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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 2bc967f56ffc7fe⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, QR1158.png)

674a9e  No.6307264

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )

Wednesday 04.24.2019

>>6304470 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.

>>6304364 ————————————–——– You attack those you fear the most. (Cap: >>6304399 )

>>6303367 rt >>6303277 -————————– Michael S. Rogers.

>>6303319 rt >>6303277 -————————– (PAIN.png)

>>6303277 ————————————–——– Listen very carefully to statements made by Joe D. It's happening.

Friday 04.19.2019

>>6242325 ————————————–——– NO BLOCKADE = GAME OVER (Cap: >>6243076)

Thursday 04.18.2019

>>6233873 ————————————–——– Rod's departure next?

>>6228198 ————————————–——– Fake investigations by committee members will not delay what is about to be unleashed.

>>6228098 ————————————–——– 1st & 10 on the 40 (Cap: >>6228336)

Thursday 04.11.2019

>>6138770 ————————————–——– All for a 'LARP'?

Wednesday 04.10.2019

>>6121936 ————————————–——– PANIC (Cap: >>6122122)

Friday 03.29.2019

Compiled here: >>6232165

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

674a9e  No.6307271

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6175099)

>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/

>>6261140 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGs)


are not endorsements

#8065 baker change

>>6306898 U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, actor Danny Glover make impromptu visit to Haiti

>>6306953 DiGenova brought out Adm. Rodgers as a hero

>>6306999 Race, politics and the Obamas: Valerie Jarrett’s new book traces her steps from Iran to Chicago to the White House”

>>6307035 Nixon and Trump connection.

#8064 baker change

>>6306458 Facebook Anticipates Fine Of Up To $5 Billion

>>6306371 Parody Project: "The Day Collusion Died" (vid 6:37min)

>>6306405 Georgian Businessman Releases Texts With Cohen That Were Left Out Of Mueller Report

>>6306284 IG's FISA Probe May Hamper Dems' Impeachment Plans

>>6306260, >>6306273 Russia claims dying world order plotting pre-emptive nuclear strike on Moscow & Beijing

>>6306262 Lawsuit alleges assault by ex-leader of California Democrats

>>6306259 Will FISAGATE be the big summer blockbuster?

>>6306229 New PaPaD: "Don't ever give up!"

>>6306156 Twitter shuts down 5,000 possibly Saudi pro-Trump bots

>>6306054 China central bank: No intent to tighten or relax monetary policy

>>6305922 How Emmanuel Macron became President of France

>>6305904 US Army tweet: 10th Special Forces Gp participate in a training exercise near Stuttgart, Germany

>>6305896 Three aides to Mayor Catherine Pugh have been fired

>>6305809, >>6305810, >>6305816 Resignations in the news today

>>6305805 Plane fag on gtmo844

>>6306472 #8064


>>6305062, >>6305084, >>6305087, >>6305096 Transcript of Joe DiGenova's statements

>>6305121 James Comey’s Unpaid “Special Government Employee” Daniel Richman

>>6305201, >>6305415, >>6305456 Anons on the possible 4 contractors

>>6305312 Blast heard in town east of Sri Lankan capital, police say investigating

>>6305362 Facebook Could Face Up To $5 Billion Fine For Privacy Violations

>>6305386 Anon on the Corinthia hotel

>>6305407 South Carolina House passes fetal heartbeat abortion bill

>>6305731 #8063


>>6304233 Putin arrived at the summit with Kim Jong Un

>>6304286 Jeff Sessions says Its time to move past Mueller report

>>6304314 Article claims Hussein and bad actors in the deep state committed election fraud in Florida 2008

>>6304415, >>6304447, >>6304478, >>6304923 Reminder: Maxine Waters Confirms Obama Has ‘Database’ with ‘Information on Every Individual’

>>6304589 Anon on Adm R

>>6304613 Planefag side by side on MOVEQ45

>>6304743, >>6304887 Q Used The Same PAIN Picture 11 Months & 11 Days Ago (not counting timestamps)

>>6304756 The FBI’s Private Contractors – FISA Abuse, the Steele Dossier & A Timeline (2018)

>>6304806, >>6304819, >>6304824 Whistleblower: Obama-era Deep State Surveillance Program Spied on Trump, Judges, Others

>>6304829 Mexican government acknowledges that in three months, an unprecedented 300,000 migrants have entered Mexico

>>6304955 #8062

Previously Collected Notables

>>6302657 #8059, >>6303425 #8060

>>6300363 #8056, >>6301119 #8057, >>6301886 #8058

>>6297995 #8053, >>6298785 #8054, >>6299582 #8055

>>6295642 #8050, >>6296467 #8051, >>6297273 #8052

>>6293351 #8047, >>6294106 #8048, >>6294916 #8049

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

674a9e  No.6307274

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6160438 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>6245866

Q Graphics all in EST

>>6069766, >>6171428

674a9e  No.6307277

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

674a9e  No.6307282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



e45187  No.6307284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.



e45187  No.6307287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


e45187  No.6307291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

e45187  No.6307298

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)




Protocols of the Elders of Zion Full Text

e45187  No.6307301

File: 04effbbfb53c43a⋯.png (609.53 KB, 910x848, 455:424, T_y_da_laws.png)









2df93d  No.6307305

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

33ed57  No.6307318

File: 579b17c994d0ff1⋯.png (9.43 KB, 255x184, 255:184, e6e5d3f166705bef9c45506352….png)

I have my own proofs. A lot are financial. Funny that. Won't work

489864  No.6307322

1c13fa  No.6307326

File: e472c5027d27a01⋯.jpg (169.09 KB, 592x600, 74:75, Ali-monk.jpg)

6f77b4  No.6307327


Don't reset, keep going

5dfcd5  No.6307328

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


965099  No.6307329

File: 0c77aea3967edcc⋯.jpg (41.85 KB, 480x480, 1:1, f53d9fafc33e5c5b5a68e65767….jpg)


Thnx Bakey.

& thanks for handing out the (you)s to the special ones.

5dfcd5  No.6307330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




6f77b4  No.6307331

damn only 5 notables in the last bread what the fuck we suck


ur a bit late ,, bread started a few minutes ago

6f77b4  No.6307332


that show was cool though might rewatch it

abe9cb  No.6307333

File: df611e6403b629e⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 48aba4545fb5f387569d577ee8….jpg)


thanx Baker o7

979e39  No.6307334

File: cdb3a58e95781c6⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 254x188, 127:94, sos.jpg)

965099  No.6307335

File: 2e15d6eb589667f⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 633x640, 633:640, 0cc.jpg)


Busy saving the world.

33ed57  No.6307336

Haha. Copy pic. Just in case u don't know, I'll do whatever the fk I want within the rule of law, and will accept my debt outside it, so with all due respect, dont give me advice. Not interested.

d7a7ea  No.6307337



Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Baker…


05fed7  No.6307338

File: a78ccb8a0977f13⋯.jpg (515 KB, 1952x882, 976:441, kek_questions.jpg)

4ef9ca  No.6307339

File: f4f493d1337b4c4⋯.jpg (158.57 KB, 480x357, 160:119, Bless-this-Bread--14.jpg)

File: a138bac87c4942b⋯.jpg (866.53 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Love-You-Night-Shift-1.jpg)

File: 0ec83edd53468da⋯.jpg (391.02 KB, 960x942, 160:157, Semper-Fi-NightShiftKitty.jpg)


Thanks, Baker.

Love you Night_SHIFT.

Together we win.

1c13fa  No.6307340



Ya post this shit all the fuking time and I'm sure it makes perfect sense to you.

But do you realize it's an incoherent thought?

Pretty lame. Stick to your day job - hopefully that has nothing to do with communication of concepts cuz you suck at that.

b2c5e1  No.6307341

I doxed praying medic Joe M and and swampy you retards should shut the fuck you really want more half doxed QNTMPKTS - Its Justin Wallis oh shit that 4 Keep going retards

4ef9ca  No.6307342

>>6307211 lb

Another of my favourites!

Thank you.

We're on the same page.


487668  No.6307343

Notre Dame Cathedral was burned down by the Q team.

979e39  No.6307345

File: 41dcd9a033a5ead⋯.jpg (194.07 KB, 515x624, 515:624, ndhbhmht.jpg)

33ed57  No.6307346

U force me to be mean. That's what you do. That's who you are. So I'll say it again…. I thank God I'm not you.

68b2b7  No.6307347

File: 6d466e0e693eaa7⋯.gif (45.77 KB, 220x153, 220:153, tard alert.gif)

File: 5aeb0fc601cb6df⋯.png (475.49 KB, 1200x805, 240:161, triggered.png)

1ad638  No.6307349

File: 283fc6f45b8e383⋯.jpg (782.49 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, schiff-tease_xeqtrx.jpg)

6f77b4  No.6307350


give me pics proof faggit

i dont want another whole bread of pigeon leg tier dox larp

385dba  No.6307351

File: eea9979768ea4a0⋯.png (2.91 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Cookie Monster Q Alpha.png)


Tears just running down my face…. I love you so much. When Wee Anon wakes up and see's this. I wish it made all his surgeries go away. It never will, He loves you all and takes great pride in helping me make Q Art. He feels it's our part and always, always wishes Anons the love and support his little heart can give. Till his last breath , he is WeeAnon. God Bless his little patriotic heart. He loves you all so much. I am now a total crying mess of overwhelming love

33ed57  No.6307352

Who really cares what you want chicken gristle?

68b2b7  No.6307353


s/he's a kid by sounds of it

1c13fa  No.6307354

File: b15eae5da2b8cb8⋯.jpg (209.64 KB, 736x791, 736:791, oz monkey.jpg)


Do me fakeQ! PLEEEEZE doxx me NOW!

PROVE to all the Anons how powerful you are!

Til then, have a filter faggot.

PLEEEEZE doxx me!!!!

5dfcd5  No.6307355


That is also supposed to be me. :(

But my set up looks a lot better buddy. But then, jew already knew that. ;)

334f66  No.6307356

>>6307280 lb

>>6307147 lb

>>6307114 lb

>>6307104 lb

>>6307004 lb

>>6307069 lb

>>6307163 lb

>This guy is way past overdue for a personal >visit. Amber Alert Anon, please confirm to >"6dfaa6" that this is serious.

So, is this real? Are there like 5 clowns or NSA dudes on here who know about where the Indiana guy and fake q troll guy lives?

That's wild...

05fed7  No.6307357

File: a78ccb8a0977f13⋯.jpg (515 KB, 1952x882, 976:441, kek_questions.jpg)

1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

5. The earth is hollow

6. Reptilians live among us

7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

8. We are all actually AI computers

9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

Add your own to this list and then repost.

Once it gets to 100 we present it to Q to confirm Yes or No.

68b2b7  No.6307358


see ya next bread ya arrogant half-assed art-tard

33ed57  No.6307359

Just in case, my heart is next level up from Pharlap. Peace.

487668  No.6307360




And I have no evidence of what I said, except that the burning down was presented in Pet Goat II as a precursor to the great awakening and therefore it's an interesting sign.

b2c5e1  No.6307361

File: 0a40236f24a1cd0⋯.png (383.01 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190425-044658.png)


I'd shit the fuck up b4 I started posting these ppl criminal records with their dox

- Swampy

6f77b4  No.6307362




the fuck tier larp is this


dude no. that guy has the keybase. he has all the doxes, he has alrdy dropped 4 of them. keep up man, this is seriosu

872f0b  No.6307363

File: 985d63b1fcbf841⋯.jpg (148.61 KB, 1134x605, 1134:605, 2019-04-25_044914.jpg)

>>6307201 /lb

Your comment reminded me of Rewind.

There was One Episode of ths series before it was taken off air.

I have it on my Plex and I thought it was really good. Cannot understand WHY they took it off air.


965099  No.6307364


Not you.

Just anon getting his boomer on.


4ef9ca  No.6307365

File: 3c6122631449800⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 612x473, 612:473, True-Story-P2Q.jpg)

File: 7636abb8321d189⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 639x525, 213:175, Angel-Kitten.jpg)

File: 57dcbeaaedfd604⋯.jpeg (8.65 KB, 255x197, 255:197, Disaster-Kitty.jpeg)

11f2c9  No.6307366

File: 405d8754533ecf5⋯.jpg (352.41 KB, 945x635, 189:127, Hmmmmmmm.jpg)



Wow. I went to this first to share with, and then I went with "Stand By Me". But this is the track I went to 1st. Hmmmm….

What a Coincidence.

This one is more of a vocal, and the end shines. Music is always a deal where if someone loathes what I suggest, I don't take it personally.


b2c5e1  No.6307367

Dear Q team we are in control now.. or we fuck you up and just take it.. your choice…

33ed57  No.6307368

I'm untouchable, regardless

c92eb2  No.6307369


Anon don't be stupid that is clearly bot/shill. No normal person would copy and paste the same crap all day, every day.

05fed7  No.6307370


Maybe we are the ones in the mirror and not the other way round?

09d0ec  No.6307371

File: a9c69e2db41fbf1⋯.png (435.1 KB, 720x399, 240:133, TribalGrindFlamesFLSTSCI.png)

>>6307198 lb

I don't know. If something starts making me weird out I just hop on my motorcycle and ride until that feeling is gone. Well, wait a second... I guess banning motorcycles would put me in that 99%.

965099  No.6307372


All His Keybase Are Belong To Us.

6f77b4  No.6307373

File: d92bedaefc76381⋯.png (468.59 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 0a40236f24a1cd0b29b9202bda….png)


o7 anon


>Google Maps



>Cellular towers

05fed7  No.6307374


Lol I guess so.

But wonder what it is.

33ed57  No.6307375

All his key base belongs to him

0de95a  No.6307376

File: 33c12089fd8a7d5⋯.jpeg (34.13 KB, 630x418, 315:209, 72C6FFB0-1767-45B2-8087-7….jpeg)


re: end of lb

Morgellons is probably insectoid aids morphing us into bipedal cockroaches. To make it suitable for the hive mind insectoid race soul to take over bodies.

It seems like so many want our meat sacks.

If it’s not the Reptilians, it’s the grays. Or the rogue space nazi pleaidians. Or the damn archons mind controlling us into reincarnating without memories, and whispering thoughts into our heads.

Sometimes a Pringle’s sandwich makes it all worth while.

5dfcd5  No.6307377


Welp, like I said, this is supposed to be me. >>6307335

Does that look normal to you? ;)

b2c5e1  No.6307378

Q fag can't make a trip code on 8ch we can't crack consider this.

d7a7ea  No.6307379

File: bbefb658a993131⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2594x540, 1297:270, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

Doesn't look like a healthy garden place to me!!!!!!

965099  No.6307380

05fed7  No.6307381

File: a78ccb8a0977f13⋯.jpg (515 KB, 1952x882, 976:441, kek_questions.jpg)

File: 32f80bbb7222b26⋯.png (5.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, huge-crowd-of-people-at-th….png)

File: 6ebd2ed3630b40e⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 2481x3508, 2481:3508, Battle.jpg)

File: 6d9ee4391be3a8a⋯.jpg (13.65 KB, 205x246, 5:6, download.jpg)

I really wonder what it is that would put 99 percent of people in the hospital.

489864  No.6307382

66fae9  No.6307383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What They Don’t Want You To Know

George Carlin

6f77b4  No.6307384

File: 7360ca71cbfcfef⋯.jpg (74.34 KB, 720x511, 720:511, 1514843033_29zpwsz.jpg)

33ed57  No.6307385

While it's welcomed and important to state your opinion, right now…. it's irrelevant, void, and kinda juvenile at this point in time. Step away. Tautology there right!

5dfcd5  No.6307386


>I really wonder what it is that would put 99 percent of people in the hospital.

I keep saying. "NOTHING"…

33ed57  No.6307387

A vacant gap

68b2b7  No.6307388

File: c59c40628c1818a⋯.png (949.48 KB, 776x620, 194:155, panic.png)

File: be22c3694f67487⋯.png (777.95 KB, 1008x912, 21:19, if u only knu.png)

File: 80c2225228e609b⋯.jpg (14.32 KB, 480x380, 24:19, macpyle.jpg)

File: d236a5aded96e14⋯.jpg (80.78 KB, 1465x859, 1465:859, feelsgoodman.jpg)

File: 8b14c0910d0a582⋯.jpg (100.61 KB, 664x934, 332:467, D5.jpg)


keep doing whatever ure doing

because you are getting assblasted

helps us thx

05fed7  No.6307389


So you saying Q is fake?

b5dd67  No.6307390

File: 68672ee082a8eb5⋯.png (682.95 KB, 892x590, 446:295, jdg.PNG)


69.639 when i started watching. first screencap went missing..sry..had to change breads

then i refreshed page to see how many people were watching while i was..

now it's at 76.548..

6f77b4  No.6307391


keep trying

ull gete it eventually

5dfcd5  No.6307392


I am saying (((Q))) is a (((JEW)))

66fae9  No.6307393


PB&J w/ Cheetos is where it’s at.

385dba  No.6307394

File: e14533b925c44af⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 8818 preasure 3.jpg)

965099  No.6307395

File: 1fad7fe31c70cd1⋯.jpg (9.87 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

6f77b4  No.6307396


ummmma deicliosus

hood meals

81e1d3  No.6307397

File: 6e586c52639038e⋯.png (963.18 KB, 1020x556, 255:139, pokeman1.PNG)

File: 6e586c52639038e⋯.png (963.18 KB, 1020x556, 255:139, pokeman1.PNG)

Do it Q

4aa4dd  No.6307398

File: a8f4f7ffb4b2f4c⋯.png (415.9 KB, 793x560, 793:560, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden expected to drop out of the 2020 presidential campaign Thursday

'''Biden's decision answers the final major question of the early 2020 Democratic primary season, which now features more than 20 candidat's who attack those you fear the most.

Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.'''

the link if you must


33ed57  No.6307399

File: 7f6f9e54bcecae0⋯.jpg (12.09 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 95add8e69365caa82c2a0fb481….jpg)

File: 8491060fbb512d1⋯.jpg (7.15 KB, 255x150, 17:10, 16fad7ac026e83e31cedc6d581….jpg)

The understanding of pseudoreplication will go a long way to curing this world disease.

6f77b4  No.6307401


let the war begin

385dba  No.6307402

File: 46f7c91daa17c31⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, Spine Reconstruction 41618.jpg)


FAKE YOU FUCKER! Walk 1 fucking minute in my shows BITCH. ONE FUCKING DAY! PISS OFF!

b2c5e1  No.6307403


Yes and worse some of the decoders write the drops.





d67ce7  No.6307404

File: 3cf9b0f7c1d01f6⋯.jpg (192.81 KB, 634x626, 317:313, griffindoor.jpg)

68b2b7  No.6307405

File: a072976f18e422e⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 338x530, 169:265, so smart.jpg)

979e39  No.6307406

File: 9ed5eb4113964d0⋯.jpg (196.83 KB, 515x624, 515:624, ndhbhmhts.jpg)

d7a7ea  No.6307407

File: 844077a87f5f048⋯.png (939.48 KB, 1002x680, 501:340, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)


This is just one more on the cycle they have known since 1950

33ed57  No.6307408

Not interested in ur show

bca867  No.6307409


The things going on underground alone would cause most to have a heart attack. Then you add in the reverse engineered crafts and mind control tech that allows abductions/implanting/impregnation to take place. Blood types. Tracking viable organ donors. Tunnels. Loosh. Baal. It goes on and on and most just couldn't/wouldn't accept it as real.

