png)

I'll bet these words from McCabe have many meanings.

e21aa2  No.6549931

File: 92cbb2d7cc2bffb⋯.png (499.26 KB, 496x558, 8:9, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)


TY Baker!

20592b  No.6549932

File: 29d02742118d06a⋯.jpg (118.21 KB, 732x475, 732:475, congressmanasshat.jpg)

9e39e0  No.6549933


Just go to responses to her twat


Its full of Qs

3281b6  No.6549934


It's not my interpretation. He's lying. Period. Objectively verifiable, unless you have a some sort of religious worship of a man.

db8ff9  No.6549935

File: 668a0a94d32ed40⋯.png (245.27 KB, 392x383, 392:383, 1557175236.png)

86f046  No.6549936




should read

…used as sex slaves in China

not NK



March should be capital M

858f6a  No.6549937



Q also said, "People will be terrified."

Some event will trigger normies to massively re-evaluate their world.

And i agree it's NECESSARY. I have yet to meet a Trump-hater who said, shit, I just watched Hannity and I never knew none of that before! I'm in!

In fact, it's the opposite. Just spoke to friends I hadn't talked to in 2 years. So they knew I loved Trump, but they hated him. I figured with EVERYTHING that's come out, my friends might have come at least PART of the way to recognizing maybe they were wrong about the President.




They're smart too. And still proudly declare that they read The Guardian as their main source of intelligent news.

Obviously we need a Sky Event. Q can only reach so many of us through facts and the Boards.

I don't know what. I don't know when. I believe at this point that something BIG and unexpected (maybe even from The Cabal themselves) is part of the Plan. Maybe Q will force the Cabal's hand.

c18135  No.6549938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We’re setting about redeeming culture. This mysterious tune inspires a positive ethos

b4b132  No.6549939


well then, i will try to make notables extra comfy for you.

8c60f0  No.6549942

Can someone please get rid of the synagogue of satan crap that posts immediately with every new bread?

95093f  No.6549943

File: 151940ee28512b6⋯.jpeg (890.92 KB, 1355x1383, 1355:1383, 5849A0B5-B0B9-4ED6-8A1F-1….jpeg)

McInerney discusses Hillary, Obama, Clapper, the Trump surveillance, Brennan and the program called The Hammer.

He has no doubt the NSA has all of Hillary’s emails, including the deleted ones. “Hillary and Obama were in violation of the espionage act. Hillary had a rogue server. She had over 200 SAP documents on her server. Her server did not have an ATO, authority to operate, definitely a rogue server.”

He exposes a letter from Admiral Lyons that describes the exposure of the supercomputer called The Hammer. “Clapper and Brennan oversaw a secret supercomputer system called the Hammer. They were doing illegal and unconstitutional data harvesting and wiretapping. They wiretapped Donald Trump ‘a zillion times’, according to Admiral Lyons.”

Also, McInerney spills the beans on Valerie Jarrett. He thinks she is the mover and shaker behind the Trump surveillance and the reason she moved in with Obama is that Obama probably had a ‘bubble’ built where they can safely talk. McInerney said she couldn’t call Obama any more on the phone, so she had to move in.


fb45e9  No.6549944

File: 50d1cee3b888a16⋯.png (486.55 KB, 600x600, 1:1, quitcha_002.png)


He's back to being an anon here, isn't he?

His fear of being disappeared must be over.

47c530  No.6549945


Don't know what buddies you mean. I'm saying BO and most bakers are comp'd. I can't see for you.


403d16  No.6549946

File: 114a0fba65e3c42⋯.png (54.16 KB, 668x774, 334:387, g 8.PNG)

File: a338ddd4e9ebb05⋯.png (63.28 KB, 616x780, 154:195, g 9.PNG)

File: 22f177cb01e63c5⋯.png (54.66 KB, 607x751, 607:751, g 10.PNG)


> https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/6.21.18%20Giacalone%20Interview_Redacted.pdf

John Giacalone's testimony

John Giacalone. Last job with the Bureau was the Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch. I am currently a vice president of global safety and security and business continuity at the Hilton Hotels.

the DOJ is so messed up no wonder why it is going to take years to straighten it out

3afa11  No.6549947

File: 6e5347ec3bd4a9f⋯.jpg (87.25 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 6e5347ec3bd4a9f7d5cce614a9….jpg)

5cf945  No.6549948


All our bakers have been doing a great job.

Like my VPNs.

dc32ac  No.6549949

Amash family's tool business is heavily invested in Chinese manufacturing. Get elected and protect China's raping of America. …. Corruption at its finest.


96c296  No.6549950


Wow. Awesome argument, anon.

Moving on: Remember when Chris Matthews asked Trump something about abortion and Trump was like "Errr, umm, some for of punishment, I guess?" That is the ONE time I've ever been surprised by his answer to a question and only because it seemed to have caught him off-guard.

I believe he's given some money to PP over the years, hasn't he?


b4b132  No.6549951


fixed and fixed anon. thanks for the eye. came in on the tail end of this one and didn't do my due diligence!

1,000 pardons.

4ad6db  No.6549952



Underrated post.

By the time any indictments are announced the context will be "the most important election in our lifetime" and nothing will alter the Democrat narrative.

403d16  No.6549953


==Giacalone had lunch with Peter Strzok right before he testified, and meet with (Anderson?) and her staff, too.

ce28bd  No.6549954

e21aa2  No.6549955

File: b699c8531fe92eb⋯.png (384.29 KB, 784x842, 392:421, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)

I believe we are just days away from receiving the most compelling evidence in the biggest political scandal ever seen in American history.



inner sauce:

Florida congressman Matt Gaetz revealed Monday night that "most compelling" evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation is days, if not weeks away.

According to Gaetz, R-Fla., secret unreleased transcripts involving former Trump aide George Papadopoulos reveal that he denied there was an illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and that intelligence officials did not present that information to the FISA court.

"I believe we are days if not weeks aways for the most in compelling evidence in the biggest political scandal in American history," Gaetz said on "Hannity" Monday.

"There was western intelligence sent to spy on Papadopoulos and there's a recording and transcript of the conversation. And there, Papadopoulos denies any illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. So, they had evidence presumably that was against Papadopoulos and for him. What they will wont be able to defend is that they never presented that evidence to the FISA court."


ecd48c  No.6549956

d2fd77  No.6549957


Or no stronger galvanizing factor for his supporters or those undecided voters who believe it is all absurd.

Consider… We are avoiding some major conflicts in regards to the military. We are seeing massive amounts of baseline industrial growth. I am not talking about accounting analytics that are smoke and mirrors anyway - I am talking about the raw amount of material processing capacity we have and the sophistication of output components. The tech fallout with China and their hostilities have manufacturers looking at bringing silicon lithography back to the states. That hasn't been done for decades. There hasn't been a single market CPU or fucking transistor gate made in the U.S. for the better part of 20 years and the trend goes back 35 or longer.

Primary ore smelt of iron/steel is up. Primary smelt of aluminum is coming back online (that one had completely gone to China around 2013-14 and the last aluminum ore smelter shut down their state side operations) - the market for about 4 years was entirely chinese sourced and/or secondary sources (from scrap).

This was actually insane from an economic standpoint. The U.S. used hydro-electric and nuclear power for most of its aluminum operations. Even the administration of FDR was forced to bow to economic reality when they used the WPA to build hydro stations and tie them to aluminum and steel foundries.

By contrast, the Chinese were producing all of their aluminum from coal power. Realistically speaking, China was completely incapable of matching the power demands from its industry and growing demands of living quality from citizens. They had to internally gimmick their coal prices lower than dirt to make it appear like their various metals industries were even remotely plausible - let alone profitable. Aluminum ore requires massive amounts of energy to process into the metal, and sourcing it from coal power is an absolute last resort of desperation.

Someone was spending a pretty penny to make sure the U.S. market was undercut and destroyed. Not to mention the various bauxite mines around the globe forced to dance to China's gimmicked economy to get so much as peanuts. Bauxite mines in the former Yugoslavia have been dancing in circles with privatized and socialized production for a couple decades trying to figure out how to properly sell into a market with only one real purchaser.

I am digressing - my point is that the people who see POTUS as a threat to their way of life is far smaller than the number of people who see him as being a boon. Further, even the people not too convinced he is doing wonders would also question the narrative that he is somehow doing something worthy of impeachment.

To many, it is rather obvious that the only thing President Trump is guilty of is being elected rather than coronated. The over-the-top effort to impeach him only solidifies that.

POTUS is also playing the electoral college game. The people who are under the influence of the narrative are largely in urban areas. This may be where most of the people are as a percentage, but the electoral college was designed to counteract this - because less populous states have no reason to be part of the union if their votes do not ultimately matter next to California, Texas, and New York - or the top ten populous cities/districts within those locations. Plus maybe a bone thrown to the I40 and I70 corridor from time to time.

c20a69  No.6549960


So tomorrow? Kek

d2f221  No.6549961


end the voter fraud, problem solved.

1372d7  No.6549963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Cowboy Logic Song by Michael Martin Murphy


a2e4d3  No.6549964

File: 5ec58783a1dda87⋯.jpg (105.9 KB, 572x563, 572:563, chronic fapper.jpg)

4ad6db  No.6549965


Lurk for another 8 months newfag, then you can post again.

c37a45  No.6549966


Show them the pics and documented proof of what they are doing to/with these babies when women abort them. Minds can be changed!

390635  No.6549967

File: e247d2c918de202⋯.jpeg (22.84 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1f62eab7f67d4f7a6bd9533f3….jpeg)

ce28bd  No.6549968

File: 440dfb4cbc98aee⋯.png (158.3 KB, 640x480, 4:3, NASIM-WORLD-ORDER.png)

5fac90  No.6549969

This Day in History, May 21: American Red Cross

On this day in 1881, Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross. For the next 2 decades she was on the front-lines providing aid and relief whenever she could.

Since our founding by Clara Barton on May 21, 1881, the American Red Cross has been dedicated to serving people in need. We received our first congressional charter in 1900 and to this day we are tasked by the federal government with providing services to members of the American armed forces and their families as well as providing disaster relief in the United States and around the world.

Even while the Red Cross adapts to meet the changing needs of the people we serve, we always stay true to those roots. Are you familiar with the classic images of Red Cross nurses helping American soldiers and civilian war victims during World War I? In fact, as you read this Red Cross staff and volunteers are still deploying alongside America’s military. Maybe you’ve taken a class through the Red Cross, such as first aid certification or how to swim. Did you know we’ve been offering similar training since the early 1900s? Have you ever given blood or received donated blood? The Red Cross developed the first nationwide civilian blood program in the 1940s and we still provide more than 40% of the blood products in this country.


c20a69  No.6549970


I heard she's pretty

663e3d  No.6549971

File: 1de0b6dcfd22a42⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 568x439, 568:439, badpussy3.jpg)

92b9f2  No.6549972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TOPKEK! I was out doing the exact same thing as you said that… makes me wonder if you are the guy who has the drone hovering above protecting me… you were TOO SPOT ON. ha

nah i'm justkiddin, but really. I do too.

ca4e87  No.6549973

Standing by

afa83b  No.6549974


So Dianne Feinstein's "driver" helped her husband get a $77 billion contract. Some driving.

The Brett Kavanaugh hearings drove me over the edge – I had tried to disregard Dianne Feinstein, but from that point, I vowed to do anything I could to destroy this evil witch. Even frikkin' Nancy Pelosi called Feinstein out on Chinese human rights abuses.

How can you do business with a country that murders meditation practitioners and harvests their organs? Trump is the best hope the Chinese have for human rights in their lifetime, by my estimation. Look at the alternatives.

f365b7  No.6549975

File: b3fe9735ec8f831⋯.png (305.43 KB, 1284x802, 642:401, qpost.PNG)

Like clockwork…………

663e3d  No.6549976


Thee . . . doest need to buy a Thesaurus.

467b4d  No.6549977

File: 8380aa5b0f4cf94⋯.jpeg (9.02 KB, 166x250, 83:125, 42D05B74-364E-44A2-9F72-B….jpeg)


Yes it does say something about the baker. It shows that the baker will give the noteable to who actually posts it instead of whining about jpegs.

I only phonefagg & have had numerous noteables before this jpeg BULLSHEET! Now, my noteables get thrown to the side or given to another anon who can convert to another form.

Capatcha already slows me down trying to post & im not going through a whole other step to convert my pics just bc Anon doesn’t understand that they can click on the said noteable to see the picture if they wish to actually see what it is.

Stop trying to make it even harder for phonefaggers to post their digs. We have been here from the beginning & it isn’t until just recently that this issue has come up.

7800b9  No.6549978

File: 108b4518d3d1856⋯.jpeg (90.18 KB, 750x587, 750:587, E0EBCB31-99F0-4D61-B736-F….jpeg)

Hans-Dietrich Genscher (21 March 1927 – 31 March 2016) was a German statesman and a member of the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP), who served as the Federal Minister of the Interior from 1969 to 1974, and as the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Chancellor of Germany from 1974 to 1992

(except for a two-week break in 1982, after the FDP had left the Third Schmidt cabinet), making him the longest-serving occupant of either post and the only person, holding one of these posts under two different Chancellors of the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1991 he was chairman of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

Khodorkovsky's prison sentence was extended to 2014. After Hans-Dietrich Genscher lobbied for his release,

President Vladimir Putin pardoned Khodorkovsky, releasing him from jail on 20 December 2013.

Germany methinks.

d733b9  No.6549979

File: b1d47f2250fe306⋯.jpg (43.37 KB, 550x350, 11:7, claymore.jpg)


Their own propaganda machine - made in China!

403d16  No.6549980

File: f70a70b04fd2351⋯.png (55.58 KB, 615x768, 205:256, g 11.PNG)


>John Giacalone's testimony

So this guy 'retires' from FBI in Feb 2016 right after DS makes its plans to go after Trump and goes to work for HILTON HOTELS INTERNATIONAL IN THE SECURITY DIVISION.

Appears to me like he would be the perfect person to schedule their stays at Hilton HOtels around the world…..even set up SCIFs for their meetings?

did those traitors use any HILTON HOTELS in LONDON?


92b9f2  No.6549981

File: b46006d08550959⋯.png (510.95 KB, 703x439, 703:439, a frog.png)


awshucks, anon. you didn't have to say all that..

but thank you! GOD BLESS YOU PATRIOT!!!

ea618f  No.6549982

File: cf7779761475008⋯.jpg (16.86 KB, 255x253, 255:253, afraid.jpg)

663e3d  No.6549983


You underestimate the speed with which progress is moving us forward.

Go ahead and sit down, no one will fault you.

e21aa2  No.6549984

File: 383c1f6fbf6c903⋯.png (110.13 KB, 1144x543, 1144:543, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)

Dangerous Red Francis Calls for Global Governance to Battle Climate Change

Jim Hoft May 21, 2019

Pope Francis recently called for global governance to fight climate change, asserting, “The nation state cannot be considered as an absolute.”

During an address to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, the Pope condemned “growing nationalism that neglects the common good” and called for more globalism.

“The nation state cannot be considered as an absolute, as an island with respect to the surrounding context,” he said, adding, “The nation state is no longer able to procure the common good of its populations alone.”

Pope Francis said that a “special authority legally and concordantly constituted” was necessary to facilitate the implementation of new climate change policies.

He went on to demand that power be transferred from nation states to “intergovernmental institutions that manage their common interests.”

“This universal common good, in turn, must acquire a more pronounced juridical value at international level,” concluded Francis.

e051b3  No.6549985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good video ..short but worth the watch

Paul McCartney - Good Day Sunshine -Live Hi Quality-Best Performance

fb45e9  No.6549987



this was for




3afa11  No.6549988

File: 8afde563b154e5d⋯.jpeg (312.36 KB, 1333x1065, 1333:1065, democrats are angry.jpeg)


Democrats would know… they are STILL using the same strategy. Honestly the only thing they have.

967452  No.6549989

File: 2782b46ce52c7f6⋯.jpeg (92.87 KB, 736x491, 736:491, 385F7B78-A642-4A7D-9059-4….jpeg)



Petraeus as a youngster.

7ae367  No.6549990

Sorry about the site, but some interesting tidbits


Tehran has already announced it stopped complying with a 300-kilogram cap on the storage of enriched uranium and heavy water imposed by the multilateral accord, and said it would abandon limits on uranium enrichment unless Europe throws it an economic lifeline within 60 days, setting an ultimatum for the survival of the landmark agreement.

So Iran is admittedly violating the “agreement” hoping to push Europe to financially support them.

I believe our sanctions are being very effective. And they are calling out for help, although i’m curious if that request for financial assistance is more of a threat to europe. Looks like John Kerry and Diane Feinstein were ineffective in reassuring the regime.


a2e4d3  No.6549991

File: 139af00dbac15c5⋯.png (904.61 KB, 897x431, 897:431, difi driving.PNG)

96c296  No.6549992


Probably not related in a direct way, yet something about your post prompted my memory of a recently released doc via the FBI Vault.


4564e8  No.6549993

File: 3bd8299adbcc7e8⋯.png (84.44 KB, 256x235, 256:235, 2018-09-09_23-38-37qq.png)

ca4e87  No.6549994


I underestimate very little fren. Standing by

c18135  No.6549995


Goodness, I feel redeemed already!

e051b3  No.6549996

GitHub’s Top 100 Most Valuable Repositories Out of 96 Million

What’s shaping our technology world

GitHub is not just a code hosting service with version control — it’s also an enormous developer network.

The sheer size of GitHub at over 30 million accounts, more than 2 million organizations, and over 96 million repositories translates into one of the world’s most valuable development networks.

How do you quantify the value of this network? And is there a way to get the top repositories?


977c14  No.6549997



Really, exposing the voter fraud will accomplish little. ENDING any possibility of voter fraud will eliminate dims from almost every race - except in their well-entrenched conclaves - the coasts, and Chi and Minnea.

I don't know of anyone who engages in what I consider filthy, perverted behavior - even and especially pedos - who will ever be willing to give up that behavior. It is who they are, how they define themselves, their entire lives. We can't win this war by legislating behavior, by attacking with facts and differing beliefs. These people are set in stone.

We either find a way to remove their influence and activities from the public square, or…

There is no compromise on much of what divides us. That's the problem. And trying to reason with people so beyond the pale, is useless.

I've learned this from my own experience. I cannot ever think I will reason with the druggie/hookers who now live in my building and are ruining everyone's lives. They will never get it. They are who they are.

e5ea9f  No.6549998

File: e5418f1b8d1110d⋯.png (60.01 KB, 783x603, 87:67, Amash.png)

Justin Amash (R) Impeach Trump?

Financial motivation?


Amash ($1,000,000 yearly)→Michigan Industrial Tools→Tekton Tools←>China suppliers.

Amash, co-owner→Dynamic Source Intl., a Chinese company (supplies tools to Tekton).

Amash has now been exposed.


96c296  No.6549999



Is funny bc is true.

7800b9  No.6550000

File: 4d2cc2754d37078⋯.jpeg (518.66 KB, 750x935, 150:187, D2B8CE85-1111-4208-8F62-B….jpeg)


Please… my body is ready

020c49  No.6550001

File: 7b3bb465d38d31f⋯.jpg (199.91 KB, 1403x1135, 1403:1135, LLtestamoney.jpg)

File: b7b19a8c0dd4a5c⋯.jpg (194.18 KB, 1297x1280, 1297:1280, LLtestamoney2.jpg.jpg)

The devil is in the details during LL Congressional Testimony

….So let me follow with these questions that are basically yes or no. I want to talk about the spring, summer, and autumn of 2016. Carter Page, at the time, was suspected of being a Russian asset; George Papadopoulos had told the Australian ambassador that Russians had Hillary emails; Paul Manafort had been named Trump campaign manager; Michael Flynn was Trump's chief national security adviser and foreign

67policy adviser; and just yesterday, had a continuance in his sentencing. One thing that all of these persons had in common was that each was the subject of a FISA court investigation, which we now know, and all were directly connected to Trump. As Attorney General, you had the authority to oversee FISA application process. Is that correct?

