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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

09454e  No.6383434

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Friday 04.19.2019

Compiled here: >>6354261

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

09454e  No.6383441

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6348477 BO Related Global Notables

>>6261140 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGs)

>>6364968 There are captchas for every post now


are not endorsements


>>6382817, >>6382946 P EQUALS C - call to dig

>>6382871 Toyota, Fiat Chrysler U.S. auto sales fall in March. GM and Ford do not report monthly sales.

>>6382890 New HRC Attempt to change the narrative, Muh immigrants

>>6382755 anon 'My analysis, FWIW' gets 5:5 roll and notable nom

>>6383127 Shouldn't This CENTCOM tweet Say Deployment? As in [D]

>>6382885 5 people, including 2 judges, shot, wounded in Indianapolis overnight in separate shootings

>>6383323 GTMO844 returned to Ft.Laud after a quik flight over Vero Beach and back.

>>6383314 The bottom has fallen out on CNN’s ratings.

>>6383403 #8162

#8161 baker change

>>6382065 PapaD - Barr prob seen documentary evidence on Aus and Brit intel before Downer and May 2016

>>6382023 anon decode on Minuteman (USAF and Q)

>>6382469, >>6382485 more on the ICBM test launch (minuteman)

>>6382019 May Day -> Dark to Light, anon post on the history of May 1 as May Day shows a dark to light ref

>>6382002 Private payrolls surge by 275k in April, biggest since July

>>6382174, >>6382222 anons:[AS]leaking = "Ongoing investigation"= Blackout.(was examiner-AS claim from yest)

>>6382160, >>6382216 "I can land the plane"-Rosenstein, "I’m landing the plane right now"-Barr -see you on tarmac says anon

>>6382476 "The report's gonna be out next week, I'm not just going to get into details until the plane's on the ground."

>>6382144 GTMO844 departs Ft. Laud

>>6382118 WH ordered full sec sweep over listening device threat after MB des islamic terrorist

>>6382104 MSNBC cuts into Graham's statement to say he lied about 'no collusion' (vid)

>>6382302 Barr is the Stealth Bomber

>>6382288, >>6382291 DS bitches AS and EW call for Barr to resign for 'misleading american people'-lets hope they soon hang

>>6382434 Cops on motorcycles hunting protesters in Venezuela.

>>6382436 Kevin Spacey's Stalker Linda Louise Culkin Dead After Being Struck by Car

>>6382615 #8161


>>6381739 (Video) DOD found that Hillary’s emails were being forwarded to a company in Manassas Va. that is owned by the Chinees intelligence services.

>>6381737 Anon's April 2019 Habbenings Calendar

>>6381681 Foreign and Domestic Terrorists working together against POTUS and USA

>>6381668 U.S. environment agency says glyphosate weed killer is not a carcinogen

>>6381601 Zero Percent of US Corporate Media Commentators Oppose Regime Change in Venezuela

>>6381567, >>6381610 Anons noticing secret service? individual scanning the JUDICAL COMMITTEE. Very strange

>>6381549 New Documents Reveal DHS Asserting Broad, Unconstitutional Authority to Search Travelers’ Phones and Laptops

>>6381520 New FBI Twat w/CAP: China Spy Investigations in every state.

>>6381472, >>6381529 Judicial Watch: Top Hillary Clinton Aide Admits Under Oath that He and Clinton Used Unsecure Personal Email for Official State Department Business

>>6381383 US relocates nuclear bombs from Incirlik Air Base in Turkey

>>6381365 NASA Says Metals Fraud Caused $700 Million Satellite Failure

>>6381220, >>6381320 US Northern and Southern Cmnd twat CAPS: status updates

>>6381219 Missile turned in at gun buyback in Juárez, Mexico

>>6381842 #8160

Previously Collected Notables

>>6380297 #8158, >>6381081 #8159

>>6378006 #8155, >>6378775 #8156, >>6379541 #8157

>>6375695 #8152, >>6376427 #8153, >>6377229 #8154

>>6373294 #8149, >>6374081 #8150, >>6374904 #8151

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

09454e  No.6383444

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6373407 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

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Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6339245

Q Graphics all in EST

>>6069766, >>6171428

09454e  No.6383450

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

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* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Threads 8001 - 10,000: https://pastebin.com/bjb0Y5FP

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

e798de  No.6383464

File: c1a3341315893c3⋯.jpg (50.67 KB, 800x450, 16:9, MadBarr.jpg)

File: ad3b7760700d74a⋯.jpg (55.31 KB, 800x450, 16:9, BARRRR.jpg)

6d6e38  No.6383468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the Barr Testimony with me Anons.

It's from weak ass WAPO's livestream.


09454e  No.6383470

File: 20d8d3ee031c0a2⋯.png (248.43 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b5c3a63b8b7b16⋯.png (575.3 KB, 917x840, 131:120, ClipboardImage.png)



Handoff Requested

GHOST HANDOFF in full effect

shadow bakers, keep an eye on dough replies

easy bake at 700

let anons do notables next bread

ef34de  No.6383479

File: ac66a2715472a0f⋯.png (64.28 KB, 594x339, 198:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a32a74015570022⋯.png (32.9 KB, 584x215, 584:215, ClipboardImage.png)

What happened?

6d6e38  No.6383485




I am not Mossad.

1b6957  No.6383486

File: 6409d3b02797a50⋯.png (1.09 MB, 719x529, 719:529, capture_215_11042019_01055….png)

9af86c  No.6383487

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


bc3422  No.6383488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

To be honest, I'm not seeing a lot of winning here.

When does the winning start, anons?

9af86c  No.6383489

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




bfad8e  No.6383490

File: 3cfeaa8b2573e86⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 500x518, 250:259, this-again.jpg)

b8522a  No.6383491

interdict :: interrupt re comey twat

e9b36a  No.6383492

File: 5e00d0efa3828ae⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

9af86c  No.6383493


Yes, I am back. Was busy telling a family member how they might be an NPC. :)

1a9663  No.6383494

Trump seeks $4.5 billion to help with surge in migration at southern border


By Roberta Rampton

,Reuters•May 1, 2019

2c8164  No.6383495

File: d55ea870b0401dd⋯.jpg (20.27 KB, 287x327, 287:327, Dericious.jpg)

1a763a  No.6383496

File: a1337dc139bef0c⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1539x956, 1539:956, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


TY Baker!

702f9d  No.6383497

Why does any Patriot have to go through this bullshit

d70c4b  No.6383498

File: 40637a15cc4a32f⋯.png (588.36 KB, 889x500, 889:500, ClipboardImage.png)

894760  No.6383499

File: 81425399efa0d4f⋯.png (32.73 KB, 845x278, 845:278, ClipboardImage.png)

UK's May sacks defence minister Williamson over Huawei leak

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has dismissed Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson after he was found responsible for a leak from the National Security Council about Huawei’s involvement in the UK’s 5G network.

The scandal broke last week when the Daily Telegraph published the leaked data from the National Security Council meeting, during which the ministers agreed that the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei would be granted limited access to assist in developing the British 5G network.

A formal inquiry into the leak, led by the Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill, was launched following the incident.

The investigation found “compelling evidence” suggesting that Williamson was ultimately responsible for the disclosure, a document, signed by the prime minister and published on social media by the Times Deputy Political Editor Sam Coates, states.

May decried her defense secretary’s reluctance to cooperate with the investigation by saying that his conduct during the probe “has not been of the same standard as others.” She also said that she lost confidence in him as the defense secretary and asked him to leave the government. At the same time, May thanked Williamson for his “wider contribution” to the government.


e9b36a  No.6383500


Attorney General Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller Report

5cc7a2  No.6383501

File: 972b3ac00e2761b⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 422x546, 211:273, grandstandingalert.jpg)

File: 0e4b3c7062d28ae⋯.png (265.69 KB, 491x659, 491:659, joniearnst.png)

You seem to think if there is not a crime, then it;s OK"

She surprised herself with that!

"Stop pretending we don't know what's going on"

"But you don't"~


9af86c  No.6383502



Yes, this family member kept interrupting me. Wouldn't listen to what I had to say. Sad. :(

a249f2  No.6383503

>>6383364 pb

>>6383369 pb

>>6383366 pb

The dumb Bitch that thinks people can take trains to Hawaii , if there were no planes. kek

9af86c  No.6383504

8a2ed6  No.6383505


so kek

Hirono come to mind

laughin gas man, laughin gas

b8522a  No.6383506

"a very competent team" :: fuck those idiots

446227  No.6383507

He's worked out where she's taking this and started to say Yes.

b7dbca  No.6383509

File: 1f36b756e829bee⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1183x810, 1183:810, angery.PNG)

702f9d  No.6383510


I cant imagine being in his seat

332de1  No.6383511

File: 4a65a9b880b00d2⋯.png (360.56 KB, 426x640, 213:320, 2e0222f9610110d049c716b650….png)

Thank You Baker

1e8149  No.6383512

Hillaries and Husseins lawyers wrote all these scripts

368b09  No.6383513

File: 9817497a1a3eb6f⋯.gif (288.13 KB, 465x400, 93:80, output_iEBCV7.gif)

Click on Dank dog and watch dankness turn into AOC

4ec148  No.6383514


Because going though "this bullshit" is what makes them Patriots in the first place.

195638  No.6383515

File: 79244d898e292b2⋯.png (375.72 KB, 824x500, 206:125, 7a397bad-9232-4fe1-b2c4-f7….png)


shes just mad cuz bar has more hair than she has

9af86c  No.6383516



Probably because this family member is indeed an NPC. Sad. I know. :(

5cc7a2  No.6383517


She said "So called Summary"

smearing Barr.

d70c4b  No.6383518

Republican senators should be giving Barr an opportunity to rebut the claims the Dems are making.

5d059f  No.6383519

File: 3437fc252284a76⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190501-140252.png)

4ffaa2  No.6383520



When Barr reveals his findings in the form of criminal referrals and the Dims realise that they're just getting what they have been whining and screaming for - that's when

1b6957  No.6383522

File: 67c8f89dc2c9092⋯.jpg (146.27 KB, 700x627, 700:627, capture_131_10042019_05142….jpg)



7b2cac  No.6383523

File: e35728d1a6c1ac4⋯.png (1.95 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

1a763a  No.6383524

how did we get to this point

2 year's of POTUS' admin consumed by something now proven false

9640ad  No.6383525

File: 10873fb50d7c391⋯.jpeg (452.37 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, F8D4E00A-8926-4E96-AEEE-6….jpeg)

File: e3d27f324debe35⋯.jpeg (428.17 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, C26F1E22-1341-4B65-B77C-E….jpeg)

440092  No.6383526

>>6383364 lb

She was harassing Barr. I can not stand Hirono or whatever her name is. She is so disrespectful and totally obnoxious.

e8f8be  No.6383527

File: ac67e125ee8bbd6⋯.jpeg (131.39 KB, 925x499, 925:499, 2136E919-9B9E-47EE-9D51-7….jpeg)

33bf29  No.6383528

File: 02c4773215c95b5⋯.png (26.11 KB, 279x317, 279:317, hkma.png)

File: ffdf79994aafcf3⋯.png (15.19 KB, 857x272, 857:272, Tools.png)

File: ca57f47289c997e⋯.jpg (331.2 KB, 794x514, 397:257, plants.jpg)

File: a9b311497f3d066⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 1618x1412, 809:706, chain 6 north korea sunset….jpg)

QMAP: What are Bill Clinton and Kim Jong sitting on?

Answer: Plants


CentralBank HKMA established during Bill Clintons first year (1993)

Q: Logo?


As the QMAP also asks: "Why is everything really made in China?"

Very related -

Hong Kong's Central Banker to Step Down After a Decade in Charge In October https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-21/hong-kong-s-central-banker-to-step-down-after-a-decade-in-charge

Norman started off in Chinese Gov

1. Joined Central Bank in 1993 Clinton 1st Yr

2. Became Chief Exec in 2009 Obama 1st Yr


3f2099  No.6383529

Any rational and actually based anons watch Barr testimony?

Does it look like Panic in DC? Looks like business as usual. Especially w/ VZ developments and JA locked up for a year in British GITMO.

Really makes you think.

9149c3  No.6383531


Last stand of the Muh Mueller Report findings.

Just survive this and move on.

Move on to the good stuff!

1efb39  No.6383532


Prices here are 2.61 to 2.69

e9b36a  No.6383534

File: de7c0e9c8cfae01⋯.png (63.89 KB, 172x243, 172:243, ClipboardImage.png)



332de1  No.6383535

File: 02eaafc75cf4e22⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 0366c09895a76a57f1d497246a….jpg)

9af86c  No.6383536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is he breast feeding in that pic?

c7da4c  No.6383537


come on, make something meaningful!

9fd5dd  No.6383538

File: 520d40d47263cab⋯.jpeg (312.72 KB, 602x742, 43:53, 520d40d47263cab17c9d81d53….jpeg)

addb02  No.6383539

File: 305c3f24c0673a6⋯.png (522.05 KB, 679x500, 679:500, 5A9A0955-6463-4B9E-A96E-53….png)

894760  No.6383540

File: f29843426ea9714⋯.png (963.61 KB, 889x747, 889:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65d3c67eb4da95f⋯.png (392.7 KB, 534x405, 178:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9b7424b0e39e1b⋯.png (402.32 KB, 892x536, 223:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d153f877f57b05⋯.png (892.53 KB, 686x793, 686:793, ClipboardImage.png)

Chaos Erupts In Paris As "Armageddon" Protesters Riot During French Holiday

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Paris and other French cities on Wednesday to mark International Workers' Day (also known as Labor Day), only to clash with French riot police. The demonstrators included Yellow Vests, trade unionists, climate change protesters and Black Bloc (antifa) - which posted on social media that they wanted an "Armageddon" rally that would turn Paris into the "Riot Capital of Europe," according to the Daily Mail.



2c8164  No.6383541

File: 6e240001bdf26d4⋯.jpg (20.83 KB, 701x395, 701:395, sacked.jpg)

>>6383499 UK's May sacks defence minister Williamson over Huawei leak


a37f2b  No.6383542

I'll just leave this here



7cb217  No.6383543


Barr just called her “Hirono”. Instead of Senator Hirono. Nice.

b8522a  No.6383544


she literally broke the law

Lindsey Graham flat out warned her she was committing slander

359a68  No.6383545

File: 63dd57f920a967f⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 300x440, 15:22, IMG_296.jpg)

patriots laugh!

85bc83  No.6383546

Barr is absolutely not 'business as usual'.

1efb39  No.6383547


Hawaii needs to toss her into the volcano.

d56848  No.6383549

File: 61700053662ea14⋯.png (656.07 KB, 735x763, 105:109, flotusnpepecheeronfrens.png)


tanks baker!! o7

aed2a8  No.6383550

File: 67e0561eebceb10⋯.png (155.51 KB, 481x425, 481:425, Leahy- Term Limits.png)

Can we all agree TERM LIMITS are in order?

5e9ab9  No.6383551


I think the proceedings have been hilariously funny, in a dark way.

It's good for this stuff to be brought to light, and it's fucking fantastic to see demorcrats swet.

b936ef  No.6383552

File: 9f1af72b8139ca2⋯.mp4 (12.07 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, DiFi_on_securing_borders.mp4)


Sorry to have to break it to you, moo joo 'community.'

702f9d  No.6383553


Na bullshit. You shouldn't have to sit and be slammed with your hands tied behind your back.

9640ad  No.6383554

File: 5d102446108f664⋯.jpeg (385.8 KB, 1800x1458, 100:81, 6A1E2B54-6432-4128-A5C5-8….jpeg)

9af86c  No.6383555


Nice bewb. :)

320284  No.6383556

Here comes Spartacus…

4ec148  No.6383557


Moves and Counter-moves.

From where I'm sitting; #WINNING

1a763a  No.6383558

File: d81aed027d01f59⋯.png (95.43 KB, 683x116, 683:116, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

File: 54f0ddbdffa0188⋯.png (161.64 KB, 419x312, 419:312, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

00f091  No.6383559

Now comes the soapbox from the porch.

be1c25  No.6383560

File: 5cd3a02fae6f404⋯.jpg (207.97 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, pjimage.jpg)

9149c3  No.6383562

Senator Metrosexual Emo time now

42a6ca  No.6383563

Here comes Spartacus

b19665  No.6383564


e9b36a  No.6383565

File: ba980dc6dabef35⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1280x986, 640:493, ClipboardImage.png)

2d07da  No.6383566

File: 77024d0639f6d2f⋯.jpg (547.93 KB, 1290x810, 43:27, RB_History.jpg)

9af86c  No.6383567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"To it you are all irrelevant…"

b8522a  No.6383568

let's do it [spartacus]

2nd [nothing to see here]?

everybody drink!!!!!

aed2a8  No.6383569

File: b370573eea08718⋯.png (270.38 KB, 778x520, 389:260, Watch the Water.png)

Watch the Water!

502f3a  No.6383570


But we have it all. Gtfo. Fuck this shit. ENOUGH. Release the hounds.

2c8164  No.6383571

File: 75c7850fcf51ef2⋯.png (638.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe and newfags.png)

5fcf6f  No.6383572

File: bfb8b4f6620cf9c⋯.png (313.95 KB, 617x348, 617:348, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

Oh God here comes fucking Spartacus

bc3422  No.6383573


>When Barr reveals his findings in the form of criminal referrals and the Dims realise that they're just getting what they have been whining and screaming for - that's when

With respect, it's always that 'indictments are coming soon'.

It's been like that for 18 months. First it was sealed indictments (PACER), then it was Huber's Grand Juries and now it's Barr who's supposed to drop the hammer.

But I've yet to see anyone charged with anything with the possible exception of Greg Craig.

Forgive my scepticism but at some point we have to face reality.

5e9ab9  No.6383574




c72aca  No.6383575

Yawn. Booker likes hearing himself talk. I drifted off and now I have no idea what he is talking about.

84834c  No.6383577


So she's pissed that the Defense minister wants to keep the Chinese out of their internet, thus doing his job of keeping the UK safe?

d62c3d  No.6383578


Say it with me, REPUBLIC! A Representative Republic!

59a556  No.6383579

Booker…prime example of affirmative action.

bfad8e  No.6383580

File: 0faafc22c3dc5ae⋯.jpeg (26.77 KB, 502x267, 502:267, Booker_kek!.jpeg)

5662f5  No.6383581

And now Booker. What a moron.

