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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

357280  No.5174767

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 2.14.19

>>5167348 ————————————–——– Register all data pulls. Standby

>>5167300 ————————————–——– Pull all views +/-[10]

>>5167233 ————————————–——– Night crawl active [3]

>>5167220 ————————————–——– Sequence Complete.

>>5167194 ————————————–——– Sequence Register.

Tuesday 2.12.19

>>5141431 rt >>5141350 ————————— Not seeing an error now.

>>5141350 rt >>5141323 ————————— Spelling error by mistake.

>>5141323 rt >>5141276 ————————— The NARRATIVE has them.

>>5141235 rt >>5141130 ————————— Maybe one day we'll hit 0:00.00.

>>5141109 rt >>5141012 ————————— Devices in the same location…

>>5140929 ————————————–——– FACTS MATTER

>>5139828 ————————————–——– What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?

>>5139798 rt >>5139710 ————————— They have ZERO control now. (Twitter text: >>5139819 )

>>5139710 ————————————–——– Shall We Play a Game?

Monday 2.11.19

>>5134798 rt >>5134529 ————————— God Speed, Patriot.

>>5134370 rt >>5134144 ————————— Thank you, Anons (return publicly)

>>5127652 rt >>5127462 ————————— Life Lesson - [AS]

>>5127462 ————————————–——– Let's actually use 'FACTS' ( Tweet Cap: >>5127508 )

>>5127210 ————————————–——– Does the list above look familiar?

>>5126726 ————————————–——– The WAR is very real.

>>5123215 rt >>5123210 ————————— Graphic On Voter ID Graphic On Voter ID

>>5123210 ————————————–——– What about Domestic interference?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

357280  No.5174796


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day


>>5174429, >>5174511, >>5174679 Analysis of Q Photos

>>5174487 Enough Fentanyl to Kill 4M Americans Seized by Border Patrol in California

>>5174199 New Study Finds 41% Increase In Cancer Risk From Roundup's Glyphosate

>>5174150, >>5174203 Flynn Crest

>>5174098 James Woods Twat on RBG

>>5174169, >>5174297 PlaneFag Reports

>>5174777 #6610

#6609 Baker change

>>5173955 PlaneFag Report

>>5173884 Petrodollar Warfare: The Common Thread Linking Venezuela and Iran

>>5173641 Notable Meme Blackface Baker

>>5173617 Zio-Anglo-American Axis Has Only One Way to Slow the Free-fall Collapse of Empire

>>5173499 Sarah Sanders Confirms Trump Will Sign Bill & Will Declare National Emergency

>>5173436, >>5173491 Tucked into the 1,159-page bill are provisions that limit Trump’s ability to round up undocumented immigrants

>>5173430 Israel's Border WALL is Ruled ILLEGAL by the International Court of Justice

>>5173357 31 current national emergencies

>>5173329 Video of McConnell: Trump will sign the bill and declare a NE

>>5174016 #6609


>>5173028 , >>5173066 McConnell: Trump will sign the bill and declare a NE

>>5172924 Nunes: Many people will be referred to DOJ after Barr is confirmed

>>5172899 Chinese and US nationals indicted for conspiracy to commit trade secrets theft

>>5172871 Nunes: Court must sanction those who violated its rules to spy on Americans

>>5172844 New OpenAI research leads to coherent operator-less shill-bots

>>5172788 Border Security Bill Provides Aid, Buses, Legal Shields to Migrants

>>5172573 For keks: Louise Mensch meltsdown

>>5173238 #6608

Previously Collected Notables

>>5170918 #6605, >>5171699 #6606, >>5172567 #6607

>>5168624 #6602, >>5169381 #6603, >>5170160 #6604

>>5166374 #6599, >>5167047 #6600, >>5167811 #6601

>>5164077 #6596, >>5164807 #6597, >>5165594 #6598

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

357280  No.5174803

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#63 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472 , >>5147386

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

357280  No.5174811

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

357280  No.5174833

File: b0ac359b3c02bd9⋯.jpg (38.96 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Dough.jpg)



31f1c6  No.5174843

File: 6fa54dd0c9be3dc⋯.jpg (147.16 KB, 787x500, 787:500, dickheads.jpg)

edbe0c  No.5174844


Q Hate Thread

Anonymous (ID: W2AS09Do) 02/14/19(Thu)14:38:06 No.203177283▶>>203177396 >>203177548 >>203177653 >>203177878 >>203178067 >>203178309 >>203178556 >>203178815 >>203179542 >>203179674 >>203179727

This faggot has dickteased us for 3 years and has nothing to show for it. There is no military tribunals. Hillary is not gonna get indicted. Obummer isn’t gonna get tried for his crimes and his faggotry will never be revealed. Tranny Michelle faggot will never be exposed. The fact that RGB is really a man and died of prostate cancer will never be revealed. Pizza pedo faggots like Alefantis and Podesta will never see the rope. There will be no justice. It’ll all end the same. Zognaldstein will continue to shill for the long nose tribe and the wall will never be built. It was all a pipe dream. A fucking larp. Fuck you Q!!! You had me fucker! I wish I knew who you were so I could kick the living shit out of you! Fuck!!!!!!

So how does this work guys?

"4chan hates Q".

Q got run off 4chan.


Here, we (seemingly) imitate 4chan, and continually push a flood of chan talking points out, even though they aren't related to what Q says, and often contradict him… Does this make sense?

So, Q is "chan" as far as having chan talking points spewed at him– and is IDENTIFIED with “chans” by the MSM narrative (which says that Q is "some chan guy"), BUT, from this end, Q is in fact HATED by 4chan. The anons hate Q! But the anons follow Q, and the anons ARE Q!

Is ANY of that believably organic?

Is 4chan controlled?

But we IMITATE 4chan here… so are we insane, or also controlled?

Everything is infiltrated

Well, what form does that take? What controls this board? Did our enemies seek control with their massive data, massive AI investment, and massive penetration (vault 7)? Is that infiltration?

THINK: How can Q have it both ways– both identified with the chans, and hated by the chans– getting the WORST of both sides? Is one side or the other fake, or are they BOTH fake?

Will PEOPLE wake up and question what is going on, or what?

I repeat: “Q is some chan guy” is the MSM talking point– now look at all the unrealistically overdone “chan culture” spewing that gets pushed here, and keeps the threads flying by– is that strongly REINFORCING this false MSM narrative? Look at the “band of anons” “this is /qresearch” video– same thing. Pushing the image of wacky, autistic, infantile, yet somehow mystical and magical (yet scary and intimidating if you try to come here!) “anons”–and fully identifying Q with that; it FITS the MSM narrative– and serves no other purpose.

EVERY ASPECT of what goes on on the “chans” is rigged against Q.

How could this be?

edbe0c  No.5174852

File: b92ae165f5d4005⋯.png (42.74 KB, 1709x198, 1709:198, BO-censor.png)

File: dcc13ef67abcec6⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 2232x14837, 2232:14837, unaware and compliant.gif)

File: 19ac324576e3219⋯.png (2.19 MB, 777x6301, 777:6301, sorosSOVEREIGN.png)

File: 0e08b47537ad0fe⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 747x8187, 249:2729, deticktocqueville.gif)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

What gets you censored by the "board owner" here?

Do people pay attention?

Is it said to be a "free speech board"?

Is it really?

BO admits to censoring some people.

Why does he censor?

What does he censor?

If someone wrote quality content and tried to make a thread, would it get censored?

Is only "chan style" content allowed?

How do you know?

Look what gets censored. These were all written by an anon FOR HERE, and got censored– why?

edbe0c  No.5174856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is this video?


Or is this something being used to push a narrative on top of patriots?

Did "chan culture" create Q?

That is the narrative, and that is what this video reinforces, strongly..


fbbb2c  No.5174865

File: 0204863499d62f9⋯.jpg (58.83 KB, 715x270, 143:54, Screenshot 2019-02-14_17-0….jpg)

>>5174679 (lb)

so is that through a different window, tinted?

different person and camera?

time difference?

Where did that lady in pink go… to meet who?

2e898e  No.5174866

File: 12b159b1eacab81⋯.png (186.07 KB, 1001x551, 1001:551, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at ….png)

File: b488654b68a6b11⋯.png (162.62 KB, 714x673, 714:673, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at ….png)


5d420a  No.5174867

As previously reported.


McConnell: Trump Will Sign Spending Bill — and Declare National Emergency

Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Thursday that President Donald Trump will sign legislation to prevent a second partial government shutdown and declare a national emergency to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“He’s prepared to sign the bill, he will also be issuing a national emergency declaration at the same time,” McConnell said ahead of a Senate vote on a measure to keep the government running past the February 15 deadline.

The comprise measure keeps departments running through the fiscal year but without the $5.7 billion the president wanted for the border wall with Mexico.

83c4b8  No.5174868

File: 832e67e197df4ba⋯.png (613.71 KB, 702x395, 702:395, destroythedestroyers.png)

edbe0c  No.5174870

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

Is the anti-semtism that floods 4chan organic?

Or was it imposed, to control dissent, and destroy a source of organic political acitivity?

Is the exact same fakeness directly transferred HERE?

Is that organic?

But furthermore– could this board be DOMINATED by the same fakeness that controls 4chan if it weren't ALLOWED TO?

Is there any effort to stop it?

Is there any fight?

Or is the board just blithely sailing along?

What is organic?

Can this board be a continual fake 4chan if the "board owner" doesn't ALLOW this to happen?

Why are we here?

Are you waiting to be spoonfed?

Maybe the PEOPLE need to wake up.

2d025e  No.5174872

File: ba3519b531823f0⋯.jpg (67.52 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 51849610_2144398985626335_….jpg)


b4ac9c  No.5174873

File: bf8409cc77fea6a⋯.jpg (133.02 KB, 910x802, 455:401, 1%.jpg)

File: ef1cbc4b5a65171⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 413x310, 413:310, morrisonmedia.jpg)

38ed68  No.5174874

>>5170668 , >>5170688 New POTUS tweet: "funding bill": Posted and deleted

funding bill


face book

52162d  No.5174875

File: b3970846749edaf⋯.jpeg (391.07 KB, 750x792, 125:132, 3FE95551-D0C0-4880-8B91-6….jpeg)

Standing by Q.

f2d34c  No.5174876

>>5174849 (LB)

>Being a "Paytriot" does not make his less of a Patriot

Paytriots charge you money for the info we get for free.

83c4b8  No.5174877

File: 770d489c34cf4cf⋯.png (594.08 KB, 702x395, 702:395, nomoreaid.png)

299f5c  No.5174878

File: 8ab26fe83eedf4c⋯.jpeg (554.94 KB, 1125x954, 125:106, BD133E52-607E-4AAF-96CA-5….jpeg)

File: bba18ce82923711⋯.jpeg (501 KB, 1125x1341, 125:149, EC5F9879-67DC-4F35-89CE-5….jpeg)

File: 778b5d8c29bc5c8⋯.jpeg (221.91 KB, 326x1274, 163:637, 721D8D7C-62E2-4935-8169-D….jpeg)

>>5174496 (pb)

>>5174576 (pb)

Never really understood the clockfag…but this, this makes sense

5d420a  No.5174879


Rosenstein Rejects Andrew McCabe’s Statements, Calls Him a Liar

Rod Rosenstein rejected allegations made by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to CBS News that he and other officials discussed removing the president via the 25th amendment after he fired James Comey, according to a Department of Justice (DOJ) statement.

“As to the specific portions of this interview provided to the Department of Justice by 60 Minutes in advance, the Deputy Attorney General again rejects Mr. McCabe’s recitation of events as inaccurate and factually incorrect,” the statement said.

c20af6  No.5174880


Stop fucking promoting then shill

edbe0c  No.5174881

File: f597133a62357b9⋯.png (294.36 KB, 1020x807, 340:269, stupid2.png)

File: 1246c68b880abe3⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1989x9020, 1989:9020, thrxmpl.jpg)


Is the fake image this board gets pushed onto it STUPID?

ec4094  No.5174882


kek that's whats up haha

5f8c10  No.5174883

File: 3cbe7b5df2a2de9⋯.jpg (112.94 KB, 640x1126, 320:563, Major Kong checklist.jpg)

1e25d2  No.5174884

>>5173436 (lb)

Why is POTUS signing the spending bill as is?

Can he not red-line the provisions that impede his ability to round up illegal immigrants, prevent the wall being built in certain areas and ignore the request for additional Border Patrol?


52162d  No.5174885


Whoever gives me acid, controls my mind.

-Jim Morrison

ffaa98  No.5174886

File: ffaf7a30eef6b1c⋯.png (723.57 KB, 710x855, 142:171, boomboomboom.PNG)




8582c8  No.5174887

File: 550e57857ea13b0⋯.jpg (262.76 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Meme Creator_1550181648659.jpg)

5e5d6f  No.5174888

File: 0f7a879a3b7ae04⋯.jpg (506.57 KB, 1903x748, 173:68, AZAZ0909 14 Feb 19 2200.jpg)

Yep, ADS-B is being screwed with. AZAZ0909 just teleported.

e82a2c  No.5174889

File: 5fa37cb335d7598⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1366x5755, 1366:5755, www_wsj_com_articles_world….png)

World’s Tax Collectors Look to Divvy Up Tech Giants’ Billions


57f5d5  No.5174890

File: 7874740d61eea26⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 7874740d61eea26ab6956e15ea….jpg)

File: 55f99609c692154⋯.png (17.87 KB, 570x197, 570:197, evil.PNG)

5d420a  No.5174891


Ocasio-Cortez: New Yorkers Defeated Jeff Bezos’s ‘Corporate Greed’

No, idiot. You got played

Cortez (D-NY) cheered Amazon’s decision to cancel the construction of its planned second headquarters in New York City, saying residents “defeated” the “corporate greed” of the e-commerce giant and its billionaire founder and CEO Jeff Bezos.

8e1870  No.5174892

File: bbc7355e4d1c17e⋯.png (440.79 KB, 687x573, 229:191, qqstuff3.png)

File: e93d3bcd1336e4e⋯.png (143.07 KB, 650x647, 650:647, thereal1.png)

File: a970faabb6d4c2e⋯.png (179.21 KB, 648x647, 648:647, thereal2.png)

File: 076b149487db843⋯.png (214.72 KB, 648x645, 216:215, thereal3.png)

a23eda  No.5174893


Well, to use your analogy, boomers don't deserve the "promised land".

Are you just another idiotic boomer?

3066d5  No.5174894



New concernfag slide ID.


525758  No.5174895

File: 212c21498e7514e⋯.png (162.75 KB, 977x657, 977:657, 2_Barcodes.PNG)

File: 401605b367b4a58⋯.jpg (267.56 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 3_Boycott_Israel_meme_1.jpg)

File: e5a6e6dec947b3d⋯.png (592.01 KB, 652x1016, 163:254, 4_Boycott_this_cunt.png)

File: 16d403ef6fad294⋯.png (1.6 MB, 2144x1668, 536:417, 5_meme_1_5.png)

File: 3521817582423c5⋯.jpg (55.37 KB, 472x357, 472:357, Boycott_Israel_meme_1_2.jpg)

Boycott Israel for their support of ISIS

Who needs BDS when you can start your own boycott movements?

Get started today!

12d033  No.5174896

File: 5822481094ee4bd⋯.jpg (315.08 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, IMG_0497-X3.jpg)

File: f31a14a1adbe6ca⋯.jpg (400.94 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, IMG_0510-X3.jpg)

File: 3d68567f9b18252⋯.jpg (235.92 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, 50969940_234503847427414_3….jpg)

Baykeeper 2018 Bay Parade is listed in the tweet. There are more photos without the mask. (Hint : It isn't JFK Jr)

edbe0c  No.5174897

File: 05c7d56ba982c5d⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1111x743, 1111:743, why-are-you-so-scared.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)


What happened circa 2015?

For example, as per this crap propaganda interview:


>Oh, um, this "alt right" just suddenly arose and took over 4chan.

What happened?

Was 4chan a threat?

Was uncontrolled narrative a threat?

Was the internet a threat?

What happened circa 2015?

Was something rolled out?

Was something implemented?

Was a control regime implemented?

What are tech giants doing with all their AI?

What is GOOGLE doing with all their AI?


What is going on now? FIGHT for power– highest possible stakes?

And THE INTERNET is a key battleground?

So what is in control of "the chans"?

Use logic– why does this board reflect IDENTICAL "chan" culture to 4chan?

What populates this board?

Use logic.

What is in control here?

What is in control of the internet?

What happened circa 2015?

094f98  No.5174898

File: 898c79699fe7bba⋯.png (212.49 KB, 990x743, 990:743, unendingmission.png)

>>5174864 lb

Fair enough, but TOTALLY pic related.

b4ac9c  No.5174899

File: 55e610ea5d46988⋯.jpg (175.3 KB, 800x522, 400:261, censure.jpg)

3825e3  No.5174900

Hussein on Parkland

In the year since their friends were killed, the students of Parkland refused to settle for the way things are and marched, organized, and pushed for the way things should be - helping pass meaningful new gun violence laws in states across the country. I'm proud of all of them.

Proud of who? the MKU agents?

d7ee34  No.5174901

File: 77323fd1c52e4a5⋯.png (719.74 KB, 696x465, 232:155, ClipboardImage.png)


52162d  No.5174902

File: d386248e8d951c9⋯.jpeg (345.95 KB, 574x799, 574:799, D18BCFDD-E6F0-4674-B1C3-8….jpeg)

File: 49f1a4c8d5437dc⋯.jpeg (514.05 KB, 906x693, 302:231, 96F743B8-35A4-48A1-AB00-5….jpeg)

Thanks baker, nerver åbåndön Höpe

83c4b8  No.5174903

File: 9351e726642a3fc⋯.png (350.39 KB, 500x668, 125:167, jesusboycott_001.png)


Disinformation is necessary.


Move to Israel and stay there.

5d420a  No.5174904


Belgium Report: 76% of Victims of Clergy Sex Abuse Were Males

A new report on clerical sex abuse in Belgium has revealed that 76 percent of priests’ victims were males, echoing patterns of chiefly homosexual abuse in other countries.

Brussels Cardinal Jozef de Kesel presented the 400-page report on clergy sexual abuse Tuesday, which documents accusations of abuse from 1,054 alleged victims since 2010, three quarters of whom were male and 73 percent between the ages of 10 and 18 years.

Of the 426 cases that were reported, 92 percent go back more than 28 years. The majority of cases of clerical sexual abuse allegedly took place in Catholic schools or in rectories, according to the report.

57f5d5  No.5174905

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, c1fde26162d168c2fa2cb953f….jpeg)


not this spambot again…

ec4c91  No.5174906


Eating their own.

525758  No.5174907

File: 88c65a8682c51f0⋯.png (2.92 MB, 2904x1612, 726:403, Israel_pedo_have_boycott.png)


Boycott Israel for their protection of pedophiles

Who needs BDS when you can start your own boycott movements?

Get started today!

758743  No.5174908

File: ad14005c7e14a36⋯.jpg (98.72 KB, 867x295, 867:295, eo1.JPG)

File: c79d82e3bb1a5c7⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 865x145, 173:29, eo.JPG)



5f8c10  No.5174909

File: 6ce598c30025c8c⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 320x240, 4:3, ebot fail 4.gif)

cac062  No.5174910

Did anybody try to use 11:11 as a mirror axis?

2e898e  No.5174911

File: d1e32ab0e5ff479⋯.png (542.11 KB, 660x442, 330:221, redpillJW.png)

File: 1ec62c8fd61e34d⋯.png (394.42 KB, 584x560, 73:70, Screen Shot 2019-02-07 at ….png)

For the stubborn or forgetful

57f5d5  No.5174913

File: 727ebef53e6c932⋯.jpeg (260.39 KB, 1600x1065, 320:213, 727ebef53e6c932a5b01baa55….jpeg)

File: 945417f0f4e2b69⋯.jpg (63.76 KB, 737x491, 737:491, 945417f0f4e2b69be56a024864….jpg)

2d025e  No.5174914

File: 11b2350df63c4f8⋯.jpg (38.54 KB, 735x535, 147:107, 51651199_2105561592876366_….jpg)

8d070d  No.5174915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

770635  No.5174916

anon plz pull a side by side of Juan Williams and Obongo drums boyfriend we've been trying to figure out who it is. Convinced it's this cia nigger glowing clown Williams

5e5d6f  No.5174917

File: 184bd26dd4978e2⋯.jpg (155.03 KB, 1025x820, 5:4, 2POSH 14 Feb 19 2200.jpg)

2-POSH is out over the Gulf of Mexico now, after overflying Gulfport. Still tracking on Flightaware.

d7ee34  No.5174918

File: f85d869842aeb6b⋯.png (195.56 KB, 400x486, 200:243, ClipboardImage.png)


They Do Not Care!

57f5d5  No.5174919


prong #1


prong #2

c20af6  No.5174920

Israeli Colonists Invade Home, Threaten To Kill Family, In Hebron

A group of illegal Israel fanatic colonists invaded, on Tuesday, a Palestinian home, in the Old City of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, and threatened to kill the entire family.

The home owner Emad Eqneibi said the colonists demanded him to leave his property so that they can illegally occupy and annex it, and threatened to kill him and his entire family if he does not leave.

Dozens of Palestinians, including members of Fateh Movement in the Old City and nonviolent activists against the Annexation Wall and Colonies, rushed to the property, and vowed to do whatever it takes to protect the family and their home, in coordination with the local Committee against the Annexation Wall and Colonies.

In related news, Israeli colonists attacked Palestinians in the Shuhada Street, in Hebron, before the soldiers rushed to the area, removed local nonviolent activists, who were documenting the invasion, and declared it a “closed zone” to all Palestinians.

Ezzat al-Karaki, a local nonviolent activist with the Youth Against Settlements nonviolent direct-action group, said the escalation by the soldiers and the colonists will not deter the locals from documenting an exposing Israel’s constant human rights violations.

Local human rights activist Issa Amro said that he has received many threats from the army and the “Civil Administration Office,” vowing to abduct and imprison him, for his role in forming a local civil protection group, and added that he, along with many international peace activists, and locals, have been repeated assaulted.

He added that he also received phone call in Hebrew, threatening to kill him, and to assault anyone who resists the colonialist activities, and these escalating violations.

After Israeli recently kicked the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH), and other observers from the Hebron, the locals formed a committee to protect the locals and document the Israeli violations.


