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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, af4716b34464fb65200311d59b….png)

400caa  No.2711255

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Caps: >>2685833 , >>2697454 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

400caa  No.2711262


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2710935 Spongebob crushes [[[CNN]]] in ratings

>>2710553 Q-ClockFag Report

>>2710767 Carolyn Atwell-Davis, Carolyn Elizabeth Atwell-Davis Digs

>>2710743, >>2710754, >>2710885, >>2711178 Biltmore rabbit hole, red shoes etc.

>>2710695, >>2710694, >>2710722, >>2710879 Cohen digs and info

>>2710616, >>2710740, >>2710796, >>2710884, >>2710929 Dig on Dennis Shields - Cohen's longtime friend dead of overdose/suicide 8/10

>>2710810, >>2710818 Was [Comey] signaling with tweets?

>>2710630 Bourdaine's ex GF digs and info

>>2710904 NY Investigators issue subpoena to Cohen ]Trump foundation[ [probe].

>>2710973 Henry Ford Quote

>>2710967, >>2710983 Trump just hinted at the assassination texts that Q talked about

>>2710988, >>2711192 Lisa Barsoomian, Rod Rosenstein’s Wife: Fast Facts You Need to Know

>>2710976, >>2710999 Modern Satanic Imagry links to A known version /copy of the Torah.

>>2711099, >>2711103, >>2711106, >>2711111 Q Drop #902 on 09 March, 2018 Said; SEALS. (check'em)

>>2711203 NEWSBOX

>>2711211 Interdesting Posts Various subjects

>>2711252 #3423


>>2710341 Defense Innovation Advisory Board connects Schmidt, McRaven, Obama, Bezos & Sunstein. Dig

>>2710275 Dennis Sheilds, Cohen's friend suicided last week. Dig

>>2710140 POTUS makes the 8chan / infinity sign at WV Rally

>>2710065 , >>2710068, >>2710076, >>2710270 POTUS, Pompeo, Qatar & Turkey

>>2710043 Current list of Peter Strzok's GoFundMe donors

>>2709949 USN Releases Video of System to Counter Russia & China 'Ship-Killer' Missiles

>>2709930 , >>2709960, >>2709980 Qatar royalty sells $.5 billion 747

>>2709890 , >>2709902 POTUS has flipped the 6th and 7th circuits

>>2709859 , >>2709962 Klausutis research re Morning Joe's dead intern's husband

>>2709822 Is Baroosmian's the signature re Q Post, pg 392?

>>2709614 Moar on AMDOCS re; >>2708458 (pb), >>2708677 (pb) Israeli/MOS links to 9-11 Dig

>>2709203 (pb) Mexico Cardinal: Victims who accuse priests should be ashamed

>>2710376 Communist Ocasio Cortezs ties to George Soros exposed!


>>2709556 Cohen & Q Posts: "who knows where the bodies are buried?"

>>2709528 Andy Spade backed out of $3M real estate deal after Kate’s suicide

>>2709452 Hussein, UAE, The Muslim Brotherhood and Pakistan Intelligence

>>2709349 Keith Raniere filed a patent for remote control of aerial vehicles

>>2709119 , >>2709405 Signs of cover up on circumstances of JFK Jr events

>>2709343 Idemia / Morpho makes US drivers licenses. Dig

>>2709298 Erdogan Spokesman: US Policies Violate NATO Principles

>>2709250 Was Cohen a HRC plant? American Media and 'Bodies Buried' Dig

>>2708989 Did POTUS mean to accidentally tag the wrong Pompeo account?

>>2709607 #3421

Previously Collected Notables

>>2707381 #3418, >>2708164 #3419, >>2708851 #3420

>>2704970 #3415, >>2705787 #3416, >>2706592 #3417

>>2702708 #3412, >>2703480 #3413, >>2704310 #3414

>>2702803 #3409, #3410 (BiB #3413), >>2701951 #3411

>>2698070 #3406, >>2698837 #3407, >>2699650 #3408

>>2695795 #3403, >>2696515 #3404, >>2697294 #3405

>>2693531 #3400, >>2694268 #3401, >>2695040 #3402

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

400caa  No.2711267

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2690944

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2677671

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

400caa  No.2711269

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY


c81a42  No.2711272

File: a69e5bc9fddbfd1⋯.jpg (74.56 KB, 681x625, 681:625, sellingkids.JPG)


400caa  No.2711276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW DOUGH: pastebin.com/hFtpbKgB

1b97b5  No.2711280

File: 25a6256bf6f9824⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Brian-Quinn-compressor.jpg)

File: 9965e7d2db0fdb1⋯.png (75.11 KB, 279x322, 279:322, Q.png)

File: a96d9b73ce57191⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 300x250, 6:5, sal.gif)

Who is Q?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Trust the plan, Sal.


Think Silverstein.


Hey Mustache


532059  No.2711292

If Strzok were really talking about an assassination plot in the texts he probably would not have acted like a bulletproof prima donna at the hearings. IMHO.

7d59e3  No.2711311

Present shill technique is division shilling with boomers.

So 8 months ago.

Try harder.

6d5e24  No.2711312

File: daf7f141f59103b⋯.png (527.31 KB, 640x637, 640:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eb9bc123c51853⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2214x1486, 1107:743, TRUST THE PLAN.jpg)

The plan is setting these leftist fucks up for complete and utter failure.

All of he happenings right now are amplifying the lefts want for DJT to be impeached. Once they pull the rug out from these sadistic fucks, they will riot/protest. That sets the stage for NG to shut that shit down. Enter Tweet- "My fellow American's…" BOOM - arrests start happening.

Trust the plan!

5449c3  No.2711313


Tony P is incarcerated. I don't have the video but there's an event where someone asks John where Tony is at a Q+A, and he fumbles over words and stutters for like 2 mins straight. Hopefully another anon has it, if not i'll try and find it.

4f297d  No.2711314

File: 3e2aade9383c62d⋯.png (96.21 KB, 675x294, 225:98, johnpodestamsnbc.PNG)

>>2711250 lb

John POdesta on MSNBS in August

532059  No.2711315


Did you read the story dude?

It looks like complete bullshit. Source is a Daily Mail story that simply reports on missing children.

Other source is yournewswire.com

Please don't litter the bread with this type of trash.

18e6e9  No.2711316

File: b6d4fb4cd3f93a1⋯.jpeg (450.14 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 96813B6E-C3D4-45E1-B2B5-F….jpeg)


Baker, your digits, timestamp, and bread are excellent. Tyb!!

f74658  No.2711317

If RR recommended Trust Wray, is RR /ourguy/ after all? And then Marine Bob is…? Kek!

5f0d7d  No.2711318

FOX & friends President @realDonaldTrump on if he would fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions


10ac71  No.2711320


Given the texts we do know about I'm still surprised he acted that way. These people are sick/stupid.

43ca46  No.2711321

File: 059d70a468326da⋯.jpg (70.32 KB, 620x400, 31:20, time.jpg)

File: fb8bce6fe0a8b6d⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, drake1.jpg)

File: 60e666ef68f5675⋯.jpg (66.47 KB, 500x536, 125:134, boom.jpg)

1. We live in a house of glass/house of cards.

2. Game of Jenga/who gets blamed. Who loses.

3. Q/Trump cannot do anything in such a fragile system until it breaks itself. Stock market must come down. Must be unrest, insecurity, maybe devastation prior to the reveal or else the reveal gets blamed.

4. There will be pain. Anon thinks that means other pain, but there will be PAIN. Prepare yourself. It may be endurable, it may be very difficult, but the baby must be born (to steal from Revelation).

5f0d7d  No.2711323

Damn forgot to change link

af7f88  No.2711324

File: a2a74955ef9a49e⋯.jpg (123.58 KB, 736x1308, 184:327, e01950ec970a0eb2e6f4c92b4d….jpg)

Morning Baker and Thank You

0032e7  No.2711325

File: 1b717d4e3564f4c⋯.jpg (494.69 KB, 3557x1297, 3557:1297, MNKD.JPG)

File: 6f290744ac2ec2d⋯.jpg (123.88 KB, 2849x283, 2849:283, SaveAlifePatriotPatriots.JPG)

File: b72619f46d9f189⋯.jpg (611.16 KB, 2880x1920, 3:2, Shells_-_Sarajevo_Tunnel_M….jpg)

Save American lives now.

Insulin Big Pharma fuckery, corruption.

0fab16  No.2711326


>Once they pull the rug out from these sadistic fucks, they will riot/protest.

Admin is going to need some serious sauce for the public before, during, and after the arrests or there is definitely going to be civil war with bullets tossed at booth sides.

f74658  No.2711327


Unless he's just psychotic or mind-controlled lol.

b07b9e  No.2711328

>>2710341 (pb)

Seems the Defence Innovation Fund operates in all the usual counries. Australia, India, UK, US, NZ. Probably others, still digging.



We're a fast-moving government entity that provides non-dilutive capital to companies to solve national defense problems.

Fast Moving = "No oversight".

US DIU Defence Innovation Unit https://www.diux.mil/

NZ https://innovationfund.co.nz/

UK https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/accelerator-themed-competition-revolutionise-the-human-information-relationship-for-defence/defence-innovation-initiative-information

INDIA https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/topic/Defence-Innovation-Fund

There is much more.

0032e7  No.2711329

File: 28af66b2cc45c36⋯.jpg (115.62 KB, 2493x341, 2493:341, Opiates.JPG)


6c900e  No.2711330

I was watching some stuff about Sumerian text. How they created Man to be slaves and all that shit. Then how one of the brothers said to not worry we did not put our long life gene in the Humans. We can be just used and die fast.

Made me think about Bladerunner and the replicants. And how much Q has already linked to this movie. The currency reset plans and shit.

But is it deeper? Are we the replicants? The short lived slaves?

In Bladerunner 2049 we get the magic of fucking and being fertile.

I think there is a lot to unpack in these movies. In the first bladerunner I remember the pyramid building and the hero killing the evil dude by putting his thumbs into his eyes….because that nigger couldnt SEE.

Q loves movies. We all do at some level. What nuggets are out there hiding in plain sight?

532059  No.2711331


Agree 100 percent. The existing texts were very bad but he seemed to think he has a get out of jail free card.

5f0d7d  No.2711332

Cohen Attorney Lanny Davis Is Registered Foreign Agent for Pro-Russian Oligarch Wanted by US Government and Linked to Putin



d1ba55  No.2711333


>Fuck yeah, I totally agree with that.

>Time to do some exports, no fucking around.

Exports are long past due, in my opinion. Well, long past. Our pensioners and elderly should not be starving and homeless and broke at the expense of parasitic invaders that are here under the guise of "diversity"

890888  No.2711334

File: 84bb62c8354879b⋯.jpeg (16.31 KB, 461x259, 461:259, 66EF2FD0-3209-45F9-B8C9-0….jpeg)

File: 577e4386f9ae559⋯.jpeg (53.8 KB, 980x490, 2:1, 1FA0EBCF-54B2-41B5-BDA1-3….jpeg)


Also ignores photo evidence he went full psychotic on camera: see eyes.

What’s wrong fellow anon did you miss it?

6d5e24  No.2711336


Who pleads guilty to campaign finance bs? Is Cohen really even a lawyer? He's being made to look like an idiot.

750134  No.2711337

File: 27e27e68471262e⋯.webm (459.88 KB, 180x320, 9:16, Stronk.webm)

5b9b28  No.2711338

My god anons and their stupid fucking soapboxes. U know what I'm sick of? Great reads. Fuck your post. Why would anyone give a fuck about your post? Jesus Christ the same shit over and over and fucking over.

I don't need you to explain shit dumbfuck.

I want results. Fuck this shit got old 6 months ago.

Oh check out this post of retardation. It explains everything. Fuck you. I know what's going on. It's a long boring ass fucking movie dragging on and on and fucking on.

Where's dumbfuck at? Is he too busy to copy and paste a Wikipedia page and post it? All the work that's been done and MSM still has the sway. Period.

45c3e3  No.2711339


Flynn with his experience did a sumilar move

f74658  No.2711340



Damn, now I started a Gay Retarded Dracula slide kek!

b38348  No.2711341


I remember that video too. It was a news show and I think a woman was interviewing him. Months ago.

5192ea  No.2711342




Complains about soapboxes

Gets up on one…

5449c3  No.2711343


that is so he can testify under oath

cc1fd0  No.2711344


What were the names of those OTHER FBI folks who were doin' it (or hoping to do it)?

I'll be honest and possibly stupid: Strzok and Page both strike me as people who wouldn't use the sort of language used in some/many of the texts.

ad0d2a  No.2711345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Incredible interview/presentation/speech:


UK police investigator whistle blower.

John Wedger - British Police Whistleblower Who Exposed Large Scale Child Sex Prostitution Gangs & Was Attacked By His Bosses

30min video

He is telling how his investigations were stopped, stalled, threatened, underbudgeted, …

His own life was threatened, how he would be ruined, losing home, family, prisoned, …

How child prostitution works:

- in children care homes

- for example children are missing everyweekend

- taken away by 'a boyfriend' etc… who is the pimp

- children are drug addicts by design

- care home bosses know about the problem, but they think it's good as they make some money, to feed their drug habits, …

John says it goes all the way to the top, very, very top.

It is very common, rampant.

Watch the video, very enlightening.

Is the situation is anything like that in USA like it is in the UK, you'll understand more about the extent of the problem.


4d9ec5  No.2711347


The way it was described to me is that Wray is another Rod Rosenstein. Wray was previously swamp and comped, but was offered a way out. Wray came from a law firm who's #1 client was Saudi Arabia.

d1ba55  No.2711348

5dd50a  No.2711349

File: 8c63fee318e9165⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2040x1486, 1020:743, dirty_rats_dancing.jpg)

8b5566  No.2711350

File: 0e51e7e3200c2ce⋯.png (85.3 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


You need a lot of these.

890888  No.2711351


What? Do you even know what you just said.

8b923c  No.2711352


anyone plotting an assignation thinks/behaves arrogantly in the 1st place. They don't do so thinking they will get caught. They don't feel guilt or remorse. acting like a bulletproof prima donna is not an act for them, it is who/what they are deep in their core.

6d5e24  No.2711353


WRONG. Michael Flynn pleaded guilty in federal court on charges of lying to the FBI about his contact with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition.Which turns out the FBI did not think that he lied to begin with.

b38348  No.2711354


Q keeps saying these people are stupid. I’m going with that.

5b9b28  No.2711355

How'd that Seth rich bombshell go over morons? Real game changer huh? Always is.

7a4a39  No.2711356

File: f9f336bd3d80c1b⋯.gif (649.36 KB, 245x200, 49:40, whining5.gif)

10ac71  No.2711357


Same people are probably protecting Omarosa. I wonder who these people are. I don't think it's Comey/McCabe/Brennan/Strozk/etc. I don't think the people pulling the strings are the ones in front of the cameras.

fc067a  No.2711358

File: 60880b7bfa313f0⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 709x765, 709:765, muh.jpg)


>U know what I'm sick of? Great reads. Fuck your post. Why would anyone give a fuck about your post?


e7cca7  No.2711359


Podesta seen 8/9

Can any other dig beat that for Last Seen?



Get the list up we'll keep digging & get you a Notable

5740ca  No.2711360

File: 219db98bbcef500⋯.jpeg (445.97 KB, 1242x1357, 54:59, 0408DAF8-07C4-4CD7-8DCD-A….jpeg)

People’s Republic of China (PRC), which has been on a non-stop roll for four-and-a-half decades, has now hit a wall. That wall is named Donald J. Trump. Since the Kissinger-Nixon trip to China in 1972 and President Carter’s recognition of China in 1979, the Beijing-based communist regime has been the beneficiary of countless sweetheart deals lavished on it by U.S. administrations both Republican and Democratic. Loans, credits, technology, technical expertise, entire manufacturing plants, low tariffs, no tariffs — you name it. Anything China wanted to transform itself from backward, Third World status into a modern superpower, there were always plenty of globalists in the White House, State Department, Wall Street, and Congress eager to deliver it.

Now, after 40-plus years of virtually unimpeded access to the American market, the PRC and its U.S. business “partners” are feeling the pinch. While President Trump’s U.S. tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum have garnered most of the headlines, Beijing is particularly worried about the Trump administration’s specific aim at its “Made In China 2025” master plan.

What is “Made In China 2025”? Most Americans still haven’t heard of it, although it has been the mantra drummed into 1.38 billion Chinese heads by the PRC propagandists for the past three years. On July 7, 2015, Communist China’s premier, Li Kequiang, and China’s ruling State Council issued their new ten-year “strategic blueprint” to dominate global hi-tech manufacturing. They named this breathtakingly ambitious roadmap “Made In China 2025.” Their 38-page document outlining this blueprint notes that “China is still in the process of industrialization and there remain gaps between China and advanced economies. Chinese manufacturing is large but not yet strong.”

The Chinese Communist Party’s prescription for achieving a strong industrial economy targets key technology sectors: semiconductors (computer chips), robotics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, pharmaceuticals and advanced medical products, aerospace and aeronautical equipment, railway transportation equipment, modern maritime transport, new-energy vehicles and equipment — and much more.

How did Beijing’s commissars intend to achieve these lofty goals? The same way they had achieved their phenomenal industrial/economic successes of the past 50 years: partner up with globalist U.S. corporations to get as much over-the-counter technology and expertise as possible — and steal the rest. This tried and true path had worked wonderfully for them through U.S. Republican and Democratic administrations, and they had every reason to believe it would continue to produce the same spectacular results. “Made In China 2025” became a sacred slogan to direct and inspire all of Chinese society, and to instill confidence in the Communist Party’s vision and leadership.

However, something happened in 2016 that has upset the grandiose plans not only of China’s communist elites, but the plans of their globalist elite comrades in the West as well. The election of Donald Trump has thrown a big wrench into their well-oiled “trade” machine…..(Cont.)



0fab16  No.2711361


The fact still remains, start rounding up perps without some serious sauce on them being pushed into the public eye, and your going to have groups spring up all over starting a bullet war.

Don't for second think that a NG detachment can't be ran over by a civilian population…they can, and most likely will be if shit goes down before info gets out.

d636db  No.2711362

File: 9ee0facdb38942d⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 620x348, 155:87, TRUST THE PLAN.jpg)


Want a tissue?

4972f1  No.2711363

File: 697e3d5dcce940a⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 400x201, 400:201, 1PSWIG.gif)


plus weird wiggle (gif)

1da4e6  No.2711364


1. Huma Abedin

2. Tony Podesta


3. John Podesta





4. Barack Obama




5. Hillary Clinton

6. Awan

7. DWS


8. Joe Biden




9. NoName


10. Bill Clinton


11. Eric Braverman


12. WaldoAnon

5b9b28  No.2711365

Did I miss the arrests fagfags?

10ac71  No.2711366


You're probably right about Strzok/Page. From their text messages they seem naive and corrupt but not vindictive and violent.

837cf8  No.2711367

File: 8a86b01b5f9418e⋯.jpg (60.67 KB, 1316x741, 1316:741, 6jgzF7B.jpg)

File: 8c3d2a4cc8698ce⋯.jpg (83 KB, 1316x741, 1316:741, GaMz4il.jpg)

>>2710976 (lb)

Goat in inverted pentagram found in ancient gold-plated Torah


5449c3  No.2711368


Do tht for Tony. He is in custody.

cc1fd0  No.2711369




Chatwal is a name that stands out in my mind for some reason.

890888  No.2711370


Lol, I see what you’re doing. Do you think I’m scared?

4d9ec5  No.2711371

Whats up with the Dem claim their DNC was attempted hacked yesterday?

c8fb9c  No.2711372

File: 3b6beaf136b0678⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 640x360, 16:9, hunterduncan_011017getty[1….jpg)

Duncan Hunter (R-CA) of the California House is accused of misuse of campaign funds. The Republican Party didn't plan on having to defend this seat and may abandon it for low-hanging fruit elsewhere. This is one of two California House seats (national) that have popped-up as vulnerable. Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) was charged with insider trading several weeks ago.

Here's the part that gets me: “In our country, individuals are presumed innocent until a jury of their peers convict them,” said California Republican Party Chairman Jim Brulte. “The congressman and his wife have a constitutional promise to their day in court and we will not prejudge the outcome.”

Seems like we're constantly having to remind Americans that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. What does that say about the MSM pushing citizens to pre-judge criminality–on both sides?


aac75b  No.2711373

File: ae4531b0984c5c6⋯.jpg (62.46 KB, 544x615, 544:615, 17saidso.JPG)


>Why would anyone give a fuck about your post?

Or yours

6d5e24  No.2711374


What do you think the EAS will be used for? Playing Justin Bieber songs for the masses?

871320  No.2711375

Q keeps mentioning the Muslim Brotherhood [MB] and also posted about Freemasons so I decided to do some research and came across this video, it turns out the MB have been involved with the US government for several decades.

The connection between the Muslim Brotherhood and Freemasonry.


5f0d7d  No.2711377

File: b08dd4540ff3389⋯.png (573.84 KB, 943x859, 943:859, ClipboardImage.png)

4972f1  No.2711378

File: c8a2b90be84843b⋯.jpeg (262.43 KB, 1242x645, 414:215, c8a2b90be84843b74eba7fbf2….jpeg)

5b9b28  No.2711379

Tony in custody…fuck off. Is custody a town in France? If not then I'd shut the fuck up.

10ac71  No.2711380

af7f88  No.2711381

File: a48a8a03fd94434⋯.jpeg (228.13 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 1526610892.jpeg)

8ad35d  No.2711382

File: 1935aaebd2bd945⋯.png (430.79 KB, 2880x1800, 8:5, a42fb9777acfefd310c84dbe1b….png)

837cf8  No.2711383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Turkish Police arrested four former fighters of Faylaq al-Rahman and a Turkish citizen who were trying to sell two rare, ancient, gold-plated Torahs in the northwestern province of Bilecik on May 8, the Russian TV network RT reported on May 11.

The Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah said that Police had confiscated the two ancient Torahs during the arrest. According to the newspaper, the town ancient artifacts worth a total of $1.86mln.

Syrian opposition sources confirmed that Faylaq al-Rahman fighters had stolen the ancient Torahs from a historical 2,000 years old synagogue in the Jobar district, east of the Syrian capital of Damascus. The district was under the control of the US-backed group Faylaq al-Rahman from 2013 until March 2018, when it was finally liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (FSA).


