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File: de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB, 255x143, 255:143, e1c02b43c5fc1b06dad4093883….png)

d6c1c0  No.6381145

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Friday 04.19.2019

Compiled here: >>6354261

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

d6c1c0  No.6381155

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6348477 BO Related Global Notables

>>6261140 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGs)

>>6364968 There are captchas for every post now


are not endorsements


>>6381047 Poynter Institute Wants 515 Outlets Blacklisted, Including Breitbart News

>>6380961 MN Police Officer Mohamed Noor Found Guilty of Murder of Justine Damond While Responding to her 911 Call

>>6380882 Teen Molested by Catholic School Teacher Gets Record $8-Million Settlement From LA. Archdiocese

>>6380839 POTUS_Schedule twat w/CAP: 10:00 AM ET - Attorney General William Barr testifies on Mueller Report before Congress – LIVE on C-SPAN3 & @cspanradio

>>6380804 BREAKING: FAA Bans U.S. Airlines From Flying Low Over Venezuela

>>6380762 U.S. private sector adds 275,000 jobs in April -ADP

>>6380634, >>6380779 French police fire tear gas at protesters in Paris May Day rally

>>6380623 ew DJT twat w/CAP: NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Besides, how can you have Obstruction when not only was there No Collusion (by Trump)...

>>6380588 Liftoff of a minuteman III ICBM from Vandenberg AFB ni California at 2:42AM PST.

>>6380550 Jim Jordan: Democrats Already Started Impeachment Proceedings

>>6380508 Retired Army major general dies after lawnmower accident

>>6380490 Mueller complained that Barr’s letter did not capture ‘context’ of Trump probe

>>6380481 $356 million in cryptocurrency stolen in first three months of 2019

>>6380474 Two Indiana judges were shot in a White Castle parking lot

>>6380467 Anon decodes POTUS tweet storm this morning. Ties back to Q 'TWEET STORM DAY'

>>6380457 White House denies Dems info on security clearance process

>>6380435 Dozens of beehives were attacked and set on fire in Texas over the weekend in an act “beyond comprehension”...

>>6380424 New DJT twat w/CAP: Congress must change the Immigration Laws now, Dems won’t act. Wall is being built...

>>6380423 New DJT twat: Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI?

>>6380418, >>6380585 BARR OPENING STATEMENT and written testimony

>>6380405 South Carolina may use firing squad as alternative death penalty method

>>6381081 #8159


>>6380185 POTUS_Schedule: Daily Public Schedule for May 1, 2019

>>6380157, >>6379994, >>6380279 anon compiles POTUS May Day retwat storm. O deltas. 65 Tweets or Re-Tweets in 1h and 15mins

>>6380147 New DJT retwat w/CAP 2: Lou Dobbs: No President in history has endured such vicious personal attacks by political opponents...

>>6380134 New DJT twat w/CAP 2: Gallup Poll: 56% of Americans rate their financial situation as excellent or good. This is the highest number since 2002

>>6380129 New DJT twat w/CAP 1: overriding the Decommission Order of the magnificent aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman

>>6380057 New DJT retwat w/CAP 1: Senator Josh Hawley: The Democrats can’t come to grips with the fact that there was No Collusion, there was No Conspiracy...

>>6380063, >>6380039, >>6380054 Assange live twats and was sentenced to 50 weeks. extradition mention is tomorrow.

Bake Assist/Baker Change

>>6379836 Cosco Shipping to sell Long Beach Container Terminal to Macquarie

>>6379942 2016 - Obama's Campaign paid $972k to law firm that paid Fusion GPS

>>6379972 BO on the board w/posts and responses (bun)

>>6379994 PJDT Mayday Tweet Storm list

>>6380017 'Committee of 300' Bun - Call to shovels

>>6380297 #8158

Previously Collected Notables

>>6378006 #8155, >>6378775 #8156, >>6379541 #8157

>>6375695 #8152, >>6376427 #8153, >>6377229 #8154

>>6373294 #8149, >>6374081 #8150, >>6374904 #8151

>>6370951 #8146, >>6371714 #8147, >>6372499 #8148

>>6368629 #8143, >>6369402 #8144, >>6370145 #8145

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

d6c1c0  No.6381162

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6373407 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6339245

Q Graphics all in EST

>>6069766, >>6171428

54224a  No.6381164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

David Wilcock Channelling Divine Messages


d6c1c0  No.6381167

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Threads 8001 - 10,000: https://pastebin.com/bjb0Y5FP

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

d6c1c0  No.6381180

File: 9ac421262a17ff7⋯.png (559.47 KB, 708x413, 12:7, senate_attorney_general_39….png)



54224a  No.6381184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

David Wilcock Predicts Ascension Will Occur After Declas

01986e  No.6381185

File: 3f17b964b908004⋯.jpg (43.68 KB, 800x450, 16:9, c1a3341315893c30b38826cea4….jpg)

-William Barr Testifies on Mueller Report Before Senate Judiciary Committee-



bbf3ad  No.6381186

File: 6055c806f8d6fdc⋯.png (414.75 KB, 634x594, 317:297, ClipboardImage.png)

Shanahan testifying live



b52224  No.6381187

File: ec03f53e968b7b8⋯.jpg (373.81 KB, 1152x600, 48:25, capture_008_01052019_07220….jpg)

Not even with yours…

f442c3  No.6381188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


464c3e  No.6381189

File: 979df502afd1d61⋯.png (69.3 KB, 222x276, 37:46, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


TY Baker

fd8142  No.6381190

File: 5557eb83f8d2522⋯.jpg (169.55 KB, 1440x1496, 180:187, BARR6.JPG)

Barr looks ready to rumble

f41e40  No.6381191

Sure ain't going like the loserdems imagined it would is it…, lol

know we have frankenstein i mean…,

…,dIANEfIENSTEIN — maybe she should have had a counselor doing her talking – her has been status is now a walking dead status…

anons - are not individuals on the dark web, we are AMERICAN PATRIOTS – BITCH






6a6e33  No.6381192

File: e7c93cd59995fd9⋯.png (1.63 MB, 750x920, 75:92, e7c93cd59995fd9004978ba870….png)


Thanks baker!

aecfb0  No.6381193

I want to know WHO is responsible for writing these ridiculous talking points these robots READ VERBATIM.

43ea33  No.6381194

File: 2cacb6941bbb032⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 852x529, 852:529, RussianBoomerang2.gif)

a9af34  No.6381195

File: f3c20463dc319b1⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 15567207414361483346121655….jpg)

Barr is over her rambling bullshit

2c41de  No.6381196

File: dd8c987ffc40b05⋯.png (205.73 KB, 1146x480, 191:80, gatekpr2.png)



8dbaf2  No.6381197

>>6381179 lb

Yes, it IS.

STFU, ehomo.

>>6381147 lb

>Russian angle

Read the UN and EU Charters.

It was ALWAYS their plan.

4c8168  No.6381198

File: 73d06ee42ff4b34⋯.jpg (152.82 KB, 825x506, 75:46, FeinsteinKnowsShesFckd.jpg)

11ae28  No.6381199



Yeah, I expected the true message here to be missed by many. The point of my post is about HOW the change was implemented. If the change would have been advertised and discussed BEFORE implementation, it would have likely been an non-issue.

0e581e  No.6381200

File: 8415a57a96b76b4⋯.jpg (121.88 KB, 541x467, 541:467, bb confirms.jpg)

f2b579  No.6381201


Notice that he is only watching in front - has anyone noticed the agent(s) watching their backs?

fce357  No.6381202

Why should we care what an old cunt who

employed a Chinese spy has to say?

387eda  No.6381203

File: 86fe88445ffdcaa⋯.png (364.38 KB, 638x862, 319:431, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


They Should Double Down On This One & Put A Hanging Sign Around Their Neck That Says:

”Do NOT Resuscitate”

🙄Liberals Are NOW Protesting By Placing Their Mouths Over Truck Exhausts To Make Green New Deal A Reality

e74f88  No.6381204

File: 8b10b903ddfe614⋯.jpg (121.8 KB, 600x750, 4:5, krissy-420_18253043_767496….jpg)

cd21a8  No.6381205

File: e0bdeeeee036a3d⋯.png (507.33 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 07e3c9df0c0a442584a1fe5423….png)

d781c8  No.6381207


Just say it

I won't call you anti-semitic

1a2d14  No.6381208



e2afd4  No.6381209

File: 1e5e957c4ceeee0⋯.jpg (87.24 KB, 600x808, 75:101, 1e5e957c4ceeee01332695d2e5….jpg)


exactly what I was thinking..

8bb91a  No.6381210

File: 35ac62c94af0493⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1560x966, 260:161, feinsteins monkey2.png)

387eda  No.6381211

File: e537e0f5ac53c2b⋯.jpg (44.16 KB, 1002x532, 501:266, leatherface.jpg)


Who said we did?

84d1dd  No.6381212

File: 7e8f79f504ab2fd⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 172x329, 172:329, Capture.JPG)

this one looks like she is about to cry

4c7e22  No.6381213


….but they think they're important.

fea3bf  No.6381214


holy kek

138f48  No.6381215

File: 234ec23aca4a158⋯.jpg (404.19 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, pep shiva.jpg)


ive already ascended


highest danking anon

c85444  No.6381216

File: f6c11e95c131b41⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 1400x1386, 100:99, diannedepends.jpg)

dca1df  No.6381217

File: e59510b907e5af6⋯.png (613.79 KB, 574x403, 574:403, 6hf3lmw8ggv21.png)

464c3e  No.6381218

File: 572ba40ab264c37⋯.png (322.46 KB, 1793x1158, 1793:1158, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

258b41  No.6381219

File: 3cf59388a458078⋯.jpg (6.97 KB, 135x240, 9:16, 620437b4-7b8a-4a77-8785-43….jpg)

April 29, 2019: "Missile turned in at gun buyback in Juárez, Mexico":


WTH? How does some Mexican lady have a missile? Do missiles go missing? Where in the world have missiles gone missing? Sound familiar?

ENTER Libya.

"Thousands of Libyan missiles from Qaddafi era missing in action":


"The Stingers of Benghazi":


Did any of the weapons from Libya end up in the cartel's hands? Is the Mexican cartel now arming ANTIFA with stinger missiles?

"FBI Investigating Antifa For Plotting To ‘Stage An Armed Rebellion’ With Guns Purchased From Mexican Cartel":


It is time for the FBI to label ANTIFA as a terrorist organization so the military can be activated to protect Americans. When leftist chaos begins from the FISA DECLAS/OIG Report (Great Awakening), the military can step in under Trump’s orders > Martial Law > Deep State Arrests > PAIN > Justice > Healing > Peace > World Renaissance

Enjoy the show!


11c407  No.6381220

File: 12bc8da4c0db86d⋯.jpg (449.15 KB, 1079x1089, 1079:1089, Screenshot_20190501-092536….jpg)

File: 24f926fa82d03a6⋯.jpg (512.06 KB, 1079x1102, 1079:1102, Screenshot_20190501-092601….jpg)

File: 49c9c092fd996d5⋯.jpg (524.77 KB, 1079x1234, 1079:1234, Screenshot_20190501-092619….jpg)

File: 0fc3ca4179cf5d6⋯.jpg (438.54 KB, 1079x1007, 1079:1007, Screenshot_20190501-092637….jpg)

File: a2c97038abf6cbd⋯.jpg (467.17 KB, 1079x1087, 1079:1087, Screenshot_20190501-092651….jpg)

Defense is keeping us updated via twatter

cd21a8  No.6381221

File: 115c3c76afc7d7b⋯.jpg (14.82 KB, 360x270, 4:3, download.jpg)

42ad7c  No.6381222

Feinstein: "Let me conclude…"


4a289d  No.6381223

File: cf895ecc296d8d7⋯.png (21.92 KB, 446x126, 223:63, wuohmy.PNG)

Barr's turn to speak coming

779006  No.6381224

File: bd11499bfce04ed⋯.png (436.31 KB, 823x507, 823:507, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like Lindsey is cutting some Cheese

df8ca8  No.6381225

File: 98c42ca155e9d5e⋯.jpg (196.25 KB, 1539x650, 1539:650, 1966-Sand-Pebbles-The-04.jpg)

The Dem party is about to get some painful truth bombs from Barr.

Barr looks pissed and ready to absolutely unload on the Dem nonsense.

Graham was AWESOME!!!




Remember this day.

6a6e33  No.6381226



1493f9  No.6381227

File: d76c7a23e1b281b⋯.png (252.83 KB, 671x401, 671:401, screenshot.png)

04501f  No.6381228


We are commando souls from another planet here to fix shit and kick ass. After we win we are getting off this rock.

e2afd4  No.6381229

File: c3128365a8453ee⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, wilcockcheck.jpg)


all rise!

fd8142  No.6381230

File: 7291a6ebfd5d905⋯.jpg (16.84 KB, 360x342, 20:19, CJB7.JPG)

6fa507  No.6381231

File: d5dc2371ada1302⋯.jpg (108.62 KB, 1242x1242, 1:1, IMG_7850.JPG)

Yuge rageing bottom

Gaylord Jew ham

With butthole lips

Demands flapping curtains

For cia pedo gold murder cult

Makes spurious egregious scripted claims

With drumpfs cocaine wash Fox News

For FBI index fraud of child infanticide

Committed by rothschilds judas fehgels

Calls itself Barr

Does feltch berliners and will homo trannys

8ce900  No.6381232

File: 2d2c8ffe2e6728b⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1861x758, 1861:758, ClipboardImage.png)



That look!!!!


aecfb0  No.6381233



ce27f6  No.6381234

File: ec03f53e968b7b8⋯.jpg (373.81 KB, 1152x600, 48:25, ec03f53e968b7b81734a786898….jpg)

I am certainly surrounded by

'beautiful' people

cd21a8  No.6381235

Imagine the level of mental gymnastics the Dems have to undertake to keep this sham going………..Imagine if they used all that time and energy into actually working for the betterment of America.

6a4ff8  No.6381236

f4969e  No.6381237

>Two Indiana judges were shot in a White Castle parking lot


The White House/ Camelot/ White Castle

6fa507  No.6381238


That's a ton of bacon on that boy

d966be  No.6381239

LG almost forgot to swear Barr in….this was not a mistake

464c3e  No.6381240

File: 328591fbaf809b7⋯.png (1.18 MB, 808x992, 101:124, Screen Shot 2019-04-27 at ….png)

f89ef9  No.6381241

>>6380953 lb

> where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM.


b89f8b  No.6381242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Barr Hearing LIVE

I DON'T like the Washington Post, but this is the only SPLIT-SCREEN version I've found–nice to see both faces.

dca1df  No.6381243

File: 54f05f1be06a5b7⋯.png (22.29 KB, 439x340, 439:340, Capture.PNG)

aecfb0  No.6381244


This Bread is fire!!!!

d7d1d8  No.6381245


0e581e  No.6381246

File: eebb8d7b967e07a⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 500x296, 125:74, feinstein_china.jpg)

4402dd  No.6381247

File: b84160f3230644c⋯.jpg (274.12 KB, 1417x1045, 1417:1045, tyb_waters.jpg)

File: e9fbb084bd4426d⋯.jpg (218.76 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, barr_drinks.jpg)


Thank You Baker!

42ad7c  No.6381248


>Imagine if they used all that time and energy into actually working for the betterment of America.

It just cost POTUS $2 Trillion to even get them to pretend to do that.

6fa507  No.6381249


Chernobyl zombies eats babies for fleshy coloring

Also killed mr Milk

101051  No.6381250

File: dca399bb035fd29⋯.png (652.92 KB, 788x551, 788:551, Barr re [DF].PNG)

AG Barr faces Senate

in contentious Mueller report hearing

32,110 watching now

a live feed link:


622998  No.6381251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4aabca  No.6381252


She began smirking when DiFi brought up bringing in Mueller to testify.

109387  No.6381253

File: 14474692400fbef⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1202x1005, 1202:1005, 2019-05-01_10-29-28.png)

>>6381158 lb

Skunk alien lurking behind the old hag.


28132b  No.6381254


cspan has split screen

e61eef  No.6381255

Loving the captchas for every post.

Makes life hell for shills.

02804a  No.6381256

File: fd2121a5e3e4d55⋯.jpg (84.3 KB, 700x478, 350:239, FastJackOff.jpg)

5bdbd5  No.6381258

>>6371913 (PB)

An attorney general with no respect for the laws regarding double jeopardy. NY … where the fuck do you FIND these people and why the hell do you elect them? >>6371833 (PB)

Nothing wrong with the logic.

1) If you don't know that a firearm is present, you won't know to fear it. (Paranoia is its own special case.)

2) In my state you DO have to demonstrate a knowledge of the current laws relating to firearms and a minimal level of competency in firing so as to limit the likelihood of wayward rounds.

The most important part of the law to remember is that you, alone, are fully responsible for whatever the bullet does until it comes to rest.

NB: I thought that the first instructor I had was something of a cowboy so, despite passing the class with flying colors, I enrolled my wife and I in a second class with a different instructor. The second guy was a "serious as a heart attack instructor" and money well spent.

>>6371843 (PB)

For a while, yes. She committed immigration fraud, but no one seems interested in prosecuting her.

>>6371865 (PB)

I don't think Chuck should get used to those warm fuzzies … I suspect Chuck will find that the fur belongs to a lion.

>>6372498 (PB)

Agreed. The more STFU Bolton does, the better. That guy never met a war he didn't like – except the one he was eligible to serve in. Vietnam. He can carpet bomb most of the Middle East but found Vietnam immoral. The difference being, it would have been HIS ass in the rice paddy and it's someone else's ass face down in Afghanistan.

I'm the same age as him and, for the record, I've never liked the prick.

>>6372162 (PB)

Jesus didn't say that. You are a false prophet and will be dealt with accordingly.

Take your lies with you when you go.

>>6372171 (PB)

Bbbbbut if we don't let Huawei spy on us, the Chinese won't like us!

I wonder how long a Chinese company will last in the UK after the Muslims take over. Given their relationship within China, I can't imagine that Islam would hold back its hand if it got power in the UK (as already evidenced in most of Britain).

