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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

a5fc8d  No.4988262

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4965770 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)

>>4965765 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a5fc8d  No.4988263


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer


>>4988045 Arizona midterm election audit suggests pre-marked Sinema ballots

>>4988057, >>4988061, >>4988065 Philip Joseph McCabe dig.

>>4988011 Vice Media making cuts as well.

>>4987657 Anon: 18 Years, Get Smart and POTUS Tweet reference Analysis.

>>4987877 Dog walking banned in Iran's capital. Deep State signalling?

>>4987861 Trump: 'Nancy Pelosi will be begging for a wall'.

>>4987829 POTUS Schedule update.

>>4987809 Bolton Tweet: "The National Assembly wants to use this gold to pay for food and basic needs of the people of Venezuela…"

>>4987777 Kek provides friendship.

>>4987744 Notable from yesterday: Flynn has changed his background.

>>4987733 Rep. Swalwell is ready to go after your 2A rights.

>>4987705 Anon: The brilliance of the movie's prelude.

>>4987724 DJT Tweet: "Best January for the DOW in over 30 years. We have, by far, the strongest economy in the world!"

>>4987719 Democrat fixation on security clearances a backdrop for exposing Barry's dirty clearances?

>>4987664 John Bolton Tweet: Maduro stealing Venezuelan resources to pay for Russian intervention?

>>4987645 Democrats are starting a fight over WH security clearances.

>>4987567, >>4987643 Dig on Bill Priestap's wife and the miraculous rise of people associated with her.

>>4987617 WH Tweet: The US will not abide by the INF Treaty until Russia does the same.

>>4987600 Articles and White House statement on Russia's 'maligned activities' in our elections.

>>4987594 WH Tweet: "Russia has long violated the INF Treaty…"

>>4987560 US employers unaffected by shutdown: adds 304,000 jobs the most in nearly a year.

>>4987548 US officially suspends obligations under INF Treaty.

>>4987538 New DJT Tweets: "I inherited a total mess in Syria and Afghanistan…"

>>4988257 #6368


>>4987443 Merkel deletes Facebook.

>>4987079 Rundown on the Democrat's sick obsession on killing babies on and industrial and global scale.

>>4987060, >>4987074 Booker announced Friday he is officially launching a campaign to run for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020.

>>4986728, >>4986826 Investing In Us (Dmitri Mehlhorn)

>>4986793, >>4986801 Houston Nat'L Cemetery And Ghwb Compound Cont'd

>>4986796 Sara Hudson Was A Fellow In New America's Public Interest Technology Program

>>4986810 Europe Sets Up Transactions Channel With Iran

>>4986843 Erik Prince’s New Company Is Building Training Center In Xinjiang

>>4986883 Cyber Incident On Airbus “Commercial Aircraft Business” Information Systems

>>4986910 Little-known DC think tank becomes brain trust of 'Never Trumpism'

>>4987482 #6367

Previously Collected Notables

>>4986089 #6365, >>4986707 #6366,

>>4983598 #6362, >>4984345 #6363, >>4985150 #6364

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

a5fc8d  No.4988264

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

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>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

a5fc8d  No.4988266

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

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Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

a5fc8d  No.4988270

File: 32300f6b6f86294⋯.jpg (84.18 KB, 640x426, 320:213, allgavesomesomegaveall.jpg)



645a97  No.4988288

File: 5a303b31570630b⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB, 640x640, 1:1, First New York, now Virgin….mp4)

First New York, and now Virginia!

Watch the video, watch it 'till the end. Even the woman speaking cannot even justify this. Gross! Disgusting! Satantic!

d21d8f  No.4988290

Possible beginning of push by leftists to end out of state campaign contributions because it benefited a GOP senator;

“Of the nearly $900,000 she received from individual donors who contributed more than $200 to her campaign, just $19,000 was from individuals with Maine addresses”


02aa95  No.4988294

File: 151e44753758bea⋯.jpeg (52.15 KB, 720x513, 80:57, 01468382-EB92-44D9-8FEB-1….jpeg)

>The quantity of fentanyl, which is 80 to 100 times stronger than morphine, had the potential to kill nearly 56 million people, based on previously reported numbers from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

>Ingesting as little as 2 milligrams of fentanyl, equivalent to a few grains of table salt, can be lethal, according to the DEA.


5eea49  No.4988306

>>4988057 pb

Kennebunkport Maine dig

Compound at north end of Heaven Swamp Park


MCCABE. Where does Philip fit in?

8f8947  No.4988307

Food Stamp Fraud on the Rise as Government Allows “Retailer Trafficking”


3a2f71  No.4988310

File: b28e3b2b037b032⋯.mp4 (3.67 MB, 1696x954, 16:9, where does Trump get his I….mp4)


c43e05  No.4988318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

88717c  No.4988320

File: 6695527d2e40e0a⋯.jpeg (61.26 KB, 1024x649, 1024:649, 77DF62D9-1130-4B48-A0F9-2….jpeg)

Thank you baker

57aec7  No.4988321


Bill already defeated.

Lurk moar.

756e22  No.4988322

File: 478dd1406f7f71f⋯.png (447.68 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, plutotoo.png)

ee262b  No.4988323

File: 7d541a0ca3c3628⋯.png (12.63 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 9a662590a98f4c250d21c757a4….png)



Fucking disgusting

Slags…No soul Commie

Pigs. These soulless

freaks need to swing.

5630fd  No.4988324

Here’s something that I’ve never quite understood with the whole ” Russia Collusion” gambit.

Much of it relies on private citizen Trump, candidate Trump, and President Trump ever having any dealings with Russia. And yet in December of 2016 there were still close to 3,000 US companies with a presence in Russia.

Have you ever heard of congress or the media looking into all these US companies in terms of influence or collusion(besides any associated with President Trump)? If they believe that US companies don’t have the type of influence that a president has so it does not matter–then why do US companies hire and pay lobbyists?

It would be very hard to find a US company, a US congress critter, or a “US Media” company that does not have 1st or 2nd degree of separation of relationships/connections(collusion?) with Russia. Does any congress critter own stock in an American company that does business in/with Russia?

How about Bloomberg and Mr. Starbucks thinking about running for the presidency?

It is simply an absolutely ridiculous premise to base this whole collusion investigation on to start with in the first place. And has anyone ever asked just how many Russian companies or Russian investors own/buy/operate here in the United States in the past or currently?

f6315c  No.4988325

>>4988219 (lb)

Q: Mr. Swinewell, where do you stand on gun control?

A: Mine's the biggest. Nuke 'em, nuke 'em all.

Q: Mr. Swinewell, where do you stand on newborn babies?

A: Kill 'em, kill 'em all, with extreme prejudice.

eecaa9  No.4988326


When my favorite board becomes nothing better than FB with bewbs.

59f263  No.4988327

Not sure if this made previous notables or not but certainly should be…


Federal Prosecutors Unseal Indictments Naming 19 People Linked to Chinese ‘Birth Tourism’ Schemes that Helped Thousands of Aliens Give Birth in U.S. to Secure Birthright Citizenship for Their Children

538d7b  No.4988328

Translates as "night creature", and can refer to any creature of the night; werewolves, zombies, vampires, demons, etc. AND

from latin nox (night) and fero (to bring/to carry). basically, a bringer/carrier of night. usually refered to vampires.


c43e05  No.4988329


That's good shit.

5ea538  No.4988330

File: bcf6ed7eedd8069⋯.jpg (186.67 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Neogen share dump.jpg)

File: 83c5df02962db45⋯.png (59.79 KB, 1803x225, 601:75, 020119 Neogen dump.PNG)

Latest Insider sales

Neogen Director

These should not be allowed during the period of Qtr close and each company's earnings release.

They know the results already.

Trading plan tied to compensation or not. That is an entirely different aspect of insider sales as they use these plans to make it all ok in the public eye.

SEC needs a complete and total overhaul

3a5345  No.4988331

File: 5e4eec4fbbc081a⋯.png (52.34 KB, 671x672, 671:672, Transcriber_1.PNG)

File: 1e5bc5c66ccaa5f⋯.png (60.62 KB, 656x620, 164:155, Transcriber_2.PNG)

I was sent this help wanted ad in an email, didn't think much about it until it dawned on me this is probably for current human trafficking events.

5efef3  No.4988332

File: e226361d339ec41⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 640x360, 16:9, voting.jpg)

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College

The Colorado Senate this week passed a bill that would award the state's electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the nationwide popular vote.

The Senate passed the measure along party lines in a 19-16 vote Tuesday, sending the bill to the state House for consideration.

The bill, known as the the National Popular Vote Compact and sponsored by state Sen. Mike Foote (D), would require Colorado members of the Electoral College to cast their vote for the winner of the national popular vote.

The state’s nine electoral votes currently go toward the candidate who wins the majority of votes in Colorado.

The National Popular Vote Compact is an agreement among 11 states and the District of Columbia, but would only go into effect if there are enough electoral votes to influence the final Electoral College vote tally.

The states in the pact have 172 electoral votes — 98 short of the 270 needed to win the Electoral College.

“This really isn’t a red versus blue idea. This is about making sure that the President of the United States is elected by the entire nation, not just a handful of ‘battleground states’ that get to decide our Presidential elections under the current system,” Foote said in a statement. “All of Colorado’s voters should be heard, regardless of whether or not we are considered a battleground state.”

Colorado Senate Republicans argued that it was unconstitutional to tie Colorado votes to national popular opinion.

“It says your votes and your choices are no longer your own,” GOP state Sen. Owen Hill said. "We are going to tie your representation to what the other 49 states choose."


88717c  No.4988333

Couple of breads ago anon, thanks


5ea538  No.4988334



5630fd  No.4988335

We need to wake up

The momentum is building in the voting populace about the corruption in our government, but not enough.

The lack outrage of the majority of American citizens is worrisome. It is a testimony to the stranglehold that the deep state/uniparty has on both the DOJ/CIA/deep state, and the media.

The Mueller investigation is simultaneously harassing targets of witch hunts, but more importantly – paralyzing investigation of the true criminals of Treason, coup attempt, election fraud, Benghazi, email scandal, Clinton scandal,

Obama scandal, Uranium One.; and the our president who should have the power to prosecute the real criminals, is held at bay by the threat of collusion.

We need a Battle of Athens event: Armed citizens (vterans from WWII) held the corrupt government hostage until larger authorities could sort it out.


63e691  No.4988336


Stop posting this shit. I have to keep fucking debunking your stupidity and then you run away. Fuck off shill.

52142b  No.4988337

File: c32b4e9e79edbda⋯.jpeg (44.62 KB, 564x388, 141:97, FakeNews2.jpeg)

baced5  No.4988338

File: 5075cc9dd5d1d9c⋯.jpeg (281.93 KB, 714x543, 238:181, 5F575041-E074-48BE-A09A-E….jpeg)

File: b20fe62a7db3427⋯.jpeg (126.69 KB, 474x552, 79:92, A89AD7E4-A74D-4EE7-BAFA-A….jpeg)

File: 0c6dcfa8938079d⋯.jpeg (35.15 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 51749FE1-3F99-4829-851C-9….jpeg)

08ad7f  No.4988339

national freedom day? in the land of the free?

sum ting wong

6a5c08  No.4988340


We are ready.

ed282b  No.4988341

File: dddfa4633f5c725⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 210x280, 3:4, 2540822.jpg)

Thank You Baker

e4bc0c  No.4988342

Freemasonry exists to establish groups of "mini elites" in every city in America. The cabal can then use the guise of the Masonic Lodge to find out who in that community shares a quest for power similar to their own. A bretheran on a much much lower scale so to speak.

And lo and behold they fill up with people who are ripe for their manipulation. People who think they are better than others. This fundamental element exists in humanity from the very top of the ones who control everything down to old Larry who heads your local Masonic chapter.

Of course 'ole Larry is never seen as an equal to the ones in control but the fact he pursued that life tells the ones in control everything they need to know about 'ole Larry. Larry is envious of power structures, Larry has a self rightousness, Larry is too mentally weak to think for himself, Larry is easily manipulated.

And EVERY town in America is filled with Larry's. They are police and government and businesses owners. All power structures.

This is how the cabal keeps everything in order down to the micro management of even tiny tiny communities.

52142b  No.4988343

File: 577c492fd16ec53⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 466x353, 466:353, Undiscovered Stars.jpg)

42d9d6  No.4988344

File: 6f5fa084a92eefe⋯.jpeg (143.21 KB, 1285x1080, 257:216, ADE7BC5A-4FDB-47A7-A08C-F….jpeg)

File: f0ccec386556001⋯.jpeg (273.65 KB, 1080x1580, 54:79, 8BDF5798-2D8A-47F1-97E3-6….jpeg)

sainted anon Livid2point0

divisionfag much. 24/7

7dba32  No.4988345

File: c9e139886f4ff7c⋯.png (157.02 KB, 744x655, 744:655, cash.png)

54faa3  No.4988346

File: 2b0060a9de383af⋯.png (87.2 KB, 593x491, 593:491, Screenshot_2019-02-01 DRUD….png)

Check out the story placement on Drudge.

Begin with no money for the wall

Pass through fake hate crime

and end up at bag of puppies thrown from car.

No message there

5ea538  No.4988347

File: ddb9c3d42c40a95⋯.jpeg (48.58 KB, 419x409, 419:409, Chanded.jpeg)


wouldn't want this information out now would we?

5efef3  No.4988348

USAID to stop sending money to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza

The U.S. government announced on Friday that USAID would be ending its assistance to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.

Here's what we know

Reuters reports that the eliminated funding will include $60 million that the U.S. was giving to the Palestinian security forces.

According to the Times of Israel, the funding for the Palestinian security forces will end at the request of the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority was reportedly concerned that this funding would open up lawsuits under the United States Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act (ATCA). The ATCA goes into effect on Friday, and gives Americans the authority to sue U.S. aid recipients who are complicit in "acts of war."

"The money will be cut off," senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat told Agence France-Presse. "We don't want to receive any money if this will take us to court."

How much assistance are we talking about?

According to USAID's website, in 2017 the agency granted $267,536,349 to the West Bank and Gaza. Last year, $146,575,484 in grants were reported, but data for that year is still incomplete.

Looking at just disbursements, over the most recently recorded 10-year period (2008 - 2017) USAID reported grants of $3,797,822,285 to the West Bank and Gaza.


3a2f71  No.4988349

File: 124975f81028c8d⋯.jpg (591.26 KB, 1650x1242, 275:207, freedom-day-flag[1].jpg)


756e22  No.4988350

File: 18898afe6533325⋯.png (774.27 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, shit.png)


is fentanyl aerosolable? would be excellent for chem warefare

eecaa9  No.4988351


If the sauce can be duplicated, it's not shill work.

What's up with this?

52142b  No.4988352

File: 3b87a426488c5bf⋯.jpg (183.92 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Faceberg.jpg)

63e691  No.4988353


You present half truths to craft a narrative.

Try presenting actual information not divisive stupidity.

87e4a2  No.4988354

While probing the enemy front lines this morning, I found this happy horseshit. The enemy is desperate.


59f263  No.4988355


I see what you did there…

5630fd  No.4988356

Many folks that say they hate Trump can not even tell you why ..

some do it cause the media tells them too…

some to be cool and part of the herd….

I have found that those that can think for them self tend to like Prez Trump a lot.

08ad7f  No.4988357

>>4987560 US employers unaffected by shutdown: adds 304,000 jobs the most in nearly a year.

US employers besides the US Gov't, that is.

438b51  No.4988358

File: baf524c8a02805b⋯.png (728.92 KB, 960x960, 1:1, image.png)

386e29  No.4988359

File: 4e99818f65fc084⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 3CC9A41A-FBE7-4943-AD3D-EA….png)

Musk burning Tesla?


eecaa9  No.4988360


Where's a link to the tool we were given about a year ago for insider trading activity?

52142b  No.4988361

File: c5ade35e1aa87f3⋯.jpg (157.32 KB, 704x812, 176:203, FixBeIn.jpg)

3eaf3c  No.4988362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS press conference.

52142b  No.4988364

File: d5abe072e406ce1⋯.jpg (108.06 KB, 960x768, 5:4, FraNCEEE.jpg)

da98ee  No.4988365

File: 4365b9eb33b45dd⋯.jpeg (62.13 KB, 540x312, 45:26, BA049586-E57E-4FEB-B91D-E….jpeg)

ecbd6a  No.4988366

File: 22413745464c3a8⋯.png (805.41 KB, 1362x536, 681:268, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: e41d94f28ce09db⋯.png (347.62 KB, 1296x656, 81:41, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: 66d670a96ea7632⋯.png (173.89 KB, 1195x525, 239:105, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: 7e305525033bdb5⋯.png (158.93 KB, 787x649, 787:649, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

Cryonics may also be a worthy target for digging/climbing…

706d47  No.4988367

File: f9111d2e30abb7c⋯.jpg (75.89 KB, 582x711, 194:237, Screenshot 2019-02-01_10-4….jpg)

File: 2a16c3d7c89ba53⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB, 480x848, 30:53, EhgeXn7T8-REE51g.mp4)


5ea538  No.4988368


How is insider sales half truths?

Do tell…

6a5c08  No.4988369

Tho things have changed, I suppose a lot. While I am more confused about somethings than I've been before I remember this familiar feeling. While I do not practice I did once promise to give my life to God, due to circumstances drifted far from what was expected. But here I find myself, in the middle of the Q movement. In the middle of this unfolding reality. Deciding once again, to give my life for the greater good. Come what may.

Come what may.

88717c  No.4988370


Just being polite about it

08ad7f  No.4988371



getting a little warm in this pot o' water, isn't it, froggie?

3eaf3c  No.4988372


What will shares do now?

93c5ee  No.4988373


If you digg moar you'll see the USG added about 1,000. Hopefully, CBP agents.

52142b  No.4988374

File: f264c0a3a8b6681⋯.jpg (142.06 KB, 900x547, 900:547, Prais.jpg)

8b45cc  No.4988375

File: 64ea9268b6cffb8⋯.png (354.82 KB, 997x329, 997:329, Fiji girl.png)

Fiji Girl

watch the water.

a5d7e3  No.4988376

File: 948f04b60b6a2a4⋯.png (22.21 KB, 733x296, 733:296, Booker.PNG)

For keks…

CDAN thinks Spartacus should just come out of the closet.

Readers: Corey Booker/Rosario Dawson.

810f28  No.4988377

File: f27ed2da26da785⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 968x681, 968:681, Ivy Mike.jpg)

== Man holding mysterious 'cylindrical object' shot dead by police after car chase at secret

nuclear test site ==


52142b  No.4988378

File: 85be886cde4a511⋯.jpg (36.3 KB, 480x548, 120:137, yellow_vest.jpg)

ba4a77  No.4988379


To all the Asian anons…

08ad7f  No.4988380



i was generalizing, always risky eps where anons dwell.

706d47  No.4988381

File: 18f9045620f17b7⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1210x6724, 605:3362, screencapture-cnbc-2019-02….jpg)

File: 2c913078f0b30a6⋯.jpg (90.01 KB, 582x545, 582:545, Screenshot 2019-02-01_10-5….jpg)


93c5ee  No.4988382

File: 3a4821579716c91⋯.png (4.4 KB, 485x115, 97:23, ClipboardImage.png)

29c995  No.4988383

File: cd5de6f9d29bb30⋯.jpeg (474.59 KB, 1307x707, 1307:707, F0AEB870-2DC5-4030-9D65-3….jpeg)

Anons, I just started getting this pop up for permissions today when I play embedded videos on here. Never happened before. Any idea why? Pic related.

Btw - it happens on both laptop and iPad.

52142b  No.4988384

File: 456a92b63a57241⋯.jpg (87.99 KB, 640x1057, 640:1057, Vamp2.jpg)

63e691  No.4988385



Because they happen all the time retard. You have to look at the trends and see if the sales were normal for the person or not. Like I do every time you post this retarded nonsense, showing that all trades were well in line with their trends.

Do you think executives hold the stock forever genius? They have to turn the shares into cash to BUY STUFF MORON. Since that's where most of their compensation comes from.

In your last scree LAWS US Equity actually had 2 people dump all their shares. The rest were TOTAL GARBAGE.

So go and research these people. Then come back and present the actual results. Not this idiocy.

08ad7f  No.4988386


Kelleth Cuthbert.

Thath quite a mouthful, ithn't it?