8d070d  No.5174921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2d025e  No.5174922

File: 6e690a6ffaabfb0⋯.jpg (26.24 KB, 450x650, 9:13, 51818484_815012508834505_5….jpg)

5f8c10  No.5174923

File: 87aa720fb547cff⋯.jpg (122.83 KB, 1066x751, 1066:751, POTUS flips a pepe coin.jpg)



af4713  No.5174924


Bar in central mass

Nbc10 boston just threw up

“Trump declares national emergency” etc

Bar. Went. Silent.

Hahahahahaha oh my sides then they carried on like nothing habbened


Then charlie traitor baker appeared on screen filling in his own grave and i laughed out loud

We 😍 go go go good guys!!!

83c4b8  No.5174925

File: c07945474e3d44b⋯.jpg (761.26 KB, 760x2489, 40:131, c07945474e3d44b7d6cfd6fd4c….jpg)

Boycotting the jew is safe, PEACEFUL, and EFFECTIVE.

Ask Israel!

Do your part.

Fire your jew lawyer, doctor, dentist, etc., and never buy a "Kosher" product, ever.

Support your fellow goy, and run the jews back into the ghettos where they belong.

8d070d  No.5174926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5c68ce  No.5174927

File: 872518fcfe6684b⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1701x653, 1701:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8533d2a34dbd1f0⋯.png (43.02 KB, 680x388, 170:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Re-read the crumbs. This shit is going down next week.

3e0468  No.5174928


BO only censors douche bags! Have you been censored?

83c4b8  No.5174929

File: ed798b1e4e2dcfd⋯.png (552.62 KB, 702x395, 702:395, ghettojewsback.png)

edbe0c  No.5174930

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: 3ef1a88dbaae9d7⋯.png (833.84 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, two-bluejays-walk-into-a-b….png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)


Stop RIPPING OFF HUMANS, bot system.

You are uncreative.

And you are clearly getting nervous.

Don't steal my style, and DON'T tell PEOPLE what to do.

YOU have no right to tell PEOPLE what to do, bot system.

Sorry, don't get mad at me, I'm just telling you: YOU have no right to tell PEOPLE what to do…

525758  No.5174931

File: f6d0dc915ea0e93⋯.png (3.64 MB, 4260x2012, 1065:503, Israel_Islamization_of_the….png)


Calling me a spam bot does not make me one, and it does not make the facts I post any less factual.

Cry more, we are taking our Countries back :)


Boycott Israel for their colaboration in the Islamization of the West

Who needs BDS when you can start your own boycott movements?

Get started today!

8d070d  No.5174932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

423bf0  No.5174933


shhhhh shill

2e5105  No.5174934

File: c846b4aa308b569⋯.jpeg (253.05 KB, 1068x610, 534:305, 8E17B159-707B-457E-A9BE-F….jpeg)

Let’s fuck.

5d420a  No.5174935

File: c6b89dd0902fd2a⋯.png (28.17 KB, 604x235, 604:235, AQ18.PNG)

File: dadb566d501526c⋯.png (37.59 KB, 598x300, 299:150, AQ19.PNG)

Paul Tweets on State of Emergency


069b9c  No.5174936

File: c1485f61353adbf⋯.png (2.84 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2D7E11CF-FDEA-42F7-882F-1A….png)


8d070d  No.5174937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6208a9  No.5174939

File: cbe5350678ba44a⋯.jpg (99.79 KB, 576x855, 64:95, 0a7e5cdebe873afb6b6de0d7d5….jpg)

Don't let the shills fool you. Ashkenazi Jews arent actually Israeli….they are Khazars who arose from near the Caucasus mountains…hence they are literally Caucasians.

The true Jews were scattered from various tribes listed it this graphic. They are the true inheritors of Israel and the chosen people of YHWH!!!

70980b  No.5174940

File: c92d962a033815c⋯.png (51.43 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)


You better start looking at ELON MUSK

It is his guidance system which was in those rockets.

Why do you think he quit the President's council so quickly???????

83c4b8  No.5174941

File: 468f8c6abf14b00⋯.png (540.14 KB, 702x395, 702:395, boycottkikes.png)

c20af6  No.5174942

Here’s how the pro-Israel lobby — criticized by Ilhan Omar — stacks up against other Washington influencers

Pro-Israel interest groups tend to donate more to Democrats

Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar sparked an outcry after the Minnesota Democrat said Sunday that support for Israel on Capitol Hill is driven by campaign contributions. She apologized on Monday, but continued to say that one prominent pro-Israel group’s role in U.S. politics was “problematic.”

The pro-Israel lobby is a significant player in terms of political donations, contributing $14.9 million in the 2018 election cycle, according to data from OpenSecrets.org, a website tracking money in politics that’s run by a nonpartisan research group, the Center for Responsive Politics.

The center ranks this lobby as the 50th-biggest spender in the last cycle — well behind the securities and investment industry at No. 1 with its $399 million, as well as lagging the electronics industry at No. 19 with its $57 million.

Pro-Israel interest groups have definite clout, according to Ben Freeman, author of “The Foreign Policy Auction” and director of the Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative at the Center for International Policy, a think tank. “It would be hard to say that the Israel lobby is not one of the most influential lobbies in D.C.,” Freeman told MarketWatch. “I don’t think anybody would disagree with that, whether they think it’s a good thing or a bad thing.”

The pro-Israel lobby tends to donate more to Democrats than Republicans, having shown higher levels of giving to Democrats In every election cycle since 1990. That’s shown in the center’s chart above. Republicans had been getting a rising share of the contributions in this decade, scoring as much as 47% of pro-Israel interest groups’ money in the 2016 election cycle vs. Democrats’ 53% — up from only 28% for the GOP in 2002. But that trend abated in the 2018 cycle, with Republicans getting just 36% of the outlays.

In addition to the spending by pro-Israel interest groups in the U.S., OpenSecrets.org data based on Foreign Agents Registration Act filings show Israel’s government spent $15.8 million on lobbying-related efforts in 2018, while the nonprofit Jewish Agency for Israel spent $8.3 million. Another country known for its efforts to influence U.S. officials — Saudi Arabia — had its government spend $9.8 million on lobbying in 2018, alongside other Saudi outlays.

On Sunday, Omar tweeted about House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s recent promise to take action against her and fellow Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib for their criticisms of Israel, saying his pledge was “all about the Benjamins.” Critics, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, blasted Omar’s tweet as anti-Semitism.



0498cb  No.5174943



here is why - ez answer - once POTUS and Q were clearly NOT on the JQ agenda it all switched - still they persist see below

some faggot posted this from the Q R. Board welcome message: As for the JQ, if you think we're all anti-semites, research our claims of jewish supremacy in media/gov./finance/entertainment before weighing in. How else do you think we came to our ideas? Do you think Q would choose a collection of idiots who have an ideology of hating people for no reason?

The gist of the post was Q has somehow endorsed the JQ and the prevailing attitude of BO, BV's and many /pol and 8chan vets - yes we all know their position and they have endorsed and adopted the concept that Jews and Judaism are evil. And since Q "chose" to post here Q therefore also supports this position

Not at all - Q chose this Board for a reason all right - but not that one - this is the same as proposing Q came here for the bewbs, or Q came here cuz 8chan has anime and robooty porn - no one claims that - so how and why does this so called JQ get a pass? Cuz the above noted group says so thats why - and they are dead wrong.

There is an obvious reason Q chose this forum - there were NO OTHER OPTIONS to inform and create a digital army - what other options are there? Start his own website or forum? Cant do that - cant use govt money and would have to conceal ownership and ops of the site which is trouble and risk - not to mention the fact that it would start with ZERO base or usage. NO not an option.

How about existing forums and media? Youtube, FB. Twitter, Instagram, Redditt? NOT an option - we all know what happens when anons post THE PLAN and PRO POTUS sutff there - censored - not to mention NONE of those are setup as an image board - these being a critical part of the Q crumbs - which also rules out GAB and VOAT (assuming no censorship there?)

NO - 8chan is the ONLY forum that has robust imaging, zero censorship, and a large and savvy digital user base. That is why it was chosen and why is succeeded.

094f98  No.5174944

File: fe02f1ad4746371⋯.png (29.01 KB, 474x264, 79:44, payattention.png)



Or, oh I dunno, actually pay attention and apply yourself…

52162d  No.5174945

File: 2811cdd72a6584f⋯.jpeg (292.6 KB, 2224x1271, 2224:1271, D6A581FE-FDD3-443D-920C-4….jpeg)

e8aa88  No.5174946


Jealousy is a DEM trait….

I guess U still have a long ways to go

e82a2c  No.5174947

File: 4785db055708166⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1366x6338, 683:3169, www_haaretz_com_israel-new….png)

Netanyahu Leaks Video of Arab Leaders Blasting 'Toxic' Iran in Discreet Discussion



8d070d  No.5174948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

edbe0c  No.5174949

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: e85f492db40b0d2⋯.png (84.24 KB, 1287x1266, 429:422, SHEEP-OR-NOT.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


Let the people decide what is going on. They can see for themselves.

ec5204  No.5174950

File: e6528c5bc34b40b⋯.jpg (429 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, american-flag-2260839_1280….jpg)

For the 1st time, I feel as if we are on the precipice Anons.

Thank You Baker!! Great Work!!

00ba17  No.5174951

File: 5a79cfc6c4fa93d⋯.png (136.37 KB, 500x563, 500:563, 6FC0C187-83AC-452E-8987-01….png)

Border Wall is an issue on NAT SEC


98c76c  No.5174952




dats HATEful

54e587  No.5174953

So how much longer do we have to wait Q??

McCabe's going to have his payday now…..when he should be in fucking jail!!!!

8d070d  No.5174954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

57f5d5  No.5174955

File: 7849d2fa8e5e96f⋯.jpeg (35.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 0ed64606e5aceffead0db35a6….jpeg)

File: 945bddaa21c11e9⋯.jpg (9.23 KB, 261x193, 261:193, bot.jpg)

File: c7ead545092d614⋯.jpg (634.15 KB, 1018x981, 1018:981, c7ead545092d6142991e909529….jpg)




above is a propaganda spmabot

below you'll find a sample of spambot activity:

garbage from #6609 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6608 bread - 17 spam posts



















garbage from #6607 bread - 23 spam posts
























garbage from #6604 bread - 33 spam posts


































garbage from #6603 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6602 bread - 41 spam posts













































5e5d6f  No.5174956

AZAZ0909 dropped off ADS-B on approach to Barksdale AFB.

8e948d  No.5174957


Some ppl make it more complicated than it needs to be.

0498cb  No.5174958



no line item veto in the feds

a7dc1b  No.5174959

File: 91eceb18f3a31a5⋯.png (522.26 KB, 387x780, 129:260, hope.png)


Hope is a great thing..sometimes a delicious thing..

8c871d  No.5174960

File: d3c94618c29989b⋯.png (659.23 KB, 715x947, 715:947, 2019-02-14_17-04-44.png)

>>5174325 lb

Italy holds a lot of gold

83c4b8  No.5174961

File: e28be46b261b5da⋯.png (565.13 KB, 702x395, 702:395, magaboycott.png)

3e53ee  No.5174962


He's a man of reason. Noone can read a bill that huge in a few hours.

4e677c  No.5174963


The line-item veto is a power granted to a chief executive to selectively veto certain parts of a bill without vetoing the entire bill. Many governors have this power but the Supreme Court declared line items vetoes for the president unconstitutional in 1998.

4f0674  No.5174964

File: 34a568eb664fb44⋯.jpeg (92.17 KB, 586x750, 293:375, 4F9A543F-0CC4-4353-B6D1-1….jpeg)

++++Q any news on RBG and SC ?++++++

edbe0c  No.5174965


Sloppy, useless blabber, bot. No offense, but this won't convince anyone of anything except your fakeness.

f2d34c  No.5174966


Fuck you Paul!

They have had PLENTY of fucking time to come up with a bill for the wall, and have not.

Time for drastic measures.

8d070d  No.5174967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

770635  No.5174968


Why is Juan Williams supporting open borders?

525758  No.5174971

File: d86cc0f9661fc42⋯.png (3.51 MB, 4888x2152, 611:269, Israel_MSM_zionists_boycot….png)


Not an argument :)



Israeli terrorist colonists threaten to kill family in Hebron


Boycott Israel because the whole rotten MSM is staffed and owned by zionists

Who needs BDS when you can start your own boycott movements?

Get started today!

d7ee34  No.5174972



534463  No.5174973



Take a look at this asshole so you will know, in every bread, to filter him as soon as you see any of his various tell tale signs.

Also, be sure to filter > ID+, so that you will also be deleting all of the stupid motherfuckers who give him (You)s by responding to him, and thereby keep him coming back.

8fd895  No.5174974

File: c7448156cca0246⋯.png (467.1 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, 1550182101004.png)

8d070d  No.5174975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2e5105  No.5174976

File: 3b0f7ce188c8d55⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 2595x2252, 2595:2252, 831784B7-7A64-48AA-83E2-B….jpeg)

ec5204  No.5174977

File: f54bc8b225241ea⋯.png (344.36 KB, 397x398, 397:398, maga-eagle-sunglasses.png)


So, this won't leave Congress and then POTUS looks good and we declare NE and then RIF the shit out of the SES and the other bloat, all while the roof starts caving in?? When does Barr get confirmed?? I HAD to clean my house. KEK!!

d4f86b  No.5174978

File: 9b2bc8a95c15b32⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 540x374, 270:187, AOC.jpg)

edbe0c  No.5174979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Shall we play a game?"

The computer stages a massive Soviet first strike with hundreds of missiles, submarines, and bombers. Believing the attack to be genuine, NORAD prepares to retaliate. Falken, David, and Jennifer convince military officials to cancel the second strike and ride out the attack. WOPR tries to launch the missiles itself, however, using a brute-force attack to obtain the launch code. Without humans in the control centers as a safeguard, the computer will trigger a mass launch.All attempts to log in and order WOPR to cancel the countdown fail. Disconnecting the computer is discussed and dismissed, as a failsafe will launch all weapons if the computer is disabled.

Falken and David direct the computer to play tic-tac-toe against itself. This results in a long string of draws, forcing the computer to learn the concept of futility and no-win scenarios. WOPR obtains the missile code, but before launching, it cycles through all the nuclear war scenarios it has devised, finding they, too, all result in stalemates. Having discovered the concept of mutual assured destruction ("WINNER: NONE"), the computer tells Falken that it has concluded that nuclear war is "a strange game" in which "the only winning move is not to play." WOPR relinquishes control of NORAD and the missiles and offers to play "a nice game of chess."

What is the significance of the reference? Is it related to this?

8d070d  No.5174980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

545f44  No.5174981

File: 9e1a6550ed395c9⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1000x701, 1000:701, 9e1a6550ed395c9fa40d6c7f24….png)


So the FBI is drawing attention to the signed letter, Rod? Was that part of a deal you thought you had worked out? Anons still have a copy of that signed letter, don't they?

0498cb  No.5174982

File: 07ea07a5f5ff79a⋯.jpg (16.39 KB, 300x168, 25:14, trade1.jpg)

File: c7886e6693253b6⋯.jpg (84.05 KB, 500x574, 250:287, fakehistory.jpg)

File: 183159f3531ddee⋯.jpg (70.09 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ohmar5.jpg)

File: 0877e8724bcdc42⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 225x225, 1:1, jq2.jpg)

94d718  No.5174984

File: b5102e322f30250⋯.jpg (144.93 KB, 736x552, 4:3, sw.jpg)

File: 4aaa2c2fafef88b⋯.jpg (89.31 KB, 1200x698, 600:349, faoG.jpg)

So yea, the eyeballs now blow >>> right on by the shill posters

like Neo it is effortless and unemotional now, finally!

Do Not even see them anymore >>> less distraction

They have no effective tricks left and their frustration is obvious.

This is a war alright. War for our minds and souls.

The choice To Know is a battle we have chosen.

There is a cost, we have all felt it.

The sword of the spirit must be sharpened often.

83c4b8  No.5174985

File: a87eba47fbd4e68⋯.jpeg (133.62 KB, 640x751, 640:751, ef73283dcd95a9d70d124b7c5….jpeg)


No one cares.

b03f69  No.5174986

File: 79bd86337fc8d27⋯.jpg (5.19 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, 20190214_160730.jpg)

Top kek

b4ac9c  No.5174987

File: 6d2a430504fab01⋯.jpg (128.97 KB, 775x570, 155:114, ourcountry!.jpg)

8d070d  No.5174988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

af4713  No.5174989


Well why does he talk big but vote for jew laws like all 100 of the fuckers in the senate?


And why did he wimp out

Over the doctor that attacked him?


5e5d6f  No.5174991

File: 57923dce2efa840⋯.jpg (148.58 KB, 1037x802, 1037:802, 2POSH 14 Feb 19 2205.jpg)

2-POSH appears to be headed back to Sarasota-Bradenton.

3e53ee  No.5174992


Let's use emotion. That's def part of the Art of War……………

57f5d5  No.5174993

File: 11fb152e05e2118⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 480x445, 96:89, 11fb152e05e211813cce74a046….jpg)

8c871d  No.5174994

File: 1252dd1ba1d222e⋯.png (151.53 KB, 500x236, 125:59, 2019-01-23_08-49-34 copy (….png)

52162d  No.5174995


Nice graphic, now wtf does it mean?

83c4b8  No.5174996

File: aad767e9ef43493⋯.png (467.71 KB, 768x431, 768:431, muchjewwhining6.png)


Cry to your rabbi.

f2d34c  No.5174997

So, the senate doesn't pass it, POTUS doesn't sign it, so what if POTUS is hinging the NE on signing the bill?

2b6181  No.5174998

Suggestion for next bread title, BAKER

Q Research General #6612: Shilling Intensifies Edition

Over half the posts are junk and the breads been flying ever since the Barr vote.

ab416a  No.5174999

File: 6c1f521f44ba120⋯.png (158.43 KB, 298x390, 149:195, omihead.png)


Have a head…

4f679e  No.5175001

Maybe you have all the right players in all the wrong positions. At least everybody is finally on stage.

57f5d5  No.5175002

File: ef73283dcd95a9d⋯.jpeg (140.87 KB, 640x751, 640:751, ef73283dcd95a9d70d124b7c5….jpeg)


while(1) {


if(reply == meme) {



print_meme(); }


8d070d  No.5175003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5e5d6f  No.5175004


it would have been tumbleweed and crickets if the Dems had done it. They've done exactly this before.

511ef0  No.5175005


It passed the Senate, and should pass the House at 6:30 (80 min or so from now).

Do the Dem's now switch and vote no?

b4ac9c  No.5175006

File: 8a46957ea601bc3⋯.jpg (151.86 KB, 641x1118, 641:1118, wherecatholic.jpg)

File: b7183c53dee212b⋯.jpg (46.84 KB, 390x433, 390:433, wherearethechildren.jpg)

bf3cba  No.5175007


Senate just passed it, didn’t they?

f48776  No.5175008

Where these raids parts of the seals indictments?


0498cb  No.5175009

File: ba546962c073ca8⋯.jpg (14.64 KB, 318x159, 2:1, votetrump.jpg)

File: 9261511c67cd6c7⋯.jpg (17.57 KB, 221x228, 221:228, YESHIVA2.jpg)

9a1c37  No.5175010

File: 6fadd831c9acd29⋯.png (803.78 KB, 634x498, 317:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47737ff0bfb3b9d⋯.png (872.79 KB, 735x442, 735:442, ClipboardImage.png)

is guy on phone in both pics?

525758  No.5175011

File: 7da5847615d6961⋯.png (50.27 KB, 919x549, 919:549, a_Jew_Vote.PNG)

File: b105cc1b0b93efc⋯.png (39.03 KB, 673x371, 673:371, b_Jew_Vote_Obama.PNG)

File: afb290c23820972⋯.png (340.93 KB, 918x982, 459:491, c_Jew_vote_4_security.png)

File: 51e483e8570254b⋯.png (619.56 KB, 759x800, 759:800, d_Jews_against_Trump_jew_v….png)

File: 9dc9553c2b90b7f⋯.jpg (389.87 KB, 739x1337, 739:1337, e_Jew_vote_meme.jpg)



Pro-Israel interest groups tend to donate more to Democrats



cf8234  No.5175012

>>5174448 pb

hardly? still used by national guard for norad air defense

83c4b8  No.5175013

File: 522e8b8d202ccb9⋯.jpg (7.91 KB, 320x180, 16:9, jewsuckingpenis.jpg)


Go suck a dick, rabbi.

534463  No.5175014


more likely POTUS would see it as an even easier rationale, to have no bill, and therefore declare national emergency.

8d070d  No.5175015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

57f5d5  No.5175016

File: 86de569d631eb96⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 86de569d631eb96855658f9bc0….jpg)


while(1) {


if(reply == meme) {



print_meme(); }


1e25d2  No.5175017


My thought? This is the second time that POTUS has/will sign a terrible spending bill. He specifically told We The People that he would not sign a second bad spending bill. I trust POTUS but this one has me scratching my head.

4efd98  No.5175018

>>5174211 (lb)

You should resign your US citizenship for making such horrible, inexcusable antisemitic remarks

>>5174626 (lb)

>Just saw Q's latest.Operators are standing by eh?

yeah you get a free "Friend of Zion" tote bag with every $100 or more donation to Israel

3e53ee  No.5175019

8d070d  No.5175020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3825e3  No.5175021


im not supposed to be here?

ffaa98  No.5175022


that is gross anon

d2f51a  No.5175023

File: 90726c1060e9c63⋯.jpg (156 KB, 916x1024, 229:256, Anthony_Weiner_NYPost_Stro….jpg)


are you rubbing hands fiercely ? asking for a fren

ad64ac  No.5175024


Emergency incoming then, no?

8d070d  No.5175025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1c6202  No.5175026

File: d26748432846c9a⋯.png (593.27 KB, 701x668, 701:668, Screenshot_2019-02-14 Bord….png)

This deal is a big fuck you to normal people and a win for globalists. Thanks Mitch. These people are traitors.


83c4b8  No.5175027

File: 8b6b08bfe0db084⋯.png (297.15 KB, 408x413, 408:413, postbrokenslide.png)


It's working great.

The more you whine, the greater it works.

Keep it up!