09454e  No.6383582

File: 062c3efb9b577d8⋯.png (167.94 KB, 399x600, 133:200, bookert.png)

i got these cheezebergerz

5d059f  No.6383583

File: 22f2963d066e9d2⋯.png (468.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190501-103714.png)

File: c9b211cea21a797⋯.jpg (120.7 KB, 503x671, 503:671, dsc00196.jpg)

File: 633a792861207c8⋯.png (741.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190501-123846.png)

File: f6ecffa60fa4c81⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 9789caa50546e7d474396846d4….jpg)

File: dff70f4f97c6bcc⋯.png (728.34 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190501-113529.png)

d70c4b  No.6383584

File: 0d514937ccd2353⋯.png (734.07 KB, 889x483, 127:69, ClipboardImage.png)

5cc7a2  No.6383585


They had an account paid for in Rubles

the TN GOP was paid by th Russians?

7306f7  No.6383586

File: 9ed10ce02514bb0⋯.png (542.38 KB, 768x2864, 48:179, Jews_Gun_Control_00_Big_3.png)

File: 7afe6bad167d8d0⋯.jpg (339.4 KB, 620x906, 310:453, Jews_Gun_Control_1_Harvey.jpg)

File: 5e91ba10e1de856⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 1481x878, 1481:878, Jews_Gun_Control_2.jpg)

File: 7ee35c77d69b669⋯.jpg (537.82 KB, 968x701, 968:701, Jews_Gun_Control_3.jpg)

File: 2a126049c7aecb6⋯.jpg (90.31 KB, 621x471, 207:157, Jews_Gun_Control_4.jpg)

>>6383170 (lb)

Jewish collective power is going to be terminated in the West, for all the right reasons.



"The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws."

>>6383231 (lb)

Kek, yep. See my next post.

9f7c53  No.6383587


overdue since 1789

c2529f  No.6383588

File: 4cbf378724aba66⋯.jpg (91.33 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, WxoILpD.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

I was going to say Spartacus is up, but anons beat me to it, lol.

28774c  No.6383589

How do these Dems not have strokes or heart attacks from the stress of keeping these lies going and protecting people for so long?

502f3a  No.6383590


Constitutional republic.

1a763a  No.6383591

File: fed0d92756b5b3b⋯.png (1 MB, 1298x929, 1298:929, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


(((They're))) stealin' our catch phrases!

9fd5dd  No.6383592

File: 9efb2f1db475ca1⋯.png (4.09 MB, 2996x2996, 1:1, 9efb2f1db475ca19c64bc769cd….png)



26a805  No.6383593


It’s a process.. been here long?

b8522a  No.6383594

"i think there's a conclusion"





050e7e  No.6383595

Q - Please do something soon to take down these corrupt democrats. We are all sick and tired of listening to their lies and false narratives. I cannot wait until they have to answer for their own crimes instead of accusing innocent people of crimes that don't exist.

4ffaa2  No.6383596


Sorry is isnt going according to the timeline you made up in your head, anon. This kind of stuff just doesnt work like that.

770077  No.6383597

I don't know how anyone other that brainwashed Democrat sycophants can watch this Barr hearing and not see through the obvious partisan attack-dog propaganda push. They're really digging themselves in deep to try and escape the Truth that has them surrounded.

894760  No.6383598

File: 489b0e3f5c37caf⋯.png (512.06 KB, 1227x748, 1227:748, ClipboardImage.png)

Congress Releases 'Mueller Letter' To AG Barr

Acquiescing to Democrats' demands, AG Barr has turned over the full 'Mueller Letter' to the House Judiciary Committee, and the letter was released to the public shortly before the beginning of Wednesday's testimony.

In the brief letter, ostensibly written to convey certain decisions made on redactions in the report, claimed that Barr's summary was misleading and risked undermining public confidence in the Mueller probe.

Still, as the special counsel requested, the full redacted report has been released to the public.

Read the full text of the letter below:

Dear Attorney General Barr:

I previously sent you a letter dated March 25, 2019, that enclosed the introduction and executive summary for each volume of the Special Counsel's report marked with redactions to remove any information that potentially could be protected by Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure that concerned declination decisions; or that related to a charged case. We also had marked an additional two sentences for review and have now confirmed that these sentences can be released publicly.

Accordingly, the enclosed documents are in a form that can be released to the public consistent with legal requirements and Department policies. I am requesting that you provide these materials to Congress and authorize their public release at this time.

As we stated in our meeting of March 5 and reiterated to the Department early in the afternoon of March 24, the introductions and executive summaries of our two-volume report accurately summarize this Office's work and conclusions. The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions. We communicated that concern to the Department on the morning of March 25. There is new public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations. See Department of Justice, Press Release (May 17, 2017).

While we understand that the Department is reviewing the full report to determine what is appropriate for public release - a process that our Office is working with you to complete that process need not delay release of the enclosed materials. Release at this time would alleviate the misunderstandings that have arisen and would answer congressional and public questions about the nature and outcome of our investigation. It would also accord with the standard for public release of notifications to Congress cited in your letter.

Sincerely yours,

Robert S. Mueller III



e9b36a  No.6383600

File: 987a80138a08ceb⋯.png (535.12 KB, 908x402, 454:201, ClipboardImage.png)

984462  No.6383601

File: e971dcbc445401e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1152x649, 1152:649, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone know who this is??

Thinking she's there supporting dems.

1b6957  No.6383602

File: f8be016557949fb⋯.jpg (136.15 KB, 647x572, 647:572, capture_125_14042019_08403….jpg)

1323f6  No.6383603

File: c8391827a03254a⋯.jpeg (384.59 KB, 799x1114, 799:1114, Screenshot_2019-05-01-14-….jpeg)

File: 6f255d8f65d42ca⋯.jpeg (111.23 KB, 799x399, 799:399, Screenshot_2019-05-01-14-….jpeg)

File: c1199e329ad0207⋯.jpeg (36.23 KB, 799x126, 799:126, Screenshot_2019-05-01-14-….jpeg)

File: 8ba4c36dd9a4742⋯.jpeg (381.63 KB, 799x998, 799:998, Screenshot_2019-05-01-14-….jpeg)


270891  No.6383604


Don’t know what you’re watching but I see the nervous, shaky voiced dems getting their collective asses handed to them by one cool customer. Barr is rock solid.

4ec148  No.6383605


Who says Barr's hands are tied?


2c8164  No.6383607

File: 21dee37e1b84d16⋯.png (527.18 KB, 843x827, 843:827, Senator Glory hole.png)

f8a1bd  No.6383608


Have no experience with that stuff, but the original post identified it as a Stinger, and THAT much I could verify as false.

What concerns me is if that is an impact fuse suitable for an IED.

9af86c  No.6383609


And why couldn't he just say 4? Because the teacher would kill him or something?

b7dbca  No.6383610

File: d063749ed37b528⋯.png (1000.55 KB, 739x1152, 739:1152, silverback.png)

4ec148  No.6383611

0b00d8  No.6383612


>What happened?

a spate of refinery fires and the yearly springtime maintenance

d56848  No.6383613

who the fucks husband gets "murdered" bc of a supposed car jacking right in front of their house and stays living there - then 3 years later remarries a local news anchor.

lyda krewson, frens. lyda krewson.

913a98  No.6383614

Suppose Hirono has ties to Chinese espionage?

2384ca  No.6383615


No she’s on our side

7b2cac  No.6383616

File: 35969c3720f20c5⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, mkultra.jpg)


did this a couple breads back, all i got in me for today for the "meaningful" department. I like just building out of whatever turns up in the bread. it's fun for me and i try to bring meaning through what i choose to include vs not include or the context in which it is included.

30b870  No.6383617

File: 356bb476c199c4d⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 3545x2160, 709:432, tyb_redtop.jpg)


Thank You, Baker!

8a2ed6  No.6383618

Barr is like when Nolan Ryan kicked the shit out of that guy who rushed the mound.

Can someone gifmeme BARR INTO RYAN and booker into the other looser, please

e9b36a  No.6383619

File: 911a53a3fccfc4f⋯.png (358.72 KB, 592x572, 148:143, ClipboardImage.png)

c72aca  No.6383620


no, the Russians made a fake account named TN GOP and paid the social media company in rubles. Her point was that it was clearly a Russian paid potical account

84834c  No.6383621


Name of pic made me Kek out loud.

4ec148  No.6383622



Meant for: >>6383570

1b6957  No.6383623

File: 3c590661e55a63b⋯.jpg (243.42 KB, 1400x1314, 700:657, WRWY!.jpg)

5fcf6f  No.6383624

File: 1de69df96091467⋯.jpg (119.82 KB, 736x937, 736:937, BigBadBarr.jpg)

2bf503  No.6383625


It ain't over unfortunately, the House has not even begun to attack him.

Next 18 months will be brutal.

85bc83  No.6383626

Booker has no chance against Barr's legal brilliance.

cd2a4a  No.6383627


when? timestamp?

4debc4  No.6383628

File: 5b7217165f48b77⋯.jpg (64.64 KB, 375x200, 15:8, im-spartacus-no-im-spartac….jpg)

320284  No.6383629

File: 42d235d520eba7e⋯.png (156.62 KB, 680x891, 680:891, ClipboardImage.png)


The Rottys rush to the rescue:


5d059f  No.6383630

File: 996cc3d11b64e3e⋯.png (182.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190501-101115.png)

File: e74bf27388ca9bc⋯.png (623.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190430-124557.png)

File: 65250c37fc3e42d⋯.png (961.89 KB, 1760x1173, 1760:1173, Cupace20190501094008.png)

File: 9da31cbe32c472f⋯.jpg (34.13 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 511mUjNv80L.jpg)

File: a16e23a71870cb7⋯.jpg (73.01 KB, 640x640, 1:1, c58fea7728c18dbeaa86775a9f….jpg)

Dicks. Dicks on all your houses.

984462  No.6383631

File: c206e642ac0b147⋯.jpg (11.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 640e61d70259badb4a7af20246….jpg)

f0bcf1  No.6383632


It took me a while to realize this is going to take a long time, but once the big reveal happens, I think it's going to go fast(er). It's going to be a waterfall because I guarantee that a lot of the same people are going to be wrapped up in multiple investigations. And it will just lead to another, and another.. maybe? Wishful thinking?

f8a1bd  No.6383633


SHIT! That was (PB) … sometimes my fingers outrun my brain.

40320c  No.6383634

In case there's any confusion regarding what the Dems' narrative will be as the hammer comes down: Barr is acting as Trump's "personal attorney"

293487  No.6383635

A new level of garbled nonsense from ButtBoyBooker…wtF

3f2099  No.6383636


So where does continuing genocide in Yemen and creating new regime change wars fit in the MAGA plan? That’s the NWO plan.

If Maduro loses, VZ becomes the new Libya. You haven’t even seen a border crisis yet in comparison to what will come.

286858  No.6383637

File: 3280d30719f3027⋯.png (3.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3280d30719f30277ba3b103589….png)

5cc7a2  No.6383638

File: ae6cffd710e0c44⋯.jpg (253.38 KB, 1073x849, 1073:849, Cory Booker admits rapist.jpg)

File: 3870b4801ec7e7f⋯.jpeg (35.28 KB, 669x383, 669:383, booker.jpeg)

"Sanction to behavor"

"Change in Normalcy"


f97132  No.6383639


how can May dare FIRE anyone?

she's barely hanging on herself

dc7a40  No.6383640


ROBIN VENTURA!!! That was awesome

e9b36a  No.6383641

File: e287a570c590060⋯.png (186.71 KB, 422x321, 422:321, ClipboardImage.png)

080ba0  No.6383642

File: 68b391644f28d8b⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1917, 46:71, D9F90BBB-EB50-4F7F-9D32-A….jpeg)


00f091  No.6383643

This fucker is trying to write the MSM headlines for them.

98c885  No.6383644


Was thinking along those same lines myself. She clearly wants to undermine our great nation and all the patriots in the government.

b8522a  No.6383645

File: 243a79342716fed⋯.png (64.76 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

that the trump

13034d  No.6383646

File: 59c1de5e513d89b⋯.jpg (311.68 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, Booker.jpg)

9640ad  No.6383647

File: f1b5b95f29b7ee1⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1826x1446, 913:723, Screen Shot 2018-06-18 at ….png)


so glad we are the good guys about now

used to suck when satan was in the white house

894760  No.6383648

File: e2ae0d9a8ba4194⋯.png (31.07 KB, 492x479, 492:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c41a5afd6644dd5⋯.png (47.69 KB, 795x648, 265:216, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6aa6525a330b0df⋯.png (552.71 KB, 832x878, 416:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e27675635c10a7⋯.png (471.08 KB, 835x842, 835:842, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cfef95a94f8e59⋯.png (739.32 KB, 611x833, 611:833, ClipboardImage.png)

‘You’re from Florida, not Caracas’: Marco Rubio’s Twitter fest supporting Guaido gets a bashing

US Senator Marco Rubio has emerged as a primary backer of the ongoing attempted coup in Venezuela, as he rushed to Twitter to show his support for Washington protégé Juan Guaido – and faced much criticism from the Twitteratti.

The Florida Republican spared no effort in promoting the coup attempt, which was staged by Guaido earlier on Tuesday, as he (Rubio) wrote dozens of tweets calling on almost literally every single person in Venezuela (except probably for President Nicolas Maduro himself) to support what he called an “effort to restore democracy.”

He also tirelessly reminded people on social media that it is Guaido who is suddenly the “legitimate” leader of Venezuela – just because he was recognized as such by the US and its allies. The senator also didn’t just stop at bashing the Venezuelan government but also assaulted CNN in some of his tweets.


Rubio is Zionist Adelson's puppet never forget

b75eaa  No.6383649

File: bc0fadb335e937a⋯.png (2.93 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E6F3DAD5-14A2-4AD0-9820-35….png)

File: 10102eb01ab66ac⋯.png (444 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0E87C1DA-BCF0-46BE-A5C9-D6….png)

File: 9729a5d804ae1ee⋯.png (1.58 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 82055041-8647-4B05-95F5-1B….png)

Kansas Senate overrides governor's abortion 'reversal' veto


079b6d  No.6383650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

005320  No.6383651

File: 662b5e18a44c8e1⋯.jpg (597.92 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Rome Catacombs Palermo Ita….jpg)

>>6381365 (PB)

>The fraud involved an Oregon company called Sapa Profiles Inc., which falsified thousands of certifications for aluminum parts over 19 years for hundreds of customers, including NASA.

>The bad parts were used in the making of Taurus XL, a rocket that was supposed to deliver satellites studying the Earth’s climate during missions carried out in 2009 and 2011.

Interesting that the fraud result in the failure of mission to study climate. Fake climate scientists are running a trillion dollar plus cult scam operation which rest on the use of specific data configurations to support the deception and extortion.

Failed missions would have produced more data, some of which was being sought to answer non cult scientist's questions about the first set of manicured data which seem to support anthropomorphic climate change.

5f0253  No.6383652

[FF]_Averted {38.983432°N, 76.843536°W}



5c8313  No.6383653

File: 2173af69ee02093⋯.jpg (492.27 KB, 1079x1139, 1079:1139, Screenshot_20190501-131618….jpg)

File: f80b031168521e3⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 4096x2730, 2048:1365, IMG_20190501_131604.jpg)

File: a0708aaa46c4656⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3843x2162, 3843:2162, IMG_20190501_131600.jpg)

Just for planfags

Love you no homo

e8d2c6  No.6383654

File: 8d99900042847e5⋯.jpg (303.82 KB, 1280x1403, 1280:1403, booker2.jpg)

muh….orange man bad

d5a07c  No.6383655

None of this ends until the Leftist/Globalists are rotting in deep trenches……wishful thinking and careful planning will eventually, by necessity, meet ugly reality……unrealistic desire to limit damage to our society and the economy while taking down the swamp is the blind spot.

d62c3d  No.6383656

File: 7ce7159e74b049e⋯.jpg (80.9 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, slide-21.jpg)

9fd5dd  No.6383657

File: 7f21a5ecf25e7d5⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 3b46298b2ae34a18dee88d2721….jpg)



894760  No.6383658

File: 020650341c6c369⋯.png (1.84 MB, 848x849, 848:849, ClipboardImage.png)

85bc83  No.6383659

Clinton. Chinese contacts during election. Boom.

d56848  No.6383660

File: d46d7e34a0a23a0⋯.jpg (143.1 KB, 720x720, 1:1, bookercallmemampls.jpg)

File: a50767c892208f0⋯.jpg (9.99 KB, 255x170, 3:2, bookerconcenered.jpg)

feed just cut out right after BARR MENTIONED CLINTON! kek

9af86c  No.6383661

Oh, Alexa just called me a dinosaur…

4ffaa2  No.6383662


FISA brings down the House. We need IG report, the. Declas. then it begins - and yes, I expect an avalanche at that point

4debc4  No.6383663

File: 0bc6c8f7b8ee162⋯.mp4 (287.99 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Tweet Shut the Fuck Up Cun….mp4)

For Twatter Spartacus

f97132  No.6383664

File: de7672ec1c238fd⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, PEPE WUT.jpg)

1a9663  No.6383665

boom! look at HRC….

2c8164  No.6383666



8b6c3b  No.6383667

File: ee3ceac7f587b3c⋯.jpeg (56.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, B1C1B210-5DBA-4C4E-B4E6-2….jpeg)


Top KEK!!!!!

5c8313  No.6383668


Dumped STEEL

236016  No.6383669


84834c  No.6383670


They must have SOMETHING on her for her to be acting so insane. Coverup of HUSSEIN birth cert? Or using Hawaii to traffic kids?

b8522a  No.6383671

"we all recognize"

the mueller ?

is books having a stroke?

b2828f  No.6383672

File: be669d18f574778⋯.jpg (95.27 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Julian Assange court sketc….jpg)

File: 2ec92a24d9d7577⋯.jpg (77.31 KB, 940x627, 940:627, WikiLeaks founder Julian A….jpg)

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks' jail over bail breach

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been sentenced to 50 weeks' jail for absconding while on bail, when he fled to the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2012.

Assange was granted asylum by Ecuador after the UK Supreme Court upheld a ruling that he should be extradited to Sweden over a sexual assault case that has since been dropped. He has denied the allegation.

He claimed he was seeking political asylum because Sweden's international arrest warrant would see him eventually extradited to the United States.

Assange's lawyer Mark Summers told the courtroom packed with journalists and WikiLeaks supporters that his client sought refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy because "he was living with overwhelming fear of being rendered to the US".

He said Assange had a "well-founded" fear that he would be mistreated and possibly sent to the US detention camp for terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay.

Mr Summers read a letter from Assange apologising for his behaviour in 2012 and saying, "I did what I thought was best".

