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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

56dd24  No.6129571

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesay 04.10.2019

>>6121936 ————————————–——– PANIC (Cap: >>6122122)

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>6028589 (Part 2)

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

56dd24  No.6129580

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6121805 , >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6121863)

>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>6102951 , >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/


are not endorsements

#7838 baker change

>>6128990, >>6129218 FBI and DHS says election in all 50 states were targeted.

>>6128864 Mexico Arrests Leading Los Zetas Cartel Figure in Drug Raid

>>6128961 Michael Scheuer on Trump and America's enemies (as he sees them)

>>6129087 CNN oTwatter meltdown

>>6128867 [PP] sues to stop new Utah law banning 4+ month abortions

>>6129029 Vancouver man faces new money laundering charge in college admissions scandal (Epoch)

>>6128997 GOOG updating email security

>>6128993 WATCH: Gaetz discusses Schiff and PENCIL Act on Fox

>>6128879 Contd Hansjörg Wyss Dig

>>6129276 Ken Starr claims Hillary casused Vince Fosters suicide (dressing down of Foster)

>>6129406, >>6129386, >>6128926 PENCIL Act. -Gaetz files for removal of Schiff

>>6129021 notable side by side ob Clapper

>>6129543 #7838


>>6128487 Hansjörg Wyss Dig

>>6128449, >>6128461 Hannity using phrase "Over The Target" on radio and TV today

>>6128414 @45_Schedule SK meeting, Pompeo, Pence...

>>6128344 Twitter and Facebook deny "shadow-banning" in Senate hearing (Breitbart)

>>6128316 Denver Int'l Airport dig

>>6128213 Jihadi training camp disarmed, 30 killed or captured near Mali's border

>>6128205 Q reading patriot running for Congress in Florida

>>6128175 Thomas Massie And John Kerry Square Off Over Climate Testimony

>>6128158 Mad Lad Italian Interior Minister Salvini doesnt want Turkey in EU

>>6128154, >>6128430 Rep Gaetz (R-FL) files to remove Schiff from House Intel Committee and revoke clearance (PENCIL Act, KEK!)

>>6128134 Enemy Recruitment website

>>6128133, >>6128237 58 arrests in Minnesota child-sex sting (MSN via Reuters)

>>6128093, >>6128127, >>6128273, >>6128590 Greg Craig, former Hussein WH counsel, expected to be indicted soon re Ukraine/Manafort

>>6128109 Kushner, Kansas expect POTUS to release middle east Peace Plan (IsraelNationalNews)

>>6128746 #7837

#7836 baker change

>>6127976 Twitter AI algorithm "Glitch" redirects "Enemy of the people" to NYT

>>6127586 alware Analysis Report: North Korean Trojan HOPLIGHT

>>6127883 High Energy: POTUS signs Executive Orders to fast track Oil+Gas (DailyCaller)

>>6127840, >>6127859 some highlights from Baker transcript

>>6127860, >>6127921, >>6127782, >>6127978 Greg Craig, former Hussein WH counsel, expects to be indicted re Ukraine/Manafort

>>6127792 Prominent Minnesota businessman, ex CEO, and wife found dead in apparent murder-suicide

>>6127784 Judicial Watch uncovers 'Cover-Up' discussions in latest HRC Email docs

>>6127717, >>6127697 Amazon Employees, Alexa listening to your conversations

>>6127677 New HuffPo conspiracy theory: Barr harming people with Obamacare lawsuit

>>6127528 I'm the boss! Trump gracefully reminds us of Stephen Miller's place (DCExaminer)

>>>6127519 [Removed by popular request]

>>6127498 David Rothschild twitter poll (kek) Who is more credible: A Jones or Barr?

>>6127448 Panic In DC: Pelosi says Barr is "off the rails" (CNN)

>>6127346 Fake News salty tears, crying over Barr using the term "spying"

>>6128002 #7836

Previously Collected Notables

>>6126411 #7834. >>6127226 #7835

>>6124075 #7831, >>6124884 #7832, >>6125680 #7833

>>6123100 #7828, >>6122483 #7829, >>6123268 #7830

>>6126047 #7825, >>6120139 #7826, >>6120923 #7827

>>6116978 #7822, >>6117743 #7823, >>6118574 #7824

>>6114653 #7819. >>6115409 #7820, >>6116193 #7821

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

56dd24  No.6129584

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6115583 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>5968822

Q Graphics all in EST


56dd24  No.6129588

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

fc59c5  No.6129597

File: 3f949f1024b35ec⋯.jpg (206.41 KB, 975x717, 325:239, castello-plan-of-new-amste….jpg)



56dd24  No.6129601



ebadef  No.6129603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.



21fe07  No.6129604

File: c6b9319a66a24eb⋯.png (1.14 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, MMP.png)

db5439  No.6129605

File: b77734b4f169a1a⋯.jpg (8.92 KB, 268x188, 67:47, PrinceHarry-Oprah.jpg)

ebadef  No.6129606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


f7e2e3  No.6129607

File: 66b13556f4d2acd⋯.jpg (202.46 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLI….JPG)

8ab952  No.6129608


Doug is gay and a drunk

7d9215  No.6129609

File: a0204fc5da610c6⋯.jpg (363.8 KB, 2048x2560, 4:5, 4222897.jpg)

df803f  No.6129610

File: 0e11050ecf3336d⋯.png (40.64 KB, 591x252, 197:84, ClipboardImage.png)


3737e7  No.6129611

File: 4eb1f23184a13f1⋯.png (212.05 KB, 400x505, 80:101, ClipboardImage.png)

45df0c  No.6129612

File: 1a16e717f07ee7a⋯.jpeg (123.43 KB, 640x897, 640:897, 1a16e717f07ee7a6e91c4f7a4….jpeg)

8ab952  No.6129613


Doug is gay and a drunk

ebadef  No.6129614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Protocols of Zion. Full Documentary.

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

56dd24  No.6129615

8ab952  No.6129617

Brennan is a traitor. He needs to answer for his crimes.

e00ef5  No.6129618

File: 16e20e811f97aef⋯.jpeg (131.47 KB, 789x836, 789:836, 3A9DF4CF-4BCB-4D03-987E-2….jpeg)

bff58d  No.6129620

File: 96c1ff8273e72e3⋯.jpg (149.02 KB, 540x360, 3:2, balls.jpg)

82f208  No.6129621

>>6128861 pb

NICE, i mentioned that a week or so ago, that it would be cool to have the voice of james earl jones say this is QNN, kek

0204fc  No.6129622


WIN 2020.


521ca6  No.6129623


you sucked his dick, had a drink, and tesitfy?

839e9a  No.6129624

>>6129555 (lb)

Remarkably no, I’m not very social and avoid gatherings of more than 1 other person.

563b04  No.6129625

File: d7cb6b5cf5ce9e7⋯.mp4 (12.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 57hffd-ggZPnBlr-.mp4)

fc3bc9  No.6129626

File: 01a0e29cba80edb⋯.gif (214.07 KB, 219x257, 219:257, DONALDJAMS..gif)

8ab952  No.6129627


you taught me how loser

d0cea6  No.6129628

>>6129505 (pb)

This is very important.


We must take back the symbols of man, the creations of God and make them ours again.

ebadef  No.6129629

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)




The Protocols of Zion Full Text

92924b  No.6129630

>>6129424 PB

"How do you keep up with posts?"

You mean for Notables? Depends on the bread.

Slow breads - easy, just read thru plus take anon noms; also ask anons about ones you're not sure of (I list em below the other notes; learned that from a notable baker)

Fast breads - look for anon noms with Control-F, also grab what I notice. Focus is more on breaking news.

Best scenario: Anons provide a one-sentence description with the post. When the baker has to make sense of 5 unlabeled pics (or other misc material), it's gonna be last priority unless the nominator comes up with something. Just not enough time otherwise.

45df0c  No.6129631

File: 105f738e8dcf227⋯.png (393.96 KB, 800x448, 25:14, 105f738e8dcf22734d1a4d327e….png)

3737e7  No.6129632

File: 499319d94e50d62⋯.png (536.49 KB, 960x504, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

74f64b  No.6129634

File: fa9c5b4f8f7ea08⋯.jpg (190 KB, 756x571, 756:571, Irebel.jpg)

76f323  No.6129635

File: ee59a205977723e⋯.png (1.52 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 329D47BC-1E43-4B83-B667-4F….png)

8ab952  No.6129636


Debunked countless times. This is a fraud. BS

7aef7a  No.6129637

File: 8083775d442390d⋯.jpg (28.06 KB, 512x267, 512:267, 19a109312bfe07d3e26f45dbaa….jpg)

TY Baker!

ebadef  No.6129638

File: 04effbbfb53c43a⋯.png (609.53 KB, 910x848, 455:424, T_y_da_laws.png)









56dd24  No.6129639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fresh new pepe news from last bread

grabbing those late bread notables and DJT

right now

aa2bf1  No.6129640

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

People Get Ready

- Eva Cassidy

This song is starting to make more sense every day… finally.


df2084  No.6129641

Well shills and clowns, now the pain starts. Enjoy the show, we are!

0204fc  No.6129642


CLOWNS even cannot.


fb8a9d  No.6129643

File: db4ce49f2e694fc⋯.png (985.47 KB, 1242x789, 414:263, Untitled.png)

waiting for his ride

aedeb5  No.6129645

File: 57a3400eabca25c⋯.jpeg (77.04 KB, 638x500, 319:250, stealing.memes.jpeg)

1da985  No.6129646

File: 8719f8a96865387⋯.png (277.13 KB, 1225x1441, 1225:1441, mcaleenan.png)


new DHS on the job tomorrow

anyone find it weird he is from Honolulu?

321aad  No.6129647

File: 7ccb19535895eda⋯.jpg (275.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1552350123408.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

db5439  No.6129648

0:49 What an airhead

8ab952  No.6129649


u are loser if you feel the need to post the crap every bread you worthless shill

fc59c5  No.6129650


563b04  No.6129651

File: dbb3e0405420119⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 599x485, 599:485, D31QqV4XoAcg3O_.jpg)

7c6c74  No.6129652

the zombie apocalypse is now

their just not as ugly looking as faggotwood made them out to be

be8d4b  No.6129653

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

7eed59  No.6129654

File: c398548652ddd33⋯.gif (868.33 KB, 500x266, 250:133, c398548652ddd33a363eb38da1….gif)


Thank you baker!

7d9215  No.6129655

File: 78e19904c9f7083⋯.jpg (71.33 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, e31b1a6.jpg)

0204fc  No.6129656

2022… ?



74f64b  No.6129657

File: 11824196c613141⋯.jpg (61.49 KB, 386x561, 386:561, zombies.jpg)

8ab952  No.6129658


Chris is allegedly a heavy user of the cocktails

df8028  No.6129659

Getting a little weak with the lame, recycled meme and scat.

Maybe fake Q can be right about something? Anything?

Challenge all. Reconcile.

4c83bb  No.6129660

So, supporters of our CINC who have not been following along with us… are they surprised? happy? confused?

0fe9e4  No.6129661

File: 74a77f77eb3f8a8⋯.jpg (411.93 KB, 1032x1139, 1032:1139, 29.jpg)

File: db706ebe0f45cac⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 350x243, 350:243, cyristals.jpg)


getting closer. . .

P/Pi is a symbol of a doorframe.

Peh in hebrew means a mouth. . .

if you figure this out it's worth all the marbles.

in hoc signio vinces.

if you connect labarum and labrys you will be 90% there.

the "keystone" . . .think about it. 'what you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

not sure you even realize what this is. . .'windows' are the least of your concerns. think DOORs and KEYS

the little 'P' on top of the vexillum holds something. the keystone

2488d9  No.6129662

File: 3f88c5f88e6f586⋯.jpg (326.21 KB, 450x571, 450:571, Andrew.jpg)


Becoming increasingly difficult for the royal machine to keep the dirty laundry under wraps.

Pretty sure the "John Doe" trying to keep the Epstein documents sealed is Randy Andy's older brother, Charles-in-waiting.

f1bfbc  No.6129663

File: 3518b3afc370c9d⋯.png (139.19 KB, 310x307, 310:307, niteshift-lizard.png)

92924b  No.6129664

File: 622565c05617c09⋯.jpg (5.94 KB, 225x225, 1:1, barr.jpg)



"You will get more than the gist!"

e20c6b  No.6129665

>>6129590 LB

That's helpful info. Been thinking about trying baking out, but not a lot of nominations for notables that I'm noticing, and a LOT of bitching about stuff baker chooses for notables.

Kind of perplexing…

2f5777  No.6129666

File: 97c7322d0386ba4⋯.jpg (19.12 KB, 291x400, 291:400, ObamaAsAfricanBigMouth.jpg)

why did I not think of this in 2008?

ea5e04  No.6129667

File: ac1a9f4ea39acf8⋯.jpg (283.23 KB, 620x506, 310:253, Bless-this-Bread--12.jpg)

fd9cc7  No.6129668

File: 25c7994b9ac3dcd⋯.jpg (48.13 KB, 720x574, 360:287, 56539126_10157156529030365….jpg)

4ee996  No.6129669

File: 1c8f5da528e9ca4⋯.jpg (314.6 KB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, FUTURECOMMS.jpg)

84c8df  No.6129670

File: 7b9d370124ca0c7⋯.png (456.19 KB, 662x371, 662:371, wrongassbitch.png)

File: 0fb783a93f0b09b⋯.jpg (169.53 KB, 610x406, 305:203, dis.jpg)


>Debunked countless times. This is a fraud. BS

521ca6  No.6129671

Comey has a chance

hours now

wether to be a boyscout lead astray



db5439  No.6129672



>0:49 What an airhead

That was for >>6129624

839e9a  No.6129673

Anyone know if the Kaczynski property in Montana is on the market? (Asking for a friend)

2b34b6  No.6129674


Jackie Gleason… And Awaaaaay We Go One We Go All!

9ee46e  No.6129675

>>6129218 (LB)

When is anyone going to be concerned with Democrat intervention rather than Russians?

a56caa  No.6129676

File: 9b62c0e0a4fc8f2⋯.png (3.79 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 51695B11-70B1-44D0-889F-77….png)


8ab952  No.6129677


Hussein will not survive in Africa. He is too soft

a3febe  No.6129678

File: 8b4838176fb4197⋯.jpg (393.4 KB, 962x1000, 481:500, hollowearth.jpg)

d04f6a  No.6129679

File: 397821abe31fc7a⋯.png (46.15 KB, 843x344, 843:344, djt410.PNG)


3e3214  No.6129681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Iran Floods: Aid blocked by US sanctions?

c09f2f  No.6129682

File: 0e5f9d8c696a50e⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 1470x828, 245:138, Stefan20Halper.jpg)

Will he be arrested?

8ab952  No.6129683


Prove it smart guy

081e8c  No.6129684


Wow, seems like they really found some traitors.

b39438  No.6129685

File: 8e06c02cb6a762c⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 470x595, 94:119, 8e06c02cb6a762c084996ff2fa….jpg)



4c83bb  No.6129686

File: e33e45e112d579c⋯.png (13.71 KB, 255x249, 85:83, acb7d1937b9ecc28d5ef00b4ed….png)


sho 'nuff

fc59c5  No.6129687


>Anonymous 04/10/19 (Wed) 21:43:13 2488d9 (1) No.6129662

Thank you

aedeb5  No.6129688

File: 04c6b4496fde101⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1466x1182, 733:591, meme.binney.hero.png)

7aef7a  No.6129689

File: bf62aba214827e4⋯.jpg (214.38 KB, 2483x1878, 2483:1878, 68d498deb88345753492163ef3….jpg)


[comey] suicide watch?

84c8df  No.6129690

File: 55ddb8db6cb1ac1⋯.png (444.79 KB, 474x311, 474:311, ClipboardImage.png)


>u are loser if you feel the need to post the crap every bread you worthless shill

3e7db0  No.6129691

Cameras and mics aren’t regulated and are everywhere. It’s a high tech medieval disaster. Privacy is an illusion mostly. Consider “spying” as a valid assumption in all environments. Hopefully Trump’s administration will have time to streamline and secure our digital roads and borders.

Evil players look for compromising info on enemies, just as may have happened to Trump. Certainly Q has suggested there are extensive crimes at hand. The “keystone” may be the warrants needed to investigate what NSA already knows: they ran a huge dragnet around Trump in an attempt to dig up anything they could, and worked to divert legal responsibility e.g. to a false dossier. Maybe Barr can get that warrant now and Q really did “have it all”.

003203  No.6129692

File: c0694fa5c2015d5⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1856x1102, 32:19, famefagBO.png)


d0cea6  No.6129693


I will NOT RELINQUISH the owl to their control.

I will not RELINQUISH the goat to their evil ways.

These creatures are provided by GOD to humanity, to cultivate, to shepherd, to harmonize with HIS creation.

ed7bad  No.6129694

File: 9f280fc352bc138⋯.mp4 (11.26 MB, 492x360, 41:30, ALEX JONES hoax pulled off….mp4)

>>6128861 pb

I think it's NOTABLE Baker!

"A Better News Show" Be Best!

>>6129240 pb

>^^^"Jones" is not a Christian.

>Who do they think they are fooling? Damn.

>That is so stale.

>He doesnt even look interested in his own stories anymore. Maybe it's just a job for him now? Always was. He craved a large audience, and that was promised him

8fb3c0  No.6129695

File: fff96ff29f10f0e⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 600x459, 200:153, Barr hmm.gif)

File: a8779dd35f8f620⋯.jpg (66.82 KB, 500x512, 125:128, Barr seen the report.jpg)

File: f95a868563d1651⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 470x661, 470:661, White Hat CIA Gina Haspel.jpg)

Just a observation…

Barr knows where the cameras are..see (gif 1 and pic 2)…

Reminds me of Gina…(pic 3)…

Always know where the cameras are..hmm

He just happens to make a perfect face while facing the camera…coincidence..maybe..

I'm betting his personally is just like Trump's..

He is a ball buster..imagine being smart as a whip(with some extra smart ass to boot ) probably funny as hell in normal life..but don't cross him..disastrous for the other guy.

73cb8f  No.6129696


He coulda been a hero… the poor sap

He never thought she would lose though

cb996c  No.6129697

File: 2bae587049a8f5b⋯.jpg (31.68 KB, 217x288, 217:288, 6475246424256.jpg)

197108  No.6129698



DJT is using that word alot lately

2488d9  No.6129699


Could have been born on the Navy base in Honolulu.

What's his father's first name?

df2084  No.6129700


Wouldn't doubt it. But Chris, it won't help. The pain you'll feel you brought on yourself, it's called karma.

e500a9  No.6129701


TREASONOUS is being stated and in other posts.

9bfd38  No.6129702


Get em' Mr. President!

e4ca20  No.6129703


Oh, he will. Even if some of us Vets have to see to it.

ea5e04  No.6129704

File: 57a43ee34724264⋯.jpg (172.2 KB, 734x348, 367:174, Pepe-Puppy-Nightshift-Love.jpg)

File: 9a2d1c86baddb35⋯.jpg (568.7 KB, 1380x524, 345:131, Moar=Better-Meme-Corps.jpg)

File: a138bac87c4942b⋯.jpg (866.53 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Love-You-Night-Shift-1.jpg)

File: 1d615af24a797f0⋯.jpg (76.07 KB, 747x500, 747:500, Gomez-Morticia-Night-Shift.jpg)

File: e6a1d5879830f1b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Night-Shift-AirForce.png)

>>6129471 all LB





There's too many awesome Night Shift memes! Stop it!

No, wait…

Moar = Better!

aa2bf1  No.6129705

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



- Jeff Buckley

Of the many, many covers of this Cohen masterpiece…this one is the best…IMHO

A voice so good he got a field promotion to the big leagues upstairs.


de006c  No.6129706

File: 21e082f0889534a⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 254x255, 254:255, daydreamnpepe.jpg)

7d9215  No.6129707

File: 73d944a93f58947⋯.png (1.2 MB, 951x728, 951:728, ClipboardImage(16)(2).png)

84c8df  No.6129708

File: 9e1e2576e457cd5⋯.png (140.47 KB, 500x478, 250:239, honk_tired_of_it.png)


>Prove it smart guy

You're the one claiming it's fake. Show proof of your claim.

