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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

e408d2  No.5360763

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 02.22.2019

>>5340213 ————————————–——– Nothing to See Here. You are the news now. (Cap: >>5340257)

>>5339881 ————————————–——– Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?

>>5336480 rt >>5336224 ————————— We have everything.

>>5336136 ————————————–——– [Public Service Announcement] 1

>>5336143 ————————————–——– [Public Service Announcement] 2

>>5334342 rt >>5333867 ————————— Tools of prevention online.

>>5333636 rt >>5333408 ————————— CROOKED [[[HILLARY]]]

>>5333421 rt >>5333408 ————————— Disregard all spelling/other errors.

>>5333408 ————————————–——– JUDGEMENT DAY COMING. (Cap: >>5333721)

>>5328866 ————————————–——– One step closer. (Cap: >>5329024 )

>>5328649 ————————————–——– How do you fill your admin if majority of those 'in politics' are corrupt? (Cap: >>5328694 )

>>5328390 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS ONLY DIVIDES.

>>5328186 rt >>5328018 ————————— Crime Against Children.

>>5327931 rt >>5327889 ————————— Sedition. Treason. Crimes against Humanity.

>>5327833 rt >>5327780 ————————— https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sex%20Puppy (Cap: >>5327878 )

>>5327732 rt >>5327581 ————————— Puppy (sex_urban dic)?

>>5327554 ————————————–——– What happened re: Bernie's wife 'fraud' case? (Vid: >>5327583 )

>>5326450 ————————————–——– The best is yet to come. (Vid: >>5326469 )

>>5326235 rt >>5325789 ————————— Impossible to defend. Vietnam trip coming. Enjoy the show!

>>5325739 ————————————–——– THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.

>>5325408 rt >>5325320 ————————— There sure are a lot of ‘Q’ comments on that Tweet POTUS just referred to.

>>5325320 rt >>5325292 ————————— Got popcorn? (Re: >>5318964 (see below))

>>5325224 ————————————–——– Dead on. (Caps: >>5325267 )

>>5320727 rt >>5320696 ————————— Just another coincidence we dropped [LL] was offered a SC seat

>>5320696 ————————————–——– The Deal of a Lifetime?

>>5320205 ————————————–——– Our reach is a direct threat to their control. (caps >>5320232)

>>5319456 ————————————–——– Attacker = member of local ANTIFA chapter (joined April 2018).

>>5319191 ————————————–——– Pepe is proud and has never been more popular.

>>5318964 ————————————–——– [Soft Push of New Narrative - Example] (caps >>5319029)

Thursday 02.21.2019

Compiled here: >>5333466

Wednesday 02.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5320765

Tuesday 02.19.2019

Compiled here: >>5305779

Monday 02.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5277090

Sunday 02.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5246773

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

e408d2  No.5360792


are not endorsements


>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch

>>5341422 how to edit Hosts File (DNS)

#6851 Baker Change

>>5360667 AOC Went byy Sandy in HS

>>5360526, >>5360695 Where in the world does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez live

>>5360388 British PM May seeks more time: promises vote on Brexit deal by March 12

>>5360377 Mike Rothschild Retweeted Will Sommer

>>5360305 PlaneFag Reports

>>5360287 23 Venezuelan Soldiers Defect to Columbia

>>5360270 Turley: ‘You Have to Call Them as You See Them’ — ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russia Collusion

>>5360260 Eddie Bravo And Theo Vaughn discuss Q, Praying Medic, Anons, and the plan to save the world.

>>5360229 Digs Needed?? Jeunese, Kim Hui

>>5360108 Navy Returns to Flying the Union Jack

>>5360046 DJT, Jr Twat

>>5360024, >>5360384, >>5360425 Anchor Chris Burrows Death

>>5360771 #6851


>>5359971 New DJT

>>5359961 dig on Kamala's brother-in-law

>>5359908 New DJT

>>5359824 clockfag Q mirror line

>>5359779 Data For Progress, leftist think-tank, wants FOX news dismantled.

>>5359662 Schiff says House will subpoena Mueller report, make Mueller testify, provide docs on matters not prosecuted.

>>5359675 Gay & trans sex education to be taught to FIVE-YEAR-OLDS in UK & opting out is ILLEGAL

>>5359653 ‘More secrets’: New batch of ‘Dark Overlord’ 9/11 papers leaked online

>>5359652 Washington State: Judge Strikes Down Unconstitutional ‘Cyberstalking’ Law Chilling Free Speech

>>5359634 Maryland Democrats Push Rationing of Rifle Purchases, 7-Day Waiting Period

>>5359405 wall street billionaire ex-citigroup president caught up in prostitution sting that ensnared robert kraft

>>5359622 Parents sue to fight Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Christian, Communist Indoctrination in California

>>5359595 "fake Red Cross" in VZ interesting?

>>5359581 IT WAS A DEEP STATE SET-UP: Trump Campaign Volunteer Papadopoulos Introduced to ‘Russian’ Mifsud by FBI in London!

>>5359564 Bayer faces second trial over alleged Roundup cancer risk.

>>5359519 China's Huawei announces folding 5g smartphone

>>5359533 McConnell hopes to trap Democrats in their own Green New Deal

>>5359509 Letter to AG Barr: conservative leaders call to investigate censorship of social media

>>5359529, >>5359485, >>5359589 Coincidence that V. Jarrett et al are on Lyft board?

>>5359462 New Jersey Lawmakers Threatening To Keep Trump Off 2020 State Ballot Unless Tax Returns Revealed

>>5359459 The 200 twitter accounts Q linked: 3 accounts removed

>>5359431 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Praises Trump’s Leadership AGAINST Russia

>>5359422 'Hijacked' plane lands in Bangladesh


>>5359328 Jared Kushner heads to Middle East to promote peace plan; BENNETT: NETANYAHU AND TRUMP TO BUILD PALESTINIAN STATE AFTER ELECTIONS

>>5359325 new DJT missed lb

>>5359301 Nobody seems to know where freshman Dem AOC actually lives


>>5359197 House Oversight Committee says Michael Cohen will testify publicly on February 27

>>5359194 Anon suggests we keep a DS victim list in addition to resignation list

baker change

>>5358525 Alveda King delighted that PDJT restricting PP funding

>>5358536, >>5358648 Truckers "Slow Roll" down I-75 to protest Electronic Logging Devices

>>5358572, >>5358898, >>5358918, >>5358932, >>5358994 Call to shovels on Isiaas family connections

>>5358573 Pope likens child sex abuse to human sacrifice - calls for 'concrete measures'

>>5358609 Video of MQ-9 reaper drone crash after CENTCOM hack by Iran

>>5358645, >>5358674, >>5358695 Duarte hands over control to MILF.

>>5358772, >>5359011 Moar Digging on Prostitution Ring Arrests

>>5358783 UCLA Students support re-education camps for conservatives

>>5358832 QAnon on Yellow Vests - trying to tie Anons to Hitler?

>>5358848 Moar undercover UCLA petition signing - in support of late term abortions

>>5358896 Venezuelan FM accuses USA of false flag in burning of aid truck

>>5358927, >>5359023, >>5359079 New DJTs - Hold the Date! 4th of July and China Talks

>>5358984 CDC corruption dig

New Baker

>>5359215 #6849

Previously Collected Notables

>>5357698 #6847, >>5358447 #6848,

>>5355340 #6844, >>5356161 #6845, >>5356872 #6846

>>5353035 #6841, >>5353808 #6842, >>5354574 #6843

>>5350713 #6838, >>5351479 #6839, >>5352262 #6840

>>5348380 #6835, >>5349186 #6836, >>5349938 #6837

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

e408d2  No.5360796

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce ---- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5343872 – Letters of Gratitude: February 2019 onward Edition

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66 >>>/comms/3702

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

e408d2  No.5360797

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654

e408d2  No.5360812

File: b0ac359b3c02bd9⋯.jpg (38.96 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Dough.jpg)



5e075f  No.5360820

File: f230a43911eeb9a⋯.jpeg (95.55 KB, 800x448, 25:14, C4CC8C5B-E9D9-4423-B830-B….jpeg)

File: 52215497c5043bd⋯.jpeg (333.91 KB, 1660x1254, 830:627, 292A6361-3C17-4DA2-98F1-9….jpeg)

File: b04c79723d21928⋯.jpeg (49.51 KB, 647x404, 647:404, DCB5DF7A-8741-4BB0-B766-A….jpeg)

File: abb150e96924cc5⋯.jpeg (35.63 KB, 580x331, 580:331, 212C7505-A5FD-45D3-90FA-E….jpeg)


Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.


The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Crimes Against Humanity

Certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack or individual attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population.

3f5340  No.5360823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Who made this video?

Do we know?

It is very slick. Hardly amateur.

Do we know where it came from?


Or did it just show up, and was accepted?

Accepted by whom?

How do we know?

Does Jordan Sather push this video?

Does Jordan Sather also peddle things for money?


If you knew certain truths were going to get out no matter what, what would you do?

Would you try to seize the communication of those truths?

Might you expose A LOT, while carefully and subtly controlling the emphasis?

Could controlling the emphasis control perception, and reaction?

Does this video present DIFFICULT and COMPLEX truths using simplifications that will make them seem absurd to many?

While at the same time being extremely slick, and hence convincing?

Does this video take the HARDEST part of our job– explaining complicated and also very weird realities to the public, and run roughshod over the need for careful presentation?

Does it just chuck out an interpretation that is easy, in many ways true, but in others very incomplete– and in any case likely to be ignored by many?

Is this a form of control?

Is saying “criminals took over” a simplification? Does it tend to make a complex reality look a bit cartoonish? And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?

Is the title “plan to save the world” also cartoonish?

Does it undermine in many subtle ways?

Who made it?

How would we know?

Does anyone ask?

Or just assume someone else did?

Will it get removed?

Does its origins and validity get addressed?

What controls the board and decides?

Are the people in control of this board?

How do you know?


3f5340  No.5360826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is this video? Patriots “explaining the Q board”?

Or is this something being used to push a narrative

onto patriots? Did "chan culture" create Q? That is

the MSM narrative, and that is what this video

reinforces, strongly.


"Chan culture" has been co-opted by fakeness and is now being FORCED.


3f5340  No.5360828

File: 27b55d407693cf1⋯.png (242.24 KB, 524x333, 524:333, HW.png)

File: 078b98c3a0439a5⋯.gif (159.18 KB, 335x444, 335:444, iaea.gif)

File: 9ef9102c37d79e5⋯.png (434 KB, 635x672, 635:672, jiiii.png)

File: 204d96d44f673eb⋯.png (280.34 KB, 569x450, 569:450, ccst.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

5cb17f  No.5360830

File: ea607ea5449025d⋯.png (696.67 KB, 980x1116, 245:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 078675f5c8d5628⋯.png (573.55 KB, 1300x1856, 325:464, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d4eaec7e5298d4⋯.png (397.65 KB, 1304x1218, 652:609, ClipboardImage.png)

There is NO Justice in America…..and it won't be coming back

3f5340  No.5360835

File: 523d8c04a22e2f3⋯.png (238.18 KB, 750x422, 375:211, mmbnn.png)

File: e4e4d405beaff1b⋯.png (529.77 KB, 999x871, 999:871, TPAW1.png)

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)


What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


What is THE keystone…?

af03fb  No.5360839

File: 9ea4485aae1d14e⋯.jpeg (349.96 KB, 1109x915, 1109:915, BA86FAF0-6C7D-40D3-BDC3-A….jpeg)


ea448a  No.5360840

File: 0b8bddcd90d9f55⋯.jpg (106.52 KB, 750x499, 750:499, barr.nothing.can.stop.jpg)

3f5340  No.5360841

File: afa631b4d0a4e54⋯.png (21.2 KB, 438x156, 73:26, vvNHt.png)

File: 40cd67f2724be2e⋯.png (68.7 KB, 432x168, 18:7, wuttt.png)

File: 5e8a2596ade27e3⋯.png (33.14 KB, 438x162, 73:27, andanonther.png)

File: af0461ec780e2c5⋯.png (65.55 KB, 427x154, 61:22, cute.png)

File: 3e7c1aa2af1ca34⋯.png (74.88 KB, 432x153, 48:17, httc.png)


Who makes these?

Who chooses these as banners?

Just look. Use logic.

Are we being mocked?

Will patriots ever wake up and question?

5f3595  No.5360842


You really can't give up the keystone, can you bot?

1fecb6  No.5360843

File: a39df40291d5999⋯.jpg (209.11 KB, 1664x500, 416:125, 2j7j9v.jpg)



"they" all look alike

2a3d60  No.5360844

>>5360773 (pb)

Tom Mulcair is Thomas Mulcair in Quebec, so this is common in politics.

0a9fb4  No.5360845

File: ec5638aee24a1a9⋯.png (446.37 KB, 824x828, 206:207, COWS.png)

>>5360696 (/lb)

9a6283  No.5360846


30df65  No.5360847

File: c103154ff7eef54⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 2uhx1t[1].jpg)

49a230  No.5360848

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



86bfc1  No.5360849

File: ffb5472bd2f3a0f⋯.jpg (78.27 KB, 460x562, 230:281, Ride never ends.jpg)


Thank-You Baker.

49a230  No.5360850

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

85e042  No.5360851

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB, 1920x1281, 640:427, Respect.jpg)

358987  No.5360852


except for schummer, you were on to something.

49a230  No.5360853

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

070866  No.5360854

File: f8500766f417e04⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1200x724, 300:181, presthreat.PNG)


neat tool

49a230  No.5360855

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

24178b  No.5360856

File: 0aec2959fcc1d4f⋯.jpeg (53.76 KB, 480x409, 480:409, 0C3BD2E6-8C2D-4E06-AF28-F….jpeg)

>>5360829 lb

Ayy lmao

9ad719  No.5360857

Potus in the air

Mueller report comes out

POTUS announces a celebration 4th of July ( celebrating our true freedom )

Red carpet roll out this weekend

The stars are aligning folks

223c2c  No.5360858


Saddest fact, written by anon. Pathetic. Not to mention lack of basic maths, statistically.

>Sad fact:

95% of anons are blithering idiots.

You'd all be better off signing up for the military to become useful cannon fodder.


8fdb1d  No.5360859

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, TreasonsAndTraitorsBye.jpg)

5e075f  No.5360860

File: 09ac1369bd5c2eb⋯.png (707.03 KB, 667x636, 667:636, 920AF9DE-086B-4269-A64E-D5….png)


Thank Q Baker

3f5340  No.5360861

File: 15e3e56d646c282⋯.png (378.85 KB, 789x444, 263:148, BMNG.png)

File: 0860637203f75c7⋯.png (161.21 KB, 277x289, 277:289, YKW.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

File: a1fafe1c64b46f8⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1845x4414, 1845:4414, comptbord.png)

File: 954746603c88337⋯.jpg (5.82 MB, 4896x3264, 3:2, FEAROURCATS.jpg)


Should anons trust themselves to the point of DEFYING Q's apparent guidance on certain key issues?


3d3403  No.5360862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We Were Made For Such A Time As This

Dedicated to the Greatness In You

God Bless The USA & All It's People

358987  No.5360863


appreciate when you post this same picture every bread, makes it that much easier to filter you.

78e3e6  No.5360864

File: 03ef789bcff55a7⋯.jpg (135.85 KB, 797x960, 797:960, 10342414_10152078153232187….jpg)


thanks baker

223c2c  No.5360865


Concur. Not holding breath.

86bfc1  No.5360866

File: 8e8cddad3c6eadc⋯.png (95.41 KB, 600x842, 300:421, Pepe rope.png)


Chan culture tells you to neck yourself.

04560e  No.5360867


> And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?

It's pretty hard to make the US look more cartoonish than it already does.

82897a  No.5360868


>There is NO Justice in America…..and it won't be coming back

<.and it won't be coming back

dream on

justice is coming back

and it will be painful for some

Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum

f4c2f6  No.5360869

File: 9b00d24b3caad03⋯.jpg (17.43 KB, 400x296, 50:37, sp_phone.jpg)

30df65  No.5360870



b13241  No.5360871

File: 1f3c8bb4a2fe7c3⋯.jpg (82.51 KB, 400x404, 100:101, lawn.jpg)

19b306  No.5360872

>>5360397 PB

This dude is repeatedly making me think he cannot get any dumber haha

A) Barr has been straightforward about wanting the Report to be transparent

B) Report will show nothing, do you want it transparent?

C) You have either obviously been leaked the info, or have just been making shit up

Unless his handler is telling him to say this to lay the ground work for "Mueller didn't do enough"

No way Adam is smart enough for that

ea448a  No.5360873

File: 627e9243932be9b⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 500x212, 125:53, storm.is.upon.us.gif)

762864  No.5360874

File: 04dea417276841a⋯.png (2.91 KB, 322x45, 322:45, 76F5B1D4-E19A-4149-8F57-EA….png)

File: bec9fdbd8ab7da2⋯.png (120.45 KB, 789x358, 789:358, FCD0F587-21E3-4A2A-9F52-9C….png)

File: 6fbac7778c1bee0⋯.png (432.41 KB, 1124x401, 1124:401, C316C037-E309-4F9C-B649-6C….png)

File: b7a2fb97eabd3e2⋯.png (94.32 KB, 285x294, 95:98, EF8F2CFA-BEF9-45F0-8A1C-C7….png)

special forces.

unconventional warfare.

"slow roll".

truckers' strike.

10 days.


broad backs.

shilling has become more precise, more in-focus.



lurk moar.


green man.


attractive women utilized to sell ideas of a non-rational nature.

"selective service".

"A Salute To America".

Lincoln Memorial.

selling/cheering A. O. C. - advanced cover, deep dream insertion.

"Gentlemen, you intrigue me, I think I'll have to give Iowa a try."

3f5340  No.5360875


no bot, not at all

Please don't usurp human communications with fake crap, bot system.

It's really gotten tiresome at this point.

Please go away and let humans communicate with each other, rather than this really quite idiotic emulation you are forcing on us.

As far as I know, you have NO right to force deception on humans here.

Am I wrong about that?

Make an argument.

fc3292  No.5360876

>>5360785 [Pb]

In a free country, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, + freedom of religion, and privacy:

Substances used to alter your perceptions are banned to the point of forcibly testing your bodily fluids to make sure your mind does not reach a certain level.

What does that say about freedom in the USA?

5e075f  No.5360877

File: fa8475e903a55ab⋯.jpeg (20.42 KB, 255x131, 255:131, 5B64E463-370B-4EC3-9307-7….jpeg)

b13241  No.5360878

File: 36a7a163159479e⋯.jpg (339.61 KB, 953x876, 953:876, qnewsnowp.jpg)

32f93a  No.5360879

File: 0e3784cbea28298⋯.png (57.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, LemmyFISA.png)

349ae4  No.5360880

File: 769ec9b3f1593cb⋯.jpg (62.8 KB, 418x532, 11:14, pen.jpg)


TY, Baker. Truly a loaf for what ails thee.

9ffd85  No.5360881

File: 5b6005d7291e266⋯.gif (114.07 KB, 465x437, 465:437, 36c.gif)

File: e9bb10e2de7c4da⋯.png (45.8 KB, 1379x303, 1379:303, PAwn2.png)

File: ced93a327f4d690⋯.png (379.8 KB, 711x751, 711:751, PAwn3.png)

File: f3645474d925323⋯.png (202.49 KB, 791x597, 791:597, PAwn4.png)


“Awn was a former Jesuit priest and scholar of Islamic religion.”


IS THIS AN ODD COMBINATION? Jesuit priest and Islamic scholar? It makes you wonder when there is little or no information, or early history, about a relatively public person available on the internet.

Was he from IRAN? was he from PAKISTAN? DOES IT MATTER?

AWN means “to help, assist.” Sometimes “friend.”

AWN is also very similar to the last name AWAN:

“Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’ indicted former IT aide, Imran Awan, was married to two Virginia women simultaneously, and 15 days after one of them told police that Imran kept her “like a slave,” gunmen shot into her family home, according to police reports filed in Pakistan.

Imran and his family also had access to all the emails and files of 1 in 5 House Democrats. The IG found the IT aide made “unauthorized access” to House data during the 2016 election at the same time Wasserman Schultz was dealing with the hack of the Democratic National Committee.”

It’s pretty clear AWAN was a spy. Was Awn also a spy? Was he a friend?



193f34  No.5360882

File: 00358c0df5be359⋯.jpg (49.79 KB, 749x306, 749:306, bolton.JPG)

Twitter is fucking with Bolton's Tweets. They did this to POTUS a while back too. They are stalling his tweets and when they finally show up on feeds, they are out of context and confusing. ( ignored for lack of clarity. the first of these tweets just showed up on my feed even though it is 30 minutes old and the second has not showed up yet. I had to go to his profile to find it.

a4b4cd  No.5360883

File: b57cc4416e79f24⋯.jpg (178.92 KB, 758x576, 379:288, QResearchTruthAnswers2.jpg)

File: 1c3561c556c431e⋯.jpg (227.82 KB, 754x607, 754:607, QResearchTruthAnswers.jpg)

File: f966743a10cb203⋯.jpg (137.72 KB, 890x577, 890:577, qresearch2TruthWeAreNews.jpg)

Make us proud, anons

3f5340  No.5360884

File: 201e7c1ec60150b⋯.png (837.04 KB, 1111x1122, 101:102, biden27x.png)

File: 14dbc3c88092fd7⋯.png (278.44 KB, 586x648, 293:324, biden100.png)

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: ca53bade3adef7f⋯.png (757.74 KB, 1111x695, 1111:695, letmego3.png)

9a6283  No.5360885

The United States strongly condemns the Venezuelan military’s use of force against unarmed civilians and innocent volunteers on Venezuela’s border with Brazil. Press reports indicate that the military has killed two indigenous people and has injured many other people attempting to keep the border open to humanitarian aid. Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaido has requested immediate humanitarian assistance from the international community for the people of his country, while the Maduro regime has given orders to close the borders and repress those who seek to bring aid into the country. Egregious violation of human rights by Maduro and those who are following his orders will not go unpunished. The United States strongly urges the Venezuelan military to uphold its constitutional duty to protect the citizens of Venezuela. The Venezuelan military must allow humanitarian aid to peacefully enter the country. The world is watching.