5efef3  No.4988387

File: 8d3df51a456b655⋯.png (346.71 KB, 622x573, 622:573, Screenshot (20).png)


52142b  No.4988388

File: 01de6dd8c6c95a8⋯.png (848.48 KB, 990x569, 990:569, whyworse.png)

56e801  No.4988389


"anchor babies" isn't a "LAW"

it is a political assumption, a RUSE that has been perpetrated on the american people by the propaganda toting presstitutes.

It has NEVER been challenged in SCOTUS by an ILLEGAL alien.

persons without permission to be in THIS country (the US) are NOT under US jurisdiction, they remain under the jurisdiction of their HOME countries.

for example: if you were visiting Turkey, got arrested for a crime–especially something that may not be criminal in the US, WOULD A US CITIZEN contact the US Embassy???? YES, because they are under US JURISDICTION by virtue or THEIR CITIZENSHIP.

Illegal aliens have citizenship OF THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN.

IMHO the invaders caught should be bussed TO THEIR RESPECTIVE EMBASSY for REMOVAL.

3eaf3c  No.4988390


Would have expected opposite…

6aa6fc  No.4988391

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

07c936  No.4988392


US anons do realize that yellow vests get SHOT in the EU, right???

8f8947  No.4988393

File: a937b0c6c56c506⋯.png (152.94 KB, 800x456, 100:57, Screenshot_2019-02-01-09-4….png)

File: b1e3d8a23025ad7⋯.png (77.08 KB, 800x128, 25:4, Screenshot_2019-02-01-09-4….png)

6aa6fc  No.4988394

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

706d47  No.4988395

File: 685ea6bc034c8de⋯.jpg (60.82 KB, 590x303, 590:303, Screenshot 2019-02-01_10-5….jpg)

File: 8be0006ece2b6ac⋯.jpg (117.81 KB, 664x949, 664:949, DyVNT2wWsAAUi2D.jpg)


2032d0  No.4988396

Has anyone noticed how the left is starting to use the term "tippy top"? Are they trying to dilute that message? Scoundrels…

52142b  No.4988397

File: 71504a0594cbc41⋯.jpg (122.38 KB, 750x729, 250:243, rahm emanuel chicago is a ….jpg)

88717c  No.4988398


Wish the idiot with the fast shutter camera would be far away from mic

0ac22f  No.4988399

In regards to last bread's musings on RBG's current state, ICU spouse anon has told me hospitals have been known to keep a body on life support, even as it is decomposing, at family request. Ethics intervention is sometimes required.

d7e07f  No.4988400


And, I repeat…

"Collusion" is no more a crime than buying a jug of milk.

Q/POTUS brought Mueller to heel very early on and used him (and his team) to create a false narrative to keep MSM, D Party and D loyalists "busy" for two years while the swamp was being drained.

They bought it all hook, line and sinker.

"These people are STUPID!" – Q

6aa6fc  No.4988401

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

3a2f71  No.4988402


Why hasn't anyone paid for the detailed record yet?

ecbd6a  No.4988403

File: f4f20cdb15386d3⋯.png (647.38 KB, 1269x684, 141:76, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)




538d7b  No.4988404


An anon said yesterday CINC had Dilley up on a screen somewhere.

7dba32  No.4988405


>is fentanyl aerosolable?


Open Areas: While fentanyl is a solid powder at room temperature, it poses an inhalation or incidental ingestion exposure threat if sufficient

powder becomes airborne. Fentanyl can also be dissolved in solvents and fentanyl citrate is soluble in water, which allows exposure in aerosol

form. The literature indicates that police officers showed symptoms of opiate exposure after police activities created fentanyl dust/aerosol or when

they worked in dusty areas.

f6315c  No.4988406

>>4988323 This will not stand, not in NY or anywhere else. People will swarm the PP murder clinics and bring everything to a halt. Decent LE will arrest the killers too. Inevitable that the satanists would come right out in the open, in your face, with the murderous intentions in their hearts.

c3d967  No.4988407

File: 2b11b5ee787e0b2⋯.jpeg (537.61 KB, 1125x659, 1125:659, 9B3BADCD-F303-4702-B760-4….jpeg)


this is how we know for sure

08ad7f  No.4988408


the left invented "cultural appropriation."

that's why it always condemns its enemies for it.

52142b  No.4988409

File: e3036d9e8553c0b⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 270x270, 1:1, ntsh.gif)

6aa6fc  No.4988410

File: 3ef1a88dbaae9d7⋯.png (833.84 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, two-bluejays-walk-into-a-b….png)

File: ff7f3e1d51996d8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, Niagra-Falls-vacation-pic-….png)

File: 9057aa6a3d11463⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1555x1870, 311:374, Pepe-goes-to-the-movies.png)

File: e99f698fdd02d5b⋯.png (1005.13 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, moreadorablekittens.png)

File: 4d30e46703aedd5⋯.png (986.39 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, frogspuppiesandbirds.png)

93c5ee  No.4988411


They're restructuring including SR level types. Announced a new Model 3 in China.

fd8bd9  No.4988412


^ This is notable.

>CO wants to hand their 9 electoral votes over to whoever wins the popular vote nationally.


[National Popular Vote Compact]


ed282b  No.4988413

File: 2d8b754902e4fc3⋯.jpeg (70.54 KB, 1080x613, 1080:613, 1545104659.jpeg)

182fca  No.4988414

File: 267d8c5c3aeb376⋯.jpg (169.94 KB, 742x525, 106:75, 420240.jpg)



ecbd6a  No.4988415

File: f3b078137e68e42⋯.png (719.47 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: cf9b6b973d3b75c⋯.png (295.24 KB, 1273x678, 1273:678, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: c5d60677ea7b750⋯.png (409.26 KB, 1362x681, 2:1, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: 43d9c048c41de5d⋯.png (287.26 KB, 1364x683, 1364:683, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)



08ad7f  No.4988416


that guy is satan's retarded brother.

547066  No.4988417


trying a end around on the electoral college… the rest of the states should sue them in federal court.. in fact their own citizens should rebel..

0ac22f  No.4988418


Flag and signal capture

6aa6fc  No.4988419

File: 1246c68b880abe3⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1989x9020, 1989:9020, thrxmpl.jpg)

File: c1f52b609c8fbc2⋯.png (672.55 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, santa-claws.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: d7e5bacd57e4851⋯.png (113.61 KB, 1111x218, 1111:218, or.png)

52142b  No.4988420

File: d9582c3781f8d3c⋯.png (585.46 KB, 640x865, 128:173, AOC2.png)

d790c1  No.4988421

File: 29f8486b103ae75⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1101x1500, 367:500, Booker_Trapped.png)

eecaa9  No.4988422


Ah. Found it.


But it's not working very well any longer.

>>4988330 What are you using?

79b6d3  No.4988423

File: a6810dd2a98cad6⋯.jpg (306.53 KB, 710x725, 142:145, 45H576H578J76JK869K8KL789L….jpg)

5efef3  No.4988424


Right, when I read it I was like, "can they even do that?"

08ad7f  No.4988425


kek one would think, right?

and yet, it's been going on for over 40 FUCKING YEARS.

949964  No.4988426


I doubt this late term evil will prevail. It is just part of the overall slide in society. They primarily want to maintain RoeVWade and keep up with the abortions of "fetuses."

They will be able to convince the public that that is necessary and just dandy fine, as long as mommies don't kill their kiddies further on.

This is just tactics on their part. They need the early fetus parts and blood. They will settle for that and make us feel they've been magnanimous by letting us preserve the life of late-termers.

They move-countermove, too.

95bd2e  No.4988427

File: 208b7efbb8a0408⋯.png (13.9 KB, 608x357, 608:357, DEADALIVE.png)

63e691  No.4988428


I use {GPTR}. Find someone with it.

3eaf3c  No.4988430



Truth right there.

ecbd6a  No.4988431

File: e2b70e0d60810ba⋯.png (84.97 KB, 544x634, 272:317, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: 6a068e9e7f66aff⋯.png (83.87 KB, 500x606, 250:303, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: c06bb968b119825⋯.png (93.79 KB, 540x640, 27:32, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: 19a85452d9ccc0a⋯.png (41.44 KB, 558x354, 93:59, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)


b42be8  No.4988432

File: 0e30c4854ed1052⋯.jpg (227.61 KB, 600x429, 200:143, trophy-dt-600.jpg)

52142b  No.4988433

File: 4425281ef9be06c⋯.jpeg (88.42 KB, 1067x668, 1067:668, AUNTORUNCLE.jpeg)

3a5345  No.4988434


Because you are not a drug addict if it is a prescription right?

03ce15  No.4988435

File: 7aabad486c16765⋯.jpeg (246.54 KB, 848x477, 16:9, abrams.jpeg)

File: 8b080295d9cb7ff⋯.jpeg (695.22 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, download.jpeg)

The best they've got.

c3d967  No.4988436


Legit kek’d out loud at this.

It’s not funny, but what they fuck else are we supposed to do? We gotta laugh right?

It was more of a shock-laugh, and it echoed across my entire department.

57aec7  No.4988437

File: 1472742d5430a2f⋯.jpg (52.83 KB, 1128x478, 564:239, domesticsintro.jpg)

93c5ee  No.4988438


Read Article 2 US constitution. States can do whatever the f they want with electoral votes.

5e6742  No.4988439

File: 25e3e337c0bd60f⋯.jpg (279.62 KB, 2036x1329, 2036:1329, DyQKXjfX4AIbNtx.jpg)


TY Baker!


88717c  No.4988440


Nope, no clue…. don’t get that with an iPad

057b60  No.4988441

File: 0f936492197fcd4⋯.png (181.1 KB, 500x570, 50:57, LionBraggarts.png)

File: 37aa56a349e1437⋯.jpg (71.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, immoral_gofigure.jpg)

By now, observers with rationality can detect that the President is on the right side of history, as all of the unclean practices are coming into the light and people are talking about subjects which were taboo and suppressed by the media Matrix until now!

“Journalism” has become a corrupted concept where paid minions work not at reporting but group lying to further the globalist narrative, with a superior attitude, which identifies them to the entranced as “authorities”!

Whatever happend to all the reporters? They were seen as whistle-blowers by the corporate media and canned in favor of clowns and useful idiots, oprinionating their way through life!

(banning MAGA hats but coercing business owners against their will)

Free speech is now under such duress that the right to speak and express freely has fallen to second place behind the “rights” of permanent neurotics whose acting out MUST be serviced, or else.

Wake up or die, people!

The WORST hypocrisy? Shill/trolls who subtly comment ironically to anons, knowing that autists may not catch on to the demonic delight behind the posts!

Now, instant comedy when inverted intellectuals keep trying to narrate the people away from the revelation of the corruption: “Listen to me, listen to me! I have the authority of the Matrix behind me!”

Tee hee!

52142b  No.4988442

File: 821da1fd4e8a907⋯.jpg (59.04 KB, 500x461, 500:461, Satans Daughter.jpg)

438b51  No.4988443

File: 6508fc274004a30⋯.png (152.58 KB, 474x588, 79:98, image.png)

1af149  No.4988444


Lock and load people. This, this is an assault on the highest order.

c3d967  No.4988445

File: f090f163bab1c2f⋯.jpeg (28.33 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 3E4867D2-0CD8-4805-8A7D-E….jpeg)


Definitive SA meme

762c5e  No.4988446



f30b80  No.4988447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"We've set the stage for what is going to happen on the 15th of February"


2032d0  No.4988448


Yes, I get that. My point is…they are diluting a Q proof on purpose.

6aa6fc  No.4988449

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: bb0164cda59616c⋯.png (818.93 KB, 761x1111, 761:1111, KHARTRUTH.png)

File: 7de12bffc2a6500⋯.png (15.53 KB, 678x198, 113:33, soze.png)

File: 1a69403b0fb4fde⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1111x1111, 1:1, goodbyex3.jpg)


Is AOC hype organic?

Or is it forced?

4d8bbf  No.4988450


sick sick sick


c43e05  No.4988451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

52142b  No.4988452

File: b2aeada59e0a0cb⋯.png (563.8 KB, 657x415, 657:415, LowIQMaxine.png)

3eaf3c  No.4988453


Go figure meme is very powerful!

b43b05  No.4988454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


[in muh Trump voice]





okehh? ALL RIGHT.

830232  No.4988455

File: 722d403e98db6e2⋯.png (501.34 KB, 620x504, 155:126, coryhillary.png)

File: 5cf39c3af46bedf⋯.jpg (63.64 KB, 600x338, 300:169, hillarybooker2.jpg)

File: fc0b8fcd3756182⋯.jpg (176.42 KB, 832x709, 832:709, Hillarybooker3.jpg)

5ea538  No.4988456

File: 4b050b8897c0067⋯.jpg (35.45 KB, 460x258, 230:129, No One Cares 1.jpg)


Sounds like you have the problem

b43b05  No.4988457

File: 9aae93a7d5028bb⋯.mp4 (697 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Alexa knows.mp4)

79b6d3  No.4988458


Comedy fails without truth. That's why the left cant meme.

Stay strong fren WWG1WGA!!!

3eaf3c  No.4988459

762c5e  No.4988460


That would be a terrifying sight.

756e22  No.4988461

File: ef44f53f800dc7f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, cleanspace.png)


so it has excellent tactical applications, not mentioned much, sounds more effective to use than chlorine by the c_a head choppers

is it expensive? prolly not, i could imagine it being sprayed for laughs in satanic

ye the russians used fentanyl before they stormed the theatre in moscow, a bit too much even

93c5ee  No.4988462


Proly better to fix voter fraud since this will most likely stand.

547066  No.4988463


neighbor saw suspicious redneck… is that like neighbor saw suspicious nigger… or neighbor saw suspicious towel head… or neighbor saw suspicious gook..

52142b  No.4988464

File: 7c73168b7e138f4⋯.jpg (225.7 KB, 1463x2199, 1463:2199, WHAT THE JEWS THINK WE NEE….jpg)

5ea538  No.4988466



3eaf3c  No.4988467

93923c  No.4988468


You have been posting the same info for month now. Everybody is filtering your message without even reading it.

Change tactic or be more direct.

63e691  No.4988469



Baker shills shilling hard. Read my comment and see if it makes more sense than what he's saying. They keep coming with this shit and it's just nonsense.

9c4708  No.4988470

Emergency Dept Medical Coder here…..

I have a tendency to see patterns. Lately, I have seen a spike in the number of patients being admitted to the Psych Ward for hallucinations and hearing voices. I will begin to collect data and report in a week or so. I first noticed this about Jan 20th.

52142b  No.4988471

File: da0342f11986df7⋯.jpg (181.35 KB, 640x803, 640:803, SwedishGirlsMuslim.jpg)

e4bc0c  No.4988472


If communities were made to be aware of this knowledge what could happen? Imagine if communities she'd themselves of their Masonic Masters and began working their own good. Not those at the top of the mini elite power structures (police, mayor's, major businesses owners).

I'm not saying all those people are Mason's and not all Mason's are bad but they share all the negative aspects I mentioned before. Lust for power, self rightousness, greed, etc. These people don't want others in their community to be as successful as them. Just think how fucked up and backwards that is.

Imagine removing these cancers from the top of the power structures of our communities. Imagine everyone working to better the community itself. This will happen some day.

33cc03  No.4988473

File: c5d2802b069c087⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20190201_074810.png)

File: 4fef6148d3f9436⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20190201_074725.png)

Breaking news, over 12,000 people in Seattle woke up this morning to no electricity. (Images related)

Relevant this area did not get power outages during the massive wind storm that hit it last month,

Also, temperatures here are much warmer then prior weeks so over taxing the system doesn't explain it either.

645a97  No.4988474

Matthew Simmons – Whistleblower during BP Oil crisis in 2010, died in 2010 on a 'heart attack'

Any digs on him? He was actually a very contributing factor to expose oil drillings and involvement of Government, but suddenly died only months later. Heart-attack weapon?

d3f019  No.4988475


Just check his lineage. It’s a genealogical fact that every president of the US (save Trump to my knowledge) has been related in some way, shape or form. Figure out which Dem is related and you’ll have your cabal candidate.

07c936  No.4988476


Memes with anchor baby rights and murdering full term babies side-by-side will open some eyes previously shut.

A new born cant be the anchor for 4 generations AND something to be murdered and exploited, chopped up and hacked to pieces and SOLD ==without any consequences==

b43b05  No.4988477

File: 48f5d6431994373⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 595x939, 595:939, buildthewall.jpg)


ahshit I'm fckkn this ALL UP!

wutever. Thank you China. for wutever it is your giving us. Thank you, okehh?

1fed1f  No.4988478

File: a9a7a593169ea53⋯.jpg (424.13 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Dem_Platform.jpg)

52142b  No.4988479

File: aab461eb4ddcdd2⋯.jpg (15.75 KB, 175x255, 35:51, KeepWinning.jpg)

30f227  No.4988480


Any way to, you know, support that statement?

1c6a7f  No.4988481


Fucking kekles

1af149  No.4988482


It took some work to get her to admit it.

fd8bd9  No.4988483


This gave me an idea. Is it possible to set up a legal PepePAC for the GA somehow?

f6315c  No.4988484


OP SEC hint:

Do not click embedded videos.

If you do, your browser forwards the address you came from (8ch.net) to the server hosting the videos (youtube).

The is an inbuilt behavior of all browsers since the 1990s and it was added to the HTTP spec to assist advertisers and websites with their user tracking.

It's called the referrer field in the HTTP header.

Instead, copy the URL of the video by right clicking on it, copy URL, then paste that URL into a new browser tab.

Oldfags know this. We stopped posting the advice assuming most anons had become savvy to OP SEC.

c72643  No.4988485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump: If Walls Are Immoral We Should Take Down California’s, Pelosi Freaks Out


a9ccf4  No.4988486

Some of these SES folks aren't the worst personally, but their impact really depends on who pulls their strings. Sanity is slowly being restored in media.

3eaf3c  No.4988487


Shill, you didn't get it.

Soy beans from US to China.

Money from China to US.

a030ab  No.4988488


Do a little bit of research on Masonic degrees structure .. most people that join don't have a clue as to what their joining and just think they are doing a some sort of community service.. so to speak

1 Entered Apprentice

2 Fellow Craft

3 Master Mason

4 Secret Master

5 Perfect Master

6 Intimate Secretary

7 Provost and Judge

8 Intendant of the Building

9 Master Elect of Nine

10 Elect of Fifteen

11 Sublime Master Elected

12 Grand Master Architect

13 Master of the Ninth Arch

14 Grand Elect Mason

all the way up to 33rd degree


756e22  No.4988489

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 460x320, 23:16, hilarious.gif)



funny coincidence

63e691  No.4988490



If OP SEC is important we're losing anon…

1fed1f  No.4988491


I think they just told you it was observational and they will collect data FFS.

a9ccf4  No.4988492


kek, 86'd

b7908f  No.4988493




It can come back up.

b43b05  No.4988494

File: f74b299602f3ec3⋯.jpg (504.48 KB, 1080x1082, 540:541, played.jpg)

File: 1fe085e41ef788c⋯.jpg (65.45 KB, 403x400, 403:400, scone.jpg)

File: a09f420ad4e3550⋯.jpeg (53.71 KB, 439x439, 1:1, time flys.jpeg)

File: 296a382335537c8⋯.png (431.61 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, united we win.png)

File: 0c7110908acab16⋯.jpg (69.16 KB, 470x584, 235:292, with him.jpg)






94763f  No.4988495

File: 964d155474cbdd7⋯.jpg (92.95 KB, 640x813, 640:813, image3.jpg)

(((Are they doing it for the adrenochrome?)))

>>4987079 Rundown on the Democrat's sick obsession on killing babies on and industrial and global scale.

e60728  No.4988496


An Exchange is where you buy or sell gold.

1c6a7f  No.4988497


Great shit!

5ea538  No.4988498

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, CS.jpg)


A little touchy on this subject.

Trading plans or not these people all know the results of last quarter.

By fighting it you just draw moar attention to it.


4525cb  No.4988499

File: 4c7e88207129525⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 4608x2571, 1536:857, IMG_20190201_091631.jpg)

Camera on right side pointed right at Jussies condo door.

Police dispatch audio references callers name as Frank.

Who the hell is Frank?

d3f019  No.4988500

Is anyone aware of any group of patriots planning non-violent civil disobedience in NY along the lines of blockading any center that intends to comply with NY’s barbaric new abortion law? This needs to happen yesterday. Again, I said non-violent. Along the lines of a prayerful vigil of thousands of people forming a human barrier denying ingress to these facilities.

d16e0f  No.4988501

February 5th State of the Union Address may be –23 days since Q's last post.