0fab16  No.2711384


Your retarded if you think that'll be enough to stop a mob of determined peoples from getting to where they want to be.

ANY military force can be subdued by a very large civilian population.

e7cca7  No.2711385



- Working dig on WHERE IS

- Add more names

- Dig details on existing names

fc81e0  No.2711386

File: 1b8279c6e614dec⋯.png (273.05 KB, 940x587, 940:587, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bf0c0822de7dac⋯.png (421.49 KB, 640x1875, 128:375, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16f9c84a8d098af⋯.png (1.28 MB, 644x4906, 322:2453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a909a64f08ee7f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 645x3336, 215:1112, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec1f4550f724521⋯.png (871.74 KB, 624x3818, 312:1909, ClipboardImage.png)

New light on funding, ties of secretive Israeli spy firm

Cambridge Analytica-linked businessman helped start Black Cube, lawsuit claims

Vincent Tchenguiz also helped controversial 'private intel agency' apply for Israeli government grant for developing dual-use technologies; Economy Ministry won't say if it got one

Vincent Tchenguiz, an Iranian-born British entrepreneur and property tycoon who until 2015 was the largest shareholder in the parent company of the scandal-hit data firm Cambridge Analytica, also played a prominent role in the founding stages of the controversial Israeli business intelligence company Black Cube, and provided it with vital funding, according to a 2013 Israeli lawsuit filed by lawyers for Tchenguiz.

Tchenguiz, whose family is of Iraqi-Jewish origin, fell out with the secretive Israeli company and its founders and sued it for fraud and other alleged offenses, seeking almost a million pounds in damages. The case, which received very little media coverage at the time, was ultimately settled out of court.

Black Cube's internet homepage (screenshot)

Vincent Tchenguiz, an Iranian-born British entrepreneur and property tycoon who until 2015 was the largest shareholder in the parent company of the scandal-hit data firm Cambridge Analytica, also played a prominent role in the founding stages of the controversial Israeli business intelligence company Black Cube, and provided it with vital funding, according to a 2013 Israeli lawsuit filed by lawyers for Tchenguiz.

Tchenguiz, whose family is of Iraqi-Jewish origin, fell out with the secretive Israeli company and its founders and sued it for fraud and other alleged offenses, seeking almost a million pounds in damages. The case, which received very little media coverage at the time, was ultimately settled out of court.

Black Cube, which was founded in 2011 and whose former honorary board president was the late Mossad chief Meir Dagan, has been at the center of considerable international press scrutiny in recent months.


5672e5  No.2711387


"Military Plan"

8117a5  No.2711388

File: ce8b3a31f8d7708⋯.png (388.59 KB, 2000x1123, 2000:1123, gk51yve4.sty.png)

File: 4a327d3b4c0e259⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2400x1600, 3:2, DC2B0400F98E4CEA8FDA1D74CA….jpg)

File: accf149e587b1ea⋯.png (371.53 KB, 2000x1123, 2000:1123, dlh40xyz.1e2.png)

File: dfa1ceaf78bf3f0⋯.jpg (188.34 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, 2018 Honda CB500X (8).jpg)

Which motorcycle would you fags buy?

Which one do you think looks the coolest?

5b9b28  No.2711389

It's pretty quiet for a revolution.

How many dicks can Q fit in his mouth?

aa5203  No.2711390



Dammit, Ferrit.

0fab16  No.2711391


None of them.

bef444  No.2711392

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GermanArchiveAnon Update

Fellow Anons,

I added #3409 to #3423 to the folder and updated the checksums.



3409-3423.zip MD5: 824cc9b15d38443f8cbd8d7e47853a79


3409-3423.html.zip MD5: 81197d9ce31d6efdd435de12beb5965e

The archive now contains 3429 breads.


GermanArchiveAnon Out

7f1ef1  No.2711393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former DisneyF__ here,

Interesting SGT Report with a woman who claims to be a victim of child trafficking abuse (Nicole Kidman's father among others). at around Min: 49:00 she speaks about being taken to Disney World for a private pedo party for the wealthy. While I've never seen any nefarious acts there, I CAN confirm that there are private parties available after hours where the entire park can be rented, as well as there being underground tunnels below the Magic Kingdom for quick access.

66343d  No.2711394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Where is eBot?

Take the day off?

c8fb9c  No.2711395

File: 7ae7bb612845707⋯.jpg (80.85 KB, 507x719, 507:719, Saturday-Night-Fuhrer.jpg)

Parkland shooting survivor and March for Our Lives leader David Hogg is facing criticism from his supporters for calling House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi “old” in a New York magazine profile of him published on Sunday.


The funny thing here is that he is being accused of sexism for calling her old. kek.

What a freak this kid is

5b9b28  No.2711396

July - the month where the world learns the truth.

Almost September.

Whoopsie Daisy's.


e06b7d  No.2711397


Obama … Aug 6, Martha's Vinyard


5872a6  No.2711398

From the Interview today:

-He named lots of names… said McCain, but I guess he kinda had to in that context, and it wasn't positive.

-"Are you gonna fire Jeff Sessions after the midterms?"

THIS. I doubt he is but Huber's the main attraction. As long as Sessions doesn't do anything before the Pro-Trump crowd takes over the House/Senate/Everything else…

(((they))) can't subvert and fuck over anything he's doing.

Already waited a few decades, what's a few months… As long as it doesn't turn into "what's a few moooooore months"….

5f0d7d  No.2711399

File: a8ca5cb7ea3f5df⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1233x2048, 1233:2048, ClipboardImage.png)

c007d7  No.2711400


Not in the texts. It's in the email drafts of Goolag. That's why they felt bulletproof.

c8fb9c  No.2711401

File: 9286d75bbbfab49⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 360x202, 180:101, YouMustGoBack.gif)

45ad47  No.2711402

The older and smarter I become the more I realize how ignorant I am…anon 2018.

30+ plus of conspiracy research and I know that no one has power over me that I do not give to them. Live your life. Stop blaming this group or that group, these people or those people. The biggest enemy is myself. Live your life by creating your own reality. Heaven on earth or hell on earth is your doing.

532059  No.2711403


Don't forget the GOP leadership appears absolutely willing to lose the House for a term if it means they can get Trump impeached and end the Trump presidency in 4 years.

Any hint of wrongdoing always sinks a Republican. It is what happened to Bob McDonald in Virginia when he appeared to be a political up and comer.

Total proof is rarely enough to sink a Democrat. See Bob Menendez.

Would not be surprised if another supposedly safe GOP seat vanishes before the election.

5449c3  No.2711404


BIG POINT about this anons.

Was listening to NPR earlier and they had the other republican who ran against him on. He said that they don't know if he will be indicted or not BUT the rules are such in California that…. listen closely

The candidates with the two highest vote counts in the primary go to the general election. In this case Hunter and his Dem opponent. BUT once those candidates are selected, NO OTHER CANDIDATES may be elected in a general no matter if one is indicted or not. THIS INCLUDES even WRITE INS.

Meaning, in CA if specific dem candidates were running against republicans in their respective districts and they were say… arrested. Under CA law, the ONLY elligible candidates would be the one in custody and the Republican candidate.


5b9b28  No.2711405

Ya there u go. Shut your mouth and post the same memes from last year.

6d5e24  No.2711406


I never said that's the only way it will be pushed. It will be the easiest however.Prepare to have a massive red pill for the normies. I see you like to push the civil war agenda, are you the infamous Top class Navy seal we've all heard about?

The majority of the left will fight with oversized dildos, while patriots use their weapons. Is that really much of a fight?

The minute shit goes sideways you anons fucking jump ship. Proving even more that you don't trust the plan.

Q said enjoy the fucking show. They never said it would be easy. There will be blowback. "Certain events were not supposed to take place". Q isn't a fortune teller ffs.

7a4a39  No.2711407


>Gay Retarded Dracula

Well, Strzok is visibly retarded, and fake & gay.. and is obviously in the satanic pedo cannibal camp…

So sure, Gay Retarded Dracula fits ;)

400caa  No.2711408


TQ too It's going to be a good day I can feel it. We are activated ! DOITQ!

5b9b28  No.2711409

Imran awan in the news this week morons?


0a0057  No.2711410

File: 4dc677fb94d6c15⋯.jpeg (283.01 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, B0B7E2FB-9459-4EE4-8C00-E….jpeg)

cecc80  No.2711411

File: fe74f73e748488b⋯.jpg (958.58 KB, 2000x1775, 80:71, weseeyou.jpg)

we obviously haven't stocked enough popcorn anons


cc1fd0  No.2711412


I am not trying to be a jerk, or mean, or whatever, okay?

It's a real question and there are no wrong answers:

Have you actually read the texts?

d32a86  No.2711413


Woman = XX

Man = XY

should be:


e06b7d  No.2711414


Huma Abedin spotted ( Tuesday, 16 Aug 2018) Carrying son home from school


b4884c  No.2711415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons digging in the AMDOCS rabbit hole… I dug here years ago. Looking through my notes. Check out this coverage by Carl Cameron from 2001…

A highly related dig here is Jonathan Pollard.

4988e3  No.2711416

Still no Q after the Cohen disaster. This is not looking good for Trump at all. Impeachment is on the horizon boys and girls.

I take no pleasure in admitting this, but it's true.

c007d7  No.2711417


and yet faggot Paul Ryan immediately moved to kick him off committees and stressed how "serious" the charges were. Oh really Paul? As serious as Bob Menendez being a pedo? I don't recall the Dems running away from that asshole.

This is why patriots were so fuckin fed up with the damn RINO party and exactly why we love our Fighter in Chief. WE DON'T LIKE BACKSTABBING PUSSIES PAUL. We have the fuckin Demonic Party for that.

5740ca  No.2711418

File: 16a868b5185d979⋯.jpeg (820.75 KB, 1242x1435, 1242:1435, 093A0608-6B79-4DC7-BE08-3….jpeg)

4f297d  No.2711419

File: 1be71d75d92647e⋯.jpg (15.76 KB, 320x240, 4:3, podestassign.jpg)


>>2711209 lb

What does that sign say behind the podestas?

is it a message to somebody?

5b9b28  No.2711420

How has Q never mentioned Stephen Wasserman? Maybe because he's a fake ass?

17021a  No.2711421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Old news, but an interesting timeline rundown by James Perloff on SGT channel regarding the satanic influences of many historical occurrences starting with the atom bomb drops on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

cc1fd0  No.2711422



That is very interdasting, indeed.

7a4a39  No.2711423

File: 9297cb0723c637c⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 400x225, 16:9, 3[1].gif)


I got you fam

40c026  No.2711424


cant read it

4f297d  No.2711425


didn't he also say something about why he or sessions hired RR when she asked about him

a0d2ad  No.2711426

File: 6722baa30d2b62e⋯.png (437.2 KB, 1690x932, 845:466, 10649789692783637859008219….png)

File: 63124fa332a5982⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1973x896, 1973:896, 21987450908575687432327873….png)

8ad35d  No.2711427


Well stated anon


871320  No.2711428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q keeps mentioning the Muslim Brotherhood [MB] and also posted about Freemasons so I decided to do some research and came across this video, it turns out the MB have been involved with the US government for several decades.

The connection between the Muslim Brotherhood and Freemasonry.

c007d7  No.2711429


And yet it's clearly being cleaned out….look over here, look over there…DISTRACTION.

On Tony Podesta, "We thought he was going to be indicted the next day." KEK. He was. Shhhhh…

a26a65  No.2711430

File: ea69f04e29f8cfe⋯.jpg (56.08 KB, 800x566, 400:283, Payseur.jpg)

>>2711289 (last bread)

great Payseur KEK! great, i just had to share on facebook, we are just discussing about the cestui que vie act from 1666. have you got sources?

I'm want reading about. Payseur is the head of the cabal. What is the connection with the 1666 cestui que vie act?

a1931b  No.2711432

Re-posted from end of previous bread…

Here's why Q needed everything to pause during the "bad optics" period…

As it sits today, everything looks bad for POTUS. However, let's look at certain things objectively…

Awan "walks", but his testimony (and likely the server) have been entered into evidence. Huber is in the on-deck circle, ready for his at bat against Awan. I like Huber's odds.

Cohen has all sorts of delicious skeletons in the closet. The two nothing burger charges can not come back on POTUS, so let's wait and see what other tasty morsels are revealed in due time. Don't forget, it was Trump's people that raided Cohen's house and offices and I'm confident they seized exactly the things he pointed them to.

Lastly, Manafort just got arrested, tried, sentenced and jailed for THINGS HE DID TEN YEARS PRIOR TO JOINING A POLITICAL CAUSE.

FFS, even if I were a died-in-the-wool, progressive, Trump-hating, libtard, that type of "justice" would scare the shit out of me. Are you saying that if I get politically involved (regardless of affiliation), that I now live in a country whereby the other party can weaponize our own F_I or C_A to wiretap and spy on me, my family and my friends? Worse still, they can–with zero prior probable cause–dig into anyone's entire life history and look for any wrongdoing regardless what it's related to and/or when it happened?

This entire shit-show has been brilliant. It's showing the Normies that the crimes the Dems committed before and after the election are ruinous to the Republic as a whole, and also worthy of prosecuting.

Soon, the hammer will pivot 180° when POTUS declassifies the 20 pages on the FISA warrant. That's the first layer that gets peeled, but it's the one that opens up the entire rest of the movie.

[RR] signed one of the extension requests; this forces the "big reveal" one way or the other: Either he was asked to do it because he's been secretly working for white hats, both collecting evidence internally and "acting his part in the movie", or he's dirty as shit and this also takes down Mueller (and by extension, Comey).

Either way, the movie kicks into full gear. Huber begins unsealing, and–I hope–a couple video confessions of high profile criminals are played for the general public.

The next few weeks will likely be "slow" from the Anon's perspective. For one, I'm fine with that. This is the time when Normies are being gently roused from their comas.

Don't push others during this time, either. There's NO NEED FOR RED PILLING RIGHT NOW. When the tsunami hits, it will be so overwhelming, the Normies will wake up on their own. No need for us to get in the way; do not risk your relationships!

Q has this whole situation under control; it can not possibly play out any other way than what was promised, or it would lead to a disastrous revolt. We're all good, frens, so get comfy and enjoy the show!

0fab16  No.2711433


>are you the infamous Top class Navy seal we've all heard about?

No, I am not.

I done my bit for god and country back in the 80's.

I know from training back then, that any civilian crowd is capable of over running a military post or garrison.

Not by just bum-rushing it like you think they will do, but by moving in on their flanks and taking out all their advantages early in the game.

The thing I see mostly here, is you all seem to think the cabal member's armies don't have intel.

You all seem to think they are nothing more than rabble-rousers.

Think about the organization your fighting against, you really think they don't have as much of an advantage as the current sitting administration?

Shit, they have just as much and have people capable of carrying out their orders.

They are not some stupid control-less crowd of rebels or protesters.

Or do you all forget why the term Deep State has come about?

b4884c  No.2711434


Can’t read the sign but that’s obviously Sedona, AZ.

2d2b7e  No.2711435

File: 96753d0883220c4⋯.png (230.31 KB, 400x428, 100:107, brocktastespenisforaliving.png)


Take a nap, sip a monster, try harder

d8444f  No.2711436


So the Dems, who have no power, call for impeachment, with scant votes to support it, on a popular president (polls are BS), and it's a foregone conclusion? Got it, ty for the info, now fuck off.

a0d2ad  No.2711437

File: 485a57f6aa31134⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1772x874, 886:437, 12987640367464798745197832….png)

File: dc1471a8df54a9f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 12891390384855876784328932….png)

5740ca  No.2711438

File: 8ea063da4d6f025⋯.jpeg (760.55 KB, 1242x2149, 1242:2149, EDD577D9-4ABE-4F4F-B2AA-4….jpeg)



43ca46  No.2711439

1. We live in a house of glass/house of cards.

2. Game of Jenga/who gets blamed. Who loses.

3. Q/Trump cannot do anything in such a fragile system until it breaks itself. Stock market must come down. Must be unrest, insecurity, maybe devastation prior to the reveal or else the reveal gets blamed.

4. There will be pain. Anon thinks that means other's pain, but there will be PAIN. Prepare yourself. It may be endurable, it may be very difficult, but the baby must be born (to steal from Revelation).

a0d2ad  No.2711440

File: ffdc99b6b560ac0⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1772x874, 886:437, 318732243624800374222.png)

File: 8a49cce7c8daa46⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 21783784204707646486873187….png)

1da4e6  No.2711441


1. Huma Abedin

>>2711414 8/16 Spotted in NYC

2. Tony Podesta


3. John Podesta

>>2711163 - Last Tweet (8/4/18)

>>2711209 - Months Old Twitter Photo

>>2711314 - MSNBC Article (8/18)

>>2711359 - Last Seen 8/9

>>2711419 - Message in Recent Photo

4. Barack Obama

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711397 - Martha's Vinyard 8/6/18

5. Hillary Clinton

6. Awan

7. DWS

>>2711261 - 3d Printer Discussion 8/18

8. Joe Biden

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711273 - Canceled Event Per Dr. Order

9. NoName

>>2711191 - AWOL

10. Bill Clinton

11. Eric Braverman

12. WaldoAnon

6c900e  No.2711442


Nice theory but ¨The Hand that Rocks the cradle controls the world¨ you are born into a Jew matrix and the first thing about waking up is you come to this understanding.

Its all good to talk about freewill. They have taken our freewill and we need to get it back.

362e75  No.2711443





Thank you for your input. I always had a feeling that fucking nigger Obama had something to do with the Seal Team 6 disaster.

Always felt it was pay back for Binladen, something Buckwheat and the Demoncrats did for self promotion and then gave up our guys later for the killing of Binladen.

8b923c  No.2711444

File: 76d4428930a9562⋯.jpg (107.18 KB, 1333x756, 1333:756, ss.JPG)

Wasn't this the guy in the recent video claiming to attack POTUS ?

750134  No.2711445

File: 08890cadc1b88f4⋯.jpg (76.14 KB, 651x503, 651:503, ae0936f740d7ee4a08d338e178….jpg)


Thank you for your service.

One question. Are you a bot?

f45295  No.2711446

File: a4f8eb40dcc249b⋯.png (124.44 KB, 333x333, 1:1, (pepeQ.png)



someone needs a break.



i know there's been impressive waves of shills like this sad attempt at hipsteranoning, but DAYUM i've been so comfy since last week.

Just when things were getting real crazy, timeline shift, and back to smoothness…


7a7161  No.2711447

File: 93b18c867c9fb3f⋯.jpeg (716.31 KB, 500x4182, 250:2091, download (1).jpeg)

5740ca  No.2711448

File: 153d3537636d6e1⋯.jpeg (302.18 KB, 1242x567, 46:21, DB12307C-C726-4B67-BB21-3….jpeg)

cecc80  No.2711449

File: ab1c56a0c8fd61a⋯.gif (17.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ab1c56a0c8fd61a4bf19544082….gif)


thanks! love you anon (no homo)

enjoy the show

e39328  No.2711450


gtfo faggot. nobody cares

e036af  No.2711451


Agreed. Based on everything we know and the abundance of proofs with which we have been provided, there is no reason to doubt the plan. "Bad news" will only strengthen Trump's resolve to win decisively in the end.

4d7fee  No.2711452


So Joe Rogan is a faggot shill.

Bill Nye became a shill since signed with Disney. (used to be alright)

Neil DegrAssfuck Tyson has always been a fake scientist shill. (hate him)

And of course BM & BHO have been known.

I'm still waiting for trump to say popcorn in a tweet so I can finish a "proof". Nunes corn didn't cut it.

4f297d  No.2711454


very interesting.

posing as art students selling cheap art to our govt.

working in mall kiosks selling 'PUZZLE CAR AND ZOOM COPTER' toys!

f45295  No.2711455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As An Eagle Stirreth by The Staple Singers from Faith and Grace


a6fcc5  No.2711456

AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — A Georgia woman who leaked a secret report on Russian hacking of U.S. voting systems could get a tough sentence.

Reality Winner was preparing to face a judge Thursday in Augusta, Georgia. Prosecutors recommended five years and three months, which would be the longest sentence ever given for a federal crime involving leaks to the news media.

The 26-year-old former National Security Agency contractor pleaded guilty in June to copying a classified U.S. report and mailing it to an unidentified news organization.

Her arrest was announced the same day The Intercept reported on a secret NSA document. It detailed Russian government efforts to penetrate a Florida-based supplier of voting software and the accounts of election officials ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

U.S. intelligence agencies later confirmed Russian meddling.


5740ca  No.2711457

File: 53488c6733bdbec⋯.jpeg (695.98 KB, 1242x1633, 54:71, 17B97BBE-2CBC-44F9-AECB-8….jpeg)


5b9b28  No.2711458

Whitehats are in control…so they want kids to get shot? Part of the plan? Cuz that's what happens in 2 weeks. School starts back up 100 kids will get cut in half. All msm will talk about. Should be exciting.

af7f88  No.2711459

File: 510449ae44d174b⋯.jpg (117.25 KB, 802x1200, 401:600, DVe3SvdV4AA6EL3.jpg)


Bears Ears Utah.

Keep in mind this was the spot of one of POTUS'S first acts as president. He reversed Obummers act of making it a national monument. So it means something of course…

President Donald Trump announced the reduction of two national monuments in Utah in December.

Bears Ears was reduced by 85% in the months that followed, in the largest acreage reduction of a national monument to date.

4d9ec5  No.2711460


>Either way, the movie kicks into full gear. Huber begins unsealing, and–I hope–a couple video confessions of high profile criminals are played for the general public.

I cross my fingers for this everyday. In order to shut up the liberals, it will take more than just evidence no matter how cut and dry and overwhelming. We need some of these characters liberals defend to confess and tell all… then and only then, liberals will finally STFU

d2c604  No.2711461

If this was posted sorry to repeat. The Red Cross is ceasing blood collections in its Great Lakes Blood Region which includes Flint and Lansing. It is laying off 230 people and closing up shop. Coincidence that this is the area with the lead tainted water and therefore lead tainted blood?


c8fb9c  No.2711462

File: 812417a32e6a2a7⋯.jpg (93.8 KB, 510x700, 51:70, Children-of-the-Corn-poste….jpg)

File: b7f051bbd5ed9ae⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 800x600, 4:3, The-Omen-02.jpg)

5f0d7d  No.2711463


He is angry at Sessions and it's not an act.