"I found myself struggling with terrifying circumstances," the letter said.

The white-haired WikiLeaks founder stood impassively with his hands clasped while his 50-week sentence was read.

The 47-year-old's supporters in the public gallery chanted "shame on you" at the judge as he was led away.



1efb39  No.6383673


Jap lady has a political meltdown. She is equivalent of a left tard on line. No facts, no discussion, just name calling. An embarrassment to her state, but she's what she represents..a big as resort community and pineapple farmers.

As a Texan I am embarrassed because of Sheila Jackson Lee and Beto the Beta.

5cc7a2  No.6383674


All these attackers are just grandstanding;

Won't let Barr talk

Shouldn't it have been reported?!

That there were people trying to set up the POTUS

Yes, there should be!

But it was the FBI

Who are you supposed to report to?

1a763a  No.6383675

File: c4f348dd1fd65c9⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1351x901, 1351:901, Screen Shot 2018-09-05 at ….png)

File: 44ec8a8ed71c18b⋯.png (957.77 KB, 1180x1167, 1180:1167, Screen Shot 2018-09-05 at ….png)


D5 a comin'…will disrupt the narrative of evil, avalanche will be aimed directly at (((Them))).

Good days ahead!

b7dbca  No.6383676


no not blind spot

it must be efforted, first, if and until it is clear damage cannot be limited anymore

3f33a1  No.6383677


Don't be a faggot.

4f1a11  No.6383678

Cokehead Cory was amusing but Barr handled his bullshit just right. The note reading was classic.

be1c25  No.6383679


GTFO shill. Anons are not racist, and Patriots have no skin color

7306f7  No.6383680

File: 177a51d7f950968⋯.jpg (65.37 KB, 845x472, 845:472, 20_Antisemitism_aint_what_….jpg)

File: 01964d9f7ebcacc⋯.jpg (404.24 KB, 1200x2015, 240:403, 12_The_Lobby_Part_3_Antise….jpg)

File: 56f020067512328⋯.jpg (165.82 KB, 1200x1004, 300:251, 18_The_Lobby_Part_3_Slande….jpg)


>>6383231 (lb)

Read these pics related.


30dae9  No.6383681

File: eb563d1f213f7a3⋯.png (113.63 KB, 500x441, 500:441, Spartacus1.png)


5ca166  No.6383682



Bring the thunder.




969d54  No.6383683

File: 10cc000a44c993b⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 500x509, 500:509, Barrno.jpg)

File: 4782e29cab5d8e0⋯.png (18.26 KB, 644x372, 161:93, ClipboardImage.png)

Barr is based.

Booker is almost as insufferable as Hiirona.

Failed catchpa Z Fuk it. KEK

913e82  No.6383684

File: ead9f106da3e383⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1620, 2:3, Screenshot_20190501-142007.png)


Youre welcome.

5 steps ahead…

f97132  No.6383685








aids later


320284  No.6383686


They should all be sacked. Then the sack should be thrown in a lake.

4ec148  No.6383687


>Muh impatience!!

So, just arrest them all NOW?

Q #2816

>This will be on our timetable.


5fcf6f  No.6383688

File: 7476ef0c5097384⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 974x1480, 487:740, Tulsi.jpg)


Tulsi needs to challenge her for her seat.

a249f2  No.6383689

File: f1b7a1550267760⋯.jpg (105.62 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2klpjq.jpg)

File: c95429de561f4f9⋯.jpg (87.99 KB, 877x720, 877:720, c95429de561f4f9c11c532366c….jpg)

File: 1450db145c254ec⋯.png (149.11 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Booker doll.png)

File: e8d3a00e116b684⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 255x208, 255:208, Your face when puppet mast….jpg)

5cc7a2  No.6383690


Yes, Trump and his people did not take the bait; that is a good thing?!

when Barr answers they overtalk, and try to stop him from talking.

Can't wait until the end.


050e7e  No.6383691


Taking too long. DECLAS needs to happen very, very soon. These corrupt democrats have too much time behind the microphone already.

2c8164  No.6383692

File: 5adf695df3f57a4⋯.jpg (141 KB, 500x654, 250:327, pepe spartacus.jpg)

b2ce32  No.6383693

did you guys catch barr just said Hillary was in bed with the china during the elections to corey booker.

eb162b  No.6383694

File: 7c45fce1af137d4⋯.jpg (143.82 KB, 1309x914, 1309:914, SPART - Copy.jpg)


080ba0  No.6383695


Shitty aluminum

5fcf6f  No.6383696

File: 01d369400d0ff32⋯.jpg (87.06 KB, 1095x1116, 365:372, Barr_Smirk.jpg)

647ebf  No.6383697

The emails, though.

569c91  No.6383698

>>6382019 May Day -> Dark to Light, anon post on the history of May 1 as May Day shows a dark to light ref - PB NOTABLE


In the late 19th century, May Day was chosen as the date for International Workers' Day by the Socialists and Communists of the Second International to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago.[2] International Workers' Day can also be referred to as "May Day", but it is a different celebration from the traditional May Day.

It’s a fucking commie holiday and has been for as long as I can remember. I don’t think Q was referencing some bullshit old dance around the May pole pagan faggotry.

84834c  No.6383699

File: 21663927f6f1ac6⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1660x1232, 415:308, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


>38.983432°N, 76.843536°W

ebcc04  No.6383700


wtf, that's McThitsle

5c8313  No.6383701

File: b38d425c0e41932⋯.jpg (894.06 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190501-132215….jpg)


d62c3d  No.6383702

File: 45a9ac8db1e32cd⋯.png (66.03 KB, 792x700, 198:175, 71863bfb7c136ba7d5df26d089….png)

d56848  No.6383703

894760  No.6383704

File: d40b3dfdb89ec6e⋯.png (546.32 KB, 845x630, 169:126, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc1a782ef61cfee⋯.png (506.32 KB, 839x513, 839:513, ClipboardImage.png)

Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks in jail for jumping bail in UK

A British court sentenced WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange to 50 weeks in jail for skipping bail. Assange also faces a court hearing on extradition to the US where he is wanted for “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.”

The Southwark Crown Court in London on Wednesday sentenced Assange to almost a year for “violating bail conditions.” Last month, he was formally convicted of skipping bail in the UK in 2012 when he was wanted over a rape allegation in Sweden (the case was later dropped).

Assange was brought to court in a police van, with dark tinted windows, which was immediately swarmed by reporters who tried to snatch a picture of the high-profile detainee.

Judge Deborah Taylor said the whistleblower had used bail to escape the law and expressed disdain for British justice.

But in a letter to the court, Assange explained that he was “struggling with circumstances” when he did so.

I did what I thought at the time was the best or perhaps the only thing that I could have done.

The whistleblower also apologized to all who “consider I’ve disrespected them.”

WikiLeaks slammed the sentence as “shocking” and “vindictive,” adding that they have “grave concerns” as to whether Assange will get a fair extradition hearing, scheduled for Thursday.


a977f4  No.6383705


heard it! Spartacus talked over him

236016  No.6383706



d9c9b8  No.6383707



>>6381383 - great news if use a little deductive reasoning

>>6381739 - tspooky up to more hero business. very significant though we have known it was going to China for some time. The previous belief was that she just left it unsecured, uploaded SAP's, and sold Chinese the knowledge/means to access. Having it backed up to a Chinese intel front company server is next level though. Goodbye Hillcunt.

005320  No.6383708

File: 44d4f45aa1d4b8c⋯.jpg (348.64 KB, 1677x1077, 559:359, f19a6446eb3cc89b2ce4e35572….jpg)


Should have bronzed up, Julian.

a249f2  No.6383709

File: c09888d192c4ec0⋯.gif (539.48 KB, 354x304, 177:152, 50b0a86cc7e5c0cc221275157c….gif)

9640ad  No.6383710

File: 84862f6d9e14848⋯.jpeg (16.79 KB, 213x255, 71:85, A204025F-2732-402C-B311-1….jpeg)


time to change depends and dump the colostomy bag

3f2099  No.6383711


There was literally not one word about arrests in my reply…

My comment was about Trump continuing the Obama/Bush forgein policy and surrounding himself with neocons….

90a329  No.6383712


I've seen that sort of munition before. To me it looks like an old 50lb inert training bomb. They were used mainly during the 50's and 60's as practice bombs for light attack aircraft. They were originally painted blue as all inert training weapons are.

That said, it could still be packed with explosive as they were hollow bodied, and detonated with a mortar fuse with a minimum of modification. Or the simple method of an electric cap shoved into the nose and fired electrically.

5fcf6f  No.6383713


President Trump should declare May 1 officially "Emancipation Day", a celebration of the emancipation of the slaves.

40320c  No.6383714


>Barr, please, pretty please release our "executive summary" spin right away so our friends in the media and Congress can run with it for the next 3 weeks while the DOJ works through all the classified garbage we salted into the nothingburger report

2c8164  No.6383715

File: 9fd16d12d70cbc9⋯.jpg (89.25 KB, 750x500, 3:2, kw maybe he is or isn't.jpg)

2b6aaf  No.6383716


She is emblematic of the Entire Democrat Party: Extremely bigoted Racists who hate America and wish it transformed into a 3rd world hell hole.

The Big question for me is who is more of a problem; Her, or the People who voted her in?

b936ef  No.6383717

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I want the Barr hearing in the bread so I can listen and read anons posts………..and moo joo bullshit.

e9b36a  No.6383718

File: 56c4fc6398b58d8⋯.png (82.4 KB, 229x225, 229:225, ClipboardImage.png)

1a763a  No.6383719



Show normies how their rep.s want to spend the next 2 years…continuous witch hunt.

e9b36a  No.6383720



5c8313  No.6383721


Moar Proof of weakening our military

bfad8e  No.6383722

File: 15c5475440b4be2⋯.png (686.31 KB, 878x608, 439:304, 1.png)

195638  No.6383723


yeah and he promptly began to talk nonstop and not allow barr to speak again


Spartacus was like "Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit"

b62316  No.6383724

File: 3e2b362c4ebbb66⋯.png (367.74 KB, 522x390, 87:65, grahm-hirono.png)

359a68  No.6383725

File: 494e5812493d653⋯.jpg (422.78 KB, 672x1200, 14:25, IMG_297.jpg)

patriots remember!!

09454e  No.6383726


Practice Baking

World wide - anons, we want you to play along

this is where you can make new threads to practice your bakery



download the picture from the OP (original post) up top

copy the link from the dough

you will see after you go there a batch of text to save to your local text editors

you will see the breaks in between posts from first post to last post

the title has a format - so its best to always copypaste a previous title and edit it

Q Research General #8xxx: your title here Edition

this might b a good bread for a practice bake in comms

1- bake this bread same everything

2-collect your own notables - post to that bread in comms

3-before you know it, you may end up baking the real bread because you shadow baked and maybe no takers by 600 and you realize are BASED AF and you have BALLS OF STEEL

9fd5dd  No.6383727

File: 46b837ff36759e9⋯.png (849.93 KB, 666x464, 333:232, Screenshot_2019-05-01 38°5….png)

File: 81eb2a7a1c5589a⋯.png (982.96 KB, 1120x534, 560:267, Screenshot_2019-05-01 38°5….png)


>38.983432°N, 76.843536°W

4836e9  No.6383728



Exactly Anon!

a249f2  No.6383729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1b6957  No.6383730

File: 21d2855ee670216⋯.png (1.53 MB, 839x636, 839:636, Forty.png)

File: 7fbc6e7ad37e38f⋯.png (1.51 MB, 836x629, 836:629, Five.png)

When all is said and done.

1c5b4b  No.6383731

LIVE Brexit party rally in Newton Abbot.


adae0b  No.6383732

File: 8400cb120f1aaf9⋯.jpg (113.8 KB, 1024x1085, 1024:1085, PepeWTFClown.jpg)

b936ef  No.6383733


Cheers anon. Thanks.

4ec148  No.6383735


>Muh ignorance.

Fuck off back to reddit.

1fe27b  No.6383736

File: b76bddcbbcc7648⋯.png (8.55 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, DA91A5EE-F8EC-48B5-A9D4-D3….png)


? More info please ? Screen cap of coordinates.

38.983432°N, 76.843536°W

bbcceb  No.6383737

Horowitz focusing on FISA and earlier.

6b9b02  No.6383738


Shit…now patriots are being shilled by AI


1bf870  No.6383739

File: 4053df8ba00742e⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 47280029-9754-4278-B4F6-DD….png)

>>6382887 (LB)

b75eaa  No.6383740

File: c09c5e267c7a7d8⋯.png (2.6 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 21706708-FA79-46AD-8C33-88….png)

File: 7fd0816e7429c65⋯.png (545.34 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CABA0D81-195B-4957-AE2F-35….png)

File: 0860a7e2c0f35ef⋯.png (609.54 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 64ECD0CA-F433-4B46-A364-42….png)

Putin Signs Internet Isolation Bill Into Law


Putin signs law to isolate Russian internet


85bc83  No.6383741

Tillis and Barr making clear it is not the job of the special council to 'exonerate' anyone.

894760  No.6383742

File: c93a5bf4bc0a13a⋯.png (25.05 KB, 754x575, 754:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 125dee390c9aa68⋯.png (40.32 KB, 731x766, 731:766, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc260876d2cb105⋯.png (561.62 KB, 698x368, 349:184, ClipboardImage.png)

Admitted Child Rapist Gets NO JAIL as Cancer Patient Faces Years for Using Cannabis

Watertown, NY — If ever you feel that the state has your interests in mind when they provide their mandatory “protection” through this system of law enforcement, consider the following scenario which completely negates that idea.

This week, Shane Piche, a school bus driver, pleaded guilty to raping a 14-year-old girl who rode his bus.

Last year, Piche lured the child to his home after school where he gave her alcohol before raping her. He admitted to the facts of this case, yet the legal system which is ostensibly in place to protect society’s most vulnerable didn’t give him so much as a slap on the wrist.

For this horrific act, Piche will spend the next 10 years on probation — but he won’t see a single day behind bars — a terrifying notion indeed.

“I wish Shane Piche would have received time in jail for the harm he caused to my child. He took something from my daughter she will never get back and has caused her to struggle with depression and anxiety,” the victim’s mother said after hearing the judge’s ruling this week.

Here, we have a man who admitted to luring a child to his home, essentially drugging her with alcohol and then raping her, and he will not spend a day in jail. Meanwhile, entirely innocent people — who have harmed no one — but have been caught with a plant, are being thrown in cages by the hundreds of thousands.

Adam Wanko is one of those people. Wanko is a 48-year-old cancer patient who had a medical marijuana card to legally possess cannabis when he was pulled over and thrown in a cage for having marijuana wax.

“I don’t know if I’d be alive right now if I didn’t have it,” Wanko said. “My doctor was going to cut me off of the treatment because I lost 80 lbs over a period of weeks and I was emaciated.”

Luckily for Wanko, cannabis gave him back his appetite so he was able to gain weight and continue the chemo. This plant is arguably responsible for saving Wanko’s life, yet he was kidnapped and thrown in a cage for having it.

“He asked me if I had any drugs in the car and I gave it to him,” Wanko said after he was pulled over, thinking he was well within his rights to have this substance.


4b4373  No.6383743


Yeah, CFR Tulsi raised in an MK Ultra cult

c7da4c  No.6383744

File: d9216501bb620b7⋯.jpg (655.72 KB, 754x711, 754:711, Solve_the_secret_captcha_s….jpg)


That's cool.

I was thinking maybe you thought some of the included images were mkultra, and the ones from me are not.

my captcha images today are of the theme that captcha could be a lot harder . . .

cd2a4a  No.6383745

Blackburn called Barr "General Barr".

These fucking dingbats can't get anything right

c85dc9  No.6383746

Anons are you tired of trump and Q promising the world then ass fucking you yet ?

5fcf6f  No.6383747


Still a step up from Hirono and her hollow head.

967b32  No.6383748

File: cdcf238415ecc3c⋯.jpg (127.13 KB, 800x450, 16:9, excuse me.jpg)

9149c3  No.6383749

Senator Knee Pads up now.

3f2099  No.6383750


Are you gonna answer the question, shill?

When they can’t attack the info, they attack the messenger.

a249f2  No.6383751


for a moment i thought that was Comey fagging off in another picture, kek

be1c25  No.6383752


Good for you, but skin color is irrelevant

1a763a  No.6383753

File: b45f130ffd686b3⋯.png (335.71 KB, 1192x649, 1192:649, Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at ….png)

Little Miss "Yeserno"

440092  No.6383754


More like ignorance in DC. I don't know how Barr does it. Hirono, Booker, et al. That is cruel and unusual punishment. I'd tell them off in a heartbeat. They are posturing and don't realize the stupid just pours out of their mouths.

eb162b  No.6383755

kek. my girl's up now.

4d7c61  No.6383756


Peak degeneracy

85bc83  No.6383757

Kamala will embarrass herself bigly.

17de68  No.6383758

File: 20a1219abd01a60⋯.png (345.59 KB, 445x576, 445:576, QNN FISAGATE.png)

3f2099  No.6383759



8c501f  No.6383760

File: a6fcf8935f0b5f3⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1092x1451, 1092:1451, ClipboardImage.png)

84834c  No.6383761

God I hate this slutty bitch.

bbcceb  No.6383762

>>6382817 (pb)

>>6382946 (pb)

>St. Louis is a fairly obvious cabal center

The Royal Arch should confirm that.

bfad8e  No.6383763

Kamala is scared…. Did she do something wrong?

5fcf6f  No.6383764

File: 14b32f134babbd0⋯.png (294.26 KB, 632x351, 632:351, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

Ugh this bitch.

286858  No.6383765


894760  No.6383766

File: 4fbdffac77a766a⋯.png (726.54 KB, 701x351, 701:351, ClipboardImage.png)

Nationalist Christian Hungary is thriving – rising marriage rates, falling abortions and highest birthrates in 20 years

While European nations languish with rapidly declining birthrates, Hungary stands out with rising marriage rates, falling abortions, and its highest birthrate in 20 years, Breitbart reports.

Marriage is up by 43 percent since 2010, while divorce has dropped by 22.5 percent in the same period.

This demographic turnaround has not been an accident, but the fruit of deliberate programs to promote marriage and the family while defending Hungary’s cultural identity and Christian roots.

“After we won the election in 2010 with a two-thirds majority, we decided to build a family-friendly country and to strengthen families raising children”, said Hungary’s Minister for the Family, Catalan Novak.