Ms. Lynch.Yes.


Anons is there more than one false narrative FISA applications/affidavits out there? THOUGHTS ANONS?


pages 66-69 LL lynch Congressional hearing.


403d16  No.6550002

File: 81eac12d997e655⋯.png (133.53 KB, 1312x809, 1312:809, hilton hotels.PNG)



I didn't know that the


1ac20a  No.6550003

File: 1425db9c3ced61f⋯.png (90.18 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 1425db9c3ced61fd67e8d4b20f….png)

c934e8  No.6550004

File: abc9002c52951cb⋯.jpg (570.39 KB, 1056x1878, 176:313, 20190521_094155.jpg)

Hundreds of illegal migrants from Africa stormed Paris’s main airport and occupied an entire terminal on Sunday, demanding to meet with the country’s prime minister.

Footage posted on Twitter shows the roughly 500 migrants chanting in Terminal 2 of the Charles de Gaulle airport as about a dozen police officers in tactical gear look on, the NY Post reports.

“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.

The protest was organized by the migrant support group “La Chapelle Debout”, which said their members call themselves “Black Vests.”

5fac90  No.6550005

>>6549969 A few RED CROSS Q posts:


19 Dec 2017 - 5:50:59 PM


19 Dec 2017 - 5:39:21 PM

▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/19/17 (Tue) 19:26:11

Q, where are the children?

Seriously. Where are the children?




3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone.

WW lanes shut down.

Bottom to TOP.




High Priority.



5 Dec 2017 - 1:20:32 PM





7 Jan 2018 - 12:10:11 AM

US taxpayers are paying for it all.

Paris accord = scam (trillions)

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)

WAR = scam (trillions)


Who audits where the money actually goes?

Who actually receives the money?

The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.

Slush funds everywhere.

Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?

The hole is deep.

Feel sick yet?



23 Apr 2018 - 1:12:36 PM


Red Cross Iran.

Red Cross Pakistan.

Red Cross NK.

Red Cross ……..

Define smuggle.

What is smuggled?

What funds are used to pay for the goods?

These people are sick.

Relevant to events about to unfold.

Follow the EOs.


4627d5  No.6550006


Its the ad for

Free Asian Porn

of our news gathering site. What are you gonna do? Filter and move on. I understand your rant, I went on one when it got in notables before. Ignore and move on.

d78f5c  No.6550007

File: 1b3fa75fe036929⋯.jpeg (41.33 KB, 510x502, 255:251, 1A615469-C8F7-4A63-9E89-C….jpeg)



Could be why the army is training with howitzers and mike boats on rivers. When the “sky event” happens, the necessity of old technology will be priceless. With the grid shut down, this will be the best way to capture the enemy, whilst they’re sitting ducks.

We have an extensive river and intercostal waterway they can navigate and reach every city in the country.


e051b3  No.6550008

File: 5793f0a1b8ce88a⋯.png (389.74 KB, 775x434, 25:14, Capture.PNG)

EU On AI Ethics: Must ‘Enhance Positive Social Change’

EU Technocrats define ethics for AI: “Environmental and societal well-being — AI systems should be sustainable and “enhance positive social change.” This is the coveted ‘Science of Social Engineering’ that harkens back to the original Technocracy movement in the 1930s. ⁃ TN Editor

The European Union today published a set of guidelines on how companies and governments should develop ethical applications of artificial intelligence.

These rules aren’t like Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics.” They don’t offer a snappy, moral framework that will help us control murderous robots. Instead, they address the murky and diffuse problems that will affect society as we integrate AI into sectors like health care, education, and consumer technology.

So, for example, if an AI system diagnoses you with cancer sometime in the future, the EU’s guidelines would want to make sure that a number of things take place: that the software wasn’t biased by your race or gender, that it didn’t override the objections of a human doctor, and that it gave the patient the option to have their diagnosis explained to them.

So, yes, these guidelines are about stopping AI from running amuck, but on the level of admin and bureaucracy, not Asimov-style murder mysteries.


5cf945  No.6550010


I can see everything remotely from Arkansas.

I just don't give a shit about any of that.

Ready to fight

Ready to cook

Ready to write

Retirement from govt is comfy.

I'm spot on because…things.

4564e8  No.6550011

File: da2a1dabb3d8bf5⋯.png (931.34 KB, 730x943, 730:943, 2019-05-21_09-46-33.png)

d2fd77  No.6550012



They are terrified.

The thing is that they know how to project this terror and get their base to believe it, as well.

However, they also overestimate their own capabilities and underestimate real people.

Activists are what they are, and they are personally invested. It is going to be hard for them to see beyond the narrative any time soon - because even when they do see beyond it, it is easier to push through with faith that you've been lied to for some good reason than it is to question the basis for your entire world view.

That said… Activists are a small minority. They make a lot of noise, but that is deceptive - to both sides. The democrats hear their own well motivated and funded activists - and forget that they have spared few expenses when it comes to creating illusions. So, they wind up believing the propaganda of their own network. They believe they do control the voice of the people because the media is their window into how people view them - and the media has been hired to make it look like the democrats are the people. They believe they are the good guys because the media has been hired to make it appear that way, and the media is what they trust to show them the public.

They don't fully realize that they have fallen to their own delusion, and even if they do - they have no choice but to double down on the hopes it works or they can provoke civil unrest.



Heavy Metal is a horribly under-rated movie. Just like Kill la Kill, they love to filter by who can see beyond boobies.

f817fe  No.6550013

File: 43b2ed5cb4b4040⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 625x189, 625:189, Screenshot 2019-05-21_09-4….jpg)


b1536a  No.6550014

File: 843cc073d66eaf0⋯.png (116.59 KB, 611x557, 611:557, acluriots.PNG)

File: a867b2072f8d84c⋯.png (5.24 KB, 234x100, 117:50, ClipboardImage.png)

riot day

7800b9  No.6550016

File: 64c866905b62abc⋯.jpeg (139.84 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, B86BBBAF-A360-4647-AC43-3….jpeg)


Shhhh.. just let it habben.

e051b3  No.6550017

File: ca811cb5b9184d5⋯.png (262.49 KB, 636x474, 106:79, Capture.PNG)

Brexit Party Takes Wide Lead in Wales, Second Place in Remain-Voting Scotland

The Brexit Party has taken a massive 17-point lead over the pro-Remain Welsh nationalist party in Wales in a poll ahead of Thursday’s European Parliament elections.

The YouGov poll published Monday revealed Nigel Farage’s party to have the support of 36 per cent of voters in the country, which voted to leave the European Union in June 2016.

Plaid Cymru, which advocates for Welsh independence from the UK yet supports being subjugated to rule by the EU, has the support of 19 per cent of Welshmen, followed by Labour (15 per cent), the Liberal Democrats (ten per cent), the Green Party (eight per cent), and the Conservatives (seven per cent).

The news comes as another YouGov poll puts the Brexit Party in second place in Scotland — an extraordinary position given that that country voted Remain by nearly two votes to one (62 per cent to 38 per cent).

The pro-Remain, leftist Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) led voter support on 38 per cent, with the Brexit Party following at 20 per cent. The poll also revealed that just one in five Scotsmen would vote for either the Tories or Labour.


11f172  No.6550018


dose digits

d78f5c  No.6550019






f817fe  No.6550020

File: 75d37bef7076626⋯.jpg (99.8 KB, 644x862, 322:431, Screenshot 2019-05-21_09-4….jpg)

File: c8d908b1e6e77b7⋯.jpg (46.62 KB, 750x725, 30:29, D7GDwCZW0AEvx7k.jpg)


e8f6c7  No.6550021


>get asleep folks to dig

are you high?

They aren't gonna dig - even if the joo spam, titty spam - and even the gore porn spam weren't here…

that is why we are here to do it for them

that said

the spam sucks - just that your idea is wrong

normies aren't gonna dig

that's why we have to do it

so it can be presented in the light - when it is time

not on this board full of sewage

390635  No.6550022

File: 2db883fd6252400⋯.jpeg (14.76 KB, 255x205, 51:41, b01acdc5277449e87b34d7b55….jpeg)

File: d061c18624a60ae⋯.jpg (23.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 685d9a9c0836403e86a7ccd9a1….jpg)

File: 130890735b98f81⋯.jpeg (13.15 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 20769c34e271e1472d1493eea….jpeg)

d70da2  No.6550023

11f172  No.6550024


I dont want a large farva!!! I want a god damn liter of cola!!!

b1fa30  No.6550025


You shill glow.

You judge the 'far right or whatever' from this one vid.

Point made.

95093f  No.6550026

File: cf1b9a92cf62412⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1761x1126, 1761:1126, B20D8AC7-9B14-4744-B7E9-4….jpeg)

File: 2b0521722286ef9⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1766x1428, 883:714, C946E72C-8345-4BB6-94B5-9….jpeg)

Strzok and Page discussed Klayman/Dennis Montgomery HAMMER interview in texts. The next day Comey announces the Russia Trump investiagation before Congress.

FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and his supposed paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, exchanged a cryptic, indeed coded, text message on Sunday, March 19, 2017, twenty-six minutes after retired U.S. Air Force Four Star General Thomas McInerney read our exclusive “Whistleblower Tapes” exposé over America’s airwaves, revealing “The Hammer.”

The Hammer is the Stasi-like secret surveillance system created by CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery for Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

The Hammer, under the Obama administration, negated every American’s constitutional rights to privacy, turning the United States into a police state where the federal government was weaponized by the Obama administration against its political enemies.

According to the secretly-recorded audio tapes released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow, Brennan’s and Clapper’s illicit super surveillance system “The Hammer” wiretapped Trump “a zillion times.”

Late that Sunday evening, just hours after General McInerney’s radio appearance, Strzok and Page exchanged a text message that explicitly referenced Dennis Montgomery and Montgomery’s attorney Larry E. Klayman.

Only a few hours earlier, General McInerney had referenced Montgomery and Klayman on “Operation Freedom,” exactly the same names about which Strzok and Page were now texting.

General McInerney appeared on Dr. Dave Janda’s “Operation Freedom” that broadcasts from terrestrial radio station WAAM 1600.

The next morning, the Russian Collusion investigation was born.

Early the following morning, Monday, March 20, 2017, FBI Director Jim Comey announced before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the FBI Counterintelligence Division, where Strzok served as Deputy Assistant Director, was investigating Trump’s connections to the Kremlin, and that the FBI had “no information” to support Trump’s tweet claiming that President Obama wiretapped Trump.

554993  No.6550027


Judges can throw those out after the fact. You’re not safe from the comped family law system.

1b7121  No.6550028

File: 4fbdd9df9474378⋯.jpeg (235.41 KB, 1125x603, 125:67, 17B01609-2429-417F-AE30-D….jpeg)

the non-clearance carrying snake is in the garden

Fmr CIA Dir Brennan now speaking to House Dem Caucus about Iran


f817fe  No.6550030

File: d201f56e86f1575⋯.jpg (106.54 KB, 647x488, 647:488, Screenshot 2019-05-21_09-5….jpg)

File: 67aa96fc957fba9⋯.jpg (115.76 KB, 1200x416, 75:26, D7GEykZWwAAlsyz.jpg)


db8ff9  No.6550031

File: f4a0f219f9a4e40⋯.jpg (122 KB, 1241x705, 1241:705, IMG_20190519_162654_487.JPG)


Cool story

e8f6c7  No.6550032


did you pay the bills?

if you aren't taking care of the man stuff - can't expect the woman to take care of woman stuff

if you are doing your part - and they aren't doing theirs….

your picker is broke

pick a better woman the next time

either way - its on you

403d16  No.6550033


he retires, goes to work for international hotel, and still keeps his security clearance, as though he is still employed by DOJ.

what a messed up system we have

840335  No.6550034


How about working on a pledge, from men, to not impregnate women, thus removing women's control over the fetus.

Men seem to think they have no control when they have the ultimate control over whether women get pregnant or not.

7800b9  No.6550035

File: dac4b5d51a21e54⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1868x1240, 467:310, 5CEC8D00-AA61-4A0E-9E8D-EA….png)



didn’t even notice!

d85831  No.6550036

File: 4292e1255dd66e8⋯.gif (633.11 KB, 245x245, 1:1, ST.gif)


thx bakes

977c14  No.6550037


Remember this not too long ago. DJT is manning all the waterways in America. Getting ready for who knows what.

Trump to loosen restrictions for vets to join US Merchant Marine

3/4/19 https://nypost.com/2019/03/04/trump-to-loosen-restrictions-for-vets-to-join-us-merchant-marine/

d70da2  No.6550039


I feel like the briefing is him telling all of them they are complicit in the coup and they are going down if he goes down.

95093f  No.6550040


It’s their country now, best just to jump off that bridge

96c296  No.6550041

File: f70bd86da3a51eb⋯.png (185.98 KB, 1780x500, 89:25, ClipboardImage.png)

4627d5  No.6550042

File: ffd60bd66094d35⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 256x256, 1:1, d5dc5f1da9167243d501974a80….jpg)

9e39e0  No.6550043


If this drunken idiot is the leader than yes

I cant trust them

Why did they all resign

If he was the only one bad apple

They should stay and just get rid of him

Use logic not shill accusation when you dont like smth said

d78f5c  No.6550045

File: fb4493f5f6c68a8⋯.jpeg (195.71 KB, 867x1000, 867:1000, 25A42385-42D6-4AC3-A109-C….jpeg)

09b74d  No.6550046

File: 3d6e19d9567a03e⋯.png (194.66 KB, 503x380, 503:380, Screenshot_2019-05-21 hill….png)

1372d7  No.6550047


>Worth a read.


e051b3  No.6550048

File: a0c338f5420a2af⋯.png (341.35 KB, 695x393, 695:393, Capture.PNG)

Facebook’s Surveillance-Like Software Is Called Audience Network

This may be hard to picture now, but in 2012, Facebook was struggling. The newly public company wasn’t meeting Wall Street’s demands for sales and profit, and the stock price was down from $38 per share at the IPO to $19 per share. Mark Zuckerberg’s ambitions to be a predominant tech company on the NASDAQ were failing. Meanwhile, macro-economic conditions were rosy, so this downturn was especially disappointing to Facebook investors, which in turn, caused mounting pressure for the social network.

It’s important to note that “selling data” is the correct terminology as advertisers buy ads on Facebook for the data, as opposed to print, television or radio ads which are bought based on the content. You are buying the data when you buy a Facebook ad, although Mark Zuckerberg led Congress to believe otherwise.

The betrayal was two-fold. On one hand, a first-party data company boldly entered the third-party data marketplace to broker data, risking the trust of its social media users. Secondly, Facebook did everything in its power to make sure social media users would not find out. Audience Network, which fuels a substantial portion of Facebook’s revenue from the social network, has not been disclosed to the public to this day. It is eerily absent from PR releases and discussions around privacy. Unless a Facebook user was a detective, they would have no reasonable way to know that Facebook operates Audience Network and is selling private data across hundreds of thousands of applications at an estimated 40% of the app market.


020c49  No.6550049


Clear Brady Violations, good chance prosecutorial misconduct that is criminal in nature and if so Fruit of Poisonous Tree Doctrine takes hold and All convictions are overturned or vacated.


d733b9  No.6550050

File: 1c8668f9a8bd9e5⋯.png (16.12 KB, 305x311, 305:311, NYupdQ (2).png)



NewYork upped Q for sure.

Thanks to Weiney-Gate.

Made the investigators cry - WTF?!?

f817fe  No.6550051

File: dd3b095e75b1e63⋯.jpg (41.58 KB, 618x222, 103:37, Screenshot 2019-05-21_09-5….jpg)


a2e4d3  No.6550052

File: cd202c414d0519a⋯.jpg (90.87 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Laughing dog.jpg)


ummm…that is based on your browser history fren.

fc1ac1  No.6550053

File: dd50c7bf94468d6⋯.png (64.25 KB, 450x429, 150:143, Nacozari railroad.png)


The Arizona and South Eastern Railroad connected with the Nacozari Railroad.

Nacozari Railroad

James and Dodge, meanwhile, had acquired the Moctezuma Copper Company in the state of Sonora in Mexico, and in 1902 the El Paso and Southwestern line was extended south from Douglas to the Mexican town of Nacozari de García.[1][3][5] The Nacozari Railroad, owned by Moctezuma Copper Co. and used to transport ore to the Moctezuma smelter at Nacozari, was incorporated into the El Paso and Southwestern.[1]


This railroad was built despite the APEX laws that existed. Laws that were changed in 2001 and encouraged American dependance of minerals including Uranium from other countries.

Don Young (R-Alaska) believe that the 2001 Surface Management regulations[35] address modern day concerns and that implementing further restrictions on the industry or imposing royalties would force even more of the domestic mining industry out of the country.



663e3d  No.6550054

File: 29abb501f0ba42f⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2592x1456, 162:91, IMG_20180725_153937530.jpg)


Don't have time right now to redig/find the sauce (could be had via search), but they (IRAN) would have been in non-compliance over the heavy water years ago, but Obongo either offered to haul the excess away or gave them some kind of waiver to ignore that requirement.

Their defaulting on the terms of the agreement happened years ago. This is not some new development that that propaganda machine would like for you to believe.

de895f  No.6550055


You forgot this arrow…

←– Has more than 5 posts per bread on Qresearch.

f817fe  No.6550056

File: f652e67f8276117⋯.jpg (57.94 KB, 647x341, 647:341, Screenshot 2019-05-21_09-5….jpg)

The UN says North Korea’s Ambassador to the UN Kim Song is set to hold a news conference on Tuesday regarding the U.S.' recent seizure of a North Korean cargo ship.

Stephane Dujarric, the spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General, made the announcement for the planned briefing on Monday.

It is rare for the North to hold a news conference at the UN.

Ambassador Kim is likely to condemn the U.S.’ seizure of the ship "Wise Honest." He is also expected to call on the world body to lift its sanctions on Pyongyang, arguing that they are unfair.

On May ninth, the U.S. Justice Department announced that it had seized "Wise Honest," one of the North's largest cargo ships, saying the ship was used to illicitly export North Korean coal and import heavy machinery in violation of international sanctions.

The department cited that it was the first time the U.S. had seized a North Korean cargo vessel for violating UN sanctions.


8fe307  No.6550057

File: 737cdecd537a209⋯.jpg (93.75 KB, 820x550, 82:55, baker.jpg)

File: b62b242055b3582⋯.png (229.97 KB, 663x620, 663:620, symbolismdownfall.PNG)

File: 66bf7583bfa4e9f⋯.png (97.14 KB, 896x482, 448:241, ticktock.PNG)

File: 25d5660fd12830c⋯.png (222.75 KB, 641x488, 641:488, chandler with child.PNG)

Rachel Chandler

e8f6c7  No.6550060


I repeat

>your picker is broke

>pick a better woman the next time

as far as you image - which I can't fucking read because it is a JPEG that won't load….

it is a JPEG - try again retard

32406b  No.6550062

Like a crack in a dam

Some slowly trickling out

Enough to get eyes on

The tribunals have already taken place, and when (((they))) finally get accused while the world is watching, the evidence and rulings will change the world



96c296  No.6550063


I think Lloyd's of London underwrote those policies, didn't they?

e051b3  No.6550064

File: d4e99402e10b18a⋯.png (459.12 KB, 647x357, 647:357, Capture.PNG)

Rotting Trash Piles Sky-High in LA, Attracting Rats and Raising Concerns of a New Epidemic

After reporting a LA's most notorious trash pile to the city's 311 services hotline, the I-Team was told it could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up. An expert says there's no time to waste

By Joel Grover and Amy Corral

Rat-infested piles of rotting garbage left uncollected by the city of Los Angeles, even after promises to clean it up, are fueling concerns about a new epidemic after last year's record number of flea-borne typhus cases.

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The NBC4 I-Team first told Mayor Eric Garcetti's office about the piles of filth in the 700 block of Ceres Avenue in October. At the time, he promised to make sure trash doesn't pile up like that.