750134  No.2711464


Ebot doesn't get up until around noon.

f45295  No.2711465



time to move on

b437c9  No.2711466

File: e417ad2635032bb⋯.jpg (937.75 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, P20171005JB-0725.jpg)

>>2711111 3423

The General with the crossed hands front right?


f67463  No.2711467


>1. Anticipation Stage and Call

>The reader learns about the monster from afar, including its powers and reign of terror over the nearby community, and the hero accepts the call to defeat the monster.

>2. Dream Stage

>The hero prepares to fight the monster while it is still a comfortable distance away, although the distance between the two is decreasing. In film, a training montage usually fits in right about here.

>3. Frustration Stage

>It’s here! The monster! And it’s even worse than we thought! The monster’s power is revealed in all its terrible glory, and it looks like our hero is in way over his or her head.

>4. Nightmare Stage

>Cue the epic battle music, because it is ON. And it’s not going well for our hero, who is being absolutely pummeled by the monster. But wait! Just as all hope is lost, the major chords start peeking through on the background score, because the tide of battle is about to turn.

>5. The Thrilling Escape from Death, and Death of the Monster.

>Monster is defeated, hero emerges victorious, and the grateful people present him/her with treasure, a kingdom or something to rule over, and/or the local village hottie who is the hero’s perfect other half.

This plot type is ancient, with Gilgamesh and the story of David and Goliath following this structure, although it still is common in contemporary films and literature, like Terminator, most of the Redwall series, and the Star Wars films.

We're in Stage 4. Enjoy the movie.

d188ee  No.2711468

File: a718d1b7b818945⋯.jpg (148.04 KB, 1600x1071, 1600:1071, download.jpg)

Do you feel it? Today feels glorious!





bef444  No.2711469


Kek! Come on! We cleared that yesterday. I am not a Bot ;)

d39922  No.2711470


Isn’t Huber in Utah?

fc067a  No.2711471


>FFS, even if I were a died-in-the-wool, progressive, Trump-hating, libtard, that type of "justice" would scare the shit out of me


I know many of these people, the only thing they feel about that is furious that he isn't guilty on all charges, and excited that they think it will lead to POTUS.

MANY of them would enthusiastically support a CIA member shooting the president in the face and raping his family.

You are fucking fooling yourself if you think any of this shit is making even the smallest of differences with people like that.

Everything you said is correct in terms of the sequencing, but let's not back-slap Q team on the narrative brilliance and effectiveness of their plan just yet.

Even most Trump supporters I know outside of my family have bought the media line and think Q supporters are retarded.

The only thing that will even have a chance to open their eyes is hard evidence being revealed, and arrests being made.

Which, surprise, is what we've said all along.

6d5e24  No.2711472

File: ed7f10d41aafeef⋯.png (6.05 MB, 2400x1800, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20d0c4e934ff083⋯.png (1.23 MB, 992x744, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


John Podesta

Verified account


Feb 2

Recommend getting to Bears Ears like we did and you’ll know why we need to #standwithbearsears. Join me to protect Bears Ears until the courts correct this injustice.

aac75b  No.2711473

File: d526c262e66dd9f⋯.jpg (70.11 KB, 827x466, 827:466, jdfj9jem38fj5nt.JPG)

4d9ec5  No.2711474

Anons, right now is the true Calm Before The Storm. This is going to be a low lull, maybe even until the end of September. The media hype (bias) needs to build and build. Little news tidbits need to keep making Trump "appear" guilty. The crescendo needs to build of liberals and MSM getting more vocal against president. Its a series of traps and they are taking all the bait. then BAM!! The Tsunami hits and it cannot be ignored

c8fb9c  No.2711475

File: 234fbaff753fb0f⋯.jpg (395.66 KB, 650x761, 650:761, Bonnie-and-Clyde-Clinton.jpg)

File: c319cf7fb47bd6a⋯.jpg (89.04 KB, 840x398, 420:199, hillary-clinton-get-out-of….jpg)

File: 0ec15956548c039⋯.png (211.7 KB, 514x367, 514:367, HillBillBath.png)

File: 33f54b1c8939766⋯.png (480.49 KB, 770x472, 385:236, HowQuaint.png)

File: cc2f0e61a1acfb0⋯.png (707.32 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Lolita 1.png)

f45295  No.2711476


>Do you feel it? Today feels glorious!


442f85  No.2711477

810ba2  No.2711478

Did anyone get a capture of the Cristhian Rivera go fund me page before it was taken down?

f89744  No.2711479



e036af  No.2711480


Agreed. There is no doubt in my mind that the timing of this will be executed to maximum effect.

a26a65  No.2711481


This we have found:

(Sorry my laptop spins I have the picture either double or not at all)

3a6ca0  No.2711482

File: 8e0d3382cb068a8⋯.png (388.87 KB, 561x599, 561:599, ClipboardImage.png)


Eric Braverman in Oxford, England - Jul.24, 2018

Eric Schmidt - Schmidt FUTURES

The latest I found so far.

5b9b28  No.2711483

Q team had all summer. They said a lot of words. That's about it. These kids families will know who Q is…

8ad35d  No.2711484

This whole cohen & manafort shit show is POTUS going all rope a dope on the them

Even in his WV rally where he seemed a little low energy and distracted

They wanted to use this shit show to block the SCOTUS nomination

Stable genius

de9f3d  No.2711485




There's that Khazar connection, again.

cecc80  No.2711486

File: 467a28525685835⋯.jpeg (32.47 KB, 400x400, 1:1, agree.jpeg)

5740ca  No.2711487


Only in the movie anon, not in real life!

1e7287  No.2711488


Surprise, surprise.

f67463  No.2711489

File: 1ab6fc9706bdda8⋯.png (155.71 KB, 761x940, 761:940, overcomingthemonster.png)


In image form

400caa  No.2711490

>>2711394He did the Ebake 2 breads ago and left.

d636db  No.2711491


You can spot the newbie's…lol

Appreciate your work Archive anon. Thank you.

bcbaf6  No.2711492

File: e02bf6440f6bfeb⋯.png (765.67 KB, 785x1136, 785:1136, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

ffd13a  No.2711493

Now POTUS is talking about impeachment.

Why would he do that?

a26a65  No.2711494

File: 615e1d98a155028⋯.jpg (165.11 KB, 800x804, 200:201, truth will set you free.jpg)


this is the meme, what i meant

fc067a  No.2711495

File: da2a482af37a8f5⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 230x219, 230:219, gotta.jpg)


Yeah, POTUS is a feckless faggot who hired a literal traitor and now just gets cucked on a daily basis by him while crying about it on Twitter and in interviews, all while inexplicably refusing to do anything about it while he supposedly single-handedly protects the deep-state and destroys the country.

Solid analysis.

d32a86  No.2711496


Q !2jsTvXXmXs No.66 📁

May 7 2018 23:36:41 (EST)


Mass exodus in DC?

Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?


Who has the POWER?

Who has the CONTROL?

If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?

Who is the AG?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?

Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)

Who is the FBI director?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?

Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)

If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?


Why are they slow walking unredacted data?

Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?

Why is the WH backing up DOJ?

What if the same data is being used by other investigators?

What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?

Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?

What would be the purpose of creating confusion?

What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?

What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Common denominator.

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Everyone has an opinion.

Few have the facts.

Few know the plan.

Midterms [save & push]?

Swing voters to retake House/Senate?

Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?

Power at all costs?

Blue wave?


Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

What is the DOJ responsible for?

What is the FBI responsible for?

Why did HRC get a free pass?


Define single shooter.

Who is HUBER?

Define IG.

When does SESSIONS step back in?

Already is?

Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?

Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?

Timing is everything.

Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,

What about the active investigation into leaks?

"Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations."

Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

They are deeply connected.

Think Offshore.

MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

State/C_A next?

Think logically.

No outside comms.



2325d1  No.2711497

File: ef3310ec148f250⋯.png (456.81 KB, 636x449, 636:449, ClipboardImage.png)


c53e72  No.2711498

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS2.png)


The Communist Regime has been propped up by the bought Off US Politicians. Treason is the only way to describe what has been perpetrated on the American People. It is now time for the PRICE to be paid for that TREASON.

40k Sealed Indictments is only the START.

5dd50a  No.2711499

Despite Comey Assurances, Vast Bulk of Weiner Laptop Emails Were Never Examined

When then-FBI Director James Comey announced he was closing the Hillary Clinton email investigation for a second time just days before the 2016 election, he certified to Congress that his agency had “reviewed all of the communications” discovered on a personal laptop used by Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin, and her husband, Anthony Weiner.

At the time, many wondered how investigators managed over the course of one week to read the “hundreds of thousands” of emails residing on the machine, which had been a focus of a sex-crimes investigation of Weiner, a former Congressman.

Comey later told Congress that “thanks to the wizardry of our technology,” the FBI was able to eliminate the vast majority of messages as “duplicates” of emails they’d previously seen. Tireless agents, he claimed, then worked “night after night after night” to scrutinize the remaining material.

But virtually none of his account was true, a growing body of evidence reveals.

In fact, a technical glitch prevented FBI technicians from accurately comparing the new emails with the old emails. Only 3,077 of the 694,000 emails were directly reviewed for classified or incriminating information. Three FBI officials completed that work in a single 12-hour spurt the day before Comey again cleared Clinton of criminal charges.


34330e  No.2711500

File: 3ce98e9e9f2e4d1⋯.jpg (9.12 KB, 250x242, 125:121, sowhatpepe.jpg)


Suddenly dawned on me this morning watching the interview.

Either Trump is a really good liar

Or Q is a pretty good liar

Either way, there is a disconnect between these two entities. Making one of them a Great Liar.

And I'm not sure I want to support a Great Liar anymore.

It's taken control of my life, and I can't get shit done anymore. It's an addiction that fuels my desire to see justice done in my country. But it comes at the cost of following and supporting a Liar. Whoever that might be. I hope now that it's not POTUS. Because after seeing him talk about sessions this morning…he becomes the biggest Liar in Chief.

And that's not the path to greatness.

For if he can lie to them so well…what makes us think he can't lie to us so well?

5b9b28  No.2711501

How will there not be a school shooting soon?

Enlighten me faggot Q.

6e1d89  No.2711502


When has POTUS ever had a problem firing someone, If he is so pissed at sessions, why is he not firing him after the lot he has fired and said good things about. Tillerson? etc..

af7f88  No.2711503


Yes. Lots of those there. The place definitely has significance.

4d9ec5  No.2711504


We know this plan was mapped out so long ago, and that people way smarter than us know the absolute best strategy to have the maximum effect. They know exactly when its "too early" or "too late", and they will do everything at exactly the right time. The anticipation is killing us, but we know when it happens we will all agree with their timing. What a wonderful time to be alive eh?!

e8c5ce  No.2711505

File: f6fd5051afa441f⋯.png (432.26 KB, 530x743, 530:743, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71c2b068e957266⋯.png (398.35 KB, 530x530, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

4d7fee  No.2711506

File: eb2b6dcf01d86c4⋯.jpg (212.44 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, MOAB.jpg)


>Do you feel it?

Another cup of coffee and I may be able to make it drop.

Building up to it.

af7f88  No.2711507

f67463  No.2711508


The non-Q answer is that he won't get 50 votes to confirm a replacement, and firing Sessions puts RR in charge.

34330e  No.2711509



This interview is the one that triggered my logic

He was pretty damn convincing of his disdain for Sessions. Too convincing. And if he can be that convincing, we should all be very fucking troubled.

6e1d89  No.2711510


Why wouldnt he get 50 votes?

b423f9  No.2711511


Hmmm could be bodies out there

5b9b28  No.2711512

The plan involves 154 kids riddled with bullet holes.


Qs riddles




fc067a  No.2711513


The standard "muh sleepy session" response to this is that he knows that he wouldn't be able to get another AG through congress

That would create terrible optics going in to midterms, as Sessions was a personal choice of the POTUS and the position would be left vacant through the election.

Just playing devil's advocate.

a1931b  No.2711514


It will be a tsunami, not a tidal wave. Big difference!

A tidal wave makes one huge impact.

A tsunami is a long, steady, slow push of a massive amount of water that seemingly never stops coming. Think 50,000 sealed indictments. They can stretch that shit out for years if they want.

The libtards will have a LONG time to gently wake from their comas.

b38348  No.2711515


Wonder if it’s related to Sedona Forum?

https:// www.thesedonaforum.org/

0fab16  No.2711516


Have you not seen the list of people waiting to be confirmed?

2748c7  No.2711517


"Facebook has identified and banned hundreds of accounts, groups and pages engaged in misleading political behavior, a far larger discovery than a "sophisticated" effort it reported three weeks ago with great fanfare.

The social network said Tuesday that it had removed 652 pages, groups, and accounts linked to Russia and, unexpectedly, Iran, for "coordinated inauthentic behavior" that included the sharing of political material."


5740ca  No.2711518


It’s a v well written piece but too long for me to post cos if I cut it into chunks it will come out in the wrong order ( eye roll)

f67463  No.2711519


NoName, Flake, maybe a couple of others would never go for replacing him while Mueller is still working. He can get things passed that match traditional conservatism, but the never-Trumper RINOs are still there.

10ac71  No.2711520


Shills are very weak with logic.

*A warrior goes into battle to defend his country…*

Shill: "I'm not sure I can support someone so violent. Who says he won't harm us?"

d32a86  No.2711521

File: 1c5db547d74304b⋯.jpg (56.39 KB, 404x404, 1:1, stoopid.jpg)


Andy McCabe - FIRED

James Comey - FIRED

POTUS can FIRE anyone in the DOJ or FBI, INCLUDING [RR] and trust SESSIONS

Why has he not?

Because thats not part of THE PLAN

7bef0d  No.2711522

Changing the Narrative!

DNC Says Reported Hack Attempt Was a False Alarm

Committee was hacked by Russian intelligence in 2016 campaign



By Dustin Volz

Updated Aug. 23, 2018 8:52 a.m. ET

A suspected attempt to hack into the Democratic National Committee’s voter database was actually a cybersecurity test, the organization said.

The DNC, which was hacked by Russian intelligence officers during the 2016 presidential campaign, said Tuesday it had contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation after being alerted to an apparent phishing scheme by the computer security firm Lookout Inc., which uncovered a replica of the login page to the DNC’s Votebuilder database during an online scan.

In a statement early Wednesday, Bob Lord, the DNC’s chief information security officer, said the DNC and its partners who reported the site “now believe it was built by a third party as part of a simulated phishing test.”

The test mimicked attributes of a real attack on the committee’s voter database but wasn’t authorized by the DNC, Mr. Lord said.


4f297d  No.2711523


>Why did Sessions pick RR?


6e1d89  No.2711524


that is not the lack of votes, that is because the dems are talking the 30 days to go over each person.

f56bae  No.2711525

File: d04bf1c33c1c981⋯.jpg (202.07 KB, 667x433, 667:433, -d548922c687e1bb6.jpg)



Too many friends dead from riding donor cycles.

c53e72  No.2711526

File: dd655820c9e465a⋯.png (106.36 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorFake.png)

fc067a  No.2711527


I agree with you, and that outlook heavily minimizes the narrative importance of current events.

f45295  No.2711528

File: aae857ef672a3ee⋯.png (406.7 KB, 555x793, 555:793, TRY HARDER.png)




e8c5ce  No.2711529

File: 7d95ea2da3645bc⋯.png (391.83 KB, 560x473, 560:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab9d5c4087cd5e5⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1208x4596, 302:1149, ClipboardImage.png)


Head of UN Gaza probe resigns

Academic David Crane, tapped to head UNHCR probe against Israel which ignores Hamas, resigns, citing personal reasons.

8117a5  No.2711530

File: 636cdbeb5c8a23d⋯.jpg (87.67 KB, 640x640, 1:1, tr-scripture-2.jpg)

45,000 sealed indictments

300 priest arrested.

They're all going to prison.

This is THE EVENT.

BLACKOUT will be necessary for military action.

Videos have been made, many of which include many public figures, to easily disclosure what has been going on and what is happening when everything goes down.

18e6e9  No.2711531

File: 9075f492e31dcad⋯.jpeg (925.38 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6DF44A87-3607-49BB-B9C4-6….jpeg)



Fuck mcraven

6c0446  No.2711532

Foster James "Jim" Flint III

True Blue Media LLC

Dallas Texas.

c8fb9c  No.2711533

File: 43cb85bedb70150⋯.gif (575.38 KB, 200x150, 4:3, That's True.gif)

10ac71  No.2711534


Did it trigger your logic? What does your logic say about the fact DJT has fired anyone who he was unsatisfied with their work?

c53e72  No.2711535

File: 03991af43dde1c3⋯.png (238.37 KB, 362x544, 181:272, FakaNews.png)

0a0057  No.2711536


There’s uranium in them there hills!

cf569c  No.2711537

Ready for today's BOOM! ?

Who will it be? Which of Trump's buddies will head to prison today?

Tick tock!

07274e  No.2711538

>>2710258 (prev) No, no...I don't think so...but think about it, October with high profiles doing the perp walk...will SLAUGHTER our Leftist Domestic Enemies chances and slam a lot of doors for holding office! Yes?

1da4e6  No.2711539


1. Huma Abedin

>>2711414 8/16 Spotted in NYC

2. Tony Podesta


3. John Podesta

>>2711163 - Last Tweet (8/4/18)

>>2711209 - Months Old Twitter Photo

>>2711314 - MSNBC Article (8/18)

>>2711359 - Last Seen 8/9

>>2711419 - Message in Recent Photo

>>2711472 - Utah Info

>>2711459 - Utah Info

4. Barack Obama

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711397 - Martha's Vinyard 8/6/18

5. Hillary Clinton

6. Awan

7. DWS

>>2711261 - 3d Printer Discussion 8/18

8. Joe Biden

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711273 - Canceled Event Per Dr. Order

9. NoName

>>2711191 - AWOL

10. Bill Clinton

11. Eric Braverman

>>2711482 - Oxford July 2018

12. WaldoAnon

13. Eric Schmidt

6c900e  No.2711540


I take a lot of pleasure telling you to demand JIDF pay you in precious metals because your going to need something other than paper when you begin your attempted escape.

5b9b28  No.2711541

b423f9  No.2711542

That’s a female


be2873  No.2711543

File: c8b662693a8e40a⋯.jpg (191.46 KB, 500x334, 250:167, Politicians-eating-the-pub….jpg)

File: 9a3be282c76a955⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 252x300, 21:25, McCain-Hillary.jpg)


▪It’s Not About Trump & People Are Too Stupid to Even Look at the Trend in Motion▪

QUESTION: It is so confusing. Hillary took money from foreign governments which is treason and that’s ok. Cohen pays two women to keep their mouth shut and that’s a crime? It seems that this is all one giant game to prevent any reform. They seem to select who to prosecute not because they did something. What is your opinion?


ANSWER: The interesting aspect is they have succeeded in turning this all about Trump as a person. The real story that shows how stupid people are for they hate Trump yet cannot really say what he has done to them to warrant this type of hatred. One crazy email said he is a liar how can you support him? First, they are all liars and secondly I do NOT support anyone Reoublican or Democrat. This is about a trend and stop looking at the people and look just for once at the TREND!!!!!!

Trump is by no means someone who walks on water. This is not even about left v right. This is all about removing an outsider. They constantly bash Trump personally and that is purely to distract people from the REAL objective here. There keep shifting things around like a street guy trying to get you to bet on where the ball is now. I knew Reagan’s campaign manager. Washington views him as an outsider who was only a governor. He was not regarded as one of them. It took a lot of time for even the Republican elite to accept Reagan.

This is really about having anyone who is not from Washington as president. They get all these people filled with such hatred it is amazing how STUPID they really are. What you see on TV is all a show. Behind the curtain, Republican and Democrats are all the same. The national debt keeps going regardless who is in power even Trump. The machine cannot be stopped and they do not want anyone from the outside looking in.

This is NOT about Trump and if he lied, had sex with 3 women at the same time or his taxes.

(((This is about protecting the ESTABLISHMENT and most people are just easily manipulated so they actually think this is about justice and Trump.)))

This is about taking the government back into the hand of those in Washington. Make no mistake about it, even John McCain voted for Hillary to keep the status quo.

To keep this personal, they get people to hate Trump and that leaves the ESTABLISHMENT to eat you for lunch. They keep the people divided between left and right so they never notice how much of their income is consumed by the government which produces NOTHING. This hatred is rising and that is the key component for civil war.

Those who think this is about supporting or opposing Trump for some political philosophy are plain gullible. There is so much more here going on behind the curtain. Those in power still REFUSE to accept that Trump was elected as a vote against THEM. We just saw the same thing in New York with the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Democrats are shocked she won but they too wrongly look at her victory as it must mean they want more socialism instead of looking at it as a vote against career politicians. The same is happening everywhere from Malaysia to Italy. It is just time for a major change because the system does not work anymore.


c53e72  No.2711544

File: d748cd3aa8c6919⋯.png (620.25 KB, 960x658, 480:329, Fired.png)

66a085  No.2711545

File: 73b8213e1697de7⋯.png (519.13 KB, 720x1129, 720:1129, Screenshot_20180823-085131….png)


cc1fd0  No.2711546


Heeeeeey, you -

What's up with your theme?

What are you looking for?

cecc80  No.2711547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

evil your time has expired

for the ==REAL== anons out there


RIP Garnett Silk

400caa  No.2711548


I know who E-BO T is. He and his girl Fool me 0% I see the patterns .

76ba13  No.2711549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Robert Steele is doing good work shining a spotlight on pedophiles in the UK with Sacha Stone.

We are the "Trump Channel", as Steele predicted in Mar 2017


0fab16  No.2711550


30 days for EACH PERSON…

A list of HOW many…

Now you know why he hasn't fired JS yet.

f45295  No.2711551

>>2711539 this is good

great idea/project/initiative

c8fb9c  No.2711552

File: c26f68a26c06288⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 403x252, 403:252, Colonists.jpg)

File: bc6815d54e45ac3⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 610x343, 610:343, GunsBorders.jpg)

c00acc  No.2711553


strom is good. africa twin would be nice, but costly.

go for a crf250l rally

af7f88  No.2711554


Seems logical

So much fuckery…

5b9b28  No.2711555

My theme is Q is a faggot.

e7cca7  No.2711556

File: 7fb41fea887d8c0⋯.jpg (89.31 KB, 647x755, 647:755, WJC-Hamptons-Softball-2013.JPG)

File: 5999154e0373ccb⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 638x306, 319:153, WJC_NYPost0816-Aug18Sat.JPG)


Bill Clinton

- Softball Tourney in Hamptons every 3rd Sat in August

- Bill went in 2013 (65th Annual)

- Pics all over the net

- NYP says Bill going this year (70th Annual)

- No pics or info in previews/cheesy 4 homevjds found this year

- Bill on AWOL Watch until further digs

ffd13a  No.2711557

Is POTUS setting himself up for impeachment?