56dd24  No.6129709

File: 9d736334d13c7a3⋯.png (34.83 KB, 775x123, 775:123, ClipboardImage.png)

i dont see these DJTs

563b04  No.6129710

File: 1f4cf2a81a8e4fb⋯.mp4 (3.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bg7I3GhM3PAxYTU7.mp4)

a3febe  No.6129711

File: 51b14eb4732f899⋯.jpg (274.59 KB, 890x500, 89:50, 51b14eb4732f8991f7f886da41….jpg)

ea5e04  No.6129712

File: 2559f8ed066e304⋯.jpg (497.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Hive-Mind-Orchid.jpg)


I was listening to that this afternoon!

071279  No.6129713

File: 0d2c9ddb7b44206⋯.png (72.9 KB, 1233x442, 1233:442, ClipboardImage.png)


But..what does it mean?!?!

229bb1  No.6129714

File: 87ec0f2f1c23d7a⋯.png (568.03 KB, 818x784, 409:392, Zimbabwe.png)

Has Hillary been to Africa recently?


Love the look on this guy's face.

"On the third day," he [didn't] rise again.

your turn

521ca6  No.6129715



dont suicde

your daughter?

your wife?

your dog?





we have it


0f73f3  No.6129716

File: 92e6987c3301caa⋯.gif (5.11 MB, 260x460, 13:23, hot03.gif)

Tanks bake

0204fc  No.6129717

real change (scroll).


p.s. THERE WILL BE all good WHEN we eliminate AN evil heart.

7c6c74  No.6129718


sometimes it takes a good kick in the ass to make a population get off of theirs

36c937  No.6129720

File: 3cc72e601414699⋯.jpg (470.76 KB, 1008x399, 48:19, zombie001.jpg)

21fe07  No.6129721

File: f072a5bee4a6eae⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1062x1375, 1062:1375, Prince Andrew.png)

cb996c  No.6129722

File: fea5bd2e55f41fe⋯.jpg (8.76 KB, 225x225, 1:1, fea5bd2e55f41fe42c3ade5261….jpg)

3e3214  No.6129723

File: 1a282ab092695c7⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1300x822, 650:411, ClipboardImage.png)

8f4e5f  No.6129724

File: bedac81f65ff823⋯.png (946.96 KB, 1033x704, 1033:704, ClipboardImage.png)


fd9cc7  No.6129725

Aight, so apparently Adam Gingrich's beef with Bill Mitchell is that Bill wouldn't let Adam work with them.

8ab952  No.6129726


>Oh, he will. Even if some of us Vets have to see to it.

That bastard Brennan did the C_A no favors. He is a one trick pony. That one trick is all about John Owen Brenna.

This guy needs to pay.

aedeb5  No.6129727

File: 59e508e5f3aa483⋯.gif (3.17 MB, 365x600, 73:120, meme.magic.pepe.gif)

94ee83  No.6129728


Learn to discern on the fly.

Under pressure to get the bread out,

the flatfooted fucktards will try to get

shit past you.

Easier to scrutinize when there is no deadline.

Not all nominations are good,

6e03ee  No.6129729

just when you think they can't build this up any bigger, they do

amazing to watch.. it's like a dam that is springing leak after leak after leak and its starting to make noises now

c76c58  No.6129730

File: 119b6ff87e5e5e3⋯.png (79.53 KB, 179x281, 179:281, 1524760908346.png)

This is an actual email exchange between myself and a family member the day Trump became President.

I had gone to bed election night thinking that the witch was gonna be there in the morning. Woke up, turned on the tv dreading the new reality when, BOOM, Trump had won! I could not believe it. I never thought she would lose (kek).

So I sent this message, not Trump fan at the time, just conversation, wholly thankful she did not win.

"wow it is a glorious day in America, huh?"

This is verbatim the response I received -

"Actually NO, due to this John and I will be losing our health insurance, as well as his arthritis medicine which is 4000$ a month… we pay 10$. two lgbtq friends who live in Pa. (different places) were both told to "watch out" because "now that he is elected their faggot ass won't be protected anymore" someone yelled at me and another woman as we were walking to the post office yesterday "woohoo let's grab that pussy" It's OK to voice your vile hate cuz "he tells it like it is" so we can too. we will lose our earth, air and water because all regulations will be lifted and the EPA dissolved. Wildlife is doomed, as his head of usfws is avidly recruiting trophy hunters as "conservationists". Rights to choose what women can do with their bodies will be gone as well. oh… and lucky us… Rudy Giulliani. so no… excuse me if I don't agree… it is not a glorious day."

I answered "We have no idea what will happen. But time will tell"

reply "shit has already happened and time will make it worse"

And no, we have never spoke about these things (or much of anything) since. I was shocked and saddened at this email (tho I could agree with the Giulianni part). I would love to include my family in the winning that has been going on ever since DJT, because winning can be a lonely place without your loved ones alongside you. Sure they will catch up, but damage has been done and sadness lingers.

Thanks Fam for standing in this past year. WWG1WGA

900024  No.6129731

File: 2a635a9f3e85fc0⋯.jpg (98.45 KB, 652x400, 163:100, vote45.jpg)

File: bec9efa3d6aed25⋯.jpg (151.54 KB, 1090x651, 1090:651, bec9efa3d6aed25bb2b6b36c41….jpg)

354b8c  No.6129732

File: a8e6644b603d256⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1420x1096, 355:274, Capture _2019-04-10-14-37-….png)

Enemy is at the door.

7eed59  No.6129733

File: e0b41ce86eb0ec4⋯.png (338.17 KB, 500x376, 125:94, e0b41ce86eb0ec42341e0ccf1b….png)


Top kek!

56dd24  No.6129734


the one at the :55

i dont even see it posted by anons lb and im all the way 5 minutes in at the :00

0204fc  No.6129735


it's not that easy.


fe007f  No.6129736

File: eb5938f7d4c8a96⋯.jpg (221.24 KB, 1000x633, 1000:633, 3FBF0F28-C90C-4674-8ED8-54….jpg)

File: a9a4dc157116aa2⋯.png (231.13 KB, 1016x1011, 1016:1011, a9a4dc157116aa2eaffa959ae0….png)

File: 3b6aa312620180c⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, dcbcc79f8ca19093ee8daac053….jpg)

File: b5cd62583685f5f⋯.jpg (918.74 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, A6_Intruder_Vietnam_Q.jpg)

fe5555  No.6129737

File: 8f85b845018a76c⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1184x1164, 296:291, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)


They're on his timeline.

f4120f  No.6129738



To be able to share- well done breaking it down. But what voice to use…

8ab952  No.6129739


Brennan - the corpus of intelligence is that you are filthy traitor.

1c4127  No.6129740

Carlos Ghosn, anyone?

I’ve been trying to understand how he fits into this war, but I can’t figure it out. I feel his demise plays a role we’re overlooking.

Nothing in MSM worth reporting here. Need help.

25e8fa  No.6129741

File: 0d2095ec42f706f⋯.jpg (202.11 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ReadyMoreDisclosure.jpg)

File: ba07ae8ead1cc06⋯.jpg (90.66 KB, 535x533, 535:533, QCrumbsDifficultTruths4.jpg)

File: 296f99fffcd456c⋯.jpg (307.25 KB, 1001x1500, 1001:1500, ReadyLevelUp5.jpg)

File: baa3451b3bb8d6e⋯.jpg (204.76 KB, 1125x946, 1125:946, MoreInformation.jpg)

File: 61687bc41c38e08⋯.jpg (203.89 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, MoreSecurity1.jpg)


Really calling the evil Dems TREASONOUS.

That's strong language and of course he MEANS it.

Does that mean all the Dems who have been so many chances to change the border laws and refused, will actually be held accountable for TREASON?


aedeb5  No.6129742

File: 0e8ff63107e1cb8⋯.png (632.28 KB, 638x960, 319:480, biden.2020.chicken.png)

fc3bc9  No.6129743


thx anon

060762  No.6129744

File: 0ccde200715b140⋯.png (43.17 KB, 600x615, 40:41, wwg1wga.png)


Thank you for standing up for the American People Mr. President. God Bless Patriots.

521ca6  No.6129745

everyone here



tell Comey we care for his family

come in from the cold.

in your own words.

2488d9  No.6129746


Doing a little digging on Kevin Kealoha McAleenan:

His father was a teacher in Hawaii–

"McAleenan’s ties to Hawaii come from his childhood. When he was a boy, McAleenan’s father earned a doctoral degree at the University of Hawaii and worked with at-risk youths at Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School in Honolulu. He also taught summer classes at the University."


a3febe  No.6129747

File: 168e0a8a9d3a603⋯.jpg (64.04 KB, 820x492, 5:3, prince-charles-george-char….jpg)

e7dfc3  No.6129748


That includes buying brand name products for the sake of branding. It's an obsessive compulsive debt pushed on the masses to keep us enslaved and bankrupt.

d04f6a  No.6129749

File: f35f96048768104⋯.png (238.64 KB, 586x329, 586:329, dannyboy.PNG)

0204fc  No.6129750

>>6129735 me



354b8c  No.6129751

File: 8715151b8a9100e⋯.jpg (76.54 KB, 604x819, 604:819, IMG_20190410_153809.jpg)

ea5e04  No.6129752

File: c2a45c16553df75⋯.jpg (404.51 KB, 900x690, 30:23, Meme-Magic-QofThought.jpg)

File: d2d294523872dc3⋯.jpg (781.3 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Clean-House-QofChange.jpg)

File: 68f74d42daa8d2d⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 1920x1402, 960:701, Restore-Rule-of-Law-QofOrd….jpg)

File: 78d980a14fdbc3b⋯.jpg (777 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Spring-Cleaning-QofChange.jpg)

File: 944397fd89dc897⋯.jpg (369.15 KB, 900x690, 30:23, Thought-Power-QofThought.jpg)

Love you, Meme Magic(k) frenz/s.

004d49  No.6129753

File: f490154f885df6c⋯.png (468.14 KB, 1243x914, 1243:914, Selection_992.png)


Who dis?

they look smelly.

7eed59  No.6129754

File: cda5c0b809bb0b8⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1020x1431, 340:477, cda5c0b809bb0b88b9f5262f8c….png)


Dubs don't lie!

e4ca20  No.6129755

They say we are a dangerous movement.

Well, they got something right for once… we are as dangerous as it gets… to those who would side with evil against We the People. We will give no quarter and take no enemies, until America is free again. So PANIC!!! Quake in fear, all who oppose what God is doing in the earth today. You will not survive it!

521ca6  No.6129756

offer comey a hand of fellowship.

197108  No.6129757



my kid was born in Tripler Military Hospital in Honolulu when we were stationed there.

All military births are done there

not strange if his dad was a vet

1971 Vietnam

25e8fa  No.6129758


Oh beautiful, fren!

7c6c74  No.6129759


staph is a bitch

aa2bf1  No.6129760

The Hive is strong…we are invincible. WRWY

Peace to you, Hallelujah Anon..


c225c3  No.6129761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6128847 (pb) vid related

Although I am not a fan of Beck (since his never Trump antics), I can not deny his research skills.

Before he went off the rails, his chalk board research on Fox was outstanding.

Dude can really connect the dots and has a great understanding of our Founding.

Some of the connections he made were mind boggling. (this vid talks about the groups really behind the massive caravans of late)

Hope he's able to earn some respect back by backing POTUS fully.

c20f02  No.6129762

File: f3e344de5a6bd6f⋯.jpg (22.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, b74699_apple-ceo-tim-cook-….jpg)

Apple Music Censors Songs about Tiananmen Square Massacre for Chinese Government

Watchdogs groups have accused Apple of censoring music that mentions the Tiananmen Square Massacre and democracy in China.

According to a report from the Hong Kong Free Press, Apple is censoring certain songs in China that mention the Tiananmen Square Massacre and democracy. In 1989, the Communist-led Chinese government killed and injured thousands of protesters that had occupied Tiananmen Square in Beijing for the purpose of bringing attention to basic human and press rights that were being violated in the country.

This week, Apple removed a song by Hong Kong artist Jacky Cheung that directly mentions that massacre. “The youth are angry, heaven and earth are weeping… How did our land become a sea of blood? How did the path home become a path of no return?” the lyrics to the song read. Other songs by Cheung are still available to stream in China.


6000ce  No.6129763

Glenn Beck message to POTUS and all of us.

Chalkboard Lesson: Chicago Marxists are pulling the strings on the attack on our border


fe007f  No.6129764

File: b99da4cc51bb148⋯.png (186.46 KB, 474x314, 237:157, dd10d5c69cfbfeb53387144345….png)

File: 851e8d2f2702c2d⋯.png (2.26 MB, 2500x1201, 2500:1201, Experimental_Parachutes_Ni….png)

42e938  No.6129765

File: 052657f27279f29⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 255x245, 51:49, heart.jpg)

>>6129599 (lb) → It was the first time I tried that. Hard to put out information without talking. Thanks though!

>>6129596 (lb) → Thanks! I appreciate that.

>>6129539 (lb) → Thank you!

Barr, all he said was one word…Spying… and people are freaking.

Just think, we still have DECLAS, OIG, than indictments, not to mention Nunez' referrals. I didn't think too much of when Q would say that they are putting out info so that we can break it to people.. But fuck me.

0204fc  No.6129766



fe5555  No.6129767


If you love Comey so much, get on your knees and suck him off. But stop telling us to do it for you.

56dd24  No.6129768

8fb3c0  No.6129769

File: 9c4c64004f37fc8⋯.jpg (34.32 KB, 773x272, 773:272, FBI raid Cohen's home.JPG)

1 year ago today!!!

aedeb5  No.6129770

File: 94abeb916def22e⋯.jpeg (80.15 KB, 530x707, 530:707, comfy.dig.meme.pray.jpeg)

2f5777  No.6129771

File: b5abb6bb0abc5dd⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 291x400, 291:400, ObamaAsAfricanBigMouth2.jpg)

d0cea6  No.6129772


Comey has had his chance, he chose poorly.

82f208  No.6129773

File: 78e76203fd6a5b0⋯.jpg (178.45 KB, 750x972, 125:162, Vogue-Ukraine-August-2014-….jpg)

File: 638f9a488f162f6⋯.jpg (121.86 KB, 1420x946, 710:473, 28-clinton-wintour.w710.h4….jpg)

File: 54d186902a79e1a⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 4252x3345, 4252:3345, 180730044940-33-anna-winto….jpg)

File: 8be525431c11e99⋯.jpg (84.96 KB, 928x523, 928:523, annahillary.jpg)

File: 5b1118dd951621e⋯.jpg (121.18 KB, 712x1143, 712:1143, e025f52ca70e7b393f07651919….jpg)

I saw on Ingraham that Anna Wintour of Vogue magazine was interviewed by Christine Amapour, and was being a total snobby bitch about her having Michael on cover a couple of times and other Dem women, but will NEVER have Melania on cover( because she is not a style trend setter like the manthing,)

Basically saying Melania is not sylish, etc



e20c6b  No.6129774



7eed59  No.6129775



8ab952  No.6129776

File: 9be4a90af3f6e4f⋯.png (142.34 KB, 1256x588, 314:147, ClipboardImage.png)

LMC is /ourgal/

i will fight anyone who says different.


0c0271  No.6129777

File: 6cd9a5f970dd9ca⋯.png (155.27 KB, 474x266, 237:133, twilight_zone.png)

Young man doesn't know right from wrong thinks it's OK to assault someone during a political discussion

we are in the twilight zone.

can any one come up with some caption ideas?

aa2bf1  No.6129778


Roger that..you're welcome in measure of Heaven, Anon. Go in grace and be blessed.

29a14d  No.6129779


Once I saw the Oprah, I "knew" oh my oh my oh my "Glorious"

ed7bad  No.6129780


So I'll redo this Notable Nomination

#6129630 Pepe News is the best most concise News available anywhere; Now as a talkie.

c09f2f  No.6129781

File: b73241df5c37470⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1012x1119, 1012:1119, Screenshot_20190408-101156….png)

Where is Anthony Weiners 650,000 emails?

5a5b7f  No.6129782


I miss her, she made it so effortlessly…voice of an angel. I suppose that is why God called her home.

70a52a  No.6129783

File: 3a2284b1de09027⋯.jpg (138.63 KB, 913x1304, 913:1304, _bee_.jpg)



People(humans) will reject.

We are not alone.

C'mon, don't 'pick & choose' now.

Evil is as evil does.

Up is down and left is right.

6f849a  No.6129784


Dear Mr. Comey,

Everyone makes mistakes. It's never too late to choose the right side, no matter how big the mistake. Your family will appreciate it.

Much Love,


354b8c  No.6129785


Press reflected in POTUS eye.

88099b  No.6129786

>>6127368 lb

this is a slide… no one is disputing the investigation was done by the book and not interfered with… the big question is why was the investigation even started, when the fake dossier was the basis for it, so he FISA that was approved and extended was initiated illegally, because it was never revealed to the FISC that the DNC paid for the fake dossier and the creators of the fake dossier were on the payroll of the FBI and CIA

5480ef  No.6129787

File: 8c936a438f325b1⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 175x255, 35:51, 5f455bb80b19cd71329d66ea85….jpg)

File: 0a72c7f89b9557f⋯.jpg (21.22 KB, 255x246, 85:82, e69fac78a2bf8aa3640fead70a….jpg)

7ecb1d  No.6129788

File: d44a2b168b0bdf1⋯.png (108.98 KB, 1291x648, 1291:648, LIG 1.png)

File: 41d4e1422f8fb37⋯.png (50.39 KB, 1065x643, 1065:643, LIG 2.png)

File: bbf6715d3055b3b⋯.png (164.82 KB, 1018x645, 1018:645, LIG 3.png)

File: 30d7f94a8e3e53f⋯.png (42.18 KB, 953x646, 953:646, LIG 4.png)

File: 5dc78f542909880⋯.png (581.55 KB, 1363x622, 1363:622, LIG 5.png)


One search for LIG took me here…

Comey possibly looking at Alcatraz?

Reposting as hit end of lb.

Connections? Possible dig?

f890d0  No.6129789

File: a755486f2f88baf⋯.png (86.9 KB, 949x225, 949:225, 23.png)

I'm not going to even try to spell this out at length, but they are TOYING with the enemy BRUTALLY right now. Unless you have followed these issues I'd just save this and examine later at your leisure.

This Anon times the John 3:16 at 1:23:

>>6128484 (pb)

But the shirt first appears at 1:21 and links to Q 121, which ends "God save us."

Read here how the enemy got played before on timing:

>>6055840 (pb)

And compare and contrast the 14 Mar Anton article with this by Gorka:


And note, from Gorka:




God wins.

2488d9  No.6129790


Who are you, fren anon?

I care for anybody who is a patriot and wants to do the right thing.

fe5555  No.6129791


The Devil Wears Prada was written about Wintour.

She's a frigid bitch.

521ca6  No.6129792


he has hours

or a belief in

friends that

will kill



talk him


fc3bc9  No.6129793


nothing beats a good Christian.

thx buddy had a lil rough news this evening

4c83bb  No.6129794

c1a5b6  No.6129795


Yes. Great observation.

7ecb1d  No.6129796


Sorry, lb missing

e4ca20  No.6129797


Mormon = Mason

42e938  No.6129798

File: 62ec146bbd04054⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Tuxedo Pepe.jpg)

>>6129621 → You know what, it may have been you that gave me the inspiration! Thanks! All credit to you.

>>6129694 → We are the news! Thanks for watching and appreciating the work man.

Just trying to do this board proud bringing the work that gets done here in a normie friendly format. Hope everyone likes it. If not, oh well..I'll try to do better. That's why I always welcome criticism.

004d49  No.6129799



Definitely smelly.


aa2bf1  No.6129800

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Mary Did You Know

- Voctave (feat. Mark Lowry)

While we're talking about splendid singing. This is the master class for masters.



8ab952  No.6129801

File: 9bc8f76d56e0a4d⋯.png (914.66 KB, 1194x1414, 597:707, ClipboardImage.png)

This is what the D-party is left with.



Depends Wearers.



9304ee  No.6129802


information in video is really good – dot connecting

ed7bad  No.6129803


I was having a hard time conceiving it.