Standing firm in its position despite fierce opposition from the socialist left, the Orbán government enacted legislation resulting in “a comprehensive family-support system, a family-friendly tax system, a housing program, 800,000 new jobs, and many opportunities to create a balance between life and work”, Ms. Novak stated.

“We are living in times when fewer and fewer children are being born throughout Europe. People in the West are responding to this with immigration”, Prime Minister Orbán said at the State of the Nation address in Budapest in February.

“Hungarians see this in a different light. We do not need numbers, but Hungarian children”, the Fidesz party leader added.

The new law will come into effect July 1 and includes pro-family incentives such as a 3,000 euro mortgage reduction for a second child, a 12,000 euro reduction for a third child, a car-purchasing program for large families, and comprehensive daycare.

As of 2020, mothers with four or more children will enjoy a lifetime personal income tax exemption.


502f3a  No.6383767

320284  No.6383768

Kamala sounds very nervous, shaky voice.

542bfb  No.6383770


I think that's technically correct

a249f2  No.6383771

File: 8adbb8c54398def⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 620x393, 620:393, 8adbb8c54398def89a2c13ad5d….jpg)


4d7c61  No.6383772


me too..lol

9149c3  No.6383773


Hearing isn't going as well as you thought it would, huh?

21ba7d  No.6383774

File: 7b95f19cdfb2956⋯.jpg (165.15 KB, 380x540, 19:27, hug 1.jpg)

Are you ready, my friends????

My family is here w/ me, are you ready dear friends????

Please park your ships above Camp Nou, dear friends and send positive energy to my lovely team, Livepoll!!!!

5fcf6f  No.6383775

File: 0dc55be68077e67⋯.png (302.24 KB, 637x345, 637:345, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


Nah she thought she "got him" and her adrenaline was pumping.

1b6957  No.6383776

File: 3e1665a07aa4b05⋯.jpg (194.4 KB, 856x642, 4:3, capture_008_03042019_07334….jpg)

84834c  No.6383777


What is she getting at? That Barr should have gone behind Mueller to recheck evidence? Or that they SHOULDNT have (which they didn't).

17de68  No.6383778

File: 60da936bc899758⋯.jpg (353.96 KB, 1777x1777, 1:1, FISA IS COMING.jpg)

a775de  No.6383779

Look at the shit eating grins on Hirono, Booker and Kamala's faces! HATE these Domestic Enemies!

e911b5  No.6383780

File: 0f69dedb733da45⋯.png (503.38 KB, 1145x769, 1145:769, FireShot Capture 273 - Who….png)

Be a Minuteman if not already Anons. It could get hairy pretty quick.


050e7e  No.6383781


By this point, normies are firmly camped in their conclusions. Democrat normies will listen to the democrat narrative. Republicans will listen to republican.

Time for the "optics" to shift to their guilt and to the facts that will be revealed in DECLAS.

969d54  No.6383782

File: 3af3a64c265d3a8⋯.jpg (19.4 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 563d57g.jpg)

Harris is almost as bad as the other clowns.

My God Barr is a patient man.

Bless him. KEK.

40320c  No.6383783


Harris appears to working on the scaffolding for the other side of this narrative – i.e., Trump asking for investigations

667150  No.6383784

File: f07607a62df71cc⋯.png (539.24 KB, 480x652, 120:163, Screenshot_2019-04-21-13-1….png)


Ty baker…

c85dc9  No.6383785

Trust muh plan anons

Dont look at venezuela

Look at fisa

9f2aa6  No.6383786

File: 3d9df258f557fb3⋯.jpeg (332.21 KB, 1280x909, 1280:909, image.jpeg)

>>6382719 pb

>>6382950 pb

Ok my almonds are now getting activated....

Q 1st post

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities."

>HRC extraction allready active.

12 days after the JA fkery at the embassy.

Has trump / whoever had the files and have been reviewing since then?

Fling praise kek if true.

005320  No.6383787

File: 9dc2cdb81792f01⋯.jpg (93.76 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 9dc2cdb81792f01e40bc3a9723….jpg)


Very possible to centrifuge blood and use the separated products to promote rapid healing/tissue replacement etc.

A medical, not a cosmetic procedure.

3f2099  No.6383788


Probably because the know that no justice is coming and Trump sold out to the neocons.

b936ef  No.6383789

File: 1821375a6805b55⋯.jpg (26.25 KB, 487x364, 487:364, untitledbr.jpg)

File: 53e2a5f3a62f4b8⋯.jpg (28.72 KB, 487x366, 487:366, untitledsfbr.jpg)

File: 121b178c96dc058⋯.jpg (30.4 KB, 488x365, 488:365, untitledsfwr.jpg)

File: 815747b936c02c4⋯.jpg (26.91 KB, 489x364, 489:364, untitledwr.jpg)


Cheers anon. Thanks for the link. kamala is on now. My post was poorly written and apparently confusing, as my post was a live stream as well.

Thanks for taking the time to help anon.

12378d  No.6383790


I have no faith in Horowitz after his last him-haw report. So weak.

4ec148  No.6383791

File: 8a09ab1ce7d7201⋯.png (369.94 KB, 623x318, 623:318, fuckoff.png)


I did answer it.

"That's the NWO plan".

>Think mirror.

Ignorance is bliss, amiright?

913a98  No.6383792


Condescending evil beings

6b9b02  No.6383793

File: f322daa1c7ef41c⋯.jpg (173.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 1Kamala_2020.jpg)

File: 6f75342a9510454⋯.jpg (189.8 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 6Kamala_2020.jpg)

17de68  No.6383794

File: 1efa325b23d0cea⋯.jpg (506.79 KB, 1777x999, 1777:999, FISAGATE NOW PLAYING.jpg)

f2148b  No.6383795

File: 837dcca3a746f52⋯.jpeg (2.8 MB, 5000x4200, 25:21, bq-5cbe0712ef813.jpeg)


dig on that swamp creature

894760  No.6383796

File: 1063e976ee380c4⋯.png (68.19 KB, 668x891, 668:891, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f894abf79a5f762⋯.png (34.81 KB, 655x463, 655:463, ClipboardImage.png)

Mueller Report: Special Counsel Didn’t Examine DNC Servers — Based on FBI Investigation that Didn’t Examine DNC Servers

WASHINGTON — In his extensive report, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller notes that his investigative team did not “obtain or examine” the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in determining whether those servers were hacked by Russia.

Instead, Mueller’s assessment of the DNC’s allegedly hacked servers relied upon the investigations conducted by the FBI and other agencies. “The Office understands that the FBI, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the states have separately investigated that activity,” reads Mueller’s report.

However, the DNC famously refused to allow the FBI to access its servers to verify the allegation that Russia carried out a hack during the 2016 presidential campaign. Instead, the DNC reached an arrangement with the FBI in which a third party company, CrowdStrike, conducted forensics on the server and shared details with the FBI.

As this reporter previously documented, CrowdStrike was financed to the tune of $100 million from a funding drive by Google Capital.

Google Capital, which now goes by the name of CapitalG, is an arm of Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company. Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, has been a staunch and active supporter of Hillary Clinton and is a longtime donor to the Democratic Party.

It was previously reported that Perkins Coie, the law firm that represented the DNC and Clinton’s campaign, helped draft CrowdStrike to aid with the DNC’s allegedly hacked server.

On behalf of the DNC and Clinton’s campaign, Perkins Coie also paid the controversial Fusion GPS firm to produce the infamous, largely-discredited anti-Trump dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Mueller’s report states that the GRU, the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, “stole approximately 300 gigabytes of data from the DNC cloud-based account.”

The GRU also targeted “individuals and entities involved in the administration” of the presidential election, the report documents. “Victims included U.S. state and local entities, such as state boards of elections (SBOEs), secretaries of state, and county governments, as well as individuals who worked for those entities,” the report states.

Yet the Special Counsel’s office “did not investigate further” the evidence it said it found showing that Russia’s GRU targeted the DNC and the other entities. Mueller’s team did not examine or obtain the DNC’s servers.


569c91  No.6383797

File: 21d766492e68918⋯.png (520.14 KB, 570x712, 285:356, B67BE8D5-E018-483F-B518-1B….png)


Dildos for everyone. Perfect Dem platform.

e9b36a  No.6383798

File: ecfbe8e944547dd⋯.png (275.06 KB, 607x319, 607:319, ClipboardImage.png)

be1c25  No.6383799

File: 6262307cfc74906⋯.jpg (51.09 KB, 667x374, 667:374, 2zwske.jpg)

c85dc9  No.6383800


I have no stake in anything these dems do

I want them all roped along with trump

0103d8  No.6383801

File: ee6945da7c25b19⋯.png (48.89 KB, 258x147, 86:49, Screen Shot 2018-09-02 at ….png)

Barr is gonna drop the hammer on these fuckers. He is a legal genius, and I have never witnessed a more based, confident, and calm "witness" in a senate hearing. (((they))) are obviously panicked.


He is awesome af. God Bless and stay safe sir.


59a556  No.6383802

Kamala Harris should use her mouth for one thing only.

aeeafd  No.6383803

File: 5d0f1f971fce885⋯.jpeg (36.48 KB, 474x344, 237:172, eh.jpeg)

File: 209f5dafe285f08⋯.jpeg (41.36 KB, 474x294, 79:49, ll.jpeg)

File: d4557b084090e12⋯.jpeg (39.02 KB, 474x266, 237:133, wb.jpeg)

bbcceb  No.6383804

That bitch should be back sucking Willie Brown's dick. All that airhead is good for.

21ba7d  No.6383805


Please, my friends!!!!

be1c25  No.6383806


I love it. Barr is in FULL CONTROL

f2148b  No.6383807

File: bf5eec1f14c9d3c⋯.jpg (89.94 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 08s19a597ad21.jpg)

3f2099  No.6383808


That doesn’t even make any sense you fucking loon.

ca0404  No.6383809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Sit down, you're an NPC in my world. Right click > delete you.


hell get it too

b75eaa  No.6383810

File: b0c1f0a497a7a47⋯.png (408.4 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0E84EC12-188E-4EB1-B75F-E5….png)

File: d12ed9f102b34eb⋯.png (235.17 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8DA062F0-EE6D-439F-9635-60….png)

File: df9fc9df9df0a09⋯.png (649.91 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1B00E7FC-326E-4330-B4B9-F4….png)

Report: North Korea wants to help Syria rebuild


c85dc9  No.6383811



Seriously anyone still defending trump is a moron or shill

0 exceptions

1efb39  No.6383812

File: cec6c1dcfe8a4e9⋯.png (534.09 KB, 635x606, 635:606, Kamalawillie.png)

File: b55869a24fdce63⋯.jpeg (115.85 KB, 1080x1082, 540:541, Harrissleeps2thetop.jpeg)


where's the legs up meme?

c72aca  No.6383813

Kamala is afraid to let him answer

5cc7a2  No.6383814

File: 79d5ef342a69d0f⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 654x1032, 109:172, NOONESHOULDBEHANKFUL.jpg)

9fd5dd  No.6383815

File: 0ab66071c6f3975⋯.jpg (145.31 KB, 789x836, 789:836, 0ab66071c6f3975cf53bafd7d5….jpg)



1a763a  No.6383816



Barr: "We took the characterization of the evidence as true"

yeah - she's tryin' to trap him.

KM - you made the decision not to charge.

Barr: Prosecution memos go up to the supervisor, RR & yours truly

I wasn't the only decision maker - RR was the one in charge of the SC

we all agreed on the disposition

3c312d  No.6383817

File: 38558175cc4faf0⋯.jpg (46.03 KB, 527x359, 527:359, KAMALA HARRIS 1.jpg)

File: ab0d18899cb5b3f⋯.jpg (101.93 KB, 900x504, 25:14, KAMALA HARRIS abotion abab….jpg)

File: 59dd3c0c54cc03f⋯.jpg (36.4 KB, 521x717, 521:717, kamala harris hobama lib d….jpg)

File: f8d67ad085c129c⋯.png (307.57 KB, 777x390, 259:130, kamala harris 1.png)


5fcf6f  No.6383818

File: 2df702ba79a6c64⋯.jpg (210.03 KB, 1418x1451, 1418:1451, Barr_SpySmirk.jpg)

What's my conflict?

286858  No.6383819

File: 5b92ec7502a3acf⋯.png (191.68 KB, 349x345, 349:345, 5b92ec7502a3acfa16c6b6a15f….png)

5ca166  No.6383820

FU Comey


25 min ago

3b53cb  No.6383821

File: 0fc2237c22769c3⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 384x463, 384:463, booker stimulator.jpg)

f2148b  No.6383822

File: 5df913cd9163131⋯.jpeg (3.68 MB, 5000x3600, 25:18, bq-5cba2159c6bc1.jpeg)

File: 1f54b7caf428bc6⋯.png (4.58 MB, 6000x3500, 12:7, CAIR_MB.png)


CAIR/Muslim brotherhood sympathizer

440092  No.6383824


The arrogance is simply stunning.

b5e058  No.6383826

84834c  No.6383827


Now she wants RR to be recused bc he's a "witness" for firing Comey.

What a load of bullshit.

c2529f  No.6383828

Barr just invoked Rosenstein's confirmation votes.

3bcfe9  No.6383829

File: b8575f0a2f347a2⋯.jpg (314.08 KB, 466x503, 466:503, feels good man.jpg)



01eaf9  No.6383830

gawd Harris SHUT THE HELL UP

a977f4  No.6383831

They keep saying that 14 number. spooked by Barr saying 18 cases?

4ec148  No.6383832


Develop those critical thinking skills and it will.

e632f9  No.6383833

File: 32624e769ed665e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1327x7793, 1327:7793, Screenshot_2018-07-16 The ….png)

File: 1abb50bf5d6e39a⋯.png (620.58 KB, 1327x1812, 1327:1812, Screenshot_2018-07-16 Keys….png)

File: 6480eb3ab1b40b7⋯.gif (169.69 KB, 636x415, 636:415, dec3.gif)

File: c04de74b76913e8⋯.png (84.3 KB, 1327x800, 1327:800, Screenshot_2018-07-16 char….png)

File: 913e07d11a0664f⋯.jpg (66.18 KB, 347x479, 347:479, 347px-Slu_billiken.jpg)

>>6382946 (lb)

yes because there is something in the arch anon

posted about this 2 years ago on The_don. i thought it might come up.

a keystone anon

a775de  No.6383834


Maybe…I'm concerned!

e5bf47  No.6383835


KH was one of the six nay votes on RR.

3f2099  No.6383836


Shilling for the dems is bad shilling for Trump/Neocons/Q is good. Every real life Trump voter I know, is pissed and not committing another vote for him.

2521b4  No.6383837

>>6383417 (pb)

Or possibly more accurately, did not support Clinton. That doesn't necessarily mean "supporting Trump".

bfad8e  No.6383838


She's just showboating since she's running for president.

1e8149  No.6383839

9fd5dd  No.6383840

File: b35a60452ba3b24⋯.jpg (7.81 KB, 249x255, 83:85, 0d8302a1f7463703b0e95b14da….jpg)



f2148b  No.6383841

File: 24415907b42bc94⋯.jpg (107.42 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 27x9qbp4rub21.jpg)

a37f2b  No.6383842

File: 49f780b944d5a78⋯.jpg (115.76 KB, 736x1399, 736:1399, 41a7a39e6e51fbb9eb1f09a79e….jpg)


Good Man

7c859f  No.6383843

Hello 8chan

I dont have time to lurk for a year, i am fully against trump but my trump loving friend told me he was draining the swamp of genocidal pedofiles. I was told to come here, so what evedince is there that the democrats are "genocidal pedofiles" please tell me

82507a  No.6383844

d35d85  No.6383845


SOOOOooooooooo fucking dumb, it's mind numbing.

8c7665  No.6383846


They counter-attacked pretty hard after BLOCKADE was removed.

Was this expected?

17de68  No.6383847

File: aed6e155f612b7c⋯.jpg (50.59 KB, 773x773, 1:1, 8e4fdd50b227568a344c6eeabf….jpg)

bbcceb  No.6383848

>>6383366 (pb)

Turnabout is fair play


>Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono has been quietly continuing her practice of asking every federal judiciary nominee whether they have ever been accused of sexual misconduct for months now. And to anyone who would criticize her for it, or for her other pointed questions about their commitment to civil rights, Hirono has just two words: "F*** them!"

9640ad  No.6383849

File: 510a459941b6195⋯.jpeg (96.21 KB, 920x609, 920:609, 027616B1-84E3-46F7-8FEF-9….jpeg)

File: 6bec8943be51c72⋯.jpeg (279.31 KB, 960x900, 16:15, CCB8DF68-C658-4B0E-B36D-1….jpeg)

84834c  No.6383850


He's not getting angry enough with shutting them down.

50c2cf  No.6383851

File: 33e96e3c957cc46⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 550x385, 10:7, index234598.jpg)



Instant classic

Get presidential

hopeful mayor

Butt-gag on there


85bc83  No.6383852

Harris looks like a total idiot.

d62c3d  No.6383853

File: 097bb9336c7875a⋯.jpg (11.11 KB, 255x227, 255:227, 097bb9336c7875ad0a8d740686….jpg)

1a763a  No.6383854

File: b777288e2bca1ec⋯.png (38.71 KB, 129x170, 129:170, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)



f8a1bd  No.6383855


Apparently just anyone can serve as the Defence Secretary. From International Development Secretary to Defence Secretary? The only way those are related is that the paycheck is stolen from the same people.

21ba7d  No.6383856


pnly send to them positive energy

the best to win

894760  No.6383857

File: b3f07d933d02503⋯.png (367.97 KB, 523x485, 523:485, ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Barr Blasts Richard ‘Da Nang Dick’ Blumenthal, ‘It’s Over… We Have to Stop Using the Criminal Justice Process as a Political Weapon’ (VIDEO)

Attorney General Bill Barr Wednesday testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about Mueller’s report.

Barr is not intimidated by the screeching Democrats and he’s putting them in their places.

Stolen Valor Senator Richard “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal (D-CT) tried his hardest to intimidate Bill Barr — it didn’t work.

Blumenthal, who lied about his Vietnam War service, had the gall to tell Barr “history will judge you harshly.”

Bill Barr was unfazed and reminded Blumenthal that he, as the Attorney General is in charge of the Justice Department, and in no way was he going to recuse himself from any of the ongoing investigations.

At the end of the questioning from Blumenthal, Barr schooled the lying Stolen Valor Senator on the job of the DOJ, which is to establish whether there was a crime. Barr told Da Nang Dick to get over the Mueller investigation because it’s over and his department determined there was no crime.

“We have to stop using the criminal justice process as a political weapon,” Barr said.