Trump: "If I Got Impeached, The Market Would Crash And Everybody Would Be Very Poor"

cc1fd0  No.2711558

582050  No.2711559

anons apologies if this has been posted, but where does POTUS say nonames name…and along with that….i thought we didn't say his name

5b9b28  No.2711560

Trust the plan… school shootings this year will be off the chain.

4958c9  No.2711561

File: 599257cf72608c3⋯.png (45.42 KB, 774x152, 387:76, Screenshot_2018-08-23 CNN.png)

File: 59eab64acda3eb6⋯.png (40.42 KB, 774x152, 387:76, becauseCNN.png)



CNN…Racist, or Anti Trump?

Definitely not Pedo, or he would still be there.

(one of the pics is fake)

400caa  No.2711562

File: 4f23b1799c45a97⋯.jpg (19.4 KB, 255x147, 85:49, e8019af07943f99e2440aa2420….jpg)

3e79a5  No.2711563

File: fcd5c63c34f6df1⋯.jpg (231.43 KB, 715x709, 715:709, 80-2018-update-3.jpg)

>>2711141 lb

Nice! Update on the other side.


c8fb9c  No.2711564

File: 4432e12337b02cb⋯.gif (410.86 KB, 360x269, 360:269, FN_CNN2.gif)

4f297d  No.2711565


the Huber would know where the bodies are buried.

would explain Sessions picking a federal prosecutor from Utah of all places

would explain one of Trump's first actions at reducing size of national monument there

would explain podesta's trip there

might also explain that weird incident months ago when the nurse defended the truck driver in a coma from having his blood drawn by a corrupt Salt Lake City 'detective'.

8b923c  No.2711566


Really? If I were in Californis I could get up to 1 year for misgendering a person. LOL looks male to me but what do I know?

c8fb9c  No.2711567


This is a brilliant statement.

37e815  No.2711568


Everybody seems to forget that HRC & NoName were sporting "boots" for a long time…AND, miraculously NoNames "injury" switched legs & so did his "boot"!

How many others have we seen walking around in "boots" months ago?

663fa7  No.2711569

File: edf546d60103ad5⋯.jpeg (6.24 KB, 255x169, 255:169, peterstrnfdciuerbvriwprye….jpeg)

5b9b28  No.2711570

Hard to get the word out about Q if no one is allowed Q signs in rallies…weird idiotic plan.

4d7fee  No.2711571


>we should all be very fucking troubled.

So you are implying that we are being conned?

cc1fd0  No.2711572


Why is Q a faggot?

6327dd  No.2711573

File: c5d7921784ef445⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 610x407, 610:407, CIA Clowns in America.jpg)


Can't stand RDS

Total fraud.

Mars with the pedos.

Remind me never to look a Sacha Stone either.

Never heard that name before and don't need to look farther.

RDS covered up 9/11. He does what he is told.

Marketed to techies. Barf.

400caa  No.2711574

Oh I see Mrs. Default is awake and her black trash mind posting. How's the shekles this week? Counting down ….

3234c4  No.2711575

>>2711312 They have already failed. Massively and permanently. Many will not admit it, but thousands every day are voting with their feet and coming to us. Those who will not admit their failures will find the pit; forgiveness is impossible without acknowledging the wrong.

5740ca  No.2711576

File: ede292593d22b0d⋯.jpeg (914.52 KB, 1242x1371, 414:457, 1389C881-E075-4712-80AC-8….jpeg)

4f297d  No.2711577


sounds very reasonable to me

3c548f  No.2711578

Texasanon here. Q better fix this left bullshit narrative the democratfags are trying to force down our fuckingthoats. We dont want no open borders down here. We are swamped already. There are illegals everywhere. We dont want no transgender pussy hat liberal antia shit stains in our streets pushing their satanic insanity to our children. You listenin,Q ? Fucking handle that shit before the good ol boys down here have to mobilize and handle it for you. We will show you how it is done. DONT MESS WITH TEXAS.

5f0d7d  No.2711579

>>2711487 Did you see him on Fox this morning? He must be on hell of an actor

34330e  No.2711580

File: d6521d3c25f93da⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1877x2048, 1877:2048, bettersquareupnwo.jpg)


I at least posses logic

Your but a lowly mesmerized neophyte.

Simpletons posses no ability to question even themselves from time to time.

Nor can crazed lunatic self diagnose.

9da6c6  No.2711581


>In order to shut up the liberals

Follow the truth for truth's sake. Talk to those who will listen. But do not expect to get this comeuppance from everyone you know to have said retarded, hateful things. Many people's minds will not be changed from what the TV has programmed them for. It's unfortunate but reality. Don't constantly wait for that moment when you can scream 'See? I was right!' because you will be waiting forever.

5b9b28  No.2711582

Dead kids…get your dead kids here.

School shootings less than 2 weeks!!!

How much u want to bet the shooter will be wearing a Q T-shirt?

5558e9  No.2711583

File: 71866f57860d0dd⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 456x346, 228:173, qdessert.jpg)

Here's some advertising for the German Anons!

a964c9  No.2711584

File: a18c1a5a03747ae⋯.png (261.72 KB, 791x539, 113:77, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice work.


Had to be in DC at least two days ago


6e1d89  No.2711585


Yeah you are really showing the democrats that are moving to your state and starting to ruin parts of it.

0a0057  No.2711586

File: c158bdfb8d45901⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 2048x1321, 2048:1321, 58DBE5BA-455B-4785-960F-6….jpeg)

Bear ears was all about uranium! Cut off public access to sell uranium to the Russians….fuck Washington DC

b6dfe2  No.2711587

From Brietbart comment section:

(1) Isn't it interesting that in America, our flag and our culture offend so many people, but our benefits don't?

(2) How can the federal government ask U.S. citizens to pay back student loans, when illegal aliens are receiving a free education?

(3) Only in America are legal citizens labeled "racists" and "Nazis," but illegal aliens are called "Dreamers”.

(4) Liberals say, "If confiscating all guns saves just one life, it's worth it". Well then, if deporting all illegals saves just one life, wouldn't that be worth it?

(5) I have a tough time trying to figure out how someone can proudly wave the flag of another country, but consider it punishment to be sent back there.

6) The Constitution: It doesn't need to be rewritten, it needs to be reread.

(7) William F. Buckley said: "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other points of view, and are then shocked and offended when they discover there are other points of view."

(8) Joseph Sobran said: "'Need' now means wanting someone else's money. 'Greed' means wanting to keep your own. 'Compassion' is when a politician arranges the transfer."

76ba13  No.2711588


burp. fart.

34330e  No.2711589


Either we are

Or you have a President that is pulling a Con on the rest of America

What of those would you rather have?

Time for someone to come out of the closet and live in the light.

f45295  No.2711590


Yes, but being sat down for an hour+ interview, there are dozens of ways that he could be coaxed into questions/answers including his name.

It would have been less classy to squirm and twist and find ways not to say it still, rather than say it once or twice and get back to not saying his name. It was a long enough streak that it's been noticed, and serves as proof, so it's not big problem

a964c9  No.2711591



Wrong sauce


400caa  No.2711592

File: 3b3cf0574514c67⋯.jpg (37.87 KB, 400x387, 400:387, AbsolutlyHitler.jpg)

84d62e  No.2711593

Were there any notable deaths around the time

that Stryok and Page were in London?

Assange's lawyer, for instance??

ffd13a  No.2711594

File: 360633b3baa8715⋯.png (20 KB, 492x250, 246:125, Capture.PNG)

5g must be a huge threat

750134  No.2711595



0fab16  No.2711596


Those 2 aliens need to be put down.

Look at feet…almost looks like cloven hoof.

a9d2e1  No.2711597

File: c9f96161bd64e9d⋯.jpg (97.49 KB, 306x793, 306:793, [HA].jpg)


Does this not look like a woman who knows shit's about to go down…a big pile of shit…right on her head.

3c548f  No.2711598


Let them try to pull that Antifa riot shit down here. We got something for em.

c89528  No.2711599

6d5e24  No.2711600


it's dudes dressed in drag. Those are shoes. Weirdos https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/10/style/ugly-pictures-on-instagram.html

6e1d89  No.2711601


you mean like in austin and houston?

0fab16  No.2711602


Hey fuckwit, schools have already started back in some locations.

0e5cd6  No.2711603

File: e337072de14067e⋯.jpg (31.56 KB, 561x600, 187:200, candace mediate.jpg)

File: bb877498d596a60⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 593x325, 593:325, candace sam twat.jpg)

attacking /ourgirl/ Candace again..

I'm thinking this twatter 'Sam' works in the media.

Prizes for anyone who can confirm this piece of shit is one


4d9ec5  No.2711604


Oh yes agreed. Liberals have chosen their path for too long. It takes too much pride and ego to admit they were wrong. They dont have it in them

ffd13a  No.2711605

File: fc8197aae73eb69⋯.jpg (177.15 KB, 947x1184, 947:1184, kir75n0upby01.jpg)

5b9b28  No.2711606

13cff2  No.2711607



Helped anon? Lots of Fuckery went on in 2016 in regards to assanges team. Phonefagging but I believe there were four ?

0fab16  No.2711608


Men dressed in drag….demons.

Put them down!

4d9ec5  No.2711609

File: 944f6f4279a6dae⋯.jpg (77.07 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2ge4m2.jpg)

76ba13  No.2711610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Conversation with ex illuminati Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone


4f297d  No.2711611


I heard a fake news anchor mention how POTUS is misspelling 'councel' all the time in his tweets.

Could this be a clue for us as to what Mueller is really doing?

special counsel Mueller is really going after 'cabal' 'clintons' ?

da1e1c  No.2711612

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EThwj4NtnvU?start=107" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

5b9b28  No.2711613

Most schools go back after labor day dumbfuck.

582050  No.2711615


you done did fucked up

cd2a11  No.2711616

File: bf102c6ecbb21f0⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 387x600, 129:200, watch @.jpg)


Try Again.

4d9ec5  No.2711617


No not really

ffd13a  No.2711618


Time for you to take a time out. We don't need your negativity in here.

0fab16  No.2711619



Schools here have already started back up.

124283  No.2711620


You are catching on, anon.

There has been a lot of what appears to be very bad R outcomes that are only preparing the loudest Dems to bite it when it's their turn.

da1e1c  No.2711621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

663fa7  No.2711623

File: 408532e10de0c3f⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x184, 255:184, smwtfrutagvbayhgvd.jpg)

10ac71  No.2711624

File: a03e768b50007d5⋯.png (69.97 KB, 220x138, 110:69, indubitably.PNG)


>I at least posses logic

Still yet to demonstrate that

>Your but a lowly mesmerized neophyte

Ah, yes please regal me with your insight, your magesty

>Simpletons posses no ability to question even themselves from time to time

Is this you? You speak like you're from the Middle Ages.

Since you're so self aware and introspective why didn't you answer my question?

4972f1  No.2711625

File: 89d52b1d3a6a9ba⋯.jpeg (84.42 KB, 1242x826, 621:413, fireworks.jpeg)

File: a76dc5b2f2c6702⋯.jpg (150.73 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, magic.jpg)

cc1fd0  No.2711626


So, I asked why you believe Q is a faggot.

Haven't seen any response, yet.

da1e1c  No.2711627

b53599  No.2711628

File: f0040fec9f91855⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1440x1390, 144:139, Psychopathic-Eyes.jpg)

8a7e71  No.2711629

File: ad60dcfee51d855⋯.jpg (51.94 KB, 629x501, 629:501, DlSQ78cXoAAipgK.jpg)

File: 208334facd6d801⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 618x329, 618:329, DlSQ9NVWsAUUlPr.jpg)

"If you don't like white people being murdered then you're a white supremacist"

t.every jew on twitter rn

5b9b28  No.2711630

If the plan was real wouldn't there have been arrests before September to avoid false flag school shootings?

af7f88  No.2711631

File: 772f9e5efe79ca2⋯.jpg (156.55 KB, 800x600, 4:3, newspaper7.jpg)


Might explain why some odd creatures seemed to go to this place. I won't say aliens. But these Indians saw something there that they recorded on rocks.

cc1fd0  No.2711632



8b923c  No.2711633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2711542 it's a guy. 1:05 mark you can hear him say it

8ad35d  No.2711634


This will be a face/name to remember in the coming year

124283  No.2711635

File: c572b3968405c69⋯.jpg (19.41 KB, 255x245, 51:49, heart pepe.jpg)


Retrain your dopamine releases.

Go get a life.

All will go well whether you are here or not.

Not bashing - have a great life. If this board is not part of your great life, find something that will be.

0fab16  No.2711636


Was like that about 20 years ago, old timer.

4d7fee  No.2711637

File: 7d56f85854914f6⋯.jpg (22.56 KB, 219x301, 219:301, 55.jpg)


>What of those would you rather have?

A President that is pulling a Con on the rest of America.

This is a systemic take over, a taking America back. I believe it does require some con games.

However, it is wearing thin and I would prefer they quit with the this is not a game game and go for the fucking jugular.

But what I want, and what is going to happen are two different things. Until Christ returns, expect more of the same.

b437c9  No.2711638

File: 361d8d81cbe46fb⋯.jpg (33 KB, 768x576, 4:3, hillary.jpg)

File: e417ad2635032bb⋯.jpg (937.75 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, P20171005JB-0725.jpg)

>>2711111 3423

Just curious about him standing with hands crossed clutcing whatever that is(looks like Ranger Beret) while others are at least attempting to grab trouser seams.

For reference...


6327dd  No.2711639

File: 571edc10100a94d⋯.png (401.28 KB, 600x761, 600:761, katenewsweek.png)


Your logic stinks.

"Oh if he was really guilty he would not be so bold"

Right, and when the killer leaves the bloody knife on the kitchen table it proves he didn't do it since "If he did it he wouldn't be so stupid"

P.S. shill argument.

And yeah you got me.

You get your .10 cents or whatever for the you

Actually, his manner proves the opposite of what you try to claim it proves.

Just as the bloody knife on the kitchen table would tend to prove the guilt of the murderer.

You're fucking "smart and one half "

Too smart.

You're the type who uses specious argument and confidence to sow doubt and confuse people

Con Man

And saying 100,000,000 to ZERO HRC would win also implies not only that he's ready to kill POTUS but also all of Donald Trump's followers.

What happened to the Republicans in that sceanario.

Yes, they are into genocide. What do you think the mass surveillance was for?

It's D.C. Worse than Chinatown.

Strzok actually plotted it in plain sight.

ffd13a  No.2711640

File: 0502d0c4b177a81⋯.png (180.35 KB, 684x724, 171:181, e2c8l6qm3uh11.png)

af7f88  No.2711641


Or it possibly was just the peyote talking

442f85  No.2711642

File: 00010357b3b67d4⋯.gif (2.38 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, AI Anon Mein Neger.gif)

0a0057  No.2711643


Prob radiation poisoning

5b9b28  No.2711644

Q is a faggot because this part of the plan makes no sense.

Seriously how was this not done in a way to make sure false flag school shootings wouldn't happen? They have it all right?

84d62e  No.2711645


Trump loves military people.

Trump has always supported police and fire people.

Trump is holding his cards so close to his chest

because the world depends on this.

Trump is real.

This is not a game.

Timing is everything.

He can't run a country without a Congress

and if 3/4 of the congress are crooks

society would collapse.

It is very important to stability

to wait until a new Congress is elected.

The economy will stabilize.

We have no choice but to wait

but we have been given hope

and that hope will not be betrayed.

We can wait.

ce6235  No.2711646


why am I not surprised that these shit stains think its ok for black people to kill whites and take their land and if you think its bad you are racist. I get so tired of the racist card because its always a racist idiot just projecting.

442f85  No.2711647


Its heart looks heavy, Kek.

780db8  No.2711648

File: b8e1c4f35437e3e⋯.jpg (16.35 KB, 275x183, 275:183, IMG_3789.JPG)

>>2711237 LB

124283  No.2711649



POTUS has been known to bake in the mornings. ;)

af7f88  No.2711650


Another possibility Anon.

eb84ec  No.2711651

File: e3825f90015bad7⋯.jpeg (385.55 KB, 750x950, 15:19, FF653D0C-7C1A-4959-AE7B-3….jpeg)

Interdasting flashback, give it a listen

*Eric Whitaker*

https:// twitter.com/wiredsources/status/1032627403988852739?s=21

e7cca7  No.2711652

File: a089f437ee4c18d⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 979x632, 979:632, LL-FAMU-website0412re0512.JPG)


Loretta Lynch

- doesn't get out much

- doesn't say much

- Spoke at Florida A&M May 12 2018

bcbaf6  No.2711653

File: b60104920b7ebc5⋯.png (127.59 KB, 921x742, 921:742, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

Avenatti twat


We will be moving quickly to have the court rule on this pending motion seeking depositions of Cohen & Trump and an expedited trial. The American people deserve to know the truth about the conduct of Trump and his cover-up. And we intend on disclosing it.



937fc4  No.2711654

File: 0420802472c9d11⋯.png (259.4 KB, 630x539, 90:77, 1_POTUS_82318.png)

Pic Related. PDT.

Video clip from Fox interview, where he states:

The Press is not the enemy of the people, but Fake News is.

That Fake News makes up 80% of the coverage of him.

That the NYT cannot write a good story about him. He refers to them as "Crazed" and "like Lunatics".


(Reddit spacing intentional)

45ad47  No.2711655

File: 9ce8d618ae02fbf⋯.jpg (108.46 KB, 306x793, 306:793, huma poopy head.jpg)


i see it

dd8b72  No.2711656


>>2711246 (lb)- on Australia

>So you think Dutton actually going to do what's right for the people?

>No firm opinion, just asking, long time away.

Time would tell. At least though, immigration would be kept on top of and dealt with in the manner in which it should.

>>2711277 (lb)


>Fuck yeah, I totally agree with that.

>Time to do some exports, no fucking around.


Exports are long past due, in my opinion. Well, long past. Our pensioners and elderly should not be starving and homeless and broke at the expense of parasitic invaders that are here under the guise of "diversity"

Well said, that man (/woman).

34330e  No.2711657


Just go on

Your psyche is far to fragile to ask an honest question of your own assumptions.

Don't let me honest request of logical thinking upset your apple cart.

Quite simple.

Someone, is lying. Who is it?

Q or the POTUS?

If Q and POTUS are the same entity

Then POTUS is lying to the USA in his regards of Sessions

OR Q is lying to us about Sessions

Either way, one of these two entities that we have put our full trust in, is lying big time.

So, we get to choose what lie we want to support.

Get it now?

15e296  No.2711658


Yeah, That's Joseph Votel

5b9b28  No.2711659

Silence. Great.

Why is Q team OK with school shootings?? Why does Q love cock sooooo much?

4d9ec5  No.2711660


I still cant figure out if MA is an actor

8a7e71  No.2711661


>Your logic stinks.

>P.S. shill argument.

>You get your .10 cents or whateve

>You're fucking "smart and one half "

>You're the type who uses specious argument and confidence to sow doubt and confuse people

>Con Man


u so mad rn

dude writes 1 fucking line and gets 8 super mad yous.

if you can't derbunk or rebut in 1 line sans spergout you totall failed. kys.

48bbb3  No.2711662


"[can't tell] State Reservation" what state reservations are in sedona?

be2873  No.2711663

File: d5c84dae4728f61⋯.gif (3.17 MB, 320x180, 16:9, d5c84dae4728f61a825d673e79….gif)

e6f3df  No.2711664

This whole Q/PSB thing is obviously a group of Never Trumpers and the DNC who have teamed up to do there best to keep the American people from rising up against deep state traitors like Sessions, Wray, McCain, and all the rest. You dullards who cant simply look up Huber, Sessions, Wray, and the rest and see how long and how far back they have been a part of the machine that has consistently stripped the American people of their rights in a Uniparty Globalist fashion are blind at best, and active traitors at worst.

It is so simple. This is an Op designed specifically to protect the very peeps who are trying to bring down Trump.

President Trump has called out Sessions as a complete scumbag a thousand times.

But you peeps want to keep shouting that Sessions is a good guy.

Not a single one of you are now, or ever have been Autists. Otherwise you would have caught on very quickly how even the whole "No-Name" scam was a plot to protect McCain from being mentioned and to keep the American people from rising up and demanding him to be removed.

For those here seeking hope, I feel for you. Truly I do. But this whole thing is a deep state operation run by Globalist backing scumbags who are doing their best to deceive you into protecting the very deep state that you oppose.

You have been warned.

eb7a05  No.2711665


This is NOT a Torah. Educate yourself, faggot (shill).

c53e72  No.2711666

ffd13a  No.2711667

File: fa8c4ac528a1153⋯.png (528.26 KB, 728x908, 182:227, 93dmNkH.png)

BTW: Thanks Baker!

5b9b28  No.2711668

Qs plan involves lots of dead kids. Trust.

4972f1  No.2711669


Taking fashion tips from Hillary (the daughter of a drapery fabric printer), I see.

1da4e6  No.2711670


1. Huma Abedin

>>2711414 8/16 Spotted in NYC

2. Tony Podesta


3. John Podesta

>>2711163 - Last Tweet (8/4/18)

>>2711209 - Months Old Twitter Photo

>>2711314 - MSNBC Article (8/18)

>>2711359 - Last Seen 8/9

>>2711419 - Message in Recent Photo

>>2711472 - Utah Info

>>2711459 - Utah Info

4. Barack Obama

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711397 - Martha's Vinyard 8/6/18

5. Hillary Clinton

6. Awan

>>2711584 - DC 8/20

7. DWS

>>2711261 - 3d Printer Discussion 8/18

8. Joe Biden

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711273 - Canceled Event Per Dr. Order

9. NoName

>>2711191 - AWOL

10. Bill Clinton

>>2711556 - Eyes on BC

11. Eric Braverman

>>2711482 - Oxford July 2018

12. Eric Schmidt

13. John Solomon

14. Loretta Lynch

>>2711652 - May 12 2018 speaking engagement

15. Assange

eed85a  No.2711672


I would say this is probably pretty notable.