30f227  No.4988502


You know, Stephen Colbert did an awesome PAC series many years ago. And I think the answer to your question is "yes".

0b04dd  No.4988503

File: 00d2128ef4b0c21⋯.jpeg (51.66 KB, 817x178, 817:178, NM.jpeg)

File: 4ad2893039d58f8⋯.jpeg (55.44 KB, 680x243, 680:243, BB cave.jpeg)

File: e4b39bf38fe0ce3⋯.jpeg (52.2 KB, 842x160, 421:80, Science.jpeg)


when POTUS visited Arlington NC there was a number of post about DS things under places like that, runways, and other places. Hollywood has had a compound @ big bear for over 1 hundred years under(gr)ound…

As noted there are a lot of Goldmines. believe Science(otology) is a massive UG complex there goes under JTREE… your map show the parkland is connected… just a thought

They have other ones

30f227  No.4988504


why do we care?

63e691  No.4988505


"They told me 2 years in advance they were going to sell the shares because they knew the day after the stock would tank."– (You)

Literal genius.

fa0dbb  No.4988506


Our Constitution allows each state to decide how their electors in the Electoral College will vote in a national election. The enemy is trying to circumvent the Electoral College by passing state laws to require their electors to cast their vote for the candidate who has won the popular vote. If this had been the law in 2016 in enough states to attain 270 Electoral College votes, we would have been sentenced to Hillary as President.

This legislation has already been enacted in 12 states with 172 electoral votes (CA, CT, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA). The bill will take effect when enacted by states with 98 more electoral votes. It has passed at least one house in 11 additional states with 89 electoral votes (AR, AZ, CO, DE, ME, MI, NC, NM, NV, OK, OR) and has been approved unanimously by committee votes in two additional states with 26 electoral votes (GA, MO).

b43b05  No.4988507

File: ff2740734beb3b7⋯.png (15.8 KB, 255x191, 255:191, duh.png)

File: 0650bd0527f95bd⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, florence.jpg)

File: 4180a531db99600⋯.png (271.13 KB, 640x558, 320:279, idk.png)

File: 5d5d57fbe8a1d9b⋯.png (505.39 KB, 600x450, 4:3, im gunna pee.png)


soybeans, funnymemes..

mehh wuts the difference?


I am the shill of all shillz.

I dont have to get it.


e7b379  No.4988509


and the significance of 23 is…..?

08ad7f  No.4988510



52142b  No.4988511

File: ef6d2b426d65f42⋯.png (3.26 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_0280.PNG)

538d7b  No.4988512

Searching qmap for 'indefensible' what with all the DS deepfake shrieking and coming up zero..?

2894fa  No.4988513


Setting up a PAC is easy.

Just file with the FEC

Open an bank account

Have a treasurer.

I have one.

3eaf3c  No.4988514


Before becoming apprentice mason they already know that they have to help brothers whatsoever.

They know this only helps themselves and fellow brothers and is bad for society…

Of course not all masons make the top degrees and become pizza masons.

But all masons chose selfishness over charity.

74883c  No.4988515

File: b15dba5c7e6475d⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 600x338, 300:169, holdup.jpg)

Don't get sidetracked, faggots.

30f227  No.4988516


go on. am curious about Arlington, NC.

b536f4  No.4988517

File: 62a98be49e6f6cb⋯.jpeg (59.34 KB, 625x350, 25:14, 0355734B-8BC4-4D73-8FF8-2….jpeg)


52142b  No.4988518

File: 531467da14770f5⋯.jpg (39.55 KB, 500x417, 500:417, FB_IMG_1545098726386.jpg)

182fca  No.4988519


5G rollout.

42741f  No.4988520


lurk moar

f01f76  No.4988521

Theres a group of shills asking simple questions. Idk what the purpose is, but they keep asking who is, what is, why is. Couple word sentences. Obvious is obvious.

d7e07f  No.4988522


I simply ask them to read list of accomplishments at www.MAGApill.com and get back to me when they wish to have a logical, calm conversation.

73d59a  No.4988523

Freedom of Speech

why 8chan is important for all of us

Holocaust-denying bishop loses case against German conviction

Richard Williamson, who denied that gas chambers were used in Nazi Germany's death camps, argued his right to free speech was violated. But the European Court of Human Rights has described his sentence as "very lenient."


54faa3  No.4988524


I think it's exactly like that anon

eecaa9  No.4988525




Indeed, can be duplicated. >>4988330

Now, what exactly does NEOG do?

a030ab  No.4988526

File: 169f56f84ed05dd⋯.png (86.1 KB, 174x267, 58:89, Capture.PNG)

Trump should write a book ,, How to make the the UN cry

Right-Wing Nationalism Threatens Democratic Norms, Human Rights & Press Freedom

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 30 (IPS) - The steady decline in multilateralism—accompanied by a rise in unilateralism– is beginning to threaten democratic norms, including press freedom, global governance, civic participation and human rights across Asia, Africa, South America and the Middle East.

The threats – directly or indirectly – are being sourced to the outbreak of right-wing nationalism in the United States, reflected in the jingoistic political rhetoric coming out of several countries, including Brazil, the Philippines, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Turkey, Myanmar and Egypt.

Speaking to reporters last month, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that multilateralism is under attack from many different directions precisely "when we need it most."

"In different areas and for different reasons, the trust of people in their political establishments, the trust of states among each other, the trust of many people in international organizations has been eroded and … multilateralism has been in the fire," he complained.


42790d  No.4988527

File: e3daf8b3f85912d⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 400x400, 1:1, BTW-ACE-WBS.jpg)

File: 5ad756dfa375c90⋯.jpg (68.79 KB, 400x400, 1:1, BTW-ACE-WALL.jpg)

>>4988155 l.b.

Great meme & theme.

d16e0f  No.4988528


bring the pain –23

52142b  No.4988529

File: b73d034bfd36f51⋯.jpeg (155.03 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, FCBC773F-17A9-4E3B-B4A0-6….jpeg)


It's ALREADY here.

30f227  No.4988530


Sooo, they can make up anything and post it?

Ok. Sounds legit.

e7b379  No.4988531


typical… but you have no actual answer…

0b04dd  No.4988532

File: 1a40c4ad3c27cf3⋯.jpg (120.2 KB, 920x892, 230:223, 1a40c4ad3c27cf3989e9d5d393….jpg)

>>4988503 org map from prior bread

eecaa9  No.4988533

File: dd1333714b3971f⋯.png (38.71 KB, 1190x55, 238:11, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)


Ugh. My bad.

d7e07f  No.4988534


What's the date on that?

Is it legit?

c72643  No.4988535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

182fca  No.4988536

File: 21283a4c0692bc1⋯.jpeg (285.92 KB, 750x863, 750:863, 21283a4c0692bc11c17548ded….jpeg)

42741f  No.4988537


Yeah, I sure do. Lurk moar.

5efef3  No.4988538


This could be a very dangerous development for the US

fd8bd9  No.4988539

File: 85bb31e5f93732b⋯.jpg (113.48 KB, 410x410, 1:1, 65a120a30c22bb2c3bbbda8de6….jpg)

File: 1046f11be44e508⋯.jpg (89.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, praisekek.jpg)



Keks in legal.

ef5823  No.4988540

File: e223ecc7d911c83⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2036x648, 509:162, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b916247e51cfd9⋯.png (1.61 MB, 2038x648, 1019:324, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 808f81482b3263e⋯.png (1.77 MB, 2029x550, 2029:550, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17aae2789a9845d⋯.png (1.66 MB, 2036x644, 509:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4dc71b88b06b9d⋯.png (1.88 MB, 2039x645, 2039:645, ClipboardImage.png)

5e6742  No.4988541


wew - incoherent rambling setting up dementia/parkinsons/muhtumahs fosho!

307867  No.4988542


I will not be ruled by Californians and New Yorkers. That's all we'll get for President if this allowed. (((They))) know this. It's their last card to try to stop this revolution. I guess if they want civil war that bad, they'll get it. It's not going to end well for them though.

515b13  No.4988543

You dildos still hanging around hoping Q posts?


47fa25  No.4988544

File: f48c7630e5fba6a⋯.jpeg (425.73 KB, 1920x1721, 1920:1721, 0872814F-AE02-49C1-8496-D….jpeg)

Today, February 1, is Freedom Day. Lots of posts and stringers that go along with this. Thought this tweet by U.S. House History was particularly interesting.


42790d  No.4988545


>Other dipshittery


949964  No.4988546


You need to understand that the Great Awakening is about growing up, thinking for yourself, becoming resourceful and digging.

If you can't handle that, go back to social media.

We're the new media. Quit being so stupid.

a5fc8d  No.4988547


>>4988447 "We've set the stage for what is going to happen on the 15th of February."

>>4988350, >>4988405, >>4988461 Fentanyl the chemical weapon.

Baker Requesting Handoff

Will return within an hour. Thank you anons.

52142b  No.4988548

File: e531e45bff481fb⋯.jpeg (330.9 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, Muh_LEGACY.jpeg)

11d123  No.4988549


You really need to read ALL the crumbs.

5ea538  No.4988550

File: f94818b7e1c8b49⋯.jpg (117.37 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Sheryl Sandberg share dump.jpg)

File: a9ae39ed331eea6⋯.png (38.92 KB, 1798x149, 1798:149, 020119 FB dump.PNG)

File: 6bb2f36d665e39c⋯.png (120.98 KB, 1742x343, 1742:343, 020119 FB feb 17 to presen….PNG)


So this is nonsense?

Cap 3 is total insider sale from Feb '17 to present


29c995  No.4988551


So they’ve been tracking me all along when I watch the videos posted here, but just today I start getting asked for permission for them to do so?

baced5  No.4988552

File: abb28006cb7e30d⋯.jpeg (19.62 KB, 226x223, 226:223, D8ED8F31-BDF6-41E7-8450-5….jpeg)

c3d967  No.4988553

File: b08bb10e6db8163⋯.jpeg (357.94 KB, 1125x901, 1125:901, 8E100F77-9112-4DEA-81AF-A….jpeg)


Get on your knees for some Congresspeople!


e7b379  No.4988554





64ee22  No.4988555


Sounds a lot like the Catholic Church (or as I call it, the WW Club of Faggots and Pedophiles).

e4bc0c  No.4988556


Exactly. It's unreal that even towns with a few hundred people will have a lodge. It's the bread and butter of how the cabal controls us.

They have eyes and ears on everything.

d92782  No.4988557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Freedom for everyone. Down with Maduro!

This has Q's fingerprints all over it!

79f859  No.4988558

File: 415abd2781eb1a5⋯.jpg (117.89 KB, 992x414, 496:207, choise.jpg)

b43b05  No.4988559

File: 77f3d5f1f460767⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 620x325, 124:65, _ffarmbill.JPG)



if they can control the narrative [worldwide]

they are able to control the emotions of the young

when emotions are tampered these people start blamin' muh chinks fer tha internet.. muh jews for the church, etc when it was DARPANET who sold the muhchinks the code in the first place.



88717c  No.4988560

How much does silicone valley give her?


74883c  No.4988561

File: e6238b668447e27⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 600x446, 300:223, kek.jpg)


kek, good shit.

29c995  No.4988562


December 2017. Look at upper left corner.

5630fd  No.4988563

THE ABORTION AGENDA: Its Benefactors & What You Don’t Know

Pay very close attention, because there is a lot more going on with their abortion agenda, than meets the eye.

Who’s involved, where is this headed, and what atrocities have already occurred?

Something very significant began back in 1993, leading up to this, and no one is reporting on it.

New York’s ‘Reproductive Health Act’ brought shock and awe to the entire country, by legalizing full-term abortions, and decriminalizing it. As barbaric as this all is, no one seems to be focused on the nurses and midwives’ addition to this bill, who coincidentally have been trained by the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Partners in Health, Planned Parenthood, and the Ivy League schools, for over two decades. While everyone is still trying to catch their breath, the reality of what lies ahead, may unfortunately include unthinkable, sinister acts. Based on past events, actions, and evidence of fetal tissue and body parts being sold, new “youth” blood clinics opening their doors, and prior experimentation on prison babies, it’s time to wake from the shock, and pay very close attention. This is both a physical and spiritual battle – armor up. They just legalized allowing a new born baby to suffer and die outside of the womb, if they did not succeed with the abortion procedure. This is murder in the worst degree.

As mind-altering as this bill is, Virginia, Vermont and Rhode Island are a few of many states that are quickly pushing to pass similar laws, while the battle with pro-lifers continues. There are other very significant changes in the New York bill, that they camouflaged in multiple “refer to” sections, with a separate 6-page document. Below, is a breakdown of the key changes New York passed, incredible repercussions this may have on the future, and a specific agenda that goes back over two decades, setting up for this very day.

Breakdown of The New Abortion Laws in New York

An abortion can be performed if the patient is within 24-weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, OR there is an absence of fetal viability, OR the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life OR health. Yet, they do not specify health reasons, leaving this wide open. Though, under existing judicial interpretation, her emotional well-being is likely included. Therefore, a woman can have an abortion in her third trimester, providing she can convince her practitioner or nurse that it’s necessary.

In addition to M.D.s, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and midwives may perform nonsurgical abortions. After the 12th week, the procedure must be in a hospital. After the 20th week, an M.D. must be present to handle the care of any live birth.

They removed abortion from criminal code and moved it under health, therefore, if a man were to beat a pregnant woman, and she lost her child, it would no longer be considered a felony murder. This also protects medical professionals who perform abortions from criminal prosecution, including if illegal abortions were performed.

No consent from their partner or “cooling off” period is necessary.

It is now legal to take drugs with the intent to cause a miscarriage.

Removed legal protections for babies born alive; immediate legal status, a dedicated physician to care for the child, and records of life-sustaining efforts. Because they are not allowed to murder a newborn baby outside the womb, if the baby didn’t die prior to removing it from the mother, they cannot end its suffering.

The dilation and extraction procedure is used for an abortion after 21 weeks. The fetus is rotated, and forceps are used to grasp and pull the legs, shoulders, and arms through the birth canal. A small incision is made at the base of the skull to allow a suction catheter inside. The catheter removes the cerebral material until the skull collapses. The fetus is then completely removed.

As Hillary Clinton cheered Andrew Cuomo on, leading up to the big announcement, and all gathered around, applauding with excitement, many people all around the world, were watching in horror. While Cuomo’s tweet received only 2.8k likes, and was flooded with over 11,000 comments of disdain, one woman’s comment struck the hearts of many, receiving 6.8k likes. To put this in perspective, Cuomo has 849k followers and Obianuju has 61k followers.


db94d7  No.4988564

Top 5 things you are burning to know about "The Plan…..

1. Who makes up Q team?

2. Where is Julian Assange?

3. What was in the letters at the funeral?

4. Do you use Gematria to communicate?

5. Is the deepstate using clones?

1bb07f  No.4988565

File: 0bb06edc8f231a9⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 477x115, 477:115, e231bd338e81c813cbca3fa737….jpg)

da98ee  No.4988566

File: 99a09e847c6a4b1⋯.jpeg (25 KB, 315x243, 35:27, 5F2727E3-6A61-4691-AE65-3….jpeg)

File: f1497cc8f3c788c⋯.jpeg (33.01 KB, 570x309, 190:103, D1261AF0-278D-4F46-95FA-6….jpeg)

File: 7f43e820f11126e⋯.jpeg (70.23 KB, 1000x618, 500:309, 38F93766-F8A7-4DD8-8CF5-9….jpeg)

File: b170865c57b42ad⋯.jpeg (60.95 KB, 807x513, 269:171, 0710C453-A97F-4B45-881F-F….jpeg)

93923c  No.4988567


> working their own good. Not those at the top of the mini elite power structures (police, mayor's, major businesses owners).

>I'm not saying all those people are Mason's and not all Mason's are bad but they share all the negative aspects I mentioned before. Lust for power, self rightousness, greed, etc. These people don't want others in their community to be as successful as them. Just think how fucked up and backwards that is.

>Imagine removing these cancers from the top of the power structures of our communities. Imagine everyone working to better the community itself. This will happen some day.

But first the White hat need to understand the difference between justice and punishment. Until then……….. we will always be at the mercy of Future criminal infiltrating our civil society. A lot of very good men choose to do nothing for a very long time. This is why we are in this mess!

52142b  No.4988568

File: 7a19e6b7111d931⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 500x278, 250:139, MARK_AS_GRAPHIC.jpg)



Re-READ the crumbs.

1c8d25  No.4988569


I agree 5G rollout and look into types of drugs they are taking.

c1642e  No.4988570



08ad7f  No.4988571

Anons - sorry, missed this - was a "weapon of mass destruction" found at that border yesterday, capable of killing millions?

070e65  No.4988572

File: d3a80be195020dd⋯.jpg (6.82 KB, 347x145, 347:145, images(3).jpg)


Reminds me of the Animatrix's Second Renaissance, specifically "Operation: Dark Storm."

0b04dd  No.4988573

>>4988516 There where many notables about 12/15-16 and the pic of POTUS with a head stone and there symbols. the though was DS uses places like that to build their DUMB

11d123  No.4988574

File: ac5122d0e02c048⋯.jpg (498.58 KB, 1352x964, 338:241, PressHat.jpg)

ddeeaf  No.4988575

File: feebdcdd4417a72⋯.jpeg (66.67 KB, 493x370, 493:370, 54B3D45D-890A-4AFF-8FF6-3….jpeg)

a030ab  No.4988576

File: 01b64b0b0d8808d⋯.png (676.09 KB, 806x456, 403:228, Capture.PNG)

European firms ‘won’t dare’ use new EU payment system for trade with Iran out of fear of US

A new mechanism to allow “legitimate trade” with Iran, which was set up by France, Germany, and the UK this week, doesn’t change anything for European companies, according to independent journalist Luc Rivet.

He told RT that European companies and others cannot feel confident that they could do business with Iran without being subject to US sanctions.

“I don’t know what companies will make use of that mechanism to sell to Iran,” he said, adding that it’s very dangerous for the companies if they are caught working in Iran.


253f1a  No.4988577


Its spelled IMPEACHMENT you stupid faggot shill

5d4862  No.4988578

Schumer, Bharara being probed for alleged ties to failed Turkey coup cleric

A Turkish prosecutor is investigating 17 Americans, including Sen. Chuck Schumer and former US Attorney Preet Bharara, for alleged ties to a Poconos cleric blamed for unrest in Turkey.

Modal Trigger

Fethullah GulenAP

Turkey claims Fethullah Gulen orchestrated the failed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogğan last July — and the government has designated ­Gulen’s movement a terrorist organization. Gulen denies the charges.

“Banned by Putin & now accused by Erdogan,” Bharara joked in a tweet Saturday evening. “Not saying pattern, but if [Philippine President Rodrigo] Duterte charges me w/drug trafficking, I’m gonna think something’s up.’’

When Bharara had Reza Zarrab — a dual Turkish-Iranian citizen with close ties to Erdogan — indicted last year, the Turkish president accused Bharara of being a Gulen sympathizer.

Bharara said at the time he had to Google Gulen’s name to learn who he was.

In 2015, Schumer and 37 of his colleagues urged the State Department to address the Erdogan administration’s harassment of journalists. A year later, Schumer criticized Erdogan’s record on free speech.


More from this guy. Good researcher: https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1091281075903463424

7f3a02  No.4988579

File: 821718fb4249e43⋯.png (662.46 KB, 987x1454, 987:1454, Opera Snapshot_2019-02-01_….png)

Japan investigating auction of uranium.


80cd67  No.4988580


254 pounds of fentanyl.

30f227  No.4988581


Pairs of chromosomes, pain, whatever.

52142b  No.4988582

File: b903834d5812f18⋯.mp4 (14.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, US_to_send_$7,000_per_MINU….mp4)

63e691  No.4988583


Go ahead ANON. Put your money where your mouth is and short it. Let me know when you go bankrupt.

8eb44f  No.4988584


so basically

> Democratic Norms

are what people don't want/don't vote for.

5e6742  No.4988585

File: 8990b6190c629b6⋯.png (1.22 MB, 987x1151, 987:1151, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

File: 1f0489a7d913e16⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1105x1033, 1105:1033, Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at ….png)


Happy Freedom Day!

3425b7  No.4988586


08ad7f  No.4988587


ahhh…typical Beck dramatizing.

ty anon

88717c  No.4988588


He was supposed to meet someone from some match up site.

c3d967  No.4988589



Seriously does anyone even care if their being monitored? I don’t. Fuck you deep state faggots. We own the idea of information now and we are fucking SURGICAL.