4564e8  No.6550065

File: 580a697a72b3a79⋯.png (877.78 KB, 765x1080, 17:24, 2019-05-21_09-57-19.png)

File: 46e60949099b22c⋯.png (193.3 KB, 711x775, 711:775, 2019-05-21_09-57-41.png)


See how well this one ages?

a2e4d3  No.6550066

File: ef22d6129722301⋯.png (673.69 KB, 774x535, 774:535, jd POS.PNG)

JPMorgan raises its Brexit no-deal probability forecast to 25 from 15%

LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. investment bank JPMorgan raised its probability of a no-deal Brexit to 25 from 15%, saying its base case is that Boris Johnson becomes prime minister, followed by a general election and then another delay to Britain’s exit to the end of the year.

JPMorgan raised the probability of an Article 50 extension to 60 versus 50% before and cut the probability of exit on the terms of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement to 15 from 35%.

In a research note to clients titled “Brexit: Time to be afraid, as ‘no deal’ probability rises”, JPMorgan’s Malcolm Barr said the base case was that Johnson became prime minister in early September.

“Boris Johnson becomes PM in early September on a ‘no deal if we have to’ platform,” Barr said. “The EU refuses his central objective of removing the backstop from the Withdrawal Agreement.”

“The Commons begins the process of legislating to force Johnson to seek an Article 50 extension, and Johnson calls a general election seeking a mandate for his approach,” the note added.

“The UK and EU agree to extend Article 50 to end-December to allow time for the general election to take place and for discussions to follow it.”

Nearly three years after the United Kingdom voted 52 to 48% in a referendum to leave the EU, it remains unclear how, when or even if it will leave the European club it joined in 1973. The current deadline to leave is Oct. 31.

Britain’s labyrinthine crisis over Brexit has stunned allies and foes alike, and with deadlock in London, the world’s fifth largest economy faces an array of options including an exit with a deal to smooth the transition, a no-deal exit, an election or a second referendum.


403d16  No.6550067

File: 2f5a1b59da66925⋯.png (69.9 KB, 748x798, 374:399, g 12.PNG)



This John Giacalone retired EARLY! AND HE IS BEING ASKED 'WHY'?

I gots a feelin this guy is an important link.

they are asking why he left the place at age 50 and how he got to keep his clearance. Appears to me that the GO[ questioners KNOW THAT he was still employed …..by C_A?


Where did all the DS players stay when they attended the funeral? A SCIF in a HIlton HOtel set up by this guy?

37ad99  No.6550068

File: e837bc4ff2b953d⋯.png (832.92 KB, 1553x851, 1553:851, ClipboardImage.png)

1d786f  No.6550069

Remember why they are running for President.


be8870  No.6550070

Two articals about water and California read below,

Anything to do with watch the water as per Q



44b10b  No.6550071

File: 2fae0530a9d8153⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 300x300, 1:1, homoerectus.jpg)

>>6548041 pb

What a fucking pussy

“Because of him (Kutcher), the perpetrator got a 12-hour head-start,” Michael said. “His behavior suggests he felt Ashley was a disposable date. Any reasonable gentleman who finds a door not answered and evidence of some kind of a disturbance would call the police.”

588551  No.6550072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: House Judiciary holds Mueller report hearing, Don McGahn not expected to appear

e9e50f  No.6550073


MARCH 2017: Whistleblower Tapes:

Trump Wiretapped A Zillion Times With The HAMMER,

@JohnBrennan & Clapper’s Secret Computer System


7800b9  No.6550074

File: c6d7b04f1343a51⋯.jpeg (106.91 KB, 480x702, 80:117, CA621932-47AA-421E-B4B7-8….jpeg)



Just discovered asian pron.

Further study is warranted for science and sheeeeit.

b26762  No.6550075


This makes me think of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Who else has transformed so many millions of heathens almost overnight and spread love and gentleness where organ harvesting (thinking of the Aztecs here) once was?

e051b3  No.6550076

File: cec5e7d9de5948d⋯.png (713.22 KB, 674x372, 337:186, Capture.PNG)

We need to fight red flag laws head on, not hide

AmmoLand News’ pundit John Farnam recently wrote a thought-provoking article on how gun owners should behave in states that have adopted “Red Flag” laws, where your guns can be confiscated for an arbitrary amount of time-based on someone else’s word that you are a danger to yourself or others.

(Article by Philip Van Cleave republished from AmmoLand.com)

Under Red Flag laws your “due process” won’t come for weeks or months after they have already confiscated all your firearms, with no actual crime having been committed. And how does one even PROVE that they are not dangerous? And if a person is truly dangerous, why don’t the Red Flag laws make any attempt to have the “dangerous” person taken into custody or to get them help?

Red Flag laws violate the the following Amendments to the Constitution:

2nd (right to keep and bear arms)

4th (protection against unreasonable search and seizures)

5th (right to due process, just compensation, self-incrimination)

and 6th (right to confront accusers, cross-examine witnesses, have a public defender).

John and I are looking at this situation from two different angles. John’s advice is meant to keep gun owners from being victims of Red Flag laws by having them stay under the radar. That is a laudable goal meant to save as many gun owners as possible from falling in the unconstitutional Red Flag web. John suggests hiding your gun ownership to as high a degree as possible. Only people with a need to know should know.


a2e4d3  No.6550077

File: cdd3e75c0c6b88d⋯.png (799.11 KB, 960x813, 320:271, High or sun rub.png)


>←– Has more than 5 posts per bread on Qresearch.

that not a qualifier. Some of us actually work here. Should mebby run an id or two.

95093f  No.6550078


There have been countless times something said in conversation around a phone in listen mode has showed up in ad placement within an hour. They are listening without consent.

3afa11  No.6550079

File: 6031340b2047973⋯.jpg (11.15 KB, 255x225, 17:15, decb80ad2eed6cdf63061a844b….jpg)


so stupid… didnt fix or break anything.

fb45e9  No.6550080

File: 540a3b7f3b5a597⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 703x634, 703:634, captcha_doggies_midnight.jpg)


meme making is a very fun hobby.

f817fe  No.6550081

File: 5cc99033594f7e3⋯.jpg (81.58 KB, 636x366, 106:61, Screenshot 2019-05-21_10-0….jpg)


95093f  No.6550082


I agree, I think they got to him and he’s scared.

de895f  No.6550083


Just cause you "work" here doesnt mean you dont have forearms like Popeye.

802463  No.6550084



So the letter was an invitation

That they couldn't refuse

f817fe  No.6550085

File: 6d10e13cba839e1⋯.jpg (84.62 KB, 650x434, 325:217, Screenshot 2019-05-21_10-0….jpg)

File: 9444bcdb95b8b34⋯.jpg (82.89 KB, 652x440, 163:110, Screenshot 2019-05-21_10-0….jpg)

db88c7  No.6550086


Straight shooter Dunford.

What's the distraction?

e051b3  No.6550087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just Beautiful and dam I wish I lived in the land of underground skyscrapers and airports built on the ocean ,, whenever I watch this video kek

Deep Purple - Woman from Tokyo

3e7391  No.6550088

File: 363724ce5cbeaae⋯.jpeg (44.68 KB, 327x334, 327:334, 1933C145-32F9-44CA-92D9-E….jpeg)

File: f0e99dd06b1fd0b⋯.jpeg (83.58 KB, 594x408, 99:68, CB4FCD99-18F8-4907-9EC7-A….jpeg)



Why is this guy going for his side arm after Petreaus passing out episode? He’s not one of them? He sure looks kinda freaked out about a simple vasovagal episode. Not really SOP for security to pull weapon in an “assist and aid” situation, is it?

e5ea9f  No.6550089


I hate calling NOTABLE on my own post, but every fuckin anon missed this important info about Amash

996847  No.6550090


You are a loyal American in a position political leverage

You are threatened with damning blackmail on you/spouse/kid by the DS (stick) & offer you power & money potential (carrot)

You suspect Q is real & contact them via the White House

What does the Q team do?

Possible Ans: They tell you to 'play along,' Use you as a double agent (if possible), gather evidence, trace back & expose any DS structure that is revealed. And they move to destroy the blackmail.

You probably end up out of public life, but as free from the grip of the DS.

f817fe  No.6550091

File: dc7d7dc89a4f938⋯.jpg (231.03 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, D7GJ_nwWsAA-FMz.jpg)

5fac90  No.6550092

Susan Rice to release memoir in October

Rice said in a statement that she was anxious to publish a memoir after becoming “synonymous with Benghazi,” according to the Associated Press.


6654de  No.6550093

File: 457ff9959528fa2⋯.jpg (287.14 KB, 1803x727, 1803:727, CovfefeHeadline.jpg)

Was this discussed already? Special thanks to RedPill 78 for reporting on this.

Covfefe Sizzles Through Record-Setting Miss Preakness

-Covfefe separated herself from her 3-year-old rivals

-drawing clear by 8 1/2 lengths

-She scorched the six furlongs in 1:07.70, taking more than a second off the track mark


b4b132  No.6550094


didn't miss you anon. it's in the bun. look for it at @500 update.

e8f6c7  No.6550095


nobody congressman makes a name for self by proposing to impeach

seriously - who the fuck is this guy?

I had to look him up….D-WI

d78f5c  No.6550096


Maybe it’s time to upgrade gramps…

If you’d open your eyes you’d see the misery that the likes of Hilary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and the Muslim Assemblywomen etc… are trying to inflict on this country, you know I’m right… plus… you boomer retard, I am not the same person who originally posted his unhappy relationship.

I don’t expect you to understand that because your old ass brain is shriveled like the prunes you have to eat.

Take your low class undeserving entitlement attitude back to aarp on reddit and fuck off asshole. Everyone hates your old ass and your fucked up generation.. and no, I’m no millennial so fuck off.

7800b9  No.6550097

File: f687734506c0bbb⋯.jpeg (423.09 KB, 750x1297, 750:1297, 71618EBE-B28F-496B-AB36-B….jpeg)

File: cdeacd02e861a7e⋯.jpeg (185.05 KB, 750x554, 375:277, 1CDFCDEF-6E52-48CC-9E48-C….jpeg)

File: 032da2f4b0ebdec⋯.jpeg (575.29 KB, 750x1030, 75:103, F3CF738F-FA59-4118-866B-3….jpeg)


Already habbening.

f473fd  No.6550098

File: 67c0c8c3b679d95⋯.png (286.25 KB, 506x913, 46:83, ZAHM.PNG)

File: edd2b5a48cc81a1⋯.png (640.91 KB, 1042x789, 1042:789, ZAHM - book launch gold.PNG)

File: a1228225513c91b⋯.png (294.17 KB, 829x779, 829:779, ZAHM - party.PNG)

File: 29ddf211ed41163⋯.png (462.33 KB, 1196x797, 1196:797, ZAHM -purple prose.PNG)


One thing that seems pretty constant is the name Olivier Zahm … IG https://www.instagram.com/ozpurple/?hl=en

In 1992 Olivier Zahm and his partner Elein Fleiss printed the first issue of Purple Prose, a Parisian literary art zine that over the years has evolved into Purple Fashion Magazine. Soon after the birth of Purple Prose, Zahm created spin-off publications like Purple Sexe, Purple Fiction and what we now know and love, Purple Fashion. Zahm aimed at fusing together his two worlds, fashion and art, in creating Purple Fashion.

Purple Prose

Published from October 1992 to winter 1998 (13 issues).

Purple Fiction

A literary magazine published between 1995 and 1998 (4 issues).

Purple Fashion

Published between 1995 - 1998 (4 issues), and 2004 - (present).

Purple Sexe

A magazine devoted to sexuality, published between winter 1998 and 2001 (8 issues).


A fusion of Purple Prose, Fiction, Fashion, and Sexe; published between summer 1998 and 2003 (16 issues).

Purple Books

A publishing house (1998 - 2001).

Purple Gallery

A Parisian art gallery.

Purple Journal

A cultural magazine published 2004 - (present) in a French and an English version.

f76b66  No.6550099


What did we hear about Muellers 'paid contractors', kek?

a2e4d3  No.6550100

File: 5baa5f44b4c899a⋯.png (15.55 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe soldiers on.png)

File: 0a4efa285388497⋯.png (17.02 KB, 222x134, 111:67, ugay.PNG)


my we are pissy this morning. Ctrl F is your fren.

are you going to tell me all about what you think I know too?

fb45e9  No.6550101


Haven't you ever watched a Perry Mason episode?

just because you act all crazy doesn't mean you're murderer.

e8f6c7  No.6550102


I figure - as long as you identify that you are the poster - its ok to call it out as notable

sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do

41f759  No.6550103

File: 6d697d43ad0a8ba⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 8de1fa4d429cd69c233106e016….jpg)


A speech as a cover but he is really there for his yayo bidness.

POS criminals.

48f620  No.6550104

Rep. Steve Cohen Says Trump Is ‘Raping The Country’

The congressman was confronting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at a Democratic Steering and Policy Committee meeting Monday when he reminded those in the room that former President Bill Clinton was impeached “over sex” while Trump is “raping the country,” according to Politico.


60b41f  No.6550105


“our girl” looks like some miles been put on her.

our girl?

7ae367  No.6550106


interesting, would like to see sauce on that though.

I agree about the heavy water, if they have been violating the agreement for years previously would be propaganda, but have they been enriching more uranium for the same period, or did that just start?

e051b3  No.6550107

File: a66e1443806acf5⋯.png (703.19 KB, 701x467, 701:467, Capture.PNG)

Supreme Court deals Apple massive blow by allowing antitrust lawsuit to proceed against tech giant’s monopoly over iPhone apps

In an age where just a few companies have control over nearly all of the technology market, it was only a matter of time before consumers got some legal relief from their monopolistic practices.

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a consumer-driven antitrust lawsuit against behemoth Apple can proceed regarding its exclusive control over the iPhone apps marketplace, potentially cutting massively into the company’s portion of billions of dollars in sales of software.

As The Wall Street Journal reports:

Plaintiffs, who are suing on behalf of a class of app purchasers, allege consumers pay inflated prices because Apple requires that all phone software be sold and purchased through the company’s App Store. Apps would be cheaper if software developers could sell them directly and bypass Apple as a middleman, the lawsuit alleges.

In most cases, Apple extracts a 30-percent cut of all apps that it sells. In addition, Apple receives 15 percent of subscriptions that are sold via its App Store after a subscriber’s first year as a member.

The suit contends that other App Store rules affect pricing as well like the company’s mandate that every app price point end in “99 cents.” That means app developers can only establish prices in increments of a dollar, such as $1.99, etc.


8fd80a  No.6550108

File: dcf8fdcf83bbac2⋯.jpg (389.91 KB, 800x808, 100:101, Screenshot_20190521-095753.jpg)

File: 5d28b81145b438a⋯.jpg (328.32 KB, 711x635, 711:635, Screenshot_20190521-095822.jpg)

How the fuck is this bitch still on the streets let alone at a GEOTUS rally? Secret service sleeping at the wheel. Arrest that asshole already. I'm sick of waiting. #ArrestKateMazz

29582e  No.6550109

Nadler about to have a grabber today. Wouldn’t bother me in the least.

Fat Fuck

1372d7  No.6550110

File: da0e3defbba347e⋯.mp4 (5.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, COVFEFE.mp4)

29cdb1  No.6550111

I've had enough. Ready for Collins!

e8f6c7  No.6550112


why are you posting bullshit response if you dont want a response of your own?

oh, I see

>you boomer retard

>aarp on reddit

you are a shill

division shill

919d18  No.6550113


Wait until you get to part about him not thinking the PS/LP affair was problematic. He also say ‘right’ a lot at the end of comments. Annoyingly so.

840335  No.6550114


Good to hear. I get so tired of the old

" they need to keep their legs closed"

routine, absolving men of any responsibility and then being able to blame women for it all.

c934e8  No.6550115


Happens to me all the time still even after turning off all the Google shit on my phone and disabling and removing faggotbook and a bunch of other bullshit.

f817fe  No.6550116

File: 10b9f74af00a173⋯.jpg (113.27 KB, 630x950, 63:95, Screenshot 2019-05-21_10-1….jpg)

9d9c54  No.6550117

File: f928c1bf0325e25⋯.png (340.41 KB, 600x429, 200:143, pound sand.png)

3e7391  No.6550119

File: 447903dae50e133⋯.jpeg (39.38 KB, 526x297, 526:297, C03842CF-3951-4BA0-A0F6-3….jpeg)

File: c171694a4c9d4c9⋯.jpeg (25.61 KB, 480x360, 4:3, C92251F0-FB49-4B48-9EF5-6….jpeg)

98a809  No.6550120


I read sonewhere an easy fix info you have a headphone jack in your phone is to stick the headphones plug in , then snip off the headphones. Not sure how we could tell if it worked though?

a7d204  No.6550121

Dear Mr. President and Q:

Please say something to boost the dollar temp. Get back at Xi for manipulating the currencies with his announcement this morning. The dollar was ready to break out. h

Dear Mr. Xi and Associates:


~ Patriot

b26762  No.6550122


What kinda sneaks (er, trainers) are those???

e750a9  No.6550123

The Democrats have effectively ended any semblance of a lawful nation. The president is under constant attack using the system to prosecute him for not violating the law, while HRC and BJC's decades long murder spree has been all but encouraged.

The republic has already fallen. Its all a sham.

"Do as thou wilt. If anyone objects, terrorism is rewarded. There are no laws, no nations, no borders, no limitations - if you have a 'D' by your name, that is." seems to be the message we've had crammed down our throats for years.

4c5ebc  No.6550124

File: 7ab3d9c6161ddae⋯.mp4 (9.73 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Stress Relief.mp4)


a grabbler?

4564e8  No.6550125

File: 56f2cad57e19b27⋯.png (939.77 KB, 842x759, 842:759, 2019-05-21_10-05-12.png)

3afa11  No.6550126


HUGE misconception about security clearances in public. Security Clearance is a contract with US gov to follow stated rules, pay fines or go to jail if in violation. This includes leaving country, being bribed or being capable of being bribed.(having secrets that you don't want public) It is NOT access to information. Clearance can not just be HELD (beyond 2 years), you have to work for an organization that has the ability to need and HOLD security clearances.


403d16  No.6550127

File: 02bfe3c6ea47933⋯.png (63.47 KB, 696x799, 696:799, G 12-13.PNG)



Giancalone is a 'SPECIAL AGENT' AND 'EAD'

Sure sounds like he was a C_A plant into the FBI. Is that why he met another C_A plant, Peter Strzok, for lunch right before his testimony?

He was always on the C_A payroll…..

6654de  No.6550128

Wow, what Nadler is saying right now during the Don McGahn hearing can't be legal. It's a bunch of hearsay evidence and unsubstantiated allegations against POTUS. Hope Boss can sue him for slander.

60b41f  No.6550129


when you clicked her name it brought you to a sales pitch for her new album.

you decide.


d6fc55  No.6550130

Honestly I don't think I can take another year of Democrat's poison lies. Seeing Nadler right now makes me wanna die.

How much longer must we all put up with this shit show that goes seemingly nowhere

f473fd  No.6550131

The theatre is open ..

d69d2a  No.6550132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Movie Kappy was in 2007, terrible shit.

8d44c2  No.6550133


He's hanging himself.

6654de  No.6550134


NM, Collins says he was reading from the Mueller report. Ha!