3c548f  No.2711673


Nephilim! Come on down here to Texas. We got somethin fo ya.

be2873  No.2711674

File: 9630b1fd93b7f39⋯.jpg (30.63 KB, 470x311, 470:311, x5nk8.jpg)



It's OK to go fuck yourself. Start anytime you like.

84d62e  No.2711675



every time I saw the Capitol when it was

being fixed – with the framing all around it

it gave me the heebie jeebies

it reminded me of how the twin towers

had to be loaded with explosives at the beams

they had to have access to the beams

47d5c0  No.2711676

SALT Conference

Who was there?

What happened?

All connected?

Grandpa Joe not so folksy.

They love their bridges.

2017 Summit a sham

Who organized to get DS in one place?

Why fired so quickly?

DJT knows

Q knows

CASSE knows

Check the list.

Many CORE members.

Clintons connected.

e92366  No.2711677

6373c8  No.2711678

File: 4d3e8f2623bed4c⋯.jpg (17.1 KB, 327x291, 109:97, 1po3sc.jpg)


thats why im here bro



f45295  No.2711679


SAD HUMA is even better meme fodder than Sad Jim Acosta

every damn pic of her ever she looks so damn miserable

hey huma was it worth it?

all those hours in Hill's fronthole… for THIS?

1987ca  No.2711680


nice Trips.

830602  No.2711681


I liked how he had to mention " We like to put "Justice" in Quotation"

3c548f  No.2711682


Send them to Oak Cliff. One way trip.

2f1740  No.2711683

File: 7615b7da436e639⋯.jpg (63.68 KB, 550x309, 550:309, whitaker eye.jpg)

d189dc  No.2711684

File: 67b9b397aa87a28⋯.jpg (71.27 KB, 952x594, 476:297, DlSlUpSV4AELqgS.jpg)

be2873  No.2711685

File: 8ba91a3e1fb020b⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB, 533x518, 533:518, DjimIzNU8AAnZA8.jpeg)

File: 79efe88417a1aec⋯.jpg (940.53 KB, 1500x1264, 375:316, 79efe88417a1aeca72d6c0ab62….jpg)

File: 5dbc44cc09b9e10⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 340x408, 5:6, 2evlto.jpg)

f45295  No.2711686



how about a battle between con-shill and think-of-the-children-shill


15e296  No.2711687



Now that yo have these two pics together, wow coersion??? Not looking so white after all!!! IJS

7805e4  No.2711688

manafort worked with mccain? never knew that

af7f88  No.2711689

File: 748320802223358⋯.jpg (108.88 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_4255.JPG)


Better pic of sign. Nothing special I can see.

I think the message was his tweet saying "recommend getting to bears ears".

Much like the Red meet me in Seoul crap for Obummer

582050  No.2711690

File: 7b02575b3e75a19⋯.png (956.33 KB, 766x709, 766:709, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons…thought on this connection between Macaulay Culkin's bunny ears fetish?

8a7e71  No.2711691

File: df94b98ccfb56f6⋯.jpg (66.67 KB, 1200x716, 300:179, DlMRFkdV4AACsYn.jpg)

116bf4  No.2711692

File: effb71249db8e36⋯.jpg (110.8 KB, 770x577, 770:577, as fast as possible.jpg)


This one is definitely the one you one, in my opinion.

c53e72  No.2711693

File: 26efce25ed4fb75⋯.png (108.74 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorGTFO.png)


Shooter Drills File Names… What an Idiot…


bcbaf6  No.2711694


Horowitz concurred. The IG cited suspicions that the inaction "was a politically motivated attempt to bury information that could negatively impact the chances of Hillary Clinton in the election.”

He noted that on Nov. 3, after Comey notified Congress of the search, Strzok created a suspiciously inaccurate “Weiner timeline” and circulated it among the FBI leadership.

The odd document, written after the fact, made it seem as if New York hadn’t fully processed the laptop until Oct. 19 and had neglected to fill headquarters in on details about what had been found until Oct. 21. In fact, New York finished processing on Oct. 4 and first began reporting back details to top FBI executives as early as Sept. 28.



we're finally getting to the good stuff!

eed85a  No.2711695

So how shilly is it here today?

3c548f  No.2711696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f24955  No.2711697

File: a5e78ff01bb528c⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 640x640, 1:1, iamthestorm.jpg)

File: 1c3131464cc258c⋯.jpg (12.51 KB, 255x178, 255:178, biggerthananyonecouldimagi….jpg)

Goodmorning Anons, everyone ready for another day of winning bigly?

116bf4  No.2711698

442f85  No.2711699

File: 8fa535998d735cf⋯.gif (3.88 KB, 300x200, 3:2, 200.gif)


They have already lost, resistance is futile, GAME OVER [C]lowns [I]n [A]merica.

544664  No.2711700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

663fa7  No.2711702

File: 3e3a7c6bf916753⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 172x225, 172:225, goml2dgdlz.jpg)

3c548f  No.2711703


You might need a light sweater.

6373c8  No.2711704

trump says he might pardon manafort


582050  No.2711705


Credit goes to another anon on fuckbook

"My personal take on the Symbolism of Bunny ears:

It pains me very much to even think about this connection And then to create this picture comparison. 😫 Do you see it even before you read my commentary? I’ve been sitting on this photo for a while but as I continue to research, I find that this could very well be the reason perpetrators and victims have an obsession with the bunny and bunny ears symbolism. Most of us have seen all of these pictures, but I haven’t seen anyone talk about what they look like. So I’m going to tell you what I think is the connection with bunny ears, and the pedo/satanic world.

#1. Take a look at the artwork by Biljana Djurdjevic which the art group was entitled “Living in Oblivion”. Oblivion is defined as “a state of being completely forgotten; The state of being completely destroyed. “ I’m not going to describe what we all know if you are woke. 😢 When I see this horrific picture I see something that when she painted it was VERY specific, and deliberate. I do not think that the arms are hanging there by mistake or in that way or tied up haphazardly. I think they resemble large bunny ears. I see this as the method used by the satanic pedophiles and probably for thousands of years and I believe that is why this photo brings so much horrific emotion to those of us that see that evil for what it is.

#2. I find the bunny ears within the pentagram (I’ll post full pic in comments) very telling as well! I think that pretty much sums it up!

#3. I also want to make the connection between “Alice and Wonderland” and the bunny ears. Do you understand the reason why we say that we’re “going down the rabbit hole?” As you can probably guess it was initiated by the “Alice in Wonderland” story created by: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson aka: Lewis Carroll. What you may not know is he is said to have had an affair or sexual obsession with a minor 11 yr old named “Alice Liddell”. Dodgson’s family history was also connected to royalty in England reaching Bishop of Elphin and/or clergy status and deacons. Dodgson also took up photography where most of his work disappeared it is said that just over half his surviving work depicts young girls, though about 60% of his original for photographic portfolio is now missing. He also had a predilection for drawing & photographing CHILDREN IN THE NUDE!

Even if you look into the 2nd book which was “Through The Looking-Glass” you will find the name “Jabberwocky” which in order for Alice to read it she has to see it in a mirror. (Research the “backwards” writings of satanism &/or the Satanist “Occult Law of Reversal” by Aleister Crowley). The Jabberwocky also is depicted and understood as a dragon-type monster. Satan is mentioned in scripture as the “dragon”.

I could go into the symbolism of a black and white duality fight and red ALL over his writings, Guy Fawkes night and much more, but then this would be a book! (FYI Our word “snark” also came from Dodgson’s 3rd book nonsensical writings of “The Hunting of the Snark”.)

But how does Alice tie into this?

What you may not know is that it is also has ties to the MK ULTRA program. Many people just use the umbrella term of MK ULTRA but what many don’t know is there were 149 sub projects! And said 33 additional subprojects concerning certain “intelligence activities’ found under MK UKTRA (If you don’t believe MK ultra is real, I don’t know what to do with you 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️, but I can tell you that you can read the actual report sent to Kennedy because it’s available through the FOIA & I have it and have read it)

In Alice and Wonderland, Alice is the slave and the “white rabbit” is the “handler” Who tells her to go down the rabbit hole. What it does is disassociate her from her world, and from the trauma she’s about to go through. Think also rebirth which as you may know is incredibly symbolic on its own. In pedo and satanism the disassociation is for sexually based trauma.

#4. Don’t even get me started on Hugh Hefner and his “Playboy Bunny” with even recent findings of hidden tunnels from his home!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤢

#5. Let’s recall the recent QDrop regarding Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt heir) and his mother’s necklace that is in the shape of… Yes, Rabbit Ears (I’ll post in comments) Not to leave out the MAJOR importance of the Bilmore’s “underground, inside pool” that happens to have the same wood bench as found in the other artwork by Djurdjevic.

Which leads me to the next point…

#6. The Underground. They have been performing these rituals underground and via secret tunnels and places for generations. The “bunny” gets you down there doesn’t he."

582050  No.2711706



"I don't think it’s just one reason. I do think it all ties together. And it doesn’t have to be one reason or the other. I think Lucifer is so deceptive and tricky that it’s all tied and completely on purpose. And yes, I’m digging into the Easter Bunny….

One personal point: I really don’t care about the celebrities, only those that are children. But the problem with celebrities is that people living in a cloud follow them and they are EVERYWHERE. But the adults didn’t have to be celebrities, they bought into it, and they obeyed it, don’t forget that!

Remember: “Their symbolism will be there downfall.”

What do you think??"

830602  No.2711707


I think you need moar than that….time for a heavy coat!!! SO SHILLY!!

f45295  No.2711708

>>2711697 and how!

>>2711695 nice comfy breeze of shillery

6c900e  No.2711709


Aliens having a fucking party?

dd8b72  No.2711710

File: 0cfbcbef7f3f1cc⋯.png (730.74 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, RXN- Your Turn.png)



>This is NOT a Torah. Educate yourself, faggot (shill).

OK, fair comment. If it is not a Torah, and I take your word for it, what is it then? I, for one, am genuinely interested.

Could you please enlighten us, with source(s).

8f6edd  No.2711711


So the interview was pretty much just another interview? Last night, anons were thinking he was going to drop a bombshell.

0a0057  No.2711712


Lazy left eye….creative part of your brain being fucked with

2325d1  No.2711713

File: 150f074750bfae2⋯.png (1005.68 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm told this was located in Dalton GA but I have no way to confirm.

98d658  No.2711714

IS this the one LARP to rule them all?

d188ee  No.2711715

"Give me proof. That ANYTHING is happening".

Well…let's see….one random Nobodyfag comes in and says "fuck Q" and everyone gets all pissy, why? Let's look at the facts:

Q has gone on for 10 months, in one week. Next week will be 10 months of "LARP'ing". Now, to go with this LARP accusation many make, let's again look at some notable things:

For 10 months this "LARP" has been viewed by:

MilitaryAnons. Lawfags. DoctorFags. Sciencefags. Teacherfags. Collegefags. Corporatefags, DumbFags, Autists, Detectivefags, Analyticalfags, Blue collarfags, White collarfags. Internationalfags, and so many more.

And seems valid to all these types of minds, ethnicities, countries and people. The world is connecting. Exactly what [they] don't want.

Q has said Fake News is the biggest divider. Normies eat it up.Be smarter. What has been learned here if you fall for the same tricks over and over?

If Q is a LARP, why is anyone coming to this board to slide, concern, complain, etc? If I saw a board of people claiming Santa Claus was real, I'd roll my eyes and move on to important shit. I wouldn't waste my time. So, you have people coming in here, wasting their time - telling you that you are all here wasting your time.


How many hollywood grotesque have edited their Twitter recently?

How many people are against POTUS? Has any President at any time ever been this hated? Bush Jr. went to war with Iraq and pushed us into a housing crisis (from normie perspective), and wasn't hated this much. Nixon was impeaxhed and wasn't hated this much! Dems just want him OUT. Why?


Stop feeding shills. Stop falling for fake news. Stop building a golden calf every time Q disappears for 20 minutes.

Positive thoughts = positive changes. Negative thoughts = negative changes.

Now why do they always push negativity?

Are there questions and concerns? Absolutely! And it's ok to have them. But do not feed the trolls with them. Research them.

One thing is clear. There is a connection between POTUS and QAnon. Now, how well intended are they? It would seem, well intentions with all the craziness going on.

If you can't sit back and enjoy the show. Change the channel for a while and come back. Sometimes you have to miss a few episodes to regain your love for it.


7e4184  No.2711716

Cuase was doomed when the mindless boomers started rocking up to Trump rallies without DIRECT confirmation that this is even legit. Since these occurances, Q has seriously lost credibility. Face it Anons, I've been here almost every single day since Q was Anon on 4ch. It's over, go back to your lives.

f45295  No.2711717


it's only dwarfed by those who larp as antiQ

c53e72  No.2711718

File: 69ebff25321a32a⋯.png (117.24 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorCFBH.png)

66a085  No.2711719

File: 57b3e1e2fd65d4e⋯.png (57.91 KB, 720x420, 12:7, Screenshot_20180823-091926….png)

Flip the script POTUS! We are ready!!

48bbb3  No.2711720


Fag, got owned by this guy


You are a big fat shill and proved it by answering a legitimate logical criticism of all shills

you guys >>2711596 >>2711605

were very easily distracted by an obvious shill technique of throwing in a completely unrelated picture to the discussion. so you you fags need to lurk moar.

f45295  No.2711721


> everyone gets all pissy

oh poor child, you definitely must redefine your conception of

< everyone

98d658  No.2711722


dce5b6  No.2711723

File: ecabeacd046b04d⋯.jpg (86.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)



a2956c  No.2711724

File: 51c1278ac09dfcc⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 1290x934, 645:467, Capture.JPG)


Evansville, IN Trump Rally. Get Official Tickets Here

Event Schedule

Thu, August 30, 2018

Evansville, IN

07:00 pm (CST)


The Ford Center

1 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard

Evansville, IN 47708


4972f1  No.2711725

837cf8  No.2711726

File: f8e8786f9a9faf2⋯.jpg (128.13 KB, 340x424, 85:106, sayaclown.jpg)


But I know what (((you))) are…

30cb33  No.2711727

is some leveling up needed before the next part? collectively? this "doesn't have to be torture"


d188ee  No.2711728


Just trying to bring perspective to those whom need such right now.

9ef3b2  No.2711729


I support this. It's the next logical step—where are these people and what are they doing?

663fa7  No.2711730

File: 45615e0950e02bf⋯.png (6.46 KB, 188x82, 94:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d68c148832c9eba⋯.png (493.33 KB, 980x258, 490:129, Screenshot_2018-08-23 SALT….png)

File: 6e07db050fbb3d6⋯.png (467.58 KB, 980x248, 245:62, Screenshot_2018-08-23 SALT….png)

File: 4bd5e05704e3435⋯.png (481.73 KB, 980x247, 980:247, Screenshot_2018-08-23 SALT….png)

cd5020  No.2711731


Just my thought, its the usual "ill kill your friends to keep you in check" kind of thing.

5740ca  No.2711732


Think so too

3234c4  No.2711733

File: a12db404d4533af⋯.png (14.99 KB, 240x304, 15:19, SitHeart.png)


ThankQ fren.

f45295  No.2711734


that by itself is not an unworthy cause, but your reading of the illusory board "consensus" is far too naive

cd5020  No.2711735



skybridge just reminded me how Obongo tried to call Kim on his old number before the summit began

cc1fd0  No.2711736


There are no guarantees in anything, Anon.

It's incredibly sad and disheartening when things go wrong.

And then we put one foot in front of the other and KEEP doing that until we get to where we want to be. :)

bcbaf6  No.2711737

File: 218d1f46e6938be⋯.png (744.71 KB, 928x1241, 928:1241, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

File: 374ca2859f18fc0⋯.png (140.62 KB, 889x525, 127:75, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

What in the wangdoodle is habbening to Minnesota!?


663fa7  No.2711738

File: 45b7fc46d4b2b06⋯.png (447.06 KB, 980x241, 980:241, Screenshot_2018-08-23 SALT….png)

File: f80e7a4d9539477⋯.png (471.67 KB, 980x253, 980:253, Screenshot_2018-08-23 SALT….png)



https:// live.saltconference.com/saltvegas2017/experience-salt.html

f45295  No.2711739


liebe dich, schatz, vielen dank

e92366  No.2711740

File: 0c2897adc4aad30⋯.jpg (73.36 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Sheepnomore.jpg)

b437c9  No.2711741


The optics of it do not paint a picture of being on the team. How did Drill Instructors, Drill Sergeants, or TIs know when someone was fucking up? It was visible because there was no uniformity.

a5d088  No.2711742

File: 31380cc7aaaf0f5⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 542x340, 271:170, Screen Shot 2018-08-17 at ….jpg)

4d7fee  No.2711743


I sure hope so.

48bbb3  No.2711744


Are those the metal plates Clif High talked about? that they found in Jordan and verified with metallurgical analysis?

d188ee  No.2711745


If even one real anon has some doubt and my post brings him some new info or comfort, it was worthwhile. ;)

544664  No.2711746

File: b5d8dbea4dc8cef⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 840x395, 168:79, quote-people-often-tell-me….jpg)

98d658  No.2711747


>What in the wangdoodle is habbening to Minnesota!?

Minessota got intentionally Somalied because Minessotans (as I understand it) have a lot of Swedish ancestors. The Swedecuck gene is real.

2c88c2  No.2711748


Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.

The Art of War

30cb33  No.2711749

it's complicated. be patients. and don't act like nothing hasn't changed

dd8b72  No.2711750

442f85  No.2711751

File: ce963c319317eef⋯.jpg (31.91 KB, 621x414, 3:2, Underground.jpg)



f45295  No.2711752


yes, but going around spreading false statements about what "everyone" thinks is truly very dumb, and terrible, terrible help for newfags, just saying

af7f88  No.2711753


Beautiful quote

4d9ec5  No.2711754


>Last night, anons were thinking he was going to drop a bombshell.

Those anons are retarded. The BOMB we want isnt going to come from a thursday morning interview

be2873  No.2711755

File: 9f86da99ac32d11⋯.jpg (315.5 KB, 657x879, 219:293, i-am-the-storm.jpg)

File: fea6c514a22056c⋯.jpg (69.09 KB, 944x572, 236:143, daniel-in-the-lions-den-by….jpg)

bcbaf6  No.2711756

File: 21709fffcd5bd5b⋯.png (870.37 KB, 906x1253, 906:1253, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

weird huffpo dude twat

I sit in my tram…


ffd13a  No.2711757

DNC Backpedals After Cyberattack "Hack" Was Actually A Security "Test"

The DNC has backpedaled on a report by CNN that a "sophisticated attempt to hack into its voter database" had been discovered by San Francisco-based cybersecurity firm Lookout - whose co-founder John Hering contributed $30,700 to the DNC in June of 2016, along with $2,700 to Hillary Clinton the same day. It's not Lookout's fault, however, as they were simply "looking out" for the Democratic National Committee when they discovered a "simulated phishing test" they assumed was real.


5449c3  No.2711758


Yes! you have sauce? I cant find it. Almost like it was scrubbed. I saw it on twitter tht linked to youtube.

d188ee  No.2711759


I appreciate that 15PoatFag. But I think most understand "everyone" was a general/blanket statement. Hypothetical. Appreciate it.

48bbb3  No.2711760



keep in mind, no one is saying those "Torahs" are 2000 years old, just the synogog.

6c900e  No.2711761


They had to go to the Jews to get the last false flag done. Because you have to have lots of planning and you have to have total control of the police and the politicians and the schools in the targeted area. Obama went to the Jewish Elders and they put together that Florida event.

It is going to be harder now. But we shall see. Should be near a major MKultra training center.

1b97b5  No.2711762

File: ac4f11d69c4cc87⋯.jpg (66.79 KB, 946x532, 473:266, 1535034212434.jpg)


Q is a team of operatives.

66a085  No.2711763

File: ffe2ed9d105b38a⋯.png (653.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20180823-092741.png)

I love these new outdoor videos. New location looks nice in the videos.

76ba13  No.2711764

File: 4e986b960e45cb0⋯.png (735.88 KB, 868x947, 868:947, sedona1.png)

File: 391c999230a3327⋯.png (696.95 KB, 847x947, 847:947, sedona2.png)

File: fa105760bad29fd⋯.png (697.35 KB, 838x953, 838:953, sedona3.png)

File: 2c5e58b9eaad712⋯.png (712.28 KB, 856x945, 856:945, sedona4.png)

File: 19f35da887352d4⋯.png (712.1 KB, 832x948, 208:237, sedona5.png)

No Name's little club of high rollers

The Sedona Forum - 2018 invite-only list


b5c2a3  No.2711765


Best guess yet

4f297d  No.2711766


these two , Hunter and Collins, are in two states where I imagine there are a high number of sealed indictments awaiting a lot of democrats.

f45295  No.2711767


>most understand "everyone" was a general/blanket statement.

maybe those that do already, but those aren't the ones who would need the help/advice.

this kind of "everyone" is so easily faked, you have to learn not to fall for it, and it's quite sad to see that you do, even with good intentions

4d7fee  No.2711768


>it gave me the heebie jeebies

Q told us about something that had been installed in the oval office that could harm POTUS and had to be removed. I'm with you though, much work was done while Hussein was festering there. Considering the source, it was probably bad. The ultimate terror target.

Lets hope it's all been rooted out.

8a7e71  No.2711769

File: 5cc1de63d707cd9⋯.jpg (106.55 KB, 760x1024, 95:128, DlQxHBLV4AAwXVG.jpg)

Joe "Blockhead" (((Bernstein))) lmao.

Daily reminder:

"Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."

6e176b  No.2711770



Neil Cavuto,$100

8a7e71  No.2711771

Jews are being openly supremacist at this point. No turning back now.

5740ca  No.2711772

File: fd3f645edceac3c⋯.jpeg (362.64 KB, 1242x1209, 414:403, 25BED863-0F10-473E-82A0-B….jpeg)



3c548f  No.2711773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dd8b72  No.2711774


Sorry, i don't know.