Thank you, Bill Barr!


aeeafd  No.6383858

File: 951fcd10a22bbf8⋯.jpg (356.73 KB, 986x1933, 986:1933, BARR334.JPG)

adae0b  No.6383859

File: c2033c307213d24⋯.jpg (480.24 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, KamalaDownUP.jpg)



b7dbca  No.6383860

File: 10e364c39b1bee8⋯.jpg (29.11 KB, 500x464, 125:116, trap_cat.jpg)

b75eaa  No.6383861

File: 2da292428a1c689⋯.png (223.6 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D2D8A4C4-465F-456E-97C8-68….png)

White House asks Congress for additional $4.5 billion in emergency spending for border security


969d54  No.6383862

File: 34e1a800b3a5143⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 2zwt01.jpg)

Harris was an embarrassment.

Who votes for these people?

3f2099  No.6383863


It’s not just democrats…it’s Trump and the Republicans too. They’re all the same.

bbcceb  No.6383864

>>6383367 (pb)

All the dems are trying to do it get a sound bite on the news. They're not making sense because they're pushing their bullshit narrative.

2589ee  No.6383865

File: ab552801ac91220⋯.jpg (377.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, mazie_hirono_we_all_know_w….jpg)

I'm Heavily Praying that My President, Donald J. Trump, is holding a Very Special "Trump Card" for this Disgusting Piece of Filth:

1b6957  No.6383866

Come what may.

These evil mutha's are outta here…

be4ad0  No.6383867

File: 217de4b1bc9a46a⋯.jpeg (25.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, A9CA027D-29FF-46DF-B560-8….jpeg)

967b32  No.6383868

File: 27b4017b832799a⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 800x450, 16:9, excuse me 2.jpg)

cca5d7  No.6383869

File: 99ea6756de80f32⋯.jpg (22 KB, 249x255, 83:85, laysbagofdicks.jpg)



Bet your a journo pretending to be a new anon

913a98  No.6383870


Because they’ve never had to answer to anyone.

c4a54a  No.6383871


You want to find out?


There is an entire catalog of information for you to go through.

You have to PUT IN THE WORK.

a37f2b  No.6383872

File: 7ebda016eda63d1⋯.png (240.02 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 7ebda016eda63d111fef1fbc2c….png)




3c312d  No.6383873

Am I reading that right?

"Mr. Crapo"

:: face plant ::

17de68  No.6383874

File: f7169e67b733e80⋯.jpg (185.12 KB, 1080x562, 540:281, 9c4864a158cda91257cbd973ce….jpg)

65d5c9  No.6383875

File: ac5122d0e02c048⋯.jpg (498.58 KB, 1352x964, 338:241, PressHat.jpg)

320284  No.6383876


She might be one of the smart ones…

c72aca  No.6383877

>>6383843 Google is your friend , we are not

77fff6  No.6383878

Sen. Harris will eat the words about probing the evidence when FISA declas happens.

f7da5f  No.6383879

Kamalamala is an embarrassment to all women. Total fucking cunt.

dc2b0f  No.6383880

File: 9e486950469de64⋯.jpg (49.06 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, iu.jpg)

Kumala is such an Oaf!

I Talk Tough!

I Suck Lots Of Cock!

I Get Nothing Done!

a6557a  No.6383881

does anybody believe that the democrat staffers are any smarter than the pols themselves?

3bcfe9  No.6383882


Where do they get the blood?

894760  No.6383883

New Report Names Nearly 4,000 Companies Profiting Off of Private Prison Industry

"Today, more than half of the $80 billion spent annually on incarceration by government agencies is used to pay the thousands of vendors that serve the criminal legal system."

A new report provides information on which corporations are profiting from the private prison industry.

The report (pdf), which was released by criminal justice advocacy group Worth Rises, is based on a database run by the organization that lists a total 3,900 companies in 12 sectors that make money off of the prison industrial complex.

The scope of the income taken in by these companies, the report says, is in the tens of billions.

Today, more than half of the $80 billion spent annually on incarceration by government agencies is used to pay the thousands of vendors that serve the criminal legal system. They are healthcare providers, food suppliers, and commissary merchants, among others. And many have devised strategies to extract billions more from the directly impacted communities supporting their incarcerated loved ones.

The database was first published last year, with 3,100 companies. Tuesday's update adds another 800 corporations to the list.

Bianca Tylek, the executive director for Worth Rises, said in a statement that the report will make it harder for prison profiteers to operate without scrutiny.

"Before this report, many of the companies involved in the prison industrial complex flew below the radar, often intentionally to avoid the headline risk that comes with profiting off mass incarceration today," said Tylek. "This data brings these companies to light and equips advocates with the information needed to challenge them."

The report presents the data mostly in raw form as a research service. The download link is in the report.

Adding more corporations to the list is part of a push to expose the predatory practices of the for-profit prison industry, Tylek said.

"This year's edition expands on our original report with the addition of more than 800 companies," said Tylek. "In publishing this report, we continue to expose the multi-billion-dollar industry built off the vulnerable communities—disproportionately black, brown, and cash poor—targeted by the criminal legal system."


90a329  No.6383884

File: 51e0c622ed83429⋯.png (31.83 KB, 300x281, 300:281, 51e0c622ed834294394ac8f07d….png)

9640ad  No.6383885

File: 4cdb46dcc9c6037⋯.jpeg (515.1 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 89D0D60D-B5C5-4452-BBA3-2….jpeg)

286858  No.6383886

File: 994dd0c82388d76⋯.jpg (111.88 KB, 991x532, 991:532, 5efcf5eb7f6ad90eec9bedf1f0….jpg)

80384e  No.6383887

what a glorious day!

haven't felt like this in awhile.

ty real /patriots for all your hard work.

173085  No.6383888

Anyone hear the opening of Coast To Coast w/Noory show last night, 4/30/19? Noory talked with someone for no more than a minute about the situation in Venezuela, who flat out stated nothing is going to change there, that any talk of Maduro being ousted is just blowing smoke. A very anit-trump POV. Who was that commie shill?

82507a  No.6383889


#1955 "Q!!mG7VJxZNCI

28 Aug 2018 - 5:11:00 PM


Do not force those not yet ready.

The FAKE NEWS narrative (make-believe) has been ingrained for a long time.

Do not isolate yourself within your own family.

Dark to Light.


Impossible to DEFEND.

Impossible to IGNORE.

Stay Strong.

You are NOT ALONE.

Patriots ALL.


992055  No.6383890

File: 653d9ada76d032e⋯.png (769.97 KB, 1100x826, 550:413, 2020.png)


>That bitch should be back sucking Willie Brown's dick. All that airhead is good for.

9fd5dd  No.6383891

File: fbeaaf47cbf7c73⋯.png (921.85 KB, 1586x6137, 1586:6137, Screenshot_2019-05-01 QMAP….png)


Please take a look.

Btw it's a worldwide problem not dems only!


c2529f  No.6383892

File: 87763447066776d⋯.jpg (304.57 KB, 942x942, 1:1, 187_Site_E.jpg)

File: 7216fbe002089b5⋯.jpg (44.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, catholic church throne.jpg)

File: b77f80f399038d6⋯.jpg (62.35 KB, 764x432, 191:108, Egg Shaped Penis.jpg)

File: 0faba78a17e021a⋯.jpg (169 KB, 1060x1200, 53:60, Epstein Island.jpg)


Replace "democrats" with "elites". Feel free to read up on over a year's worth of research in threads linked to Q posts from qanon.pub or qmap.pub. Use "Chandler" is a search word.

Happy Hunting!

84834c  No.6383893


From the person having the treatment, but the problem was contaminated equipment.

f7da5f  No.6383894


Fuck off Hillary

4b4373  No.6383896

File: 4abf0a2d21ca6cf⋯.jpg (98.64 KB, 1141x1141, 1:1, Elvis Yoda Ven Patriot.jpg)

I fell into the hive mind and came out a salmagundi of memes

b7dbca  No.6383897


it's some retard journalist or jr. staffer

aeeafd  No.6383898


spelling is not your strong suit


4ec148  No.6383899


>Who votes for these people?

These people do: >>6383843

1a763a  No.6383900

File: 35cc78af00ddd88⋯.png (151.45 KB, 508x431, 508:431, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at ….png)


dubs of truth

9f7c53  No.6383901



ae60cb  No.6383902

File: e4f5040f9c78d7e⋯.png (409.67 KB, 954x689, 18:13, Oprah_RisingSun.png)

File: 4a8ef62d5999724⋯.png (606.46 KB, 1304x1205, 1304:1205, Obama_RisingSun.png)


Research yourself.

here is a start for you.

b75eaa  No.6383903

File: 16c75e982ccd9b6⋯.png (890.7 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EE82C601-1658-48F6-9D84-D4….png)

File: 61361213eda393e⋯.jpeg (25.34 KB, 255x198, 85:66, B2F681AA-8E4C-43CF-9B2A-6….jpeg)

01eaf9  No.6383904


go home and watch news and find the answers yourself- You won't get easy answers here

0103d8  No.6383905

From where I am sitting, these panicked Dems have no earthly idea what "other" investigations are open and what/who they may implicate.

They are also seemingly starting to realize RR wasn't playing ball with them as they thought.

They are blind clowns trying to bait Barr into tipping his hand as to what investigations are still open, and what the OIG report will be about.

This movie is getting gud anons. Hold the line. We are almost there

320284  No.6383906


>Who votes for these people?


1e8149  No.6383907


4b5ad0  No.6383908

File: 5f5af28efad3737⋯.jpg (219 KB, 1000x429, 1000:429, CHUTUP.jpg)

be4ad0  No.6383909

File: 956e862adcbc9a1⋯.png (267.41 KB, 598x398, 299:199, Screen_Shot_2019-04-23_at_….png)

984462  No.6383910


I use what I used to use as my tv as a second monitor. Since it's bigger than my laptop, I use it for any videos I'm watching - ie hearings, rallies, etc. Then you can use your laptop/computer main monitor to lurk!

c72aca  No.6383911

>>6383900 your dubs speak truth also

dc2b0f  No.6383912

File: 0a26269403cfd60⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 2nsw5i.jpg)



First Time?

b7dbca  No.6383913


not for $4.50/hour they're not

bbcceb  No.6383914





84834c  No.6383915

File: 77dfcae52749e08⋯.png (312.25 KB, 485x433, 485:433, ClipboardImage.png)


Google Tony Podesta art.

That's all you need.

5fcf6f  No.6383916


Get a life

1a763a  No.6383917

File: d6ea8f4c4e68400⋯.jpg (29.3 KB, 477x315, 53:35, D5L24_YXsAA96bW.jpg)

ebcc04  No.6383918


8chan is a different website this is 8ch.net

a6557a  No.6383919


>I dont have time to lurk for a year,

why do you start with that phrase, anon?

it is a dead giveaway as to your motives

2521b4  No.6383920


Why would he be angry?

4debc4  No.6383921

File: 78c05efaa30237e⋯.jpg (69.07 KB, 618x412, 3:2, booker.jpg)


Hi Spartacus

40320c  No.6383922

Anybody watching the Fox News stream? What is up with the inset camera basically never showing the questioner when it's a Republican?

1b6957  No.6383924

File: f7cb4c8d70d1b06⋯.jpg (231.52 KB, 1027x632, 13:8, capture_070_09042019_17511….jpg)

6038a0  No.6383925

File: 5555cd6a3454e2e⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-05-01 Virt….png)

AF1 inbound towards DC.

Godspeed POTUS!

bfad8e  No.6383926


Your dubs confirm that anon's dubs, confirm anon's dubs!

dd0fa4  No.6383927


> evedince is there that the democrats are "genocidal pedofiles"

Your friend was incorrect or you misunderstood him. It's not "the democrats". There are a small number of people in both parties and many more outside of politics who seem to have predilections that are not entirely legal.

1a763a  No.6383929

File: 00c84709d759875⋯.png (456.32 KB, 917x924, 131:132, Screen Shot 2019-04-27 at ….png)




e632f9  No.6383930

File: 9a688a5a39b9615⋯.jpg (43.59 KB, 564x457, 564:457, 2006-17.jpg)

File: 576113292b01f90⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1333x2526, 1333:2526, Screenshot_2018-11-09 File….png)

File: 5c9b3373e3e7e5f⋯.jpg (62.23 KB, 800x664, 100:83, jimll-fist-it_o_1060605.jpg)

File: 3b1d3ad940b29f2⋯.png (655.74 KB, 1151x688, 1151:688, Aquí es donde está el pode….png)

File: 6502dfc11126214⋯.png (154.92 KB, 1161x322, 1161:322, Screenshot_2019-05-01 Nobo….png)


there'll be a hot time in the town tonight won't there boys?

c7da4c  No.6383931


some people are and not just democrats.

you either have lived and noticed, and been a survivor or you watched others who got taken down and destroyed by 'frenz' and 'employers'.

if you don't see a problem then fine, go on your merry way.

but those of us who know how to and hwo not to, red pill also understand that if you can't see the foreset from the trees you probablay can't see the path out of there anyway. Unless you are willing to trust us then you will just cause problems. And while you might find Hansel and Grettle escaping from the witches house, it also is quite possible that you'll pretend that they are crazy and saunter right on up to the witches door and invite yourself in to her abode.

we can't help you if you are blind like that.

what do you know already? then we can strt from that.

90a329  No.6383932


Sadly she's number 3 currently in the pre-caucus polling in Iowa behind Creepy Uncle Joe and Buttplug.

1f0a9f  No.6383933



Not to burst your bubble or anything but last night I was will 1,000 people at a Denesh D'sousa speaking event. He did a very good job, but what the main point of his speech was that "Our Team" needs to be unified like the Dems are. We need to quit getting SC judges on some long list and get SC judges that vote conservative period. "Democrats only care if RBG is alive they know how she is going to vote". I am tell you this from deplorable country that our own team is not unified at the moment. Why is there even a MAGA operation and not 100% of GOP with Q? If you doubt come out here in the real world for awhile. Until our own team gets unified going behind enemy lines and opening their eyes is almost impossible because they see some of their own messaging from GOP. I know and you know good vs. evil but 90% still see politics in a dipole Dem Vs. GOP. The GOP message is not even unified with Romney and others not in step with Trump. If people do not understand what is going on in USA with your lack of change of MSM, I can not even get them to look at Venezuela even though it is very clear what Han Solo is doing there. There has been a promised Change in MSM for a long, long time. As Denesh said last night, the have Hollywood, Democrats, and MSM trumpeting out their message all in unity. Until you remove one of the three legs like MSM what you are suggesting simply doesn't happen. Not only for me but any of my 4 children in their 30's do not have any luck opening the eyes of their crowd of influence either.

To show change it has to be in front of them on TV because they do not have the time to weed through all the chaff online to find the truth. If ever the promised "change" in media happens we are ready and have been for months. Until then the Wall is not breakable with so many mixed messages planting doubt. Yes Trump is at 40% approval But Trump is at 40% approval. This is where he is and has been, change the media and change the message and you will give us a clear vision to explain.

17de68  No.6383934

File: 7fa76262986b40d⋯.png (203.75 KB, 706x349, 706:349, 352c6d13e492e1c7fced3e1bfb….png)

7c859f  No.6383935


Thanks for about the only actual response i see. People here are strange….

913a98  No.6383937


Only showing the Dems and Graham. Odd.

320284  No.6383938

File: 0bd5bcc8041620f⋯.png (81.69 KB, 346x442, 173:221, 0bd5bcc8041620f3429e85206a….png)


Kekked and checked

c72aca  No.6383939

>>6383926 indubitably

a977f4  No.6383940

File: 57ab027bb84dd72⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 1194x746, 597:373, Epstein_Island_camera_2.jpg)

File: ea7bd1faec27be1⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1053x1080, 39:40, Epstein_Island_cameras_-_c….png)

894760  No.6383941

File: 3d3510fd2157ee0⋯.png (293.21 KB, 877x593, 877:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7d3d24637e44ef⋯.png (87.52 KB, 884x444, 221:111, ClipboardImage.png)

US Troops In Syria For "Long Haul" Atop "A Lot Of Oil Resources": Pentagon Official

A high level Pentagon official has admitted that US forces will be in Syria for "the long haul" and coupled his statement by declaring the territory contains “a lot of the oil resources and arable land.”

The unusually frank remarks were made this week by Michael Mulroy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East, while addressing a conference at the D.C. based Center for a New American Security (CNAS), months after President Trump appeared to have caved to his advisers, reversing course earlier this year from his stated goal of a full and rapid US troop exit from Syria.

Mulroy said “we have a very capable partner” — in reference to the primarily Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) — and quickly noted the US-trained SDF happens to occupy key regions in eastern Syria with "a lot of the oil resources and arable land," and added that, "we are there with them".

The Pentagon official further vouched for the think tank's new feature policy recommendations on Syria which call among other things for continuing to "maintain a presence in over one-third of the country."

Referencing the CNAS' new policy report entitled “Solving the Syrian Rubik’s Cube,” regional Iraqi media outlet Kurdistan 24 reported:

Nicholas Heras, one of the study’s co-authors, spoke with Kurdistan 24. He explained that of the six scenarios considered in the report, “The option that we supported is that the United States should continue to maintain a presence in over one-third of the country” and “should invest more, both in terms of financial resources and personnel to stabilize” that region of Syria.


050e7e  No.6383942


That's my point. Nothing more to be gained by going through these motions and jumping through these hoops. At this point, anything that gives Dems microphone time is bad. It is time for DECLAS.

Time for the public to be fully redpilled. Whether willingly or by enema. It is time for Truth.

0103d8  No.6383943

Barr dropping so many Q proofs it's not even funny. Holy shit this is gonna be good

bbcceb  No.6383944


That's because he's used to seeing just her surname in investigation files.

82507a  No.6383945

File: 98299c76bb5a5cd⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 98299c76bb5a5cd3f4f1354297….png)

a37f2b  No.6383946

File: e09f69812aa11c6⋯.png (4.61 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, phresh.png)


This should help…

1a763a  No.6383947

File: 9ccb1e176fd6e02⋯.png (371.36 KB, 741x606, 247:202, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


Some leaks are for political purposes; ppl who handle cases leak to control ppl up the chain…

967b32  No.6383948

File: 23492863a8a5e9e⋯.jpg (124.55 KB, 800x450, 16:9, excuse me 3.jpg)

984462  No.6383950


Weel, he's Attorney "General".

dcbe1a  No.6383951

File: cb9eb7112026019⋯.png (944.44 KB, 950x570, 5:3, still think 1.png)

ad7f46  No.6383952


what did she do?

f8a1bd  No.6383953


I can. I just can't imagine being as polite and reserved as he is. He has the vocabulary down pat. I used to. At this point in my life, I prefer speaking a bit more directly when dealing with a room full of asinine fuckturds who want to criticize my job but can't do their own.