3afa11  No.6550135


must report leaving country.. update before i get roasted…

a49fb8  No.6550136

Just turn off the hearing. Why are you watching this shit show?

ecd48c  No.6550137


it sux to use inferior equipment doesn't it

d78f5c  No.6550138


Always the same.. boomers complain about everything because the think they deserve everything, I encounter you pieces of shit everyday…never happy, always complaining and trying to make everyone’s life around you as miserable as possible. Super fucking racist and extreme delusions, yes I am a division fag, not a shlll… I can’t wait for the next twenty years when most of you embarrassments to are country are long gone… you were an embarrassment to your parents for being cowards, now you are an embarrassment to your children for being self entitled assholes and a drain on our economy.. fuck off

15aa4f  No.6550139


Not even on any of the sm platforms and something I talked about popped up. Not your usual buy me shut but a specific targeted ad..

e5ea9f  No.6550140

Nadler's belt is above his belly button

a7c064  No.6550141

File: deb33f0103e9233⋯.jpg (19.4 KB, 474x251, 474:251, stop the glow.jpg)

pain incoming

90d278  No.6550142

File: 41f9afd545328b6⋯.jpg (138.04 KB, 1080x525, 72:35, Screenshot_20190521-101246.jpg)

File: e8e8869082bdc22⋯.jpg (623.7 KB, 1080x1688, 135:211, Screenshot_20190521-101415.jpg)


Fusca is a fidget. Kate said she's 6'1"

Junior was 6'2" Case closed boys


e051b3  No.6550143


If memory serve the U'S Government actually told all the athletes to remove phone battery while in china.. because of their ability to listen in and spy.. but that is not on this list

5 Beijing 2008 Olympics Controversies That The 2022 Host City Really Needs To Learn From


92b9f2  No.6550145

File: 44f00b37660287f⋯.png (234.07 KB, 632x272, 79:34, collins transcripts.png)

>memes are important

OPTICS are important

4627d5  No.6550146

File: f23583a4557136c⋯.jpeg (71.43 KB, 888x992, 111:124, KEK.jpeg)


Top Kek! It was just an example for discussion purposes! But, hey if you have some links…

977c14  No.6550147


Our times parallel the Roman Republic in the first century bc. Debauchery, desperate efforts to maintain the republic, desperate clinging to the old ways, but constantly lured in the march of progress - towards tyranny. Benign tyranny, but the need for ONE MAN to be dictator.

And he gets in through what amounts to a side door - he needs a tribune. One guy who can veto. So much posturing. And it really comes down to greed and the quest for power.

And sometimes it's disguised as what's best for the people.

7800b9  No.6550148

File: f354542b0c0357c⋯.jpeg (16.65 KB, 268x188, 67:47, A545597C-1EDC-441E-9084-7….jpeg)

File: 8f25eb3f6cbed39⋯.jpeg (280.64 KB, 750x556, 375:278, 7A014A37-C640-42D2-972B-7….jpeg)

File: 1add9b6fa8bc6d9⋯.jpeg (31.44 KB, 300x300, 1:1, E71C9FD6-365A-4CA8-B288-3….jpeg)

a2e4d3  No.6550149

File: a426db456a9318f⋯.jpg (160.17 KB, 762x500, 381:250, neurocrine bio dump.jpg)

Neurocrine Biosciences Chief Dev. Offc. sells $5.34m in shares-May 16th

Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. is engaged in discovering and developing pharmaceuticals, in diseases with unmet medical needs, through its research and development (R&D) platform, focused on neurological and endocrine based diseases and disorders. Its three lead late-stage clinical programs are elagolix, which is a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist for endometriosis and uterine fibroids; INGREZZA (valbenazine), which is a vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) inhibitor, for the treatment of movement disorders, and opicapone, which is a selective catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitor that is an adjunct therapy to preparations of levodopa/Dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) decarboxylase inhibitors for adult patients with Parkinson's disease. Its product pipeline also includes NBI-640756, which targets tremor and NBI-74788, which targets classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Its R&D focus is on addressing diseases and disorders of the central nervous and endocrine systems.

Number of employees : 585 people.



also a large purchase on March 12th, 2019 by

Voyager Therapeutics Inc.

4,179,728 shares @$11.96/share for $49,999,995

looks like it was an investor as the share price was substantially lower than the share price at the time.

fourth entry on the link

919d18  No.6550150

d6fc55  No.6550151


But I dont care, and no one does. The only people that care are the ones who still believe him.

fb45e9  No.6550152


dear mr xi

I'm a picker who shops the Savers. Recently I purchased a box full

paper bonds, so pretty says it's backed in gold, all in Chinese and banker speak . . .

fairly specific redemption terms.

heard you redeemed some of the same issue from some Brit friends . . .

where can I bring my picker's find to get it all redeemed for the amount of gold that it says it is . . .

I'll take the equivalent amount of American Treasuries at the current value of the gold, so it can just be

a paper swap

the preceeding was hope porn for the Treasuries market.

f817fe  No.6550153

File: e77e764f0038a9e⋯.jpg (88.98 KB, 635x620, 127:124, Screenshot 2019-05-21_10-2….jpg)

Acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan is canceling his trip to Europe this week to stay on top of the situations in Venezuela and the southern border, the Pentagon said today.

Shanahan was supposed to leave tomorrow to attend the change-of-command ceremony for Gen. Tod Wolters, NATO's new supreme allied commander, but canceled after deciding that "remaining present in DC would allow him to more effectively coordinate with [the] National Security Council and the State Department in Venezuela and to continue coordination with DHS for support along the Southwest border," said his spokesman Lt. Col. Joe Buccino.

The Pentagon announced this week that Shanahan had approved a request for 320 more troops to support the Department of Homeland Security as it transports and houses migrants, bringing the number of active-duty troops deployed for the border mission to about 3,200.

Meanwhile, national security adviser John Bolton told reporters yesterday that "all options" for Venezuela are under consideration at the White House.

The administration backs opposition leader Juan Guaido, and Trump yesterday tweeted that the United States would impose a "full and complete embargo" on Cuba if it does not halt support for Nicolas Maduro.


e8f6c7  No.6550154


Not a boomer but whatever

carry on fuckwad

maybe you'll strike gold on the boomer insult and can piss off the next guy

00c342  No.6550155


Yah, for us. This shit show is getting old.

5d0efc  No.6550156


This Anon is correct. It is a definite move to hollow out our rights. Is a very slippery slope.

29cdb1  No.6550157

"You wanted the work of the author, but not the author."

43090b  No.6550158

File: 666776098807a3e⋯.png (70.16 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

When is this fat little fucking Kike going to be put into a oven?????????


e051b3  No.6550159

File: 712b90715fa05ac⋯.png (197.69 KB, 598x334, 299:167, Capture.PNG)

Google and Big Tech Are Already Implementing Their Chinese-Tested Blacklists on US Conservatives

In November 2018 The Guardian reported on group of Google employees published an open letter on Tuesday calling on their employer to cancel its plans to build a censored search engine for China, the latest expression of worker unrest at a company that earlier this month saw thousands stage walkouts over its handling of sexual misconduct cases.

The Google employees were very upset that Google’s Project Dragonfly would allow the Chinese government to blacklist certain search terms. The employees said, “Many of us accepted employment at Google with the company’s values in mind… After a year of disappointments … we no longer believe this is the case.”

Just months later it is now obvious that Google, Facebook and Twitter are using their own blacklists of prominent conservatives and their supporters.


b1536a  No.6550160

File: 272bc567051a29a⋯.png (68.73 KB, 688x542, 344:271, nbccopshoot.PNG)

File: 575f48197079e0f⋯.png (205.71 KB, 360x440, 9:11, ClipboardImage.png)


e5ea9f  No.6550161

An old elephant in the room we've ignored for 2 years. Mike Pence said Michael Flynn lied to him about the number of times he spoke to a Russian ambassador. Flynn stepped down because of this. Pence is dirty, and we ignore this important fact

3aa789  No.6550162


What is this??????? All I see is noodles….

e5ea9f  No.6550163

Doug Collins activated

e0cc48  No.6550164

Doug Collins burning it up on FOX. That man can SPEAK.

c934e8  No.6550165


That shill is an asshole. He is just self describing his millennial little piece of shit ass.

75735f  No.6550166

File: 0c9f86ffd76c0dd⋯.png (85.12 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition2.png)

File: bf8f926c3b05395⋯.jpg (250.14 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, shills2.jpg)

File: eee35e192ae1f78⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 425x416, 425:416, Shills-Black-Mask-2.jpg)

a3946f  No.6550167

California eyes health care for immigrants in US illegally


"Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to spend about $98 million a year to cover low-income immigrants between the ages of 19 and 25 who are living in the country illegally."

f817fe  No.6550168

File: 6d7654716ac252e⋯.jpg (245.45 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, D7FXF15XoAA37sb.jpg)

1699b6  No.6550169


Nadler asserted that Trump committed the crime of obstruction by actions stated in the Mueller report. Let the impeachment circus begin!

b26762  No.6550170


Can't take the battery out of an iPhone anymore…

5cbd3a  No.6550171

File: fb40255c19c3d16⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1024x1536, 2:3, asianflannel.png)

919d18  No.6550172

File: 1dd710bdda4d77b⋯.png (137.59 KB, 1314x674, 657:337, ClipboardImage.png)

3aa789  No.6550173

File: f13d73fe426cbe3⋯.jpg (15.33 KB, 355x499, 355:499, 11.jpg)


A book

9571d5  No.6550174

File: 7e700758e328c47⋯.png (394.38 KB, 542x592, 271:296, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)


nadlers cabal handlers: 'get the fuck out there and continue pushing POTUS investigation impeachment narrative before we all hang from nooses'!!!

db8ff9  No.6550175

File: db4958c717a787d⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 773x510, 773:510, 1557640979.jpg)

d78f5c  No.6550176


Ok..Retard redneck …same attitude.. you are not special or smart, you can act smug all you like, but you still sound as fucking dumb as the boomers.

e0cc48  No.6550177

"We're here again with the circus in full force"

Doug Collins.

c1abfa  No.6550178


Not only Rainn, but Jenna Fischer too! She was married to that pedophile Gunn. SHE'S PART OF IT TOO!!!!

ba83df  No.6550179

File: 2ea8cf089d1f3a5⋯.png (135.55 KB, 220x287, 220:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de2b142f03e604c⋯.png (75.98 KB, 220x251, 220:251, ClipboardImage.png)

alfred e. neuman

typical socialist and the man from nowhere

we all sort of recognize him, but why

POTUS's visual frame of reference isn't modern

"The character's face had drifted through U.S. iconography for decades, and appeared in the early 1930s on a presidential campaign postcard with the caption, "Sure I'm for Roosevelt"."


31f7cf  No.6550180

Nadler has the look of someone who knows he is screwed.

ea618f  No.6550181

Ephesians 6:12 "Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage."

64abd1  No.6550182

File: 9be178e2d71d884⋯.jpg (187.36 KB, 966x546, 23:13, Psalm23-4.jpg)

fb45e9  No.6550183


there are people like that of all ages.

See you are just being just as they say that they are

'complain about everything'

you are an embarrassment? only if you think so.

people will behave as you project that you expect them to behave. And thus if they think you have a poor opinion of them there is a 'I see how you are, I'll be worse' thing that some people do.

You project that you are snarling perfectionist with no forgiveness and they dish out a worse person, for you, because they don't like you on account of how you are projecting your fallacies upon them.

they don't trust you that you'll be fair to them. They don't ever expect you to treat people well. So they make themselves display a persona that they know will make you hate them even more so you

stay away from them and don't harsh up their life with your expectations of perfection of behavior and character from people who you don't even like.

Of course I don't really know you.

snarl on, someday you'll be like

'that anon was write, I have been an asshole all these years. No wonder I'm all alone'

or you can learn right now to be less of a jerk and accuser and stop expecting Jexibel when you are meeting the other kind of people.

41f759  No.6550184

File: 59b4e6801bb4099⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 900x900, 1:1, IMG_1625.JPG)


He she sure does look like a fucking tranny. I cant believe that thing is still around. That thing has to be a fedcoat comped narc going around gathering intel on Patriots.

4c12ea  No.6550185

"Attempts by Dems, FAKE NEWS, and those 'guilty of TREASON' to shape the public narrative [prior to] by providing FALSEHOODS will FAIL.




7800b9  No.6550186


Hell yeah, got to keep my cheap labor and drug runners healthy.


a7c064  No.6550187

File: 6755fbe9c6c7d53⋯.jpg (158.5 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, linked fbi.jpg)

File: 33380e73c0c238e⋯.jpg (32.82 KB, 500x346, 250:173, kondon eye.jpg)

File: 703f04dda52953d⋯.jpg (69.61 KB, 780x438, 130:73, flag fags.jpg)

File: 196fee789c5e1d6⋯.jpg (106.92 KB, 719x742, 719:742, corinthian hotel moon.jpg)

91816d  No.6550188


it looks like kappy's face is used in the illustration. (woah just noticed the devil reflection near the hands). Is this post implying Kappy "baked" Snow? I hope not

ea618f  No.6550189

File: 29f9d4b35b2f1ab⋯.jpg (55.28 KB, 709x538, 709:538, Armour of God.jpg)

e051b3  No.6550190

File: e3941b43580576a⋯.png (618.1 KB, 628x476, 157:119, Capture.PNG)


The get away quick kind kek

96c296  No.6550191


They also discussed Trisha Beth Anderson.


What the fuck is a Dave Janda, btw?

a2e4d3  No.6550192

File: f745cfb085a6f36⋯.png (36.27 KB, 1137x382, 1137:382, 052119 US Dollar index.PNG)


> The dollar was ready to break out.

approaching 3 year highs. What moar do you want? Do you not realize what that does to real inflation?


7800b9  No.6550193

File: 12ba01eb1b93147⋯.jpeg (236.02 KB, 750x597, 250:199, 5E03D24C-2ADA-494E-B4D9-1….jpeg)

ba83df  No.6550194



what's the good of anything?


fc1ac1  No.6550195

File: 7ed6fa6e5b45c22⋯.jpg (655.41 KB, 2800x2308, 700:577, new mexico and utah.jpg)

>>6549733 It has proven very difficult for me to find any history on the old railroads and railroad tunnels and their locations throughout Arizona. I can't find it in Arizona history because at that time it wasn't Arizona it was New Mexico.

b1536a  No.6550196

File: 5abab62e5729311⋯.png (365.18 KB, 738x497, 738:497, mmtcws.PNG)

tucker is a white suhpreemie?

1372d7  No.6550197

File: 34b6ea4e1404ae4⋯.png (1.55 MB, 846x638, 423:319, capture_289_21052019_07222….png)

dour meaning:

1. (usually of a person's appearance or manner) unfriendly, unhappy, and very serious:

2. (of a person's appearance or manner) very serious and sad, and likely to judge people severely

4c12ea  No.6550198

File: e3276d2d69d5607⋯.png (560.35 KB, 521x800, 521:800, comey MOAB.png)

86a5ae  No.6550199


For Q,

When do (((they))) go to death

29cdb1  No.6550200

Repubs should go to the cameras, and get out what they want to say!

64abd1  No.6550201

File: 3d9bc0871ad8522⋯.jpg (64.1 KB, 604x400, 151:100, YoureDoingItAnons.jpg)

c1abfa  No.6550202

File: 11e22ba430b852f⋯.png (922.03 KB, 954x635, 954:635, download.png)

a7c064  No.6550203

File: 89901ccac6a683f⋯.jpg (97.76 KB, 627x400, 627:400, act better boi.jpg)

File: 685bccbc0f87716⋯.jpg (285.03 KB, 1300x955, 260:191, c2 london.jpg)

File: 9744684a0f8bd97⋯.jpg (466.87 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, c1 london.jpg)

ba5f91  No.6550204

File: 4020789281b57d5⋯.jpg (552.3 KB, 984x861, 8:7, CIA-Agent-Testimony-911.jpg)


A former US government intelligence agent who worked for the CIA during attacks on September 11th, 2001, has given a sworn affidavit stating that 9/11 was an inside job.The ex-CIA agent, who's also an experienced commercial airline pilot, has blown the whistle on the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, claiming that the three towers were actually brought down by controlled demolitions, and not by passenger planes that were flown by amateur pilots.

Former CIA agent John Lear has not only given a sworn statement as an expert witness, but he has also produced conclusive evidence that disproves the official narrative that the towers were destroyed by airplanes that were highjacked and flown by terrorists.Speaking under oath, Agent Lear confirms that the WTC buildings in New York were demolished using pre-planted explosives in a carefully orchestrated and well-engineered plot by the United States government and CIA, adding:

"No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors" His statements have finally confirmed the long standing theory that the Twin Towers were struck by military planes that had been made to resemble passenger jets and a controlled demolition reduced the buildings to rubble afterward.




c1abfa  No.6550205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH LIVE: Former White House Counsel McGahn expected to skip House committee hearing

352a35  No.6550206

File: 61a19303eebf797⋯.jpg (989 KB, 3782x2030, 1891:1015, NewsUnlocksMarkerBidenChin….jpg)

File: 83f145ffbbd36be⋯.jpg (584.98 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, QCrumbsBidenChinaTidalWave….jpg)

File: 03460b62ce86667⋯.jpg (634.89 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, QCrumbsBidenChinaTidalWave….jpg)

File: 2b3944bcf2b7fef⋯.jpg (194.21 KB, 800x800, 1:1, BuckleUp.jpg)

File: 006a120f0c96c95⋯.jpg (191.02 KB, 864x593, 864:593, Bucklethe_storm_rollercoas….jpg)

Important marker found last night

Biden / China connection

News → unlocks → Map

NY Times article Biden/China → unlocks → Marker.


Tidal Wave Coming

Buckle up!

8fd80a  No.6550207

No Trump tweets yet. I think he likes to get shot done on Tuesday mornings

884958  No.6550208

File: 133a5ffd2a72a3b⋯.jpg (80.91 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, pokey.jpg)


It has its bennies…

e051b3  No.6550209

File: 7531ae8864708e7⋯.png (650.03 KB, 768x481, 768:481, LyingFKer.PNG)


They think of everything.and anything to keep control over everyone…dirty bastards

4c12ea  No.6550210

1 - treason by week end - Friday

2 - Doug Collins - Sun/Mon

3 - ds attempts will fail -

4 - comey MOAB -

b26762  No.6550211


Well, in a way…You're not wrong, kek!

efd67e  No.6550212

File: c67a545c5058043⋯.png (548.95 KB, 1076x733, 1076:733, dadddy.PNG)

Q balloon flying over Windsor Castle, England for President Trump's UK visit

@2:40 fox and friends comes over, talk about POTUS, Hannity


b0f494  No.6550213

File: a318f107a0fe385⋯.png (4.16 KB, 220x90, 22:9, download (25).png)

Notice the colour revolution symbology with the yellow roses on the left side of the House Judiciary Committee hearing

ea618f  No.6550214



ba83df  No.6550215


so they called the cops on him, put him in a dangerous situation, and all hell broke loose

SWATing infantry guys now?

d2fd77  No.6550216


They have nothing left to do but double down and engage the hyper-drive to ludicrous.

They use symbols without knowing what they mean and use words knowing only that they are things held sacred by people. Much like Cher going "Reeeeeee!" On stage the other night, that is exactly what Nadler is doing, now.

It is not enough to merely wear symbols or use words held dear to people. You must be able to actually craft a coherent message with them in order for the magic to work. Rituals have no real effect when you are simply going through motions or trying to trick the world into believing killing someone else is a sacrifice on your behalf.

If I were a god that honored sacrifice, for example, I would probably find myself rather moved by the innocent people killed - and angered at those who thought to trick me.

Whether this god is real or not is rather irrelevant to the fact that the consequences that befall such people may in fact operate as though there were such a god, regardless of what detailed mechanisms underwrite the process of reprisal.

Only fools believe in magic. The rest of us realize that everything, explained and uneplained, follows a process. A symbol isn't a magical means to power. Words alone do not move man and material. Speaking gibberish or crafting icons of gibberish is no different than someone with a sever communication impediment screeching incoherently.

People are naturally driven to identify patterns. Gambling compulsion is deeply rooted in our neurology because our neurons are compelled to try and identify a pattern. It's why we enjoy the abstract. But… It has a drawback. It's also a behavior that burns out quickly. Try to identify a pattern, and when nothing seems fruitful, abandon it. A fit of fascination and fixation followed by complete lack of interest.

They enjoyed popularity for a little while. Now, with nothing but incoherent, random noises - the public is starting to set them aside where not actively trying to bury them to get rid of the nuisance.

6654de  No.6550217


I hope Collins posts the transcript of his comments because they really summed up the abuse of power that Chairman Nadler is employing.