I'm too precision orientated and was imagining somehow , I had to cover everything.

I;ll have to try in the morning when I'm not tired. Though "Night shift is the best shift" No doubt.

e00ef5  No.6129804


No need. We love her

2ecfc0  No.6129805

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)

>>6023671 lb


There are countless attacks by the media in an orchestrated campaign. We are at war with the corrupt establishment, and they are fighting back with vengeance. There are millions spent shaping these narratives, much like Fusion GPS, ShareBlue and others. At least 20% of posts are not related to our research and are various forms of subversion or fake news narrative shaping.

The NOTABLES section will help you cut through the chaos and noise.

Notables aren‘t endorsements. Discern for yourself. This board is not much different from any comment section on a site, and yes they pay to “shape” opinion there too. The notion we can control anonymous posts is a huge leap.

If it’s HATE based, it’s FAKE / PAID

NOTHING Q has said supports these narratives. We reject any unlawful activity. Groups that fundraise off “hate” are the most likely culprits. Hate is an industry, much like the news media being more interested in ratings than journalism.

Think for yourself and discern posts in context of Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again




>>5966972 (pb) rt >>5966583 (pb) rt >>5966470 (pb)>>6023671

0bc68f  No.6129806

File: 3dde4cf93f77e40⋯.png (214.79 KB, 749x346, 749:346, Eye4Justice.png)

060762  No.6129807

File: 162defe3f743ed8⋯.jpg (170.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, FU Pepe.jpg)


Moar like you eatshitsure.

Kys danny boy.

642ebd  No.6129808

File: 80081210a60a518⋯.jpg (377.15 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 68cff7c61415b605b8c16e8813….jpg)

4c83bb  No.6129809


'you can see clearly'

d9e706  No.6129810

File: 816d30ddccc660c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20190410-195126.png)

Well I was hoping this wouldn't happen but it looks like another popular YouTuber Mark Dice is most likely a shill… He liked Dorka the orca's attack on Q … Well Mark… You are in my shit/shill list now.

521ca6  No.6129811

we all have failed

let us offer comey


df803f  No.6129812

File: e8c6cf611678366⋯.png (55.39 KB, 587x315, 587:315, ClipboardImage.png)

Too bad that the European Union is being so tough on the United Kingdom and Brexit. The E.U. is likewise a brutal trading partner with the United States, which will change. Sometimes in life you have to let people breathe before it all comes back to bite you!


fe5555  No.6129813


>>6128903 (lb)

Looks like Canadian East Coast? Maybe Maine.

3737e7  No.6129814

Is the left ACTUALLY freaking out about what Barr said, or is it just headline faggotry? I haven't really seen anything I'd consider a freakout.

df2084  No.6129816


Jim, I'll pray for your soul and for your family, ask for forgiveness now while you can.

00a7e0  No.6129817

File: 4dc0e723fe39fef⋯.jpg (439.58 KB, 1401x1189, 1401:1189, SmartSelect_20190410-22541….jpg)


78348b  No.6129818


THAT is the black hole science discovered!


004d49  No.6129819


Smelly press that is, just to be clear.

The eye reflection was well done!

eadf28  No.6129820


The BO/BV are now censoring the content and "relevance" of the research threads. While most of this main board is copy pasta of the news and meaningless comments there has been great progress/research between anons on side threads recently which has been locked and researchers sent into the wind after being bullied and insulted that their connections were/are not relevant.

Was this what you intended? That some Anons are allowed to shut others down if they do not like the research or the approach to it?

I thought this was a free speech board where we are accepting of each others' differences and approaches and support any Anon who gives a best effort toward supporting the movement. So much negativity is fostered and supported by the BO/BV at the expense of Anons who must ENDURE it to be part of the movement the very least that can be done is to allow positive interraction between worker-bee Anons in a separate research thread without the "powers that be" weighing in and applying some bullshit oversight system to snuff out the research or specific researchers.

Simply censorship at its finest. And to think that I learned more in the past month and made more connections between Q drops from 3-4 serious research Anons outside of the main thread than I have in the past year of lurking on the main board.

I'm fed up and disappointed in the BO/BV. You may have just lost 3-5 serious researchers who don't shit the bread with stupid frogs, tits and memes about AOC but rather talk about Solomon's temple, Marie Antoinette, McLeods disease and Payseur connections made to St. Louis, MO. Isn't that what we are really here for?

e20c6b  No.6129821


Thank you for your service, patriot


197108  No.6129822

File: c079e16078d557b⋯.jpg (48.53 KB, 1300x650, 2:1, D31wB01WsAYIQf.jpg)

2488d9  No.6129823

File: c13712a7209e7b9⋯.png (95.57 KB, 689x473, 689:473, PepeHug.png)

File: f5ea8cd1a29f0a6⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 400x489, 400:489, cross.jpg)

bb53ad  No.6129824

File: 7d829c1f31c16b4⋯.png (1.82 MB, 659x961, 659:961, Mtg 2015 10 Cambridge MA(1….png)

File: 5557a260567acf3⋯.png (1.35 MB, 636x739, 636:739, Mtg 2015 10 Cambridge MA(1….png)

Hansjörg Wyss dig

Re; #7837 [ >>6128487 ]


Cambridge, MA – October 21, 2015

"This meeting was originally scheduled to be held in Paso Robles

on October 13, 2015 but was rescheduled. Participants included

Hansjörg Wyss, Bruce Babbit, Bob Bland, Molly McUsic, John Podesta

and Howard Stevenson. Staff included Anna Fink, Lauren Haigler,

Matt Hollamby, Chris Killingsworth and Joe Fisher who kept the minutes."


a0d741  No.6129825

File: 9aa93253678b5d6⋯.png (35.44 KB, 955x289, 955:289, Rothschild.png)

more PANIC


They don't like THAT word.

7d9215  No.6129826

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, TreasonsAndTraitorsBye.jpg)

File: 5e11db826064e69⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 594x301, 594:301, DEATHpenalty.jpg)

Some people not going to be too happy about their sentence.

0c0271  No.6129827


he looked so much like Rod that I just couldn't help shopping it.

I want a theme like 'young man had poison mentors, may spend a large part of his life in jail. Wasn't taught right from wrong.'

but I just don't really think that will work.

so I was wondering if anyone had some caption ideas.

e4ca20  No.6129828


Another cull from the gene pool.

56dd24  No.6129829



for notables


noboby reposted the RT last bread so ill make


it notable this bread

8ab952  No.6129830


>No need. We love her

Thanks Anon. We need to support /ourgal/

7aef7a  No.6129831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yep she had a beautiful voice, great artist to be sure!

0bc68f  No.6129832

File: 4ccb77cd5c502ee⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1046x663, 1046:663, ComeyGOPride.png)

4f8e06  No.6129833

File: c9705d606e9a1f5⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

c09f2f  No.6129834

File: 0170950acc1734f⋯.jpg (20.68 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0170950acc1734fbb8a73fb748….jpg)

File: 1fa27b1017efbd1⋯.jpg (33.56 KB, 620x743, 620:743, downloadfile-43.jpg)

Jihadist Omar.

004d49  No.6129835



92924b  No.6129836


Re complaints to baker:

Well, there are a lot of shills, and they always complain. Who cares, right?

From anons, I don't get a lot of complaints because I try to post early-ish (by 300, 400 at the latest) and often ask the magic question: "Anything left out, anons?" I did not do this right away, needed to get my "sea legs" first, so to speak.

It helps that I do more slower breads, but then so do most new bakers (late night to early morning). I look up undated posts on the Net to make sure they're current and also in QResearch (to avoid dups). With dups, I thank anons for posting but tell them it's already posted.

I often thank anons for their contributions under the Notes list (or individually) when there's enough time. I like to thank anons at the start of the next bread. Because they are the ones who make this place ROCK!

Also, I'm a digger and know it's nice to be recognized for your work, even if not included in Notes. We're all a team; remembering to say so when baking creates a good atmosphere in the bread.

a56caa  No.6129837

354b8c  No.6129838

POTUS feeling salty tonight. Nice!

ea5e04  No.6129839

File: 5be61e2290709f2⋯.png (484.56 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Bureau-Mimetic-Warfare-Ins….png)


^^^ True story (at least in my life…)

What is the current value of our "industry", do you think?

6858d5  No.6129840


BAKER I nominate


Rice Queen Tim Cook denying the rights of Chinese, kek kidding…

“Apple Music Censors Songs about Tiananmen Square”

839e9a  No.6129841

Congressional traitors cause rage and fury poisonous to my own heart.

Hate is wrong.

I am trying Q, but I really struggle.

They have no quality to admire.

There is nothing beautiful or Nobel about them.

What to do…

5afd1c  No.6129842

File: 4e5cc75e8b34068⋯.jpg (21.58 KB, 1200x107, 1200:107, D2KLMPCU0AAvGjd.jpg)

File: 2d372acde6f88ce⋯.jpg (115.17 KB, 1125x673, 1125:673, D2KMcBhU4AAH3Ys.jpg)

File: 9db53370e652152⋯.jpg (169.54 KB, 1189x595, 1189:595, D2KMd2mVAAEqOSU.jpg)

File: d8b460aae361790⋯.jpg (84.3 KB, 1177x449, 1177:449, D2KMew2U4AExWjs.jpg)

File: 6e1be271f4a7591⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 916x594, 458:297, D2KMplRUYAEg9xi.jpg)

2ecfc0  No.6129843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In case you have not seen the show from yesterday yet.




>Bigly Q Special!

>Website: https://yourvoiceamerica.tv/yva-4-9-19/

>YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKqe_UYJuqY …

>Hear from two of the top Qanons on what the movement is, what it means and where it's going!

>Must see TV!


YourVoice™ America (4/9) "Bigly Q Special!"


12bab2  No.6129844

File: 18e510e55cdd65c⋯.png (871.98 KB, 816x888, 34:37, 2E6CFD1F-F752-4D62-945C-56….png)



The Democrats never saw Trump coming & when they finally did…..it was too late!

He will see this through! He is going to sav3 aamerica! God Bless America!

3e3214  No.6129845

File: 3d37c0f071efa4e⋯.mp4 (14.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I would’ve grounded these ….mp4)

fd9cc7  No.6129846

I love how the case was announced that there's been a spying operation AGAINST assange

2f5777  No.6129847


>They don't like THAT word.

THEY really like using it, but just to describe Trump.

fe5555  No.6129848

File: 41038272acf1b91⋯.png (2.76 MB, 2075x1302, 2075:1302, comey.png)

56dd24  No.6129849

#7838 posted in 7839

>>6128990, >>6129218 FBI and DHS says election in all 50 states were targeted.

>>6128864 Mexico Arrests Leading Los Zetas Cartel Figure in Drug Raid

>>6128961 Michael Scheuer on Trump and America's enemies (as he sees them)

>>6129087 CNN oTwatter meltdown

>>6128867 [PP] sues to stop new Utah law banning 4+ month abortions

>>6129029 Vancouver man faces new money laundering charge in college admissions scandal (Epoch)

>>6128997 GOOG updating email security

>>6128993 WATCH: Gaetz discusses Schiff and PENCIL Act on Fox

>>6129406, >>6129386, >>6128926 PENCIL Act. -Gaetz files for removal of Schiff

>>6128879 Contd Hansjörg Wyss Dig

>>6129276 Ken Starr claims Hillary casused Vince Fosters suicide (dressing down of Foster)

>>6129021 notable side by side ob Clapper

>>6128861 fresh new Pepe News broadcast

>>6129034 New DJT - congrats Eric and Laura

bb53ad  No.6129850


This is about offing the unborn, WW

29a14d  No.6129851


Apex Predator at its finest. Offense engaged.

35ad44  No.6129852


We knew already. Globe believers can't dig. Too lazy, balls too small.

c1a5b6  No.6129853


All connected. AJ/MOS

fb8a9d  No.6129854


Kek the brothers are there to film it for soros and killary

82f208  No.6129855


She was a teenage whore( as mentioned in her wiki)

At the age of 15, she began dating well-connected older men. She was involved briefly with Piers Paul Read, then 24. In her later teens, she and gossip columnist Nigel Dempster became a fixture on the London club circuit

Her father was a clown i imagine, kek

Wintour was born in Hampstead, London in 1949, to Charles Wintour (1917–1999), editor of the Evening Standard, and Eleanor "Nonie" Trego Baker (1917–1995), an American, the daughter of a Harvard law professor.

She was a democratic Bundler of contributions.

Wintour has been a supporter of the Democratic Party since Hillary Clinton's 2000 Senate run and John Kerry's 2004 presidential run and serving Barack Obama's 2008 and 2012 presidential runs as a "bundler" of contributions. In 2008 and 2012, she co-hosted fundraisers with Sarah Jessica Parker, the latter being a 50-person, $40,000-per-person dinner at Parker's West Village town house with Meryl Streep, Michael Kors, and Trey Laird, an advertising executive, among the attendees. She has also teamed with Calvin Klein and Harvey Weinstein on fundraisers during Obama's first term and Donna Karan has been amongst the attendees. In 2013 when Vogue's former director of communications stepped down, Wintour was rumoured to be looking to hire someone with a political background. Soon after, Wintour hired Hildy Kuryk, a former fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee and Obama's first campaign. She supported Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential Campaign, forming part of Clinton's long list of wealthy donors or "Hillblazers" as well as serving as Clinton's consultant on her wardrobe choices for key moments of the campaign


a0d741  No.6129856


Watch POTUS literally save the UK and DESTROY the EU…

… All in the same move!

8fb3c0  No.6129857


Strange you should say that..my younger brother was born at Tripler Hosp in Oct of 1961..hmm I wonder if I get his birth cert and check the reference points on his to match up with bummers.

c09f2f  No.6129858

File: aab6ed67298e34d⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 441x443, 441:443, Tyrus ButtPlug.jpg)

File: db0bc713de06eb2⋯.jpg (153.82 KB, 448x497, 64:71, downloadfile-44.jpg)

2488d9  No.6129859

File: f0ef270ad4bf085⋯.jpg (47.75 KB, 342x400, 171:200, PatrioticLady.jpg)

b116b1  No.6129860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

From Tin Foil Hat podcast #180 with AJ and Eddie Bravo. Just had to listen BC these two are funny, shills or not. But they show this video with Brennan talking to the CFR about the benefits of chemtrails in 2016. They also argued about Q earlier in the show, but the whole vid has been taken down earlier today. Can listen here though:


7ecb1d  No.6129861


Since this LIG is on coast, went looking. The LIG pics, San Fran address is (in?) the UPS store. Plus references to kestone, Alice in Wonderland.

2ecfc0  No.6129862

File: b303864eda449df⋯.jpg (12.87 KB, 320x180, 16:9, EVIL_EU.jpg)

File: 49d8dec54af2ea1⋯.jpg (16.49 KB, 400x400, 1:1, POTUS_punisher.jpg)


Like that last sentence!!

25e8fa  No.6129863


Spouseanon watches some youtube. I don't. Couple years ago Mark Dice was on the street asking people if they would rather have an ounce of silver or a candy bar. He featured the ones who chose the candy bar.

But yeah, comped ex-patriots appear to be the new wave we are facing. Easy for me to say - I just don't watch any of them. Fickle friends who were never really principled at all. We've seen many of them come and go.

The long con is the most dangerous. The longer a person pretends to be what they aren't, and people develop confidence and trust in them … when they turn they hope to take many with them.

9f6d14  No.6129864

File: 321f680f81b1361⋯.png (844.65 KB, 1108x920, 277:230, 09B3BBD7-6DBC-48E2-9ED3-8A….png)

c1a5b6  No.6129865


Got let them BREATHE

29a14d  No.6129866


I swear that is what is going to happen. Queen wants Trump there in June for State Visit and carriage ride.

ec7765  No.6129867

File: 8b12a60d3381178⋯.png (724.34 KB, 800x563, 800:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1674ab43c6836a0⋯.png (53.2 KB, 705x411, 235:137, ClipboardImage.png)

Mysterious safety-tampering malware infects a second critical infrastructure site

Sixteen months ago, researchers reported an unsettling escalation in hacks targeting power plants, gas refineries, and other types of critical infrastructure. Attackers who may have been working on behalf of a nation caused an operational outage at a critical-infrastructure site after deliberately targeting a system that prevented health- and life-threatening accidents. There had been compromises of critical infrastructure sites before. What was unprecedented in this attack—and of considerable concern to some researchers and critical infrastructure operators—was the use of an advanced piece of malware that targeted the unidentified site’s safety processes. Such safety instrumented systems (SIS) are a combination of hardware and software that many critical infrastructure sites use to prevent unsafe conditions from arising. When gas fuel pressures or reactor temperatures rise to potentially unsafe thresholds, for instance, a SIS will automatically close valves or initiate cooling processes to prevent health- or life-threatening accidents. By focusing on the site’s SIS, the malware carried the threat of physical destruction that, depending on the site and the type of accident, had the potential to be serious if not catastrophic. The malware was alternately named Triton and Trisis, because it targeted the Triconex product line made by Schneider Electric. Its development was ultimately linked to a Russian government-backed research institute.

Not an isolated incident Now, researchers at FireEye—the same security firm that discovered Triton and its ties to Russia—say they have uncovered an additional intrusion that used the same malicious software framework against a different critical infrastructure site. As was the case in the first intrusion, the attackers focused most of their resources on the facility’s OT, or operational technology, which are systems for monitoring and managing physical processes and devices.

“After establishing an initial foothold on the corporate network, the Triton actor focused most of their effort on gaining access to the OT network,” FireEye researchers wrote in a report published Wednesday. “They did not exhibit activities commonly associated with espionage, such as using key loggers and screenshot grabbers, browsing files, and/or exfiltrating large amounts of information. Most of the attack tools they used were focused on network reconnaissance, lateral movement, and maintaining presence in the target environment.” Once the attackers in the new attack gained access to the site’s SIS controllers, they appeared to focus solely on maintaining this control. This focus involved strategically limiting other activities to lessen the chances of being discovered.

The discovery has unearthed a new set of never-before-seen custom tools that shows the attackers have been operational since as early as 2014. The existence of these tools, and the attackers' demonstrated interest in operational security, lead FireEye researchers to believe there may be other sites beyond the two already known where the Triton attackers were or still are present.

Wednesday’s report omits key details about the additional intrusion. It makes no mention, for example, when the attack occurred, how long it lasted, if it resulted in any unsafe conditions, and whether the malware targeted the same Triconex system as before. A FireEye spokeswoman declined to answer those questions. The report does include a wealth of technical details about the newly discovered tool set and ways the attackers used them to remain hidden inside the infected network. The report also contains indicators of compromise that help identify intrusions. FireEye is urging researchers and network defenders to see if the data matches previously seen attacks.


7bd39b  No.6129868


Fuck off

3e3214  No.6129869


Tell me that's not a Habsburg.

2b34b6  No.6129870


I had a similar experience. I posted after watching Trump's speech,something like…"Wow that was a great speech, he may be a great President." A relative then responded. "If he wins we are "f"d" Well, I don't like that language on a place my Mom sees so I deleted it. She posted it again. Then another relative posted. "You are dead to me." I said, "Wow, for having an opinion" She said "A dangerous opinion"…. we talk about the weather now. I don't understand how they think they will benefit from the 16 year plan…. Everyone loses.

aa2bf1  No.6129871


Another one called up early for excellence. I used to run curated sets and blind recommendations in the backgrounds and I would run and see who was on from time to time…Eva Cassidy was who it was many, many times…then she moved into my mix permanently.

Peace to you, Anon. Good to see good taste in the fam..

00a7e0  No.6129872

File: c743ad69ac26cd0⋯.jpg (578.25 KB, 1079x2024, 1079:2024, Screenshot_20190410-225658….jpg)


Holy crap…..check out the Q references


944444  No.6129873


She's a cunt witch who's gonna burn in hell. A Melania cover would sell more copies than they've sold in the last decade. They're putting that vapid whore Kraptrashian on the cover with her big fake ass bc it's "always been her dream!"