30f227  No.4988590


these "memes" are weird.

5ea538  No.4988591


Neogen Corporation develops, manufactures and markets a range of products and services dedicated to food and animal safety. The Company operates through two segments: Food Safety and Animal Safety. The Food Safety segment produces and markets diagnostic test kits and related products used by food producers and processors to detect harmful natural toxins, foodborne bacteria, allergens and levels of general sanitation. The Animal Safety segment is primarily engaged in the production and marketing of products dedicated to animal health, including a range of consumable products marketed to veterinarians and animal health product distributors. The Animal Safety segment also provides genetic identification services. Additionally, the Animal Safety segment produces and markets rodenticides, disinfectants and insecticides to assist in the control of rodents and disease in and around agricultural, food production and other facilities.


42790d  No.4988592


Tech breaks down, tech can be hacked, tech can mysteriously shut down at certain times & places.

But then you know that already, don't you Nancy? That's why you're pushing tech.

daf2aa  No.4988593

go find out for yourself

80cd67  No.4988594


That is enough to kill lots of people.

5eea49  No.4988595

File: 434c318d3d0f844⋯.png (2.03 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, clockSB_.png)

Super Bowel Qclock

29c995  No.4988596


No need for me to re-read crumbs, I know they track everyone, no matter what. My question was about the pop up message I just started getting. Why ask permission now? And I suspect that even clicking Don’t Allow doesn’t stop the tracking. So why? It’s just curious.

c3d967  No.4988597

File: 85b8856fb14b999⋯.jpeg (57.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 8849BB49-6138-4622-A730-C….jpeg)

113b69  No.4988598


God but the OTHER Fijigirl… Second from the right in the Pic of 4…

2baf60  No.4988599


So the true test is if the public accepts the false narrative as truth, and overthrows our governments true leaders anyway

08ad7f  No.4988600


yeah i get that but it's not what one normally thinks of when a story is teased about a "weapon of mass destruction."

93923c  No.4988601


> - sorry, missed this - was a "weapon of mass destruction" found at that border yesterday, capable of killing millions?

Carfentanyl is consider a Weapon of mass destruction. 100 more potent than fentanyl.

Potential as a chemical weapon

The toxicity of carfentanil in humans and its ready commercial availability has aroused concerns over its potential use as a weapon of mass destruction by rogue nations and terrorist groups.[10]

The toxicity of carfentanil has been compared to that of nerve gas, according to the Associated Press' article "Chemical weapon for sale: China's unregulated narcotic". The article quoted Andrew C. Weber, Assistant US Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs from 2009 to 2014, as saying "It's a weapon. Companies shouldn't be just sending it to anybody." Weber added "Countries that we are concerned about were interested in using it for offensive purposes… We are also concerned that groups like ISIS could order it commercially." Weber described various ways carfentanil could be used as a weapon, such as knocking troops out and taking them hostage or killing civilians in closed spaces such as train stations.[10]

ecbd6a  No.4988602


War zone = food supply

52142b  No.4988603

File: eaf55506dd3d4c9⋯.jpeg (56.33 KB, 1536x476, 384:119, FAKE_NEWS_IS_THE_ENEMY_OF….jpeg)

c3d967  No.4988604


Ugh not the clock again.

b64fde  No.4988605

Speaking of pain, the fentanyl bust is going to cause a whole lot of pain for the person who needed to sell it

fd8bd9  No.4988606



site:qanon.news indefensible deepfake



88717c  No.4988607


OHHHH so does the Mormons!!!! They have a to. Of underground areas and tunnels!!! There’s a couple of you tubers who have been investigating the tunnels when they can sneak in!!!!

a030ab  No.4988608


Exactly.. seems all the occult clubs have the same membership structure

52142b  No.4988609

File: 44967c518487a9d⋯.jpg (78.88 KB, 414x480, 69:80, 44967c518487a9df39b76f3a73….jpg)

f6315c  No.4988610



Sounds like a behavior change of your browser to pop up that prompt. You may want to do a web search for that quoted message and find out what change was made to your browser and why.

42741f  No.4988611

File: 1a92fb866a9e88f⋯.png (2.68 MB, 2303x2303, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

08ad7f  No.4988612


Anon, you are an anon fucking worthy of the title.


d790c1  No.4988613

File: 713dead951b81b9⋯.png (1.56 MB, 941x578, 941:578, Pelosi_4.png)


"When these fences were born"


Next she is going to be advocating for aborting

the wall.

7f5b9f  No.4988614

File: afaaa8579cee5b6⋯.png (77 KB, 1337x517, 1337:517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ab15fde1cdb942⋯.png (49.22 KB, 1012x505, 1012:505, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4988348 many years USAID harm people around the world in name of USA

Controversies and criticism

USAID and U.S. foreign economic assistance in general have been the subject of debate, controversy, and criticism continuously since the 1950s.

109e7e  No.4988615

File: dc95e102cdc979e⋯.jpeg (3.23 MB, 2700x2762, 1350:1381, DB4FFDD3-5A1D-449F-B42E-D….jpeg)


Wait… these guys?

a9364d  No.4988616

File: fca456400e2a4ae⋯.jpeg (337.31 KB, 828x848, 207:212, 5C27F193-3409-4501-BE8E-7….jpeg)

Is he fucking kidding? Top Kek

ddeeaf  No.4988617

File: 53ca7bfdf2d9bae⋯.jpeg (937.93 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, 4240B3B4-40E7-495C-B186-0….jpeg)

daf2aa  No.4988618


Inpeach MI I don't think you can, not with peaches anyway

7dba32  No.4988619


>killing babies on and industrial and global scale.

King Herod

Used Roman soldiers to

kill the first born of all israel

when he heard that the Christ child was born

5eea49  No.4988620


>Ugh not the clock again.




79b6d3  No.4988621

File: ea7e1bba08774a7⋯.jpg (736.07 KB, 720x1622, 360:811, c.jpg)

9ccc35  No.4988622

File: efb0f4fbe2ce3d2⋯.png (286.39 KB, 1366x631, 1366:631, Virtual_Radar_(7986)_-_201….png)



‏ @POTUS_Schedule

Friday, 01 February 2019

10:50 Currently, snow showers in the District. Weather may force use of a #Motocade for the trip to #JointBaseAndrews later today. Have to see what conditions are like at departure time.


……. good, that AF2 just landied in Miami

08ad7f  No.4988623


yeah this must be a very special generation indeed.

8f8947  No.4988624

f01f76  No.4988625


I cant recall what I just saw it on, but something said enough to kill 26 million. I'd say that's pretty massive.

baced5  No.4988626


I nominate Ebot

949964  No.4988627


doesn't he realize he needs to put out this call on 4chan?

daf2aa  No.4988628


what a tool, and not even a good 1

b43b05  No.4988629

File: 04fe7c381271f13⋯.jpg (65.93 KB, 960x960, 1:1, really.jpg)



seriously? those who think Sean, tucker, watters, ARE NOT PART OF THIS OPERATION

have been extremely fooled.

f6315c  No.4988630


You're right - when we started here we were trying to keep this site private and not widely known but it IS known now and doesn't matter anymore as much as it used to.

Personally, I still do not have a youtube login (although they & other websites track users anyhow using a browser fingerprint and stored cookies if enabled) and I still copy the URL of any videos I want to watch into a new tab.

e29eb7  No.4988631


we are what we do, young jedi.

check out net ta lon.

company wants to equip schools like prisons.

free plugs on MSM,

pushed by (ex) cop who's wife is SES in a Masonic controlled area, near a blue city in a red state.

on the heels of related publicity stunt(s).

but, in your defense, all of us have done good things, and are of the same spark of perfection.

95bd2e  No.4988632

File: fec4a53ded0d70b⋯.png (386.48 KB, 480x289, 480:289, Screenshot_2019-02-01 the ….png)


You just been laid off or something?

5efef3  No.4988633

30f3f3  No.4988634


soft kill eugenics

08ad7f  No.4988635


yeah, true. but you can die in a tub of water, and nobody calls that a "weapon of mass destruction."

93923c  No.4988636


A few years ago they have found this drug in the hand of islamist. 43 Kg of it. Enough to kill everybody in Canada! Of course our Government in Canada covert the story!

fa5bdb  No.4988637

Since Nancy thinks walls are immoral…

Remove all barriers/walls/fences in California…

Move them to a much needed area…

Then tell the Caravan that California welcomes them!!!

Tell Nancy that if she wants a barrier/wall/fence in CA she will have to pay for it…

c99a1b  No.4988638

How many freemasons signed the constitution? 13

Though some evidence exists to show another 24 were Masons, it is not regularly accepted that they were Masons.

Clearly, 13 of the 39 who signed the Constitution were members of Masonic lodges.

Patriotic MASONS…if it wasn't for these men, you would be here.

George Washington

Benjiman Franklin

Paul Revere

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

James Monroe

John Hancock

Andrew Jackson

Teddy Rosevelt

Audie Murphy

John Wayne

Mayo Brothers (original)

John Glenn

Buzz Aldrin

Guzz Grissom

Neil Armstong

Gene Autry

Nat King Cole

Wolf Gang Amadadeus

Roy Rogers

Glenn Ford

Mark Twain

Gen. Stormin Norman

79b6d3  No.4988639

File: 2b8cf85b89c64a4⋯.jpg (136.75 KB, 306x419, 306:419, 57j56j56678kj785k7tjk.jpg)

8eb44f  No.4988640


-"senior member"…

-asking on twitter

sad, Bill.

a5fc8d  No.4988641


>>4988544 Anon: Lots of stringers to go along with Freedom Day.

>>4988579 Japan investigating auction of uranium.

>>4988578 Schumer, Bharara being probed for alleged ties to failed Turkey coup cleric.

>>4988576 European firms ‘won’t dare’ use new EU payment system for trade with Iran out of fear of US.

>>4988447 "We've set the stage for what is going to happen on the 15th of February."

>>4988350, >>4988405, >>4988461 Fentanyl the chemical weapon.

47f895  No.4988642


I think she's given coherent talking points.

But, like Q dropped, she's purposely laying on the demented senior citizen routine thick these days.

79b6d3  No.4988643

File: f23ec7f37045c70⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 540x405, 4:3, f23ec7f37045c70e70dfa8ef63….jpg)

4f2a07  No.4988644


Was looking into this, was going to see how we can actually file a complaint. Found this:


The bottom line is that the complaints won’t proceed because Supreme Court justices are not subject to the federal court’s disciplinary mechanism. Here’s an explanation:

A 1980 law, the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act, allows anyone to file “a written complaint” alleging judicial misconduct or performance-degrading disability. The Act defines misconduct as “conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts.”

Now reading those first few paragraphs, it appears they are saying that Supreme Court Justices are exempt from this act. However upon continued reading, they claim its was due to all the judges refusing themselves from the Kavanaugh case. Not because they are exempt. Weird way to explain what happened while misleading readers.

Might need a lawfag to get in on this one, but it appears that what they say in this article’s first few paragraphs IS NOT TRUE.

I think we could file a complaint against RBG for being incapable of carrying out her duties.

735b33  No.4988645



This kind of shit is embarrassing even for actual shills.

Have some respect.

b43b05  No.4988648

File: aac2c8e21fe11d8⋯.png (906.03 KB, 800x704, 25:22, THE STANDARD.png)


i dont do 'appearances'

i dont speak for the movement. I speak for lil me.

i dont intend to talk to ANYONE, white or blackhat, idc.


so yall just know.. BILL MITCHELL aint talkin bout KEKFORCE.

idk who dis nigga think he trickin… but IT AINT THIS ASS!

760ea8  No.4988649

File: 09712eb6f91aa3c⋯.jpeg (11.25 KB, 255x182, 255:182, ebd438132eeb7e6e5d4735114….jpeg)


I've hears this before & it never gets lost because it's TRUTH. The voice is of comedian Red Skelton from decades ago who has past.

08ad7f  No.4988650


this is really mockingbirdish.

every day is supposed to be freedom day in the land of the free.

fucking weird.

80cd67  No.4988651


You can't dust a crowd of people with tubs full of water and kill them, but you can with fentanyl.

42741f  No.4988652

File: 134343b8b77fa34⋯.jpg (9.94 KB, 255x213, 85:71, pepeshillaugh.jpg)

c3d967  No.4988653



No FB or twat for me.

c1642e  No.4988654



bfaebd  No.4988655


jobs, jobs, jobs = nigger bot trigger

182fca  No.4988656


> what atrocities have already occurred?

The Cancer Industry

Abortion increases breast cancer risk hugly!

“They make the chemicals, they run the treatment centers, and they’re still looking for “the cure” — no wonder they won’t tell you about breast cancer prevention.”


08ad7f  No.4988657



noted. thx for the perspective.

29c995  No.4988658


Both laptop and iPad, so that makes me think the change was from YouTube. Maybe I’m wrong. And like I said, it just makes me curious. I always click Dont Allow anytime I get that, like it really matters.

438b51  No.4988659

File: de7444bdfe83a5d⋯.jpeg (365.27 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, A6BE4FD6-B08C-4F79-8121-D….jpeg)

307867  No.4988660


Fuck that fame fag. He was against Trump before he pulled his finger out of his ass to check which way the wind was blowing. He's AJ for NeoCon normies.

756e22  No.4988661

File: 4a5e6f4ce57e81f⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1450x1716, 725:858, cheers.png)



MI6 uses it, dont seem to good at using it tactically though, too much chaos to be a good op


5be0c0  No.4988662

File: 56a390cb3abcc45⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, B46CD53F-D198-40CD-B85C-C….jpeg)

Mid morning sntidote chemtrailing

Looking south

Lincoln NH

47fa25  No.4988663

File: 91969b8dcfdbfa5⋯.jpeg (507.81 KB, 823x2219, 823:2219, 3A587D91-1598-473D-9728-3….jpeg)


It’s also exactly 17 years, to the day, from the last time the Patriots and the Rams faced off in the Super Bowl.

Personally, I think Patriots Win.

51bdab  No.4988664

File: 6a36420d45419f2⋯.png (55.28 KB, 591x375, 197:125, anon-seek.png)

Is the Highest Ranking Anon online today? Bill Mitchell wants to talk to you…..



52142b  No.4988665

File: 9aa976d34c9aa7b⋯.png (797.22 KB, 780x456, 65:38, MANY_IN_OUR_GOVT_WORSHIP_S….png)

c05e50  No.4988666

File: 3e70c59e89f6a9e⋯.jpg (90.28 KB, 500x736, 125:184, 2slw90.jpg)

fc39a9  No.4988667

File: 74ff41e856f9985⋯.jpg (464.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, SJ.jpg)

a030ab  No.4988668


Democratic norms are draconian laws that they don't adhere to and we have to suffer under.. same as congress passing laws that they are exempt from

Do As We Say, Congress Says, Then Does What It Wants


4f2a07  No.4988669


Does anyone have a twatter that can send this to Tom Fitton at judicial watch and see if they would be willing to file a complaint based upon this law?

538d7b  No.4988670


Rubini will come in hot at him

30f227  No.4988671


AIM will no doubt be all over it.

94a6b6  No.4988672

File: c0e1b6d3e1fb268⋯.png (25.23 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Mystery as widow questions why husband's body returned from Mexico with no brain, stomach or heart


fd8bd9  No.4988673


I've been wondering this too. What do they do with it if it's so dangerous? Tiny little bit will kill you… That's not a drug, that's a weapon.

30f3f3  No.4988674


> told me hospitals have been known to keep a body on life support, even as it is decomposing, at family request.

entire wards of people on life support

follow the $$$$$$

c3d967  No.4988675


Sara Carter

John solomon

Dan Bongino

Gregg Jarrett

Joe DiGenova

Who else. Who else ON team guys?

7dba32  No.4988676


they want to kill them or cause other genetic problems by vaccinations

for how long?

back to Margret Sanger ?

5286d2  No.4988677


My parents tried to chemically abort me

True story


631921  No.4988678

File: 2c52edf4f1bf341⋯.jpg (119.07 KB, 730x1095, 2:3, yu_yuan_oldman24.jpg)


i'll think about it.

29c995  No.4988679


Real anons need to step up and give him some accurate info. Bring his questions back here so we can all have input.

daf2aa  No.4988680


Tell him go speak to Q+

08ad7f  No.4988681

File: 6e1afbf6a9674f6⋯.png (18.08 KB, 451x148, 451:148, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

a23b9b  No.4988682

File: fdd1db6525a5c5f⋯.png (342.45 KB, 432x367, 432:367, theyarescrewingwithyourbra….PNG)

Most people agree the sound of nails on a chalkboard is freakishly unpleasant. ASMR is described as an opposite feeling: a tingly euphoric response, usually starting on the head and scalp, and sometimes spreading down the neck, arms or back.

c3d967  No.4988683



52142b  No.4988684

File: b3c00da20cb9740⋯.jpg (64.14 KB, 500x553, 500:553, BEPROUD BE LOUD MAGA.jpg)

e4bc0c  No.4988685


Did my Masonic truths trigger a stop gap bot?

Must have picked up enough key words to warrant a response.

eecaa9  No.4988686


So basically NEOG makes and markets the stuff Q told us was hurting babies.

eb0682  No.4988687

File: d3312e0a82b2e16⋯.png (463.65 KB, 1734x509, 1734:509, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: 585287afa0ce34a⋯.png (116.04 KB, 444x476, 111:119, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: 62fef7fb55229f8⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1083x766, 1083:766, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

Trump tweet 12 minute marker

Did ISIS form on HUSSEIN's watch?

HUSSEIN installed traitors at:




What was the 16 year plan?

b43b05  No.4988688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





39605d  No.4988689

File: 803f19072e74680⋯.png (707.59 KB, 852x652, 213:163, Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at ….png)

b0fb21  No.4988690

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB, 744x744, 1:1, 1c8dd895faedc3743bec0075dc….jpg)


Let's send this guy

5ea538  No.4988691

File: 0eeafecac30da91⋯.gif (2.29 MB, 695x392, 695:392, Pep nukes 'em all.gif)


Not a stock advice board. Places for that and it's not here.

Data doesn't lie.

$10,320,049,832 in total sales vs $0 in purchases. Since February '17

Tells quite a story doesn't it…

08ad7f  No.4988692

b492b3  No.4988693

File: fd779acd8540992⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, crimsonpain.jpg)

File: 59df03ed6ec2ff9⋯.jpg (832.74 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, whitepain.jpg)

File: 58a232985e41e6a⋯.jpg (961.5 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, bluesteelpain.jpg)

47fa25  No.4988694

File: cc1337c0c71f3ef⋯.jpeg (38.2 KB, 400x397, 400:397, 788F026F-083A-4FCB-96AF-9….jpeg)

30f227  No.4988695


They fucked up by using it on the daughter. That's it.

f6315c  No.4988696

>>4988487 Read a piece this AM that claimed DJT is wildly exaggerating what progress has been made in the China trade negotiations. Written by a blind fool.

POTUS said yesterday that this is the biggest deal in history being worked on, not just the biggest trade deal. It is comprehensive. It will cover everything. It will lay out what security arrangements will predominate in S. China Sea & elsewhere. It will provide verification of all aspects of the agreement. It will provide a win/win framework for the entire world to join in on. Prosperity & security, who could object? Oh, I forgot….we have vicious animals called leftists who do NOT want any of that.

Calculating that this deal is going to include a GOLD aspect for settlement of bilateral US/China trade, & the entire world will jump on it. POTUS did not say "Gold Standard for the entire world" a couple of days ago solely in reference to the US economy.

Further speculation….China is going to agree that the W. Hemisphere is mainly our bailiwick. They can trade & prosper in the Americas, but back off any thought of defending the moronic, evil & destructive commies over here as we clean house. In return, they may receive some sort of okay for "sort of" recovering Taiwan, with it being a province with special rights, a la Hong Kong, only with even more protections. Even this though, could not happen without the agreement of the Taiwanese people. Considering the overall picture, they might do so.

If Prince is setting up a training camp in the Chinese Muslim area, this also signals that there is agreement on crushing the danger from that quarter, all over the world.

Back to yesterday's press conference. POTUS is the all time master of the deal. By him saying what he did about encouraging progress, but no final deal yet, but that optimism exists, he is really saying, "Some things to work out, but the main body has been agreed & will become official when I meet with Xi." The Chinese Deputy Premier virtually said the same thing & it virtually oozed out of his words & body language. There comes a time in any negotiation when people stop being too coy and realize that they want & need the deal. This deal more than any other because of the tremendous significance (war & destruction or peace & prosperity actually). That threshold has been crossed. Everyone wants the deal and it is going to happen.