Special thanks to Mr. Chabot for stating the hearing was disgraceful.

352a35  No.6550218


>What the fuck is a Dave Janda, btw?

Dave Janda is a medical doctor that started writing precious metals commentaries about 6-8 years ago IIRC. The commentaries were well received. Recently it seems he has been making videos on various things. He may be a woke guy. I haven't listened to his videos. Videos aren't my thang.

3e7391  No.6550219


The only power they have over anyone is given to them by same.

Be Best, then no worries.

b4b132  No.6550220

notables bun @ 500

Hope you like big buns! Lots of great notables this morning. Lemme know if missing anything.


>>6550212 Q balloon flying over Windsor Castle, England for President Trump's UK visit


>>6550159 Google and Big Tech Are Already Implementing Their Chinese-Tested Blacklists on US Conservatives

>>6550081 US JCS chairman General Dunford unexpectedly cancels trip to NATO Wednesday “Due to unforeseen commitments that require General Dunford to remain in Washington DC this week…"

>>6550064 Rotting Trash Piles Sky-High in LA, Attracting Rats and Raising Concerns of a New Epidemic

>>6550056 The UN says North Korea’s Ambassador to the UN Kim Song is set to hold a news conference on Tuesday regarding the U.S.' recent seizure of a North Korean cargo ship.

>>6550017 Brexit Party Takes Wide Lead in Wales, Second Place in Remain-Voting Scotland

>>6550013 Fmr CIA Dir Brennan now speaking to House Dem Caucus about Iran

>>6549998 Justin Amash (R) Impeach Trump? Financial motivation? China? …Amash has now been exposed.

>>6549990 Iran Accelerates Production of Enriched Uranium as Tensions Rise

>>6549980, >>6550002, >>6550067, >>6550127 Dig on John Giacalone's testimony brings Hilton Hotels into the light

>>6549969 On this day in 1881, Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross.

>>6549955 FL. Rep Matt Gaetz revealed Monday night that "most compelling" evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation is days, if not weeks away.

>>6549918 Obama-Era State Department Official Provides More Evidence Of FISA Abuse

>>6549906 Former AG Lynch Denied Under Oath Telling Comey to Refer to Clinton Email Probe as a “Matter” — Somebody’s Lying!

>>6549905 Barack Obama coming to Colombia to speak at the EXMA conference

>>6549836 Rep Jim Jordan twat w/CAP: The American people don't want impeachment. There's no basis for it!

>>6549835 Nunes “Likely” to Send Another Criminal Referral Over Steele Meeting with State Dept

>>6549829 Rep Mark Meadows twat w/CAP: Reminder: Don McGahn’s account is in the Mueller report. It’s online. All Americans can read it.

>>6549810 video of Jane Roe interview admitting to lying about rape as well as telling her criminal history.

>>6549807 Baltimore: Pediatrician indicted on 65 charges of molestation after more victims came forward

>>6549787 Twatter Poll: Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

>>6549782 The White House is asking Americans to share their personal stories of censorship and bias on social media.

>>6549777 Taxpayer Dollars at work: Shocked by Alabama, NPR Listeners Ask How ‘These People Call Themselves Americans’

>>6549740 Anon buns up Rep. Doug Collins' links to 9 posted testimonies (transcripts)

>>6549731 Adam Schiff: “the Mueller report contemplated Congress picking up where he left off”

>>6549693 Prosecutors refuse to enforce abortion ban in Georgia

8176c1  No.6550221


Bull. Not Notable. Shitty sources, IMO. Respect that we are the news!!

fb45e9  No.6550222


And Jack Possobiac is the james bond character?

is your post Hypothetical conjecture concerning a real person who has been recently discussed here or are your writing a John Brunner quality science fiction summary?

8fd80a  No.6550223


No doubt bro. Taking out all of Washington

e051b3  No.6550224

File: 22e1c9d011196bc⋯.png (262.82 KB, 499x370, 499:370, Capture.PNG)

DUMBING Down Of America: SAT Exam Will Now Include ‘ADVERSITY SCORE’ (VIDEO)

Students who take the SAT exam will now be given a secret ‘adversity score.’

SAT exam takers will be given an adversity score between 1 to 100, with a higher score signaling a higher level of adversity.

The adversity score will be determined by 15 different factors, including: The crime rate and poverty rate of the area where the student is from, the household income of the student, and the quality of the student’s high school. Students will also earn a higher adversity score if English isn’t their first language.

The College Board said the adversity score will not consider the race of the student. However, many critics of the adversity score have pointed out that the score seems to use many factors that are heavily correlated with race.

This fall, 150 colleges plan to use the adversity score in their admissions processes.

This new policy has received major backlash from Americans who believe that college admissions should be solely based on academic performance.


5cbd3a  No.6550225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Recent video of engineering concerns regarding possible Oroville Dam failure (CA)…

a7c064  No.6550226

File: c49082fe6504daa⋯.jpg (338.56 KB, 2048x1347, 2048:1347, rendell haiti.jpg)

File: f3e9edc0c560d86⋯.png (153.45 KB, 967x2404, 967:2404, chelsea haiti.png)

pay the ticket

take the ride

dive in

0e58b8  No.6550227

"Pain coming"

Maybe Nadler will sit on a nut on live tv. Thats about as high as my hopes will go now.

b32975  No.6550228

File: 2feaa20ecebe67f⋯.png (15.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepeandfeelz.png)

abortion is a fake and gay manufactured divisionfag issue

see how obvious it is now?

both sides GLOW like muhjoos

trust the plan

anons wake up

do you believe the extreme positions on abortion - BOTH sides - are a coincidence?

this is a MAJOR swamp cabal globalist effort to keep us divided

wake up! abortion is a non issue and all these pols are bought off to promote it

solved in 15 minutes

2e17dd  No.6550229

File: da9936d79c453d9⋯.png (529.96 KB, 1436x1204, 359:301, fake_news_scrubbing_911.png)

File: c70a6fd001e7bb4⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Larry Silverstein - Pull I….mp4)


That corroborates this.

If they had one wired… They had all of them wired, imo.

b0f494  No.6550230

File: 92f799c7adc8d29⋯.jpeg (14.98 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 9fb7d45ac1cacbbff7481a80e….jpeg)

400aff  No.6550231

Comped baker… bullshit no tables.

Another shitshow. We see through your pile of shit.

ba83df  No.6550232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wonder if that other man's a cop…

"She wrote in a court document that Wilkes, who had an Enterprise address at the time, sexually assaulted her while she was incapacitated and she feared he would harm her after learning she was pressing charges. She is married to another man."


ea618f  No.6550233

Deep State FBI and DOJ Brass Had Exculpatory Evidence to Absolve Trump Campaign and Withheld It from FISA Court

Rep. Matt Gaetz joined Sean Hannity on Monday night to discuss the ongoing developments in the the Obama spygate scandal.

Gaetz told Sean the “most compelling” evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation will be revealed within days or weeks.

The Florida representative also revealed that the unreleased Papadopoulos transcripts will show the Trump campaign adviser denied there was any illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

This evidence was withheld from the FISA Court so they could spy on Trump.

FOX News legal expert Gregg Jarrett jumped in and accused the Obama officials of committing fraud on the FISA Court.

Deep State FBI and DOJ Brass Had Exculpatory Evidence to Absolve Trump Campaign and Withheld It from FISA Court

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft May 21, 2019 11 Comments

Share 13Tweet Email

Rep. Matt Gaetz joined Sean Hannity on Monday night to discuss the ongoing developments in the the Obama spygate scandal.

Gaetz told Sean the “most compelling” evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation will be revealed within days or weeks.

The Florida representative also revealed that the unreleased Papadopoulos transcripts will show the Trump campaign adviser denied there was any illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

This evidence was withheld from the FISA Court so they could spy on Trump.

FOX News legal expert Gregg Jarrett jumped in and accused the Obama officials of committing fraud on the FISA Court.

FOX News reported:

Florida congressman Matt Gaetz revealed Monday night that “most compelling” evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation is days, if not weeks away.

According to Gaetz, R-Fla., secret unreleased transcripts involving former Trump aide George Papadopoulos reveal that he denied there was an illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and that intelligence officials did not present that information to the FISA court.

“I believe we are days if not weeks aways for the most in compelling evidence in the biggest political scandal in American history,” Gaetz said on “Hannity” Monday.

“There was western intelligence sent to spy on Papadopoulos and there’s a recording and transcript of the conversation. And there, Papadopoulos denies any illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. So, they had evidence presumably that was against Papadopoulos and for him. What they will wont be able to defend is that they never presented that evidence to the FISA court.”


b4b132  No.6550234


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

41f759  No.6550235


A January 2019 article? Can we trust what John Lear says? He has been sick the last few years so who knows what to think about him.

I am sure Q knows.

f6b9a5  No.6550236

Not that it has any bearing on anything but on the newest Family Guy they decided that James Woods no longer deserved to have the high school named after him (now Adam West). And they did a long bit attacking Hannity's appearance.

Not as though we expected anything less from Seth Macfarlane

7800b9  No.6550237


I knew it.

Domestic situation my ass.

Domestic situation and he habbens to be in camo, and body armor running around.

Gettin obvious whats habbening.

Dont shoot cops tho faggots.

Also it is a privilege to be in the MainCore database with some of you fags.

Free beer and good ‘’battle of the bewbs’’stories around the campfire in the fema camps.


0e58b8  No.6550238

Dumbshit Tarlov is getting screentime, so yeah… Pain is here. the dumb hurts

90d278  No.6550239

File: 93c9756bf6274b2⋯.jpg (557.51 KB, 1080x1156, 270:289, Screenshot_20190521-103829.jpg)

Great news

9571d5  No.6550240

File: f9588e656b77207⋯.jpeg (212.88 KB, 1194x786, 199:131, 89F428A6-2493-43D6-B9EB-0….jpeg)


notable af

ba5f91  No.6550241


Is he listed on the Grand Jury Investigation?

352a35  No.6550242



That verse has been translated so many different ways. I do like the KJV for this verse:

KJV: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

ESV: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

NIV: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

It's both specific and allegorical/typological. We are dealing with strong forces who hold top places within their own hierarchies of evil, who are oppressing this physical world.

96c296  No.6550243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



get bent, dork.

4c12ea  No.6550245

which is moar effective


working together

a49fb8  No.6550246


Lurk moar.

Abortion is murder.

They sell baby parts.

They get $50M/year in taxes payer $ and turn around and donate it to all Democrat campaigns.

It's murder.

Its money laundering.

It is child sacrifice.

41f759  No.6550247

File: 68c9b3e3ad12f2a⋯.gif (39.18 KB, 300x199, 300:199, zakheim0.gif)

977c14  No.6550248


>Gaetz told Sean the “most compelling” evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation will be revealed within days or weeks.

This is what's so frustrating. "days or weeks"

They've got the goods, but they won't make them public.

If there's a reason - and anons understand those reasons - tell the normies.

Days or weeks - that's insulting. Even normies deserve a better explanation of more viable excuse that anything that vague.

a7c064  No.6550249

File: b285a95a34611aa⋯.jpg (270.87 KB, 1300x694, 650:347, him.jpg)

File: 71674e2f5880be4⋯.jpg (128.39 KB, 1200x964, 300:241, iz.jpg)

File: 8638854abef4778⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 474x315, 158:105, bavaria.jpg)



ba83df  No.6550250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7d335c  No.6550251

Guys, is there something even bigger brewing in Austria?

Maybe a intel agency showdown?

Niki Lauda just died!


The legend is deeply connected to the fucktard who now owns the media companies, that were talked about in the 2017 video of Austrian vice president.

Look here: Signa's existing investors, the private foundation of Hans Peter Haselsteiner and Niki Lauda's Family Office as well as new investors subscribed to the shares. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signa_Holding)

The former president of Austria is also connected to this company.

The media companies, now owned by before mentioned SIGNA, had been sold by a German media conglomerate. They literally own half of Europe's most important newspapers.

Is this GER - A fighting dirty against each other? I can't help but wonder after seeing all of those coincidences surrounding this hit piece on the A govt…

Wouldn't it be a astonishing plottwist if Wladislaw Surkov & Wjatscheslaw Trubkinow, who tried to entrap TRUMP by MUH RUSSIA, were working with the Swiss Mikhail Khodorkovsky to frame the upcoming right-wing party in Austria?

BIG MONEY is at stake here

BIG INFLUENCE with the biggest media companies of Austria being in the centre of this plot…

We need a European Louie Gohmert to figure this one out

fc1ac1  No.6550252



Here is a google map link to the old Arizona and Southeaster Railroad. Notice it ends at the border and Says Naco. Naco in Spanish means POPCORN. kek


96c296  No.6550253


We get it, Seth. :)

9571d5  No.6550254

File: d12608c1dd37548⋯.png (63.26 KB, 1382x374, 691:187, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)


one of the reference links has been removed:


6654de  No.6550255


Was watching the subtitles on a YT video on the phone the other day while the tv was on. There in the subtitles was in brackets the sounds coming from the television [laughter] [audience applauds] even though those subtitles were inappropriate for the video. They had to have come from the tv.

e051b3  No.6550256

File: 60be60eb4eeeb10⋯.png (12.26 KB, 445x209, 445:209, Judges.PNG)

File: e3dfe609a891e40⋯.png (200.95 KB, 592x528, 37:33, Judges1.PNG)


NOW YOU KNOW WHY NO BIG NAME ARRESTS HAVE BEEN MADE… YET… They would of all walked free anyway.. how long have people cried like babies on this board and called Q names because they can't figure this out … NOT to worry their time is coming

b32975  No.6550257


oh good

you can recite all the talking points

doesnt change the facts

you are extreme

so are those on the opposite side

see the problem?

you are half of it

ea618f  No.6550260

File: 4cc8947f271ee38⋯.png (260.4 KB, 648x619, 648:619, Screenshot (225).png)


92b9f2  No.6550261


i don't see NEAR AS MANY indians and chinese having abortions… it seems like it is only habbening in the white/black communities..

I WOULD HATE TO THINK there was a 'strategic genocide' of certain races habbening right under our nose…

while yall are arguing about baby parts and joo division, we are trying to save humanity.

suck it up, filter, and move on.

ATLANTA don't need Hollywood money…


let it burn. ATLVIBEZ

a2e4d3  No.6550262

9571d5  No.6550263

File: 8db859388cbcee3⋯.png (953.37 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, A7C57590-F8F2-419B-BDB9-3B….png)

File: 945b9092b453c12⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1608x512, 201:64, A42F2171-41E7-4AF6-92D7-DB….png)

File: 464bd83dd712095⋯.png (811.54 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CCFCAA23-0313-44D3-8CBE-97….png)

File: f0e97205fce1657⋯.jpeg (857.57 KB, 1537x1236, 1537:1236, 46499563-D89E-42A8-BFDE-3….jpeg)

File: 8170be48b23d0cd⋯.png (400.68 KB, 502x329, 502:329, 694D3D14-E98F-42C5-9E9A-BF….png)


A Reservoir Rising: How DWR is Managing Lake Oroville in an Above-Average Water Year

Published: May 16, 2019




Nice short video available with graphics of reservoir levels


Real Time levels of reservoirs compared to historical averages and capacity.


14 Feb 2018 - 10:08:41 PM

Watch the water.


Oroville Dam water level is 1 foot from spillway as of May 20, 2019

900 ft = Current water level

901 ft (275 m) (spillway crest)


Oroville Dam is an earthfill embankment dam on the Feather River east of the city of Oroville, California, in the Sierra Nevada foothills east of the Sacramento Valley. At 770 feet (235 m) high, it is the tallest dam in the U.S.[8] and serves mainly for water supply, hydroelectricity generation and flood control. The dam impounds Lake Oroville, the second largest man-made lake in the state of California, capable of storing more than 3.5 million acre feet (1.1 trillion US gallons; 4.3 trillion litres).


39°32′20″N 121°29′08″W

Construction began 1961

Opening date May 4, 1968

Owner(s) California Department of Water Resource

Built by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), Oroville Dam is one of the key features of the California State Water Project (SWP), one of two major projects passed that set up California's statewide water system. Construction was initiated in 1961, and despite numerous difficulties encountered during its construction, including multiple floods and a major train wreck on the rail line used to transport materials to the dam site, the embankment was topped out in 1967 and the entire project was ready for use in 1968. The dam began to generate electricity shortly afterwards with completion of the Edward Hyatt Pump-Generating Plant, then the country's largest underground power station.

Since its completion in 1968, the Oroville Dam has allocated the flow of the Feather River from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta into the State Water Project's California Aqueduct, which provides a major supply of water for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley as well as municipal and industrial water supplies to coastal Southern California, and has prevented large amounts of flood damage to the area—more than $1.3 billion between the years of 1987 and 1999. The dam has confined fish migration up the Feather River and the controlled flow of the river as a result of the Oroville Dam has affected riparian habitat. Multiple attempts at trying to counter the dam's impacts on fish migration have included the construction of a salmon/steelhead fish incubator on the river, which began shortly after the dam was completed.

In February 2017, the main and emergency spillways threatened to fail, leading to the evacuation of 188,000 people living near the dam. After deterioration of the main spillway largely stabilized and the water level of the dam's reservoir dropped below the top of the emergency spillway, the evacuation order was lifted.

96c296  No.6550264


Depends on the situation.

e171d4  No.6550265



ba5f91  No.6550266


Janda is EXCELLENT! He follows Q closely.

He is Woke AF.

b4b132  No.6550267


made the adjustment. thx anon.

c53673  No.6550268

Attended Montoursville yesterday.

How is it that we normally can't say the word "Trump" in public without triggerin the pleebs?


People, every race, every age, even more young folks than we expected. Thousands got in and thousands were outside of the hanger.

It was moving. AF1 flying in (with cockpit communications being broadcast to us as we waited) and then landing right in front (well back) of us. It was a beautiful day weather wise too.

Weird set-up

the crowd POTUS was facing (many media + ?) in the covered hanger area were not lit and in the dark. The lights beaming out of the hanger (into our faces) while the VIPS and general crowd were BEHIND POTUS and Don Jr etc. President DJT faced the people in the DARKNESS and had his back to us the entire time.


We were all standing or sitting on bleachers IN THE LIGHT, both the sun and the very bright lights (which POTUS asked to be turned down, and they never were!) He does turn around to hand Q us all. Very symbolic.


5fac90  No.6550271

Bannon: O'Rourke, Buttigieg, Harris campaigning 'like they are running for student council president'

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on Monday characterized some Democrats running for president as “running like they are running for student council president” by not talking about issues related to China, Iran and Venezuela.

During an appearance in Fox Business, Bannon specifically pointed out poll numbers for Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) and former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas), who are all polling in single digits and trailing frontrunner former Vice President and frontrunner Joe Biden by at least 30 points in the RealClearPolitics average of polls.

"They have some terrific young candidates, but nobody has broken out," Bannon said. "I think one of the reasons they are in single digits, is Kamala Harris, Mayor Pete [Buttigieg], Beto [O'Rourke], across the board, they are running like they are running for student council president. They are not talking about China. They’re not talking about Iran. They’re not talking about Venezuela.

"This is a very dangerous world right now, and President Trump has got a very same policy he’s going through. This is almost like 1930s to a degree," Bannon concluded. "We're going through a dark valley against very tough individuals, and a lot of — as President Trump calls them, are 'bad hombres,' OK? And you hear debates, it is like, the United States exists on an island. That is not the case."

Bannon has repeatedly focused on China in recent interviews, including with CNBC last week.

“China has been running an economic war against the industrial democracies for now 20 years,” he said in an appearance on "Squawk Box" on May 15.