>>6372305 (PB)

By using the term "frivolous" regarding two lawsuits and affirming his intended use of the word by claiming that the lawsuits are not intended to succeed, Schiff is accusing Trump and his attorneys of barratry … which is illegal. Since he used print to do so and then transmitted it to a third party, Schiff has committed libel. I don't know if this falls into the realm of political discourse, but I'm thinking it doesn't because it accuses not merely Trump, but also his attorneys, of specific violations of law.

Looks like my HS diploma carries more weight than all of his education and experience combined.

I'm thinking Deutsche Bank and Capital One attorneys have told Donald's attorneys that they can't refuse the subpoena from Nadler unless there is a counter-suit … so please sue us. Watch for a half-hearted defense from those financial giants. That would be the "tell".

>>6372287 (PB)

Maduro was elected. Same as Hillary would have been. Same as Hitler was.

>>6372290 (PB)

They are buddies. Check the script.

>>6372469 (PB)

Maduro is the democratically elected president. Just because the US recognizes Guaido as the President of VZ doesn't change the fact that Maduro won the election. I note that the biggest boosters of Guaido are the 5 eyes nations. Remember that Bolton is not Sec'y. of State … Pompeo is and Bolton should not be running his mouth AT ALL. He's head of intelligence (and giving it a bad name) and DOES NOT SET POLICY. He's just a fucking warhawk and really needs to be rolled the fuck on out of there.

>>6372474 (PB)

I would consider the wall(s) to be infrastructure, wouldn't you?

>>6372549 (PB)

A Russian gun activist? In the US? Something is getting lost in the translation. If she's a citizen of Russia, she can't own guns here. If she's a citizen of the US, it's okay to advocate for 2nd amendment rights … that's guaranteed by the 1st amendment.

>>6372554 (PB)

Who fucking died and left HIM in charge? We have a Secretary of State and HE AIN'T IT.

6fa507  No.6381259


It's the walrus

Still don't care 🤷‍♀️

84d1dd  No.6381260

File: ff81a8f048df16f⋯.jpg (70.92 KB, 1024x565, 1024:565, Capture.JPG)

he's gonna make them squirm!

8ce900  No.6381261


C-SPAN was doing split screen just a minute ago while fienstien was talking. I captured it above.


But, hey, whatever works!

11c407  No.6381262

The Floor is Yours

df8ca8  No.6381263

File: 40f8e2b89e7029a⋯.jpg (54.28 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2zgl8x.jpg)

File: 9a271a1902331f8⋯.jpg (139.67 KB, 500x744, 125:186, 2zfrzz.jpg)

File: 45ab162e6388ea1⋯.jpg (87.85 KB, 500x805, 100:161, 2zd58t.jpg)


Truth bombs by Barr in loading bays….

Counting down…..

e9b554  No.6381264

File: c47184175f25410⋯.png (18 KB, 780x620, 39:31, HahahaLaugh.png)



28132b  No.6381265



d7d1d8  No.6381266

File: c578703c242aa8f⋯.png (58.75 KB, 589x395, 589:395, ClipboardImage.png)


Some real fuckery going on with the capcha this morn.

Not only am I having to put in the old capcha, but I'm having to put in the every post capcha too..

Anyone else getting this problem?

Had to go to 24 hr capcha to get things to work. Fucking frustrating.

04501f  No.6381267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Baker…..check out the Moon Song.

6fa507  No.6381268


Old pedos demand illegal wiretapping for iPhone stock too

704ffb  No.6381269


>Defense is keeping us updated via twatter

Notables Baker

2c41de  No.6381270



he has gone full potato….

f87665  No.6381271

File: 5e794aa8f38231e⋯.jpg (155.84 KB, 1000x589, 1000:589, Jean_II_Restout_-_Pentecôt….jpg)

The fire within

Dances the dance

e2afd4  No.6381272

File: ef77a470258d327⋯.jpg (35.68 KB, 580x346, 290:173, ef77a470258d327c629e840855….jpg)

a9af34  No.6381273

File: 0b1c8c5131e315d⋯.jpg (229.97 KB, 476x818, 238:409, 20190501_103321.jpg)

325b5b  No.6381274


those that are cowards and run

i will chase your soul

over the universes and make you pay for all the shit you did

those that remain


you will get a spit in the moputh

then meet my father that will forgive you 100%

those that not, will have their shit, that you deserve

and i am a crazy mother fucker that is not close to perfection`!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19d949  No.6381275

File: b7d0370a157eb58⋯.jpg (396.44 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, shm.jpg)

Could this be an 11 minutes pattern?

Seems there are almost 5 peaks/hour, which would be 12.


dc78dc  No.6381276


Board is comped. We are being doxxed. Guaranteed. Don’t really fucking care but that’s what it is.

97753c  No.6381277

File: 0859d3a93ba863d⋯.png (60.63 KB, 298x216, 149:108, Capture.PNG)

Maybe they use the same MO for their FF's in all countries

Sound of an Explosion rocked the abandoned Olympic Hotel on Mount Igman

The sound of an explosion rocked the abandoned Olympic hotel on Mount Igman, then as smoke billowed from the empty windows, voices screaming in panic cut through the warning sirens; thankfully this was all part of a training exercise with Red Cross volunteers playing the part of injured teenagers on Sunday 28 April.

The Civil Protection Agency Novi Grad Sarajevo and Gorska Služba Spašavanja (GSS – Mountain Rescue Service Novi Grad Sarajevo) were two of 7 organizations providing over 40 personnel to run the exercise; EUFOR contributed a Bell 212 helicopter to provide emergency evacuation support.

When asked about the exercise, Boris Riderle of the Civil Protection Agency said: “This exercise involves a complex simulated situation with fire, a partially collapsed building, and a variety of casualties; it requires the Civil Protection Agency to set up an operations center to coordinate the rescue activities”.


4aabca  No.6381278


Yes, I got used to it in about a half hour.

b52224  No.6381279

"With all the drama, Wednesday's hearing is bound to be a fun one."


6fa507  No.6381280



a2a55e  No.6381281

How many weeks have the yellow-vests been protesting in france?

bbf3ad  No.6381282

File: 015cb331642effc⋯.png (1.09 MB, 916x881, 916:881, ClipboardImage.png)

Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange has been sentenced to 50 weeks in jail for breaching his bail conditions.

The 47-year-old was found guilty of breaching the Bail Act last month after his arrest at the Ecuadorian Embassy.

He took refuge in the London embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over sexual assault allegations, which he has denied.

In a letter read to the court, Assange said he had found himself "struggling with difficult circumstances".

He apologised to those who "consider I've disrespected them", a packed Southwark Crown Court heard.

"I did what I thought at the time was the best or perhaps the only thing that I could have done," he said.

In mitigation, Mark Summers QC said his client was "gripped" by fears of rendition to the US over the years because of his work with whistle-blowing website Wikileaks.

"As threats rained down on him from America, they overshadowed everything," he said.

Sentencing him, Judge Deborah Taylor told Assange it was difficult to envisage a more serious example of the offence.

"By hiding in the embassy you deliberately put yourself out of reach, while remaining in the UK," she said.

She said this had "undoubtedly" affected the progress of the Swedish proceedings.

His continued residence at the embassy and bringing him to justice had cost taxpayers £16m, she added.

"Whilst you may have had fears as to what may happen to you, nonetheless you had a choice, and the course of action you chose was to commit this offence," she concluded.

As Assange was taken down to the cells, he raised a fist in defiance to his supporters in the public gallery behind him.

They raised their fists in solidarity and directed shouts of "shame on you" towards the court.

Speaking outside court, Wikileaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said the sentence was an "outrage".

The extradition process was now the "big fight" and would be "a question of life and death" for Assange, he said.

"It's also a question of life and death for a major journalist principle," he told reporters.



4f3630  No.6381283


>David Wilcock Channelling Divine Messages


Captcha not working to stop shills

FaggJunk is faggot


c85444  No.6381284


could this be affecting sleep cycles ….i have been up more in the early am lately and i think it may be spiritual why ..or at least on a level we can not see…ie the resonance you have been tracking

dca1df  No.6381285

Getting used to cancer is still having cancer, but you'll notice that it broke all of the fucking shillbots for awhile.

cd21a8  No.6381286

File: 8b3bcd8ad61e95b⋯.png (524.42 KB, 1150x578, 575:289, 8.PNG)


02f138  No.6381287


Everything is comped. This Movie fucking sucks. Political Ping Pong. Where is the Justice for the people, for the kids? For those who suffer and die daily?

8c78c6  No.6381288


6 million

009a66  No.6381289

File: 95f12b069b794cc⋯.webm (5.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Rorschach Prison Canteen ….webm)



GOD I hope you are

correct fren.

04501f  No.6381290

File: d13f475389ab0ea⋯.jpg (51.07 KB, 780x437, 780:437, there-is-a-legally-recogni….jpg)

d7d1d8  No.6381291

Is the new board owner Jewish?

dca1df  No.6381292


Re new cpatcha^

6fa507  No.6381293



704ffb  No.6381294


>>David Wilcock Channelling Divine Messages


>Captcha not working to stop shills

>FaggJunk is faggot


fucking morans!!

d69eef  No.6381295

File: 1a677f8fc3af3d7⋯.jpg (63.03 KB, 806x456, 403:228, 57183762_2627967627217999_….jpg)

File: 8b7a8b0a2469c8a⋯.jpg (63.77 KB, 1000x611, 1000:611, 56963291_2627967633884665_….jpg)

File: d653c06e2e9a0f9⋯.jpg (107.23 KB, 1864x1369, 1864:1369, 57321536_2627967773884651_….jpg)

File: cd87ba37a86383e⋯.jpg (26.08 KB, 739x476, 739:476, 57052275_2627967727217989_….jpg)

97753c  No.6381296

File: efc6c827ac8f47b⋯.png (126.28 KB, 301x157, 301:157, Capture.PNG)

Indictment in the Case of Dalibor Krstovic over War Crimes confirmed

On November 22nd, 2017, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed Indictment against the accused Dalibor Krstović for the criminal offense of War Crimes against Civilians under Article 173 paragraph 1 subparagraph (e) of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

According to the Indictment, during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the armed conflict between the Army of the Republika Srpska and the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the territory of Kalinovik municipality, the accused Dalibor Krstović, as a member of the Army of the Republika Srpska, violated rules of international law – provisions of Article 3 paragraph 1 subparagraphs (a) and (c) and Article 27 paragraph 2 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949 and Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II).


4f3630  No.6381297


>broke all of the fucking shillbots for awhile.

And now they're all back but anons still have to put up with FaggJack's captcha fuckery.

FaggJack will be remembered as the faggot who broke the board.

a2a55e  No.6381298


you mean OVER 9000? no but really how many weeks have they been protesting? phonepagging

f33804  No.6381299

File: 5fc787120155df7⋯.png (43.31 KB, 362x359, 362:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1683622e060e37f⋯.png (74.22 KB, 532x469, 76:67, ClipboardImage.png)

42ad7c  No.6381300


Captcha = Cancer.

Gotcha, DramaQueenAnon.

5cf50e  No.6381301



d24735  No.6381302

File: 133a2b856f4de32⋯.jpg (400 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, CBKH.jpg)

Them smug bitches look pissed af.

6fa507  No.6381303



f87665  No.6381304


the righteous flame of god knows no bounds

1a1487  No.6381305


I wonder whether it blocks extradition or delays it

11c407  No.6381306

File: b73cc9ca99e51f3⋯.jpg (486.01 KB, 1079x1149, 1079:1149, Screenshot_20190501-092710….jpg)

File: 84f9e12be8f6881⋯.jpg (470.14 KB, 1079x1084, 1079:1084, Screenshot_20190501-093521….jpg)

File: 0147ca910b7049d⋯.jpg (439.78 KB, 1079x993, 1079:993, Screenshot_20190501-093534….jpg)

File: 8526f7c2ab9abc1⋯.jpg (513.96 KB, 1079x1202, 1079:1202, Screenshot_20190501-093551….jpg)

File: 775bfe19d14d75a⋯.jpg (423.22 KB, 1079x1027, 83:79, Screenshot_20190501-093608….jpg)

4a4560  No.6381307

File: 4af49a99742f1c4⋯.png (831.5 KB, 920x706, 460:353, Screen Shot 05-01-19 at 10….PNG)

Guy behind Barr has his OODA loop gong non-stop. Must be bodyguard for Barr.

02804a  No.6381308

"My daughter's fuckin' hot. If Ivanka weren't my beautiful daughter, I'd grab her by the pussy. No Chromo."

I feel like that's more relevant to anything ever than whatever the hell Feignstain just put us through.

e9b554  No.6381309

File: d1cfe62d3e404d7⋯.jpg (146.34 KB, 376x378, 188:189, Pepe Drinking Covfefe.jpg)


Anons are SOOOO comfy

Good morning frens

Have a Covfefe

We're on a ship

We're winning

ce0239  No.6381310

Bread speed proves the Captcha works. Takes almost no time at all to catch up in the morning.

325b5b  No.6381311

File: d2e6927327117ee⋯.gif (997.53 KB, 500x213, 500:213, (Q).gif)

File: bf418bf934dc3d6⋯.jpg (141.13 KB, 509x687, 509:687, Love heart.jpg)


this is reality!!!!!!

d7d1d8  No.6381312

File: 086b38a57141c3e⋯.jpg (64.53 KB, 540x462, 90:77, MaxJew.jpg)

cd21a8  No.6381313

File: 4b760a9a9511b60⋯.jpeg (107.05 KB, 605x757, 605:757, bq-5cb14bfa2fe93.jpeg)

bf68db  No.6381314


rumor has it BO is a Human Being…

6fa507  No.6381315

778fa4  No.6381316


Unsheathe your sword and lay waste with ruthless abandon.

Capture the prophets of Baal—Don’t let any of them run away—

6d6318  No.6381317

File: 2313c19daf28353⋯.png (571.18 KB, 933x720, 311:240, ARMYOFFROGS.png)

8c78c6  No.6381318



24 I think.

5e6873  No.6381319


Hilary and her criminal cohorts holding our country hostage at the border with cartels armed with missiles she stole from Libya. Am I reading this right?

11c407  No.6381320

File: 6418554e2024830⋯.jpg (466.03 KB, 1079x1094, 1079:1094, Screenshot_20190501-093626….jpg)

File: 7b13df452b31c36⋯.jpg (479.17 KB, 1079x1115, 1079:1115, Screenshot_20190501-093639….jpg)

File: b4992f7e2be6219⋯.jpg (519.43 KB, 1079x1185, 1079:1185, Screenshot_20190501-093654….jpg)

e2afd4  No.6381321

formulating the explaination..kek

2c41de  No.6381322

File: 820224422b37a38⋯.jpg (881.98 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, declass.jpg)

6fa507  No.6381323

279f8d  No.6381324

So Mueller is a dumb ass that can not follow simple instructions as per 6E material

Hell I would have fired him on the spot if he did not do what I told him to do

Barr is much softer than he should be

d7d1d8  No.6381325


Jews are not human

0b75ab  No.6381326

Mueller & Weissmann were playing 'gotcha' games with Barr.

Didn't deliver a report with 6E material identified as requested.

And send letters objecting to the context of Barr's summary.

Total lawyer bullshit.

19d949  No.6381327


Seems multiple things.

I think there are both natural changes and tech going on.

IMO what you feel isn't a result of the resonance. It's more like you are affected and so is the resonance. Could be wrong

4aabca  No.6381328


He's distracting, but thanks to him for his protecting Barr. These people are insane.

109387  No.6381329

File: 3aa7142ef35ba3a⋯.png (176.67 KB, 320x307, 320:307, 2019-03-30_13-22-25.png)

fce357  No.6381330

Because anons aren't posting but ebot

and the memebots still are…

Are you fucking retarded?

b52224  No.6381331

File: 0e0171c396ec5d3⋯.jpg (205.38 KB, 1026x527, 1026:527, capture_221_11042019_01115….jpg)


Hmm…different tribes.

6fa507  No.6381332



Is a white supremacy word from Germany

f23f70  No.6381333

File: 8d7c7a9fc8ed611⋯.jpg (610.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Supp2.jpg)

File: c1bf695fbb1d152⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 700x457, 700:457, unforgettable-quotes-from-….jpg)

387eda  No.6381334

File: 236dd068f38f0a1⋯.png (46.46 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pepebarr.png)

5bdbd5  No.6381335


It's STILL a non-issue

dca1df  No.6381336

Bai, degenerate.


943d44  No.6381337

File: e280c455ccd2a01⋯.png (32.25 KB, 594x278, 297:139, Concha re LG 'fucking' 5-1….PNG)

Graham in reading the FBI Strzok/Page texts verbatim, which was broadcast on multiple national news networks: "Trump is a fucking idiot." - (pause) - "Sorry to the kids out there."


d7d1d8  No.6381338

File: 9237050b46a04c6⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 428x268, 107:67, Magoo.JPG)

325b5b  No.6381339


and they are all my firends

6fa507  No.6381340


Old pedos playing grab ass and illegal wiretapping

0e581e  No.6381341

File: 6fcb16f47ba1b8c⋯.jpg (5.8 KB, 255x224, 255:224, Apple I lie.jpg)

File: 2040d05dd96c63f⋯.png (34.92 KB, 691x488, 691:488, 050119 SP500 record Apple ….PNG)

Apple lifts S&P 500 to new record high* ahead of Fed decision

(*barely up in single digit's but record no less, See cap 2 highlight and apple volume traces-lotsa shorts burning now)

(Reuters) - The S&P 500 index notched a fresh record high on Wednesday, as gains in Apple Inc’s shares after forecast-beating results powered a rally in technology stocks ahead of the Federal Reserve’s latest policy announcement.

Shares of the iPhone maker jumped 5.3% after the company said sales in China were steadying and touted how rising demand for its services and accessories helped offset a record drop in iPhone revenue.

The company also announced plans for a new $75 billion share buyback and bumped up its cash dividend by 5%, putting it on course to reclaim $1 trillion in market capitalization.

Apple’s shares boosted the S&P 500 index, which clocked another record closing high on Tuesday and registered its best four-month rally in nearly nine years.