52142b  No.4988697

File: 82bb02bf0877580⋯.png (216.83 KB, 500x283, 500:283, IF.png)

63e691  No.4988698


Considering how bright Iron Mike is, seems reasonable.

5be0c0  No.4988699

File: e9373efd0250956⋯.jpeg (843.7 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 8FF5EB61-6DCB-4934-9DFC-B….jpeg)

b6704a  No.4988700


The only out to this, is the Interstate Compact

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_compact

42741f  No.4988701

File: f3b2382d062e122⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 635x360, 127:72, autistindiecade_video_game….jpg)


I'll do it.

79b6d3  No.4988702

File: 99663af5b3934db⋯.jpg (206.48 KB, 704x414, 352:207, rtjru6jkj7tkt98kl86t9l89lt….jpg)

7dba32  No.4988703




79f859  No.4988704

File: 316fd7771b30152⋯.png (8.18 KB, 255x168, 85:56, boom.png)





8 Mar 2018 - 10:45:35 PM

“Set the STAGE.” - POTUS

Do you believe?

Buckle up.


8eb44f  No.4988705


>No FB or twat for me.

keep in mind…

YOU are being TRACKED.

NO FB account required.

This is BIGGER than you think.

Agencies attached.


5ea538  No.4988706

File: ff17aca3a62f32c⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 788x460, 197:115, VP agrees.jpg)


you see why they are so touchy now?

182fca  No.4988707



6922a3  No.4988708

File: b2e288a8c367fdf⋯.png (599.9 KB, 533x521, 533:521, usa1.png)

9c4708  No.4988709


Good idea… I will monitor their meds on admittance… I didn't think about that.

This is in a state near Washington DC. Does anyone know when 5G rolled out in the East Coast states?

760ea8  No.4988710

File: 06ea8b0b1d4bf9f⋯.jpeg (8.62 KB, 255x191, 255:191, fc9518e9276b3e978191381bf….jpeg)


OOOOOO Sir! You have triggered many on this board who are not true patriots. Bill Mitchell is our guy & trying to do what we've wanted for a long time..even POTUS waiting for media to ask about Q. So what's the problem anons?

11d123  No.4988711


Not a clock. Circular flow chart for reference. Re-read the crumbs.

830232  No.4988712

File: ec34ed6b843620b⋯.jpg (29.48 KB, 262x262, 1:1, af24e0c1b838341c1b193cde71….jpg)

4e4173  No.4988713


That law doesn't apply in this case. "there is no existing authority"

A specially appointed federal panel of judges has dismissed all 83 ethics complaints brought against Justice Brett Kavanaugh regarding his conduct at his confirmation hearings.

The judges concluded that while the complaints "are serious," there is no existing authority that allows lower court judges to investigate or discipline Supreme Court justices.

c1642e  No.4988714



30f227  No.4988715


you ARE pretty important.

5efef3  No.4988716


He would be our most senior member!!!

a23b9b  No.4988717




A new Super Bowl commercial aims to calm frenzied football fans with oddly relaxing images of actress Zoe Kravitz whispering into a pair of microphones and softly tapping on a bottle.

The beer ad, which already has drawn more than 10 million views, stands to expose a vast audience to an internet craze known as ASMR, or autonomous sensory meridian response.

Some people spend hours watching videos of hair brushing, paper crinkling or "happy little clouds" artist Bob Ross painting because they say it makes their brains tingle. They report feeling a rush from the subtle, repetitive sights and sounds, but is it all in their heads?

Not everyone feels ASMR. And so far, there's not enough evidence to recommend it as a stand-alone treatment for depression, anxiety, insomnia or any of the other problems its fans claim it solves.

But a few scientists are trying to study ASMR, and there is evidence that there might be something to it. And if any harm is done, it's not financial: it's usually free.

Most people agree the sound of nails on a chalkboard is freakishly unpleasant. ASMR is described as an opposite feeling: a tingly euphoric response, usually starting on the head and scalp, and sometimes spreading down the neck, arms or back.

c3d967  No.4988718

File: 40e331000ce6c9b⋯.png (100.01 KB, 828x551, 828:551, 19F7E15E-E808-45B4-B08E-D9….png)

386e29  No.4988719

File: 8269a2ccfe9236c⋯.jpeg (183.43 KB, 500x700, 5:7, D5B16566-DBC8-467C-80E8-3….jpeg)

eecaa9  No.4988720


Yep. Thanks for being persistent. Anon can be taught.

39605d  No.4988721

File: 2848c58658d3ee7⋯.png (1001.06 KB, 1226x930, 613:465, Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at ….png)

63e691  No.4988722


No. It doesn't.

Go ahead and look up how much stock they were awarded. I realize you don't have access to a terminal, but feel free to actually post historical analysis of each of these people and lay it out for me like I'm a retard.

79b6d3  No.4988723

File: 7e244e56fb4ae94⋯.jpg (116.64 KB, 700x750, 14:15, 46JH78K89K78KI57JUW65JU764….jpg)

c99a1b  No.4988724


Exactly…plummeting into shitsville…after all of our work and time.

Drain the swamp here, too!

Clean House as Q would say!

a030ab  No.4988725

File: 91db8db7a1f5f44⋯.png (94.04 KB, 241x321, 241:321, Capture.PNG)

Ethics for artificial intelligence

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jan 29 (IPS) - Owing to our varied circumstances and experiences, there are contradictory tendencies to either exaggerate or underestimate the power and importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in contemporary society.

Nor should we uncritically legitimize everything AI can be used for, even if it has been hailed as the main frontier of the Davos-proclaimed Fourth Industrial Revolution. AI, more than other elements of Industry 4.0, is transforming humanity's understanding of ourselves in novel ways the world has neither experienced nor conceived.


79b6d3  No.4988726

File: 128c896fb246ec5⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 46J4K87K78K7R58LK7T59LT7LG….jpg)

631921  No.4988727

File: cc1fe299c915b21⋯.jpg (97.38 KB, 500x375, 4:3, pelosi_psychotic_witch.jpg)


oooooh….you rock!

5630fd  No.4988728



No outside comms.

7dba32  No.4988729


>So what's the problem anons?

All for it , just be careful

aef0d2  No.4988730

Boy, I bet Putin is regretting those $10,000 worth of facebook ads that got Trump elected.

8a1ac0  No.4988731


e29eb7  No.4988732


seek captain morgan, in reguards to masons.

infiltrated, counter-compromised at several levels over countless generations.

the battles rage on

8f8947  No.4988733


there are senior members?

1d8169  No.4988734

File: 080261efe7f2eaf⋯.png (518.16 KB, 988x1100, 247:275, 2019-02-01_11-20-20.png)

File: 5cc4e5690a49a13⋯.png (283.6 KB, 660x824, 165:206, 2019-02-01_11-21-21.png)

File: 7f533391f9f5eec⋯.png (326.76 KB, 614x292, 307:146, 2019-02-01_11-21-55.png)

Someone just got really loud.

Running low on adrenochrome?

b43b05  No.4988735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







guys. relax. I've already said it.

Batman don't do appearances.

If they lookin' for _ff they gunna be lookin til heaven arrives.



79b6d3  No.4988736


You dont see the ranking system icon next to your posting ID?

307867  No.4988737

File: b9add1bc2b0a057⋯.jpg (51.69 KB, 429x571, 429:571, bbc530b356467026c869c8244d….jpg)


Can you not see this bullshit for what it is? Let this faggot and his normie listeners find out when the rest do.

80cd67  No.4988738


Q and Q+

c99a1b  No.4988739


762c5e  No.4988740


yeah, us.

5efef3  No.4988741

File: 3be6d0f6de61584⋯.jpg (72.53 KB, 915x610, 3:2, Kushner.jpg)

Two House Democrats press White House to revoke Kushner's security clearance 'immediately'

Two House Democrats are pushing acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to "immediately revoke" the security clearance of White House adviser Jared Kushner following an NBC News report that security specialists had originally denied his application.

Reps. Ted Lieu of California and Don Beyer of Virginia cited reporting from NBC last week alleging that Kushner's top-secret clearance had been rejected before the decision was overruled by a handpicked Trump appointee. The report said Kushner was just one of about 30 Trump officials who had originally failed to qualify for high-level clearances until Trump's pick, Carl Kline, intervened.

“The White House’s pattern of hiding the truth and devious behavior with regard to Mr. Kushner’s security clearance suggests that the Administration does not take information security seriously," Lieu and Beyer wrote to Mulvaney Thursday. “Members of Congress are now placed in the impossible position of wondering who these 30 officials are that received clearances despite being rejected by the career security officials, what the ‘unfavorable information’ was in their records, and why they still have ongoing access to sensitive national security information."

The two lawmakers recounted “five separate letters” in which the White House had ignored their requests for information on Kushner's clearance and said the continued negligence of Trump officials "increasingly seems like a coverup."

Now there's a word the White House has grown quite accustomed to.


bfaebd  No.4988742


POTUS should call in as a TROLL

Q+ = Highest Ranking Anon

not senior member Bill

f7d5df  No.4988743

File: 18875f85a957c9b⋯.jpg (29.89 KB, 413x270, 413:270, BKrp32.jpg)

5eea49  No.4988744

File: 7938dac6d205897⋯.png (166.8 KB, 560x616, 10:11, clockSB.png)


>I think Patriots Win.

Worked for nfl for a decade- stopped caring a long time ago. The PATRIOTS MUST WIN!

It's US vs Them. Patriots vs Goats. Good vs Evil.

We will never give up, never give in and we will ALWAYS fight on to victory!


c3d967  No.4988745

30f227  No.4988746


What's the abortion sitch in Russia?

3ca742  No.4988747

File: cfb637d28823b47⋯.jpg (14.73 KB, 774x386, 387:193, James Woods.jpg)


This guy gets it!

ddeeaf  No.4988748


No comment.

9192b3  No.4988749

File: a9e4325b944d02b⋯.jpg (359.93 KB, 1920x1024, 15:8, a9e4325b944d02badaa3a489ab….jpg)

Dear anons,


The threads yesterday evening about the logistics involved with their "product" got me to thinking: they "manufacture" bulk dead children. They sell these dead children.

Surely some of this is masked by being sold for "research."

When looking at businesses nearby, and the need for their product to stay refrigerated, there will likely be a paper trail and money changing hands as well. If we follow the money regarding planned parenthood we can go beyond simple guilt-by-association. We can prove the association. Maybe they've gotten sloppy and done business with non-medical research companies?

I'd be willing to bet that planned parenthood has deals with companies that don't do research… Right in front of us the whole time.

They never thought she would lose.



God bless, anons.

52142b  No.4988750

File: db3c7bd3857d1de⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 500x471, 500:471, WE, the PEOPLE.jpg)

File: c3f28089992ee68⋯.jpg (91.59 KB, 800x537, 800:537, WALL.jpg)

File: 25413a9384c29dc⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 25413a9384c29dcc03d6cca078….jpg)

File: 9981be84313c36e⋯.png (880.03 KB, 1037x584, 1037:584, q2.PNG)

4d8bbf  No.4988751

File: 291b5a5e7e18e1b⋯.jpg (61.62 KB, 863x849, 863:849, wink.jpg)

7f5b9f  No.4988752

File: 7da75652954fd19⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1012x674, 506:337, ClipboardImage.png)

57aec7  No.4988753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

41edb7  No.4988754

File: 94967e9e7509310⋯.jpeg (75.26 KB, 780x520, 3:2, 48d52f59-e689-4d61-8096-0….jpeg)



Just wanted to point out that it's nice, and helpful, to see a straightforward answer from an anon from time to time. Teasing is fun, and we've all done it, but being helpful is always best.

830232  No.4988755

File: a4fcdaad9951355⋯.jpg (57.32 KB, 736x368, 2:1, bookerrussians.jpg)

79f859  No.4988756

File: 280104c11529b5b⋯.jpg (33.81 KB, 540x307, 540:307, abortthewall.jpg)

2fc408  No.4988757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8a1ac0  No.4988758

File: 9b4e0e731901bcb⋯.jpg (158.12 KB, 831x880, 831:880, IMG_5067.JPG)

File: 0a4190c32a695c0⋯.png (674.18 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5069.PNG)

File: 39df25ec3c8ffd0⋯.jpg (153.96 KB, 995x800, 199:160, IMG_5238.JPG)

It's a tranny addiction

Which is

Depraved homo


Unrequited homo


Stalking homo


Fake Jew

ddeeaf  No.4988759

File: dbfac9460b185d3⋯.jpeg (98.71 KB, 1152x897, 384:299, 1621E4A5-C31E-4E3F-B0C1-8….jpeg)

172b21  No.4988760

File: 6960a13ece5428d⋯.jpg (56.25 KB, 790x523, 790:523, amen.jpg)

c99a1b  No.4988761

File: 7a6e8e02f88abb8⋯.jpg (95.77 KB, 528x408, 22:17, low iq dick for brains shi….JPG)

c1642e  No.4988762



51bdab  No.4988763


Top kek – I remember that from the early days of the interweb!

34a0c3  No.4988764

File: 4a9d21dbfa92187⋯.png (90.07 KB, 634x199, 634:199, ClipboardImage.png)

f6315c  No.4988765



Nevertheless some anons like to minimize their public profile and reduce surface area amenable to privacy attacks.

03ce15  No.4988766

File: 17588844685e83e⋯.jpg (70.92 KB, 637x624, 49:48, send_me.jpg)

760ea8  No.4988767

File: 4901508a0593568⋯.png (424.08 KB, 799x500, 799:500, cc9ea12cc5b6101373ab4f4d58….png)

fd8bd9  No.4988768

File: f08ed643c42658f⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1250x1023, 1250:1023, digitalmilitia.png)


We should just do a statement. and have all the twitterfags post a memed response. Kek

fdb7a8  No.4988769


Where's the walkytalky guy when you need him?

30f227  No.4988770



my mom used to have a few of her workout vhs tapes.

c3d967  No.4988771

File: eccefcc3e09e73f⋯.jpeg (34.15 KB, 399x600, 133:200, B430EDEA-CFD2-4399-BD9F-9….jpeg)


Big juicy milk fatties

ecbd6a  No.4988772

File: 4f34203af0bb98d⋯.jpg (13.94 KB, 244x255, 244:255, woods.jpg)



HollyWoods the Spook. GTFOH.






4e4173  No.4988773

doing “IT.”

15 Feb

1927 Silent film "It" is released in the US starring Clara Bow


9192b3  No.4988774

File: 175e7954a541ffc⋯.png (328.57 KB, 741x412, 741:412, 34febe77db40f828cfedd0c9d5….png)


Forgot to mention as well that I do believe Planned Parenthood to be the KEYSTONE.

Remove the keystone and it all comes tumbling down.

1d8169  No.4988775

File: 429a7aa1d1b6456⋯.png (130.41 KB, 248x237, 248:237, 2018-10-02_19-51-23.png)


Sometimes it's good to be lowest ranking anon!


5ea538  No.4988776


have no idea

fa5bdb  No.4988777


In my opinion he will have to wait in the very back of the line…I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of us who would like the opportunity to talk to "Q". So he will just have to wait like the rest of us..

52142b  No.4988778

File: 729287c4b610598⋯.jpg (56.02 KB, 700x383, 700:383, 2fad47e0697b52d115f52f4b22….jpg)

565903  No.4988779

File: 0c3da06fcda5a15⋯.png (274.94 KB, 556x398, 278:199, dank-high-anon.png)

e62049  No.4988780


Where do you get that he had the Romans do it?

Herod was a kike, most likely kikes did it.

5d4862  No.4988781


Perhaps a generator wenrt down and they had to open a circuit…

5e7504  No.4988782



How awesome would it be to have the voice only interview with Q+ and all of the rest of the media try to deny who it is?

c99a1b  No.4988783

File: 0b485dd2c350936⋯.jpg (78.69 KB, 576x384, 3:2, hyytre.jpg)

8b45cc  No.4988784

File: b4684d5ff60c0a4⋯.png (802.98 KB, 1330x886, 665:443, wall map.png)


POTUS suggested we take the fences down in Calif. and move them to States that want them.

Pelosi would be begging for the wall!

b43b05  No.4988785

File: ce65dbdd5dfc588⋯.jpg (290.45 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, EFS.jpg)









8f8947  No.4988786

52142b  No.4988787

File: b836d58e76f3291⋯.png (374.24 KB, 641x844, 641:844, SMH.png)

830232  No.4988788

File: a1aa9b8750f55a1⋯.jpg (107.74 KB, 600x484, 150:121, chastitydem.jpg)

631921  No.4988789

File: f05ca682cb5ad1c⋯.gif (38.05 KB, 160x100, 8:5, 9dce20b30d984713685bc93ac2….gif)

ddeeaf  No.4988790

File: 3448299c2ccb668⋯.jpeg (28.64 KB, 237x255, 79:85, AE79BC0E-BFB9-46D3-BEC5-2….jpeg)

5286d2  No.4988791


From wikipedia

Abortion in Russia

Abortion in Russia is legal as an elective procedure up to the 12th week of pregnancy, and in special circumstances at later stages. In 1920, Russian Soviet Republic became the first country in the world to allow abortion in all circumstances, but over the course of the 20th century, the legality of abortion changed more than once, with a ban being enacted again from 1936 to 1955. Russia had the highest number of abortions per woman of child-bearing age in the world according to UN data as of 2010. In terms of the total number, in 2009 China reported that it had over 13 million abortions, out of a population of 1.3 billion, compared to the 1.2 million abortions in Russia, out of a population of 143 million people

c97097  No.4988792

File: 50435a83045583d⋯.jpeg (27.68 KB, 218x255, 218:255, CCEEE22B-85C5-472E-880D-5….jpeg)

Rep Omar calls out the Kikes homeland Israel …..

30f227  No.4988793


Maybe don't use Putin pics to illustrate anything pro-life, then?

8b45cc  No.4988794


another victim.

94a6b6  No.4988795

No longer Q research…what a shame, was making great head way, and now it's been reduced to nothing but a fucking chat board.

Good luck all.

a030ab  No.4988796

File: 22750b9375fb14b⋯.png (39.29 KB, 199x101, 199:101, Capture.PNG)

US Military Planes Soar over Colombia, Land in Bogota

“The C17 aircraft have capacity for 102 special assault forces or 134 soldiers," Colombian news outlets said.

Amid international pressures, U.S. military aircraft have been spotted over Colombia, local media outlets report.

For the second time in two days, several U.S. military planes were seen soaring over Colombia. The most recent sighting, reported by Aircraft Spots, is a EO-5C N177RA PLOMO27 spy plane.

US Army EO-5C N177RA PLOMO27 spy plane, heading east over Colombia. Quite rare! 🤔 pic.twitter.com/QZPZWSnYby

— Aircraft Spots (@AircraftSpots) January 31, 2019


c43e05  No.4988797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

830232  No.4988798

File: 7d64d35857a2faf⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 267x213, 89:71, dank.jpg)

29e962  No.4988799

File: 0e9d0c0ff7919b6⋯.jpg (283.92 KB, 1920x900, 32:15, Collage 2019-02-01 11_22_4….jpg)

>>4988084 Last bread LB PB PB PB This is a response from a previous bread right click to open or be a dumbass you're choice.

52142b  No.4988800

File: 4851286d94201ea⋯.jpg (138.88 KB, 640x400, 8:5, serve-and-protect-640.jpg)

c1642e  No.4988801





3ca742  No.4988802

File: 2e0a047d1ae2104⋯.jpg (214.43 KB, 670x462, 335:231, best_seller_james_woods.jpg)



538d7b  No.4988803


wow.. Chastity almost looks like she had Trump genes….

182fca  No.4988804

File: c397e72635429ac⋯.jpg (6.38 KB, 248x203, 248:203, Comparison of estimated le….jpg)


It gets better!

Carfentanil is a synthetic opioid 10,000 times more potent than morphine and 100 times more potent than fentanyl.


7dba32  No.4988805


yea say the wrong thing in small town

they make sure you do not work anywhere for very long

307867  No.4988806

File: ff6842adb8febc3⋯.jpg (28 KB, 640x333, 640:333, WellByeMeme.jpg)

29c995  No.4988807


I was just saying that “real anons” should contact him. Instead he’ll end up being contacted by some Twitter or Youtube famefag, and everyone on here will piss and moan about the inaccurate info they give him.