Of course, she has to make clear in the article that the same bitch who got an audience with the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES in order to ask for him to release a black woman from prison, also claims SHE CRIED over Kanye wearing the MAGA hat. WEAK ASS BITCH. God calls that lukewarm and He will spit you out you miserable narcissist.

df803f  No.6129874

File: d25372968dedc52⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1229, 1242:1229, d25372968dedc525dc45b438d….jpeg)

4c83bb  No.6129875


You could meme Greenburg kicking Alec Baldwin's ass kicking that poor double-parker's ass

0bc68f  No.6129876


They kept giving him "a chance to correct his statement" during the hearing.

f025d4  No.6129877

File: fe06df70f53e461⋯.png (453.63 KB, 889x1335, 889:1335, ClipboardImage.png)




2013; 2014


9ee46e  No.6129878


Actually, there are millions of pictures taken that wouldn't serve him or her well also. They aren't available apparently. It all depends on the narrative.

Think for yourself.

2039f6  No.6129879

File: c71b8d960787b20⋯.png (32.89 KB, 272x315, 272:315, bae8b42ffe77dcec40528ac89f….png)

004d49  No.6129880

File: 303350c02e70057⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1661x1135, 1661:1135, ((( ))).png)


nice ID anon.

eadf28  No.6129881


Go read what was done to thomasanon and HAnon on the symbols thread and the new bridges thread which is now locked. Also read the last few drops on the Meta pleading with the BO who is on the way out the door to please unlock the bridges thread. It is disgusting the way we were treated!

e4ca20  No.6129882



c20f02  No.6129883

File: 0f9cb70946b71c2⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 0f9cb70946b71c2a6326cc2f46….jpg)

b116b1  No.6129884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brennan CFR video here

df803f  No.6129885

File: 00dd18d3a61c6e9⋯.png (86.27 KB, 596x356, 149:89, ClipboardImage.png)


0f73f3  No.6129886

File: 2631cc4a72b50be⋯.png (737.94 KB, 881x575, 881:575, goldfinger.png)


Talk? No Mr. Comey, I expect you to die.

6e03ee  No.6129887

File: 054b1012f768f0f⋯.jpg (78.3 KB, 1266x330, 211:55, glow nigger SEETHING.JPG)


526ff3  No.6129888

File: a63bd9a85e9fa04⋯.png (292.84 KB, 591x937, 591:937, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eee13030f12a148⋯.png (274.72 KB, 583x957, 53:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Dems losing their collective Schiff over Barr's

"Spying DID occur!"


41c47b  No.6129889


Yes, I used to like butterflies and rainbows and hotdogs and pizza.

2488d9  No.6129890


Unsurprisingly, Wyss appears in the Podesta emails 229 times.

They weren't just acquainted.

This is a close, ongoing political relationship.

6858d5  No.6129891


Note how POTUS is now being referred to as “President Trump”.

65f3ff  No.6129892


when Q posts, do you just open another tab in you text editor, and put them into there?

718730  No.6129893

I just got why Barr, when asked if he'd like to rephrase his statement today, replaced the word "spying" with "unauthorized surveillance."

It's akin to Comey changing "gross negligence" to "extreme recklessness."

The shoe is just on the other foot.

b539bd  No.6129894


that chickens gettin some hot monkey love- Biden style

2ecfc0  No.6129895



so far globalism with both it´s HUGE disadvantages for 'we the people' and with the crime it brings was only saved by the fake news narrative and by distraction.

Since MSM is done, sone globalism and the global cabal will be done as well.

aa2bf1  No.6129896


Indeed…angels walk among us…some of them sing too. Be blessed, Anon.

044c7a  No.6129897


Nice timestamp on that twat Mr. President!

8ab952  No.6129898

File: 472ba3afd4807dd⋯.png (175.93 KB, 1242x1072, 621:536, ClipboardImage.png)


3737e7  No.6129899


Did he?

cb996c  No.6129900


how bout

douchebag assaults man wearing red had with words on it

spends rest of his life being anally raped by bubba

can you fit that all in one meme?

56dd24  No.6129901

>>6129692 you gotta be fucking kiddding me

c20f02  No.6129902

File: 317df6a1884803c⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DZZhrUZUMAA2BnW.jpg)

2ecfc0  No.6129903

e500a9  No.6129904

File: 522178484a8b8d8⋯.png (70.91 KB, 255x259, 255:259, supyup.png)


Yup. Boss is unleashed and will bite back.

007ac1  No.6129905

File: 47f2557180544d6⋯.png (308.84 KB, 990x780, 33:26, ClipboardImage.png)


2e8254  No.6129906

7c6c74  No.6129907


fuck sling load….. those bottom dashes is what the drop zone at JRTC looks like plus your heart rate when you realize that you didn't break any bones.

642ebd  No.6129908

File: 13abdc52be04607⋯.gif (59.67 KB, 354x286, 177:143, 13abdc52be04607fabdf15483b….gif)

2ecfc0  No.6129909

File: 5c8665e5186b93e⋯.png (282.94 KB, 578x821, 578:821, TREASON_DEATH_PENALTY.png)

25e8fa  No.6129910


Memeadvice: 7 words max.

521ca6  No.6129911



see no forgiveness

we all will be judged

as we judge others

just wanting a better outcome

and working towards that end

fuck you,

if that helps ya

aedeb5  No.6129912

File: d0ee0aac0654dfa⋯.png (395.4 KB, 1387x518, 1387:518, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

The Hill Poll Shows that at least 40% of Dems are Reasonable

* 61 percent of Democrats “doubted their views would be changed.”

So 40% think their views might change

* 53% of Dems thought Mueller would have said something if Barr's report was inaccurate.

It's crazy they still believe there's collusion or obstruction, but there's room for improvement amongst many of the normies.


1e68ba  No.6129913


this shit is only not crazy if it happened 2000 years ago

0a56f4  No.6129914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OMG the entitled lying nigger faggots on MSM..Please tell me they will become forever unemployed and thrown in jail.

Some people's spouses yell at the TV for sports fuck up. I scream LIAR at the TV.

Get to the part where MSM just lies and lies and lies and lies. They will NEVER GIVE UP. THEY WILL NEVER APOLOGIZE. THEY WILL NEVER ADMIT TO THEIR LYING. What are we to do? They won't stop until they are dead.

197108  No.6129915


>notable side by side ob Clapper

ouch- I take it ob was meant to be lb?

38c795  No.6129916


Taylor — FBI search warrant records released Wednesday reveal new information about an ongoing public corruption investigation involving the mayor of Taylor.

During a Feb. 19 raid of the City Hall office of Mayor Richard Sollars, located at 23555 Goddard Road, the FBI searched for records linking the mayor to property management owner Shady Awad, records involving the mayor's personal and campaign finances, and his casino activity, the warrants show.

The FBI searched Sollars' office for documents related to "work contracted or done by Realty Transition LLC" and 40 other companies owned or controlled by Awad. They also seized all electronic equipment used by Sollars or by the Committee to Elect Richard Sollars, along with records pertaining to the committee.

Federal agents also searched for records linking Fiore Enterprises, Fiore LLC, likely related to imprisoned towing titan Gasper Fiore

Federal agents also searched for records related to Sollars' casino activity including betting slips, casino player cards and ledgers of money won or lost along with any locked safes.

On Feb. 19, FBI agents were spotted carting documents and other evidence from Sollars' home in the 22000 block of Hunter Circle in Taylor. Simultaneously, an FBI team searched the mayor's $300,000 vacation chalet overlooking Silver Lake, about 80 miles west of Detroit and near Michigan International Speedway.

ed7bad  No.6129917

File: fa2eafc47f0d161⋯.jpg (82.96 KB, 982x595, 982:595, phoenixdice.jpg)


another ringer like "Jones" ex-actor with a new ID. Fake death.

I think the "fake death" is to discourage people

"the great comic… " "the great boy actor"

df2084  No.6129918


Nice, thank you anon

bb53ad  No.6129919

File: 50360ae2cecfbd2⋯.png (1.6 MB, 887x631, 887:631, [FORTY].png)

File: 000247de77e3eca⋯.png (1.69 MB, 934x633, 934:633, [FIVE].png)

File: 107a66b1776ea57⋯.png (1.61 MB, 891x632, 891:632, Grinz!.png)

File: 9679cbd084e009b⋯.png (1.62 MB, 893x634, 893:634, Keks!.png)

>I'll toss these in once more.


cb996c  No.6129920

95b7f8  No.6129921


been having that feeling

a81267  No.6129922

File: d7b03c7eaeef3d2⋯.png (205.92 KB, 505x617, 505:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7b03c7eaeef3d2⋯.png (205.92 KB, 505x617, 505:617, ClipboardImage.png)

42e938  No.6129923


Hey Anon,,,,I'm the one who does the Pepe vids…You wrote something about the voice. That was the first time I used that, because I want to keep the time down, but there are a lot of info not getting through without someone talking.

I don't want to talk, trying to keep it "Anon"….So did the voice suck? That was the least roboty I could find.

Looking for people thoughts.

6858d5  No.6129924


They’re really just making it worse for themselves when it becomes clear they were in on it…

9bfd38  No.6129925


Nice observation anon!

6e03ee  No.6129926


no way, I am going to enjoy watching everyone who vocally trashed and doubted Q reconcile.

e4b9ec  No.6129927

File: 49d4ab6d71bab05⋯.jpg (828.19 KB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-04-10 Virt….jpg)

Newark is under dAssault on final to Teterboro apparantly..

Hungarian Air Force FA7X

MexCity to PanCity to NY

>>6129561 (pb)

>>6128696 (pb)

>>6116344 (pb)

>>6115502 (pb)

92924b  No.6129928


plz see my comments about baking & Notes at >>6129836

But also: DO YOU BAKE, anon? If not, you may think there's censorship going on when it's really just bakers trying to do the best they can while doing about 4 or 5 things simultaneously. During fast breads, that's hust the way it is.

Of course, every baker has different ideas about what matters most. That's normal. That's why we repost if one baker doesn't see the value in our material. Posting at night is sometimes helpful because breads are slower and bakers can spend more time looking. And you can ask them questions, too. There are some great conversations at night that often make notables.

8fb3c0  No.6129929


Apparently unavailable..wow…what a coincidence..lol…

It was just like I said JP..just a observation..

41c47b  No.6129930




fbf30d  No.6129931

bolton caught on the take. add hin to list right under gorka


On June 12, 2018 The Washington Post ran an overlooked story where they disclosed that National Security Advisor John Bolton had accepted money from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, Deutsche Bank and HSBC to return for his participation in speeches and panel discussions. These three entities have been linked to various kinds of corruption including sanctions evasion for Iran, money laundering on behalf of drug cartels, provision of banking services to backers of Islamic terror organizations and controversial donations to the Clinton Foundation.

The financial ties between Bolton and these institutions highlight serious ethical concerns about his suitability for the position of National Security Advisor.

I. Victor Pinchuk Foundation

John Bolton accepted $115,000 from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation to speak at multiple events hosted by the Foundation including one in September 2017 where Bolton assured his audience that President Donald Trump would not radically change US foreign policy despite his explicit campaign promises to do so.

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation was blasted in 2016 over their donation of $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation between 1994 and 2005. The donations lead to accusations of influence peddling after it emerged that Victor Pinchuk had been invited to Hillary Clinton’s home during the final year of her tenure as Secretary of State.

Even more damning was Victor Pinchuk’s participation in activities that constituted evasions of sanctions levied against Iran by the American government. A 2015 exposé by Newsweek highlighted the fact that Pinchuk owned Interpipe Group, a Cyprus-incorporated manufacturer of seamless pipes used in oil and gas sectors. A now-removed statement on Interpipe’s website showed that they were doing business in Iran despite US sanctions aimed to prevent this kind of activity.

Why John Bolton, a notorious war hawk who has called for a hardline approach to Iran, would take money from an entity who was evading sanctions against the country is not clear. It does however, raise serious questions about whether or not Bolton should be employed by Donald Trump, who made attacks on the Clinton Foundation’s questionable donations a cornerstone of his 2016 campaign.

more at link

003203  No.6129932


nope, i wish i was

c1a5b6  No.6129933

3e6103  No.6129934

File: 1e76277cb11d16c⋯.jpg (22.23 KB, 400x460, 20:23, potusanon.jpg)

c27a31  No.6129935


For the record…

He retracted his claim of spying and replaced it with suspicion of spying

b3d2ed  No.6129936


The thing that shits me up the wall is how they keep saying it's because they don't like him - not that they're paid fucking criminals.

526ff3  No.6129937



Too bad that the European Union is being so tough on the United Kingdom and Brexit. The E.U. is likewise a brutal trading partner with the United States, which will change. Sometimes in life you have to let people breathe before it all comes back to bite you!

1e68ba  No.6129938


bad actor

0f73f3  No.6129939

Anyone else think it odd that Jaimie Demon BTFO's Maxine over student loans? The others were afraid to embarrass her, Not Demon

56d303  No.6129940

File: 9fc3cc1d857f070⋯.png (452.76 KB, 819x702, 7:6, Screenshot 2019-04-10 21.5….png)

File: dd6bb1bdde59dcc⋯.png (490.88 KB, 825x687, 275:229, Screenshot 2019-04-10 21.5….png)

This demonstration against SB276 in California (removes doctor authority to issue vaccine exemptions) is going on right now. Zen Honeycutt is speaking right now. She helped found "Moms Across America". She determined that glyphosate herbicide is contaminating US vaccines. A quote from Zen "A worried mom does better research than the FBI". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYcBRoJQz6A&feature=em-lbcastemail

aa2bf1  No.6129941

File: e3879bdc782abff⋯.png (638.99 KB, 902x476, 451:238, lighters.png)

0bc68f  No.6129942


Not so much. He did say something like "I could say unauthorized surveillance if that would make you feel better" (paraphrasing).

95b7f8  No.6129943

File: 17bc75b49115b8f⋯.jpg (39.83 KB, 720x736, 45:46, Dj4MxCoU4AARh67.jpg large.jpg)

154499  No.6129944

File: cadce69bf746295⋯.png (87.7 KB, 691x241, 691:241, SKI FREE.png)

003203  No.6129945

9e3cf1  No.6129946

File: 4cc2a54c782c7b8⋯.png (388.31 KB, 1309x975, 1309:975, MollyMcusic.png)


>Molly McUsic

5153c1  No.6129947

File: 2bcd9b5728d5f59⋯.jpg (12.83 KB, 175x255, 35:51, 1df99cfb0e1691399dd381d9fd….jpg)

c9976c  No.6129948

File: ebe7763016310fe⋯.jpg (160.36 KB, 600x1342, 300:671, 1.jpg)

File: 2dc0428ec2a81e1⋯.jpg (332.62 KB, 600x1881, 200:627, 2.jpg)

Qantas refuses to explain abrupt departure of top executive


68860d  No.6129949

File: ca7a442c3cb8e41⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 420x800, 21:40, potuseye66.JPG)

1c2667  No.6129950

File: b7c47e5de47c191⋯.jpg (143.21 KB, 966x700, 69:50, MuellerTime.JPG)

I knew we'd have the LAST LAUGH on this one. Hope they all enjoyed their laughs. Dibs on last! suuuuuuuuuuckers.

8ab952  No.6129951


Either way. He owned them

e08a42  No.6129952

File: 70fac53de5bd99f⋯.jpg (118.84 KB, 823x762, 823:762, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: 2d6b940bca81e93⋯.jpg (71.78 KB, 486x621, 18:23, 1a.JPG)

2 people found dead at prominent Minnesota businessman's home


df2084  No.6129953

How's everyone feeling tonight? For me Joy is in the air, feeling more relaxed than I have for a long time. Happy to be with all you great Patriots.

7ff273  No.6129955


way long time ago before Q when doing pizzagate digs, I crossed paths with epstein island, specifically the connection with pedophilia. I learned it was mossad on bib's order, that wired epstein island with the sole purpose of it being a honeypot to catch thus own leaders of govt & corp from around the world, blackmailing them to do their bidding… ie: send billions from their countries and businesses to Israel. Also at the same time period, prior to censorship; that the Israeli mossad had wired Congress, can't remember if it was both.

not sure if this has made it to the research board 'with sauce' over the past couple of years and I have no sauce to back it up so offer it only as information i picked up about Israeli influence in DC. they were essentially blackmailing members; watching/listening to every word they said to ensure the puppets were acting appropriately. It's why there are so many old ones, they are practically not allowed to retire. Squeeze every last of juice out of the goyim. I mean why else would some of them be so stupid in the things they say, the reasoning behind their arguments, the accusations they make? I think the ones that get down right red faced angry are the ones with the most to hide, the rest for the most part, are doing what they are told. Even if they wanted to break the hold, they or their loved ones WILL be killed if not towing the line, or the script quite literally.

Q said there's more good people than bad or something like that… so we see most as outright traitors while they're swimming like hell to keep the alligators off their asses

i kinda see a reason behind Trump's seeming favoritism of Israel in his decisions… so long as they are getting what they want, they would back off the people living under pressure cookers of blackmail. Maybe negotiate with Bibi or maybe not, just lulling him to sleep before the strike.

"You knew I was a snake before you took me in"

521ca6  No.6129956




61f92e  No.6129957

File: 89cb5cea63d777e⋯.png (611.3 KB, 623x519, 623:519, ClipboardImage.png)

Yo Q, can we get a confirm on the Pepe statue for Gitmo gatekeeper? We have a nice Walnut Log already donated so all that's left is carve him, paint and ship. He'll be 6-8ft tall with a nice grin and maybe a winking eye. All we need is a roger that the Base Commander will accept the package.

7d9215  No.6129958

File: e63e2207eaa0f01⋯.jpg (121.32 KB, 760x950, 4:5, MadDog2.jpg)

2ecfc0  No.6129959

CNN just now:

>Attorney General testifies before Congress; repeats President´s false claims of 'spying' against his campaign.

<false claims

I think at this point MSM is acting treasonous and purposefully attacking POTUS with known false news visibly to see for normies as well.

Witch hunt!

b539bd  No.6129960

>>6129900 >>6129777

be tolerant or die

cb996c  No.6129961


whew..not my MAC address

c27a31  No.6129962


No doubt

e4ca20  No.6129963


Hating evil is never wrong.

044c7a  No.6129964


My kid anon suggested juice boxes to a couple people we watched argue. They're so petty.

758508  No.6129965

File: cc72ee08d08cf75⋯.png (567.77 KB, 500x666, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)

675bfb  No.6129966


>Goes through your phone

Ha. That's funny. And sad.

4f8e06  No.6129967

File: ff88d805d32635c⋯.png (97.27 KB, 200x215, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

e1f715  No.6129968


I hope that faggot Joyce goes next (by way of the rope)

94ee83  No.6129969


fuck him and his passive aggressive tweet.

326728  No.6129970

Q Team, the show is getting better! The plot is turning!

7d9215  No.6129971

File: 33349e4a6b1c4a6⋯.jpg (254.7 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, IMG_20190303_220556.jpg)

Day One New World.

25e8fa  No.6129972

File: 2d210b3b3ba2d52⋯.jpg (179.93 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, PointMAGA.jpg)



aedeb5  No.6129973

File: 4f87f1fd53613c3⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 704x499, 704:499, barr.keks.justice.jpg)



526ff3  No.6129974


>For the record…

>He retracted his claim of spying and replaced it with suspicion of spying

For the record…

THAT is NOT what he said!

b3d2ed  No.6129975


Giddy up!

9bfd38  No.6129976

Keep going POTUS!!

82f208  No.6129977


>>6129842 interdasting, did not realize Chandler worked for Vogue.

I think Anna is a high up member, and involved with many of their sick evil deeds.

8fb3c0  No.6129978


Yep..and ChuckySchumer said "How can you start a investigation without evidence" …doesn't that sound familiar…I think I heard that right before the Mueller Investigation..hmm..

Strange how things get reversed…ROFL!! poor Dems just did a 'RED OCTOBER'..

8ab952  No.6129979

File: 88c6a4fde849cdc⋯.png (877.94 KB, 1202x1156, 601:578, ClipboardImage.png)

The turtle!


fe5555  No.6129980

File: 7f7608cbf1b82b1⋯.png (310.37 KB, 789x836, 789:836, barrgoatee.png)

File: 880c69ebf5ba0dd⋯.png (322.03 KB, 789x836, 789:836, beardedbarr.png)

0bc68f  No.6129981

On a random funny note, my son is becoming a teenager.