The technology sector gained about 0.7%, the most among the 11 major S&P sectors.

“Many were expecting an earnings recession and we haven’t had that and we’re still positive on growth,” said Randy Frederick, vice president of trading and derivatives for Charles Schwab in Austin, Texas.

“It’s been a good earnings season overall, Apple could potentially be positive for the tech sector overall.”

Analysts are now more optimistic on first-quarter earnings growth and expect a 0.5% rise compared with a 2% fall estimated at the beginning of April, according to Refinitiv data.

Of the 305 S&P 500 companies that have reported so far, 76% have topped Wall Street estimates.

Besides a largely upbeat earnings season, recent gains in shares have also been powered by positive economic data, a dovish Federal Reserve and signs of progress in U.S.-China trade talks.

Investors will also look for direction on monetary policy when the Fed concludes its two-day meeting later in the day.

The central bank is largely expected to keep borrowing costs unchanged and maintain a ‘patient’ monetary policy stance, despite President Donald Trump’s call to cut rates.

The financials sector, which tend to benefit from a rising rate environment, rose 0.24%, with S&P banks up 0.46%.

At 9:57 a.m. ET the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 49.55 points, or 0.19%, at 26,642.46, the S&P 500 was up 3.71 points, or 0.13%, at 2,949.54 and the Nasdaq Composite was up 27.01 points, or 0.33%, at 8,122.40.

CVS Health Corp jumped 4.2% after the drugstore chain operator and pharmacy benefits manager raised its full-year profit forecast after reporting a quarterly profit beat.

Hilton Worldwide Holdings gained 6.4%, the most among S&P 500 companies, after the hotel operator reported quarterly revenue above analysts expectations.

The healthcare sector fell 0.6%, as shares of Amgen Inc fell 4.2% after the world’s largest biotech reported first-quarter revenue that was unchanged from a year ago.

In economic data, ADP’s National Employment Report showed private employers added 275,000 in April, higher than consensus estimate of 180,000 additions.



6fa507  No.6381342



3fb04a  No.6381343

File: c6d308e31081ee2⋯.png (71.85 KB, 220x174, 110:87, ClipboardImage.png)

97753c  No.6381344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm 8Chs Typo king ..even the Nazi kitty gave up trying to get me to correct my grammar and it only took me about a half hour to get used to..and I won't even mention I'm a midget and can barely see the screen let alone the keyboard

Randy Newman - Short People

d7d1d8  No.6381345

File: 50d12109fad886e⋯.jpg (54.34 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Reeves.jpg)

File: 286277ed17b949d⋯.jpg (71.65 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ReevesChabad.jpg)

File: ab280229118278f⋯.jpg (65.78 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ReevesHarvest.jpg)

File: 3bd21c0ec6ba0f5⋯.jpg (63.07 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ReevesSalt.jpg)

109387  No.6381346

File: 1fec076b2c4963f⋯.png (802.29 KB, 873x491, 873:491, 2019-05-01_10-42-53.png)

0e581e  No.6381347

File: cfc6c3c291d283f⋯.png (263.49 KB, 426x505, 426:505, sm confirms.PNG)


yep. Nice and comfy fren

bf0842  No.6381348

File: 3a0a4d9802ec7c1⋯.jpg (91.76 KB, 1000x760, 25:19, Shadilay.jpg)

FastJack still MIA?

As you were.

Fucking idiots.

464c3e  No.6381349

File: 06fad6c80b8cf91⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1194x789, 398:263, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

0d6069  No.6381350

>>6380625 PB

>>6380536 PB

The larger mowers have roll bars mandated by law because many of these things roll over and kill people on embankments.

6fa507  No.6381351


Apple demands illegal wiretapping for ass coveting gematria

8a59b8  No.6381352



My question too. Anyone know??

cd21a8  No.6381353

File: c9cc4512c86c045⋯.png (437.71 KB, 874x829, 874:829, vox.PNG)

Visual representation of the redactions on the Mueller Report…. Total redacted content?? 7.25%………

e74f88  No.6381354

File: 658d48df4e143c0⋯.jpg (14.78 KB, 476x248, 119:62, safe_image.jpg)

df8ca8  No.6381355

File: 462dd295b8f45b8⋯.png (86.42 KB, 300x234, 50:39, Truth-Bomb.png)

File: c25c622df5f5851⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 668x374, 334:187, 2zirn2.jpg)

Barr circling and over targets…

Truth bombing run about to start….

Will Feinstein interrupt him while he's unloading his ordinance???

84d1dd  No.6381356


kek just poured 52 oz of cold brew

d7d1d8  No.6381357

File: d0513712e7eb413⋯.jpg (66.18 KB, 598x417, 598:417, GameOver.JPG)

File: 8cd99ef7733b3ff⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 666x375, 222:125, GameOverII.jpg)

File: ebed01df8b30f7a⋯.jpg (64.36 KB, 593x421, 593:421, GameOverIII.JPG)

File: ead35ee56fd4637⋯.jpg (66.62 KB, 602x414, 301:207, GameOverIIII.JPG)

File: af2b5cd3cba2138⋯.jpg (65.77 KB, 602x415, 602:415, GameOverIIIII.JPG)


6fa507  No.6381358


What If "Jew" is just a Cold War term for ass potatoes

fd8142  No.6381359

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

For AG Barr

20fee6  No.6381360

File: 7761532bc6ea824⋯.png (868.61 KB, 683x681, 683:681, IMG_2547.PNG)

02804a  No.6381361


Press F for anon's colon.

0e581e  No.6381362

File: 9cff496d8fa9cf4⋯.gif (410.08 KB, 480x270, 16:9, This big.gif)


fuck off ebot

3fb04a  No.6381363

File: d699003b43b6a2d⋯.png (86.45 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)


actually real news happening


a31daa  No.6381364


I've wondered that too. I've popped awake between the hours of 0230 and 0330 every single day for a week now and can never get back to sleep. Totally unusual for me.

308d07  No.6381365

File: bf28eb25b47f956⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1908x2156, 477:539, Screenshot_2019-05-01 NASA….png)

NASA Says Metals Fraud Caused $700 Million Satellite Failure

A metals manufacturer faked test results and provided faulty materials to NASA, causing more than $700 million in losses and two failed satellite launch missions, according to an investigation by the U.S. space agency.

The fraud involved an Oregon company called Sapa Profiles Inc., which falsified thousands of certifications for aluminum parts over 19 years for hundreds of customers, including NASA.

The bad parts were used in the making of Taurus XL, a rocket that was supposed to deliver satellites studying the Earth’s climate during missions carried out in 2009 and 2011. The launch vehicle’s fairing, a clamshell structure that carries the satellite as it travels through the atmosphere, didn’t fully open, causing the unsuccessful launch, according to a statement from NASA.

“When testing results are altered and certifications are provided falsely, missions fail,” said Jim Norman, director for launch services at NASA in Washington. He added that years of scientific work were lost because of the fraud.


New vocab to remember: metals fraud'

8a59b8  No.6381366

>>6364968 There are captchas for every post now

REALLY? This is irritating.

142ec5  No.6381367

File: 623a3d5f5a53ce8⋯.jpg (25.96 KB, 474x345, 158:115, 7993a4d25f2f923ec55ca260d8….jpg)

Barr talks so slow, this man is making me sleepy

6fa507  No.6381368


It's not a donkey

But definitely a jackass

258b41  No.6381369


Yes, that is the dig. ANTIFA now connected with the Mexican cartel. Missiles are randomly showing up in lady's homes.

fce357  No.6381370


Captcha working grrrreeaattt…nice job BO

101051  No.6381371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Choose freedom, not socialism

Michael Reagan | #TruthStraightUp

It's time to uplift America instead of looking down on her!

A 'little' Red-pill (2 min video)


b25503  No.6381372

e9b554  No.6381373


Last night he posted a nice graph analyzing shill and anon activity before and after the captcha change, and the unanimous decision of 4 BVs on it. Check breads from about 12 hours ago.

I am confident in board.

464c3e  No.6381374

File: 4c13d01cfb7ab9b⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1609x1068, 1609:1068, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

c4a8da  No.6381375

File: ddf60aac20b5683⋯.jpg (75.23 KB, 960x500, 48:25, u1.jpg)

File: 437477c0d59483e⋯.jpg (75.08 KB, 960x500, 48:25, u2.jpg)

File: d289315114e9352⋯.jpg (75.93 KB, 960x500, 48:25, u3.jpg)

File: e2e80bf646e193a⋯.jpg (81.28 KB, 960x500, 48:25, u4.jpg)

d7d1d8  No.6381376


all you have to do is put ,e in your filter and ebot is gone.

b52224  No.6381377

File: 5e8eb722dd33963⋯.jpg (730.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_376_28092018_09524….jpg)

K-man on the team today?

a9af34  No.6381378


My youngest has been getting up every night around 3am too and coming to our room.

40ee1e  No.6381379

To my saanon I honked at, WWG1WGA!

46e9b8  No.6381380

Phoenix AZ Catholic Church burns to ground.


d6c1c0  No.6381382

notables bun @ 200


>>6381365 NASA Says Metals Fraud Caused $700 Million Satellite Failure

>>6381220, >>6381320 US Northern and Southern Cmnd twat CAPS: status updates

>>6381219 Missile turned in at gun buyback in Juárez, Mexico

97753c  No.6381383

File: 05c5e9a5461f45d⋯.png (950.6 KB, 876x491, 876:491, Capture.PNG)

US relocates nuclear bombs from Incirlik Air Base in Turkey

The US has relocated B61 type nuclear bombs from the Incirlik military air base in Turkey’s southern Adana Province, Trend reports referring to Turkish media.

It is reported that nuclear bombs have been relocated to Romania. According to media reports, there were 50 B61 nuclear bombs at the Incirlik Air Base.

The nuclear bombs had been stationed there since the late 1960s, five years after the creation of the Incirlik Air Base, as per the agreement between the US and Turkey.

The B61 is a bomb with a variable power level of charge intended for transportation on airplanes, including supersonic ones. It has a body capable of withstanding flight at supersonic speeds. The metallic and welded body has a length of 3.58 m and a diameter of about 33 cm. Its average weight is about 320 kg, but may vary depending on the modification.


969d1c  No.6381384


My Fav too!! Great Man!

df8ca8  No.6381385

File: 78daa6be7f79491⋯.jpg (105.01 KB, 500x690, 50:69, 2yqdn5.jpg)


99de5c  No.6381386

>>6381352 see

>>6380736 Uk bread.

I think his ass is now saved and will be extradited to the us. Probably put under witness protection.

That was a strangely easy captcha

6d6318  No.6381387

File: 4472f16ad6ae2a5⋯.png (590.22 KB, 927x720, 103:80, ARMYOFFROGS1.png)


maybe this one's better

5e6873  No.6381388


I smell a soros in there somewhere as well m8. This is gonna be huge.

d7d1d8  No.6381389

File: 9ef563d60879875⋯.jpg (56.89 KB, 551x549, 551:549, JewsSuckII.jpg)

File: 416ee0cd5776275⋯.jpg (6.2 KB, 225x225, 1:1, JewsSuckIII.jpg)

File: bece7ebcade19ea⋯.jpg (60.57 KB, 804x803, 804:803, JewsSuckIV.jpg)

File: 9a4e08a843ec3b2⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 465x621, 155:207, JewsSuckV.jpg)

File: 5326d87b0457c6b⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 331x352, 331:352, JewTalkieKushner.JPG)


Yep, fucking captcha is the bomb.

5bdbd5  No.6381390


Like a shmoo from the old Popeye cartoons.

8c78c6  No.6381391

File: 2563f170d72f8bb⋯.png (232.83 KB, 639x1231, 639:1231, AntiFa_ISIS_Connections.png)



4c306e  No.6381392

File: 23efb85e324705e⋯.png (938.91 KB, 1260x840, 3:2, barr.png)

44442c  No.6381393

File: 81ade3f0a067bb6⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1936x2448, 121:153, 590BD695-CE11-452F-8566-8….jpeg)

Die and find Stein

3fb04a  No.6381394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


blew george and harvey's brains out

464c3e  No.6381395

File: 18412d49e542eb3⋯.png (582.33 KB, 1342x601, 1342:601, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


cap for your sauce, Anon

19d949  No.6381396


for the anon that found 'inconceivable' they wouldn't do proper testing

4a4560  No.6381397

File: b658799dc6655fe⋯.png (37.45 KB, 300x180, 5:3, b658799dc6655fe7da15a59948….png)



d7d1d8  No.6381398

File: b1aca2c196ccf36⋯.jpg (27.23 KB, 455x353, 455:353, MrEd.JPG)

File: fdf69ffe468ffd2⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 567x440, 567:440, MrEdJews.jpg)

File: d4c7e73b16ba84f⋯.jpg (45.65 KB, 573x435, 191:145, MrEdKabbalah.jpg)

File: dcddce92c9be033⋯.jpg (49.44 KB, 573x435, 191:145, MrEdKushner.JPG)

File: 1c154c7a139c007⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 615x409, 615:409, MrEdQ.jpg)

love captcha

8dbaf2  No.6381399

File: a7b6c09911d8c5a⋯.gif (30.63 KB, 220x193, 220:193, trumptrain.gif)


My libtard transgender neighbors stopped talking to me weeks ago when the Mueller Report dropped.

Conversation went, more or less, as follows:

>WTF, why can't you see that he's going down now that the report is released?!

Have you read the report?

>We don't need to read it! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and your precious Mr. Cheeto is going down.

The only thing he's going down is that tunnel of yours. That light you see is the TRUMP TRAIN barrelling down on your SJW Democrat leaders.

I walked away like gif related.

4aabca  No.6381400


I'm having this, but I'm waking at like 6am after bed at 3am. I awake kinda anxious some of those mornings and no amount of meditating helps. It's almost like I feel the Earth's anxiety or despair.

Today is different, got usual lack of sleep, but I woke up calm. It's so strange, I've never experienced anything like it.

b25503  No.6381401

Call them out Sen Graham!

99de5c  No.6381402



Do you have a high pitch whistling in your head?

I personally wouldn't call mine tinnitus and it's not anoying. Allthough it's very strange….

2c41de  No.6381403

File: 4738580a58ce5b1⋯.jpg (525.47 KB, 1024x693, 1024:693, dazyhy.jpg)


but why Romania?

46e9b8  No.6381404

File: 8811c8c16651d75⋯.png (340.37 KB, 491x758, 491:758, 4DC23941-BBA5-47FA-BA99-7C….png)

d6c1c0  No.6381405


already got it. thanks anon


308d07  No.6381406


I'm that anon.

8bb91a  No.6381407

Graham would be a perfect fill in for Hannity

ce0239  No.6381408

Auto-refresh countdown proves Captcha works. Historically, it is incredibly rare to see a countdown of 10 seconds during the day.

d7d1d8  No.6381409

File: bd9d61fe6a186cd⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 1024x770, 512:385, RabbiSchmuleyKushner.jpg)

File: 36d4a4b2d115602⋯.jpg (351.75 KB, 1024x668, 256:167, RabbiSchmuleyOdonnel.jpg)

File: fb21842c74e231a⋯.jpg (42.41 KB, 600x800, 3:4, RabbiSchmuleyPenn.jpg)

File: 952b77129cc446b⋯.jpg (52.83 KB, 583x378, 583:378, RabbiSchmuleyPope.jpg)

File: 28dc11722f8360c⋯.jpg (20.43 KB, 310x414, 155:207, RabbiSchmuleyTrump.jpg)

captcha slows us down…….

3fb04a  No.6381410

File: da0f50bc3f54210⋯.png (66.93 KB, 262x178, 131:89, ClipboardImage.png)

lindsey grahm naming names

a9af34  No.6381412


I do. I find it annoying.

4aabca  No.6381413


It's like radio static for me.

4c306e  No.6381414

File: 1509584fe29344f⋯.jpg (219.27 KB, 600x779, 600:779, bellecq7.jpg)


2f2af5  No.6381415

File: b970ae8dc61729b⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 640x360, 16:9, shit man.jpg)

File: ff3ca3d72a00343⋯.jpg (144.41 KB, 850x850, 1:1, MORONS.jpg)


naw man…

SHIT naw man….

I believe you get ur ass kicked doin something like that, man

5bdbd5  No.6381416



19d949  No.6381417


thanks then :)

4a4560  No.6381418

File: d7edff5c4edcd92⋯.png (15.33 KB, 189x255, 63:85, d7edff5c4edcd927f0b9981e85….png)

02804a  No.6381419

"Harden our electoral infrastructure…"

Citizenship, ID, no Soros machines, investigate fraud… I like it.

779006  No.6381420

File: be3722e2d306728⋯.png (206.15 KB, 550x390, 55:39, ClipboardImage.png)


This is news how? This isn't a chat room. Go back to FB if chat is what you're looking for.

21e226  No.6381421


Notable as Fuck baker

Why move them to Romania?? That place is one of the Cabal favorite playground!!!

caec05  No.6381422

Is it normal to have secret service behind someone testifying before congress closely watching members of congress as if one of them might attack the one testifying? Asking for a friend.

a9af34  No.6381423

Graham dropping bombs

d7d1d8  No.6381424

File: 5a6a1ca908a01af⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 285x355, 57:71, RebbeSchneersonMuhGP.JPG)

File: 689cc2123c6b6bf⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 464x330, 232:165, Rhodes.JPG)

File: 373df1e8985f287⋯.jpg (61.87 KB, 600x416, 75:52, RickSanchez.JPG)

File: 63f9844892ab69c⋯.jpg (46.39 KB, 339x354, 113:118, RoadRunnerDestroyed.JPG)

File: 2a245aa01d03d8f⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 451x315, 451:315, RoadRunnerJew.jpg)


oooo, captcha

df8ca8  No.6381425

File: c7b48d3d2204ec3⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2wut3d.jpg)

464c3e  No.6381426

File: 52b0d2e672a1446⋯.png (226.66 KB, 426x433, 426:433, Screen Shot 2019-02-16 at ….png)

38a155  No.6381427

That was a qualified tone "Yes" to "Do you trust Bob Muller?'