(Hey BO, can we drop the "computer" font? The letters start out mis-shapen and end up illegible.)

e26d41  No.6383954

File: 041320edf4eaffd⋯.png (905.98 KB, 1227x661, 1227:661, ClipboardImage.png)

1e8149  No.6383955


59a556  No.6383956

Fucking Fed Reserve Chief Powell tanking the market.

787a29  No.6383957

File: cad3b266d3514ca⋯.png (59.33 KB, 591x683, 591:683, James-Comey-Tweets-38-37-S….png)

Any Anons here have any theories about the 38 contiguous spaces on Comey's Tweet from 27-Apr-2019, and then there being 37 contiguous spaces with his Tweet today, 01-May-2019?

f2148b  No.6383958

File: d6afb416081112a⋯.jpeg (742.18 KB, 2250x2550, 15:17, bq-5cb639d14cc35.jpeg)


Harris took money from Garagos (Smollett attorney) in 2013

894760  No.6383959

File: 60697905f27915a⋯.png (96.53 KB, 301x216, 301:216, ClipboardImage.png)


“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism… There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them,” he said. “The Jews are a more successful race.”

Embracing racism, rabbis at pre-army yeshiva laud Hitler, urge enslaving Arabs

Recordings show instructors at settlement academy openly promoting Jewish supremacy; principal says Arabs want to live under Israeli occupation due to their genetic inferiority


Two rabbis at a pre-military religious academy in a West Bank settlement were recorded making derogatory and racist comments about Arabs, defending Adolf Hitler’s worldview, and openly promoting Jewish supremacy.

In a series of undated recordings published by Channel 13 news on Monday, Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, the head of the Bnei David academy in Eli, can be heard calling for the enslavement of the “stupid and violent” non-Jews due to their genetic inferiority.

“All around us, we are surrounded by peoples with genetic problems. Ask a simple Arab ‘where do you want to be?’ He wants to be under the occupation. Why? Because they have genetic problems, they don’t know how to run a country, they don’t know how to do anything. Look at them.”

In the lecture, Kashtiel goes on to embrace racism against non-Jews.

“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism… There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them,” he said. “The Jews are a more successful race.”

In another clip from the Bnei David Yeshiva published by Channel 13, Rabbi Giora Redler can be heard praising Hilter’s ideology during a lesson about the Holocaust.

“Let’s just start with whether Hitler was right or not,” he told students. “He was the most correct person there ever was, and was correct in every word he said… he was just on the wrong side.”

Redler goes on to say that pluralism is the “real” genocide being perpetrated against the Jewish people, not Nazi Germany’s Final Solution.

“The real Holocaust was not when they murdered the Jews, that’s not it. All these excuses — that it was ideological or systematic — are nonsense,” he said. “Humanism, and the secular culture of ‘We believe in man,’ that’s the Holocaust.”

The comments drew wide condemnation from opposition lawmakers who called for pulling all state funding to the Eli-based academy over Kashtiel’s and Redler’s remarks.

“This is not Judaism, and these are not our values,” Blue and White MK Yair Lapid said in a statement. “People who talk this way are not worthy of calling themselves rabbis… the state needs to stop funding this program until the racist rabbis are removed.”


2589ee  No.6383960

Did Anons see Sparty smirking and almost giggling over the shoulder of Kamela. as she acted like a Complete Cunt questioning AG Barr…?

I didn't get an opportunity to screen grab it, did any other Anon…???


e09f8e  No.6383961

File: af8c2120a97e1f6⋯.png (166.18 KB, 946x653, 946:653, ClipboardImage.png)


Collected some possible notables for incoming baker and/or for use in a qwick bake.

This is still a ghost bake, Anons. Please step into the Baker's shoes.


>>6383499 UK's May sacks defense minister over Huawei Leak.

>>6383540 Paris chaos - Protesters riot during french holiday

>>6383598 AG Barr - releases the full Mueller Letter to House Jud. Committee

>>6383603 Two people diagnised with HIV after 'Vampire" facials in NM.

>>6383649 Kansas Senate overrides governor's abortion 'reversal' veto

>>6383653 Thunderbirds twat - 2 days away from Thunder over the Sound

>>6383766 Hungary is thriving - defending cultural identity and Christian roots

>>6383857 AG Barr blasts Da Nang Dick - stop using Justice as a political weapon

Since this is a ghost bake, Please PLEASE include a sentence about why you think it's notable. (pic related)

1b6957  No.6383962

"Born in Idaho Falls, Crapo is a graduate of

Brigham Young University and Harvard Law



Any questions?

40320c  No.6383963

Bearded Cruz is best Cruz

a96699  No.6383964


Until they stole the U.S. back and made a 2nd Constitution OF the United States taking over the Constitution FOR the United States. Now it’s a Democracy owned by the Vatican (Roman Catholic Church)

17de68  No.6383965

File: 59d40176ac3b5c7⋯.jpg (353.49 KB, 1777x1135, 1777:1135, THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGA….jpg)

9149c3  No.6383966

The Senator from Canada gonna straighten things out now.

3f2099  No.6383967

TULSI 2020

No more regime change.

ebcc04  No.6383968

File: 192b23567fb2615⋯.png (21.83 KB, 600x223, 600:223, Screenshot_2019-05-01 POTU….png)


you big dope

5fcf6f  No.6383969

0c8123  No.6383970

File: 54b4f37d8d760b7⋯.png (36.44 KB, 946x538, 473:269, Cair.PNG)

e9bfb6  No.6383971

File: 3bd335fdd824a5e⋯.jpg (40.66 KB, 720x720, 1:1, CRUZ_face.jpg)







8bf409  No.6383972


Looks like that boss from the end of DOOM 2

f2148b  No.6383973

File: 24415907b42bc94⋯.jpg (107.42 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 27x9qbp4rub21.jpg)

File: bf5eec1f14c9d3c⋯.jpg (89.94 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 08s19a597ad21.jpg)

2d07da  No.6383974

File: e29b5c148020d09⋯.jpg (566.72 KB, 1290x810, 43:27, CB_History.jpg)

cd2a4a  No.6383975


Cruz just did it too

he's Attorney General, not a military General

I do not think it's correct maybe a lawfag knows

adae0b  No.6383976

File: d0c71254c4ef7a5⋯.jpg (42.9 KB, 256x340, 64:85, KamalaToe.jpg)

2521b4  No.6383977


zerohedge isn't maga.

9a84cf  No.6383978

Anons, I've been away all weekend so I apologize if this has been explained already but I am getting a "Verification" captcha on new posts that is refreshing and then an additional 24 hour captcha as usual. Has /CM/ implemented extra security due to the NZ/Synagogue shooters? Assuming this is temporary, but can't find any explanation. (This is taking me several minutes to post, kek.)

Thanks in advance.

415f9c  No.6383979

File: ac8f6156b049e14⋯.jpg (59.31 KB, 896x569, 896:569, KH gtj.jpg)

File: 478d607c40d9aff⋯.jpg (77.96 KB, 500x593, 500:593, Swallows.jpg)

File: c2182f1413711e7⋯.jpg (115.35 KB, 611x408, 611:408, KH nnc.jpg)

File: ac8f6156b049e14⋯.jpg (59.31 KB, 896x569, 896:569, KH gtj.jpg)

File: 7e52cdd1839dbcf⋯.jpg (85.35 KB, 596x395, 596:395, KH AB.jpg)

34e438  No.6383980

File: 894ae5d879693e8⋯.png (381.41 KB, 719x529, 719:529, GRAHAM.png)

80384e  No.6383981


can't wait for this cunt to get her just dues.

95faf9  No.6383982

File: d837e9524f24411⋯.jpg (337.82 KB, 1387x779, 73:41, Q spotted france.jpg)

File: 22d02effb8a6d33⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 822x861, 274:287, Q spotted france close.jpg)

Q sprouts in France

82507a  No.6383984



307064  No.6383985


We claim him as a Texans here.

42a6ca  No.6383986

Cruz: Kavanaugh treatment.

2521b4  No.6383987


don't care

eae261  No.6383988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Trump's official YouTube channel just uploaded this video entitled "Obama knew"

4ec148  No.6383989



3f2099  No.6383990


Trump isn’t MAGA either. Sad.

362c19  No.6383991


Pedophilia is used to entitle political candidates for promotion into subsequently controlled positions.

It's an ages-old practice of underworld powers.

It's time has come for exposure and abatement.

e26d41  No.6383992

File: b0808e81e782e39⋯.png (983.24 KB, 1227x661, 1227:661, ClipboardImage.png)




Her immune system is failing because her cortisol levels are through the roof

f2148b  No.6383993

File: 5fde86eddd58377⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lb.jpg)


here's a dig on one of his favored artists

85bc83  No.6383994

"They ain't got nothin' " -Ted Cruz

364afe  No.6383995


And yet that very exchange should make the Mueller team very nervous about what they Did and Did Not investigate. Intelligence Community as well.

2521b4  No.6383996

992055  No.6383997

PRICELESS, NYT blames POTUS for publishing their anti-Semitic cartoon!

New York Times: We're sorry we published an anti-semitic cartoon, but also, "President Trump has done too little to rouse the national conscience against" anti-semitism.


a977f4  No.6383998

File: 5a6b29c9b39cf47⋯.gif (3.97 MB, 7000x5893, 7000:5893, pgGraphic.gif)

23b08b  No.6383999

>>6383988 President Trump's official YouTube channel just uploaded this video entitled "Obama knew"


b75eaa  No.6384000

File: 1cd3c9f574a5cc4⋯.png (1013.37 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7A2F8244-4123-46BA-951C-57….png)

File: f682da99347f305⋯.png (718.67 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7BFCDB91-1CF0-4664-8E48-8E….png)

File: 4df68a2a7845dfc⋯.png (513.97 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 45852092-0415-465A-98D8-C8….png)

R.I. Democratic Rep. Anastasia Williams, wants to further decriminalize prostitution and sex work


be1c25  No.6384001

Cruz is ON FIRE!!!!

7c859f  No.6384002


Only real thing i know is that politicians lie.. Thanks for the help. Ive got some things at from a few responses. I will probably not come back here due to all the shit talk.

b936ef  No.6384003

File: 329ad21f1a2f117⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 486x413, 486:413, 44hesrightyouknow.jpg)


Great suggestion anon, for which thanks. I actually have an extra monitor so I'll inquire how to set it up that way. Using rather old hardware, and I doubt it even has a capable video card to allow two hookups. Either way, great idea for when I upgrade.

Best to you and yours!

cd2a4a  No.6384004



bfad8e  No.6384005

File: 36ff0b47889e520⋯.png (161.84 KB, 343x486, 343:486, Merchant3.png)

17de68  No.6384006

File: ce1d2135f267ef3⋯.jpg (79.7 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ce1d2135f267ef3c099e4bb1f6….jpg)

320284  No.6384007

Ted Cruz looks more and more like Wolverine every time I see him.

8bf409  No.6384008


Big protests today. Hopefully globo-macoroni doesn't survive the summer.


2521b4  No.6384009

4debc4  No.6384010


I saw him smirking away but didn't manage to screen grab the moment.

Kamela = Complete Cunt….. Yes

67ae49  No.6384011

File: 9fc5b9660e18d81⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 34029C75-2425-470C-A0FE-7C….png)


1a763a  No.6384012

File: 448f4df34d23dbc⋯.png (640.04 KB, 736x920, 4:5, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

"The Kavanaugh treatment - Senators impugning your integrity.

This hearing is quite revealing…one word not heard, Russia. We've heard rhetoric calling POTUS a traitor muhRussia…endless attacks

(((Their))) argument

Mueller wanted to release his memo - to fully capture the conclusions (19 pgs)

You didn't release jsut the 19, you released it all

But (((They))) are saying you suppressed the 19 pages

Barr: Yes.


If that is (((They're argument, it is exceptionally weak"

Barr: chcucklechuckle

a6557a  No.6384013


you are def not maga.

6aa576  No.6384015


9fd5dd  No.6384016

File: 20443d82d7851ff⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1903x5992, 1903:5992, Screenshot_2019-05-01 12 a….png)



Latest news from

“Operation Guardians of Innocence III”

12 arrested, 640 felonies were filed against the suspects, with more charges pending.


4ebce7  No.6384017

File: 8c386feb5ea0968⋯.jpg (110.12 KB, 574x782, 287:391, Fedscoop.JPG)


cca5d7  No.6384018




f770eb  No.6384019

File: cdf785a3e39555c⋯.jpg (755.52 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Comfy Qed.jpg)

Sik 'em TED!

984462  No.6384020


What convinced my friend was when I told her to just google Podesta art.

Then you begin to look further. No one can tell you enough to convince you. YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK YOURSELF!

1efb39  No.6384021


ahahahaha vain fuckers got what they deserved

d40f60  No.6384022

>>6383604 "…nervous, shaky voiced dems…" Yes indeed. Many if not most if not all of the dems in that chamber, mugging for the cameras and pretending to be entities that care about the nation are actually desperate–on their last legs before the whip comes down. Barr knows this & probably can hardly resist saying, "I know you senators already know this, but let me take this opportunity to inform our viewers that many traitors are burnt toast & I mean soon." (snicker, snort)

a249f2  No.6384023

File: 9ee6a69816da813⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 278x337, 278:337, 3e51b9a38228b71c0d233c722c….jpg)

894760  No.6384024




Hierarchy in the Church of Satan

Registered Member (no degree)

Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)

Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)

Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)

Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)

Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)

21ba7d  No.6384025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


all of you that respect me

and love me

please sing with me!!!!!

aeeafd  No.6384026

File: 9d002287f1c6e93⋯.jpg (14.86 KB, 209x302, 209:302, OBAMAtimesUP.JPG)

415f9c  No.6384027

File: d0d6c6802f06e2f⋯.jpg (77.17 KB, 679x500, 679:500, LG 1.jpg)

c2529f  No.6384028


Global Notables are your friend.

e9b36a  No.6384029

File: 33d76af4320724f⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 400x225, 16:9, MakingWaves.gif)

c7da4c  No.6384030


the ancient abomination cult never died off, anon.

there are those who still think that the rituals of blood sacrifice are 'correct'.

they sacrifice their own children.

if that's OK for you to just wald away from . . . then you shouldn't have ever asked the question in the first place.

5cc7a2  No.6384031


It can be rolled back in the stream


c64db4  No.6384032


paragraphs are your friend

prolly agree with your statement but textwall is hard to navigate

dd0fa4  No.6384033


>Has /CM/ implemented extra security due to the NZ/Synagogue shooters?

No, it was done mainly to hinder bots. And by requiring a small amount of effort to post, the shills get far fewer (Yous). Since the get paid by the You they're pissed.

9a84cf  No.6384034



Homo, the post above is the only reference I've found besides the Global Notable, which is a random video I can't watch at work. What gives? Some of us have lives and can't be on the board 24/7.

95faf9  No.6384035


congrats on achieving writing with your ass, clown, enjoyed your capcha?

5c8313  No.6384036

File: e05969e08641731⋯.jpg (577.82 KB, 1079x1373, 1079:1373, Screenshot_20190501-134702….jpg)

File: ca5b739d1b646c2⋯.jpg (433.07 KB, 1079x1665, 1079:1665, Screenshot_20190501-134726….jpg)

File: de5249b58ced8f4⋯.jpg (472.95 KB, 1079x1658, 1079:1658, Screenshot_20190501-134737….jpg)

File: f142def975d4abf⋯.jpg (472.61 KB, 1079x1714, 1079:1714, Screenshot_20190501-134751….jpg)

File: a05273d519f8d42⋯.jpg (454.04 KB, 1079x1675, 1079:1675, Screenshot_20190501-134804….jpg)


e9bfb6  No.6384037

File: 1d191179062e8c9⋯.gif (284.48 KB, 600x453, 200:151, ted_cruz_bye.gif)

a6557a  No.6384038

Cruz hinting at TREASON

85bc83  No.6384039

"Oh, The Calamity!" -Ted Cruz

787a29  No.6384040


38 Spaces on 27-Apr-2019

37 Spaces on 01-May-2019

So, in four days the counter clicks down one, from 38 to 37? Doing the math at 4 days per click we'd be looking at day zero at 148 days days from today? That would be day zero on 26-Sep-2019. That could theoretically be true, but could there be any other explanations?

9fd5dd  No.6384041

File: 79ec81056528774⋯.png (222.71 KB, 463x2193, 463:2193, Screenshot_2019-05-01 QMAP….png)


When will the public know

e72532  No.6384042

File: f8a054751d2e599⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1792x828, 448:207, D3ABAD14-E2B9-4FCC-B994-A5….png)

On a bit of a delay. But I thought it was interesting when Kamala asked AG Barr about being directed to “open an investigation of anyone”…

He responded that there “have been MATTERS”…

I think that speaks volumes.

adae0b  No.6384043

File: fc68c8eaddb15ca⋯.jpg (149.65 KB, 1110x1280, 111:128, PepeWinning.jpg)

f7da5f  No.6384044

File: dca37f03c414dd5⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190501_144813.jpg)


ab8529  No.6384045


Here we go….!

17de68  No.6384046

File: 6df6e9ca1ba90a1⋯.jpg (260.27 KB, 1777x1168, 1777:1168, BARR.jpg)

bfad8e  No.6384047


That made me kek.

82507a  No.6384048

File: 1c071041c21cbeb⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1106x8293, 1106:8293, Screenshot_2019-05-01 QMAP….png)

All "Barr" Q posts

05cb14  No.6384049


>But in the film it was Johnny she fired.

Life Imitates Art once again.

Johnny English Strikes Again - After further series of cyber attacks, the Prime Minister and Huawei solidify an agreement to be revealed during the G12 meeting. The Prime Minister has had enough of English's antics. She fires him and decides to proceed with the G12 meeting in Scotland. Huawei now joins the Prime Minister and the other G12 nations' leaders for the meeting. English tries to stop Huawei unsuccessfully once again. Huawei then reveals his true plan of extorting the G12 nations' leaders for control over their countries' data. English throws a tablet at Huawei's head, knocking him out and smashes Huawei's phone to stop the whole scheme.

Not sure now which is real, but that PM May looks a lot better than this one.


8bf409  No.6384050


Russia my nutsack.

If this some kind of backroom deal to allow the fake news media to save some face, fuck 'em.