And I probably misunderstood his tweet initially. I guess by Qanon, he means someone on the Q Team, and we all know that isn’t happening.

1dc8f2  No.4988808


lawfag here

this is 100% true anons

the SCOTUS case that they use to support anchor babies (WONG v USA) SAYS NO SUCH THING

they bootstrapped as anon said (a RUSE)

95bd2e  No.4988809

File: 57c505e09db50e9⋯.jpg (97.42 KB, 535x510, 107:102, senileNonMember.jpg)

57aec7  No.4988810

File: f7b6cb4652bad6f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 843x827, 843:827, corybookernobgobbler.png)

79b6d3  No.4988811

Anon rank system test.

Do not respond.

4f2a07  No.4988812


Uhhhh what happened to the mystery nerve agent that the MSM was screeching about?

Are they classifying Fentanyl as a nerve agent? Would have huge implications if people realized that doctors were prescribing medications considered “pain killers” when the british intelligence community and police force considers it a nerve agent.

For sauce on what i’m talking about in regards to nerve agent poisoning:




ecbd6a  No.4988813

File: 0925a4634488a15⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 256x381, 256:381, DtMFaebV4AACaos.jpg)

File: 1b4cfb09ea1f237⋯.jpg (19.5 KB, 296x380, 74:95, DtMFaeWU8AAmbRb.jpg)

File: 398e1d885989dec⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 546x395, 546:395, DtMFafIUUAAszVj.jpg)

File: 1cd5a831ee58ec5⋯.jpg (34.65 KB, 563x469, 563:469, DtMFVDgVAAA2qo2.jpg)

File: 07124599266e0a6⋯.jpg (16.18 KB, 245x379, 245:379, DtMG2FwUwAAOuUp.jpg)

2894fa  No.4988814


Which is fine when there are no Q posts.

Nothing is going on here.

Chat away until something happens.

We need to keep the morale up.

5ea538  No.4988815

File: 336e37b82e03ee1⋯.png (11.91 KB, 393x428, 393:428, 013119 NAS Paint the tape.PNG)



The insider sales have accelerated since start of the year. No coincidence the markets have had a 'rally' on lower than average daily volumes.

Yesterday was the first day in many that the NAS had over it's daily avg amount. And it just made it due to a flurry of volume on the last two ticks of the day.

It's called painting the tape…old term but relevant.

ef5823  No.4988816

File: bd6d8f10b983f4f⋯.png (531.84 KB, 673x662, 673:662, ClipboardImage.png)


Cereal for Brains

1d8169  No.4988817

File: 575a9f7a1e06e04⋯.png (137.09 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 2018-10-21_14-56-17 copy.png)

34a0c3  No.4988818

File: fadaf531fae9fdf⋯.png (861.8 KB, 887x768, 887:768, ClipboardImage.png)


Senior Anon DT

c99a1b  No.4988819

File: 06c493d6affd7f6⋯.jpg (132.6 KB, 576x384, 3:2, ll00989.jpg)

File: 0b485dd2c350936⋯.jpg (78.69 KB, 576x384, 3:2, hyytre.jpg)

30f227  No.4988820


And that's what is reported.

1dc8f2  No.4988821


how is this guy still credible or relevant?

total huckster

52142b  No.4988822

File: 83863cf6742fc65⋯.png (158.13 KB, 400x200, 2:1, phrma.png)

4525cb  No.4988823

File: 2411f71694c7cf9⋯.jpg (268.52 KB, 1080x1644, 90:137, Screenshot_20190201-102512.jpg)

File: 246524f8beb39a8⋯.jpg (131.58 KB, 1079x399, 1079:399, PSX_20190201_102317.jpg)

Instagram ebed info is 1:04 am CST.

"Tired and going to bed"

On second thought maybe I'll go grab some subway.

57aec7  No.4988824

File: c6e587d6a85d4cb⋯.png (30.17 KB, 500x502, 250:251, moobs.png)

830232  No.4988825


I noticed that too, interdasting!

42741f  No.4988826

File: ae683cc62eb03f4⋯.jpg (8.35 KB, 255x128, 255:128, cb32437c03b3b741fe9213d231….jpg)

c1642e  No.4988827




79b6d3  No.4988828


Dude! I'm testing the Anon ranking system so we can get Bill to the right person. STOP RESPONDING !!!

e4bc0c  No.4988829


I'll serve the rest of my life in prison to stop this.

5ea538  No.4988830


It's an acknowledgement of a question. You assume that was it's meaning.

Probably go listen to VP and find out for yourself.

5286d2  No.4988831


She is not obese to be fair

1dc8f2  No.4988832


correct - they are using another RUSE by conflating "collusion" with a real crime of "conspiracy"

they cannot accuse POTUS of a real crime or they would be sued

7f5b9f  No.4988833

File: ada46a4c7522273⋯.png (374.09 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 247279af6849492⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c0fb8f4e9d0cdb⋯.png (278.41 KB, 500x368, 125:92, ClipboardImage.png)

ee262b  No.4988834

File: 76d51b85b775043⋯.jpeg (147.01 KB, 800x1129, 800:1129, "Appreciate_America_Stop_….jpeg)




Daily Kos on


Commie garbage


15f217  No.4988835


Largely skeptical.

If he was smart, he'd have emailed /BO/ directly.

The open request suggests the following:

1. He's drumming up interest, suggesting that it's for the clicks/revenue and not the actual material/work being done.

2. He's opened himself up to shitclowns who would be more than happy to either

a. famefag (see also Pamphlet)

b. pose as one of the Board Staff

c. generally fuck around

3. He doesn't know the history of the place or understand that similar "public" interviews have already been written off by Q himself (albeit Pamphlet is a goddamn idiot, so who knows).

This would need to be handled delicately if it is to be seriously addressed at all.

Not saying an actual impactful public showing would be impossible, but it would open a lot of doors that may need to remain shut.

The most logical decision may be to treat it like any other famefag - denounce, ignore, and carry on.

538d7b  No.4988836


Resembles Tiffany quite a bit.

bfaebd  No.4988837


so 245 pounds or whatever is nothing, they are making it synthetically by the ton?

182fca  No.4988838

File: 2e4681450d9d828⋯.jpg (153.85 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Clown Sitting.jpg)


Just enjoying your ignorant no sauce dribble, carry on.

b43b05  No.4988839

File: 34e995ed6d23252⋯.jpeg (42.35 KB, 640x480, 4:3, theENDwillbeLOVE.jpeg)





PLEASE. dont come back.


c3d967  No.4988840

File: 05e3076fb71b620⋯.jpeg (36.28 KB, 320x205, 64:41, B9BBE89B-28C8-4628-831B-3….jpeg)

Isaac Kappy said Will Smith is a pedo months ago.

Haven’t heard or seen anything since.


c43e05  No.4988841

File: 4d4bcaaa1251d9b⋯.png (917.26 KB, 1432x756, 358:189, ClipboardImage.png)

e1d83a  No.4988842

File: 1faa900568a2743⋯.png (237.68 KB, 352x357, 352:357, ClipboardImage.png)


This is my neighbor Bob.

He is pretty big, probably bigger than most ppls

neighbors named Bob.

What would you like to know?


Sorry you wrote BOOBS not BOB

I will apply back !

a030ab  No.4988843

File: 85574b2cc728a26⋯.png (494.76 KB, 642x480, 107:80, Capture.PNG)

Thought they had already passed this… running scared huh kek

Cory Booker Demands House Pass ‘Anti-Lynching’ Bill in Response to Jussie Smollett Incident

Newly-announced presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) called on the House of Representatives this week to pass legislation that would designate lynching a federal hate crime — re-upping the bill, which passed the Senate in December, in response to an alleged attack on Empire actor Jussie Smollett.


47f188  No.4988844

File: 76e61c2980f6643⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 359x346, 359:346, 1530541173139.gif)

>>4987567 (pb)


8f8947  No.4988845

'Everyone's Life Is Valuable': Ashton Kutcher Sends Powerful Pro-life Message to Millions of People


2baf60  No.4988846


Mystery is how she even found out….. that's not usually divulged even to next of kin or spouses


ddeeaf  No.4988847

File: 0dc9026d265c5ce⋯.jpeg (38.15 KB, 289x344, 289:344, 39A5B377-7BA3-4A8C-AC64-E….jpeg)

c99a1b  No.4988848


100% right

Time to clean house for Q company!

5eea49  No.4988849

File: cddc966e6c7bd12⋯.jpg (86.92 KB, 500x576, 125:144, cb.jpg)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3093784

Sep 19 2018 19:08:00 (EST)


Sexual misconduct is the 'public shelter' to accept resignation.

Watch those announcing 2020 P running.

"You cannot attack a political opponent"

None are protected.

None are safe.


30f227  No.4988850


It's not credible or relevant. An "anon" or two post his stuff every so often and then it dies.

ef5823  No.4988851

File: 57e01b206b4ffde⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1830x458, 915:229, ClipboardImage.png)

c1642e  No.4988852



1dc8f2  No.4988853


well the majority of americans (nearly 80%) do not support a ban on abortion

that said i doubt even 20% support this latest NY approach

830232  No.4988854


Have you seen the way he kisses his son in public?

5e6742  No.4988855

File: a69f2d18f8314e5⋯.png (589.41 KB, 1026x521, 1026:521, Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at ….png)

b0fdb3  No.4988856

File: 8f2184ac3821a67⋯.png (92.21 KB, 456x459, 152:153, Manhattan_Project_emblem.png)

File: 9087192b9244adf⋯.png (25.24 KB, 1280x974, 640:487, United_States_Army_Corps_o….png)

File: cf442cceb631d28⋯.jpg (389.98 KB, 1078x1313, 1078:1313, SmartSelectImage_2019-02-0….jpg)


7dba32  No.4988857


Well you know they could get anyone to play the part !!! ANYONE

5286d2  No.4988858


Why cant we drone those awfull people of qanons???

daf2aa  No.4988859


which is will which is bill, sounds the same to me

ecbd6a  No.4988860

File: eebea958150eeb0⋯.jpg (53.36 KB, 900x675, 4:3, iu.jpg)

Unlikely, no pardons for PEDOS, SPOOKS, or their protectors.

Swing well.

a030ab  No.4988861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tuesday Afternoon-The Moody Blues-(Long Extended Version)

94a6b6  No.4988862


See all this shills yelling good bye and shit?

So many more drops to be dug and all they are worried about is Q posting NOW.

756e22  No.4988863

File: f714f29c0920187⋯.jpeg (193.64 KB, 1242x1246, 621:623, savedogs.jpeg)


no its not defined as a nerve agent, the brits tried to pin nerve agent on putin by poisoning the skripals w fentanyl

eecaa9  No.4988864


Have you seen the disaster that is his "son."

52142b  No.4988865

File: 88f016e2f73690b⋯.jpg (139.21 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, e746b537b95bc4f15f8c1a5f12….jpg)

File: e9c4b5652f60870⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, e9c4b5652f6087032230db92c5….jpg)

307867  No.4988866


I wouldn't cross the street to piss on Mitchell if he was on fire. He has nothing to contribute, and his listeners are boomers only interested in their own 401k's. We gain nothing by giving oxygen to this fake MAGA slimeball.

c3a111  No.4988867

File: 38b306b3459bc28⋯.png (456.42 KB, 670x406, 335:203, 1548973395306.png)

fd8bd9  No.4988868

File: 1fb275e1bf93f0b⋯.jpg (215.3 KB, 600x600, 1:1, memewar.jpg)

eecaa9  No.4988869


Be careful who you follow.

c3a111  No.4988870

File: 371b24b639892d1⋯.png (304.82 KB, 595x335, 119:67, 1548973551954.png)

1dc8f2  No.4988871


dont think this would stand SCOTUS case

yes states run elections but this is directly

contrary to the Constitution structure and would require an amendment

42790d  No.4988872

File: d2db1da0c737f2a⋯.jpg (96.57 KB, 754x687, 754:687, CS-techie.jpg)

7f5b9f  No.4988873

File: d967047dc5de29a⋯.png (162.15 KB, 399x612, 133:204, ClipboardImage.png)

Barack Obama twatt 2/1/2019

As we celebrate Black History Month and Jackie Robinson’s 100th birthday, we celebrate the life of all whose courage opened the gates for everybody, and in the process, made America better.

ddeeaf  No.4988874

File: ad9fd82445e8008⋯.jpeg (65.66 KB, 640x592, 40:37, D4B9CB81-E6DB-49BF-A73D-A….jpeg)

79b6d3  No.4988875


cd5189  No.4988876

So should we put some fire under Q-Team's ass or are we going to continue sucking the fat and long phallus being pressed against our faces?

Hurry up and arrest these people already. Wipe them out.

35a2c8  No.4988877

File: 1de9ced4779c4f3⋯.jpg (176.02 KB, 831x880, 831:880, IMG_5068.JPG)

File: e233a93176b0651⋯.jpg (51.31 KB, 576x461, 576:461, 595686AF-8A85-4889-BBBF-F1….jpg)

File: 7753abfbfc83338⋯.jpg (366.43 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_5504.JPG)



6922a3  No.4988878

File: df41bc008816353⋯.png (445.35 KB, 578x423, 578:423, maga1.png)

538d7b  No.4988879

I nominate the anon who's always writing 'I seen'.

4d8bbf  No.4988880

File: 7387c96d10ee1d7⋯.jpg (72.54 KB, 618x741, 206:247, 2d92193643811f813f9dc9bad2….jpg)

fa5bdb  No.4988881

Can somebody give Bill Mitchell Tracy beans number !!

762c5e  No.4988882


So are Babies at the center of it all or is money and power?

57aec7  No.4988883

File: b6c8f9d85da79b4⋯.png (1.85 MB, 2160x780, 36:13, badabrrrtbadaboom.png)


No Table

Talking about WalMart?


Spunky shopgirl Betty Lou Spence (Clara Bow) has a crush on her handsome employer, Cyrus Waltham, Jr. (Antonio Moreno), the new manager of and heir to the "world's largest store". However, they belong to different social classes and he is already romantically linked to blonde socialite Adela Van Norman (Jacqueline Gadsden). But Cyrus's silly friend Monty (William Austin) notices Betty, and she uses him to get closer to Cyrus.

When Betty finally gets Cyrus's attention, she convinces him to take her on a date to Coney Island, where he is introduced to the proletarian pleasures of roller coasters and hot dogs and has a wonderful time. At the end of the evening he tries to kiss her. She slaps his face and hurries out of his car and into her flat, but then peeks out her window at him as he is leaving.

The next day, meddling welfare workers are trying to take away the baby of Betty's sickly roommate Molly (Priscilla Bonner). To protect her friend, Betty bravely claims that the baby is in fact hers. Unfortunately, this is overheard by Monty, who tells Cyrus. Although he is in love with her, Cyrus offers her an "arrangement" that includes everything but marriage. Shocked and humiliated, Betty Lou refuses, quits her job, and resolves to forget Cyrus. When she learns from Monty about Cyrus's misunderstanding, she fumes and vows to teach her former beau a lesson.

When Cyrus hosts a yachting excursion, Betty Lou makes Monty take her along, masquerading as "Miss Van Cortland". Cyrus at first wants to remove her from the ship, but he cannot long resist Betty Lou's it factor; he eventually corners her and proposes marriage, but she gets him back, by telling him that she'd "… rather marry his office boy," which accomplishes her goal, but breaks her heart. He then learns the truth about the baby and leaves Monty at the yacht's helm to find her. Monty crashes the yacht into a fishing boat, tossing both Betty Lou and Adela into the water. Betty Lou saves Adela, punching her in the face when she panics and threatens to drown them both. At the end of the film, she and Cyrus reconcile on the anchor of the yacht, with the first two letters of the ship's name, Itola, between them. Monty and Adela are upset at losing their friends, but it is implied they pursue a relationship with each other as the film ends.

1dc8f2  No.4988884


i filter cuz it makes no sense

we all want to hear about keystone but this post adds nothing


35a2c8  No.4988885

109e7e  No.4988886

File: 3070af0e9d819bc⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1114x1653, 1114:1653, DC692BA8-8F6A-4B7A-98C4-C….jpeg)

File: d68744f6ecca267⋯.jpeg (535.48 KB, 1050x1621, 1050:1621, 4E24C7B3-8CDA-4B1C-AA60-4….jpeg)

File: 2c6ff5559b24c02⋯.jpeg (352.68 KB, 1008x957, 336:319, 5795014D-38E0-46D3-A4D3-5….jpeg)

File: 3f360e849152508⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1192x1622, 596:811, 7D8C3EDE-4F92-4AC8-869D-B….jpeg)


Dr Martin Luther been saying that shi….

ecbd6a  No.4988887

b43b05  No.4988888

File: 340a3fab6258339⋯.jpg (171.78 KB, 995x1006, 995:1006, progress.jpg)


most will not be able to hang on the entire time…

can the average person hold onto the monkeybars for 5 years with no breaks??


/QRESEARCH is FINALLY established.


know that.

any of these stupid ones who don't see it.. welp, dat sucks.




a9ccf4  No.4988889

It's funny, VICE's Shane Smith said they wouldn't take part in the crack-like negative Trump coverage. I guess they learned their lessons from smoking crack with Barry a couple of years before.

c1642e  No.4988890

File: 2b968c432f4c49d⋯.jpg (121.31 KB, 634x573, 634:573, 37B94C7500000578-3765680-i….jpg)


>She is not obese to be fair

She needs a 'wide load' sign fren

35a2c8  No.4988891



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

526380  No.4988892

File: b176a166e86de4f⋯.png (228.99 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 65D1DD1A-14B2-4C17-B83A-F3….png)

Microsoft/Xbox down again

80cd67  No.4988893


If you are that new you should read the crumbs and the newfag page.

35a2c8  No.4988894


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

eecaa9  No.4988895


Thanq. Was hoping for a high-five here fren.

2894fa  No.4988896


That's Alabamanon

79b6d3  No.4988897


You'd have to roll over twice just to get off of her.

30f227  No.4988898


what are the stats re: letting states decide?

a030ab  No.4988899

File: 318e33d673849e6⋯.png (450.91 KB, 599x345, 599:345, Capture.PNG)

“There Will Be Blood” – Antifa Leftists in Germany Publish Assassination Instructions as Part of 2019 Election Strategy

Radical German Antifa website Indymedia published detailed instructions for assassinating specific AfD politicians as part of the 2019 Euro election campaign.

The post was published on Jan. 30 by the Anti-German Antifa Underground (AAU).


5e6742  No.4988900

File: 18cd5a5a0071784⋯.png (477.58 KB, 927x1191, 309:397, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

File: 48eab54dd642343⋯.png (202.08 KB, 936x1154, 468:577, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)

RE Roger Stone - this just got twatted:



cd5189  No.4988901


Hey Q, I haven't seen you in awhile. What happened if we all turned on you? Would you fry our brains till it turned to scrambled eggs? Would you still do what you're doing, without any support or worship? Would you kill yourselves if we were all hunted and raped to will threw up our own intestines?

52142b  No.4988902

File: e532fd2d76dda11⋯.jpg (220.9 KB, 1996x1464, 499:366, muhNWO.jpg)

735b33  No.4988903


This is 8chan and I will not be harassed…bitch!

8f8947  No.4988904

when the military made the german citizenry tour the camps and forced then to bury the murdered…every lawmaker who is supporting the horrendous abortion laws should be forced to spend the day assisting abortions. No quarter, no mercy. Make em "eat" what they have chosen.

b07502  No.4988905

File: c455dce97b53a42⋯.png (619.13 KB, 658x673, 658:673, deadbaby.PNG)

439d48  No.4988906

File: 64ceb78cbb76e89⋯.jpg (388.35 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, IMG_20190201_113504.jpg)

File: 07df3cd944941f4⋯.png (350.87 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-193201.png)

File: 1ce3ebe1d9bce1b⋯.png (409.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190131-180033.png)

File: 486908ad26f17bd⋯.png (441.67 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-224921.png)

File: 53a2cbd64b0d538⋯.png (8.61 KB, 512x512, 1:1, logo_orig.png)

7dba32  No.4988907



b492b3  No.4988908

File: e38d6e84eb14027⋯.jpg (364.12 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, bookerGH.jpg)

c3a111  No.4988909


no this is bob bobs gonna take over now









































































































35a2c8  No.4988910


And your stupid Jewish fantasy is bizarre and morbid


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

94a6b6  No.4988911



…if your a shill or some asshat trying to throw off others.