385dba  No.6307410



3a38ac  No.6307411

Not sure if it was posted last night but US airstrike on 32 Syrian oil Tankers near Deir al-Zor


4ef9ca  No.6307412


Yet another! And more dubs for you too.

It's at the point where I've just accepted that there are literally NO coincidences. It's been demonstrated beyond doubt that I am( and no doubt WE ALL are!) caught up a divine Plan that has arranged every single detail down to perfection.

It's the only explanation for the massive amount of data that's piled up since Q began.

b2c5e1  No.6307413

How many of you fags are actually cool and wanna do something… Be honest

b37b85  No.6307414

>>6303277 (pb)

Late to the party, Q. Bombshell! My favorite besides the booms, was when Mike Huckabee said, "why does this matter to the average American sitting at home watching TV with a bowl of popcorn and a soda?" Popcorn! Enjoying the show! WWG1WGA

6f77b4  No.6307415


mandatory post so bread doesnt die

29bfa4  No.6307416


>Tracking viable organ donors.

The best reason to drink and smoke that dank kushy… though mostly the drinking. fuck them organ swindlers.

872f0b  No.6307417

File: 0b68bcb87dad651⋯.jpg (477.3 KB, 1917x1070, 1917:1070, 2019-04-25_050206.jpg)

>>6307201 /lb


33ed57  No.6307418

I'm here for you. But you should have learned better by now. I'm not detached from this. Love you man, if ya real. Step up or fk off.

489864  No.6307419


it's not a healthy nutri-rich sandwich unless it includes bologna.

6f77b4  No.6307420


what does do something entail faggit

4ef9ca  No.6307421

File: 7d47ee1e2b7c673⋯.jpg (567.29 KB, 1424x1080, 178:135, Expand-Your-Thinking-Alice.jpg)

File: 79a813f320e785b⋯.jpg (734.58 KB, 1424x1080, 178:135, Think-Mirror-2-Alice.jpg)


You mean like, who we think we are is actually just characters in a dream, and who we really are is someone else entirely?

d7a7ea  No.6307422


Thanks for all you do Baker

9caaf5  No.6307423

File: a52e1bab442d698⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1920x1000, 48:25, 2 I ll Just Eat Until I ….png)


I found you. Can you even see your dick?

92dd18  No.6307424


yes, I have worn those shoes.

For 22 years.

Prayers to you and the small one.

God bless, and give strength to all.

a04527  No.6307425

File: 7acdc28925f124f⋯.png (55.82 KB, 976x377, 976:377, Capture.PNG)


That shit is Sigil magic on that video used to introduce it into you subconscious.

Someone needs to rearrange (memefag it up) that video and use it against them..

bca867  No.6307426


I wouldn't worry too much about one troll. Your art is great. Your child is loved. Don't let one moron ruin your day. Life is too short. God bless you.

263229  No.6307427

>>6306953 (PB)


>When on TV tonight DiGenova brought out Adm. Rodgers as a hero and that he not only told Trump but went to, Intel and FISA Court head judge. That head judge is Rosemary Collyer Here is the wiki on Judge Collyer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosemary_M._Collyer


>Also DiGenova talked about a decision that Rosemary had already determined that what went on with the FISA Court was illegal. This next link is that decision. I have been here from the beginning and this information could be in archive but I do not remember it.



You beat me to that PDF...kek...But what I was gonna say beyond this, is that it is not simply that the FBI was conducting illegal activities to get FISA: There were compromised FISA court appointees as *well*.

Do you remember the Montgomery/Blixseth/Arpiao/Zullo audio?

Zullo pulls up a picture of Reggie Walton, (DC FISA judge), and Montgomery says, "Yeah, that the FISA court judge they are blackmailing." He goes on to mention Hillary/RoseLawFirm

/Entrust and the use of the stolen encryption keys to gain blackmail material.

Entrust is owned by the QUANDT family.


Major Nazi/Paperclip shit going on...still.

Just dig on Quandt family/nazis.

We should also dig on all of Robert's FISA appointees, because it is most obvious that Reggie Walton's name is going to be involved in all of this, as DeGenova stated that this goes back four years *before* POTUS Trump's election.

About 3/4 down, is the list of FISA appointees.


Now if any anons don't know about this, go listen to the audio here:


Dennis Montgomery said that he hacked "millions of times" for Clapper and Brennan, and that he was using a system he called....THE HAMMER.

Is this (?) the HAMMER that Q was talking about here:


Fake Video / Pic Push by MSM



6 Apr 2018 - 1:22:28 PM

Obama with AK47 Photos Coming




6 Apr 2018 - 1:17:40 PM


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.


It's Happening!


Oh, also..."follow the wives">>Blixseth

385dba  No.6307428

File: ee59a205977723e⋯.png (1.52 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Minecraft Q Alpha.png)


15 years old. 25 surgeries. Not one of you fucking assholes could do what he does and have the amazing disposition he does. This bead is for him, FUCK THE REST OF YOU!

489864  No.6307429


i don't need eyes to know that you are a dick.

4aa4dd  No.6307430

File: 4945d61a9e5d3e4⋯.png (365.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e4c3d366be9467⋯.png (383.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8100e76e0dfb03a⋯.png (392.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2721fcfbb3a6a5c⋯.png (372 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 863f839c69b13ca⋯.png (356.36 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

nothing to see here (like LAPD being investigated for secret societies NOT to mention LA Sheriff PEDO badges…)

is this draining the swamp or still chasing little boys …thoughts?

Handcuffing of 9-year-old prompts probe of police practices

WASHINGTON (FOX 5 DC) - A mother is crying foul after a video shows officers handcuffing her nine-year-old son. DC Police say the boy was leaning up against a car which prompted the interaction.

In a video FOX 5 obtained from a woman claiming to be the boy’s mother, the nine-year-old is seen running away from the officer at the corner of 14th and Girard streets in Northwest, however, the boy only stays within the intersection. You can hear others nearby laughing as the officer chases the boy in several circles around cars.

Once the officer grabs hold of the boy, he falls down. Next, you can see the officer grabbing the nine-year-old and taking him to a corner where he eventually puts handcuffs on him.

In the video, the boy can be seen hysterically crying during the entire ordeal, which forces others nearby to scream in anger.

FOX 5 asked the Metropolitan Police Department on Tuesday if handcuffing a nine-year-old in a situation like this is justified. They say every case is different.

“It just depends on whether the officer feels that there is a threat or what situation led up to. We have juveniles that are involved in all sorts of different activities within the city. Certainly, we will get to the bottom of this,” said MPD Patrol Chief Lamar Greene.

FOX 5 also asked Mayor Bowser for a reaction to the incident and other incidents in general. She was hesitant to give a definitive answer.

"Every case is different," said Bowser. "I would also suggest you not promote pictures of juveniles in this situation."

On Tuesday evening, FOX 5's Evan Lambert sat down with the boy's mother, Autumn Drayton, and her nine-year-old son.

"I was devastated. I was devastated. I was traumatized for my son having to go through that," said Drayton. "His use of force was unnecessary. My son was not a threat. He was not committing a crime. He was not harming anyone. It should have never been to that."

Drayton says she was never contacted by police and found out what happened from a family member.

Her son was not charged and was released to a parent following the incident.

This incident is currently under investigation by police.


33ed57  No.6307431

Dumb or evil stand down. Ur not wanted at this time. Lick ya wounds, Terry Oldfield, and come back and contribute. Otherwise, ur dead to me. Love ya.

4ef9ca  No.6307432


>do something

Extremely vague, Mondayfag. Extremely vague indeed.

76de3f  No.6307433

File: 5de076ffb2a7187⋯.png (503.49 KB, 644x398, 322:199, Screenshot_67.png)

0cb007  No.6307434


So whose Joe m then? Lmao I bet you wont doxx the real real Joe m. ;)

11f2c9  No.6307435



>It's been demonstrated beyond doubt that I am( and no doubt WE ALL are!) caught up a divine Plan that has arranged every single detail down to perfection.

You're Perfection.

b2c5e1  No.6307436


Idk I'm looking as to how to course correct all this

. Like make it good and right and stop the fuckery and bullshit and that's the way to stop ppl from attacking it.. when it's up and up

385dba  No.6307437


Sorry. My weak spot is my son. I love him… more… words…..nothing

66fae9  No.6307438

File: d385280eb356f3e⋯.png (727.95 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 86B20025-F04B-4D9F-85E8-C2….png)

File: 5eb46a5e6c672e0⋯.png (514.16 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C8A2B0CA-4E94-4D78-AD52-05….png)

File: 716b05fbaeae067⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 50FEF1B9-AC6A-494C-80AA-8F….png)

California AG's Planned Parenthood ties questioned in undercover pro-life investigators case


b37b85  No.6307439

File: 65cce781c3e4ae7⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 244x255, 244:255, A Retard-Good Job.jpg)

6f77b4  No.6307440


lets discuss.

was it within legal ground for him to cuff 9 year old . what triggered it

b1acf7  No.6307441

File: 04b24b6aa2cc070⋯.png (257.21 KB, 390x355, 78:71, 1555267154.png)

33ed57  No.6307442

File: 272dd70b20539f1⋯.png (10.57 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d54553af1c2d78b0ea15212b97….png)

Lest we forget

4ef9ca  No.6307443


Well, now I'm Speechless.

385dba  No.6307444

File: c659fe0d7b996ec⋯.png (382.36 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, #WeAreQUSA.png)


Street . Fists. Your ass is mine maggot. Say it to my face so I can beat your teeth in. Any time. Bring it faggot

d7a7ea  No.6307445

I hope I am not the only old fag that Chuck Messler brought information to, Regardless we are in a JEWISH Calendar and you need to understand it if you want to take another red pill down the hole. If you watched first video and are seeking a deep dive go here.


6f77b4  No.6307446


in other words, yu want me to execute ur non existent plan of doing something? how can u tell me to do soemthing when u dont know hwat that is.

965099  No.6307447


I have met some 9 year olds who need a " cuffin"

33ed57  No.6307448

The solution is easy. If u don't choose it, it's on you.

6f77b4  No.6307449


awwwweeee daing sad

489864  No.6307450


your weak spot is the inability to choose the correct forum to go on about this topic.

0cc498  No.6307451

File: ce746e9237ae894⋯.png (66.14 KB, 665x433, 665:433, Morning Star 5.14.png)


Are 'The Greys' actually Nazi's left over from Op Paperclip?

I wonder if 5.14 is a significant day for them.

Would love to see that pic!

d7a7ea  No.6307452


Whom are you blasting at big guy?

92dd18  No.6307453




I miss mine very much.

You have the ability to still see his smile, that is more precious than all the treasure the world could hold, and you know it.

Never apologize for that.

4aa4dd  No.6307454

File: e0aab3c96bf78cb⋯.png (343.48 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

COMFY REMINDER: Robert de Niro Linked to Child Sex Trafficking Ring According to Court Records

According to court records from 1998, Independent journalist John Lichfield discovered that the prostitution agency routinely ensnared girls as young as 15, forcing them to have sex With Hollywood’s rich and powerful elite.

The French Vice Squad traced 89 young women who said they had been tricked or sometimes physically constrained by the agency into working for them. The girls were sometimes “sold on like cattle” to other call-girl agencies.

While it is not clear whether or not De Niro was supplied with underage girls, his involvement in the ring received little to no media coverage.

The case uncovers the brutal methods used to snare young women, some as young as 15, into a call-girl agency.

It also exposes attempts by the French government machine to block an investigation. Seems France did not want to embarrass senior politicians and damage French interests abroad.

According to the documents, the agency’s photographer, Jean-Pierre Bourgeois, hung about Parisian nightclubs or casting agencies, scouting victims. He picked on young women, often a teenager, and invited them to his apartment to take trial shots.

After gaining their confidence, he persuaded them to pose for more revealing pictures. The girls were then convinced, if possible, that prostitution was the best way to get into modeling or movie careers.

If they refused, they were blackmailed with the threat that the photographs would be sent to their families. In some cases, they were simply abducted. Several girls cited in the investigating judge’s report accuse Mr. Bourgeois of rape.

Six people were charged with the running the international prostitution ring.

Its call-girls entertained De Niro and many others. The agency specialized in tricking, or trapping, star-struck teenage girls into selling their bodies with the promise of careers as models or actresses.

The documents are worse than a trashy sex novel.

They mention Hollywood stars and high-ranking foreign dignitaries. They speak of arms deals and politicians from our country. The mainstream media has done everything they could to sweep it under the carpet in order to protect celebrities like De Niro.

John Lichfield, a journalist that works for London’s Independent, stated that the agency regularly hired young girls, some as young as 15 years old. They force them to have sex with Hollywood elites.

Lichfield discovered the documents and wrote, “Six people are charged with the running of an international prostitution ring, whose call-girls entertained the actor Robert De Niro, the former tennis player, Wojtek Fibak, two senior (but unnamed) French politicians and several Gulf princes. The agency specialized in tricking, or trapping, star-struck teenage girls into selling their bodies with the promise of careers as models or actresses.”

The files of clients’ names seized by the police are said to include many well-known members of the sports and show-business jet-set on both sides of the Atlantic. The only names to emerge so far are De Niro, Fibak and the French film producer, Alain Sarde.

De Niro was involved in a much-publicized “arrest” in Paris while filming a movie. He was Questioned only as a witness and an occasional client of the network.

It has also been reported that a former employee of Robert De Niro’s at Tribeca Grill recently came forward.

She spoke to the New York Post regarding what it was like working for the Hollywood star. She revealed that De Niro treated his employees like trash.

Where does it end?

Just last year, De Niro decided to slam President Trump and dub him a sexual predator. He went so far as to call Trump “a dog.”

Now the tables have severely turned around. De Niro should be ashamed of himself for picking on President Trump for making an insignificant comment years ago… especially since he is was at the heart of an international prostitution ring.


489864  No.6307455



6f77b4  No.6307456


im in what evr calendar i wanna be in .

right now im in the gregoryan calndera

965099  No.6307457


Trust the plan.

Stick with digging, meming and praying.

0cb007  No.6307458


Nixon knows ;)

790181  No.6307459

File: 86937fb22f89b65⋯.png (422.33 KB, 654x436, 3:2, obama_spy_template.png)

enjoy anons

6f77b4  No.6307460


so u gunna sumarise or u want me to read the whole thijng

66fae9  No.6307461

File: bda29803e4eccd6⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F4CFB7E0-FB54-4A0C-8AFD-95….png)

File: 252ad621da41d38⋯.png (1.2 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 39C23E54-8F29-4097-AC53-63….png)

Bernie Sanders gets heckled at “She The People” event, for black women in Houston, TX


263229  No.6307462


>Zullo pulls up a picture of Reggie Walton, (DC FISA judge), and Montgomery says, "Yeah, that the FISA court judge they are blackmailing." He goes on to mention Hillary/RoseLawFirm


I was typing to fast and confused the names above…it was Blixseth quoting Montgomery…RE:

>/Entrust and the use of the stolen encryption keys to gain blackmail material.

33ed57  No.6307463

If ur soul doesn't know what it is, u deserve what you get. Last warning, but u already know this (if ur good)

d7a7ea  No.6307464


Just take pascals wager and don't worry.

489864  No.6307465

File: b24ffa8f3e18cf4⋯.png (446.7 KB, 1799x802, 1799:802, nixonknows.png)

4aa4dd  No.6307466

read n digg more faggots


>According to court records from 1998, Independent journalist John Lichfield discovered that the prostitution agency routinely ensnared girls as young as 15, forcing them to have sex With Hollywood’s rich and powerful elite.

Lichfield discovered the documents and wrote, “Six people are charged with the running of an international prostitution ring, whose call-girls entertained the actor Robert De Niro, the former tennis player, Wojtek Fibak, two senior (but unnamed) French politicians and several Gulf princes. The agency specialized in tricking, or trapping, star-struck teenage girls into selling their bodies with the promise of careers as models or actresses.”

d3d268  No.6307467


No its this one.

Still waiting for a decent cookie recipe…


b2c5e1  No.6307468

File: 89640e570cb5c65⋯.png (459.03 KB, 1080x806, 540:403, Screenshot_20190425-051126….png)


Very specific reason I post as Monday

.. only Real Q ppl get the reference


6eca38  No.6307469


What u use to crop? iphone fag here

05fed7  No.6307470

File: a87a35f907b1fc8⋯.jpg (923.4 KB, 1952x882, 976:441, kek_questions3.jpg)

6f77b4  No.6307471


cool read, good to knw berniw was at MLK event, good guy

965099  No.6307472


Ever see lost people wandering down the street talking to themselves?

Curious indeed.

33ed57  No.6307473

File: 744592abec9d126⋯.jpg (6.63 KB, 255x140, 51:28, c9ff62fec314cdd6b5b49835e0….jpg)


0cb007  No.6307474


That abel danger video literally brings tears to my eyes. That video alone gives so much perspective on Nixon, and now trump. This is the real reason he has it all.

674a9e  No.6307475








b1acf7  No.6307476

File: 2698e47e2091100⋯.jpg (34.61 KB, 425x337, 425:337, alienen-obama.jpg)

489864  No.6307477


wait!? which abel danger video?

link pls

abe9cb  No.6307478


evil fucker..this one

6f77b4  No.6307479


yikes. sadness.

b2c5e1  No.6307480

Get Freddy to bake.

Or ebot

When ?

4ef9ca  No.6307481


Yeah, I wish I was that cool.

Can't all be, I guess.

872f0b  No.6307482

File: ebb37b6075fc10c⋯.mp4 (12.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 9yr old arrest.mp4)



4aa4dd  No.6307483

File: a8836bc4293c725⋯.png (458.44 KB, 960x552, 40:23, ClipboardImage.png)

6bc3d0  No.6307484


Read your notables anon - they’re good for your health.

Previous Notable - >>6307035 Nixon and Trump connection.

489864  No.6307485


those that yell the loudest.

68b2b7  No.6307486


post on /patriotfight/

cant cause ure fakeniggers

05fed7  No.6307487

File: 60f1fa8fe8a765e⋯.jpg (323.87 KB, 719x900, 719:900, alto-cielo-pablo-amaringo.jpg)

File: c3c5cb14e68a43c⋯.jpg (306.94 KB, 599x746, 599:746, ayahuasca-raura-pablo-amar….jpg)

File: 72e751b83c25c64⋯.jpg (414.19 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, cannabis.jpg)

File: 961added8c8942f⋯.jpg (421.08 KB, 776x489, 776:489, THIS-Is-What-Happens-In-Th….jpg)

File: c846c19c11bf72a⋯.jpg (693.32 KB, 792x393, 264:131, THIS-Is-What-Happens-In-Th….jpg)

872f0b  No.6307488

File: 477e0f91806ffba⋯.jpg (31.62 KB, 620x620, 1:1, bag of idiots lib.jpg)

4114c3  No.6307489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0cb007  No.6307490


Yep it's been in notables for a week or so now. Get ready to learn some new stuff. Also heres a crazy read on Trump being the greatest actor alive.


f57afd  No.6307491

To the Anon who gave me a few tips earlier in the week about manifesting success and positivity - thank you. Tried it over last two days and seems it instantly worked. Kind of shocked how well and how quickly really.

Definitely heeding your warnings too.

66fae9  No.6307492

File: efbfd269cfb6f27⋯.png (953.69 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D86864D3-9F81-488F-A614-79….png)

File: 640078922233c17⋯.png (1.66 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D64086E9-7D89-4482-BD68-0F….png)

File: f770109e7dbc668⋯.png (345.18 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0935A5E1-F71F-4EA9-857D-E9….png)

Newsweek hit piece on Christianity, Trump and Fox News making AOC the victim.