48eaa5  No.2711775

File: aca68cc2e5bc1d3⋯.jpg (42.94 KB, 650x366, 325:183, D649F042-3DC7-485B-8AB9-23….jpg)

Q warned of fake Q supporters

He was not just talking about rallies

they are here

Here is one place they come from in St Petersburg

Think Logically who wants you divided?

Who gains the most from a weakened U.S.?

Here are there tactics, they attack anyone who confronts them.


Russian Troll Tactics Used on Reddit:

They like to call you Shill/ShareBlue/CTR/David Brock/xx-day-old-account instead of actually addressing any of the arguments you made. I always thought this was just Trump Supporters in general, and it made me think they were illogical than they actually are. I now see that in some instances, I probably was fooled by their propaganda as well now. They made me more divided against my political opposites than I should have been. Seems like an issue for a country that needs to unite to kick out a Putin President no?

They like to hide behind non-sensical arguments. And they know it. That's why they are trolls. Especially they like to use the "it's just circumstantial evidence" argument when offered with direct evidence.

They love Straw Man arguments. And they knew when they are using them.

If they really want to shut down your message on a sub. Many of them will come at you in bunches instanteneously. Keep in mind they work in the same rooms. They have multiple accounts if not hundreds they can log into to further hide themselves.

They like to support their propaganda posts with links to legit news articles that they say support the claim they are making. They expect you not to click the article and read that it doesnt actually support their claims at all. They are really tricky with this tactic.

Ignore proof, say it's all just speculation and Fake News, no matter how credible the source.

Call your sanity into question when you simply speak common sense (gaslight trolling).

Say that nobody believes you, even when there are a metric fuckton of comments agreeing with you (consensus manufacturing)

Demand proof for things that they know you can't conclusively prove, but ignore the mountain of evidence that it's true.

3234c4  No.2711776

File: 85c4f1a729b502a⋯.jpg (710.31 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Vol43!Awakening43.jpg)

File: 1d981636e9dfe2a⋯.jpg (5.47 KB, 237x213, 79:71, AwakAF.jpg)

File: 88f766d21fc1482⋯.jpg (74.17 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Awakening22.jpg)

File: cf519ee97127eba⋯.jpg (118.9 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Awakening200.jpg)

File: f001ec77c4d55c7⋯.jpg (595.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Q - R U awake.jpg)


There's a certain kind of comfy

Where you know /ourguys/ are in control

You know /ourguys/ have it all

Even though certain plot elements aren't publicly resolved yet

We trust the plan.

God bless patriots.


3c548f  No.2711777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a6fcc5  No.2711778

Republicans in the House of Representatives have knocked heads with Rosenstein over thousands of documents related to the genesis of the FBI counterintelligence probe that predated Mueller’s appointment and focused on the Trump campaign.

The DOJ has produced some documents, withheld others on grounds that they could jeopardize an ongoing investigation, and heavily redacted others. Congressional Republicans point to the unquestionable oversight authority given Congress by Article I of the Constitution and contend the DOJ is interfering with that authority.

Trump suggested at some point that he would order Rosenstein to give the House what it wants.

“At the right time, I think I’m going to have to do the documents,” he said. “I didn’t want to. But I think I’m gonna have to. There’s such corruption.”

Trump also said federal prosecutors should turn some of their attention to crimes he says 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton committed as secretary of state in her handling of classified information.

“And this Justice Department does nothing about it,” he said.


3a6ca0  No.2711779

Key dates - any others?

[2018_08_23] Reality Winner scheduled to be sentenced

[2018_08_28] Bruce Ohr closed-door hearing

[2018_08_30] Fusion GPS will be deposed in Washington, DC for Gubarev v Buzzfeed lawsuit

[2018_09_07] Papadopoulos sentencing date

[2018_09_17] Flynn sentencing date


4958c9  No.2711780

File: 8085ae998348d45⋯.jpg (129.61 KB, 577x380, 577:380, wangdoodleedooo.jpg)


Minnesota soon to become MinneSomalia.

a5d088  No.2711781


We're in this this now. We trust the plan until we don't. The moment we no longer trust the plan, it will be known to our enemies. If the plan IS a larp, we're fucked, but then we were fucked either way. We don't have anything to lose by trusting the plan.

c7b2ea  No.2711782


Inbreeding is huge in Muslim societies, but shitlibs ignore that to call whites inbred.

c69513  No.2711783


Its not the Jews. It's the Irish. Just look at all the irish names involved in all the corruption.

eb7a05  No.2711784


I don't know what it is. I know what it is not:



1b97b5  No.2711785

File: 9db87b74b9de498⋯.jpg (169.09 KB, 642x1039, 642:1039, 1521311005919.jpg)










(((Q))) is a Mossad larp that gives curious people a taste of the rabbit hole but makes sure to keep them away from looking at Israel, which is the real problem.

eed85a  No.2711786


Okay, so you must be referring to the 2017 (SkyBridge Capital) conference since the 2018 one was cancelled. Scaramucci spoke, said he had not expected to be there (had expected to be on DJT staff by then). Biden, Brennan, Rove, Brazille, Bill Ackman, Steve Cohen (neither related to nor a fan of Michael). Event reported to have been very subdued.

8a7e71  No.2711787

File: ed3877b9a31136c⋯.jpg (110.5 KB, 808x635, 808:635, DlQjg_ZVAAAEEee.jpg)

File: c90fd95f3d1a238⋯.jpg (99.42 KB, 808x635, 808:635, DlQ2D9OX0AEmQ9c.jpg)


3234c4  No.2711788

File: 19afd5619bfdff3⋯.jpg (207.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Maganomics107.jpg)

File: c982027f03b4445⋯.jpg (260.95 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Maganomics108.jpg)

File: 0312827247d0935⋯.jpg (134.7 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Maganomics109.jpg)

File: 40574ed02a6a67c⋯.jpg (133.61 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Maganomics110.jpg)

File: 30283e0a106e04c⋯.jpg (191.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Maganomics112.jpg)


Labor market strength!

8a7e71  No.2711789


lmao I thought it was the chinese, after all don't they run hollywood, academia, and wall street?

d188ee  No.2711790

File: f061fefef803aaf⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 557x500, 557:500, download (1).jpg)

3234c4  No.2711791

>>2711769 That is exactly what many want. Hypocrisy level of the left is off the charts, off the planet. Ditto for the hatred level.

400caa  No.2711792

>>2711785 Hi Mrs.Default . or should we call you MEL Gibson ?

98d658  No.2711793

From halfchan thread just now

>I just want you to know, Mollie Tibbetts had a full ear of corn with the shuck on shoved up here ass so hard and so many times her intestines burst. she was then raped.

>You think she had an orgasm?

>She was in extreme agony by then.

>After the rape, she had her ovaries sloppily removed, her uterus lacerated repeatedly, and her vaginal walls were punctured and lacerated over 100 times.

>Her exterior tissue was heavily lacerated, as well as labia / vulva.

>She lived 23 minutes after the perp left.

>Just thought you should know.

>t. lowly forensics tech with nothing to lose.

>you need to know more than I need this shitty job.

a6fcc5  No.2711794


9/7 or 9/8/18 is 210 days after Rachel Brand resigned depending on whether it was officially 2/9 or 2/10/18

000cbc  No.2711795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2710647 LB

Watch the other 7 minutes… and he goes into the meaning… and it is deep… to me

it explains the specific redistribution of the muslims, into europe… the cabal knew this would be a large earth change, and they want to get rid of as much of the population by putting them where they know the destruction will be. They know they can kill us and them off and keep their fertile lands with just enough population that will feed them.

The binary message was

"Beware of the bearers of false presents and broken promises, much pain but there is still time. Believe there is still Good out there. We oppose deceivers and the Conduit is closing"

then he goes on to explain the mathematical equation of the myan calendar 5125 years, sun cycle… not end of the world but a time of cataclysmic change… interesting…

c69513  No.2711796

1987ca  No.2711797


Fellow Anons. don't you get the playbook by now?

the Television is the Criminal Justice System.

Cohen plead guilty without a crime.

Hired a foreign Agent and Clinton Crony.

you don't need a crime.

you just accuse them of a crime.

2c8efd  No.2711798



>awan got a good deal for his info

then he drew back on that statement. anyone else catch this?

76ba13  No.2711799


don't break the links

000cbc  No.2711800


disclaimer: it is my opinion second paragraph, not the video's explanation.

6373c8  No.2711801


daily reminder we want them dead

their kids in good homes

and world peace

8b923c  No.2711802

File: 0e326dddd169e88⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 726x142, 363:71, bren.JPG)

663fa7  No.2711803

File: 6333bce457052f4⋯.png (112.09 KB, 500x268, 125:67, rickdowhatiwant.png)

f45295  No.2711804


God help us.


can't help but be haunted by the Warren quote of "real problems"

ee032f  No.2711805

File: f87eddedd0850df⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 3910x3018, 1955:1509, biltmore pool.jpg)

I notice there is a smaller ladder to the left (anat.) of the larger ladder.

b00fa0  No.2711806

File: 7ae0acd44c99b6c⋯.jpg (100.22 KB, 564x1002, 94:167, 5f556f1b67e873b5bb1bfa052e….jpg)


hush Joe….husssssssssssshhhhhh

8a7e71  No.2711807

File: 4bc9fb99ff8770a⋯.jpg (5.79 KB, 195x258, 65:86, Dh8VulVW4AA3aPp.jpg)


>the left

yes goyim, as long as you hate those evil white leftists you are totally woke and not a newfag.

de9f3d  No.2711808

File: 995641665584c87⋯.jpg (125.91 KB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, 1521678837673.jpg)



I'm certain ge's a bad guy, because even Q called him out:


then this?


We know Stormy is acting. She's team Trump for certain. We know Cohen is acting. he's team Trump, too. Avenatti was being taken for a ride with by Stormy, methinks. Anyway, everything Avenatti is barking about with Cohen has already been passed on to SDNY by none other than Mueller's team:

>Mueller appears to have investigated all of this months ago, and it is highly unlikely that the theory Avenatti is pounding away at — that Russians paid for Daniels — holds any water or Robert Mueller would not have passed the investigation on to U.S. attorneys in New York. Russia, actually, is the special counsel’s bailiwick.

Look at Q's statement, and READ the article above again:

>Offices of MA.

>Work on Sunday?

>Who is supplying feed?

>Who is financing?

>But this release of a “report” by Avenatti also raises the question of where and how did he get this detailed financial information because he didn’t find it on Google. This is the kind of information that would have been known only by the Treasury Department, his banks or by prosecutors, raising some serious questions about what kind of operation Avenatti is running. Is there a team of people digging this up? Are they paying off sources? Is Fusion GPS involved? Are there political donors behind making this campaign work? He can’t be both an attorney and then participate as an officer of the court in trafficking illegally obtained information.

Avenatti is a black hat. With Cohen's case coming to a head, we're going to find out much more about, well, everything, than we've previously been missing out on. Remember what Q says. They know EVERYTHING. They have it ALL.

d32a86  No.2711809

File: f3c4638b10eda44⋯.jpg (180.62 KB, 900x506, 450:253, cnn_sotu_miller_160327a.jpg)



cc1fd0  No.2711810


Why are you doing this?

Have I offended you in some way?

Is that why you feel you MUST shit on things?

Or is it something else?

663fa7  No.2711811

File: 690392018a28488⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 255x190, 51:38, jb84a1c3f9d6ae3790c4fc16a6….jpg)

8a7e71  No.2711812


>and world peace

yeah, still pretty pissed about season 2 tbh

a9d2e1  No.2711813


My boy's been back since the 14th.

6a25d0  No.2711814

File: 30453e5f1da5e89⋯.jpg (84.08 KB, 1049x690, 1049:690, gitmotrials.JPG)


Couple of interesting recent Gitmo documentaries near the bottom.

ffd13a  No.2711815

File: 3ec865a3efa0a1a⋯.jpg (22.38 KB, 500x262, 250:131, impeachment_clock_tck_tck.jpg)

000cbc  No.2711816

File: 50381ab9368f406⋯.jpg (204 KB, 960x540, 16:9, DRAGON ENERGY.jpg)


they arent that smart. KEKEKEKEKEK

but thanks for the lulz

a5d088  No.2711817


This is the story that ought to have run on the "news"

1171b7  No.2711818

anons - this anon browsing, lurking and posting since last november

one of the most consistent posts and points being made here is that jews are the evil secret rulers of the cabal - still every bread every day with stuff that most often seems absurd. further these posts are supported by all those operating and running this forum - no doubt about that.

so obviously Q knows this and has clearly implied that in fact Israel (not the jews) and their MOS agency have a huge role in the plan. So what is an anon to conclude? certainly cannot accept the vile propaganda - but most certainly cannot accept that Israel (and by extension the jews) are in this thing very deep. there can be no other explanation for what occurs on this board.

all the shitposting has a purpose and once again the jew bashing is the most by far. so what is the purpose? the idea that it is posted by jews to continue a victim/censorship agenda is weak. they do not need to do that. the idea that it is posted by subversives who want to make the board look anti-semitic also doesnt explain it. The board IS anti-semitic and so are many others in the world. The posts change nothing there.

The last and only plausible idea is that there will indeed be a huge surprise coming with respect to israel and the Jews. No one knows what it will be but is WILL be a MOAB. My guess is it will be both damning and redeeming in some combination, and that the role of Israel and the Jews will thereafter be forever altered. If the end result is the exposure and shaming and condemnation of evil Jews that is winning. If that is the only result that will indeed be shocking. If the end result is ALSO the revelation that there are more Jewish victims of the cabal than perpetrators then that will be another WIN for all. That is what I expect. Win-win is the POTUS way becuase it reflects the complex nature of our world.

that said, whichever is the truth - we should all be prepared to accept and support it and stop this slide that has been going for thousands of years. Either bury all of them once and for all - or bury only the bad apples and stop blaming the rest - once and for all. Either way = Peace and Unity

cd2a11  No.2711819


Tall white and tall black HYBRID.

de9f3d  No.2711820


Forgot to link the hill article:


bb76b3  No.2711821

File: 0ea6fe602f856b1⋯.jpeg (184.35 KB, 800x455, 160:91, 4A8A3B4B-FBBC-419D-A28F-4….jpeg)

it’s okay to make men cry

6373c8  No.2711822


sounds like sra


f45295  No.2711823

>>2711808 can we not have constant redhead spamming waves today please?

17021a  No.2711824

f24955  No.2711825


May God keep her in heavenly peace from now on. And let us avenge the brutal rape and death of yet another American.

66a085  No.2711826

File: 41b38993a7f6e15⋯.png (213.27 KB, 720x923, 720:923, Screenshot_20180823-093711….png)


000cbc  No.2711827


funny thing is the left has always hated isreal and jews, even the jews hate jews, yet white people bad… okay then.

de9f3d  No.2711828


You do realize that wasn't me yesterday, right?

b50fdf  No.2711829



663fa7  No.2711830


Sounds like a full moon satanic sacrifice….

76ba13  No.2711831


filtered faggot

8f6edd  No.2711832


Remember the Trump Tower fire? Isn't it odd that Cohen would just happen to text Shields to warn him to get out?

I have yet to find what floor Shields lived on and what floor Cohen's office was. From your digs, sounds like Shields was running a loan sharking operation.

The victim of the fire at TT was Todd Brassner. Todd didn't like Potus. Todd's family stopped giving him money every month and he became ill. I'm thinking Todd barrowed money from Dennis Shields and couldn't pay the money back. His apartment was full of valuable art collections. My theory is Shields suicided Todd, took some of his art collections and set the apartment on fire. Cohen and Shields texting was a code that problem is solved.

2 days later, Cohen's offices were raided. It wasn't until Cohen was fired in May that he became anti-Trump. It might be interesting to note that Cohen was using his shell company to sell favors because of his relationship with Potus….

Franklin L. Haney agreed to pay Cohen $10 million if he successfully lobbied for the United States Department of Energy to finance the Bellefonte Nuclear Generating Station, or a reduced fee if the funding targets were only partially met.[111]

cc1fd0  No.2711833


If you've been here since Nov., then you know that's censorship and not really great, yes?

8ad35d  No.2711834

File: 70364ae9e530e1c⋯.png (9.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Texas_Q.png)

f45295  No.2711835


of fucking course. BUT:

You do realize that was BECAUSE OF YOU Yesterday, right?

bcbaf6  No.2711836






>get better








8a7e71  No.2711837

File: 0b17751a4cb7b96⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 800x450, 16:9, DZidQuwXkAIH0_i.jpg)

Normie friend at lunch: "I read an article about the rising number of Right-wing extremists in the country, I don't think I know anybody like that, do you?


3c548f  No.2711838

Daybread is boring AF.

000cbc  No.2711839



I am sick if this is true it explains why they want to shut up this conversation more than ever. They made him look like a little choir boy.

4d7fee  No.2711840

File: 66c2689e2d4b085⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, You.jpg)


They like to pretend NWO Soros shills are not ShareBlue, CTR, David Brock, etc.

Russian trolls, really?

Nice try.

abc65c  No.2711841

Trump Tower wiretapped (Manafort, 43rd floor)>floor plans stolen from USSS>fire (roof)> fire (50th floor, art dealer dead)>Cohen friend, Dennis Shields dead (42nd floor)

Secret Service Laptop With Floor Plans of Trump Tower Stolen

Mar 17, 2017

A Secret Service agent’s laptop that held sensitive information about Trump Tower, Hillary Clinton, and other national security issues was stolen Thursday morning from the agent’s vehicle in Brooklyn.


Fire breaks out at Trump Tower in New York City, FDNY says

January 08, 2018

Three people – including one firefighter – were injured when a fire broke out at Trump Tower in New York City on Monday, officials said.

A small electrical fire started in the cooling tower on the roof of the Fifth Avenue high-rise, which was built by President Trump when he was a businessman, just before 7 a.m., the FDNY said. The flames were put out about an hour later.

More than 126 firefighters responded to the scene.


Prominent art dealer, 67, dies and six firefighters are hurt as huge blaze engulfs 50th floor Trump Tower apartment which had NO sprinklers, as President tweets it was 'well built' but fails to mention victims

7 April 2018

Dennis Shields, who dates Real Housewives of New York star Bethenny Frankel, said he was alerted to leave the building by Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen.

Shields, who said he grew up with Cohen said: 'He said, 'Are you in the building?' I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'You better get out ASAP.' That's how I knew to get out, otherwise I'd still be in there.'

'You could smell the smoke and you could hear things falling like through the vents,' he said. 'It just smelled like sulfur.'

Some notable residents of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan

Donald Trump, Floors 66 through 68

Guido Lombardi, Floors 62 through 63

Helly Nahmad, Floor 51

Ernie Garcia, Floors 48 through 49

Paul Manafort, Floor 43

Dennis Shields, Floor 42

Jose Maria Marin, Floor 41

Susetta Mion, Floor 32

Juan Beckmann Vidal, Floor 31


August 10, 2018

The on-again, off-again boyfriend of “Real Housewives of New York” star Bethenny Frankel was found dead Friday morning in his Trump Tower apartment of a suspected OxyContin overdose, police sources said.

Dennis Shields, 51, lost consciousness after asking his assistant to administer Narcan — a emergency antidote used to reverse an opioid overdose — at around 9 a.m., sources said.




According to the latest court filing by the Mueller inquiry, which is defending a warrant attached to a raid on Manafort’s home in July 2017, part of what the FBI were hunting for were “communications, records, documents, and other files involving any of the attendees of the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, as well as Aras and [Emin] Agalarov.”


Trump accuses Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower


President Trump on Saturday claimed President Obama had his “wires tapped” in Trump Tower before Election Day, tweeting the accusation without offering evidence.

“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” he wrote.

“Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!” he added in subsequent tweets. “I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!”


FBI allegedly wiretapped Paul Manafort before, after election

September 18, 2017

Federal agents wiretapped the phone of President Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort before and after the 2016 election, according to a report Monday.

The wiretaps — which came before a July raid on Manafort’s Virginia home — are now part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s intensive probe into the Trump campaign’s alleged connections to Russia, CNN reported.


3c548f  No.2711842


Texas for life, motherfuckers.

Don't make us come up there.

b00fa0  No.2711843


no one cares m8

it's far more important to liberty to have the fake news promote murder rape and the destruction of white people than it is to have white people people alive.

Apparently we just have to live with fake news.Or die with it.

8b923c  No.2711844


lived 23 minutes after the perp left? no way to pin point such precision.

8a7e71  No.2711845

File: 1e34ee9a55da202⋯.jpg (157.2 KB, 737x1200, 737:1200, DlOD50CUwAAN475.jpg)

File: b924c64d3d85ff8⋯.jpg (124.1 KB, 1080x933, 360:311, DlOD6J-VAAACfJZ.jpg)

File: e074c5d49a40ff1⋯.jpg (143.94 KB, 716x1199, 716:1199, DlOD6boUwAA2t-n.jpg)

File: 28b93aeda726273⋯.jpg (158.42 KB, 888x1200, 37:50, DlOD6yWUUAAoTS6.jpg)

Jews are literally working around the clock to flood our country with more Cristhian Riveras

45c3e3  No.2711846


Would be helpful if the guy dropped the forensic report

4972f1  No.2711847

File: 76f7dee282a2982⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1024x1184, 32:37, clinton-stj-1.jpg)


BC was in USVI August 10th for Clinton Foundaiton.

Clinton, Bloomberg, Expedia Announce Solar Projects on St. Thomas, St. John



de9f3d  No.2711848


19 posts and counting. But please, feel free to keep making the bakers work harder.

3c548f  No.2711849


Synagogue of Satan.

Serpent Seed.

55fbe1  No.2711850

File: c7dff959c24b0b4⋯.jpg (220.28 KB, 866x1300, 433:650, 77844892-vintage-style-por….jpg)

d32a86  No.2711851


I take no delight

Did I not read these exact same words in this bread earlier?

I think i filtered it so if anyone can point it out that'd b great

53ae9d  No.2711852


I'm highly skeptical of this…

d188ee  No.2711853


5bb8ec  No.2711854

File: 8edffbe4b52f444⋯.png (1002.91 KB, 832x558, 416:279, 2018-08-23_10-38-46.png)

File: f24d34bd9580161⋯.png (812.98 KB, 844x560, 211:140, 2018-08-23_10-40-06.png)

File: 4651179341cd760⋯.png (615.06 KB, 607x450, 607:450, 2018-08-23_10-40-50.png)



Locate it, then let loose the cadaver dags.

Lots of 'em!