8f8947  No.4988912



756e22  No.4988913

File: 0f3b2620af83259⋯.png (129.83 KB, 666x519, 222:173, cheka.png)

88717c  No.4988914


😂😂😂😂😂 awwwww did someone lose their job? Dial 1-800-NOONECARES!

c1642e  No.4988915




35a2c8  No.4988916


It's Scientology fake homo for tax wash campaign



And your stupid Jewish fantasy is bizarre and morbid


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

52142b  No.4988917

File: 9441a6232b6a433⋯.jpg (95.14 KB, 666x500, 333:250, NY_ABORTION.jpg)

4f2a07  No.4988918


You are a fucking idiot.

Based on the data you gave, and the exif data from your photo, I can see when you took the picture, from what exact location facing exactly what direction. Based upon that, i could begin the process of tracking your dumbass down to smack you in the head for being such a dumbass to not only take no ipsec procedures, but to complain about chemtrails that are clearly normal fucking clouds on a cold ass day.

And i’m a nobody. State level or even expert hackers could gather all your personal data from your file img name and track you down.

Doesn’t surprise me that someone pushing such a dumbass theory is such a fucking idiot when it comes to protecting themselves online.

And before you start the slide with all the chemtrails crap, I believe that there are real efforts in place to spray crap from certain aircraft for nefarious or other purposes. I don’t discount the possibility that it exists.

But what you are posting is just fucking ignorant.

cd5189  No.4988919

So why did Q come out at the time he did if it was going to take so fucking long to do anything? What a shitshow! Maybe this really is some fat, 700lb hacker fucking with us.

7f5b9f  No.4988920

>>4988888 4+9+8+8+8+8+8=53=8

Forever God win!

538d7b  No.4988921


I was thinking AppalachiaAnon

a030ab  No.4988922

File: 31d96fc0beff43f⋯.png (563.34 KB, 702x445, 702:445, Capture.PNG)

Spain: Influx of immigrants increased by 131 percent last year

The arrival of immigrants to Spain seems unstoppable. Last year the influx of immigrants increased by 131 percent.

After the Government of Pedro Sanchez announced the withdrawal of the concertinas on the border fences with Africa and authorized the berthing of several ships with migrants, it stimulated trafficking mafias

Each time a group manages to reach Europe, several NGOs advertise it in African nations to attract new interested parties, turning Spain into the first European territory for the reception of immigrants and refugees who cross the Mediterranean.

And, even more, its arrival has already tripled in the first half of January of 2019: 2,912 people were counted in small boats, which is 365 percent more than in the same period a year ago


5ea538  No.4988923

File: d6906d6427ea14b⋯.jpg (61.88 KB, 890x463, 890:463, 020119 Most shorted stocks.jpg)

File: b0342b5f5165f3c⋯.jpg (30.58 KB, 622x474, 311:237, 020119 Fund Flow.jpg)

Is It All Just One Giant Short Squeeze: Investors Rush To Pull Money Out Of US Stocks

After the worst December for stocks since the Great Depression, which saw the S&P500 tip into bear market territory if only for a few seconds on December 24, the market enjoyed a furious rebound last month, when it climbed 7.9%, the best January return since 1987, a fact that was not lost on president Trump who is back to tweeting about the market after taking a 3 month hiatus during the Q4 swoon.

Of course, as extensively discussed here and elsewhere, this miraculous rebound was entirely due to the Fed's bizarre, according to some laughable dovish reversal, which has put rate hikes on hold at least until the summer if not indefinitely with the market now officially expecting the Fed to cut rates in early 2020 when the recession hits, paradoxically giving stocks a green light to keep levitating up until the point the US economy contracts if not beyond: after all at some point, the Fed will have to launch QE4, and that as every shoeshine boy knows, is bullish for stocks which long ago ceased to reflect the economy and merely rise and fall based on how much liquidity the Fed is injecting or draining from the market.

And yet, something strange happened: at a time when stocks continued to surge, investors were not buying it the market's latest miraculous recovery, and according to EPFR, this week saw wildly risk-off flows with $9.4 billion allocated to bonds while $15.0 billion was pulled out of equities.

As Bank of America's Michael Hartnett points out in his latest Flow Show, not only were billions pulled out of US equity funds, with outflows on 10 of the past 11 weeks, culminating with $12.1BN in ETF outflows and $2.9BN in mutual funds outflows this week, but US equities have suffered record outflows in the past 3-months, amounting to $82.0BN, equivalent to a whopping 2% of all AUM, i.e. consistent with US equity bearishness at "events" & "big lows" of past decade.

So what accounts for this odd divergence? According to BofA it's all the Fed trade, i.e., "long risk, long leverage, short vol", as the fear of a credit event in Dec'18 caused the now infamous Fed capitulation on tightening… and it worked as credit ETFs, such as EMB/HYG/LQD, are all back at highs.

And yet, not all is well just yet, because as Hartnett notes, the BofAML Global EPS Model still forecasts 0% 2019 vs consensus +5%, adding that the model says end of EPS recession will be signaled by steeper US 2s10s yield curve (>50bps), as well as a rebound in Asian export growth, easy China financial conditions, and rising global PMI - in short "watch Jan ISM & new orders tomorrow…must bounce." It bounced in the US… it dropped pretty much everywhere else.

Hartnett concludes with what he dubs the "Most contrarian trade in world" which is now a Fed hike in 2019 - consensus now rushing back to "low growth, low rates" playbook of long credit, EM, growth stocks.

As such, the greatest irony of all would be if the Fed ended tightening just as wage inflation is set to accelerate further. As such, the best hedge against inflation & complete collapse in Fed credibility is short US dollar, long small cap value stocks.


This is the reality of low volume rally's.

When a short is covered it is effectively a long purchase against borrowed shares

See here:



a115e8  No.4988924

File: 907ebd797d641f2⋯.jpg (49.96 KB, 720x723, 240:241, 907ebd797d641f21552a86f545….jpg)


I hope Devos is paying attention. What in the actual fuck is happening? Forcing Transgenderism and Islam onto our children, tearing apart families and Christianity for heathens and whores.

35a2c8  No.4988925


Hitler didn't have a daughter

And neither did Charlie Chaplin


It's Scientology fake homo for tax wash campaign



And your stupid Jewish fantasy is bizarre and morbid


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

c1642e  No.4988926


We can multitask just fine. Shitposting is your friend.

109e7e  No.4988927

File: f8b76698f5d4292⋯.jpeg (203.07 KB, 1242x1409, 1242:1409, 465D083E-1C3B-4449-B1F2-F….jpeg)

File: 5790755dc4ac4ee⋯.jpeg (559.45 KB, 1242x1983, 414:661, 49D1FC9E-4F15-4E80-9889-D….jpeg)

File: 9a9dcefc6a81fbc⋯.jpeg (349.75 KB, 1116x1489, 1116:1489, 4B613791-8264-4689-BC31-6….jpeg)

File: 331f5a1f2beb3c6⋯.jpeg (352.94 KB, 1131x1754, 1131:1754, A381A36F-9892-4B80-868E-E….jpeg)

File: 53500f326cb5857⋯.jpeg (229.76 KB, 604x1841, 604:1841, BFF894DC-0A94-44D8-BF9C-9….jpeg)



^^^^^^^^^^^^ what happens when you should have been the one getting aborted

8eb44f  No.4988928


i still have PTSD of that theme song on repeat from that one time i listened (for that Binney interview)…

the horror

79b6d3  No.4988929


He forgot our HWNDU flag op. He has no clue of our capabilities.

52142b  No.4988930

File: 45658747c789700⋯.jpeg (51.35 KB, 604x568, 151:142, NP.jpeg)

830232  No.4988931

File: 600bf9952ffc934⋯.jpg (113.84 KB, 632x488, 79:61, hilloprah.jpg)

File: c24dbc219e5322b⋯.jpg (134.97 KB, 1046x713, 1046:713, dollparts.jpg)

c43e05  No.4988932



762c5e  No.4988933


ok wording is bad but is worshiping Lucifer what fulfills their life or is the money and power their driving force. Are they using Lucifer to achiever Money and Power or are they using Money and Power to worship Lucifer.

Is their Satanic faith just a guilty sick fucking pleasure or is it Real faith?

9c4708  No.4988934


BO isn't a senior member of Q Team. He is asking to interview Q… not 8 chan. imho

4f6d51  No.4988935

Rams already saying they will boycott the whitehouse visit if they win, patriots better smoke em

5e6742  No.4988936

File: a8a985f54bba7ea⋯.png (175.25 KB, 344x378, 172:189, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)

94a6b6  No.4988937


But yet your here wasting the air we breath.

c72643  No.4988938

File: 446f2673d3a6b13⋯.jpg (63.35 KB, 730x552, 365:276, pet rock.JPG)

5286d2  No.4988939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just for keks

If some anons didnt see that one

30f227  No.4988940


Anons are anons. The attention-seekers, self-elected voices of this thing aren't that.

Not everything needs to be understood by a larger audience, you know?

34a0c3  No.4988941

File: 551320963c52840⋯.png (143.21 KB, 300x424, 75:106, ClipboardImage.png)

f6315c  No.4988942

File: 86de5eed6643c6d⋯.jpg (155.5 KB, 731x547, 731:547, 2019-02-01 16:40:17Z.jpg)


Yes, agree. I wrote about this yesterday.

Reposting ICYMI


>>4978446 PB

Q's phrase "world leaders turned a blind eye" evokes the ritual black eye that so many have undergone. Emphasizes their connection to the ritual sacrifice of human beings. Emphasizes that leaders are made or compelled to participate in gory death rituals, they are filmed, and then forever controlled by the cabal by blackmail.

the cabal needs an endless stream of victims to perpetuate their satanic control over world leaders and the "entertainment" and "news" industry.

01/31/2019 >>4978352 PB

Human trafficking








Sometimes the cannibalism begins BEFORE death of the victim.

These horrific crimes have to STOP. We need the WALL. POTUS is doing the right thing in insisting on and then building the wall.

The flood of human trafficking victims, deadly drugs, etc. are what FUEL the cabal and its iron grip on the Democrat party. The illegal cash income from this flood flows back into Mexico where it has caused drug cabals to flourish and plays a role in Mexico's state of near lawlessness and 33% murder rate increase year over year.

the cabal needs victims in order to "induct" new members into their satanic cabal and acquire blackmail over them to control them. This whole evil satanic system HAS TO STOP and the WALL is a critical component to stopping it.

God help us all.

57aec7  No.4988943


<Come on me,bro

>Cum in e, bro


a5fc8d  No.4988944


>>4988899 Antifa leftists in Germany publish assassination instructions as part of 2019 election strategy.

>>4988892 Microsoft/Xbox down again.

>>4988796 US Military planes soar over Colombia, land in Bogota?

>>4988741 Two House Democrats press White House to revoke Kushner's security clearance 'immediately'.

>>4988535 In Honor to Our Veterans Jacksonville National Cemetery. (video)

>>4988672 Mystery as widow questions why husband's body returned from Mexico with no brain, stomach or heart.

>>4988544 Anon: Lots of stringers to go along with Freedom Day.

>>4988579 Japan investigating auction of uranium.

>>4988578 Schumer, Bharara being probed for alleged ties to failed Turkey coup cleric.

>>4988576 European firms ‘won’t dare’ use new EU payment system for trade with Iran out of fear of US.

>>4988447 "We've set the stage for what is going to happen on the 15th of February."

>>4988350, >>4988405, >>4988461 Fentanyl the chemical weapon.

Last call / Baking in 50

35a2c8  No.4988945


Your cocaine dealer isn't anointed by god for kidnapping those kids and your face is tarded


Hitler didn't have a daughter

And neither did Charlie Chaplin


It's Scientology fake homo for tax wash campaign



And your stupid Jewish fantasy is bizarre and morbid


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

27dfae  No.4988946

File: 991db17153c98fe⋯.jpeg (151.73 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, CB409EF8-BBA7-4004-AA6E-F….jpeg)

5ea538  No.4988947

File: 4c382568bb74b28⋯.gif (2.54 MB, 611x354, 611:354, A10 BRRRRRRT.gif)

830232  No.4988948

File: 4fc106665a2b4e4⋯.jpg (749.26 KB, 2263x1556, 2263:1556, childrenbillboard.jpg)

57aec7  No.4988949



Meh, typo.

You get the idea.

35a2c8  No.4988950


Stfu post op weirdo


Your cocaine dealer isn't anointed by god for kidnapping those kids and your face is tarded


Hitler didn't have a daughter

And neither did Charlie Chaplin


It's Scientology fake homo for tax wash campaign



And your stupid Jewish fantasy is bizarre and morbid


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

ed282b  No.4988951

File: 5f50dcc7ceb5548⋯.jpg (113.24 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, IMG_20180602_082027.jpg)

c99a1b  No.4988952

File: 0b529a2a6a52cee⋯.jpg (109.04 KB, 970x450, 97:45, getty_85689345_20001510200….jpg)

File: cc036b71ee13757⋯.jpg (107.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dder55.jpg)

File: a1f7ac35ac4ade3⋯.jpg (155.62 KB, 1024x440, 128:55, 2018-1-25-Founding-Fathers.jpg)

How many freemasons signed the constitution? 13

Though some evidence exists to show another 24 were Masons, it is not regularly accepted that they were Masons.

Clearly, 13 of the 39 who signed the Constitution were members of Masonic lodges.

Patriotic MASONS…if it wasn't for these men, you would be here.

George Washington

Benjiman Franklin

Paul Revere

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

James Monroe

John Hancock

Andrew Jackson

Teddy Rosevelt

Audie Murphy

John Wayne

Mayo Brothers (original)

John Glenn

Buzz Aldrin

Guzz Grissom

Neil Armstong

Gene Autry

Nat King Cole

Wolf Gang Amadadeus

Roy Rogers

Glenn Ford

Mark Twain

Gen. Stormin Norman

08ad7f  No.4988953


kek trust fund babies and those who've sold their souls for millions don't have to concern themselves with the price of anything – it's "lowbrow", like the people who work for what they achieve.

4f2a07  No.4988954



And, well… fuck.

Is there any other recourse?

Maybe the case needs to be taken to the supreme court for them to decide upon appropriate action.

I mean there are means to remove sitting presidents. There are ways to remove members of congress.

But there are no ways to remove a member of the Supreme court due to illness or maligned efforts?

2fc408  No.4988955



8c7329  No.4988956


Has he tried DM her? She's slow on the uptake when it comes to reading her replys and most people complain she never answers her DM's … which turn's them off to her resulting in them tuning her out.

Haven't gone to her twat account in about a year. But Bill has name recognition so the light blub might go on for her and she might drag her fingers over to the keyboard and respond.

a030ab  No.4988957


Germany puts Lenin in power

"In the middle of April [1917] the Germans took a sombre decision. Ludendorff refers to it with bated breath. Full allowance must be made for the desperate stakes to which the German war leaders were already committed. They were in the mood which had opened unlimited submarine warfare with the certainty of bringing the United States into the war against them. Upon the Western front they had from the beginning used the most terrible means of offense at their disposal. They had employed poison gas on the largest scale and had invented the 'Flammenwerfer.' Nevertheless it was with a sense of awe that they turned upon Russia the most grisly of all weapons. They transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia."

Winston S. Churchill

The World Crisis, Volume five.


35a2c8  No.4988958


Thisnstupid crack whore is the epitome of a failed western society from queer rothschild eugenics


Stfu post op weirdo


Your cocaine dealer isn't anointed by god for kidnapping those kids and your face is tarded


Hitler didn't have a daughter

And neither did Charlie Chaplin


It's Scientology fake homo for tax wash campaign



And your stupid Jewish fantasy is bizarre and morbid


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

109e7e  No.4988959

File: d41f2b2196e69f0⋯.jpeg (164.75 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, 47BB1C64-4A16-4BEF-A915-8….jpeg)

File: 39c3166b6e7dc14⋯.jpeg (860.43 KB, 1242x1501, 1242:1501, 5634439C-7E03-4434-AD9F-F….jpeg)

File: 945a7573ac5ef43⋯.jpeg (179.46 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, 5F8CC82C-7622-4C98-A703-1….jpeg)

File: 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB, 696x1000, 87:125, F08C76A6-109A-4992-9694-1….jpeg)

File: 7f1002e6bbe0d90⋯.jpeg (169.74 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, D75298BC-86BC-42D5-80C6-F….jpeg)


Yeah, you should filter me faggot.

c1642e  No.4988960



Mitchell is clearly shitposting. Come on people.

7f5b9f  No.4988961


>>4988873 Barack Obama twatt 2/1/2019

Baker notice this possible notable?

63e691  No.4988962



This is the kind of research FinanceAnon's should be doing.

Not the other shit.

52142b  No.4988963

File: 73eca9b9317b4ec⋯.jpg (547.64 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Haiti.jpg)

35a2c8  No.4988964


Shitty fake Jew stock photos


Thisnstupid crack whore is the epitome of a failed western society from queer rothschild eugenics


Stfu post op weirdo


Your cocaine dealer isn't anointed by god for kidnapping those kids and your face is tarded


Hitler didn't have a daughter

And neither did Charlie Chaplin


It's Scientology fake homo for tax wash campaign



And your stupid Jewish fantasy is bizarre and morbid


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

8f8947  No.4988965

when you bash the President

Her knees 'broken beyond repair,' Vonn retiring after worlds


7dba32  No.4988966


>This is 8chan and I will not be harassed…bitch!


must be newfag

439d48  No.4988967

File: ae6f83390c92c67⋯.png (458.06 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-193626.png)

File: 636d2daf1f91076⋯.png (470.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190131-175910.png)

File: 714f4665cdaf23b⋯.png (433.88 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-224631.png)

File: 58f663ced14a9cc⋯.png (726.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190131-175932.png)

File: b9c7bcd36f0c9c9⋯.png (222.86 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-225800.png)

405e53  No.4988968


where would the world be without Buzz Aldrin?

f6315c  No.4988969





Yes: Human trafficking provides the stream of victims that form the centerpiece of the satanic rituals and ensuing blackmail and control of world leaders.

94a6b6  No.4988970


You should fuck off and not post any more.

35a2c8  No.4988971


The pedos are the racists btw

5ea538  No.4988972


Same guy asshole

you glow

a115e8  No.4988973

Qs greatest accomplishment….Saving the children from sacrifice and being devoured by devil worshiping Hollywood elites and from DC swamp creatures. The sickness is everywhere. We need the Qure

80cd67  No.4988974


That is a very good question. I don't think there is a real answer for you right now. It would be opinion. I think that for the core group the satanism is just another avenue for blackmailing people. But I wouldn't be too surprised either way.

ca6b38  No.4988975

File: 21dbb0f026da359⋯.jpg (165.49 KB, 830x866, 415:433, 0k5vfrl1.JPG)

a5fc8d  No.4988976


What's your theory?

57aec7  No.4988977


Says the homo netmommy.


35a2c8  No.4988978

Maybe Juarez gets the cube when we curb Lynn and comey and pelosi on the bridge

c43e05  No.4988979


Net neutrality court battle pits tech firms, states against feds

Tech companies and nearly half a dozen U.S. states are clashing with the Trump administration in federal court over the repeal of net neutrality, a set of rules aimed at preventing big internet providers from discriminating against certain technology and services.

The faceoff comes in a federal appeals court hearing Friday. The companies, including Mozilla and Vimeo, want the judges to restore the net neutrality regime. It was set in 2015 during the Obama administration and repealed in December 2017 under a regulator appointed by President Donald Trump.

In June, the Federal Communications Commission put into effect a new rule called "Restoring Internet Freedom," which replaces net neutrality, the regulation that ensured internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon treat all websites and content equally. That meant broadband providers couldn't block or slow websites of their choosing, or boost prices for Netflix or other services to reach viewers faster.

"More than a year after the repeal of net neutrality people are still outraged and paying close attention," said Evan Greer, deputy director of the pro-net neutrality advocacy group Fight for the Future, in a statement. "Internet activists are continuing to fight in the courts, in Congress and in the states."

Administration lawyers are arguing to keep net neutrality repealed. The providers, including AT&T, Verizon and Comcast, say they should be able to control the pipes they built and own.

63e691  No.4988980


I work in the area.

Your other shit is just shit.

This is an actual article by someone who knows what they're talking about.

Kinda stupid for me to point at actual research if I'm a shill, isn't it anon?

5630fd  No.4988981

Wow. Preliminary report of midterm voting audit in Arizona is disturbing, AZ recorder heavily coordinated with Sinema campaign and provided data to Democrats and not Republicans. Oddly @RecorderFontes @MaricopaElex are refusing to cooperate with investigation, why?