4aa4dd  No.6307493

File: 7ca50d9aa8b2068⋯.png (276.53 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia starts military drills in Crimea

Russia's Black Sea Fleet began military exercises in Crimea, TASS reported on Wednesday, citing the military's press office.

The press office stated: "The drills of the teams of Bal, Bastion and Bereg anti-ship coastal defense systems of the Black Sea Fleet’s missile and artillery units started at combat training ranges in Crimea." Around 50 special items of military hardware will be take part in the drills.

Both Russia and Ukraine claim sovereignty over Crimea and the peninsula is often in the forefront of tensions between Moscow and Kiev. Russia recently said that it will respond


52d8d3  No.6307494


Also mentioned at the red dinner…


222e03  No.6307495

File: 5e1b06a0b46863f⋯.png (436.98 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Screenshot (205).png)

Any other Anons, experiencing this epic Verizon outage of all phone/data in every major coastal city?

I have zero phone or data service in SF for the last 5 hours, yet my phone is freaking out with some sort of update notifications that I cannot see what they are??

Didn't Q mention that at least one of the cellular carriers were involved along with the social media platforms in their attempt to break/stall the largest platforms so the Declass and other incriminating info cannot be spread/shared?

6f77b4  No.6307496


u took ur trip code off

u afraid

4114c3  No.6307497



LIVE presser Putin

11f2c9  No.6307498

File: 002c555a8609f9b⋯.png (472.51 KB, 704x402, 352:201, Mirror7.png)


You Know I Love You.

385dba  No.6307499

File: 908427189d3995f⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Mine 1 Q.jpg)

WeeAnon. On this Bread. You're a STAR! . Lookie there luv. Didn't I tell ya people would love you're ideas? For you baby. You are my daily inspiration. . I love being your parent. I love taking care of you. I love you infinitely and always will. I am blessed to have you. Forever this note will live on, through history and baby, YOU are part of it. Thank you. For you. A mother could never ask for a better son or a better advocate. You are forever THE WeeAnon. I love you baby. Mom. God has blessed us so much. Poor in material items. Rich in Spirit and Huge LOVE

489864  No.6307500



shit… ty anons… i ignored that link when i saw it posted.

1ad638  No.6307501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

66fae9  No.6307502

021bbf  No.6307503

File: df31a8fc3c9581e⋯.png (213.38 KB, 542x303, 542:303, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: 9faa103d2e1a1c4⋯.png (162.98 KB, 447x308, 447:308, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: 349ff4e17c5af8b⋯.png (167.62 KB, 554x311, 554:311, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: 05a8e6d2a5a2c35⋯.png (151.21 KB, 546x303, 182:101, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: afcc8632899f736⋯.png (121.83 KB, 553x308, 79:44, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

05fed7  No.6307504

File: 682699c7656c968⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 000_1FO2TC-640x400.jpg)

File: 79d2c9d5b5c611d⋯.jpg (7.22 KB, 299x168, 299:168, download.jpg)

File: 22693dc7a5ca424⋯.jpg (116.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: 10a05b197d0b64e⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


What do you make of this Pet Goat 2 video?

Predictive Programming?

33ed57  No.6307506

U can't win. Evil is my bitch. Time to purge peacefully. We do not initiate. We can retaliate, with decimation. We choose love and peace. You'd be sorry last breath u called the bluff. Not a game. Swallow the pride. Love ya

d3d268  No.6307508


I assume you're not talking at me anon, because I agree.

They would not be able to hold their load this long if they actually had the passwords.

b2c5e1  No.6307509


That's when Q switched

Monday when they gave it away

What the fuck you think Lock Routed CA IP and tag means lolz 🤣

8e143d  No.6307510


People must be unwatching it because the view count is now 75,632.

6f77b4  No.6307511


i wish i had artsitic ability like that, those visuals are noice tripp

11f2c9  No.6307512


That's the Game isn't it.

But I do love being me.

68b2b7  No.6307513


apologies if am spraying at shills and hitting cool anons w/friendly fire


the bitchute homo from boston sounds hilarious & fake

d3d268  No.6307514


The quality of a news article decreases in proportion to the number of words in the headline.

6f77b4  No.6307515




that man dont speak engrish. russi translator neded

790f6c  No.6307516


The board doesn't process IP addresses as raw data. It's converted into a hash, much the same way as a tripcode works. To see the IP address proper, you would need admin level access (Jim, codemonkey). The spooks & clowns might be able to retrieve it, but idk.

66fae9  No.6307517


Yep, Putin jumped on that as soon as the Ukraine’s Presidential Election was done.

d3d268  No.6307518

File: ac60417bc3f8a6b⋯.png (166.14 KB, 363x550, 33:50, ClipboardImage(113).png)


No worries anon, that's half the fun sometimes.

66fae9  No.6307519



Good point.

11f2c9  No.6307520

File: be957c72f6477a2⋯.jpg (59.12 KB, 728x504, 13:9, FollowHisMoves.jpg)


Happy to hear yet another success story from here. Great moves, I honor you. Now take that momentum and keep pouring it on. Keep your Prayers of creation going with high Expectations the whole way.


263229  No.6307521

File: 002f859d3e0eece⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 255x161, 255:161, 9a07c4b915829802b5e07dbccd….jpg)

4aa4dd  No.6307522

File: 3172071044d6e2d⋯.png (146.52 KB, 370x212, 185:106, ClipboardImage.png)

China and Russia to hold joint navy drills next week

BEIJING – China says it will hold joint naval drills with Russia next week.

Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang said Thursday that the drills will be held off the eastern port city of Qingdao.

He said they will be held from Monday to Saturday and will feature ships and submarines, along with fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and marine units.

Despite past mistrust, China and Russia's alliance has been growing closer in recent years, in part due to common rivalry with the U.S.


33ed57  No.6307523

The quality of living decreases with every negative word the runts of the litter spew. It's all they have. The sneaky, manipulative tactic. Not merit. For the record, doesn't stop a runt being king. Love ya.

d19825  No.6307524

File: 538030924173efb⋯.jpg (181.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 538030924173efbc0139da1e06….jpg)

YaY! Q posted again!

Cheers anons!

*Takes drink*

To a great fucking incoming days!

8e975a  No.6307525


The Federal Bridge

Entrust Datacard



d3d268  No.6307526


I think it's a quote, but can't sauce it.

Just say Benjamin Franklin, that always seems to work, kek.

66fae9  No.6307527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🎶🎶 Stevie Ray Vaughn - Cold Shot 🎶🎶

4aa4dd  No.6307528

File: ce1d2c448ffe203⋯.png (368.23 KB, 949x1199, 949:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 285ace41a306b53⋯.png (2.53 MB, 894x1200, 149:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f76806960947a39⋯.png (2.66 MB, 922x1200, 461:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8d10df918d005d⋯.png (1.76 MB, 675x1200, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

Atty Joe D stated on the Ingraham Angle that there were 4 contractors who illegally spied on our incoming President Trump and others. Oddly enough the contractors appear to be pictured on the cover of the Economist Magizine

6f77b4  No.6307529


yay military exercises.



385dba  No.6307530

File: 37c56d0c0425145⋯.png (2.19 MB, 2560x2590, 256:259, May Flowers Alpha.png)


I cannot understand Anon but I can imagine and my life would be devastated without him. love caring for him, yes, all the surgeries, all the missed sleep, so what, LOVE conquers all… patience helps

263229  No.6307531


Yep. I am sure you have heard that audio before?

4aa4dd  No.6307532

File: 8fb26b94c4fcd49⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1240x697, 1240:697, ClipboardImage.png)

Putin welcomes Kim's efforts to normalize ties with US, hopes for denuclearization talks progress

Leaders of Russia and North Korea sat down for a historic summit in Vladivostok, expressing hope it will revive the peace process in the Korean Peninsula and talks on normalizing relations with the US.

The summit on Russky Island, just off Vladivostok, started a little late because President Vladimir Putin’s flight was delayed. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had made the trip by train, arriving on Wednesday.

In brief public remarks before the talks, the two leaders expressed hope the summit will help move forward the reconciliation process in the Korean Peninsula. Putin welcomed Kim’s contributions to “normalizing relations” with the US and opening a dialogue with South Korea.

Kim said he hoped the Vladivostok summit would be a “milestone” in the talks about denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, but also build upon “traditionally friendly ties” between Russia and North Korea.

Also on rt.com First handshake: Putin greets Kim on historic visit to Russia (VIDEO)

The North Korean leader also made a point of thanking Putin for flying all the way to Vladivostok for the meeting. The Far East Russian city is only 129 kilometers from the border with North Korea.

The historic summit takes place less than two months after Kim’s second summit with US President Donald Trump in Hanoi fell apart without a breakthrough on denuclearization. The US rejected North Korea’s request for partial sanctions relief in return for moves to dismantle nuclear and missile programs; Washington insists on full disarmament before any sanctions are removed.

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is the main subject of the Kim-Putin summit, but there will also be talks about bilateral relations, trade, and humanitarian aid. The first one-on-one meeting is scheduled to last about an hour, followed by further consultations involving other government officials.

Following the summit, Putin is scheduled to visit China.


d3d268  No.6307533



Hey, is that QR code readable on the original?

11f2c9  No.6307534

File: 488ac70ebfa11a9⋯.jpg (503.9 KB, 1440x2007, 160:223, #BecauseMath.JPG)


Never shared this one before.

Seems Perfectly fitting.


9900ba  No.6307535

File: 95b0693700957a8⋯.jpg (287.42 KB, 1445x797, 1445:797, morning-covfeve.jpg)


Awww yeah full AB

385dba  No.6307536

File: fe04c4f3b6a2bc0⋯.png (1.11 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Autist Puzzle Q Alt Alpha.png)


who chooses? You? Look at thread name faggot. It's dedicated to my son so…fuck off

8e975a  No.6307537


Yes. ex employee as well

33ed57  No.6307539

Seriously, who cares. U MAKE SHIT

abe9cb  No.6307540

File: 91a3d2877b71e21⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 400x222, 200:111, Anna Ardin Julian Assange.JPG)

Anna Ardin (or Anna Bernardin) who the Mail refers to as 'Woman A'. She is one of the accusers in the case against Julian Assange. An interesting fact about this photograph is that it was taken two days after Anna Ardin was allegedly sexually assaulted at the hands of Julian Assange. Ardin would claim five days after the photograph was taken that Assange had sexually assaulted her a week earlier. Here is an unexpurgated but cropped photograph of four happy people. Ardin is on the left and Assange on the right. One of them is a victim.


4aa4dd  No.6307541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Putin welcomes Kim's efforts to normalize ties with US, hopes for denuclearization talks progress


>Leaders of Russia and North Korea sat down for a historic summit in Vladivostok, expressing hope it will revive the peace process in the Korean Peninsula and talks on normalizing relations with the US.

6f77b4  No.6307542


what is wrong w world leaders. why does it take multiple years to talk abt denucleariazation. why does it take multiple conversations and more thn 2 years

7e4764  No.6307543

Enjoy your piracy.

66fae9  No.6307544


Benjamin Franklin Quotes


015655  No.6307545



5dfcd5  No.6307546


>I found you. Can you even see your dick?

Someone is sexually attracted to fatties I see…

b1acf7  No.6307547

File: ba67b13435a3dcd⋯.jpg (138.91 KB, 1087x632, 1087:632, IMG_20190425_053803_036.JPG)

92dd18  No.6307549


Guess who they will roll out at the last minute in the Pres run???

cumon…one guess.

385dba  No.6307550

File: dbda696d8849198⋯.png (2.49 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Bubble Q Alpha.png)


OH FUCK! Is it morning already?

7e4764  No.6307551


Everyone has leverage. No one wants to be left vulnerable. That's why.

If you were asked at gun point to put down your guns would you just do it?

5dfcd5  No.6307552


>Enjoy your piracy.


Forza Horizon 4 still hasn't been cracked. Better get to it ASAP. Game is not gonna crack itself now is it? And Forza Horizon 3 crack needs to be updated to work with the latest version of Windows…

66216f  No.6307553


Because those two guys are not the world leaders. Puppets trying to cut the embedded strings of the cabal in their countrys. Just like here. Duhhhhhh

12869a  No.6307554

File: 0af1d86eb1da56c⋯.png (138.07 KB, 292x173, 292:173, ClipboardImage.png)


your son will be dead in a few weeks, keep on mourning and kys together with that bitch baker of yours

go circleyerk somewhere else

0cb007  No.6307555

File: 7a65cf60be46df2⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 1031x1031, 1:1, IMG_1556185148506.jpg)

4ef9ca  No.6307556

File: 891ed26f86a287c⋯.jpg (227.69 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Dreams-Come-True.jpg)

File: 7ebf1769f4e249c⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 279x180, 31:20, Love.jpg)


I do. Even though it's difficult to believe that it could possibly be true. Even though it seems far too good to be true. You've proven it. And I feel it.

So it looks like all my dreams from long ago are coming True after all.

You are a Big Mystery to me.

Also, I don't really understand your meme, but maybe that's OK?

4aa4dd  No.6307557

File: 04bad0abcec342d⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 2398x3154, 1199:1577, 19.jpg)

File: ab60c559deb5d18⋯.png (1.31 MB, 942x530, 471:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f0fd472bc5f551⋯.png (508.22 KB, 532x365, 532:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b3ad66f4700c16⋯.png (366.55 KB, 447x300, 149:100, ClipboardImage.png)




>Hey, is that QR code readable on the original?

Have at it…try this one!

HIDDEN MESSAGES: The World in 2019 According to the Economist Magazine


f57afd  No.6307558


So true. Thank you!

I’m starting to see how this all works now. Exciting times.

7e4764  No.6307559


>Forza Horizon 4 still hasn't been cracked. Better get to it ASAP. Game is not gonna crack itself now is it? And Forza Horizon 3 crack needs to be updated to work with the latest version of Windows…

Hey i need a break sometimes too.

Cracks are done when they are done.

If that's not fast enough, then crack it yourself.

385dba  No.6307560

File: ccf7679784abe70⋯.jpg (478.53 KB, 1252x1074, 626:537, Hammer of Justice Q.jpg)


Bring it

66fae9  No.6307561

File: 78b386c7e2a0036⋯.png (2.02 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 48BA2AB1-A121-4FD9-81C3-7E….png)

5dfcd5  No.6307562


Looks very realistic. Is it real though? Probably not since (((you))) have posted it.

33ed57  No.6307563

File: 5f82655f5c22d8c⋯.jpg (14.22 KB, 205x255, 41:51, cf92854a1a220772529d293b6e….jpg)

Simples. Glass half empty vs glass half full. Misery loves company. We gave it a go out of compassion. Please respect us for that. We don't want or like it. Time to leave or die under your favourite tree. Love ya

b1acf7  No.6307564

File: 1332501e236563e⋯.jpeg (143.68 KB, 1500x1150, 30:23, 1546019222.jpeg)

6f77b4  No.6307565


most random post ever


great perspective. great insight.


hmm anotehr perspective, makes sense makes sense


man if i the had the wealth of pony ma, graet money makeer and the intelligence of POTUS

72ee9d  No.6307566


Does the "parent" not have the "police" talk with their kids anymore? Was given a few basic rules.

0cb007  No.6307567


The key is to block negativity out completely. Negative energy is the only thing that will bring you down. Were light at heart, easily influenced by dark.

263229  No.6307568


I think that Q shutdown/disabled their keys on Election Night, but allowed the mid-term stealing for further documentation of fraud. Which means that our POTUS won, because the DS/Hillary couldn't steal it. The connection of Rose Law Firm and it's status as an "employee" with Entrust. I am saying employee, because I can't remember what the official title was, but it meant that they (Rose) could author and verify certificates *for* Entrust.

12de0a  No.6307569

File: 516d84f20adeeec⋯.jpeg (294.92 KB, 1798x1472, 899:736, CE55C215-EDF8-4CA3-AB78-2….jpeg)

looks like it was a helluva nightshift

66fae9  No.6307570


Best one of the day.


6ac294  No.6307571


No joke, I was sitting here munching on Cheesy Hot Popcorn when he said that. I kek'ed so hard I almost choked.

385dba  No.6307572

File: 51984adacd75459⋯.png (122.13 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Now Comes Pain Punisher Q ….png)


Lets meet. LOVE to have coffee together. I'll bring my pitchfork

5dfcd5  No.6307573


Welp, if everyone commenting there begging for cracks are fake, then no need to crack I guess…

68b2b7  No.6307574

File: 5b2ff9c54abf0fb⋯.jpg (85.57 KB, 677x1024, 677:1024, rev2.jpg)

674a9e  No.6307576


>bitch baker

you DO realize that God loves you, too, right?

you may not know it, but you are loved.

and really…is that the best you got?

5216cd  No.6307577

File: 58d0ab7561ea74c⋯.png (948.11 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 492c67e6a005943⋯.png (1.31 MB, 960x629, 960:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ca2cf896166931⋯.png (1.31 MB, 960x629, 960:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bb2d97217a1300⋯.png (1.08 MB, 960x602, 480:301, ClipboardImage.png)


Flipped in Photoshop

1. Facial Recognition

2. New Horizon Ultima Thule

3. Comey's lying

4. Putin's Pipeline

5. Famine, DNA, Hemp/Pharmaceuticals?

6. Mona Angelina & a Pangolin

7. Elephant tusk upwards trend; bull market

8. Genetically engineered babies

9. 4 Horsemen

10. The desks, scale, man with a quill, the QR code and smartphone

11. Da Vinci's helicopter to the moon…

05fed7  No.6307578

File: 6ebd2ed3630b40e⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 2481x3508, 2481:3508, Battle.jpg)

0cb007  No.6307579


Must suck to be an eternal jew ;)

4ef9ca  No.6307581

File: 2c30bc7b60be779⋯.jpg (421.9 KB, 900x758, 450:379, Let's-Fly-Pegasus.jpg)


>Seems Perfectly fitting.

This is Dreamy. I Hope you're right.


f5bee0  No.6307582


That and the, we are not alone are the most mysterious to me anon.

Will we find out ? Hope Q does reveal details on those.

4aa4dd  No.6307583

File: 0b529a91a2d7160⋯.png (307.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 04.24.2019


>>>6303367 rt >>6303277 -————————– Michael S. Rogers.

f57afd  No.6307584


Yes I feel that. Problem is a 3rd party colleague in our venture has a great deal of dark/depressive energy to him, can actually feel it in the air sometime. I think This is seriously sinking the ship, turning opportunity away

872f0b  No.6307585



:: knee slap ::

33ed57  No.6307586

I have my own standard. Ur lips move but I can't hear what ya saying. We will never be as good a friends as we coulda been.

872f0b  No.6307587


Sick Sick Fucker!

039c07  No.6307588

File: d15b2d1f71051a1⋯.png (18.81 KB, 329x673, 329:673, ClipboardImage.png)


why such a large black background?

385dba  No.6307589

File: 441e30faa4aa4cb⋯.png (261.99 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Boom Q 5 Alpha.png)


Threatening a special needs child? Really? What can he do back? Not much. But have you met his mom? Royal Bitch. She will fuck you up. Want to meet in person? I promise it will be explosive. Parts of you may never leave….

d19825  No.6307590

File: b8b18406c4ec28b⋯.jpg (55.8 KB, 500x378, 250:189, 1468948457852.jpg)

11f2c9  No.6307591

File: 7b578d2a7d24103⋯.png (131.99 KB, 761x774, 761:774, FollowHisMoves.png)

File: 551da53a1eaf906⋯.png (133.5 KB, 704x678, 352:339, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

File: ffc554ae2c666d4⋯.png (54.86 KB, 607x449, 607:449, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: a44c198bb00a27d⋯.png (24.7 KB, 609x187, 609:187, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)


Exciting it Right.