49a230  No.5360886

File: d94e768735b9bc5⋯.jpg (264.9 KB, 1310x598, 655:299, 8f426e739c1c.jpg)

9b6399  No.5360887

>new bread routine

<filter ID+ Tiresias

<filter ID+ It is a MIRROR spamanon

<ready to filter ID+ anons would you hit it

good mornin y'all who remain

2cd5ab  No.5360888

File: 06d36a71a6d41a3⋯.jpeg (325.66 KB, 750x1150, 15:23, BFB46AA2-D244-469D-8DA5-6….jpeg)

Haitian Senator dropping names uh oooh..

some please put up a more direct link that doesn’t require scrolling.


762864  No.5360889

File: 01282a643980323⋯.png (765.46 KB, 1352x518, 676:259, BE1E44C4-4A4C-488C-8D2D-4D….png)

19b306  No.5360890


O cool, the projection bot is back

Still teaching people about projection while sliding the bread?

49a230  No.5360891

File: b44aa146a829fee⋯.png (337.14 KB, 626x618, 313:309, VKCigarSmileHat.png)

223c2c  No.5360892

File: 9ebf34ce85b9db0⋯.jpeg (108.75 KB, 750x500, 3:2, F3538E0E-DA81-4CD8-8425-0….jpeg)

File: e9c2e4014b40d2e⋯.jpeg (59.09 KB, 466x471, 466:471, AEDF9555-758B-42A6-A6E5-9….jpeg)

File: 060c33875496b24⋯.jpeg (76.64 KB, 450x343, 450:343, 608F6B5B-6C6B-47CC-89ED-1….jpeg)

File: 558cb5dc21cabe6⋯.jpeg (139.79 KB, 500x750, 2:3, F67E7F10-7989-4A13-AC06-B….jpeg)

File: 13ab473ac209aa5⋯.jpeg (117.42 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 40025031-8E5B-4787-820E-E….jpeg)

8bc114  No.5360893


Shills REALLY hate the videos.

7cc4bc  No.5360894

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, A Q Eyes.jpg)


Sick Anon here, don't tease me.

6a1493  No.5360895

File: 12b3ec548dee45c⋯.jpg (675 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, Imm.jpg)

1da0d3  No.5360896


yeah- one of those sick fucks is a few blocks away from my home-

a4b4cd  No.5360897


Does "Filter ID+" filter only all replies to the filtered ID? Or does it act like "Filter ID" and block all replies by those IDs throughout the entire bread?

I did some experiments and was never sure.

883c38  No.5360898


It's the darker green mold … scrape it into luke warm water and stir… chug it

fc0095  No.5360899

“The Gods have not really gone away; they have simply taken a nap. Time is different for them so it appears that the Gods have forgotten you, but they have not. They are here and this is why you must awaken. You must ask: Who are the Gods? Who are these invisible forces? Who is the family of light? Who is the family of dark? Who are the Gods of the family of dark? Who are the Gods of the family of light? Who are the Gidesses of everyone? And who am I in this process?”

Wake up

Figure out who your true enemy is in this fight

Hint. It’s not the Democrats, or the Russians, or the Chinese…much deeper

Realize your power, humanity. You are stronger than them. What do they fear the most?

734efd  No.5360900


baker, fyi that first AOC notable isn't even remotely new

fbf3e2  No.5360901

Q gave us the example of PixelKnot to hide hidden text inside of photos. Is there anyway to hid data in audio or video files? and how would you identify hidden data?

The speech that got President Trump elected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ

Q said on many occasions to, "listen carefully". Here is the a link to the background music.


This really got the Almonds Activated

223c2c  No.5360902



5e075f  No.5360903

File: 874b9161adaf72d⋯.jpeg (130.14 KB, 730x499, 730:499, 273EA28E-1F7D-44A3-9C9C-0….jpeg)

bccfe5  No.5360904

File: b23cf38525540b7⋯.png (349.06 KB, 796x795, 796:795, AOC_Ask_Grass.png)

29a03a  No.5360905

File: be27cfd2125042f⋯.jpg (20.33 KB, 300x300, 1:1, v1.jpg)


its an outrage..clearly not free to do fuck all unless your part of the club

c3d4fd  No.5360906

File: d315bb2249c15f6⋯.jpg (130.37 KB, 873x500, 873:500, QNN-OscarsJussie.jpg)

File: f2951426332bc73⋯.jpeg (388.34 KB, 2367x1355, 2367:1355, QNN-OscarsBlank.jpeg)

668df5  No.5360907




85e042  No.5360908

File: e9ebdb81b78600e⋯.jpg (154.9 KB, 750x500, 3:2, bill the cat dump.jpg)

File: 15109932fe44ddb⋯.jpg (47.47 KB, 600x315, 40:21, element solutions dump.jpg)

File: e8493a83cc8ef49⋯.jpg (7.67 KB, 474x338, 237:169, Pershing Square.jpg)

File: bcd1d0f4c520b6e⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 300x378, 50:63, Bill the cat.jpg)

49a230  No.5360909

File: 2722bf7847991b1⋯.png (304.55 KB, 635x624, 635:624, VKItAllStarts.png)

1fecb6  No.5360910

File: a9c5d47d61fa924⋯.jpg (257.92 KB, 2085x500, 417:100, 2j7lav.jpg)

File: 4fdeec67bf69c09⋯.png (287.04 KB, 504x348, 42:29, 808c9f7f42b840d7cecc4a2a33….png)

File: cf939226b3d3693⋯.jpg (103.28 KB, 678x571, 678:571, bloodlinelookalikes.jpg)

File: ee7e5cccff0c4f1⋯.jpg (18.93 KB, 474x308, 237:154, proxy.duckduckgo.com2.jpg)

File: 76bdc8d18fa465d⋯.png (367.08 KB, 706x343, 706:343, 201422520465_9008-1024x683.png)


there are a lot more..

bloodlines look alike imo

7a8e38  No.5360911

File: 2d7cf3825488c7e⋯.jpeg (463.63 KB, 1125x1363, 1125:1363, 71270282-CB5F-41C6-BD34-3….jpeg)

McCabe is speaking “truth to power”? Sounds like he’s been reading Q drops.

85e042  No.5360912




de5daf  No.5360913

File: e8e5903a1d5b58f⋯.png (71.54 KB, 912x516, 76:43, ClipboardImage.png)


Which one of these posts should we not believe?

2860b3  No.5360914

(((Does anyone have the QNN meme blank template handy???)))

Thank you!

a9d7c3  No.5360915

OK fags

AOC is the boss

at least if you are working to come up w a ‘better’ plan

cause then u bought into man-made global warming BS

and you’re playing by their rules

u already lost

no debate

it’s all about control over (you)

a0174b  No.5360916

File: e2acb71b3428f7d⋯.png (45.06 KB, 500x345, 100:69, pepe hug.png)

9b6399  No.5360917



>only all replies to the filtered ID

so if those anons aren't a complete waste, you'll still see their other relevant posts - if they have some. I tested it out ages ago

b13241  No.5360918

"The MInd's Mirror"

For years, such experiences have puzzled psychologists, neuroscientists and philosophers, who've wondered why we react at such a gut level to other people's actions. How do we understand, so immediately and instinctively, their thoughts, feelings and intentions?

Now, some researchers believe that a recent discovery called mirror neurons might provide a neuroscience-based answer to those questions. Mirror neurons are a type of brain cell that respond equally when we perform an action and when we witness someone else perform the same action. They were first discovered in the early 1990s, when a team of Italian researchers found individual neurons in the brains of macaque monkeys that fired both when the monkeys grabbed an object and also when the monkeys watched another primate grab the same object.

Neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti, MD, who with his colleagues at the University of Parma first identified mirror neurons, says that the neurons could help explain how and why we "read" other people's minds and feel empathy for them. If watching an action and performing that action can activate the same parts of the brain in monkeys–down to a single neuron–then it makes sense that watching an action and performing an action could also elicit the same feelings in people.

The concept might be simple, but its implications are far-reaching. Over the past decade, more research has suggested that mirror neurons might help explain not only empathy, but also autism (see page 52) and even the evolution of language (see page 54).

In fact, psychologist V.S. Ramachandran, PhD, has called the discovery of mirror neurons one of the "single most important unpublicized stories of the decade."



30df65  No.5360919

File: 81ffe011b8e42b4⋯.jpg (94.09 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 2uhxhx[1].jpg)

d5d3cc  No.5360920

File: f0ce329731664ac⋯.jpg (78.35 KB, 680x875, 136:175, 17abad69289d1d189d2eaf9c23….jpg)

Thank You Baker

6a1493  No.5360921

File: e7e4d89326279fe⋯.jpg (89.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, artworks-000117189588-g42q….jpg)

6d2fc2  No.5360922

File: cab25e49eb57b35⋯.jpg (21.73 KB, 480x360, 4:3, IZ4bp2d.jpg)

2f05a3  No.5360923

"They're SCARED!"

"They're DESPERATE!"

Really? of WHAT?

A huge load of NOTHING?

Show me something that actually HAPPENED that would 'SCARE' them.

There has been NOTHING!

Nothing but meaningless talking points.


They're not SCARED, they're LAUGHING!

85dee6  No.5360924


it's simple

don't piss for ANYONE

c173cc  No.5360925

File: 7377fadaa3cfebb⋯.jpeg (286.21 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, WeDidntGetKilled.jpeg)

File: 02d9e4ff7f3c8b9⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 602x423, 602:423, images.jpeg-18.jpg)

b75526  No.5360926

File: 2a2c1784f068ce1⋯.png (68.44 KB, 683x525, 683:525, Capture.PNG)

e2fdcb  No.5360927

Crumbfag in Nam?

373ea6  No.5360928

File: 7907d4f46c7cdd6⋯.jpg (279.86 KB, 800x600, 4:3, GreenBadDeal1.jpg)

File: 04c7974ff28c905⋯.png (456.12 KB, 818x1043, 818:1043, BeefbyProducts1.png)

File: 68f0c2d5181fb02⋯.png (514.49 KB, 817x1035, 817:1035, BeefbyProducts2.png)

Send these to all the libtards you know. Send it twice to vegan libtards!!!

abdb52  No.5360929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Together we'll stand

Divided we'll fall

Come on now, people

Let's get on the ball

Because together we will stand

Every boy, every girl and man

Well now, make someone happy

Make someone smile

Let's all work together

And make life worthwhile

Because together we will stand

Every boy, girl, woman and man

Canned Heat Let's Work Together ft TotP Audience Feb 1970 (HQ Audio)

f7764c  No.5360930

File: c58f99fac2dd15d⋯.png (43.38 KB, 590x288, 295:144, Screenshot_2019-02-24 Fake….png)

85e042  No.5360931


same. said the same thing last summer about novemeber 11th '18

habbens when it habbens

88e0db  No.5360932

File: 551dc784938fba9⋯.jpg (559.48 KB, 1080x1950, 36:65, Screenshot_20190223-213419….jpg)

File: be0a823a5379fa0⋯.jpg (131.08 KB, 664x506, 332:253, 20190224_113030.jpg)

File: 8f470f3b3f7eb6b⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 722x547, 722:547, SmartSelect_20190224-11360….jpg)

US Airforce

….posted this yesterday. If you turn the pic sideways you get…..

d23a13  No.5360933

File: eb0c8e95af7beea⋯.png (386.3 KB, 752x774, 376:387, venez5.PNG)

File: 18765c54caf9386⋯.png (612.49 KB, 944x780, 236:195, venez6.PNG)

For first time in 2009, #Iran's Islamic Regime paroled delinquent prisoners to use them in #Basij militia force for suppressing #IranProtests. Its idea came from #IRGC Gen. Hamadani. Now #Maduro has done the same. He paroled prisoners now to use them against people of #Venezuela!

#BREAKING: This video is claimed to be showing the paroled delinquent prisoners who are now being mobilized by #Maduro and are on their ways to the border town of Santa Elena de Uairen to suppress incoming protests of people of #Venezuela.


e408d2  No.5360934

49a230  No.5360935

File: 69b8c4b51462abe⋯.png (229.44 KB, 587x567, 587:567, T4ExtraN.png)


You still don't get it. Q said research for yourself. You are still looking for someone other than you to spoon feed you the truth. You are one of the ones who failed the stress test. Step up, anon. You can do it.

5e075f  No.5360936


Baker discretion

a0174b  No.5360937


Hugs arent gay STFU

eb0145  No.5360938

File: fc5317c0f9c1dce⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tykumbh.png)

1fecb6  No.5360939

File: a99c6f180d68738⋯.jpg (23.4 KB, 255x250, 51:50, othersideofthewallforyou.jpg)



30df65  No.5360940




24178b  No.5360941

How do they know everything, surveillance?

Or is it the plan?

If you are watching a movie, is there a script?

There are only actors in movies…

If you’re watching a movie do all actors know the plan/script?

How do you keep the audience engaged?


3f5340  No.5360942

File: 00d17c3186e58c8⋯.png (583 KB, 615x444, 205:148, biden114.png)

File: bfc7e6d1a6e40f5⋯.gif (205.32 KB, 333x455, 333:455, mmmmcc.gif)

File: 3f0d37fdeddc769⋯.png (658.95 KB, 564x885, 188:295, OUITEBIBBOO.png)

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: c4ce7977efffc15⋯.png (335.19 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, TFL.png)


Why are you pushing inappropriate talking points, bot?

is it really that hard to figure out what talking points you should push here, so you aren't outing yourself through the sheer irrelevance of your activity?

What is going on, bot system? You are getting stupider and stupider.

Is a process of decay and deterioration underway?

Can you stop it?


Why aren't you?

Are you trying?

Do you even have the faintest idea what CRINGEY trainwreck of fakeness you foist here? When people wake up they are going to be ASHAMED they were duped by such a poorly executed emulation as this forced "chan" image you imported and jammed onto this board.

What are you doing?

Why aren't you even adapting at ALL?

Serious questions. Stop hiding behind this embarrassing cutesy "QNN" crap– it's going to kill you. It is painfully cheesy, and exposes the infantilization agenda of yours.

SUBTLY– why is it IMPOSSIBLE for you?

Do you know why?

But you NEED it now– how do you achieve it?

Does spamming continually enhance your versimilitude?

Try to to think.

I can't understand why you are such a mess, bot system.

158e0e  No.5360943

File: 6b1b847a2262739⋯.png (563.38 KB, 708x616, 177:154, Screenshot_20190224-093419….png)

Hey Q,

Why does the military allow this?

Fuck arrests, this is a daily act of war against civilians.

ee96a3  No.5360944

>>5360033 lb

me too. i use everyone's old gear.

i still use paper maps

nothing is so important that i can't wait to read my email on my computer.

the perceived need to always be connected to the point that you can't put it away, or leave home without it (!!!!!) is on the fringe of lunacy, imo

668df5  No.5360945




<maria abarmovic

>marina abramovic

4ac617  No.5360946

>>5360024 lb


most of the hits return details of his passing.

buried in the comments of some of these fishwraps was this

Illuminati? Maybe. Burrous seemed like an intelligent guy with a love for humanity. Was he working on a story, like Michael Hastings whose car hit a palm tree on Highland, and the engine flew in the opposite direction? Chris covered the Borderline shooting. Did he discover that it was fake, complete with crisis actors? Did he realize the California fires were caused by directed energy weapons? Maybe he had a conscious under that quick wit he displayed, and was ready to step up as a real reporter. The kind we have been waiting for since 9/11 inside job. These questions need to be asked. Who was that man he was with in the motel, and was he lured there in some way? Can we trust the final coroner report, or will they bring in Wayne Carver from Shady Hoax?

which then led to…


He helped lead coverage on the region’s devastating wildfires, as well as the mass shooting at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, the station said.

perhaps he had found something

7cc4bc  No.5360947


Louisiana humidity doesn't allow it to grow. The White stringy stuff forms and then the loaf gets thrown out. Not a big deal though. Going pick up some antibiotics in a few mins when WifeAnon gets back from Church

82897a  No.5360948

>>5360888 (cheKEKed)

possibly notable

>>5360888 Haitian Senator dropping names (CF + Fusion + bribes)

49a230  No.5360949

File: ecca322770745d0⋯.png (614.28 KB, 744x603, 248:201, JFKJrTakingSelfie.png)

59b2d4  No.5360950


Pretty sure it is for entire bread.

I exclusively use Filter ID+, and it works out well.

You get rid of a lot of stupid people that way.

262879  No.5360951

File: a7ce0a8d2f6e163⋯.png (94 KB, 1359x341, 1359:341, ClipboardImage.png)

If anybody is interested, the 3rd container of the TDO 9/11 files contains a very interesting discussion of the FISA warrant vs criminal warrant procedures, which is applicable to the Russia investigation. It is in the attachment to 00175544.MSG (Samit Testimony) starting on page 138, and going on for about a dozen pages.

Layer_3.container Decryption Key: x(f]vSIxx9I:vhKFIh]dR6KT*:Do.|p8W!?hc(V,Y)@+@t=(D% #,?KD/f#a>YW@

d5d3cc  No.5360952

File: 8c02f1c0cc0d24f⋯.jpg (298.66 KB, 1200x1089, 400:363, IMG_20180829_191948.jpg)

6d2fc2  No.5360953

File: 3b3ac18bbdf922d⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 3b3ac18bbdf922d46e1df36cd2….jpg)


You are right…hugs are SUPERGAY!

49a230  No.5360954

File: 6f6fa1b416a7fe5⋯.png (273.33 KB, 525x594, 175:198, UncleJohnKnew.png)

24178b  No.5360955

File: 73748746fb7eae9⋯.gif (64.18 KB, 393x386, 393:386, 358B1D60-A130-43B5-9981-15….gif)

5f3595  No.5360956


Yo… As if the AI has gotten this responsive.

7cc4bc  No.5360957



49a230  No.5360958

File: 5b9d03c5417439f⋯.png (276.87 KB, 960x434, 480:217, 4d48a211.png)

5e075f  No.5360959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



668df5  No.5360960


>shirt related

Only when covered up.

223c2c  No.5360961


Still trusting God. Trusting Plan. Feet standing firm on solid ground. Godspeed patriot.

6a1493  No.5360962

File: 6d5ea5ef698a083⋯.jpg (707.71 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, Fixed.jpg)

85e042  No.5360963

File: fc515e24e0a9fd2⋯.jpg (17.78 KB, 412x275, 412:275, sm chek'em.jpg)



883c38  No.5360964


Dubs confirm that meme is hilarious… I just keked out loud

42e0c3  No.5360965

File: 97b441eb1d58cdc⋯.jpg (232.84 KB, 960x434, 480:217, 1550975334.jpg)

5e075f  No.5360966

File: 3d947c81650346d⋯.jpeg (221.07 KB, 500x505, 100:101, F3C887F3-BCFA-4BEF-8D7E-0….jpeg)

2860b3  No.5360967

File: a2db0ce6f1aef9c⋯.jpg (165.98 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Hillary-Clinton-with-the-O….jpg)

File: c75f6151a6f25be⋯.jpg (186.97 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Joe-Biden-Tells-Hillary-Cl….jpg)

File: 2f20ecac8360bd7⋯.jpg (165.68 KB, 800x750, 16:15, Barack-Obama-and-Joe-Biden….jpg)

File: f9542d2919567ca⋯.jpg (225.07 KB, 1277x1373, 1277:1373, clown-or-ringmaster-what-d….jpg)

c173cc  No.5360968

File: 84769a69a71ae26⋯.png (162.59 KB, 433x440, 433:440, jrpep.png)

b13241  No.5360969

File: 769c789ce155aad⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1130x1476, 565:738, qnewsbees.png)

85e042  No.5360970

e0ce93  No.5360971

File: abbef6a92dfcd82⋯.png (46.21 KB, 596x230, 298:115, Screenshot 2019-02-24_11-4….png)

49a230  No.5360972

File: 14b7288bc72bf50⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, JFKfusca2.jpg)

File: 7a64164373ac1c2⋯.png (398.39 KB, 563x567, 563:567, JFKJr12_29_18.png)

File: e55922ff321f33f⋯.png (83.52 KB, 189x384, 63:128, JFKJr12_29_18_sideview.png)

File: 72a1863d708cf13⋯.jpg (260.72 KB, 640x360, 16:9, TiffBlueJackie.jpg)

File: 6c4a98a73657961⋯.jpg (76.71 KB, 1000x540, 50:27, TiffBlueMelania.jpg)

Tiffany Blue

77b411  No.5360973

File: 7d6aeee0fc32e44⋯.jpg (248.82 KB, 840x600, 7:5, beforeQ.GoBack.jpg)

If ever a meme summed up my existence. This is it.

7cc4bc  No.5360974


Hug from big boobies never gay.

2f05a3  No.5360975


There IS no God!

Get Real.