If it's gonna be revealed it was a Vault 7 op, made to look like the Russians…Then carry on.

7c859f  No.6384051


I'm sorry but one last question. The above comment was a response to my last comment. The time on the post is 2 seconds after mine. How is this possible?

3d6db8  No.6384052

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson sacked over Huawei leak


5fcf6f  No.6384053

File: eff3600bf81f5a4⋯.png (814.58 KB, 1024x912, 64:57, Rand.png)


I think they spied on Rand Paul too

be4ad0  No.6384054

File: 255e5f6a7d2981d⋯.jpg (20.82 KB, 360x240, 3:2, Janet Napolitano FzsgqFTFB….jpg)

6038a0  No.6384055

File: 123e1b3d8d270b8⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-05-01 Virt….png)

kek.. I guess they rented it out for the day..



542bfb  No.6384056


BOOM - Cruz just opened that door!

d7e441  No.6384057

big ups to Barr on keeping his composure. i was only able to view about 10 mins or so of the senate proceedings. i probably would have thrown multiple punches on deep state dems

c64db4  No.6384058


it is correct.

Attorney General may be addressed as "General"

c7da4c  No.6384059


you're not making any sense.

are you a confusion monger trying to make me feel uncomfortible.

your comments have no meaningful content.

bbcceb  No.6384060


They tried it on me. They probably tried it on Trump as well. We're ending it along with the freemasonic criminal organizations that run these operations too.

2521b4  No.6384061


bunga bunga. whatever.

e8f8be  No.6384062

File: f27fa1719bed996⋯.jpeg (140.75 KB, 974x500, 487:250, F9CB2ADE-6406-449F-A141-3….jpeg)

File: f27fa1719bed996⋯.jpeg (140.75 KB, 974x500, 487:250, 3E98D33C-3A9D-4A93-9B89-A….jpeg)

Cruz made Barr kek

55516a  No.6384063

File: 66b13027a51676b⋯.png (520.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mad max.png)

4ec148  No.6384066

File: 77a47199bade8e5⋯.png (22.41 KB, 515x151, 515:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf4ab54ce00f268⋯.png (99.56 KB, 798x172, 399:86, ClipboardImage.png)


>What gives?

This is all the explanation you need.

Now fuck off.

d4f0a7  No.6384067

He can’t understand the mumbling fuck.

da380f  No.6384068

File: b0eabaf080f9c22⋯.jpg (218.07 KB, 670x1138, 335:569, 151.jpg)

Barr slapped down Harris with 94-6

1a763a  No.6384069

File: 48c9a254f2812f1⋯.png (898.23 KB, 1215x904, 1215:904, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

b936ef  No.6384070


Fucking great. What the D's are very slow to understand, is the Donald isn't you're usual 'republican/rhino' candidate they can push around.

Provided the President doesn't commit an unforced error of major proportions, I simply don't see any way he isn't reelected.

Trump 2020 "Keep America Great"

359a68  No.6384071

File: e283e53cd4d3f03⋯.jpg (91.43 KB, 600x412, 150:103, ING_287.jpg)

patriots won!!!

5d19c7  No.6384072

Gov. Mike Huckabee

‏Verified account @GovMikeHuckabee

If Dems across the country aren't utterly appalled by the grandstanding Dem Senators all but whipping AG Bill Barr with a rubber hose, then there is no dignity left among them. These Senators suck more air than a Dyson vacuum cleaner. Shameful!

1:35 PM - 1 May 2019


30b870  No.6384073

File: 51a5e352f1de7a2⋯.png (939.77 KB, 1104x1771, 48:77, mdb-chek.png)



8c2f9d  No.6384074

File: b160794b7a596c3⋯.jpg (43.87 KB, 523x555, 523:555, b160794b7a596c38810ae8f908….jpg)

85bc83  No.6384075

Leahy seems to be on his last legs. Sounding terrible today.

894760  No.6384076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

End of political career: Term limits can drain the swamp

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has introduced a constitutional amendment to introduce term limits for members of Congress. Scottie Nell Hughes expects that the political hacks and entrenched “congressional dinosaurs” of the Beltway Swamp won’t leave without a fight. #NVHughes #QuestionMore #RTAmerica


2dfc03  No.6384077

File: 84d9b6fbdc6f8ec⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1242x1237, 1242:1237, Wonderful.jpg)

1b6957  No.6384078

File: b23a62a6320764d⋯.jpg (182 KB, 869x464, 869:464, capture_035_15042019_02121….jpg)

ebcc04  No.6384079

File: d914d221ae893e5⋯.png (557.48 KB, 1920x900, 32:15, Screenshot_2019-05-01 Flig….png)


here is full fight

1a763a  No.6384080

File: dbfecee3b203340⋯.png (303.32 KB, 521x562, 521:562, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

34e438  No.6384081

File: cb074dc19573c9e⋯.png (520.81 KB, 647x572, 647:572, TIP2.png)

2521b4  No.6384082


>They tried it on me


aeeafd  No.6384083



82507a  No.6384084

>>6383957 >>6384040


Cunt lips liar comey suspicious spacing in tweets

call to decode

ebd9ac  No.6384085

File: 687cbbd6c97c9ab⋯.gif (3.95 MB, 498x298, 249:149, E5CF2ECA-FF8B-4617-BC59-64….gif)

c64db4  No.6384086


no. There was no explanation other than loopy MK ultra video.

It just happened - then every time someone asks about it, they get insulted.

Apparently - insults will continue and no explanation will be given.

It has not stopped shills, no matter what the shills are claiming…

no lie.

90a329  No.6384087

File: 2d06d0fd3c4fa1e⋯.jpg (19.71 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 4f891c7354b9d51569979db7ce….jpg)

Share Blue: Failed






RINO Never Trumpers:Failed



MSM plants:Failed

High School extra credit seekers:Failed

All shills and sliders fail.

Anons win.

a977f4  No.6384088

File: b9e2175080fec29⋯.png (394.43 KB, 874x492, 437:246, Screenshot from 2019-05-01….png)

Can anyone understand this old fool? wtf is he talking about

0c8123  No.6384089

File: 3155194d035a573⋯.png (9.95 KB, 255x214, 255:214, horsefoot.png)



Damn, I need me one of those.

The callouses on my feet are giving me hell.

b7dbca  No.6384090

File: d098c281e870c50⋯.png (1.4 MB, 929x871, 929:871, crusader_close.PNG)


at the current rate of retarded self-own's by Dems, the GOP will retake the House, and gain more seats in the Senate, to a near-supermajority

c2529f  No.6384091

File: d6443ef2d05a871⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 641x530, 641:530, pepe glasses.jpg)

4ec148  No.6384092

File: 97cab98f2070f0d⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 333x250, 333:250, itsmagic.gif)

a54569  No.6384093


>To be honest, I'm not seeing a lot of winning here goyim.

Wishful thinking doesn't work.

80da27  No.6384094

Barr is winning.

984462  No.6384095


Sure thing!

4ebce7  No.6384096

File: c0076b182757976⋯.jpg (107.06 KB, 1002x574, 501:287, Hassan.JPG)

Coast Guard lieutenant accused of terrorism granted release

GREENBELT, Md. (AP) — A federal magistrate has agreed to the pre-trial release of a Coast Guard lieutenant accused of being a domestic terrorist.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul Day noted on Thursday that 50-year-old Christopher Hasson hasn't been charged with any terrorism related offenses. Hasson was arrested Feb. 15 and is awaiting trial on firearms and drug charges. Prosecutors say he created a hit list of prominent Democrats, two Supreme Court justices, network TV journalists and social media company executives.

Day says he still has "grave concerns" about Hasson based on information prosecutors have presented. The magistrate says Hasson is "going to have to have a whole lot of supervision."

Day planned to order home confinement and electronic monitoring for Hasson. It's not clear where Hasson will be confined or when he'll be released.


e8f8be  No.6384097


Vodka recipes

7306f7  No.6384098


Booker is a literal kike nigger faggot.

2521b4  No.6384100

File: 5241e4a28145fab⋯.png (42.71 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll vote for him if he runs in 2024 (and I sincerely hope he does).

This pic, tho? Eeeeehhh….

364afe  No.6384101


Because the Mueller investigation 'evidence' has not been vetted. Many many strings of connection/investigation that should have been pulled were not. In other words, the report was accepted as-is.

320284  No.6384102

File: 5f1e86cf76a4968⋯.jpg (84.82 KB, 1024x970, 512:485, 5f1e86cf76a496851d4466206c….jpg)

cd2a4a  No.6384103


Apparently it is rare, and has been discussed before -

Is an Attorney General Addressed as "General"?

General is a military rank and form of address of a person holding that rank. Why do some journalists (print and broadcast) address the Attorney General (US and state) as “General?” Isn’t this grammatically incorrect in that in the title Attorney General, the word general is an adjective modifying/limiting the noun attorney?

– R. F.

Dear R. F.:

Attorneys confirm that attorneys general and solicitors general are addressed and referred to as General (Surname) in courtroom settings. He says in federal and state supreme and appellate court proceedings you will see references in court documents to attorney generals as General (Surname). This makes sense

A law librarian at the Library of Congress did some research on this at my request and confirms in oral arguments, court documents record the Attorney General and Solicitor General as "Gen. (full name), Esq."

UPDATE: I've heard from a the offices of three state attorneys general, and to quote the Executive Assistant of the Attorney General of Montana: "Your e-mail asks a number of questions regarding the preferred form of address for the current Montana Attorney General. “Dear Mr. Bullock” is the commonly-used and accepted form of address for the current attorney general, in any situation. “General” is rarely used, and then by those who are not aware of our customary practice."

To me it seems that addressing an attorney general as "General (Name)" an an internal practice within the legal profession. It makes sense in the context of a courtroom to identify the role of an Attorney General in some concise way to separate him from others addressed "Mr.". But outside the courtroom when (as happens in DC pretty often) there are Army, Marine Corp, and Air Force Generals in the room – it doesn’t. Further there is a wide range of offices with ‘general duties” … Solicitor general, surgeon general, inspector general …. None of them is ever addressed as “General”.


a6557a  No.6384104

500,000 bees attacked in Texas


2589ee  No.6384105



We Can ONLY Pray "last legs" for "Leaky Leahy" comes Soon…

1a763a  No.6384106

File: ba82bc5b24cf9bc⋯.png (894.59 KB, 1164x959, 1164:959, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

"That's not what the Department of Justice does…"

(hand off investigations to congress to act upon) "that's not how we conduct Grand Jury investigations"

"In the situation of the president, if it was based on false allegations - the president could terminate the proceeding, and it is not a corrupt intent - he would be worried about the impact on his presidency


5f0253  No.6384107

In the crowd of a million people I'll find my valentine


2521b4  No.6384109


The Mueller report wasn't vetted? What informs your statement?

e09f8e  No.6384110


Collected notes @ 600ish

Still need a baker, Anons. This collector has to book(er).


>>6383499 UK's May sacks defense minister over Huawei Leak.

>>6383540 Paris chaos - Protesters riot during french holiday

>>6383598 AG Barr - releases the full Mueller Letter to House Jud. Committee

>>6383603 Two people diagnised with HIV after 'Vampire" facials in NM.

>>6383649 Kansas Senate overrides governor's abortion 'reversal' veto

>>6383653 Thunderbirds twat - 2 days away from Thunder over the Sound

>>6383766 Hungary is thriving - defending cultural identity and Christian roots

>>6383857 AG Barr blasts Da Nang Dick - stop using Justice as a political weapon

>>6383958 Kamala Harris/Garagos connection graphic

>>6383988 President Trump's official YouTube channel just uploaded this video entitled "Obama knew"

>>6384072 New Mike Huckabee twat - Dems suck more air than a Dyson vacuum

>>6384076 Ted Cruz has introduced an amendment to introduce term limits for Congress

>>6383957, >>6384040 Call to shovels to decode Comey twats

collector Out!

21ba7d  No.6384111


My friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't ask you much, but now is one tine that I need you

Please park up there

and only send positive energy to Liverpool and enjoy this amazing game.

I love you so much

but you already know this

my family is here, in my house!!!!!!!!

i love you!!!!

ea6bc2  No.6384112


You are FAST!

894760  No.6384113



Depopulation agenda killing bees to destroy food supply

d40f60  No.6384114

Somebody make a note to grab Barr's exact words in response to the Leahy questioning around 2:55 PM EDT.

It was a BOOM, WOW!

1e8149  No.6384115


Just shut that NPC right the fuck down

f770eb  No.6384116

File: 4833b8bdc566e5b⋯.jpg (429.37 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, She hit me first.jpg)

3e53c9  No.6384117

File: 09328327dcf24f5⋯.png (213.99 KB, 776x624, 97:78, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

Soph targeted for a hit by "journo"


80da27  No.6384118

Dickhead Durbin.

2589ee  No.6384119

Durbin the Turbin does not even know who he's talking to… called Barr ~ Mueller

71014e  No.6384120


CAIR is Hamas

c2529f  No.6384121


WL did NOT receive the emails from Russians. JA has already stated that no "state sponsors" gave them the emails.

d40f60  No.6384122


Sports ball is not a topic relevant to Q Research. You're spamming. Stop it.

542db1  No.6384123


Boomer attempt at a line-break?

"#FiveJobsIveHad" and "his new podcast" are both 15 characters each, so it would be roughly same if he's simply trying to line break.

d62c3d  No.6384125

File: 49cacf1417600ec⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1058x704, 529:352, 49cacf1417600ecde57977d583….png)


fuck off

913e82  No.6384126

File: 36c4e3849333471⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1090x700, 109:70, alright.png)

File: 5e041d780dfa073⋯.png (678.62 KB, 977x549, 977:549, ARE WE WINNING [brock lesn….png)

File: 1e37c67248a3048⋯.jpg (106.08 KB, 1000x852, 250:213, you.jpg)


topkek well that went well.

95e81c  No.6384127


Not possible from real human with areal response. Its an indication that this board is under continuous attack. In fact, some of the responses you consider weird or unwelcoming are attacks by enemies of patriots.

Before you decide to bail, understand how the notables work. Its a good source for news if you have the internal resolve to use your discretion. But, fren, you have to use your discretion everywhere.

But God bless. Dig into the podestas, epstien, and ronald benard videos. That should open your mind.

Yes. Its weird here. But many sincere people of which I are one.

4ec148  No.6384128


What part of: >>6384101

>Because the Mueller investigation 'EVIDENCE' has not been vetted.

Are you having trouble with?

320284  No.6384129


Are the freemasons as faggy as them seem? They all looks like pathetic whiny babies.

3e53c9  No.6384130

File: 65ce7056a37c990⋯.png (92.95 KB, 767x420, 767:420, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

067dbb  No.6384131

File: d1e77ad9a47e06c⋯.png (563.52 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8E465CEE-BAD5-4E06-AF68-95….png)

File: 339ea3a8ea86355⋯.png (523.04 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 70E75ECB-6A78-46E1-AB26-67….png)

Nevada urges GOP to drop new push on nuclear waste dump


d9c9b8  No.6384132

File: f5ed8d5d34c643d⋯.jpg (5 KB, 174x311, 174:311, king-george-VI.jpg)

File: 3537b1e942a708c⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 380x599, 380:599, edward.jpg)

File: 3983503e8264a6e⋯.jpg (471.1 KB, 2481x1631, 2481:1631, harry.jpg)

File: 4edf73262022af2⋯.jpg (7.52 KB, 155x250, 31:50, william.jpg)


yes we are

1a763a  No.6384133

File: 69a07d254a19577⋯.png (109.69 KB, 302x381, 302:381, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


f97132  No.6384134


ya gotta put in the work.

nothing else will convince you, especially not someone else.

59a556  No.6384135

Barr is going to tell Nadler to go fuck himself.

967b32  No.6384136

File: ae5e343a1f2c1a2⋯.jpg (127.78 KB, 800x450, 16:9, answer.jpg)

d7e441  No.6384137

File: 0f604263212e852⋯.jpg (610.18 KB, 773x571, 773:571, cnntrashbin.jpg)

oldie but a goodie…still applicable


1b6957  No.6384138

File: 61887f152121e33⋯.jpg (260.77 KB, 731x613, 731:613, capture_081_03102018_01101….jpg)

She knows…

dc2b0f  No.6384139

File: 48c37d3fa91d068⋯.jpg (586.66 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, iu.jpg)


Kobe can tell you about Spinning


Germany has the Science!

a6557a  No.6384140


Hillary tweeted about bees, too!

Hillary gave PM Ardern a book about Buzzy Bee, too!

seems somebody else tweeted about bees, but Ican't remember who.

85bc83  No.6384141

Malaysian money laundering. Grasping.

aeeafd  No.6384142

File: 87677fb60187126⋯.png (155.44 KB, 333x434, 333:434, Screenshot from 2019-05-01….png)

I like when they call him General Barr

a249f2  No.6384143

File: 0eeb7cef6879129⋯.jpg (130.85 KB, 864x874, 432:437, 0eeb7cef68791298cd4c15dc4a….jpg)

File: f64197a46db952d⋯.png (187.16 KB, 486x353, 486:353, 1c26d3dfff8f511176100804f9….png)

File: 7f5b0b6c8c0d41f⋯.jpg (235.03 KB, 1879x1305, 1879:1305, 7f5b0b6c8c0d41ff946dcc8a48….jpg)

File: eeb25be0489bcc1⋯.png (361.4 KB, 751x500, 751:500, eeb25be0489bcc1b21dbf187e5….png)

File: fcdc4d861fe2bc5⋯.jpg (13.22 KB, 255x175, 51:35, fcdc4d861fe2bc541e7796253e….jpg)

364afe  No.6384144


Kek. I'll captcha again to say TY. Wasn't going to respond.

93f14a  No.6384145

File: 17daa19a85070eb⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 699x485, 699:485, 28056272_1620932701325758_….jpg)

683acd  No.6384146


Right ther with ya. My sister is an uberlib fucknut from the Bay area and I can show her statistics,studies and evidence and all she comes back with "You'll never get me to believe that". If it wasnt for my nieces I'd leave her to her ignorant fate

95e81c  No.6384147


Ronald benard videos:



82507a  No.6384148

File: 5771c7b5f07d67a⋯.png (59.39 KB, 378x376, 189:188, Screenshot_2019-05-01 Q Re….png)


how many spaces here [in pic] ????

12378d  No.6384149

Trump is a fucking moran - all he had to do was keep his fucking mouth shut…stop tweeting and we could've sailed through this mess.

ALL of the issues we are having right now in congress with Democrats is because of Trump 's mouth.