6d355e  No.6381428

Hillary just filled her colostomy bag

3fb04a  No.6381429



2499ce  No.6381430

Lindsay is setting it up for a Voter ID, methinks.

7328c4  No.6381431

File: f3ff39f27d49245⋯.jpeg (1.94 MB, 1242x1304, 621:652, C63B35F3-2BBC-49FE-A1A3-E….jpeg)

Happy May Day.

c6d7e7  No.6381432

File: c0cea2652049cb1⋯.jpg (87.97 KB, 500x666, 250:333, grahamHannityQtendies.jpg)

4c8168  No.6381433


ea9a0e  No.6381434


to be suicided in prison..?

a31daa  No.6381435

So Barr says "yes" that he trusts Mueller.

8dbaf2  No.6381436

File: 2392322c2f1719b⋯.png (128.37 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fuckyou.png)


Cry moar, homo.

42ad7c  No.6381437

The Senator from China is up now.

97753c  No.6381438

File: ffa3bb5d0bbc45f⋯.png (456.16 KB, 729x432, 27:16, Capture.PNG)

Closer Everyday…. Been saying for a long time now when regional government takes over ..say goodbye to what's left of our constitution and freedoms

Regionalism: Smart Region Initiatives Overrule City Councils

Utility companies are wedging their way into regional governance to facilitate the installation and implementation of smart city technology throughout a region. Note the article states “co-lead”, which means they are not the main driver of regionalization. ⁃ TN Editor

Thanks to their scale and infrastructure, electric utilities can play a central role in creating smart regions, and reap the benefits.

The emergence of next-generation technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, and data science, are poised to transform today’s cities into advanced smart cities. Electric utility companies, with their critical infrastructure and essential services, are well positioned to co-lead this transformation.

While smart cities represent a major business opportunity for utility companies, “smart regions” are a more significant opportunity.

Smart cities employ advanced digital technologies and data science to solve problems and create new outcomes for its residents, businesses and visitors. However, some challenges are too complex and beyond the scope and capability of any one city and county to solve. These include traffic and mobility, air quality management, and resilience to natural and manmade hazards. A regional approach, combined with innovative digital technologies and data science, will create large-scale impacts that were not possible before.

Utilities are ideal smart region builders. They operate in and service large geographic regions that span multiple counties and hundreds of cities. They have deep customer knowledge and established relationships with every city and county in the region. They have infrastructure, personnel and facilities throughout the region. More importantly, some of that existing infrastructure, such as distribution poles, streetlights and AMI networks, are ideal platforms to build new smart services quickly and economically.

While cities and counties think in terms of their own needs, utility companies already bring a more regional focus and execution capability. Their organizations, operational processes, policies and systems are built to support the diverse needs of the smallest cities to the largest metropolitan areas


7b10cc  No.6381439


Biggest flim flam man in the globalist elite new age scam they've got. Love the way he wraps his lingo in sudo science lingo and throw the bows of meta physical singularity quantum light space waves of frequency downloading the ancient masters of spiritual gods channeling wisdom to the penial glands of the demensional force streaming through the kundalini silver thread connection to mankind.

3fb04a  No.6381440


Chi Di up at bat

breath running out of her

she's barely there

fce357  No.6381441

File: aef99cab58faf1c⋯.png (431.76 KB, 1299x532, 1299:532, Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 9….png)


nice timing on your "captcha works" bullshit

memebot loves it

21e226  No.6381442


Damn I hope anon do a montage of Grahm intervention today…

4be9dc  No.6381443

File: fb01df618c0471c⋯.png (409.47 KB, 518x635, 518:635, fb01df618c0471c011e95922fe….png)

File: 07ef38917051fb2⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 632x960, 79:120, 07ef38917051fb2d101b145090….jpg)

File: 891f96ddd148e3e⋯.png (765.81 KB, 730x799, 730:799, 891f96ddd148e3e6736835e382….png)


4c8168  No.6381444

File: 0937fda8c9d6f4f⋯.jpg (136.76 KB, 754x379, 754:379, 0937fda8c9d6f4f259b3701464….jpg)

d6c1c0  No.6381445


no sauce… no notable.

142ec5  No.6381446

File: 09fbaf79ad84dc8⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 624x351, 16:9, p02ddwrk.jpg)

Do you know Bob M?


Do you Trust Bob M?


38a155  No.6381447

These evil people have such "natural", "rational", "reasonable people" tones of voice. It's a big part of their evil.

256f73  No.6381448

I'm pooping right now

0b75ab  No.6381449

Great exchange between Barr & Graham.

464c3e  No.6381450

File: 78d042331f5fc11⋯.png (495.96 KB, 1222x905, 1222:905, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

McGhan is muhCredible witness

d7d1d8  No.6381451

File: bc2132aede16643⋯.jpg (29.29 KB, 459x295, 459:295, SpongeBobTriggered.JPG)


I can do this one handed

a31daa  No.6381452

Barr wants to roll his eyes so fucking bad every time our Chinese senator speaks.

ea68e0  No.6381453

File: a021870eedb7e41⋯.png (200.7 KB, 671x1141, 671:1141, ClipboardImage.png)

Bidens Son Was Fucking His Dead Brother's Wife

Beau Biden with the postmortem cuck.


3fb04a  No.6381454

15-12 c2

from memory

256f73  No.6381455


Microwave egg rolls and coco puffs before bed


3e4a64  No.6381456

File: 47d8efc3403dee6⋯.png (134.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 2b08a7d582158ccb87a36ae87d….png)


Been this way for at least 3 days..

Fuckery for sure. Anons lurking, ready to take it back

969d1c  No.6381457


Most of the Deep State are too

29574f  No.6381458

File: 95a316cbabad37c⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 255x252, 85:84, cdaa09c2ed01fead4c66be0e56….jpg)

622998  No.6381459


2c41de  No.6381460

File: b429428c61cd75f⋯.jpg (147.73 KB, 500x534, 250:267, afoot.jpg)


wtf did you just say you rectum sucking faggot? wilcocks is a jeenius and you are not fit to wipe the schweat off his testicles…./s

e9b554  No.6381461

File: 3fb985db2d0aebf⋯.jpg (160.63 KB, 607x593, 607:593, WonderfulDay15.jpg)

5d65c5  No.6381462

File: ce63a080b64e3ed⋯.jpg (196.81 KB, 540x262, 270:131, barr.jpg)

This was good! Comey, FISA, all!!!

d966be  No.6381463


yes!!!! and i am about to lose my mind if it doesn't stop

it seriously makes me consider ending it all at times

I do believe that is what it was designed for so I fight it every…single…day

e2afd4  No.6381464

File: cc1fe299c915b21⋯.jpg (97.38 KB, 500x375, 4:3, pelosi_psychotic_witch.jpg)

214568  No.6381465


how about we focus on what MATTERS…

LIVE: Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick M. Shanahan, Chairman of The Joint Staff U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford, and Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer David L. Norquist testify on the fiscal year 2020 budget request at the House Appropriations Committee’s defense subcommittee.


dca1df  No.6381466


Because muslims and nuclear weapons are a combination that should be avoided.

09d35c  No.6381467

File: ec5549c6d382289⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 256x197, 256:197, download (11).jpg)

256f73  No.6381468


I got some twenty year old playboys on the floor and a waste basket with cigarette ash and a toilet paper roll

e940e8  No.6381469

File: 253e36c9c92cc54⋯.jpg (295.36 KB, 867x1300, 867:1300, e63fd0e2ad8f3cf04d563c6a63….jpg)

Raising the Barr!


bde048  No.6381470


Oh, shit.

4c7e22  No.6381471


>Anons lurking, ready to take it back

Uh huh, take it back bad ass anon. Just jump out from lurking and take it right back from the bad man.

e03aa0  No.6381472

File: f35987d7197ce1a⋯.png (248.79 KB, 456x418, 12:11, ClipboardImage.png)


Judicial Watch: Top Hillary Clinton Aide Admits Under Oath that He and Clinton Used Unsecure Personal Email for Official State Department Business

8dbaf2  No.6381473



Weren't the DIM always insisting on YES/NO answers ONLY?

d7d1d8  No.6381474

You think Q is going to go through this captcha bs to post.?

08146a  No.6381475

>>6381391 FBI investigation reveals collusion between Antifa and Al Qaeda, ISIS.

Baker, Notable


2bd7dd  No.6381476

Damn. Who has a transcript of Graham's questions to Barr? Lots of doors being kicked down with those simple "Yes" answers.


f045c1  No.6381477

File: 640693265c0028f⋯.jpg (240.15 KB, 633x425, 633:425, TY Baker.jpg)

watching Barr testimony on delay.

main take away I'm getting is yes, Mueller was and is a black hat treasonous mother fucker who purposely shit up and obfuscated the obstruction finding to aid the left.

hope the fucker gets cancer aids and dies choking on his own semen.

>but then, I'm only 20 minutes in

0e581e  No.6381478

File: 13abdc52be04607⋯.gif (59.67 KB, 354x286, 177:143, pepe headphones 1 gif.gif)


never use it and never will. Don't need it

been here a long time

3fb04a  No.6381479

it's amazing watching an adult explain context to another adult

that these people work in gov't is astonishing

704ffb  No.6381480


>Been this way for at least 3 days..

>Fuckery for sure. Anons lurking, ready to take it back


42ad7c  No.6381481


Yeah, he's pretty slow on the uptake might take him a while to figure it out.

109387  No.6381482

File: 693a60db31f8e84⋯.png (202.1 KB, 498x342, 83:57, 2019-05-01_10-56-30.png)

2c41de  No.6381483

File: f90f5c990924193⋯.jpg (402.86 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, notable.jpg)

a70613  No.6381484

File: 422bf49f9432013⋯.png (483.09 KB, 852x658, 426:329, ClipboardImage.png)


c6d7e7  No.6381485

Fake news BTFO. NYT this time

256f73  No.6381486



Almost courtesy flushable

54224a  No.6381487


haha u got a point.

d7d1d8  No.6381488

File: 65b73fca97e449a⋯.jpg (184.88 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Bannon ID.jpg)


who fucking cares what you do?

97753c  No.6381489

File: 9bb736942975d1d⋯.png (683.46 KB, 698x348, 349:174, Capture.PNG)

Nationalist Christian Hungary is thriving – rising marriage rates, falling abortions and highest birthrates in 20 years

While European nations languish with rapidly declining birthrates, Hungary stands out with rising marriage rates, falling abortions, and its highest birthrate in 20 years, Breitbart reports.

Marriage is up by 43 percent since 2010, while divorce has dropped by 22.5 percent in the same period.

This demographic turnaround has not been an accident, but the fruit of deliberate programs to promote marriage and the family while defending Hungary’s cultural identity and Christian roots.

“After we won the election in 2010 with a two-thirds majority, we decided to build a family-friendly country and to strengthen families raising children”, said Hungary’s Minister for the Family, Catalan Novak.

Standing firm in its position despite fierce opposition from the socialist left, the Orbán government enacted legislation resulting in “a comprehensive family-support system, a family-friendly tax system, a housing program, 800,000 new jobs, and many opportunities to create a balance between life and work”, Ms. Novak stated.

“We are living in times when fewer and fewer children are being born throughout Europe. People in the West are responding to this with immigration”, Prime Minister Orbán said at the State of the Nation address in Budapest in February.

“Hungarians see this in a different light. We do not need numbers, but Hungarian children”, the Fidesz party leader added.

The new law will come into effect July 1 and includes pro-family incentives such as a 3,000 euro mortgage reduction for a second child, a 12,000 euro reduction for a third child, a car-purchasing program for large families, and comprehensive daycare.

As of 2020, mothers with four or more children will enjoy a lifetime personal income tax exemption.


3e4a64  No.6381490

File: afceaf1a5f94016⋯.png (96.72 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 0548142147b61285171ac3caf5….png)

dca1df  No.6381491


The FBI is going to start finding treason and spies everywhere to try and justify it's continued existence after it's failed coup attempt.

d6c1c0  No.6381492


again… no sauce, no notable.

e9b554  No.6381493

baker notable

>>6381472 Judicial Watch: Top Hillary Clinton Aide Admits Under Oath that He and Clinton Used Unsecure Personal Email for Official State Department Business

has link to JW sauce

779006  No.6381494

File: 81ddc5039f60a94⋯.png (127.36 KB, 309x236, 309:236, ClipboardImage.png)


Whateva Chat Fag.

000ade  No.6381495


hi shill

yes they will

b25503  No.6381496

POTUS_Schedule Retweeted

Shannon Bream

‏Verified account @ShannonBream

6m6 minutes ago

Graham asks Barr - do you share my concerns about how this investigation was opened? Barr - yes.

POTUS_Schedule Retweeted

Saagar Enjeti

‏Verified account @esaagar

35m35 minutes ago

Lindsey Graham recounted the actions of Clinton aides in destroying in Hillary Clinton's emails from her server asking what happened to them.."Nothing"

4c7e22  No.6381497

Well, thats not a crime…..


d7d1d8  No.6381498


The whole post delta is shot now.

2ca146  No.6381499

3fb04a  No.6381500


2f2af5  No.6381501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder for any anons digging through old crumbs instead of playing with their dicks

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

4be9dc  No.6381502

File: 0aeac6af5e91977⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 880x417, 880:417, 2y96r0.jpg)

I see Diane has the Lesbian whisperer behind her agin.

Wonder if she will wisper in her ear again, kek

a9af34  No.6381503

"Well that's not a crime…" DiFi speechless KEK

a31daa  No.6381504


I have tinnitus/high pitched ringing, have for a long time and learned to live with it. But recently, it's much more pronounced and sometimes I'll hear just a low "drone" sound. It's very odd.

214568  No.6381505

File: 51765a3018964d8⋯.png (873.84 KB, 970x636, 485:318, chuck cant take it.png)

File: f2025e1bc158d37⋯.png (342.87 KB, 452x714, 226:357, AND FAILED.png)

File: efb59881de480e4⋯.png (306.16 KB, 487x721, 487:721, THE WARRIOR.png)

File: 3a24b70983e1082⋯.gif (597.72 KB, 432x529, 432:529, comfee.gif)

File: fd16cd7c508c62b⋯.png (552.42 KB, 1084x850, 542:425, try me.png)


ask yourself…

are patriots in full control?

is the stage set?

is there ANYTHING beyond our reach?

464c3e  No.6381506

File: c9f26d0afed8c55⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 286x176, 13:8, download.jpg)


Maybe he feels safer in jail…

ce0239  No.6381507

"Well that's not a crime." -Barr

7ebeef  No.6381508


Just woke up but seeing this made me immediately think of Q's angry posts

"We see you" "We can hear you breathing"

Can't recall the other ones until coffee I haven't even made yet

So July 2018 was when they met?

Help anons

95ed7b  No.6381509

You guy catch that sketchy camera guy

e9b554  No.6381510



Had it since mid oughts. Stronger since Q began. I live with the noise.

99de5c  No.6381511



Mine is more like a dial up modem with a very high pitch (no bs). when I went to a department store I could also hear the frequency of the security tags pippin get every second. Strange shit.

I'd say my pitch in the head is roughly the frequency of 10,000 HZ

I have been detoxing my body and mind for a while though.

7ef4de  No.6381512

DiFi ChiSpi sounds defeated.

3fb04a  No.6381513



it's called "the time between wars"

welcome to the 1920s

a9af34  No.6381514


Same here. Hard to fall alseep.

256f73  No.6381515

File: e120b0498a1d1ce⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_7966.JPG)


Vintage Cindy Crawford

163e42  No.6381516

File: df125fe3a7fc250⋯.png (2.18 MB, 2086x1184, 1043:592, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice patch

4aabca  No.6381517


Listening to music through headphones works well. Certain frequencies are better for you than others. Research that. I've had it going on for over a year or so, some days it's quieter than others but coping with it is important so you don't get stressed like that.

Mine is like a radio station dead air, think about how scary that is, almost like I'm tuned in to something. Breathe.

38a155  No.6381518

I love what an intellectual UNIT Barr is. All the mushy reasoning, gaslighting, etc. frim DiFi, he cuts it like butter and shines light on the truth. He could do this all day and be mentally fresh as a daisy.

101051  No.6381519

File: 84a60d143720f94⋯.jpg (84.96 KB, 788x551, 788:551, ]Barr[ vs [DF].jpg)

File: cf69a542526da25⋯.png (27.2 KB, 476x219, 476:219, Q 3059.png)

Reminder of Q 3059








>AG Barr faces Senate


>Barr looks ready to rumble


>Barr is over her rambling bullshit


>Barr looks pissed and ready to absolutely unload on the Dem nonsense.

309f61  No.6381520

File: 554f1b4cd0dda99⋯.png (366.65 KB, 599x705, 599:705, ClipboardImage.png)

New FBI Tweet - China Spy Investigations in every state.

"Wray said the FBI has China-related economic espionage investigations in nearly all of its 56 field offices and in nearly every industry."


256f73  No.6381521


That's a real Walgreens trash bag

000ade  No.6381522

9e3a95  No.6381523


Germany seems to be the new home for radical islamist leaders. Neat

7ebeef  No.6381524

File: 90cc50b64db237c⋯.jpg (145.51 KB, 1280x846, 640:423, BarrReagan.jpg)

98dc4b  No.6381525

File: 901524e758fea9f⋯.jpg (83.08 KB, 952x500, 238:125, grahammeme.jpg)


Well done Meme Anon.

KEKked out loud.

That was my exact thought while watching.

5e6873  No.6381526




Context? Whats not a crime?

d7d1d8  No.6381527

File: b89908e22aa5ba5⋯.jpg (115.41 KB, 436x578, 218:289, GumbyJews.jpg)

File: 1114db1fab9a632⋯.jpg (39.93 KB, 591x422, 591:422, HeeHawDumbass.JPG)

File: c626ae898edf2e1⋯.jpg (71.35 KB, 663x377, 51:29, HeeHawJuniorKushner.jpg)

File: d0990cf109a42b7⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 663x377, 51:29, HeeHawJuniorPapaD.JPG)

File: 1c35e915f1a5c27⋯.jpg (37.16 KB, 340x457, 340:457, HitlerPopeBenedictII.jpg)

0b75ab  No.6381528


DeBlasio also went to those protests for some inexplicable reason.


d6c1c0  No.6381529


baker is doing your work for you anons

YOU need to supply the links if you call notable or baker will just ignore.