Maybe some still alive.

dd8b72  No.2711855

File: bbf2a96c2a97da7⋯.png (97.08 KB, 518x517, 518:517, Mossad 2c046e4e1a2510e4d0a….png)


The anon was right, he/she is a bad-actor 'SHILL'.

I like some of his posts but hate others.

But I think he definitely coordinates attacks, I have experienced it and saw the pattern later when I checked old posts in tree form. He replied to me for no reason, with no content. Then I was targetted.

6327dd  No.2711856

File: 4ff1660349ca4a6⋯.jpg (9.16 KB, 255x150, 17:10, youdontmaketheruleshere.jpg)


Got you, clown.

You don't make the rules here.

db9d48  No.2711857

File: 60429d2e7165839⋯.png (1001.44 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, 98318438743784343089189021….png)

55fbe1  No.2711858

File: 599550bfe015045⋯.jpg (16.77 KB, 300x300, 1:1, BBQaG9-CEAAW409.jpg)

fc81e0  No.2711859


Did any Anon take the time to read this? You would be missing some pretty important information here….I even made easy so you don't have to go to a link…Read it, you won't be sorry.

000cbc  No.2711860


sad and funny


d32a86  No.2711861


She was raped and murdered and YOU'RE SKEPTICAL.

Good job getting filtered asshole/hat/bag/munch/fuck

da1e1c  No.2711862

Who is ebot

f45295  No.2711863


ohnoes i've been shamed for going slightly beyond the norm whatever shall i do

just please get around to learning that those waves of awful redhead not-even-memes are there because of your constant picfagging eventually, that's all i hope for from you

db9d48  No.2711864

File: 50f9f6541af58ad⋯.png (408.46 KB, 1669x893, 1669:893, 34784378138989320365631636….png)

d188ee  No.2711865

File: c18250ba7ef6f5a⋯.jpg (17.35 KB, 640x373, 640:373, download (2).jpg)

British Airways to suspend flights between London and Tehran


66a085  No.2711866

File: 5992d024cf3fcd5⋯.png (92.2 KB, 720x643, 720:643, Screenshot_20180823-094449….png)

663fa7  No.2711867

File: e98d94f41f4dae0⋯.jpeg (144.53 KB, 702x661, 702:661, ebotchappyugdsgds;.jpeg)

c69513  No.2711868


You are correct. This is just some faggot posting shit.

Whatever happened, it hax to have been horrific.

Thjs kind of of bullshit pisses me off.

da1e1c  No.2711869


He's South African?

9196c3  No.2711870

File: 3ece3c2b2d899e5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2706.PNG)

IT cucks itself

8f6edd  No.2711871


I didn't think so either. Thanks for the confirmation.

8a7e71  No.2711872

Why can't we be supreme in our own homelands built for us by our ancestors?

eed85a  No.2711873


If it's shilly, then we shouldn't be worrying. It's if/when this place becomes a Patriot echo chamber that we need to worry - MAYBE. Seems a wee bit subdued here today in any case.

bb76b3  No.2711874

does not having your foreskin make you more aggro?

the biggest lie ever told is that males are too stupid to pull back the foreskin and wash their dick.

i guess it makes sense if you live in the desert and don’t have a readily available source of water to wash with.

400caa  No.2711875

File: 8ae754ff601573b⋯.jpg (79.21 KB, 720x890, 72:89, 8ae754ff601573b5f95c7572eb….jpg)

File: 30d59a72e60e514⋯.png (1 MB, 886x1002, 443:501, 30d59a72e60e5140167e297625….png)

File: bb6c76bd4e92882⋯.jpg (74.52 KB, 626x512, 313:256, bb6c76bd4e92882af47cef0a85….jpg)

File: ce06de98e918f3e⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 479x518, 479:518, ce06de98e918f3ed944c49fa4b….jpg)

File: e68ae4855752616⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 618x618, 1:1, e68ae485575261605b67d233f1….jpg)

401de0  No.2711876

File: 2bc52e53a2bc2d7⋯.jpg (115.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_20180617_125129.jpg)

Sorry kids play time is over

Trump is getting fucked

It's over for him

cd2a11  No.2711877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

400caa  No.2711878

File: 5b5cc0493d267de⋯.jpg (370.7 KB, 1469x1600, 1469:1600, 5b5cc0493d267dece33f87513a….jpg)

File: 111c202b2ca8783⋯.jpg (402.04 KB, 683x1060, 683:1060, 111c202b2ca878343301113d27….jpg)

File: 197967fd7073e96⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2147x1170, 2147:1170, 197967fd7073e96ad790443623….png)

File: c5bfe048754ac52⋯.jpg (104.44 KB, 760x630, 76:63, c5bfe048754ac5218747153ab2….jpg)

File: d8713bea7eb0b06⋯.png (569.82 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, d8713bea7eb0b06fdb5216e771….png)

de9f3d  No.2711879


BO/BVs will let me know if it's an issue to post pictures on an image board. Unless, of course, you're the highest ranking anon that feels the need to hallmonitor. If that's the case, then by all means, present your credentials, or fuck off.

1171b7  No.2711880


what is the censorship you refer to?

accepting truth and making peace?

or saying stop flinging hate and division once the matter is resolved?

that is the cabal way anon

3c548f  No.2711881

Texasanon here. We are ready and waiting. We are ALL strapped. We got plenty of room for fellow Patriots. When the SHTF, we got your back. Q needs to handle shit like NOW before we get tired of waiting and annex the rest of YOU into the United States of Texas.

We can do it, too.

1b97b5  No.2711882

Q psyop failed to drum up support for regime change in Iran.

000cbc  No.2711883


cool story bro…

then hang it up.

you can continue in life now, because if you dont' fight then you are going to get ULTIMATE liar, Hillary and team back in office. Those were fun times, the Obama years. Yep Trump and Q should have cleaned that swamp by now.. right?

oh well such is life…

GTFO you shill

55fbe1  No.2711884

File: 658acfef85385f0⋯.jpg (28.53 KB, 247x310, 247:310, 3phvlm.jpg)

5740ca  No.2711885

000cbc  No.2711886


cc1fd0  No.2711887


If only the guy were actually involved. Maybe THEN he could/would, since he hates his (imaginary) job so much.

Fortunately, the guy is not involved.

e7cca7  No.2711888

File: 062555f219ff8b3⋯.jpg (75.72 KB, 906x564, 151:94, Yates-Jarrett-Oct2018.JPG)


Sally Yates

Valerie Jarrett

- Keynote Speakers Muh Womenz event

- scheduled Oct 4-5, 2018

- sauce: https://www.wiplevent.com/ehome/308601/665085/

5740ca  No.2711889

File: 083c0e827cc0bd7⋯.jpeg (496.81 KB, 1242x1089, 138:121, 9DF6081C-C9B6-4108-93D9-1….jpeg)

8a7e71  No.2711890


>United States of Texas.

Yeah, no thanks, we have enough Mexicans already.

bb76b3  No.2711891

foreskins are nice to nibble on

i wouldn’t know though since i’m single

and i can’t suck my own dick

should i remove some McRibs?

4958c9  No.2711892


I did the same!

I read ' I take great delight'.

6327dd  No.2711893

File: aaff3f428348254⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 500x625, 4:5, brennan.jpg)

55fbe1  No.2711894

They clock in around 10 Eastern

da1e1c  No.2711895


You sound like a gay

db9d48  No.2711896

File: 14f0aecdcde302d⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 21787834490585767632764785….png)

File: 1a7ad2407fae4ca⋯.png (279.35 KB, 576x576, 1:1, 21782178408847545793897731….png)

File: a51a421b5a69311⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 21789237859059078957846564….png)

5c0b3f  No.2711897

File: 51cf94fc3ef0762⋯.png (283.51 KB, 660x557, 660:557, Opera Snapshot_2018-08-23_….png)

File: 97415fa9a0e9036⋯.png (29.64 KB, 341x405, 341:405, Opera Snapshot_2018-08-23_….png)

File: c2739702f871079⋯.png (12.16 KB, 348x258, 58:43, Opera Snapshot_2018-08-23_….png)

"What kind of man is this"

bcbaf6  No.2711898

File: dcf336fd9630dec⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 242x209, 22:19, images-1 copy 3.jpg)

b53599  No.2711899

File: c3a8e95a752f9fc⋯.jpg (321.56 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Brennan-Jihadi-John-1024.jpg)

61d3d5  No.2711900

"Lightening strike"

burns S.C. mansion down. Known in the when it was built for it "showgirls" and called by its original owner a "playhouse"


8a7e71  No.2711901

File: df78dfbc2d9056b⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 619x322, 619:322, DlP2xKtW4AY00hk.jpg)

File: 4bce4d67fcea69f⋯.jpg (178.84 KB, 922x1200, 461:600, DlP3FRsW0AE3SXT.jpg)

55fbe1  No.2711902

File: 90fce4d7e539319⋯.jpg (68.05 KB, 501x500, 501:500, 7f5bbbd5376d208901b786b4e6….jpg)

f45295  No.2711903


hallmonitor/credentials, you sure you want to go there?

you were just accusing me of making baker's work harder because of a few posts, while you refuse to take responsibility for multiple, endless slides, while deflecting on a generic "image board" excuse, ignoring all your specifics (all the while expecting them to chime in, as if that wouldn't be thousandfold a bother).


45c3e3  No.2711904


I would prefer that post to be a lie. Why do use think he is a larp, anything in particular except being sceptical?

4d7fee  No.2711905

File: 89a4a371c212677⋯.png (182.57 KB, 472x343, 472:343, Destroyed_Robot.png)


>Who is ebot

He is a strange dude that seems to know quite a bit of stuff. He likes to talk to himself & shit post way to much. The thing I don't like is that he seems to be a fag that hates our president.

a5d088  No.2711906


"You'll see"


4ea3b5  No.2711907

File: e8f809130123242⋯.png (468.17 KB, 735x551, 735:551, sessions grin 02.png)

4972f1  No.2711908


He didn't actually show up. Pics here and no BC



3c548f  No.2711909


LEGAL Mexicans can be patriots too. We dont have a problem with them. African american here btw. Where is Q? Is the psyop over? The minute Trump gets impeached, expect Civil War 2

39bcaf  No.2711910


Spastic and persistent Anti-Trump namefag.

bb76b3  No.2711911

File: 8f256ad0bd36d20⋯.jpeg (83.1 KB, 600x320, 15:8, 0DC0D1DC-C098-4E1C-973B-4….jpeg)

also, McRibs are kind of gross

it always sounds like a good idea to order one when it’s McRib season

but then they always are kind of rubbery and not the best

it’s like that mistake you keep making over and over again because you think it’ll be better the next time around

but it never is!

0e5cd6  No.2711912

Glenn Beck crying again just now…then told his listeners to buy his book

guess he didn't like to loose his jet

8a7e71  No.2711913


I think this is what Q meant by "you have the power"

4958c9  No.2711914


'the rule of law'…Comey used it as well in his 'untethered' tweet.

5efdce  No.2711915

File: 4cfa92936db05e3⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe Puzzled.jpg)


>No Name

Why hasn't his inoperable terminal brain tumor done it's job?

66343d  No.2711916


He hates Bon Jovi… I tease him.

400caa  No.2711917


Product of Liddle St.James island probably

6ab76d  No.2711918

>>2711168 (pb)

It's tough to pull the lever for "your guy/gal" when you can't get the fairly recent image of them perp-walking in shackles out of your head.

663fa7  No.2711919

File: 87e476802f2bee9⋯.jpg (169.21 KB, 720x576, 5:4, He-Man-vs-Skeletor.jpg)

dd8b72  No.2711920

File: 8a0b5eba7f7b9f8⋯.jpg (57.95 KB, 940x540, 47:27, 5G icon.JPG)


I too, am worried about 5G because I can't find anything solid on the 'safety' of it.

That said, from memory Huawai was banned from certain Australian government contracts in the past because of spying concerns and the fact that a large proportion of their shareholding at the time was the PLA.

3c548f  No.2711921


Probably. Remember to vote. POTUS needs support Q or no Q

dcdf9c  No.2711922

File: d3379742eb85e3c⋯.png (205.86 KB, 751x724, 751:724, IMG_2978 - Copy.PNG)










55fbe1  No.2711923

File: 878fc187db7369f⋯.jpg (64.16 KB, 550x897, 550:897, Jackiey Budden Jade Goody ….jpg)

663fa7  No.2711924

File: 16c3a480c2acdae⋯.jpg (11.94 KB, 176x255, 176:255, nonamequeefbo;itfg6ydu8o.jpg)

c04ec4  No.2711925

File: 1d0c982ba0bf51f⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 500x751, 500:751, 2gaas2~2.jpg)

Trump is schooling the ChiComs.

86d2f4  No.2711926

File: ca3879bb5face14⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2707.PNG)



4K posts got 45k sealed

aea374  No.2711927


Attitude is everything. Literally.

55fbe1  No.2711928

File: 856b114213695e9⋯.jpeg (12.15 KB, 297x300, 99:100, 2940610_orig.jpeg)

8f6edd  No.2711929


Shields smelled smoke and sulfur, heard things crashing but didn't get out until Cohen told him to? Don't you find that odd? And why go in front of the cameras to tell the world Cohen "saved your life"? What better way to provide a cover for being the one to start the fire?

8a7e71  No.2711930


You're proving you're not smart enough to understand the simple fact that demographics matter.

The more mexicans, the more mexican we become and the less American.

The more "African Americans" we have, the more African we become.

Your anti AMERICAN, anti-whiteness, is showing.

45c3e3  No.2711931


That everyone here would do, no question. However, Q is not helping with normies. Optics is crazies support POTUS

cc1fd0  No.2711932


I may have misread what you wrote and my interpretation was that you're suggesting the anti-semitic, etc garbage be removed. (Which would be censorship.)

I certainly don't think that resisting censorship is accepting ANYTHING, other than a right to say whatever nonsense comes to mind. It's also a right to say "Hey, the thing you said is crap".

a8bac1  No.2711933


Just a horrible thought about Mollie and why her case was so publicized. It could be that the whole thing was singled out and put on the news, (while 35 others were taken around the same time and not a word)to make it happen right in front of our faces for the whole world to see as she was sacrificed. Now we don't know for sure if the half-chan guy knows what he is talking about, but if it's true it sure sounds like a satanic/occult thing to do. What a better way to rub the good guys' face in shit is to make it extremely visible and then pull the trigger. Sick fuckers all.

937fc4  No.2711934

File: cec99dcb27becb3⋯.png (612.09 KB, 1026x757, 1026:757, Sessions_Tickle.png)


For those that didn't see the interview.

POTUS called out Sessions again and said how

disappointed he is with Sessions performance.

86d2f4  No.2711935

File: a077547eaf4ac46⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2708.PNG)

88694e  No.2711936


Have to agree with Mitchell here.

If anything Sessions is definitely about the rule of law - this is old school lawyering, not huckster Better Call Saul lawyering.

34330e  No.2711937


What strategic purpose does it serve that POTUS should have disdain for Sessions?

To make it look like the incoming deluge of indictments has nothing to do with POTUS?

Laughable strategy, MSM will point and say, he's your AG regardless of how he feels.

So this Sessions is /ourguy in secret logic is either bad strategy / lie, or POTUS is lying.

Either way, long since grown tired of these lies. I don't know who the hell to trust at this point.

c04ec4  No.2711938

File: 6fd3b1db2418ff2⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 500x568, 125:142, 2fjagk~2.jpg)



Trump is winning.

dcdf9c  No.2711939


sweet digits G avfg

just keep your posts strong

and to a minimum

otherwise your are going to promote online bullying

and she's too pretty for that ish

bb76b3  No.2711940


don’t hate cuz you ain’t!

f31427  No.2711941


Wake up UK!

"The UK government has admitted it ‘accidentally’ sold at least 10,000 children to known child traffickers in the last year alone.

Tens of thousands of children mysteriously disappear from government care every year, where they are groomed by sex traffickers, recently released government data reveals.

Dailymail.co.uk reports: It comes amid concerns that young people are falling into the hands of gangs grooming children, following recent scandals in Rotherham and Telford.

Some of the children were reported missing for more than a month, the Daily Telegraph reports.

There were 1,720 cases of children disappearing for more than a week, among 60,720 total reported disappearances last year, the Department for Education statistics show."

"Rotherham MP Sarah Champion, who has campaigned for child safety following the grooming scandal, said it was ‘truly shocking’ that so many children went missing.

‘These children are under the guardianship of the state. The Government should be ashamed that it is failing them,’ she said."

"Earlier this year Paul Williamson, the senior investigating officer on Operation Stovewood, said 100 more officers were needed because a shortage of specially trained detectives meant many possible victims had not yet been contacted.

Meanwhile it is thought that a sex gang raped as many as 1,000 young girls over 40 years in Telford in what may be Britain’s ‘worst ever’ child abuse scandal.

Telford’s Conservative MP, Lucy Allan, has previously called for a Rotherham-style inquiry into the allegations and called the latest reports ‘extremely serious and shocking’."


310866  No.2711942


Cant ignore the beer gut

137935  No.2711943

File: a2b38b4629d737a⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1593x1536, 531:512, AEFBF2C7-51F1-4305-8A35-3….jpeg)

400caa  No.2711944


Aww there she is ! Our resident Narcissit ! Good morning faggot slimeball trashmind . How's the dark fantasy going for you? Got total control? Good keep telling yourself Q doesnt know where you are and doesnt care. I bet he do nigger !

3c548f  No.2711945


America isn't a bloodline, you racist nazi fuck stain. If so, it would still be NATIVE Americans in control. Go fuck yourself.

bb76b3  No.2711946

every time i hit “go to bottom” or “go to top” on here, i think dirty things!

55fbe1  No.2711947

File: fc70744ee5204e5⋯.jpg (29.55 KB, 437x581, 437:581, 429e0f2b6d88e0c9fa7879705d….jpg)

4d7fee  No.2711948


(me) and anyone paying attention

I also think Ebot would be a likely source for pixel knot messages.

He has broke character during an admitted hangover and said some shit about Ebot as being a useful disguise.

Pixel fags should back track on Ebot posts.

>>2711926 Good morning.

3c548f  No.2711949


Yeah. The damage has been done, hasnt it?

eb60cb  No.2711950

File: 4ca2d69c790e5e3⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2709.PNG)


Homotus has been practicing

42bffc  No.2711951


What will the charges be? I've been asking this of everyone talking impeachment, and of course crickets. I know you're a paid shill but I'm curious what talking point will be given to you for this question. What exactly will Pres Trump be impeached for?

544664  No.2711952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

400caa  No.2711953


>>2711332 Cohen Attorney Lanny Davis Is Registered Foreign Agent for Pro-Russian Oligarch Wanted by US Government and Linked to Putin

>>2711360 China (PRC), which has been on a non-stop roll for four-and-a-half decades, has now hit a wall. That wall is named Donald J. Trump

>>2711372 Duncan Hunter (R-CA) of the California House is accused of misuse of campaign funds.

>>2711456 A Georgia woman who leaked a secret report on Russian hacking of U.S. voting systems could get a tough sentence.

>>2711517 Facebook has identified and banned hundreds of accounts, groups and pages engaged in misleading political behavior,

>>2711603 attacking /ourgirl/ Candace again..

>>2711653 Avenatti twat

>>2711769 Joe "Blockhead" (((Bernstein)))

>>2711772 US Jobs report

>>2711778 Republicans in the House of Representatives have knocked heads with Rosenstein over thousands of documents related to the genesis of the FBI counterintelligence probe

>>2711375, >>2711521, >>2711459, >>2711587, >>2711597, >>2711651, >>2711690, >>2711705, >>2711776, >>2711779, >>2711801, >>2711832, >>2711841, >>2711889

Interdesting Posts, various subjects

bbfbaf  No.2711954

>>2710973 (lb)

How did this crap end in notables?

Henry fords' quote? How the hell is it notable?

The guy was projecting as he himself was part of the cabal. Look up his family and his "foundation".

what is the henry ford foundation?

>headquartered, globally oriented private foundation with the mission of advancing human welfare.[2][3][4][5] Created in 1936[6] by Edsel Ford and Henry Ford, it was originally funded by a US$25,000 gift from Edsel Ford.[3]


>In the 1980s and 90s, the foundation’s Media Projects Fund supported media outreach on issues facing marginalized populations worldwide. Ford has promoted diversity and post-conflict reconciliation through museums, cultural festivals, and documentary films.

>In the 1990s, Ford grants supported the advisory council on the establishment of the United Nation's International Criminal Court, which entered into force in 2002. The Court oversees cases regarding international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.


As cabal as it gets.

8ef9b4  No.2711955


Will be voting for first time in 18yrs. Stopped after the 2000 debacle. If they got away with that then there was never any difference it was going to make. Did not care who won at that time however it was the massive fuckery that was down to what? The perception that someone did not fully punch a ballot.

Can't blame any of this on me. The last time I voted for President was for Perot. Never cast a ballot for any of these degenerates. Not a one.

d39922  No.2711956


You do realize that “native Indians” are Asian. Right?

4f297d  No.2711957

File: 2e8bf2d975f6c08⋯.png (39.93 KB, 711x265, 711:265, samanthapower.PNG)

The revelation is contained in an in-depth analysis of the 44-year-old’s career by journalist Evan Osnos writing for The New Yorker magazine.

In it, Ms Power describes her close relationship with her Dubliner father, Jim Power, a dentist, piano player, raconteur and drinker.

“I was extremely close to my father, inseparable,” Power said. “Where we hung out most of the time was the pub.”

Her father expounded on the day’s papers, while she read mysteries by the light of a slot machine in the basement, Osnos writes.

Meanwhile her mother, Vera Delaney, described as “an Irish field-hockey standout and a squash champion” was fascinated by medicine. “On the sports field, when her knees were bloody, she would want to watch as they stitched up,” Power said.

Her mother followed through on her fascination to become a nephrologist at a time women were discouraged from studying medicine. Her parents’ marriage fell apart when her mother fell in love with her boss. Because divorce was illegal here, and they wanted more opportunities in medicine, they moved to the US when Samantha was nine and her brother was five. Jim Power remained in Ireland.

Osnos writes that Power told him that initially she and her father “stayed in touch”, and, then, the drink, she thinks, took over. He died when she was 14.

Power’s husband, Harvard legal scholar Cass Sunstein told Osnos that decades later, on a trip to Ireland, his wife took him to visit her father’s favourite pub, “where they met a woman who had worked behind the bar and remembered her dad”.