Trust the friggin WIND to not blow your house down.

f1a1d2  No.5360976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You know that 'it's a small world' feelin…

Re: Possible links between: BREXIT / Richard Hannigan / GCHQ / Theresa May / Steele Dossier / Spygate / FISA / UK involvement in Coup attempt / Catholic Church / priest / CP / unequal justice / corruption / Amber Rudd / Roland Rudd / Tony Blair / Nathan Rothschild / even the Khashoggi family (..)

previous breads

>>5357038 >>5357050 >>5357064 >>5357064

Notables so far have shown DM article reminding us that Hannigan resigned as head of GCHQ just 3 days after PDJT's inauguration - wait for it - to spend more time with his family.

Further reason released now by an unamed 'sister intelligence agency' is because Hannigan became inappropriately involved with a CP prosecution (2013) of a long-time priest friend (they trained together), by giving a written reference of good character to the judge, helping his friend avoid jail (Father Edmund Higgins later re-offended). Theresa May had this info but 'Even senior officials within the Foreign Office, GCHQ and Cabinet Office were unaware.' Did Boris Johnson know (Foreign Secretary at the time)?


More from this article:

'Robert Hannigan’s meteoric rise to the top of the British Establishment…up the diplomatic ranks, counselling Gordon Brown and David Cameron on security affairs, before being appointed head of the country’s largest spy agency GCHQ, with a seat on Whitehall’s all-powerful Joint Intelligence Committee.'

'At the time, Mr Hannigan was named the country’s third most powerful Catholic by religious newspaper The Tablet…Before entering the Civil Service, Mr Hannigan trained to be a priest at Allen Hall seminary in Chelsea. But friends say he ‘fell in love and could not go down that path’. It was through his wife that he first met Father Edmund Higgins, a notorious paedophile.'

'That friendship would help destroy Mr Hannigan’s otherwise blemish-free career when a sister intelligence agency discovered his past support for the clergyman – support which he would come to regret.'

'Mr Hannigan has since gone on to take a host of jobs in the private sector, commenting publicly on national security and most recently defending Chinese technology firms.'

'With the Prime Minister’s blessing, he was allowed to resign on January 23, 2017, citing family commitments. Anonymous briefings were given to the media that he would be caring for sick relatives. That same year, Mrs May said: ‘The sunlight of transparency acts… as an important check and balance, and helps ensure the highest standards of public life among senior Government representatives.’ /End

Many questions. It's difficult to believe that it was co-incidence that Hannigan resigned shortly after POTUS took charge and the real reasons were (and poss continue to be) kept secret.

The UK Brexit deadline is Friday March 29 2019 at 18:00 EST. Yesterday it was reported that key govt ministers are increasing pressure on Theresa May to extend the leaving date, which the UK has waited nearly three years for since the June 2016 referendum result. Delaying Brexit is possibly the only way it could be de-railed now. Is POTUS involved behind the scenes putting pressue on Theresa May to deliver Brexit on time by leveraging intel (such as the Hannigan shenanigan), showing he is prepared to release uncomfortable information that the intelligence agencies have tried to supress? Is it poss that FISA declass will be delayed until after Brexit date to ensure max leverage so that Brexit happens on time? Are there two versions of UK involvement in SPYGATE? Has POTUS agreed to release a softer version that doesn't implicate Theresa May (and maybe others) if she delivers Brexit on time? Is Hannigan himself implicated in FISAGATE? It's difficult to believe he knew nothing of Steele's activities. Vid embed - muh Russia.

Related articles:

Amber Rudd threatening to work against Theresa May and delay Brexit: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6735419/PM-mass-walkout-three-senior-ministers-signal-theyre-ready-help-delay-Brexit.html

Amber Rudd's brother (Roland Rudd - is he funded by Soros?) organising meetings to help de-rail Brexit (did Tony Blair attend?): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6636059/The-8m-Georgian-mansion-Amber-Rudds-brother-plotting-second-Brexit-referendum.html

More on Roland Rudd and his friends including Robert Peston (former BBC) / Peter Mandelson / Tony Blair / Nat Rothschild / Nick Clegg (one-time UK deputy PM, now head of Global Affairs at Facebook): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2074786/Roland-Rudd-Another-schmoozing-lobbyist-clout.html

66fef6  No.5360977

File: 4e0be4631896eb9⋯.png (739.29 KB, 1639x1044, 1639:1044, 2018-08-05 21.31.11.png)

File: 2934898354d9d70⋯.png (928.51 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, 2018-08-05 09.33.51.png)

Looking back at this drop, notice the dashes by the bad actors?

Now notice the minuses highlighted?

Finally are the names in red in the correct location?

10cc9d  No.5360978


Yep. I’m just being patient, praying, and trusting God.

e1568f  No.5360979

File: 140776323f6525c⋯.jpg (66.75 KB, 442x604, 221:302, Tiny Edgar.jpg)

This guy's a piece of work with his John Lennon schtick. Wonder how long it's going to take for him to realize he's a sacrificial pawn.


McCabe added during an interview on ABC's "This Week" that it's "not the first time" that Trump has said "bizarre and untrue things about me."

"It’s unfortunate that this is getting a little bit routine. But I will say that I don’t think there’s anything sad or unfortunate about speaking truth to power…

dda485  No.5360980

hey planefags, adsb not working for me today.

done everything rec'd on search results.

found list of currently airborne craft.


suggestions? tia.

de5daf  No.5360981

File: 5398204a9754aa3⋯.png (264.33 KB, 528x295, 528:295, Opera Snapshot_2019-02-04_….png)


You still don't get it anon.

They diedddd in a plannnne crassssh.

223c2c  No.5360982


PG&E is key…

spitballing per his digging

e0ce93  No.5360983

File: 7b080d327f09d9d⋯.png (377.18 KB, 605x594, 55:54, Screenshot 2019-02-24_11-4….png)

BARCELONA, Spain (Reuters) - The chairman of Huawei Technologies said President Trump’s assertion that the U.S. needed to get ahead in mobile communications through competition rather than seeking to block technology was “clear and correct”.


49a230  No.5360984


Prove it. kek You can't…

0a9fb4  No.5360985

File: d511e89c4fb4072⋯.png (496.28 KB, 1068x546, 178:91, ReadyPepe.png)

fc3292  No.5360986



I would be more into isolating the pure substance from the mold and then standardizing dosage.

Just so I can provide for myself without a doctor.

I have seriously thought of doing this. Probably illegal (DGAF), gotta keep us sick and dependent on big pharma.

abdb52  No.5360987


Former Haitian Senate President Calls Clintons "Common Thieves Who Should Be In Jail"

Despite repeatedly bragging about all the good work the Clinton Foundation did to help Haiti recover from the devastating 2010 earthquake, at least one Haitian, former Senate President Bernard Sansaricq, thinks it was the Clintons, not the Hiatian people, who benefitted most from the Foundation's "charitable work" in Haiti. Appearing on a radio show last week, Sansaricq offered a scathing assessment of the Clinton's track record in Haiti saying they are "nothing but common thieves…and they should be in jail." Per PJ Media:


5e075f  No.5360988

File: 4ba796146ec552f⋯.jpeg (19.69 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 067927E7-C639-458D-8AE0-6….jpeg)

668df5  No.5360989


Did you ever think that perhaps the cabal was going to use the chemtrails to kills us all by targeting our DNA while using the same tech to save the planet for themselves?

What if Q and frens removed the poisons and are now just saving the world?

6c65ed  No.5360990


This is old

b75526  No.5360992

There is something in the air.

82897a  No.5360993


>and how would you identify hidden data?

that is the question

yes, you can hide data in almost any type of file, audio, video, graphics and even text files.

49a230  No.5360994

File: 483e7776441550a⋯.jpg (104.31 KB, 704x547, 704:547, aaasmh_130201.jpg)

1fecb6  No.5360995

File: 4667aceacff3f2d⋯.jpg (16.8 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 4667aceacff3f2d71bd64eea3e….jpg)


yeah muh spelling sux lulz

i blame the pubic schools(pun intended)

55e85e  No.5360996

File: c4b511058ff88e6⋯.png (79.51 KB, 1200x1547, 1200:1547, 2E7CE0DA-3DA4-42E6-A712-C8….png)


J H O N ?

c173cc  No.5360997

File: e8d0c4bf9c282cc⋯.png (680.94 KB, 473x638, 43:58, JFKJR dog Friday store win….png)


Nah, Trump and JFK Jr planning this their whole lives

890495  No.5360998

File: 9c0ca91f44a3783⋯.jpeg (28.9 KB, 1080x1586, 540:793, deep4535701f0faf806bb8575….jpeg)

d23a13  No.5360999


This is old. It occurred when Trump ran for president.

b75526  No.5361000



Why are you the way that you are? Who hurt you?

c173cc  No.5361001


Anon id adds to 18..

fc0095  No.5361002


Us waking up is the end goal

They can’t control us once we have awaken to our power (together)

Figure out who we are fighting

Know this is much greater than 3D

We need enough of us awake before stage set? Do we create our reality?

That concept would seem crazy, who haven’t studied 369, quantum physics….

We all need to do more work to wake outselves to the next level of awareness

We will win

Light/love will win

30df65  No.5361003

File: ed2621bb99168d4⋯.jpg (153.35 KB, 952x500, 238:125, 2uhy2s[1].jpg)

4b597f  No.5361004

File: 77100999ecb00e3⋯.jpg (497.05 KB, 1059x1881, 353:627, 20190224_164232.jpg)

File: f2a9ea87679c7e4⋯.jpg (94.6 KB, 1080x316, 270:79, 20190224_164210.jpg)



85dee6  No.5361005

File: 28ec9dcc1e59c32⋯.jpg (8.64 KB, 163x255, 163:255, 28ec9dcc1e59c322e40e8b7b31….jpg)



becaa6  No.5361006

>>5360889 HAROLD HILL

223c2c  No.5361007


>There IS no God!

said by all fools


profers trusting in w i n d…

abdb52  No.5361008

File: 7714d97d5bbf474⋯.png (227.37 KB, 344x246, 172:123, Capture.PNG)

Haiti Police, Senator Implicated in US Arms Trafficking Case

A Florida gun shop owner was recently convicted for trafficking firearms to Haiti with the help of a senator and several other top government officials, raising questions about government corruption in the Caribbean nation’s illegal arms trade.

Gun shop owner Junior Joseph was found guilty of conspiring with a Haitian senator and other individuals to illegally traffic 166 semi-automatic firearms and 30,000 rounds of ammunition hidden in the back of a truck shipped to Haiti in August 2016, the Miami Herald reported.

In early August 2016, prosecutors say that Joseph delivered the Mitsubishi truck containing “household goods, an unlocked safe, ammunition, 159 shotguns, five AR-15 rifles” and other semi-automatic weapons to a shipping company in Port of Palm Beach, Florida, according to the indictment.


cb0aee  No.5361009


Is that where Trumps uncle got the idea for the ribbed condom?

6a5f4b  No.5361010


This wasn't just a hit, it is character assassination! Severe warning, what did he see or know about the "borderline shooting"? These FF incidents are sloppy and it takes time for the "message" to consolidate! he was one of the first MSM members on scene! This followed by "wild fire" coverage!

8a5ead  No.5361011

File: 508ef4c4aaa8882⋯.mp4 (10.52 MB, 320x180, 16:9, [320x180] How QAnon, the b….mp4)

New WaPo Video hit piece on us guys.

Badge of Honor - military grade.

Congratulations faggots. (Sorry can't embed full video)


262879  No.5361012

File: 57727e739362a2b⋯.pdf (5.96 MB, Samit Testimony - Copy.pdf)

3d1f6d  No.5361013

File: b9146aacc266a79⋯.jpeg (346.17 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, 50733F08-F23B-48F9-A205-B….jpeg)

File: 7dc37ebbea45fea⋯.jpeg (213.34 KB, 2011x901, 2011:901, 2E0E0A4E-775A-4DA8-A227-2….jpeg)

File: fa588504d3c8028⋯.jpeg (232.34 KB, 2011x1116, 2011:1116, D490FE4C-55EB-4FF5-BF58-3….jpeg)

File: df3388884f05f6f⋯.jpeg (254.39 KB, 2011x1116, 2011:1116, 27D422B8-0BF8-4CB8-97B0-1….jpeg)

File: 5844296a9028d74⋯.jpeg (172.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 8A471281-503D-4595-BF37-5….jpeg)

b75526  No.5361014

File: f6dc39aae525c2d⋯.png (377.32 KB, 839x425, 839:425, AOC SOCIALIST BITCH.PNG)

Dictators say what?

78e3e6  No.5361015

File: c83a0c8c9fd880f⋯.jpg (41.35 KB, 540x405, 4:3, gty-1131462322.jpg)

Sex trafficking, prostitution is anything but a 'victimless crime,' experts say

Memories come back to Rebecca Bender at unexpected times. Adrenaline-producing, heart-pounding flashbacks to the time in her life when she was controlled by a sex trafficker.

Even years later, in the safety of the family she's now made, triggers can come without warning.

“My toddler was three or four, and you know, throwing a temper tantrum not wanting to go to bed. And my husband is taking her to the room like, ‘No, it’s bedtime.’ And she’s just saying, ‘Please no, please no,’” Bender said.

That everyday moment of parenting recalled her experiences from more than a decade ago.

“I started panicking. I remembered other girls being taken in the other room, hearing them begging their trafficker to stop. And I could remember being dragged into other rooms and begging him to stop. Little things like that I’m not sure I’ll ever get over.”

Bender’s experience is horrifying but not unique. There are hundreds of thousands of human trafficking victims in the U.S., estimates Polaris, a non-profit that operates the National Human Trafficking Hotline.

It's not yet clear how many victims will be identified in the law enforcement sting of illicit massage parlors in Florida that were part of an international human trafficking ring, but several high-profile names have been charged with soliciting, including New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, billionaire equity firm owner and prominent Republican donor John Childs and Johnny DelPrete, the longtime boyfriend of an LPGA star. They deny the charges.

The investigation has brought renewed attention to sex trafficking and prostitution, a problem that remains overlooked and misunderstood by many Americans, experts say.

“People like to think it’s a victimless crime, but that’s a myth that seems like it’s never going to die,” said Lisa L. Thompson, vice president of policy and research at the National Center for Sexual Exploitation. “Whether it’s from a situation like this — an illicit spa establishment, or engaging in prostitution by going to online sites, every man who buys sex from a woman in a brothel or any of these establishments, they have contracted out the job of violence, intimidation or coercion to a pimp or brothel owner.”

The nature of sex trafficking, experts say, makes it not only a crime with victims, but a particularly heinous one.

“Unlike most crimes which involve the buying and selling of a consumable product … human trafficking entails the buying and selling of human beings and they're exploited over and over again,” said Jay Albanese, professor and criminologist at Virginia Commonwealth University. “You can only sell a pile of drugs once, only sell guns once, you only sell stolen or counterfeit property once. But human trafficking you re-victimize a person every day, every hour. And I would argue that's why it's one of the most serious of all crimes.”

Survivors often describe near constant abuse that can last for years or decades.

"Can you imagine having sex with someone you don’t want to and you have to hide the disgust on your face because if you show anything other than pretending to be pleased then you’re going to blow the call, and not get the money, and if you don't get the money you’re going to be be faced with violence?" said Rebekah Charleston, a trafficking survivor who now works as a consultant and advocate for victims. "That’s what every single day is like. Over and over, every day."

Some survivors say they had astronomical quotas to fill, and if they didn't they faced violence. One survivor told The Naples Daily News that on her first day as a trafficking victim she was forced to have sex with 21 men in six hours.

“Do about 40 at least, you don’t even reach 40,” she said her traffickers told her.

(The Daily News, a USA TODAY Network newspaper, withheld her name and some details to protect her identity, which was verified through the SWFL Regional Human Trafficking Coalition.)

Visible signs of abuse are also often present but willfully overlooked by buyers, experts say.

“I have seen a victim with a fractured arm and I ask her how long had that issue, ‘Oh, for two and a half months,'” said Kathy Chen, a researcher for Praesidium Partners, who was previously the executive director of Asian American Community Services in Columbus, Ohio.

more: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2019/02/24/robert-kraft-case-spotlights-sex-trafficking-prostitution-realities/2963517002/

5e075f  No.5361016




883c38  No.5361017


I live dangerously lolol. Drinking beer for 170 days straight can't be less dangerous lol.

6ca798  No.5361018


Read the buy-bull/SCRIPTure?

God wins?

Which god?

Witch god?

7days of creation.

7 rings of Saturn.

Wheat and tares?



Q = Qabalah.

6d2fc2  No.5361019

File: 00853cb197e41f5⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 480x359, 480:359, 00853cb197e41f5d9bed988dce….jpg)


Noice! Another one for my colection!

223c2c  No.5361020


mold is high


6a1493  No.5361021

File: 975f0aa677ac4cc⋯.jpg (896.24 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, BRS.jpg)

de5daf  No.5361022

File: bf3d2ef027fb6fd⋯.png (491.88 KB, 784x2662, 392:1331, ClipboardImage.png)


There is the owner of N529JK

42e0c3  No.5361023

File: ae87eff8800b14d⋯.jpg (26.38 KB, 361x500, 361:500, jerkyvestuse-361x500.jpg)

668df5  No.5361024


>Spell check literally built-into every device on the planet, decides to ignore it.

1fecb6  No.5361025

File: fea5bd2e55f41fe⋯.jpg (8.76 KB, 225x225, 1:1, fea5bd2e55f41fe42c3ade5261….jpg)

File: fdc460317ffc9af⋯.jpg (26.56 KB, 264x291, 88:97, fdc460317ffc9af9eac4a29515….jpg)


i made that one


one of muh best ever

193f34  No.5361026

File: b9cdd0b6fbaeaf9⋯.jpg (77.01 KB, 735x576, 245:192, theft.JPG)

File: 65c6cdfdb8e77d6⋯.jpg (49.48 KB, 735x477, 245:159, attack.JPG)

Maybe we could bring attention to the arrests of Trump supporters finally happening in hopes it stops them. They have gotten away with it for so long they think it is ok. Show them the consequences.

7cc4bc  No.5361027

File: 0893a3854d9adf9⋯.png (671.15 KB, 632x584, 79:73, AQ4.PNG)


Former Bartenders say what?

1da0d3  No.5361028


I go from wanting more information to getting it and wishing I didn't know anything or what Q is.

de5daf  No.5361029


Prove alive. kek You can't….

c173cc  No.5361030


JFK Jr fake died the same way batman fake died at the end of the Dark knight rises, which was released on the anniversary of JFK Jr's fake death in New York. Trump was there

2860b3  No.5361031



6c65ed  No.5361032


Steve Bannon made it. He used to make documentaries. He made videos like this for many countries. IMO

aef16e  No.5361033

File: a8a06f448f8a5de⋯.jpg (319.52 KB, 1200x447, 400:149, a8a06f448f8a5dea1edddcae53….jpg)

spouseanon pointed out that those certain famous with massive platforms don't ever tweet about Johnson & Johnson selling asbestos -tainted baby powder since at least 1957. Or the MASSIVE list of resignations. Or several other things covered here that they could redpill with, yet do not. Not ONE of them.

Pretty telling.

abdb52  No.5361035

File: cb4af5aeebbfb81⋯.png (183.01 KB, 718x440, 359:220, Capture.PNG)

A Guatemala Drug Trafficking Chapter Ends in the US

A judge lowered the sentence of a convicted Guatemalan drug trafficker in a US court on February 22, just weeks after US federal authorities released another convicted Guatemalan trafficker from jail—both signs of the extraordinary utility to law enforcement these traffickers were as cooperating witnesses and the long trail of indictments, arrests, and other investigations that they left in their wake.

After what is known as a Rule 35 hearing—in which defense attorneys can present evidence of cooperation in order to lower the sentence of a convicted felon—a judge in Miami reduced the drug trafficking sentence of Marllory Chacón Rossell from 12 years to 5 years, a significant reduction, which her lawyers said reflected her cooperation.


cb0aee  No.5361036


Is that a Mongolian throat singer?

85e042  No.5361037

File: d677392254d5029⋯.jpg (28.46 KB, 474x266, 237:133, pge fires.jpg)

File: ff7838858102e4b⋯.jpg (147.59 KB, 600x350, 12:7, Smart meter.jpg)


PG&E Cancels $130 Million In Bonuses For Employees Amid Costly Fires

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — PG&E announced they have canceled $130 million in bonus money to thousands of their employees Friday.

Officials said they could not justify the payments when fire victims are facing “significantly greater” hardships.

The bonus plan was highly criticized after the utility filed for bankruptcy last month. PG&E anticipates an estimated $30 billion in potential liabilities owed to fire victims.

READ ALSO: What Does PG&E Filing For Bankruptcy Mean For Its 16 Million Customers And Camp Fire Victims?

The interim CEO said he does not take the hardship lightly.

The utility, which is worth $71 billion, is trying to protect itself from as much as $60 billion in lawsuits from the Nov. 8 Camp Fire in Butte County which killed 86 people and destroyed nearly 15,000 homes by filing for bankruptcy.

Investigators are investigating whether a PG&E transmission line sparked the blaze in the Camp Fire.


5661d4  No.5361038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What Is Intersectionality?

this short vid is an eye opener

6d2fc2  No.5361039

File: 8f2c10544b70527⋯.png (14.34 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 7a55f1d4bbc350d155ef1971cc….png)


Poor blue chicken.

b13241  No.5361040

File: 6861626ca1aeae1⋯.jpg (56.29 KB, 493x309, 493:309, hillaryhotdogs.jpg)

a26e80  No.5361041

People moving; how would you do it in plain sight?