4c12ea  No.6550272

stupid answers = filter

b32975  No.6550273



janda is just OK

self promoter - every video says pay me

says hes got lots of inside intel

claims he broke the hurricane crossfire story

could be true or could be controlled op hard to tell any more

ba83df  No.6550274


because for this shit:

"We have no indication that anything's happened or will happened, but if it does, it will be met, obviously, with great force," Trump said. "We'll have no choice."

democ's don't trust POTUS saying nothing's actualy happened in Iran, they just still suck



a2e4d3  No.6550276

File: 5d8d6ecfecf174b⋯.jpg (32.61 KB, 680x443, 680:443, whitaker 2.jpg)


it's not earth-shattering as they are being forced to do this to reflect reality.

919d18  No.6550277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I assumed this was posted a few hours ago. Two twats. Second has a link to video.


7ae367  No.6550278

Qs list of personnel fired or removed from the FBI:

James Comey, Director – FIRED

Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED

James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – FIRED

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED

Michael Steinbach - Head of NAT SEC Div - FIRED

John Glacalone – (Predecessor to Steinbach) – Head of NAT SEC Div - FIRED

James Turgal – Assistant Director - FIRED

Greg Bower – Top Congressional Liaison - FIRED

Trisha Anderson – Principle Deputy General Counsel - FIRED

Randy Coleman - Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Div – REMOVED

How many of these people were “briefed” by Trisha Anderson prior to their congressional testimony?

So far I’m counting 2 - McCabe and Rybicki

Curious to see if she was the key coordinator in their testimony manager - effectively acting as their “handler” to make sure everyone testifying had their cya points that wouldn’t implicate someone else.

I’m goin to keep reading, but would appreciate it if anyone has seen her name come up in other transcripts as having been a part of someone preparing for their testimony.

a49fb8  No.6550279


Bannon has been more vocal lately.

5dd5d6  No.6550280


The law would jail the woman getting an abortion, vs prosecuting the provider.

Big difference, and crazy imho

btw, everyone realizes why we are seeing all this new abortion legislation, right?

It's a wedge issue, and the establishment (DNC and GOP) are using it to drive a stake through Trump's base, to separate the libertarians from the conservatives.

And anons are falling for it.

8fd80a  No.6550281


Did you see Kate with Vincent Fusca. That pic could've been from anywhere imo

d78f5c  No.6550282


Wrong, living in Florida you see it multiple times of day and it’s the 70 year olds or older, most but not all.. they consistently complain in the grocery stores. I have had to tell the young person cashier that it wasn’t their fault, that these old fucks are miserable and not to take it to heart. It’s awful to see those who are just so full of negative low energy make a young person cry for no reason.

Driving, they don’t care about anyone, no turn signal, pull out into traffic with no regard for anyone or if anyone dies because of their miserable ass. In the parking lots it’s unbelievable, two people have been killed in the Walmart parking lot in the last month because of these asshole, not to mention the multiple bicyclists and motorcyclists who’ve been killed or permanently disabled because these people just don’t care.

Just the other day I pulled up to the grocery store and was sitting in my truck and this old fucking cunt rammed her shopping cart into my truck twice and then scraped it across the side, wtf…

I got out and said what’s your problem lady? Didn’t you see me sitting there when you scraped your cart across my side panel and passenger door? She looked me right in the eye and said “so what, what are you gonna do asshole CALL THE COPS!” I said fuck you lady, I want your insurance. I immediately to pictures, of her, her lisence plate, her vehicle my damages and her insurance card. Now my insurance company tells me she’s denying everything and her insurance refuses to pay, because I had no proof… I should have called the cops.. fuck these old ass boomers… it was not like this 20-30 years ago, older folks were respectful and honorable and deserving of respect… not anymore

d69d2a  No.6550283

File: 8a4f4211d40c787⋯.jpeg (78.25 KB, 828x528, 69:44, 77F18893-1368-4386-B619-9….jpeg)


And is about to get really good…

c1abfa  No.6550284

File: 1ee1d0527c90601⋯.png (765.21 KB, 842x802, 421:401, fake.PNG)

5cbd3a  No.6550285

File: 8ac7eaa2b0d29d3⋯.png (764.11 KB, 950x648, 475:324, watchwa.png)

File: 69ab08786119dd4⋯.jpg (120.65 KB, 520x520, 1:1, mcgdam.jpg)

4c5ebc  No.6550286

File: d42293744b2e568⋯.jpg (493.05 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1540101970002.jpg)


>oy vey golyims keep aborting your white babbies!

020c49  No.6550287


Is there an ACTUAL copy of the Affidavit out there

2e17dd  No.6550288

File: acdc142658af7a9⋯.jpg (37.58 KB, 275x324, 275:324, Anons-be-like-bby.jpg)


>How long have people [etc etc etc]

You spelled shills wrong.

But you are correct: Until the procedural loopholes have been dealt with, 'trying to arrest these traitors would literally equate to a free pass.'

Once there are no all-backs… Shit's going to happen fast.

Faster than the fastest animal on the planet ;)

352a35  No.6550289

File: c0c4e88c76042b1⋯.jpg (219.92 KB, 668x395, 668:395, PlannedParenthoodFinances.jpg)

File: 0fd6fe8390b2bb0⋯.jpg (162.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PlannedParenthoodKickback.jpg)


Put aside what kind of business Planned Parenthood is for a moment. Completely ignore that, and just focus on the financials. It is a money-laundering scheme that receives large funding from governments, and turns around and makes large donations to democrat candidates only. They donated $30M for midterm elections and have stated a plan to donate $50M for the 2020 election.

This is a very profitable business; look at their financial statement.

On 2017 income of $1.66 billion, they made a profit of $244 million. So why do they need a taxpayer subsidy of over half a billion dollars – about 1/3 of their total income?

If they did not receive any government funding at all, they would still be profitable.

Just examine the financials and set aside your thinking about what type of usiness it is while doing this analysis. It is plainly a kickback scheme designed to funnel government money to democrat causes only.

How is that right?

e051b3  No.6550291

File: 1fd849d7fd4f398⋯.png (480.49 KB, 646x359, 646:359, Capture.PNG)

Egypt aims to become regional digital centre for date transfer between continents: Al-Sisi

President discusses bilateral, regional issues with Putin in Beijing

resident Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi stressed Egypt’s keenness on the strategic partnership with China in view of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which he said addresses vital sectors and priority areas for Egypt within the framework of Egypt 2030 Vision for Sustainable Development.

During his speech in the first session of the roundtable on the BRI annual summit in China, on Saturday, the president stressed the close relationship between the development of infrastructure and the achievement of comprehensive development.

He further called for the urgent need to provide financing for infrastructure projects in Africa in order to achieve development, explaining that Egypt is aiming to become a regional digital centre, for data transfer between continents.

On Friday, Al-Sisi said during the opening session of the summit, that the BRI addresses the upgrading of infrastructure in the fields of transport, energy, information technology, and utility projects.


cca78a  No.6550292


92b9f2  No.6550293

File: 31eda57185cf750⋯.jpg (67.73 KB, 466x652, 233:326, do the math.JPG)

but how is this kid so FAST?!

>at what point does it become mathematically impossible?

5fac90  No.6550294


Oroville would be too obvious FF.

Prior spillway failure + recent Camp Fire.

Need new location for fuckery.

Don't want those pesky normies waking up!

So many older dams in CA could work for their purposes.

Hope Q has eyes on the dams and video evidence for prosecution, if not prevention.

5d5908  No.6550295



Hey, Baker


Happy Month of May

Will we see Creepy Tributes at the Greatest Spectacle?

6d89d9  No.6550296

File: 3250b73c9b28bf1⋯.png (16 KB, 693x113, 693:113, continuity.PNG)

anyone know what Jeffries is talking about? What situation is he skeered of applying to AUMF.

Any congress member acting against POTUS on anything related to AUMF is committing treason.

f473fd  No.6550297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch live: HUD Secretary Carson testifies before House Financial Services Committee

Mad Max in the big seat.

c05f1c  No.6550298


I'm starting to think that if this whole Q-show isnt the real deal then its going to be Civil War - which is the worst possible thing.

You hear that? You better hope that the rumors about fucking devil worshiping cannibals running the world and an elite group of military-intelligence helping the POTUS take them down is real… or we're all fucked.

919d18  No.6550299


>John Glacalone

Never did figure out misspelling here. His testimony says he retired. I’ll trust the crumb. Means he technically lied to Congress if so. Also given green card access and kept TS clearance according to his testimony.

0e58b8  No.6550300


trust the pain

flan coming

e051b3  No.6550301

File: 501447299a25408⋯.jpg (53.12 KB, 619x449, 619:449, ormbf.jpg)


How did you get my pic.. thought people don't dox on 8Ch.. dam can't trust anyone anymore kek

b32975  No.6550302


you are halfway right

its not a wedge issue its a divisionfag issue to create 2 extereme positions and keep ALL of us divided

its working right now

7ae367  No.6550303


Rybicki outs James Comey as using personal email for work related purposes

Mr. Parmiter. Okay. Are you aware that anyone in your direct office or anybody you directly supervise has used personal email to

conduct official business?

Mr. Rybicki. Yes.

Mr. Parmiter. Okay. And who has done that?

Mr. Rybicki. I know the Director has in limited circumstances –

Mr. Brower. Excuse me, Jim, can you just clarify? When you say,

"the Director" do you mean the current Director, the former Director?

Mr. Rybicki. Director Comey, in the instance that I was just referring to.

Mr. Parmiter. Okay. Anyone besides Director Comey?

Mr. Rybicki. I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head.

Mr. Parmiter. And do you recall the context in which Director Comey used personal email to conduct official business?

Mr. Rybicki. Certainly. If he was sending – working on a document or something of that nature, he would send it from his personal



email account.

Mr. Parmiter. So he would send the document to his personal email

account, work on it and send it back, or how would that work?

Mr. Rybicki. I think that is fair to say that both to and from in some instances.

352a35  No.6550304


If you have issues with the notables, you should be helping by pointing out specific notables and what you believe is wrong with them and how they should be fixed. Just yelling at the baker is divisionfagging, not helping.

If you cannot be specific about what you disagree with, then most anons would ignore your post.

f3a21b  No.6550305



Nah. Abortion is for the states to decide, per the 10th Amendment. All the state legislation is doing is setting abortion up for another look by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade. When that happens, it all goes back to the states, where it belongs.

Anons know the Constitution, it's not dividing us.

60b41f  No.6550306

File: 9bb67a018c6be16⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1098x836, 549:418, 431E7652-CF13-4D13-BF51-C….jpeg)

So, how long will it be until the “al gores” of the global warming turned climate change circle start screeching about a coming ice age?

Will this be the next money grab involving weather concerns?

Whoever is bankrolling the chemjets weather modification program has mighty deep pockets and is it possible what they have been attempting to do is actually backfiring on them?

Was “global warming” a ruse they used when all the time what they really wanted is for glaciers to bulldoze everything away?

Ice ages it seems can hit in as little as a decade once the tipping point has been reached.

e8f6c7  No.6550307


Anyone else wondering why a gay man whose last name starts with "Butt"

hasn't changed it?

being ridiculed in middle school wasn't enough - ran for class president in high school

that wasn't enough so became student body leader in college

that wasn't enough so ran for mayor and got married to his gay husband-wife

chose to run for the biggest office in the world instead…

can get humiliated on global stage


b32975  No.6550308


muhjoo shitposters

abortion shitposters

same goal


same source


977c14  No.6550309


Here's an excellent summary of what may be going on with all the Q Plan. Thought it bore repeating:

>>6513127 bread 8329:

Anonymous 05/16/19 (Thu) 11:04:38 08ba27 (4) No.6513127>>6513188 >>6513203 >>6513355

Q prevented a falsely engineered civil war in America - THEORY

On the surface, Q is a backchannel communication program designed by the Trump administration maintaining plausible deniability while feeding misinformation to bad actors to create chaos and narrative confusion among their ranks. Some Q connections are confirmed while others are broken or plainly false. We already know Trump's white house strategy involves controlled leaks of all kinds coming from various angles to expose deep state agents, discredit the media and exercise control of the narrative.

Interesting Anon: Think of Q as just one version of this strategy playing out in the Patriot anon's online technosphere. Every time a major player or news organization prints a story that turns out to be completely false, that is more evidence of Q-like intelligence channels feeding misinformation intentionally to achieve an objective.

Secondarily, Q is a catch-all to deescalate 'at risk' military aged patriots from organizing any counter revolution or violent fomentation by opening up at least some level of communication direct to his support base. Q occupies us and leads us away from violent and vengeful thinking while Trump and his team carries out Plan A.

If it is plainly evident that Soros and others (ABC the Good Fight kek) have attempted to ESCALATE the brainwashed masses into a "resistance" frenzy… the Q program intends to prevent that boiling over into open conflict. Imagine a world where all we had was Trump's twitter and the MSM. I don't believe patriots would have unilaterally agreed to allow the charade to continue as it unfolded over the past two years.

If you are mad at Q, I challenge you to see it for what it actually is. If you are upset that your time was wasted.. and you felt you would have revolted and taken judgement into your own hands without being "misled" by Q, then you are living proof that the program is a resounding success.

In reality, the worst case is that ultimately Trump fails and we are forced to finally take care of the matter ourselves.. However, it is foolish to attempt anything now while at least our apparent ally holds the seat of power in the country. Vigilance yes. Violence, No. Not just yet. If there was anything "Q" that was objectively accurate from a future past perspective, it was the assurance of the insulation of POTUS during the special counsel investigation when every news agency vehemently reported that Mueller was indeed going to take out Trump. In my opinion, patriots would not have been able to contain that level of pressure. Without Q, I think there is no doubt we would have experienced Nationalist patriot coordinated attacks on globalist controlled infrastructure.

With the global media at large, the "white Nazi resurgence" narrative would have been completed and America itself would be in a position not unlike pre-war 1930s Germany in view of the rest of the world. Very easy to convince the globalist controlled European states to rise up against the great Nazi America beast as righteous anti-racist coalition and essentially re-enact World War II geopolitics in a sickening casting reversal. If you pay close attention to major media and entertainment, (Charlottesville rally, Amazon's Man in the High Castle, Bethesda Softwork's Wolfenstein II The New Colossus, Ubisoft's The Division 2 etc.) you will see the predictive programming's attempt to create a believable "Nazi's in America" scenario.

This destabilization program is why the democrat left seems to be in another world. They actually are. Many Americans were successfully programmed to see a "New Nazi uprising" that they now must "resist" like their French progenitors in WWII. It is very real to them. Trump and the Q program actually STOPPED most of us from unwittingly performing an active role as "Nazi villains" in this globalist concocted civil war scenario. The language they continue to use in describing Trump and his base is the ultimate window into the social engineering the globalists have attempted to enact. When you feel the urge to civil war, try to keep this in mind. Now we can all watch the next months unfold and evaluate in retrospect if Trump has accomplished enough to warrant our further support of a second term and ongoing peaceful civic responsibility.

a3c739  No.6550311


mueller became fbi director 1 week before 9/11

and the vote was 98-0

92b9f2  No.6550312

File: fd16cd7c508c62b⋯.png (552.42 KB, 1084x850, 542:425, try me.png)



if california and colorado wanna trim off their HARDWORKING population.. so be it.



we will continue to raise our WARRIORS with pride and STRENGTH

let the soft lil soyboys do what they want…

we will continue to do our push ups and train with our rifles…

e20f55  No.6550314

File: 7b079b9a1ff719a⋯.png (500.26 KB, 1087x3729, 1087:3729, Screenshot_2019-05-21 News….png)


Check out the stealth total rewrite by the Failing New York Times.

Their democrat handlers must've made a phone call due to negative headlines for the dem frontrunner


ba5f91  No.6550315


You mean, William Shepard

4c5ebc  No.6550316


the plan means nothing if there's no future generation to reap the benefits of a (((cabal)))-free world, faggot.

5cbd3a  No.6550317


Unless the point is to piggyback off the fires, which funneled victims from surrounding areas directly into the flood zone…

eb428b  No.6550318

File: e2acea52013df16⋯.jpg (68.68 KB, 800x450, 16:9, la-1558030509-xccx7q8v1o-s….jpg)



"Engineers up failure risk for dam protecting Disneyland, dozens of Orange County cities"

Federal engineers are raising alarms that a “significant flood event” could compromise the spillway of Southern California’s aging Prado Dam and potentially inundate dozens of Orange County communities from Disneyland to Newport Beach.

After conducting an assessment of the 78-year-old structure earlier this month, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that it was raising the dam’s risk category from “moderate” to “high urgency.”


0e58b8  No.6550319


he really likes butt

e051b3  No.6550320

File: e4b461d53b685ee⋯.png (883.65 KB, 815x455, 163:91, Capture.PNG)

Monsanto spied on friend and foe alike in several countries to sway opinion on GMO & herbicides

The recently exposed illegal dossier US herbicide maker Monsanto, now owned by German pharmaceutical firm Bayer, apparently compiled to influence public opinion, included people from seven European states and maybe beyond.

Monsanto files listing prominent pro- and anti-herbicide public figures, initially revealed by French media, included “stakeholders in France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom, as well as regarding stakeholders related to EU institutions,” AFP reported citing Bayer’s statement on Tuesday. The company added that it is currently trying to determine whether similar lists exist in other states and hired a law firm for this purpose.


ba83df  No.6550321

like lead birds:

"The Beaver is the same model that collided with a Mountain Air Service floatplane on May 13 over George Inlet near Ketchikan, killing six people and injuring 10 others. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating that crash."


b32975  No.6550322



but what is your point?

and how does it realte to my post?

020c49  No.6550323


>CIA agent John Lear

this is all I can find so far but no confirmed transcripts or copies.

These revelations by Lear tie in completely with the statements by last month by dying CIA agent Malcom Howard, who made a death bed confession that he was part of a highly classified operation that was tasked with blowing up World Trade Center Building 7. Speaking from a hospital bed, the New Jersey native says he was part of a cell of 4 CIA operatives who worked on a project dubbed ==“New Century”== between May 1997 and September 2001 that was tasked with ensuring the successful demolition of WTC7, at a time, he says, the CIA

“was still taking orders from the top”.



b26762  No.6550324


The sun is going quiet. Thus, the atmosphere is thickening. It's getting colder.

Simple equation really. With the inconvenient truth that nothing can be done about it, therefor little opportunity to exploit.

5dd5d6  No.6550325

File: fc89abf5e97e2f6⋯.png (210.31 KB, 900x552, 75:46, ClipboardImage.png)


So someone gave him a plum job to step aside?

5cbd3a  No.6550326

File: c3d4bbc090782c3⋯.png (333.85 KB, 916x732, 229:183, watchca1.png)

2e17dd  No.6550327

File: 8d4876eb99afe3d⋯.gif (9.94 MB, 700x393, 700:393, magic.gif)


dindu nuffin :D

5fac90  No.6550328


>can get humiliated on global stage


Suspect the cabal trains certain people to be immune to humiliation.

eg: Can you imagine the training of Jim Acosta to be fearless in such an environment?

Slave assets come in many shapes, sizes, color, etc.

8fd80a  No.6550330


Doug Collins means business

ba83df  No.6550332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



bea'le bill might hear ye

ea618f  No.6550333

Top Democrat's wife may have gained 'illegal private benefit' from his committee activities

A charity run by the wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings received millions from special interest groups and corporations that had business before her husband’s committee and could have been used illegally, according to an IRS complaint filed by an ethics watchdog group.

Cummings, 68, a Maryland Democrat, is chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. His wife, Maya Rockeymoore, 48, is the chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party and briefly ran in the state's gubernatorial race last year. The couple married in 2008. Cummings was once heavily in debt — in part due to hefty child support payments to his first wife and two other women he had children with — but his financial situation has improved considerably over the past decade.

Rockeymoore runs two entities, a nonprofit group called the Center for Global Policy Solutions and a for-profit consulting firm called Global Policy Solutions, LLC, whose operations appear to have overlapped, according to the IRS complaint filed by watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center on Monday. The complaint states that the arrangement may have been used to derive "illegal private benefit."

Global Policy Solutions received more than $6.2 million in grants between 2013 and 2016, according to tax records. Several of the nonprofit group’s financial backers — which included Google, J.P Morgan and Prudential — have business interests before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Cummings has served as Democratic chairman of the committee since January and previously served as ranking member.