Tried to hug him and he laughed and called me "Biden".

Little shit.

fc3bc9  No.6129982



you can almost rest assured if it is on youtube and it has a lot of subscribers….

think about it

At this point they have almost all turned out to be flashlight selling mossad agents

004d49  No.6129983

File: ac1b7dfc046fddb⋯.png (508.77 KB, 793x1019, 793:1019, Selection_584.png)

a3febe  No.6129984

File: 8fbfd84eb83292a⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 640x480, 4:3, james-holmes-13.jpg)


whoa…early depiction of black hole?

884f93  No.6129985

File: 64a0362213a2c3a⋯.jpeg (486.79 KB, 1334x749, 1334:749, 5F3C4FCF-2DE5-4268-BB59-6….jpeg)

David Sidoo listed as a top donor to



1e68ba  No.6129986

File: 54380db33e3c2f2⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 347x315, 347:315, MLKKK ultra.JPG)

File: c0256c33bc21bde⋯.jpg (98.21 KB, 900x506, 450:253, bill blue.jpg)


Glen, Glen,

Glen. anywhere but here, Cheetoh-face. blue hair MOS POS.

sure is a rash of 'em trying to be the media now, huh.

c27a31  No.6129987


Did you listen to the very end of the testimony anon?

521ca6  No.6129988


every dog has his day

guess he died because

others thought he was listening.


491fdc  No.6129989

File: c3cb98319163186⋯.png (394.3 KB, 594x398, 297:199, April 10 Panic.png)

When they roll out Leon Panetta to sing the chorus, you know Trump is over the target.

3e3214  No.6129990

File: 6ba45647c03df38⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1204x784, 43:28, ClipboardImage.png)

c76c58  No.6129991


Right? Let's discuss and explore. Is nothing curious or mysterious? We can predict the future of total doom so well? While gas is cheap, wages are up, unemployment down, Korean veteran remains returned, Prison reform so many things that are affecting our lives. But the hatehatehate is so deep that common sense and civility is done. That's ok, I can wait (want to confront it every day) but I plant the seed, others water and fertilize it. I will see the plant grow someday. someday soon.

9f6d14  No.6129992

File: 990d95c54897f4f⋯.jpeg (262.48 KB, 1103x1426, 1103:1426, C6521670-5AC1-42AA-B781-4….jpeg)

I spy…


e4ca20  No.6129994


Never cared for the guy. Something always seemed off about him.

a8db5b  No.6129995

Just a flip side of the coin thought here…

What if David rofschild turned on his own family ?

12bab2  No.6129996


Your smoking pot again, aren’t ya?

84f23e  No.6129997

>>6128961 LB Michael Scheuer on Trump and America's enemies (as he sees them)

I'll finally recommend this book

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

Banned in russia in 2010

His wife was killed at the time

He 'died' in 2012

His most strong supporter states side (Barbara Koopman) 'died' about a month after him

It's not for everyone but I'm sure some anons will appreciate, especially his earlier material.

If you enjoyed 'The adam and eve story', look at this.

All available on his website


Remember to archive offline

fc3bc9  No.6129998

File: b8446382da97e41⋯.png (96.81 KB, 371x362, 371:362, KEK2.png)

7aef7a  No.6129999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do you remember phoebe snow?

her first album absolutely beautiful, among the best blues for that era I've ever heard!

a3febe  No.6130000

File: 9b3c0936f70cf5e⋯.jpg (75.22 KB, 1143x633, 381:211, mitch!!!.jpg)

eafa47  No.6130001

After the first draft, new categories were found. It's pretty fascinating.

Some things were wrong, but sadly, sometimes you have to issue a surprise attack.

Isn't it funny how even when the enemy knows an attack is coming… you can still surprise them?

Maybe they should have studied ISIL or whatever.

Wait, no, al… al Qaeda? There were more–

Wait, no. No. The Kurdish f–

Hm. The Iran…

Well what about Viet…

Shit, what about… Korea… fuck.

Nevermind they never learned.

That's why we keep shocking them. :)

Just wait. They're coming.

3b5686  No.6130002


He should have said 'bite you in the ass'. He extended an offer to Theresa May and she slapped it away. Now that bitch is gonna fry.

8257e0  No.6130003

Is it just a coincidence that Stephen Miller has now taking a larger role in, and is more pre-occupied with immigration policy, and Q has posted only once with a one word post in the last 12 days?

ea5e04  No.6130004

File: ce4e6a54d71a2ed⋯.jpg (108.46 KB, 737x444, 737:444, The-Light.jpg)

File: d02a6a1f9402336⋯.jpg (520.27 KB, 1024x811, 1024:811, Love-Wave.jpg)

File: 300b9150fb4f836⋯.jpg (608.03 KB, 836x956, 209:239, Queen-of-Love.jpg)

File: 2c30bc7b60be779⋯.jpg (421.9 KB, 900x758, 450:379, Let's-Fly-Pegasus.jpg)

File: 59787b24a882160⋯.jpg (296.14 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Top-KEK^X-EarthAngel.jpg)


<3 Love


8fb3c0  No.6130005


I would have never caught that 45..nice!

42e938  No.6130006


Hey anon, what do you think about the voice in the vid?

Yay or get that shit out of there?


780a19  No.6130007

File: d74ecffa674e807⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1125x1099, 1125:1099, 562CDEF8-D694-4271-A1A2-1….jpeg)


Maybe if he holds a press conference tomorrow and tells the truth about McCabe, Lynch, Obama, why he hid in the drapes, what he really was up to at HSBC, the truth about Apache!, who put him up to rhe spying on Potus, who killed Whitey, wtaf with McCabe buying and selling the same house in Chappequa, makes his daughter quit SDNY and lose her law license and donate his millions to Potus campaign members who lost their asses and their job prospects defending themselves in the Russia hoax. Then I will offer my hand


64bdcc  No.6130008


and sending their pimps to spam the breads with their videos

d04f6a  No.6130009

wonder if this


has to do with



9304ee  No.6130010

gowdy on fire

cb996c  No.6130011


CNN told me to hit you

7d9215  No.6130012


…. And I suck at it.

aa2bf1  No.6130013

File: b79ff14defcee9e⋯.jpg (88.05 KB, 500x333, 500:333, angel_in_angel_by_darksat.jpg)


Fam, Anon…Justice means it's Just Us.

We are the bent ones…God loves the crippled ones and we are those he loves. The hidden helpers of humanity.

Take heart…our lessons are harder than our blessings, but more valuable in the end. You are being prepared for something wonderful.

840734  No.6130014

File: 3db53ddf5c2697a⋯.jpg (414.55 KB, 1401x1189, 1401:1189, breath.jpg)



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: /lc4nimE No.149262582

Nov 13 2017 13:04:46 (EST)

Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.





Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 27adf2 No.5550175

Mar 6 2019 23:38:12 (EST)

Define 'Lifelog' [DARPA].

"an ontology-based (sub)system that captures, stores, and makes accessible the flow of one person's experience in and interactions with the world in order to support a broad spectrum of associates/assistants and other system capabilities". The objective of the LifeLog concept was "to be able to trace the 'threads' of an individual's life in terms of events, states, and relationships", and it has the ability to "take in all of a subject's experience, from phone numbers dialed and e-mail messages viewed to every breath taken, step made and place gone".


c288ac  No.6130015

File: 79024902cbb9a2d⋯.jpg (333.17 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-drug….jpg)

File: 32f7fa76a45f6cc⋯.jpg (554.98 KB, 1024x830, 512:415, historic-achievements-drug….jpg)

File: b5454c8082dfd41⋯.jpg (306.53 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-drug….jpg)

File: 99f6c96c32d9471⋯.jpg (528.41 KB, 1024x830, 512:415, historic-achievements-drug….jpg)

2f5777  No.6130016


If this was Trumps old tweet they would say he admitted being guilty.

944444  No.6130017


Comey has always been an arrogant, weak, follower who has enriched himself by being the little bitch he is. Karma's a bitch, and a vengeful one at that.

So Comey… It goes without saying, don't drop the soap.

25e8fa  No.6130018

File: fb9b25b2801a38d⋯.jpg (136.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, MoreCommonSense2.jpg)


I can't talk to any of my fam or spouseanon's fam. Almost all are lost. I've been in stealth mode for as long as I can remember.

2e8254  No.6130019


Wrong he went from spying to illegal surveillance

fe5555  No.6130020

File: d524f7136d0b4cd⋯.png (379.35 KB, 1276x1108, 319:277, ispy.png)

4ee996  No.6130021


CABAL left, Yes.

Civilian left, lost and depressed.

fbf30d  No.6130022


this may explain the change in climate. culture influences institutions from the top down

491fdc  No.6130023

File: 8339f9254aed54d⋯.png (213 KB, 370x406, 185:203, Nov 5 ladies.png)

82586a  No.6130024


I'm not sure, but I sure hope that his departure ends with Nissan going back to making great cars. So much wasted potential in the QR25.

f858ff  No.6130025


But muh “black hat”

6858d5  No.6130026


Sorry to be dense, but what does this mean?

c1a5b6  No.6130027


Kek! Every night you guys make me snort/laugh.

4981b7  No.6130028

so the historic NK summit failed..

After a nearly two year hiatus, North Korea may soon be launching empty ICBMs across the Pacific again, much to the chagrin of Japan which tends to be right below the flight path, and this time Kim Jong Un may have the backing of both Xi and Putin.

With the detente between Washington and Pyongyang gradually disintegrating, North Korea's corpulent president Kim said his country needs to deliver a “serious blow” to those imposing sanctions through a self-reliant economy - clearly referencing the US - the state-controlled (a redundant descriptor) KCNA news agency said on Thursday.

KCNA said Kim stated North Korea’s position on the second U.S.-North Korea summit that took place recently, saying, “We must deal a serious blow to the hostile forces who are mistakenly determined to bring us down with sanctions by advancing the socialist construction to a high level of self-reliance that fits our circumstances and state, based on our own power, technology and resources.”

North Korea is expected to convene a session of its legislature, the Supreme People’s Assembly, on Thursday Reuters reported, while U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to hold a summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in later on Thursday.

f890d0  No.6130029


Or perhaps Mark Dice, who is very good at ACTING, recognizes others who do it well?

8ab952  No.6130030

File: 0427f24445c8d37⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1200x1332, 100:111, ClipboardImage.png)

Our guy. I will fight anyone who says different.

52ecef  No.6130031

File: a19135bdd32c2db⋯.jpg (12.45 KB, 198x255, 66:85, 3341273938798d78da852dd07c….jpg)



Am I gonna be

the only one here

that calls digits…KEK




41c47b  No.6130032


Those who are kind to the cruel,

are cruel to the kind.

cb996c  No.6130033


CNN keeps telling me to hit people

56dd24  No.6130034

File: 561510ad787c239⋯.png (259.36 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)



we dont need your lies here

and if you are a serious anon,

find this thread


see if your shit is there

if your crybaby about spam

see pic related and learn to fucking chan

i bake many breads

i dont know what the fuck you are talking about regarding censorship unless you are talking about making new threads

i dont like this though


what is this?

RON can do it then so can I ?

c288ac  No.6130035

File: 6dd336fae8a58da⋯.jpg (332.48 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-drug….jpg)

File: 4cb65d3e5adb9d0⋯.jpg (555.52 KB, 1024x830, 512:415, historic-achievements-drug….jpg)

File: 6a532c06f2dbd0e⋯.jpg (336.1 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-econ….jpg)

File: 5a8e5373636e788⋯.jpg (628.32 KB, 1024x918, 512:459, historic-achievements-econ….jpg)

7c6c74  No.6130036



aedeb5  No.6130037

File: 229bcd43527a173⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 704x499, 704:499, barr.keks.unauthorized.sur….jpg)

25e8fa  No.6130038

File: 5b72e68920ccd10⋯.jpg (130.98 KB, 1101x550, 1101:550, Comey8.jpg)


Nice ID you got there anon.

fe5555  No.6130039


>why he hid in the drapes

OMG I forgot about this!!! Kek!

ac3a9a  No.6130040



My thoughts exactly. Pedos involved committed suicide.

521ca6  No.6130041


your friends killed a dog

they considered a threat.

upping the any,

dead daughter would cover ya?

fess up, be a Patriot.

044c7a  No.6130042


Kek!! Right out loud. Needed the laff

6e03ee  No.6130043

File: 4854d37da95e38c⋯.png (70.2 KB, 852x944, 213:236, 1554507160418.png)


to me Fitton is in the same group as Solomon and Sara Carter

I trust them all 100%

e08a42  No.6130044

File: f8716e6fdaed9af⋯.jpg (98.29 KB, 860x743, 860:743, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: 3148d2052bb95cc⋯.jpg (93.09 KB, 511x765, 511:765, 1a.JPG)

File: 3206ff9ccf53b4d⋯.jpg (98.33 KB, 557x959, 557:959, 3.JPG)

Feds seize $4.5 million Avenatti plane amid tax scandal


c0e11a  No.6130045

File: 0b654863e0b77f1⋯.png (318.36 KB, 1267x840, 181:120, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1082c7cf8a46c08⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 800x9639, 800:9639, 1082c7cf8a46c081b1f54275ac….jpg)

File: 16c442615109381⋯.png (752.34 KB, 700x777, 100:111, 16c442615109381fdcd1ab58e3….png)

File: 64fa910bd328828⋯.png (270.56 KB, 503x405, 503:405, 64fa910bd328828deb52c51e78….png)

File: e399c6ebe89121b⋯.png (290.66 KB, 508x486, 254:243, e399c6ebe89121bd6fa8674b80….png)

>>6129087 (pb)

Ha the MSM spies and traitors can't handle being called spies. What do the words Treason, Traitor, Subversive, Sedition, Conspiracy and Espionage do to them? Congress doesn't just hate us. Congress is the representatives of those who hate us.

1e68ba  No.6130046

File: 33fe06e9ac3d15c⋯.jpg (143.66 KB, 518x556, 259:278, bj.jpg)

File: bbe4a3a82b175d9⋯.jpg (24.24 KB, 700x770, 10:11, incest.jpg)

c288ac  No.6130047

File: 2ddc8d93f45289f⋯.jpg (550.2 KB, 1024x790, 512:395, historic-achievements-ener….jpg)

File: d5eea18c29d9de7⋯.jpg (370.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-ener….jpg)

File: 97eec05cd3c86f3⋯.jpg (433.53 KB, 1024x650, 512:325, historic-achievements-fait….jpg)

File: ec469634bb4e5a2⋯.jpg (336.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-fait….jpg)

25e8fa  No.6130048

c288ac  No.6130049

File: 523a79a2e613511⋯.jpg (421.2 KB, 1024x650, 512:325, historic-achievements-gove….jpg)

File: f13fc583a8a6bad⋯.jpg (334.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-gove….jpg)

File: 10551dee845d9be⋯.jpg (312.53 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-heal….jpg)

File: 58194d0fb366ead⋯.jpg (574.79 KB, 1024x868, 256:217, historic-achievements-heal….jpg)

29a14d  No.6130050


Which was fun to watch. But he did not say "illegal" he said unauthorized.

@brianschatz: (D-HI) "Do you wanna rephrase … I think the word 'spying' could cause people in the cable news ecosystem to freak out."

Barr: "Unauthorized surveillance … is that more appropriate in your eyes?"

65f3ff  No.6130051

File: 0d186d1cdff0cb7⋯.png (120.78 KB, 218x231, 218:231, 634f2474-8117-45a4-9ccd-45….png)



526ff3  No.6130052


>He retracted his claim of spying and replaced it with suspicion of spying


>Wrong he went from spying to illegal surveillance

"unauthorized surveillance"

e4ca20  No.6130053


Would the DS sacrifice an old withered hag to get to POTUS?

Why yes, yes they would.

Don't think I'd be ponying up for that carriage ride, if I were DJT.

2ecfc0  No.6130054

File: df0189ba42ef7ca⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1746x626, 873:313, ClipboardImage.png)

c288ac  No.6130055

File: d9897e1279090d0⋯.jpg (707.54 KB, 1024x980, 256:245, historic-achievements-lead….jpg)

File: 966ec2903120d97⋯.jpg (438.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-lead….jpg)

File: 460e795efb4f859⋯.jpg (621.29 KB, 1024x927, 1024:927, historic-achievements-mili….jpg)

File: 9e4bf520adf6c17⋯.jpg (375.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-mili….jpg)

2e8254  No.6130056



So same thing just not the mass panic word "spying" that the I dont wanna hear the truth ppl want to hear

c27a31  No.6130057


There were two changes to his statement. On in response to questioning, and then at the very end of the hearing without solicitation. I believe you refer to his effort to appease a congressman while i refer to his closing statement. Is that correct anon?

c288ac  No.6130058

File: ce05afe840d76e1⋯.jpg (400.93 KB, 1024x710, 512:355, historic-achievements-red-….jpg)

File: f41ac99f6d03369⋯.jpg (280.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-red-….jpg)

File: 3a3e2bb637fd2d7⋯.jpg (457.61 KB, 1024x777, 1024:777, historic-achievements-safe….jpg)

File: 77f4d91f4b40b8e⋯.jpg (282.88 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-safe….jpg)

521ca6  No.6130059


talk him home


fc3bc9  No.6130060



thank you guys really means a lot

2ecfc0  No.6130061



2e8254  No.6130062


Thank you

792ead  No.6130063

File: 795360ff7d06b65⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 1790x2195, 358:439, maw and paw shekel.jpg)

fc2c0e  No.6130064

File: fc95bbdde04c4b2⋯.png (417.28 KB, 2376x1341, 264:149, BITE.PNG)


0f73f3  No.6130065


Ain't nothing wrong spikin the ball, when the momentum is swingin your way.

52ecef  No.6130066

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.png (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 89c8140988fd1dc32fba0a04bb….png)

3e3214  No.6130067

File: 72de82553b3b94c⋯.png (4.15 MB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 325ac3d9b7ab028⋯.png (453.93 KB, 899x615, 899:615, ClipboardImage.png)



and wife

c288ac  No.6130068

File: f626ebbb7e74598⋯.jpg (529.08 KB, 1024x862, 512:431, historic-achievements-secu….jpg)

File: e82973d3b2bb7e7⋯.jpg (311.05 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-secu….jpg)

File: 27ca5f73609597d⋯.jpg (305.11 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-trad….jpg)

File: 52bb8bf9c5c9ac6⋯.jpg (556.12 KB, 1024x853, 1024:853, historic-achievements-trad….jpg)

8257e0  No.6130069


Semantics. Spying = unauthorized surveillance. One just sounds nicer

29a14d  No.6130070


"Wants" and "gets" lololololol She must be shitting. And she is OLD as fuck.

8ab952  No.6130071


the walking dead

25e8fa  No.6130072


Good work anon. Capped → memearchive. These topics haven't gotten much memeage yet.

830251  No.6130073

File: 418a6dfb34fcef3⋯.png (508.01 KB, 1224x747, 136:83, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: 733920de54f9a17⋯.jpg (75.99 KB, 736x736, 1:1, cfc2f3620c3467de0ef3101ad9….jpg)


>David Sidoo



003203  No.6130074


our current BO has a twitter account #8chan

56dd24  No.6130075

File: 416353a8542b2fe⋯.png (22.21 KB, 1276x263, 1276:263, bo on pastes blue.png)

any bakers lurking

any anons not full chanded and branded

see pic related

its my armor

c288ac  No.6130076

File: 733db444b88f5bc⋯.jpg (733.66 KB, 1024x889, 1024:889, historic-achievements-vete….jpg)

File: 707c66721d7f44b⋯.jpg (738.44 KB, 1024x889, 1024:889, historic-achievements-vete….jpg)

File: d5503458e6b5f38⋯.jpg (340.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-vete….jpg)

File: 18de5d5c41f0592⋯.jpg (375.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-vete….jpg)

b39438  No.6130077

File: a52b274045eaa98⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 530x681, 530:681, 38191c250ab23f6eed1f8d3428….jpg)


>offer comey a hand

For purposes of bitchslapping, you mean?