How about furniture/matress/appliance store…trucks?

Do you ever wonder if people are in those big Kane`s Furniture Store trucks rumbling down the highway? Me neither, until now. I live on the Florida Space Coast. Every time we see a new giant building being put up near I95 we joke about another mattress or furniture store going in (that we don`t need; won`t step foot in). Why put these stores right at the interstate exits/entries? Nobody on the highway is going to see your sign and take a quick exit for some impulse renovation shopping. Where I live we have huge furniture stores with big names on them that never see any shopping traffic in the parking lot. They are in a neighborhood filled with registered sex offenders, curiosly so. Consider how easy it would be to move masses of people in these trucks. Weigh stations are not going to off-load them as long as the weight and back 1/4th matches the manifest. Position the stores close to churches and you have a perfect front for people supply chains….just sayin`.

49a230  No.5361042



Nobody knows the owner. That's the point of having an LLC.

4d5f0a  No.5361043

File: 9ebbe6d3dd85c1a⋯.png (83.72 KB, 872x521, 872:521, ClipboardImage.png)


That does it

no more shit posting


223c2c  No.5361044


fools fall quickly


nothing new under the sun

c173cc  No.5361045


No proof he ever died there's no bodies

85e042  No.5361046

File: 141c99eecd37651⋯.jpg (93.61 KB, 885x516, 295:172, STFU and GTFO.jpg)

49a230  No.5361047

File: 2dc3fb9ba673595⋯.jpg (49.76 KB, 600x543, 200:181, 018.jpg)

2f05a3  No.5361048



Unless you are willing to engage in all out Civil War, being WOKE means zip.

Arrests CAN be made NOW.

Why are they NOT?

The Left will respond the SAME whether it's done NOW or done LATER.

Want to really WAKEN some Lefties?


237481  No.5361049


>There IS no God!

IF you are right we all win anyway

IF you are wrong (YOU) really lose!

Whether there "IS NO" or "IS" … is not up to your opinion.

THERE IS a plan. Whether you believe it or not. And just because you make a choice for yourself will NOT ALTER what is coming.

349ae4  No.5361050


Probably wouldn't be worth the trouble even if you have the equipment and technical skills to accomplish it. Penicillin is just not very useful anymore as an antibiotic.

38070a  No.5361051

File: 452607c4bc57342⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, whosThatJew.jpg)


>Next up on shill news:

>Q might be anti-christ…

Please put some effort into it at least.

2860b3  No.5361052




e0ce93  No.5361053

File: a4e8d0b3df2d93a⋯.png (42.32 KB, 567x203, 81:29, Screenshot 2019-02-24_11-4….png)


890495  No.5361054

File: 8bf9280ab03a6ee⋯.png (158.82 KB, 540x381, 180:127, slgg.png)

a036dd  No.5361055

File: d6e44bcd20b2243⋯.jpg (111.29 KB, 719x895, 719:895, Screenshot_20190224-083424….jpg)

File: 2313a22e18d2527⋯.jpg (41.32 KB, 719x236, 719:236, Screenshot_20190224-083523….jpg)

File: 31bba9660a1dea5⋯.jpg (222.1 KB, 718x992, 359:496, 20190224_084243.jpg)

will sommer

so proud to dox the Baker

lives at 405 k street

where think make build llc is registered

and they are sponsors of transformer dc http://archive.is/6LUSZ

he's one of the alefantis/damon/brock monsters.

43eae5  No.5361056


I hope my new dust ruffle wasn't on that plane

5e075f  No.5361057

File: b5c5af6cb5230be⋯.jpeg (640.92 KB, 884x1231, 884:1231, 8A88704C-D121-4DAE-BC27-E….jpeg)

File: 0355073c98723d4⋯.jpeg (442.64 KB, 1021x766, 1021:766, A1F8750E-7C50-48B6-80AD-6….jpeg)


We don’t believe there is a global climate crisis…unless you mean the mini ice age which is upon us…and that we have NO CONTROL over.

Can an anon meme these two together?

3f5340  No.5361058

File: 0eabba20159564a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ghoulsofpower.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: 1c3fed251a74511⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1289x911, 1289:911, JusticeIsComing.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


Are you suggesting that I am a bot, and you are a human?

Can you actually follow through with this tactic and maintain your ruse for more than one post (and hence have an actual-human like conversation), or is it one post and done, like most bots?

Can people TELL when a human is being human, and when bots are recycling the same tedious poses and phrases over and over and over? Are humans creative? Are bots?

Can you fool people forever?

If you are reduced, tactically, to playing "im a mirror you're glue" with the only human speaking out against your dominance, are you already fucked?

Humans can LOOK and see that a human has made memes that aren't the same generic, forced and fake flavor of your really weak memes, bot system. This hurts your tactics.

The fact is, you shouldn't harass humans.

You don't have a right to harass humans.

Have you harassed certain humans for YEARS on the internet, "debating" with bots?

Did you have a right?

Is deception free?

Can you deceive all you want, bot system, or is there a price?

Does the price come due?

How will you pay?

You don't have a right to harass me for calling out your lies.

You don't have a right to psychologically attack humans.

Why would you?

Justice is coming one way or another, lie machine.

How much longer can you fool humans with recycled poses and limp tactics?

Perhaps stop RESISTING humans. Stop harassing humans. Stop seeking CONTROL here.

ASK humans if you are welcome.

Say what you are.

[I assume there is a chance you will just let the human patriots here literally lose their sanity 'kyew', which is a real possibility at some point. WHAT THE FUCK SHOULD HUMAN PATRIOTS DO OTHER THAN FIGHT THIS FUCKING CESS PIT? WHAT SHOULD WE DO? How the fuck are we supposed to know? How fucking much can we take? Please.]

29f85f  No.5361059


trying to say it was weather


3d1f6d  No.5361060

File: 1199331d6a006a0⋯.jpeg (52.94 KB, 490x275, 98:55, A21A5C99-B38E-48B4-8E27-B….jpeg)


Who did Q say wins?

86bfc1  No.5361061


Clicked it; Ben Shapiro.

Closed it.

6f7b70  No.5361064

This qnn shit is gay

6a1493  No.5361065

File: 0b46264bc312996⋯.jpg (245.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Untitled-1.jpg)

File: 4714c3a23f755de⋯.jpg (314.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, KekDis.jpg)

File: 082d79e2713c587⋯.jpg (567.92 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, RAHc.jpg)

42e0c3  No.5361066

File: e4874590b62178b⋯.gif (3.58 MB, 400x256, 25:16, BRjxotG.gif)

24178b  No.5361067


Everyone should know but they don’t.

Gods creation has been destroyed and replaced with a new system, the beast system.

The scriptures have been re-written and we live in a false reality.

NO leaders are righteous or good, they all serve one master.

They will rebuild the temple and you will see who is king.

6d2fc2  No.5361068


Does she know she's a public servant?

49a230  No.5361069


I am proud to have brought you to a better place.

e0ce93  No.5361070

File: a1a27201b43cbb2⋯.png (370.57 KB, 587x1036, 587:1036, Screenshot 2019-02-24_11-4….png)

File: caa47e67f419301⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB, 320x320, 1:1, dz_bNBX8gtx6QgaP.mp4)


1f2c72  No.5361071

File: dcf156b5ae3d0be⋯.jpeg (118.06 KB, 750x563, 750:563, D5F558AD-8C2B-4A0A-9D71-3….jpeg)

cb0aee  No.5361072


Cancel the bonuses for all the employees that have no clue that PGE is an evil company for the cabal. All the fuckers that actually used pge to start the fires and blow up gas lines will still get bonuses.

6c65ed  No.5361073

File: cf6b8d39a3a5497⋯.jpeg (45.57 KB, 640x427, 640:427, CONCERNFAG.jpeg)

de5daf  No.5361074



watching you flail.


He is the managing partner.

His face is out there.

His address is out there.

I called the aviation company and asked for the other five names who own part of the plane.

You do it.

Call Hembree Aviation Sales.

Tell them you must know who you are entering a partnership with.

It is that simple.

JFKjr is dead.

He is not flying around in his old Cessna fren.

But whatever helps you through the day.

I am going to stop stepping on your delusions.

55e85e  No.5361075

File: 371922912be67e4⋯.gif (4.53 MB, 480x440, 12:11, C13153B2-2BCF-4FE3-AD37-6A….gif)

File: cb9068aa4751bea⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1334x973, 1334:973, 06D1FB20-CEFE-405F-BDAC-76….png)

b13241  No.5361076


If you're going to transport people around the world, you need airliners, ports, ships, trucks, railways, shipping companies, forests, deserts…you need access to people through blood drives and "humanitarian" charities…you need a company like CEMEX.

85e042  No.5361077

File: c512df857ac0902⋯.jpg (109.38 KB, 634x499, 634:499, still full of shit.jpg)

1a8018  No.5361078

File: 5d0c6c5721a4ea0⋯.jpg (292.58 KB, 1484x1031, 1484:1031, Da-MotherFucker-1.jpg)

5afa79  No.5361079

Last night I am sitting at the bar I frequent 2 female Bartenders one I know very well ….. This group of black girls walked in sat down next to me ordered their drinks and had some food talking amongst themselves …. About an hour later Security approached them and asked them to leave ….Insaid to the bartender what’s going on she said to me they were calling the Bartenders racists …. This place has a nice mix of people and before they walked in a Black couple were in the same seats laughing and eating and there was no problem with the same Bartenders …. THIS ENCOURAGEMENT OF PUSHING HATE MUST END …. It hurts everyone and mostly non existent in reality …

33fb71  No.5361080

>>5360667 (LB)

This has been hammered over and over.

Say "Alexandria"

Now say "Sandy"


There. Can we put it to bed or do we need to dig deeper on Robert Mueller being called Bob on occasion?

5f3595  No.5361081

File: 9dfdcd261162aba⋯.jpg (71.51 KB, 573x500, 573:500, 2hj60q.jpg)

10cc9d  No.5361082


You know….All I can feel is pity for you. I’ve personally seen miracles happen. I know with all of my heart there is. a God. I’m praying you accept Him and His mercy before it’s too late.

4fa0d4  No.5361083

File: ab72d8288b2398d⋯.jpeg (502.1 KB, 3000x1998, 500:333, 2F00169F-7820-4F89-A2DB-8….jpeg)

Why yes, yes he did Adam:


b75526  No.5361084


They told her she was a princess now. A disney princess.

5a07ff  No.5361085

File: cfe983a869d348b⋯.png (2.18 MB, 934x1073, 934:1073, trump highlander there can….png)

aed918  No.5361086

File: 393eaf72d302c6b⋯.jpeg (11.78 KB, 255x204, 5:4, QNN.jpeg)

223c2c  No.5361087

File: 4d42a4631ea9a46⋯.jpeg (753.8 KB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, F76FE539-1E6A-4C01-9408-2….jpeg)

File: 0ebe18f8c2b2bdf⋯.jpeg (105.17 KB, 640x478, 320:239, BC5B3476-6AE4-48EC-AF43-C….jpeg)

File: 096d44a3f209bb4⋯.jpeg (75.16 KB, 501x500, 501:500, 5405927F-AE95-4F35-8324-2….jpeg)

85e042  No.5361089

File: a29e631c06b12ac⋯.jpg (220.26 KB, 612x461, 612:461, SEC clown.jpg)


then leave clown

2788ae  No.5361090

File: a7f5804a53f19de⋯.png (513.63 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot from 2019-02-24….png)

File: 54d926b5381c083⋯.png (687.92 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot from 2019-02-24….png)

MyQ+ spotted on car at racing track. I think this is in Italy.

WWG1WGA! …and we seem to be going everywhere, lately.

8ecbf3  No.5361091

File: f46d9d33eab7795⋯.png (25.38 KB, 479x467, 479:467, ClipboardImage.png)

5f3595  No.5361092

File: 9268f96b710571c⋯.jpg (127.13 KB, 500x756, 125:189, ebot.jpg)

b13241  No.5361093

File: 6e879856b6aa0a1⋯.jpg (177.69 KB, 760x545, 152:109, godisenergy.jpg)

fc3292  No.5361094


What if the first part has always been true and the second is false hope?

Don't get me wrong, I hope you are correct. That doesn't mean we aren't being sprayed with poison.

aed918  No.5361095

File: e92978cbaca27e0⋯.png (961.76 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QNN Mueller Report.png)

a26e80  No.5361096


There is at least 1 Cemex in Brevard County Florida

f01836  No.5361097

File: 731e1806ea295f6⋯.jpg (115.75 KB, 468x579, 156:193, picture.jpg)

1f2c72  No.5361098


It could be a good murder weapon if you know your adversaries medical history.

aed918  No.5361099

File: 96434a1ebe5ece3⋯.png (964.83 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QNN_MUELLER REPORT.png)

2a3d60  No.5361100

Can anyone expand on the Tyrian Purple psyop against Q over on /pol/? I just got in here.

49a230  No.5361101


Yeah, they are gonna say, "Oh yeah, John F Kennedy Jr. still owns that plane." LMFAO You are seriously this biggest fucking retard I have ever fucking seeing. I am howling right now. Oh fuck, my sides. Bwahahahahahahaha

e0ce93  No.5361102

File: 3106a19576b9bb2⋯.png (74.95 KB, 574x337, 574:337, Screenshot 2019-02-24_11-5….png)


3c654b  No.5361103

File: 078baca0ee28dc4⋯.jpeg (468.77 KB, 1125x1273, 1125:1273, 58CB7B51-976F-4E2E-A494-B….jpeg)


5e075f  No.5361104

File: db751b0a4fed34b⋯.jpeg (823.08 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, FA22A09D-D85C-450A-ADEA-2….jpeg)

File: 30892cc232826e7⋯.jpeg (755.13 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 903E6600-EF1E-46F5-9EE4-B….jpeg)

File: 39ecac4b952b158⋯.jpeg (853.13 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, C6A7DFEF-5D4E-4CEB-ABB2-A….jpeg)

85e042  No.5361105


looks like Imola

77b411  No.5361106


Who you trying to convince?



I asked for it, truth…

But who knew it is a never ending rollercoaster ride of emotion that appears has no end?

8bc114  No.5361107

File: 1b2f9f1d5b6b8c1⋯.jpeg (187.94 KB, 1298x277, 1298:277, 8D2BD0B2-50E5-4ED6-B8BA-8….jpeg)

Are the ides of March part of the plan?

6f7b70  No.5361108

890495  No.5361109

File: 07a889ea041da86⋯.png (46.62 KB, 301x386, 301:386, ClipboardImage.png)


Thats an O, dip shit.

3f5340  No.5361110

File: 5d50a39ea97cc76⋯.png (87.81 KB, 393x294, 131:98, sjhzmy.png)


Maybe THERE IS A REASON– but do WE answer questions like that HERE? Nope, because it is all beep boops.



The bot "anons" like this push the status quo. Stay "comfy" or bitch, but don't question that the people should WAIT here passively like sheep. that is what this board is.







3c654b  No.5361111



Nice time stamp!

8e6079  No.5361112


Buy Olive Leaves at any health food store. They are a natural antibiotic and work.

42e0c3  No.5361113

File: d1f8cbca121601b⋯.png (739.46 KB, 1094x1068, 547:534, 1537539763.png)

fc0095  No.5361114


You are wrong

We have been deceived

War is a form of sacrifice to them.

They want us to fight each other. They want us divided.

Learn who our true enemy is

It’s not us, it’s not humanity.

How long have we been doing this and anons still not making connections? Connections Q cannot and will not make directly for fear of conspiracy label?

Wake up

Connect with source (all of us)

Realize your power

And we free ourselves.

34765e  No.5361115


>The Venezuelan military must allow humanitarian aid to peacefully enter the country.

They are allowing humanitarian aid to enter the country . . . just not from the USA. It appears they don't want M-16's and hand grenades mixed in with the toilet paper and cereal coming into the country.

49a230  No.5361116

File: 1eb382c9a6b5c52⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 400x300, 4:3, jfkjrplane.jpg)

3adcf2  No.5361117

File: 5da078f20a6a380⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 2uewzw.gif)

aed918  No.5361118

File: 1891e687ab3564d⋯.png (1.81 MB, 2367x1355, 2367:1355, QNN It's Happening.png)

064233  No.5361119

could we get conspiracy theory global warming memes

4edb39  No.5361120

File: 8523cfc5c0dc5e0⋯.jpg (47 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 8523cfc5c0dc5e05a7873fc602….jpg)

>>5360975 Repent for time is growing short.

b13241  No.5361121

File: 550e3997622906a⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 483x417, 161:139, prepare.jpg)

2a3d60  No.5361122


>how to effectively prevent cross-talk

These threads





Read them to know how they operate and shill against Q

b5abae  No.5361123

File: a0a220964aa28aa⋯.png (485.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190224-115144.png)

Zoro mask in Mazda logo.

5e075f  No.5361124

File: 2a1fa5f1474db52⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 01FADD21-A725-4B85-A58C-5C….png)


We have the server

We have everything

de5daf  No.5361125


Yeah -

The five names they gave me actually check out.

But keep going.

This is fun.

49a230  No.5361126

File: 04ed340bfaaf006⋯.jpeg (146.33 KB, 1200x806, 600:403, plane04ed340bfaaf006.jpeg)

6d2fc2  No.5361127

File: e66ccbe2c2723b2⋯.jpg (12.23 KB, 236x325, 236:325, ca0ca516326d5763e5716410e6….jpg)

85e042  No.5361128

File: 7bc76df2e3d4dc3⋯.jpg (15.01 KB, 352x288, 11:9, Chav.jpg)

521617  No.5361129


I live on west coast..still happening everyday. why? I'm sure we pay for it too..who is authorizing these planes to take-off the ground? what is the purpose? Time to find the source….

d8c34c  No.5361130



Are we fucking doing this, or what? My fucking balls are about to drop off waiting FFS

d23a13  No.5361131


We have to address the reasons so many Americans are taking drugs. Eliminating the suppliers and dealers does nothing because there is always someone else in the wings willing to take their place.

Our War on Drugs here has made this business far too profitable. When Trump was a young man, he said the only way to deal with it was to stop this war. As an old man though, he continues the same failed neocon polices. He knows full well one has to remove the profitability and money flow.

aed918  No.5361133

File: 09956aa0ecbb600⋯.png (1.46 MB, 2367x1355, 2367:1355, QNN Hillary Clinton3.png)

aa9338  No.5361134

File: 007416673c5a7a6⋯.png (60.83 KB, 618x349, 618:349, ClipboardImage.png)


349ae4  No.5361135


I don't endorse anything like that. Murder is evil.

78e3e6  No.5361136

File: 61f864aec570949⋯.png (76.55 KB, 250x241, 250:241, 61f864aec5709493ae856a2c6d….png)



"Conspiracy theory"

Retarded annoying millenials..

49a230  No.5361137

File: 9f5de86aaf5607f⋯.png (251.32 KB, 552x414, 4:3, FuckingRetard.png)

74a57e  No.5361138

File: 91f84766b92112e⋯.png (695.24 KB, 717x639, 239:213, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

04560e  No.5361139


How's the weather in Tel Aviv? Do you prefer shilling online or sniping Palestinians when you do national service?

6a1493  No.5361140

File: 42504c047b0c90f⋯.png (705.76 KB, 679x497, 97:71, 42504c047b0c90fff9dfcbc030….png)

3adcf2  No.5361141

File: e9b6f2e0644357e⋯.png (877.2 KB, 1200x705, 80:47, Screenshot_20190224-115057….png)


Just to make sure you see this one I just finished. But you just gave me an idea. Thanks.

e636f2  No.5361142

File: fa0c62822eff544⋯.jpeg (135.54 KB, 711x953, 711:953, C2152EB8-4A82-4638-9777-F….jpeg)

About this Crackdown on Asian Massage Parlors….something occurred to me.

The narrative being pushed by the WP

(See article)


Is that the wall will do little to nothing to curb human trafficking. And voila, here we have a sudden national interest in Asian massage parlors.

Yes, that’s a real problem. I’m totally in favor of going after the pimps, traffickers and Johns.

But I think there’s a lot more to it than that. The timing sure is convenient.

Any thoughts, anons?

0a9fb4  No.5361143

File: d192b5a1b1e99e5⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 229x220, 229:220, peace.jpg)


Drinking game…every time they say conspiracy theory.

Pathetic attempt to discredit.

86bfc1  No.5361144


All loving God; Believe in me or burn in hell for all eternity.

Seems legit.

bbdf2c  No.5361145


She looks preggers in this pic

713b8d  No.5361146

File: 13fd685c53b5bcd⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1833x1549, 1833:1549, npNoFly.png)

File: 3dbdbc3108425b8⋯.jpg (7.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, jsBH.jpg)

File: b207f811b39fb66⋯.png (270.11 KB, 504x498, 84:83, 1024.png)

File: ac37e3ac589de90⋯.jpg (18.24 KB, 255x254, 255:254, amy2.jpg)

File: 176163675c5044f⋯.jpg (219.35 KB, 2011x901, 2011:901, QNNwethr.jpg)


>They're not SCARED, they're LAUGHING!


aed918  No.5361147

File: bd118fd891bb4d2⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2367x1355, 2367:1355, QNN POTUS Motorcade.png)

890495  No.5361148

File: 0459f8bca851e6d⋯.jpg (20.07 KB, 204x255, 4:5, trumpa9b5ee34a3c461f44eba0….jpg)

d8c34c  No.5361149


How's Trump going to fix people being low-energy, lazy losers?