Dream Big and work hard behind it, and KNOW that every BEST action that you take, as "The Extra Mile is NEVER crowded", with Ideal Intentions and HIGH Expectations, backed by Prayer (Thought, Imaginings, FEELING as if YOU ARE what YOU WANT to BE ALREADY, and then Action -→ James 4:7)

And if you can get anyone IRL to Pray with you, or drop a request on Anons here, and we'll get it working.

THIS is How we WIN.

Again, Thrilled to hear you broke through Anon. Nothing can stop you now. Or /US/




Jer 29:11


33ed57  No.6307592

Pull in

abe9cb  No.6307593


so stolen…..fekkin KEK !!

4ef9ca  No.6307595

File: f56dc1636cdf804⋯.jpg (917.62 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Liberty-Shift-LibertyLoves….jpg)

File: d55842cce8de786⋯.jpg (536.78 KB, 1380x524, 345:131, Liberty-Loves-Company-Meme….jpg)

File: 11de0965e05f017⋯.jpg (208.74 KB, 734x348, 367:174, Liberty-Loves-Company-Game….jpg)


> Misery loves company.

Didn't you get the memo, Anon?

We're changing that one.

It's "Liberty Loves Company" now.

872f0b  No.6307596


After waking up and sitting on piss when someone did not raise the toilet lid makes it difficult to block out "Negativity".

Sets the tone for the day!

6f77b4  No.6307597


ummmm the fuck is groin on there


would u rather it be rainbow colored?

12869a  No.6307598


shouldn´t have sex with your son

makes dump ppl, maybe obidient but dump

8e975a  No.6307599


It’s possible. I can tell you this…. Entrust Datacard is scared as fuck of phishing attempts…. after what happened with the DNC email “hack”.

The company needs to be investigated ASAP

6aa5a4  No.6307600

File: 32fd1fbe8fd7987⋯.png (181.05 KB, 300x458, 150:229, MoistBaderGinsberg.png)

385dba  No.6307601

File: 2fc6bde26517cc6⋯.png (406.74 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 2A Punisher Q Alt Alpha.png)


You do realize Q Team very well knows who I am. and you….get a visit from Secret Service. Hide the drugs man…

263229  No.6307602


Could very well be Michaelle. A last minute entry would prevent a shit-ton of negative. But with Fitton's latest proof yesterday, of Hillary's emails being found on Obama's server…I think they've already been game theoried' by Q. Not to mention that Clapper already said that the Russian Collusion (Delusion) lands at Obama's doorstep.

755052  No.6307603


>Predictive Programming?


[They] have to tell us the evil they will do before it happens. It's the rules of the game.

4aa4dd  No.6307605

File: e4975a474ff46ed⋯.png (630.25 KB, 427x640, 427:640, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh it's been a lovely ride of fun times but it's time to get our hands dirty putting these fools where they belong ⚰️

12869a  No.6307606


come at me bro!

872f0b  No.6307607



Sitting in piss always makes me feel cheery and light-hearted.


790f6c  No.6307608


>ummmm the fuck is groin on there

Jewish degeneracy. Cross dressers, sex changes, distortion & mocking of social norms… If you read about some of the depravity in Berlin just before Hitler took power, you would not be able to distinguish it from modern SanFran.

b8137c  No.6307609


Cartel , human trafficker…

4aa4dd  No.6307610

File: 0d12f35fbf80828⋯.png (1.15 MB, 745x838, 745:838, ClipboardImage.png)

Yabba dabba doo

a04527  No.6307611


Thats wrong on so many levels pray you never cross my path you sick mother fucker!

b1acf7  No.6307612

File: 50bba06441d38c7⋯.jpeg (204.51 KB, 800x1028, 200:257, 1546019072.jpeg)


There's comedy gold in them there hills.

039c07  No.6307613


2c7bdab59f3fa9b802a0eb1aaf0efec8625aec237fca93e6a4fdadd01d1f0287 (1)


33ed57  No.6307614

I am pure. Do ur best. I accept it all. Let the rule of law reign!

6f77b4  No.6307615


wy are jews like this

do any other religions do the same?

7e4764  No.6307616


>[They] have to tell us the evil they will do before it happens. It's the rules of the game.

I've heard this a few times over the years but never seen any actual evidence that this is the case.

Sauce it please?

385dba  No.6307617

File: b4bfba184634ef1⋯.png (469.67 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Tears of Joy Q Alpha.png)


Not me you gotta worry about. Pbbt. I'm harmless.

12de0a  No.6307618

File: 99e9ce74a1d4b53⋯.jpeg (241.14 KB, 1800x977, 1800:977, E5F99FF0-9AB8-4F55-989B-0….jpeg)

sooo, just got back in after snoozing right through nightshift and q posts

who are the 4 contractors?

awans plus 2?

12869a  No.6307619

File: d4c421620a78498⋯.png (149.51 KB, 273x185, 273:185, ClipboardImage.png)


why wanna meet ? you can have sex with artist anon and the dead child can watch

4aa4dd  No.6307620

File: f6b21a6bfdc85a9⋯.png (579.32 KB, 856x642, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Joe Biden expected to drop out of the 2020 presidential campaign Thursday

Joe Biden is about to strike out..

4ef9ca  No.6307621

File: 260c45bdafb381a⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 429x429, 1:1, What-Day-Night-Shift.jpg)

d19825  No.6307622

File: 4c3a9b4bce4d59c⋯.jpg (147.77 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, b76230e0419b3a871e6f2806c8….jpg)

1ad638  No.6307623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

674a9e  No.6307624


>After waking up and sitting on piss when someone did not raise the toilet lid

Some people don't even have the luxury of sitting on a toilet.

<notice I didn't say "privilege"…that's a faggot word

6f77b4  No.6307625


wut up mroning shift guy

i think it was some fbi duddes that guy on utube was jabbering abt

385dba  No.6307626


5 minutes and you will walk away with arms, legs, teeth in a basket. Play me bitch

33ed57  No.6307627

I'm untouchable. Even dismembered. Not my problem.

790f6c  No.6307628


>wy are jews like this

Far as I know, it's genetic predisposition, anon. They're born mentally broken, accentuate that mental illness in yheir culture, and they want to bring the world down to their level at the same time. Who knows, really?

381ced  No.6307629

Baker has left the kitchen

Collected notes at 300ish


>>6307461 Bernie heckled at "She the People" event

>>6307492 Newsweek hit piece on Christianity, Trump and Fox: AOC the victim

>>6307522 China/Russia joint navy drills next week

>>6307532 Putin welcomes Kim's efforts to normalize US ties

(got the third Q post in the notes as well)

33ed57  No.6307630


872f0b  No.6307631

12869a  No.6307632

File: 69cdf55c8160012⋯.png (143.42 KB, 303x166, 303:166, ClipboardImage.png)


5min are already over, go join the army

77b719  No.6307633

File: b960aa3a85d7fa0⋯.jpg (66.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Young-Trump-Supporters-Get….jpg)

America surviea

4aa4dd  No.6307634

File: 088145b1e45fef5⋯.mp4 (888.56 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Listen very carefully to s….mp4)


Listen very carefully to statements made by Joe D. Admiral Michael S. Rogers [NSA]

f57afd  No.6307636


Excellent. Thank you all.

12de0a  No.6307637

File: bdebceec749b615⋯.jpeg (541.13 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 583AA199-C72E-4756-93D6-5….jpeg)


seems to me shit be habbening rapidly

i gotta feelin bout next week

when the congress critters report back on monday…

abe9cb  No.6307638

File: 2137b34a261a0ad⋯.png (3.5 KB, 144x90, 8:5, yurfked.PNG)

a04527  No.6307639


Think a few pics will get me mad enough to get locked up again? punk bitch

33ed57  No.6307640

That soul is NOT ur guardian angel. Just sayin.

6f77b4  No.6307641


daing so how do we fix it

mandate shrinks to every jew?

u think non-jew shrinks are the answrr?

77b719  No.6307642

File: f2a68b6207084a0⋯.jpg (42.62 KB, 500x386, 250:193, Fuck You Mexico_1.jpg)

Mexico is a enemy to all American people.

12de0a  No.6307643

File: d970593809cfa2f⋯.jpeg (190.85 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, A2846C59-A25B-4F6C-80C4-9….jpeg)


that dead baby post was akin to internet seppuku

039c07  No.6307644

File: 06973fda1f57cd1⋯.png (314.58 KB, 1381x681, 1381:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d13fb7d567983f⋯.png (200.53 KB, 1118x700, 559:350, ClipboardImage.png)


when you look close you get this

when you move away you get white

there is something hidden in the files i dont know how to get the hidden though..

4aa4dd  No.6307645

File: 8745038a23e880d⋯.png (725.24 KB, 720x615, 48:41, ClipboardImage.png)

551791  No.6307646

File: 0a0c0a191044194⋯.jpg (855.35 KB, 1435x2110, 287:422, SmartSelect_20190425-06004….jpg)



385dba  No.6307647

File: 9b20b8adf3c863c⋯.png (12.47 MB, 3347x5110, 3347:5110, Band of AnonsAlt.png)


Good time for BV/BO to step up

6f77b4  No.6307648


hope ur right fella




rip to that baby, such is sadness

the world holds

790f6c  No.6307649


>how do we fix it

Short of holocaust 2.0, I don't really know. The best place to start would be white identity and embrace racism/antisemitism again as a self defense strategy. Educate the culture about subversion.

4ef9ca  No.6307650


Beautiful pup.

77b719  No.6307651

File: f2a68b6207084a0⋯.jpg (42.62 KB, 500x386, 250:193, Fuck You Mexico_1.jpg)

File: 5e57c650ad05f2e⋯.jpg (37.51 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 8cec0997801288a0aa5c18f01a….jpg)

Trump nuke Mexico or resign you fat Degenerate.

12de0a  No.6307652

File: 8e7370889578950⋯.jpeg (503.53 KB, 1796x1471, 1796:1471, 3DFE86C2-382B-4954-91EA-3….jpeg)


>and it's been given to Bill Barr already


11f2c9  No.6307653

File: 72a1db0066d72f1⋯.jpg (328.25 KB, 900x601, 900:601, (P)eaceISThe(P)rize.jpg)


>You've proven it. And I feel it.

I look forward to hearing how I proved it, but anything for You. And I'm happy you can feel it. We all need more love. I hate all of Us being divided. Thank God for the Internet, but I yearn so deeply to be in touch with my People. Some to the point of it paining me. And I know that many of us feel the same. Damn this war.

>So it looks like all my dreams from long ago are coming True after all.

Me too.

> You are a Big Mystery to me.

Ditto. Although, I don't see how I can be a Mystery to YOU. Kek!

> You are a Big Mystery to me.

Think Mirror.

God Bless You Anon. I Hope to truly meet You soon. Milk & Cookies and other snacks are always here for ANY Children of the LIGHT. All of You are ALWAYS welcome. Especially YOU.

You'll have to crank the audio on this one, from an Oklahoma boy in 1996. I'll let it speak for itself. Thank You for being You Anon.




d19825  No.6307654


I'm surprised there hasn't been an uprising in Europe when it comes to seppuku. LET THE MEMES BE FREEE!!!


cbc98c  No.6307655

File: 1bf5cf3e69d053a⋯.png (1.7 MB, 992x744, 4:3, aenditments hillary.png)

790f6c  No.6307656


That meadow is clearly missing a white woman in a sundress. PR Dept shouldn't have let that pic go out.

cbc98c  No.6307657

File: f4ac89bffc68428⋯.png (243.33 KB, 472x337, 472:337, barr, and JA.png)

33ed57  No.6307658

We win. Only unknown is 'collateral'. U want the power?! U got it. B best.

77b719  No.6307659

File: ed9d2c7ad7980d7⋯.png (515.73 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, downloadfile-127.png)

Trump is deep state garbage.

6f77b4  No.6307660


there has to be a way without having to kill them.

use of deadly force on such a pop is unrealisitc.

i like what u said abt educating the culture abt subversion but thats like giving a cure.

we need to prevent it from happenign to begi n with.

what ways can we prevent it.

4ef9ca  No.6307661


>I yearn so deeply to be in touch with my People. Some to the point of it paining me.

6aa5a4  No.6307662

File: bdff2e02f482c24⋯.png (118.91 KB, 255x360, 17:24, ShillSpotting.png)

Now only CP is missing.

And then the shock-shills have brought the full arsenal.

2b247f  No.6307663


1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

5. The earth is hollow

6. Reptilians live among us

7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

8. We are all actually AI computers

9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon


10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

13. Autism and auto-immune disorders from vaccines. Known and intentional.

14. Glyphosate causes cancer and/or expensive mystery ailments

15 The Archons have infested most of us and have been running our entire civilization as a loosh farm

16 satan is real and he owns 99% of us

17 Alien invasion is coming, we will all suffer a Lovecraft-tier horrible fate and there is nothing we can do about it

18 MK-Ultra continues and is >100x bigger than it was in the 70s. The CIA has been using psychotronic weapons, split-personality mind control, and mood altering drugs on the general public.

19 We have all been given a virus that can be used as a killswitch if we get uppity

20 The elite have hived the entire planet to satan and we are all being led to the slaughter as sacrificial livestock

12869a  No.6307664

File: 6c063c19971611d⋯.png (132.61 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

385dba  No.6307665


Gonna do something or sit? You ok with this? Some shit just aint fucking right. Threaten a disabled minor with violence in not 8Chan. We won't stand for it. GLOBAL REPORT

4aa4dd  No.6307666

File: 62597f9e737f3f2⋯.png (322.67 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b18de8009b1e17b⋯.png (512.93 KB, 898x701, 898:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1fd0069ca5d520⋯.png (1.1 MB, 898x701, 898:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4085b9b57444e9⋯.png (594.77 KB, 590x701, 590:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a645ae7439e67a4⋯.png (447.66 KB, 898x701, 898:701, ClipboardImage.png)

spoopy or spoofy?

Ex-government diplomat sensationally confirms 'aliens and UFOs are REAL during summit

A FORMER government diplomat has sent shock waves through the paranormal community after apparently confirming, not only intelligent aliens exist, but they visit earth in UFOs.

He added: "I have also written articles that have appeared in China’s encyclopaedia, which is a very prestigious encyclopaedia that was edited by Shen Shituan, a famous scientist in my country.”

Mr Shituan, a rocket scientist also serving as president of the Beijing Aerospace University at the time, claimed every alleged UFO sighting deserved further examination.

He said: "Some of these sightings are real, some are fake and with others it’s unclear.

“All these phenomena are worth researching.”

The Paradigm Research Group is calling on failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to pressure outgoing president Barack Obama to release confidential files that could prove aliens exist before he steps down.

Mrs Clinton had vowed to release such files if she made it into the White House.


11f2c9  No.6307667

File: 3779568276c53ff⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x540, 2:3, GoldenTouch17.gif)


This!! Yes!!

New Rules, New Words, New Phrases, New Creations.

Perfect Anon.

33ed57  No.6307668

Dr. Trump has paid his dues. Have you?

b1acf7  No.6307669

File: cdb3a58e95781c6⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 254x188, 127:94, 1555818496.jpg)

015655  No.6307670


Global report what?

039c07  No.6307671

File: e89a5243c45c757⋯.png (281.02 KB, 991x680, 991:680, ClipboardImage.png)


more unknown stuff

6f77b4  No.6307672


crashed pilots?

263229  No.6307673


DiGenova seems quite confident in calling Rogers a HERO. We'd be giving him a demotion to make a meme of him as Captain America.

Admiral America?


kek…that's fuckin' great.

790f6c  No.6307674


Oh chit. I just thought of something. Did Joe say when those cases were given to Barr? I don't remember hearing that in the show. I wonder if he knew while he was giving his press conference on the Special Counsel Report. Imagine hiding that many power levels.

d19825  No.6307675

File: a85666943ae224c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 15.3 KB, 237x255, 79:85, a85666943ae224c36d0ae3e1f0….jpg)





This is just for you!

It's spoiler for a reason.

Be brave, patriot! Click on it!

77b719  No.6307676

File: 8e72356a6e0d0c5⋯.jpg (36.24 KB, 600x664, 75:83, downloadfile.jpg)

I'm ex military and the same age as Trump.

I see Trump in person I'll flip him end over end…. Trump is a fat fucker.

b1acf7  No.6307677

File: 96adc5059de1e8d⋯.jpg (23.36 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1538020607.jpg)

674a9e  No.6307678

File: e1deb551ac209ab⋯.jpg (44.71 KB, 716x606, 358:303, artistboobs.jpg)


>Good time for BV/BO to step up

nah, that's not how it works.

you exposed a weakness, and shills are jumping on it…you've been here long enough to know this.

vent, purge, do whatever it is you need to do to get thru your dark times, but when you go into emotional territory here, you should be prepared for the worst…cuz that's what you'll get.

actually, you're better off posting t-shirt shots like this one you posted a while back…I saved it cuz that's a nice rack.

whatever…you're among frens here (mostly)…we ain't gonna tattle. kek

12de0a  No.6307679


looks like a stealth bomber in there

cbc98c  No.6307680

File: 6755c31002f797e⋯.png (9.89 MB, 2796x1850, 1398:925, HC soccor ball.png)

039c07  No.6307681



381ced  No.6307682

Repost of PB notables in #8066


>>6306898 U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, actor Danny Glover make impromptu visit to Haiti

>>6306953 DiGenova brought out Adm. Rodgers as a hero

>>6306999 Race, politics and the Obamas: Valerie Jarrett’s new book traces her steps from Iran to Chicago to the White House”

>>6307035 Nixon and Trump connection.

50a346  No.6307683


and de Niro is still a freeman

6aa5a4  No.6307684


OMG ! How dare you !!


<FYI Tiffany is the hottest Trump by far IMHO.


cbc98c  No.6307685

File: 72193c482add769⋯.png (351.03 KB, 509x437, 509:437, proxy.duckduckgo.com.png)

File: 5fb132fe1e1676b⋯.jpg (36.03 KB, 474x526, 237:263, t5rw4gtwe5gtwetrgweg.jpg)

6f77b4  No.6307686


mad random post. trump would beat u worse than he'd beat Joe Biden.

Stop threatening the man.

12de0a  No.6307687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ty, this has become

the song

4aa4dd  No.6307688

File: 51dcd22e5831609⋯.png (11.15 KB, 960x500, 48:25, ClipboardImage.png)

d19825  No.6307689


That's Tiffany Trump?!

(googles it quickly)


I had no idea!

4aa4dd  No.6307690


Breaking down the last 100 bills in the US government.

6bc3d0  No.6307691

Dead baby pic posts by shills remind me of the gayporn and gore shilling from right b4 we went mainstream…

Like some dead babies gonna scare anons away… they should see the astral projections by the holy ghost of the shit i seen happening to the (((sons of satan)))… now thats some shit to make ur gut ache.

790f6c  No.6307692


If you want to prevent it, pass a new constitutional amendment forbidding jews to take residence in, hold office in, or engage in politics within the USA. Kick them out. That's how you prevent it.