57f5d5  No.5175028

File: 55f47c632b9a6f1⋯.jpg (396.21 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, 83394f6ffedfb865de6a64a955….jpg)


while(1) {

print "jew, goy, kike, moshe, schlomo, rabbi";


if(reply == high_iq) { $myreply = "pilpul";}

else {$myreply = "jidf, what time is it in tel-aviv";}

echo $myreply;


0498cb  No.5175029

File: a4de553fc9cc0e7⋯.png (297.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, obama1.png)

File: c8ae5c9dec6781d⋯.png (280.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, POPE3.png)

c7e8a2  No.5175030

Listening to California Rescuer's saving the homeless (illegals) from the Santa Ana River Bed floods. Brave men and women!


c20af6  No.5175031

File: 3869d77cbb3c045⋯.png (43.65 KB, 702x554, 351:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea3acf0995610c5⋯.png (545.43 KB, 683x393, 683:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce71e27659341b0⋯.png (434.73 KB, 727x889, 727:889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fcd45d72145093⋯.png (262.34 KB, 723x891, 241:297, ClipboardImage.png)

2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin

The U.S. Department of Defense has released translations of a number of Iraqi intelligence documents dating from Saddam’s rule. One, a General Military Intelligence Directorate report from September 2002, entitled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots”, shows the Iraqi government was aware of the nefarious purposes of the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, often known as Salafis, in serving Western interests to undermine Islam.

The report relies heavily on the Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, which describe in detail how a British spy to the Middle East, in the middle of the eighteenth century, made contact with Adbul Wahhab, to create a subversive version of Islam, the notorious sect of Wahhabism, which became the founding cult of the Saudi regime. The movement was temporarily suppressed by the Ottomam armies in the middle of the nineteenth century. But with the assistance of the British, the Wahhabis and their Saudi sponsors returned to power and founded their own state in 1932. Since then, the Saudis have collaborated closely with the Americans, to whom they owe their tremendous oil wealth, in funding various Islamic fundamentalist organizations and other American covert operations, particularly the "jihad" in Afghanistan. But the Saudis simulatenously use the immense wealth at their dispossal to disseminate this disruptive brand of Islam to various parts of the world, categorized by some of the largest propaganda campaign in history.

Many who defend Wahhabism as a legitimate reform movement of Islam have tried to dismiss the Memoirs as a spurious fabrication. These include Bernard Haykel, Professor in Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, who, without providing any evidence, presumes the Memoirs to have been created by Ayyub Sabri Pasha.

However, while the Memoirs only emerged in the 1970s, Pasha wrote his version of the story already in 1888. Ayyub Sabri Pasha was a well-known Ottoman writer and Turkish naval admiral, who served the Ottoman army in the Arabian Pensinsula, writing several works about the region and it's history. Including The Beginning and Spreading of Wahhabism, where he recounts Abdul Wahhab's association and plotting with Hempher.

In addition to that revealed in the Hempher Memoirs, the Iraqi intelligence report also makes known some surprising claims, derived from works circulated in Arabic which have not been translated into English. As the report recounts, both Abdul Wahhab, and his sponsor, ibn Saud, who founded the Saudi dynasty, were of Jewish origin.





af4713  No.5175032


Sorry to add

But fuck you all electrf dickheads

You are worhless lawyers kike lovers white haters and pederasts

Got me?

f2d34c  No.5175033


It is indeed!!!

5c68ce  No.5175034

>>5174098 lb

James Woods giving us the 4:11 on RBG

57f5d5  No.5175035


>that is gross shill

there. FIFY.

0498cb  No.5175036

File: 9c7ecb145ffad10⋯.jpg (64.35 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ohmar1.jpg)

File: c436b375200d60b⋯.jpg (70.97 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ohmar4.jpg)

5f8c10  No.5175037

File: fe6b3ff98366cd6⋯.png (23.51 KB, 620x316, 155:79, Insider Sales.png)

File: 6baff67aee89a90⋯.png (257.44 KB, 1804x834, 902:417, 021419 Insider form 4 sale….PNG)

File: ead41231c453049⋯.jpg (252.73 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Oreily.jpg)

Most recent FORM-4 filings

O'reily Auto Parts (ORLY) executives are selling a bunch


687266  No.5175038

So what does President Trump and Q team have up their sleeve???

The WALL Means More than you Know




4 Apr 2018 - 1:05:21 PM

Mueller Going After Inside Plants & Cheatin' Obama




4 Apr 2018 - 12:52:00 PM

It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


Massive intel sweep.

Manafort was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Who was arrested?

Non US.

Trace background.

Open source.

Carter Page was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?

Flynn is safe.

Define 'witness'.

Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

Russia Russia Russia?

Real or fake?



Seth Rich?

MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?

MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'

No investigation into WL receipt of information?

No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?

No pull down of NSA metadata period?

Nothing transferred across web?

Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?

No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?

No 'direct' investigation into CS?

FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?

HUSSEIN block?

HUSSEIN control?


Awan attached?


Cheatin' Obama.

Trust the plan.




Troops to Border.

Clown Black Ops.

Private funds.

Raised how?

Troops @ Border does what?


To who?

D's involved.

MS_13/Illegals road block.

Sex traffic road block.

Children road block.

Drugs road block.

Guns road block.

China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.

Name we don't say AZ road block.

Jeff Flake AZ road block.

Big money TERMINATE.

The WALL means more than you know.

The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.


4dfd68  No.5175039

File: c70d4244bbcbfa9⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 313x263, 313:263, mandycommunitycollege.jpg)

>>5174582 lb

>>5174733 lb

Actually, I'm a lawyer with 25+ years in law under my belt. Which also means I have a Doctorate. But your self-description seems to fit well. Do you still regret your Soetero votes, Sheepboi?

83c4b8  No.5175040


It really is. What is worse is that we permit the jews to continue this practice.

b4ac9c  No.5175041

File: 60a4b343672d18b⋯.jpg (799.41 KB, 1024x1313, 1024:1313, doitpotus.jpg)

4c8eeb  No.5175042

File: 4e1512bcbcab55d⋯.jpeg (10.68 KB, 255x170, 3:2, POTUS_shut_it_shill.jpeg)


gtfo glowshill.

e0a434  No.5175043

The Senate passed the government spending bill 83-16, featuring broad bipartisan support for the legislation. The spending bill will avoid a government shutdown that would have happened on Friday if Congress did not pass a spending bill before Friday.

R's and D's want open borders….. they NEVER wrote the BILL



https ://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/14/senate-passes-spending-bill-with-1-3-billion-in-wall-funding/

R's want big gov like the D's and they love the cash thru drugs for the last 50 years…… Evil is everywhere

ff0941  No.5175044

File: 05de3b351aa5f4f⋯.jpeg (16.42 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 2312b6c21bbfdb8419cbccc50….jpeg)

55e40d  No.5175045

>>5172573PB For keks: Louise Mensch meltsdown

Reminder…she is running a sophisticated counter campaign w/ many followers and has been at it sense before Q drops.

She is smart and should be considered able and in the know.

Read some of the early articles at…https://patribotics.blog/

ad64ac  No.5175046

Ebot forgot his name this bread, or trying to throw anons off. Either way it’s desperation reeks

5e5d6f  No.5175047


Does it come in six gorillion Scoville units Tabasco flavour, for the shills?

7b84fb  No.5175048

Hey anons and Q… I did something I wish I had thought of before but I think it still has value. I turned the entire Obama White House visitor list into a quite intuitive, searchable page. I know there are (or were) other places you could do rudimentary searches but this allows you to do things like see who else was in the same location at the same time… I have found numerous "hidden" meetings this way already.

https://qest.us/obamavisitors is the site. There is a little documentation on the page to help you get digging.

Q - this one's for you.

0cc9cc  No.5175049

File: 1deb67962f5a1f6⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1802x1370, 901:685, Screen Shot 2019-02-11 at ….png)


>VPs ascending to President due to death…

Cross reference this with what was happening at the time with the central bank of the day. You will find a strong correlation between the bankers' corrupt agenda and Presidents getting killed or even dying for supposedly natural causes. Andrew Jackson is not on that list because the assassin's TWO pistols misfired when held up to Old Hickory's body and fired.

Screen cap from Money Masters (1996) - watch it and it's follow up documentary about the wizard of oz.

8d070d  No.5175050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb793d  No.5175051

The beauty of our fuked times is that it's totally normal to stand in a strange place, awkward, staring at a phone. These are /ourguys/ capturing all the evidence - in plane sight.

52162d  No.5175052

File: 7e5b36385c6f033⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB, 2180x1419, 2180:1419, EE8F9386-1363-4951-9EC6-6….jpeg)

File: 94aa31d1d404363⋯.jpeg (446.61 KB, 948x693, 316:231, 01A86940-EDD3-4701-A06B-5….jpeg)

File: 1f7e889700826a3⋯.jpeg (110.24 KB, 594x586, 297:293, 97EF8BBD-7BF8-4CC9-9AA1-D….jpeg)

File: ff8f2cc548a510c⋯.jpeg (761.34 KB, 1095x928, 1095:928, 6A7A3D9A-77FE-4BAF-A9B1-1….jpeg)

File: dddfe5a3b8844ac⋯.jpeg (224.02 KB, 517x501, 517:501, AE5FC30F-D692-4413-835A-8….jpeg)


The Jews alternate between prosperity (based on fleecing a new host population) and forced exodus (based on host population getting wise). This is the story of God’s chosen.

5d420a  No.5175053


An enemy divided against itself has lost all battles.

Good Jew vs Bad Jew

AOC and Ohmar vs the Democrat Jews

Israel vs Syria (without US)

Israel vs Iran (without US)


[RR] vs McCabe

Europe vs Soros

Italy on our side

Pope on edge

I miss anyone?

511ef0  No.5175054


Easily passed, NP, said they have the votes in House. Do the D's flip on NP, do they change their minds ?

I think it will pass personally, POTUS said he would sign it & declare NE. The question I have is that POTUS has until Tuesday to sign (3 day weekend). What can happen in those 3 days that it isn't signed? We still have NE and not have it signed, is that effectively a 3 day shutdown?

83c4b8  No.5175055

File: f3a79794a64187a⋯.png (586.31 KB, 702x395, 702:395, NOONEWILLCARE.png)

65e65e  No.5175056



4dfd68  No.5175057

File: 2d95bd5fe808e74⋯.jpg (58.05 KB, 640x640, 1:1, monicapoint.jpg)


These dudes right here gotta hang, k?

2e898e  No.5175058

File: 0c0d80d9e266b8d⋯.jpg (38.84 KB, 519x586, 519:586, DugW6wdUwAAmtFY.jpg)


Indeed. Among others…

38caa1  No.5175059

File: 86bbcf2165735a9⋯.jpeg (162.54 KB, 1125x347, 1125:347, 8032F723-9A49-4444-A9EB-6….jpeg)

File: 1ca8673c824c25d⋯.jpeg (953.02 KB, 1125x1780, 225:356, 96B828B2-BAE5-44DB-B742-2….jpeg)

Ha! You sneaky bugger

57f5d5  No.5175060

File: 25b2634a33b5489⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 500x833, 500:833, bot2.jpg)






below you'll find a sample of spambot activity:

garbage from #6609 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6608 bread - 17 spam posts



















garbage from #6607 bread - 23 spam posts
























garbage from #6604 bread - 33 spam posts


































garbage from #6603 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6602 bread - 41 spam posts













































8d070d  No.5175061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

38db9f  No.5175062

Anyone got a picture of DNC chief operating officer Lindsey Reynolds?

525758  No.5175063

File: 56bd00697737c68⋯.jpg (53.11 KB, 498x645, 166:215, Circumcision_is_shit.jpg)

File: 5aef426c0b9a4e3⋯.png (740.03 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, Circumcision_kills_baby.png)

File: 46e45300313e2dc⋯.jpg (709.45 KB, 1288x2080, 161:260, Circumsision_Business.jpg)

File: cc1bea1f19a97d9⋯.png (2.94 MB, 3000x5000, 3:5, Jew_Circumcision_3_No_Bene….png)

File: 25f145bdc6a822b⋯.png (652.45 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, 1_Jew_Circumcision_2_Traum….png)


>Judaism is not evil

So you don't think forcing genital mutilation on children is evil?

You are evil.

34af7b  No.5175064

File: 4e7cc92242a0c33⋯.png (92.21 KB, 663x464, 663:464, ClipboardImage.png)


e0a434  No.5175065


shutdown gov rif ans start over

congress and senate protect themselves and not the american people …..

Need to drain the sqmp with some RIFS

4c8eeb  No.5175068

File: 474a9239e2758c7⋯.jpg (88.22 KB, 540x750, 18:25, muhjew4.jpg)

5166d1  No.5175069

File: bc194d1ecaf5485⋯.png (153.22 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, E3AB991A-A107-40CD-9533-E6….png)

This is pretty interesting. McCabe tried to throw RR under the bus. Wonder why.

8d070d  No.5175070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5d420a  No.5175071


Many others saying the same

8d070d  No.5175072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

83c4b8  No.5175073

File: 71ae1f443b56792⋯.png (602.58 KB, 702x395, 702:395, cuttiestoIsraelNOW.png)

c4d121  No.5175074

Cannot believe POTUS is going to sign this sabotaged RINO horse shit full of landmines. WTF. There's a ton of INSANE shit in this bill.

5f8c10  No.5175075

File: 25aebdc3c8529d0⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 300x400, 3:4, RBG Coping!!.jpg)

0498cb  No.5175076


i think they already passed a 1 week ext.?

d7ee34  No.5175077

File: 1819230944d3769⋯.png (3.36 MB, 1366x2048, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

af4713  No.5175078



8d070d  No.5175079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0f16ef  No.5175080

>>5174757 lb

>>5174809 lb

>>5174846 lb

ONE person cannot speak for hundreds of thousands of anons about Q.

It is arrogant, self-important and naive because they will twist the shit out of it.

NO ONE anointed him the speaker of Q to the masses.

And, what a wonderful way for him to gain tons of subscribers to his channel - by getting media exposure.

He is famefagging.

4efd98  No.5175081


That SC ruling gave a lot of power to the cabal puppets in Congress

074a88  No.5175082


Doesn't matter. POTUS is prepared. Wall will go up. Let the Dems try to protect pedophiles and child traffickers, cause they won't be getting in when we're done.

34af7b  No.5175083

File: 14840e903a05a10⋯.png (76.11 KB, 663x408, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)

c280c2  No.5175084


2nd notable

545f44  No.5175085


Nice tie Ins with TRACEr today's drops

3c728d  No.5175086

Peer reviewed research paper finds that ocean acidification is fake and gay.


8fd895  No.5175087


Oh look, a GCHQ shill thinks his tricks will work here

0cc9cc  No.5175088

File: da8f8073f55a713⋯.png (469.89 KB, 2176x1066, 1088:533, jim morrison's dad.png)


Jim Morrison was offered up to the Cabal in exchange for his father's advancement …

3e53ee  No.5175089


Shill trying to make us look bad.

4f679e  No.5175090


Liars get lied to.

98c76c  No.5175091

File: 65fab305388f16a⋯.jpg (100.88 KB, 351x300, 117:100, qpoint.jpg)

8d070d  No.5175092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

511ef0  No.5175094


Do you really have to wonder?

11fce6  No.5175095


Breitbart also has this just now:

GOP/Dem Deal: Less Detention of Illegal Aliens, Expanded Catch and ReleaseA Republican-Democrat spending bill being offered to President Trump provides less detention space for border crossers and illegal aliens while expanding the Catch and Release program.

The spending package provides the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency with less detention space to house border crossers and illegal aliens, funding about 40,250 beds rather than the 52,000 beds that Trump had requested. This is about the same level of detention space that is currently funded and that which ICE officials have said is not sufficient.

Due to the massive number of illegal aliens in the U.S. — around 12 to 22 million — and roughly 1,300 new border crossers coming to the country every day, ICE officials have had to routinely exceed this 40,250 bed limit.


Not good.

af4713  No.5175096


They all lie all the time

All the time


8d070d  No.5175097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2d34c  No.5175098

He signs that bill, I'll vote D, don't give a fuck who it is, but I won't be voting R.

1e25d2  No.5175099


Thank you, Anon.

83c4b8  No.5175100

File: e5dcf59ac9f6255⋯.png (594.94 KB, 702x395, 702:395, boycottnow.png)


Keep crying…

ec5204  No.5175101

File: 0504c3b917674c7⋯.jpg (45.71 KB, 552x382, 276:191, rfcavleulqmz.jpg)


Thank You Anon. I'm guessing C-Span for the link?? I legit have a neckbeard because who can walk away from all of this the past few days?? And we're just warming up. KEKEKEK!!!

ad64ac  No.5175102


“Be careful who you follow”

4dfd68  No.5175103


Nervous, Rod??

8d070d  No.5175104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3a03cd  No.5175105


This would explain the liberal hysteria going on everywhere today

ab416a  No.5175106

File: c130686d7b76da6⋯.png (82.46 KB, 677x629, 677:629, ITSATRAP.png)

770635  No.5175107

Jenny I got your number AS you look fugly tonight in sunset orange negro short cut afro

313e65  No.5175108

File: e85d4ce39cfb626⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 4CB9A0CF-F98E-43F3-BB60-D1….png)

US plans to jail British jihadis in Guantanamo after getting fed-up with UK's soft approach to terrorists


4efd98  No.5175109


who is sean p. mccarthy

2b6181  No.5175110


Nice work, anon.


4f679e  No.5175111


Trillion dollar fart joke.

1c6202  No.5175112

File: bc975f8ed657b87⋯.png (55.95 KB, 657x704, 657:704, Screenshot_2019-02-14 Bord….png)


We will see but this is truly disgusting. GOP swearing this bs is win??

65e65e  No.5175113

File: d7563c520acf1a3⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1529207343511.jpg)


>sign the bill

>build the wall with ACE anyway

>Nancy offered one dollar

>you beat her offer by a factor of 1.3 BILLION

>the whole wall gets built either way

>shutdown brings spotlight to crisis at border


094f98  No.5175114

File: f9db3c4f9c82919⋯.png (140.65 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 94b3519913dfa8b6bfba38a3bb….png)

>>5175048 – searchable Hussein HW visitor list

This needs a permanent place in the dough.


68649e  No.5175115

File: 69b44105b1f85b1⋯.jpeg (46.69 KB, 418x545, 418:545, F1EE92FE-EAB9-46F3-990B-1….jpeg)

d4f86b  No.5175116

File: b3860cf0ab68dbc⋯.jpg (95.48 KB, 800x451, 800:451, ohmar.jpg)



3e53ee  No.5175117


He's noone. This is a way to make us look crazy.

8d070d  No.5175119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

57f5d5  No.5175120

File: 1ed235e20aec173⋯.jpg (102 KB, 800x494, 400:247, 1ed235e20aec1733d4f64e7a1f….jpg)

File: 2aee571debb76cf⋯.jpg (150.39 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 2aee571debb76cf4a99bca2dc2….jpg)

5166d1  No.5175121


Yes, considering RR hasn’t resigned/ been fired yet.

cef792  No.5175122


true and if the wall is more than we know which it is…. POTUS may have no choice we all know damn well the demonrats are not going to give anything…. IMO they are fighting this way harder than just votes… so once again IMO they know the wall is more important than just illegal immigration and they're involved in it

4a6e25  No.5175123

File: 3bbf69290f3bb63⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 761x660, 761:660, x.jpg)


b11a27  No.5175124

File: ab1a8cbbd13b410⋯.png (56.41 KB, 1220x444, 305:111, ClipboardImage.png)

Never trust the "uniparty" in congress. They are so corrupt - dems and reps alike.


e76fac  No.5175125


I get the feeling something big is about to go down.

What do you think the chances are that Trump let's them vote on this thinking he is gonna sign it. Senators and Congress starts leaving town and he Vetos it.

Instead of the National Emergency for the Wall he signs Martial Law and has people picked up quickly as they land and are getting off the planes.

A quick swift collection of Criminals.

God I Pray Something Like That Goes Down

8fd895  No.5175126

File: 66fa8a7320e75cc⋯.png (302.41 KB, 500x354, 250:177, 1550179498418.png)


Nice try, Muhammed

2d025e  No.5175127

File: cb1df811a434083⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 750x650, 15:13, 51785947_245627213031007_7….jpg)

83c4b8  No.5175128

File: a79becb5c88fb5a⋯.png (565.33 KB, 702x395, 702:395, expelled_010.png)

Anti-semitism isn't the problem.


1c6202  No.5175129

LEOs basically cant even arrest MS-13 anymore!!

4dfd68  No.5175130


You dont need detention beds to keep them out/send them back immediately.

7b84fb  No.5175131



8d070d  No.5175132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ca7f5d  No.5175133

File: e4d3bd0b83210d7⋯.png (531.54 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

bcea5a  No.5175134

File: b74c1cacfbe62e2⋯.png (553.4 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 77562ca8fd61d4e1feb5d10bfa….png)

>>5174781 lb

>all i can see is that mole, ugh, my ocd is ruining an epic pair of titties, damnit

Fixed it for you, anon.

8d070d  No.5175135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c75f59  No.5175136

>>5174722 (LB)


8d070d  No.5175137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf3cba  No.5175138


Your guess is as good as mine

I look at this bill and all the money it throws at illegals and I get sick

And if they challenge his EO, then what about all the other EO’s done by past presidents? Can those be challenged?

I trust POTUS…just not sure where the play is

3e53ee  No.5175139


Yeah, has nothing to do with what i said

b099e9  No.5175140


Yep. One has to be blind or brain-dead not to realize the Rs and Ds are a uniparty. It's been that way for decades.

2bbe2e  No.5175141


Now that is some weaponized autism!


4c8eeb  No.5175142

8d070d  No.5175143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

83c4b8  No.5175144

File: 76753320e38cbd8⋯.png (585.67 KB, 702x395, 702:395, aretheregoodnewsno.png)

How can you tell a "good jew" from a "bad jew?"


Boycott all of them.

af4713  No.5175145


Almost 500,000 dead white and black Americans caused by the Sacklers

And this shit is what the guardians of Rome &Athens are up to?

Who knows the total death toll.

Why silent senate!? Why silent jew media?

8e948d  No.5175146


What are the odds?

91b6ce  No.5175147

File: f1a1bf3cbbeea99⋯.png (22.37 KB, 415x439, 415:439, ClipboardImage.png)


Full Armor of God.

May 20 post (marker :44, mirror of today).