The largest contributor to the nonprofit was the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which is the charitable arm of pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson, a company that is regulated by Cummings’s committee. The foundation, which gave a total of $5.5 million to Rockeymoore’s consulting firm and $5.2 million to her nonprofit, ceased supporting her groups in 2017.

In recent months, Cummings has been a vocal opponent of Johnson & Johnson, targeting the company as part of the House Oversight Committee’s probe of drug price inflation.

Under Cummings, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has wide authority to regulate business industries, including pharmaceuticals, banking, mortgage brokers, and technology. In recent years, Prudential, JP Morgan, and Johnson & Johnson have had business interests before the committee.

Tom Anderson, director of the National Legal and Policy Center’s Government Integrity Project, which has been investigating the nonprofit arrangement and provided research to the Washington Examiner, said the potential for corruption is “off the charts.” He said Rockeymoore declined to let his organization view her nonprofit’s most recent public financial records as required by the IRS.

“When a powerful chairman of a committee of the House of Representatives has a wife that is bringing in money from entities with interests before his Committee and she is not providing the transparency mandated by the IRS, there's a serious problem,” said Anderson. “The potential for corruption in this situation is simply off the charts and can't be understated. We hope Chairman Cummings works with his wife to end the stonewalling and provide the public with what's legally mandated all charities provide

Both Cummings and Rockeymoore refused to discuss the allegations with the Washington Examiner. Cummings did not answer questions about the overlap between companies with interests before his committee and donors to his wife’s foundation. Rockeymoore did not respond to request for comment.


2f4ba9  No.6550334

File: facd74fc0971ec6⋯.png (212.99 KB, 793x220, 793:220, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)

Info on Y-DNA-J2


60b41f  No.6550335


There’s a reason I did not mention the Sun or any other truths about the weather.

Glad you get it though.

e051b3  No.6550336

File: 45438af7b95109d⋯.png (357.93 KB, 540x368, 135:92, Capture.PNG)


Not really .. actually meant her .. she's beautiful .. hence the worth the watch part kek .. but the space shuttle pics were good 2 kek

a3c739  No.6550337

File: 6cadaacd1f00079⋯.png (491.46 KB, 968x750, 484:375, kkk.PNG)


352a35  No.6550338


Original and rewrite both authored by Maggie Habermann. Evidently she knows that this is a key marker that has unlocked the next part of the map. You can't undo a marker! We/Q/Potus hit that milestone and now a series of successive crumbs will fall into place. The virtual becomes real. Happenings.

Didn't know that newsdiffs site. Excellent autism, fren!

e5ea9f  No.6550339

I hope POTUS has a good plan. He is looking guilty trying to prevent McGahn from testifying

977c14  No.6550340


>Monsanto, now owned by German pharmaceutical firm Bayer

This is one more reason why the EU must stick together and Germany must rule overall.

Uber alles - not going away.

4c5ebc  No.6550341

File: 9fa7c1d20ad5bd3⋯.jpg (163.52 KB, 960x1191, 320:397, 1494475999163.jpg)

File: 1434bf66c37c7bc⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 500x254, 250:127, 1504377483-3.jpg)

File: 835c8b85bcddd74⋯.jpg (230.88 KB, 1516x702, 758:351, 1503995273-2.jpg)


The point is obvious, and likely so simple that it flew right over your kippah.

7d335c  No.6550342

File: b3835ae8f2c028f⋯.png (717.6 KB, 675x574, 675:574, ClipboardImage.png)


5fac90  No.6550343

File: 4f8e4cba3c3025e⋯.jpg (16.49 KB, 255x253, 255:253, Trump_youmad?.jpg)

Democrats fume as McGahn skips House hearing: ‘Our subpoenas are not optional’

The top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee vowed Tuesday to go to court if necessary to seek former White House Counsel Don McGahn's testimony, after he defied a subpoena and skipped a committee hearing at President Trump's direction.

The move infuriated Democrats and touched off what could be another high-profile battle over holding a Trump official in contempt of Congress.

“Let me be clear, this committee will hear Mr. McGahn's testimony, even if we have to go to court to secure it,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y, said at the beginning of the hearing which McGahn did not attend.


4c12ea  No.6550344


Eyes on.


41f759  No.6550345


It is all about mocking us.

The mockery.

They do it to us on the daily to control us.

4571c9  No.6550347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eyes on Collins

92b9f2  No.6550348

File: 2d701a1d61aa975⋯.png (702.9 KB, 970x721, 970:721, BE BEST.png)

File: f8513e272ed26a8⋯.png (721.88 KB, 970x606, 485:303, are we winning pelosi.png)

File: 5568b78770a034f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 970x700, 97:70, ART OF THE REAL BEN.png)


topkek you MIGHT be slow n dumb…

98a809  No.6550349


It takes people like you and me ‘being brave’. Spouse and I wear our MAGA hats everywhere. The one time someone gave me shit, we happened to be out w friends. Some guy got in my face (I’m a woman) and our friend, who is big and let’s say. dark skinned, stepped behind me and didn’t say a word, stared the guy down. 99% of the time when people comment on our hats, it’s positive. people just need to stop being afraid to support Trump publicly

bcdf1d  No.6550350


Any reaction about censorship of conservatives and Patriots?

ba83df  No.6550351



fc1ac1  No.6550352


Michael Jackson was Tom Arnold's best friend.

After Arnold's divorce from Barr, he narrated and starred in several Craftmatic Adjustable Bed commercials that aired throughout 1995. The last commercial that he filmed culminated in Arnold lying in a bed that caught on fire and melted a strand of his underarm hair during the taping; the footage was never released. Arnold commented on Twitter in 2014: "Me and Mike (Michael Jackson) (he was one of my best friends) used to laugh about how [I] had a Pepsi commercial of my own".[9]


60b41f  No.6550353

Has AOC had her 15 minutes of fame?

Is it now over for her?

AOC sure seems to have aged beyond the norm if current pictures of her are real.

What was she really all about other than a distraction?

4c12ea  No.6550354

"Attempts by Dems, FAKE NEWS, and those 'guilty of TREASON' to shape the public narrative [prior to] by providing FALSEHOODS will FAIL.



Q" .

919d18  No.6550356


>I’m a woman

Did you have to go there?

f6c0e6  No.6550357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4c12ea  No.6550358

comey MOAB

41f759  No.6550359



5dd5d6  No.6550360


>its not a wedge issue its a divisionfag issue

TomAYto TomAHto

Yes, 2 extreme positions.

Most people are in the middle. It should be legal, but rare and in the first 9 weeks or so.

I agree the rates we are seeing now are disgusting.

5cbd3a  No.6550361

File: 6bfecd5939e8277⋯.jpg (240.49 KB, 819x1139, 819:1139, togtfo.jpg)

e051b3  No.6550362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Back when Music was good, People were real, and all the bullshit of Political Correctness was Unknown.

The Marshall Tucker Band & Charlie Daniels - 24 Hours at a Time - Volunteer Jam

32a708  No.6550363

File: 8523cfc5c0dc5e0⋯.jpg (47 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 8523cfc5c0dc5e05a7873fc602….jpg)

File: e553844da580d46⋯.png (106.41 KB, 625x591, 625:591, e553844da580d46530c14fe48f….png)

File: 4e754914d6c931e⋯.png (70.85 KB, 604x516, 151:129, 4e754914d6c931efb790fa70f9….png)

File: 97eaf28dc244761⋯.jpg (15.73 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 105011cc3ec2e2ad615b59db74….jpg)


TYcatBaker and all Catbakers worldwide

2f4ba9  No.6550364


Y Heads

List of famous people with Y-DNA


A few examples:



Bill Clinton

Martin Luther

Warren Buffet

Nick Cage

Andrew Jackson

Alexander Hamilton

Napolean Bonaparte

Larry Page (Google)


Nelson Mandela

Bill Gates

Rothschild Family

Bernie Sanders

Deepak Chopra

Sir Francis Drake

Tom Hanks


Anderson Cooper



352a35  No.6550365

File: d52c5be8064b62a⋯.png (152.06 KB, 1549x767, 1549:767, 2019_05_21_11:07:30_EDT.png)


Have we finished overnight reading of the many transcripts that Rep. Collins released last evening? If anons haven't finished digesting these, it would seem to be a priority.


92b9f2  No.6550366

File: 31a88cd39225695⋯.png (294.93 KB, 537x614, 537:614, @AGjefff-cbts.png)

File: 6323ec8735faa3d⋯.png (47.48 KB, 497x471, 497:471, r]greatawakening.png)

File: c6e4f9148e7faeb⋯.png (121.75 KB, 939x553, 939:553, r_cbts_StreamDec17-Mar18_R….png)

File: da41eac42c3cfc9⋯.png (246.38 KB, 924x665, 132:95, SUSPENDED.png)

File: c7eda6ba1ceece1⋯.jpg (80.18 KB, 1558x718, 779:359, politicalbias.JPG)


we must bring it to light and get it out of the way NOW… so the issue has been dealt with by the time 2020 campaigning starts…

send you screenshots and comments

078f7a  No.6550367

File: 444f62d8c5723c5⋯.png (121.64 KB, 1775x913, 1775:913, a92f795f-1e5e-024b-109e-16….png)

File: 77692d8d81b68ea⋯.png (400.13 KB, 1775x913, 1775:913, e17c7257-fa14-c71f-2a4b-07….png)

File: 48b5f80d4f1ae50⋯.png (470.15 KB, 1775x913, 1775:913, d9ffb73e-a1f6-46cb-719c-f4….png)

File: ddabd97789b3de4⋯.png (244.63 KB, 1775x913, 1775:913, 1373724b-660e-84f8-b066-ec….png)



>Is there an ACTUAL copy of the Affidavit out there

Pic related. 1-4 of 8.

64abd1  No.6550368

File: 77522d752ce5cb1⋯.jpg (344.36 KB, 1300x740, 65:37, EC_TheGate.jpg)

3aa789  No.6550369


Yes all companies have been using war tactics to "make sure" the buiness goes in the planned direction for years. Funny thing is these companies usually have employees that have left the army…….

In the UK Cudarilla (halliburton) activley did this against locals objecting to fracking…….linked to top UK politicians……I used to work on their servers FYI

2e17dd  No.6550370


The sun controls how much energy gets transferred into the planets.

Every time a flare goes off from the sun and hits the earth… An earthquake happens.

If an earthquake is strong enough, uit can effect how the earth spins as it travels through space as it chases the sun with the rest of the planets.

This is how the poles drift.

This is a separate dynamic than the magnetic poles flipping, which also is happening now on the sun.

Tha planets will follow suit.

Do not take my word for it. Look at the data online for yourself.

078f7a  No.6550371

File: 08e65650013fd6e⋯.png (209.21 KB, 1775x913, 1775:913, 2751f934-de59-3ef0-3536-08….png)

File: 3e2ad233af55408⋯.png (150.5 KB, 1775x913, 1775:913, edb0fe92-c290-754e-8943-01….png)

File: 90a01da3582bf11⋯.png (190.58 KB, 1775x913, 1775:913, b2a62f15-b1ae-e8e0-978f-7e….png)

File: 928d04f98ca23cb⋯.png (115.88 KB, 1775x913, 1775:913, 6854aeb8-7f7f-64b7-2b7b-bb….png)


4-8 of 8.

1372d7  No.6550373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trey Gowdy: FBI Transcripts from Russia Probe May Be A ‘Game Changer’ | Epoch News


e20f55  No.6550374


very handy site anon. Need one for all the fake news sites

26f385  No.6550375

File: b47f839602299ce⋯.png (143.39 KB, 937x646, 937:646, Is it Notable.png)

ea618f  No.6550376

e051b3  No.6550378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Monty Python - Lumberjack Song

3aa789  No.6550379



"Every time a flare goes off from the sun and hits the earth… An earthquake happens."


32a708  No.6550380


Kekekek….space people are so funny

60b41f  No.6550381


Did you read it or do you just like the title?

c623da  No.6550382


Part of this information is a hoax. The page at this link:



"In the words of FBI agent Lloyd Harrison for Huzler, “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat."

which proves that the article originated at this site:


whose motto (visible at the top of the page) is "because you love being lied to", and which describes itself (at the bottom of the page) as "a fauxtire and fictional news blog".

So I think that link should be removed. There are other articles on the web about human DNA being found in burgers and hot dogs. Use one of them.

Of course, that DNA could have come from the meatpackers shedding skin cells or chopping their fingers off.

86f046  No.6550383

File: f757a1f9f59b1da⋯.jpg (84.08 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 29792965_1735822909843489_….jpg)

Moar Spoopy Grass Valley shit habbenongs

Man, Woman Found Shot Dead In Grass Valley; Suspect Arrested

GRASS VALLEY (CBS13) – Authorities say two people are dead after a late Monday night shooting in Grass Valley.

Grass Valley police say the incident happened just before 10 p.m. on Glenwood Road.

Officers found a man and a woman with multiple gunshot wounds. Both of them were pronounced dead at the scene by medics.

A suspect, identified as Michael Pocock, was found and arrested in a residence nearby.

Pocock is suspected of intentionally shooting both people multiple times, police say.

Detectives have not commented on a possible motive for the shooting.

Anons grab some screen shots on his FB before it disapears

He was one sick fuck


b26762  No.6550384

File: 04e1554734df33b⋯.png (80.98 KB, 608x528, 38:33, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)


I have to admit the idea of the earth flopping around off its axis is a tough one for me to wrap my head around. Magnetic shift, even flip, sure, but it just seems there's way too much momentum for the whole planet to do anything more than a wobble. And I don't know that there's any geologic evidence for it.

403d16  No.6550385


I think he just got a new assignment. He is probably a C_A clown and still is on their payroll.

467b4d  No.6550387

File: d4a5170a6d5b45c⋯.jpeg (413.54 KB, 750x1027, 750:1027, AD90A08F-9BC5-41B6-8E95-6….jpeg)

File: f15ddbaa354ea5c⋯.jpeg (371.42 KB, 750x1249, 750:1249, 7AC87CC1-079C-462F-9AD8-F….jpeg)

File: c697c85ada77b82⋯.jpeg (263.15 KB, 750x874, 375:437, C6EB9C2A-AB5D-4B60-952E-5….jpeg)

File: 3b57223664003f1⋯.png (545.31 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, F2558E1D-9848-49AF-BBFD-17….png)

Developing: Democrat Chairman of House Oversight Committee and Wife Accused of Massive Pay-to-Play Scandal



b4b132  No.6550388

final call for notables @ 650


>>6550343 Democrats fume as McGahn skips House hearing: ‘Our subpoenas are not optional’

>>6550333 Top Democrat's wife may have gained 'illegal private benefit' from his committee activities (Cummings Pay for Play)

>>6550251 Niki Lauda: Tributes paid after F1 legend dies aged 70

>>6550212 Q balloon flying over Windsor Castle, England for President Trump's UK visit

>>6550204, >>6550323 Noting, but needs verification: CIA AGENT GIVES SWORN STATEMENT: WE BROUGHT DOWN THE TWIN TOWERS ON 9/11

>>6550263, >>6550294 Oroville Dam water level is 1 foot from spillway as of May 20, 2019

>>6550159 Google and Big Tech Are Already Implementing Their Chinese-Tested Blacklists on US Conservatives

>>6550081 US JCS chairman General Dunford unexpectedly cancels trip to NATO Wednesday “Due to unforeseen commitments that require General Dunford to remain in Washington DC this week…"

>>6550064 Rotting Trash Piles Sky-High in LA, Attracting Rats and Raising Concerns of a New Epidemic

>>6550056 The UN says North Korea’s Ambassador to the UN Kim Song is set to hold a news conference on Tuesday regarding the U.S.' recent seizure of a North Korean cargo ship.

>>6550017, >>6550066 Brexit Party Takes Wide Lead in Wales, Second Place in Remain-Voting Scotland

>>6550013 Fmr CIA Dir Brennan now speaking to House Dem Caucus about Iran

>>6549998 Justin Amash (R) Impeach Trump? Financial motivation? China? …Amash has now been exposed.

>>6549990 Iran Accelerates Production of Enriched Uranium as Tensions Rise

>>6549980, >>6550002, >>6550067, >>6550127 Dig on John Giacalone's testimony brings Hilton Hotels into the light

>>6549969 On this day in 1881, Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross.

>>6549955 FL. Rep Matt Gaetz revealed Monday night that "most compelling" evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation is days, if not weeks away.

>>6549918 Obama-Era State Department Official Provides More Evidence Of FISA Abuse

>>6549906 Former AG Lynch Denied Under Oath Telling Comey to Refer to Clinton Email Probe as a “Matter” — Somebody’s Lying!

>>6549905 Barack Obama coming to Colombia to speak at the EXMA conference

>>6549836 Rep Jim Jordan twat w/CAP: The American people don't want impeachment. There's no basis for it!

>>6549835 Nunes “Likely” to Send Another Criminal Referral Over Steele Meeting with State Dept

>>6549829 Rep Mark Meadows twat w/CAP: Reminder: Don McGahn’s account is in the Mueller report. It’s online. All Americans can read it.

>>6549810 video of Jane Roe interview admitting to lying about rape as well as telling her criminal history.

>>6549807 Baltimore: Pediatrician indicted on 65 charges of molestation after more victims came forward

>>6549787 Twatter Poll: Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

>>6549782 The White House is asking Americans to share their personal stories of censorship and bias on social media.

>>6549777 Taxpayer Dollars at work: Shocked by Alabama, NPR Listeners Ask How ‘These People Call Themselves Americans’

>>6549740 Anon buns up Rep. Doug Collins' links to 9 posted testimonies (transcripts)

>>6549731 Adam Schiff: “the Mueller report contemplated Congress picking up where he left off”

>>6549693 Prosecutors refuse to enforce abortion ban in Georgia

baking in a few

morning baker good with handing off at next dough if backup baker wants the nb.

7800b9  No.6550389

File: eb9b16a2be36eb1⋯.jpeg (460.29 KB, 750x1189, 750:1189, E5255C92-96DA-44CE-B87B-2….jpeg)

Auburn shooter….

Im going to take a wild guess what habbened.

Gets in argument with girlfriend, tells her to kick rocks.

She calls police, crying, my boyfriend is a vet and Trump supporter abd he has all these scaty guns and he’s also into all these conspiracy theories and it scares me.

Cops call or show up. Sir were gonna need you to surrender all your guns.

But I haven’t done anything.

Sir your under arrest.

Shoot out ensues.

ea618f  No.6550391

Shanahan: Iranian threats 'on hold' thanks to U.S. actions

Acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan Tuesday credited the deployment of U.S. military weaponry with preventing potential attacks by Iran or its proxies in the Middle East, an apparent break in rising tensions in the region that has seen an uptick in threats on both sides.

“We have put on hold the potential for attacks on Americans” by Iran or its allies, Shanahan told reporters at the Pentagon.

"I just hope Iran is listening,” Shanahan added. “We're in the region to address many things but it is not to go to a war with Iran.”


e051b3  No.6550393

File: df6a1f17b1b073d⋯.png (665.21 KB, 646x532, 17:14, Capture.PNG)


These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources.

That's consolidated from 50 companies back in 1983.

NOTE: This infographic is from last year and is missing some key transactions. GE does not own NBC (or Comcast or any media) anymore. So that 6th company is now Comcast. And Time Warner doesn't own AOL, so Huffington Post isn't affiliated with them.

But the fact that a few companies own everything demonstrates "the illusion of choice," Frugal Dad says. While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the corporations, Time Warner owns news sites read by millions of Americans every year.


862a78  No.6550394



Nice…you do realize Size 4 is like the body of a 12 year old with a developing body…and that doesn't even take muscle composition and height into consideration. If I wanted to be a size 4 it would result in me being laid in a coffin…and losing my natural genetically endowed muscle mass….