50a346  No.6307693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


de Niro showing the Pain

33ed57  No.6307694

Like the Berathian (?) bro sis headbutt? Move on

222e03  No.6307695

File: 867696a39af4196⋯.png (94.58 KB, 585x945, 13:21, Screenshot (207).png)

File: 1e089c7a0cdbcfc⋯.png (368.82 KB, 1511x942, 1511:942, Screenshot (205).png)

Verizon complete cellular and data outages in every major coastal metropolitan city.. would seem that they are preparing to shut down/put brakes on the platforms/system when the incriminating evidence hits, like De Class, etc. so it cannot be shared/spread.

Q asked the Q – "Phone Co.'s involved?"

385dba  No.6307696


no. NOT acceptable. Threaten me,I fuck you up, no big deal, fuck with my special needs kid, cant defend, I fucking destroy you. Piss off and eat you own shit, do not fuck with minors or special needs kids, fuck you sick bitch

6bc3d0  No.6307697


kys Gorka. Trump and his man gut would dog stomp a faggot like u.

12de0a  No.6307698

File: 24ac0719fef8c9b⋯.jpeg (220.38 KB, 1198x1479, 1198:1479, F744F697-3043-4611-B340-8….jpeg)


if he did, i missed it

and i gotta feeling we ain't seen nuthin yet

they got power levels the likes of which anons can only imagine

385dba  No.6307699



33ed57  No.6307700

It's not too late. Is 4 some

5dfcd5  No.6307701

File: 17cea215d988b17⋯.png (343.67 KB, 552x414, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Lemme do some shillin'…


Unless the plan is to turn it into a supermassive concentration camp. ;)

4ef9ca  No.6307702



Not gonna lie. "Soon" has become my least favorite word in the English language.

Love is patient… but it's not the easiest of virtues for me…

12869a  No.6307703


how come so mad bro ?

lift your spirit, just kill your child, than the burden is over

039c07  No.6307704

File: 1e3e1a0c03bc970⋯.png (249 KB, 597x507, 199:169, ClipboardImage.png)


go go go

11f2c9  No.6307705

File: 2b0ba6031b68b44⋯.png (596.19 KB, 2200x837, 2200:837, LoveMyFrens.png)


To have snacks and talk Heaven and MAGA. Get your mind and soul OUT of the gutter anon. We're here to

#1. Take Control of The Narrative

#2. Awaken The Masses

So….Let me ask you, WHAT is the NARRATIVE we are to be weaving?? And, what are we supposed to be awakening the masses to?? Just all the dirt that was hidden??






It's amazing that we can have 10 breads in a row of arguing and fighting and shilling, and worse, just look at this bread, and nobody much minds, but HOLY SHIT!!! Two people who pretty much LIVE on here, and have, I express (As tomorrow is promised to no man) that I love them with a thankful heart and that BOTHERS you??

What is "The Great Awakening to You"??


385dba  No.6307706



d19825  No.6307707



That is not the same anon posting that shit.



this is the anon.

12de0a  No.6307708

File: 69755042c03adea⋯.jpeg (352.24 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, ED4A596A-87DB-4DAC-93DA-8….jpeg)

4aa4dd  No.6307709

File: 151e38e018cb195⋯.png (398.85 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fd5d622602d87c⋯.png (327.4 KB, 380x794, 190:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13ac265c614a4c2⋯.png (48.55 KB, 378x795, 126:265, ClipboardImage.png)

Hacker Can Monitor Cars And Kill Their Engines After Breaking Into GPS Tracking Apps

“I can absolutely make a big traffic problem all over the world,” the hacker said.

A hacker broke into thousands of accounts belonging to users of two GPS tracker apps, giving him the ability to monitor the locations of tens of thousands of vehicles and even turn off the engines for some of them while they were in motion, Motherboard has learned.

The hacker, who goes by the name L&M, told Motherboard he hacked into more than 7,000 iTrack accounts and more than 20,000 ProTrack accounts, two apps that companies use monitor and manage fleets of vehicles through GPS tracking devices. The hacker was able to track vehicles in a handful of countries around the world, including South Africa, Morocco, India, and the Philippines. On some cars, the software has the capability of remotely turning off the engines of vehicles that are stopped or are traveling 12 miles per hour or slower, according to the manufacturer of certain GPS tracking devices.

By reverse engineering ProTrack and iTrack’s Android apps, L&M said he realized that all customers are given a default password of 123456 when they sign up.

At that point, the hacker said he brute-forced “millions of usernames” via the apps’ API. Then, he said he wrote a script to attempt to login using those usernames and the default password.

This allowed him to automatically break into thousands of accounts that were using the default password and extract data from them.

According to a sample of user data L&M shared with Motherboard, the hacker has scraped a treasure trove of information from ProTrack and iTrack customers, including: name and model of the GPS tracking devices they use, the devices’ unique ID numbers (technically known as an IMEI number); usernames, real names, phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses. (According to L&M, he was not able to get all of this information for all users; for some users he was only able to get some of the above information.)

Motherboard was able to confirm the data breach by speaking to four users included in the sample L&M shared with Motherboard, who confirmed that the data provided by the hacker was legitimate.

“My target was the company, not the customers. Customers are at risk because of the company,” L&M told Motherboard in an online chat. “They need to make money, and don't want to secure their customers.”


11f2c9  No.6307710


Saw the same.

Interesting colors.

ea8de3  No.6307711

File: 0c6908b126004a9⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x2057, 1242:2057, 70A1534D-E588-4942-B7F2-9….jpeg)

Creepy caves.

Joes playing nice.


9900ba  No.6307712



385dba  No.6307713


Sickens me. just… … who cares… so numb anymore… FUCK!

6aa5a4  No.6307714



Caps fail. Kek.

Nothing wrong with fucking on drugs. It's amazing actually.

I would never dream of heard a kid though, I don't even se how the two are related.

b37b85  No.6307715

>>6303277 (pb)

Late to the party, Q. Bombshell! My favorite besides the booms, was when Mike Huckabee said, "why does this matter to the average American sitting at home watching TV with a bowl of popcorn and a soda?" Popcorn! Enjoying the show! WWG1WGA

4ef9ca  No.6307716


Thanks, fren.

Exactly the drink I said I didn't want.


c5127d  No.6307717

The Florida House of Representatives has passed a bill that bans “sanctuary cities” for illegal aliens, would punish local governments for failing to help federal immigration authorities.


9900ba  No.6307718

File: f9f60609575301e⋯.jpg (178.89 KB, 498x936, 83:156, punisher-ldr.jpg)

6aa5a4  No.6307719

>>6307714 (me)

…never dream of hurting*…

<Don't ask…

385dba  No.6307720


You failed to read! MORON, LOOK! Jebuzzuass

77b719  No.6307721

File: e703f6f1d4e93e4⋯.jpg (109.52 KB, 969x837, 323:279, downloadfile-2.jpg)




Trump is a fat Degenerate pervert…

674a9e  No.6307722


>no. NOT acceptable

I think you're missing my point, and that's OK…you'll get it tomorrow after you've had some sleep and some time to reflect.

But I'll reiterate for posterity…the more angry you get, the more sick baby photos you'll get…that's just how it works.

I wish people were nicer, but they're not (especially the kikes and niggers…they are exceptionally NOT nice…but I digress).

Ah fuck it…spew away…if that's how you want to fill this bread I ain't gonna try to stop you.

12869a  No.6307723

File: 10d9f99ffedd7bf⋯.png (141.23 KB, 247x204, 247:204, ClipboardImage.png)



whatever you say white knight

1d6a8c  No.6307724

File: 58a54bd2cc15fc7⋯.jpg (181.41 KB, 962x918, 481:459, 12355098-6928937-She_was_p….jpg)



Smoke and mirrors.

5dfcd5  No.6307725



Probably shouldn't fuck on drugs unless you want (((Q))) team to do the fucking… >>6307330

f5a082  No.6307726


It cannot go slow. The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down.

6aa5a4  No.6307727


>You failed to read!

And you failed sarcasm.

11f2c9  No.6307728


I've reached that point as well the past 72 hours. I still Trust, I'm still mostly comfy, but I'm getting stir crazy and need to be unleashed into something I can sink my teeth into, and the sooner the better.

And the ONLY reason I have any patience is because God made me wait so long in the Deserts. Otherwise, I had none.

Soon cannot happen fast enough.

039c07  No.6307729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pain for Russian




6bc3d0  No.6307730

File: ec7e3fc1a0e65ed⋯.jpeg (174.19 KB, 1000x954, 500:477, 65461D8B-C016-4CD2-AD6D-4….jpeg)


Cry moar kike.

fd4e43  No.6307731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You sound like this little niggers, nigger mum. I flipped her. Come flip me now nigger. Ffs nigger go find a life.

dd336a  No.6307732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

E. Michael Jones (Catholic scholar) talks with a Jewish scholar about anti-Semitism.

Very interdasting talk.

33ed57  No.6307733

File: a73dd59c1333e8a⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0-3.jpg)

Very few people on here are my friends. But u know who u are. My heart very big!

2c5399  No.6307734

there's a new shill shitting up the catalog - kek

872f0b  No.6307735

File: 1b1054e783bb5a4⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 888x611, 888:611, Trump Difference.JPG)

872bb3  No.6307736

File: 31f4f3c1cb02856⋯.png (594.71 KB, 993x727, 993:727, Screenshot 2019-04-24 at 1….png)


Cause she died that day.

77b719  No.6307737

File: 5cf2d7107bd6f7f⋯.jpg (56.68 KB, 613x486, 613:486, Colt45.jpg)

File: cc757a8b8aa834d⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 627x476, 627:476, Franny.jpg)

Trump hides his southern border failure…

385dba  No.6307738


SICK FUCKERS/ OMG REALLY? I can't do this, you are so disgusting I threw up in my own trash can. You act like child death/pedo is ok….I'm sick with absolute revulvsion. Please Lord tell me this is not true!!!!!!!!

6bc3d0  No.6307740


EMJ tore that jew boot licker up.

11f2c9  No.6307741

File: e00bc5b5d2e54b9⋯.jpg (303.05 KB, 1005x597, 335:199, e00bc5b5d2e54b921ccf68a59b….jpg)


To be clear, and to not ass-ume, you're saying that Verizon is currently down in all major Coast cities?? Currently??

Thank You Anon.



12869a  No.6307742


go drink some more, you surely can off yourself later

4aa4dd  No.6307743

File: 446cba2d65cb5a8⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1199x964, 1199:964, ClipboardImage.png)

No coincidences.

((([Hazel Rothschild])))

‏ @HazelRothschild

Hazel Rothschild Retweeted Lucifer

I think my brain just cut out…. #LuciferOnNetflix #LuciferSeason4

Hazel Rothschild added,



Verified account @LuciferNetflix

today, satan. #lucifer

8:17 AM - 10 Apr 2019 from Scarborough, England


5c5682  No.6307744

File: 8e236100b1a5e5b⋯.jpeg (598.47 KB, 1800x1666, 900:833, 25B749DE-FA87-4D78-88F1-8….jpeg)


cheers to nightshift

well done last night

f12fe9  No.6307745

Hmmm….shills working three shifts. I wonder why? Sucking up the OT for one last payday?

e32f52  No.6307746

File: cc9f09c428b2976⋯.png (975.73 KB, 2362x1280, 1181:640, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)


Happening now

33ed57  No.6307747

He just a man. FNM. Sessions? Guess we'll find out. So many premature ejaculators. Time will tell. Tick fucking tock

4aa4dd  No.6307748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Weird how the Rothschilds went from banking into oil and the Rockefellers went from oil into banking. David Rockefeller's III son is also liquidating his parent's assets and properties.

6aa5a4  No.6307749


Calm down faggot. You'll bust a vein if you keep this up.

We are here to combat pedo/death-cults and take back our freedom right?

Maybe don't be so gullible, and learn to laugh.

<Please get it now. My next reply will not be this polite.

4ef9ca  No.6307750

File: 928e2c759a8cc28⋯.jpg (232.16 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Ready-for-the-Fight-Knight.jpg)


You expected something else round here?

This is the Knight Shift.

674a9e  No.6307751


>I threw up in my own trash can.

maybe you're a bit drunker than you thought?

it's OK to stop posting…we'll still be here, as will your work…as will WeeAnon…as will Q…as will the shills.

ain't nobody goin' no where.

6bc3d0  No.6307752


Kek… yeah they didnt like those late night Q drops. They were all called in to work extra hours.

d19825  No.6307753


This anon is on the clock.

4aa4dd  No.6307754

File: 223e020fe39d3c8⋯.png (533.77 KB, 1024x1002, 512:501, ClipboardImage.png)

222e03  No.6307755

File: 3d331872b5feccb⋯.jpeg (61.91 KB, 740x473, 740:473, Duetsche_Merger_Collapses.jpeg)

Less than 24 Hours after Duetsche Bank announces the that they may need a "bad bank", essentially an off balance sheet place to put all their toxic assets, their merger talks with Commerzbank collapse.


Quote from the article:

"Both banks have struggled to return to profit since the global financial crisis of 2008, and the subsequent euro zone sovereign debt crisis of 2011. In the past few years, Deutsche Bank in particular has made headlines for all the wrong reasons — from settlements with the U.S. Department of Justice, to management reshuffles, weak earnings, constant restructuring and steep stock price falls.

More recently, there’s been reports of the Federal Reserve investigating its role in a money-laundering scandal at Danske Bank and an inquiry from two U.S. House of Representatives committees on the lender’s ties to President Donald Trump. Earlier this month, a report in U.K. newspaper The Guardian said the German bank could face legal action over a $20 billion Russian money-laundering scheme.

Deutsche Bank’s management said Thursday that it “will continue to review all alternatives to improve long-term profitability and shareholder returns.”


Quotes from the "bad bank" article:

Deutsche Bank (NYSE:DB) executives are considering putting the German lender's unwanted assets and businesses that could be marked for closure into a newly formed unit–creating a so-called "bad bank", the Wall Street Journal reports, citing people familiar with the matter.

Such contingency plans are becoming more important as merger talks with German rival Commerzbank (OTCPK:CRZBF) have proven more complicated than originally expected.

The bad bank, a unit for disposing assets and discontinued operations, could be used whether or not Deutsche Bank merges with Commerzbank. A merger would likely lead to significant cuts to part of Deutsche's investment bank to focus on its most-profitable areas.

385dba  No.6307756

File: 7f6f5082c727419⋯.png (4.85 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Freedom Eagle Q Alpha.png)


No, I get it, Been around a long time.. I don't have to look at it. I won't. ok? I know they win If I post about it. I'm ok luv

039c07  No.6307757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

great awakening mentioned in 2010

time stamp is 2:30

6bc3d0  No.6307758


(((Drudge))) report… no thx. Matt Drudge is a pedo homo jew… literally. He’s extremely compromised.

77b719  No.6307759

File: 4afb647678de00e⋯.png (981.78 KB, 1080x1313, 1080:1313, Screenshot_20190423-112922….png)

Megan Kelly is flaunting her flat on Easter in the Bahamas…

She did get 69 million from a MSM settlement.

ee3712  No.6307760

File: f289b3dd1768f4d⋯.png (598.23 KB, 480x684, 40:57, Screenshot_2019-04-07-19-4….png)

good morning fags…may God bless the diggers, memers, prayers…here to grab some tasty memes to red pill the normies and trigger the twatter…

790f6c  No.6307761


Banks are actually going broke? That's heavy stuff.

72ee9d  No.6307762


X AT&T faggot.

Ans: Yes phone companies are involved but they dont see themselves as "network" or phone companies anymore. They want every one to go wireless. They want full porietary vertical integration from App/Content to the physical layer (spectrum), but what they really want is the data. Quote from an inside the company vid…"the data is the gold". they will give some lip service to privacy but its, "whoever owns the data (has possession of it), owns the world".

Hence Huawei/China destroying a whole north American dominant industry with the complicit help of our elected officials.

I was there I watched it all happen. My reward after 22 years is got laid off so my mostly Muslim work group could hire another Muslim via foreign contractor. But that's another story.

4aa4dd  No.6307763

File: 32e20b5bf58eb67⋯.png (257.27 KB, 1113x639, 371:213, ClipboardImage.png)

e8c86e  No.6307764

Suicide weekend starts in 7 days Q?

33ed57  No.6307765

As stated earlier. Negative, condescending runts be gone. This outta ya league. B quiet pls.

5dfcd5  No.6307766


Haven't figured out how to reverse ageing yet despite having other fancy-shmancy tech? Sad.

385dba  No.6307767

File: 685d9a9c0836403⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Gone Fishin Q.jpg)


took me a minute to remember who I am and what I am capable of. Shit slides off right? No problem. I got this. Thank you for the reminder. I needed it

f5a082  No.6307768


Attending Pole Dancing classes at UCLA.

222e03  No.6307769


Yes, Anon, that is what I am saying… The entire Verizon 4G network cell and data is down in most major cities. That outage map is current

5dfcd5  No.6307770


>Suicide weekend starts in 7 days Q?

That's your solution to "reverse ageing"? Pretty shitty option…

9900ba  No.6307771

File: bf49c7d15ad5f3d⋯.jpg (121.61 KB, 620x469, 620:469, assange.jpg)

File: 545d7dbe5d9703b⋯.jpg (349.73 KB, 961x720, 961:720, barr-panic.jpg)

72ee9d  No.6307772


ooh that's a good one. But lefties don' believe in the wikileaks.

12869a  No.6307773

File: b3a905ec7e19653⋯.png (70.24 KB, 266x190, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


what? i didn´t hear you

f12fe9  No.6307774


Huh. I thought most outsourced tech jobs went to Mumbai street-shitters.

489864  No.6307775


Derivatives are taking them down.

5c5682  No.6307776

File: 1c668ab02cd98f7⋯.jpeg (378.06 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, EE3F9D8F-A073-4769-B652-1….jpeg)

fd4e43  No.6307777


They have a lot of killary clones that need constant medical attention.

d19825  No.6307778

File: d8c39665c05068b⋯.jpg (80.16 KB, 500x645, 100:129, 1jhhp5.jpg)

11f2c9  No.6307779

File: 2536d140ee74e48⋯.png (417.83 KB, 402x542, 201:271, OhYouKnow.png)

File: 0eca1cce2116f79⋯.png (35.62 KB, 484x399, 484:399, FLOTUSIsQueen.png)


b42aff  No.6307780

File: 3489efdc937e7ce⋯.jpg (101.29 KB, 491x755, 491:755, fdjdfj.jpg)

Night Shift got some Q love, It's a beautiful Morning Anons!

a04527  No.6307781

11f2c9  No.6307782


Finally. About time. That shit is unreal. These people know NO limits.

790f6c  No.6307783


Whew. Would you look at those digits.


e32f52  No.6307784

File: 3b7a90ba7d58d75⋯.jpeg (94.73 KB, 990x1079, 990:1079, pepe goat.jpeg)

33ed57  No.6307785

Contact me pls. I'm in need if good. Naughtyish, not dirty, good

cf7d36  No.6307787

File: 6f915dc8c8f480c⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x2099, 1242:2099, FBC4DB7E-75D1-4B0C-A496-9….jpeg)

File: cf6be83bd3e7afc⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1242x2091, 414:697, 7DBD3B17-621B-4FFD-9ED4-D….jpeg)

File: 8eb8ac3a96064e9⋯.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1242x2005, 1242:2005, FD7621D1-80EE-40A5-A4D6-A….jpeg)


5216cd  No.6307788

File: bbc384fd5ad4b9f⋯.png (755.75 KB, 1056x723, 352:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09077f152625b43⋯.png (733.19 KB, 1063x709, 1063:709, ClipboardImage.png)



Bringer Of Rain!