7b10cc  No.6381530


feckless like you go back on your diet people are still pointing at you and laughing their asses off everytime your not looking.

8dbaf2  No.6381531

File: 49c66487501b818⋯.png (90.47 KB, 951x840, 317:280, pepe_what.png)


This is news how? This isn't a chat room. Go back to FB if chat is what you're looking for.

42ad7c  No.6381532


>The whole post delta is shot now.


We are far beyond statistical analysis at this stage.


256f73  No.6381533


The little rug was made by an Apache from Utah

3fb04a  No.6381534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a man with a job

2a57d2  No.6381535

Barr totally confused Feinstein with his answer

256f73  No.6381536


Cheap wood flirting from Home Depot

19d949  No.6381537


>that these people work in gov't

that's because they don't

they work in a corp

109387  No.6381538

File: 0ef119664bf2ac1⋯.png (3.36 MB, 2468x1324, 617:331, 2019-05-01_11-00-26.png)


Bitch is being schooled.

dca1df  No.6381539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nah, they're trying to roll up the cells they were operating as a way to save the higher level plants that are still inside the government. I kindly remind you that we are in a default state of martial law as it is as was openly admitted during the kavanaugh hearings.

fd8142  No.6381540

File: c0a8038fb08021a⋯.jpg (208.58 KB, 1077x1710, 359:570, email1.JPG)

3fb04a  No.6381541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

256f73  No.6381542



267bde  No.6381543


How do I respond to a comment from a previous bread?

Don't tell me to lurk moar. I've been lurking for 18 months. I'd be in the grave if I lurked longer

Help a fren

e9b554  No.6381544

File: 27a43057ee85228⋯.jpg (330.28 KB, 1500x980, 75:49, QRN:PatriotsFullControl.jpg)

File: e4b68678fc0717d⋯.jpg (253.78 KB, 567x644, 81:92, PepeFullControl.jpg)

File: 50e4562c9362fb9⋯.jpg (149.44 KB, 861x576, 287:192, TrustPlanFullControl.jpg)

File: d2ece1590fb706b⋯.jpg (431.42 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, TrustThePlanFullControl1.jpg)

File: 72b9f82714b5565⋯.jpg (302.08 KB, 1050x549, 350:183, ControlQ.jpg)


Patriots are in FULL control.

No question of it.

02804a  No.6381545

Kame House Grassley is up to bat!

e74f88  No.6381546


What jail? Photos or it didn't happen. I want to see him in orange, in a cell or cell block or talking on a phone behind glass.

0e581e  No.6381547

File: 9490ee2bf69db07⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1107x1262, 1107:1262, really nigga POTUS.png)


apparently you did, have enough posts now?

fuck off

8a5fb8  No.6381548

This is a fukken smart man..we need top kek memes for Barrfight smacking down these demonRats…

97753c  No.6381549

File: ea54eb575369642⋯.png (842.67 KB, 774x474, 129:79, Capture.PNG)

New Documents Reveal DHS Asserting Broad, Unconstitutional Authority to Search Travelers’ Phones and Laptops

BOSTON — The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the ACLU today asked a federal court to rule without trial that the Department of Homeland Security violates the First and Fourth Amendments by searching travelers’ smartphones and laptops at airports and other U.S. ports of entry without a warrant.

The request for summary judgment comes after the groups obtained documents and deposition testimony revealing that U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorize border officials to search travelers’ phones and laptops for general law enforcement purposes, and consider requests from other government agencies when deciding whether to conduct such warrantless searches.

“The evidence we have presented the court shows that the scope of ICE and CBP border searches is unconstitutionally broad,” said EFF Senior Staff Attorney Adam Schwartz. “ICE and CBP policies and practices allow unfettered, warrantless searches of travelers’ digital devices, and empower officers to dodge the Fourth Amendment when rifling through highly personal information contained on laptops and phones.”


464c3e  No.6381550

File: dd5e1a25f24bd4f⋯.png (852.4 KB, 1201x827, 1201:827, Screen Shot 2019-02-08 at ….png)


The government would have difficulty proving this beyond a reasonable doubt - re obstruction theme

a9af34  No.6381551


Mine is like two sounds…constant swooshing then high pitched tones and ringing that change through out the day over the swooshing. If there is no white noise, TV, radio, etc. I cant stand it.

257ccc  No.6381552

major shift in Barr's testimony

He does NOT want to talk about Mueller's conflicts

5d65c5  No.6381554


Kek! I am sure they would love yes or no today! I love Barr! Feinass gets destroyed right now! I love it! (First time I am not full of hate, when I hear their questions! I love the answers!)

3fb04a  No.6381555

File: 3efd2cd3be11cdc⋯.png (41.53 KB, 212x119, 212:119, ClipboardImage.png)


ok, so the 1950s

256f73  No.6381556


Who the fuck really wants to lay linoleum anyways these days

4be9dc  No.6381557

File: 262624fefc20599⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2038x1020, 1019:510, 262624fefc205995fc4ac286e8….png)

File: 646a6ce081d3d71⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2va1p2.jpg)

779006  No.6381558


Whateva Chat Fag. >>6381531

Hey. That's news. LOL

9705b8  No.6381559

(overheard from a media addicts'a lair…)

Some mindless minion:

"corrupt intent, beyond a reasonable doubt.."

Kek! Hilariously iditotic!

The mind-withering stupidity of the zombies of the snark lord!

This is going to be EPIK!

8c78c6  No.6381560


Just grab the number from the post you want to reply to and add ">>" before it.

38a155  No.6381561


copy the reply number into a reply from this bread and put (lb) or (pb) after it so anons know it's from earlier.

281575  No.6381562

ABC msm has special report already twisting Barr's testimoney

6d6318  No.6381563


>I kindly remind you that we are in a default state of martial law as it is as was openly admitted during the kavanaugh hearings.

oh good.

That means tribunals can lawfully proceed for treason.


02804a  No.6381564


He'd have to talk about Rosenstein's FISA signature.

And then he'd have to wonder why everyone wanted Sessions to recuse but not Rosenstein.

Whiiiich (((they))) don't want to talk about.

Stalemate, on that one.

214568  No.6381565

File: a091e79633bd168⋯.png (1.06 MB, 970x581, 970:581, nothing to see here.png)

File: d3986d072fe0228⋯.png (708.5 KB, 1076x609, 1076:609, feelincute.png)

File: 651644a7ffdd3e6⋯.png (778.75 KB, 747x497, 747:497, i believe.png)

File: 173501c0ad28a33⋯.png (650.04 KB, 582x795, 194:265, HAPPIER THAN EVER.png)

File: a6f4f4f40505746⋯.png (402.43 KB, 529x889, 529:889, THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.png)



thanks for noticing, patriot.


267bde  No.6381566

1689da  No.6381567

File: 34a8a8d41d34344⋯.jpg (191.95 KB, 1030x570, 103:57, 20190501_163111.jpg)

This seems to me like a bodyguard.

So Barr needs a bodyguard inside Capitol Hill whe testifying to Congress?

I can't imagine this is standard procedure. This is sick.

d964e2  No.6381568

File: 7d01d0a1233e2fd⋯.jpg (110.63 KB, 1497x488, 1497:488, HoustonFireFightersHeadlin….jpg)

File: cdba502f21cde41⋯.jpg (121.79 KB, 1451x758, 1451:758, TrumpHeadline.jpg)

What are the chances that the 220 firefighters laid off in Houston are Trump supporters? Coincidence that POTUS laid into the International Association of Fire Fighters union for endorsing Biden?




256f73  No.6381569


The forty year old water heater sprung a leak finally and warped a bunch of the wood flooring a couple years ago

0e581e  No.6381570

File: 52a5105396f5582⋯.jpg (17.89 KB, 255x169, 255:169, cg money.jpg)

41b55b  No.6381571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


FAUX has Picture in Picture

3fb04a  No.6381572


in case you missed it

idk if i like the FBI with jokes….

163e42  No.6381573

File: cbfb201f10ea008⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1461x669, 487:223, ClipboardImage.png)

8bb91a  No.6381574


I type reply in in old bread with lb added. Instead on hitting reply I copy it and paste in new bread

267bde  No.6381575


Thanks fren

e74f88  No.6381576


"The time between police actions" you're a few decades behind.

387eda  No.6381577

File: 2c46bf06bcb771d⋯.png (60.02 KB, 311x180, 311:180, ClipboardImage.png)

Barr- If the POTUS is being falsely accused, which evidence suggests, and he knows they are false, and he felt this was unfair and propelled by political opponents, that is not a corrupt motive for replacing a SC.

Feinstein (pic related)

38a155  No.6381578

Barr is trying so hard to be patient, but he looks like he just really wants to get back to the office and back to work.

84d1dd  No.6381579


he's been heavy watching to his left (our right)

9ccf9a  No.6381580


Continually scanning that room. Alert

704ffb  No.6381581


>New FBI Tweet - China Spy Investigations in every state.

anons should watch this

Wray was calm and cool

interviewer squirmed like a fish

95ed7b  No.6381582


He seems very alert.

d7d1d8  No.6381583

File: 63619735a179721⋯.jpg (28.96 KB, 458x316, 229:158, VanByRiverJewsVI.JPG)

File: 3edadbc30b817e6⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 432x258, 72:43, VanByRiverJewsVII.JPG)

File: 47a1d02ab793d5d⋯.jpg (30.2 KB, 455x287, 65:41, VanByRiverJewsVIII.JPG)

File: a1360946ccd5336⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 446x313, 446:313, VanByRIverJewsVIIII.JPG)

38d83c  No.6381584


Had 1 for Kav hearing as well. Also is that guy wearing a vest. Look how his collar tips dig in.

8bb91a  No.6381585


dry it out

sand it down


464c3e  No.6381586

File: d4a7320771ea723⋯.png (954.52 KB, 1164x836, 291:209, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


shouldn't the SC have considered if the Steele dossier was part of a Russian/Dem collusions?


assembling info., OIG, etc.

going to attempt to find more intel. on Fusion etc


origins of russia narrative


I am reviewing it

99de5c  No.6381587


Either type the number with >> in front.

Other wise, goto previous comment, hit reply and copy the post number. Go back to current bread and paste INfo into the reply at the top. Don't forget to add pb after post number

02804a  No.6381588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


GST's feed is louder, though.

4eabbb  No.6381589


…and you.


3fb04a  No.6381590


couple a months ago, before they tried to murder and sully the man:

""Europe, and for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country," said the Dalai Lama, who himself fled from Tibet to Dharamsala, India in 1959. "And morally speaking, I think that refugees can only be taken in on a temporary basis. The goal should be to return them and help them to rebuild their own countries," he added."


3c4a78  No.6381591


>Keeping it in the family

Pretty based.

e940e8  No.6381592

File: db9df261521375f⋯.jpg (15.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3a68afebfece6fe8d950ca53cc….jpg)

d7d1d8  No.6381593

File: f22a848e13b86d0⋯.jpg (29.58 KB, 480x460, 24:23, FakeJewFeinsteinHorn.JPG)

File: 6483e5172e189bb⋯.jpg (10.58 KB, 299x168, 299:168, FakeJewGeffen.jpg)

File: 15448e84e100434⋯.jpg (22.89 KB, 300x300, 1:1, FakeJewGertler.jpg)

File: dac65faa351429f⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 530x298, 265:149, FakeJewGinsberg.jpg)

File: dbd31c07395fdb8⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 605x327, 605:327, FakeJewIRSLerner.jpg)

2a57d2  No.6381594


Yeah. His eyes and head keep moving back and forth.

387eda  No.6381595


Dude is on high alert.

Must be threats on Barr's life.

e769dd  No.6381596


Are the Texas going blue bunch going to try California summer fire?

4c4254  No.6381597

>>6381074 (pb)

remember, anon, also a long term lurker, no one knows who you are or how long you've been here.

also, we know that 'consensus' and 'feelz' are good for the person, but not the board, and not shared here often.

when people make general statements about anons, those can only be conjecture from observations, a kind of guess.

I'm loving the new captcha requirements, by the way.

have a great day and thank you for your thoughtful response.

0132b0  No.6381598

Anons -

Anyone else having trouble finding sources this morning?

I just heard, by chance, Brian Williams on MSNBC literally CUT OFF Lindsay Graham Opening Remarks after he said '… No Obstruction found in Mueller report…'

I wanted to POST the exchange here, but it's disappeared…

Anyone else Here Know what I'm talking about?


4aabca  No.6381599


My thinking is that we're sensitive to something in the atmosphere, some moar sensitive than others. Mine comes with added anxiety over what I don't know. I'll have nothing to be anxious about but I just am. Only time I felt this way in my body itself with anxiety was around 9-11.

062290  No.6381600


Extradition Hearing is tomorrow.

97753c  No.6381601

File: 00548f3ffad0309⋯.png (81.78 KB, 303x389, 303:389, Capture.PNG)

This in itself should tell us something

Zero Percent of US Corporate Media Commentators Oppose Regime Change in Venezuela

From the beginning, elite media have worked strenuously to narrow the options available for consideration (New York Times, 4/3/19).

A FAIR survey of US opinion journalism on Venezuela found no voices in elite corporate media that opposed regime change in that country. Over a three-month period (1/15/19–4/15/19), zero opinion pieces in the New York Times and Washington Post took an anti–regime change or pro-Maduro/Chavista position. Not a single commentator on the big three Sunday morning talkshows or PBS NewsHour came out against President Nicolás Maduro stepping down from the Venezuelan government.

Of the 76 total articles, opinion videos or TV commentator segments that centered on or gave more than passing attention to Venezuela, 54 (72 percent) expressed explicit support for the Maduro administration’s ouster. Eleven (14 percent) were ambiguous, but were only classified as such for lack of explicit language. Reading between the lines, most of these were clearly also pro–regime change. Another 11 (14 percent) took no position, but many similarly offered ideological ammo for those in support.

The Times published 22 pro–regime change commentaries, three ambiguous and five without a position. The Post also spared no space for the pro-Chavista camp: 22 of its articles expressed support for the end to Maduro’s administration, eight were ambiguous and four took no position. Of the 12 TV opinions surveyed, 10 were pro-regime change and two took no position.

(The Times and Post pieces were found through a Nexis search for “Venezuela” between 1/15/19–4/15/19 using each paper as a source, narrowed to opinion articles and editorials. The search was supplemented with an examination of each outlet’s opinion/blog pages. The TV commentary segments were found through Nexis searches for “Venezuela” and the name of the talkshow during the same time period, in the folders of the corresponding television network: NBC News/CBS Newstranscripts, ABC News transcripts, and PBS NewsHour. Non-opinion TV news segments were omitted. The full list of items included can be found here.)


b52224  No.6381602

File: 06fbcbc9794d10c⋯.jpg (171.9 KB, 849x532, 849:532, capture_253_11042019_08083….jpg)

Kicks ass, Barr none.

Previous hearing.

dca1df  No.6381604

What makes you think they haven't already been happening? Lots of brass getting fired over the last couple weeks due to "loss in confidence of command" and accompanying investigations.

8dbaf2  No.6381605


Kek, looks like you found one: >>6381589

256f73  No.6381606

File: 50f18860fe7f242⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_7967.JPG)

257ccc  No.6381607

File: c09888d192c4ec0⋯.gif (539.48 KB, 354x304, 177:152, barrNoFuxGiven.gif)

d7d1d8  No.6381608

File: c7c224317897e30⋯.jpg (43.48 KB, 576x451, 576:451, Mattis Confirmation.JPG)

File: 3c817ec45ddfb19⋯.jpg (33.6 KB, 473x319, 43:29, Mattis Small.JPG)

File: 17b39d2d0e540e0⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 665x500, 133:100, McQueenFaggot.jpg)

File: 7c9c0c011be52a5⋯.jpg (64.59 KB, 822x584, 411:292, PenceLikesCheney.JPG)

File: 9d575d7040e3fb1⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 605x412, 605:412, Psychotic.JPG)

4a4560  No.6381609

e8bd7f  No.6381610


I'm pretty sure that's secret service, not just a "bodyguard." The fact he's facing congress and not the general public is VERY telling. It tells me there are criminals in FRONT of Barr. Not behind him. And this is DEFINITELY not standard procedure. Something is up.

1689da  No.6381611



Yes I noticed. I suppose he is not the only one in there.

Is this standard procedure? I'm asking as a non US patriot.

9ccf9a  No.6381612


Would explain his not originally going to show up-

01986e  No.6381613

File: 34fea4cdd38dd34⋯.png (763.56 KB, 536x726, 268:363, 2F0BFFA0-C78E-4004-A008-00….png)

Don’t stop fighting

aa7850  No.6381614

File: 6b8bee0b49aa3d7⋯.png (1.78 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

91fbdc  No.6381615

File: 443f872bf6c1e8e⋯.png (647.57 KB, 769x423, 769:423, maydayfrance.PNG)

police taken out in French riots in Mayday protests lots of blackbloc /antifia live now


8bb91a  No.6381616


>inside Capitol Hill


it's enemy territory

1a1487  No.6381617


I know that

I just dont understand implication of sentencing from law perspective

38a155  No.6381618

"multiple criminal leak investigations underway."

458a48  No.6381619


He's the guy most of the Q crap comes from. He's been peddling military tribunals and mass arrests since 2008

256f73  No.6381620


Maybe I could get one of those heat on demand ones to replace it

f883c0  No.6381621

File: aa41574dddd814f⋯.png (620.47 KB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

dca1df  No.6381622


What makes you think they haven't already been happening? Lots of brass getting fired over the last couple weeks due to "loss in confidence of command" and accompanying investigations.

0132b0  No.6381623

…sorry, I wasn't clear -

I am looking for Brian Williams Cutting OFF Graham and chastising him on MSNBC for saying "obstruction"

can't find it…


e8bd7f  No.6381624


He's DEFINITELY wearing a vest. Things are serious. This is NOT NORMAL.