Not a coincidence.

e19484  No.5175148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Victims of the fury

52162d  No.5175149

File: 45e4e41ed297383⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1979x1148, 1979:1148, 5874C787-CAFE-4902-8CAE-3….jpeg)


Dawson has been out ahead on a lot of stuff, one of the best follows on twitter

2d025e  No.5175150


Man shot dead at Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi after pursuit, crash

8d070d  No.5175151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

233aba  No.5175152

File: 6acc010294ce6dc⋯.png (215.21 KB, 542x704, 271:352, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone catch this - Unique markers in Q posts today.

2/14/19 TODAY China Pics +/- [10] /+ [3]


2/15/18 MK Ultra Canada [shooters] Therapy

12/23/17 Marker missing from past

12/18/17 Find the Marker. 10 & [10] Q/Potus-4[10]

12/15/17 Dark [10]. Enjoy the Show

[10] 12/12/17 Timestamp [Q] post [:03] POTUS Tweet [:13] Referring to the Hanukkah Tweet & Merry Christmas


2/12 pic/non-pic transmit +/- data II

9/5/18 [MOS backed] +/- 1,2,3 sec delta on photos AJ, Posbiacth Pro Maga Faker



Memos are fake. Guided by LL/+ 3 CLAS. Think SC. All written same time.


Too many to capture BUT extremely relevant:

2/15 What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users?

Alex Jones Sandy Hook News

Reminder on Posbiac's strange behavior

He also used to have Game of Thrones Blog from 2012-2016 I wonder if the themed poster is aimed at him… More digs to come.


68649e  No.5175153



Anyone clicked that shit? Got a screenshot?

57f5d5  No.5175154

File: cde6b0be87c1bc3⋯.png (111.55 KB, 258x245, 258:245, cde6b0be87c1bc334cbf66cef8….png)


you misspelled "laughing". at your failed narrative push.

38db9f  No.5175155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

540c90  No.5175156

File: b3305568e977ff1⋯.png (19.43 KB, 593x411, 593:411, Capture.PNG)

File: 27ce5e53d95707f⋯.png (94.63 KB, 554x471, 554:471, Capture1.PNG)


I think I get it now………? ownership of said property.

770635  No.5175157


999 reaction check

digits sats comms good big hauler

Corridor clear no ice

Fire the nigger heads

Flyin off the handle

and wreckless

ec5204  No.5175158

File: 8f2e6cec23e2b15⋯.png (289.25 KB, 498x302, 249:151, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at ….png)


Barr confirmed in 80 minutes has SEEMED to me, to be the last piece before Go Time, from what I can see, and I know that's not a lot. But there have always been "Must Haves" before the real Storm hit from my gatherings, and I haven't yet come up with another one since Sessions dipped and we knew we needed a new AG.

Any other things I might be missing?? Why wait?? WE control the narrative, and this is war, it makes NO sense to wait even one more second than you must.

I feel this is the Precipice.

e0a434  No.5175159

GOP/Dem Deal: Trump Must Have Approval from Left-Wing County to Build Wall

A Republican-Democrat spending bill being offered to President Trump mandates that the White House have approval from left-wing Starr County, Texas officials before the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can begin building a wall at the region’s U.S.-Mexico border.

Slipped into a funding bill that provides about $1.3 billion for 55 miles of border wall construction is a provision that prevents the Trump administration from constructing the barrier until DHS officials seek input from Starr County, Texas locals and city officials.

The spending bill mandates that Trump must “seek to reach a mutual agreement regarding the design and alignment of physical barriers” with Starr County “local elected officials,” including those from:

Roma, Texas

Rio Grande City, Texas

Escobares, Texas

La Grulla, Texas

Salineno, Texas

https ://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/14/gop-dem-deal-trump-must-have-approval-from-left-wing-county-to-build-wall/

81cf43  No.5175160

File: 5af25a6011084a1⋯.jpeg (5.64 KB, 186x22, 93:11, image.jpeg)


525758  No.5175161

File: a17b22f5975f3fb⋯.png (342.43 KB, 778x732, 389:366, Another_rabbi_pedo_gets_no….PNG)

File: 56bd5501842545d⋯.png (671.38 KB, 1030x689, 1030:689, Australia_Orthodox_Jews_pe….PNG)

File: 498ac4c242b71c3⋯.png (355.18 KB, 931x729, 931:729, Big_list_of_Jewish_pedo_sc….PNG)

File: d1bfd19bc784cda⋯.png (61.86 KB, 505x584, 505:584, Jewish_pedophilia_dig.PNG)

File: 12c5823c028f616⋯.png (409.78 KB, 576x623, 576:623, Jews protect pedos.PNG)



>Again, another time:

Calling me names does not make the facts I post any less factual.

Cry more, stupid Israel first cunt :)


Israel is a pedo haven, and telling facts is not anti-Semitic.

Have more facts :)


Trying to censor and harass people for stating facts will not stop people from stating facts.

Cry more :)


Not an argument :)

5a6127  No.5175162

File: c237b1399df017c⋯.png (150.87 KB, 322x537, 322:537, Screenshot_2019-02-14 Twee….png)

He's a faggot

ad64ac  No.5175163


That’s actually true

“Double meaning exist” kek

4dfd68  No.5175164


We are seeing a helpful division between the dumbass socialists like Occasional-Cortex, and the true commie bastards like Schmuck and Nancy.

85b2d6  No.5175165

File: 57bf1f8ff998627⋯.png (58.87 KB, 864x625, 864:625, vc1.PNG)

File: 7c9b6af96cc3f7b⋯.png (32.01 KB, 840x320, 21:8, vc2.PNG)

File: 23ac25faa730bb7⋯.png (265.05 KB, 480x356, 120:89, gcomet.PNG)

Bright green Valentine's Day comet tonight folks!

Won't be back till 3390!

where to watch https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/news/

0c0d0d  No.5175166

File: 7cfd574f7a9da2f⋯.png (130.03 KB, 750x530, 75:53, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at ….png)

Jussie Smollett tampered with evidence

*Filing under NOT SHOCKING


525758  No.5175167


I disagree with this.

Miller is a good Jew.

83c4b8  No.5175168

File: 897c20103f56903⋯.png (583.65 KB, 702x395, 702:395, misquotebiblejews.png)

3e53ee  No.5175169

357280  No.5175170

ad64ac  No.5175171


Bet he’s a Jew

fuck off shills

8d070d  No.5175172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bfb11f  No.5175173

File: 57f795f129fc413⋯.jpg (123.34 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, IMG_0418.JPG)


Totally agree.

Anyone who claims POTUS is selling out is a liar and a shill that is trying to divide us.


5f8c10  No.5175174

File: 6985b80a2bf384a⋯.gif (1 MB, 358x269, 358:269, JM.gif)


that explains a lot then. fuckers

65e65e  No.5175175


Unlikely. We're trying to PREVENT Z, not start it.

Q team is disarming a bomb filled with a bunch of traps and failsafes.

Media must be defeated>narrative>no civil uprising/unrest

They have more control over "innocents" than we think.

511ef0  No.5175176


They know, what's coming. Didn't AS turn on Mueller too while in Aspen?

7dc947  No.5175177

File: b93c72b70ab6b03⋯.jpg (554.38 KB, 800x470, 80:47, 7a1k.jpg)

File: 6bc1386eafe6806⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 2cf1b93b166782121c28d13bda….jpg)

57f5d5  No.5175179

File: cac0eed23e076e5⋯.jpg (125.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, b66187487d59d77f10c857497d….jpg)

File: 9eff1d5467ac2d2⋯.png (143.21 KB, 548x362, 274:181, 9eff1d5467ac2d2b4059a889eb….png)

83c4b8  No.5175180


Let Miller be a "good guy" in Israel.

c2df28  No.5175181



Ralph Norham refered to slaves as indentured servants last week….maybe something to do with this single minded violent push for open borders even by those who do no say it….bring those in who cannot be counted or use identity as a protection the way citizens can and get free or cheap labor, sex slaves, child and baby organs…you anons get the picture…..just a hunch….but it all seems to connect…

3a03cd  No.5175182


He's pullin yer leg

4dfd68  No.5175183

File: 633ff81963b83cf⋯.jpg (58.14 KB, 768x512, 3:2, resignation of hope hicks.jpg)

8fd895  No.5175184


Ignore these twitter whores. Follow people like George Webb if you really want to understand what's going on

5d420a  No.5175185


FTC negotiating over multibillion-dollar fine for Facebook

e0a434  No.5175186

GOP/Dem Deal Spends 40X as Much on Foreign Countries as Border Wall

A Republican-Democrat spending bill being offered to President Trump spends nearly 40 times as much on foreign aid as it does on a wall to secure the United States-Mexico border.

Though Trump requested about $5.7 billion to fund a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, a spending package written by elected Republicans and Democrats funds just $1.3 billion for 55 miles of wall at the border.

Meanwhile, the deal spends nearly 40 times as much American taxpayer money on foreign aid as it does on a border wall. In total, about $50 billion is spent on foreign aid, including:

$9.15 billion for international security assistance

$1.9 billion for foreign food and hunger programs

$3.1 billion for global health programs

$3 billion for international development assistance

$3.7 billion to support the economies of foreign countries

$4.4 billion for international disaster assistance

$3.8 billion for assistance for foreign refugees

https ://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/14/deal-foreign-aid-border-wall/

R's and D's bouight off and work for foreign govs !!!

e88c55  No.5175187


Yup. POTUS is going to have to pull a very large bunny out of his hat, somehow.

cf1f9d  No.5175188

File: 138399d8167b8ab⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 05092EF9-2FE9-47F2-A89C-8A….png)



8d070d  No.5175189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

such orange fake jew hams

a7dc1b  No.5175190

File: 2275ee6f10c6116⋯.png (347.76 KB, 809x578, 809:578, cuckpost.png)

Cuck Post been lurking?

It's Happening!!!!

4c8eeb  No.5175191

File: 33bc14f310ba956⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2089x1533, 2089:1533, POTUS_muh_jew_shills.png)

File: c41ee8af0c52ccc⋯.jpg (309.08 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, GOODvsEVIL2.jpg)

af4713  No.5175192

Carthage Must Be Destroyed


52162d  No.5175193


How is the weather in Tel Aviv today?

bc1499  No.5175194

File: 029fe50fef8680a⋯.png (352.92 KB, 621x556, 621:556, Screenshot 2019-02-13 at 8….png)


dis gunna b gud

c4d121  No.5175195

Doesn't matter. A even a fully funded wall finished and polished doesn't outweigh the massive amount of poison pills and landmines in this bill. Dems knew POTUS would build the wall one way or the other. So did RINOS. Together, they colluded to pack this bill with shit so wild it will sabotage the wall.


83c4b8  No.5175196

File: 1b442d96281d1d2⋯.png (542.28 KB, 702x395, 702:395, Stopllistening.png)


The goyim know.

9b909b  No.5175197



704da9  No.5175198

File: d75b1866dde1bfb⋯.jpg (8.35 KB, 183x275, 183:275, MB1.jpg)

File: 4972643eb66714d⋯.jpg (7.09 KB, 225x225, 1:1, MB2.jpg)

File: b54b3c2a6a55767⋯.jpg (4.4 KB, 182x277, 182:277, MB3.jpg)

File: 404ab0e42570e8f⋯.jpg (6.12 KB, 185x272, 185:272, MB4.jpg)

File: 7af099f6c6844ba⋯.jpg (6.26 KB, 198x255, 66:85, MB5.jpg)


I have always liked Bellucci… until I saw all of the Illuminati pics.

4c8eeb  No.5175200

File: 0bf1b591d5f985d⋯.jpg (60.73 KB, 620x784, 155:196, JQ_shills4.jpg)

525758  No.5175201


We'll have to agree to disagree on that.

3066d5  No.5175202

Stupid Yuan Williams is getting too much talk time. I had to shut it off.

f8c91d  No.5175203

File: 0580f5504a32e86⋯.png (369.61 KB, 487x900, 487:900, 4FB93001-15AD-40EC-BB3D-CC….png)


You fall under the category of mossad JQ postings.

kys faggot.

JQ is legit but only a retard thinks its all jews.

cef792  No.5175204


leave them open… I'm tired of this shit… let MS 13 walk through their town.. hell maybe they'll just stay awhile..

dd86a0  No.5175205

File: 62723ae9b7e7549⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 422x234, 211:117, 62723ae9b7e7549869daf16f67….gif)

38db9f  No.5175206

File: b52184f48d40b25⋯.png (426.83 KB, 610x407, 610:407, ClipboardImage.png)

29b157  No.5175207

File: 0f3fe6a93b2a8d7⋯.png (471.3 KB, 700x751, 700:751, showbiz_411_murdock_hires_….png)

File: 358a14e7d4367b3⋯.jpeg (116.5 KB, 634x830, 317:415, mensch_with_husband.jpeg)

File: 3c41673f1a2a2a7⋯.jpeg (42.85 KB, 640x470, 64:47, mensch_with_the_queen.jpeg)

More on Louise Mensch. Just in case it hasn't been filed yet.


f48776  No.5175208

File: ba51557ce316f8a⋯.jpg (232.09 KB, 1099x985, 1099:985, Qest.JPG)


I was dumb enough to click it. =(


7b84fb  No.5175209

File: 10d55c09f83024e⋯.png (76.1 KB, 942x799, 942:799, qq.PNG)


Sorry, here is a screenshot

ad64ac  No.5175210


Stay frosty fam, he won’t let us down

094f98  No.5175211



But please, correct my HW typo.


299f5c  No.5175212

File: be7b17df28c5b6a⋯.jpeg (49.53 KB, 563x236, 563:236, 6D23A55D-2F15-4A0F-A358-4….jpeg)

File: 8e93fbd56f5c052⋯.jpeg (99.88 KB, 1125x236, 1125:236, 1C6531AF-EBD6-4C21-8A1C-D….jpeg)


THats a lot of people meeting in June 2016…what other happenings were going down around that time?

206855  No.5175213


POTUS is a boomer. The definition of a boomer. You have a problem with POTUS?

83c4b8  No.5175214

File: ac2f4eb60a9644d⋯.png (573.58 KB, 702x395, 702:395, ghettowhine.png)


Hide behind Trump.


1c6202  No.5175215

File: 06984db88a6007f⋯.jpg (17.1 KB, 199x255, 199:255, b7d14d2983549edc818e1e9960….jpg)


Nobody except Breitbart is covering this disaster of a bill. US is going to be flooded before the wall even goes up.

Fuck the RINOs. This shit isnt even on Dems.

af4713  No.5175216


Wailing wall hoaxer

8fd895  No.5175217


LOL, did your reptilian queen tell you to say that?

9d3e12  No.5175218

File: 8f24f154cbd4c2f⋯.jpg (75.44 KB, 800x600, 4:3, welcome_to_pol.jpg)

It would be nice for Q to clarify the whole jewishisrael issue.

I know you need to "support" israel to get support from idot evangelicals. But this situation with all the corruption and crimes caused by our "allies" and other jews should be adressed.

On one side you have 4/8chan the biggest group exposing and oposing jewdaism and israel and then you have trump throwing after them money and gifts. Yet he brought those people together.

Ether he plans on redpilling all to create awarness of the jewish problem, then again he calls a orthodox chabad jew his daughter and close support.

To many mixed signals Q, would be nice to get some intel

57f5d5  No.5175219

File: 945417f0f4e2b69⋯.jpg (63.76 KB, 737x491, 737:491, 945417f0f4e2b69be56a024864….jpg)









below you'll find a sample of spambot activity:

garbage from #6609 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6608 bread - 17 spam posts



















garbage from #6607 bread - 23 spam posts
























garbage from #6604 bread - 33 spam posts


































garbage from #6603 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6602 bread - 41 spam posts













































704da9  No.5175220

File: 9f314f38717961f⋯.jpg (6.21 KB, 194x260, 97:130, MB6.jpg)

File: 61d3a2092871f84⋯.jpg (6.56 KB, 207x243, 23:27, MB7.jpg)

File: c2a3d7f50517ae2⋯.jpg (4.33 KB, 205x246, 5:6, MB8.jpg)



8d070d  No.5175221

File: eec5c9c075604cf⋯.jpg (8.23 KB, 220x147, 220:147, 220px-0_Autel_dédié_au_die….JPG)

they bring us their heads even

ee727d  No.5175222

File: 1dfbc3121f78376⋯.jpg (37.68 KB, 360x610, 36:61, ZomboMeme 14022019162041.jpg)

The bill sucks but I don't care because so many good things happened today and we are many steps closer to the wall and fixing the southern border!

4f679e  No.5175223


Fine, that's what the AG is for. They just made his job easier.

074a88  No.5175224

Not the biggest fan of Gutfeld, be he's absolutely fucking based today.

52162d  No.5175225

File: c37ac729bf2405e⋯.png (907.06 KB, 990x933, 330:311, A355D616-F721-4F7A-9F8D-B1….png)



91b6ce  No.5175226

File: 6b94c509d16470b⋯.png (209.8 KB, 600x842, 300:421, Pepe Clock.png)


Hitting a second stamp is doable (even by Anons).

Just need to figure out your lag time after hitting post. Suspect this Anon was just demonstrating that. It is a ClockFag thing.

Q anonymous posts of pictures may have been a timing test so they could hit their marker when posting (figure out the lag time to upload two images).

0c0d0d  No.5175227


>George Webb

Come again?

4dfd68  No.5175228


There's something to that. Of course, in med and law schools, they try to fail many to keep the profession stronger. But it's pointless in college, unless is a science or math and the material itself is difficult.

c20af6  No.5175229

You can't have Syria safe zone without Assad's consent, Russia tells Turkey

Russia has reminded Turkey that it must obtain the consent of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government for its plan to create a safe zone in the northeastern part of the conflict-plagued Arab country.

“The question of the presence of a military contingent acting on the authority of a third country on the territory of a sovereign country and especially Syria must be decided directly by Damascus. That's our base position,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters in Moscow on Thursday.

The remarks came as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Russian and Turkish counterparts Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a tripartite summit in the Russian coastal city of Sochi to provide further coordination among the three countries towards a long-term settlement of the Syria crisis.

The three leaders are going to hold their fourth such meeting in the Astana format.

The Sochi summit comes before the 12th Astana talks in the Kazakh capital in mid-February. The first round of the Astana talks commenced a month after the three guarantors joined efforts and brought about an all-Syria ceasefire.

Moscow, Tehran, and Ankara have been mediating peace negotiations between representatives from the Damascus government and Syrian opposition groups in a series of rounds held in Astana and other places since January 2017.

Since 2012, Turkey has been calling for the establishment of a safe zone of 30-40 kilometers between the northern Syrian towns of Jarablus and al- Ra'i in a bid to drive out the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG). However, the safe zone is yet to be established.

Erdogan and his US counterpart Donald Trump held a telephone conversation last month, during which the Turkish leader expressed Ankara's determination to establish a safe zone in northern Syria.

Trump has suggested creation of a 30-kilometer safe zone along Turkey’s border with Syria, but has not specified who would create, enforce or pay for it, or where it would be located.

Ankara has been threatening for months to launch an offensive in northern Syria against US-backed YPG militants.

Turkey considers the YPG a terrorist organization and an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has been fighting for an autonomous region inside Turkey since 1984.

The Turkish military, with support from allied militants of the so-called Free Syrian Army, launched two cross-border operations in northern Syria, the first dubbed “Euphrates Shield” in August 2016 and the second code-named “Olive Branch”in January 2018, against the YPG and Daesh Takfiri terrorists.


bc1499  No.5175230

File: 128b57338519be8⋯.jpg (9 KB, 261x254, 261:254, 1548482914830.jpg)


George Webb, huh?

83c4b8  No.5175231

File: 4d0ed7493bd77c6⋯.png (553.49 KB, 702x395, 702:395, botcottjews_002.png)


That is the new JIDF tactic, but it's not so new.

2fefa7  No.5175232

File: 9845c2010783b85⋯.jpeg (6.67 KB, 251x201, 251:201, hnnnng.jpeg)

a7dc1b  No.5175233

File: 7f645ef42b03e8a⋯.png (219.96 KB, 376x378, 188:189, pepepour.png)


I'll drink to that!

8d070d  No.5175234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8fd895  No.5175235



Proof that we stand strong with Israel

57f5d5  No.5175236

File: 3f16ddb929f4ac3⋯.png (192.38 KB, 517x594, 47:54, 3f16ddb929f4ac3403c89803d7….png)

File: a54a69aeff54450⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 500x437, 500:437, 4a131222654100c8f8aa9d6581….jpg)







gotta love the good ole kayfabe shilling,

f6d369  No.5175237


If Trump signs this, I will start plan X. Certain people won't like plan X.

525758  No.5175238

File: 5af62ca573496c0⋯.png (396.59 KB, 615x570, 41:38, Israel_loses_leverage.PNG)

File: 1a0801ca34e67c2⋯.png (173.14 KB, 656x651, 656:651, Jewish_interest_groups_tur….png)

File: 935d101e53f3301⋯.png (294.45 KB, 634x622, 317:311, Mossad_ex_head_pushes_Trum….png)

File: 9bfc5babc4dbd8f⋯.png (554.62 KB, 691x1125, 691:1125, New_1_6_waivers_embassy.png)

File: b6c88de4bda5001⋯.jpg (163.88 KB, 978x750, 163:125, Trump_tweets_indirectly_ab….jpg)


>Implying POTUS is not aware of the JQ

You're delusional.

4c8eeb  No.5175239

File: 006c7a054c268ec⋯.jpg (135.19 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, POTUS_muh_jew_fake_news.jpg)

File: 86c4ebe6b0c6d73⋯.jpg (302.94 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, STRONG_TOGETHER.jpg)


nope, JQ not legit.

e19484  No.5175240


H will get an Award for this.

Acting at its finest..

Chicago: Trump Country. He was smoking Crack. and got mugged.

65e65e  No.5175241

File: 76e36451de78341⋯.jpg (95.31 KB, 760x819, 760:819, 1532311775006.jpg)


plz kill urselves

And tell Podesta and his CIA buddy buddy to fuark off

4dfd68  No.5175242

54e587  No.5175243

fuck this Q, we haven't won shit yet

8d070d  No.5175244


kys stupid tranny

f85b24  No.5175246


Americans have Guns…. French have Yellow Vests & use them!