Sorry anon, ignorant statement and sound more like a preference and not based on the actual diversity of women's physical makeup…

a9d63e  No.6550396

File: fb9a6b0d55d7dca⋯.jpg (69.18 KB, 576x428, 144:107, IMG_265.jpg)

patriots remember!

403d16  No.6550399



the plan let the dems take control of the house. The dems are doing exactly what they were expected to be doing.

60b41f  No.6550400

funny how this


turned into this, very quickly.



f473fd  No.6550401

File: dea9f3613be6c0e⋯.png (3.2 KB, 220x130, 22:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 166bdf4ffead1db⋯.png (47.76 KB, 800x706, 400:353, ClipboardImage.png)


Notable. ^

Also nice eye/as above so below type logo for her consulting firm ..


e8f6c7  No.6550402


instead of telling people to go to FB and get screenshots….

Why don't you grab the screenshots and then post them here?

asking for a friend

2e17dd  No.6550404


Like I said, look it up for yourself. Babysitting time is over for the FE shit.


The technical term for it is libration.

Essentially the planets all spin like tops, and everything that comes with.

Do tops spin perfectly?

Or do they librate?

32a708  No.6550405




86f046  No.6550407

d7a8ad  No.6550410

File: 525767bb1727b63⋯.jpg (140.96 KB, 911x512, 911:512, BB1.JPG)

c623da  No.6550411


>If an earthquake is strong enough, uit can effect how the earth spins as it travels through space as it chases the sun with the rest of the planets.

No it can't.

An earthquake is an internal event occurring within the body of the earth. It is not an external torque.

So the earth's angular momentum can't be changed by it:


403d16  No.6550412


you are an idiot and the reason the deep state mind controlled everyone.

keep focusing on appearance though

a3ece5  No.6550414


This story is very similar to Quan Yin. Many manifestations across the centuries. People only realise later it's her.

There was a case of a Quan Yin practitioner who died in Taiwan. After the funeral ceremony, the funeral director came to the family and asked who this splendidly dressed woman was, whom he had seen with them. They were completely mystified, until he started describing typical clothing worn by Quan Yin. They were very embarrassed that this guy saw her, and they didn't.

7800b9  No.6550415


Sauce is weak

b3da3c  No.6550416



I'm sure you have evidence for "the BO and most bakers being comp'd"..

Just go back to reddit already faggot, then kys

998f77  No.6550417

File: caf621a4aebd6bc⋯.png (33.5 KB, 555x604, 555:604, Screenshot from 2019-05-21….png)

File: 0512b378585b0a5⋯.png (48.51 KB, 547x604, 547:604, Screenshot from 2019-05-21….png)

File: 0e6d79238cccc27⋯.png (38.29 KB, 565x604, 565:604, Screenshot from 2019-05-21….png)

File: 02da57ce4099586⋯.png (41.28 KB, 545x602, 545:602, Screenshot from 2019-05-21….png)

File: c08f1b5909f719b⋯.png (35.84 KB, 542x603, 542:603, Screenshot from 2019-05-21….png)

LENOVO product used on Aegis warships (and possibly Clinton's illegal home-brew server) were known to be open to cyber attacks (specifically citing China). Q-proof in there maybe?

Sally Moyer interview dougcollins.house.gov/files/10.23.18%20Moyer%20Interview_Redacted%20DJ.pdf

32a708  No.6550418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b26762  No.6550419


Was a 4 at 5'6" for years and years. Then I had kids and plumped up to a….6.

Put down the soda.

a7d204  No.6550420

File: efe14cf61a2f590⋯.png (8.47 KB, 383x74, 383:74, ClipboardImage.png)

Democracy just died in Britain. May just set the precedent for the elite to diminish the people's voice.

In my opinion, politicians need to start dying.


86f046  No.6550421


ask your friend if they can suck my dick while I am busy going thru a FB history.

gee wouldnt it be nice if there was a team of dick suckers?

They could get the money shot in a fraction of the time


2e17dd  No.6550423




heh, I struck a nerve :D

hahahhaha.. You guys are so brightly.

403d16  No.6550424


any bets all of the size 4 femanons and their spouseanons are living off somebody else's work or inheritance?

bb6f8f  No.6550425


Only a mental midget would think Vincent Fusca is JFK Jr. That dude is fucking tiny

d70da2  No.6550426

5cbd3a  No.6550427

File: f5fe96bf7bc78e4⋯.png (1.2 MB, 636x1000, 159:250, bushwa.png)

403d16  No.6550428


I can see humility is not one of your rare virtues

3aa789  No.6550429


Brah, your crazy, what the fuck are you ingesting???

I'm somking some purple power right now and your higher than me!!!

Seriously, you believe this >>6550404

Do you even science brah???

1b7121  No.6550430

File: b67f25acdb3fcfe⋯.jpeg (705.91 KB, 1125x1331, 1125:1331, 680C5C26-4B61-43F0-B2DA-9….jpeg)

Mornin’ anons, day is heating up

JUST IN: US fighter jets intercept Russian bombers off Alaskan coast


32a708  No.6550431


Uh huh… youre really winning right now.

Look at you go you pimp you.

So impressive.

fbca69  No.6550433

Another day, another handful of CEO resignations.


At some point we will finish draining this forest swamp.

455c34  No.6550435


>You better hope that the rumors about fucking devil worshiping cannibals running the world and an elite group of military-intelligence helping the POTUS take them down is real… or we're all fucked.

It's so fucking true. All of it. The real pickle is, are they worshiping Satan in the real, or doing it for lulz?

In regards to this post:


Q told us up front that we're part of the operation. Lots of people have no idea what that means. If you know military, you know that sometimes that means the lowly ranks shovel shit to get to the next task of… shoveling more shit. E's think O's are fucking stupid; especially the high-ranking Es. . Straight O's are generally completely inept, and think leadership isn't competent, but that damn high-ranking E treats them like ass and they have no fucking clue as to why. High ranking O's cast blame on higher ranks when talking to subordinates about fucked up decision making, and the highest of all ranks speak from authority because someone with the title "Secretary" came up with this idea that all the generals/admirals agree is fucked, but they are going to own it like it was their idea from the get to.

5dd5d6  No.6550436


>So the earth's angular momentum can't be changed by it

Then how does a playground roundabout change its spin if you move from the center to the edge?

b3da3c  No.6550437


>You guys are so brightly



I'm just watching this conversation laughing

clearly that anon doesn't science but probably thinks he does

d248ca  No.6550438

File: 8bc1da03c8c009e⋯.png (127.43 KB, 1115x373, 1115:373, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)



This is the first news report I've seen related to military tribunals happening at Guantanamo Bay. Looks notable to me.

60b41f  No.6550439

File: ffdb7b5b4613f4d⋯.jpeg (596.71 KB, 1083x602, 1083:602, BEBD8C7C-850A-469B-8C4A-5….jpeg)

d2f221  No.6550440


couldn't agree more anon

fe652b  No.6550441

File: e695d2ad3c61d42⋯.png (611.68 KB, 1210x741, 1210:741, Leg.png)


Digits say fake pic of hot chick getting Anons hopes up is ready for happenings.

f6c0e6  No.6550442

File: 2024e62d94f0b2d⋯.png (746.62 KB, 798x530, 399:265, ClipboardImage.png)

e8f6c7  No.6550443

File: 6dfa06023fb679a⋯.png (507.16 KB, 594x334, 297:167, convexearthpool.PNG)


>Like I said, look it up for yourself. Babysitting time is over for the FE shit.


were you here when someone started posting "convex earth"

as if FE werent bad enough - we got a "dish" shaped earth promoter, even a website

best part about that story is the people who have built swimming pools shaped like the convexearth pics

f817fe  No.6550444

File: 00d602f16a52337⋯.jpg (75.93 KB, 619x366, 619:366, Screenshot 2019-05-21_11-2….jpg)

b4b132  No.6550446

final bun for #8375


>>6550438 Spokane psychologists Mitchell and Jessen called to testify about ‘torture’ techniques in 9/11 tribunals

>>6550430 US fighter jets intercept Russian bombers off Alaskan coast

>>6550343 Democrats fume as McGahn skips House hearing: ‘Our subpoenas are not optional’

>>6550333 Top Democrat's wife may have gained 'illegal private benefit' from his committee activities (Cummings Pay for Play)

>>6550251 Niki Lauda: Tributes paid after F1 legend dies aged 70

>>6550212 Q balloon flying over Windsor Castle, England for President Trump's UK visit

>>6550204, >>6550323 Noting, but needs verification: CIA AGENT GIVES SWORN STATEMENT: WE BROUGHT DOWN THE TWIN TOWERS ON 9/11

>>6550263, >>6550294 Oroville Dam water level is 1 foot from spillway as of May 20, 2019

>>6550159 Google and Big Tech Are Already Implementing Their Chinese-Tested Blacklists on US Conservatives

>>6550081 US JCS chairman General Dunford unexpectedly cancels trip to NATO Wednesday “Due to unforeseen commitments that require General Dunford to remain in Washington DC this week…"

>>6550064 Rotting Trash Piles Sky-High in LA, Attracting Rats and Raising Concerns of a New Epidemic

>>6550056 The UN says North Korea’s Ambassador to the UN Kim Song is set to hold a news conference on Tuesday regarding the U.S.' recent seizure of a North Korean cargo ship.

>>6550017, >>6550066 Brexit Party Takes Wide Lead in Wales, Second Place in Remain-Voting Scotland

>>6550013 Fmr CIA Dir Brennan now speaking to House Dem Caucus about Iran

>>6549998 Justin Amash (R) Impeach Trump? Financial motivation? China? …Amash has now been exposed.

>>6549990 Iran Accelerates Production of Enriched Uranium as Tensions Rise

>>6549980, >>6550002, >>6550067, >>6550127 Dig on John Giacalone's testimony brings Hilton Hotels into the light

>>6549969 On this day in 1881, Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross.

>>6549955 FL. Rep Matt Gaetz revealed Monday night that "most compelling" evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation is days, if not weeks away.

>>6549918 Obama-Era State Department Official Provides More Evidence Of FISA Abuse

>>6549906 Former AG Lynch Denied Under Oath Telling Comey to Refer to Clinton Email Probe as a “Matter” — Somebody’s Lying!

>>6549905 Barack Obama coming to Colombia to speak at the EXMA conference

>>6549836 Rep Jim Jordan twat w/CAP: The American people don't want impeachment. There's no basis for it!

>>6549835 Nunes “Likely” to Send Another Criminal Referral Over Steele Meeting with State Dept

>>6549829 Rep Mark Meadows twat w/CAP: Reminder: Don McGahn’s account is in the Mueller report. It’s online. All Americans can read it.

>>6549810 video of Jane Roe interview admitting to lying about rape as well as telling her criminal history.

>>6549807 Baltimore: Pediatrician indicted on 65 charges of molestation after more victims came forward

>>6549787 Twatter Poll: Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

>>6549782 The White House is asking Americans to share their personal stories of censorship and bias on social media.

>>6549777 Taxpayer Dollars at work: Shocked by Alabama, NPR Listeners Ask How ‘These People Call Themselves Americans’

>>6549740 Anon buns up Rep. Doug Collins' links to 9 posted testimonies (transcripts)

>>6549731 Adam Schiff: “the Mueller report contemplated Congress picking up where he left off”

>>6549693 Prosecutors refuse to enforce abortion ban in Georgia

b26762  No.6550447


I feel it's a duty to humankind to fight fat activists and their poison wherever they crop up. "Real women" have curves, curves that go IN as well as out - it's not a euphemism for fat rolls.

86f046  No.6550448

File: a11786ecef09ed6⋯.jpg (223.85 KB, 1024x825, 1024:825, 16238616415_347cdfc49b_b.jpg)

File: a22accc74e77ad1⋯.jpg (102.11 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 63.jpg)


Been intercepting the Bear since the 60s, its a normal game we play all around the world.

They even fly right over our carriers in intl water to troll us.

we do the same, but better

e5ea9f  No.6550449


You dont think POTUS is making himself look guilty?

3aa789  No.6550450


I wondered what that puddle was when I entered 8ch……

Surprised you've not starting bleeding on everything…

f817fe  No.6550451

File: 0518aafe0353a7a⋯.jpg (62.4 KB, 631x289, 631:289, Screenshot 2019-05-21_11-2….jpg)

d248ca  No.6550452


Nice thanks for throwing the military tribunals in there, Baker.

c934e8  No.6550453


Same here.

a283ce  No.6550454


This isn't Fuckbook or Twatter, STFU with your "Filter".

dc32ac  No.6550455

File: 3937514a2ac355a⋯.png (738.53 KB, 1920x1040, 24:13, ClipboardImage.png)


403d16  No.6550456




but prolly too late for this bread.

977c14  No.6550457


Earlier in this never ending bread, lots of expressions, as usual, of nuffinhappening. And desertions of anons.

I think 8 chan carries on, in spite of all our problems with it, because Q is also monitoring who, here, is willing to stick with it.

If they really know who we are, that kind of perseverance counts for something.

b32975  No.6550458


close but it will never be rare in the first 9 weeks

or better - pre quickening - nor should it be

8fee49  No.6550459

File: b9307c10c8787c5⋯.png (203.25 KB, 554x372, 277:186, John Jung Jr.png)


>Only a mental midget would think Vincent Fusca is JFK Jr

403d16  No.6550460


no, I think POTUS is standing up for common sense and not caving in to nonsense

b4b132  No.6550461


if it had sauce, i could've snuck it in. baking now tho. pls. repost nb?

c623da  No.6550462


The rate of rotation changes, but the angular momentum stays the same.

The angular momentum of a rotating object depends on the distance of the mass from the center of rotation as well as the rate of rotation.

b26762  No.6550463



Late but good digits!

db8ff9  No.6550464


Can u post next bread so I can nominate?

403d16  No.6550465


CAN anon who posted this repost next bread with sauce?

2e17dd  No.6550466

File: f210e6c2e5c5ee3⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 480x360, 4:3, f210e6c2e5c5ee33c532b2053c….mp4)




I do believe these instant concerted attacks are highly emotional in nature.

Which tells me you guys all hate the information I presented.

Why? I didn't even present sauce. I literally told people to not take moy word for it and look for themselsves…

But that wasn't good enough for you.

Again, why?

Because anons refute with actual informaation. Not name calling. Not gaslighting. Not appeals to auth with nothign else/

Have a great day :D


It's fucking ridiculous :)

1b7121  No.6550467



o7 shipmate. My Westpacs consisted of cutting donuts off the coast of Africa and a tour of the ME. Heard many Russia stories from the old salties on the boat

5cbd3a  No.6550468

File: fb4bbb54df3717f⋯.png (26.3 KB, 773x731, 773:731, nevertrust.png)

d85831  No.6550469

File: fee22f35b670e8d⋯.png (3.41 MB, 995x1488, 995:1488, ClipboardImage.png)

e5ea9f  No.6550470


Yes agreed. Have to set a new precedent for ridiculous subpoenas. After all, we know Dems are just doing this to try and attack Trump, so we can do whatever we want. Plus, once all the bombs drop and the public sees what the Dems did, none of these no shows will even matter

919d18  No.6550471

>>6550454 Anons do what they want. You have an issue with filtering, take it up with /cm/

>>6550464 Sure.

5cbd3a  No.6550473

File: d777bbceec38aa7⋯.jpg (993.15 KB, 2597x1654, 2597:1654, aocacid.jpg)

dc01df  No.6550474

File: d82d9f200155471⋯.jpg (47.53 KB, 908x638, 454:319, Fox-NeverTrump.jpg)

For those who forgot. These 3 were part of the never-trump team put together by Murdoch. There was an article about this, can't ind it now but it exists.

4c5b34  No.6550476

File: d5d3a7fe9e4785c⋯.jpg (152.88 KB, 600x341, 600:341, ReeeIsAutistic.jpg)

2eb455  No.6550479




Interesting thoughts, anon.

3aa789  No.6550481


I didn't believe you and didn't go and look, so your point is………….

862a78  No.6550484


Must be genetic by design. After puberty I was a size 5 and not fully grown yet. I don't drink soda or anything with sugar in it. use organic products like honey and wheat. At 20 I was a size 8/9 and 137 lbs. 36-26-40 not fat…looked great in a bikini…30 years later still look 10 years younger than my counterparts…have a bit more in the middle and in the butt but have never been a size 4 and not overweight. A healthy body has nothing to do with a number anon….in my case it would be result of starvation and ill health….to each his own…

c934e8  No.6550485

File: 6c687c918f64518⋯.jpg (489.03 KB, 1062x1638, 59:91, 20190521_113057.jpg)


MAGA women cant be size 4s…ok. And "furniture shaming" and "thin privilege" are real.

0e7dde  No.6550486

File: 4b00fae3cae912f⋯.png (10.92 MB, 4096x2535, 4096:2535, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank God we have your generation to save the world.

e051b3  No.6550487


KEKEKEK that's funny almost as funny as the I'm not dead yet just hung over one kek

a3ece5  No.6550488


I just did a search … no one on Qresearch has used the Mad Magazine saying, "Dig We Must." Used to run throughout the margins of the magazine back in the day.

7800b9  No.6550489


Never said it twas me….

96c296  No.6550491


link to the original source available or nah?

2e17dd  No.6550492

File: c891bbd330b7a98⋯.png (64.04 KB, 792x700, 198:175, patriotshaveitall-ANDCAPTC….png)


My point is that you suck at attacking people because you pick ones that fuck with shills for keks.

Just to see if you'll react like a shill or an anon.

You reacted like a shill. Thanks for playing.

98a809  No.6550494

Yes genetics. Asian woman in particular are very small built.


e051b3  No.6550496

File: f0333a94f7e86c2⋯.png (817.99 KB, 1188x380, 297:95, Capture.PNG)

3aa789  No.6550500



Yeah ok, you so clever…….

Again, what the fuck are you ingesting………

Super DOOPER special all new autism mode engaged

Go outdoor bro, get some air, get off the crack

5cbd3a  No.6550502

File: 2ec28a8bdee8f5c⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 503x657, 503:657, hiltert.jpg)


who f'in cares

c9119e  No.6550505



That affirmative, Ghost Rider.

2e17dd  No.6550506

File: 2d41dd669eedad2⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 2d41dd669eedad2783db6a1d57….mp4)

2406db  No.6550508


More believable. If JFK jr is alive he's still over 6 feet tall & probably on an island. I think he was offed not whisked off

8fd80a  No.6550513


AOC got picred from a casting call. I think the organization that did that was actually Republicans looking for worst possible rep to make dems look bad

862a78  No.6550515


Because a size 4 is rare, especially in a country like the US, you have to extremely tiney to be a size 4 in a healthy manner…and well this reeks of a slide and anyone who has to claim to be a 4 must use it as some sort of badge beauty …. Something I don't want to spar with someone on this page….womens health is my specialty…so basically calling out bs. I will go back o lurking didn't mean to eat up bread..

b26762  No.6550516


Point taken. I'm prickly because my fat ass mother in law is always spouting bullshit like "Life is short, eat dessert first!" and "Chocolate's a vegetable" as she sneaks my daughter cookies for breakfast and shit like that. She is desperate not to be the only obese member of an otherwise athletic family. Raised her only daughter on that bs and now the poor thing is 4'10" 200lbs with Turner's Syndrome which is quite dangerous. Her clogged aorta won't care that "Looks don't matter!"

b3da3c  No.6550517



You're just stupid, not my fault I observed your stupidity, it's your fault for displaying it.

3aa789  No.6550518


Filter ID+

b4b132  No.6550520

Click Here For Your Continued Shitposting Pleasure





7800b9  No.6550521

File: 809cae47cf543af⋯.png (129.39 KB, 400x400, 1:1, CDB24D7A-DA6F-4153-9145-A7….png)

1b7121  No.6550525

Shitposting filling the bread

b6b86e  No.6550526

File: 3d1d368b7a16575⋯.png (966.11 KB, 1200x1191, 400:397, Screenshot_20190424-002518….png)

b8c18b  No.6550527


He lived biking from National Forest to National Forest. No one even gave him a second look.

Hidden in plain sight.

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