2b1f01  No.6130078

File: 8864dad76c0e974⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 520x520, 1:1, FB_IMG_1449975874124.jpg)

File: f4206c58cb715d6⋯.png (18.06 KB, 255x238, 15:14, cc3926c513ee13df250d9209df….png)

Stolen fair and square

Great memeries will be made this month and for years to come

b539bd  No.6130079

526ff3  No.6130080


>Feds seize $4.5 million Avenatti plane amid tax scandal


41c47b  No.6130081

File: 2ee60f4290d7b10⋯.jpeg (74.91 KB, 474x743, 474:743, image.jpeg)

fc2c0e  No.6130082



ec7765  No.6130083

File: 6b8db53df34336c⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1098x732, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

US and China agree to establish trade deal enforcement offices, says US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

Mnuchin said that a call with Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He on Tuesday night was productive and that discussions would resume on Thursday

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Wednesday that US-China trade talks continue to make progress and that the two sides have basically settled on a mechanism to police any agreement, including new enforcement offices.

Mnuchin, speaking on CNBC television, said that a call with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He on Tuesday night was productive and that discussions would resume on Thursday. “We’ve pretty much agreed on an enforcement mechanism; we’ve agreed that both sides will establish enforcement offices that will deal with the ongoing matters,” Mnuchin said, adding that there were still important issues to be addressed. Mnuchin declined to comment on when or if US tariffs on US$250 billion worth of Chinese goods would be removed.

Although US President Donald Trump said recently that a deal could be ready around the end of April, Mnuchin declined to put a time frame on the negotiations, adding that Trump was focused on getting the “right deal”. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Photo: BloombergUS Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Photo: Bloomberg

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Photo: Bloomberg

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Wednesday that US-China trade talks continue to make progress and that the two sides have basically settled on a mechanism to police any agreement, including new enforcement offices.

Mnuchin, speaking on CNBC television, said that a call with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He on Tuesday night was productive and that discussions would resume on Thursday.

“We’ve pretty much agreed on an enforcement mechanism; we’ve agreed that both sides will establish enforcement offices that will deal with the ongoing matters,” Mnuchin said, adding that there were still important issues to be addressed.

Mnuchin declined to comment on when or if US tariffs on US$250 billion worth of Chinese goods would be removed.

Although US President Donald Trump said recently that a deal could be ready around the end of April, Mnuchin declined to put a time frame on the negotiations, adding that Trump was focused on getting the “right deal”.

“As soon as we’re ready and we have this done, he’s ready and willing to meet with President Xi (Jinping) and it’s important for the two leaders to meet and we’re hopeful we can do this quickly, but we’re not going to set an arbitrary deadline,”Mnuchin said.

Washington is demanding that China implement significant reforms to curb the theft of US intellectual property and end forced transfers of technology from American companies to Chinese firms. Washington also wants Beijing to curb industrial subsidies, open its markets more widely to US firms and vastly increase purchases of American agricultural, energy and manufactured goods.


bb53ad  No.6130084


Beers be cool, fun guy. I'd have to take up drankin'…only one!!!

56dd24  No.6130085



>>6129610 New DJT -what the Ds doing with border is TREASONOUS

>>6129737 New DJT rt DHS -McAleenan sworn in

>>6129812 New DJT -Too bad EU being tough on UK… gonna have to get tough on EU (paraphrase)

>>6129824, >>6129890 more Wyss digs

still cruising the bread

will be caught up at 550

eadf28  No.6130086


I am not confident enough to bake the bread.

But I do know when good research is being shilled and shut down. There should be more boards like "bridges" than fewer. This movement is stuck in the mud. Very little research is going on or new connections being made.

I've heard about the good ole days when the "real autist anons" were here but those days are long gone. In fact, this research being dropped, the amount, the connectivity and the relevance to historical references almost seemed deliberate. Like someone is trying to get us moving again….to get the real connections made.

Maybe the Q team wanted eyes on real research and connections to be made before the shit really hits the fan. There are so many new eyes coming on all the time and the main board is worthless now. I really just don't understand why a group of researchers can't just be left alone to get some work done without being disrespected from all sides.

Maybe I'm just done with all of it. Lurking and researching does no good if no one has anything important to say and there is no one to bounce your ideas off of. Maybe I'll just share what I've found with my dog.

839e9a  No.6130087


Quasi-legal information collection?

82f208  No.6130088

File: 8fca14391d17876⋯.jpg (121.67 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, article-2269942-173BC0E800….jpg)



this is her second husband/pertner who she is currently with.

John Shelby Bryan is an American telecommunications pioneer, futurist, international business executive, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist.


df2084  No.6130089


Fine as far as I'm concerned, I really enjoy them. Thank you for your work! Much appreciated!

a0d741  No.6130090



7f64d5  No.6130091

File: 6ce7167d25294fd⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1854x1049, 1854:1049, ClipboardImage.png)


Very good info for certain

Also not a fan but this was good

cb996c  No.6130092


one does not just…regulate chaos

4b1068  No.6130093

>>6128879 lb

Bears Ears perhaps?


In designating the monument, the president also established a Bears Ears Commission to ensure that tribal expertise and traditional knowledge help inform the management of the Bears Ears National Monument, and care for its national treasures. This marked the first time tribes will have such a role in managing a national monument.

To support robust tribal involvement in managing the monument, and also to support local community efforts to enhance resource conservation in the monument and to create economic opportunity, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Wyss Foundation, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Wilburforce Foundation, and the Grand Canyon Trust are establishing the Bears Ears Community Engagement Fund. This fund will support community and tribal involvement and promote sustainable use and enjoyment of the new monument.

The Bear Ears Community Engagement Fund will provide resources to minimize threats to the Bears Ears National Monument stemming from looting and vandalism; support local community and tribal engagement; sponsor visitor education and cultural resource inventory and interpretation; promote traditional resource stewardship and use; and support sustainable recreation management by local communities.


Recognizing the world-class cultural and natural resources of the newly established Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, a group of philanthropic foundations are committing $1.5 million to strengthen collaborative management of the area and ensure inclusion of local community voices.

President Obama designated the Bears Ears National Monument on December 28, 2016 to safeguard one of the nation’s most significant and spectacular cultural landscapes and to honor five native tribal nations—the Hopi, Navajo, Ute Mountain Ute, Zuni, and Ute Indian Tribe—who, combined, prize more than 100,000 archaeological, rock art, and sacred cultural sites within the monument. With the support of another 30 tribal governments, those five tribal nations joined together for the first time in history to ask the president to designate a national monument to protect their sacred sites, which have long been threatened by ongoing looting, vandalism, and development plans.

aedeb5  No.6130094

File: 229bcd43527a173⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 704x499, 704:499, barr.keks.unauthorized.sur….jpg)


Fitton is perhaps in a league of his own. Perhaps Nunes, Meadows and Gawdy are there with him. He's been at it for a long time.

84f23e  No.6130095


>Banned in russia in 2010

oh, not for the reason you would think

1ccee4  No.6130096

File: 5ad28ce44347b97⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 242x418, 11:19, dayzee.jpg)


screw him

Storage Wars is more interesting….

003203  No.6130097


baker, i think that anon was talking about his question in meta being ignored. he and some other anons are doing payseur digs but the thread got locked. not a baker issue. a board admin issue.

7bd39b  No.6130098


Black hats gonna kill Comey…

Got it.

5a5b7f  No.6130099


Orson Welles sounding? - a little slower, perhaps?

56dd24  No.6130100




>>6129021 notable side by side of Clapper

8e3d5b  No.6130102


BO and BC

92924b  No.6130103


Other bakers may have moar to say here because I've just been baking for a month, Q has posted twice on my breads.

My experience is that, when Q first posts, baker may be busy and not notice right away–e.g., when creating a new thread. That's what happened to me on Graveyard second time I was baking. I go off to set up the new thread and Q posts! IT was kind of confusing.

Anons knew this and gathered up the Drops from the old bread and posted them in the new.

They are the ones that often notice first. Experienced anons will try to post a formatted version of the Q drop (which they copy pasta from the formatted Drops at the top of the bread).

Once Q posts, I try to get to the bottom of the bread as quick as I can, to pick up new Drops. Grab Notes that are on the bottom, too, but don't cruise the bread for more.

Re new tab: I'd just stick the Q posts on the same page as Notes way down below, that's faster. Maybe list them at the bottom of the Notes, so anons will know if there is something missing.

At the end of bread, Drops get copy pasta'd to the first page of new Pastebin.

4981b7  No.6130104


how do you know its fake? pls explain

003203  No.6130105

2e8254  No.6130106


Yes. Maybe so in closing then possibly missed myB

46df35  No.6130107

File: 283333b588ef169⋯.jpeg (453.99 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 1DA2F44A-5157-469C-9965-1….jpeg)

File: 57fcbdd8ed9d031⋯.jpeg (307.18 KB, 488x576, 61:72, 119C30BE-DBE7-466E-B144-2….jpeg)

aa2bf1  No.6130108

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Fight the Good Fight

- Triumph

Written long ago for these days. These are the times you were taught about as a child. Now you have a front row seat, sword in hand. Glorious!


fc2c0e  No.6130109

File: 049504c57188657⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 412x527, 412:527, iLTEf93.jpg)

3e3214  No.6130110



Dealmaker Irwin Jacobs has sold the consumer goods remarketing arm of his Jacobs Trading Co. in Hopkins for $140 million.

Liquidity Services Inc., a Washington, D.C.-based dealer in surplus goods, is buying the unit and said the cash-and-stock deal is expected to close Oct. 1. Liquidity Services will pay an additional $30 million in 2012 and 2013 if the unit fulfills projections.

Liquidity Services said the acquisition expands its existing relationship with retail colossus Wal-Mart, and that it will retain the Jacobs Trading team running the unit. With 11 sites around the country, the unit handles returns and damaged and obsolete goods for Wal-Mart and other retailers.

Jacobs, chairman of Jacobs Trading, called the sale a win-win and said it "gives the company an opportunity to grow."

"They were interested in us four years ago – I just wasn't interested at that time," Jacobs said.

Jacobs, who made a name years ago as a corporate raider, earning the nickname "Irv the Liquidator," is one of the Twin Cities' more colorful businessmen. Jacobs Trading is the original business that Jacobs and his father started decades ago. He and his family own more than 60 percent of the company's stock.

"This is where I started," Jacobs said of Jacobs Trading.

The remarketing unit had revenue of $65.3 million last year and adjusted EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) of $18.3 million. It's run by Jacobs' son-in-law Howard Grodnick, who will remain president and chief executive of Jacobs Trading.

Publicly held Liquidity Services deals with "surplus, returned and end-of-life assets" including scrap metal, idle energy equipment and retail goods. It had profits of $12 million last year on $286.8 million in sales and employs 700 people.

The purchase "will put them as the industry leader by far," Jacobs said.

Investors liked the deal. The acquiring company's stock soared 30 percent Thursday after the deal was announced, although shares drifted down a bit on Friday as a bad jobs report weighed down the markets. Shares closed Friday at $30.05, down $1.25, but jumped back to $31.30 in after-hours trading.

Jacobs Trading has 50 percent ownership in a diverse group of other companies and the sale doesn't affect those, Jacobs said.

They include boat company J&D Acquisitions; VEC Technology, a Pennsylvania company with a patented high-tech process for molding fiberglass and composites; FLW Outdoors, a fishing tournament outfit; and a sandbag business that, given this year's rainfall and flooding, has been thriving.

"It was the biggest year in our history in sandbags," Jacobs said.

867817  No.6130112

File: 3217c4fb0ccfca0⋯.png (37.14 KB, 205x245, 41:49, ClipboardImage.png)


jones and bravo are the point

it's a tv show

and it's fucking hysterical

aedeb5  No.6130113


It makes no difference as far as the law is concerned. It is a meaningless distinction. Synonyms. Fodder for the zombies.

fe5555  No.6130114

File: e66d8592e79c0f5⋯.png (258.87 KB, 626x836, 313:418, imalumberjackandimok.png)

a3febe  No.6130115

File: dfa94fd46b97724⋯.jpg (532.73 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, jeffrey-katzenberg-steven-….jpg)

ed7bad  No.6130116


She's a sub or slave or whatever to her husband.

Annno Rexic.

Something's not kosher.

8ab952  No.6130118

File: e517698b8310ea6⋯.png (217.53 KB, 1240x834, 620:417, ClipboardImage.png)

Poso is a loser shill. I want to buy a beer for Wyatt. I love shit posting too.


2239b4  No.6130119

Q – [TN]

9bfd38  No.6130120


Miller is a busy man.

c0e11a  No.6130121

File: ba6d2e405ac8575⋯.jpg (81.22 KB, 736x736, 1:1, ba6d2e405ac8575ae83c35d973….jpg)

File: 3505edb3c7c6460⋯.jpg (45.47 KB, 347x400, 347:400, 3505edb3c7c6460ef0daa16283….jpg)

File: dd8023232c52f5b⋯.jpeg (67.87 KB, 999x414, 111:46, dd8023232c52f5bc57849af8b….jpeg)

File: 995ca5899dc4b2e⋯.png (194.98 KB, 448x342, 224:171, 995ca5899dc4b2e44e25aad5ac….png)

74f64b  No.6130122

File: 037c8347f154fca⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1600x869, 1600:869, kitchenishot.png)

e4ca20  No.6130123


I pray that the Lord will send you a friend who shares your mindset.

1e68ba  No.6130124

we can hear them breathe


is this another 'life lesson'?

0af094  No.6130126

File: c4bd69e43863b1e⋯.jpg (215.87 KB, 1008x950, 504:475, full-panic-comey.jpg)

File: 9067dc80ac2cfb2⋯.jpg (82.86 KB, 600x600, 1:1, capital-panic.jpg)

File: 2dcccad9b6ddc28⋯.jpg (105.94 KB, 729x729, 1:1, la-panic.jpg)

File: a4f67a5491b9c08⋯.jpg (129.78 KB, 729x729, 1:1, pizza-panic.jpg)

ea5e04  No.6130127

File: da743365db43013⋯.jpg (831.52 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, A-Bird-Sings-QofChange.jpg)

7ecb1d  No.6130128


Ian Greenway -

"Alice's Adv. in Wonderland." "White Rabbit."

Alert for criminal or court records. Many alerts on fam/friends.

82f208  No.6130129

File: d3bd34de5b9d1e7⋯.jpg (24.37 KB, 445x429, 445:429, 9bos.jpg)

fc2c0e  No.6130130


The bite that has no cure - NSA

3b5686  No.6130132


Lotsa rape and murder between these three mofos.

526ff3  No.6130133

File: a71d44d1e281274⋯.png (43.82 KB, 579x233, 579:233, ClipboardImage.png)


>Feds seize $4.5 million Avenatti plane amid tax scandal

e8aa30  No.6130134


Not to mention black and white checkered tile.

cb996c  No.6130135


fucking Jr.

jesus H monkey puck

6858d5  No.6130136


God establishes righteousness and justice first and then mercy and grace follow. He cannot and will not help someone who refuses to repent. Soulish prayers for people who have not repented block justice because God does hear the payers of His children.

8ab952  No.6130137

File: 4d5bfacf30d0ccd⋯.png (210.75 KB, 1236x1254, 206:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Skol brother.


780a19  No.6130139


That ID tho

56dd24  No.6130140


well said


who is practice baking tonight?

this is where you can make new threads to practice your bakery


download the picture from the OP (original post) up top

copy the link from the dough

you will see after you go there a batch of text to save to your local text editors

you will see the breaks in between posts from first post to last post

the title has a format - so its best to always copypaste a previous title and edit it

Q Research General #7xxx: your title here Edition

c73e84  No.6130141


> in your eyes?

the kicker

eafa47  No.6130142

Azonix is not a serif, but something wants Azonix to be a serif. I don't get it.

f025d4  No.6130143

File: 2fac67fa53f4df6⋯.png (940.29 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

2ecfc0  No.6130144


8 years hussein: NK gets nukes, long range missiles, threatens US, ….get´s money from the world and support my China.

0.5 year POTUS: NK is being targeted diplomatically and cut of econimically (China helps), mistyriously a major test side for nukes including critical stuff blows up, NK backs down, no more missiles, no more tests. NK agrees on PEACE TALKS.

2 years POTUS: Historic peace talks begin. Major success. POTUS and SKoffering econimically attractive future for NK. Peace talks ongoing.

Now imagine 8 years of POTUS.

besides: meeting Km might not only have been used to talk about peace deal, …servers…google…

62e321  No.6130145

>>6129024 (LB)

I always got a weird vibe from Jarret. She was my first guess too after the Q drop on O's couch boyfriend. Jarret has a wide jaw line. And look at those thick stubby legs in that yellow skirt. I'm beginning to suspect half the political "wives" are elaborate hoaxes. IOW trannies.

Look at the amount of plastic surgery "Michelle" has had + tons of makeup. Her face has been completely transformed.

ea5e04  No.6130146

File: 2529fa0e36833cd⋯.jpg (275.4 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Alice-Wonderland-1.jpg)

File: 485ad178de0fe0e⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1480x1405, 296:281, Alice-Wonderland-2.jpg)

File: dd735a47bb9dd4a⋯.jpg (341.66 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Alice-Wonderland-3.jpg)

File: df00f786ffc8da7⋯.jpg (323 KB, 600x773, 600:773, Alice-Wonderland-4.jpg)

File: ff5c2edcc65840d⋯.jpg (142.06 KB, 480x357, 160:119, Alice-Wonderland-5.jpg)

621c8c  No.6130148


Great post - CNN PANIC!

56d303  No.6130150

File: 6e3d2d7c4af97d2⋯.png (485.37 KB, 829x701, 829:701, Screenshot 2019-04-10 22.1….png)

Josh Coleman is speaking at a rally against SB 276. His son Otto is seated in a wheelchair on his right hand. Otto suffered transverse myelitis (polio) following vaccination.

621c8c  No.6130151


Shit - its (LB)

Sorry frens

1e68ba  No.6130153


'sok, i m still here, & i m worth 4 r 5 f u ez

92924b  No.6130154


Confidence is developed by practice. If you're not confident enough to bake bread, then how are you sure that your criticisms are valid? If you are sincere, I believe you are stuck in your mind. Get out of there and start doing something! If this Board doesn't suit you, go elsewhere and do something. TRY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN LIFE!!!

b539bd  No.6130155


the original autists proly working for the NSA now, bout everything done been researched already so now we are the news, spreading the keks and the schadenfreude to whoever is brave enough to come here

42e938  No.6130156

File: 57d7b35bc80417e⋯.jpg (16.01 KB, 276x299, 12:13, Feels Good Man Pepe.jpg)

>>6130099 → sound MORE like Wells? I'll try it slower. Thanks!

>>6130089 →Thank you! And your welcome. My pleasure.

>>6130079 → Thanks for the feedback!

2ecfc0  No.6130157


*staff….but stuff also

56319c  No.6130158

File: b0733675ca58d97⋯.png (195.27 KB, 1260x889, 180:127, ClipboardImage.png)




the electrocardio gram - electrical translation of the heart pumping has a P, Q, R,S,T and sometimes a U or J wave - usually seen in hypothermic patients.


4b1068  No.6130159

>>6128879 lb

or maybe…


Victim advocates are slamming Harvard University, the Clinton Foundation and John Podesta’s think-tank for their silence over an ongoing investigation by New Jersey prosecutors for the brutal sexual assault that a woman alleges was committed by their donor, Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss.

Wyss, who contributes millions to many high-profile liberal causes, is a financial donor to Harvard, the Clinton Foundation and Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Last fall, prosecutors in Morris Township, New Jersey, opened an investigation into an alleged brutal 2011 sexual assault of Jacqueline Long, then an employee of Wyss’ foundation.

7aef7a  No.6130160

File: f5f7fdc3fc6e96a⋯.png (211.26 KB, 547x548, 547:548, f5f7fdc3fc6e96a9e45ea38cf5….png)

File: 093c3cc37978068⋯.png (436.52 KB, 485x369, 485:369, 093c3cc37978068fe9730caa71….png)

c1a5b6  No.6130161


Is that Di crapio in the middle?