Around 03:30; uniformed Officer descends the steps bearing two closed umbrellas which he places at the feet of Trump and he departs back up the steps.

A change of command is a military tradition that represents a formal transfer of authority and responsibility for a unit from one commanding or flag officer to another.

At around 04:00, what looks to be around 8 to 10 Officers from the Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force, come down and stand behind our new President Trump, as he begins to talk about the transfer of power, going from Washington DC and "giving it back to You the People". They remain there until 4:42, and then exit.

CSPAN deliberately showcases President Obama around 03:51 - he acknowledges the Transfer Of Authority.

11f2c9  No.6307789

File: b3e9eaf563d8735⋯.png (99.72 KB, 524x213, 524:213, c88.png)


GOOD Morning Anon!!

Wow…It's Zero Dark Thirty already.

May God Bless You All Day!!


d19825  No.6307790



489864  No.6307791


there are no limits when you can fire up the printing press.

872bb3  No.6307792

File: caf1517bad69608⋯.jpg (81.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


I like how ABC went so far as to accidentally make a bullet point about the Dems being confused on how to move forward.

fd4e43  No.6307793


Thanks anon but that post is not worthy.

f5a082  No.6307794


Are you the one that broke the pole?

790f6c  No.6307795



5dfcd5  No.6307796


Oh, forgot to mention (((Q))) team did contact me through WhatsApp. It was similar to a spam message but it wasn't really spam. ;)

a716c8  No.6307797


11f2c9  No.6307798


I'm still going with that is when ML started.

Too bold??

Great breakdown anon.


385dba  No.6307799

File: 84da3cd764db424⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Kek Pepe.jpg)


kek and all that flows with it

5216cd  No.6307800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



039c07  No.6307801

Would we anons and this chan be classed as a media outlet


72ee9d  No.6307802


Oh lots of software coding jobs and sw quality testing goes to Tech Mahindra.

Engineering and analysis jobs do not. I saw the work group mix go from 80% employee to 80% contractors ins some groups.

There are on site contractors. AT&T avoids a lot of the messy paper work associated with foreign workers.

33ed57  No.6307803

No one cares. Move on

0cb007  No.6307804


Shes got a unique look I cant put into words, in a good way lol.

5dfcd5  No.6307805

a04527  No.6307806


thnx Anon

b2c5e1  No.6307807

File: 8457ad7d1cb816e⋯.jpg (117.48 KB, 742x915, 742:915, Adobe_20190416_073542.jpg)


toots calls hornt Patrol violation.

Calm down ma'am

11f2c9  No.6307808


Thank You Anon.

So the East Coast is out as we head into the work morning. That's something.

4aa4dd  No.6307809

File: 7de982ad2dc75ef⋯.png (1.39 MB, 675x1200, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF anons…this ((([Rothschild ]))) letting people use this CC for purchases open in public???????????????


Plug For Life ( Rothschild Family )

‏ @PlugForUrLife

Zip: 75154

Country: US

card numb: 5178059181607624

expdate: 07 / 2021

cvv: 296


385dba  No.6307810

File: f4d904c968130be⋯.png (405.25 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Be Best Q Alpha.png)

660980  No.6307812

Morning, frenz.

Sry I went to bed just before Q last night. Glad to see it’s still habbening

489864  No.6307813


you are not "we anon"… piss off.

222e03  No.6307814

File: 1e089c7a0cdbcfc⋯.png (368.82 KB, 1511x942, 1511:942, Screenshot (205).png)


I believe it, Anon. They/telecom are clearly complicit on multiple levels.

Well Verizon has shut down the 4G network in major coastal cities, and beyond. The Verizon 4G network had not been working in SF for at least the past 8 hours. NY,DC,LA, most of FL the entire network is down– current outage map for Verizon.

They are clearly preparing for a very big series of habbenings.

f12fe9  No.6307815


Makes sense that they would do that I guess. Anything to take a job from a citizen I guess.

dd336a  No.6307816

>>6303277 (pb)

"The FISA Court abuse is the center of this entire abuse of governmental power".

I wonder if when he says "entire" it also includes all the harassment cases that people commonly refer as "gang-stalking".

From my own personal experience, gang-stalking seems to be done in order to protect local organized crime networks that include business men, police officers, politicians, among others, and obviously, those working on the para-legal illegal surveillance/gang stalking are in some cases local violent drug dealers (although not all of them are) and seem to be doing it and all their other illegal activities under protection from persecution in order to keep the local drug distribution network they operate up and running (which means that whoever up the ladder it is that is protecting them for now, wants the drugs flowing).

I wonder if people will learn about the massive surveillance we all have been under from this global criminal network.

BTW, I am in Europe, not an American.

790f6c  No.6307817


>not worthy pointing out she's dead and her army of body double clones are in failing health

>even though we've all witnessed on live TV at least 4 clones malfunctioning and having to be swiftly returned to the maintenance bay

If you insist, anon.

72ee9d  No.6307818


A pi does not sauce make…

Sauce it.

039c07  No.6307819

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal


263229  No.6307820



That was a human doppleganger on 9/11. 100%.

If the original Hillary escaped judgment here and is dead in Hell, they must *also* be using clones. Maybe that is part of "selling your soul" so to speak. Ever see that movie The Sixth Day?

fd4e43  No.6307821

File: 6d697d43ad0a8ba⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 8de1fa4d429cd69c233106e016….jpg)


Sheeeit the demonrats only bullet points are about fucking the American people with no lube.

5dfcd5  No.6307822

Oh, didn't notice (((Q))) team posted as (((Q))). Sneaky (((JEWS)))

18c1f1  No.6307823

What's with the vaccination push lately by MSM and the Dems? Now just in case you weren't frightened enough, there's a measles scare out of nowhere.

0cb007  No.6307824


I believe this is why trump is spending anything he wants. Hes making them fund our shit to take them down. Then comes the GCR with no interest or taxes on all this money. Me thinks.

d19825  No.6307825


I feel ya! I was at work when Q posted.


33ed57  No.6307826

And you are soul less. Consolidate

11f2c9  No.6307827

File: 53df972725ade7c⋯.png (365.34 KB, 560x579, 560:579, Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at ….png)


ALL the Trumps are great people.

Shine is Shine is Shine.


674a9e  No.6307828


>I know they win If I post about it.

that's not really my point, either.

(((they))) feed on that anger…don't ask me how I know, I just do…which is why I have to pay extra special attention to my drinking…I CAN be quick to wrath…doesn't always happen, but it's always there, ready.

that it gets posted on 8 simply means that others get to observe…sure, you're still anonymous, but you displayed weakness which not-nice people will capitalize on, provoking even MORE anger, thus "feeding" (((them)))…again, don't ask me how I know…I just do.

but don't let it get you down, this display of weakness…I know we're all supposed to be "anon" here, but I know (a bit about) who you are…I've followed your work from the beginning, I saw it on internet TV at a Trump rally, I know your son has spina bifida, and I know your tits look good in a sleeveless tee…not EXACTLY anonymous.

bottom line…this ain't easy business, and getting sideways from time to time should not be surprising.

just don't make it easier for (((them)))…my 2cents at least.

5216cd  No.6307829

File: 32ad32824ca2071⋯.png (402.43 KB, 734x1700, 367:850, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35db2c509896bf4⋯.png (401.88 KB, 609x1684, 609:1684, ClipboardImage.png)



525584  No.6307830

File: 3be9c745cab19e8⋯.jpg (111.64 KB, 670x1081, 670:1081, Obama I spy.jpg)



Morning frens. Thanks for the early jolt of inspiration.

fd4e43  No.6307831

File: 8fbdfb132ca7fbd⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 207x255, 69:85, trump.jpg)

5dfcd5  No.6307832



Yes, jew are all going to the same place. Already on the highway…

381ced  No.6307833

Notes @ 500ish


>>6307461 Bernie heckled at "She the People" event

>>6307492 Newsweek hit piece on Christianity, Trump and Fox: AOC the victim

>>6307522 China/Russia joint navy drills next week

>>6307532 Putin welcomes Kim's efforts to normalize US ties

>>6307634 DiGenova - Barr has magic boomerang

>>6307646 USAF twat - "Find Them"

>>6307695 Verizon cell and data outages in major coastal metro cities

>>6307711 Creepy Joe launches Pres. Bid

>>6307755 Duetsche/Commerzbank merger talks collapse after toxic assets revealed

fd4e43  No.6307834

d19825  No.6307835

File: 6a4da465111288a⋯.png (789.58 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, good times.png)

File: 0eb1c4c237d3bd1⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 500x570, 50:57, 0eb1c4c237d3bd110be3434e25….jpg)




4aa4dd  No.6307836

File: daa5a0921d0043e⋯.png (1.93 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec197f3604db443⋯.png (605.53 KB, 586x567, 586:567, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42dc8234cb6a80c⋯.png (518.77 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42dc8234cb6a80c⋯.png (518.77 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 505a01b357e259b⋯.png (739.64 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

cf7d36  No.6307837

File: ed5bb5c4224b35d⋯.jpeg (878.57 KB, 1242x1289, 1242:1289, C4E78577-80BF-45AB-8036-F….jpeg)

File: e7f4501303faab5⋯.jpeg (364.88 KB, 1242x891, 46:33, 2449A402-0691-4B3E-BCB1-E….jpeg)


33ed57  No.6307838

Runts. Remember. All they got. Some runts could be king

66fae9  No.6307839

File: 692458e745906f0⋯.png (947.32 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E1A6F8F5-92BA-48EA-B761-2E….png)

File: 4170754bf50604c⋯.png (1.55 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D392E5CF-8F8E-4E23-A2B6-5B….png)

Former AG Michael Mukasey calls out Chris Cuomo at CNN for 'misleading' coverage of Mueller investigation


385dba  No.6307840


Liberal pole dance Rules, rules, rules Pole- lose - party dies

Conservative pole dance - Buy beer, party, party, party

872bb3  No.6307841


or you could have done a 5 second search yourself.


72ee9d  No.6307842


I am not clicking that shit…

039c07  No.6307843


who am i then fuck face

4aa4dd  No.6307845


> I am not clicking that shit…

Don't blame you weird ass shit going on….

1a645e  No.6307846

File: 33b80cccb6c0e79⋯.png (11.33 KB, 708x151, 708:151, 10.PNG)

573c1c  No.6307847


[Mo]scow Bel[gog]rod submarine.

>apoalypse torpedoes

660980  No.6307848

File: a20b65b0bd3de56⋯.jpeg (206.03 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 9E6A542D-4132-4088-9D32-A….jpeg)

Twat Trends today.


6aa5a4  No.6307849

File: 38dd984b7980276⋯.png (1008.57 KB, 480x760, 12:19, ClipboardImage.png)



>Shes got a unique look

Sure, I find normal "Hot" women bland. I like something a little different.

Too each their own or something right? kek.

11f2c9  No.6307850

File: 813f0eb6c7fc299⋯.png (864.08 KB, 988x611, 76:47, WinningAllDay.png)

God I love it when some shill that you chekked off and then filtered follows you through the bread, and you got the last word and none of their shit gets into your noodle. I don't filter much, but when I do, I'm thrilled to see when losers keep going on and I can't see it. Makes me feel SOOOOOOO Comfy.

So thank you to the Hater Ass McHatertons out there for helping Us prove points and for boosting my Morale even higher.


cf7d36  No.6307851

File: 3223a412dc1f67a⋯.jpeg (732.73 KB, 1242x1286, 621:643, 2F4F6703-0D21-4FE2-8798-B….jpeg)


33ed57  No.6307852

I don't care

dbde00  No.6307853

File: 205c85aa26ec9b4⋯.png (1.28 MB, 995x500, 199:100, AA2DA4A7-1CA0-4B2F-8ED5-C7….png)


Game the narrative

Set the stage

Libel suits


385dba  No.6307854


Got it. See posts. Feed the right wolf.

f12fe9  No.6307855

Hmmm. A thought occurs about Creepy Uncle Joe;

What if he was leveraged via the note at Poppy's sham funeral? He could be a ringer meant to draw the Dem establishment donors who will be giving till it hurts. Suck out all the big donor money and they are left to the mercy of small money donors?

It's going to take a huge amount of media buys to spin what's coming.

72ee9d  No.6307856


its a rumor…. (I am off to make a grilled cheese for b-fast)

When we post for notables it is general practice to post a link. Otherwise it's a story. That's all.

Especially when you tease with a hillary is dead post….

11f2c9  No.6307857



Loving this transparency.

385dba  No.6307858

File: b7be2667e636420⋯.png (1.29 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, RedPill Q Alpha.png)

091436  No.6307859

Ok Mueller report is out

Did anything change?

Did dems shut up?

Only arrests will do

They lost the ability to hear, read, or comprehend


489864  No.6307860


i dunno that potus is spending anything he wants… strikes me that he is imposing cuts throughout gov't.

regarding the GCR (and debt forgiveness)… i'll give the chinese credit for playing this correctly… all those ghost cities being built… infrastructure investments, et al…. well planned… debt forgiven… still have cities built and ready for people.

as opposed to the North American failure to refurb their infrastructure.

660980  No.6307861


Joe needs $100k/day through Christmas to catch up.

66fae9  No.6307862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putin’s press conference after his 1st mtg. w/ NK Kim

489864  No.6307863


"fuck face" it is.

872bb3  No.6307864


I wasn't posting for notables.

I was posting the ABC article that momentarily popped up that day.

Naming the hospital.

And talking about Dems being confused how to move forward.

11f2c9  No.6307865

File: 2dafe690c4c166d⋯.jpg (146.62 KB, 1021x1021, 1:1, SmellsLikeVictory.jpg)


Good Morning Fren!!

God Bless

Be Best


f12fe9  No.6307866


By Christmas I'm guessing indictments will be dropping. The money will dry up if it hasn't already.

263229  No.6307867




>ooh that's a good one. But lefties don' believe in the wikileaks.

46413d  No.6307868

File: 571b284aa1e2910⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 280x180, 14:9, index.jpg)

File: c08c67172f72af7⋯.jpg (65.65 KB, 806x377, 62:29, camera-images-pedo-island.jpg)

File: feb2cc844e7af25⋯.jpg (11.83 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

Always wondered what the Epstein surveillance cam actually showed?

People sitting around a corpse preparing it .. for what?

dentist chair in the background? for what?

there might be a horrific explanation:

the Chinese are not only obsessed with torturing animals to make them extract more protein into their blood before death, they also have the cruel habbit of preparing their food to be EATEN ALIVE

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=E–Tm5oAImA

The cam shows the kitchen. Slaves preparing a sedated body to be eaten by rich ass cannibals whilst being still alive.

dcf19e  No.6307869


Awareness helps with that. Kek

385dba  No.6307870

File: 7556706b883f2d4⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2600x2600, 1:1, Never Forget Twin Towers Q.jpg)


Love you… Always…

cf7d36  No.6307871

File: c3a8ecf746d41a3⋯.jpeg (858.22 KB, 1242x1359, 138:151, 241FA56D-8251-4964-8566-9….jpeg)

File: 819af2d1694094a⋯.jpeg (202.57 KB, 1242x495, 138:55, 78C4779C-0839-4E35-AA5C-2….jpeg)

Madame n’est pas la Présidente.


72ee9d  No.6307872


What surprises me is most cell phone traffic is "back hauled" on fiber, which is designed to be at 80% capacity and is mostly fully redundant.

Bill Gates has a big fiber termination in his basement, FYI, and he's fully redundant on a ring structure.

091436  No.6307873



We dont know what the cam shows

Thats the theory

And a horrific one

039c07  No.6307874


may be passed you're bed time

6aa5a4  No.6307875

File: 2327ae06f442b13⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 507.95 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


That's nothing new.

72ee9d  No.6307876


so those outages should not be happening unless Verizon totally let their network go tohell.

f12fe9  No.6307877


Just another argument why wimmins should be required to take a reality comprehension test to vote.

5dfcd5  No.6307878

"Yeah Moe that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked!"

Homer Simpson talking about (((Q))) team…

263229  No.6307879




>ooh that's a good one. But lefties don' believe in the wikileaks.


Went to copy/paste and hit enter. If they won't believe just the Wikileak, show them both that and then the Judicial Watch FOIA on page four:

Subject to and without waiving these objections, Mr. Priestap identifies the following

"representatives" of Secretary Clinton, "former members of her staff," and "government agencies"

from which email repositories were obtained, as referenced in Paragraph 4 of the Amended

Supplemental Declaration of E.W. Priestap, available at ECF No. 52-1 in Judicial Watch, Inc. v.

Tillerson, D.D.C. Case No. l:15-cv-00785. After a reasonably diligent inquiry, Mr. Priestap

believes this list to be fully responsive to Interrogatory 1, but it is not necessarily an exhaustive

list of all sources of email repositories obtained by the FBI as part of its investigation.

• Bryan Pagliano

• Cheryl Mills

• Executive Office of the President

• Heather Samuelson

• Jacob Sullivan

• Justin Cooper

• United States Department of State

• United States Secret Service

• Williams & Connolly LLP

46413d  No.6307880


a the truth will put 99% of people into hospital kind of theory?

5dfcd5  No.6307881

File: ca688968c47c5c9⋯.png (363.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

This is why you should never trust any (((JEW)))

222e03  No.6307882


That's what I suspect as well. They are having a very hard time predicting the risk and marking to market certain toxic assets in their derivative and their corp loan portfolios.

Deutsche's announcement of a "off balance sheet bad bank" is quite portentious/ominous really. Such ideas have not been discussed since Lehman in 2008 really, except by the FED with TARP.

IS this a Cabal/Central Bank move to implode Deutsche Bank to bring down Trump's economy and much of the world's economy w/ it?

ea8de3  No.6307883

File: 7cd41cf64394294⋯.jpeg (737.28 KB, 1242x1276, 621:638, 73A4707F-26C9-4B05-97F0-B….jpeg)

In a rare moment of honesty, Mike Pompeo admitted to an audience that the CIA trains employees to “lie, cheat and steal.” While he seemed to find the whole thing funny, not everyone is amused, as RT found out.


5dfcd5  No.6307884

File: f6a5790ccd9a1a7⋯.png (476.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

This is why you shouldn't be afraid to speak out against the (((JEWS)))

46413d  No.6307885


but we never connected the dots.

its a kitchen, not a dining room.

they prepare the food by using the dentist chair for sedation and then the tables for opening the body.

33ed57  No.6307886

Remember anons. B greatful ur not 'them'

489864  No.6307887


on that fact, we shall both agree.

222e03  No.6307888


Indeed Anon, very ominous sign. Maybe the Cabal's Last Resort?

091436  No.6307889



One of those

And 99% will not go to the hospital after finding out about human sacrifice

It should be smth else, imho

5dfcd5  No.6307890

File: f2ebc1d1fb4932a⋯.png (451.53 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

This is why you should be ware of (((JEW))) made pr0n…

46413d  No.6307891


you have to think like them to get a clue what they are capable of. think of the worst.

11f2c9  No.6307892

File: f6b53b24dab37a8⋯.jpg (657.92 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q_Dragon_Flag.jpg)

File: da3184b30074f46⋯.png (2.44 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q_Letter_Anon_Days_and_Nig….png)

File: 1aac815c0e04afa⋯.png (1.69 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q_Letter_Frog_Flag.png)

File: 801a788aa326349⋯.png (2.55 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q_Letter_Smoke_American_Fl….png)


QArtAnon, I was the first anon to request Q's from you, several in fact. I have nothing but love and respect, but I'm glad this anon spoke up as I agree. It's mental Aikido in here, you cannot give the assholes ANYTHING to work with, and Anon is RIGHT, they FEED on that energy. I know it's hard, I've seen you get attacked, in very intelligent (for them anyway) manners at times. Who cares?? You have SO much love. Who's hated more than POTUS and FLOTUS?? And what do they do that is so wrong??