9605b7  No.4988982


Those tunnels may save your ass one day anon… Mormon's don't just care for their own. They are conservative patriots and generous to a fault.

8cffc4  No.4988983

File: 83032a57a495e61⋯.png (252.87 KB, 402x522, 67:87, ClipboardImage.png)

52142b  No.4988984

File: 7c0b8bc95b017e7⋯.png (161.92 KB, 487x489, 487:489, WAKE_UP.png)

8c7329  No.4988985


Code for telling their DS traitor manning the border gate to open it when the invaders get there

182fca  No.4988986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5ea538  No.4988987


well then you should realize the insider sales are elevated since the start of the year.

Don't give a shit about you opinion.

No one else does either.

35a2c8  No.4988988

What a shitty fake Jews fake news trannywhoreing cocaine addict news feed of the apocrypha


Shitty fake Jew stock photos


Thisnstupid crack whore is the epitome of a failed western society from queer rothschild eugenics


Stfu post op weirdo


Your cocaine dealer isn't anointed by god for kidnapping those kids and your face is tarded


Hitler didn't have a daughter

And neither did Charlie Chaplin


It's Scientology fake homo for tax wash campaign



And your stupid Jewish fantasy is bizarre and morbid


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

ecbd6a  No.4988989

File: 6100ef199c7877f⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 539x381, 539:381, DtMG2GUU8AAqOF1.jpg)

File: 58297a1777fb31a⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 571x379, 571:379, DtMG8q9V4AANfxO.jpg)

File: 905b56ac1df446a⋯.jpg (48.67 KB, 651x368, 651:368, DtMG8qeU0AEYGWK.jpg)

File: eb058207f2202f9⋯.jpg (34.11 KB, 419x380, 419:380, DtMG8rxUcAA0mGJ.jpg)

File: 19cc17ab1c92d3f⋯.jpg (56.53 KB, 398x597, 2:3, DuoDLA0VYAEEJto.jpg)

8b45cc  No.4988990

File: 26dfcaa3430b0d7⋯.jpg (13.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5e442cc63419aa0678e8890c7c….jpg)


Anons know what is coming.

Anons will guide the blind and keep them calm.

2baf60  No.4988991

File: 81e108ebde43634⋯.jpg (217.07 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 45589ec37819a671be45afc8f9….jpg)


No outside COMMS

762c5e  No.4988992


Or the gates to hell.

735b33  No.4988993


You don't appreciate the classics, don't you?

f6315c  No.4988994

>>4988890 Wide load sign indeed, with one of those signs that signals it contains dangerous, toxic material. If people were road signs, she would be "Open Trench."

2894fa  No.4988995


The magic underwear will save us!

baced5  No.4988996

File: 85ee361b954280b⋯.jpeg (32.36 KB, 250x255, 50:51, BE4EBB95-A7A5-4497-A3C4-7….jpeg)

File: 9eb17301cb29292⋯.jpeg (421.81 KB, 750x882, 125:147, 4A625F40-19A7-4158-841F-0….jpeg)

Almost as many replies as a Q post.

Some faggot is going to do it… Watch

4f2a07  No.4988997


6 posts complaining about Qresearch becoming a chat board

>contributed nothing for research

You’re ironic faggotry has not gone unnoticed shill

5e7504  No.4988998


Actually, it's kind of fascinating to read Bill's replies on twat. Many of our shills showing up. They clearly know all about qresearch - JFKJr, Clockfags, etc. - and then say it's crap.

c43e05  No.4988999

File: b160c44af32808f⋯.png (71.18 KB, 525x265, 105:53, ClipboardImage.png)


>The providers, including AT&T, Verizon and Comcast, say they should be able to control the pipes they built and own.

bdf7e7  No.4989000

File: ba40b5f3130db93⋯.png (4.21 MB, 1718x1314, 859:657, 1 - WAA Houston.png)

File: 11ef4d3003ad028⋯.png (3.81 MB, 1700x1298, 850:649, 2 - WAA Houston.png)

File: 5413b327c48db92⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1698x1298, 849:649, 3 - WAA Houston.png)

>>4986793 (pb)

This is very notable, thank you, anon. That map is from the Wreaths Across America program that happened in December. Notice anything? The wreath logo looks like a Q, and in fact it has been exaggerated from the original (available online) to look even more like a Q for this program. There was a patch given out at this even for Scouts. I will include it in a reply since I have hit my limit.

35a2c8  No.4989001



57aec7  No.4989002

File: 94381dd199c8992⋯.png (11.56 KB, 255x251, 255:251, pepe_thinking.png)


You really triggered ehomo on this one.

Is Corey ehomo?

7f5b9f  No.4989003

>>4988976 timestamp 8:08 Jockey hat B=8

Numbers only numbers i see

ecbd6a  No.4989004

File: 2b61cbbb2634b3b⋯.jpg (132.33 KB, 1101x568, 1101:568, DwgbedIUYAA8EN_.jpg)

File: c120758fda71922⋯.jpg (49.34 KB, 609x327, 203:109, DwgNi7YU0AETGVc.jpg)

File: 211ea9202abc905⋯.jpg (156.93 KB, 937x670, 937:670, DwgQ6FlUUAAniVY.jpg)

File: 0bc6e4581694b55⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 303x457, 303:457, DwgRFhJU0AAhWpr.jpg)

File: b94aa2d1a99a0be⋯.jpg (88.51 KB, 822x519, 274:173, Dwzr2bnV4AAlgBX.jpg)

08ad7f  No.4989005

I don't mean to be impolitic anons but have you ever gone into a McDonald's or, say, the DMV, and observed the work habits of African-Americans? How about on a construction site?

Who in his right mind would want them as slaves?

ca4764  No.4989006


Triggered Ebot with this one, Kek

35a2c8  No.4989007


Maybe you should like some obama stink

eecaa9  No.4989008

File: bdf5de9ad9ae936⋯.jpg (492.61 KB, 1079x992, 1079:992, love sweet love pepe.jpg)


And anon helped! Best thing I've done in years.

35a2c8  No.4989009

52142b  No.4989010

File: 45049a3a1782827⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1533x1022, 3:2, kameltoeho.png)

512007  No.4989011

File: 63366a8af1f3fd6⋯.jpg (98.61 KB, 600x464, 75:58, mex.jpg)


Earthquake hits southern Mexico, sways buildings in capital


735b33  No.4989012


With Q gone people need their fix from somewhere!

63e691  No.4989013


Elevated compared to what? What's your baseline? How are you tracking it? What is your historical comparison?

Newbs don't understand how to evaluate things. So they make wild speculations that make them look like idiots to anyone with knowledge of the area.

I literally asked you to show me the trades of the people you're complaining about and you don't. Because you're a shill.

Show your research faggot or stfu and keep posting shit from people smarter than you. I'll promote the hell out of that.

ecbd6a  No.4989014

File: 03bd7bd55be38fb⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 933x357, 311:119, DwgXbaMU8AEy5TY.jpg)

File: 7cd99e4d298fad6⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 586x304, 293:152, DwgXuE6UUAA6gBz.jpg)

File: 42da59f0aded0b9⋯.jpg (141.07 KB, 693x484, 63:44, DwgXuF5VAAAyrJ5.jpg)

File: 76542abd1fb52a0⋯.jpg (93.38 KB, 596x525, 596:525, DwgXuFZUUAAq0TO.jpg)

5eea49  No.4989015


PEN America v. Trump

PEN America, represented by the nonpartisan nonprofit Protect Democracy and the Yale Law School Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic, filed a lawsuit in federal court against the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. The suit seeks to stop President Trump from using the machinery of government to retaliate or threaten reprisals against journalists and media outlets for coverage he dislikes.


Complete and utter hoseshit

c99a1b  No.4989016

File: 13a0ecac98b03a1⋯.png (752.55 KB, 769x433, 769:433, e67fb6a7-7b12-4e2b-96db-04….png)

File: d11ccc9d35fbf20⋯.png (396.5 KB, 769x433, 769:433, muslims attacking a woman.png)

File: 112bb500af3385d⋯.png (379.32 KB, 769x433, 769:433, d21b87bf-46be-4511-bf48-1f….png)

The Snake Poem…regarding illegals at the border and fakeugees rapeugees



Mossad, the national intelligence agency of Israel, will also use anti jew propaganda to achieve their agendas, as well.

Millions believe 4,000 Jews stayed away from the World Trade Centre on September 11. Harmless conspiracy theory? Did Mossad give advanced warning to thousands of Jewish employees of the WTC, not to go to work that day? Reminder: Not a single fact in it has ever been substantiated and even, Yosri Fouda, deputy executive director of the London bureau of the television station Al-Jazeera, dismisses these conspiracy theories as the work of "half-educated people"

~Feb 21, 2017 - Pew Research Center estimates 5.3 million Jews live in the United States, accounting for approximately 2.2 percent of the U.S. adult population, but Jews represent 6% or more of our US Congress.

Moslems equal 1.1% of the total U.S. population. (This is probably just as incorrect as the lie that illegals were only 11% of the US population for decades, when in fact illegals make up 25% of the US population)

The Saudis “offered” to build 200 new mosques in Germany for the wave of migrants. That was too much even for the politically correct Germans, and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s deputy had as close to a public fit over the issue as toe-the-line Germans are permitted to do.~post from 2016

Wouldn’t it make sense for Congress to pass a law prohibiting foreign governments, so called religious establishments, charities and individuals from funding religious institutions here if their countries do not reciprocate and practice religious freedom or their ideology conflicts with our constitution and bill of rights? Isn’t that

accc51  No.4989017



c43e05  No.4989018

File: 09b737f65a63ac7⋯.jpg (139.4 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Cube of Zoroaster - Kaba-y….jpg)

File: cf451043dcbcda0⋯.jpg (245.25 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Farvahar.JPG)

File: 6ef0709ecb7e13c⋯.jpg (191.74 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Prison of Solomon - Cambys….jpg)

ecbd6a  No.4989019

File: 7174e779b65c597⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 856x338, 428:169, Dwzr2boVsAAz3Fc.jpg)

File: 59e71083d5df646⋯.jpg (17.09 KB, 499x204, 499:204, Dwzr2bpUYAUIHux.jpg)

bdf7e7  No.4989020

File: 787b7dc8faade70⋯.png (4.03 MB, 1718x1316, 859:658, 4 - WAA Houston.png)

File: 2124cd5e48654c4⋯.png (2 MB, 870x950, 87:95, 5 - WAA Houston.png)



6cca6a  No.4989021


Question Lawfag: Does an illegal alien have standing in a US court?

94a6b6  No.4989022


…and yet instead of going to dig on something, your sitting here egging this conversation on.

538d7b  No.4989023


We anons hosting an Aks Us Anything would be pritty fuckin' funny

35a2c8  No.4989024



This is how josh gets married as a tranny in a wheelchair

5286d2  No.4989025


Thats the one who threatened us with nukes?


3a975f  No.4989026


Trying to find out if I can connect these two. Having a tough time finding Andy's parents name. Currently searching obits to try and find Andy's family members. Andy went to a private high school in Jacksonville FLA, that's the closet I can place them so far, still digging.

c72643  No.4989027

File: 062fee4f1f5313c⋯.jpg (29.72 KB, 414x393, 138:131, oh please.JPG)

30f227  No.4989028


It's not "lowbrow" and you don't know what you're talking about.

4f2a07  No.4989029



I know. But now this provides sauce that either the british intelligence service and police force lied to frame Putin,

Or they have classified fentanyl as a nerve agent.

Wish someone could ask these people that question.

eecaa9  No.4989030


Kek. I'm in.

90181f  No.4989031


There is something nefarious going on with this shit other than as abusers use it. This is what, the 3rd huge bust of this shit. There was one massive one in Canada and another someplace (DC?) else a couple months ago…something weird here…has gots me a tinglin…

08ad7f  No.4989032

File: 4dee4dec5759b8e⋯.png (184.62 KB, 1105x514, 1105:514, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at ….png)


viva la millenials.

not an original thought in their collective little skulls.


35a2c8  No.4989033


What a shitty president

All up in the colon blow for trannys

1ceb1a  No.4989034


She can sell 1% of the outstanding faceplant shares every 90 days.

1d8169  No.4989035

File: 037a507d8ee6e39⋯.png (314.77 KB, 458x325, 458:325, 2019-02-01_11-39-43.png)


>senior member of #qanon

He's in a high level meeting right now!


ef5823  No.4989036

File: a6038ec88d7699b⋯.png (544 KB, 1407x1705, 1407:1705, ClipboardImage.png)



Skip the aluminum foil…now stealth mode

pic related

547066  No.4989037


61% of all people support limiting abortion to the first trimester…65% want the SC to revisit Roe vs. Wade

sauce: Real Clear Politics

5e6742  No.4989038

File: febab46204e8563⋯.png (263.54 KB, 914x336, 457:168, Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at ….png)


TY Anon!

57aec7  No.4989039


How would an AMA be any different than any other day here?

30f227  No.4989040


Now THAT is a great idea!!


5ea538  No.4989041

File: a29e631c06b12ac⋯.jpg (220.26 KB, 612x461, 612:461, SEC clown.jpg)


>Newbs don't understand how to evaluate things. So they make wild speculations that make them look like idiots to anyone with knowledge of the area.

So nice to hear you say that no one can think for themselves.

You are an amateur

they are ALL sauced

sounds like there is a job for you

Get to work and stop complaining

41edb7  No.4989042

File: df1ca125cfaa342⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1318x912, 659:456, 85acb7827abdbd83b2580f173e….jpg)


I like theorizing on these, and have the same questions myself.

>Top 5 things you are burning to know about "The Plan…..

>1. Who makes up Q team?

I think Q has been a couple of different people. I think it has been Flynn, Parscale, Prince, and at times, DJT. I also think that Q was DJT's idea.

>2. Where is Julian Assange?

JA has been stateside a while (who else pays attention, here?). He will face charges for espionage, but will likely get a clemency deal for helping take down the cabal. JA is the source for a lot of testimony that will come out in the years to come. I think he was poisoned to keep him silent (Soros), and extracted a long time ago. The cabal, in exchange, managed to take over WL (was allowed to) because they will ruin the brand by posting the disinformation they currently do.

>3. What was in the letters at the funeral?

A picture. Not sure of what, but I initially thought it was of GHWB as he died by execution.

>4. Do you use Gematria to communicate?


>5. Is the deepstate using clones?

Look alike actors, sure. Clones, no.

Additional questions I have:

1. Anything and everything regarding Area 51, and visitors we've had. To me, it's more than just a distraction. We have a right to know. Pic very related.

2. The real reason for moving the embassy, not the bullshit reason.

3. The end game of Israel, and why it really matters. No, really; any does it REALLY matter? Also, JFK - all of it.

4. What's the projected path forward for humanity after the current plan has been completed through to contingency (post DJT 2nd term). Are we really going to return to enclaves, or is there a global push after the mess gets cleaned up?

5. Is CRISPR a project of silos, or is there a coordinated backing, and what's the end game? What is really contained in our DNA that they aren't telling us? The potential ramifications are absolutely astounding, and yes, China is already ahead of us in this game.

6. Bitch and moan all you want, but we have an exponential problem with population booms - this is mathematical fact, and not hyperbole. It's only getting worse. What's the solution?

I have tons more, but that's a good starter, lol.

182fca  No.4989043


Same as you trespasser speaking babble.

172b21  No.4989044

File: 7e2b593e289f161⋯.jpg (62.76 KB, 769x444, 769:444, booker.jpg)


Maybe he's really Corey posting on this board.

47f895  No.4989045



Axe Us Niggers Anything, Bill

35a2c8  No.4989046


What a shitty fake Jews fake news trannywhoreing cocaine addict news feed of the apocrypha


Shitty fake Jew stock photos


Thisnstupid crack whore is the epitome of a failed western society from queer rothschild eugenics


Stfu post op weirdo


Your cocaine dealer isn't anointed by god for kidnapping those kids and your face is tarded


Hitler didn't have a daughter

And neither did Charlie Chaplin


It's Scientology fake homo for tax wash campaign



And your stupid Jewish fantasy is bizarre and morbid


And fuck your serial killers in office



And butt fuck your Jesus fantasy

8f8947  No.4989048

File: 0c980aa3563aea1⋯.png (383.65 KB, 800x685, 160:137, Screenshot_2019-02-01-10-4….png)

Young Manhattan dietitian Tara Condell hanged herself after posting suicide note


a5fc8d  No.4989049


>>4988873, >>4988985 Barack Obama twatt 2/1/2019.

>>4988899 Antifa leftists in Germany publish assassination instructions as part of 2019 election strategy.

>>4988892 Microsoft/Xbox down again.

>>4988796 US Military planes soar over Colombia, land in Bogota?

>>4988741 Two House Democrats press White House to revoke Kushner's security clearance 'immediately'.

>>4988535 In Honor to Our Veterans Jacksonville National Cemetery. (video)

>>4988672 Mystery as widow questions why husband's body returned from Mexico with no brain, stomach or heart.

>>4988544 Anon: Lots of stringers to go along with Freedom Day.

>>4988579 Japan investigating auction of uranium.

>>4988578 Schumer, Bharara being probed for alleged ties to failed Turkey coup cleric.

>>4988576 European firms ‘won’t dare’ use new EU payment system for trade with Iran out of fear of US.

>>4988447 "We've set the stage for what is going to happen on the 15th of February."

>>4988350, >>4988405, >>4988461 Fentanyl the chemical weapon.


63e691  No.4989050



Refuses to answer question. Are you human?

5e6742  No.4989051

File: b41490a0a8d2b21⋯.png (736.85 KB, 765x720, 17:16, Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at ….png)

30f3f3  No.4989052


it means they are terrified of Roger Stone

and that's a good thing

109e7e  No.4989054

File: cb38f91079c083f⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1234, 621:617, A6227B37-86DE-42B5-82EB-D….jpeg)

File: 5bd47f4c511d189⋯.jpeg (430.47 KB, 1242x1234, 621:617, 663F6B29-2B23-4313-BF5B-E….jpeg)

File: bf7347f55362ed3⋯.jpeg (682.77 KB, 1242x1254, 207:209, 4943400A-A4BD-4B07-91DE-8….jpeg)

File: 4417682fcb69592⋯.jpeg (479.07 KB, 1242x1267, 1242:1267, 0C837752-0061-4DE1-9DB8-8….jpeg)

File: 985cd3349c285be⋯.jpeg (750.33 KB, 1242x1189, 1242:1189, 38BC333D-DE32-4D2D-9B21-E….jpeg)


You should cry as much as humanly possible.

57aec7  No.4989055

File: 651fcea030330b8⋯.png (48 KB, 554x921, 554:921, pepe_pecker.png)


I JUST said that.

08ad7f  No.4989056


omg read the fucking story dildo

o never fuckingmind. would advise you to quit making such repeated public proclamation of your incurable ignorance, though.

5ea538  No.4989058


the day before that announcement is a bit suspect don't you think?

Trading plan or not it is not very good optics.

4f2a07  No.4989059


Kek i think ebot is broke

Giving itself (you)s since no one else will

Wonder what conversation triggered it

bdf7e7  No.4989061

File: 031fcdd4d9d00b3⋯.png (212.07 KB, 593x521, 593:521, HNC Q and Infinity.png)

File: 9fe1c16dabf0024⋯.jpg (134.48 KB, 1195x755, 239:151, HNC, Keystone, Bunker.jpg)




there is a lot in the map - for example, look at the "Q" section - also look at the "Z" section all alone and not yellow.

7dba32  No.4989062


OK no fake news here

just the facts

baced5  No.4989063

File: 9c92f81585ac6de⋯.jpeg (339.49 KB, 750x539, 750:539, 4F100C09-2291-4EDD-A9C5-8….jpeg)

Top Kek

Ebot grammarfagging

52142b  No.4989064

File: a479407d2697498⋯.jpg (173.84 KB, 817x828, 817:828, Symbolism_Will_Be_Their_Do….jpg)

5ea538  No.4989065

File: 73b25c415643b6f⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bezos.jpg)

538d7b  No.4989066

9c4708  No.4989067


Just think if that faith and effort were used for the good and the light.


16debf  No.4989068


They always use the pyramidal control structure. We believe we are each sovereign and free beings, so we want an eveness to start. Where each individual ends up depends on intellience and effort.

I am simplifying here…

94a6b6  No.4989070


More fun watching you cry.

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