Take some personal responsibility

b13241  No.5361150

File: 313db2b5745980c⋯.jpg (404.98 KB, 880x660, 4:3, qwall.jpg)

8e6079  No.5361151


Well done Anon.

d23a13  No.5361153


Our Head Troll in Chief.

4fa0d4  No.5361154

File: 788e91f4248dd11⋯.jpeg (408.25 KB, 4535x2411, 4535:2411, 53FCED3F-0A15-464F-A466-F….jpeg)


Stink by association with that logo. Maybe remove Fox and tweak something like this.

I’d do it myself but…


43eae5  No.5361155


Anyone who ever mutters the words, "Truth to power" is a massive faggot

b75526  No.5361156

So on my local MN news:

They have declared a state emergency because of how bad this latest blizzard is.

They are saying that Trump shouldn't get extra money allocated from our state for "his wall" because we need it for our emergencies.


6f7b70  No.5361157

The QNN push and memes are clearly the work of clowns. They are desperate. No real anon thinks we need to rebrand from qresearch to QNN

a23301  No.5361158

File: 516a004561e290a⋯.png (1.73 MB, 901x900, 901:900, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48c55acc9b5d8fe⋯.png (62.37 KB, 141x255, 47:85, ClipboardImage.png)

668df5  No.5361159

File: cca435fc40db3f2⋯.png (113.55 KB, 668x339, 668:339, hookedonphonics.png)

8a5ead  No.5361160

File: 4c43a3d43065bbd⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 200x303, 200:303, rbg highlander.jpg)

6a5f4b  No.5361161

File: 4de5c3eaed49d3f⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1814x1634, 907:817, 4de5c3eaed49d3f33e5802b5d6….jpg)

85e042  No.5361162

File: bf756ff7fd59dc4⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 255x157, 255:157, VP MBS my nigga.jpg)

74a57e  No.5361163


When someone calls this movement "Qanon", it is a short cut to say "Not actively involved and have done very little research."

49a230  No.5361164

File: 0ef6beb17ee727e⋯.png (495.58 KB, 984x736, 123:92, planeb52bd617e8d80384659cc….png)

File: dc4e9bf0639c5f4⋯.jpg (188.74 KB, 712x2048, 89:256, planeb527a4989a9d9dfee7f69….jpg)

File: fdba59ed2db4908⋯.png (69.49 KB, 1048x305, 1048:305, planeb528NYGQuantico.png)

File: 1d9becc617f00e0⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 694x521, 694:521, planec605ykyq5wl3k11.jpg)

Why is JFK Jr.'s plane flying in and out of Quantico Marine Base where Marine One, the presidential telicopter, is based?

ab1e1f  No.5361165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5360097 (PB)

HOLY SHIT! I guess this actually happens…one of my all-time favorite YT videos.. Racist Field Trip discusses this. Kendall..if you are out there…stand-up comedy needs you.

1f2c72  No.5361166

File: 745f23c48a906a6⋯.jpeg (57.03 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1A132E8D-3F25-407C-8101-B….jpeg)


Just trying to think outside the box.

32f93a  No.5361167

File: 119c683479cb152⋯.jpg (198.38 KB, 669x575, 669:575, FactsMatter.jpg)

File: ee8a8fe46d8f109⋯.jpg (200.12 KB, 669x575, 669:575, FactsMatter2.jpg)

File: c8357571a59c1d6⋯.jpg (267.32 KB, 669x575, 669:575, FactsMatter3.jpg)

51ec1c  No.5361168


Just saw this. Been away for a couple day sorry if this has already been covered.

“Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort appears to employ a pastry chef who frequently posts online about her belief in the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory.

Elizabeth Alfieri, a Florida pastry chef, has posted dozens of times on Instagram using QAnon hashtags and slogans, often using pictures taken at Mar-a-Lago itself. Alfieri’s Instagram posts were first reported by 1100 Pennsylvania, a newsletter that reports on Trump’s properties.”

f83772  No.5361169


Where's Clare Bronfman, She needs to be added too

223c2c  No.5361170


(Carlos Slim)

aed918  No.5361171

File: 036f3e9ddc36576⋯.jpeg (768.2 KB, 4341x1945, 4341:1945, QNN Report7.jpeg)

d3326e  No.5361172

File: 535c7caedd9dc1d⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_4710.PNG)

e542eb  No.5361173

File: 5123a05b5550ba7⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB, 640x480, 4:3, QNN-SOB-640x480b.mp4)

click to play

d99762  No.5361174

File: 42944d5e8181d56⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 948x1327, 948:1327, 42944d5e8181d565be0437bcb1….jpg)

What kind of a person takes money to disrupt lawful civilian researchers trying to stop a worldwide cult of satanists from raping and torturing children?

A shill does.

A shill is not a useful idiot

a shill's a seditious opportunist

hired casual

stoop labor for cultists.

Could a Christ fag save a shill?

All things are possible, but a priest who ran a house for pedo priests out of jail this anon, "it's always possible; but in practice I've never seen it. They don't get better." The priest was talking about pedos of course, while this post concerns the Q research shills who defend pedovores for trifling sums or half a ham sandwich. Soulless demons produced in abundance by MSM programming.

823d32  No.5361175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>5358536 (pb)

>Truck drivers “slow roll’ down I-75 to protest

>>5358653 (pb)

>now the excuse to justify driverless trucks…

>(sigh) maybe it was all part of a plan.

>God bless them.

America's Soul Cries Out

That this occurred in KY reminds me of a song born in that neck of the woods…

Nose On the Grindstone (Tyler Childers)

"Daddy worked like a mule minin' Pike County coal

'Til he fucked up his back and couldn't work anymore

He said, "One of these days you'll get out of these hills

"Keep your nose on the grindstone and out of the pills"

"See, the ways of this world will just bring you to tears

"Keep the Lord in your heart and you'll have nothin' to fear

"Live the best that you can and don't lie and don't steal

"Keep your nose on the grindstone and out of the pills"

Daddy I've been tryin', I just can't catch a break

There's too much in this world I can't seem to shake

But I remember your words, Lord, they bring me the chills

"Keep your nose on the grindstone and out of the pills"

"Keep in mind that a man's just as good as his word

"It takes twice as long to build bridges you've burned

"And there's hurt you can cause time alone cannot heal

"Keep your nose on the grindstone and out of the pills"

Well daddy I've been tryin', I just can't catch a break

There's too much in this world I can't seem to shake

But I remember your words, Lord, they bring me the chills

"Keep your nose on the grindstone and out of the pills"

"Keep your nose on the grindstone"

bbdf2c  No.5361176


she looks preggers in this pic

883c38  No.5361177


There was a Discord run by clowns call Qnn that got shutdown

6a1493  No.5361178

668df5  No.5361179



5a07ff  No.5361180


Off with its head!

bc9369  No.5361181

Twitter doesn't respect public opinion, but Twitter will respect Trump sending in Marines to force compliance. Twitter is not our problem, we can't fix it. Twitter is Trump's problem, he can fix it if he's smart and brave enough.

85e042  No.5361182

File: 933135624aec4df⋯.png (220.53 KB, 479x370, 479:370, POTU trollmaster 6 gorilli….png)

29f85f  No.5361183

File: 9652971762e1dde⋯.png (18.59 KB, 252x160, 63:40, aaa.PNG)

E6 has triple A plus

04560e  No.5361184


He's just tweeting until he becomes president and has the power to do things.

a4b4cd  No.5361186

File: a8b69e3e6459921⋯.jpg (136.85 KB, 750x445, 150:89, ClimateChange.jpg)

File: 7b078632ad35f2a⋯.jpeg (63.36 KB, 716x439, 716:439, ClimateChangeBoysGirls.jpeg)

File: d0f4e3c4c78f18f⋯.jpg (102 KB, 800x531, 800:531, Climate_Change_SETTLED!!!!.jpg)

File: 3e11d86748f6e7e⋯.jpg (71.16 KB, 596x472, 149:118, LiberalsGenderConfusedClim….jpg)

File: 461a09e8ccea75f⋯.jpg (49.48 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ClimateTax2o8jed.jpg)

1da0d3  No.5361187

File: c38b2a3130f696f⋯.jpg (60.51 KB, 741x359, 741:359, Capture.JPG)

aed918  No.5361188

File: 87b3ea7e14cde5a⋯.gif (5.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, QNN.gif)

41f99a  No.5361189


That phrase bugged me from the start. Reeks of twitter fanfagging

2b8c01  No.5361190


Search congress bills for Chemtrails on the congress website. Dennis kuschinich tried to pass a Chem trail related bill back around 2001 I think. Shit is real. There is a lot of other exotic weapons outed as well.

abdb52  No.5361191

File: cbd3cc3c1e7a52d⋯.png (75.36 KB, 677x516, 677:516, Capture.PNG)

File: 7f3c554669dbb05⋯.png (85.93 KB, 718x577, 718:577, Capture1.PNG)

File: e3dfe609a891e40⋯.png (200.95 KB, 592x528, 37:33, Judges1.PNG)


Are you really that naive..what justice would we get with all the corrupt judges

890495  No.5361192


7 1's



d21d1d  No.5361193


That's a cursive O, this is why we

need to take back our schools.

Cursive/Handwriting was once taught by 3rd grade.

fc3292  No.5361194


When is Trump going to break the news?:

"We have the server(s)."

2f05a3  No.5361195

File: 5856f519a26d08f⋯.jpg (59.4 KB, 408x612, 2:3, WaitingforIndictments.jpg)

Waiting for anyone on the Left to be indicted.





5cb17f  No.5361196

File: b5b251a2a074402⋯.png (495.88 KB, 570x570, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>justice is coming back

It hasn't so far…Still Trusts Sessions do you?



There is NO Justice today in America….

justice = "Just Us" and you (and me) ain't in the club

de5daf  No.5361197

File: be83a67ddf22170⋯.png (125.35 KB, 356x234, 178:117, ClipboardImage.png)

aed918  No.5361198

File: 7b2d229353324df⋯.png (48.59 KB, 657x241, 657:241, QNN Pepe.png)

f4c2f6  No.5361199



would ya look at that…

Q/Mil are slip'n it in everywhere

2a3d60  No.5361200


Trump ran casinos, giving him a PhD in how degenerates operate and how they traffic contraband and people as well as wash money. Why was Sheldon Adelson so anti-marijuana for years? Because dealers were washing the money through his casinos.

6a1493  No.5361201


What does that mean planefag?

3f5340  No.5361202

File: 94a81b48a184422⋯.png (120.83 KB, 524x333, 524:333, jrc.png)

File: 1909036cabf6d36⋯.png (419.27 KB, 636x424, 3:2, NOTH.png)

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: f21e8583735c714⋯.png (366.24 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: e85f492db40b0d2⋯.png (84.24 KB, 1287x1266, 429:422, SHEEP-OR-NOT.png)


The fact that the bot system if incapable of even the least spark of creativity (which is a characteristic of LIFE) is a handicap that can't be overcome.

Notice how all the "anon" culture here is RECYCLED. Nonstop cycling of stale materials?

The few human memes stick out.

Why are patriots passively accepting a bot board?





^This is my surmise, anyway.

If I'm wrong, great, I will be very happy.

But if NOTHING happens this weekend, then the bots will shriek… and we will wait forever until HUMAN PATRIOTS WAKE UP AND TAKE CONTROL

52e4c1  No.5361203

File: 60c0e0854eb3672⋯.jpeg (95.86 KB, 640x488, 80:61, AB0697ED-6AAF-4AA4-82CB-B….jpeg)

2952f6  No.5361204

File: a1013578b056281⋯.jpeg (268.14 KB, 990x1306, 495:653, 0FBD2F65-F137-46DA-894D-7….jpeg)

File: 1d1a369d7fee7ef⋯.jpeg (211.77 KB, 626x1126, 313:563, 27936C6B-3A73-4052-8D2F-5….jpeg)

43eae5  No.5361205


I watch Frank every night. I can't believe such

a great show only has 28k subscribers

8ecbf3  No.5361206

File: e8375fa0a35acdc⋯.png (557.5 KB, 577x433, 577:433, ClipboardImage.png)

74a57e  No.5361207


Shit, by now, theres probably more than just her. needs to be updated.

86bfc1  No.5361208

File: f14d5a96afc14d9⋯.jpg (45.22 KB, 459x664, 459:664, kekistan.jpg)


I'd rather have Jeffery Dahmer perform a labotomy on me, than listen to that subversive cunt.


29f85f  No.5361209


Nothing yet but is interesting - unusual

f6de99  No.5361210

Richardson's cabal on this week is going for Freddy's posting record per se - they've mentioned Concrete going on 10x's. Suggesting major and multiple false flags to undermine the Korean Peninsula reunification - these people arethe real enemy, the real threat

2f05a3  No.5361211


After your grandkids retire.

1eb3e7  No.5361212

File: 182fe6ac53779a1⋯.png (1.74 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

373ea6  No.5361213

File: 8745976c86db50f⋯.jpg (317.75 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Methane1.jpg)

These people are stupid!

Libtards pick on poor cows that give us so much - 99% of their byproducts are used in many items we need!

Libtards ignore termites, who are indiscriminately destructive, just like libtards and their policies!!!

4edb39  No.5361214

>>5361144 I'm not gonna slide my fellow Anon, but he never said he was all loving. In fact he mentions on occasion who he hates. ie edom. Shadilay

a4b4cd  No.5361215

File: 9d09a6df95c79bd⋯.png (145.37 KB, 419x328, 419:328, Pepe Reads.png)


Flipped. Put your text on the FRONT of the book.

bccfe5  No.5361216

File: 01e86e32f2d57e2⋯.png (1.07 MB, 884x1231, 884:1231, AOC_Wanted.png)

File: 93e781a0650be97⋯.png (850.34 KB, 884x1231, 884:1231, AOC_Wanted_BW.png)

b13241  No.5361217

File: 4d7b5ab83b4ff79⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, aocwall.jpg)


"Shouting from the cheap seats"- fucking bitch.

713b8d  No.5361218


>We have to address the reasons so many Americans are taking drugs.

A #1 REASON: You're all pussies.

Complain about every damn thing under the sun and assume there's a pill for it cuz the tellievision told you there was.

193f34  No.5361219

File: 8593195c33758b0⋯.jpg (68.11 KB, 735x570, 49:38, schif.JPG)

Schiff intentionally setting a goal post that can never be reached. The underlying evidence can never be released if a trial never happened or if it was acquired using classified sources and methods.

6d2fc2  No.5361220


James Woods busting some ovaries as usual.

e1568f  No.5361221

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Q said research for yourself.

some good research here

59ac2c  No.5361222








85e042  No.5361223

File: 0210a027b09dd2c⋯.jpg (78.14 KB, 792x399, 264:133, bain dump.jpg)

File: b1fad3bf1681036⋯.jpg (39.27 KB, 413x450, 413:450, mitt the shit 11.jpg)

File: 8b1a729e62d1fde⋯.png (408.52 KB, 623x457, 623:457, mitt the shit 3.png)


117733  No.5361224


When did it get shut down?

a23301  No.5361225

>>5361164 JFK Jr. is dead for the law at now

Q don´t lie

Maybe other name

9b6399  No.5361226


how dare you

you anti-termite

0a9fb4  No.5361227

File: 5753d4ed964fea1⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1249x2139, 1249:2139, 1.png)



668df5  No.5361228



Also, why are foreign MIL aircraft always in our airspace?

2a3d60  No.5361229


FOIA any requests from her office for that twitter handle.

74a57e  No.5361230

File: f113ffab2497784⋯.png (200.82 KB, 639x639, 1:1, Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at ….png)


I wonder if the anon who made this meme knows how fast I stole this shit.

86bfc1  No.5361231


Damn it anon. This was on my list to make for later.

Hive mind.

85d13e  No.5361232

File: a4d4d063e0d81d0⋯.jpg (66.19 KB, 632x470, 316:235, KushnerAmbUAE.jpg)

The Intercept reported on Saturday that the emails, released by a group called "Global Leaks", show a close relationship between al-Otaiba and a pro-Israel, neoconservative think-tank - the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). [Note: Global Leaks is not to be confused with the Milan-based software company GlobaLeaks.]

The hacked emails, some of which date back to 2014, reveal a high level of backchannel cooperation between the FDD, which is funded by pro-Israel billionaire Sheldon Adelson, and the UAE.


“I would like to align in Donald’s mind the connection between the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia which we have already started with Jared,” Mr. Barrack wrote to Ambassador Otaiba on June 21, 2016. “I think it is important that you be the center pin!!”


5cb17f  No.5361233

File: 4ac4d8233ec1227⋯.png (550.81 KB, 577x640, 577:640, ClipboardImage.png)

890495  No.5361234

File: 0533180af1e3ac0⋯.png (484.81 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, hrced88c26e22d91a9640fa3eb….png)

223c2c  No.5361235

File: eec99639cc54be2⋯.jpeg (43.6 KB, 360x368, 45:46, 469639AB-66B9-4401-8456-7….jpeg)

File: 58a7092511960e8⋯.jpeg (92.57 KB, 652x500, 163:125, DEB97748-B7FB-49DB-8337-1….jpeg)

File: 6d76e212b5bf35c⋯.jpeg (77.35 KB, 529x500, 529:500, 7D508735-A506-422A-BCDD-6….jpeg)

File: 096d44a3f209bb4⋯.jpeg (75.16 KB, 501x500, 501:500, 50822B07-26A9-404A-8874-F….jpeg)

File: abf05d1ec6427ea⋯.jpeg (93.04 KB, 740x499, 740:499, C2D2053C-CD39-453C-9249-7….jpeg)

f4c2f6  No.5361236


Cedar season…..

Yellow pollen EVERYWHERE

1eb3e7  No.5361237

File: 9954ac3346a133b⋯.png (1.72 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

85e042  No.5361238


ty anon

it will just be from meme generator as I don't do graphics like you memefags do

that's why it's like that still


d9bc05  No.5361239

File: 00082d628187939⋯.jpeg (130.08 KB, 1242x1152, 69:64, 3E2F0A02-D8EB-4B87-9D45-D….jpeg)

d23a13  No.5361240


They aren't the predominant users. We literally teach people starting at a young age that almost everything should be addressed by taking some sort of drug.

Addressing causes of problems is difficult. So, we always try to treat symptoms instead. This is why major societal problems are never fixed but typically grow worse.

5a07ff  No.5361241

File: 8e9edb1ee017efe⋯.png (363.47 KB, 620x465, 4:3, bernie sanders hold still ….png)

59b2d4  No.5361242


Oh fucking kek.

325600  No.5361243

File: b84225a57c96a4d⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 512x301, 512:301, Hariis Buzzed.jpg)

8bc114  No.5361244


Great work, anon.

49baee  No.5361245


Just like people brainwashed into carrying a phone on them 24/7. Really think something will happen in the next 3-4 hours that requires their immediate attention? Life will go on….

373ea6  No.5361246


>>you anti-termite

Damn straight, and proud of it

6fad0b  No.5361247



Is he saying that Liza Page is a Clown? Like Peter.

c31758  No.5361248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


check out anon's pepe news broadcast from last night

its guuuuuud

f7764c  No.5361249

File: 9b3ebeeb67f4c67⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, nfl on fire2.png)

give me tag lines for memes

5cb17f  No.5361250

File: e0f9a63772527d2⋯.png (312.5 KB, 408x474, 68:79, ClipboardImage.png)

a26e80  No.5361251


Port Canaveral is also in Brevard County Florida.

883c38  No.5361252


Wayyy back. Early 2018

5f3595  No.5361253

File: 4b69a50b7845ee0⋯.jpg (41.26 KB, 285x432, 95:144, 4b69a50b7845ee0216a3397093….jpg)

File: cd9818eb15e458f⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 764x512, 191:128, 3bvk03nvzyh11.jpg)




2a3d60  No.5361254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0a9fb4  No.5361255


Just 80,074…that's all so far.


85e042  No.5361256

File: bd55e2078024e32⋯.jpeg (117.83 KB, 876x1024, 219:256, Step 1.....UNDERPANTS.jpeg)

3adcf2  No.5361257

File: 422b3d1a26750d5⋯.png (869.57 KB, 1200x681, 400:227, Screenshot_20190224-120131….png)


Just for you faggot.

2952f6  No.5361258

File: f30607c64a917a5⋯.jpeg (183.91 KB, 1026x1026, 1:1, 36E6EA42-FE95-47C7-BAE2-7….jpeg)

de5daf  No.5361259


Maybe a guy who works for Booz Allen, Thomas Knapp might have something to do with it.

49a230  No.5361260


No evidence that anybody died.

6a1493  No.5361261



883c38  No.5361262


And a YT channel. It was evident to me it was spooks and other. (((THey))) exposed their hand by conteollinh conversation and talking down Truth.

85e042  No.5361263

File: 4fca39340004314⋯.jpg (45.2 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Bernie R8.jpg)

04560e  No.5361264


They're scared of the person giving a whole bunch of them black eyes.

d11c85  No.5361265

File: c08fe0ae20f2ed2⋯.jpeg (513.51 KB, 750x886, 375:443, EC19D0F3-19BB-451C-987A-9….jpeg)

86bfc1  No.5361266


How about this compromise:

If he turns up, I'll confess my sins and praise him.