Turn their hate into POSITIVE energy for you. stay LIGHT and Bright and Fluffy like a Cloud. That is COMFY. And if a motherfucker is trying to steal your Comfy, AVOID ENGAGEMENT.

Again, Nothing but love and continued Prayers for you and your child and ALL of yours.


6aa5a4  No.6307893


>a the truth will put 99% of people into hospital kind of theory?


Unless they package the bodies and make us eat it unknowingly.

And even still. I might feel sick for discovering that but I don't think I'd need a hospital visit.

And I can't be the only one. So hardly 99%.

091436  No.6307894


I dont find it funny either

33ed57  No.6307895

They're already in hell

fd4e43  No.6307896

File: 7f5d0c9388a1c71⋯.png (287.76 KB, 651x701, 651:701, 56400C6D-510E-4FE9-A2C7-3F….png)


But muh woman for communism.

039c07  No.6307897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Andrew Breitbart on the "X-Rated," Unreleased Weiner Photo: "It's Beyond the Beyond"

Published on Jun 7, 2011

did this get out there?

660980  No.6307898


God Bless!

385dba  No.6307899


Thank you. Saved it so he can see it the morning. WeeAnon got mad I tried to wake him and show him thread name. kek

46413d  No.6307900


you got a point. the 99% to hospital would be some kind of "we poisoned you with this you need the antidot" or "did you know this secret medication prevents cancer and we hide it from you for 30 years" kind of truth

5c5682  No.6307901

File: a68325290823bdc⋯.jpeg (60.6 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 6069BC52-03F1-4E63-BBEA-8….jpeg)

File: afdcefa65c0290f⋯.jpeg (131.41 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 04455F7B-4067-4B67-BA01-4….jpeg)

File: 2456d2df7019f3f⋯.jpeg (18.04 KB, 255x135, 17:9, AE4B7179-E7A0-470D-B059-8….jpeg)

File: 0502fd82641c19b⋯.jpeg (55.67 KB, 800x444, 200:111, 9EA08079-8E6C-48C0-8287-5….jpeg)


raven chan

8e143d  No.6307902


One thing, do you have any evidence that the cam video pic from Ray Chandler Chandler is from Pedo Island?

All I've seen is anons jumping to conclusions and running with it.

72ee9d  No.6307903


…and we make money growing heroin in Afghanistan.. he forgot that part.

66fae9  No.6307904


At home electroshock therapy?

Ffs please tell me that’s not really a thing.

77b719  No.6307905

File: 293ce11ea9f74fd⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 766x500, 383:250, Trust Sessions.jpg)

File: cc757a8b8aa834d⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 627x476, 627:476, Franny.jpg)

Trust Sessions was like a fart in a lunch bag.

222e03  No.6307906



It's quite something– check out the live outage map for Verizon…

4aa4dd  No.6307907

File: ca8af4a763ce56d⋯.png (640.97 KB, 1080x999, 40:37, ClipboardImage.png)

5dfcd5  No.6307908


>Trust Sessions was like a fart in a lunch bag.

Sessions == Satan

FYI for any lurkers…

46413d  No.6307909


pretty sure Q confirmed that pic was from Epstein underground.

But I would have to check like 6000 breads back to confirm.

72ee9d  No.6307910


It's just a TEMS unit and my friend uses it for muscle relaxation because they cannot take pain killers. There is a valid use for them.

091436  No.6307911


ADHD is not a real thing

Nobody in the world diagnoses children with it, or treats with amphetamines

33ed57  No.6307912

Not going to enjoy it. I love ya. Just. Time to disappear

525584  No.6307913

File: 37f9c1dcd5f97ae⋯.jpg (46.87 KB, 780x520, 3:2, lwx_nk_russia_250419_70.jpg)

File: 5aa808aa845eef0⋯.jpg (63.82 KB, 880x495, 16:9, 880x495_cmsv2_d8f544ff-eb3….jpg)

File: e4740676ff6e94d⋯.mp4 (8.1 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jon….mp4)


Much Moar Fun to shake hands than to fight.

WW bitches.

385dba  No.6307915

File: d2bcb7d35c8a872⋯.png (241.44 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, HCC Marine Q Alpha.png)


Thank you. I needed that. I had to go speak with a friend who knows what I do to get a grasp on it. You and other Anons helped greatly. I am honored to have your support

6aa5a4  No.6307916


>Time to disappear

Buh-bye then. Take care.

5dfcd5  No.6307917


I hear the line "Hey Satan, paid my dues…" in ACDC's Highway to Hell as "Hey session and the joos…" or "Hey session, where are jooo…". So, that's the reason…

The MOAR you know! ;)

4aa4dd  No.6307918

File: 551e06409f35805⋯.png (269.5 KB, 720x490, 72:49, ClipboardImage.png)

f5a082  No.6307919



WASP is loose.

Bees scatter.

Honey hard to get.

End is near.

fd4e43  No.6307920


Right. We made a lot of money for our cabal massahs growing, transporting, distributing opium poisoning our own countrymen so they lose their souls.

091436  No.6307921

File: 5782e2430930fab⋯.jpeg (33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, E0F1E965-7FCC-41DB-B6DF-8….jpeg)

df4cad  No.6307922

File: c3a21c1ead593e4⋯.png (472.71 KB, 576x324, 16:9, a10ii.png)

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)


anons looking for a baker?

can bake

or can meet at next dough. You call I'll haul.

5dfcd5  No.6307923


We'll see…

5dfcd5  No.6307924


Yup, where jew go one, jew go all. ;)

222e03  No.6307925


Very dasting… I'm experiencing the outage right now in SF. THe 4G cell network is completely down– no cell service and data seems down, but there are a million notifications buzzing my cell but I can't tell what is being updated?

Check the current status– it's every major coastal city, and then some–


Verizon is prepping to put the cabash on serious info exposure, I'm thinking?

7fbff1  No.6307926

File: 252ae8d2a8301e7⋯.jpeg (136.46 KB, 822x960, 137:160, 1554673623.jpeg)

77b719  No.6307927

File: 5e57c650ad05f2e⋯.jpg (37.51 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 8cec0997801288a0aa5c18f01a….jpg)

Trump took a shit laughing while America's southern border turned into a invasion ..

381ced  No.6307928

>>6307922 Perfect! Here are the notes I've collected - feel free to use/not use.


>>6307461 Bernie heckled at "She the People" event

>>6307492 Newsweek hit piece on Christianity, Trump and Fox: AOC the victim

>>6307522 China/Russia joint navy drills next week

>>6307532 Putin welcomes Kim's efforts to normalize US ties

>>6307634 DiGenova - Barr has magic boomerang

>>6307646 USAF twat - "Find Them"

>>6307695, >>6307906 Verizon cell and data outages in major coastal metro cities

>>6307711 Creepy Joe launches Pres. Bid

>>6307755 Duetsche/Commerzbank merger talks collapse after toxic assets revealed

>>6307837 Russia reveals new nuclear sub

>>6307846, >>6307862 Putin will chat with PDJT re: Kim meeting/Putin Presser

>>6307851 Battery powered device approved to treat ADHD

>>6307879 Reminder: Priestap named names of email repositories

Will post updated pastebin which includes the third Q drop and a bun for PB.

11f2c9  No.6307929



This is wild.

f12fe9  No.6307930

File: a568a8101bac994⋯.jpg (16.23 KB, 255x187, 15:11, ef36cc5e3737a5b05121007ce9….jpg)

Woke up 26 hrs ago. Did battle with yesterday's Day Shift shills using circular logic tactics. Took a nap. Came back minutes before Q's first post to Night Shift. Watched shills chimping out all night. Running on comfefe and willpower now.

Have to help a handicapped brother navigate local VA hospital in 2 hours. Mental acuity will be dropping to retard levels by noon.

33ed57  No.6307931

Yeah! They're fkd. They persist with 'fear'. They don't realise.We r untouchable. They're fkd.

385dba  No.6307932

File: 0ea41cf8e424488⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, MAGA Qed Alpha.png)


Was it really that long ago? Seems like last week…. People want all this to hurry up and forget to live meanwhile….I did also. but then it hit me. I was leaving behind the best days of my life obsessing over tomorrow that might happen. Live man. LIVE. This will be here when we get back. I promise! kek

489864  No.6307933


there is so much talk about Derivatives and how their collapse may take down some banks (Deutsche due to their large holdings)… but there is also talk that transferring that deriv book to an "off balance sheet bad bank/holding co. and allowing it to implode (while leaving DB to survive).

I don't think it is a cabal move to bring down T's economy… the cabal would keep this fiat/derivative game going forever.

a deriv/banking implosion allows a reset/asset backed/currency/banking system to replace the central banking system.

5dfcd5  No.6307934


>We r untouchable

When did being an "untouchable" become cool again? ;)

f6ec86  No.6307935

5dfcd5  No.6307936


Yup. Should have put (((Q))) in triple brackets though…

11f2c9  No.6307937


Glad you liked it.

I have a lot of things saved up.


489864  No.6307938

63ce36  No.6307939

File: c7aaf0a0204d3be⋯.png (29.64 KB, 630x216, 35:12, IMG_3577.PNG)

66fae9  No.6307940

File: 2a35760d75fc18c⋯.png (2.54 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7C720400-2B80-4DE6-BF27-A5….png)

File: bace7a7aeb69762⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 85F87749-D2B4-4303-BDEA-B5….png)

Russia launches huge 'doomsday' supersub


381ced  No.6307941

>>6307922 Updated pastebin


33ed57  No.6307942

'Cool' is so 1980s. Expand ur thinking

77b719  No.6307943

File: 7e5c012c9cf96ae⋯.jpg (44.02 KB, 547x500, 547:500, DeShawn.jpg)

Trump resign now the southern border is a threat to all American people.

Trump resign now.

5dfcd5  No.6307944

File: ce9aeafde428b0b⋯.png (18.33 KB, 139x227, 139:227, ClipboardImage.png)

This will be (((Q))) team if they manage to "wake" me

091436  No.6307945


How does it help?

5dfcd5  No.6307946

f12fe9  No.6307947


I hope they launched a huge deep submersible rescue vehicle first. I think they Navy is getting tired of loaning them ours.

386ef1  No.6307948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This Doc. thoroughly dives into the idea of Cybernetics and the creation of the MK Ultra program.

@ 1:04:45 Brief mention on the hidden history of science.

@ 1:53:39 Remote controlled humans

@ 1:59:15 Remote controlled monkeys.

@ 3:13:53 Dr. West examines the likes of, Jack Ruby, Charles Manson even Timothy McVeigh also worked for the C_I and the MK Ultra program.

This is just a few of many interesting revelations in this documentary.

The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes


385dba  No.6307949

File: ca89ba994e9c5d3⋯.png (2.48 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Popcorn Q Alpha.png)


>>6307932 Meant for you. Tired but had to post beofre bed and hang on rest of thread. It's for my BABY! So honored…

a8bc27  No.6307950

File: 132259baed805a5⋯.jpg (78.68 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, IMG_20190425_032826.jpg)

File: 9a9d990c1397996⋯.jpg (207.71 KB, 576x1001, 576:1001, 20190425_032730.jpg)

File: 64b242d78072878⋯.jpg (926.65 KB, 1440x2721, 480:907, 20190425_032701.jpg)

File: a60ef53cd945c10⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1440x2696, 180:337, 20190425_032640.jpg)

Can someone explain this crap?!!!

WTH??? Note SEARCH results.

Candace Marie Claiborne?

Mary McCord??


de5b14  No.6307951

File: 6d3b354aca3f127⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 480x480, 1:1, FB_IMG_1444569015863.jpg)

Covfefe and new Q, best way to wake up.

05fed7  No.6307952

File: a87a35f907b1fc8⋯.jpg (923.4 KB, 1952x882, 976:441, kek_questions3.jpg)

1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

5. The earth is hollow

6. Reptilians live among us

7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

8. We are all actually AI computers

9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon


10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

13. Autism and auto-immune disorders from vaccines. Known and intentional.

14. Glyphosate causes cancer and/or expensive mystery ailments

15 The Archons have infested most of us and have been running our entire civilization as a loosh farm

16 satan is real and he owns 99% of us

17 Alien invasion is coming, we will all suffer a Lovecraft-tier horrible fate and there is nothing we can do about it

18 MK-Ultra continues and is >100x bigger than it was in the 70s. The CIA has been using psychotronic weapons, split-personality mind control, and mood altering drugs on the general public.

19 We have all been given a virus that can be used as a killswitch if we get uppity

20 The elite have hived the entire planet to satan and we are all being led to the slaughter as sacrificial livestock

Add your own. Once we reach 100 we present it to Q. Its time to know the answer!

33ed57  No.6307953

Again, failed aptitude test. We protect you.

aac882  No.6307954

File: 006f325626680c9⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 450x329, 450:329, Mind Stretch.jpg)

Anons, this jumped to my almond like a kick in the balls :


df4cad  No.6307955

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB, 1600x1063, 1600:1063, sharing_bread.jpg)




anon, you are a stud

BO/BV be advised incoming baker calling the ball.

Handoff Confirmed

Patriot anon… thank you for your assistance. Baker has the kitchen.

63ce36  No.6307956

File: b5a8c9a83aa77de⋯.jpg (39.35 KB, 314x466, 157:233, IMG_5928.JPG)

039c07  No.6307957


but we are not crazy…

logical thinking

f12fe9  No.6307958


All the evidence I've seen to date indicates that McVeigh was a sheep dip and willing participant. Washed out of SF selection, and was recruited on the way out the door.

386ef1  No.6307959

File: 002f75399cf95a8⋯.jpg (395.21 KB, 540x720, 3:4, in control.jpg)

790f6c  No.6307960

>>6307888 (heiled)

Maybe so. It's probably too early to say. That would be one helluva plot twist if it happened.

901e32  No.6307961


McVeigh was trained by the CIA. Dug this one a bit myself.

e3345d  No.6307962



I do think there are rules that require that [they] tell us certain truths. But in this case, I'm also inclined to think it's predictive programming. [They] implant the possibility in our minds, and our collective consciousness helps make it happen. We might have more capacity to affect our world than we realize. Prayer might work on a similar principle. Prayer is real and quantum and when we visualize an outcome by praying for it, we increase the chances of that outcome.

381ced  No.6307963


You Have the Controls!

Thank You Anon!

de5b14  No.6307964



abe9cb  No.6307965

Epstein has a submarine at his pedo island

The celebrated physicist can be seen at a barbecue on Little St James as well as taking a boat cruise and submarine tour of the sea bed off the island.

Epstein, 61, is said to have paid for the submarine to be modified for Professor Hawking, who had never been underwater before.

039c07  No.6307966

File: d0fafa4651eb88c⋯.png (430.2 KB, 1164x667, 1164:667, ClipboardImage.png)

just looking

05fed7  No.6307967


All possibilities anon!

cf7d36  No.6307968

File: 0261599dc82941c⋯.jpeg (227.77 KB, 1242x608, 621:304, B0D5394F-57AC-4CDE-A469-5….jpeg)

File: 4023e03756179e7⋯.jpeg (436.7 KB, 1242x1212, 207:202, 3FC598D1-AD2C-46AD-9156-8….jpeg)

File: e075d0683f9abcc⋯.jpeg (845.12 KB, 1242x1920, 207:320, 1B6648F5-327B-4D76-B574-1….jpeg)

File: 361e909d603310d⋯.jpeg (481.54 KB, 1242x1255, 1242:1255, DABEF4A1-2331-4B81-AD14-B….jpeg)


386ef1  No.6307969

File: 03604cc8f037408⋯.jpg (116.01 KB, 288x360, 4:5, funkn.jpg)

901e32  No.6307970


Would be funny af if no one showed up to launder money for the Roths at this sale.

abe9cb  No.6307971

File: b8a27ad8dfc87ca⋯.jpg (87.85 KB, 460x287, 460:287, hawking_sub_3162294c.jpg)



c76a8c  No.6307972

File: 26847e557d5f897⋯.jpeg (62.07 KB, 612x408, 3:2, A4C4102D-449E-4AF7-A522-B….jpeg)

df4cad  No.6307973

File: d90df3a1cba1f6a⋯.png (684.55 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 20140828-bread-dough.png)

Can anon PLEASE go back to lb and grab the notables bun?

incoming baker get the kitchen setup for this bread bake.

thanks anons!

f12fe9  No.6307974


Not all C_A training is MK Ultra though. Plenty of circumstantial evidence pointing to his attending the Sheep Pen at The Farm.

I don't even believe he was executed. He could still be out there somewhere in play as a controller.

872f0b  No.6307975

File: e7a0c2f3d7248ee⋯.jpg (87 KB, 910x249, 910:249, 2019-04-25_070819.jpg)


Again as requested

df4cad  No.6307976


Copy that anon. thank you for your service

Baker has the kitchen


33ed57  No.6307977

We do not like to say it, but some of u are obsolete. B true 2 URSELF

790f6c  No.6307978


>they. are. actually. going. broke.


381ced  No.6307979

>>6307973 Already looked - There was no bun….why I reposted this bread.

see >>6307682

e32f52  No.6307980

File: 3f0240d4967314b⋯.jpg (72.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Tiff.jpg)

4 5x5

TY Baker

72ee9d  No.6307981


POTUS is supposed to be in Atlanta today ( I think). Down detector doesn't really give me a sense of what has gone "out".

df4cad  No.6307982

final call for notables @ 650


Baker Assist/ Baker Change

>>6307461 Bernie heckled at "She the People" event

>>6307492 Newsweek hit piece on Christianity, Trump and Fox: AOC the victim

>>6307522 China/Russia joint navy drills next week

>>6307532 Putin welcomes Kim's efforts to normalize US ties

>>6307634 DiGenova - Barr has magic boomerang

>>6307646 USAF twat - "Find Them"

>>6307695 Verizon cell and data outages in major coastal metro cities

>>6307711 Creepy Joe launches Pres. Bid

>>6307755 Duetsche/Commerzbank merger talks collapse after toxic assets revealed

baking in 60

091436  No.6307983


Or its a fund raiser

385dba  No.6307984


I got's ….$1.48… bet I can dig more from couch cushions. I'll take a gold thingamabob or 2

974553  No.6307985


those are not Pringles

and Toasted PB, Bacon and Mayo sandies are way better

c76a8c  No.6307986

File: e9157f670c86b70⋯.jpeg (672.08 KB, 1791x1255, 1791:1255, 34F892D2-DEB0-4167-AA45-3….jpeg)


Thanks anon! We can’t be stopped.

790f6c  No.6307987


Fundraisers don't usually involve getting rid of your high value heirlooms though. Do they?

db4b4b  No.6307988

File: 7045bb369a06649⋯.jpeg (263.68 KB, 1125x1440, 25:32, 6F681597-D763-4166-A8EE-F….jpeg)


091436  No.6307989


Insane asylum of digital inmates

Cant be stopped

True dat

33ed57  No.6307990

I'm just the executioner, u pass the sentence

091436  No.6307991


If everybody overpays

It can

Lets say value 6 mln

But you get 20

47a9fe  No.6307992

File: de03e7480f6766f⋯.png (516.89 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

DHS Releases 7K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in Five Days; 1.4K Released Every Day

JOHN BINDER24 Apr 2019


President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released about 7,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States in the last five days.