“Others seemed to drink just as much, and Power asked, ‘Why do you think my dad was the one who died?’ The barwoman answered simply, ‘It’s because you left’.” Osnos writes. Power told him she knew her father was drinking too much “But I had no idea he was sick — he was just 47, and his death was devastating”.

Osnos also writes about Power’s wedding celebrations. She wed Sunstein, 16 years her senior, on July 4, 2008, in Co Kerry, “in a boisterous three-day affair”.

Osnos says that at one point, boat captains urged Power to cancel a scheduled ride because of rough seas but she went ahead — only to regret subjecting her guests to it.

“Several puked over the side,” she said. One guest, in a toast, hailed the wedding as “a cross between ‘The Poseidon Adventure’ and the Bataan death march”.

Power’s wedding came less than four months after she resigned as an advisor to the Obama presidential campaign after describing his rival Hillary Clinton as “a monster”.

That summer, now deceased American diplomat Richard Holbrooke, who was close to Clinton, brokered a meeting at her Manhattan office, as Power’s “wedding present”.

Osnos writes that when Power told Obama about it, he reportedly said, “Gee, most people get toasters”.

Osnos’ article, for which he travelled with Power and undertook hours of interviews with her, chronicles her evolution from an activist often critical of the foreign-policy establishment to a diplomat and senior adviser to President Obama.


400caa  No.2711958


>>2711719 President Trump Tweets and Decodes

>>2711522, >>2711757 Changing the Narrative DNC Says Reported Hack Attempt Was a False Alarm

>>2711392 GermanArchiveAnon Update #3409 to #3423

>>2711345 UK police investigator whistle blower.

>>2711670, >>2711908 WHERE are they all?

>>2711386 New light on funding, ties of secretive Israeli spy firm Cambridge Analytica-linked businessman helped start Black Cube

>>2711499 Despite Comey Assurances, Vast Bulk of Weiner Laptop Emails Were Never Examined

>>2711543 It’s Not About Trump & People Are Too Stupid to Even Look at the Trend in Motion

>>2711629 "If you don't like white people being murdered then you're a white supremacist"

>>2711764 No Name's little club of high rollers. The Sedona Forum - 2018 invite-only list

>>2711808, >>2711820 We know Stormy is acting. She's team Trump for certain

>>2711826 TX on track to become the biggest oil producer after Russia and SA

>>2711845 Jews are literally working around the clock to flood our country with more Cristhian Riveras

>>2711953 NewsBox

b5423a  No.2711959


She must be thinking "Everyone is Red pilled and KNOWS that I went down on HRC numerous times" Walk of shame level : Ultimate. No longer able to walk the streets.

25379c  No.2711960

8a7e71  No.2711961


>muh Nazis

OK nigger leftist.

"Native Americans" weren't even a thing. They didn't build a country, they were savages killing eachother long before we got here and actually built something. All you have is "go fuck yourself", and no true rebuttals because of your inferior niggerbrain.

I wonder what percentage of blacks would still choose to live in proximity to whites even if their status as second-class citizens was restored.

Pretty high, right? Catching our trickle down & receiving our mercies is vastly superior to anything they’re capable of building.

c04ec4  No.2711962

File: bdc8f733cad6584⋯.png (9.81 KB, 255x191, 255:191, bdc8f733cad6584ff6eec4675e….png)

3c548f  No.2711963


Well said, anon. Well said.

Baker, this should be a notable.

5dd50a  No.2711964


POTUS needs 'La Résistance' to think Sessions isn't doing his bidding.

When the hammer drops, POTUS can be as surprised as everyone else.

eb60cb  No.2711965

File: ee402504121e4d4⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2675.PNG)

f56bae  No.2711966

File: f83aa46ee3698bf⋯.jpeg (11.25 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 1fe1e09137e314d6a1cd081b5….jpeg)

6327dd  No.2711967

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ec0285  No.2711968

It’s easy to get the impression we are losing (when we are not) because 1) the media is 97% controlled by people who want us extinct or enslaved, 2) there are no good guy leaks of the ongo8ng investigations into Clinton Foundation, U1, Awan spy ring, Julian Assange / Seth Rich/ Wasserman DNC, FBI, DoJ, State Dept cabal coup, etc, etc., and

3) Trump has read his Sun Tzu and has a proven business. Track record of strategic wins by using his philosophy,

A few Sun Tzu for you:

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war”

“Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance”

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive.”

Trump is literally operating like this but not many expect or see it.

fc81e0  No.2711969


This guy supplied the Nazi's ww2 with the motors to run their vehicles, really?

dd8b72  No.2711970

File: 39778175fd89dc7⋯.png (627.66 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, J Israel, Roths- Satanic o….PNG)




We could tell for sure from the contents- you know- never judge a book by its' cover…

Otherwise it is all speculation.

And I wouldn't trust Wikipedia on the Torah, for obvious reasons.

837cf8  No.2711971

File: ec17007ab3ff948⋯.jpg (93.52 KB, 450x310, 45:31, DEL2381.pvw.jpg)



It must be… the Eskimos.

Wait, WTF?!

They even infiltrated the Eskimo tribes…


Eliyho Matz on the Future of Israeli-Eskimo Co-Operation

A Warm Israeli Nation Welcomes Cool Eskimo People

The first wave of converted Jewish Zionist Inupiaq (pronounced In-you-pack) Eskimos have immigrated to Israel. They were converted to Judaism by native Alaskan Reform rabbi Kerach ben Mayim. The Jewish Agency assisted in their transfer, supplying high-cooled jet airplanes that were developed by Israeli/American new age technologies. The Israeli government named the operation “Igloo Wings” recalling previous such missions carried out at the birth of the Israeli state, when Yemenite Jews were brought from Yemen on operation “Magic Carpet,” Moroccan Jews on operation “Flying Atlas,” and Iraqi Jews on operation “Baghdadi Nights.” The Reform Jewish Inupiaq Eskimo congregation, “Mogen Dovid North Star White Ice Cubes,” which is located in the Arctic Circle, was established in 2005. The congregation has in its vicinity a natural hot water hole that is shared with the polar bears and is used alternatively as a mikveh (ritual bath).


Israel's first Eskimo soldier


fc067a  No.2711972


Yeah, it was a fucking savage land with no civilization until whitey showed up and cultivated it.

You don't have to be racist to acknowledge demographics mean something.

You just have to be not willfully retarded.

cbdffb  No.2711973

File: 4077f2903803f70⋯.gif (853.75 KB, 352x240, 22:15, lordBucklyInsultYourIntell….gif)


my fav line for that type of shill is from W. F. Buckley

6327dd  No.2711974

File: a8e0626cd05469a⋯.jpg (20.36 KB, 251x255, 251:255, qumbrella.jpg)


Maybe the "Golden Letter" is "Q"

bb76b3  No.2711975

File: 9d602b206a98fb1⋯.jpeg (93.01 KB, 396x592, 99:148, CCA42586-C473-48EF-AAAA-9….jpeg)

let’s learn some spanish!

e39328  No.2711976


Some fucktards voting patterns? I disagree.

bcbaf6  No.2711977

File: 6644a869e894153⋯.png (676.22 KB, 922x1027, 922:1027, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

Pedophile’s Decapitated Corpse Found On Judge’s Doorstep After Bail Hearing

August 21, 2018 admin 0 Comments

The decapitated corpse that was found on a judge’s doorstep in Dallas, Texas has been identified as belonging to a notorious pedophile who was recently allowed to walk free on bail by the judge, according to reports.

William Smith, 28, from Dallas, Texas was discovered in the early hours of Tuesday morning, decapitated and slumped against the front door of the judge who had granted him bail in August.

Smith was arrested last month following allegations by his then girlfriend that he had raped her 8-year-old daughter.

After a police investigation in which Smith was found in possession of child pornography, he was arrested on two counts related to child pornography and one count of child molestation.




5efdce  No.2711978

File: c4a0b486e90e968⋯.png (176.53 KB, 1453x1032, 1453:1032, 5 Days of Shaking.PNG)


>not end of the world but a time of cataclysmic change

Size of ring is magnitude.

Height above surface is depth.

eb60cb  No.2711979

File: a5ec1dfeb67e79a⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2676.PNG)

8f6edd  No.2711980


>MSM will point and say, he's your AG regardless

Potus isn't worried about what MSM says. He cares about what real Americans think. Critical he give the illusion he doesn't like Sessions so people will think Sessions is not a Trump stooge.

3c548f  No.2711982


Your premise is flawed. America does not equal white supremacy. America is an idea. Let me say it another way:

POTUS is not a racist.

POTUS hates racists.

You don't belong /here/.


76cd2a  No.2711983


If Trump tweeted that 6 million Jews

were murdered by the Nazis would

the lunatic left come to the defense of Hitler?

663fa7  No.2711984

File: 5edec1b9b125b2e⋯.gif (743.95 KB, 439x335, 439:335, shiabackhandclapdasiufgydg….gif)

837cf8  No.2711985

File: 1b90e50fce1ce7d⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1238x1600, 619:800, Eskimo Tribes pic code 260….png)

45c3e3  No.2711986


Message sent-message received

bbfbaf  No.2711987


Reform "jews" are usually soros usefull idiots. Fake jews.

310866  No.2711988


Fucking awesome!

99e1c1  No.2711989


Thank you for posting the Top Anon.

de9f3d  No.2711990


Going lurking for a while

Badge of honor and all that, right? For the sake of the board, this will be my last post for a while. Baker's got my back, and bakers are backed by BV/sBO, so I know where I stand.

b5423a  No.2711991


Do they make cankle bracelets ? just askin.

3c548f  No.2711992


There is a #walkaway movement.

There should be a #welcomeback movement.


34330e  No.2711993


muh Sun Tzu

f56bae  No.2711994


Fuck me.

Yeah, the news won't report on this.

2f1740  No.2711996


now THIS is how you get shit done.

eb60cb  No.2711997

File: d3a23b8164bb987⋯.png (67.33 KB, 590x314, 295:157, IMG_2623.PNG)

AN inch at a time

4972f1  No.2711998

File: 907340920094ac3⋯.png (3.16 MB, 2466x8402, 1233:4201, bc.png)

File: 6e48559c9b2ce0c⋯.jpg (172.24 KB, 800x585, 160:117, GEM_Author-Series_Bill-Cli….jpg)


BC and HRC were both at BC book talk on Martha's Vineyard yesterday


Not sure about that HRC pic from event. Looks like a double.

400caa  No.2711999


Your nasty tits look terrible eww. You overeat alot. I bet you look like shit in the mirror everyday when you look at your fatness. Sickening blubber.

5c9078  No.2712000


Unreal how they unpack and manhandle with bare hands these "ancient rare" artifacts. Let's just do it on the highway! Smart police.

88b6be  No.2712001

File: f34bb05c0166c8e⋯.gif (465.19 KB, 500x350, 10:7, downloadfile-1.gif)

File: 80d603df28c7bfb⋯.jpg (57.65 KB, 545x451, 545:451, 2ge64k~2.jpg)

bb76b3  No.2712002

File: 9efa701645a2a96⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 39700F4C-919F-413A-8439-3A….png)

the conversation is always about female genital mutilation

but male genital mutilation is pretty much the norm here!

3c548f  No.2712003



No civilization?

Have you watched the news lately, anon?

What do you call 2018 America?


400caa  No.2712004


Going anon now Mrs.Default I mean Mel .

42bffc  No.2712005


I would like to think this is true but the sauce is pretty damn thin. It appears this falls into the to good to be true category.

f45295  No.2712006

>>2711996 yup.

>>2711977 quite a clear message indeed.


but muh judge intimidation

af7f88  No.2712007

File: 5f6a19826b15e45⋯.jpeg (72.46 KB, 1440x839, 1440:839, 1524005947.jpeg)

aea374  No.2712008


Justice served by the people

eb60cb  No.2712009


You will lick the asshole of a fake Jew for a sheckel

400caa  No.2712010


You are a very weak player .Both you and your cuck Mr.Default E-BO T

34330e  No.2712011


I know the story line we've all bought.

But it makes no strategic sense and that story line would fool maybe a fucking 1st grader.

Are we this naive

dd8b72  No.2712012


Lots of DUMBs after the Rods…

a6fcc5  No.2712013

File: 904802e8d50bb13⋯.png (279.13 KB, 632x602, 316:301, ClipboardImage.png)

e39328  No.2712014


>Pedophile’s Decapitated Corpse Found On Judge’s Doorstep After Bail Hearing

I agree. Without a better, trustworthy source, I don't believe it.

a5d088  No.2712015


The People have spoken.

8a7e71  No.2712016

File: cf1fa572cc26caa⋯.jpg (135.16 KB, 1200x687, 400:229, DifAqFFX0AAYOyC.jpg)

File: 4433495e2cfa3a4⋯.jpg (96.62 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DifAqFBWsAA-BRO.jpg)


>Your premise is flawed. America does not equal white supremacy.

Are Japanese not supreme in Japan

Are Chinese not supreme in China

Are Indians not supreme in India

Are Africans not supreme in how many of their African shitholes?

Why are you against white people having their own homelands?

We fucking built this country for OUR POSTERITY, and kikes and their anti-white nigger pets like you are trying to destroy it. If you actually gave a shit about it you wouldn't hold the views you do.

77004d  No.2712017


Your attempts to belittle POTUS shows your own limited thinking and hypocrisy.

BUTT SEX is something your side has built your life and political movement around. You champion it at every turn. Then you use the same act in a ridiculing and harassing way to try and besmirch someone. Your entire life makes no sense whatsoever just KYS immediately.

2325d1  No.2712018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone notice that POTUS said nonames name in this interview?

8 min 50s mark in the video.


400caa  No.2712019


Truth hurt? KEKING HARD BITCH. We know who you are and your little faggot immigrant .Little bitch ass canada fuckers.

66a085  No.2712020

It's not even noon and I have already called someone a sick bastard on Twitter. But in my defence, they were cheering on the white genocide in South Africa.

ab5de6  No.2712021

File: 8122b3fef1a90aa⋯.png (97.71 KB, 1280x979, 1280:979, 1280px-Dexter_Logo.svg.png)

544664  No.2712022

File: 543a861f71a7e96⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)



Will you right the wrong?

663fa7  No.2712024

File: ea0fe954f84a3e9⋯.jpg (24.52 KB, 255x241, 255:241, qf2aagi3.jpg)

eb60cb  No.2712026

File: 7727834c691759e⋯.jpeg (61.7 KB, 600x556, 150:139, C167F753-FBA7-42FC-A81C-B….jpeg)

If ya can't shoot em

Lock em in a room with Brennan and rum

0e5cd6  No.2712027


yep, too good to be true..

and the judge needs to take care of her lawn

a5d088  No.2712028

File: 25fee73f80e9317⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 512x512, 1:1, iur.jpg)

5672e5  No.2712030

File: ca52381ba0afd65⋯.png (799.82 KB, 1080x1579, 1080:1579, Screenshot_20180823-100517.png)

File: 86886aa1d44c0f4⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1874x2048, 937:1024, Screenshot_20180823-100528.png)


"Juror" an Australian actor? Striking resemblance.

c7b2ea  No.2712031

File: da5f874170f002a⋯.png (1018.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, sam hyde.png)


Probably never happened, but…..

dd8b72  No.2712033




No… it's the aliens

eb60cb  No.2712035


And we gonna tie ya to the tree and hit it again

af7f88  No.2712036

File: 08707bf829d438c⋯.jpeg (200.15 KB, 1114x1594, 557:797, 1532126451.jpeg)

8ef9b4  No.2712037

For people just coming into this and for some of the veterans as well. Link is to vid that does a very good job at rounding up all the cast of characters from early 1900's up to 9/11.

JFK to 911 Everything is a Rich Man's Game.


Pay particular attention to Henry Ford's contribution to the GNS party. I was aware of some of it however was not aware of the many thousands of fully functional jeeps that were sold to them as well. Blitzkrieg was a result of having brand new hardware etc. An eye-opener for the newly 'woke' but has more details about things most already know about.

It is worth the time.

f56bae  No.2712038

File: 904d8e87f93a39f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1372x1120, 49:40, priest murdered.png)



5dd50a  No.2712039

next bread is the same number as this bread

a5d088  No.2712041

File: 8f449bfa0acaee0⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 4411x3079, 4411:3079, DSCN0128 (1).jpg)


The people are waking up.

34330e  No.2712042


America Fuck Yeah

This just made muh day

bbfbaf  No.2712043


.oh but why cant they convert to being fake reform jews?

Why is it ok for missionaries to push tribal people to convert to christianity but it is bad for them to convert to judaism?

And spare me the supremacism bullcrap. Allmost all religions have that potential, think of the crusades, the inquisition and the blood baths between catholics and protestants.

fc067a  No.2712044


Yeah, after the massive influx of non-white immigrants.

Funny that.

5dd50a  No.2712045


the left certainly is

88b6be  No.2712046

File: 7875fade13874f1⋯.jpg (50.12 KB, 384x384, 1:1, downloadfile-9~2.jpg)

File: bdca1df0615d167⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 500x817, 500:817, 2fgv8j~2.jpg)

File: efc39e329f25c24⋯.png (198.74 KB, 514x420, 257:210, 4b7734ae5d58e5c4b32227cbca….png)

3c548f  No.2712048

eb60cb  No.2712050

File: 9232039a9745e5d⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2600.PNG)

e036af  No.2712052


Indeed. Q Drop from 10 August 2018:

"At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.


4958c9  No.2712053

File: e4b87ea1967084e⋯.png (255.28 KB, 632x602, 316:301, 904802e8d50bb13e476fc31990….png)


I Laughed!

6327dd  No.2712054

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

All the haters on twitter must be paid.

No way that many people could be that ugly, hateful and ignorant. All at once. All with the same writing style.

Must be paid for with the Anti-Russian Propaganda money.

No way they could hate the lovable man to that degree. All of them at once. With no thought involved. Must be over once money runs out.

34330e  No.2712055

>>2712045 Then I clearly over estimated a big portion of the population.

Carry on….

b17af2  No.2712056


its like that time Q said that they won't be able to walk the streets.

As patriots, we should always support justice via LAW. The feeling of joy from vigilante justice is a base instinct which ought not to be indulged, although I feel it too.

4972f1  No.2712058

File: ea477a59edab045⋯.jpg (403.92 KB, 1200x1780, 60:89, Loaf.jpg)

400caa  No.2712059


Sure thing Mel. Hey make sure you check in the next baker for me Im out for the day. Thanks you filthy narc ho.

0032e7  No.2712061


For some reason satanist catholic = fake catholic

Satanist muzzies = fake muzzies

satanist Jews = Jews

This is the logic of shills.

hate a label = Notanons

67a11c  No.2712062


someone is filing 50k sealed indictments.

someone is doing all that work behind the scenes

while we need the deep state to think it could still get away with everything. they will kill anyone who gets in their way, so that is the main reason that disinfo is necessary. We must protect the people who are working.

You call it lying. but how else will you keep from adding to the Clinton body count? You NEED to fool the cabal. It doesn't matter really, what the rest of us SEE, as long as the cabal thinks a certain way.

Post this interview, these are likely next steps:

1)Trump 'fire' Sessions…now that all those investigations have been done, and the sealed indictments filed…and Sessions will live to see another day while the next phase enters under a new AG, NOW THAT THE STRINGS HAVE BEEN CUT to ensure the AG's safety

2) Sessions 'pretend' to finally get up off his ass (after the work has already been done, and strings cut that will ensure his safety)

The sleight of hand isn't for us. Its to fool the deep state. And that is necessary TO KEEP WITNESSES AND PROSECUTORS ALIVE so that we can purge ourselves of the corruption

eb60cb  No.2712063

File: 5334952d21e6579⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2596.PNG)

3c548f  No.2712064



Non-white immigrants arent cabal.

Non-white immigrants couldn't spell "adrenochrome" if their lives depended on it.

Non-white immigrants are not promoting fake news.

Non-white immigrants are not passing laws.

Non-white immigrants are not pushing GMO's, vaccines or transgenderism.



af7f88  No.2712065

File: d77a0646fd1d80c⋯.jpeg (310.8 KB, 1440x1623, 480:541, 1535037133.jpeg)

400caa  No.2712066






fc6afb  No.2712068


Extraordinary information here. Just spent hours reviewing it. We are hugely vulnerable, thanks to DJT's predecessors. Lord, how does this POTUS make it through this maze?

a5d088  No.2712069

File: 1484f4eae897904⋯.jpg (247.16 KB, 698x1000, 349:500, Obamas-Walking-In-The-Rain.jpg)


This kind of thinking only works when the LAW works. This kind of thinking leads us straight to the Gulag in times such as these.

8a7e71  No.2712070


>Non whites have to immigrate here to parasite off whites because they can't fix their own shitholes.


663fa7  No.2712071

File: 8f662b4ab86dd51⋯.png (18.54 KB, 427x676, 427:676, Screenshot_2018-08-23 Q(1).png)

File: c4b9453944eda6a⋯.png (12.53 KB, 444x284, 111:71, Screenshot_2018-08-05 Q(6).png)

45c3e3  No.2712072


Funny thing, i agree with CTA for the first time

67a11c  No.2712073

File: 81f9a3da4d2b99f⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1865x1467, 1865:1467, twitter-bots.png)


ya think?

81a700  No.2712074


Vigilante justice ….

well it does the point across

f31427  No.2712075


New short clips = perfect for sharing!

Thank you very much POTUS!

Last sentence w/o audio?

6ab76d  No.2712079


Welcome newfag. Rule Number One of Q Club for newfags is to lurk moar. Rule Number Two is never ask that question. It's akin to "Are we there yet?" when on a road trip with your kids. Q has been gone weeks at a time. On other occasions, he'll drop so many crumbs at once that even The Chief Highest Anon can't keep up. Rule Number Three is to master the Art of Efficient Red-pilling. Rule Number Four is There Are No Rules except the ones you learn through experience here. Regardless, welcome and enjoy the show.

6327dd  No.2712080


It's so great, y'all

This year is really great!

President looks great in this interview.


Shills can't handle it.

07274e  No.2712081

>>2711977 People are starting to snap over injustice!

55fbe1  No.2712082

File: af0b303d6fcda83⋯.jpg (303.7 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Iris-Classon-Telerik-Dotne….jpg)

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