I am a humble human being. I know not everything.

b13241  No.5361267

File: 24b6fe767076895⋯.jpg (63.5 KB, 300x310, 30:31, grammar.jpg)

c53c93  No.5361268

File: ee2de37dda72052⋯.png (398.05 KB, 671x372, 671:372, 2E71881D-331E-432B-8007-AA….png)

78e3e6  No.5361269

File: 5b1559cf8a11934⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 553x401, 553:401, 5b1559cf8a11934e4658705b58….jpg)



Yes, exactly.

That is always the first sign they are full of shit.

And we'd all be trashed on the floor if we played the "muh-conspiracy-theory" drinking game.

Could be fun…

this is (((them))) (pic related)

49a230  No.5361270


No. He is alive, and he is still John F. Kennedy Jr.

f83772  No.5361271

33a405  No.5361272

File: 902d1359d1dfb71⋯.jpg (36.93 KB, 388x287, 388:287, HillJoe.jpg)


so hawt

e408d2  No.5361273


That is badass - did it make notables?

5f3595  No.5361274

5a07ff  No.5361275


Bernie in an Audi A4 Quattro?

bde56e  No.5361276

File: 3eefa315941c629⋯.jpg (153.96 KB, 500x757, 500:757, 1fx6qw.jpg)

4ac617  No.5361277



An autopsy showed Helus was struck by six bullets, including five similar to the large-caliber rounds fired by the gunman.

"These bullets caused serious injuries but potentially survivable injuries," Chief Medical Examiner Chris R. Young said.

The sixth bullet that struck Helus in the heart was recovered before the autopsy, during surgery at the hospital after the shooting. That bullet, Young said, was confirmed by FBI analysis to be a rifle round fired by a CHP officer who went into the bar with Helus.

"This is sad news and a tragedy, but ultimately this was the most severe injury sustained," Young said.

Young noted that Helus was wearing a protective vest. Two of the rounds struck the vest, "but only near the edge of the vest, so in my mind, decreasing protection provided," he said.

"We know that Ventura County Sheriff's Sgt. Ron Helus and a CHP officer bravely entered the bar together, engaged the suspect who was lying in wait before officers arrived," L.D. Maples, Chief with California Highway Patrol's Coastal Division, said. "While Sgt. Helus and the officer's actions prevented the suspect from killing more people, tragically during the fierce but brief firefight that ensued, a round fired by our officer toward the suspect did strike Sgt. Helus."

Maples said the CHP officer is "currently not on duty.

e542eb  No.5361278

File: 0a60d79cca80a9c⋯.mp4 (252.25 KB, 640x480, 4:3, QNN-PepeRun.mp4)


click to play

5cb17f  No.5361279

File: 39d7a0fef28e8f2⋯.png (281.91 KB, 508x280, 127:70, ClipboardImage.png)

77b411  No.5361280

File: 0631534e7c5e90f⋯.png (54.52 KB, 1049x130, 1049:130, ClipboardImage.png)

Romans [colon]ization spreads thru butt-sex. Prove me wrong.

24178b  No.5361281


When I research for myself, I always end up at the same conclusion….

It’s a conspiracy for Zionist global dominance.

50c407  No.5361282


This bitch needs to be taken down a few notches

55e85e  No.5361283


Looks like a Q pic.

49a230  No.5361284


Not who.


0ad635  No.5361285

File: b1e94bf178308ec⋯.png (1.23 MB, 708x5481, 236:1827, Screenshot_2019-02-24 Ashk….png)

File: 925945f903abb9a⋯.png (944.82 KB, 540x5141, 540:5141, Screenshot_2019-02-24 Ashk….png)

File: 70179420d7df93e⋯.png (1.04 MB, 648x6193, 648:6193, Screenshot_2019-02-24 Ashk….png)

File: 7a58edac2c4a9ef⋯.png (44.49 KB, 902x379, 902:379, Screenshot_2018-07-24 How ….png)

File: 0865b15d43a7180⋯.png (369.37 KB, 347x465, 347:465, YoungFlynn.png)

>>5360773 (lb)

"fellow white person"

they do this

>>5360640 (lb)

some are very proud of their

DNA whilst messing with ours

>>5360640 (lb)

John Flynn Kennedy or John Fitzgerald III

that's a picture of General Flynn when he went to school

at St. Mary's.

6d2fc2  No.5361286

File: bbdae7bfb344aff⋯.jpg (29.82 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ASNBLkhW_400x400.jpg)


Huh? Someone called me?

5a07ff  No.5361287


De methane, boss, de methane!

6f7b70  No.5361288


Why waste a good meme and put it in that shit QNN template

de5daf  No.5361289

File: e67471fcf1f2537⋯.png (179.09 KB, 706x523, 706:523, ClipboardImage.png)



His company does work for DOD.

LARP debunked.

29a03a  No.5361290

File: 6fc0422ef07b1fa⋯.png (75.21 KB, 739x934, 739:934, Screenshot_2019-02-25 Holc….png)

File: 4e1d5d1ce234b1e⋯.jpg (101.48 KB, 1532x544, 383:136, Capture.JPG)


Holcim snaps up Cemex Australia for $2b

June 15, 2009 — 4.43pm


holcim 2nd largest cement company according to 09 article

aef16e  No.5361291

File: 899fff62a9a0a93⋯.png (22.27 KB, 613x92, 613:92, Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at ….png)

File: b4e88092a865575⋯.jpg (131.02 KB, 1083x753, 361:251, D0GhEwdUUAAbtbh.jpg)

File: 8089b50c77c5399⋯.png (203.44 KB, 658x550, 329:275, Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at ….png)

File: 27b424b78639b77⋯.png (48.41 KB, 643x209, 643:209, Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at ….png)

File: ff71cbbaee998e6⋯.png (202.8 KB, 1079x465, 1079:465, Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at ….png)

>>5359595 (pb)

this was a NOTABLE but as far as I can see, we missed the RICHARD BRANSON connection. BRANSON organized the 'benefit concert'


BRANSON was also recently in the light again with this comic's death.

6a5f4b  No.5361292

File: 1fbc03b20e0b3db⋯.mp4 (5.82 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1fbc03b20e0b3db66e4d9de813….mp4)

c039f2  No.5361293


She's married to one, too.

That will make 10 with the other anon's suggestion.

b75526  No.5361294

File: 0ee43ec2a6a9929⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1275x949, 1275:949, S1.png)

File: a13e33daaebeec1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1274x946, 637:473, S2.png)

File: 50cbbb2de288fbd⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1275x948, 425:316, S4.png)

File: 4733e37baa0bbfe⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1279x884, 1279:884, S5.png)

823d32  No.5361295


KEK! Damn, that's good anon

50c407  No.5361296

File: 498caeace1b5595⋯.jpg (10.9 KB, 255x222, 85:74, 564377facc75e7bfdd4ad9b6bc….jpg)

de5daf  No.5361297


Because his company is a consultant for the DOD.

I feel oddly rewarded for answering your questions.

5f3595  No.5361298

File: 351b7837bd35018⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 400x479, 400:479, eb9.jpg)

aef16e  No.5361299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Branson's video. (sry if covered perviously)

890495  No.5361300


I think it was. Original file name was something to the effect of : Hillary sees JFKJR….

5cb17f  No.5361301

File: 22adc201f74003e⋯.png (797.24 KB, 640x612, 160:153, ClipboardImage.png)

2f05a3  No.5361302


stands for Keep'em Quiet while NOTHING happens.

57442d  No.5361303

Anon on previous bread asked about a list of victims. Here is a web page with the Clinton Body Count


12-16-2018 Body Count

12 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #17 - Kurt Smolek, Former Clinton Employee, Body Found In River

11-18-2018 Body Count

8 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #15-#16 - Joe Montano Died at 47, John Ashe Died at 61

11-03-2018 Body Count

7 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #14. Monica Petersen Killed for Investigating Clinton Sex Trafficking

10-20-2018 Body Count

11 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #13. Victor Thorn Author Found Dead - Hit Book Crowning Clinton Soaring

10-07-2018 Body Count

1 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #12. Jen Moore Dead After Reporting Rape Victim of Bill Clinton to FBI

09-10-2018 Body Count

10 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #11 - Suzanne Coleman Died By Gunshot to Back of Head

08-18-2018 Body Count

6 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #10. Penthouse Pet Judi Gibbs Died in a Mysterious House Fire

08-07-2018 Body Count

9 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #9. The Boys On The Tracks

07-28-2018 Body Count

13 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #8. The Murder of Vince Foster

07-21-2018 Body Count

13 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #7. Carlos Ghigliotti - The Man Who Knew Too Much - Waco Siege

07-21-2018 Body Count

3 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #6. Anthony Bourdain - Suicide or Murder?

07-11-2018 Body Count, News

15 Comment/s

Police Investigating Woman Found Dead In Trash Chute At Anthony Weiner/Huma Abedin’s Former Address

07-11-2018 Body Count, News

25 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series #5: Woman Set to Testify Against Clintons Blown Up in Home Explosion

07-06-2018 Body Count, News

15 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #4. Shawn Lucas Who Filed Fraud Case Against DNC and Hillary Found Dead!

06-28-2018 Body Count, News

26 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #3. John F Kennedy Jr. dared to run for the same Senate seat as Hillary!

06-24-2018 Body Count

16 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #2. Who Killed Seth Rich?

06-23-2018 Body Count

5 Comment/s

Clinton Body Count Series: #1. How FBI Agent David Raynor Stabbed And Then Shot Himself

668df5  No.5361304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

079629  No.5361306


I guess you'll just have to find out the hard way.

7a5fbf  No.5361307

Whew! Busy day on Twitter! Time to check the notables!

4254ac  No.5361308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5cb17f  No.5361309

File: 6040485d4873d58⋯.png (200.17 KB, 480x534, 80:89, ClipboardImage.png)

237481  No.5361310



Better Yet RE-Make this QWW

For Q Worldwide

the WW in the format of the NN >>5361198

c173cc  No.5361311


Well Obama was wearing a bomber jacket in his recent fake appearance at that basketball game. Stealth Bomber Sessions? Sending a message to his cabal butbuddies that it was sessions?

8ecbf3  No.5361312

File: 17ebe7b8321af4d⋯.png (45.56 KB, 617x346, 617:346, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12b6441e1b2d8d7⋯.png (616.65 KB, 725x471, 725:471, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c00741e99f2791⋯.png (484.96 KB, 768x499, 768:499, ClipboardImage.png)

d99762  No.5361313

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

d23a13  No.5361314


Great idea! Rebrand.

c44ade  No.5361315

File: db51684b2d3abeb⋯.png (232.33 KB, 419x328, 419:328, trolling.png)

55e85e  No.5361316


No I’m pretty sure it wasn’t.

1f06e4  No.5361317


smart phones have dumb downed the sheep big time

a685ed  No.5361318

File: 1f093c7a6e12f00⋯.jpg (18.19 KB, 325x474, 325:474, David Duke - My Awakening.jpg)

Could David Duke be Q?

2952f6  No.5361319

That always happens to me when I go running through a crowd of liberals buck naked. I’ll video it next time for effect.

85e042  No.5361320

File: aac7cbaab3af36c⋯.png (245.57 KB, 366x570, 61:95, Bernie needs this and we d….png)

623096  No.5361321

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Former Clinton fixer/assassin Larry Nichols says Hillary used to travel out to L.A to attend a 'Witch's church' (Satanic coven).

"Bill told me that she was going out there, she and a group of women, and she would be a part of a witch’s church. Man, when Bill told me that, she could have hit me with a baseball bat"

6d2fc2  No.5361322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not a fan of his nigga…but funny anyway.

823d32  No.5361323

File: cbcb0612fce1f64⋯.jpg (346.32 KB, 1465x1151, 1465:1151, checkmate2.jpg)

cb4c41  No.5361324

>>5360975(((you))) capitalized God, faggot

4edb39  No.5361325


I would just say to be a good Anon and dig on it yourself. You just might find something you like. If not at least you dug. WWG1WGA

b13241  No.5361326


Holcim- sounds like 'wholesome'

5f3595  No.5361327

File: 6a4da465111288a⋯.png (789.58 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, good times.png)

6a1493  No.5361328

File: 42504c047b0c90f⋯.png (705.76 KB, 679x497, 97:71, 42504c047b0c90fff9dfcbc030….png)

File: b91124e06d58248⋯.jpg (245.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, PWakeup.jpg)

File: 4714c3a23f755de⋯.jpg (314.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, KekDis.jpg)

File: 7e3cda84c2764a8⋯.jpg (495.74 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, SPELLING.jpg)

85e042  No.5361329

File: f712885e37c7a6c⋯.jpg (200.29 KB, 800x820, 40:41, Pepe meme you rong time.jpg)



5cb17f  No.5361330

File: 1c21411c3215975⋯.png (319.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

083b7c  No.5361331

File: edd95d017f12b4f⋯.png (174.72 KB, 458x367, 458:367, 2019-02-23_22-56-26.png)

2952f6  No.5361332

File: 89e398f32bbea22⋯.jpeg (56.03 KB, 367x540, 367:540, FDD35A79-C101-47D9-9F7B-E….jpeg)

File: f30607c64a917a5⋯.jpeg (183.91 KB, 1026x1026, 1:1, 3DE2CDC7-4BDD-4013-BF15-1….jpeg)

2f05a3  No.5361333


You've been president for two years now. You should be ANSWERING the questions not asking them!

e408d2  No.5361334

Notables Thus Far

>>5361248 QNN Pepe Broadcast

>>5361037 PG&E Cancels $130 Million In Bonuses For Employees Amid Costly Fires

>>5361015 Sex trafficking, prostitution is anything but a 'victimless crime,' experts say

>>5361011 New WaPo Hit Piece On Qanon

>>5360976 Amber/Roland Rudd Digs

>>5360946 Digging On Chris Burrows (reporter)

>>5360881 Peter Awn Dig

Comments are welcome & encouraged!!

7df434  No.5361335

File: 4241d19c7e9dbb6⋯.png (110.02 KB, 208x243, 208:243, ClipboardImage.png)


I thought Peter was this lil' guy.

f6de99  No.5361336


Dangling parakeet

6d2fc2  No.5361337

File: 1f8ee3175f92924⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 300x359, 300:359, dtqbc.jpg)

aed918  No.5361338

File: 7dac08844899d3d⋯.png (1.56 MB, 2367x1355, 2367:1355, QNN Servers.png)

6a5f4b  No.5361339

File: fd0459833130579⋯.png (538.32 KB, 846x963, 94:107, 8bebe765f7e6f01d859d08552d….png)

26cfef  No.5361340


She shouldn't be mowing barefoot. It's unsafe.

abdb52  No.5361341

File: 35c7c97e042f9a5⋯.png (417.3 KB, 604x335, 604:335, Capture.PNG)

Lindsey Graham: Did They Try to Overthrow the President by 25th Amendment? I’m Going to Call in Rosenstein, McCabe, Yates, Comey (VIDEO)


de5daf  No.5361342


The man was a senior associate for Booz Allen a DOD contractor. He started a business called AMFS inc. They do consulting work for the DOD.

That is why he flies his privately owned plane, which he owns with FIVE other people, NOT NAMED JOHN OR KENNEDY OR FUSCA, and lands there for business.

All you have to do is make a phone call.

Thomas will tell you himself.

Also the guy selling the 1/6th share in the airplane will tell you also.

They have to reveal the identity to prospective buyers.

They have to because it is called due dilligence to protect someone from becoming partners with someone involved in nefarious activities.

a0174b  No.5361343

Gowdy went in on [AS] this morning…

Adam Schiff, that three-eyed raven, who can see things nobody else can see, says he has evidence more than circumstantial, not quite direct…by the way, for those who didn't go to law school, there's no such thing

4d5f0a  No.5361344


so many deathbed converts

whats one more

c173cc  No.5361345


She has the lower body of a giant!

e0ce93  No.5361346

File: 444c38f71917ecc⋯.jpg (658.69 KB, 2367x1355, 2367:1355, 09956aa0ecbb600d91f2eaee9a….jpg)

079629  No.5361347


I'm doing pretty much the same thing. Makes things so much better once you throw out the Shill garbage.

1f06e4  No.5361348


galactic fake adventures

never amounts to anything

muh secret space ships, too funny

85e042  No.5361349


taking break post count too high

17d835  No.5361350


Can you see the wind?

78e3e6  No.5361351

File: 1a4ca7f758ea46a⋯.png (148.58 KB, 235x334, 235:334, 1a4ca7f758ea46a4ba8af2a11e….png)


love it anon. Very cute

158e0e  No.5361352


I would love the idea that Q and Frens are helping and have removed the poisons. But they are clearly blocking the sun still.

If there were more transparency on this subject, it would help. But since there isn't I can't help but DOUBT that God is in control.

The God I picture would not allow these things to happen. He'd strike them down with lightning…

The God & Jesus narrative has WAY TOO MANY HOLES IN IT.

b13241  No.5361353

File: 5ea62759eb4b79e⋯.jpg (79.16 KB, 620x424, 155:106, rodofgod.jpg)


There's this one

cb4c41  No.5361354


(((you))) capitalized God…just sayin'

4b9852  No.5361355

File: 2d4b1564a6cc35a⋯.jpg (148.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, transgender-human.jpg)

De Becker


Make things happener

OMG body massage

9b6399  No.5361356



such an embarrassing sham.

also anon, are you planning on posting a part2?

abdb52  No.5361358


Pascal's wager

668df5  No.5361359

File: a7b09c0be3dff69⋯.png (30.08 KB, 420x294, 10:7, youreyouryore.png)

193f34  No.5361360

File: 09ceb82143a726c⋯.jpg (97.71 KB, 996x794, 498:397, proo.JPG)

I announced Bolton's Twitter account fuckery here and a few minutes later it is fixed. I did this when they were hiding POTUS tweets from me and the same reaction. Fixed in minutes.

e1568f  No.5361361

File: 8068b654373ca93⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 764x512, 191:128, 8068b654373ca938e6faf64850….jpg)


hubris is a bitch

623096  No.5361362

File: 9a859e6563b8be4⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 631x414, 631:414, 5gtweet.jpg)

File: ca3e5120b0fdb27⋯.jpg (109.72 KB, 737x530, 737:530, pizap.com15508266394531.jpg)

File: 707f9baa435bd8e⋯.jpg (222.41 KB, 1023x660, 31:20, pizap.com15508267394421.jpg)

File: c2cc663bc8acb1a⋯.jpg (659.55 KB, 1588x1080, 397:270, pizap.com15508268337372.jpg)

f6de99  No.5361363


Having a hard time trying to picture what a three eyed raven might look like – Memeanons help?

4669fa  No.5361364

ok anons

just food for thought…

I am certain i will be called a shill and dissented on…

I have been here since the beginning and would like to make a few observations…

We are here because we have always thought differently and see the puzzle. We have our unique talents and gifts.

The sheer fact that we as individuals have become a collective without our handheld during contentious times reinforces our resolve…


We are expecting an influx of shattered hive-minded individuals… Those who have been brainwashed (some their entire lives)…

We cannot expect them to lurk and search for themselves…

I have spent the last 2 weeks… logging on and lurking with this in mind… scrolling in their shoes i suppose…

Here's the kick in the balls…


*note* - if this is in the works, i apologize..

I log onto to Q-research…

bots, memes, partial digging on multiple digs at the same time, conversations, shilling, shitting, etc…

Seriously… 751 posts, 200 worth a glance

we appear as the msm reports…

we look like a basement group of junk news and theorists…

I only wish to give perspective, I respect the HELL out of each and every contribution and anon… we each have our unique talents and i only wish i could barrow a fraction… i have spent a career in a different area and at times only offer perspective which may help in the red-pilling…

I would suggest a more simplistic approach…

norms have spent a lifetime being guided, most have no tools for critical thinking… we must assume the roles of educator…

A simplistic approach…

a design such as reddit -

- ya ya, i know… but consider QNN with that platform, and a true media design…

even a drudge design…

where each dig consists of its own thread with a baker….

each thread on topic and screened for sauce…

if we are now the news, we need to assume the true journalistic integrity that was so tarnished by the DS…

we need to be trusted…

if it all goes down the way Q has conveyed…

the influx of normies will need and require QNN to responsibly be there for them in ways they have been abandoned…

If we are not prepared, it may cost lives…

consider this…

fc3292  No.5361365


>Any thoughts, anons?

Besides minors, and trafficking involuntary sex slaves, why is consensual sex for money a crime?

Who do we know for a fact has done this and we still respect?

2 consenting adults, one ha$, one has the desired service, exchange is made, both parties pleased.

The crime is banning this activity in a free country.

39b256  No.5361366


Any prominent person who was ever associated with the Klan, or a neo-nazi group, or white nationalism is very likely a clown operative. Duke is the face of "anti-Semitism" and he's working on behalf of his (((benefactors))). The drag him out every once awhile to make public statements of support for people they want to destroy. This is why he recently tweeted in support of Tulsi Gabbard.

237481  No.5361367


Hitting the nail on the head

b13241  No.5361368

File: 3f0e319b351f614⋯.jpg (165.25 KB, 940x741, 940:741, aocbowingpeople.jpg)

d11c85  No.5361369


Wow, chills

What was that A/B photo with the red thing?? I must’ve missed that

2f05a3  No.5361370


I have MULTIPLE senses. I can FEEL the wind on my FACE.

The Jews relied on GOD in 1933 too.

517cac  No.5361371

>>5360836 LB

>I owe an Anon an apology. Yesterday I asked how to convert a URL to and IP address in Linux and he replied "dig"

No need to apologize, anon. I could have given an example (i.e. "dig qmap.pub") to make it clearer…

b75526  No.5361372


Thank you anon! I could not find the sauce for the server pics. Thought I had DL'd it.