2af5f4  No.6130162

File: eac1b81ce7babc9⋯.jpeg (85.09 KB, 750x398, 375:199, 2DCDD959-1D3A-42D2-89B2-C….jpeg)

Should be called slow AF leak but everytime I doubt it something actually habbens edition

But Real Anons know what’s up

Comfy AF

8fb3c0  No.6130163


Could you imagine if Stephen Miller was 'Q' and it came out after the shit hits the fan and find out that 'Q' had it right the WHOLE TIME…

Everyone is cheering/yelling/screaming 'Q'..you're the best..yea 'Q'…

So Stephen Miller decides to ride the waves and announce he is running for President…rofl..OK..you have to admit…that is funny!!!

780a19  No.6130164


Any planefags pulling the details on the tail?????????

ed7bad  No.6130165


Is it really "Jack" in disguise?

The profile of the avatar looks it.

It could be a joke.


2b1f01  No.6130166

FYI…going forward, "Climate Change/Global Warming, etc. Shall hereby be called (((Climate Chaos))).

It sounds more apocalyptic that way I guess.

No sauce, just heard it in passing through on a major news channel

82f208  No.6130167

>>6130116 your id says ed 7 bad, ed7bad

>>6130114 and yours has digits fe5555

944444  No.6130168


Perfect response!

6858d5  No.6130169


Okay, that’s crazy…wtf? How can this be possible? Is this the new BO or the one who retired?

aedeb5  No.6130170


What a sinister attempt to steal the narrative.

Q was bullshit, but Barr, he's just getting warmed up.


2ecfc0  No.6130171

File: 6a107ca0c9a9abd⋯.jpg (195.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kim55.jpg)

25e8fa  No.6130172


Well that is a nice sentiment!

Me & spouseanon, not waiting for other frens to appear. Comfy waiting on the Lord and whatever He may provide.

4981b7  No.6130173


we will see if this one time failure is whose fault and time will tell how it will impact future peace talks.

1e68ba  No.6130174


yeah, who does he think he is, John Brennan?

5cc475  No.6130175

File: c701803e07f65d5⋯.jpg (9.15 KB, 213x255, 71:85, trumplookitup.jpg)

003203  No.6130176


it's not a joke because his bio used to say BV and now it says BO


the new one

2af5f4  No.6130177

File: 18da67fd07b644d⋯.jpeg (93.69 KB, 634x441, 634:441, CD0FF5C1-83FC-4F7B-8201-E….jpeg)

File: 7559a6d9ea0f4f4⋯.jpeg (81.86 KB, 651x500, 651:500, D474727B-9D65-4FC6-98A7-F….jpeg)

File: 86265912c5ceb45⋯.jpeg (131.85 KB, 750x498, 125:83, A892552E-1874-432D-89E6-4….jpeg)

dc35d0  No.6130178

Interesting coincidence: NBC Miami just played a clip of one of the emergency workers at the explosion in Durham, and he mentioned that he was also a first responder at the Pentagon on 9/11.

56d303  No.6130179


Love the meme. Could you add a scene showing a baby getting "vaccinated" (medical snake bite)? Satanists run the pharmaceutical mafia, too.

fbf30d  No.6130180


in this case lig= loyds insurance group. aka loyds of london. publisher of loyds list. company into shipping and underwriting policies on cargo while at sea

2488d9  No.6130181


The Daily Mail piece on this notes that the couple had 4 children

One of their daughters had cerebral palsy

They were "generous donors" to Special Olympics

Even in the DM comments, people are saying this is suspicious & shouldn't automatically be considered murder-suicide

One actually mentioned Honey & Barry Sherman

This guy still owned a lot of businesses. Would be interesting to learn exactly what was in his portfolio.

ffb539  No.6130182

File: 7c64beb37314a2d⋯.png (592.4 KB, 891x631, 891:631, bitchlied.png)

154499  No.6130183


I like it! KEK

c1a5b6  No.6130184


Excellent work anon!

92924b  No.6130185


Ah, the good ole days! They always look so appealing. Nothing's as good as it used to be, KEK.

f025d4  No.6130186

File: 2fac67fa53f4df6⋯.png (940.29 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 343d8f3beecc6dc⋯.png (569.99 KB, 809x754, 809:754, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bc4a1b718e36dd⋯.png (104.46 KB, 724x970, 362:485, ClipboardImage.png)



South Korean President Moon's arrival in Washington D.C.

10:23 PM - 10 Apr 2019

fe5555  No.6130187

File: ca8886c17e9232d⋯.png (858.4 KB, 1290x1240, 129:124, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

This idiot doesn't understand why the SPECIAL COUNSEL didn't indict someone outside the orbit of said SPECIAL COUNSEL investigation.


c73e84  No.6130188


Wyatt is qanon76?

3bd1dd  No.6130189

File: 57f077383283f5f⋯.jpg (5.88 KB, 255x90, 17:6, 1yr.jpg)

File: 2146e2e2040f2a8⋯.png (333.1 KB, 480x586, 240:293, payback.PNG)


Nice catch


92924b  No.6130190

File: 12aff6f16d6f04d⋯.png (33.21 KB, 134x145, 134:145, laughing-redhead.png)

004d49  No.6130191

File: d6374d34741851d⋯.jpg (123.22 KB, 700x1039, 700:1039, titsorcigar.jpg)


ID digits are hot tonight.

7c86cb  No.6130192

omg guys, I just got a creepy voicemail from the Department of Federal Bureau Investigation!!! The guy didn't even sound human. Wat do?

588688  No.6130193


Is the crybaby telling on BO now? Quick, run and tell Q all about your hurt feelings.

f4120f  No.6130194

File: 9b6b72b573fe0e1⋯.jpeg (545.04 KB, 939x688, 939:688, 6D8C46D8-4236-48CC-B61B-2….jpeg)

ec7765  No.6130195

File: 20c1599954d7408⋯.png (1.42 MB, 960x686, 480:343, ClipboardImage.png)

2 people found dead at prominent Minnesota businessman's home

"We don’t see this very often,” the police chief in the lakeside city said. "In any of our communities, this doesn’t happen. So we’re taking this seriously."

Two people were found dead at the home of prominent Minnesota businessman Irwin L. Jacobs, according to authorities and public records. The bodies of a man and a woman were discovered at the home after a call came in at 8:30 a.m. local time, the Orono Police Department said Wednesday. Both bodies were found on a bed, according to NBC affiliate station KARE in Minneapolis. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office is working to determine the two people’s identities and their causes of death.

Property records list Jacobs and and his wife, Alexandra Jacobs, as the owners of the house in Orona, a city on the shore of Lake Minnetonka, KARE reported. A handgun was found on the bed, Orono Police Chief Correy Farniok told reporters at a press conference. Farniok said he could only release limited information on the active investigation, but he emphasized there is no threat to the community. "We don’t see this very often,” he said. "In any of our communities, this doesn’t happen. So we’re taking this seriously. We’re looking at this from every aspect."

Jacobs, 77, was billed a "Minneapolis takeover artist" by Fortune magazine in 1985, according to KARE. He made a fortune as a corporate raider who bought and liquidated failing companies at a profit, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. His Genmar Holdings became one of the country's biggest builders of boats but filed for bankruptcy in 2009, KARE reported. Jacobs still owns several businesses.

2af5f4  No.6130196

File: 124afb139befc10⋯.jpeg (121.09 KB, 750x506, 375:253, 839B2ADA-7636-4264-84C4-A….jpeg)

b116b1  No.6130197




588688  No.6130198


Call the CIA and ask for assistance.

8ab952  No.6130199


And they were found out because their spy craft was sub standard.

They never thought she would lose.

Sucks to be you - Brennan, Clapper,Brennan, Strzok.

Page is a cooperating witness. Bye Strzok.

944444  No.6130200



ffb539  No.6130201

File: 118ca3b824c938c⋯.png (448.16 KB, 626x593, 626:593, 53percent.png)

fbf30d  No.6130202


only on twitter for barely a year?

839e9a  No.6130203


I think of these two, and all their company every single time I pronounce another narcotic OD as dead.

Every Time.

29a14d  No.6130204


In the face.

2ecfc0  No.6130205


make it a hammer, kek.

aedeb5  No.6130206

0f73f3  No.6130207


Britt Hume just said

"Our friends in the MSM just picked up on CUE

044c7a  No.6130208


Robocall scam, very common, no worries.

d04f6a  No.6130209


No worries, (((they're))) just trying to bait you, disregard

00a7e0  No.6130210

File: 5f502636fb6f10d⋯.jpg (417.49 KB, 1440x2168, 180:271, 20190410_231659.jpg)

File: f940b7750c98a16⋯.jpg (381.64 KB, 1080x2144, 135:268, 20190410_231527.jpg)

File: 225996c2cb36a1a⋯.jpg (362.44 KB, 1080x2796, 90:233, 20190410_231505.jpg)

File: 5ec4f8899478471⋯.jpg (594.8 KB, 1078x2024, 49:92, 20190410_232130.jpg)

82f208  No.6130211


>>6130168 have to add you to the interesting id digits club,kek

>>6130191 i noticed

003203  No.6130212


yea around the time /qresearch/ started

cb996c  No.6130213


didn't 8bit have a twatter too?

solid maga?

coalition take over?

is this the twilight zone?

29a14d  No.6130214


They don't call. A business card is left at your door if you are not home.

df2084  No.6130215

fbf30d  No.6130216


but maybe into perishables "by the way" as well…

74b360  No.6130217


Melania has too much class for that rag.

6cb351  No.6130218


Feeling as though AG Barr is about the safest pair of hands POTUS could have in that essential position.

I was skeptical when his name was first mooted, but since his confirmation hearing he’s been formidable (as befits his reputation) and shown himself as someone that really cares about the rule of law.

This is the difference between POTUS and almost any of his predecessors within living memory: the impartial administration of justice matters above most else; neither political favoritism nor targeting is on the agenda.

It’s really refreshing, but the world needs to learn and understand just how bad it used to be.

b39438  No.6130219

File: 4c5112186653296⋯.gif (6.19 MB, 800x670, 80:67, 4c5112186653296975b653cfcf….gif)


Lock your doors. Now.

2ecfc0  No.6130220


Symbolism will be their downfall.




The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.


The 'CURE' will spread WW.

Have FAITH, Patriot.


f025d4  No.6130221

File: 7660582092f427f⋯.png (178.27 KB, 761x1640, 761:1640, ClipboardImage.png)



Today 8:36pm



The White House

Office of the Press Secretary


April 10, 2019



In-Town Pool

Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg; Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP, NYT; TV Corr & Crew: CNN; Print: Roll Call; Radio: ABC


9:00AM In-House Pool Call Time

12:00PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in the arrival of the President of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Kim Jung-sook; South Portico; In-House Pool

12:10PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY meet with the President of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Kim Jung-sook

Oval Office;In-House Pool

12:40PM THE PRESIDENT participates in an expanded bilateral working lunch with the President of the Republic of Korea

Cabinet Room; Closed Press

1:40PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in the departure of the President of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Kim Jung-sook

West Wing Lobby; Closed Press

2:15PM THE PRESIDENT greets World War II Veterans

Oval Office; Closed Press



Public Pool is an automated feed of White House press pool reports. For live updates, follow @WHPublicPool on Twitter.

3e3214  No.6130222

File: 525314dee04eedc⋯.png (234.46 KB, 540x360, 3:2, DivineHealing.png)

File: 426e78f0d3f8544⋯.png (72.95 KB, 641x80, 641:80, TopExperts.png)

fd9cc7  No.6130223

File: 54b68d78730a634⋯.jpg (84.63 KB, 730x1095, 2:3, 4cbf9d9f147d0853a63819be0a….jpg)

Just a reminder that the earth isn't flat.

2488d9  No.6130224



Irwin Jacobs was a voluble, larger-than-life entrepreneur who built a fortune in the 1980s buying and selling some of the nation’s largest companies.

But he began and ended his career as a trader of everyday goods and, for much of his six decades in business, was known as “Irv the Liquidator.”

Jacobs, 77, was found dead Wednesday next to his wife of 57 years, Alexandra, in their Minnetonka home. A longtime friend described their deaths as a murder-suicide. Authorities stopped short of calling it that but said no suspects were being sought.

Though he had faded in prominence in recent years, Jacobs for much of his career was a nationally-known investor who found unrecognized value in companies and made huge profits with short-term stock trades.

He said he had a fortune of more than $200 million at one point in the 1980s. During that decade, he took over and broke up the conglomerate AMF and made unsuccessful takeover runs at several other major companies, including Disney, Kaiser and ITT. For a time, he owned a minority stake in the Minnesota Vikings.

With a series of deals that began in the 1970s, his Genmar Holdings Co. by the 1990s was the nation’s second-largest maker of boats. The firm downsized after the 2008 recession and underwent a lengthy bankruptcy restructuring.

Jacobs in 1978 bought J.R. Watkins Co., the Winona-based maker of soaps and household products. His son Mark has led the firm since the late 1990s.

At his death, Jacobs still owned his namesake business, Jacobs Trading Co. in Hopkins, the successor to one he and his father Sam Jacobs started in the 1960s.

Sam Jacobs was a Russian immigrant who supported his north Minneapolis family collecting used burlap bags, cleaning, recycling and selling them. Irwin Jacobs, who cleaned bags in grade school, joined his father on sales calls while a student at North High School. “I was a peddler,” Jacobs recalled years ago.

Among the uses of recycled burlap: sandbags in flood-prone areas. After working in flooded areas, the pair started the trading company to buy flood-damaged goods and resell them at a profit.

But Irwin Jacobs had bigger ambitions. In 1976, Carl Pohlad, the late Minneapolis banker, staked Jacobs to buy the slumping Grain Belt Brewery in northeast Minneapolis. After concluding that he couldn’t run it profitably, Jacobs closed the brewery, contradicting statements that he was in it for the long haul. He laid off the workforce, sold the equipment and brands for an estimated $4 million profit.

He made another big score buying and liquidating the assets of bankrupt retailer W.T. Grant & Co. in the late 1970s.

Jacobs leaped to the cover of national business publications by badmouthing a slew of corporate CEOs and launching takeover attempts and feints against numerous companies. At 6-3 and a 200-plus pounds with a full mane of silver-streaked dark hair, he had a swagger that could strike fear and anger in targets and competitors. But he also possessed an uncanny ability to spot value.

Jacobs built Genmar from the ashes of several companies, including bankrupt Larson Industries of Little Falls, Minn., maker of Lund and Larson boats. At its peak, the company had more than $1 billion in annual revenue and Jacobs loved being photographed in fishing and speedboats as the commodore of Genmar.

The firm tumbled into bankruptcy in 2009 after the sales tumbled during the recession and it wasn’t able to repay loans. The restructuring took several years and Jacobs called it “the most humbling and painful experience of my business career.”

Jacobs lived large. He drove a Rolls-Royce for years, flew aboard private jets and lived with Alexandra in a mansion on 32 acres next to Lake Minnetonka. The couple had five children.

In recent years, Jacobs seemed to enjoy his renewed focus on the Jacobs Trading liquidation business. In 2011, he sold the business to Liquidity Services, a Washington D.C.-based surplus good dealer for $140 million. But Liquidity Services subsequently lost a deal with Walmart to resell returned or damaged goods and moved to downsize.

In 2015, Jacobs bought back the Jacobs Trading unit for only $13 million plus a share of future profits. “We will grow the company again, I’m certain of that,” Jacobs told the Star Tribune in 2015.

Last year, Jacobs told the Star Tribune he was excited about a Jacobs Trading unit, called Dock 1, that was created exclusively to peddle merchandise that had been returned to e-commerce firms.

“People who are looking for a bargain can find small electronics, toys, household goods and seasonal items,” Jacobs said. “Everything in the bins is $5 on Mondays, $4 on Tuesdays, $3 on Wednesdays, $2 on Thursdays and $1 on Fridays and Saturdays.”

003203  No.6130225


8bit did not have a twatter or any social media

solid_maga is FastJack, the new BO

this might be the twilight zone, yes

82586a  No.6130226

File: c7faa0d48b95d73⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mib.jpg)


Give yourself up, we have the authority here.

d0cea6  No.6130227


give us links so that we may respond

9304ee  No.6130228



3m3 minutes ago


POTUS has landed at JBA and is on his way back to the White House via MarineOne.

7c86cb  No.6130229


but legal enforcement actions filed on my social security!!!




0af094  No.6130230

File: 5dcaa04a96f3407⋯.jpg (252.51 KB, 1950x1500, 13:10, widespread-panic.jpg)

ffb539  No.6130231



your ID tho…


c9976c  No.6130232

File: baab524fe87fdf5⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pointing God.jpg)

File: 3c7022c06557b16⋯.jpg (355.34 KB, 800x800, 1:1, potus2.jpg)

0bc68f  No.6130235

File: d14a27e4be66d78⋯.png (281.35 KB, 611x519, 611:519, SayBaby.png)


>Maybe I'll just share what I've found with my dog.

7f64d5  No.6130236


Or maybe people willing to look at the data without being obtuse because of the messenger

3dfa6d  No.6130237

File: 493a552194d8a69⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 474x409, 474:409, Suspense!.jpg)


sure you did

b116b1  No.6130238


Did they tell you that your social security number has been suspended? They have been pulling that a bunch lately. Wish they were legit though and could suspend it, then I could maybe stop getting my money stolen for that ponzi scheme

74f64b  No.6130239

File: b4f0e5a535f1ab9⋯.png (236.66 KB, 1711x1536, 1711:1536, kimenjoy.png)

62eb08  No.6130240

File: 50160c40e4e3155⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 50160c40e4e31557363f1796e3….jpg)


Q team, would you please address the Gorka issue? People all over the boards are using it against you after Trump stood behind him. I always thought Gorka was on our side.

fe5555  No.6130241

File: fc1c13699b9f14e⋯.png (552.96 KB, 1178x992, 19:16, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: 6ff130f2740e494⋯.png (778.21 KB, 1464x1030, 732:515, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

Fake or Not Fake?

It's Connecticut, so I'm voting fake. What say you?


2ecfc0  No.6130242


what failure?

POTUS walked away bc there was no good deal.

He is the on in charge, he is the one having laverage and power on NK.

No futher missile tests, no further nuke delevlopment….and be sure there are secret ops ongoing as well.

229bb1  No.6130243

File: e84617de54916fe⋯.png (419.41 KB, 657x891, 73:99, NewZealand.png)

File: 719ea6dd697dfc0⋯.jpg (21.08 KB, 709x400, 709:400, TrumpShirt.jpg)

Things are surreal in New Zealand

About 4.30pm on Wednesday, a man wearing a Donald Trump shirt yelled abuse at members of the Muslim community gathered at Masjid Al Noor on Deans Ave – one of the mosques targeted in the Christchurch terror attack on March 15 and where more than 40 of the 50 victims were killed.

Police are still searching for the man.

A police statement said the man was described as Caucasian, with dark hair and of solid build.

Trump-shirt wearing abuser

He was wearing a black t-shirt with the word "Trump for New Zealand" written on the back and a dark baseball cap.

'"He should have been arrested on the spot. We should stop the problem right then and there."'

The post said police officers let him go, claiming he could not arrest the man because he did not break any laws. Afterwards, senior police officers arrived and said they were trying to find and arrest him.

What do you want to bet this guy is a MASON?


41c47b  No.6130244


Sounds like they swallowed the blue pill big time and were quoting MSM

Gonna take some time for reality to set in for some people

We've all been swindled, to some extent but to be wearing those kinds of blinders, it will be quite shocking for them when the get to see the whole picture

3e3214  No.6130245

File: ecd943d7b961c95⋯.png (711.63 KB, 799x788, 799:788, BetoBiden.png)



621c8c  No.6130246

File: 27892af66263e62⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1579x758, 1579:758, ClipboardImage.png)

e15a97  No.6130247


fart in the phone and throw it away.

fe5555  No.6130248



I got an email from the C_A saying something about my taxes being stolen or some shit.

Total phishing scam.