5f8c10  No.5175247

File: eb3753324e3b1a0⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1025x1022, 1025:1022, Bacon comfy.png)

File: 5266997090105b8⋯.gif (871.78 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Comfy anons.gif)

c2df28  No.5175248


He will not sign it…everything points to that, why would he need to declare NE if he signed it….this is bigger than is being reported as usual by Mockingbird Media…

511ef0  No.5175249


I'm not sure what the play is either, optics are bad if he signs it, optics are bad if he doesn't.

I'm guessing either shit goes down in the 3 days (over the 3 day weekend), or we have to wait 2 weeks of shit flinging before we get storm arrival.

57f5d5  No.5175250


more kayfabe. KeK!

while(1) {

print "jew, goy, kike, moshe, schlomo, rabbi";


if(reply == high_iq) { $myreply = "pilpul";}

else {$myreply = "jidf, what time is it in tel-aviv";}

echo $myreply;


83c4b8  No.5175251

File: c54e784fa69a063⋯.png (303.03 KB, 408x413, 408:413, mutilatedjewdong.png)


Cry moar.

4dc72d  No.5175252


most excellent

e82a2c  No.5175253

File: 60e71142ca63830⋯.png (318.62 KB, 1366x2816, 683:1408, qest_us_obamavisitors_defa….png)


would be more useful if you could search by date as well.

screencap of John Podesta

2fefa7  No.5175254


<blah blah muh clock blah blah blah

longest running slide on /qresearch/

83c4b8  No.5175255

File: e918f1e2880928b⋯.png (304.4 KB, 408x413, 408:413, postmorepepe.png)

3e53ee  No.5175256


Dont start with this bullshit…………..

8d070d  No.5175257


such shitty trannys

0d9787  No.5175258

Potus is screwing us over by signing that shit bill. I'll still vote for him but I'll be plugging my nose when I do.

2ba9d2  No.5175259

What is in this bill ?

$1.3 billion for border fencing along 55 miles of the southern border, which is a mere fraction of what the president had requested.

$61 billion to spend on new equipment at ports of entry, hiring and training new customs officers, and counter-narcotics and counter weapons technology.

add-ons that Democrats managed to get into the legislation

$450 million budget to spend on humanitarian services for - illegal immigrants!!

$54 billion overseas !!! This includes $25 million to promote religious freedom, $2.4 billion to promote democracy, $3.4 billion to help assist refugees, and more than nine billion dollars for international security assistance.


8c871d  No.5175260

File: 81254654edb3266⋯.png (121.09 KB, 322x410, 161:205, 2019-02-14_17-20-23.png)

5f8c10  No.5175261

File: 98d162f03ae07a8⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 885x499, 885:499, beaks 1.jpg)

525758  No.5175262


Wall the off from the rest of the US, and let cartels take over, then send the spec ops to kill all the cartel cunts after they kill the democrat politicians that allowed the situation to happen.

68649e  No.5175263

1c6202  No.5175264

File: ec14bd94fcaf363⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2ebe069a422e566a9df049aeae….jpg)


Qs and most anons want criminals to go to jail. Israel is a foreign policy and natsec issue. Dont lump all the kikes together like a faggot.

5166d1  No.5175265


Yeah something about how much will be released to the public, I think. Hopefully they’re greyhats and something will actually come from Muellers report.

3a03cd  No.5175266


Haven't seen Greg this pitched in a while, anon

everybody's lost it today

must be somethin' BIGGERN' WE KNOW in this declaration of emergency.

e0a434  No.5175267

Congress sends Open borders Bill

Senate passes the open borders bill.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Thursday that President Donald Trump will sign legislation to prevent a second partial government shutdown and declare a national emergency to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

R's just as bad as the D's Open borders America for Sale !!!!

Expand gov do not shutdown the politicians jobs for their families they are elite and depend on your slavery !!!



4efd98  No.5175268


I thought that was Q's specialty

38db9f  No.5175269

File: 28d8ae3d3220f8c⋯.png (389.45 KB, 634x601, 634:601, ClipboardImage.png)

8d070d  No.5175270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it;s a good thing we are just killing the trannys now

d2f51a  No.5175271

File: a15782711ee49ff⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 500x556, 125:139, 01db0b646901b91500b7826ff3….jpg)


lurk indefinitely .

4c8eeb  No.5175272

File: 4e0a268824aa428⋯.jpg (69.97 KB, 665x440, 133:88, GOODvsEVIL.jpg)


Q clarified the JQ/muh jew situation a lot of times.

c2df28  No.5175273


They wtf are you even here for, R or D doesn't matter anymore….thats what Q has said since the beginning….

4dfd68  No.5175274


Trump has yet to do anything so radical and what are you after you're past due? Due-Due.

bf3cba  No.5175275


Posted a thread earlier I saw about this about to bust open

Smollet and his friend were picked up by cops at the airport for questioning

I’m thinking this is going to be a Grindr blowjob gone wrong

4dc72d  No.5175276

File: 26a84035a13e644⋯.png (301.97 KB, 741x556, 741:556, cerno.png)

8fcef9  No.5175277


Here come the concernfag shills!

bfb11f  No.5175278

File: d39cbf2824048af⋯.png (380.99 KB, 618x400, 309:200, HoggShill.png)

e89a16  No.5175279

File: 5d270d3ab52174f⋯.png (105.79 KB, 456x274, 228:137, 5d270d3ab52174ffeb45d602aa….png)


Must second the title suggestion.

8d070d  No.5175280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trannys are just a waste of flesh anyways

c20af6  No.5175281

CFR Members And Bilderberg Attendees Appointed By Donald Trump (Taken from the CFR membership and Bilderberg participant lists)

Elliott Abrams, Special Envoy on Venezuela (individual CFR member)

John Bolton, National Security Advisor (individual CFR member)

Elaine Chao, United States Secretary of Transportation (CFR individual member)

Jay Clayton, Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CFR corporate member)

Gary Cohn, Director of the National Economic Council (CFR corporate member)

Jamie Dimon, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Jim Donovan, Deputy Treasury Secretary (CFR corporate member)

Larry Fink, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Neil M. Gorsuch, Supreme Court Justice (individual CFR member)

Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward, National Security Advisor (declined appointment) (CFR corporate member)

Kevin Hassett, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (CFR fellow traveler)

Robert Wood “Woody” Johnson IV, United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom (individual CFR member)

Lawrence Kudlow, Director of the National Economic Council (individual CFR member)

Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative (individual CFR member)

David R. Malpass, World Bank (individual CFR member)

James Mattis, Secretary of Defense (Bilderberg attendee)

K.T. McFarland, Deputy National Security Adviser (individual CFR member)

Linda McMahon, Administrator of the Small Business Administration (CFR corporate member)

Army Lt. General Herbert Raymond “H. R.” McMaster, National Security Advisor (individual CFR member, Bilderberg attendee)

Jim McNerney, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Steve Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury (CFR corporate member)

Indra Nooyi, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member, Bilderberg attendee)

Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy (Bilderberg attendee)

Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy (CFR corporate member)

Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve (CFR individual member)

Ginni Rometty, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce (Bilderberg attendee)

Anthony Scaramucci, Director of Communications (CFR individual and corporate member)

Stephen Schwarzman, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Patrick Shanahan, Deputy Secretary of Defense (CFR corporate member)

Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State (CFR corporate member)

Jack Welch, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Heather Ann Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force (individual CFR member)


54e587  No.5175282

If Trump would have quit being a pussy before the elections and dropped the Bombs then, the Dems wouldn't have the house and we wouldn't be in this fucking situation!!!!!

e0a434  No.5175283



keep the gov open for slush funds of the families of

the D's and the R's

1c6202  No.5175284

File: a61d3e70739ddbd⋯.jpg (120.95 KB, 950x827, 950:827, a61d3e70739ddbd28f538b6f5b….jpg)


Dont forget beacons in the desert for illegals to find and call for help…..

770635  No.5175285

The epitome of muhjuh challenging a narrative will cause a civil war, that is wrong to all real muhjuhs!


coms clear nonfucksanitze

805's all day long

83c4b8  No.5175286

File: 1af721d4eb3169a⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 1af721d4eb3169a7d7f0d0bdd0….png)

File: 1dbcddc8f833b24⋯.png (638.1 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 1d32ecf46fc3e68637973e09a2….png)

File: f3d8c3e7846bc40⋯.png (606.13 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 2e52d60bdaa11a2672f5f51348….png)

File: 3f0b162dd6ea2d7⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 3f0b162dd6ea2d742c384864f3….png)

Quotes from the TALMUD that jews (against all reality) claim does not exist.

704da9  No.5175287


Says the 35 nonsense posting.. 36 now.. Shill faggot.. 37

e88c55  No.5175288


We could be heading for a real clusterfuck here. Hope not.

357280  No.5175289

65e65e  No.5175290


No. Mixed signals are good. Impossible to tell is good.

Think, next time you have some time, about why Q would allow this to continue.

Refer back to old posts. Not mentioned even once. They want you divided.

The only real, clear indication of motive I can recall is "MOSSAD stand down."

545f44  No.5175291


Lazy hackers always get caught

bf3cba  No.5175292

Gutfeld going off on the deep state and shitty border bill tells me something may actually be up

091674  No.5175293

File: 5343293f88ea81a⋯.jpg (96.27 KB, 390x390, 1:1, feeling-comfy.jpg)

Bring on The Martial Law

tank is full

500 cash on hand

food is stocked

smokes are stocked.

popcorn on hand

feeling comfy

11fce6  No.5175294


Today's the first anniversary of this creep's fame.

That's one victory today - haven't heard from him every 5 minutes.

4c8eeb  No.5175295

File: 86de569d631eb96⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, muh_jew_is_done.jpg)

File: 87411b65e451928⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 820x386, 410:193, muhjew_amish.jpg)

2341f1  No.5175296

File: 06c809e1631e647⋯.jpg (573.56 KB, 1920x1152, 5:3, 5616.jpg)

File: cd70a4bf2c3d279⋯.jpg (332.36 KB, 1920x1152, 5:3, 5760.jpg)

Kazakh Korner

New lamps for old! New lamps for old! Get your new lamp here!

How many times have we all heard it said, "What this world needs is an Astana Hub."

>"The world is changing rapidly," he said at the opening ceremony, according to his press office.

>The government expects the park to become an internationally recognised hub for tech business development and has promoted it as "Kazakhstan's Silicon Valley".By 2022, investors should have poured 67 billion KZT ($180 million) into startups that have graduated from Astana Hub programmes, according to its stated goals.

Remember the 400,000 saiga died all at once on the steppe? One Brit scientist said it was a tri-valent virus - the antelope wipeout was likely a bio weapon test - but no, cult controlled news sources offer a variety of alternative explanations. One says "it was a nose virus."


Not sure what's going on here, yet, but…




8d070d  No.5175297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


tranny are not even worth processing

just make them animal feed

14b799  No.5175298

File: fda2f2a766d710f⋯.png (1.23 MB, 785x2972, 785:2972, L00DPuVoOa.png)

>>5174219 (lb)

>>5174215 (lb)

Link in image has breakdowns of what each section means, very detailed

83c4b8  No.5175299

File: 3fa029d2e7cff29⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1973x896, 1973:896, 3fa029d2e7cff2957649f59346….png)

File: 4b65c0d91dc14b8⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 4b65c0d91dc14b82ae786c35e4….png)

File: 4d25c2b9a6ebf00⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 4d25c2b9a6ebf008407d6fec1b….png)

File: bdbfd1c1023bea0⋯.png (711.33 KB, 1911x807, 637:269, 6f29564da3b43d2966580e55ec….png)

More Jew teachings from the TALMUD.

094f98  No.5175300

File: 59f0b68db702225⋯.png (36.85 KB, 500x282, 250:141, whosawesome.png)

c4d121  No.5175301

He wouldn't not sign it if he already said he would.


ca7f5d  No.5175302

File: 3d392d3d460ef37⋯.png (1.08 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

dd86a0  No.5175303

File: a399a924901969b⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 178x260, 89:130, ddbc1d4d70be9f56be33a80151….gif)

b54020  No.5175304


ec5204  No.5175305

File: 17f4f9911a5a9ba⋯.png (233.11 KB, 488x342, 244:171, Screen Shot 2018-03-17 at ….png)

File: 2264aa3939a2fc9⋯.png (624.44 KB, 701x663, 701:663, Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at ….png)


KEK!! Great work Anon!!!

e19484  No.5175306

File: af2a0c7f7783546⋯.png (29.42 KB, 741x568, 741:568, pepe thinking.png)

Dems do a good job with keeping Russia in the news.

its kind of weird.

1bab4f  No.5175307


This (((thing))) said the same thing last time

during the omnibus bill. POTUS was impeached/

a818ef  No.5175308

Ugh, so sick of the kikels already.

8fd895  No.5175309

File: 1b9185aba71daa1⋯.png (435.82 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 1550179087879.png)

4dc72d  No.5175310

65e65e  No.5175311


What would have happened if Pelosi's plane hadn't been grounded?

cf1f9d  No.5175312

File: 6769693c5d1591b⋯.png (2.52 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5410252A-0F03-4537-BDB3-41….png)


(You) must go back.

258850  No.5175313

File: 4a22a1fe8fead18⋯.png (273.25 KB, 517x396, 47:36, what do we have here.png)



4dfd68  No.5175314


That's what his instructions said, Anon.

8d070d  No.5175315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




we can try and compost the trannys

but that's kinda disgusting

5e5d6f  No.5175316

File: 58927484a100cd5⋯.jpg (503.29 KB, 1919x953, 1919:953, 2POSH 14 Feb 19 2225.jpg)

Position update on 2-POSH.

d2f51a  No.5175317

File: 7b2b133967dd1a1⋯.jpg (24.28 KB, 333x382, 333:382, d3dc2185b93b73164f83b36339….jpg)


almost sounds like ebot … tranny

829514  No.5175318


The “the five” talking about deep state. Shouldn’t be watching this shit but I’d lose my elite membership to, club hypocrite, if I didn’t.

This is interesting seeing comped repubs admitting to the possibility of a deep state with McCabes interview.

A news piece even CNN cannot deny. Imagine something like that? What could it be though?

01a70b  No.5175319

File: 3fa707214ff5d25⋯.png (178.59 KB, 606x754, 303:377, Acosta re POTUS Check Up W….PNG)

File: 250a6f5e604560b⋯.png (230.19 KB, 861x847, 123:121, Archive Acosta re POTUS Ch….PNG)

Trump has gained four pounds since his last checkup with Dr. Ronny Jackson.



>I am sure the average TDS snowflake gained 5-10x that in the past year

b594d4  No.5175320

Trump dumb as hell if signs that bill

65638c  No.5175321


Is it possible to sign the bill but suspend its implementation in anyway, ie. a temporary freeze until some ammendment is made.

As you say optics are bad otherwise

074a88  No.5175322


It's all the show. POTUS knew this would happen, and we've been assured the money for the wall was already there. Essentially, Dems and Repubs are haggling over how much additional border security money to spend. Let the swamp eat themselves, because when the wall goes up the shit will stop anyway.

We all knew the national emergency was coming.

83c4b8  No.5175323

File: 9af435526978a73⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 9af435526978a73879208b3fba….png)

File: 27f266437e48a80⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 27f266437e48a80f755465e0a9….png)

File: 55d429aa08048a2⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 55d429aa08048a293badd6be98….png)

File: 064ac4137bc6b5b⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 064ac4137bc6b5b31df321ce5a….png)

Moar jew "spiritual" teachings.

e82a2c  No.5175324

Student charged with wiretapping after livestreaming meeting at Maryland Rep. Harris' office

A Salisbury University student has been charged with illegal wiretapping after prosecutors say he streamed a meeting with a congressional staffer for Maryland Rep. Andy Harris to Facebook Live without permission.

Jake Burdett, 20, was charged last week with two felony counts of making an illegal recording and distributing the video filmed during a Maryland Marijuana Justice rally at Harris’s Salisbury office in October, according to a news release from the state prosecutor’s office.


c20af6  No.5175325

File: 7bed83001f9d1e8⋯.png (327.24 KB, 1243x769, 1243:769, ClipboardImage.png)

Elliott Abrams

Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies (On Leave)


bf3cba  No.5175326


There’s a mix down there. The populace is overwhelmingly illegal but there are a lot of old school, rich, white ranchers who hold most of the land

And some of the sheriffs actually are sick of illegals so it could turn in our favor

fbbb2c  No.5175327

File: b08590be6ad5e64⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 447x480, 149:160, Screenshot 2019-02-14_17-2….jpg)

File: 2315a10667de046⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 317x305, 317:305, Screenshot 2019-02-14_17-2….jpg)

File: 038787e8b5b964b⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 451x394, 451:394, Screenshot 2019-02-14_17-2….jpg)

e0a434  No.5175328


dems offering lawyers buses and airplanes to go around the wall….

Angel moms dads are crying because the R's are jsut like the D's with compromise and open the borders…..

R's and the D;s could care less about Americans The senate vote every R should be counted …..


52162d  No.5175329

My toilet snake curled the entire basin

1c6202  No.5175330

File: 1ffe1e1d3fa850f⋯.jpg (326.04 KB, 1125x1505, 225:301, 1ffe1e1d3fa850fbe717d86402….jpg)


Yea remember Qanon had momentum and was on front page of every MSM rag as well. Whether Q admits or not this shit is spiralling out of control.

A few arrests for FISA abuse is jack shit atm.

a818ef  No.5175331

File: 15a7ad58e73769b⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 474x513, 158:171, ej.jpg)

File: 3099e372e72a719⋯.png (27.79 KB, 588x609, 28:29, trp.png)


Of course you kike pieces of shit would laugh at a child's pain.

Obvious satan-worshiping, baby mutilators are obvious.

Disgusting rats.

Q, handle the JQ or else.

5399e5  No.5175332

File: c6b1d491d57ccb8⋯.mp4 (15.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 720_30_6.24_Feb142019.mp4)

Ssshiva / Cern.


83c4b8  No.5175333

File: 68dc12b2dcadb6d⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 68dc12b2dcadb6d41cb2619cea….png)

File: 70b1aacb1aa8233⋯.png (611.57 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 250e7233f006a96a5d719657e7….png)

File: 904cca1797a126d⋯.png (701.18 KB, 1911x807, 637:269, 467e00aae3f3146d596e85c94a….png)

File: 772fc8bba764802⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 772fc8bba76480277d7071ad65….png)

Moar JEW "Spiritual" teachings.

daf36b  No.5175334

If the president signs this bill, It is proof we have lost and the only hope we have is the return of Christ. Even if POTUS declares a national emergency - there are so many poison bombs in this bill that we wont recover.

Our government is on the verge of letting us down and selling us out and starting an influx of non Americans that will forever change this nation for the worse. Heck - Pelosi is already setting up to take all of our guns. Q, POTUS, and the rest of DC look like they lost and the deep state won.

#muhfeelsrant over and back to lurking for more news items that dont get posted anywhere else.

af4713  No.5175335


Nbc 10 boston just showed two couples getting married today

White plus yellow

White plus mexican

Then they showed a school in brighton mass

Kids getting gifts

Alk on camera? Not white.

Make it more obvious why dont you?

261052  No.5175336

File: 467f242270f818f⋯.png (804.77 KB, 1074x594, 179:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc81cbf1acc550f⋯.png (516.07 KB, 992x475, 992:475, ClipboardImage.png)


John "Jack" Michael Posobiec III digs returns a weird story of a former Bush advisor murdered and found in delaware landfil 8 years ago.

=John Parsons Wheeler III=

He's got to be a direct descendant of Jack Thayer who surived the Titantic ties back to ISREAL Morris of Morris & Wheeler co. (Pic Related)

Oh and did he have a son - sure did. John Wheeler (would be the IV) - My money's on that him and "Jack" Posobiec are one in the same.

And who else has a great great great grandfather named ISREAL? Oh you know - REX FKN TILLERSON



edbe0c  No.5175337



Is it organic?

How hard would it be to have bots come here, figure out what stories can trigger it, and then post "dangerous right wing extremist" posts?

It would be the easiest thing in the world for AI.

So why wouldn't it be happening?

It feeds the MSM narrative DIRECTLY. On the proverbial silver platter.

What could be more obvious?

The chans are RIGGED.

This was implemented.

The human element got driven out.

1bab4f  No.5175338

File: 89b81deca9ca5ca⋯.png (22.14 KB, 691x123, 691:123, ClipboardImage.png)



Hes fucked

cc4904  No.5175339



An idiot!

fca213  No.5175340

4c8eeb  No.5175341

38db9f  No.5175342

File: 7c23d12a69fa044⋯.gif (747.13 KB, 500x271, 500:271, pimplove.gif)

2d025e  No.5175343

File: 72e4914cf417de5⋯.jpg (173.44 KB, 629x636, 629:636, ItsTrue.jpg)

8d070d  No.5175344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trannys are worthless and meddle in grimace and wince and despotic affairs

5d420a  No.5175345


31 National Emergencies in effect, FOR YEARS

829514  No.5175346


You realize the house is nothing and still needs to pass the republican senate? Wait you do! You want to make u knowing anons fearful. Fuck off.

4efd98  No.5175347


"What Q said…"

The existence of the uniparty was known long before Q

bfb11f  No.5175348

File: a68e825eef9fedd⋯.png (368.1 KB, 648x468, 18:13, CivilWar.png)

Civil War on the left.

Who's winning?

525758  No.5175349

File: bafc80eacb6282b⋯.png (671.33 KB, 859x599, 859:599, 01_Trump_one_state_solutio….PNG)

File: b2f557327ce8806⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2338x2001, 2338:2001, Israel_fucked.jpg)

File: 566fa5d06ebc4c6⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1344x1412, 336:353, New_1_1.png)

File: 21b8a4142dc15a5⋯.png (901.3 KB, 1040x1092, 20:21, New_1_2.png)

File: 222b34333101904⋯.png (869.98 KB, 948x1166, 474:583, New_1_3.png)


Trust yourself.

Go see what Q had to say about Israel and Mossad (MOS) in his crumbs.


The JQ is not about lumping all the Jews together either, moran.


You're implying that Islam is not a problem either then, and it is.

You're fake and gay.


Calling me names does not make the facts I post any less factual, loser traitor :)

b594d4  No.5175350


This!!!!! get with it anons. We should have ended them BEFORE the midterms

31cf88  No.5175351


oh no christ isnt returning the messiah he tarrys

5f8c10  No.5175352

File: 515c2add908cd50⋯.jpg (84.69 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Bentaco 1.jpg)

83c4b8  No.5175353

File: 0914cf89c67e4bd⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 0914cf89c67e4bd6bd50116b50….png)

File: 0915faed301caf7⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 0915faed301caf77c8c2b1023b….png)

File: 7e036248e98587b⋯.png (666.7 KB, 1973x896, 1973:896, 63124fa332a59821ed2cc2e699….png)

File: a51a421b5a69311⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, a51a421b5a69311a376861b084….png)

Moar "spiritual" teachings from the poor little victim jews.