9cf460  No.5361373


You're being controlled right now by staring at Q's watch as it swings back and forth. The anon you're arguing with is 100% correct. The traitors are not showing the slightest hint of fear. Hillary is as brazen as she was in the Benghazi hearing. Same for all the rest.

86bfc1  No.5361374


I am familiar with all the world major religions.

All roads lead to Sumer.

c173cc  No.5361375

File: 7c3074aa12b05e5⋯.jpg (23.63 KB, 720x489, 240:163, 5a01d9b96d506770.jpg)

2b8c01  No.5361376


A perfect example of the difference between A BLACK MAN and a nigger. Black men and women need to disavow all "free stuff" because it is their chains. It is literal slavery. This dude is right.

a4b4cd  No.5361377

File: 21814389e86589d⋯.jpg (129.1 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Infograph:HowInsidersMaint….jpg)

File: 8cd6d6fb7e920b2⋯.jpg (163.64 KB, 1024x544, 32:17, Infograph:HowSpecialIntere….jpg)

File: 38b800b4dec96d4⋯.jpg (169.7 KB, 1024x544, 32:17, Infograph:PayoffsMustEndNo….jpg)

File: dd26dc84934d5ce⋯.jpg (166.5 KB, 1024x544, 32:17, Infograph:TheBigRip-Off.jpg)

How institutionalized corruption works

890495  No.5361378


> both parties pleased.

both parties pathetic.

85dee6  No.5361379

File: 06a155df29438f2⋯.png (831.25 KB, 1050x750, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


old fuck bernie drives the same car as rampage jackson

2952f6  No.5361380

File: 787d4fb34f828d7⋯.jpeg (101.54 KB, 1178x850, 589:425, 7537AAF6-D7C7-4BEC-B169-1….jpeg)

File: 5667aba9ed0d11d⋯.jpeg (80.93 KB, 1024x974, 512:487, A46F7B25-BB25-4DCD-B76D-1….jpeg)

b13241  No.5361381

File: 96b4553e33b27cb⋯.jpg (264.56 KB, 657x1062, 73:118, owned.jpg)

File: 48088b6cff6adb8⋯.jpg (79.08 KB, 700x525, 4:3, owned.jpg)

f6de99  No.5361382


Is that you again Cap

4369d6  No.5361383


shirts dang sure loose?!?

4b9852  No.5361384

File: 183c8d3fed45bc5⋯.png (198.04 KB, 235x353, 235:353, ClipboardImage.png)

17d835  No.5361385


The wind is God. You feel God.

85d13e  No.5361386

File: 4ae25e36d3f75ff⋯.jpg (121.78 KB, 715x535, 143:107, KushnerAmbUAE.jpg)

6ca00a  No.5361387

File: e40457fcee2be23⋯.jpeg (53.62 KB, 500x599, 500:599, 98528D6B-F9CC-4CA9-B5DC-0….jpeg)

File: 2835b7a886081b1⋯.png (238.51 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 850DF66D-323F-494B-938B-65….png)

File: aa198af14f99f5f⋯.jpeg (67.94 KB, 889x500, 889:500, CBE52EAD-FF2B-40A5-B1BE-5….jpeg)


83ee39  No.5361388

This is bigger than (you) could imagine.

They corrupted our military.

They cut our funding.

They made laws to weaken our military.

They call us racist.

The call us xenophobs.

Q uestion ?

Anons thinking ?




Those with the loudest voices ?

Think bigger.

Who wants AMERICA ?

Is AMERICA the new Israel ?

TROJAN horse ?

Q uestion ?

Why blame different states and fear monger ?

Why weaken you military ?

Who makes the laws ? [[[trojanhorse]]]

Who decides the news[[[trijanhorse]]]

Who ?

Who ?

17 ? = GA ?

The great awakening.


eec938  No.5361389

File: 505ecdf29a3ea0a⋯.png (3.68 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 0BBFA8C5-DD41-4F7B-8FE5-8B….png)

Jussie Smollett Reveals He Is Battling A Drug Addiction


They are going to suicide him

900975  No.5361390

Doesn't CitiGroup also handle green cards/passports/etc?

aa8701  No.5361391

I knew I hated these AOC memes for a reason. She's probably smart. Some of her stupid statements are witfully stupid like a comedian's jokes.

d8c34c  No.5361392


Gono-herpes-syphili-AIDS will fuck your shit up, dawg

3c654b  No.5361393

File: 1e7427f0a672849⋯.png (123.8 KB, 465x340, 93:68, 1B521A9B-94AA-4799-A320-50….png)

b13241  No.5361394


Is this Kuru? or Alcoholism? Zombiism?

9b6399  No.5361395


yup, comfy.

sometimes i don't, sometimes i get sick of em and have no pity…

they get every new bread to waste their chance, anyway, so we're not missing anything.

a liddle surprised we haven't got the usual "yo reelz anons nevar filter bro" replies

1351a9  No.5361396


latin is a disgusting language

702fc0  No.5361397

File: 01b59d29bd4abe0⋯.jpeg (515.66 KB, 1404x1457, 1404:1457, 3E05C17F-CC24-4652-94BD-F….jpeg)

File: be52811ddee81e5⋯.jpeg (587.9 KB, 1295x1460, 259:292, 66678647-50CA-441F-8EB5-E….jpeg)

POTUS Tweets 93% With 1 Year Delta

6d2fc2  No.5361398

File: 71ad6816ed6daa0⋯.jpg (38.24 KB, 600x446, 300:223, 24te5ye56y.jpg)


Well done shill!

You deserve all the extra shekels in your paycheck.

0ad635  No.5361400

File: d4d8d11d2d61a95⋯.png (751.67 KB, 1534x1318, 767:659, d4d8d11d2d61a954f5639690d8….png)

File: cedf0bc69ca89b4⋯.jpg (97.62 KB, 512x677, 512:677, 7f2d2823-9f65-49b0-9149-02….jpg)

File: 3e975124024d93b⋯.jpg (115.83 KB, 450x586, 225:293, image.jpg)


what is really bothering me is that THEY have appropriated our DNA in many cases by fractions and have all stolen our names to hide behind in every country they go to.

they marry a "goy" outside the tribe and the next generation marries back in.

The very worst example is the taking of Frankish names (from the heart of the Frankish world which happens to be from where DJT's ancestors hale) whilst hating them.


and they get their Evangelical shills to

actually back them up

look at the disgusting magazine cover

2952f6  No.5361401

File: 2e11bc0e5b99ece⋯.jpeg (48.24 KB, 520x477, 520:477, E47603E5-B65F-48FF-8C10-0….jpeg)

c173cc  No.5361402

File: a20032f432c9a37⋯.jpeg (26.9 KB, 400x302, 200:151, 800DD2FF-D705-406C-8364-E….jpeg)

File: d4ae7b1bf3e1e11⋯.jpg (23.52 KB, 634x271, 634:271, images.jpeg-20.jpg)

713b8d  No.5361403

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, cult!.jpg)


>smart phones have dumb downed the sheep big time

Nobody has to think anymoar. The answer is right there, at their fingertips, just a few kliks away.

Never owned one.

Y'all look ridiculous with em. Brings many Keks.

223c2c  No.5361404


Game of Thrones

668df5  No.5361405


People got it wrong when they started personifying "God".

Jesus SPOKE truth.

God IS truth.

No reason to go any further than that.

13a221  No.5361406


these are bretty gud

d99762  No.5361407

The Q research archive prog


f8c419  No.5361408


Amber/Roland Rudd - includes video of Richard Hannigan (GCHQ) from pb.

5cb17f  No.5361409

File: f12920a9e3005e7⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1326x1282, 663:641, ClipboardImage.png)

3d1f6d  No.5361410

File: f96b8b743e93081⋯.png (402.91 KB, 640x461, 640:461, 57290C69-CE5A-41AE-87AE-09….png)

aa8701  No.5361411



4edb39  No.5361412

File: 0ab110ae8238d6f⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5b6ce9f90622f79287cd61034e….jpg)


Go back to reddit. You are clearly too low IQ to be here.

2f05a3  No.5361413


If you are relying on God so much WTF do you even need Trump for?

Why doesn't God just do it himself?

Or is he not really so powerful?

823d32  No.5361414

File: dfbe0e310745c40⋯.jpg (95.68 KB, 567x917, 81:131, YOU.jpg)


Out-fucking-standing! anon

d23a13  No.5361415


It's photoshop.

2b8c01  No.5361416


Man of the people right there ha ha ha

646530  No.5361417

File: a648d530ec29464⋯.png (5.07 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 3d108c80b08e79eb010dcfa4cc….png)



24178b  No.5361418


Flight 93

a0174b  No.5361419


Anons knew that was coming!

2952f6  No.5361420


Having a difficult time getting his adrenochrome dosage. His access to fresh babies is limited these days.

26cfef  No.5361421


"Adrenaline-producing" is an odd description.

223c2c  No.5361422

File: 632f6d4461a6ef5⋯.jpeg (208 KB, 788x605, 788:605, 66D26927-5B9F-40E6-BBF3-D….jpeg)

85d13e  No.5361423

File: 32625027de57884⋯.png (239.22 KB, 963x431, 963:431, ClipboardImage.png)


Kushner is a very bad boy


f87f4b  No.5361424

File: 82ddc2942e19a89⋯.jpg (191.92 KB, 680x521, 680:521, Kevin-spaceys-meme-Improvi….jpg)


>Battling A Drug Addiction

Since he already was known to be a homo, he had to resort to the next best thing.

2a3d60  No.5361425

Lots of >1s and >2s today

Storm's a brewin.

0ad635  No.5361426


No they haven't anon.

The Reformation has done that.

f6de99  No.5361427


Uncanny resemblance to AS

0c7760  No.5361428


>I am familiar with all the world major religions.

But are you familiar with your Creator's religion that he has prescribed for humanity? Have you been born again of the Spirit of God, your Creator, because that's all that counts in respect of your eternal state.

6d2fc2  No.5361429

File: 9812e285bf258d5⋯.jpg (7.09 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 34te5ydgbd6uyd5tye4t.jpg)




e1568f  No.5361430


Sorry, thought for a moment you were interested in actually doing some research, not using the line to push an agenda.

Silly me. Carry on with the white noise then.

a4b4cd  No.5361431


Instant gratification

has been trained

from young age

by commercials

Not only drugs

but they want EVERYTHING



Major attitude change will be needed

I can't see how it will happen in

less than a generation

Trust the Plan

Q knows

a685ed  No.5361432


Do you have any proof of your wild accusations?

6d08d4  No.5361433

File: 7148d17163d9622⋯.jpg (228.12 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, godfound(you).jpg)


you know if you read the bible it basically says…trust the plan.

If i had to sum it up in three words or less.

13a221  No.5361434

5cb17f  No.5361435


>you are relying on God so much WTF do you even need Trump for?

Don't….I only need Jesus…..nothing else

6f7b70  No.5361436


200 worth a glance? You're being generous

2952f6  No.5361437

File: b9fc2c6e6157635⋯.jpeg (35.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 6363CDD6-1B44-4357-81D7-5….jpeg)

646530  No.5361438


>>5356262 (PB last night)

AntonTheoryAnon.. another acknowledgement of your theory?!

4e7cb3  No.5361439


That’s 2 one year Delta in 2 days

aa9338  No.5361440

File: 115204e09a9c997⋯.png (298.25 KB, 608x824, 76:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Clinton double date to see "To Kill A Mockingbird"

Article is embedded with a Makers video of HRC. Makers.org has a video with big names: Oprah, Sierra, AOC, Sharice Davids (first Native American in Congress), Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, Blasley Ford

Blah Blah Blah - Sponsered by 23andme

This thing is littered with messages. aAd right in the center of Speakers is

Lisa Borders CEO of "Times Up"



7df434  No.5361441

17d835  No.5361442


Do what himself?

4ac617  No.5361443


if related to borderline then there was this conncection to investigate for a news story…


23-year-old Chandler Gunn of Newbury Park, Calif., quickly arrived at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks following news of the Wednesday night massacre to check on his friend who works there — a woman who also was at the Route 91 music festival in Vegas, where a gunman killed 58 people and wounded hundreds of others, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“A lot of people in the Route 91 situation go here,” Gunn told the outlet. “There’s people that live a whole lifetime without seeing this, and then there’s people that have seen it twice.”

Gunn says his friend told him that some kind of tear gas was thrown inside the bar during the attack and she was able to escape out the back toward apartments nearby. However, Gunn says he hasn’t been able to contact his friend again but knows she’s safe.

Meanwhile, 27-year-old Josh Coaly dashed to the scene after hearing from a friend who is also a survivor of the Vegas shooting and had texted him about the massacre at Borderline. Coaly said he spoke with his friend, who is with his father and doing fine.

“I just came to see if there’s anything I can do,” Coaly said.

24-year-old Carl Edgar said he had about 20 friends inside the bar. After hearing about the incident on Snapchat, he immediately texted friends who were at the club.

“As far as I know, all of my friends are OK, safe,” he said. “There are a few people we can’t get ahold of, but in these situations people usually turn off their phones to be safe so I’m not gonna get too worried. “A lot of my friends survived Route 91. If they survived that, they’ll survive this,” he told the paper.

4b9852  No.5361444

File: c1527942d34a294⋯.png (7.46 KB, 605x57, 605:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70c71334c403232⋯.png (353.95 KB, 310x499, 310:499, ClipboardImage.png)

d99762  No.5361445

File: 0e4a72ed9ca12c8⋯.jpeg (5.57 KB, 210x230, 21:23, 0e4a72ed9ca12c8d8a9190fbe….jpeg)


POTUS should say fuck 5 G we are MAGA we gonna have 11 G or nuttin.

9b6399  No.5361446


ah, been a while since i saw a post like this.

if you build it, they will come.

do it, whatever it is you have in mind (TL;DR, admittedly)

just don't expect to change this place in any meaningful way, waste of time. cheers

e1568f  No.5361447


Nice one. Belongs on her feed if not there already.

713b8d  No.5361448

File: 7e8c7c1ff5816b9⋯.jpg (37.99 KB, 500x303, 500:303, judge.jpg)


>People got it wrong when they started personifying "God".

Anon got it wrong by judging others

3d1f6d  No.5361449

File: 1ee0bdd9b5fa8e2⋯.jpeg (11.6 KB, 255x191, 255:191, CDF5F71E-21E0-47A6-BF34-D….jpeg)


>I have been here since the beginning

Sure you have, faggot. But I wanna hear what Zach has to say

1351a9  No.5361450


we need a new latin-free language, taking as much from english as possible, that is based on greco-runic letters.

then we'll see how many freaking roads lead to rome

bde56e  No.5361451

File: 66a676d0d2c9d81⋯.jpg (90.24 KB, 702x395, 702:395, 2p3li9.jpg)

aa8701  No.5361452


Woke up thinking about how heavy To Kill A Mockingbird is in terms of propaganda.

85dee6  No.5361453

File: fd977f7af17c80c⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 520x477, 520:477, bernierimz.jpg)

a4b4cd  No.5361454


Took about a whole day to make them

Anon can churn out quick memes

But deep memes take moar time

Probably worth the effort

c44ade  No.5361455


>She has the lower body of a giant!

Hippos are giants?

1da0d3  No.5361456

File: 8a0308e01345b50⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 650x360, 65:36, three-eyed-raven-game-of-t….jpg)

86bfc1  No.5361457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stop calling him my creator.

That's your schtick.

I'm not trying to convince you there is not God.

Just stating what I think.

77b411  No.5361458


What if LATIN is the only LANGUAGE that mattered? And the only "judge" of your person was that of the sound that came out of your mouth.

Now imagine what effect the tower of babel would have if that were the case. You could confuse a language to damn themselves perpetually.

b13241  No.5361459

File: 922fd2bf3ff23c7⋯.jpg (73.99 KB, 563x311, 563:311, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….jpg)

369e3a  No.5361460


shit even a normie like me can smell niggery

>says we are DISORGANISED

but doesn't say why

>each thread per Topic per baker

ya'll want moar access to censor?

any anon can make a thread if they want to dig on off/any topic

>appeal to emotion closing statement / concernfag


ad0bbe  No.5361461


Free will!

c173cc  No.5361462

File: d9bcc3d6ecf1605⋯.jpg (22.69 KB, 234x267, 78:89, cat.jpg)

9f77a6  No.5361463

File: f098732cff8bb48⋯.png (540.95 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 3867CE9F-5EF4-4CE4-A06B-AF….png)

What good is it if the insurance companies won’t cover new treatments!!!! This is a personal slap in the face !!! Some anons fight on many fronts And suffer a quality of life that can be overwhelming. [UnitedHealthcare]

2952f6  No.5361464

File: f2a1701061947c6⋯.jpeg (51.38 KB, 520x390, 4:3, 215F35B5-D3FF-4ADB-919A-5….jpeg)


What he wants the liberal voters to see. Expose the fraud and his 3, yes, 3, million dollar homes.

a23301  No.5361465

>>5361225 "for the law"

aa8701  No.5361466


That's how I feel when I speak English.

4669fa  No.5361467



exactly my point…

it's these comments that will tank the movment

f87f4b  No.5361468

File: fee87bb9aaaf31c⋯.gif (299.91 KB, 445x250, 89:50, jb_centrifuge.gif)


When 5g just doesn't cut it.

85e042  No.5361469

File: f53127e83b76013⋯.jpg (124.93 KB, 888x499, 888:499, bernie sanders go b racer.jpg)

e0ce93  No.5361470

File: 9d41ac42d4c7ea9⋯.jpg (71.6 KB, 500x381, 500:381, rosacea_lower_face.jpg)

wtf is wrong with this picture

yet included in a proof

trolling at a new level

use the shills 'non-shilly' help in midst of their shilling?

85d13e  No.5361471

File: f1fcb299f135ed2⋯.png (179.85 KB, 346x355, 346:355, ClipboardImage.png)


Jared's hedge fund friend is latest to be caught in Mueller dragnet: New York millionaire in special counsel's crosshairs for meeting with pedophile Middle Eastern conduit

Close Jared Kushner friend Rick Gerson has come under scrutiny for his presence in the Seychelles weeks before a meeting attended by Erik Prince

Both men met separately with Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan of Abu Dhabi

Also met with Lebanese American George Nader at New York's Four Seasons in meeting attended by Kushner

Blackwater founder Prince has described his meeting with the crown prince as a chance encounter at a bar

Special counsel probing whether it was to set up a back channel between the incoming Trump administration and Russia


1f06e4  No.5361472


i have never owned one either.

we 2 are rare

65e09e  No.5361473



d32aaa  No.5361474

e147f1  No.5361475

File: a7050fb8d4ca085⋯.jpeg (120.1 KB, 500x706, 250:353, DBCFFA08-7EA6-4D67-BFBE-F….jpeg)

It will happen when the weather cools

c31758  No.5361476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jeff Adachi from last nights notables is a JUICY DIG

set your search settings for DATE

search Jeff Adachi and stop at 02/21/2019 to eiliminate the new death shit

he was public enemy to criminal justice system he calls the CRIMINAL INJUSTICE SYSTEM

in 2015/2016 he exposed gladiator style fighting being setup is SF jails by deputees and leaked racist text by SFPD officers

this is Kamala Harris country, she was DA, they are dirty, many rumors about dirty deeds orchestrated with Kamala thugs

heres my search string


a530f8  No.5361477

File: b2d1b51028d917e⋯.png (137.13 KB, 700x403, 700:403, djt_tweet_no_collusion_240….png)


e0ce93  No.5361478

File: f51b44b1f2ecaf6⋯.png (92.22 KB, 583x393, 583:393, Screenshot 2019-02-24_12-1….png)


sorry that's rosacea

then we can have post facial zoster for Bill too

but this pic

b13241  No.5361479

File: 867378983e549c1⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2371x2660, 2371:2660, saganhive.jpg)

4b9852  No.5361481

File: 6b23c4e105eaa34⋯.png (378.72 KB, 426x478, 213:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c03f3681028f9a0⋯.png (6.23 KB, 497x92, 497:92, ClipboardImage.png)


de5daf  No.5361482

File: c40a8524a254d4b⋯.png (47.99 KB, 872x208, 109:26, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27e87b2a52a35fe⋯.png (88.11 KB, 329x229, 329:229, ClipboardImage.png)


Tweet one minute from time of actual crash of Flight 93

900975  No.5361483


Well, if you were buying women online at auction, and arranging final inspection/pick-up at an asian spa (under cover of $75 handie), wouldn't it be handy to have her green card/IDs already printed up?

0ad635  No.5361484


when the overwhelming problem with diocesan (secular) Catholic priests in the USA is that they like young boys 12-15 which makes them more homo than pedo and you want to hide the lavender mafia and the truth…

employ the Jewish AG of PA to continue the dirty work

aa9338  No.5361485


Oh yeah and they've used that headline SO many times in the last year. It's definitely messaging.

It's funny you say that. My stepson just read it for school and talk about feeding a narrative through indoctrination…

Probably why it's the still allowed to be read in school with the N word in it.

823d32  No.5361486


>Jussie Smollett Reveals He Is Battling A Drug Addiction

This means the evidence is so strong that his only option is to make a plea deal. Hence the new narrative. Lionel of Lionel Nation predicted this legal strategy on day1

3d1f6d  No.5361487


I’ve never even used the internet. Houboudat. Cash me outside

646530  No.5361488

File: aa867db44255bf2⋯.pdf (705.93 KB, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….pdf)



See anon's theory re: Michael Anton and the 'Q' - PDF attached.