9640ad  No.6384150

File: a9ae4c70de98a86⋯.jpeg (172.27 KB, 719x725, 719:725, BFA2378C-14F9-4DA6-BE70-7….jpeg)


love how that guy stares at the traitors

like they're gonna run or something


ca0404  No.6384151

File: d6c354d3b93a821⋯.png (67.38 KB, 276x309, 92:103, bored.png)

who knew politics could be this inderesting

8e39b7  No.6384152

File: f03c289df8ee756⋯.png (141.87 KB, 601x338, 601:338, impeachaxiety2.png)

File: 0751b3173e858d8⋯.png (104.41 KB, 601x339, 601:339, impeachaxiety.png)

File: 2ee4a1367a0b092⋯.png (417.03 KB, 510x550, 51:55, wassershultz.png)

2521b4  No.6384153


No. Am not reading the image you posted. I really do NOT care for that "source".

However, I'm curious why you think I should read it.

6038a0  No.6384154

File: 22e5ccbf29326c8⋯.png (529.16 KB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-05-01 Virt….png)

SKULL31 and FEAR31 B52's over NM

5cc7a2  No.6384155

File: e1d8fb66e6324a0⋯.jpg (844.66 KB, 1107x1854, 123:206, leahycomp.jpg)

I can't hear Leahy.

He's mumbling.

What the F-?

Australia? Drunk again

Do I have to listen to this fucking drunk?!

I thought round 2 was after a break?

ef477d  No.6384156

Did kamala try to throw RR under the bus with conflict of interest with Mueller? that's our Pandora's box. Come on in Kamala.

5e9ab9  No.6384158


oh my..

Also notable is that Trump is now on the record as pairing with Pence.


I've been on the fence as to whether Pence has been freed, or doing as told… And Trump is not obligated to keep Pence for 2020's run.

So yeah. Popcoarn?

913e82  No.6384159

File: 211ff48c5e74361⋯.png (327.39 KB, 562x565, 562:565, we are the cure.png)

File: 51765a3018964d8⋯.png (873.84 KB, 970x636, 485:318, chuck cant take it.png)

File: d580cd48cd4bd20⋯.png (937.84 KB, 970x649, 970:649, only in Qresearch.png)

415f9c  No.6384160

File: 8a3c3c7dd2588e7⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 500x537, 500:537, VJ bb.jpg)

>>6383472 LB

5fcf6f  No.6384161

File: a51491c1c991b48⋯.png (298.12 KB, 633x351, 211:117, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

File: 01eedff2af2c86a⋯.gif (12.53 MB, 554x415, 554:415, Barr_Laugh.gif)

This cuck is back

1b6957  No.6384162

File: 6ea3dcce0c6b673⋯.jpg (740.91 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_193_28092018_08221….jpg)


d9c9b8  No.6384163

File: 1aabc3a7c6e8d38⋯.jpg (91.25 KB, 960x515, 192:103, queen mason buckle.jpg)

1a763a  No.6384164

File: ce33f2f17cc235b⋯.png (626.4 KB, 943x491, 943:491, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

9fd5dd  No.6384165

File: fbe236fbb2f6471⋯.png (63.14 KB, 463x904, 463:904, Screenshot_2019-05-01 QMAP….png)

What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created 'assuming POTUS would become the nominee?



Was CRUZ the target of a separate illegal spy campaign?

d62c3d  No.6384166

File: a52324587b506bf⋯.png (208.3 KB, 469x452, 469:452, a52324587b506bf4b15a6a50b8….png)

320284  No.6384167


It's interesting they have a security guy watching the SENATORS

85bc83  No.6384168

Armored vehicles again being deployed in Venezuela. ABC has feed next to Barr hearing.

192c65  No.6384169


Did RR leak the letter to WaPo?

4ebce7  No.6384170

File: 0ff4b7bf217ebf0⋯.jpg (198.44 KB, 3000x1987, 3000:1987, 20180426_Natl_Hurricane_Ce….jpg)

FEMA ‘Stabilizing Core Infrastructure’ to Prevent Perfect Storm of Cyber Calamities

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is focused on “stabilizing the core infrastructure and the core environment” to keep the agency and its partners securely connected during a crisis, including upgrading aging infrastructure to support the latest security controls, said the agency’s acting deputy chief information officer for disaster operations.

“The biggest concern and the biggest issue as we move to the cloud is to ensure it’s a secure move, that the data is secure, that the environment is secure… ensuring that we have a secure connection is critical,” Scott Bowman, who has more than two decades of experience at FEMA, told HSToday at the Government Technology & Services Coalition’s Emergency Management 2019 event.

“Ensuring that we have scalability in that connectivity – we need to ensure that we just don’t have a very scalable, elastic cloud that has infinite compute capability, but we’re limited on the network side of the house,” he said. “So an area of focus is ensuring the bandwidth and connectivity to the cloud is through a secure connection that is adequate to meet the need.”

This spring, hackers were responsible for blaring tornado emergency warning sirens in Texas and one Illinois city said it planned to pull its sirens after multiple hacks.

Bowman said the vulnerability of systems such as these underscores how FEMA must be “building in security with everything, considering everything we do on a daily basis.”

“It’s not only having the physical security and securing the network but it’s also educating the users, because all it takes is one user accidentally giving out their password to a malicious actor, and they could exploit that,” he said. “Or not securing a device. So a lot of ‘trust but verify’ – people will say that they’ve secured a device, that they’ve secured a system, but continual scanning and continuous diagnostics and mitigation are required.”

“Because something may be secured today and tomorrow, but it’s possible a future change may be made to an environment that leaves it unsecure. So just continually monitoring and checking everything we can on the network systems, applications, network devices, laptops, phones, all of those, ensuring that penetration points are protected.”

Bowman noted that “a lot of users know that they shouldn’t click on something or shouldn’t do something, but it’s very tempting – they receive a spam email or a spear phishing email.”

“My big wish would be that we could alleviate the malware via the browsers and the spear phishing emails,” he said. “We have a sophisticated email system that blocks a lot of the malicious email, a lot of the spear phishing emails, a lot of those types of threats, but our adversaries are continually changing to bypass those products so we can’t catch all of them.”



787a29  No.6384171


I don't know that these leading character counts are relevant since these vary with the formatting of the browser. If you were to copy the text of the entire text of Comey's tweet from today the words you reference "his new podcast." actually contain 16 characters including the period at the end of that segment.

c64db4  No.6384172


I am gonna go with Law Dictionary Ted Cruz on this one.

Attorney General "MAY" be addressed as General

it isn't required in or out of court - but he can be

d40f60  No.6384175


If muh Russia won't fit, you must acquit.

50c2cf  No.6384176

File: c5d0f703d42eab1⋯.jpg (86.82 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 2zwwhc.jpg)

0103d8  No.6384177

What other hearing is Lindsey trying to get to?


5cc7a2  No.6384179


She's super stupid.

Didn't know that RR was in charge of the investigation for all these never-ending months.

And now she's saying he had a conflict of interest; which we've known for months.And that he should have recused.


Thanks, Kamala

What a Moran.

"I told you so" "they are totally in the dark"

09454e  No.6384180




was just about to leave

will do the bake

gotta Ebake

anons do the notables and the dough update next bread

4debc4  No.6384181

File: e3caa82c1047188⋯.jpg (83.91 KB, 403x309, 403:309, Screen Shot 05-01-19 at 08….JPG)

9149c3  No.6384182

Klobaschnozz trying to back-door her way into POTUS's tax returns.

be1c25  No.6384183

File: 2bf24b11be90676⋯.jpg (135.42 KB, 1124x857, 1124:857, D4cbB4_XoAA_Oov.jpg)

eae261  No.6384184

File: 1164a3720ff0553⋯.png (140.63 KB, 630x801, 70:89, pika.PNG)

addb02  No.6384185


Booker used General

1a763a  No.6384186

File: 27b26e0ee53baac⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1175x921, 1175:921, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

61d7a1  No.6384187


The bees survived the Notre Dame fire

180c7b  No.6384188

So Anons as i sit here watching Barr win bigly; watch Dems foaming at the mouth re muh obstruction; i keep asking myself the same question that i have been asking for the last 2 yrs: >>Why did the Muller Team not just manufacture evidence re Russian Collusion??<< It's not like the DS was worried about committing treason

9640ad  No.6384189


he is running

8e39b7  No.6384190

d40f60  No.6384191

>>6384179 Super stupid yes, but she whipped some mean skull on Willie.

d9c9b8  No.6384192


RR can only harm them at this point. He's a man without a home.

2589ee  No.6384193

Klobuchar has the Satanic "One Eye" thing going on today… Hair clearly covering her Left Eye…

9af86c  No.6384194

File: 332a6b352e80cbf⋯.png (71.29 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

0103d8  No.6384195

Super spook sitting behind barr is intense. I don't think he's from an abc. He looks Military

5d5a35  No.6384196


actually, as a matter of fact, you are the moron

eat a bag of mazie hironos

192c65  No.6384197


because if RR is dirty so is RM

42a6ca  No.6384200



286858  No.6384201


Macaulay Culkin: "Hollywood Elites Murder Children…Use Their Skin For Leather Shoes!!!"

4debc4  No.6384202


off to the Gents…. shat his pants!

cd2a4a  No.6384203


And we have Luca Brazzi in security

85bc83  No.6384204


She looks like one mean drunk.

6b9b02  No.6384205

Any memefags have the stock photo of the 'open legged girl famewhoring the passing train'?

Can't find it.

addb02  No.6384206


She’s vying for second special prosecutor

5d5a35  No.6384208



sorry tagged wrong post

2d07da  No.6384209

File: 6aa74ac677a27d1⋯.jpg (573.3 KB, 1290x810, 43:27, KH_History.jpg)

683acd  No.6384210


Yeah Right dickbreath their problem isn't really with Trump or his twats it's with those of us who support him, he's just the whipping boy, he's the poster child for everything standing in their way.

4b4373  No.6384212


You sound like a concern troll.


056a27  No.6384213

File: c9f19c74c61533e⋯.png (11.17 KB, 254x97, 254:97, Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 2….png)


because she lost….they were sloppy before the election

992055  No.6384214


"Why do live in Barry's basement?"


9af86c  No.6384216

Alexa just told me "all is well"…

59a556  No.6384218

Klobuchar used her comb to eat lunch.

913e82  No.6384219

File: a6f4f4f40505746⋯.png (402.43 KB, 529x889, 529:889, THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.png)


you are a great example of the type of person we DO NOT WANT HERE.

please think before you post..

your flesh is showing, and to be honest it is UGLY.

787a29  No.6384220


There are 63 spaces between brackets with Q Post 3059, so there doesn't appear to be any connection to these two Comey Tweets that I can see.

d62c3d  No.6384222

File: e95dbb1a3c7f5e4⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 311x162, 311:162, e95dbb1a3c7f5e4f4741410c06….jpg)

f8a1bd  No.6384223


Sounds like a guy who never turned 16.

82507a  No.6384225


fakenews faggot

2384ca  No.6384226

File: 154785452e8bc9d⋯.jpeg (47.85 KB, 594x397, 594:397, 09F19EA1-74A2-4300-B20D-4….jpeg)

5d5a35  No.6384227


sorry mom

e18284  No.6384228

File: 5014f55ff0896c2⋯.png (321.15 KB, 490x612, 245:306, d163027bd373ca223fce6f5460….png)

9af86c  No.6384230


Correction: Only truth wins*

Not like (((Q))) team knows anything about truth anyway.

Ashtar Command…

cd2a4a  No.6384231

File: 0855fa6a37a06c0⋯.jpg (137.03 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, 1547992580-3.jpg)


she lies

ef477d  No.6384232


the Line of questioning was a bit strange.

RR, McCabe. might have a problem in the future.

but bringing that up now. that's probably under investigation.

0103d8  No.6384233

Blumenthal is gonna take his Human-suit off any minute

067dbb  No.6384234

File: a3a9c96321248ee⋯.png (3.26 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E60A6500-CE53-4A26-96DF-99….png)

File: d0a119967f906aa⋯.png (1.58 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5D4D6E09-BB05-4ABA-ABE5-6A….png)

Sen. Dick Durbin whines to his Republican colleagues for continued discussion of HRC e-mails


4ec148  No.6384235

File: a4889e97319fee7⋯.png (1.01 MB, 700x687, 700:687, ClipboardImage.png)


It's a bus not a train.

2521b4  No.6384236


Am having problems understanding something, because I didn't type "evidence"?

If it went into the report, I assume the evidence supporting or refuting it was, in fact, vetted.


09454e  No.6384237

Absolutely Baked

Ebake Done




Anons - update next bread


50c2cf  No.6384238

File: 8eaf23937e8e241⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 180x255, 12:17, inde34.jpg)

9bb917  No.6384239


If you are so lazy and closed-minded in your thinking that you're trying to associate criminal behavior with a single political party, you have zero hope here (or anywhere else).

85bc83  No.6384240

"Bob, what's with the letter?" -Barr kek

82507a  No.6384241


wups wrong one…

you are fakenews >>6384149

9af86c  No.6384242


Welp, let's hope not…

If you can't even trust AI, who can you trust? (((JEWS)))?

1e7592  No.6384243

File: 36c61d0fa17dbba⋯.jpeg (89.82 KB, 725x499, 725:499, 4C3EB5BA-1682-44CD-8A21-4….jpeg)

File: c2c2a7bf5108eab⋯.jpeg (99.94 KB, 500x619, 500:619, D9A4FEAF-BC52-46AF-857A-C….jpeg)

File: bd91337e7033e67⋯.jpeg (78.17 KB, 511x499, 511:499, 3E278D3D-A27F-41D2-B0A0-3….jpeg)

File: 41c94a078bd2363⋯.jpeg (74.31 KB, 594x420, 99:70, BF12F8A7-41C8-4BD6-B78D-0….jpeg)

File: 8c4bfad0bfaacaa⋯.jpeg (106.38 KB, 663x500, 663:500, 2BCCDA90-66A6-4EAE-B67B-7….jpeg)


Look into Crazy Days and Nights. The site that outed Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacy, Matt Laur, and Bryan Singer as sexual predators LONG before it got out to the public.

They’ve been doing lots within the past two years regarding exposing the pedophiles in Hollywood. Hollywood is absolutely INFESTED with pedophiles.

Most of the H. Wood pedos are democrats, including DNC inner circle people like Steven Spielberg.

Research Heather O’Rourke and Judith Barsi (CDAN has revealed them to be child actresses who were raped by pedowood

542db1  No.6384244


>I don't know that these leading character counts are relevant since these vary with the formatting of the browser.

This is what I mean by "boomer attempt", like your dear old grandma in Microsoft Word holding down the space key to manually line break rather than pressing return. Good ol gran doesn't realize that it's going to display differently per browser, or even Twitter API on mobile apps formatting it in potentially unlimited ways.

I don't know though, just spitballing.

683acd  No.6384245

File: 3c80edd6fe5475c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture _2019-05-01-01-17-….png)


Cuz the GOP has had decades to stop this lib bs and they did nothing but lend a helping hand and if you're to ignorant to see that than go back to FB or Reddit or whatever Fuckin rock u crawled out from and keep you're mind numbing bs to yourself faggot

cd2a4a  No.6384246


AI is (((them))) dummay

be1c25  No.6384247

I wonder if Mueller ever really does testify

fe432f  No.6384248

File: d4153b578ecb200⋯.png (150.6 KB, 734x864, 367:432, ClipboardImage.png)


From earlier today (UK time)

>>6380443 (pb)

59a556  No.6384249

CrowdStrike is the keystone.

984462  No.6384250

"They said"

"They felt"

Who is "they" that Barr is talking about??

Mueller and who?

4ec148  No.6384251


The 'Russian dossier' was NOT vetted.


ef477d  No.6384252


I agree with that.

she may have slipped.

970e69  No.6384253

File: 4a7e43191281e96⋯.png (11.88 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 9a436f03f224fdf3aee7df1f78….png)


It's really really hard to believe how much hubris these people have - they actually think they are smarter and more savvy than Barr

They are really scary and


28bc6b  No.6384255



‏ @45__Schedule

18m18 minutes ago

Mueller's job was to investigate, period.

He opted to leave the obstruction ruling up to the DoJ.

The release of docs is entirely up to the DoJ and AG Barr.

Mueller's opinion on what and how docs are released means nothing. He was never confirmed or elected to a position.

POTUS_Schedule Retweeted Martha MacCallum

Martha MacCallum

‏Verified account @marthamaccallum

Bottom line appears to be Barr should have released the summaries Mueller requested twice. It all took too long. Barr says it took three weeks because Mueller team did not deliver promised redactions, leaving that to DOJ… anyway its all now…

52cafb  No.6384256


>I'll vote for him if he runs in 2024


WTF don't y'all get about the LAW?

1a763a  No.6384257

The letter's a bit snitty, prolly made by one of his staff…

may we have those notes - DaNang



9af86c  No.6384258


Triple brackets are for (((JEWS)))

Unless you are saying (((JEWS))) are AI, which would be another lie.

992055  No.6384259

File: c9c0c1c709965d9⋯.png (335.49 KB, 500x512, 125:128, Gillibrand 2020 NXIVM.png)

2589ee  No.6384260


I believe that Many of those Sick Things are Drunk…

But Yes, "Kloby" is a Real Meanie…

and she eats her salads with a Hair Comb… who the F does that?


3d6db8  No.6384261

File: 5e1685c46b0557f⋯.jpeg (6.59 KB, 284x177, 284:177, wills in israel.jpeg)


I was so sure this (UK Royal Grandson Wills) was the same person I saw in the Q drops re China in the street, remember? Are we sure we knew who it was?

85bc83  No.6384262

"The letter is a bit snitty." -Barr

e88284  No.6384263


Can we have a copy of your conversation?


ddbbc6  No.6384265


Weissman of course-who probably wrote the summaries they wanted Barr to release…

28bc6b  No.6384266

POTUS_Schedule Retweeted

Chuck Ross

‏Verified account @ChuckRossDC

2h2 hours ago

Chuck Ross Retweeted Mediaite

Graham is one of only 2 members of Congress (along w/ Doug Collins) to have reviewed the less-redacted version of the report. All Dems have refused to look at it.


‏Verified account @Mediaite

CNN’s John King Says It’s a ‘Disgrace’ That Lindsey Graham Did Not Read Full Mueller Report http://mediaite.com/a/dxegu

5fcf6f  No.6384267

File: 1de69df96091467⋯.jpg (119.82 KB, 736x937, 736:937, BigBadBarr.jpg)



cd2a4a  No.6384268

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