3fb04a  No.6381625

multiple criminal investigations underweigh

309f61  No.6381626


^^^^ DING.

1689da  No.6381627


Thank you. This confirms my fears

42ad7c  No.6381628

Senator Dinosaur: "I am somewhat troubled by your testimony here…"

02804a  No.6381629


Sabotage Provocateur!!!

464c3e  No.6381630

File: 3a438354cfacba4⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1590x870, 53:29, Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at ….png)


98dc4b  No.6381631



You beat me to it Anon.

09d35c  No.6381632

File: bb6cf8c2044958e⋯.jpg (9.94 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download (12).jpg)


freedom squirrel

d7d1d8  No.6381633

File: d44c1c6ab7feb8e⋯.jpg (142.08 KB, 609x685, 609:685, 22 Delta.jpg)

File: a230a0b05cc5c3e⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 444x207, 148:69, 22.JPG)

File: c1870c39dbb72c3⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 670x500, 67:50, 22Alive.jpg)

File: 0001507014783ee⋯.jpg (97.69 KB, 858x508, 429:254, 22Sefirot.JPG)


Yep, captcha works.

A boomer patriot like myself can easily get in 22 posts before 500..

Noice work BO..

I love 22, don't you?

387eda  No.6381635


This is a result of an attempt by firefighters union to force the city to pay the same as the police.

Voters approved the measure, But didn't approve an increased budget to do this. Now there's not enough money for the raises. The city HAS to increase the pay, so the only option is layoffs.

4aabca  No.6381636

Senator Mumbles here

256f73  No.6381637


That fucking water heater never worked well either

406eec  No.6381638

past bread

Bees are becoming more news worthy…Baker


ne1 seeing the coded in this headline? just me?

4a4560  No.6381640


And ear piece.

3a5d98  No.6381641

File: f79380cf1536d89⋯.jpg (147.95 KB, 637x622, 637:622, eb2588203f5990360ef69aa389….jpg)


Yep heard that too

b89f8b  No.6381642

File: d3a96fbd1548a8c⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1273x3106, 1273:3106, 68 May 1 Trump tweets pre ….png)

File: 984ed91faf04562⋯.png (110.11 KB, 613x567, 613:567, 86 urban dictionary defini….png)

File: f2a3dfffff20e9c⋯.png (274.38 KB, 800x404, 200:101, 86'd.png)

Here are ALL 68 (reversed '86') of May 1 POTUS tweets pre-Barr Hearing.

The number is NOT coincidental.

387eda  No.6381643

Leahy needs to clear his fucking throat or snag a Werther's.

4eabbb  No.6381644

Thought we were suppose to answer questions for normies and dig here?

Kinda makes it tought to do the answer questions part when EVERY FUCKING POST is CAPTCHED!

Q won't like this shit at all!

583720  No.6381645

recapitulate. The man is so intellectually superior to the dems

6d6318  No.6381646


I'm actually an anon that hat the opinion that the tribunals have been ongoing since the initial EO re:trafficking et al.

They've also been classified, so no bad actors can talk about them without getting the needle immediately.

91fbdc  No.6381647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

live French mayday protests…huge and violent

f72e06  No.6381648

Is this nigga even alive?

000ade  No.6381649

File: dfed65227054283⋯.png (250.7 KB, 486x357, 162:119, gettingtired.png)

Just made this to reply to shills with, kek

7f3dfd  No.6381650

File: 7d4d4055804ff26⋯.jpg (30.86 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1556723074992.jpg)

b52224  No.6381651


Not drunk?

458a48  No.6381652





464c3e  No.6381653

File: 47938c256d2e63b⋯.png (497.4 KB, 808x618, 404:309, Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at ….png)


We have destroyed many nests of evil…

df8ca8  No.6381654


Regarding leaks and the MSM….

"Multiple criminal investigations are going on."


38a155  No.6381655

This Leahy wrote his questions without listening to Barr's statement and doesn't want to revise it.

09d35c  No.6381656


3e4a64  No.6381657

File: 9de98a86f077a41⋯.png (112.25 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 9de98a86f077a41ae5649016f4….png)

24ce79  No.6381658

File: 00d21ddb4d2f189⋯.png (221.03 KB, 376x431, 376:431, 00d21ddb4d2f189b8ad980a134….png)

9ccf9a  No.6381659


He may just be the only one we see on screen. Maybe others facing different places.

256f73  No.6381660


I saw some electrified quartz crystal heat on demand ones on Amazon but they need 100amp service and I think the breaker only does 30 amps

387eda  No.6381661

FINALLY, a person with an actual spine. Barr is getting pissed.

b25503  No.6381662

Get em Barr!

7f3dfd  No.6381663

File: 396f448224017b1⋯.jpg (48.02 KB, 675x675, 1:1, 1556720499477.jpg)

38a155  No.6381664

Barr is losing patience with this word-twisting, deaf asshole.

1a1487  No.6381665

Whats with Terrel SC campus pic and the statement he is white?

Anybody digging there?

767167  No.6381666

File: 48807263f45de74⋯.jpg (190.41 KB, 962x499, 962:499, 5g Clown control.jpg)

This evil, human-controlling technology is getting worse by the day. This is what winning looks like?


458a48  No.6381667


that's code for nothing will happen

nothing ever happens

0e581e  No.6381668

File: 61aed7046b4ded0⋯.png (129.69 KB, 503x500, 503:500, wtf.png)

U.S. environment agency says glyphosate weed killer is not a carcinogen

CHICAGO (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said on Tuesday that glyphosate, a chemical in many popular weed killers, is not a carcinogen, contradicting decisions by U.S. juries that found it caused cancer in people.

The EPA’s announcement reaffirms its earlier findings about the safety of glyphosate, the key ingredient in Bayer’s Roundup. The company faces thousands of lawsuits from Roundup users who allege it caused their cancer.

“EPA continues to find that there are no risks to public health when glyphosate is used in accordance with its current label and that glyphosate is not a carcinogen,” the agency said in a statement.

Farmers spray glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in U.S. agriculture, on fields of soybeans and other crops. Roundup is also used on lawns, golf courses and elsewhere.

The EPA did previously find ecological risks from the chemical and has proposed new measures to protect the environment from glyphosate use by farmers and to reduce the problem of weeds becoming resistant to it.

Bayer said it was pleased the EPA and other regulators who have assessed the science on glyphosate for more than 40 years continue to conclude it is not carcinogenic. “Bayer firmly believes that the science supports the safety of glyphosate-based herbicides,” it said in a statement. The company has repeatedly denied allegations that glyphosate and Roundup cause cancer.

But critics of the chemical disputed the EPA’s assurances.

“Unfortunately American consumers cannot trust the EPA assessment of glyphosate’s safety,” said Nathan Donley, a senior scientist at the environmental group Center for Biological Diversity.

Monsanto developed Roundup as the first glyphosate-based weed killer, but it is no longer patent-protected and many other versions are available. Bayer bought Monsanto last year for $63 billion.

The debate over glyphosate’s safety has put a spotlight on regulatory agencies around the world in recent years and, more recently, on U.S. courtrooms.

In 2015, the World Health Organization’s cancer arm classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” But the EPA in 2017 said a decades-long assessment of glyphosate risks found the chemical was not likely carcinogenic to humans.

In February, analysts at Brazilian health agency Anvisa also determined the weed killer does not cause cancer while recommending limits on exposure.

In the first U.S. Roundup trial, a California man was awarded $289 million in August 2018 after a state court jury found the weed killer caused his cancer. That award was later reduced to $78 million and is being appealed by Bayer.

A U.S. jury in March awarded $80 million to another California man who claimed his use of Roundup caused his cancer.


c85444  No.6381669


your mom is a fag

7b8fa5  No.6381670

File: f660ec2b05f0e56⋯.png (219.63 KB, 501x418, 501:418, a2wert5.PNG)

4eabbb  No.6381671



Investigations have been going on for some time now.

Same old shit, different day.

95ed7b  No.6381672


He seems to have (3) target points of sight.

dca1df  No.6381673

File: d605c2ef106245f⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1299x914, 1299:914, burn fag.png)

ce0239  No.6381674

These 'lawyers' can't stand up to Barr's legal explanations.

fd8142  No.6381675

Panel should have read Q post


barr to Mueller:

"Bob, show me the evidence and reasoning for why this investigation was started and still ongoing."

Mueller to Bart:

"With regards to the President we have found no links or ties to any foreign entity etc"

barr to Mueller:

"Mandate was clear - verify and investigate reports of possible foreign collusion between President & Russia." "What justification existed to effectively launch a massive domestic / foreign surv campaign against the President (pres elect / president) and members of his transition / campaign team?"

Mueller to barr:

"Steele dossier along w/ media corroboration of those findings."

barr to Mueller:

"Was the Steele report a 'trusted and verified' report per Intel to continue especially considering the funding party was the opposition party?"

Mueller to barr:

"Those facts were never taken into consideration." "FISC granted auth to conduct based on conclusions presented."

barr to Mueller:

"Was FISC made aware of all details surrounding the dossier?"

Mueller to barr:

"No." "We believe there was urgency placed on the auth given the gravity and timeline of events that those involved negated to populate fully."

barr to Mueller:

"Why were efforts made to continue investigating the President, interrupt his official capacity in governing, if the only doc presented was unsubstantiated and unverified?" "Why were questions and threat of subpoena communicated to the President if no factual foundation existed?"

"All charges thus far are unrelated to the original mandate - why are you still active and pursuing a crime if no verifiable evidence or evidence through discovery exists?"

barr to RR:

"What justification did you have to effectively expand the mandate, not report that expansion to Congress, in order to seek a crime outside of R collusion?" "What specific reasoning and/or facts existed to justify the appointment of a SC to begin with per the law?" "Why did you recommend to Sessions that he should recuse?" "Why wasn't the mandate / budget and regular updates provided to Congress upon request?" "Why is everything kept confidential and under inappropriate classification?" "Was the purpose of investigating to find a crime vs investigate evidence of a crime?"

CLAS 1-99


256f73  No.6381676


The bottom rusted and leaked under the wood flooring pad so it's prol a 30% wood flooring loss

8dbaf2  No.6381677


Bees = MK slaves

Hives = D.U.M.B.s

They're destroying evidence.

464c3e  No.6381678

File: aa5f1f33d6b64cf⋯.png (659.81 KB, 1470x1015, 42:29, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

Fuck Leahy

c955b3  No.6381679

File: f27da1c7ca793b4⋯.jpg (9.37 KB, 259x194, 259:194, drunk.jpg)

Leahy is speaking! Comic relief!

2a57d2  No.6381680

File: f6a0ebd076e6605⋯.png (88.44 KB, 704x614, 352:307, Sealed Cases increase.PNG)

Sealed Cases

90,402 Sealed | 9,092 Unsealed | 192,679 Non-sealed 4/17/2019

96,262 Sealed | 9,321 Unsealed | 209,326 Non-sealed 5/1/2017

82b01e  No.6381681

File: 531d0324f81cd9c⋯.jpg (2.42 MB, 1166x6671, 1166:6671, dfghj.jpg)


Foreign and Domestic Terrorists working together against POTUS and USA



29574f  No.6381682

File: 6cf875f52210785⋯.jpeg (12.23 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 6e318861dc4289a2e4542d474….jpeg)


Wouldn't be surprised if most dimms and rhinos have FISA's on their asses

And this has been going on for over a year

Wray is just now telling them hehe

7f3dfd  No.6381683

File: 5b803e47684d3ee⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 629x629, 1:1, 1556722818732.jpg)

ea9a0e  No.6381684


like trying to explain to little kids that just because a slice of bread fits in the cd player, doesn't mean it should be in there.

36bca2  No.6381685

000ade  No.6381686

File: 33f3168b9c352fc⋯.jpeg (10.1 KB, 255x176, 255:176, plzbehero.jpeg)


Hi Gorka


0b81db  No.6381687



When listening to Dems questions he goes into a mode and his facial expressions resembles a bull frog 🐸. KEK!

a4c9c3  No.6381688

Leahy mouthing off to the wrong man.

4c8168  No.6381689

File: a5f8175a7b34b28⋯.jpg (127.76 KB, 646x486, 323:243, LeahyDecomposing (1).jpg)

e9b554  No.6381690


Look up "brown noise".

Download and play the rown noise thru headphones to counteract the tinnitis we are all experiencing.

Direct your attention to NOT put attention on the sound. You have a degree of control to ignore it or pay attention to it. Focus on what you're doing and keep busy.

3e4a64  No.6381691

File: ae39ae06e10976d⋯.jpg (15.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e77fc05b227965781de78b0069….jpg)


Damn straight! Kek!

6d6318  No.6381692


so did you just call their mom a carpet muncher or a trans pole hopper?

4aabca  No.6381693

Need a breathalyzer for these people before they can question anybody ffs, Leahy is souced.

df8ca8  No.6381694


Shill/spam….lame crap lady.


8bb91a  No.6381695


you are supposed to drain your water heater every year, stop being a retard

56bf69  No.6381696


256f73  No.6381697


They seem real efficient but idk if they flow enough for a shower

d6c1c0  No.6381698

notables bun @ 500


>>6381681 Foreign and Domestic Terrorists working together against POTUS and USA

>>6381601 Zero Percent of US Corporate Media Commentators Oppose Regime Change in Venezuela

>>6381567, >>6381610 Anons noticing secret service? personnel scanning the JUDICAL COMMITTEE. Very strange

>>6381549 New Documents Reveal DHS Asserting Broad, Unconstitutional Authority to Search Travelers’ Phones and Laptops

>>6381520 New FBI Twat w/CAP: China Spy Investigations in every state.

>>6381472, >>6381529 Judicial Watch: Top Hillary Clinton Aide Admits Under Oath that He and Clinton Used Unsecure Personal Email for Official State Department Business

>>6381383 US relocates nuclear bombs from Incirlik Air Base in Turkey

>>6381365 NASA Says Metals Fraud Caused $700 Million Satellite Failure

>>6381220, >>6381320 US Northern and Southern Cmnd twat CAPS: status updates

>>6381219 Missile turned in at gun buyback in Juárez, Mexico

58b02f  No.6381699

File: f0801a4d19b5c41⋯.png (285.15 KB, 763x429, 763:429, 61094c6ae2875d1b2b8a0b96d0….png)



What do you think about this for the notable archive pic?

Going to ask all the bakers I can, and anons of course.

Thanks baker!

For context:

>>6372216 (pb) Notable bun search function in the works!

>>6372248 (pb)

>Can we get a Meme magician to whip up a "QResearch Notables" image Plz?

And sometimes, if it's notable enough, it's a good thing and ok for the baker to add sauce and add your post into notables.

It means the bakers is serious about standards of sauce and is on their game.

Thanks again baker, o7

583720  No.6381700


Exactly. Kek

99de5c  No.6381701

File: e56d3c139ae64d0⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, image.png)


I thought more of pic related.

46e9b8  No.6381702

File: bf137d28c8d7597⋯.jpeg (24.81 KB, 220x229, 220:229, 7356C498-A387-4A0C-BEF0-D….jpeg)


No coincidences!

36bca2  No.6381703

File: 5ed4f447a89b16a⋯.jpeg (78.22 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, 1556402027.jpeg)

b25503  No.6381704

"as far as I know he didn't testify"


309f61  No.6381705


216c8e  No.6381706

File: 0909b9bac1c26e2⋯.png (470.36 KB, 492x509, 492:509, ClipboardImage.png)

"Collusion is not a crime"

01986e  No.6381707


Love this!

need Pepe in the window and Q lapel pin added

109387  No.6381708

File: bb942dd7fe343ed⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1217x1075, 1217:1075, 2019-05-01_11-13-44.png)


This ole' drunk…

d6c1c0  No.6381709

c85444  No.6381710


trans pole hopper with aids

9ccf9a  No.6381711

File: 578a6ad06800513⋯.jpeg (651.01 KB, 1096x1097, 1096:1097, D340B56B-2FD3-4C34-B339-D….jpeg)



0e581e  No.6381712

File: 4b85e73e3f65dba⋯.png (9.55 MB, 2744x3076, 686:769, Whitaker stealth.png)

38a155  No.6381713

Barr has this, but it's just making me sick. SO SICK OF THE TWISTING LIES!!

256f73  No.6381714

Gosh Dorothy

How do all these corpses

Show up around the pedo gold

And no plane crash

4eabbb  No.6381715


Fucking filtering ALL you assholes.


56bf69  No.6381716


Did I mess up? I have a captcha verification every time i try to post? Tried one reply, been an absent anon for a couple days….

b25503  No.6381717


Right HaHa!

464c3e  No.6381718

File: f2de7d791a96679⋯.png (234.64 KB, 1376x1124, 344:281, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

File: 3cd3165c5b57a52⋯.png (213.54 KB, 716x912, 179:228, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)


yep - the set up for (((Their))) side…

1689da  No.6381719


Is there a complete list with #1 to #22 somewhere? I'm trying to catch up some topics i've missed

779006  No.6381720



02804a  No.6381721

583720  No.6381722


Same wtf

cd21a8  No.6381723

File: 4cfa35e6d22d575⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1367x687, 1367:687, sniff.PNG)

2c41de  No.6381725

File: 717d2a16128e8bf⋯.png (308.44 KB, 636x420, 53:35, suxess.png)



filter everyone

alone on board

42ad7c  No.6381726


>This ole' drunk…

Barr shoulda used the

You're slurring your words, could you repeat the question moar clearly?

8c78c6  No.6381727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You have been accused anon.

These guys are now going to knock at your door soon.

Do not resist.

b52224  No.6381728

File: d1ac4d6c13b87e4⋯.png (1.53 MB, 839x636, 839:636, Forty.png)

File: e4aeceed2d4120d⋯.png (1.51 MB, 836x629, 836:629, Five.png)

3d1415  No.6381729

File: 1a31bfcc4e0b002⋯.gif (515.64 KB, 500x320, 25:16, Wut.gif)

256f73  No.6381730


Maybe I can afford an electrician with this us18rico settlement against cia pedo gold of the rothschilds comex

c0b996  No.6381731

File: bcccbfe33acaa14⋯.png (298.31 KB, 336x505, 336:505, 748dcd7f-49e0-4efa-9967-c5….png)

Well hello there

c8ebad  No.6381732




df8ca8  No.6381733

File: 78daa6be7f79491⋯.jpg (105.01 KB, 500x690, 50:69, 2yqdn5.jpg)

File: c84a8657f73fe0e⋯.jpg (90.58 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2z27ja.jpg)

d6c1c0  No.6381734


you may want to find something more unique. that graphic is for Q Research General. may confuse some anons. just my thought.