974523  No.6130249


>Well I was hoping this wouldn't happen but it looks like another popular YouTuber Mark Dice is most likely a shill

Dice was/is InfoWars adjacent

2ecfc0  No.6130250


maybe it was all clear that there could not be a deal yet (maybe bc DS in EU not taken out yet), maybe it was all about agreeing something else….servers…GOOGLE.

ffb539  No.6130251

File: c6e1da79cef005b⋯.png (533.66 KB, 508x698, 254:349, feels gud.png)

File: 1e4823faa2f2742⋯.png (580.02 KB, 881x622, 881:622, candace boom.png)

File: c7c8c77d08010ec⋯.png (1.41 MB, 970x885, 194:177, MICHIGAN RALLY LOVE.png)

File: 9f8c79aed1bbb98⋯.png (469.39 KB, 801x454, 801:454, is this hate speech.png)

File: dcfb512d1dbbe38⋯.png (802.74 KB, 1082x608, 541:304, homeland security.png)

944444  No.6130252


Ha! Used to have fam in Winona.

5153c1  No.6130253

File: 118e5febd3b4cb5⋯.jpg (274.97 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 118e5febd3b4cb52aa6873323f….jpg)

d0cea6  No.6130254


OK, enough of this shiite. BM is OK even though he chooses to propagate the idea of QAnons, rather than the work of the anons.. we don't need your incessant spamming.

8ab952  No.6130255

File: ade32075cc70c73⋯.png (171.3 KB, 1226x716, 613:358, ClipboardImage.png)


c1a5b6  No.6130256


Very interdasting

92924b  No.6130257


When noms are bad, other anons often call them out–that helps.

Two nights ago, when I was setting up a new thread, shill on graveyard called me a SHILL BAKER and said he was gonna start a "real" thread. And he did! BV saw and deleted it. Shills are always looking for a chance to shill!

(Good reason to check in with BV. BV had my id, so he knew which was the real baker.)

1e68ba  No.6130258


i believe the AG said he was going to review, as in a summary. POS is stalling for what, maybe 6 weeks at most?

fbf30d  No.6130259


wonder if that acct creation and the start of his relationship with qresearch are coincidental or moar…

003203  No.6130260

remember when Q said private comms will be important in the near future? who can Q have private comms with on this board? if they post anonymously without the trip or Q signature, only BO and BV's can verify it is Q. public comms that are also private. can BO/BV privately message Q?

15771a  No.6130261


burn and flush that back brace ya got ……..

56dd24  No.6130262

File: 246efa6feed5338⋯.png (306.05 KB, 1351x541, 1351:541, ClipboardImage.png)


bridges was 22 posts by one anon

youre gonna have to figure out how to make a board then post links to qresearch

therese no room for threads per se


if you see something deleted

its porbably here

we can spare the room for someone thinkning their research is above

if bridges is important its gonna have to grow within the bread or outside the board or in in TTDDTOT

28b61a  No.6130263

treason in the air, ahhhhh

ffb539  No.6130264

File: 18587cd1efebefa⋯.png (707.76 KB, 1082x606, 541:303, buckin.png)


no dork.

42e938  No.6130265


Thanks! I appreciate that.

2ecfc0  No.6130266


first provide sauce to not look like a shill, which is what you prolly are.

aa2bf1  No.6130267

File: 67a7bfe340dcc41⋯.jpg (80.78 KB, 534x533, 534:533, 67a7bfe340dcc4137cd6411874….jpg)


Anytime, fam..

WWG1WGA…tomorrow it might be your turn.

ec7765  No.6130269

File: 5a300cdbcb69b7d⋯.png (807.29 KB, 836x558, 418:279, ClipboardImage.png)

Muslim Migrants Bomb Minister Matteo Salvini’s Party Office

Migrants Investigated Over Bombing of Populist Salvini Party Office

A pair of Moroccan migrants in Italy are under investigation in connection with the bombing of an office of populist Interior Minister Matteo Salvini’s League party.

The attack occurred in January and saw the front door of the League office in San Valentino Torio damaged following an explosive blast that was downplayed by left-wing politicians as “Christmas fireworks,” Il Giornale reports. Prosecutors say that the two main suspects in the attack are 41-year-old Abderrahim S. and 37-year-old Moktar J. who are being investigated under suspicion of detonating explosives. The pair were identified with the help of CCTV footage.

Mariano Falcone, regional deputy coordinator for the League in Salerno, said that while the damage to the building was not extensive, “It is an attack against Matteo Salvini and against the League” and called the attack “disturbing.” “We must not let our guard down,” Falcone said and warned of new groups behaving like the far-left terrorists who committed acts of violence in Italy in the 1970s.

One such far-left terrorist, Cesare Battisti, recently admitted to murdering several people during that era after being deported from Brazil by populist president Jair Bolsonaro. The incident is not the first time Salvini’s party offices have been attacked with explosives. In August last year, an office in Treviso was attacked with far-left Antifa anarchists later taking responsibility for the bombing online. The attack consisted of two separate explosive devices, one meant to attract police and others to the area where a second one, filled with nails and metal fragments, would then go off. Police were able to disarm the second device before it exploded. While it is mostly far-left groups behind attacks or calls for attacks on Salvini, the Salerno case is different in that the suspects appear to be migrants. It also comes after another migrant, 47-year-old Senegalese national Ousseynou Sy, attempted to set a bus full of children on fire, citing revenge against Salvini and his anti-mass migration policies.


74f64b  No.6130270

File: 022bcc134920a90⋯.png (86.94 KB, 255x219, 85:73, death.png)

944444  No.6130271


Yelling "abuse" wearing a Trump shirt and someone just happened to snap a pic. Ya uh huh.

Dear New Zealand Deep State,


fe5555  No.6130272


17 second wave?

965b67  No.6130273

File: f9e6019e3569fc1⋯.jpg (142.03 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 8chan-banana-earth-society.jpg)


Dude, thats like so 2017. ckektchup

005131  No.6130274


Painting our beloved POTUS is truly a global agenda driven narrative. My God, its all true all of it….they are fucking petrified. Who the hell cares about the American President NZ….unless….

get my point???

6858d5  No.6130275


I feel like the board can be compromised. How is that appropriate for him to be advertising?

dfcae4  No.6130276

File: d834b3ace902778⋯.png (867.06 KB, 842x534, 421:267, NASDP3.png)

do not attempt a superman

4981b7  No.6130277


its a historic failure that went unreported everywhere. even Q didn't say anything.

64bdcc  No.6130279


Or maybe people with the intelligence to have figured things out on their own by using their brains, and not having to watch/listen to the halfwits who lift others' research and call it their own 'decodes' - since the 'data' in those 'decodes' came from said people on this board in the first place - with no help from PM or InthePaytrixx

90746e  No.6130280


FastJack is good peeps and will serve this board well. Well done, 8bit. Much thanks and God bless.

7ff273  No.6130281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


must watch

His Sigil is the New Handy Sook Skool Remodel (Obama's sigil?)

'sigil' came up in a Q drop did it not… at least on the board. they also talk about 'water', 'gold' discoveries.

this is crazy close to behaviour we see from obama clinton the whole blood thing…

talk about symbolism, sandy hook school (says handy sook due to censorship) bertolini family, the woman that went as Obamas double just after he was inaugurated…

WILD video

ce3a2b  No.6130282


He probably has a Q tattoo, too. *eyeroll*

8ab952  No.6130283

File: 2ab928423fbdb76⋯.png (173.83 KB, 1240x718, 620:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Our gal Mollie.


f025d4  No.6130284

File: 7f7f6d14564590f⋯.png (127.16 KB, 1009x947, 1009:947, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f26c5b677d7c258⋯.jpg (109.59 KB, 1200x817, 1200:817, f26c5b677d7c258f27c6681aad….jpg)

File: 6ed54775bb44e7a⋯.jpg (16.82 KB, 247x255, 247:255, c46250ec099b0485a45da8b22d….jpg)

Date: April 10, 2019 at 11:16:57 PM EDT

Subject: Pool report #4 - Arrival back at the White House and travel photo lid

Marine One landed on the South Lawn at 11:06 p.m.

The president waved at the pool as he walked from Marine One into the White House. He did not take any questions or make any remarks.

We have a travel photo lid at 11:12 p.m.

Have a good night all.

Joseph Morton

Omaha World-Herald



Public Pool is an automated feed of White House press pool reports. For live updates, follow @WHPublicPool on Twitter.

84f23e  No.6130285



correct link


3e3214  No.6130286



dfcae4  No.6130287

File: 7b1d455d37ed5d7⋯.png (866.81 KB, 842x534, 421:267, 1554953285603.png)

d0cea6  No.6130288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

find your roots, join them with those of your brother. together we will build an armada.

2b1f01  No.6130289


They have a Treasury department robo call scam too. Give the number to your state attorney general and use the FBI tip line on their website. Or the NSA could do something but they don't exist …no such Agency

0f73f3  No.6130290



>Dice was/is InfoWars adjacent

Do you mean adjutant?

fd9cc7  No.6130291

File: 02231ab3673f003⋯.png (548.83 KB, 650x920, 65:92, bananaearthposter.png)

ed7bad  No.6130292

File: 6901d7708d7a78c⋯.mp4 (6.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, River Phoenix's Cool True ….mp4)


Jones" is not a Christian.

Who do they think they are fooling? Damn.

>>6129240 pb

That round table of AJ is so stale.

He doesn't even look interested in his own stories anymore. Maybe it's just a job for him now? Always was. He craved a large audience, and that was promised him


^^^I linked to the wrong post

It linked to Glenn Beck who is not a good man; in case anyone didn't know that already.

should've linked here:








2ecfc0  No.6130293


(((echo))) (((shills))) (((glow))).

73e52b  No.6130294


Haters gonna hate because that what you do.

You are a disgusting fraud.

c76c58  No.6130295

File: adf34b5689cb1b0⋯.jpg (93.91 KB, 960x640, 3:2, wall.jpg)

8ab952  No.6130296


Also - screw the "Democratic Complexes"

92924b  No.6130297


You can't get everything, except maybe during 3-4 hour breads. Hey, morning breads are pretty good for new baking, depending on time zone. Seems to take awhile for breads to get fast. At 6-9 am PT, breads are still relatively slow (maybe 1.5-2 hours for earlier and an hour or so for later). Unless Q posts. But you get help from anons then. Things work out, no real worries.

ffb539  No.6130298

File: 7beb26db1fae172⋯.png (1.03 MB, 919x914, 919:914, ARE WE WINNING DON JR.png)


if something happens here Q has /patriotsfight they will tell us if somethin s fishy and where to go from there…

stop fearmongering. its useless.

003203  No.6130300

File: e595db3d7ddfb8c⋯.png (80.96 KB, 2336x256, 73:8, privatecomms.png)


who knows


pic related

7f64d5  No.6130301

File: 951bfefeccd54dc⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2230x1032, 1115:516, ClipboardImage.png)

56dd24  No.6130302



>>6129610 New DJT -what the Ds doing with border is TREASONOUS

>>6129737 New DJT rt DHS -McAleenan sworn in

>>6129812 New DJT -Too bad EU being tough on UK… gonna have to get tough on EU (paraphrase)

>>6129824, >>6129890 more Wyss digs

>>6129762 Apple Music Censors Songs about Tiananmen Square Massacre for Chinese Gov

>>6129885 58 arrested 28 rescued - Minnestota sting

9304ee  No.6130303



1m1 minute ago


POTUS arrived back at the White House at 11:06PM and at 11:12PM a lid was called. No further movement outside the White House grounds are expected tonight.

b116b1  No.6130305



0f73f3  No.6130306


Post earlier in bread

9bfd38  No.6130307



‏ @45_Schedule

10m10 minutes ago

POTUS has landed at JBA and is on his way back to the White House via MarineOne.


‏ @45_Schedule

1m1 minute ago

POTUS arrived back at the White House at 11:06PM and at 11:12PM a lid was called. No further movement outside the White House grounds are expected tonight.

2ecfc0  No.6130308

File: 4a74552b45b185d⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, YouGlow.jpg)

ffb539  No.6130309

File: 189408d87e57d5d⋯.png (1.26 MB, 949x703, 949:703, CANNOT SAY THANK YOU ENOUG….png)



fbf30d  No.6130310


anyone know if bo transferred ownership literally? as in title of ownership? if so anyone know what that would entail regarding domain name or server management etc…

6240f2  No.6130311


d04f6a  No.6130312

File: cc85efc8fe6cb3c⋯.png (405.15 KB, 965x465, 193:93, Clown I AM.PNG)


18 posts? yeah, your van is here

003203  No.6130314


i noticed an increase in followers since he changed it from BV to BO

gotta get those numbers up

fc3bc9  No.6130315

File: b854268059ef870⋯.jpg (91.4 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, FlagByJnn13Wiki-1000x749.jpg)

867817  No.6130316


8ab952  No.6130317

File: 1e934c416e651d3⋯.png (243.75 KB, 1252x812, 313:203, ClipboardImage.png)


Clapper will have a hard time in prison. He is a softie.


7f64d5  No.6130319

File: 7b0f650f3aff97e⋯.png (1.83 MB, 2230x1032, 1115:516, ClipboardImage.png)

74f64b  No.6130320

File: d4b7fee0cb414b7⋯.jpg (58.9 KB, 500x680, 25:34, cop.jpg)


6858d5  No.6130321


Yeah, I guess that’s true. Im just taken aback. Letting it go…

82f208  No.6130322



Whoever this fast jack is, he is not BO.

Look at his description Board Owner (BO) of Qresearch/TheStorm/cbts

This person claims they were the BO for Q research, The storm and the one before that CBTS calm before the storm.

We know the BO'S were fucked up on the other 3 boards and BO was not them. Thats why Q had BO make a New board because he did not like how the BO of the storm board was acting/ fame fagging.

has anyone see the actual post from 8bit. They would not dox i do not think.

so post this person fastjack posted may be fake

4981b7  No.6130323


i like the idea of secret ops though. hope it furthers peace talks rather than deters them.

74b360  No.6130325


Good, maybe he will start posting!

f025d4  No.6130326

File: 9a8e971917a6e1b⋯.jpg (11.71 KB, 201x255, 67:85, Dk-mkRWUwAAPR_w.jpg)

9fedf2  No.6130327

File: a882499906183d1⋯.jpg (12 KB, 255x176, 255:176, bidenvan.jpg)


I thought it was this van…

56dd24  No.6130328


c1a5b6  No.6130330


Thanks for the report. All comfy now. Sleep well Q+

662a3e  No.6130334


The only good idea Al Gore ever had was to put SS in a licked box. In other words, cannot be borrowed from.

f7b8c0  No.6130335

File: 13fa30a420ae5b5⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ComfyMagafirePopcorn.png)




If these are real anonconcernfags and not shills, understand, /patriotsfight/ is Q's board - Q is BO there. If Q wants us to move, they will tell us on that board.

Chill and be comfy. We are Winning. Bigly.

d04f6a  No.6130336

003203  No.6130337


i think he means he has control over the legacy boards

2ecfc0  No.6130339

File: e6e8618538c33e9⋯.jpg (183.3 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, QNewsNetwork.jpg)


Fight behind enemy lines!



92924b  No.6130340


There's someone practice baking now? Maybe the practice baker from last night, was there before graveyard.

839e9a  No.6130343



He said licked box, uhhuhhuu.

c76c58  No.6130346


and I will not do the told ya so - we will all rejoice together!

3dfa6d  No.6130349

File: ed9dde43e7dee39⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 320x519, 320:519, bunga bunga.jpg)

197108  No.6130350

File: 5d20bbb5b96c645⋯.jpg (69.23 KB, 870x500, 87:50, poso.jpg)

8ab952  No.6130351

003203  No.6130352


it's not famefagging, he just likes to advertise his BO position on his personal twitter and probably eventually podcast. what's wrong with that? #8chan

4981b7  No.6130354


the summit held in singapore was a good one though.

2488d9  No.6130355

Brian Cates Retweeted

Ramses Goat

‏ @RamsesGoat

3h3 hours ago

Hey, @MichaelAvenatti tough day, huh? I heard that Federal Agents seized your private plane today. And it’s only Wednesday.

b116b1  No.6130356


Didn't know that he did that. Good idea, but would never work, since it was always designed to be a scam. Better idea would be to get rid of it altogether

3a311d  No.6130357


Ted Nugent?

6858d5  No.6130358


I guess so, he’s advertising he has control of POTUS’ direct communication line to the people. That’s f’d up. But, I’ma keep my rage to myself.

2ecfc0  No.6130359

File: ac6256600f3dcb2⋯.jpg (68.46 KB, 620x449, 620:449, Berlusconi.jpg)

File: 088e1270c1a9c5f⋯.jpg (21.98 KB, 474x350, 237:175, Berlusconi2.jpg)

56dd24  No.6130363

File: 5cd59f216151a3d⋯.gif (213.46 KB, 715x402, 715:402, 1489161844536.gif)

Fresh NightShift Bake




c7ccf0  No.6130364


after reading post acknowledging new BO ,my computer locked up and on reboot have been unable to find any of the 5's for BO and messages from anons to old BO that handed over board– any similar >>happenings<< ??

ad07da  No.6130365

File: 051edfb6f9374dc⋯.png (260.78 KB, 581x441, 83:63, Capture.PNG)

File: 3e5c409d174115f⋯.png (463.65 KB, 704x474, 352:237, ice removed.PNG)

5480ef  No.6130366

File: e81b9b21ae3f442⋯.jpg (7.35 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 0b1b7e8dc1701490a7913a9125….jpg)

File: 6ef8635e1bae280⋯.jpg (18.64 KB, 255x243, 85:81, 8e63c2160509c81ed0abd92b58….jpg)

With money, power and idolisation and… without.

(hope he can take a joke from a convict)

ffb539  No.6130367


:highfive: patriot


BARR will kick things into action shortly after!

c1a5b6  No.6130368


Yep. Well said.

a81267  No.6130369


Just the kinda shit you'll find on insta on an open to public account.

Probably should make his account private though. A hammer man?

662a3e  No.6130372


Oh, kek! What a fuck up. I meant a locked box.

b5a372  No.6130374


Ask if it's name is ALICE

003203  No.6130376


rage on, anon, rage on o7

7f64d5  No.6130377


>with no help from PM or InthePaytrixx

They are working with Glen Beck?

2ecfc0  No.6130378


he is commitee of 300


b116b1  No.6130379


Also, I'm breddy sure that faggot has never licked a box in his life

3dfa6d  No.6130380

File: 2e7095dbb07273c⋯.png (249.5 KB, 600x967, 600:967, Cornholio.png)


he he 'box'

90746e  No.6130383


FastJack is good peeps and will serve this board well. Well done, 8bit. Much thanks and God bless. >>6129820

b39438  No.6130386

File: f09551f52bb2549⋯.png (133.26 KB, 850x682, 425:341, f09551f52bb2549a11d61ee638….png)


Can confirm the school is very libtard, so I'd venture fake as well.


Tee hee, tee hee hee…

1e68ba  No.6130387


CPL tweeted that he "lost interest in it several months ago anyway"

yeah, they aren't that much fun ifya can't afford fuel. or a pilot or two.

56dd24  No.6130388


didnt look

general question

cb996c  No.6130389


did you just say eventually podcast???

that was real??

twilight zone activated!!!!!!!!

64bdcc  No.6130393


You might want to look up the definition of the word 'fraud' - I am not here as anything but an anon possessed of discernment.

I don't lift others' research here and call it my own - that is what someone else is doing. I just don't happen to fall for it, because I am able to think for myself.

632f77  No.6130394


private aka non trip/sig

92924b  No.6130395


I like listening to a lot of different people with different perspectives. No matter how much I try, I can't do it all on my own, too much information flying around!

56dd24  No.6130396

Phil Bread

f025d4  No.6130399

File: 0c88fbfecf526c2⋯.png (110.32 KB, 723x842, 723:842, ClipboardImage.png)

780a19  No.6130400

File: 2feb13680914200⋯.jpeg (352.45 KB, 1054x1008, 527:504, B2D6359A-E648-4384-A1FA-2….jpeg)

File: 929c87a7506a7ca⋯.jpeg (802.03 KB, 649x1823, 649:1823, 2D7AF822-42E0-4E0F-8B3F-A….jpeg)

92924b  No.6130401


me neither

29a14d  No.6130402


I second this fabulousness.

e8aa30  No.6130404

File: c6eee46e292d403⋯.jpg (160.53 KB, 864x1105, 864:1105, pepe-salute.jpg)


great minds think alike

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