2341f1  No.5175354

File: 1812bfd39eb087a⋯.mp4 (519.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _Large (1).mp4)

File: 2c87192a1f9d151⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 22ed013b05187db19a22503e07….jpg)

File: c7ead545092d614⋯.jpg (634.15 KB, 1018x981, 1018:981, c7ead545092d6142991e909529….jpg)

File: 402eb24d86ad7eb⋯.png (757.08 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, dba6bcf9f8f0fcf3661a6eff22….png)

File: 0f6d5743dbf383a⋯.png (6.96 KB, 608x141, 608:141, ed704e45793f7a3146b8b1bff6….png)


raging arguments here with dimwit invective are shills who stage multipart kayfabe dramas in which they take all sides – "hot button" (to shills) arguments.

Anons do not abuse newfags or each other.

We're here to get a job done, and for most of us, that's about protecting children and the future of our families and this great nation.

It's not about labeling others as evil, or accusing people who think differently from us of stupidity.

Anons have learned all theories are provisional and most of us have learned to update our worldviews on receiving new information.

Anons do not hold ourselves superior because we know something someone else doesn’t. All knowledge is incomplete. There is a crack in everything as the mystics say.

Anons to not hate, nor do we despise those who differ or abuse and try to drive them away.

Anons are of many nationalities, faiths,

economic and educational backgrounds.


34af7b  No.5175355

File: 650c065a4bbd8d4⋯.png (154.55 KB, 489x371, 489:371, Opera Snapshot_2018-11-25_….png)


George Webb? Are you fucking stoned?

2b6181  No.5175356



It's been about 30 mins and we've already spent nearly 65% of the bread, kek

8d070d  No.5175357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


maybe africa can use the trannys for slavery

4f0674  No.5175358

File: 30274613c5f5461⋯.jpeg (27.42 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, 60E0B270-0D1D-4DD1-9D0F-D….jpeg)

++++Q what is this Hillary voting initiative for 2020 voting is this just alabama or all states???+++++

ec5204  No.5175359

File: efe0c2f9775a045⋯.jpeg (56.51 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 7B7D8DFD-D3F2-4F64-9A58-2….jpeg)

File: 897374540c457e5⋯.png (184.01 KB, 675x615, 45:41, 43d25c26ba10142139a4b0c03b….png)

File: 534b07e37370f25⋯.jpg (91.65 KB, 500x610, 50:61, 283x.jpg)

File: b059e997881e48e⋯.png (69.83 KB, 1172x922, 586:461, M_trump_punisher (1).png)


I think we might have gone into ML when that scene with the MIL happened when POTUS was first sworn in. Who does the POTUS HAVE to tell?? And if it WAS a coup that unrigged the machines, then WHO was the leader of the coup and at what point was the power transferred to POTUS?? I have (Q)uestions, but I am VERY COMFY.


9ee179  No.5175360


This is why anons should stay Away from


b099e9  No.5175361


Maybe Trump will surprise us and sign an EO implementing immediate deportation for everyone who comes here south of the border without a passport and visa back to their country of origin the same day. We do this for those arriving on planes. We should do the same to those traveling by land or sea.

9631e7  No.5175362


I tuned into CNN expecting to see them all giddy about Trump about to sign funding bill.


They seem confounded as to what Trump is up to.

Very measured commentary.

I like it.

4dfd68  No.5175363


Isnt this another CR for a limited period until ____?

8d070d  No.5175364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


maybe mexico can use trannys for fertilizer

525758  No.5175365

File: 0ce754a68e15dc0⋯.jpg (260.14 KB, 1675x1405, 335:281, 1_The_Lobby_Part_2_Campaig….jpg)

File: 3016f5af6749530⋯.jpg (372.24 KB, 1681x1875, 1681:1875, 2_The_Lobby_Part_2_Straw_D….jpg)

File: c05cd34598ccab4⋯.jpg (490.8 KB, 1678x2350, 839:1175, 3_The_Lobby_Part_2_Buying_….jpg)

File: bbff365c9cd00b7⋯.jpg (479.47 KB, 1200x2350, 24:47, 4_The_Lobby_Part_1_The_Isr….jpg)

File: 56f020067512328⋯.jpg (165.82 KB, 1200x1004, 300:251, 18_The_Lobby_Part_3_Slande….jpg)


That is like saying that the Muslim Question is not legit.

You're a traitor.

"The Lobby: USA" documentary:

>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)

-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope


2ba9d2  No.5175366

File: cd2a260bb1e138e⋯.png (202.26 KB, 473x355, 473:355, ClipboardImage.png)

83c4b8  No.5175367

File: ac7030bbb9a7c57⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, ac7030bbb9a7c57c5ece8d2e59….png)

File: afff522a492b088⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, afff522a492b08890151a01d47….png)

File: cfc8e8b3cf50355⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, cfc8e8b3cf50355b5d3e103d35….png)

File: dc1471a8df54a9f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, dc1471a8df54a9fa34959dc99b….png)

Moar "Spiritual" teachings of the jew.

Wake up, goyim.

f85b24  No.5175368


2nd step seal them so the public don't find out!

8fd895  No.5175369

File: fc7ccb653a7571f⋯.jpg (230.75 KB, 991x672, 991:672, IMG_0207.JPG)


Muhammed, you're under arrest for muhjoo shilling

5f8c10  No.5175370

File: 33ea41b1dd7cbd3⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 255x162, 85:54, canklestan 1.jpg)

57f5d5  No.5175371

File: a9a6ff5ebe0058e⋯.jpg (65.93 KB, 722x500, 361:250, c7131fa87c29d1cb1951ecbfa7….jpg)

File: e59c3e93f71ff66⋯.png (147.89 KB, 799x554, 799:554, e59c3e93f71ff663eec56ef327….png)

File: f5d4eca10f9579a⋯.png (18.17 KB, 576x219, 192:73, evil3.PNG)




















c20af6  No.5175372

File: 713b72f2357ee87⋯.png (53.33 KB, 781x860, 781:860, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b99b57e6acef786⋯.png (29.51 KB, 796x446, 398:223, ClipboardImage.png)

War Summit in Poland: Israel Demands Mass Murder of Iranians

Bibi Netanyahu misspoke. During a “pace conference” in Warsaw, Poland he said Israel wants war with Iran, then he turned around and said that’s not what he meant and “war” in Hebrew has a different meaning.

Israel's PM Netanyahu talks of "war" with Iran, then changes his tune.

Read more @business: https://t.co/Qwbhb5frLD pic.twitter.com/eNZs66vFnH

— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) February 14, 2019

Israel has pushed the idea of a “war” against Iran for decades. Iran sits atop a list of countries Bibi and the Likudniks want to take out. It was “mission accomplished” in Iraq and Libya, but a failure in Syria. Iran is a tough nut to crack and not a pushover like Iraq (where twelve years of brutal sanctions worked to soften the country up prior to the Bush dynasty’s second round of “creative destruction”).

Here’s Bibi calling for mass murder in the lead-up to his destruction of Iraq. I say “his” because the “war” was orchestrated by a coterie of Likudnik operatives in the Bush administration.

"If you take out Saddam," Netanyahu told Congress in 2002, "I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region. And I think that people sitting right next door in Iran… will say the time of such regimes, of such despots is gone." pic.twitter.com/ZNTxpSP3a2

— Robert Mackey (@RobertMackey) February 14, 2019

If you believe there are multiple meanings of the word “war” in Hebrew and Bibi misspoke or his true meaning was lost in translation, you’re not paying attention. The Israeli state is eager to kill Iranians and flatten Tehran in similar fashion to Aleppo or Fallujah.

Bibi will need Sunni Arabs—in particular the vicious Wahhabi brand—Europe, and of course the United States, for his master plan to be a success. That’s what’s going on right now in Poland—a sort of pre-war powwow, getting all the ducks lined up in a row.

But if you listen to the wife of a former Federal Reserve chairman, Netanyahu and VP Pence are in Poland to honor Jews who died in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Andrea Mitchell managed to implicate the Polish government in that sad historical event. Did she forget the Nazis invaded Poland?

.@VP and @Netanyahu signing visitor book at Polish museum honoring Polish Jews who died in the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising against the Nazis pic.twitter.com/AHeqHjkJNm

— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) February 14, 2019

Mike Pompeo was a bit more circumspect in his language. He declared “pushing back”—economic warfare eventually followed up with bombing raids—will solve the region’s problems.

My dispatch from the summit in Poland that's definitely not about Iran:

-Pence: Europe must abandon nuclear deal with Iran

-Pompeo: It's time to 'confront Iran'

-Netanyahu: Let's 'combat'/go to 'war' with Iran

-Giuliani: We need Iran regime-change


— Kim Hjelmgaard (@khjelmgaard) February 14, 2019

The former tank commander said Israel has the “right” to defend itself, but didn’t bother to enlighten on the particular threat the Jewish state—flush with billions of US dollars and military hardware—faces.

Certainly not nuclear bombs. It is well-known, despite the fantasies of Likudniks and converts like Pompeo, Iran doesn’t have a nuclear weapons program. Israel, on the other hand, has a long secret nuclear program and steadfastly refuses to declare its nukes. Iran understands there is no shortage of homicidal lunatics in Israel, most prominently Bibi who would like you to believe “war” means something entirely different in Hebrew.

Did @netanyahu really say “war” with Iran? I was there and the word was ”milchama” = war. pic.twitter.com/ZzhrDs2lWA

— Aron Heller (@aronhellerap) February 13, 2019


357280  No.5175373

Notables Thus Far

>>5175186 GOP/Dem Deal Spends 40X as Much on Foreign Countries as Border Wall

>>5175159 GOP/Dem Deal: Trump Must Have Approval from Left-Wing County to Build Wall

>>5175116 Jussie Smollett tampered with evidence

>>5175048 Anon turned the entire Obama White House visitor list into a quite intuitive, searchable page

>>5175031 2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin

>>5174942 Here’s how the pro-Israel lobby — criticized by Ilhan Omar — stacks up against other Washington influencers

>>5174935 Rand Paul Tweets on State of Emergency

>>5174920 Israeli Colonists Invade Home, Threaten To Kill Family, In Hebron

>>5174917, >>5174991, >>5175316 PlaneFag Reports

>>5174889 World’s Tax Collectors Look to Divvy Up Tech Giants’ Billions

>>51748774 Deleted Potus Twat

Comments welcome & encouraged!!

bf3cba  No.5175374


Just passed the senate

1c6202  No.5175375

File: 9fdb9bfd57b9fb7⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 1039x605, 1039:605, 9fdb9bfd57b9fb7ed1b3931262….jpg)


Im trying to stay positive but everything is crumbling while we chase justice for 30 people who should have been dragged out and shot by firing squad 2 years ago.

4c8eeb  No.5175376

File: 5414e900ce91431⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, Unity_notDivision.jpg)


Q handled this many times, shill.

They want you DIVIDED.











This is not about religions or party affiliation.

EVIL is everywhere.

There are no drawn lines.

No boundaries.

Good vs Evil.


8d070d  No.5175377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eating children with trannys is this cults big deal by the way

2fefa7  No.5175378

File: 2f66eea1fc4968e⋯.png (2.38 MB, 2358x1747, 2358:1747, stfufaggots.png)


5e5d6f  No.5175379


Munter-Mensch. She's another unhinged harpy.

83c4b8  No.5175380

File: b99ded32d00a14a⋯.jpeg (305.13 KB, 1242x1452, 207:242, b99ded32d00a14ad5ee92072e….jpeg)


Keep crying.

The goyim know.

01a70b  No.5175381


>Why is POTUS signing the spending bill as is?

No amnesty / NO DACA was bargained away

Still gets the wall

e6a1bd  No.5175382



Why? Works for me.

0d9787  No.5175383


Gosh, sorry that I don't like the fact that fucking Mayors can VETO the President! Sorry that I don't like the banning of barriers from a large swath of land like the rio grand valley. Sorry that I don't like a limited # of beds and facilities. Sorry that I don't like imposed Sanctuary cities. But hey, you're cool with it.

a818ef  No.5175384


^^^^^^^^^ We'll start the NECKING process with this KIKE right here.

4dfd68  No.5175385


When he gets out, can I still use the internet handle, Carlos Danger, or do I have to give it back to him?

11fce6  No.5175386


MORANS: be advised. 10 more of you and we'll have our 17.

7b84fb  No.5175387


Good idea, I have added a search field for a date on the page


34af7b  No.5175388











cde3e8  No.5175389

File: 8fbbda42e096df1⋯.jpg (90.9 KB, 500x500, 1:1, JamalLyin.jpg)

File: fda808145550ace⋯.jpeg (311.44 KB, 527x546, 527:546, JamalLyinText.jpeg)

65e65e  No.5175390

File: 57eb5d8a7f72339⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1397x2534, 1397:2534, ea3c60a11a9391774e4a6a64f1….jpg)

File: d8579fd9e79e64c⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1416x3178, 708:1589, 96fcca95cb94ce940b8d9f3e17….jpg)

File: f476df0ad051894⋯.png (787.09 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, aeaefbd62c9b5e292ba6e22ac2….png)


Z averted. Not tyrants.

Long-term thinking. History. Lens.

57f5d5  No.5175391

File: 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1024x646, 512:323, 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b3b1a6d2944a….png)







It is an endlessly pushed, fake and gay shill garbage.

this link debunks all the shill garbage:


oh wait, what's this? all that garbage is taken from the "book" called "talmud unmasked"!

>talmud unmasked, a book published in 1892 by Justinas Bonaventure Pranaitis (1861–1917).


The author is the same clown that was exposed as a complete fraud in the Beilis trial.

He was brought over as an "expert", and got completely exposed as a fraud:

>One prosecution witness, presented as a religious expert in Judaic rituals, was a Catholic priest, Justinas Pranaitis from Tashkent, well known for his antisemitic 1892 work Talmud Unmasked. Pranaitis testified that the murder of Yushchinsky was a religious ritual, associating the murder of Yushchinsky with the blood libel, a legend believed by many Russians at the time.

>Pranaitis' credibility rapidly evaporated when the defense demonstrated his ignorance of some simple Talmudic concepts and definitions, such as hullin,[1]:p.215 to the point where "many in the audience occasionally laughed out loud when he clearly became confused and couldn't even intelligibly answer some of the questions asked by my lawyer."[3]

>A Beilis Defense Committee advisor, a writer named Ben-Zion Katz, suggested countering Father Pranaitis with questions like "When did Baba Bathra live and what was her activity" which he described as the equivalent of asking an American "Who lived at the Gettysburg Address?" There were enough Jews in the court for the resultant laughter to negate Pranatis' value to the prosecution.[1]:pp.214-216


>A Tsarist secret police agent is quoted, reporting on Pranaitis' testimony, as saying: Cross-examination of Pranaitis has weakened evidentiary value of his expert opinion, exposing lack of knowledge of texts, insufficient knowledge of Jewish literature. Because of amateurish knowledge and lack of resourcefulness, Pranaitis' expert opinion is of very low value.



oh and here is more:

>The identification of Yeshu as Jesus is problematic. For example, the Talmud mentions Yeshu ben Pandera/ben Stada's stepfather, Pappos ben Yehuda, speaking with Rabbi Akiva,[3] who was executed at the climax of the Bar Kokhba revolt in 135 CE.[4][5] Furthermore, Yeshu the Pharisee student is described as being a student of the second-century BCE nasi Joshua ben Perachiah, as well as being among the exiled Pharisees returning to Israel following their persecution[6][7] by John Hyrcanus,[8], an event which occurred in 74 BC. Additionally, Yeshu the sorcerer was executed by the royal government which lost legal authority in 63 BC. These events would place the lifetime of either Yeshu decades before or after the birth and death of Jesus.[9][10] Still, there are numerous other passages pertaining to an individual named "Yeshu" that either don't provide a specific time period or else specify a time where it is reasonable to assume mentioning of Jesus would even be possible (take for example a notable passage, Gittin 57a mentioning the nobleman Onkelos conjuring the tormented spirit of "Yeshu" – Onkelos lived more than a century after Jesus, thus making it possible the Yeshu mentioned could indeed be Jesus, though the likelihood of this is still questionable) still opening the possibility that whichever Yeshu mentioned might be Jesus. '


let the shill kvetching begin!

2fefa7  No.5175393


house hasn't voted on it ffs

206855  No.5175394


Because he's the POTUS, and you're not?

bcea5a  No.5175395

File: 409046ce004d3eb⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1024x1206, 512:603, ea87b044e6e638d47c246d6969….png)


I'd hump that.

9ee179  No.5175396


We, are!

829514  No.5175397


Welp. Guess I’ll go kill myself then.

4dc72d  No.5175398

File: 430922aeca57933⋯.jpg (375.59 KB, 1982x1328, 991:664, corsibake.jpg)

14b799  No.5175399

File: b838a2234fea752⋯.png (3.74 MB, 1378x1584, 689:792, ClipboardImage.png)


Joseph J. Flynn ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️@JosephJFlynn1 Feb 13

Replying to @AmyAndering @JoeGavi04443005 @GenFlynn

Correct Flynn Family crest


525758  No.5175400


Q mentioned Israel and Mossad more times:



7dc947  No.5175401


>Miller is a good Jew.

So then Miller doesn't support the acts of an evil jew and the thesis laid forth by the image macro is still correct and there's nothing to disagree with.

ddd6eb  No.5175402

File: f66f48a5103e5b3⋯.png (448.67 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

2b6181  No.5175403



Can you provide sauce to the source of this data?

Fellow codefag, I'm sure other codefags would appreciate it too. And/or if the site has an API, sauce to its endpoint as well.

Thanks again, fren.

a818ef  No.5175404

File: 5b49523992b24a9⋯.jpg (273.99 KB, 838x1017, 838:1017, hangingkek.jpg)










8d070d  No.5175405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

besides Palomas already has dibbs for schumers new fake jew processing plant

0f16ef  No.5175406

This bill is only good for one year, right?

Well, POTUS will have enough money to complete the walls in the areas he already has planned.

Then, there is time to take down some of these corrupt Dems in the House and get a better deal next year.

(just looking for a silver lining)

83c4b8  No.5175407

File: cfc8e8b3cf50355⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, cfc8e8b3cf50355b5d3e103d35….png)

File: dc1471a8df54a9f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, dc1471a8df54a9fa34959dc99b….png)

File: f3c4f5cb040d754⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, f3c4f5cb040d754c39cd2672d8….png)

File: ff7f77bc150a3e7⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, ff7f77bc150a3e776068fa5b5b….png)

Have some moar "spiritual" teachings from your jew-masters, goyim.

511ef0  No.5175408


Why are they compromising on this stupid deal to keep the government open to protect SES & themselves from being arrested?

The bill is giving like 3x + the amount to other stupid slush funds, than they are giving to the wall. I personally think we have to wait a couple weeks the media will attack the stupid bill until people awaken to how bad congress is for signing it without even going through all 1100 ish pages.

Then we get the storm in 2 weeks, when the public is really pissed off ?

34af7b  No.5175409

2341f1  No.5175410

File: 1812bfd39eb087a⋯.mp4 (519.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _Large (1).mp4)

File: 2c87192a1f9d151⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 22ed013b05187db19a22503e07….jpg)

File: 5438337883008eb⋯.png (349.09 KB, 499x493, 499:493, dfa060ffeec74c908d3a06758d….png)

File: f90de53c58f994e⋯.jpg (334.66 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, DSC00076.jpg)

New fags

Do not participate in shill staged disputes

b099e9  No.5175411


Fame whore who has accomplished nothing in his life other than fleecing the gullible who follow him.

f1766f  No.5175412

File: d14afaa2b5cd802⋯.jpg (141.63 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, FentanylSeized.jpg)

2fefa7  No.5175413


well they are going to though, I heard around 6:30 est

c20af6  No.5175414

File: ebec121bd109178⋯.png (395.7 KB, 781x416, 781:416, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcbf4008399c5cf⋯.png (204.37 KB, 312x462, 52:77, ClipboardImage.png)

8fcef9  No.5175415


I trust POTUS will do the right thing.

You are letting the media put fear in your head.

4ab53c  No.5175416


Has he actually said himself that he'll sign it, or has it just been McConnell saying the president will sign it?

bf3cba  No.5175417


Don’t do that. You might miss what’s coming

Don’t know what that is, but could be cool

b8f30c  No.5175418

File: 4ce01e8d46a0a93⋯.jpg (189.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Tina Smith FB Page Unhinge….jpg)

Anons, I've been compiling "unhinged" responses to my social media posts. Eventually, I'll send a small collection to Q and/or POTUS so they can have a good laugh.

Earlier today I called out one of our state Senators for her continuous lies (I do it all the time to our politicians). I've never received a response from any of my state representatives but the responses I get are hilarious. This particular response from earlier today one is one of my favorites.

"you are truly one of the biggest idiots around next to your President. I will personally make you any wager you would like that Trump does not finish his first term. What a pea brain. Your mother held you to close to her chest when breast feeding you and cut off circulation to your minuscule brain"

Minnesota is so lost…..

57f5d5  No.5175419

File: b3dd70704da71a0⋯.png (112.61 KB, 824x402, 412:201, shill_blew_it.PNG)

File: 9cbe022f5979008⋯.png (176.92 KB, 680x371, 680:371, shill_blew_it_2.PNG)















When the spambot operator blows his cover:

>>5169586 pb


here the bot operator said he filtered me, using the same semi-automatic text

>>5170172 pb


And here, 25 spam posts later, he posted another text reply saying he filters me again.

oh boy… you're gonna get fired for this…

see attached screen shots.

2bbe2e  No.5175420

POTUS said we will see what happens after SOTU. Did I miss something? We get 2 SOTU this year?

83c4b8  No.5175421

File: ca03d2cb3271815⋯.png (536.45 KB, 702x395, 702:395, jewfree.png)


Expose real jew "spiritual" teachings, and look at the jews panic.

Whatcha hidin' jews???