0e581e  No.6381735


>>6381668 U.S. environment agency says glyphosate weed killer is not a carcinogen

front o da drop

56bf69  No.6381736

1456a9  No.6381737

File: 3efe4677edb32ee⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1902x1297, 1902:1297, april-2019-habbenings.png)

c955b3  No.6381738

File: e1ece97875dc644⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Coffee8.jpg)


Anon; from Global Notables:

>>6364968 (pb) There are captchas for every post now

95e679  No.6381739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This interview not only led me to Executive Order 12333 but also informed me that the DOD found that Hillary’s emails were being forwarded to a company in Manassas Va. that is owned by the Chinees intelligence services.


EO 12333


This EO clearly states that what the FBI and the DOJ along with their contractors did to the Trump campaign and to Trump as POTUS is highly illegal.

58b02f  No.6381740



There has been no official announcement on the reasoning or response to anons' feedback, but go to meta for a more detailed discussion on it.

4aabca  No.6381741

4eabbb  No.6381742


Term limits with the shit that is available to vote for now?


Think of ALL the AOC's you would have…one after another…after another.

99de5c  No.6381743


Been away for a couple of days?

Sounds like your not dedicated enough….


It's happening for everyone

845a4a  No.6381744

They have to worship Satan because God won't accept their empty offerings.

Chap 76 Book of the cave of treasures

5 Then God looked upon Abel and accepted his offering. And God was

more pleased with Abel than with his offering, because of his good heart

and pure body. There was no trace of guile in him.

6 Then they came down from the altar, and went to the cave in which

they dwelt. But Abel, by reason of his joy at having made his offering,

repeated it three times a week, after the example of his father Adam.

7 But as to Cain, he took no pleasure in offering; but after much anger on

his father's part, he offered up his gift once; and when he did offer up, his

eye was on the offering he made, and he took the smallest of his sheep

for an offering, and his eye was again on it. '

8 Therefore God did not accept his offering, because his heart was full of

murderous thoughts.

256f73  No.6381745


It's not Disneyland necromancy is it Dorothy

c7a421  No.6381746


my condolences

e751f4  No.6381747


>I can't imagine this is standard procedure. This is sick.

Been standard since Caesar, et tu Brutus

779006  No.6381748


Captcha Deez Nutz

8dbaf2  No.6381749








56bf69  No.6381750


Thank You……

self-jailing for lack of lurking

4aabca  No.6381751


I'm saying, no make-up either, or minimal.

01986e  No.6381752

File: fd3aa18babde9a4⋯.png (900.72 KB, 888x499, 888:499, C22F2122-7E4E-4F7E-8F79-EC….png)



Secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose.


The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

[Subversive Activities]

Systematic attempts to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within

58b02f  No.6381753


>that graphic is for Q Research General

I gotcha baker, was just thinking what could be used, thought of that because it's the pic for the breads and that's where the notables come from.

Nothing has been decided, it's just one idea, thanks for the feedback.

Was thinking of using a color version of that.

6d6318  No.6381754


Right on mayday.


b89f8b  No.6381755

File: 59eeea474abf24b⋯.mp4 (140.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Linsey Graham Fuck Trump.mp4)

File: 80eb4b0833b228b⋯.png (222.42 KB, 506x584, 253:292, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

Dem's alternate narrative going viral

c8ebad  No.6381756

why are the doubt with what POTUS is doing in Venezuela?

==Isn't the DS raiding Venezuela's gold and oil under M?++

583720  No.6381757


red text fag kys

56bf69  No.6381758

8bb91a  No.6381759


100amp service refers to main breaker, check that, not the individual circuit

4be9dc  No.6381760

File: 8164bb445eb3b79⋯.jpg (66.21 KB, 566x500, 283:250, 2zw81w.jpg)



He was still trying to imply Russian collusion at the end of his questioning, kek


fd8142  No.6381762

File: 8bd341ef520cefe⋯.jpg (237.16 KB, 1617x1335, 539:445, spy4.JPG)

c7db8e  No.6381763


No bleep, love the decency laws when it comes to Congress

256f73  No.6381764


I bet a declass from a magistrate would gets some boots in buttholes quick

7faab7  No.6381765



because they’re christians… not the (((homeland)))

d6c1c0  No.6381766

Baker will be seeking handoff next bread

just an FYI

WnB out.

97753c  No.6381767

File: d288b90c01c0035⋯.png (719.35 KB, 699x414, 233:138, Capture.PNG)

Alarmists game the system to enrich and empower themselves, and hurt everyone else

Fake climate science and scientists

The multi-colored placard in front of a $2-million home in North Center Chicago proudly proclaimed, “In this house we believe: No human is illegal”—and “Science is real” (plus a few other liberal mantras).

I knew right away where the owners stood on climate change, and other hot-button political issues. They would likely tolerate no dissension or debate on “settled” climate science or any of the other topics.


But they have it exactly backward on the science issue. Real science is not belief—or consensus, 97% or otherwise. Real science constantly asks questions, expresses skepticism, reexamines hypotheses and evidence. If debate, skepticism and empirical evidence are prohibited—it’s pseudo-science, at best.

Real science—and real scientists—seek to understand natural phenomena and processes. They pose hypotheses that they think best explain what they have witnessed, then test them against actual evidence, observations and experimental data. If the hypotheses (and predictions based on them) are borne out by their subsequent findings, the hypotheses become theories, rules, laws of nature—at least until someone finds new evidence that pokes holes in their assessments, or devises better explanations.

Real science does not involve simply declaring that you “believe” something, It’s not immutable doctrine. It doesn’t claim “science is real”—or demand that a particular scientific explanation be carved in stone. Earth-centric concepts gave way to a sun-centered solar system. Miasma disease beliefs surrendered to the germ theory. The certainty that continents are locked in place was replaced by plate tectonics (and the realization that you can’t stop continental drift, any more than you stop climate change).

Real scientists often employ computers to analyze data more quickly and accurately, depict or model complex natural systems, or forecast future events or conditions. But they test their models against real-world evidence. If the models, observations and predictions don’t match up, real scientists modify or discard the models, and the hypotheses behind them. They engage in robust discussion and debate.


5e6873  No.6381768


unhinged dangerous reckless left win conspiracy theories

c6d7e7  No.6381769


>also informed me that the DOD found that Hillary’s emails were being forwarded to a company in Manassas Va. that is owned by the Chinees intelligence services.

and then CHICAGO

Worth watching the video

281575  No.6381770


david muir of abc is guilty of sedition for lies he just proponed

7328c4  No.6381771


english much?

c8ebad  No.6381772


there aren't any 'kids' watching this

what an idiot

9ccf9a  No.6381773


They warship Satan because they choose to. Jesus offered you everything by one last sacrifice. It’s a gift- the choice to (accept the gift) know will be yours.

6d6318  No.6381774

File: 11f5741039d2763⋯.jpg (242.76 KB, 934x700, 467:350, FAILED-COUP2.jpg)

256f73  No.6381775


It's only a thirty and idk wire gauge for 100 amp

cd21a8  No.6381776

File: 407316153f6fed7⋯.png (427.41 KB, 601x525, 601:525, ear.PNG)


Ear piece

82b01e  No.6381777


agree, uniqueness is favored.

748794  No.6381778

Barr is good - a rare thing these days - an honest lawyer who wants to see the law applied with impartiality.

4eabbb  No.6381779

Captchas on every post is proving this board and BO is comp'ed.

Just TRYING to make it difficult for REAL PATRIOTS to get information out to the public.


704ffb  No.6381780

These are the people that write the millions of laws

and "rules",

that they themselves don't have to follow.

e9b554  No.6381781


Senate Foor → Floor

Love the meme

4aabca  No.6381782


Can't help that anti Trump folks use crass language like it's normal… kids see that it's their hate don't put it on anyone else.

822f1a  No.6381783


missing "i" anyone…..


df8ca8  No.6381784


Stop. That's ridiculous and twisted reasoning.

Graham is clearly pissed off and going after the Clinton's.

309f61  No.6381785


Ok, let's keep these idiots who are OBVIOUSLY unfit to represent us continue to embarrass themselves. Time = Corruption. It has got to stop.

7b8fa5  No.6381786

File: 6f3945161677e94⋯.png (379.85 KB, 576x346, 288:173, a3ert7.PNG)

24ce79  No.6381787

File: b35a60452ba3b24⋯.jpg (7.81 KB, 249x255, 83:85, 0d8302a1f7463703b0e95b14da….jpg)




8dbaf2  No.6381788


Says the homo that can't even be bothered to read the global notables.

Neck yourself, homo.

82b01e  No.6381789


notable Apr Calendar

000ade  No.6381790

File: e9698d8d7604903⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB, 255x128, 255:128, clownshill.jpeg)


try harder "BO is comped" shill

c6d7e7  No.6381791

File: 4980306c96bc16d⋯.png (237.4 KB, 733x499, 733:499, killaryEmailsTo3rdPartyInM….png)

a83268  No.6381792

File: d7982797f741f17⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1367x687, 1367:687, 223DC12A-864C-4548-87AF-18….png)

583720  No.6381793


same guy behind him every time. SS scans non stop Barr is a high profile target

704ffb  No.6381794


>Captchas on every post is proving this board and BO is comp'ed.

>Just TRYING to make it difficult for REAL PATRIOTS to get information out to the public.


cashing in with captchas all the way to nsa?

dca1df  No.6381795


Dude liiks like he's had enough of their shit and is just itching for barr to let him off the chain.

ab4869  No.6381796


Just like Dems putting Fuck Trump T shirts on their kids at protests

4eabbb  No.6381797


With term limits you'll fill that place up in no time with the exact same shit your talking about.

6d6318  No.6381798

File: 6fd5d9898433cde⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 540x540, 1:1, SHILLTEARS.jpg)


Get them in the cup at least, ya fucking slob

a31daa  No.6381799


That dude sure is watching his right side an awful lot.

ce0239  No.6381800

If you find it difficult to complete a Captcha, you definitely don't belong here. Try topix, you lowlife dirtbag minion.

309f61  No.6381801


^^ THIS. metal fraud. missing i. iridium frens.

58b02f  No.6381802

>>6381737 April 2019 Habbenings Calendar



fd8142  No.6381803

File: 72d68a2c9e85402⋯.jpg (183.45 KB, 1838x1055, 1838:1055, CAPTCHA.JPG)

Can type a paragraph without whining, but 6 letter captcha … no way!

8bb91a  No.6381804


the MAIN breaker should be at top of box

464c3e  No.6381805

Steele dossier

Brennan/Obama July 2016 concerns about muhRussia

Obummer DOJ and FBI placed their bets on Hillareeee

we now have confidence muhRussia is not a threat anymore

before and after election, defensive briefing?


should alert people to riska known


was there a defensive briefing given to POTUS?

they knew about muhRussian efforts to fuck with election


as far as I know it never happened

I cannot fathom it

0e581e  No.6381806

File: 322f3f47acb119e⋯.jpg (991.86 KB, 3722x2476, 1861:1238, POTUS blood Moon.jpg)

Space rock left big crater on moon during full lunar eclipse

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) – A space rock left a big crater on the moon during January's total lunar eclipse.

Spanish scientists reported Tuesday the meteoroid hit the moon at 38,000 mph (61,000 kph), carving out a crater nearly 50 feet (15 meters) across. It was the first impact flash observed during a lunar eclipse.

The scientists – who operate a lunar impact detection system using eight telescopes in Spain – believe the object was a comet fragment up to 2 feet (60 centimeters) across and 100 pounds (45 kilograms). The impact energy was equivalent to 1 1/2 tons of TNT.

Astrophysicist Jose Maria Madiedo of the University of Huelva says it was "really exciting" to catch the brief flash, after many tries during eclipses.

The findings are in the Royal Astronomical Society's Monthly Notices.


257ccc  No.6381807


good points.

I think it might also be

discussing ongoing investigations Mueller is hip deep in U1

as a reason why Barr sidestepped Feinsteins question about what possible conflicts did Mueller had

39f635  No.6381808

Cornyn thinks its ==NOTABLE== that Trump campaign didn't get a "defensive briefing".

8a5fb8  No.6381809

No Defensive briefing for the Trump Campaign

NOTABLE Habbening

NO Table by Sen Cornin

ce27f6  No.6381810


Don't you think a USSS agent in this

position would be a good idea

42ad7c  No.6381811

Senator from State of Bankruptcy up now.

387eda  No.6381812


But conservatives are soooo offended by the f-word. *insert eyeroll here

1b182a  No.6381814

File: d207449a45ee707⋯.jpg (116.09 KB, 800x533, 800:533, dont-be-a-dick.jpg)

4fc29e  No.6381815

File: 634e7d4f2013979⋯.png (44.16 KB, 372x207, 124:69, ClipboardImage.png)


Terrorists are running around the hill.

a31daa  No.6381816

Fuck Durbin.. I hope Barr lays his ass out.

01986e  No.6381817

File: 21bdf8f576c523b⋯.jpeg (105.94 KB, 362x654, 181:327, E334660E-9B3E-4A08-90FE-2….jpeg)

9ccf9a  No.6381818


Maybe he’s just high and extremely paranoid?

Agreed- anyone spot similar activity in other people/ different camera angles?

b52224  No.6381819

File: c7948e427b7134d⋯.jpg (422.33 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, capture_068_03102018_01080….jpg)

c8ebad  No.6381820


oh, you are right!

just want to know why ALL the doubt about POTUS support for new president in Venezuela?

I know there was a Daily Caller article about it, but the reasons in the article were pretty much fallacies.

Blaming Venezuela's problems on our sanctions? sure, right.

Saying that G was not legitimately elected?

i just don't get it.

09d35c  No.6381821

File: d190f21aa0d0d24⋯.jpg (6.52 KB, 221x228, 221:228, download (13).jpg)

4aabca  No.6381822


Exactly, kids are props or narrative opportunities for them.

39f635  No.6381823



4c7e22  No.6381824


He's pretty

95e679  No.6381825


WOW! See, that's why we need each other. That statement didn't sink in till just now. Now I have to find out where in Chicago those emails went. there goes my Wednesday.

0e581e  No.6381827

File: 68419e3868e100f⋯.jpg (66.33 KB, 618x404, 309:202, iridium dump.jpg)



6d6318  No.6381828



No defense briefing == Trump isn't a defendant.

Others are ;)

845a4a  No.6381829


Yes because they're evil, their rituals have to be to Satan because if they offered to God it would have no effect. To stay in control they have to worship Satan.

76e684  No.6381830

File: 401f634f9d98091⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1278x540, 71:30, ClipboardImage.png)




309f61  No.6381832


Ok Congressman - I hope they vote your ass out! TERM LIMITS

748794  No.6381833


The f-word offends me. But in the context of a quotation (which it was, in this instance) the offence is mitigated by the need for accuracy.

a83268  No.6381834

File: 179190b87e3db39⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1367x687, 1367:687, 9E8275F5-1D67-4F1C-8ADA-E9….png)

e940e8  No.6381835

The Senator before Durbin said "notable"

74c0df  No.6381836

These are some desperate and dirty games they are playing with this stupid letter.

It was literally written so it could be leaked for today.

279f8d  No.6381837

Durbin is triggered …. piece of shit needs to be in jail

ce27f6  No.6381838


>proving this board and BO is comp'ed


So if the BO and board is comped

YOU should be spending your valuable time somewhere else other than here on this

'comped board' as you so claim.


214568  No.6381839

File: cc1a709f9f796ed⋯.png (437.16 KB, 977x500, 977:500, MAYDAY.png)

ask yourself…

all for a larp?


f77087  No.6381840

File: 76227c6e3c0ce78⋯.png (58.41 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


This Dickhead needs to be Suicided sooner than later.

fd88be  No.6381841

File: 4035ff21e8521d5⋯.jpg (247.82 KB, 539x1276, 49:116, Screenshot_20190501-082655….jpg)

Q team, if you prevent false flags, thank you.

most of us are just anxious for peace.

d6c1c0  No.6381842

final call for notables @ 650


>>6381739 (Video) DOD found that Hillary’s emails were being forwarded to a company in Manassas Va. that is owned by the Chinees intelligence services.

>>6381737 Anon's April 2019 Habbenings Calendar

>>6381681 Foreign and Domestic Terrorists working together against POTUS and USA

>>6381668 U.S. environment agency says glyphosate weed killer is not a carcinogen

>>6381601 Zero Percent of US Corporate Media Commentators Oppose Regime Change in Venezuela

>>6381567, >>6381610 Anons noticing secret service? individual scanning the JUDICAL COMMITTEE. Very strange

>>6381549 New Documents Reveal DHS Asserting Broad, Unconstitutional Authority to Search Travelers’ Phones and Laptops

>>6381520 New FBI Twat w/CAP: China Spy Investigations in every state.

>>6381472, >>6381529 Judicial Watch: Top Hillary Clinton Aide Admits Under Oath that He and Clinton Used Unsecure Personal Email for Official State Department Business

>>6381383 US relocates nuclear bombs from Incirlik Air Base in Turkey

>>6381365 NASA Says Metals Fraud Caused $700 Million Satellite Failure

>>6381220, >>6381320 US Northern and Southern Cmnd twat CAPS: status updates

>>6381219 Missile turned in at gun buyback in Juárez, Mexico

baking in 60-ish

309f61  No.6381843


Hmmm. Interesting. What do they know?

8c78c6  No.6381844

File: 4587c8f1d88cd85⋯.png (247.3 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Apu_clown_Bimmy_on_crack.png)


>high and extremely paranoid

>"I-I have no idea what you're talking about anon!"