The latest catch and release totals obtained by Breitbart News revealed that, currently, DHS is releasing about 1,400 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. every day. Between April 18 to April 22, DHS released about 7,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the country.

The catch and release process often entails federal immigration officials busing border crossers into nearby border cities and dropping them off with the promise that they will show up for their immigration and asylum hearings, sometimes years later. The overwhelming majority of border crossers and illegal aliens are never deported from the country once they are released into the U.S.

Today, there are anywhere between 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living across the country — the majority of which are concentrated in states like California, New York, Florida, Texas, and Illinois.

Over the past five days, El Paso, Texas, has had to absorb 2,800 of the 7,000 border crossers and illegal aliens released into the country. Likewise, San Antonio, Texas, has had to take about 2,200, while about 1,200 were dropped off in Phoenix, Arizona, and 800 in San Diego, California.

Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has exclusively detailed at Breitbart News three executive actions that Trump administration and DHS officials could take to immediately end catch and release — including creating additional detention space where immigration court hearings can be quickly heard.

The expanded use of catch and release by the Trump administration has forced communities like Yuma, Arizona, to declare a local state of emergency as the city and county is unable to deal with soaring levels of illegal immigration.

Since December 21, 2018, about 153,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have been released into the interior of the U.S. This dictates that DHS is releasing about 38,250 border crossers and illegal aliens into the country every month with close to 10,000 released every week and about 1,400 released every day.

At this current trajectory, by the end of the year, DHS will have released nearly 460,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities — in addition to the projected half a million illegal aliens who will successfully cross the U.S.-Mexico border this year, undetected by federal officials.

05fed7  No.6307994

File: 4b00df92d789b18⋯.jpg (20.11 KB, 300x221, 300:221, multiverses.jpg)


Very interesting anon.

Multiple outcomes.

Control the future through PRAYER!

660980  No.6307995


Sucks short term. Winning long term

6aa5a4  No.6307996


>I'm just the executioner, u pass the sentence

I sentence you to death.

Are you gonna kill yourself now?

901e32  No.6307997


>everybody overpays

Watch who buys?

Just a bunch of old stuff. Can get it lots cheaper from IKEA. (Kek.)

597840  No.6307998

Just an FYI, whoever donated to that wall GoFundMe should see their money back in their account, if not soon.

790f6c  No.6307999


Yeah I suppose you're right. It would seem so much simpler to me to cook a meal then charge $x.xx per plate. Ah, but then your clientele can only launder a certain amount, whereas with auction there is no limit.

039c07  No.6308000

File: feab01409f35f25⋯.png (214.56 KB, 731x667, 731:667, ClipboardImage.png)



33ed57  No.6308001

Pure heart=untouchable

e32f52  No.6308002

File: 2f257f3c2b934be⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1236x982, 618:491, laughQ.png)


Chemtrails keep us from going batshit crazy due to the dwindling magnetosphere from the pole shift.

Does not work on all genotypes.

901e32  No.6308003


Meh. Someone should travel to their favorite island on that haul. What ya get for being stupid with money.

385dba  No.6308004

File: 6cb82114605ae1a⋯.jpg (587.67 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Einstein Q.jpg)


Thank you. Your service is indescribable. You are the keepers of History. Real News. We are blessed to have you. Salute' <o

abe9cb  No.6308005


sweet #'s !!

submarine = no flight logs

385dba  No.6308006

File: dbc8c48af2dfeda⋯.png (780.91 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Pepe Interdasting.png)



790f6c  No.6308007


The name of the submarine is bolthole?

33ed57  No.6308008

Ugh. White walkers.

66fae9  No.6308009

Fox video from last night already has 95k views and 1k comments, primarily from QArmy!


597840  No.6308010


If that was the case, where are the dinosaurs from Jurassic park or any of the cool shit from movies? Devils advocate because….they're bypassing our free will by making us inadvertently give it up. Psychological warfare is what I like to call a lot of what they're doing.

7fbff1  No.6308011

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpeg (205.64 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, 1538664811.jpeg)

901e32  No.6308012

File: 1afe21e96df832e⋯.png (45.13 KB, 654x251, 654:251, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

47a9fe  No.6308013


Think of how many will be released into the country between now and the 90 day Barr asylum ruling.

f12fe9  No.6308014


Any submarine better have a cloaking device. Waters around pedo island only run about 15 feet deep or less, depending on tides.

091436  No.6308015


Jurassic park is coming

They just found a paw intact

Watch for DNA extraction

fd4e43  No.6308016

File: e0f59a554e5ab85⋯.jpg (20.99 KB, 255x252, 85:84, pepe_meme_war.jpg)

46413d  No.6308017


something like number 19 is my favourite.

we all have something in us they can easily activate if we dont know our place anymore.

05fed7  No.6308018

File: a87a35f907b1fc8⋯.jpg (923.4 KB, 1952x882, 976:441, kek_questions3.jpg)


100 YES or NO Q's for Q

1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

5. The earth is hollow

6. Reptilians live among us

7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

8. We are all actually AI computers

9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

13. Autism and auto-immune disorders from vaccines. Known and intentional.

14. Glyphosate causes cancer and/or expensive mystery ailments

15. The Archons have infested most of us and have been running our entire civilization as a loosh farm

16. satan is real and he owns 99% of us

17. Alien invasion is coming, we will all suffer a Lovecraft-tier horrible fate and there is nothing we can do about it

18. MK-Ultra continues and is >100x bigger than it was in the 70s. The CIA has been using psychotronic weapons, split-personality mind control, and mood altering drugs on the general public.

19. We have all been given a virus that can be used as a killswitch if we get uppity

20. The elite have hived the entire planet to satan and we are all being led to the slaughter as sacrificial livestock








Need 100!

385dba  No.6308019


what is pure?

46413d  No.6308020


figuratively speaking this scene shows the princible: (Matrix - removal of the bug)

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghwiNnsHU-4

597840  No.6308021


Dinosaurs arent real ;)

091436  No.6308022



Its all a digital simulation

Nothing is real in a traditional sense

385dba  No.6308023


I got a knuckle, a few teeth, who it from then?

039c07  No.6308024

File: 691778840a053c0⋯.png (376.07 KB, 1181x597, 1181:597, ClipboardImage.png)




df4cad  No.6308025

Baking in 20

20cd9a  No.6308026

File: 91d35c0f88985db⋯.png (276.53 KB, 672x823, 672:823, data.PNG)



> https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/03/19/flashback-maxine-waters-confirms-obama-has-database-with-information-on-every-individual/

We have always suspected this.

64f23e  No.6308027


His island is the bolthole

cf7d36  No.6308028

File: 7e16d2fe0ccef83⋯.jpeg (747.69 KB, 1242x1444, 621:722, E9EA6474-C0E7-406F-A6CC-5….jpeg)

385dba  No.6308029


History…………….none is true. I don't teach lies

46413d  No.6308030



Elite is using a 2-part-poison on the general population:

Each part is harmless, but together it is a slow kill weapon dizzing people down.

They put part a) in the chemtrails, it rains down on everybody getting inhaled respiratory.

They put part b) in the toothpaste, combined with the chemtrail stuff it forms highly toxic molecules like Aluminum-Fluoride or something.

Only the elite does not use the toothpaste so they are not effected by the toxic effects. the chemtrails alone are not as toxic as the 2 parts combined.

bf20e4  No.6308031

Rothschilds are selling heirlooms


Gee, I wonder if they have run out of cash?…

5dfcd5  No.6308032


Is it like a multiplayer game or single player game?

df4cad  No.6308033

anons hold any new notables for next bread.

thank you from your humble baker.

1a645e  No.6308034

File: 6e4831c9e5b61ed⋯.png (743.43 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)



Wisconsin: Muslim Migrant Mother Of 7 Plotted To Poison Reservoir With Ricin - Recruited For ISIS

Anyone around her in Wisconsin who might have raised suspicions would have been derided as a racist, bigoted “Islamophobe.”

“Wisconsin mother-of-seven agrees to plead guilty to trying to plot ISIS terror attacks by instructing recruits on how to build bombs and poison reservoirs on hacked Facebook accounts,” by Jennifer Smith, Dailymail.com, April 22, 2019:

A Wisconsin mother-of-seven has agreed to plead guilty to trying to plan ISIS terror attacks.

Trending: Wisconsin: Muslim Migrant Mother Of 7 Plotted To Poison Reservoir With Ricin - Recruited For ISIS

Waheba Issa Dais, 45, has agreed to plead guilty to one count of providing material to support a terrorist group in exchange for another being dropped.

385dba  No.6308035


We are hosts to many parasites. They feed from our negativity

894aaa  No.6308036


Question is why

0a62e3  No.6308037

Biden announces! He said he has a really good feeling about this run. It was touch and go for a while, but he couldn't deny that he was creeping his way up the polls. And it's not just a pet project for Biden. He's ready for the grind of an extended campaign. Also, he inappropriately touches women and children.

94e6b6  No.6308038


Liquidity problems are my guess with Trump freezing assets linked to human trafficking.

46413d  No.6308039


I wonder why this information is public. they could easily sell their shit in private.

Maybe its like a doomsday clock: when the roths sell their land and their gems, they plan to go underground. and when they go underground, its mass extermination time because people are about to wake up.

66fae9  No.6308040


Widespread cannibalism

091436  No.6308041


One player God

DNA is your ID number

20cd9a  No.6308042


In my opinion it was so they could identify and exterminate us.

Late part of the 16 year plan?

cd443b  No.6308043


gov is the ultimate parasite, like a 10LB tick on my ass.

597840  No.6308044


I believe a lot of the bones are from the giants that used to roam our country.

790f6c  No.6308046


>clown world

039c07  No.6308047



Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein hosted Professor Stephen Hawking on the private Caribbean island where Prince Andrew is alleged to have slept with an underage "sex slave".

The celebrated physicist attended a conference on the Caribbean island of St Thomas as part of an event sponsored by shamed Epstein, who describes himself on his blog as a "science philanthropist".

The Nobel prizewinner was reportedly one of several eminent scientists invited to the event, which included trips to the sex offender's private island retreat nearby.

A picture of Hawking, purportedly taken during the conference, is featured on the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation blog in a posting topped with the dateline March 21, 2012.

But it is not yet clear when the conference - called "The Energy of Empty Space That Isn't Zero" - took place or how long it lasted.

The blog states that guests "could meet, discuss, relax on the beach, and take a trip to the nearby private island retreat of the science philanthropist Jeffrey Epstein, who funded the event".

Hawking's representatives have yet to respond to requests for a comment.

Epstein's island of Little St James lies a short distance from St Thomas - part of the US Virgin Islands.

It is the same place where Virginia Roberts claims her third and final sexual encounter with Prince Andrew took place. She says she was 17 when the offences took place.

Andrew, the Duke of York, has faced mounting controversy after he was named in United States civil court documents as having had sex with Roberts on three separate occasions - claims vehemently denied by the Duke.

after he was named in United States civil court documents as having had sex with Roberts on three separate occasions - claims vehemently denied by the Duke

how do we find this?

abe9cb  No.6308048


sauce anon


2d7fb7  No.6308049

File: ed9d2c7ad7980d7⋯.png (515.73 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, downloadfile-127.png)

Illegal alien invasion…

Thanks Trump.

894aaa  No.6308050


Yeah i see this. And maybe first part of 2nd half? Right as US has nuke blow up on her soil.. all patriots blamed from “hateful free speech”

1a645e  No.6308051


Click to copyhttps://apnews.com/1dea0ecbaca1478386c35f35034bb624

At Kim-Putin summit, hearty handshakes and manspreading


an hour ago

1 of 3

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un talk during their meeting in Vladivostok, Russia, Thursday, April 25, 2019. North Korean leader Kim managed to match Russian President Vladimir Putin’s manspreading - the two sat with knees spread wide apart as they chatted before the start of their first summit, which began Thursday in the far eastern port city of Vladivostok.(Sergei Ilnitsky/Pool Photo via AP)

TOKYO (AP) — The ambiance was friendly. Nice, comfy seats. An exchange of polite welcomes.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un even managed to match Russian President Vladimir Putin’s manspreading — the two sat with knees spread wide apart as they chatted before the start of their first summit, which began Thursday in the Far East port city of Vladivostok.

With so little else to go on, it’s a common practice for North Korea watchers to pay extremely close attention to Kim’s every word and gesture when he makes public appearances. Summits are no exception, and there’s always lots of analytical commentary, insightful and silly.

What caught the attention of many outside observers Thursday wasn’t the scene, but the sound — of Kim’s loud breathing.

Clips of the introductory encounter were quickly tweeted around the world, many with comments about the leader’s audible breathlessness. South Korea’s media, meanwhile, speculated that it could be a sign of Kim’s poor health. He is, after all, overweight and a notoriously heavy smoker.

But when the two delivered their opening comments to start the actual talks, Kim seemed to have gotten over whatever the problem was.

Experts have noted that when Kim met President Donald Trump for the first time, they nearly lunged at each other with hands outstretched for a handshake. They vied several times to lead the other with an alpha male hand on the back. Gazes were carefully not averted, lest that appear to suggest submission.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un shook hands at the start of talks at a university in Russia's far-eastern city of Vladivostok. (April 25)

Tap to unmute

The impression from their second encounter, in Hanoi two months ago, was more measured. The two tended to mirror each other more closely, which is a sign of respect and cooperation rather than aggression.

Kim’s first greeting with Putin was more like his performance in Hanoi, though a bit stiffer. It was in some ways similar to an old style Soviet meeting, with a bit of a formal chill to it.

He and Putin approached each other with fixed smiles and held an extended handshake for the cameras. It’s often an awkward moment, even for the most experienced politicians. But they appeared relaxed — or perhaps just well-poised — as they also did during the initial part of the talks, which were broadcast live.

Unlike the much taller Trump, Putin is roughly the same height as Kim, which probably helped.

The health of the North Korean leader has been the topic of speculation before.

During his first summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, last April, he appeared to be out of breath as he signed a guestbook after a short walk. He was also shown on TV red-faced at a banquet, likely from the ample beverages available.

But Kim has managed to make it through nearly a dozen summits now. His meetings with Moon, in particular, were well received in the South and seen to reveal a genuine warmth and desire for better relations.

It remains to be seen how effective he will be in getting out from under the sanctions that have been imposed on his country for its nuclear weapons programs. But if nothing else, he has demonstrated a surprising air of confidence alongside some of the biggest players on the world stage.

20cd9a  No.6308054


Execute her

33ed57  No.6308055

It's ok. Everybody knows who the pedos are

b4d872  No.6308058

File: 45e6a60224b7721⋯.png (196.85 KB, 752x544, 47:34, College UCLA.png)

Preparing your kids for their next high paying job…

Idk what UCLA costs are, but I would imagine $50k range. Why don't you just send the kids to a strip joint and learn to pole dance for free?

920e5c  No.6308060


I feel pity for the idiots who still haven't pieced that crap together yet.

8e143d  No.6308061

File: 9a96a6b2cd47b0e⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1607x970, 1607:970, human compost.png)

263229  No.6308062


Here's the PDF link. Sorry frens, my eyes are about shot. But anyway, now we have the Wikileak, Q, and Judicial Watch all saying the same thing. Carter, Solomon, and DiGenova will all soon be saying the same thing.


Also, didn't Q give us this flow-chain as well?

"[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal HUSSEIN instructions re: HRC EMAIL CASE?"


Loretta Lynch Has Flipped!



21 Sep 2018 - 4:42:41 PM


[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal TARMAC [BC]?

[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal COMEY HRC EMAIL CASE?

[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal HUSSEIN instructions re: HRC EMAIL CASE?







2d7fb7  No.6308064

File: b294f2436c00771⋯.png (883.3 KB, 1080x1222, 540:611, James Assange.png)

Trump tower is a Comey property.

33ed57  No.6308065

Yeah good. she's a thinker after all

b4d872  No.6308066


forgot link


039c07  No.6308067

File: 03a70be2202e5d5⋯.png (986.91 KB, 1298x659, 1298:659, ClipboardImage.png)




Rich-listers like Californian billionaire Ric Kayne have issued a warning to New Zealand – banning house sales to foreigners could hurt the country’s reputation and turn wealthy investors away.


abe9cb  No.6308071


how do we find this?

like this:

Derschowitz named too for bonus points


1412e0  No.6308072

File: 65540420685b6d1⋯.jpg (122.51 KB, 732x960, 61:80, 57155428_2138342046242623_….jpg)

Saturn Moon pass in SW sky at ~ 5.00 am local time.

5012c5  No.6308073

File: 0bafd33fd010d13⋯.jpg (81.24 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, KIMPUTIN.jpg)

Russia Summit continues …

Russia's President Vladimir Putin told a news conference after his summit with North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un Thursday he'd speak with President Trump about what they discussed, saying "there are no secrets."

Details: After Putin and Kim met for the first time on Russky Island, near the port city of Vladivostok, in Russia's far east, for the summit, Putin said Russia welcomes Pyongyang's efforts to normalize relations with South Korea and the United States, but he said North Korea needs security guarantees before it gives up its nuclear program.

Show less

The big picture: Putin called the talks "thorough," saying they committed to stronger ties and discussed "the situation on the Korean Peninsula." Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov said earlier he hoped Russia would "consolidate the positive trends" stemming from President Trump’s meetings with Kim, AP reports. Kim's summit with Trump in Hannoi ended without a deal in February.


33ed57  No.6308074

At least u know who the deadbeats are

cd443b  No.6308076

File: 5f370427d6ddfaf⋯.png (115.7 KB, 202x270, 101:135, ClipboardImage.png)


How long will it take until YOU people wake up that THEY are not going to jail, then law doesn't apply to THEM. THEY have an unwritten laws, and deals, you do not let the law apply to us out of pure self preservation. It you apply to law to any of them, then it can be applied to all of them. Law of unintended consequences.

Take it from a former baller, once it starts you cannot stop it.

72ee9d  No.6308077


wrong..more like 40million illegals. They are now in every single state.

2d7fb7  No.6308078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump do what you got to do.

64f23e  No.6308080


Anon asked if his sub was named bolthole…I was just saying no its his island.

039c07  No.6308082


yeh i am just digging

df4cad  No.6308084

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)






33ed57  No.6308085

They have nothing on me except currency? Copy?

d19825  No.6308086

File: cd9818eb15e458f⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 764x512, 191:128, 3bvk03nvzyh11.jpg)

66fae9  No.6308087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Iran’s Foreign Minister proposes prisoner swap for jailed British-Iranian Mother

d19825  No.6308088

File: b92f625c32bb0a7⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 520x325, 8:5, 12925341_f520.jpg)

d19825  No.6308090

File: 1812ecbe1379632⋯.jpeg (142.34 KB, 1242x897, 18:13, 4bb93c66697c28879bdaecf6f….jpeg)

72ee9d  No.6308091


think how much screwing is going on to to get an anchorbaby ASAP.

d19825  No.6308092

File: 4b69a50b7845ee0⋯.jpg (41.26 KB, 285x432, 95:144, 4b69a50b7845ee0216a3397093….jpg)

11f2c9  No.6308093

File: 7ca24cf41e9fe1a⋯.jpg (362.57 KB, 640x966, 320:483, Hopeful.jpg)


>I Hope you're right.




d19825  No.6308095

File: 83743570b38d7f5⋯.jpg (10.6 KB, 255x198, 85:66, baker.jpg)

525584  No.6308096


To think, people bribe their kids way into a place like that.

091436  No.6308097


Thats about right

525584  No.6308101


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