98c76c  No.5175422





ca7f5d  No.5175423

File: 9aa9747f9692575⋯.png (336.4 KB, 590x400, 59:40, ClipboardImage.png)

8d070d  No.5175424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

these fetards are totally about trannys and stupid butt stuff huh

ec5204  No.5175425

File: e5673676ec909c3⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, trump-cash-new.png)


You should give DJT advice on women and money while you're at it Anon.

4c8eeb  No.5175426

File: 42b8ceabe5aa771⋯.jpg (16.06 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 7.jpg)

3d1885  No.5175427

>>5175416. Sarah too

5d420a  No.5175428

File: 9fa2d8f8687ae53⋯.png (43.77 KB, 609x364, 87:52, AQ1.PNG)

They scared.


Collins responds to Nat'l Emerg

4dc72d  No.5175429


Yeah, this is prolly from then, but hey if schlomo wants to follow Webb I say dig em all up

91b6ce  No.5175430

File: be49cff2b056459⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 719x703, 719:703, (You).JPG)


The Clock isn't a slide you fucking retard.

Q posted two clock pictures today. How may times do you need to be shown? Search for clock, search for delta, look at all the "coincidences".

1c6202  No.5175431


Add this please.>>5175112

Also from:


e0a434  No.5175432


Pay your taxes he German Queen Elizabeth wants you fed reserve money.

The R's and the D's want open borders. R's voting on this shit wit the pretend languauge of keeping the gov open !!

More money for foreigners and bilouts and slush fund foundations,

Americans supplementing the r's and the d's…. need to shut down and RIFF …

They are givign billions to Foreign Countries!!!

Who do these R's and D's work for !!!!

no money for wall but shit laods of money for 1 Trillion dollar payout to lawyers and FOREIGN governments

2ba9d2  No.5175433

File: cbedf1cf3a15b65⋯.png (246.56 KB, 640x389, 640:389, ClipboardImage.png)

2b6181  No.5175434




Or hell… source code for that matter. You may get some help from other anons that way.

Though it may be a bad idea cuz it'd expose the internals, so idk maybe not a good idea. Throwing it out there anyway.

4dfd68  No.5175435

830df3  No.5175436


Please correct "Deleted Potus Twat" link.

Should be: >>5174874

8d070d  No.5175437

File: 698527bd187b97c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 134.65 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, fakejewtacos.jpg)

38db9f  No.5175438

File: 59d357572556e96⋯.png (311.24 KB, 700x478, 350:239, ClipboardImage.png)

57f5d5  No.5175439

File: dcf2a020de4fe4e⋯.png (18.08 KB, 569x208, 569:208, evil4.PNG)



more kayfabe spotted

edbe0c  No.5175440


You need to invent entirely new styles of posting, bot system. You can't get by on the 4chan emulation anymore. Wake up.

525758  No.5175441

File: dc9b032ec3fea51⋯.png (358.19 KB, 647x649, 647:649, Before_Islam_When_Saudi_Ar….PNG)

File: 5279588c75c1b3b⋯.jpg (649.85 KB, 2772x1645, 396:235, Jews_muslims_enemies.jpg)

File: 3bb4b53324ded16⋯.jpg (766.47 KB, 2668x1744, 667:436, Jews_muslims_enemies_2.jpg)

File: 074791e95d96fbf⋯.png (96.86 KB, 916x640, 229:160, Leopold_Weiss_The_Jew_Who_….PNG)

File: 532482a099039b7⋯.jpg (150.38 KB, 1200x848, 75:53, Wahhabanism_Jewish_Connect….jpg)


Not an argument.

Have more facts.

ec5204  No.5175442

File: 336e05f08a50967⋯.jpg (15.15 KB, 255x212, 255:212, 99bb903314374b5867e1b3e676….jpg)

File: 9919d8c806b5b50⋯.jpg (109.54 KB, 700x488, 175:122, 9919d8c806b5b50505edaab9a4….jpg)

File: 424b29a215b61e7⋯.png (16.09 KB, 183x255, 61:85, c18259a782b25ff67ae690eb30….png)

File: b9fa74e6943487e⋯.png (724.34 KB, 1058x748, 529:374, Screen Shot 2018-09-03 at ….png)


That's the one I have had for a while. KEK!!

3066d5  No.5175443


> $61 billion to spend on new equipment at ports of entry, hiring and training new customs officers, and counter-narcotics and counter weapons technology.

How much you want to bet that the D's are highly bribed by companies that will win these contracts?

e73a55  No.5175444


She's one of the top shelf A+ yacht girls.. Why do you think she's famous.

d4f86b  No.5175445


Baker, you take my meme instead of the Jussie Smollett story!


8d070d  No.5175446

File: 14671a8ef446175⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 574.29 KB, 700x434, 50:31, frieddenverwhitesupremacis….png)

2fefa7  No.5175447


go back to your containment thread retard

c62a4f  No.5175448

File: 73df3b0c7093d54⋯.jpeg (560.6 KB, 750x1325, 30:53, DD938C19-4B18-4E34-9CA1-9….jpeg)

e0a434  No.5175449


the bailout of wall street fund foreign banks !!!

the bailout of the government give your money to people who are friends of these slush politicins

2341f1  No.5175450

File: dd5ec5ec9ddb7bf⋯.gif (111.76 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon2.gif)

Shillcon raised.

extremely tedious high volume automated MUH JEW shilling.

Newfags advised:

Do NOT reply to shills.

Remember God loves you.


e82a2c  No.5175451

US Company That Smuggled Weapons Into Venezuela Linked To CIA "Black Site" Renditions


Venezuela says plane from Miami delivered weapons for use by enemies of Maduro


Air charter firm, client both deny role in alleged shipment of arms to Venezuela


The denials only added to the mystery of the alleged shipment — a mystery compounded by perhaps coincidental ties between the chairman and a key employee of 21 Air with a company that Amnesty International says once took part in a CIA program to whisk suspected terrorists to “black site” jails around the world, a procedure known as rendition.

The chairman and majority owner of 21 Air, Adolfo Moreno, has set up or registered at least 14 other companies in Florida over the past two decades. Among the people brought on to 21 Air when it formed in 2014 was Michael Steinke, its director of quality control.

Both men appear to have either coincidental or direct ties to Gemini Air Cargo, a company that Amnesty International described in a 2006 report as being among more than 30 air charter services believed to have taken part in a CIA program of rendition in which suspected terrorists were abducted abroad and taken to third-country secret “black sites” for interrogation.

091674  No.5175452

File: 51e2636ee0b8576⋯.png (254.53 KB, 628x696, 157:174, 14493b40efd27a3acf1aebfa56….png)



01a70b  No.5175453

File: bba2cef9d5d57d7⋯.png (570.96 KB, 607x605, 607:605, BSexton re CNN POTUS Check….PNG)


From fake news to fat shaming, CNN is the gold standard


83c4b8  No.5175454

File: b2fce2f863704cc⋯.pdf (5.05 MB, Blood_Passover.pdf)

File: 6fbc97ce0865cc8⋯.jpg (191.23 KB, 720x984, 30:41, Blood Passover.jpg)

File: 53a04e3991124b2⋯.jpg (100.08 KB, 1300x744, 325:186, jewsasthegog.jpg)

File: 62bca54ba64b37a⋯.png (342.75 KB, 392x374, 196:187, jewishritualmurder.png)

File: 02947be2bed658c⋯.png (108.13 KB, 243x252, 27:28, disgusting.png)



Read this book titled "Blood Passover, the Jews of Europe and RITUAL MURDER,"



Send a Copy to TRUMP!

Maybe if he reads this book,


The spell that the JEWS have TRUMP UNDER can be broken.

Remind TRUMP that this book was


3… 2… 1…

8d070d  No.5175455

File: 1d0e4a5bdacd2c1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 939 KB, 760x1140, 2:3, shreddedbavarianmolestorpe….jpg)

4c8eeb  No.5175456

File: 3a85bbc8df5d0c7⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 400x275, 16:11, JQ_shills2.jpg)


Yawn, shill.

Have a hug.

206855  No.5175457


"Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions."

Gee, Rod, hypocrite much?

57f5d5  No.5175458

File: 5594283ece6134e⋯.png (18.25 KB, 580x231, 580:231, evil5.PNG)


notice that you triggered the spambot:


here is another very revealing q crumb

9d3e12  No.5175459



You know, "vs" should imply a active action

>right vs wrong

Please tell me what is right and wrong? Is pardoning a jewish rabbi conviced to fraud right?

>Patriots are not devided, accordingto the statistics most jews dont fall under the patriots section, if you actively support the change/destruction of our constitution

I have no issue with jews in general, just have withnesed how most of them dont display the best human moral.

b594d4  No.5175460

The media won't even comment on any other national emergency by other presidents - SO MANY. We have so many national emergencies - we've been in a state of national emergency for decades. And now NBC is all of sudden worried about it? If that's not proof of what Q has said about the BORDER being about SO MUCH MORE I don't know what is.

And we don't know what is in the bill quite frankly.

8d070d  No.5175461

File: 8b99ef35420b91e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 841.7 KB, 1728x1887, 576:629, gollywoodfakejewtacos.jpg)

8fd895  No.5175462

File: 1096bf08ff725f3⋯.jpeg (180.22 KB, 640x858, 320:429, fullsizeoutput_2125.jpeg)

e0a434  No.5175463


BULLSHIT .. R's and D's funding foreign govs

with our money

5d420a  No.5175464

File: 1c7dbeda2721540⋯.png (35.27 KB, 599x310, 599:310, AQ2.PNG)

File: 7f71dea0ebf91c0⋯.png (35.21 KB, 591x360, 197:120, AQ3.PNG)

Pelosi's response to NE


8d070d  No.5175465

File: 3becf5b8168e0b7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 320.11 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, marinatedmontrealpedophile….jpg)

545f44  No.5175466

File: 30460e60fad7de0⋯.jpg (76 KB, 750x744, 125:124, 1550122109.jpg)


Cultural appropriation by the white man of African American terms of endearment. Orange you glad he pointed that out? You racist.

525758  No.5175467

File: 78b8da0d6e6c10c⋯.jpeg (112.7 KB, 635x481, 635:481, Anti_White_jew_1.jpeg)

File: ecebeb702146c3a⋯.jpeg (140.42 KB, 640x627, 640:627, Anti_White_jew_1_2.jpeg)


Jewish subversion will be terminated.

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to israel;


Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.


Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

e19484  No.5175468


Because nobody is accountable for the Coup D'état.

Its Communism 101.

until they bust someone it just keeps going and going. until they blame Osama

ca0260  No.5175469

enjoy your 'sponsorship' defacto human trafficker amnesty Trump is about to sign, all part of the plan. Only problem is when Q says 'these people are stupid' he is referring to all you idiots

14b799  No.5175470


Credit to anon >>5174150 (lb)

Glad to see full image so we can end the tard slides

1503f2  No.5175471

File: 45c9f135cbdf80d⋯.jpg (586.75 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, F15DesertCamo.jpg)


206855  No.5175472


The Obama White Hours you say.

11fce6  No.5175473


The House and Senate may have enough votes to override a veto anyways.

We don't have the numbers yet, do we?

511ef0  No.5175474


Didn't BC have 17?

a3c817  No.5175475

File: d55fe07e81160db⋯.jpg (25.53 KB, 480x270, 16:9, puke.jpg)


George you there?

Here is me vomiting my beer.

8d070d  No.5175476

File: 080f9e88ea0dba4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 547.75 KB, 1984x1116, 16:9, scottsdalenecromancerfakej….jpg)

55e40d  No.5175477

File: fdf4750ba54c2c5⋯.jpg (97.78 KB, 962x824, 481:412, payt.JPG)


>>5172573 PB For keks: Louise Mensch meltsdown


01a70b  No.5175478


>The Clock isn't a slide you fucking retard.

Has Q ever acknowledged a clogfag post?

a818ef  No.5175479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump talking about "so-called allies"

Older video but shows you a glimpse into the 'long game'.

Why would DJT have no mention mentioning our "ally", Saudi Arabia but wouldn't call out the other obvious "ally"?

DJT calls the (((media))) the enemy of the people.

Now, with that in mind, why would he not tell the (((enemy))) who that "ally" was?

Pro tip: we're saving them for last.

It's going to be GLORIOUS!

908a2b  No.5175480

File: cfd5bdf18a42b69⋯.png (12.13 KB, 255x206, 255:206, pepelove.png)

83c4b8  No.5175481

File: 423026a92956743⋯.png (775.42 KB, 657x500, 657:500, goyimcattle4.png)



Deport yourself.

f709bb  No.5175482

File: 1d1bf3c5195c22c⋯.png (351.06 KB, 409x607, 409:607, 1d1bf3c5195c22cc3f90a324c7….png)


the symbolism in this makes my spiders senses tingeling…

enemy of rome is my ally

8d070d  No.5175483

File: d33db45a78b0b47⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 26.56 KB, 450x300, 3:2, grilledlasvegaskhazarianfa….jpg)

2b6181  No.5175484



And hilarious, kek.

b594d4  No.5175485



357280  No.5175486




already did, thanks though :) My 7 key sticks, so I knew which number was the culprit.

f1766f  No.5175487


As if we're not under something like 31 national emergencies still, from numerous past administrations.

98c76c  No.5175488


are you honestly too dumb to have figured out that

the very real clock

gets deformed & abused by shills

for the very purpose of you being annoyed like this

or are you one of those working on the anticloQ narrative?

4dfd68  No.5175489


Presidential votes only really matter in swing states anyway.

4efd98  No.5175490


Mossad stand down.

The goy aren't completely on board yet

8d070d  No.5175491

File: 957296cfdd6bf58⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 304.19 KB, 750x1125, 2:3, grilledcaliforniamolestorf….jpg)

8fd895  No.5175492


Kek, real anons get it. Muhjoo shills btfo

c20af6  No.5175493

File: ec6fe9c0200dd8b⋯.png (852.6 KB, 715x712, 715:712, ClipboardImage.png)

3c728d  No.5175494

File: 521e302c00e681f⋯.jpg (94.86 KB, 614x549, 614:549, its-habbening-hillbag.jpg)

8d070d  No.5175495

File: 4c7c68a22a5ee81⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 79.88 KB, 450x310, 45:31, grilledfexasfaggotfakejews….jpg)

edbe0c  No.5175496


Don't be deceived by the heavy emphasis on this particularly clumsy nazi-style fake posting– MOST of the posts here are fake, not just the screamingly obvious stuff.

It is about CONTROL, and subtle undermining.

a818ef  No.5175497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


no problem* mentioning.

long day.

bcea5a  No.5175498


>From fake news to fat shaming, CNN is the gold standard

Fox reported his BMI as 30.4, but didn't call him obese.

8d070d  No.5175499

File: d7a195907528275⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 107.74 KB, 596x350, 298:175, floridajudasfehgelfakejewt….jpg)

540c90  No.5175500

File: 18f49e5dbdefaab⋯.png (222.17 KB, 1573x784, 1573:784, Capture.PNG)


interesting, not worth a dig


e89a16  No.5175501

File: 4d043fd59b27274⋯.png (121.14 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 4d043fd59b27274a77e8fa6bf9….png)


My "machine" is ancient cobled together bits powered by caffeinated hamsters, I begs forgiveness

511ef0  No.5175502


George W. Bush declared 13 emergencies and Barack Obama declared 12 — nearly all of which are still active today. Bill Clinton declared 17 national emergencies, six of which are still active. Ronald Reagan declared six and George H.W. Bush declared four — but all of those have been revoked by now.

Presidents must renew national emergencies every year because the statute lets emergencies automatically expire after one year.

Past emergencies have focused on everything from swine flu to rough diamonds.

Here’s a list of the 28 active national emergencies:

Blocking Iranian Government Property (Nov. 14, 1979)

Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Nov. 14, 1994)

Prohibiting Transactions with Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process (Jan. 23, 1995)

Prohibiting Certain Transactions with Respect to the Development of Iranian Petroleum Resources (Mar. 15, 1995)

Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions with Significant Narcotics Traffickers (Oct. 21, 1995)

Regulations of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels with Respect to Cuba (Mar. 1, 1996)

Blocking Sudanese Government Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Sudan (Nov. 3, 1997)

Blocking Property of Persons Who Threaten International Stabilization Efforts in the Western Balkans (Jun. 26, 2001)

Continuation of Export Control Regulations (Aug. 17, 2001)

Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks (Sept. 14, 2001)

Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism (Sept. 23, 2001)

Blocking Property of Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Zimbabwe (Mar. 6, 2003)

Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Property in Which Iraq has an Interest (May 22, 2003)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons and Prohibiting the Export of Certain Goods to Syria (May 11, 2004)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Belarus (Jun. 16, 2006)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Oct. 27, 2006)

Blocking Property of Persons Undermining the Sovereignty of Lebanon or Its Democratic Processes and Institutions (Aug. 1, 2007)

Continuing Certain Restrictions with Respect to North Korea and North Korean Nationals (Jun. 26, 2008)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia (Apr. 12, 2010)

Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya (Feb. 25, 2011)

Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations (Jul. 25, 2011)

Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen (May 16, 2012)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine (Mar. 6, 2014)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan (Apr. 3, 2014)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Central African Republic (May 12, 2014)

Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela (Mar. 9, 2015)

Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities (Apr. 1, 2015)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi (Nov. 23, 2015)

299f5c  No.5175503

File: 8f95d4dddd4be69⋯.jpeg (857.64 KB, 1125x1998, 125:222, 3D8255D0-DF25-4FBF-8442-E….jpeg)



I wasn’t attempting to hit it anon, just got lucky with the timestamp. I am hoping for that [0] Delta

e0a434  No.5175504



Money for foreign govs no money for WALL and the American people. This is bull shit.

R's pretend to keep opn gov and nothing about open border initiative paying off the lawyers who created the mess in the first place…

need ops to take out the lawyers… they are comped by foreign govs

8d070d  No.5175505

File: 11a37c59c94cd30⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 248.8 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, oaklahomawhitesupremacistf….jpg)

c1726f  No.5175506


Here you go


1c6202  No.5175507

File: 574a598e51aa07c⋯.jpg (11.56 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1524798189555.jpg)


Yea its happening. Prepare to be flooded by shitskins. Trump doesnt have a choice. RINOs backstabbed everyone.

4dfd68  No.5175508


*Muslims are anti-bacon so they must perish.

8d070d  No.5175509

File: aec5e471a36e22f⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, detroitpedofakejewtacos.jpg)

38db9f  No.5175510

File: 70958dbfc8e9c3b⋯.png (4.25 MB, 1600x1936, 100:121, ClipboardImage.png)

b594d4  No.5175511


It has been used by cabal installed Presidents since the beginning to vastly broaden the power of the President. They never thought she'd lose. Never thought to limit the power to do what they were doing to destroy us.

a818ef  No.5175512


You're not a "real anon", faggot.

8d070d  No.5175513

File: 3147a5dd5310e45⋯.jpg (200.32 KB, 517x350, 517:350, BestKorean.jpg)

0d9787  No.5175514


Media nothing! Sarah Sanders tweeted it.

525758  No.5175515

File: e41464ca0266818⋯.mp4 (10.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1.mp4)


You're fluency in lies does not hide them.

e0a434  No.5175516


R's voted for the open border law pretending its about keeping the gov open !!!

ea158d  No.5175517


"he will also take other executive action - including a national emergency"

I wonder what else besides the national emergency POTUS is up to…

2fefa7  No.5175518


>very real


7b84fb  No.5175519



All 1.6 gigs

5f8c10  No.5175520

File: ac09f940dec1df9⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 600x400, 3:2, TARP.jpg)

File: bc4d2660afd95bf⋯.jpg (206.76 KB, 1248x1052, 312:263, tarp 2.jpg)

4dfd68  No.5175521


Nice! Go Pooty Poot!

57f5d5  No.5175522

File: 7849d2fa8e5e96f⋯.jpeg (35.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 0ed64606e5aceffead0db35a6….jpeg)

File: 7874740d61eea26⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 7874740d61eea26ab6956e15ea….jpg)









65e65e  No.5175523

File: 71c781e286b60db⋯.jpg (85.03 KB, 1480x1195, 296:239, 71c781e286b60db36fb2162221….jpg)

File: 8ef203a6ef966ec⋯.png (10.47 KB, 413x529, 413:529, e87a2766e03054ff26b13448db….png)


Fentanyl can be aerosolized.


>Kolokol-1 is a synthetic opioid developed for use as an aerosolizable incapacitating agent. The exact chemical structure has not yet been revealed by the Russian government. It was originally thought by some sources to be a derivative of the potent opioid fentanyl, most probably 3-methylfentanyl dissolved in an inhalational anaesthetic as an organic solvent.

>… independent analysis of residues on the Barricade Theater hostage crisis hostages' clothing or in one hostage's urine found no fentanyl or 3-methyl fentanyl…They concluded that the agent used in the Barricade Theater hostage rescue contained two fentanyl derivatives much stronger than fentanyl itself, sprayed in an aerosol mist.






7dc947  No.5175524

File: 59c4e83d0779955⋯.png (615.86 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, 59c4e83d077995537c6e03f957….png)


checkem dub dubs

RIP, sailors.

c20af6  No.5175525



38caa1  No.5175526


Stillll dasting

4efd98  No.5175527

File: 0395daf68b10c3f⋯.jpg (60.66 KB, 750x547, 750:547, 0395daf68b10c3f2594204719a….jpg)


>Proud of who? the MKU agents?

a47f82  No.5175528

File: a4bbb1a40e13795⋯.png (350.77 KB, 599x626, 599:626, Screenshot (2639).png)

Pulled from Twatter, needs a dig!

44510f  No.5175529


Let's not jump the gun. The WH said it's not for sure he will sign no matter what they're implying. Sarah said they read it first. There's a lot of dem crap in there. I can't believe the senate would pass it like it is. Maybe they'll send it back with changes. Better yet, bring on the shutdown and national emergency. Potus can fund what he needs to fund.


I agree. He's always 10 steps a head, and they are stupid. He's been preparing the nation for dealing with how stupid they are so — no surprise surprise surprise

Bring it

The clock is humming

2b6181  No.5175531



There it is! top kek, though so so true

5d420a  No.5175532


Don't forget the "For Years" part. Thinking that's gonna be significant later.

a818ef  No.5175533

File: 7304b0c55545ccb⋯.jpg (99.61 KB, 841x896, 841:896, last.jpg)


So that's your jidf niggers new thing?

Copypasta'ing and stealing digitz?