2b8ad7  No.6381845

File: 2245c4e73110d53⋯.png (399.16 KB, 818x468, 409:234, IMG_2581.PNG)

df8ca8  No.6381846

Thank you Dick Durbin.

Projection works both ways.

I'm hoping some Dem totally irritates Barr's integrity and he compleyely goes off!

Durbin is real close.

Barr is struggling to try and untwist Durbin's cluster bomb of overlapping distortions.

The Dem's can't think straight and are trying to twist everything.

2a57d2  No.6381847

Durbin is starting to annoy Barr

7ebeef  No.6381848

File: e97c1baee8dbac0⋯.jpg (102.17 KB, 327x778, 327:778, BarrBagpipes.jpg)


Barr has had his own security detail for years and years.

Don't worry about his security; others are doing that already.

I'm still mulling over what I think after learning, from Barr's Wikipedia, that he worked for the CIA for several years in the 1970's.

He also plays the bagpipes, but no one should hold that against him ;)

4c8168  No.6381849

File: 0297913955b6687⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 742x495, 742:495, CaptchaInducedShillTantrum….jpg)

c6d7e7  No.6381850


I thought it was notable too since Chicago constantly comes up in digs. No traction when I posted last week


Good job reposting video anon. Worthwhile watch for all

f89ef9  No.6381851

Memes Are Important

Why? Why is mimetic warfare the key to our victory?

To answer, I invite you to ponder these Q's:

How has art been used historically during times of war, political unrest and social upheaval? Why has art been used during these times?

How important are ideas? Do ideas change actions and therefore reality? How do ideas spread?

Can an image convey different information than simple text? If so, how many different kinds of information can be encoded in an image? Why is this useful?

Who controls the flow of information? How important is the control of this flow to those who seek power over others? How do we break that control and open up the flow of ideas and information to all?


9ccf9a  No.6381852

“I’m not trying to capcha everything “ Bar


8dbaf2  No.6381853


Defense against Russian election meddling.

If BHO Admin knew of Russian meddling attempts, BOTH DJT and HRC campaigns should have got defense briefing to combat.

256f73  No.6381854


It's a sublet casita

So it's 3 30 amps

And 3 20 amps

61ede2  No.6381855

>>6380185 (pb) notable in #8158

Attention Bakers

@45__Schedule is fake and gay (double underscore).

The original @45_Schedule was suspended yesterday.

That is all.

dca1df  No.6381856

File: 636a0ea72b08116⋯.jpg (137.41 KB, 717x880, 717:880, 6vScT.jpg)

56bf69  No.6381857


Throwing anything at the wall just to see what'll stick

c955b3  No.6381858

File: 4f9e40e3d11da21⋯.jpg (162.13 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Redhead Police.jpg)


We have the best jailers, anon. It'll be alright.

101051  No.6381859


>origins of russia narrative


>I am reviewing it

to me this is a boom from AG Barr.



b52224  No.6381860


Nothing can stop what is coming.



779006  No.6381861

File: 993085366d629de⋯.png (154.92 KB, 468x216, 13:6, ClipboardImage.png)


Talking Turkey

f41e40  No.6381862

dick durbin has a lot of screamin to do…, he is a chief mcstain colluder and enabler.

per dick— if only congress wouldve done their job I wouldve had Barr recuse / resign on the spot.., but now i look like a whiney cryin biatch under omar's and aoc's spell

256f73  No.6381863


Still don't care that you crave Russian butt stuffing either

0e581e  No.6381864


filed last night at 9:51pm EST

Know something for sure

214568  No.6381865

File: 2afc5b58ec5f84e⋯.png (951.9 KB, 1085x781, 1085:781, ivanka dreamworld.png)

File: f0f75b209741da5⋯.png (368.22 KB, 599x386, 599:386, [JACK].png)

File: 85941e7b34e5f9d⋯.jpg (85.85 KB, 1092x585, 28:15, _KEKFORCE.JPG)

File: 9ed5eb4113964d0⋯.jpg (196.83 KB, 515x624, 515:624, deepstate disaster.jpg)

File: 5936344490aa2e4⋯.png (728.58 KB, 709x847, 709:847, GREENBAY RALLY.png)


you tell me.

7ebeef  No.6381866


here’s an old saying: “A true gentleman is a man who can play the bagpipes, but doesn’t.” In March, when Donald Trump called in to “Hannity” to tout Jeff Sessions’s replacement, he crowed, “Our new Attorney General, Bill Barr, is a great gentleman.” But new information has come to light. This magazine has located five individuals who attest that Barr, who has come under fire for his SparkNotes summary of the Mueller report, plays the bagpipes. And, no, it wasn’t just a onetime thing, in college, where he mistook a set of bagpipes for a bong. Throughout the eighties, Barr performed in the City of Washington Pipe Band—one of the top bagpipe ensembles in the world—giving new meaning to the cool-dad line “I used to be in a band.”

“Bill was a serious piper,” Mike Green, a fellow band member, said recently. “He started playing as a young kid, in New York. I’ve seen pictures of him, ten years old, wearing a Balmoral bonnet, a kilt, a doublet, big bagpipes on his shoulder.” Barr moved to D.C., in 1973, to work for the C.I.A. and attend law school simultaneously. After graduating, he joined a private law practice, then a pipe band. “He came ready to play at the top level,” Green said. In competition, the band performed such classics as “The Sheepwife,” “Highland Wedding,” and “The Cockerel in the Creel.” It also did contemporary jigs, hornpipes, and polkas. Green recalled, “Bill definitely preferred the military marches.”

Playing the bagpipes is notoriously difficult. “People who start out on bagpipes are like baby turtles going out into the ocean,” Green said. “Most of them don’t make it.” Playing competitively, as Barr did, is both time-consuming and expensive. (To keep his pipes from drying up, Barr would have had to play every day for at least half an hour.) Charlie Glendinning, who also piped with Barr, said that a kilt alone cost upward of five hundred dollars. When the group travelled to Scotland, for the world championships, the airfare was thirty grand. “We could only afford travelling every four years,” Glendinning said. “Competitions at the World Pipe Band Championships were our Olympics.”

The City of Washington Pipe Band may be the best evidence we have of a “deep state.” Barr was in the Justice Department. Green was a senior official in George W. Bush’s Administration. (“Condi Rice, my boss, would go to piano camp every summer, so she said it was O.K. for me to do bagpipes,” Green explained.) There were members of the intelligence community and the labor unions, a Secret Service agent, and a congressional general counsel. Glendinning recalled a piper who was “an F.B.I. agent with a specialty in human-flesh decomposition.” Jon Quigg, one of the band’s drummers, remembered prepping for a performance in Barr’s office—“the same space that R.F.K. had occupied thirty years earlier.” He added, “Heady experience.”

Barr quit competing in the late eighties, when things began to heat up at the Justice Department. “He’d come to watch us practice and compete, with his entourage of security, but he couldn’t keep playing,” Green said. In 1991, when Barr was appointed Attorney General for the first time, by George H. W. Bush, he invited the band to play at his swearing-in. “We marched in and played a medley of tunes,” Green said. Bush made some wisecracks in his speech, and said, of his bagpiping A.G., “I’m wondering if he understands that the Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.”

The band is currently on hiatus, but old members still meet up to jam. Sometimes Barr talks about getting the band back together, Glendinning said. A few years ago, Barr bought a set of ­matching chanters—the bagpipe mouthpiece—and a fleet of drums, for all the out-to-pasture pipers. “Let’s make real music again,” he told them, in a note.“Not this modern, gimmicky stuff that all the bands are playing these days.”

Barr still likes to host ceilidhs—big Scottish-music parties—complete with pipes, fiddles, and whiskey. The most recent one took place last October. “He invited Celtic musicians from Scotland, on his own dime, to join us,” Green said. Two months later, Barr got the call from the President. “I was over at his house when he told me that Trump had asked him to be the new Attorney General,” Glendinning recalled. “I said, ‘Take it! Your country needs you!’ But on my way home, in the car, the toll of such a job—not just on Bill but on his family—as well as having to leave the comforts of semi-retirement, began to gnaw at me.” Glendinning had trouble sleeping that night, and sent Barr an e-mail listing all his concerns. But it was too late. Barr’s response: “Thanks, my friend. I have crossed the Rubicon.”

Green said, “He didn’t have us play at the ceremony this time around.” ♦

a4c9c3  No.6381867

Senate democrat members on the committee scared out of their freeking minds.

d964e2  No.6381868

File: 72d15dc6edc8cca⋯.jpg (57.36 KB, 804x465, 268:155, BidenHeadline.jpg)

Biden uses this F-word 30 times in a 30 minute speech, his first speech on the campaign trail. The word is "folks".


6d6318  No.6381869



That's different. That means that gets added to the pile of prosecutable shit they did to Trump.

2579cd  No.6381870


It must be an entrance or exit.

704ffb  No.6381871


>So if the BO and board is comped

>YOU should be spending your valuable time somewhere else other than here on this

>'comped board' as you so claim.


you fucks take over everything

fucking cancer

neck yurself

464c3e  No.6381872

File: ea97c3e1219a2c9⋯.png (842.46 KB, 1101x848, 1101:848, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


b25503  No.6381873

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8071a4 No.893904 📁

Apr 4 2018 14:52:00 (EST)

It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


I wonder if this partial Q deals with McGahn?

138f48  No.6381874

>>>6381472, >>6381529 JW: Top HRC Aide Admits Under Oath that He and Clinton Used Unsecure Personal Email for Official State Dept Business

for your review bakerfren

8bb91a  No.6381875


so that adds up to a 150 amp service(if done correctly)

you are good to go

c85444  No.6381876

File: 2144a4aa9458284⋯.jpg (267.02 KB, 1104x576, 23:12, beautycave.jpg)

256f73  No.6381877


Until we get that fabulous nazi technology

We mericans gotta cook our Jew hams for 1 hour at 450

138f48  No.6381878


>>6381472, >>6381529 JW: Top HRC Aide Admits Under Oath that He and Clinton Used Unsecure Personal Email for Official State Dept Busines

56bf69  No.6381879

File: 6fddbd8709b1fd0⋯.jpg (2.19 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 7a817b34e1510cd1f8163c3837….jpg)

474436  No.6381880


translation, declas will be a suicide weekend

ce27f6  No.6381881


Already have ….

You are dealing with a ghost

with me

Deal with it

And you should still pack and go

0e581e  No.6381882

File: b92bc8e16783a15⋯.png (578.26 KB, 670x356, 335:178, Shit the bed.png)


sounds like /pol

4c306e  No.6381883

File: 634f5331ad18512⋯.png (235.88 KB, 479x424, 479:424, hilteru.png)

Cruz has the same irritating cadence in his speech as Obama

b52224  No.6381884

Lee is comped.

Romney is comped.

Flake is comped.


256f73  No.6381885


Does 100amp breaker require a larger gauge than old 30amp breaker wires though

829fd8  No.6381886



/r/politics and Durbin got the same talking points

3dc460  No.6381887

Not what I'm aware of…..

2b8ad7  No.6381888

File: 1f203c0792d4da7⋯.jpg (114.83 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_9956.JPG)


>Biden uses this F-word 30 times in a 30 minute speech…

464c3e  No.6381889

File: 4e50f4233f26ce7⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 619x413, 619:413, im-16763.jpg)

b46e08  No.6381890

I sincerely hope Trump knows what he's doing with them.

They have sold out our dreams and souls.

They came up with ideologies such as

Lying 3 times is enough so we forget about the truth

They started communism, hardcore socialism

They have exploited every facet of our lives

They have turned music into psy-ops

They turned the film industry into psy-ops

They will stop at nothing to paralyze the world

Only to be able to achieve their own dreams

They don't care about the suffering around them

Christians, stretch your hands towards those who need help

Together we will save the future for our children

Enough is enough

109387  No.6381891

File: 0d270db1ed91273⋯.png (96.44 KB, 350x184, 175:92, 2019-05-01_11-35-19.png)


Easy boy!

56bf69  No.6381892

File: 738fc169bb8ca38⋯.png (363.83 KB, 625x475, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)

c8ebad  No.6381893

why is law enforcement officer woman walking behind BArr?

7ebeef  No.6381894

File: 1be94d0daf5a2ec⋯.jpg (153.07 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, georgiamtns.jpg)


How odd and affected.

I don't think Biden could pull off "ya'll", though.

You either absorb "ya'll" through your southern family, or your geographically southern upbringing.

There IS no fake ya'll, ya'll. Hollywood tries, but always fails, and their poor attempts hurt our ears.

3e4a64  No.6381895

File: 5b8969f486cb15d⋯.jpg (84.31 KB, 1343x756, 1343:756, 5b8969f486cb15d96ca85c34c9….jpg)

a31daa  No.6381896


kek, ain't that the truth.

11c407  No.6381897

Anyone experiencing super bad lag posting??

c0b996  No.6381898


Maybe he's an honest Mormon politician. Do unicorns exist?

f4969e  No.6381899


>The word is "folks".

Cuz he wants to appear folksy…

6d6318  No.6381900


I've started to be of the opinion that the actual suicide weekend… hasn't happened yet.

And when it does happen, normies will know independently of anons.

Because what's coming will make what's gone on look like tea and crumpet hour.

Traitors are properfucked.

f41e40  No.6381901

MikeLee can you ask if "in plain sight" constitutes a crime of being a russian agent or lying as accused by schitt a true and accurate allegation?

8dbaf2  No.6381902


Saw that too.

Something's about to get fucky.

8bb91a  No.6381903



but you are confusing 100amp service with 100 amp breaker

service is total amps coming into breaker panel

256f73  No.6381905


Nazi were cooking Jews at 171.23287671233 Jews per hour in little ovens. That's not microwave potatoes

e03aa0  No.6381906


ya workfagging so got called away .. a big TY

9ccf9a  No.6381908


Checked. Folks a fake and gay way for oligarchy sleepy Joe to relate to the serfs.

4c306e  No.6381909

File: 00553168672dee7⋯.png (367.17 KB, 787x742, 787:742, enough.png)

42ad7c  No.6381910


Just the usual >600 replies slowdown

4aabca  No.6381911


Lots of movement, wonder what kinda threats they and Barr got?

b52224  No.6381912

d52269  No.6381913

I like how Barr broke out in a smile when Graham said "we might do that" on Killary's emails.

25df3b  No.6381914


Agree anon. It's like getting killed while changing a

car tire. Impossible without a little bit of "help" from someone

062290  No.6381916


Cuff [them] on live TV.

ha ha ha ha

a83268  No.6381918



101051  No.6381919

File: 3e79ef1bb20c8b4⋯.png (657.64 KB, 733x600, 733:600, Barr and lee 1may19.PNG)


>Lee is comped.

This anon does NOT agree

Photo shows two Patriots.

7ebeef  No.6381920


Dems look and sound like they're just flailing.

Flailing with Washington-polished, expensively-cultivated word salad, but it's still just flailing.

e9b554  No.6381921


You were doing breddy gud until you typed


The meme is spelled WWG1WGA, the way Q spelled it.

Anons have had Army dissertations and slide presentations and documents on mimetic warfare since January 2018.

We are well aware.

Who is your target audience for the post?

Longtime anons/memeanons/twatanons?

Or normies who might accidentally wander into this meme ammo factory?

5c468c  No.6381922


Demi are off to Barr's left, lot of attention going that way by those behind the AG.

8c78c6  No.6381923

File: 092c056e3406143⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 800x5364, 200:1341, Jewish_origin_of_Islam_arc….jpg)

File: 291c5156662b3ea⋯.png (10.21 KB, 358x141, 358:141, pol_right.png)

File: 49c4d8a60929ed4⋯.png (157.35 KB, 625x370, 125:74, pol_was_right_again.png)


Kek, difference is /pol/ ends up being always right.

256f73  No.6381924


I'm concerned more with the wires to the water heater cause ing a fire than switching the breaker

9cc090  No.6381925


Digits confirm

56bf69  No.6381926

File: 08fb0b631694e4f⋯.png (37.12 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

4aabca  No.6381927


Clear your cookies see if that helps, no lag here for once.

fbcbd9  No.6381928

File: 3106321dff2e1dc⋯.png (20.79 KB, 381x404, 381:404, 1554860365696.png)

b52224  No.6381930


Lee is a Never Trumper.

56bf69  No.6381932

File: db28309b753787a⋯.png (413.66 KB, 1021x585, 1021:585, ClipboardImage.png)

99de5c  No.6381933

Ne one got the feed for the court? Plox

256f73  No.6381935


Its danielfaggot pedo scripts

11c407  No.6381936


I did, even rebooted. Going to post next bread. Tried posting it 3 times.. had to back out. Took 5 minutes to get to 100%

5c468c  No.6381937


Oops, on Barr's right side.

b25503  No.6381938


Sauce on that?

42ad7c  No.6381939


They're just setting up the Made for Mockingbirds soundbites.

464c3e  No.6381940

File: 8af275ec7b30dd0⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1281x820, 1281:820, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at ….png)


0e581e  No.6381941

File: a368fa2fe54e14e⋯.jpg (56.9 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 3-D Pepe Kek.jpg)


gotta sift through alot of shit though. ALOT

a2ad14  No.6381943

File: dfea929f4292261⋯.jpeg (325.06 KB, 1702x982, 851:491, 25851D9C-9486-4EDD-ACD4-B….jpeg)



d6c1c0  No.6381944

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Continue Regularly Scheduled Shitposting





f33804  No.6381945

File: 2ea2ff899a87ac1⋯.jpg (237.47 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 2.15.Iridium.Iris.FVEY.jpg)

File: b7c69728aeb8183⋯.jpg (209.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 2.17.snowden.constellation….jpg)



f455b4  No.6381947

life expectancy just lowered


778fa4  No.6381948

File: 65f594b27f214fe⋯.png (724.64 KB, 648x425, 648:425, ]HoH[.PNG)

704ffb  No.6381949


>You are dealing with a ghost

>with me

….i am your ghost….

don't be evil

we just want accountability ok

4aabca  No.6381950


You must be posting something good…

4c8168  No.6381953

File: efc40e6abad4b8a⋯.jpg (95.39 KB, 654x386, 327:193, Fin.jpg)

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