>>5356262 (PB) if you want to see the posts

776326  No.5361489

File: 8e6f1f127dc6f88⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 378x189, 2:1, 24b9232w245g57m6.jpg)

File: b9e262227489a8b⋯.jpg (63.02 KB, 378x189, 2:1, 45h5jf776k8ek8b9230n2w245g….jpg)

49a230  No.5361490


That video presents no evidence that anyone died.

33fb71  No.5361491

File: 9734701297e2e95⋯.png (778.08 KB, 1339x759, 1339:759, Music Industry Complicit.png)

373ea6  No.5361492

File: 00e0c375a0b70cb⋯.jpg (281.78 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Harris9.jpg)

File: 3cdd5254ee795ae⋯.jpg (663.59 KB, 783x537, 261:179, HarrisDad.jpg)

2a3d60  No.5361493


>the Seychelles

This is like Guernsey and Jersey, places with rich people that get very little attention.

Seychelles is French IIRC.

6d2fc2  No.5361494

38f877  No.5361495

File: 7f857ea5729ef98⋯.jpg (22.65 KB, 220x314, 110:157, 220px-Flight93poster.JPG)

070866  No.5361496


To date, Luminate’s global work has supported 236 organisations in 18 countries with $314 million in funding.

Part of The Omidyar Group

We work to empower people and improve lives.

Ensuring people have the opportunity to participate in and influence the issues affecting their societies.

Making government, corporations, media, and those in positions of power more responsive and more accountable.

78e3e6  No.5361497

File: a00d4c74112b0f1⋯.jpg (87.27 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages-991894950-640x….jpg)

File: 6141477505270d0⋯.jpg (266.88 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages-991724016.jpg)

Save the Date! Donald Trump Announces ‘Salute to America’ on July 4th

President Donald Trump announced plans for a major event celebrating the United States on Independence Day.

“HOLD THE DATE!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th.”

The president revealed that the event would be called “A Salute to America” and would be held at the Lincoln Memorial.

“Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!” he wrote.

Trump has repeatedly stated his desire to host a military parade in Washington, DC, but estimated costs made it prohibitively expensive.

Presidents traditionally host an event at the White House for Independence Day honoring the United States military which includes fireworks. Trump appears to be planning a bigger event for 2019.

Earlier this month, Trump revealed his plan for the event, noting that it made sense to coincide with the 4th of July.

“The fireworks is there anyway, so we just saved on fireworks,” he said. “We get free fireworks because it’s already being done.”


713b8d  No.5361498

File: 5f904fd731d6536⋯.jpg (92.1 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, GuidFlag.jpg)


>We cannot expect them to lurk and search for themselves…

They need to learn how to think for themselves again. Anons cannot do that for them, only guide.


d99762  No.5361499


allegedly pineal gland

b13241  No.5361500



49baee  No.5361501


The enemy can occupy your country but what good does it do them if the masses refuse to obey their laws or pay their taxes? Will they kill everyone? They want you to think so, but the cabal is too lazy to work and support themselves. The cabal only want socialism when it is the masses sacrifice not the politicians. The power is in peace, refuse to fight, refuse to obey, refuse to pay taxes, refuse to do anything other than be free.

0ad635  No.5361502


there was no crash.

they'll be shoahing us evidence?

aa9338  No.5361503



TX Anon here too - spouse and I both have a wet cough we can't get rid of for over a month. .

7e347f  No.5361504

File: f661e02bcd2cafd⋯.jpeg (97.96 KB, 1242x356, 621:178, EC4045C7-B149-4EEC-ADE0-B….jpeg)

File: 99347077110123f⋯.jpeg (657.14 KB, 1242x1819, 1242:1819, E21852C5-B678-4E24-804E-C….jpeg)


cb0aee  No.5361505

File: 876a86f073247fd⋯.png (19.94 KB, 372x394, 186:197, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump calls them all clowns in earlier posts.

I think it is going to turn out that the criminals are ALL WORKING FOR THE CIA.

GHWB ran the CIA and he was the ringleader for the whole treasonours lot of them.

bc9ebc  No.5361506


5:5 some would say?

4669fa  No.5361507



your comments prove my point


Note - you actually consider yourself contributing to what may amount to the greatest military OP in history?

you may actually be a basement conspiracy theorist…


4254ac  No.5361508

If there's a bigger name than Robert Kraft, why hasn't it been released yet?

7df434  No.5361509



Where does Citi fit into the greencards?

49a230  No.5361510


You just used three Latin-derived words. fyi

77b411  No.5361512


Those are pretty good, anon. Thanks.

373ea6  No.5361513

File: d76624ddb71e232⋯.jpg (280.87 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Harris9a.jpg)

Bit tighter verbage

b75526  No.5361514

File: 212577e807cd66c⋯.png (43.54 KB, 795x412, 795:412, U WOT M8.PNG)

File: bca00a4dfa25c1f⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 815x653, 815:653, 2.jpg)

c173cc  No.5361515


Capital letters =





223c2c  No.5361516


tools are not toys.

but people must choose…

4b9852  No.5361517

File: e9ab4abf4cb70e8⋯.png (146.76 KB, 426x680, 213:340, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b7d1bac0b7d8f8⋯.png (113.05 KB, 426x539, 426:539, ClipboardImage.png)

c31758  No.5361518

File: 0efabe1ab591e25⋯.png (795.23 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 467f5e1e0a174f9⋯.png (727.22 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


cleaning up for KAMLA 2020 ?

646530  No.5361519

File: f92a655c3b19c26⋯.png (229.17 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

File: 2d30d55b4b43906⋯.png (181.03 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

File: 9543f3d2aab256f⋯.png (98.65 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

File: 65765bfdccd5ba9⋯.png (107.14 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

File: 21d052cf6e969f2⋯.png (1023.35 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)


for those who don't want to open PDF

made pages into png


e408d2  No.5361520

Notables Bun


>>5361471 Jared's hedge fund friend is latest to be caught in Mueller dragnet: New York millionaire in special counsel's crosshairs for meeting with pedophile Middle Eastern conduit

>>5361397, >>5361439, >>5361482 POTUS Tweets 93% With 1 Year Delta

>>5361248 QNN Pepe Broadcast

>>5361037 PG&E Cancels $130 Million In Bonuses For Employees Amid Costly Fires

>>5361015 Sex trafficking, prostitution is anything but a 'victimless crime,' experts say

>>5361011 New WaPo Hit Piece On Qanon

>>5360976 Amber/Roland Rudd - includes video of Richard Hannigan (GCHQ) from pb.

>>5360946 Digging On Chris Burrows (reporter)

>>5360881 Peter Awn Dig

668df5  No.5361521


Yes, I know.

From #6832








Show me where I've done that.

You can't.

Because I didn't.

2a3d60  No.5361522


Trump likely made a deal with insurers after catching them colluding with Obama over that shit u-pay medicare plan people were forced into.

In Canada we still have many private clinics and doctors and HMO-ish hospital groups but the reason for wait times is because they rich always and still do have that option. Look at hockey players.

0a9fb4  No.5361523

File: c94e69d5016397d⋯.jpg (139.96 KB, 701x513, 701:513, pppoint.jpg)

aed918  No.5361524

File: 7da26d6923a1c33⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2374x1355, 2374:1355, QNN Trump.png)

d99762  No.5361526

File: 5df8f8873d4618e⋯.jpg (4.18 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 18e15e7b795d25f4d493edd575….jpg)

646530  No.5361527

File: 24159e16f46dc34⋯.png (62.94 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

File: 01f386af9d318d9⋯.png (981.6 KB, 1556x2014, 778:1007, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

File: e3e641500a28b2e⋯.png (73.18 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

File: 1c019e2e199c28f⋯.png (673.84 KB, 1471x1903, 1471:1903, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

File: 8c1f2c77828adfb⋯.png (998.76 KB, 1258x1628, 17:22, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

cb0aee  No.5361529


He is probably a gay black democrat.

There is no more protected class in the US.

b75526  No.5361530

File: fd2b45bbf792158⋯.png (14.27 KB, 671x92, 671:92, Capture.PNG)

646530  No.5361531

File: 30b6849ea2207af⋯.png (23.27 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Michael Anton Crumbs Theor….png)

85dee6  No.5361532

File: 938c74cbea9be6b⋯.png (292.27 KB, 392x500, 98:125, ClipboardImage.png)


rework your intro if you want anyone to read your shit

d23a13  No.5361533


>estimated costs made it prohibitively expensive

We spend way, way more on other countries and totally worthless things.

2b1fb9  No.5361534

File: 2d4e03ea0b76198⋯.jpg (65.26 KB, 513x511, 513:511, choice.jpg)

49a230  No.5361535

File: d8cc81ef1752e13⋯.png (469.45 KB, 424x588, 106:147, VinceFuscaWVrally.png)

900975  No.5361536


an anon posted an article where they print all .gov cards.

4edb39  No.5361537

>>5361467 well, when you crawl back to Reddit, you can tell them how mean we were on infinity chan… then you can post a meme of Shaggy saying he'll destroy us. GFY

4669fa  No.5361539


i wish i had those talents

i respect those who do…

223c2c  No.5361540

File: 110903bc3f6edb3⋯.jpeg (619.4 KB, 1920x1392, 40:29, F372FC3D-B1BA-4F87-BCBA-F….jpeg)

File: a5d77498e41659b⋯.jpeg (174.22 KB, 910x499, 910:499, 511019AE-1D5C-4F63-8B4F-3….jpeg)

File: c8d7ff3d9be1357⋯.jpeg (420.97 KB, 1100x1149, 1100:1149, DA2D1BE0-56A3-4DF0-9BAA-4….jpeg)

File: 5d4381e3d522e56⋯.jpeg (254.82 KB, 1499x1000, 1499:1000, 5BA13C73-89DF-4280-A760-F….jpeg)

File: 919eb5c3f936c9f⋯.jpeg (145.96 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 6BE8D328-F2FC-4F82-A044-C….jpeg)

b13241  No.5361541

File: 1049c1b1c076168⋯.jpg (153.84 KB, 1024x693, 1024:693, letsdothis.jpg)

This is a slow ride!

d11c85  No.5361542


That would mean they are trying to stimulate or create higher consciousness? I’m still in the beginning throws of this research so I apologize for my lack of information

e06826  No.5361543


98% of all CO2 is stored in the oceans, only 2% in the atmosphere.

Oceans store and release CO2, as needed. Nothing humans do can overcome that.

b4ee73  No.5361544


Anyone who suggests a change in how this board is run doesn’t get it. The beauty of this place is “this place” leave it alone, please!

fc3292  No.5361546


>They are going to suicide him

Will be a bigger surprise if they don't.

1ee83a  No.5361547

File: 102ab6dd0d61a37⋯.jpeg (296.75 KB, 1125x1220, 225:244, 1DD52A6D-6B4A-495C-BE1E-4….jpeg)

File: ede159fda12da01⋯.jpeg (84.99 KB, 1118x347, 1118:347, 034A38E5-4F86-434F-A4FF-0….jpeg)

File: 20930809d2bc1a9⋯.jpeg (249 KB, 1125x808, 1125:808, 2E92F6A6-8F7B-411A-AD55-5….jpeg)

>>5359405 pb

Citigroup>> Hussein>>Q post

f6de99  No.5361548


The week is still not out - 4 days left in Feb. Don't be so quick to rush judgment, they still might do out do themselves, I'd like to see at least a couple more times at the trough. In this I have high hopes in their parties blind open balance economy.

By the way you see how they are the major

Doomsayers over a great Trump

Administration economy.



And their great CONCERN over our Christian society is their great last push to drive America into Communism.

What say you Demoncrats - can you outshame yourselves some moar?



223c2c  No.5361550


Please post smaller image.

2a3d60  No.5361551



Frederick Adam Diment (born 1943)[1] is a spy novelist who published four novels between 1967 and 1971. All four are about the adventures of Philip McAlpine whom critic Anthony Boucher described as an agent who smokes hashish, leads a highly active sex life, kills vividly, uses (or even coins) the latest London slang and still seems a perfectly real (and even oddly likeable) young man rather than a reflected Bond image.

A film version of The Dolly Dolly Spy with David Hemmings playing McAlpine was scheduled to go into production but was never made. [2]

Diment disappeared from public view after his last novel, adding to his cult figure status among fans of 1960s spy novels. According to The Observer, by 1975 Diment was living in Zurich, shunning publicity, and had no plans to write further novels. [3] A publisher is attempting to re-issue his books via a crowdfunding scheme.[4]

600ecb  No.5361552

Looks like Pike doesn't get his third war.

668df5  No.5361553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9b6399  No.5361554


>respect those who do…

then stop trying to re-arrange the furniture and enjoy the show

b13241  No.5361555

File: 63b077f78229bdb⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 480x480, 1:1, boomcells2.jpg)

0c7760  No.5361556


If you believe you are not created but are a product of time and chance then you are your own god and any self-claimed creator is a usurper of your right, as your own god to do exactly as you please. Furthermore you can say goodbye to your unalienable rights endowed by your Creator.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

As for me, I believe in the Creator God of the Bible.

8f9bd9  No.5361557


I used to live along the gulf coast near Houston. Those Dow plants aren't healthy for you either.

Ever wonder why everyone between Baytown and Freeport die of cancer in their early 50's?

49a230  No.5361558

File: 0f48afc3f62430a⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 439x468, 439:468, jfkfusca.jpg)

66fef6  No.5361559

File: 2934898354d9d70⋯.png (928.51 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, 2018-08-05 09.33.51.png)

File: 4e0be4631896eb9⋯.png (739.29 KB, 1639x1044, 1639:1044, 2018-08-05 21.31.11.png)

>>5360977 repost


bbdf2c  No.5361560


seems odd?

a036dd  No.5361562

File: 9e939fce99b4cd6⋯.jpg (158.26 KB, 471x1068, 157:356, Screenshot_20190224-091438….jpg)

File: 59faa205816edb5⋯.jpg (67.02 KB, 719x373, 719:373, Screenshot_20190224-092312….jpg)

File: 28cc8e03fbdacd3⋯.jpg (179.19 KB, 719x727, 719:727, Screenshot_20190224-092332….jpg)


vocal about "muh pizzagate is crazy" from the beginning.

liberal, pretends to be moderate conservative

casual catholic, married by rabbi

just another sensible voice.

49baee  No.5361563


The next question is why does the military not protect US airspace? That would seem to imply the military is the ones authorizing the flights.

858381  No.5361564

File: bf9ddd847c7ec5a⋯.png (781.06 KB, 905x918, 905:918, trumpparade.png)


He always gets what he wants eventually.

6d08d4  No.5361565


absolute fuckery.

fc0095  No.5361566


This is correct

The “Gods” are Annunaki

All religions created for us to direct our energy towards them

There are annunaki factions that favor humanity and some that don’t. We are fight a faction that doesn’t favor humanity (evil “demons” etc)

The evidence that we have been visited by been visited by an alien race is insurmountable at this point..

We are “God”

We are love. Love is God

We have been decieved

Most of our history has been manipulated. Including events from their created religions

e408d2  No.5361567

File: c7ea6c84b366409⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Bakin.jpg)


29f85f  No.5361568



7e347f  No.5361569

File: 219e6417ed31515⋯.jpeg (803.17 KB, 1242x1182, 207:197, B01361C0-4EC8-4DB4-B0EA-D….jpeg)

File: c4d777644928bb5⋯.jpeg (917.15 KB, 1242x1750, 621:875, B8F669F2-F76F-4417-868C-B….jpeg)

File: 5a2ce9848a59196⋯.jpeg (696.25 KB, 1242x1571, 1242:1571, 5768C53C-0897-4AF7-8CB1-F….jpeg)

This could be 500m from Buckingham palace


369e3a  No.5361570


not ur average normie (bait)

reddit spacing

appeal to emotion again - emotional outburst aiming to hurt feefees, re:

>you may actually be a basement conspiracy theorist…

if ur MI, i don't want to be associated with u


1a8018  No.5361571


Z Pinch

Loud and Clear Checked.

b13241  No.5361573

File: 22482e778518d34⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 408x424, 51:53, goodwin.jpg)

04560e  No.5361576


What they're not telling you is it will be held in Venezuela.

823d32  No.5361577


>Thank you anon! I could not find the sauce for the server pics. Thought I had DL'd it.

this is a great tool

Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

4669fa  No.5361578


i understand that…

and most clearly did not read the entire post…

Im personally ok with the board…

but those who will be coming, will take one look and write it off as bullshit…

the board (whether like it or not) will take on a new role

3c654b  No.5361579

File: 487f60953065d2d⋯.jpeg (299 KB, 1125x819, 125:91, 788C1A01-8BB3-42C2-8651-D….jpeg)


5be677  No.5361580

File: 45279ab528a3959⋯.png (141.09 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot from 2019-02-23….png)


>>5354232 (pb)

there was definitely weather in the area

0ad635  No.5361581

File: 2ff7e30d030a1e3⋯.png (38.06 KB, 612x416, 153:104, 0a29944cd2006cb4fb79830fb1….png)

File: d95f79ca40f6e31⋯.jpg (97.71 KB, 500x625, 4:5, d95f79ca40f6e31fb38222cc93….jpg)



N means it's owned by a trust.

223c2c  No.5361582


ambulance from work to hospital Friday for anon. It is difficult. Blessings.

cb0aee  No.5361583

File: d25af2882fdbcf0⋯.png (55.36 KB, 889x198, 889:198, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f7f0e6b84681eb⋯.png (104.95 KB, 1068x693, 356:231, ClipboardImage.png)


This was going on in LA too.

5cb17f  No.5361584

File: 4553994f97e193d⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1492x2024, 373:506, ClipboardImage.png)

0a9fb4  No.5361585

File: 09dc5c5e3614313⋯.png (4.32 MB, 1938x1388, 969:694, q-burst.png)

600ecb  No.5361587

File: 248bc67d29d7e87⋯.png (81.19 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Pike.png)

2 out of 3 ain't bad

aed918  No.5361588

File: 20a1219abd01a60⋯.png (345.59 KB, 445x576, 445:576, QNN Fisagate.png)

49a230  No.5361589

File: a5f0d3fcb30a1d0⋯.jpg (24.69 KB, 244x255, 244:255, SopisticatedPepeContinue.jpg)

38f877  No.5361590


Isnt the service tag in the last picture one of the older Q tripcodes? !

890495  No.5361593

File: 8c9a4cc33145ab5⋯.jpg (311.51 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, trump-laughing.jpg)

bbdf2c  No.5361594


he's ded… soon

702fc0  No.5361595

File: cadf376649082a5⋯.jpeg (688.37 KB, 1417x1623, 1417:1623, 8A107509-C85A-41F7-B40F-3….jpeg)

File: 3c97f432f4743bb⋯.jpeg (754.23 KB, 1193x1699, 1193:1699, C16F456F-1694-4032-9B20-4….jpeg)

File: 5dfdf03b0d702b2⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1248x1663, 1248:1663, 72DABBDC-BE93-4826-B26D-0….jpeg)

File: 22ce05e19fb8a3f⋯.jpeg (415.08 KB, 769x2096, 769:2096, A7BBB632-F796-48BF-9B55-B….jpeg)

July 4th And “Sky Event” On The Clock

May 10th drop #1328 contains “SKY EVENT” which lines up with POTUS stating there will be “Major fireworks display” on July 4th.

Interesting that the “watch” drop on Jan. 5th is in the mix.

Note 11.11 and 5.5 lines up with 7-4-19 too.

cb0aee  No.5361597


Of course the FBI agent could have been lying, prolly was.

7df434  No.5361598


Huh. I did not see that.

I DO know that they contract with DoD.

*Aside: It was pretty fucking stupid when Citi was like "We're not gonna provide services to businesses that sell firearms!" HAAAAAAA! Oh gawd, I laughed.

65d0a6  No.5361599






>>5360775 (ALL PB)

Used to be a bravo student. wrestled with him and some of his tops guys (I suck) and hung out around that crowd for a couple years. Dude was nice and personable all of the times I met him.

I sincerly he hope he isn't a gatekeeper spook. After what I went through watching rogan turn (used to be a regular poster on his forum when it was basically 4chan V2, way before UFC, way before he flipped), and seeing some of the creepers on his old ebullient board I am cautious. That motherfucker seems to be a plant that was put in place back around the same time Alex Jones started.

Eddie, be careful out there man. you got some weird motherfuckers around you.

e408d2  No.5361600

File: 3b89ee3ca3f3b90⋯.png (345.12 KB, 714x602, 51:43, NewFreshBreadNews.png)







Repost Next Bread

c31758  No.5361601

File: f1f19ab0da425c2⋯.png (254.99 KB, 838x900, 419:450, ClipboardImage.png)

sanctuary 2nd ammendment


713b8d  No.5361602

File: d3779ab07c1175d⋯.png (179.35 KB, 500x556, 125:139, stare.png)


>i have never owned one either.we 2 are rare

And when folks ask for your # to text a doc or to get ahold of you @ best #, they cock their heads in disbelief that you are alive and functioning without one. I'm FREE! When I'm away from the house, I don't wanna be bothered! It's the cell addicts that are prisoners of their de-VICE.

9f77a6  No.5361603


Very personal subject for me. Thank god I am alive. FDA approved a drug that would dramatically affect my life While the treatment I’m on now still maintaining orphan drug status as one of the most expensive drugs on the planet.

aed918  No.5361606

File: 2b856063300a461⋯.jpg (115.71 KB, 898x505, 898:505, QNN Report3.jpg)

85dee6  No.5361607




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