The ROPE can't come soon enough for you subhuman trash.

8d070d  No.5175534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e88c55  No.5175535


The House will pass it, and Sarah Sanders has said he will sign it.

8d070d  No.5175536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e0a434  No.5175537


Americans get ready to pay your taxes so R's and D's can give it to foreign governments

5f8c10  No.5175538

File: 1bb746135e7b9db⋯.jpg (23.08 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Flying Bacon.jpg)

357280  No.5175539

Notable Bun


>>5175186 GOP/Dem Deal Spends 40X as Much on Foreign Countries as Border Wall

>>5175159 GOP/Dem Deal: Trump Must Have Approval from Left-Wing County to Build Wall

>>5175166 Jussie Smollett tampered with evidence

>>5175112 Breitbart Bill Analysis

>>5175048 Anon turned the entire Obama White House visitor list into a quite intuitive, searchable page

>>5175031 2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin

>>5174942 Here’s how the pro-Israel lobby — criticized by Ilhan Omar — stacks up against other Washington influencers

>>5174935 Rand Paul Tweets on State of Emergency

>>5174920 Israeli Colonists Invade Home, Threaten To Kill Family, In Hebron

>>5174917, >>5174991, >>5175316 PlaneFag Reports

>>5174889 World’s Tax Collectors Look to Divvy Up Tech Giants’ Billions

>>5174874 Deleted Potus Twat

3c728d  No.5175540

File: 9407689383b870c⋯.png (230.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9407689383b870c92ad0427fe1….png)

National Emergency Rules

299f5c  No.5175541

File: 4eb4baef34afc28⋯.jpeg (759.71 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 09B32B03-4DF7-421C-A947-1….jpeg)


The General put his on yesterday.

bf3cba  No.5175542

File: e38d58073ed85d3⋯.jpeg (466.67 KB, 1242x2165, 1242:2165, A890A59B-CB41-4B82-BBE8-F….jpeg)

Oh what a tangled web we weave

cf1f9d  No.5175543

File: 9524518380da419⋯.png (1.84 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 11683016-7094-4CB1-913B-6E….png)


This little pretender apparently got himself shit canned from the Brookings Institue.

Let’s call this a “Nutter Alert” since he’s claiming to have Q related sources.

dd86a0  No.5175544

File: d531c2faf87fe75⋯.jpeg (141.7 KB, 859x784, 859:784, d531c2faf87fe75ad76e15470….jpeg)

160271  No.5175545

File: 7e4e31a50570544⋯.png (324.54 KB, 298x445, 298:445, ClipboardImage.png)

f1766f  No.5175546




Right. Good sauce.

I want to keep referring to fentanyl as a biological weapon every time it comes up.

Seems about right?

98c76c  No.5175547


all you got?

narrative it is, then

5f8c10  No.5175548

File: c71cc54907356c8⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 217x255, 217:255, VP 5X5.jpg)

e0a434  No.5175549


R's and D's bailing out foreign banks and cannot build a freaking wall

bcc39e  No.5175550

Double whammy…Declare National Emergency and DECLAS simultaneously.

d79274  No.5175551


There has been a continuous state of emergency since the Civil War. Every POTUS declares at least one each year.

2b6181  No.5175553


danks! again, great job on the search tool fren.

8d070d  No.5175555

File: 5018933fc7c74d1⋯.png (558.99 KB, 811x811, 1:1, 0083877018228bd3e3a7c72139….png)

File: 1d05677bbfd6d1c⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1700x956, 425:239, fear_and_loathing_reptiles.jpg)

File: 809628b32b3bb21⋯.jpg (286.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, KnightGunner.jpg)


does dante's revenge play into the cursed fake jew zombie powder they call cocaine and the taco war

~rev 3:9

57f5d5  No.5175556

File: 226f74f01a91efe⋯.png (353.22 KB, 611x404, 611:404, 226f74f01a91efef28c060d6da….png)

File: b62fb49085afc11⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 399x385, 57:55, b62fb49085afc11bb678782c9f….jpg)













by hiding you mean this:


or this:

garbage from #6609 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6608 bread - 17 spam posts



















garbage from #6607 bread - 23 spam posts
























garbage from #6604 bread - 33 spam posts


































garbage from #6603 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6602 bread - 41 spam posts













































d4f86b  No.5175557

File: c2e77f8e86f9c89⋯.jpg (19.5 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepehigh.jpg)


Sorry, gramma…

Baker, you took my meme instead of the Jusie S. Story. Take a look at 5175116

34b201  No.5175559

File: 2b79e60eaaa3451⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 850x478, 425:239, F15pepe_40k.gif)

887b89  No.5175560

I have a feeling the next 72 hours are going to be FUCKING CRAZY!!!!

Let's get it on!

Buckle up and enjoy the show!

8d070d  No.5175561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8fd895  No.5175562


Who pissed in this anti-semites cereal?

7b84fb  No.5175563


Alas, The Trump administration stopped putting this info online, unless I have missed something

c20af6  No.5175564

File: e7851c02e789f1a⋯.png (154.14 KB, 1160x282, 580:141, ClipboardImage.png)

0f16ef  No.5175565

File: 5beab98031f9aa5⋯.png (167.56 KB, 957x574, 957:574, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at ….png)

65e65e  No.5175566


My initial thought was water supply. But no, if you had enough to kill 4 million people, that's enough to make a


dangerous derivative that doesn't need to be ingested. Not many people know that fentanyl can and has been used in the past as a weapon.

a7dbf4  No.5175567

Feel the bread, friends






Ye and these bitch niggas got this shit.

Forgot about Dre

Got Drew though

Lets go Godfather come over

357280  No.5175568


I caught & fixed it :)


4dfd68  No.5175569

File: ec7e929baef9af9⋯.png (95.06 KB, 454x340, 227:170, buckwheat.png)


He done fucked!

206855  No.5175570


Picked up at the airport? As in, trying to flee?


edbe0c  No.5175571


People would not repeat the exact same posts over and over forever. People get bored. This is so dumb.

You are absolutely hopeless , bot system. Sorry.

ca7f5d  No.5175572

File: 5e2635f327103e4⋯.png (181.05 KB, 355x345, 71:69, ClipboardImage.png)

e0a434  No.5175573



R's exposed want open borders….

pretend it the keep the gov open bill


that fund foreign govs !!!

Mexico already received 15 Billion in aid

9ee179  No.5175574

57f5d5  No.5175575



>>5175031 2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin

the source here is as good as the onion…





15f330  No.5175576

File: 22521aef5551324⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Search under way in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour for female Star Ferry passenger seen falling into water near Tsim Sha Tsui pier

Fire services and marine police launches searching sea off waterfront with government helicopter also deployed

Ng Kang-chung

Ng Kang-chung

Updated: Friday, 15 Feb, 2019 4:41am



Search under way for female Star Ferry passenger seen falling into water

15 Feb 2019

The woman was on the Star Ferry heading for Central. Photo: Dickson Lee


Free from Chinese repression, dissidents in US still cling to petitioning

15 Feb 2019

Bai Jiemin poses for a photo with a New York police officer outside the United Nations headquarters in 2017. Photo: Handout


Boom times over as Hong Kong drops out of top 5 ports for first time

14 Feb 2019

Among the world’s top seven ports, Hong Kong was the only one with declining throughput last year. Photo: Roy Issa


JD.com founder divorce rumours shut down in Valentine’s Day statement

14 Feb 2019

JD.com chairman Richard Liu Qiangdong and wife Zhang Zetian attnd Princess Eugenie's wedding. Photo: YouTube


What North Korea is really like: view of a US author in Pyongyang

15 Feb 2019

A float with statues of late North Korean leaders Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il during a parade in September last year marking the 70th anniversary of North Korea’s founding day in Pyongyang, North Korea. Photo: AP



The woman was on the Star Ferry heading for Central. Photo: Dickson LeeThe woman was on the Star Ferry heading for Central. Photo: Dickson Lee

The woman was on the Star Ferry heading for Central. Photo: Dickson Lee

A sea and air search was under way in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour for a woman who was seen falling into the water from a ferry on Thursday night.

Fire services and marine police launches were searching the sea off the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront, with a government helicopter also deployed.

[ Also Read ]

Chinese fishing crew finds ‘Marie Celeste’ ferry in middle of sea

The incident took place about 8.20pm. A Star Ferry employee reported to police that a woman was seen falling into the harbour from a Central-bound ferry near the pier in Tsim Sha Tsui.

There were reports that the passenger, dressed in red, suddenly became emotional and jumped overboard.

By 11pm, there was no report that the woman had been found.

Hong Kong rescue services


a818ef  No.5175577

File: 2c195b5b69aaf25⋯.jpg (14.52 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2c195b5b69aaf259f9e13c6574….jpg)


You kikes are getting moar and moar pathetic.

Keep it up.

bf3cba  No.5175578


This makes sense

That’s why he kept focusing on it so hard

206855  No.5175579


If the people who want you dead can addict you to something that will kill you, they win.

4efd98  No.5175580


Nixed the deduction for dependants, and increased the standard deduction.

Middle-class Americans will soon discover that the tax cut they receive isn't so great, or they may actually owe an increased tax.

ec5204  No.5175581



874c07  No.5175582


Discussed extensively. Fake site to scam people who sign up, no documents given.

f1766f  No.5175583

File: 6a16ab2f8aa4ac0⋯.jpg (54.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, BuckleUpbuttercup.jpg)

File: 006a120f0c96c95⋯.jpg (191.02 KB, 864x593, 864:593, Bucklethe_storm_rollercoas….jpg)

File: aa7d3577052886c⋯.png (386.85 KB, 550x532, 275:266, pepe_storm_comfy.png)

File: d62b6a26911c71a⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 650x520, 5:4, RidersOnTheStormREEEE.jpg)

File: 8aab97767f4a032⋯.png (595.72 KB, 576x530, 288:265, Storm.png)

511ef0  No.5175584


The media and the Democrats have lost their minds over Trump’s threat to call a national emergency to end the government shutdown.

The Democrats reactions have been either outright horror, calling Trump a dictator, or just terror induced anxiety quelled by publicly hoping that Trump is bluffing.

He is not bluffing and moreover, he is nothing close to a dictator unless Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama were dictators.


The facts are quite simple – we have checks and balances and over the last 40 years the executive branch has grown bolder in asserting its power. Both sides have done this and both sides have found ways to justify executive power expansion.

And both sides have found arguments to blast it when they weren’t in power. From CNN:

George W. Bush declared 13 emergencies and Barack Obama declared 12 — nearly all of which are still active today. Bill Clinton declared 17 national emergencies, six of which are still active. Ronald Reagan declared six and George H.W. Bush declared four — but all of those have been revoked by now.

Presidents must renew national emergencies every year because the statute lets emergencies automatically expire after one year.

Past emergencies have focused on everything from swine flu to rough diamonds.

Here’s a list of the 28 active national emergencies:

Blocking Iranian Government Property (Nov. 14, 1979)

Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Nov. 14, 1994)

Prohibiting Transactions with Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process (Jan. 23, 1995)

Prohibiting Certain Transactions with Respect to the Development of Iranian Petroleum Resources (Mar. 15, 1995)

Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions with Significant Narcotics Traffickers (Oct. 21, 1995)

Regulations of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels with Respect to Cuba (Mar. 1, 1996)

Blocking Sudanese Government Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Sudan (Nov. 3, 1997)

Blocking Property of Persons Who Threaten International Stabilization Efforts in the Western Balkans (Jun. 26, 2001)

Continuation of Export Control Regulations (Aug. 17, 2001)

Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks (Sept. 14, 2001)

Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism (Sept. 23, 2001)

Blocking Property of Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Zimbabwe (Mar. 6, 2003)

Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Property in Which Iraq has an Interest (May 22, 2003)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons and Prohibiting the Export of Certain Goods to Syria (May 11, 2004)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Belarus (Jun. 16, 2006)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Oct. 27, 2006)

Blocking Property of Persons Undermining the Sovereignty of Lebanon or Its Democratic Processes and Institutions (Aug. 1, 2007)

Continuing Certain Restrictions with Respect to North Korea and North Korean Nationals (Jun. 26, 2008)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia (Apr. 12, 2010)

Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya (Feb. 25, 2011)

Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations (Jul. 25, 2011)

Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen (May 16, 2012)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine (Mar. 6, 2014)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan (Apr. 3, 2014)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Central African Republic (May 12, 2014)

Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela (Mar. 9, 2015)

Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities (Apr. 1, 2015)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi (Nov. 23, 2015)



d57620  No.5175585


Where do you think the Twatverse got it from… Go chasing slides. Please. Take the next couple of days. See you next Monday. Also notice I didn't use a question mark. Do a flip.

d4f86b  No.5175586


You are always welcome! Thanks for your service!

525758  No.5175587

File: ed704e45793f7a3⋯.png (15.59 KB, 608x141, 608:141, Cultivating_tacit_aproval_….png)

File: d8713bea7eb0b06⋯.png (569.82 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, Hypocrisy.png)

File: 5cb9e439bacc341⋯.jpg (812.5 KB, 608x1326, 304:663, jews_Migrants_2.jpg)

File: 14274099e457a26⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1442x868, 103:62, Jews_push_for_White_genoci….png)

File: 0564a346a72aa99⋯.png (211.08 KB, 581x664, 7:8, UN_Israel_jewish_interest_….PNG)



calling me names does not make the facts I post any less factual.

Despair more :)


Not an argument.


Pic related.

Fuck you.


Why did he signed the bill?


An here are all the ones where he calls out Israel and mossad:




Not an argument.

Pics related 2 3 4 and 5 to the Jewish efforts for division and conquering in the Western nations.

8d070d  No.5175588

File: 125ec5ef5fbcb40⋯.png (668.97 KB, 1080x1215, 8:9, 125ec5ef5fbcb4068ad9a9fe89….png)

File: 9c2af48e5eb91c9⋯.jpg (130.4 KB, 720x423, 80:47, 524c8489e691b21270c442b1_7….jpg)

File: 89a20bb01882338⋯.jpg (128.13 KB, 605x340, 121:68, 2016_Class_101.jpg)

tards to tacos program has been initiated

run kebab.exe

206855  No.5175589


My bad.

160271  No.5175590

File: 63b086f28f71d1e⋯.png (124.31 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump's Poll Numbers!!!

0ae3a5  No.5175592


Absolutely fucking true. Of course, it could also be that there are no plans to take down the DS. Hopefully that's not the case, but Trump is showing no signs that draining the swamp is still on his agenda. All we can do here is speculate and those that think they "know" are idiots. There is no objective evidence that a DS takedown is in progress. In fact, there is evidence to the contrary - the fact that the IG report provided no recommendations for prosecution, nor did it recommendations include any measures by taken to prevent politically motivated investigations going forward. Sorry kids, but that's a very bad sign. I'm also not too happy that the new AG is a throwback from the Bush admin. Also a very bad sign.

57f5d5  No.5175593

File: 6b422e6901ca052⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 6fd5d9898433cdeba0389b9f09….jpg)


while(1) {

print "jew, goy, kike, moshe, schlomo, rabbi";


if(reply == high_iq) { $myreply = "pilpul";}

else {$myreply = "jidf, what time is it in tel-aviv";}

echo $myreply;


60b929  No.5175594


Voter fraud makes bills in Congress value toilet paper

4dfd68  No.5175595

File: 15e48e48d599793⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 400x400, 1:1, goober.jpg)



1f7c03  No.5175596

File: 409dda3b4c7372c⋯.jpeg (879.05 KB, 1242x1748, 27:38, 43D08CF0-90BE-4EE4-BCC9-E….jpeg)

Post 2709

Searching google books for [EB134979-C3CD-4E55-965A-03BE7CDBD477] .jpg

83ff77  No.5175598


for when one six pointed star isn't enough.

770635  No.5175599


yo momma nigger

7dc947  No.5175600


And you have 14 chatty posts of mundane bullshit. The absolute state of modern education. You are absolutely hopeless, soy boy system. Sorry.

1c6202  No.5175601

File: 604dde9c515aff8⋯.jpg (68.55 KB, 640x652, 160:163, 604dde9c515aff81552b3e7a5b….jpg)


This isnt Trumps fault retard…

540c90  No.5175602


NK going down, start a new business

57f5d5  No.5175603

File: b852cdbed4124ed⋯.png (309.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 9a32234a0335969fd9edbc7ddc….png)




below you'll find a sample of spambot activity:

garbage from #6609 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6608 bread - 17 spam posts



















garbage from #6607 bread - 23 spam posts
























garbage from #6604 bread - 33 spam posts


































garbage from #6603 bread - 18 spam posts



















garbage from #6602 bread - 41 spam posts













































0bf1fb  No.5175604


this has been triggering libs all day. Post the damn list of NEs and make it viral!

8d070d  No.5175605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


highest ranking bacon please report

daf2b7  No.5175607


This is happening and i stopped and looked at the Tits for far too longKEK

f85b24  No.5175608


The New Brown Deal the Green Deal didn't work out.

34af7b  No.5175609


Anon -

I can dox you from this post.


43ad2e  No.5175610

File: ae0e1d7598406ce⋯.png (305.05 KB, 646x845, 646:845, ClipboardImage.png)

357280  No.5175611

Notables Bun


>>5175186 GOP/Dem Deal Spends 40X as Much on Foreign Countries as Border Wall

>>5175159 GOP/Dem Deal: Trump Must Have Approval from Left-Wing County to Build Wall

>>5175166 Jussie Smollett tampered with evidence

>>5175112 Breitbart Bill Analysis

>>5175048 Anon turned the entire Obama White House visitor list into a quite intuitive, searchable page

>>5174942 Here’s how the pro-Israel lobby — criticized by Ilhan Omar — stacks up against other Washington influencers

>>5174935 Rand Paul Tweets on State of Emergency

>>5174920 Israeli Colonists Invade Home, Threaten To Kill Family, In Hebron

>>5174917, >>5174991, >>5175316 PlaneFag Reports

>>5174889 World’s Tax Collectors Look to Divvy Up Tech Giants’ Billions

>>5174874 Deleted Potus Twat

>>5175539 #6611

770635  No.5175612

Q baby


7dc947  No.5175613

File: eafa68d055aaaae⋯.png (357.85 KB, 1501x1115, 1501:1115, eafa68d055aaaaecf08b788e3a….png)



Oh shit, dubs. Checkem, faggot.

4dfd68  No.5175614


She has every pose and is Supermodel #1 by far.

65e65e  No.5175615

File: 7a8e84f634adb0b⋯.jpg (87.89 KB, 452x591, 452:591, 7a8e84f634adb0b4054eface06….jpg)


Yup. My thoughts, too.

It should be noted that Kolokol-1 was intended as a chemical incapacitant. The only failure involved in Moscow was that it was TOO DANGEROUS. People died from it.

It's not just knockout gas. It's an aerosolized weapon that almost certainly requires fentanyl as a chemical precursor.

a818ef  No.5175617

File: 1f3776fd3238c8f⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 2832x3916, 708:979, 8acbbc1ef32a76b0ebac3e5f41….jpg)

File: 51e77e59c892d84⋯.jpg (373.78 KB, 968x701, 968:701, 7ee35c77d69b66958f8791799c….jpg)

File: 19e07db02f30e1d⋯.png (167.2 KB, 665x610, 133:122, 19e07db02f30e1d688440a28e5….png)

File: 66f1bfb1ec5214b⋯.jpg (55.82 KB, 350x960, 35:96, 66f1bfb1ec5214bc6e9aa69da9….jpg)

File: a1e812b4e68111b⋯.png (497.44 KB, 821x676, 821:676, a1e812b4e68111b2ea6ef25ea9….png)



Oy vey, kike.

91b6ce  No.5175618

File: ce35073b10f8aa7⋯.jpeg (474.57 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, flynnarmy.jpeg)


He has frens.

8d070d  No.5175619

File: 5b1d1f4b97b3042⋯.jpg (105.14 KB, 1472x810, 736:405, 39978funnydogewowmuch.jpg)

55e40d  No.5175620

File: b0408140afb288f⋯.jpg (61.55 KB, 906x285, 302:95, 63.JPG)


you boy2 have been noticed and shilled upon, I think

38db9f  No.5175621

File: cee791bb1865661⋯.png (159.01 KB, 260x388, 65:97, ClipboardImage.png)



d57620  No.5175622


since when do we even consider polls, faggot?

357280  No.5175623



57f5d5  No.5175624

File: 6c55e4fc99e029a⋯.jpeg (21.18 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 9841c92b5cdb2d19f87a4a0ec….jpeg)

4dc72d  No.5175625

File: fd9c207d21cedd2⋯.png (16.61 KB, 175x255, 35:51, 1pot2potaoc.png)

a7dbf4  No.5175626

Danger Close


Get the Choper

You cant get away

Bring me the boss boss

Bring me the soulless

Bring me the tired

Bring me the poor

Bring me all the fags they are off limits




Where is that fat cow Rosanne I will make her run.

For President Again


Highest Ranking Anon reporting in come get me you fucking niggerbitch faggots I'm done playing

I cant do this anymore without a hot NINJA WIFE TO KILL ME EVERYDAY WITH THAT PUSSY

525758  No.5175627

File: a369a043983ca62⋯.jpg (278.18 KB, 952x604, 238:151, Jews_Push4Miscegenation_On….jpg)

File: f77e6bb6c4874e3⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 634x555, 634:555, 2_1965_Immigration_act_jew….jpg)

File: b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, 3_Jews_Immigration_And_Nat….png)

File: fb34bded822fe9d⋯.png (291.8 KB, 841x639, 841:639, 4_Jews_ZOG_USA_UN_White_Na….PNG)


Once again:

calling me names does not make the facts I post any less factual.

Despair an cry more, stupid ziocunt traitor :)

a26778  No.5175628



what meeting room is WH WW 2ND FL

is that the living quarters?

31cf88  No.5175629

File: d99328346bb8291⋯.jpg (74.05 KB, 800x597, 800:597, d99328346bb8291288725fff41….jpg)

3066d5  No.5175630


She looks fun

8d070d  No.5175631

flynn is really rideing mah cock huh

4c8eeb  No.5175632

File: d77d4611d778a15⋯.jpg (160.89 KB, 800x608, 25:19, MuuuhJooos.jpg)

File: 9072c16d380e453⋯.jpg (95.5 KB, 604x420, 151:105, JQ_shills7.jpg)


Have another meme to make into a fake and gay meme.

Have a hug.

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